Ski Trip
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Jerking the folded sheet of paper from under the magnet and unfolding it, my hand shook in anticipation. What now?
Gone skiing with Eric. See you soon,
Love you,
The stark emptiness of the kitchen closed in on me. I stood there, unable to digest the content of the note. I read it again. Skiing? She doesn't ski. Eric? Something vibrated inside of my ear.
"Hi," the voice was cheerful.
"Hi," I said, trying to sound just as cheerful to the mother of my children.
"Is Janie there? I have something to tell her?"
"Ah ... no, she's gone skiing."
"What? Janie doesn't ski, why did you let her go? What time is it? When did she leave? Who did she go with?"
"Eric, she went with Eric, she left a note on the refrigerator," I said, answering the only question that I knew the answer to.
"Eric? The boy she's been seeing?"
"That's what the note says, Eric."
"Its five fifteen p.m., that would make it eight fifteen there, are you just getting home? You are, aren't you? I knew I shouldn't let her go live with you."
"We've been getting along fine for over a year now," I reminded her. "It's just since she met the boy that things have changed."
"You'll have to find her, where did she go? Call her, NO, I'll call her. You just find her; don't let her stay overnight with that boy." Helen ranted and I let her, dialing Janie's number with my cell-phone while half listening to my former wife, half not.
There was no answer. Helen heard me leaving a voice mail message, asking our daughter to please call us back, adding that her mother was also worried about her being away over night.
"Find her, bring her home!" Helen ordered before abruptly hanging up on me.
I read the note again. Where would they go? There were slopes on the outskirts of our town, far too crowded with college kids on a Friday night, all the way to Canada. 'Canada, ' I thought. A tickling sensation entered my ear again.
"Dad? Didn't you see the note I left? It's on the refrigerator?"
"Janie, where are you?"
"We're on our way to North Conway. Eric's family has a ski-lodge there."
"North Conway? That's two hours from here." I said, thinking, 'at least it isn't Canada.'
"Yeah, I know, we had a problem with the car, otherwise we would be there."
"Janie, where are you now, I'll come and get you."
"Its okay, Dad, we're almost there."
"Tell me where this place is, I'm coming to get you," I said, letting my voice become harsh and sound urgent.
"Dad, relax, everything is fine. There's no reason for you to come get me," I heard my daughter scold me for becoming agitated.
"Janie, give me directions and... ," there was a click and dead air.
I dialed her number and got voice mail. "Janie, I'm sorry I sounded off, please call me. I've got to know where you are."
The phone rang, it was Helen again. She did most of the talking. I wasn't able to tell her where our daughter had said she and Eric were headed. Not that I didn't want her to know. She admonished me for not paying attention to our daughter's needs and ridiculed me for never being there for her, even for having to work long hours.
"We had a problem with the ice, it wouldn't freeze and there's a hockey match tonight," giving her more information than she needed. It was then that I decided not to give her the name of the town Janie had told me they were heading to. Helen would tell the local police it was a kidnapping and make matters worse than they already were.
It all started when our older daughter got married. I bought a plane ticket and went to give her away. After five years, Helen treated me like a stepchild. I stayed in a motel and only saw my daughters twice during my three day stay. While talking to Janie at the reception I got the idea for her to come east to college, at the small school where I work in southern New Hampshire. As my dependent, Janie's tuition would be next to nothing. Living in my condo would save on room and board, cutting college expenses to a plane ticket once or twice each year to visit her mother. To my surprise, she jumped at the idea. Also to my surprise, Helen let her come, even agreeing to supply spending money.
Shedding the burden of child support, I was able to buy the condo near the college. I took the smaller bedroom to give Janie study space in the larger room, complete with its own bath and walk-in closet.
Everything went smoothly her freshman year. Despite my erratic work schedule, we spent time together and during the course of the school year, renewed our relationship as father and daughter. It was when she met the kid, Eric that things changed. He is a football player in his third year. They met at the clinic where Janie works part time.
"He should have had one of the trainers look at that," I told Janie, knowing how strict they were about player's medical treatment.
"Its okay dad, I did a good job, even the trainer said it would heal just fine."
"Wait a minute, how do you know what the trainer said?"
"Eric came back to thank me," Janie said, smiling smugly. From that day on, everything was Eric this and Eric that. Eric began to come around, for help with one of his classes, so they said.
"Jocks have access to tutors," I said, "you're taking on too much responsibility, patching him up, now you're helping him with a class, I don't want you to get into trouble with the administration."
"Relax pop, everything's cool," Janie said, slapping me on the shoulder. She was so cute I couldn't help but smile and try to ease up on the subject.
Now she was on her way to a ski-lodge with Eric hormones and I had an ex-wife on my ass, because of my 'poor parenting skills.'
If I start now, I thought, I can get to North Conway by eleven. I'll go gas up, then come back home to check for messages. While pumping gas into my truck I got to thinking, I don't know where this place is, what if I get lost? I'll stop and ask the police. Ask them what? Where the Eric hormones' ski-lodge is? What's his last name, anyway?
Borden, Eric Borden, that's it, I'll call his parents and get directions. That may save time in the long run. Janie had said they lived west of Boston but she hadn't said what their names were. I would go home, get on the Internet and find them. How many Bordens can there be? Narrowing that down to west of Boston, I came up with 21 telephone numbers.
Between no answers and busy signals the first 10 calls yielded two households with sons named Eric Borden. One was age 3, the other one was age 52, neither available to come to the phone. The eleventh number belonged to N. Borden.
"Mrs. Borden? I'm looking for Eric Borden, age 20, he attends school..."
"What's happened? Is he all right? Who is this, please?"
"Mrs. Borden, I'm Nat Tucker, your son is a friend of my daughter, Janie. They are fine as far as I know."
"Mr. Tucker, why are you calling?"
"Mrs. Borden, your son and my daughter are on their way to your ski-lodge in North Conway and I..."
"Ski-lodge, we don't have a ski-lodge. We have a summer cabin on a pond, near North Conway. Who said it was a ski lodge?"
"That's the message I got. I spoke to my daughter on the phone, she said they had had car trouble but they were back on the road, before we got cut off."
"I'll call my son; I'll get to the bottom of this."
"Perhaps it would be better if your husband..." buzz ... the line had gone dead.
I walked around the house, thinking what to do next, waiting for news from Mrs. Borden or Janie. Even Eric, I would like to speak to him. From my room I collected a flannel shirt, long-johns and high boots with two pairs of heavy socks. The door to Janie's room was open. I peeked in. It looked like a hurricane had hit it. Various articles of clothing were strewn on the bed and on the floor, half opened draws had clothing sticking out and her desk lamp had been left on.
It dawned on me that the telephone was not going to ring, Mrs. Borden had not asked for my number. I called the number, the same voice answered.
"Perhaps it would be better if I discuss this with your husband?"
"Mr. Tucker?"
"Yes, sorry, I wasn't thinking, I'm a little upset, I'm sure you understand?"
Her voice was soft with concern, "I understand; I'm upset too."
"Did you reach them? What did your son say?"
"Mr. Tucker?"
"There was no answer, his phone must be off," her voice was stained, sounding weak and far away.
"Tell me where your cabin is, I'm going up there," I said, hastily reaching for Janie's note which I had crumpled and thrown on the table. I would write the directions on the back.
"Do you know North Conway?"
"I can find it, I have a map," I answered, anxiously waiting for her to explain how to get to their cabin on a pond.
"You'll never find it on your own; it's way off the road."
"Mrs. Borden, just give me the name of the road, the police will be able to direct me," I was getting impatient. Checking my watch, "shit, it's already 9:30 ... sorry," I apologized for my language.
"The road doesn't have a name; it would be too complicated to explain, even to the police."
"Try me, I'm good with directions." I was getting agitated, the minutes were ticking by.
"I'll come and show you the way; it will only take me..."
"Nonsense," I cut her off, thinking that she was at least an hour and a half away.
"Mr. Tucker?"
"Yes, Mrs. Borden?"
"I'm on my way, my son may be in danger, tell me where we can meet."
Reluctantly, I suggested an all-night service station out on the highway. I gave her my cell-phone number and gave her a description of my truck. "See you soon," she said.
"Shit," I had an hour and a half to kill, more if she got lost. I hadn't gotten her cell- phone number and she hadn't told me what kind of car she would be driving. "Shit!"
I called an assistant to tell him I was leaving town for a few hours. I made coffee and filled a thermos. Then, with plenty of time on my hands I filled another thermos with hot chocolate, remembering that Janie has always liked hot chocolate.
The telephone rang; maybe Mrs. Borden was calling to say she was on her way.
No such luck. It was Helen.
"Haven't you left yet?" Now that's a dumb question, I thought.
"I'm waiting for Mrs. Border. She said I wouldn't be able to find it by myself."
"Na ... than ... iel! Why are you waiting for her? She lives in Massachusetts!"
"I told you, so she can show me where the place is. But ... How do you know where she lives?"
"Because I talk to my daughter, unlike you, apparently," Helen said, speaking in 'reprimand, ' her favorite language.
"Did she tell you she went there for Christmas?" I asked her, thinking, 'while leaving me at home, alone.'
"Yes, I heard all about Eric and what a lovely home they have."
"I've heard that too," I said, thinking, 'that's all I've heard for the last month."
"Call me when you find her," Helen said, a sound of distress in her voice, making me feel sorry for her. "Better still; give me your cell phone number. I'll check with you."
'No, no, no, ' I said to myself. Bad idea. But, still sorry for her being 3,000 miles away from her daughter, who may be stranded on a desolate road, and helpless to do anything herself, I relented.
Having the number and feeling secure, she gave me one more shot, "he's probably fucking her senseless right now."
"Nice," I said but Helen had hung up the phone.
At eleven p.m. she hadn't shown up. I waited in my truck with the engine running, watching every car that pulled off the highway and under the lights. It was a cold but clear night. A foot of snow had fallen a few days before but the roads were clear. A few minutes after eleven, a white SUV parked in front of my truck, the dark shadow of a female looked my way.
She sat there, watching me.
"Mrs. Borden?" I had made the first move, getting out of my truck and walking around to her door.
She lowered the window. "Yes, Mr. Tucker?" She greeted me in a pleasant but restrained voice. The fog from our combined breath drifted up into the night.
"I got permission from the station owner for you to park here, we'll take my truck."
"I would prefer to drive."
"I have four-wheel drive and a full tank of gas," I countered.
"I have four-wheel drive. I'll gas up while you lock your truck." There was finality in her voice that I hesitated to counter. She had rolled her window up and was backing toward the pumps. There was nothing for me to do but shut off my engine and lock my truck. As an afterthought, I went back for a small tool chest, a flash light, and the two thermoses.
I warned her twice about black ice on the road. Although the road was clear there were spots where below freezing temperatures had frozen a thin residue of moisture.
She drove the big SUV like a race car, lapping every other car on the road. Her gloved hands gripped the leather-bound steering wheel with authority. She caught me sneaking peaks at her. I told myself I was only looking to make sure she was awake and alert. A tall woman, she wore corduroy slacks under a heavy parka and I suspected a sweater. Short brown hair framed a round face, un-mistakenly Eric's mother. There was a determined look on her pursed lips, like a racecar driver, out in front of the other racers.
I noticed her glance at me also. Except for my two warnings about the unseen, very deceptive ice, we drove in silence.
Helen called. I told her where we were, saying it would be at least another hour before we arrived. In a congenial tone she told me she had tried Janie's number several times, it was still shut off.
"They're probably fucking as we speak," she said in a matter of fact way.
"You don't know that," I answered, defensively as if I thought otherwise.
"At least she's on the pill."
"She is? How do you know?"
"A mother knows these things. Unlike you, I talk to my daughter. Have you been nice to Nancy?"
"Yes," I answered, thinking she must be speaking of Mrs. Borden, my companion.
"We have a lot in common."
"How's that?"
"Her man took off, the same as you did," she spat out the words, taking pleasure in giving me a shot while knowing I would not respond.
I had not taken off. The divorce had been her idea. Feeling injured, I had escaped to the other side of the country, abandoning my parental responsibilities. To Helen, I had taken off, only visiting the girls once each year.
A sudden swerve, followed by a foot being applied to the brakes, briefly, wisely released, another swerve to the other side of the road, missing a passing car by inches, over correction of the steering wheel, another tap on the brakes, a bridge abutment coming at us, our lives passing before us, another swerve, braking, braking hard, tires squealing, skidding to a stop, the SUV shook in place before squatting down in its own ruts, the engine having cut itself off.
My body jerked uncontrollably. Slowly, my senses came back. First, I heard the traffic on the road, headlights guiding the way. I smelled fear, mixed with the smell of leather-covered seats. I felt immobile, wilted, molded to the passenger's seat.
I heard a series of gasps, faintly coming from the direction of my companion.
I unfastened both seat belts and took her into my arms. Her breathing was halted, causing the faint gasps and little jerks of her body. After several minutes I heard her lips make a smacking sound like she was trying to say something.
She pulled away and sat back in her seat. "My name is Nancy, please call me that," she said, holding out her gloved hand for me to accept.
"Please call me Nat," I said, smiling. She smiled back, clutching my hand in hers.
She suggested that I drive. We had come to the stop on the meridian strip, too close to the barrier to open the driver's door. "Don't do that," she said when I opened the passenger's door. "We'll do it this way." She put the center seat down and slid onto it. "Now, climb over me." We changed places with minimal body contact and got under way again, me driving.
"You don't happen to have a cigarette?" Nancy asked. We both laughed.
As she began to calm down, Nancy became talkative, being very hard on herself for being stubborn, not listening to my advice about the black ice. There was an easiness about her, like she was comfortable being in my presence. No longer in a rush to get to our destination, she cautioned me to stay within the speed limit.
Nancy was a fifth grade school teacher. Her husband, Peter, had remarried and was starting a second family. Because of Eric's football scholarship, Peter had stopped making child support payments. Although contrary to the divorce agreement, Nancy had let him slide.
She told me of her concerns. It was not, as was my suspicion, that her son was alone with a girlfriend. She was angry at him for taking the keys to the cabin without her permission. He knew there were no electricity, no heat and no water in the cabin this time of year. There was a small generator used for lights and to pump water during the summer months but the pipes had been drained for the winter. A small propane stove was used for cooking. "But we're probably low on fuel for the generator and propane both. It's best not to have flammable materials around," she lamented.
"Isn't there a fireplace or stove," I asked, thinking of Janie catching her death in the cold.
"There's a fireplace that we use to dry out the cabin in the late spring but it's not to be used this time of year. Besides, there's no dry wood, I'm sure."
"Why is the fireplace not to be used?" I asked.
"The structure is not insured for fire in the winter. The road is a private way and not plowed out. The fire department can't get in and the insurance company refuses to sell me fire insurance."
One other thing came to mind, bathroom facilities. I didn't ask.
She wanted to know about me and was surprised to learn that I was not a professor. Eric had told her that I worked at the college. She apologized for assuming.
"As the head of maintenance I get mistaken for a professor all the time," I joked.
I told her what Helen had said, that Eric was probably fucking our daughter senseless. I went on to say that my ex-wife was probably seeing a parallel because we had been the same age when we started dating. I had been a 20 year old junior and she a 19 year old sophomore. We got married and our first daughter was born the following year. I got a job at the school; Helen had to drop out.
"Do you think that's what they are doing, having sex?"
I couldn't answer her directly. What did she think? What did she take me for? "It's just that she's so small next to him," I said, musing to myself.
I looked over at Nancy. What was she saying?
"You saw them together, she's only 5'7", didn't you think she looked small next to him, he's what, 6'4"?"
"I haven't seen them together, where did you get that idea?"
"Sure you did, at Christmas, you were home when they came for Christmas?"
We looked at one another. Nancy put her hand to her lips; her eyes had suddenly gotten very big. "He came home for two days, but said he had to go back to school to catch up on his class work."
We knew. A cramp went through my gut and took up residence there. Janie left the day after Christmas, saying she was going to spend the rest of school vacation at Eric's house. My daughter had lied to me.
"The cabin," we said in unison. Then we fell quiet, lost in our own thoughts.
Nancy directed me through the village, up and down hills and through snow covered roads. We made a sharp turn onto a narrow road.
"It's two miles on this road. You'll see our road on the right."
It was slow going. The SUV plowed through the ruts, made by repeated thawing and freezing, shifting to lower gears when we hit patches of freshly fallen snow.
I stepped on the gas, nudging the big car off the road, parking next to Eric's small hatchback. Nancy carried an overnight bag. I carried my tool chest, the thermoses and two gallons of water, which she had thought to bring.
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It was one of the best winters we had in the last couple years. I was now 19 and my friends thought we should take advantage of the weather and rent a chalet by the hill. We arrived all ready to get on the slopes, we decided to leave straight away and not waste the day. Our ski trips were always a lot of fun but this year was special. Erica had decided to join us. Throughout high school I always found myself doing odd, some may say perverse things around her. She was in my Latin class and I...
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Straight SexI've been skiing most of my life. There's something about the making first tracks in newly fallen snow with the wind in your face. The contrast between snow laden trees and blue skies is awe inspiring. My 16 year old daughter, Jenifer, Jen for short, started skiing when she was 14 when she got into high school. She hadn't wanted to ski until new friends she found in high school were hitting the sloops regularly during the winter. Jen and I had only gone skiing 2 or 3 times in the past. This...
Skiing trip 3 - Going Home My life had chanced forever. Two days ago I was a virgin. Now I can proudly say I fucked three beautiful girls, one of them being my sister. Going on this skiing trip was the best choice I ever made I my life so you must believe me when I say, that a part of me did not want to get rescued. I would have stayed here for ever with the girls if it were up to me. These were nice fantasy’s but nothing more. We were going to be rescued one...
Introduction: The third and probably last part of the story The third part and possibly the last one. Anyway if I decide to continue this story it will have to wait. Im already working on a new story. Hope you like it. Enjoy! Skiing trip 3 – Going Home My life had chanced forever. Two days ago I was a virgin. Now I can proudly say I fucked three beautiful girls, one of them being my sister. Going on this skiing trip was the best choice I ever made I my life so you must believe me when I...
Jen and I had only gone skiing 2 or 3 times in the past. This trip was her idea because everyone was busy. We got to the mountain early and skied every run until lunch. It snowed heavily during the morning replacing all the tracks with fresh powder every couple of runs. Over lunch we talked about leaving because of the heavy snow fall. "Do you think we should head home because of the snow?" I asked. "No. Let's stay for a couple more runs then head home" was Jen's reply. I did...
I persuaded my partner Paula to agree to come skiing with me and suggested that her brother Mike and his girlfriend Lisa would like to come along to make up a foursome. I was quite happy to go off skiing on my own whilst they had lessons. Anyone who has been will know that you have some great times during lessons. I am very gregarious but I felt that Paula would like to have a familiar face or two learning with her. I would look them up when passing by to see how they were getting on and...
When we rolled out of bed, the windows were covered with frost but our small room was toasty. "Ready to get ready," Marlene asked. She pinched my bare ass and got me moving. I rummaged through my gear bag tossing out ski socks, gloves and high-performance compression top on to the bed. My breathing stopped and I pushed my hand deeper, searching. The bag was empty. "Shit.""What?" Marlene looked so damned sexy, her voluptuous body crammed into skin-tight top and hip-hugging tights. "I left my...
Saskia still shivers from coming, while her mind makes loops of all the lust and love, which have happened to her.She had this perfect plan to seduce me, which turned sour, or sweet? She isn't sure yet, but in fact she surrendered.Saskia is happy to be his sub and even enjoyed to eat out some woman for the very first time! She wonders whom?She suddenly feels shy and ashamed, as I remove the blindfold and she looks up, seeing Stella's triumphant smile. Saskia is completely confused! She had hot...
I took one last run before calling it a day. I enjoyed the sound my skis made cutting through the crust of undisturbed snow along the back trail I always saved for the last run of the day. As I emerged from the trees the sight of the lodge beckoned me. It had been an enjoyable day but it was time to go warm up. When the sun goes down in the high Rockies the air returns to its winter chill. Montana has some nice ski areas and this was one of them. The lodge where we were staying was fairly...
As we walked up a particularly long and steep hill, my dad changed the conversation to something I was not expecting. ?Adam, today we?re not just going to be walking.? He started to explain. ?What do you mean by that?? I asked quite curiously. ?You?re seventeen in less than a month and you?re still whipped on that Saskia girl. We need to get you over this, so I?ve arranged a little surprise for you..? I thought this over for the next couple of minutes. I?d liked this girl since the end of my...
It was a bright early morning and I had just walked out the door with my father for a long walk. We did this often over school holidays but I hadn’t been going with lately since I’d been going to parties nearly every evening and sleeping over at most to ensure that my mother wouldn’t arrive at whatever time to find me dancing naked on a table in the middle of a fireplace with a Guinness quart in my hand. As odd as this sounds, my friends and I got pretty fucked up when we were drunk and this...
Introduction: the second part of the story This is the second part of the skiing trip story. If you liked the first one you will definitely like this to. It contains much more action. If you want me to continue the story you should let me know. I apologize for the language mistakes but as I said Im not English. I hope this is better then the first one. Please comment! Skiing trip 2 – Stranded I was standing naked in the mountain cabin with my full glory disposed to my sisters and the others...
Saskia surely shows submissiveness to me, offering all her tasty tight hot holes to my proud probing pole. For her final test I blindfold her. She hears someone else entering. She fears for a moment I will present her to be used by some other guy. However, she can not really imagine I would want to share her like that. I grab her by the back of her neck. On all fours she crawls forward until her face feels furry. She smells some sexy snatch! She has no time to ponder more, as she hears my wish...
Saskia set up to seduce me to become her sweet lover. Her sexy scenario to use our mutual crush took the turn of hot humiliation. She is not sure how to handle her shameful situation of finding satisfaction in her surrender to my anal assault. Seduction she saught? Submission she fell for! She still shivers from her unexpected strong orgasm and tries to get back her breath, while waiting for my orders. Slowly I withdraw my manhood from her anal canal. I admire that tasty tight red ass. She...
Last winter my girlfriend, Kayla, and I took a weekend trip up to Vermont, and stayed in a beautiful ski resort near Killington Mountain. She's a snowboarder and I'm a skier, I know it's weird right? But anyway, we checked in Friday night and made sure we had our weekend passes. We were exhausted after the drive and ended up crashing soon bafter we unpacked.I woke up to Kayla getting changed and ready for a long day of skiing and boarding. The light from the sunrise was shining through the...
Straight SexLast winter my girlfriend, Kayla, and I took a weekend trip up to Vermont, and stayed in a beautiful ski resort near Killington Mountain. She’s a snowboarder and I’m a skier, I know it’s weird right? But anyway, we checked in Friday night and made sure we had our weekend passes. We were exhausted after the drive and ended up crashing soon bafter we unpacked. I woke up to Kayla getting changed and ready for a long day of skiing and boarding. The light from the sunrise was shining through the...
It was January and as every year I went with a couple of friends on a Ski holyday near my hometown in Tyrol.We usually are a group of five to 12 friends, this year we were 10 people. 7 men and 3 Girls, with one of the girls Maria I had a couple of months ago an affair, had a few times sex and a nice episode on a toilet of a club, but to that story I will come later. This year a friend of Mary, named Anna which I never have met before also joined our Group. Anna was a red haired girl from next...
Saskia is a slender sexy sweet student, a shorthaired beautiful brunette with tasty tiny tits and boyish bumsAs she feverishly fancies me, she tries to seduce me, showing off on occasion almost all of her private partsShe still keeps some secrets for me between her lovely looking legs, I know well how hard her nipples can getKind of weird that I kept my cool on those occasions, as she is awesomely attractive, wearing only a little slipI am hot as hell as well for her, as she looks exactly like...
I was the first to get to the house up in the mountain, my 2010 Toyota Camry had a tough time climbing the steep roads, but the area hadn’t seen too much snow this season so I managed alright. As I found the driveway and rolled up to the fairly large log cabin where we would be spending the next week the DJ on the radio warned that there was going to be a massive storm in the next few days. I was glad that I wasn’t going to be driving in that, he made it sound pretty miserable with high winds,...
The group of school girls at the lodge were giggling and laughing as I entered the dining room. There were twelve in all, plus the two chaperones. They were booked in for the weekend and had created some chaos on the slopes before being herded into the dining room.I took seat a the bar and watched the young women as they laughed and enjoyed their dinner. The two older women smiled back at me as I glanced towards them. I decided to take a chance and went over to the table."Mind if I join you...
MILFCathy is about 5’6” tall, dark hair, dark eyes, thin, with small a-cup breasts. I don’t mind at all…in fact, I really like them. She has great legs and a fantastic ass. I’m 6’ tall with dark hair and green eyes, and I’m in good shape. This story takes place when we had been dating for about a year and a half. We decided to take a trip with some friends of ours, Kristin and Ken. Kristin and Cathy were good friends through work, and had gotten married a few months earlier. We went to...
Introduction: My first story My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for 5 years now. When we started dating, we were somewhat adventurous in our sex life. We had the occasional sex in the car. When we traveled we would sometimes have sex on the balcony of the hotel room. Occasionally we would talk dirty. Of course, when we first met I didnt think she would be that way. She is somewhat religious and pretty conservative. I learned quickly that, a few drinks in, she can get a little more...
Tune in to UpSkirt TV, and what do you think you’ll find? Sometimes the simplest names for websites are among the best because they tell you right up front what you’re going to see inside. If the channel is called UpSkirt, it’d be an absolute fucking bait-and-switch shitshow to offer you anything but flashes of panty, pussy, and ass from beneath the flowing fabric of a beautiful woman’s skirt. Don’t worry, friends, because your old friend ThePornDude isn’t here to mislead you but to lead you...
Voyeur Porn SitesHello all just wanted to share last nights experience with you. Some of you here in xhamster world know skippy has went to NC as he runs a disaster clean up company. While he was away I had a little fun with a co-worker that I enjoy on occasion. So Thursday afternoon he comes walking into my office an says hey what's going on Friday night? I said nothing as you know skippy is still away. He says great I have an idea an will fill you in shortly. I say okay an he leaves . About a hour later Tim...
Reddit Upskirt, aka r/Upskirt! Does your wee-wee get excited from the sight of a hot upskirt view? Well, you are not the only one. In fact, there is a whole community dedicated to that niche, and it can be found on Reddit. If you visit /r/Upskirt, which is a subreddit, you will get to see all kinds of upskirt photos and videos. Some chicks like to reveal everything, while others keep it classy; basically, a mesh of everything.I think that that paragraph should be enough for you to decide...
Reddit NSFW ListAt the loading area, Marlene and I stood together but twisted away from each other. The chair came along, we grabbed the outer bars and swung up over the safety rope. Together we pulled the bar down and put our skis on the narrow foot-rest. I looked forward and we had at least ten minutes before we reached the top."So?" With scarf over her face and goggles with mirrored lenses, she was muffled and inscrutable."What?""Are the pantyhose keeping you warm?""You mean the tights you loaned me?" I...
At the loading area, Marlene and I stood together but twisted away from each other. The chair came along, we grabbed the outer bars and swung up over the emergency-stop rope. Together we pulled the safety bar down and put our skis on the narrow footrest.″So?″ With scarf over her face and goggles with mirrored lenses, she was muffled and inscrutable.″What?″″Are the pantyhose keeping you warm?″″You mean the tights you loaned me?″ I thought for a second and realized my ass was not cold. ″Yes,...
Skipper Chapter 6. Thursday dawned bright but chilly. October is always an unpredictable month. One can sometimes enjoy a late warm 'Indian Summer' but alternatively one can catch an early frost. This morning was frosty. I studied the sky through my hotel window as Sissy arrived with a tray of breakfasts. I protested at her unnecessary effort. "There's no need to have done that. I was just coming down." "Don't worry. You're the only resident here. It's midweek in...
I pulled my F250 into the driveway, bounced up to the garage and slammed on the brakes. I threw open my door, then stopped, trying to calm my temper and organize my thoughts. Murder was illegal in Washington. “Slow down, don’t go in there mad,” I muttered to myself. I hated getting calls on my cell phone when I’m in the woods, trying to put down an acre of timber before the owners get mad and parcel it off to somebody else. It really pisses me off when somebody...
Skipper, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff I was surprised at the speed of developments. After a few phone calls I was advised that the girls Jennifer and Beatrice would be arriving on the following Tuesday. I talked long and hard with Mrs Bodkin about preparations but she assured me the girls were well clothed and only needed a warm room. I panicked a little but decided it might be best if I provided the barest essentials and then take the girls on a shopping spree to decorate their...
Chris was the first to get in the tub. She moved over to me and lifted her body on to my lap facing me. She kissed my lightly on the lips. Jen moved in next to me and rested her hand on my thigh. I got another twinge in my cock and groin. Chris started. "So I hear you want to talk about this?' "We'll yeah, sort of." I responded. "Go ahead." Chris said. "Why me? What Jen and I did was totally immoral." I said. Chris looked at me then at Jen. She leaned over to Jen...
If you want me to continue the story you should let me know. I apologize for the language mistakes but as I said I’m not English. I hope this is better then the first one. Please comment! Skiing trip 2 - Stranded I was standing naked in the mountain cabin with my full glory disposed to my sisters and the others viewing pleasure. My cock was pulsating about to burst any moment. I was frozen to the spot for a few seconds before deciding that the best way out of this...
Throughout the whole story, there's one thing that I never clarified about Marlene and me: the exact nature of our relationship. If you've been keeping up, you know that it's intimate, to say the least. But the background in this is we met by accident. It was a warm October. She was finishing her drink and leave the lounger as it had become quiet. We were the only two people at the fancy bar, both dressed and not knowing that there was some big single's shindig across town. So, I sat beside...
Skipper, Chapter 14 - By: Beverly Taff We arrived outside the school a little early so we settled down in the Land rover and fell to chatting generally. Firstly we chatted about the set-up at the cottage. "You can sleep with the girls in their study any time you wish if you miss their company." "I probably will," she replied ruefully. "It's difficult to be separated from them now I have them back. I feel so guilty about having to abandon them." "Having to abandon them?" I...
Introduction: The last in a three part series. Skipper Licked Me, Daddy 3 I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and...
I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and struggling grass. The mud was from my tractor, which I used for...
Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...
Skipper, Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff I woke the next morning to a knock on my door as Sissy brought me breakfast. I was feeling deadly. "God you look a mess. You'd better get yourself home and tidied up before Margaret sees you. She'll be here all afternoon doing my accounts." After finishing breakfast, I sneaked out to my car and drove home to clean up and choose a new outfit. This took most of the morning and after I was finally happy about my appearance, I carefully hung...
Skipper, Chapter One - By: Beverly Taff I tapped the chart thoughtfully as my coffee threatened to spill across the chartroom table. Mac, the chief mate eyed me silently as I weighed up the pros and cons. "Penny for your thoughts," I suggested. "Och! Ye know my thoughts. Mac was right of course. In the old days, it was always safer to take the inshore route but since the destabilisation of the Horn of Africa, political forces had driven the local fishermen and political...
New Candy Striper By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The reason is obscure, the guilt very real, the urge undeniable. I had no way to stop myself from getting dressed up in mothers clothes once that urge hit me. Unstoppable, like a freight train, it compelled me to do it, but with each encounter I had with those clothes, I just had to go a bit further. First it was just a dress. Then it was a bra. Panties followed that, and now, well, I'm using makeup now. Every time I...