Part 3 Within The Lab A Business Proposal
- 4 years ago
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Not to be copied or distributed with out express permission of the author. This document is for expressed private use. This story is intended for adults only, 18 years older.
Chapter 1: The Facilitator
Megin sat in the office nervous; she had no idea why Dan Stein would want to talk to her. She worked for Vara Corp. for close to three years and never been in trouble. The only people who went to Dan Stein’s offices were those who had breached company security. In fact it was pretty well known that if you went to Dan Stein’s office you ended up either fired or demoted. Dan’s title was head of security and pudgy middle age man was often jokingly referred to as the pig for his balding head, pug nose and beady eyes. He was thoroughly unattractive man and it seemed to show in his demeanor sometimes. She had wondered if it was because of her excessive personal emails, there had been a memo about that. As she continued to ponder she heard the door open behind her. She turned and saw Dan enter the room he smiled at her.
?Megin Walton, it’s a pleasure to meet you.? Dan said smiling; she noticed for the first time that one of his canine teeth was capped in gold.
?Thank you sir.? Megin said smiling back, trying to hide her nervousness.
?I guess you’re wondering why I’ve asked you to meet me?? He asked said as he took a seat behind a large oak desk.
?Honestly, I was Sir.? She said noticing that Dan was looking her over. She became self conscious as she often did when men looked at her so intently. She wasn’t unattractive; in fact she was absolutely gorgeous. She had high cheek bones, big brown eyes, full lips all framed by her wavy long dark black hair. Though her face would stand out in any room, she was also blessed with an absolutely amazing body, big boobs easily a 38 double D, an absolute perfect ass, with lean tiny waist that set on top of a pair of long lithe legs. Her body seemed almost sculpted. She knew she was gorgeous and rather than build her confidence the fact of her own beauty often did the opposite, making her think that everyone judged her solely on her looks rather than her accomplishments.
Okay, when doing conversation, don’t end the sentences with a period. ?I do it like this,? Keith said. End them with a comma, then quote followed by the speaker and verb.
?Well I have a few questions to ask you. Just answer them honestly for me.?
?Ok.? She answered again smiling weakly.
?You graduated from the University of Monterey with your business degree, then continued on to earn law degree correct?? he said, his eyes crawling over the tight blouse covering her breasts.
?That’s correct sir.? Megin answered quietly, averting her eyes. She somehow felt naked under the man’s piggish gaze.
?You worked for Dynadine for two years before coming to Vera Corp. correct?? Dan said looking over the top of a folder making no attempt to hide his burning piggish stare
?Yes sir.? She said softly shrinking into her chair.
?You never took the bar exam?? The man asked raising an eyebrow?
?No sir. It never seemed the right time. I’ve always been in positions where it wasn’t a requirement. I’ve been meaning to get around to it.? She answered honestly.
?You graduated in the top 10% of your class.?
?Yes sir.? She said not knowing why she was blushing.
?Intelligence and beauty.? Dan said smiling, his gold tooth again drawing her attention. Megin just smiled weakly back at the man.
?So, I guess we can get down to business.? Dan continued to scan the folder. ?There’s a position that’s opened in the company, one the board feels you would fill nicely.
?I’m flattered sir.? Megin answered her voice suddenly gaining some strength now that she knew she wasn’t getting fired.
?Well you should be.? He pressed the intercom button. ?Cathy, please send in Mrs. Morgan.?
?Yes sir.? Came the response from the intercom. Megin turned to see the door open in walked Kelly Morgan, a tall blonde with strong Nordic features, high cheek bones, blue eyes, perky nose and nice full lips. She was tall with big breasts easily Megin’s size, a nice ass and long legs as well. , almost a physical double for Megin.
?Thank you for joining us Mrs. Morgan.? Dan said smiling.
?Of course sir.? Kelly said smiling confidently back. She stood to Megin’s side almost at attention.
?I was just talking to Megin, about taking on your position after you leave next week.? Dan said motioning to Megin.
?Of course sir, I was wondering whom you would choose.? Kelly said smiling while giving Megin a quick sideways glance.
Dan addressed Megin as he continued to leer at Kelly. ?You see Megin, Kelly has a unique position at the company. It’s one that is very exclusive and pays extraordinarily well. It comes with several perks as well as some very demanding responsibilities. The tenure for the position is one year to the day you accept the position.?
?What exactly is the position sir?? Megin asked intrigued.
Dan smiled then stood up and came around the desk perching himself on the edge of it while still looking at Kelly. ?I honestly think to get the full impact you should be shown. I only ask that you stay here till your interview is complete. If you choose to accept the offer, in one year you will receive two point five million dollars as payment for services rendered during your tenure. If you choose to refuse you will receive your severance package as well as twenty-five thousand dollars as a bonus for your excellent service to the company. If you leave before the interview is complete you get nothing, no severance or bonus and a black mark on your work history. Agreed??
Megin looked stunned. ?I guess sir.? She muttered trying to take in the scope of everything that Dan had said.
?No guessing, either yes or no.? Dan barked.
?Yes sir.? Megin said quickly.
?Good.? Dan snapped his fingers. ?Kelly lets show the girl what you do around here.?
Kelly smiled and reached behind her back to unzip her dress, then quickly shucked it off her shoulders to floor. Beneath her dress she wore no underwear, her huge boobs were bared and Kelly could see erect pierced nipples dangling gold rings surrounded by silver dollar size areolas. Her pussy was cleanly shaven and like her nipples, her clit too was pierced with a gold ring, and attached to the ring in her clit was a chain that dangled 2 inches between her legs with what looked like a dog tag attached to it. Kelly crossed the short space to Dan then knelt in front of the man. She took hold of the pant’s zipper and began to tug it down. After it was opened she struggled to pull out what was a half erect penis from Dan’s pants. Even half erect the man’s cock was a good 7? long and almost as thick as the girl’s wrist.
Dan broke the silence. ?Kelly is one Vera Corp.’s facilitators.? He stopped talking and closed his eyes as the girl’s lips surrounded the head of his enormous penis as her right hand began stroking his cock while her left cradled his testicles.
?Oh my god.? Megin gasped as the enormity of the situation weighed on her. She stood quickly and headed for the door.
?Megin!? Dan snapped loudly, sounding displeased. Megin stopped not turning around. ?The interview isn’t over. Take your seat. I assure you, you’ll not be asked to do anything today, other than watch. Remember if you leave now you’ll get nothing. Do you understand me??
Megin face was red with anger and embarrassment as she turned around but she knew the man was right. She might not like what she was seeing, but she would receive nothing if she stormed out. She took her seat noticing that Kelly had never once stopped sucking on Dan’s enormous penis.
?Kelly like you graduated from a good school, she too was in the top ten percent of her class. She too almost stormed out when she watched her predecessor do exactly what you are seeing now a year ago. ?Kelly had taken her mouth off of Dan’s cock and was using a hard stroke to coax a large stream of precum from the mans penis, which dripped directly down onto her tongue. ?Yet she came around and as you can see, she thought the position worth taking. Her consideration was largely due to the fact that she knew that she would receive a nice pay day at the end of her tenure for relatively little work. On top of the two and half million dollars she will also receive a house in the location of her choosing and glowing recommendation for any job she chooses to take after she has left the company.?
Megin face was pale as she looked on. ?I could never?? Something inside her cunt tingled for the briefest of moments before Dan cut her off.
?You think you can’t. Kelly didn’t think she could either but she was strong enough to realize what she served to gain.?
Kelly had now started to take the full length of the enormous penis into her mouth and down her throat, causing Dan’s tiny eye lids to shut as obvious delight filled his face. The enthusiasm at which she attacked the man's cock was punctuated by her equally aggressive moans.
?There are woman who work their whole lives doing far worse to gain far less.? Dan said as one of his hands took Kelly’s hair into a pony tail that he used as a handle to help guide her warm wet mouth.
Kelly continued to bob up and down on the now sloppy wet cock with enthusiasm. Her eyes watering from the repeated jabs past her gag reflex. She started to choke and for a moment a sense of panic was quickly suppressed as Dan held her all too tantalizing mouth with her full lips firmly locked on the base of his thick cock. She continued to suppress the panic as he began to flow into what she knew would be an agonizing monologue for her.
Dan increased his grip on Kelly’s pony tail pulling her in as tight as he could relishing the gagging that rolled occasionally from the girl’s throat. ?You will have one week to decide whether you will take the position or not. You also will sign a non-disclosure agreement about everything you have seen or will see or read about this and anything else at Vera Corp. If at the end of one week you decide to refuse your promotion you will get your severance and the $25,000 we agreed upon. Do you think you can take one week to think about it??
?I don’t know.? Megin said weakly as she watched Dan release his grip on Kelly’s head to which to her credit she didn’t miss a beat as she continued and almost frenzied bobbing of Dan’s cock down into her throat. ?I just want to make sure no one knows that I was party to this.? As she answered Dan took a hold the hair on the back of Kelly’s head and pulled her off his penis. Megin watched for what seemed like an eternity until the man finally groaned and shop rope after rope of cum onto girls face what landed on her chin dripped down onto the young woman’s tits. Most though Kelly managed to scoop up with her fingers and deposit into her mouth with same type of groan one might emit over tasting a warm piece of pie.
?Sorry.? Dan said smiling. ?No one will know about what we have presented you. For the record, the people that know about Kelly and what she does here require discretion and in turn the same discretion is given to her. We value what she does here. Her job is not just about sex. She also provides other services. Kelly can explain that to you, for the next week you will be shadowing her and gaining some idea of exactly what it is she does. Understood??
?Yes sir.? Megin answered, wishing the man would put his penis back into his pants, as Megin had trouble not staring at it. All the while Kelly scooped up globs of semen off her tits with her fingers and deposited it in her mouth.
Dan smiled. ?I think once you understand fully what a facilitator does, you will find that it will be far less intimidating proposition.?
Chapter 2
Megin followed Kelly out of Dan’s office into the elevator watching as Kelly primped herself while holding up a compact. She used a wet towelette to clean the cum that she had missed with her fingers from her face and breasts. She had a million questions she wanted to ask Kelly but she remained silent. The awkwardness seeped into the enclosed space as the woman smiled the turned to face Megin.
?Go ahead and say it.? Kelly said with a half laugh.
?Say what?? Megin asked meekly.
?Ask me how I could become a whore?? Kelly said with a twinkle in her eye.
?I don’t want to know.? She lied behind a crimson blush.
?I was like you at first you know.? Kelly said softly. ?I got up, like you, with every intention of walking out of that room. I told myself I could never submit to that kind of behavior.?
?I believe you.? Megin said trying to sound sincere, but not believing a word.
?You don’t. Think about it, two and half million dollars, a home and job where ever you want after doing this for a year?? She brought out a compact and began reapplying her makeup. ?I thought how hard it would be to make that much money, how much sucking up and ass kissing I would have to do. Then I thought, would me being some office sycophant just to get ahead be any worse. I mean seriously even when I do practice law with a firm it will take me years to get what I earned here in 12 months.?
?I can see the lure in that much money but money isn’t that important to me.? Megin said softly.
?No you want to save the world? I want to save the world too, and I know I can do it a lot better with two and half million dollars in the bank, working for whatever non profit I want to.? She folded the compact up and put it back in her bag. ?I know that the time I spend doing this, will be the least important year of my life.?
As the elevator doors opened Megin followed Kelly out into the lobby. As she looked the woman over from behind she was once again taken aback by the woman’s beauty. Kelly turned and caught her stare and smiled.
?Tomorrow at 8:00 am meet me at this address. It’s my salon, we’ll talk more then. Figure out what questions you have and I’ll try to answer them. For the next week you’ll be my shadow so if that show upstairs shocked you, get over it because there will be more in the next few days; seems as if everyone wants one final good bye.? She winked at Megin. ?You don’t need me to explain more??
?No, I’ll be there.? Megin said softly.
?Good. If anything, think about how many people would pay to watch a woman like us have sex?? She reached out her hand for Megin to shake and as Megin took hold of it, it dawned on her that only minutes before it had been fondling Dan’s cock.
Megin smiled weekly as Kelly left the lobby. She followed after catching her bearings, hailed a cab and took it home. She was off in her own world as the cab driver, an older man with graying hair and yellow teeth talked to her about his family and job, as she just smiled and nodded, not really listening to him, the night’s events still at the forefront of her mind.
The first thing she did when she got home was take a long shower. After that she crawled into bed, naked, as she often did and tossed and turned through the night. When her alarm went off she dressed quickly and called for another cab. She didn’t know why but she put on a sheer bra with a matching g-string. Then pulled on a black dress that she thought Kelly might choose, Sexy but still business enough to not draw to much attention. She topped off with a pair of high heel shoes she had been dieing to wear. She added some nice pearl earrings and a matching pearl necklace.
When she reached the salon Kelly was waiting in the lobby. She wore a sleek red dress, that was unbuttoned a bit more than she would have been comfortable with.
?So any questions?? Kelly said smiling reassuringly. ?You can ask me anything. Mr. Michaels has given me carte blanche to tell you anything.?
Mr. Michaels was one of the VP’s at the company, Dan’s boss actually. She was a little stunned he would know about this but then she pondered why he wouldn’t
?How many people know about your position at the company??
Kelly squinted thinking for a minute. ?Only a few actually, I mean the major executives know, but those are only a few. It’s very hush-hush. As was mentioned before, discretion is a major element of this position and that goes both ways. The company only lets those that need to know, know anything.?
?Do you like what you do?? Megin asked with a quiet voice.
?I do. It’s not a bad job really. Most of the men are nice and I like sex so I’m not going to lie and say I don’t enjoy it. I didn’t at first, it was all very uncomfortable and took a bit to get used to but once I was broke in, I started to enjoy my job. In fact it might be my favorite job so far, though my other job was as a librarian at university.? Kelly had a genuinely content look on her face. ?I mean most of its wining and dining, with maybe thirty percent being sex.?
?Where you?? Megin paused trying to find a delicate way to ask her next question.
?Pierced?? Kelly said with a sing song laughing quality. Megin nodded softly.
?No that’s part of the position and again I’m not going to lie, it hurt but afterwards I actually enjoy them. My dates find it sexy.? She said with a wink.
?You still date?? Megin said surprised.
?Of course.? Kelly said giggling. ?What? You thought that if I did this, I wouldn’t want to fuck anyone else? That because I do this I lost all hopes of having a serious relationship??
No. I didn’t, I just, I don’t know, I figured it might tarnish trying to find happily ever after.? Megin said with a soft shrug.
?It doesn’t, in fact I am more serious now about finding Mr. Right than I was before. I see a lot of lonely people and I don’t want end up like them.? Kelly said patting Megin’s knee she nodded towards a doorway and saw a young brunette standing in its arch. ?We’re up.
She followed the young woman into a waiting room with Kelly. She watched as Kelly disrobed and lay down on a table. Kelly motioned for her to do the same. As both ladies lay on the table naked, Sandy began to look over Kelly, she had blue eyes that seemed to glitter.
?Sandy, we’ll both have the full treatment.? Kelly said as if she were ordering dinner from a menu.
?Ok then.? Sandy said with a girlish tone that seemed to accent her appearance.
Megin watched as Sandy spread Kelly’s legs apart and began to look over her pussy. She was shocked when the girl put her finger on the side of one of her lips and felt for stubble. Seeming to be oblivious to the piercing she picked the tag and chain up and placed it on top of her pussy to get out of the way. Sandy again rubbed her pussy this time with her hand before standing up and bringing back a bowl of hot wax and paper. Sandy spread the wax with what looked like a Popsicle stick on the right side of her mons and then applied a piece of paper, pressing the paper down. She then grabbed the edge of the paper and ripped it off quickly causing Kelly’s back to arch and painful yelp to come out of her mouth. She repeated the process on the left side of her mons getting the same response. Afterwards she did area above her clit getting the same elicit moan of pain. Megin couldn’t help but giggle at the girl’s plight.
Wait a second and we’ll see who’s laughing.? Kelly said breathing as if she was in labor. She laid back down as Sandy held in her hands a wash cloth and some soapy water. She carefully washed Kelly’s pussy before once again rubbing the area this time instead of a yelp there was a soft moan as the young woman’s fingers roamed over the clit and down to cup her pussy. She even thought the girl’s middle finger might have dipped into Kelly’s slit. Kelly propped herself up on one elbow and reached down to feel for herself.
?Smooth as a baby’s bottom.? She said smiling. ?Now it’s your turn.?
Sandy reached down and felt Megin’s pussy in much the same way as Kelly, using her index finger to stroke up both sides of her mon’s then the area around her clit. She was clean shaven except for above her clit which had a small strip. This was the first time any woman other than her doctor had touched her pussy and she felt an electric thrill pulse through her pussy. She could feel herself juicing up as the girl touched her and prayed it wouldn’t be evident as she waxed her.
?All of it?? Sandy asked.
Before Megin could respond Kelly interjected. ?Yes, it all has to go.?
Megin’s first instinct was to tell her that under no circumstances would she allow the girl to take off all the hair from her mound but instead she just lay back, not knowing why she silently agreed.
Sandy came back and she watched as the girl spread the wax on the right side of her pussy. It was very hot but it felt nice. As the girl spread the paper on top of the wax she again got the same electric feeling she had before.
Sandy looked Megin in the eyes. ?You ready??
Sandy gulped down her distress at the pain that was imminent and nodded.
The girl ripped off the paper eliciting a yelp of pain from Megin, her hand’s leaping down to cup her pussy defensively.
?Oh my god. That hurt!? Megin sobbed softly half crying, half laughing.
?Only two more.? Sandy said smiling sympathetically.
Again she repeated the process with the same response each time. Finally Sandy cupped Megin’s running her fingers over her pussy till she felt the girl’s middle finger enter her vagina. Megin laid back as the girl ran her finger up and down her pussy repeating the intrusion each time. She fought to hold back a moan from escaping her lips. Megin could see her wetness on the girl’s finger as she turned to wash her hands.
Before she was aware of what was going on Kelly was between her legs. She barely perceived Kelly’s head going down to her pussy until she felt her warm breath on her pussy. It was then that she realized one second too late what was happening. Kelly’s tongue flicked up between her pussy lips till it reached her clit. The whole process caused the moan she had been holding back to rush from her lips. Accompanied by a lustful, ?No...? that was tinged with a sound of mourning, as if she had lost something.
Kelly ignored Megin and continued to use her excellent skills of cunninglus, causing the girl to bring her legs up and spread them wider. She pushed on Kelly’s head at first away, but after a few moments she pulled the girls head in using it to guide her mouth. It took only moments before the first tiny orgasm rolled through her body, building in her cunt and expanding through her stomach and tits. She felt dirty and wanted to fight it but she couldn’t. The last time anyone had touched her had been nearly a year ago and in many way’s she felt a virgin again and this act seemed to strip that virginal quality from her pussy. After that the orgasm seemed to come quickly as Kelly began to use two fingers to finger fuck her now trembling form until one powerful orgasm began to build causing her to squeeze Kelly’s head like a vice grip between her legs. Her moan was a half screamed, ?Oh god, don’t stop.? Just like that, she felt multiple orgasms race through her pussy and sending shockwaves of pleasure through out her body. Her cunt spasmed around Kelly’s fingers seemingly sucking them in with each forceful thrust of the girl’s hand. Finally the fingers stopped and Kelly watched Megin with her back arched beautifully. Once Megin came down from her orgasmic high she felt Kelly remove her fingers slowly from her pussy. She looked up not knowing whether to scowl or smile, instead she looked shocked.
?Was that your first time you had a woman do that to you?? Kelly asked.
Sandy could only give an affirmative nod as she tried to catch her bearings.
?I figured we needed a girl bonding moment to cement this whole mentor relationship.? Kelly said licking Sandy’s juices from her finger. ?You’re tight, and you taste nice.?
Sandy didn’t know how to respond. ?Thanks.? She said numbly as the shock of what had happened sunk in. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sandy staring almost slack jawed.
?God that was hot.? Sandy said giggling. ?Now me!?
Before Megin could stop her Sandy took Kelly’s place and began to eat her out. She used a different method, less tongue and more finger fucking. She thrust hard almost as if she were trying to punch her way into her cunt. The tongue would dance over her clit intermittently causing small orgasmic jolts to rip through her, until after only a couple minutes, once again she contorted into another massive orgasm that spasmed through her repeatedly. As Sandy pulled her fingers from her pussy she watched the girl clean them off sucking each one deeply. Finally the girl crawled up the table over her body sucking in first her right nipple then the other, bringing little aftershocks of her orgasm crawling from inside her, until finally she felt the girl’s lips on hers. Sandy’s tongue probed into her mouth writing around, it was all too sexy. She could taste herself on the girl’s mouth and she moaned again.
Sandy crawled off her body and Kelly watched Megin as she came back to earth.
?That was insane.? Megin said half laughing. ?Why would you do that??
?I felt bad about last night.? Kelly said. ?It wasn’t the best way to approach you about this whole affair. I wanted you to know it can be fun, what I do.?
?Does that happen a lot?? Megin asked propping herself up on her elbows looking at the now fully clothed Kelly.
?More often than you would think.? Kelly smiled broadly. ?Even if it didn’t I would probably still do it. I can think of two and half million reasons why.?
Megin dressed and thanked Sandy; she pulled a twenty from her purse and left it as a tip for Sandy, Who jokingly asked if that was just for the waxing? Megin blushed as she left the building.
Chapter 3
As she crawled back into the limousine with Kelly she was still under the after glow of her morning’s adventure. She watched as Kelly took out a briefcase and went over some papers.
?What’s that? Sandy asked trying to start up a conversation to bring the whole morning back to some sense of normal.
?We have to go get some papers signed this morning. I’m going over them to make sure they are in order.? Kelly continued to look the over.
Megin bent over Kelly’s shoulder. ?Want me to check them??
?You can, but remember I went to law school too.? Kelly smiled. ?How do you think I learned my particular skill set I showed you earlier.
Megin blushed as she took the papers from Kelly. They were for a merger between Ascot and Brennan Corps both medical companies. The deal would be worth almost 20 million dollars for Vera Corp. She looked at Kelly and her jaw dropped. ?Wow.?
Kelly smiled and took the papers back and put them into her briefcase. ?Right. I was once shocked to see those kind of numbers but it’s been the norm the last year. When we get there I want you to follow me in. You’re my assistant today. Just hang back and don’t interfere.?
?Ok.? Megin said as she felt her heart race trying to predict exactly what might happen.
The Car finally stopped and they exited in front of the Mason hotel, one of the finest in the city. Megin had always wanted to stay there; it was an exquisite piece of architecture from the art deco period. As they wandered through the halls lined with marble floors and antique furniture worth more than she earned in a year they entered an old elevator that looked new except that it had to be 80 years old. They exited on penthouse floor and she followed Kelly out to the door of one of the rooms.
Kelly knocked on the maple door and shortly after an older man answered. ?May I help you?? The man said with a British accent.
?Kelly Morgan, I’m expected.? Kelly said confidently. The man glanced her over and then ushered her in.
?Follow me please. Mr. Vidic is waiting.?
They walked through the foyer into the living room. There were two couches and a couple chairs set parallel to each other with a large coffee table in the middle. In one of the chairs smoking a cigar was an older man with graying hair that framed a portly face complete with pig eyes. The man was average build except for a noticeable paunch in his stomach. He was wearing a robe and pajama bottoms. He smiled broadly as Kelly entered.
?Miss Morgan, how wonderful to see you. Who is this lovely creature you brought with you?? The man asked, he too had a British accent and he half leered at Megin.
This is Megin Walton, she’s an assistant, she came to verify the paperwork.? Kelly stressed the verifying part.
Oh the man said almost dejectedly. The whole thought the man was distressed by the prospect of not fucking her excited Megin a bit. ?Well then, my name is Walter Vidic, it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Walton.?
The man that had answered the door and brought them in entered the room. ?Will you be needing anything else sir??
Mr. Vidic thought for a moment. ?Jacob, Miss Morgan drinks scotch and I’ll have a martini myself. What do you drink Miss Walton.?
?It’s Megin please. Anything is fine for me.?
Jacob left and turned as he did Kelly and Mr. Vidic began discussing the merger and paperwork. It only took a few minutes before the man agreed to the terms in the document. When Jacob came back in he set each individual drink in front of them.
?Will there be anything else sir?? He asked coolly.
?Yes Jacob. Will you please help Miss Morgan disrobe??
?Of course sir.? The butler said with the same lack of inflection.
Megin was taken aback by the blunt request. Kelly simply nodded slightly got up and stood in front of Mr. Vidic, who had an almost devilish smile on his face.
The butler reached up and unzipped the back of Kelly’s dress before pulling the dress off her shoulder to drop on the floor leaving her naked. Kelly for her part didn’t flinch or act like anything was out of the ordinary.
?Tell me how are her baps Jacob?? Mr. Vidic asked casually. In response the butler reached up from behind and cupped both of Kelly’s tits, squeezing them roughly causing the poor girl to wince emitting a half moan.
?Very nice sir.? The man said while mauling Kelly.
?Her twat, is it juiced up yet?? Mr. Vidic asked again with the same casual tone.
The butler reached down and cupped Kelly’s pussy sliding two fingers up inside her tight cunt, causing Kelly to push back into the man’s hand with a grunt. ?Definitely no clown pocket here sir. Tight as a clam and she’s nice and wet.?
Megin couldn’t believe what was unfolding in front of her.
Mr. Vidic nodded as he looked at Kelly. ?Have her give you a gobble.?
Jacob reached up and grabbed Kelly by the hair, using his grip to push her to her knees. With his other hand he unzipped his pants and pulled out a cock that was at least nine inches long semi hard. He slapped it on Kelly’s face like he was beating taps out on a drum before brutishly thrusting it in the girl’s mouth. Kelly did little to help the situation mostly because the man simply fucked her face shoving the whole length in her mouth and down her throat. The thickness of his cock caused her mouth to be painfully spread and her jaw felt as if it were about to dislodge but she persevered in spite of the pain.
?What a fucking hot piece of gash you are girl.? Mr. Vidic said, leering at Megin, who wasn’t sure whether the comment was directed at her or Kelly.
Megin continued to watch as Kelly was brutally face fucked till finally the old man groaned brought his cock out and aimed his glistening cock at the girl’s firm tits. She watched as rope after rope of cum fell on them leaving wet streaks across her tits. When he was finished he roughly slapped his softening dick on her right cheek.
?Very Nice. Now get over here and do me.? Mr. Vidic said with a menacing tone. Megin felt herself almost rise from her seat until she remembered it was Kelly here doing this sort of thing.
This time Kelly used her own skills on Mr. Vidic, very expertly jerking the man’s dick off while sucking on the head. She bobbed up and down taking the length in to her throat. Though not as large as Jacob he was a respectable seven inches. She continued to blow the man with practiced experience as he simply laid his head back and moaned before pushing Kelly off his cock.
Megin had not noticed that Jacob had taken a seat next to her on the couch. He was stroking his cock.
When she looked back ahead Mr. Vidic stood before her. His cock dripping with spit and precum bobbed with its big purple head a couple feet from her face.
?What do you think?? Mr. Vidic asked smugly.
?Sir?? Megin asked meekly, now able to smell his musky cock as he stepped in a few inches closer.
?My cock. Do you like it.? Mr. Vidic said with a smirk.
?It’s lovely.? Megin said softly trying to take her eyes off it as it bounced up and down in front of her. She could feel her mouth watering a bit.
?Want a gobble?? Mr. Vidic asked sarcastically.
?Sir, she’s here to watch.? Kelly said hoarsely.
?I’m talking to her.? He motioned dismissively at Kelly. ?Shut her up with your cock Jacob.?
Jacob smiled and stood up grabbing Kelly by the hair again this time pulling her over the coffee table in the middle of the room. He roughly flipped her on her back and pulled her head over the edge. Once she was in position he roughly fucked her mouth again with long full strokes. All the while Kelly protested but never resisted.
Mr. Vidic turned to face Megin again this time stepping closer forcing her to spread her legs. He reached out and grabbed the back of her head. ?Now you’re going to have a gobble of my cock. I’ve seen how you have been watching and it seems to me you look interested.? He pushed his cock inches away from her face waving it hard enough that spit and precum flew off it and onto Megin’s face. She flinched but instinctively her tongue darted out licking up some precum that had landed on her full lips. The man laughed as he watched her reaction.
?Sir please.? Megin said softly, still transfixed on his cock with its plum color head.
?Please what?? He stepped back giving her a view of Kelly, she was on her back getting face fucked again while Jacob was using her nipple rings to pull her tits up off her chest. ?She looks like she’s enjoying herself, right??
?No.? She mumbled as she watched Jacob viciously face fuck her friend, then, ?Yes.? Megin responded confused, as she heard Kelly let out a low sexual moan from behind the abusive face fuck.
?Well which is it, no or yes?? Mr. Vidic said giving her hair a painful tug to accentuate the question.
?Yes.? Megin snapped. Before she knew what happened she felt Mr. Vidic pull her to his cock. It was less than an inch from her lips, the purple head oozing precum.
?Kiss it you little whore. Right on the tip.? He pushed his cock into her lips and smeared his precum over them. She didn’t know why but she let her mouth open and Mr. Vidic entered it’s warmth with a groan. He fucked her mouth slowly with long strokes a few times before pulling his cock out. ?Take your clothes off gash.? He stepped away and Megin stood up and pulled her dress down her body. She unsnapped her bra and the man whistled, appreciating her large tits with their big pink nipples, she then pushed her g-string down exposing her bare cunt.
?Well you’re a sight aren’t you?? He whistled appreciatively. ?Ok whore, how about you get on your knee’s and finish what you started.?
Megin didn’t know whether she reacted out of fear or whether she felt obligated to help Kelly but she dropped to her knees in front of Mr. Vidic and took his cock back into her mouth, once again tasting the salty pre-cum seep from its tip. She smelled the sweat of his body as she bobbed her mouth rhythmically up and down his cock. The man groaned and grabbed her hair using it to guide her mouth faster or slower to his pleasing. It took only a few minutes before he groaned and shot his load of cum into Megin’s mouth. She gagged softy at the snotty consistency of it but she swallowed it all with out being told. She didn’t know why the whole process caused her to moan loudly, or why she did it so enthusiastically. Everything was becoming a blur. She was surprised that Mr. Vidic’s cock was still hard as she sucked the last of his cum out feeling it slide down the back of her tongue and into her throat. He pushed her away and she sprawled onto her back.
?Fuck her Jacob.? Mr. Vidic said dismissively waving his hand at Megin. Jacob at some point had started fucking Kelly who was responding by thrusting back to meet the man.
Megin wanted to say something, stop, no, anything but she just scooted back up onto the couch. The man with his gray hair and cruel eyes strode across the room towards her with his huge cock bobbing in front of him. It had to be at least ten inches long now and almost the width of her wrist, it had veins running the length and breadth of it and he was uncircumcised.
Megin got a glimpse of Kelly still sprawled on the table. Mr. Vidic had already gotten between her legs and was getting ready to fuck her. She couldn’t believe the depravity of what she was experiencing, it baffled her even more why she didn’t say anything as Jacob kicked her ankles so she would spread her legs farther apart.
?Suck it.? Jacob barked at her. Megin leaned forward reaching up to grab the cock. It was so huge she couldn’t even get her fingers around it. That alone made her groan, half from fear, and half from anticipation. She put the tip of it into her mouth and began to suck it; again she tasted the familiar flavor of pre-cum though there was also a taste that she wasn’t sure of almost fishy. She realized after cleaning most of it off that it must have been Kelly’s pussy. He pulled his cock from her mouth and used her hair to guide her on knees on the couch pushing her face down into the cushions. She moaned softly as she maneuvered into position, spreading her legs wide in anticipation of the man's huge cock. Her hands clutched the cushions bracing herself to take him.
?Fucking stuck up whore.? Jacob groaned gripping her hips hard as he started pushing his cock into Megin’s naked cunt. She groaned feeling herself spread far beyond anything she had ever felt. At first it only went in a couple inches that alone caused her to feel a sharp pain. After a couple short strokes she felt the head bump into her cervix causing her stomach to cramp up. He repeated that twice before she felt his cock filling her completely the cramping dulling reduced to a thumping ache every time he bottomed out. Still she felt the beginnings of an orgasm build and she wanted to scream no. Instead she bit her bottom lip and dug her fingers deeper into the couch.
Jacob groaned again at the tightness of Megin’s naked cunt, it clutched him as he pulled stretching outwards making him smile as he thrust back into the silky tightness again.
Megin felt confused she didn’t know why she couldn’t stop the feeling burning from her cunt up to her tits. Why she was succumbing to the mans harsh fucking like a common whore, she wanted to cry but the thrusting of his cock only elicited more moans as the piercing pain and pleasure burned inside of her. She felt as if the man was branding his initials on her cervix every time he pushed up past it.
Jacob frowned at the woman who was obviously beginning to enjoy the fucking he was giving her entirely too much. He slapped her ass leaving a stinging red mark, then reached under and grabbed her tits, little did she realize this was a precursor to him jack hammering her cunt. He began thrusting so hard the couch pushed forward. She let out a series of moans that were hard to distinguish between pleasure and pain.
She looked over her shoulder and she saw Kelly was watching her as Mr. Vidic fucked her with long even slow strokes. She too was biting her lips and seemed to be in a pre-orgasmic haze. The whole sight caused her to push back hard on Jacob as an orgasm exploded in her cunt. She didn’t realize she was screaming, ?Fuck me.? Until Jacob responded with a, ?That’s the spirit whore!?
He continued to batter her cunt, she heard the slapping of his balls on her clit as he managed to bring her to another orgasm, it felt like a piece of her soul was ripped from her as the pleasure spread through her pussy. Again before she could come down and desensitize he continued to milk another orgasm to which she enthusiastically begged for him to fuck her. He began slapping her ass hard calling her a slut. The slaps stung but for some reason it also excited her. He finally let out a deep groan and pushed his cock all the way into her before unleashing a torrent of cum. He again let set upon her upturned ass with a series of harsh slaps alternating between each cheek. Then at the last moment series of orgasms ripped a piece of her soul from her as she felt a wetness spread as his cock throbbed cum deep inside of her. When Jacob pulled his cock out she felt an agonizing emptiness for a few seconds.
She looked up and saw that Mr. Vidic was gone and Kelly was watching her smiling as she gathered up the documents the man had signed. She couldn’t help but smile back.
?Clean her cunt gash.? Jacob snarled at Kelly, who immediately launched her self towards Megin whose ass was still in the air as if waiting for Jacob to continue his viscous fucking of her. She latched her mouth over Megin’s naked cunt and began to suck and dig the sweet almost salty cum from her associates gaping hole. Until she could feel Megin reflexively tighten up again into one final cum that made the girl slump down onto her belly the sides of her enormous tits spilling out of the sides of her ribcage.
Chapter 4
The ride back was mostly quiet. Kelly asked the obligatory, ?Are you OK?? to which she responded with an equally obligatory, ?I’m fine.?
The problem was that Megin wasn’t fine, 24 hours ago she would have not thought what she had just done possible, nor that she would have enjoyed it. She wanted to say she had no choice but she knew that if she had said no emphatically enough the men would have let her be and focused on Kelly but she didn’t. For that one act, she wondered if she may actually be worse than Kelly. After all, Kelly was motivated by money today; she didn’t know what motivated her.
In part it might have been to aid Kelly, or maybe it was to one up Kelly. An even baser reason might have been the knot in her stomach when she saw Jacobs’s huge cock. She spent the ride back to the office musing about her actions.
When they finally reached the building they rode the elevator up to Dan’s office, the whole walk through felt like a Sunday morning walk of shame. She had felt Jacob’s cum start to drip down into her panty’s and it made her self conscious. She wondered if she smelled like sex or if the people she passed knew what had transpired during the day.
As she sat with Kelly waiting to see Dan her anxiety rose, for some reason she did not want Dan to know what she had done. She felt that if he did, she would definitely have lost some of the lingering dignity she was clinging to.
She couldn’t help but look at Cathy in a different light. She was young beautiful with average sized boobs matched up with a very athletic physique. She wondered if the girl had any idea what Kelly and she had done that day? That she and Kelly were facilitators, she caught her self at that and restated in her mind that Kelly was the facilitator, she was just an observer. An observer that just took a pint of cum up her pussy, she thought sarcastically.
It was no longer as hard to see herself in Kelly’s position though she still wasn’t ready to say that to anyone.
When Cathy finally told her and Kelly that Dan would see them now, she nearly jumped from dress.
As she entered the office Dan was seated behind his desk, he was going over something on his computer he waved them both to the chairs in front of his desk. Walking across the large office seemed as she were trying to pace herself for a marathon. She was getting short of breath as she sat next to Kelly.
?The meeting went well. I just talked to Mr. Vidic, he gave you both glowing reviews.? Dan frowned and looked at Megin. ?Though in light of your participation I’m afraid I’m going to have to push up the deadline.?
?What?? Megin said shocked? ?Why??
?Why?? Mr. Vidic said condescendingly. ?Because you decided to break protocol! What you did could put this program in jeopardy.?
?She didn’t know sir!? Kelly said softly with a tinge of fear in her voice.
?Didn’t know?? Dan stood up angry. ?You were supposed to keep her out of this till she agreed to the position. Instead you have her compromising this office with in hours!?
?I’m sorry sir. It was unexpected. If I knew there was a possibility of this I would have not taken her in.? Kelly her voice still shaky with fear.
?Well that’s to late now.? Dan stood up and came to the front of the desk. ?Kelly you may leave.? He waved at the girl dismissively.
Megin watched as her new friend got up and walked out of the room never looking over her shoulder for a second.
Dan looked at Megin appraising the obviously terrified girl. ?Here’s how it is before you leave this office you will decide to take on Kelly’s position or you will be fired.?
?Fired?? Megin said shocked. ?What do you mean??
?Fired for your sexual indiscretion?? Dan snapped at her.
?I don’t understand?? Megin said bewildered. ?I only did what I thought you wanted.?
?I asked you to observe!? Dan snapped back at the girl. ?By putting yourself in this position you’ve compromised us. You are still an employee of our legal department. Our legal department does not have sex with our clients to close deals. To do so in that position presents certain ethical dilemmas. ?
Megin hadn’t thought of that. As she did it dawned on her that what she did could get her into more trouble than getting fired. If it were to get into the open, they could use it as grounds to prohibit her from taking the bar exam.? Megin mumbled an, ?oh God? as the seriousness sunk in.
?So you choose now.? Dan leered at the girl. ?Same terms as before, two and half million dollars, a house and job of your choosing or you will be fired with out a reference and no benefits or severance.?
?I don’t know.? Megin said softly the shock still emanating through her body.
?I’m going to go get a drink and talk to Kelly about her error in judgment, when I return I expect an answer.? Dan said his voice softening. ?You have a great opportunity here or a horrible mistake. It’s your decision to take. When I return you will be either naked if you choose to take the job or you will not be here at all. There will be no negotiation. Be ready to either seal the deal or leave our employ.? He shook his head in disgust.
Megin sobbed as Dan left, unsure of what to do. She thought hard of what she had done already today and what was put before her. If she were to get fired, with out a reference, it would put her career back 4 years. She couldn’t believe what she had done today would put her in such a predicament. On top of that even if she were to tell anyone the truth, those that did believe her would be inclined to think her a whore already. She didn’t even notice as she stood up and let her dress drop to the floor. It was as she removed her bra letting the sheer material drop, in what seemed like a feather, to the floor, that she realized the choice had been made. It was only as she hooked her panties in her fingers and dropped them to the floor did she fully come to appreciate her choice. She picked her clothes up out of habit and folded them nicely, placing them on one of the chairs.
As Dan entered the room he saw Megin from behind, she was truly a vision. Her ass was round and firm with a gap forming between her full thighs that tantalizingly showed the mound of her cunt tightly sealed. Her tits moved almost hypnotically on her chest as she set her clothes carefully down on the chair. His mouth literally watered. She turned using one hand to cover her tits and the other pussy.
?Drop your hands to your side. Let me see what we are working with.? Dan said with a smirk on his lips. He reached down and unzipped his pants. Walking towards the girl who now let her hand slip to her sides blushing as her huge tits and bald cunt came into view. He pulled his cock out of his pants. Semi-hard he remembered her reaction last night and smiled as the same paleness came to her face as she gazed on the cock now half swollen and 9? in length and wider than her wrist. ?Beautiful.? He chuckled.
The man walked closer only feet away from Megin. He reached out and hefted one of her tits in his hand feeling the weight. He was pleased that she did not move. He squeezed it roughly then did the same to her other. She stiffened and moaned out loud closing her eyes tightly but still did not pull away. She seemed resigned to her fate.
In Megin’s mind she screamed to herself, ?This was not what she wanted, she had gone to college, worked hard and excelled and ended up here, being molested by a pig of a man.? She had never felt more naked in her entire life and it both repulsed and excited her. She resented the excitement she felt, the sense of betrayal started in her gut but quickly began to leave her cunt wet. ?Oh my god, what are you doing? she barked at herself. She knew it was as her own conscious that betrayed her. His hands continued to molest her tits, roughly squeezed her alabaster tits with his big calloused hands then crudely began pinching her nipples in-between his sausage like fingers. Though this should have caused her to collapse in tears all it did was elicit small moans from her lips with each painful twist.
He reached up to her shoulders and gently pushed her to her knees in front of him. She didn’t even need to be told what to do next. She reached up with her small hands and grasped his cock. It was now very hard and hot in her hands the skin surprisingly soft. She stroked it a couple times causing a stream of pre-cum to start its reach towards the floor. She quickly engulfed the tip of Dan’s cock and licked around the tip tasting the salty flavor of his juices. She again groaned as the man's huge cock filled her mouth painfully full. She began to expertly work the huge dick in and out of her suctioning lips. Her fingers couldn’t even wrap entirely around the man's cock so she began twisting her hands around his long shaft. She continued her ministrations for what seemed like an eternity before he grabbed her hair roughly and pulled her off the floor and guided her nude form to his desk. He used his legs to spread her’s apart leaving her dripping cunt more exposed than she thought possible. His thick finger dipped into her already sopping pussy which he brought out and then forced the finger into Megin’s mouth forcing her to suck her own musky cunt juice from him. It was only then that she remembered his office was lined with windows. She moaned again this time from the humiliation and fear that someone might be watching.
Guild ripped through her as she realized she had now stepped over the precipice and into a void she saw no way back from. Her stomach filled with a mixture of anxiety and longing that she had hidden down in her since the day before when Jacob had ravaged her. Every thrust Jacob had put into her had broken down the walls of her own decency and now what was left had been milked from her when Dan had milked her tit’s in his hands. She wanted to scream but all she could do was meekly relax her frame onto the desk and let go of the last bit of remorse she had. She flinched as Dan cleared his desk off with a quick wave of his arm sending the papers and folders flying to the floor. He then spread her cunt with his fingers before placing the tip of his cock snugly at the throat of her now dripping cunt. She wanted to scream, cry, run? but all she did was lay flat on her chest feeling her breasts meet the cold wood of the desk. Then she felt his warm fingers begin to stroke into her pussy until his thumb gouged into her clit for the first time. Her moan was a half sob as he sawed the two fingers roughly into her. Her cunt now was slick and she felt shamed by how easily they slid in till she felt the palm of his hands on her mons. Almost as soon as his fingers vacated her, she felt the head of his cock begin a slow and arduous journey into her pussy. He wasn’t able to get all nine inches of his cock into her on the first thrust it took several jabs till the same piercing pain she remembered from Jacob tore into her gut. Then as his balls slapped her clit she began to elicit soft mewling moans from her lips as he fucked her with abandon, listening to the sounds Dan grinned as he knew he had cowed the young woman.
She quickly became lost in the sensations that slowly stripped her of the last bit of respect that she had. She could feel the longing as his cock would pull out and the rush of longing as it jabbed in an almost murderous rhythm. The respect she had earned from her hard work and dedication, it was now being pounded out of her with each strong thrust of his cock. She stared blankly out the window and quickly spied a woman in the building across from the office looking at her. She caught her own reflection like a ghost in the window; her mouth dropped open, her lipstick smeared, tears streaking her cheeks. Tears she had been unaware of till now.
Dan quickly pulled her from the table and put her back on her knees and she instinctively took his cock back in her mouth sucking it an almost animalistic passion. She relished the taste of her own sweet cunt mixed with his precum as his cock gagged its way into the back of her mouth. She went at him with a passion she never realized existed in her, whether it was to end her ordeal quickly or from pent up lust was hard to ascertain. After a few minutes he pulled away from her laughing at the almost lost look that came over her face her eyes wide her mouth still stuck wide open as if begging him to push his thick long cock back into her mouth. Instead he pushed her on to her back by pressing his heel into roughly into the firmness of right tit.
?Get on your knees.? Dan said out of breath. ?Hurry it up you’re not the only thing I have to do today.? He once again took in the image of the young woman laying prostate at his feet. She slowly rolled to her knees and she again peered into the glass to see her reflection, the woman was gone. He used his foot on the side of her face to roughly push her head down into the carpet of his office floor. He laughed as heard an involuntary moan escape her lips. Suddenly his cock plunged into her slamming her battered cervix once again, causing her stomach to convulse washing her in nausea.
As she thought of vomiting she saw her own face contorted into a caricature of pain tinged with pleasure. Dan fucked her hard causing her big tits to squish out from beneath her painfully with each thrust. She felt his clammy pot belly on her firm ass, as his balls slapped out a tat-tat-tat out on her clit. Then the orgasm she had been ignoring exploded in her, causing dots like fireworks to form in front of her eyes. She blinked back tears at the realization of what had happened. She hadn’t wanted to cum but instead she came harder than she had ever remembered, the orgasms began to spill from her like quick drops from a leaky faucet, all while being used by this fat mean pig of a man. Suddenly she heard his groan and felt him jam his fat cock all the way in, once again bottoming out on her cervix the mixture of pain and pleasure again forcing her tom cum, one final time in sync with Dan’s own orgasm. She felt the warm wetness spread deep inside her stomach. The warm cum that spread inside of her seemed to wash the last shred of resistance she held away as she felt the man collapse on top of her panting pressing her body hard down into the carpet. Her tits crushed into the rug, the burning in her knees the pain her now dripping cunt all should have left her sobbing but instead she just stared blankly at her reflection in the window.
?You’re a natural.? She heard Dan say in a tone that both implied a compliment and an insult in its execution. He pulled his now semi soft cock out of her. ?Clean me off.?
She didn’t need to be told how, with her mouth and tongue she sucked all traces of the last 20 minutes of her debauchery. She moaned instinctually mingling of both her own cum and Dan’s drifted through her palate. As she felt his cock begin to grow again Dan pulled it with a pop from her lips as if he were taking a lollipop from a child’s mouth. The pop as it left her lips brought her back to the reality of what she had just done. ?To think last night you said you could never do this.? Dan said with a laugh. ?Get dressed and go find Kelly. She will help you with the rest of your orientation. You passed your first test.?
Thanks for reading. Please vote on this story and be sure to submit a review so I know better what to do in the future.
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Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The FappeningHi, this is xyz from pune and its my real story. I am normal guy dont fun loving and caring nature nothing much interesting simple guy. I meet praju(nick name) in first year of engineering. On the first day she was seating next to me as I come from small place and very shy so dint talk with her. In entire 1st year I dint spoke with her and she was average looking and very silent in class. My story starts in 2 years of engineering, she went to another division so no interaction at all. On...
Indecent Proposal By Katie Dale ---ONE I knocked lightly on the door to our apartment, then opened the door. We lived in a tiny apartment - ever since my father was abducted and my mother had to support the family all by herself. She wasn't qualified to work in a well-paying job - she got married young and hadn't continued her education past high school. She was a simple woman, content with a life as a mother and housemaker. Dad made enough money as a doctor, so that she didn't...
Proposal by Vickie Tern "You're perfect, now!" It'd been many months of hard work. Trying to persuade myself to agree, then allowing her to transform me into her ideal for me, at first only at home but then at that 'resort,' that special school where she sent me to live without her for nearly three months while they changed nearly everything about me, my looks, how I speak, what my voice sounds like, even to some extent my desires. And changed my...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesUnd draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...
BDSMMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
It was a beautiful April Fool’s Day, 1993, in the mile-high city. My bride of two-years and I enjoyed our Irish coffee at a quaint sidewalk café, celebrating our second anniversary and planning our evening out in this great city. Denver has the best night-life in the country with lots of big-name bands and dance venues, all the extras included, like fog machines, black lights and laser beams. As we sipped our drinks, my curiosity was piqued when several people grabbed a free, multi-page...
The Marriage Proposal.Is there something wrong? I asked my girlfriend of 7 years. We just had sex and she had this unsatisfied look about her. She does drive me crazy with her size 1 body, b cup breasts and perky nipples if I would ever see them get hard.She has a very small waist with a nice round little ass. Mid twenties with long blond hair, what more can a guy ask for. You would think she would be very excited, especially since we talk about getting married soon.A little background on Hope...
Southern California’s endless summer eased the sting of my husband’s absence during September and October. The anticipation of dreamy autumn stars and a harvest moon – suspended in a cobalt sky like an animated studio logo before the start of a movie – made his “Welcome Home” a joyful one. I had rationalized during Jeff’s void that my husband’s success convincing a jury to side with his client after a two month out-of-state trial was worth the long workweeks of preparation and nights away from...
Diana opened the new prescription and took one of the tiny pills and placed it on her tongue while reaching over to pick up the small glass of water and swallowed the little pill down her throat.Diana opened the kitchen cabinet placing the little packet of pills on the cabinet shelve before heading back into the bedroom. The prescription of birth control pills would be the last thing Diana thought she would ever need to take considering her husband Joe’s low sperm count.Diana and Joe had been...
Sania…. who was Sania? This story is about an indecent proposal I received during my last service to a female in Pune. She was one of many females who seemed to be lonely, looking to spice up her life with a deep rejuvenating body massage and a casual encounter. About myself, I am a part-time masseur based in Pune apart from my regular job as a sales professional. I am in my 20’s and look forward to generous replies at your end on the sex story below. Let’s call this female ‘Sania’. Someone had...
Disclaimer: This story contains some adult themes and it is expected that you, the reader, are considered to be legally an adult from the area that you are from, so as not to spoil your otherwise innocent nature. Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story. It contains a few events that actually happened to me although the names have been changed as has been the decisions and their consequences. Also since this is a multi-part story and this is only the first chapter there isn't a lot...
Sarah woke in the morning to find Mr. Michaels had texted her the number ‘2’. Her only surprise being the number seemed low for what she expected out of the lecherous old man. Deciding to knock out the first in the shower with her shower head, she made sure to leave the shower curtain open to give him a good show for the camera. When finished, she held up a finger indicating ‘1’ and blew the camera a kiss. She had no idea if he would really see it, but had fun pretending nonetheless. ...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...
Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...
Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...
Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-Fifrom my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...