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Chapter 1

?Penny. PENNY!?

Penny knew enough from previous experiences, that there was a problem, that she was it, and the best thing she could do to alleviate the situation was to arrive in the living room as fast as her legs could take her.  With that in mind, she literally ran as fast as she could, and arrived panting to stand before her father and mother, who were sitting on the couch together.

?Yyyes, Sir.?

?Your mother has told me some disturbing things about you and your boyfriend, Todd.  This is particularly upsetting, considering your little assignation with Todd last week.  I thought maybe that would slow you down a bit, but apparently those hormones of yours are really boiling.?

Penny immediately recalled the incident to which her father was referring.  She and Todd had been making out on the front porch swing.  Her parents had gone to bed, and, because she had allowed Todd to get to first base several times before, she was only too happy to let him remove her blouse and bra, and to suck voraciously on her breasts  Unfortunately for her, her father had not gone to bed, and, in the process of returning to the living room to get his book, had seen enough through the window to come out on the porch and catch them in flagrante delicto.

After sending Todd home with a stern admonishment, her father, not even allowing her to put her top back on, grabbed her arm and pulled her into the living room.

Penny had been spanked by her father many times before, on her panties until she was eight or nine, then with panties lowered since then, so she had expected the same for this infraction.  As she stood there before her father with her large bare breasts exposed not two feet from him, her father explained that this time she’d gone way too far, and her punishment would fit the crime.

Henceforth, she would be punished without a stitch of clothing, and, not only would she be spanked in the usual manner, her spankings would be longer and harder, and because she was guilty of allowing Todd to suckle her breasts, she would also receive punishment on her breasts, as well.  She had then been ordered to remove her jeans and panties.  She had begun crying immediately and begging her father not to do this.  His voice had become strident, as he ordered her to remove the rest of her clothes.

His raised voice was enough to cause her mother to come in to see what was going on.  After he explained the situation, she nodded and sat down to watch.  Unbeknownst to any of them, one other person had heard the ruckus and come out of his bedroom to watch, hidden on the top step of the winding stairway.  Penny’s brother, Danny, one year her junior, couldn’t believe his good luck at being able to see his usually demure sister as she removed her last stitch of clothing.  Penny, totally embarrassed, was blushing all over.  She had not been seen totally naked, except by the family doctor, since she was prepubescent.  Now her father and mother were not only checking out her buoyant, large breasts, but the slit partially hidden by a growth of reddish hair between her legs.

Her father unbuckled his belt, and, sliding it from his waist, told Penny to lean over, place her hands on the coffee table and spread her legs.  Once again she had pleaded first to her father, then her mother, not to punish her this way, but his stern negative response, convinced her to do as he ordered.        

Penny spread her legs shoulder width, and leaned down to touch the coffee table with her hands, leaving her luscious breasts hanging down in all their splendor, and, she suddenly realized, her plump split peach and anus totally on parade.  That did not remain her major concern for long, as the folded belt landed with a splat on her bottom.

Twenty-five of those splats had landed before her father told her hoarsely to rise, turn around, place her hands behind her neck and stick her breasts out for additional punishment.  She had been mortified by the spanking she’d received on her backside, and the tears had begun flowing shortly after the beating had started, but this indignity was most humbling.  She had not been able to believe her father could do such a cruel thing, but as the tears washed down her face, she did as he ordered.

He had only hit her three times, once above the nipple, once below and once directly on the tender pink tips.  That one had caused her to crumble to the floor screaming.  She pulled her hands from behind her neck and rubbed her sore boobs over and over.  After crying and rubbing for several minutes, she had risen, thinking the punishment was over.  Not so.

Her father, who had seated himself next to her mother again, ordered her mother to take her into the bathroom and shave off every hair covering Penny’s pussy.  Penny looked in shock, expecting her mother to intercede, but her mother had complacently agreed.  Her father explained as they were leaving the room that, perhaps, when she looked in the mirror from now on, she would remember that she was being punished, and it would help her to straighten up.

A few minutes later, the two females returned to the living room, led by Penny, sans pubic hair, looking totally humiliated, her head and eyes lowered.  Her father had commented on how much younger she looked with only her little hairless slit showing.  She had then been ordered to bed.  Danny barely managed to duck back into his bedroom before she reached the top of the stairs.

Chapter 2

Her father brought her out of her reverie of those terrible moments the previous week by asking if she was listening.

?Your mother tells me that Danny saw you and Todd behind the gym this afternoon, and that you two had gone much further than you did last week.?

?That’s not true, Daddy.  Danny’s lying!  Todd and I haven’t done anything since you caught us last week.?

?I expected you to deny it.  So, let’s get Danny down here now to tell us what he saw.  Danny, come down here please.?

Danny arrived almost immediately, looking as though he had no idea why he’d been called.

?Danny, tell your mother and me exactly what you saw Penny and Todd doing behind the gym today.?

?Well, Dad, I was on my way to the gym and I heard giggling as I was about to go in.  I peeked around the corner and there were Penny and Todd kissing.?

?That’s a lie, Dad!?

?Be quiet and listen, Penny.  Not a word from you until Danny’s finished!?

?But that wasn’t the worst part.  Penny was completely nude, and Todd was feeling her up, both her?breasts and her ?bottom.?

?He’s making this up, Dad??

?Well, if I’m making it up, how is it I know you have a big birthmark on your left butt-cheek?  Huh??

Penny was flabbergasted.  She, of course, didn’t know that he had watched her punishment the previous week and seen the birthmark during the whipping.  She quieted down immediately.

After a couple of minutes of kissing, Todd began kissing her ?breasts, and then he started sucking on her?nipples.  For a long time.  Penny was getting all excited and pretty soon I saw her unzipping Todd’s fly.  The next thing I knew, she had his?thing out and was playing with it.?

Penny couldn’t take the lies any more.  ?Daddy, none of this is true.  Danny, you’re terrible, telling lies like this.  Why are you doing it??

?Penny, if I hear another word from you, I will tape up your mouth with duct tape.  Now, shut up!  Go on, Danny.?

?Pretty soon, she had his pants unbuttoned, and she slid down to her knees and took his thing in her mouth and began to suck.  It didn’t take long at all before he pulled away from her and shot his?stuff all over her face and ?chest.  He pulled out a handkerchief and was cleaning her off, when I decided I’d better go in the gym before they caught me.  And that’s it.?

?Okay, Penny.  Now, what do you have to say for yourself??

?It’s all lies, Daddy.  I haven’t even seen Todd today, except in classes.?

?Then how do you explain the fact that Danny knows you have a birthmark on your behind. Have you been letting him see you naked, too??

?No, of course not.  I don’t know?how he knows.?

Well, to me it proves you’re the one who’s lying, so now you can just prepare for the worst beating of your life.?

?Penny, I want you to put your hands behind your neck and turn around.  I’m going to start with fifty strikes with this yardstick on your back, buttocks and upper thighs.?

And he did.  The first stroke hit her high on her back with terrific force.  Splat!

Even though she was prepared for the stroke, she was not prepared for the force behind it, and she squealed.  ?Oh, my God.  Please, Daddy, I didn’t do it.  I swear!?

Splat!  Number two was an inch or so below the first, overlapping the first.  By the fifth strike, Penny was crying out and begging even more pitiably.  The 20th blow had her near hysterics and he had reached the upper portion of her buttocks.

Her father concentrated the next 15 blows solely on her backside, taking special care to cover the whole area.  His skill was as if he had done this many times before.  Penny’s skin had turned a vivid red all the way from her shoulders down to the bottom of her backside. 

The final fifteen blows were reserved for the backs of Penny’s legs.  She was, by now, moaning and crying, but when he started in on her legs, it was too much.  Penny began to dance up and down, performing a jig-type step.  For Danny, who had been watching fascinated as the beating continued, this was the best part, because Penny’s dance was causing her sizable breasts to bounce and judder up and down.

When her father announced that he had reached 50 strokes, Penny sank to the floor, continuing to sob and moan, lying on her front.  After a minute or two, she pulled herself up and began to move to the stairs.

?Where do you think you’re going, young lady?  We haven’t worked on your front yet.  You still have 25 before we’re finished.?

Penny turned in disbelief, and the tears began to stream down her face.

?Oh, Daddy, you can’t mean it.  Please.  I can’t take any more.?

?You should have thought of that before you sucked Todd’s penis, Sweetie.  Now, I want you to lie on the coffee table, with your leg hanging over the end, and put your hands behind your neck, again.?

Penny hesitated, but finally, realizing she had no choice she lay on the table as her father had ordered.

She closed her eyes, hoping that would ease the pain.  The first stroke on the upper part of her breast convinced her it wouldn’t.  Her eyes popped open and she screamed out.  ?Oh, shit, that hurts.  Pleeease, not on my breasts!  Oh God.?

?No more obscenities, you hear me!?  He struck next right below the previous blow, just above Penny’s pink upstanding nipples.  The next strike was directly on her nipples and her scream could have been heard outside.  Her hands instinctively shot down to her breasts, covering her nipples protectively. 

?Okay, I was afraid you might do that.  Danny get the duct tape and cover her mouth and tape her hands behind her head.?

Danny jumped to the job and within a minute had her hands taped behind her head.

He sat down next to his mother and they prepared for the rest of the show.

?Those three don’t count, now.  We’ll start all over again, and if you don’t stay where you are it’ll get worse.?

With this, he did begin again at the top of her breasts and proceeded to take special pains to hit her nipples five consecutive times.  Her screams were little more that squeaks behind the duct tape on her mouth, but the tears were streaming down the sides of her head.  Six more blows hit the underside of her breasts, and then he moved down her stomach, and finally to her thighs.  The thigh hits caused Penny’s legs to shoot out , but, since it didn’t hinder the blows her father just continued.

By the time the 25th blow had made its mark, Penny’s entire front was covered with red splotches from her breasts down to her knees, and she just lay there and moaned.

Her father removed the duct tape and told Penny to go up to bed. 

?You’ll get no supper tonight, and we haven’t finished with your punishment.  Since tomorrow is Saturday, we’ll continue tomorrow morning.?

They all looked at him in amazement. Penny cried out and sank to the floor.

?No more beating, unless you don’t cooperate.  Now get upstairs, wash up and go to bed!?

Penny left as fast as her sore legs could take her, and Danny and his parents went in to eat dinner, which his mother had prepared earlier.  When they finished eating, they chatted for a few minutes, and Danny went upstairs to work on homework.  His mother started clearing the table, when his father rose, put his arms around her from behind and said, ?Wasn’t it nice not to be the one getting the beating for a change??  His wife settled her head into his shoulder and nodded.

Chapter 3

Ted Hayden had had a pretty normal upbringing.  Somewhere along the way he had developed an interest in sadism, and, though he didn’t tear the wings off of flies or kick stray dogs, he was an avid reader of anything he could find on the subject:  the Japanese rape of Nanking and various other atrocities relating to WWII, or the days of Nero and the Barbarians.  His masturbation fantasies often included rape and spanking themes.  As he moved into young manhood, he was able to sublimate such thoughts, and, after his father, and then his mother, died, he became the manager and owner of the very swank clothing store he inherited.

It was here that he hired and became fascinated by a red-haired beauty named Signe.  She was industrious and became very efficient as his chief clerk, but was always demure and very quiet.  It became a challenge for him to try to draw her out.  Eventually he asked her out on a date, and they began to fall in love.  After three or four dates, he began to attempt to move past the act of heavy kissing, but Signe would not allow him anything but the groping of her breasts over her clothing.  Rather than upsetting him, he took it as a sign of her purity.

Soon she asked him to dinner with her family on the following Saturday evening.  He was delighted, and when he arrived he met Signe’s father, Rudolf, a German-born citizen, his wife, Ingrid, and Signe’s sister, Anna, 19, two years younger than Signe.  All three females were beautiful red-heads, and Ted felt at ease almost at once and was asked to call Signe’s father, Rudy.  The two men hit it off immediately.  Ted was fascinated by Rudy’s stories about living in Germany during the Cold War and his travels all over Europe. It developed that the two had similar interests in sports, as well. During the evening the women sat, looking interested in the conversation, but adding nothing unless they were asked a question.  He did learn that all three women worked as clerks in various stores in town, but little more.

These Saturday night supper visits continued on a weekly basis, and the men became very close.  Their conversations became a joyful part of Ted’s life and he always looked forward to spending his Saturdays in such good company.  The women continued to remain modest and attentive.  Ted began to notice that everything was done on time, and that they were always ready to do whatever Rudy told them to, without question.


Ted’s attempts at making progress with Signe in the love-making department remained somewhat frustrating, in that he had only been able to succeed in getting his hand inside her bra, but he was hopeful that she would acquiesce soon.

One Saturday, shortly after Ted arrived, Rudy picked up the mail and began leafing through it, when he came upon one that he opened immediately.  He studied it for a moment and then let out a roar.

?Anna!  ANNA!  Come here, immediately.?

Anna rushed into the living room from the kitchen, her eyes conveying great fear, and her body rigid.

?Vat is dis letter from de bank?  It says you have deposited $50 in a new account.  Vere did dis money come from??

?Oh, my.  I asked them not to send? The store gave me a bonus for being there for two years, Papa, and I opened an account??

?I don’t vant to hear any more.  You know you und your sister and mother give me all your money.  If I vant you to haf money, I gif it to you.  You know better.  Take your clothes off now, und prepare for a beating, a bad beating.  You haf disobeyed me.  I’m ashamed of you!?

Anna looked quickly at Ted in dismay, then back at her father, whose look of intense anger told her she had no choice but to obey.  Her clothes were rapidly discarded.  The first thing Ted noticed was Anna’s small breasts and large pointed pink nipples, considerably smaller than Signe’s breasts.  Even more amazing to him was the fact that when she had removed her panties, her vagina was completely shorn of hair.  Her long slit devoid of any cover.  He was mesmerized.

Rudy walked over to her and grabbed both her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers, yanking her breasts almost up to her chin, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes to alleviate the pain.  She gasped, then squealed, as he continued to hold her nipples in his grasp.

?You vill be wery sorry you haf done zis!  I vill make sure you nefer do it again!? 

Rudy reached for a cane from the closet and bade Anna to bend over and touch her toes.  When she did, her broad buttocks stuck up in the air, almost inviting Rudy to apply his cane.  Which he did, with gusto.

It was quickly obvious that Anna was no stranger to the cane.  Not only were there old bruises on her nether cheeks, but it wasn’t until the seventh blow that he heard her utter anything verbal other than the occasional expulsion of a puff of air from her tight–closed mouth.  This did not last much longer though.  Rudy was hitting her behind with well-timed swift and strong blows.  By the tenth such blow, Anna was crying miserably and uttering low moans.  Both buttocks were becoming red, and Ted could see ugly red and purple ridges beginning to appear.  By the 20th strike she was beginning to squeal, and her red cheeks were now ugly with purple marks all over.  When Rudy had finished the punishment at 25 strokes, Anna had begun to howl and the tears were pouring from her eyes down into her hair.

?Now, go stand in the corner until I tell you to moof.?

The totally miserable young girl moved slowly to the corner of the room, sobbing and trying to wipe some of the soreness away with her hands.

?I’m sorry you had to see dat, Ted.  I haf to punish all of dem often, but I don’t usually do it vith anyone but ze family present.?

Ted was filled with amazement and admiration and his excitement was obvious by the rise in the front of his pants.  He didn’t know what to say, but stuttered his enthusiastic approval, and the two men became even closer.         


Within a week, Ted sat with Rudy and explained that he would like to ask Signe for her hand and wanted Rudy’s approval.  Rudy’s response was to the effect that he didn’t need to ask Signe, but to tell her that Rudy had given his total blessing and that they would be getting married.  A bit nonplussed, Ted did exactly that.  Signe’s response was to break into tears.  Ted never knew whether it was from happiness or fear for the future.

They were married on the following weekend at the City Hall, with only her family in attendance.  That night, in the plush hotel room Ted had reserved, Ted told Signe that he was strongly in agreement with Rudy’s philosophy that women were put on earth to serve men in all capacities, and that he intended to carry on with that concept.  Signe nodded, lowered her head and cried.

She was heartened by the gentleness that Ted used in undressing her.  He got his first good look at her tits, which were magnificent.  They were ample, without being fat, and her areolas were a nice brown shade, with nice long teats to match.  Ted spent a good deal of time worshipping them gently, and then moved down to her hairless pussy and proceeded to lick and suck her flesh until she had two tremendous climaxes.  His taking of her virginity was as considerate as he could make it, and when they came together, she grasped him to her and kissed his face a dozen times.  Unfortunately for her it was one of the few times he was so considerate.

Chapter 4   

As their marriage progressed, Ted became more and more demanding of Signe.  He decided she should be a housewife, and the first year of their marriage he often had her doing her housework in the nude.  The least little thing she did that displeased him brought some form of punishment, usually spanking, often followed by a blow-job.  Signe cried a lot, obviously disliking the new state of affairs, but resigned to her fate.

The Saturday night dinners at Rudy’s continued over the next few years and the punishment of the women became more frequent.  It was nothing for Ted to feign displeasure with something Signe had or hadn’t done, ordering her to disrobe, slapping her breasts and spanking or whipping her dozens of times.

Rudy seemed to enjoy these sessions greatly, and once, when Ingrid had burned the roast, Ted finally got to see her punished.  Rudy called the three females into the living-room, berating Ingrid as she hung her head in shame, and then ordered her to undress.  She looked pleadingly at Rudy, but saw nothing but a stony countenance and knew she must do as he said.  She removed her dress slowly, and with a final sigh, unhooked her bra and let it slide off her arms.  Her breasts were huge and pendulous, hanging down almost to her navel.  They had bruises, red stripes and marks, what looked like pinpricks, all over.  She had large areolas, but the thing that caught Ted’s eye was her nipples, which looked at first like they were really long and grey.  When he looked more carefully he saw that the greyness was caused by grey thread which had been wrapped around each teat from the base to the very end.

Rudy exclaimed, ?Oh, ve forgot to take the thread off dis morning.  Let’s take it off now.?

He came over to Ingrid and grabbing her left nipple, began unthreading it.  When he had done the same thing to the other teat, Ted could see that both nipples were easily 2 ? inches in length even without receiving any stimulation.  Rudy explained that he wrapped each nipple every night before bed and usually removed them the next morning, explaining that over the years he had been able to add an inch to the length of each.  As the blood returned to her nipples, Ingrid began to moan in pain.

?Does it hurt?,? Ted asked.   ?It did at first, lots of moaning und crying, but after a vile she got used to it.  But it doesn’t hurt as much as dis, does it, mein liebchen??  With this he grabbed one breast with both hands and twisted until she almost lost her balance.

Ted noticed that Ingrid, too, was totally devoid of hair around her pussy.  It had obviously been well used, as the slit was separated, and the inner lips even showed as she stood there.  The thing that interested Ted was her clit, which not only stuck well outside the slit but seemed to be covered with a plastic tube.

When Rudy saw what Ted was looking at, he said, ?Ve forgot dat one, too, didn’t ve?  I put a plastic vacuum tube on her clitoris every night too.  Let’s take dat off now.?  With that he grabbed the tube and gave a mighty yank.  Ingrid screamed out and sank to the floor, holding her crotch.

?Now, get up und in position and spread dose legs.?  Ingrid rose slowly, still crying, spread her legs shoulder width and bent over to grab her ankles.  This was rather humorous to Ted, because, in doing so, gravity took over with Ingrid’s huge tits, which now hung in front of her face.

She, like her daughters, was well indoctrinated to the cane, so that she took the first five blows with a minimum of fuss.  As her ass reddened and the ugly purple blotches started to appear, she began bellowing and begging Rudy to stop.  This time he gave her 20 stripes and her buttocks, which had been bruised and red in spots before the beating started, were now completely raw with raised ridges up and down the cheeks.  He sent Ingrid, sobbing, to stand in the corner and ordered his daughters to go in and bring the dinner to the table.  When Signe and Ted left for the night Ingrid was still staring at the wall in the corner.

Chapter 5

After the children were born, Ted began to regulate when his punishment sessions with Signe took place.  When they were very young, he would wait until the kids had been bedded down for the night.  He hired an assistant for the store, who turned out to be a wonderful addition to the staff, so that he felt he could take off more time whenever he felt like it.  After the children started school, he would come home for lunch, and had no trouble extending his time off, if he felt like it.  As a result, Signe often found herself under the whip, or spending an hour or so giving Ted very slow blow-jobs.  After months of working at it, Ted had finally gotten Signe to be able to deep-throat him without vomiting.  There was still a tendency to gag and sputter, especially when he would hold her head crushed into his pubic hair for long periods, but the sound was music to his ears.

It was just such a situation, about a week before his first punishment of Penny, that they found themselves in.  Ted had just beaten Signe, giving her buttocks a sound whipping with 25 lashes with a small leather whip he had recently purchased, and was standing in the living-room, pants at his feet, she totally naked, receiving a prolonged deep-throat blow-job, when Danny came home early from school with a sore throat.

When Danny walked in, he knew immediately what was happening, though he could only see his mother’s back.  Three heads jerked to attention as Danny saw the raw  redness of his mother’s butt, the whip on the floor, and Signe’s head buried in Ted’s crotch.  She pulled off of Ted’s penis immediately, turning her head to see who it was, sputum and slime dripping from her mouth.  Ted ordered her to go dress and suggested Danny sit down and let him explain.

Danny did so, and Ted explained as well as he could, without a great deal of detail, how they happened to be in the situation he had found them in.  Ted was afraid Danny would be horrified, but, instead, found that Danny was fascinated with every aspect, and he began asking questions, which eventually led Ted to tell him everything.

And that is what led to Penny’s first chastisement.  Ted felt that the cat was out of the bag, and he now had a cohort in plotting Penny’s inclusion in the expanded family activities.  He had not really thought it would happen as fast as it did, but when the opportunity arose the following week, and he had caught Penny with Todd, it became the perfect time to start indoctrinating her.  Signe knew nothing of Ted’s plan to start punishing Penny, but, when it came, she was partly relieved, because it would remove some of the pain and humiliation she had been putting up with for so long.

The morning after Penny received her punishment for giving Todd his blow-job, Ted shook her awake about 9 a.m. and told her to take off her nightgown and come downstairs.  When she arrived, her mother, father and Danny were waiting for her in the living-room.  She thought it was odd that Danny was already dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt, and her parents were still in pj’s and a nightgown.  She was embarrassed to be naked in front of them, but still had no idea what was to take place.  Her father had said no more whipping.      

?All right, Princess.  For the rest of your punishment we are going to reenact what you did with Todd yesterday?but you’re going to do it with Danny instead.?

?Oh no, Daddy!  Pleeease!  In the first place I didn’t do any of the awful things Danny accused me of doing.  And I couldn’t do it with Danny.  That’s?incest!?

?You will do it, or I’ll give you twice the beating you got last night.?

Penny began crying bitterly, and then glared at her brother.  If looks could kill!

With tears streaming down her face, she moved over to the center of the room, and Danny rose and came over to her.  He pulled her to him and put his mouth up to hers with a big smile.  When she didn’t reciprocate, he mashed his lips to hers, and his tongue invaded her mouth.  It was no sooner in her mouth that Penny pulled back, turned her head to the side and went,?Puuuh.  Daddy, I can’t do it.  Please!?

Ted rose quickly, crossed to her and spanked her ten or twelve hard swats on her ass.

?You want more?  I’ll go get the yardstick.?

?No, nooo.  I’ll do it.?

This time Danny acted with a vengeance, pushing his tongue as far into the back of her mouth as he could get it.

Her father said,?And if I’m not mistaken the kiss was reciprocal.  Let’s see some action on your part, Penny.?

With dread she tentatively stuck her tongue in Danny’s mouth.  Danny, with his tongue still exploring Penny’s mouth, managed to utter,?Unh unh!?

Ted swatted her hard three more times with his hand, admonishing her to fully participate.  She immediately pressed her tongue further in Danny’s mouth.

After a couple of minutes of joy for Danny and misery for Penny, he pulled away from her and his hand move down to her tit.  He had a wonderful time twisting and pulling each nipple, causing Penny considerable pain.  Then he moved his lips down to her breasts, moving from one to the other, kissing and sucking on them.  In spite of her dislike for all that was taking place, Penny’s nipples began to harden, and she began to moan.

At the same time he was sucking and kissing, his hand moved down to Penny’s pussy, and his fingers began roaming over her bare vaginal mound.  Soon, one finger was running between the lips of her pussy, back to the rear of her pudendum and then back to her clit.  Finally he settled on her clit and began diddling it.  It wasn’t long before her moans became louder and more sexual.  Suddenly he bit one of her nipples hard, and she pulled away from him.

?This is where she went down on him, Dad.?

?Okay, Princess, here’s your big moment.  Go to it.?

Penny reluctantly unbuckled Danny, unbuttoned him, and watched as his pants slid down to his feet.  Her aversion was evident from the expression on her face as she slid his shorts down, to find Danny’s six-inch penis in full erection looking up at her.

She slowly dropped to her knees, looking at his erection from half a foot away.  This was the first penis she had ever seen, other than male babies she had changed diapers on when she was babysitting, and certainly the only rigid one she’d ever seen.  She stared in disbelief for a few moments, and then turned away.

?Daddy, I just can’t do it.  It’s disgusting.?

Ted grabbed her arm, yanked her up, and ordered Signe to get the yardstick.  When she returned and handed it to him, he made Signe grab her arms from behind.  When she did, this, of course, forced Penny’s breasts forward.  Ted stepped back and began hitting her breast anywhere and everywhere.  Penny was screaming at the top of her lungs, but Ted continued until he had delivered fifteen or so solid smacks.  When he stopped, Penny was in hysterics.  He ordered her back to her kneeling position, and she quickly sank back down in front of Danny.  The hiatus had done nothing to dampen his ardor.  On the contrary, he was harder than ever.

?Now lick the sides of his prick, and then put your mouth over the head.?

  Penny, still crying and hiccupping, moved her tongue out and ran it over the outside of Danny’s penis for a minute or so, until her father told her to go ahead with the next part.  She raised her mouth to the head, opened it and slid it into her mouth.  Almost immediately she began gagging.

?You throw up, and so help me, I’ll start all over on those tits of yours, Penny.?

She sucked on the head for another minute, and, encouraged by Ted, began to slide her mouth down on Danny’s prick.  She never got more than halfway down, because she continued to gag and choke, as she finally began to slide her mouth up and down on Danny’s hardness.  Understandably, the sensations were so exciting to Danny, that it wasn’t more than three minutes before his sperm gushed forth into Penny’s mouth, contrary to his description of what had transpired the day before.  Penny immediately coughed, spitting most of his cum out onto his pants below. 

?You will lick that up in its entirety, Penny.  Now!?

Still in tears, she lowered her head to Danny’s pants and sputtering, she licked up all she had spit out and eventually forced herself to swallow it.

?Now, I want you to thank Danny for reenacting this scene with you, and then you may go get dressed.?

Penny swallowed hard, stared at Danny with pure hatred, and muttered,?Thank you.?

She then turned and ran up the steps and to her room, where she threw herself on her bed and bawled herself to sleep.



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Trouble Part 3 Finale

Chapter 9 Mick Jones, Kennedy, Callum, and Quentin discussed the situation with the State Police's fugitive recovery unit. The warrant shown was photographed and by them for the record with it being checked out against active warrants. To their surprise, it didn't match up. In fact, the warrants were for armed robbery, assault, and attempted murder instead of the simple robbery as he had previously claimed. The group fought laughs as they were now known to be using fake warrants and...

3 years ago
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My wife left me alone at the party with specific instructions. In less than five minutes time, I was hopelessly in trouble.I was politely mingling with the crowd, as instructed, which I rather enjoyed. Most of them had already paired off, had some fun, and were back looking for new partners. The women were at most scantily dressed, while some were completely nude. Most of them were aware of the instructions I had been given, and they were enjoying flirting with me as they sought the attention...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Trouble Part 2

Chapter 5 As Flora was enjoying the day with her new class, Fiona had an entirely different experience over at the middle school. She was introduced to her new teacher, Ms. Putnam, and told what they were doing in class and what to expect from everyone there. She was less than thrilled to tell Fiona that she was going to be assigned to be the new partner of the other new girl, Maisie Campbell, and that she didn't want either of them in her class at all but had to put up with...

4 years ago
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Trouble Comes to School

This story was written as a serial on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. Trouble Comes to School By Morpheus Part 1 It was nearly an hour before school yet three figures huddled together behind the football bleachers of Kay Osterman High School. The three boys were alternately known as Geek Squad or the Nerd Patrol among the other students, but today they hoped that was about to change. Martin was the tallest of the three, though he was also the skinniest and...

3 years ago
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I arrived to class early. I was always early- punctuality was something my parents had drummed into my head. Besides, I was looking forward to this class. I had been trying to get into a figure drawing class for two semesters, but they were always the first to fill up. My name’s Kyle Michaels. I’m an artist. Well, I’m a lot of things, but ‘artist’ is one of the first descriptors I think of when I define myself. Hmm, only a few people around so far. Today’s the first day of classes, so we’ll...

2 years ago
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Trouble From The Start

From the moment I first saw her, I instinctively knew Mary-Jayne was trouble. She can't help it, she exudes sex. When they first started dating, I wondered if my stepson worried about her dressing like she did. To call her attire daring is an understatement. And my wife, who is broad-minded, couldn't understand why her well-mannered, soft-hearted little boy, as she often refers to him, chose to marry someone who dressed like she was constantly on the prowl. On family vacations, Mary-Jayne wears...

2 years ago
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Trouble at Work

Trouble At Work As I walk to my boss's office I have the realization that I am probably in trouble. I have never been in his office other than during meetings and performance evaluations. I always keep a low profile and just do the assigned tasks as I am asked. As a matter of fact I do everything I can to not draw attention to myself because of my lifestyle. I don't need anyone in my office to know about the details of my sexual perversions so I remain quiet and...

1 year ago
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Trouble in the Kitchen

Trouble in the Kitchen: Chapter 1 By: Hamlet45 If you like the story, would like to make suggestions, be the inspiration for a future story, or are interested in co-writing a story feel free to send comments to me via the BDSMLibrary forum my name there is: Hamlet45 ?Trouble in the Kitchen? is inspired by a photo which unfortunately is copyrighted by a web site but I can try to find the...

4 years ago
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Troubles Beyond Trouble Ch 01

Walking down the street clad in his signature Tax Collector gear Daniel scouts the parking lots for potential cars that could possibly take a sizeable chunk out of his debt to Mario. But this isn’t where the story starts off, it begins with Daniels’ childhood, the reasons he became what he is. Now sit down, spark a bowl and chill as I tell you this story of a young man with more troubles than a late eighties Thunderbird 5.0 and little time to deal with them. That strange, pungent scent...

3 years ago
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Trouble in class II

During dinner dad asked how school was. Nervous that he may have found out,I said it was ok. I was having a little trouble it one class but nothing I can't handle. He said you just have to study harder and see if you can do extra work, I said I'm already looking into that. That's good he said and that was the end of the subject. After dinner and dodging a bullet I went to my room and dressed for bed. When I heard the shower running, I reached in my pants and stroked thinking about Billies was...

2 years ago
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Trouble in class

Was the second month of the school year and found myself in trouble again. Mrs. Black caught me day dreaming for the fifth time. She said she had no choice but to report me to the principal. I knew if she did that I'd be in serious trouble with my dad. He and my dad played golf together and I know he'd tell him. I begged Mrs. Black not to report me and I'd do anything she said if she wouldn't. She said she'd think about it. After class I asked her if she thought about it, she said yes,and I...

2 years ago
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Trouble at the office party

Author: Yokohama JoeTitle: Trouble at the office partySummary: A high-pressure financial services company must sometimes use extreme methods to ensure that staff members don?t break the rulesKeywords: MM/F nc tort snuff violTrouble at the office partyBy Yokohama Joe, 2013This is pornography but definitely not erotic. Be charitable because English is not my native language.The tables had been pushed against two walls in one of the larger meeting rooms, and they?d been loaded up with snacks and a...

3 years ago
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Troubled Youth

Troubled Youth By Miss Anonna It was an hour drive down to the river but I was ready to go with a cooler full of wine, towels, bathing suit and chair that makes lying in the sun so easy. When I turned onto River road I knew I’d be there half an hour from now and already my tight shorts were riding up my ass and I was getting antsy. About 10 minutes on the winding road I noticed an older SUV on the side with the flashers going and figured someone probably ran out of gas. The station was further...

2 years ago
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Trouble in the ForestChapter 5

Sarah simply wanted to snuggle with Hank, to hold him and embrace him. She was in an afterglow if there ever was one, and everything was mellow to her. Hank, on the other hand, seemed to be on a mission. He seemed determined to educate Sarah completely, possibly before she changed her mind. He was tender and gentle, but I could tell he wanted no part of any "afterglow" nonsense. I kept my mouth shut, for once. "Sarah," Hank said gently. "It's time for your next lesson in the wonders of...

4 years ago
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she moaned and said "ya" he slapped her "ya? you better say yes sir,show some fucking respect"she weakly said "yes sir" and he let her head drop and continued belting her harder and harder each time.then he pushed her off and she fell to the floor as he got up and left. The next day kristy was with a few people and they all started making trouble with the adults ,cussing and saying stuff,just having fun with them seeing how they would react.They all got sent to there rooms .Kristy...

2 years ago
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Trouble Sleeping

Hi, my name is Donna. I am a twenty-two year old erotic dancer who recently moved into my first apartment. These apartments occupy separate buildings within the complex, sort of like town houses. There are two apartments per building. One is on the left, and the other is on the right. Each one has a small kitchen, a living and dining area, and bedrooms that abut each other. They are very clean, and in a nice area.On my first day, I met Robyn, the girl who lives next to me. She's of average...

2 years ago
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Trouble and Strife Chapter One

The first chapter of a new story. I need a push to get it finished so I'm sharing it with you. Last time I did this is was a disaster so I am approaching it with a nixture of trepidation and determination. There is no feminisation in this chapter but I hope it tells you enough to know where the story is going. Trouble and Strife Chapter One "I've messed up Sis, really badly." Shelley was on the telephone to her sister, Marie, in Cornwall. "What have you done?" asked...

2 years ago
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Trouble and Strife Chapter 5 and 6

Trouble and Strife Chapter Five Over the next two weeks, Shelley managed to get Charlie into a pair of panties on eight separate occasions. But he never managed to get his penis into her vagina before ejaculating. Naturally, Shelley played the role of poor, hard done by girlfriend to perfection as she celebrated every small victory and her husband's ever-growing guilt. It was a Sunday evening, lying in bed together with Charlie's guilt at its highest when Shelley played the next...

2 years ago
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Trouble in the city

Trouble in the cityBy Yokohama Joe, 2013This is pornography but definitely not erotic. Be charitable because English is not my native language.---Bamiji City is the capital of the small central African country of the same name, Bamiji, which is run under the thumb an an ex-military strongman whose regime is extraordinarily corrupt, kleptocratic, and repressive. Following a discreet coup in the early 1999s by a small group of middle-ranking military officers, which overthrew the country?s...

2 years ago
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Trouble!By CarrieAnne???????????????? The girl had been hogtied with a twist?her long blonde hair had been pulled back into a ponytail and tied to the knot holding her arms and legs together.? This made her look up, towards the ceiling.? This also allowed her to see the hand coming at her.? He didn?t backhand, but rather slapped her hard on both cheeks leaving bright red handprints behind.? His smile was cruel.? The fact was: Gregory was not a nice guy!??????????????? Elaine had met...

4 years ago
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Tracy had lost a bet with her two best friends, Linda and Christina. She had lost these bets before, but never expected to have to do the dare she was about to do now. The bet was made a week earlier and since she lost, she was told that on Friday of this week, she would get the dare that she had to perform. She waited all week to find out what stupid little thing her girlfriends would have her do. Thoughts ran through her mind of past bets and dares and figured she would get through this one...

4 years ago
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Trouble With Pills

Who the daft fuckers are that write so badly, beats me. I can’t resist meddling with their crap work. Here’s another Joan Cocteau, a housewife and mother who loved her family was a 36 year old mother of three and married to the same man for fifteen years. Her husband, Peter, was 43 years old with a minor erectile problem for which he had medication. Peter was a great husband, loving, kind and still had the body of a 25 year old. He was 6’1, muscular and had a big penis. He was a junior...

1 year ago
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It was raining that day, and my car had broken down, so I had to walk... I had been dressed up to go out that night, my little black dress, it is see through, so I wear a slip under it, black thong panties, a black shelf bra that pushed my tits up & together rather nicely, and my black fishnet stockings with a garter belt to hold them up. Yeah, I kinda looked like a slut, but I thought I was going out to a club, not walking down the street in the rain. Anyway, on way home, there was a small...

1 year ago
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Trouble in the Forest Book IIChapter 5

MORE SARAH Travis tried his best but he could not convince Kim to go on a date, even after her fourteenth birthday. Truthfully, I think she was a bit scared of his reputation, because by then, it was pretty common knowledge that he had high expectations of the girls he dated. After the sap run had concluded, he just didn't have that many opportunities to be with her casually, and she obviously was not seeking him out. That doesn't mean that he went without companionship. Far from it,...

3 years ago
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Trouble in the Forest Book IIChapter 6

Kim Eventually the celebrations concluded and the townspeople settled down to their normal routines. Travis and Sarah went to school and Julie and Hank did whatever they do all day to keep busy. Since they don't have regular office jobs, what they do is anyone's guess, except that they have a nice family dinner prepared each evening when the kids come home from school. Dinners are always sitting down at a table, as a family dinners, because both Julie and Hank believe that it builds a...

4 years ago
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Trouble in the ForestChapter 9

The next several weeks are almost a blur. Nothing was calm or slow or laid back; time flew by. We spent three days shopping for new clothes at the malls in Jefferson City. I found a family clinic to my satisfaction and approved the prescription for birth control for Sarah. Hank made arrangements for me to meet with his attorney and subsequently with a prominent divorce attorney who began the process of marriage dissolution on my behalf. Two days after the first meeting with the attorney, his...

3 years ago
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Troubles Beyond Trouble Ch 02

The first thing to come to him is a groggy sense of awareness concerning his surroundings. The sanitary smell of an asylum coupled with the moans, groans, and screams of other patients. Still half medicated Daniel isn’t aware that five years have passed since the horrible incident with his parents, in fact Daniel isn’t quite sure of his name right now. Sitting up and trying to reach to his eyes and rub them Daniel soon realizes that he is in a straight jacket with his arms wrapped around to...

4 years ago
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Troubles Beyond Trouble Ch 03

Daniel wakes surrounded by the stench of blood and vomit with the cold fluids pooling around his body. Awakening suddenly to the stench Daniel sits up and his world begins to spin as more bile builds up in his throat. Leaning forward as much as he can Daniel spews his stomach contents on the stained asphalt of the alleyway, blood and chunks of what can only be described as bone mixed in with what he last had to eat. Slowly standing to his feet and using a near dumpster to steady himself Daniel...

3 years ago
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My name is Melissa. Ever since my marriage last year, my sex life has been difficult. My husband is serving in the military and since our honeymoon he has only been back home one time to fuck me. I am faithful to him. But I can't live like a nun. I need my kicks.So far I've been getting my kicks by masturbating while I think about other men fucking me. Or by getting on xHamster and looking at cocks and guys jacking off. Or by playing sex games with Holly – my girlfriend in town.I've decided...

2 years ago
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Troubles at Sea

Trisha, 28, is an absolutely gorgeous woman accented by her large, but perky 34dd bosom and ample posterior. Her strikingly natural red hair reaches to her waist, which fits perfect on her 5'8" toned frame. Alexis, 32, is a bit shorter than her younger sister, with respectable 32c breasts that curve slightly upward, and a cute little butt that fits her petite 5'5" frame beautifully. Unlike her sister, she has blonde, shoulder blade length hair that she typically ties back. John, 30, I will...

3 years ago
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Troubles Of Lakshmi

Hi readers I am lakshmi age 30 this is my true encounter.I am married to Ramesh.I live in Chennai with my mother in law, my baby Rohan and my husband Ramesh. One day my husband Ramesh invited Raj to our home, he was a wealthy person with lot of political contacts. Since Ramesh has borrowed money from Raj for his business purposes we had to treat Raj in a polite manner but Raj was a awfully bad man he had a lot of illegal contacts with many married woman, though many of our locals knew this they...

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Trouble in the ForestChapter 7

Hank drove us into the nearest town to check on the arrival of money for our new car. We went to the bank that I had told Scott about, but they had not received any money transfers for us. This was very disturbing to me, and made me more than a little upset. Using the bank's telephone, I called Scott in Arizona but he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed. The woman that answered my call adamantly refused to notify him that I was calling. I was furious. I thanked the bank for allowing...

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Trouble in the ForestChapter 8

There we sat, my two children, my new found lover and friend (and rescuer of my family from who knows what troubles), and myself, all sitting on the patio on a beautiful morning, sitting in silence, all reflecting upon the somewhat rambling monologue about the state of my emotions and marriage. How did I feel? I don't know. A combination of bitter, angry, and hurt that my husband, the man that I had given my everything to so many years ago had found it acceptable in his soul to take as his...

1 year ago
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Troublesome Beauty

Leo's mother saw him sitting in the earth. Surrounded by pieces of pottery and uprooted flowers. She put her fists on her hips and looked with a bemused grin down. "What did my little troublemaker do now?" Before little Leo written words of light appeared. His chubby little hands reached out. Those lights looked pretty after all. "No. Don't! Not again!" Leo woke with a start. Another nightmare. Nothing new. He shook off the last remains of his dream. He didn't know how much of it...

1 year ago
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Trouble With Zombies

She crouches and tends to the bonfire she has made to keep herself warm for the night, she was aware it wasn’t the smartest move to bring any attention to her location but she didn’t want to deal with the encroaching cold. The fire illuminates her soft features; her golden hair tied neatly in a bun, light blue eyes, and soft lips. She sighs and grabs her tummy, upset by the rumbling sound that had continued to bother her for hours. She has a thin frame and looks almost emaciated. Food is a...

2 years ago
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Trouble By The Pool

Catherine focused her efforts on arranging the flowers she had placed on on the poolside table. The plates and silverware had already been set as well as the floral print linens that were carefully folded and presented. Her daughter, 21 year old Megan, was due to arrive in just a few minutes and with Catherine's husband away for the weekend, she was ready for a few days of catching up in the company of her only child. The two were best of friends although Megan's job as a flight attendant...

1 year ago
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Trouble with Roxy Part I

The last few months have been tough for Matt, working long days at work and being without a girlfriend for the last few months. Everything seemed to be going fine with Rachel but then one day he got the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ line. Sure they could still be friends but she never did return any of Matt’s calls. He really missed Rachel. She was a little wild, unlike Matt, who was a bit conservative in manner and not very out-going. She always said he should take more risks and be more fun....

2 years ago
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Trouble Sleeping

Hi, my name is Donna. I am a twenty-two year old erotic dancer who recently moved into my first apartment. These apartments occupy separate buildings within the complex, sort of like town houses. There are two apartments per building. One is on the left, and the other is on the right. Each one has a small kitchen, a living and dining area, and bedrooms that abut each other. They are very clean, and in a nice area. On my first day, I met Robyn, the girl who lives next to me. She’s of average...

4 years ago
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Trouble at Dinner

  23 year old Daniel froze when he heard his very annoyed Mum say in her no nonsense tone “I told you to stop, you didn’t, so I am going to put you across my lap and give you a jolly hard spanking Daniel.”   He looked aghast.   “But Mum you agreed you wouldn’t if Francis’s Mum is here.” “I did not say anything of the sort Daniel. I did say so long as you behave you won’t get spanked. That is quite different.” Daniel had to agree. Well he hadn’t behaved. Dinner was going well, Francis was...

3 years ago
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Trouble on alpha 9

A unit of 100 was sent to a planet for research and exploration. It was labelled as a F critical danger, so it should have been an easy mission. But obviously it wasn't, as we start off with the two commanding officers arguing about 3 missing people. "We have been looking! They have tons of equipment to get back, something bad must have happened to them!" Ally would emphasize. "Exactly! They have tons of equipment! They said they would be out longer then normal anyways, they will get back...

2 years ago
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Troublersquos A Song Three Can Play

Trouble’s A Song Three Can Play. If someone asked her in retrospect if she regretted that night, Tori would say no in a heartbeat.However, she still couldn’t, for the love of God herself, remember why she ever thought a sleepover with both Jade and Cat would allow her to remain the same.------------------------------The idea came from Cat - obviously - after their graduation party, using every trick she knew to convince her two best friends that a girls sleepover was all they needed that summer...

2 years ago
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Trouble in class VII

Billie ran her fingers down the crack of my butt and tapped on my hole. She whispered in my ear, stay just like that, I'll be right back. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom. When she came back she had a bottle of lotion and a towel. Billie asked if I was ready, I said yes. She crawled behind me and ran her tongue over my hole. She lapped hungrily at it till I had the same feeling as before. She rubbed some lotion on my hole then smacked my butt hard. The sting made me straighten up. She...

2 years ago
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Trouble in class VI

Billie wrapped her robe around me,pulling me tight against her beautiful body. I lowered my head and kissed her firm tits. She inhaled with a hissing sound. I kissed my way to her stiff nipple. Billie held my head in place like a mother would. I began sucking her nipple. As I nibbled and sucked I felt her chest move quicker as her breathing quickened. I felt billies hands move between us and my pants fell. I moaned in anticipation as she slid my underwear down. I looked up into her eyes as she...

1 year ago
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Trouble in class V

The day finally ended and I headed to billies house. She wasn't there when I arrived so I went to the backyard and waited. As I sat it seemed like it was getting hotter so I stripped down and jumped in the pool. About thirty minutes later I seen her walk in the kitchen. I climbed out and knocked on the glass door. She turned and stared at me for a few seconds then opened the door. She asked what I was doing, I said it was hot while I waited for you,so I went for a swim. I watched her as she...

4 years ago
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Trouble in class IV

Rubbing my thumb around her crotch Billie started to moan. After a few minutes she sat up and said we need to talk. I was mesmerized by her beautiful tits. Firm,unblemished with pink nipples. She pulled her top up and grabbed her robe. I asked what it was I felt. She said we can never speak about this to anyone. I said I promised not to. Billie took my hand and said she was unhappy as a man, and made the transition from male to female a few years ago and never regretted it. She noticed the...

4 years ago
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Trouble in class III

Seeing her smiled gave me some courage, leaving my hand on her ass,I asked if she wanted me to stop. She said no,but be careful you might start something we both know shouldn't happen. The image of her nude body and us having sex was almost unbearable. Snapping out of it I sprayed lotion on her other butt cheek and rubbed. Slipping my fingers under her swimsuit and rubbed. My fingers found the crack of her ass and I slid down. As I reached the bottom she flinched and said I had to stop it. I...

1 year ago
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Trouble with Roxy Part I

The last few months have been tough for Matt, working long days at work and being without a girlfriend for the last few months. Everything seemed to be going fine with Rachel but then one day he got the "It's not you, it's me" line. Sure they could still be friends but she never did return any of Matt's calls. He really missed Rachel. She was a little wild, unlike Matt, who was a bit conservative in manner and not very out-going. She always said he should take more risks and be more fun. Rachel...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Trouble at the Bank

Over the weekend, I considered my position. I took a long look at myself. At 30, I knew that I was not gorgeous, nothing special in that men generally don’t fall at my feet. I’m 5’ 8½ “, a good size 14, with long legs and powerful thighs, a high full ass that J’Lo and Beyonce managed to make the must have in a petit woman, my stomach is round and firm, my breasts full and heavy with what I think the Americans would call dime sized nipples, inky black. My face round with full high checks, a...

2 years ago
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Trouble and Strife Chapter Two

Chapter Two Charlie had his doubts but he couldn't deny that Shelley was trying to make amends for her affair. It had been a week since he had agreed to give her a second chance and he had enjoyed waking up to breakfast in bed every morning since. As he sipped at his orange juice he thought back over yesterday's conversation and the document that he had signed. Shelley had come into the room clutching two documents and asked if they could talk, naturally Charlie said yes. "I...

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Trouble and Strife Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Three The next morning, wearing a clean and dry pair of jockey shorts, Charlie headed into the office where he was met by knowing looks from Simon and a hug from Beatrice. Beatrice was three years older than Charlie with a plump figure and an open, welcoming smile that spread all the way into her eyes. In her own way she loved both of the men she worked with but she found neither of them attractive. Preferring to gaze at the parade of young women that walked passed the...

1 year ago
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I remember my first experience with bondage.  It was at college, I was a big-breasted blonde virgin with a hot body and perfect teeth.No not really, but that’s how people always seem to start their stories.  In truth I was about 21 and at college, but the virginity, no that’s a myth.  And Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters, along with John Mckenzie could work together to very quickly bust that myth.I’d love to say that my first experience was awesome; I’d love to say it put me on a path I have...

1 year ago
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Trouble at Dinner

  23 year old Daniel froze when he heard his very annoyed Mum say in her no nonsense tone “I told you to stop, you didn’t, so I am going to put you across my lap and give you a jolly hard spanking Daniel.”   He looked aghast.   “But Mum you agreed you wouldn’t if Francis’s Mum is here.” “I did not say anything of the sort Daniel. I did say so long as you behave you won’t get spanked. That is quite different.” Daniel had to agree. Well he hadn’t behaved. Dinner was going well, Francis was...

1 year ago
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Trouble at home the sharing of secrets

“Chris, do you remember my friend Hillary?” Becky called to me from the kitchen.“The one with the nice arse,”  I replied, raising my voice above its natural level, so I could be heard from across large open plan living area, where I was just packing my case for work. The comment was a throwaway one, and I didn’t need to turn around to sense the frown forming of on my wife’s face. It was one of the gifts of long-time husbands, that we can always sense our wife’s displeasure.  “Not the time...

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Trouble at the Timeshare

Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...

2 years ago
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Trouble in the Forest Book III

Introduction Chapter 1 TRAVIS I continued to date Kim for the remainder of the school year, always accompanied by another couple. Kim insisted, from our first date, that this would be a requirement in order to protect her reputation from being thought of as just another of the girls that had slept with me. Kim made it very clear that she was not ready or willing to have sex with me, or with anyone for that matter, and made me promise to respect her wishes. You don't have any idea how...

2 years ago
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Trouble at the Office Party

The tables had been pushed against two walls in one of the larger meeting rooms, and they'd been loaded up with snacks and a variety of soft and alcoholic drinks. On one of them a large cake sat in the middle, with the logo of the company emblazoned across it in colorful icing. About forty employees mixed and chatted amiably – these late afternoon office parties were laid on by the management once every few months, and all of the staff members who'd more recently joined considered them to be...

2 years ago
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Trouble in the City

Bamiji City is the capital of the small central African country of the same name, Bamiji, which is run under the thumb of an ex-military strongman whose regime is extraordinarily corrupt, kleptocratic, and repressive. Following a discreet coup in the early 1990s by a small group of middle-ranking military officers, which overthrew the country's long-time more or less democratically elected civilian administration, the new regime members resigned their commissions (so that they, too, could call...

3 years ago
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Trouble on the Way to Zekala 6

Nirantrilin Yistolk was happily munching on the variety of foods on his plate. He loved the Feast of Community, indeed almost all Dizyntk did. In Trilin's case it brought back his happiest memories of home. Having grown up in a very rural area on the frontier world of Zekala, it was only during this hakin long holiday that he was usually able to spend time with many of his neighbors. It was during the Feast of his eighth cyanka that he met the Dizyntk that eventually became his first lover. He...

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