Twisted Brotherly Love Chapter 1 - 3 free porn video

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This is the first Story I have ever written, Genre involve incest, rape, young, violence, bdsm, cruelty, male domination, exhibition and Stockholm syndrome.

Chapter one
The prologue

I lived a relatively normal life, my parents were (and are) nice Christian parents. We had a normal life in 5 bedroom house in the middle lived there all my life. When I was twelve my parents somehow got pregnant again and had a beautiful little girl named Sarah. She is a blonde haired blue eye beauty. However I didn’t realize this till she was eight when she was bending over playing with some dolls and I was visiting from college, it was like magic, instant-hard on. Before such I was contemplating gay because no other girl had ever sparked my sexual interest till I saw my little eight your old sister playing with her dolls and I saw her ass. Now at the time she was not even really developed and this confused me greatly because I was brought up with a Christian family and was told that having sex with a minor was wrong and against our beliefs.

So after a few months of confusion I asked my dad in private if I were an evil person for desiring the flesh of someone who was a minor and he raged at me, told me I WAS evil and that I was never welcome at home again. In my personal opinion this was a little severe but my dad was very traditional person and my mom was extremely submissive to him and she submitted to his judgment on me without question.

If only they knew that in two years time I would hit the lotto for its all time high of one billion dollars, a record since the lottery opened, of course after taxes that amounted to a measly *cough* six hundred million dollars over twenty years, which was delivered in nice installments of two and a half million each month. I decided to still get my PHD in mechanical engineering though considering that I only had three more months to go duked it out and got it.

I found that I had a lot of time on my hands and nothing to do with it because I didn’t really need a job anymore, I mean I pretty good with my money management having taken accounting and legal for my minors. It was during this time that I started thinking about my sister who was ten years old now. I decided to spy on my own family and find out if she still sparked my second brain. Being two years it took me some time to find out where my family lived now because they moved, but after some research I found out they moved to a location near an all girl’s catholic school. It took a couple of days but I found finally got to see her as she was exiting the school. She was breath taking developing a little bit more in the famine charms department she was an a cup hour glass figure had still blue eyes and blond hair and she was around four ft three inches tall. Being brave I decided to say hi and introduce myself but it turns out she remembered me and when she saw me she smiled and called out to me. Being a partial gentleman I decided to take her out for lunch and she accepted I asked if our parents would mind and she told me that they both worked till five and that she usually went to her friend’s house after school to kill some time but spending some time with her long lost brother was more fun anyways.

After a pleasant lunch I dropped her off at home and she asked if I would visit her again I told her I might but It would be some times because I was a very busy person. Coming home four states away I knew that I had to have her and thus I started to plan things out. I visited quite a few porn sites in my time after discovering that my sister was a fucking hottie I knew that I didn’t want to have her willingly and that kidnapping might be something that would be fun and kill some time that I had. Also training my little sister to be my cock whore would be the most amazing thing. A lot of planning goes into kidnapping a person first off I needed to have the right supplies which meant that I needed a safe way to get them without alarming some suspicion from authorities so I went to rented a storage room that would accept packages without question and had no security camera’s that worked.

After securing a way to get supplies I need a house that was secluded and that had a basement. One might thing that with a crashing economy finding the perfect house would be easy but I soon found it was not as I had assumed. After looking for several months I found the perfect house, it wasn’t big by any means but the basement on the other hand was huge. Plenty of room to fit all the nice little toys and rooms I planned for my little loving sister. After another three months of remodel and supply gather I was finally ready to kick my plan up another notch.

Chapter two
The sister knapping

One can never be too careful when planning a sister napping. Time and patience are very important getting a daily routine down is the first priority. My sister had a very scheduled life. She would go to her school at five forty five in the morning and would get out a quarter to three from there she would wait for her friend and they would leave the school and walk to her friend’s house till a quarter to five then should would walk home. I timed the walk home from her friend’s house by dressing up as jogger and it took me around five minutes going at what I thought was my sister’s pace. I originally figured I would grab her on her jaunt home from her friend’s house when I learned something very interesting reading the mail for my parents. In three weeks they were going on a cruise to the Bahamas for a few weeks and that my sister was going too watched by a live in babysitter during that time.

It took a few days to acquire who was going to babysit my sister over my parents cruise but after finding the location I took a few pictures of the babysitter and her car and started planning out what I was going to do. I bought the same car as the baby sitter and then I got a fake license plate with the same number as hers, I sneaked into her apartment and got the number on her phone with its serial and then started looking for a program that would hijack her phone, I also got a voice mixer and after hijacking her phone a few times I got the voice mixer to be picture perfect for the baby sitter. After all that I bought a few clothes and a wig that matched the baby sitters hair. There was only one more thing I needed for my plan to be complete. I needed to know what plane service my parents were using to get to their destination after a few days of waiting in finally found which service they were using and I was delighted by their choice. My parents were always the very frugal in how they spent their money and it appears the years didn’t change their ideology. They happened to pick a service that you had to show up on time or you would lose your seat. From there my planning was complete.

Finally after the weeks were up it was time. My plan set everything going to full motion. I drove to the babysitter’s place with my computer in hand voice mixer attached and ready and waited. After a few hours the babysitter showed up and with a little bit of wrestling I managed to knock her out with the help of some handy dandy chloroform. After that I made a phone call and used the voice mixer from the babysitters phone and informed my parents that I was not going to make it at their place right away that I was going to be around thirty minutes later then their flight would leave. They said it was going to be all right and that Sarah was a smart girl and could make it on her own for a few hours and that she would be instructed to lock the doors until the babysitter arrived.

With that done I once again waited till I knew that my parents were at the airport and then I put on the wig and some more casual clothes and drove to my parent’s place where my prize was waiting. My disguise wasn’t what I would call super good but for a ten year old girl home alone it was enough so when I got to my parents house and rang the doorbell I heard the delightful clicking noise of the door unlocking and from there it was surprising easy. After the door opened my sister looked at my face and knew I wasn’t the babysitter but she smiled and asked what I was doing. Being a nice brother I decided that I would be truthfully honest with her and told her straight out. “I’m here to take you to my place and make you my slave” I said with a smile. Looking at me with a little bit of curiosity as I’m sure she thinks I’m joking she says “well what if I don’t wana go to your place?” I figure now is time to show her I’m serious and I take a pair of leather handcuffs made for midget porn bdsm and a small ball gag and say “I really hope you don’t” as I laugh evilly. Now looking at me with a little bit of a scared expression she says “I have a babysitter coming here shortly you should leave before she catches you’re here and calls mom and dad. Its then that I take out my phone and show her a picture of her unconscious babysitter, now she really is starting to look scared and I can’t help but notice that my cock makes diamonds look soft right now.

She attempts to run to her room but I easily catch up to her and I throw her face first on her bed roughly pulling her hands behind her back I put the leather cuffs on her and then force the ball gag in her mouth, it’s a little big for her mouth but after a little bit of effort I manage to get it in thinking that it must hurt her a little bit. By now I start to hear muffled cries from her as she fully realizes that I was being perfectly serious with her and I can’t help but notice her luscious but cheeks from under her school uniform. I decide to give them a good feel and then I shift my hand under her white panties and feel her cunt which surprising is starting to get a little moist. “You like the idea of getting kidnapped and raped by big brother don’t you, you little slut?” now she starts to ball out crying snot nosed and everything so I decided to see if I can get those muffled sobs to stop some and pull out a knife out of my duffel bag. “Shut up you little cunt or I cut you and if you’re really bad ill slit your throat!” now I’m not a monster or anything and I wouldn’t really slit my own little sisters throat or anything but I doubt she knows that =D.

After the threat she starts to shut up a little bit and I turn her over so she is on her back on her bed and start to feel up her breast through her shirt , nice firm and little A cup at best but nice little titties that also make diamonds look soft. I take the knife and start removing her clothing panties and all and look at her lying on her bed completely naked. O how much did I want to forcefully take her right then and there but I had better more humiliating way I wanted to take her for her first time so I instructed her to stand and I attached a collar to her when she was standing black leather with slivers square smooth studs and a tag which I showed her in bronze that said cum sucker and told her that her knew name was that. Then I made told her to walk to the living room and I followed behind her watching her ten year old ass swag left and right getting harder by the second. Reaching the living room I turned on the tv and told her to sit on my lap and positioned her pussy so that I was grinding my cock threw my pants. After getting her in position so that her knees were and legs were on the cough and her pussy was spread on my cock I told her to grind up and down my pole as I started to watch the tv. It didn’t take long for me to feel my balls start to boil and I told her to stop and to get on her knees on the floor. When she was there I told her to look up in my eyes I took out my cock and she flinched. I’m sure she never saw a cock before I pulled my out and what she was most likely very intimidating being that I was ten inches long with a three in girth I’ve been told that I was blessed. Of course what she saw was most likely the scariest thing in her life and I could see the fear radiating from her eyes when I started to unload on her face and hair. There is something to be said about looking at your own little sister who loved and adored you and seeing her filled with fear and cum splattered all over her face and hair.

I waited till dark and then told her we were leaving and I grabbed a few things from her house that I could see were things that she liked and told her to march outside naked to the van. After opening that back she started crying again when she saw that I had rigged a special cage for her that was completely dark inside and had her spread wide open for the world to see if the opened the back door. Telling her to get in and in position she looked at me one last time and then tried her luck and running. Once again I caught up to her and shoved her in the cage and latched the rings to hold her in place spread and told her “That wasn’t a very smart move now I’m going to have to punish you for trying to run away from me, I haven’t explained the rules but it should be a given that trying to run away or hurt me is going to merit some form of punishment.” After saying that I pulled some clamps out of my duffel and showed them to her they were gator clips and I told her I was going to attach three of them to her on one on each of her nipples and one on her clit. The nipple clamps were easy to attach but her clit one was a little harder being that she was so young it took me a couple of seconds to find it and then I attached it and I her scream as if I was killing her. What a marvelous sound after attaching a few strings I made sure that every time I hit a bump she would feel it on her clamps and I closed the cage door which left her in compete darkness and proceeded to make the two day trip home.
I stopped a few times to go to the bathroom and pick up some snack food and I had staked a few gas stations that had outdoor bathrooms in secluded areas of various towns I had to pass through and got my naked ten year old sister to go the bathroom a few times at those locations while keeping the clips on so she would know that breaking my rules meant serious consequences. I didn’t feed her though because I wanted her first form of food from me to be a direct deposit from second brain and what can I say when two great minds thing alike. After two long days of travel I finally made it to my small house in the middle of the woods and at last it was time to have some fun with my new little sister toy.

Chapter three
Breaking in the cunt

Opening the back of van and the cage I saw my beautiful ten year old sister spread eagle naked and sleeping like a baby with the clips still attached to her titties and clit. I admit I took a few minutes to just stare at her chest rise and fall with the clips attached and was ever exited about looking at her. But all good things must come to an end and I woke her up. She looked confused at first and then freighted as she realized we had stopped moving and we were not at a gas station, which could only mean we had made it too our destination. “Rise and shine sis were at our new home, isn’t it beautiful? Were in the middle of nowhere without a soul for miles we have all this space just for me to enjoy you and your luscious body.” She looks at me with fear in her eyes and then I start to see tears well up and instantly feel my cock get harder. “But first I need to get some sleep it was a long drive and I’m tired and for a young slut like yourself I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot of energy so I can fuck your nonstop for days so I’m going to get some sleep and you should too cause when I wake it its going to be a nonstop fuck fest on your pussy slut…. Oh wait I almost forgot you still need to finish up the rest of your punishment there is only so much one can do in the public and I wana make sure that you don’t’ do anything that is stupid again.” I laugh evilly as I hear her whimper. I tell her to follow me as we walk to a tree near the road and she is still naked as the day she was born and then I pull out a few ropes pullies and a harness from my duffel bag and rig something up in the tree the I pull I small vibe egg and fit it in the harness where it will press right on her clit and tell her to lift her leg so I can get het harness on her. After a few minutes of maneuvering I finally get the harness on her and sling her up in the tree so that she is once again spread for the world to see and have the rope attach to a hook on her back so that her weight is spread amongst her pussy and her chest her titties clips still attached and her clit clip gone do to the fact that the harness wouldn’t fit others I look at my work. My beautiful ten year old sister slung in a tree wearing only my harness and the clips giving the ‘forgive me’ look on her face. “Your right I did forget something” I walk to my shed and pull out a extension cord that will go to the tree by the side of the road and attach it to her vibe which I haven’t turned on yet, then I pull out a red leather mask and cover her eyes. “almost time for some sleep, remember when I wake up ill come and get you for some fucking so make sure your wet when I get back, although it shouldn’t be a big deal considering its going to rain all day today” I hear her start to cry again and I turn on the vibe and walk away.

After sleeping for a ten hours straight I decided it’s time to start feeding my cock whore sister her first dose of cum. Considering I’m hard as a rock from just waking up I don’t think it will be long before she gets fed. I get completely undressed and walk out to my new favorite tree and see my ten year old sister is dripping from her pussies as the vibe is doing a great job I also see she is still a little wet from the rain showers in the afternoon and decide to announce my presence. “hello my little slut its time to rape the shit out of your pussy” I hear her moan or cry I can’t really tell as I let her down from the tree. She is a little wobbly from having been up in a tree and in a cage for the past three days without only a little food and water so I carry her into the house and set her down on the kitchen floor. I remove the mask and see her eyes are a little puffy from crying and then she notices that I’m completely naked and starts to whine a little bit. “Stop that slut I’m going to tell you a few rules and regulations and these you should take to heart. First you will not speak unless spoken too. Second when addressing me your will call me daddy. Third when you ask for something you will say your name and what you want in the most vulgar terms possible, are you hungry?” looking at her I see that the mouth gag I still logged in her mouth and remove it she whines a little and then does some exercises to relieve some the strain in her mouth muscles “Yes” sniffle, I look at her sternly and she replies “Yes daddy I am very hungry” “Before you get any food you will need to eat the protein that comes from my cock first and to get it you will have to suck the protein out of it using your tongue and throat, after I give you a load I will prepare you some food to eat other than your favorite … CUM” now she looks at my cock and starts to tear up again making me harder and making my cock jump hitting her face, she flinches away from it and I slap her lightly making her look at my cock with the same motion. “You are going to have to ask permission to suck to get my protein bitch and if my cock hits your face you will enjoy the sensation of having daddies cock on your face now ask for it using your name!” “daddy can I please suck your cock in my mouth for your protein?” slap a little harder enough to leave a light mark on her face “Slut for you there is no I anymore when referring to yourself u will use your name the same one on your slut tag” crying now she says “daddy can this cum sucker please suck your cock in my mouth for your protein?” “Better bitch but don’t forget that it’s your favorite protein and it’s called cum!” still crying it comes out in sobs “daddy can this cum sucker use your mouth to get her favorite cum from your cock?” “I guess I’ll let you cum sucker but next time I better not need to correct you as much or you will not get any food or water for the day.”

She looks at my cock and get her face a little closer to it, her fear fading away being driven by her hunger she gives it a smell and pulls her face back. “it stinks” I slap her and tell her to put the tip of my cock, now spewing a little bit of precum from looking my naked sister, up to her nose and smell it with deep long breaths and I tell her to inhale the precum as well which she does coughing as it bocks her airways a little bit. I have her do this for a few minutes before I tell her to lick my shaft from the balls to the top and she does sticking her little tongue out of her mouth and slowly licking my shaft from balls to tip after she gets to the tip she pulls away a little bit “brother please I don’t like this I wana go home please take me home” she says crying now. I sigh a loudly “I don’t know what you’re talking about cum sucker but my proper name is daddy and you are home, for speaking without permission you leave me no choice but to punish u again.” Now she really starts to ball as I pull out a mouth ring used to hold open a mouth for giving blow jobs and put it in her mouth then I lift her to the table and place her on her back and secure her legs spread while her head is a little of the table so that I can deep throat her with ease. “Next time I expect you to be able to do this on your own but because I’m a good and loving brother ill do this for you so you can eat.” I position my ten inch hard cock at her mouth opening and slowly start to insert. Inch after inch I see my cock slowly get devoured by me ten year old sister at five inches she starts to gag a little. “Cum sucker don’t think because your gagging I’m going to stop, I’m going to teach you early that when you’re having a hard time breathing u need to breathe through your nose now prepare to be thought raped and take all ten inches of my cock.” With that said I pull out a inch then I thrust with my hips and watch all ten inches of my cock disappear in my sisters throat she starts gagging hard core as I’m logged all the way in her throat I can see her neck bulging where my dick is, and I feel and see my cock bulge a little in her throat. After around thirty seconds of feeling her young throat gripping and messaging my cock I decide to pull out and let her take a breath before forcing myself insider her again. This time I wait around five seconds before I just start to deep throat face fuck my little sister. After about five minutes of this I start to feel my balls start to boil in that all to familiar feeling just before you’re about to cum. “Yea slut your throat feels good I’m going to cum if you’re really hungry don’t let a drop fall and eat it all or it’s the only thing you’re going to eat today!” I pull out just so that the tip of my cock is in her mouth as I start to spurt, after a few spurts I do one hard thrust and fully lodge myself in her throat again as I spew the rest of my cum down my sister’s throat. When I’m done I pull out “Wait don’t swallow my cum in your mouth yet I wana see it on the top of your mouth” I look down and see my sisters face is a little red where my balls and hips slapped her face her mouth still open because of the ring and I see my cum in her little ten year old mouth, I take the ring out “Ok Swallow it” she closes her mouth crying and I hear an audible gulp “open up I wana double check” she does and there is nothing left. “Well Cum sucker even though I did all the work I guess I’ll make you something to eat and then it will be time for me to fuck that nice little pussy of yours ha ha ha ha ha….

To Be Continued... post good replies and comments my grammer and spelling could be horrible if so sorry


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Brotherly Love Part Six

My drive home was full of visions of what I'd witnessed over the weekend. I was happy that my wife had sucked me off before I left for home, I needed that. She called me three times during my drive home, to check on me and ask how I was doing?She told me that she was going to give my father another shower later. That got me hard, it filled the rest of my journey with erotic thoughts.I got home and unpacked my case, I went to the bathroom and jerked myself off. I stayed naked for the rest of the...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I'm in my bed, under just a sheet, and naked. My bedroom curtains are drawn across so my room is mainly in darkness. Downstairs I can hear movement as mum readies breakfast but it's the movement in the next room to mine that has my attention. Soon, or soon I hope, he'll step out and head for the bathroom. My bedroom door is open just an inch or so and I can clearly see the illuminated landing. His door opens and my brother moves across to the bathroom and as he does my erect cock stiffens...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part Eight

My wife's screams were even louder that night. Brian must have fucked her hard in every way.I did work myself off again before I fell asleep. As I shot my load into my hand, a couple of drops fell on my leg; I licked my hand clean before scooping the drops from my leg. I couldn't believe that I licked them as well.It was just after seven-thirty the following morning when I took my father a cup of coffee. As I passed Brian's bedroom door, I could hear my brother and my wife talking. I visited...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love

Amanda and I had been married for almost three years when my father was taken ill.Amanda is twenty-nine years old, I am thirty-one. She is a very beautiful brunette, shoulder-length, wavy hair, thirty-four "B" cup breasts and a very firm, slim body. She stands at five-feet four-inches and weighs one hundred and twelve pounds. Her regular visits to the gym to keep herself looking sexy have certainly paid off, she turns heads wherever she goes.Our sex life was incredible when we first wed but,...

1 year ago
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Brotherly love

100% fiction! It was just after my brother moved back to town, he had been away for almost ten years. It started out as a game we played while having sex, I would talk to my wife about her sucking my brothers cock as I would go down on her. She started getting into it and said that she would like it if I helped her perform oral on my brother, since we were only talking I told her that would be fun. I have had a couple of bi encounters and was wanting to get another one started, so this played...

1 year ago
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Brotherly love

I had come home from a party early because I had a fight with my boyfriend, who I had caught kissing another girl. I was lying on my bed watching some porn, and just fingering my vagina and pubic hair. I wasn’t actually masturbating, just touching and feeling it. I was frustrated because my boyfriend and I usually had sex on the way home, and in view of the fight, I was not going to get any tonight. I loved sex and the feelings it gives me when the boy touches me. I have had a few boyfriends...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

"Sam Sherman will be captain for the school team this year" announced Mr Smith the football coach at the end of the training session, it was late September and Sam had been performing well in all of the training sessions of the year so far and it seems his hard work had paid off. Turning round his best mate James was there ready to give him a congratulatory high five. Sam was considerably taller than James, and adolescence had dealt him a better hand too; James stood at only 5ft...

2 years ago
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The Preachers Wife Chapter Nine Brotherly Love

Maggie's brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was forty-seven years old, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was forty-two. Both had married young. Both were divorced, Maggie only recently from her preacher husband. She was working in a refugee camp in Thailand.As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn't see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother...

3 years ago
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brotherly love

Chelsea Williams. That’s me; I’m 16 and a brunette. I live with my mum and my 18 year old brother, Daniel. My dad was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq when I was 5. Me and my mom aren’t very close, she’s never around and hardly has time for me or my brother. We often argued, to be honest, we can’t even be bothered to get annoyed anymore. Daniel is the only one who understands me, who respects me. My life is crap. Everything is so fucked up (ok, I’m exaggerating). Well that’s my amazing (liar,...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 2

After spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser.  Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love Part 2

After spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser.  Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love For His Married Elder Sister

Hi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 5

 “Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out.  I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do.  Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car.  I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 5

 “Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out.  I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do.  Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car.  I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 3

Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 3

Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...

1 year ago
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I Just Love Brotherly LoveChapter 2

So, when I get home, I run up to my brother's room and he's laying on his bed with his pants open rubbing himself. "Oh, I've been waiting. I'm glad you're home." "Well, I'll be glad to take care of that for you if you'll let me change first. Be right back" I run down the hall, shed my school clothes and run back to Jordan's room and jump on his bed. He's also naked and ready as we kiss and feel each other. "Oh, I've wanted this all day," I say as I get up over him and take...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part Two

Part Two "RACHEL" My twin sister, and sometime brother, and I had been experimenting sexually with each other and crossdressing together for around a month, growing to love and to perfect our new feminine personas until they became the ones we thought of as our true selves. Whenever our parents were away from the house, we would sneak into our sister Charlotte or our mother's closets and take and wear their sexiest underwear and clothing and become completely our female selves....

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I often watched my brother.   I knew it was wrong, but I could not help it.   Why?   Because I did not see him as my brother.   He was a twenty year old freshman at the local college near our home.   I saw him more as a fresh college guy waiting to score.   We were close when we were growing up, but the older we got, we grew apart.   I guess that is because I was his sister and he was my brother.             Bryce was not like any guy that I had dated.   He was...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Maggie’s brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was 47, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was 42. Both had married young. Maggie had been divorced from her preacher husband for two years and was working in a refugee camp in Thailand. As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn’t see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother was staying with him in Los...

3 years ago
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I Just Love Brotherly LoveChapter 1

My friend, Haley, has her computer in her room and, somehow, she has figured out how to get to the adult stuff on the web, you know, the porn sites. My god, there's a lot of them. We've been surfing for over a month and we just never run out of new sites. Oh, some of it is pretty gross. I mean, what an education! What some people will do and call it sex. Well, anyway, we quickly learned to avoid those videos, just the sex stuff with men and women was plenty. Oh, plenty. We saw everything,...

1 year ago
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Brotherly LoveChapter 5

Stretching luxuriously, I moved my hair off my neck and arched it, allowing better access to the soft lips planting small kisses there. ‘Mm,’ I murmured, eyes shut tight. This was a wonderful dream, and I didn’t want to ever wake from it. Surely it was a dream, because Jason couldn’t have woken up beside me and be caressing me awake... Then I felt the hot hardness, pressed through the material of his shorts and my nightgown, and my body bent toward him, pressing myself back against my...

3 years ago
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Brotherly LoveChapter 9

The spray from the shower-head was warm, and I basked in it, reaching my hands above my head in a spasmodic, wonderful stretch as I stood under the water. My voice only faltered a moment as the stretch took over my body; I was singing, ‘Look Down,’ from Les Miserables at the top of my lungs, only recently having seen the film when we took it out of the public library and immediately falling in love with the story and songs. Now, Jason was subjected to, ‘Who am I,’ and, ‘Master of the House,’...

2 years ago
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Introduction to brotherly love

My mother got the local babysitter to come and keep an eye on us as she had to go to a wedding no horny little k**s allowed, so she went as the young girl arrived to look after us. Both my brother and sister was out visiting a friend so I was there with her on my own, she informed me that she was horny and wanted to spend time away from me and encouraged me to watch TV. After about half an hour I started to hear strange noises coming from my bedroom so being an inquisitive young person I went...

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brotherly Love

I remember us bathing together as c***dren. He always made me feel so safe and this destructive path that I call my love life has lead me to believe that he is the only one I can trust. I was brought up to frown upon things like these but I cannot help how I feel and believe me I have tried. Is it wrong to feel that I want a real man inside me? I have to know if he is curious about this as well but how? Her brother was coming to visit her and he said he would be there shortly. She was expecting...

2 years ago
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brotherly love almost getting caught

So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...

2 years ago
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Brotherly LoveChapter 2

I awoke fairly late the next day, moaning in protest at the sunlight streaming through my open curtains and turning over onto my belly to bury my face in the pillow. ‘Who opened the curtains?’ I complained into the pillow, muffling my voice. However more mature I was compared to my peers, I’m still not a morning person. ‘I did, ‘ said a voice behind me. The bed heaved and bounced as a heavy body climbed on behind me and straddled my legs. I didn’t have enough time to sum up the energy to...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love Big Brother Likes It In The Ass

By Blackdawn Chray Yanu couldn’t help it, groaning in lust, he secretly shifted his steadily growing groin from the pocket on his pants suit as he trailed their new Sales Rep. across the floor level of their 32-story building. She was a fine piece of ass – young - looking to be in her 20s her file said she just got out of college, her brunet hair dyed blonde that was pulled back into a fashionable bun, a few strands of stray hair falling out against her long neck, blue eyes shined brightly...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love Part 4

Day Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine.  He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel.  Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 4

Day Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine.  He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel.  Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love Turned Into Raw Lust 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, This is not a story but incidents occurred that changed me for the best. I’m now 26 years old guy doing my M.S. contact me at So have fun while i take a trip down the memory lane. Story is a bit long as it involves several years of us being together. For privacy reasons no names will be mentioned. This happened when I was back in India and doing my engineering degree. I was a hopeless romantic who liked girls but never dared to go express my feelings, But if a girl is my friend i...

2 years ago
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Enjoying brotherly Love

If i****t offends you, I suggest not to keep reading. In words of a close friend. My name is Anu and my brother's name is Raju. We've been together roughly 15 years as we are in our late 20s/early 30s. This is how it all began between us. My parents were both recovering alcoholics when I was born and fortunately never relapsed when I was growing up. I really had a simple c***dhood; I was quiet and people liked me because I didn't bother anyone.My world changed when my grandfather died in a bad...

2 years ago
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Anu enjoying brotherly love

My name is Anu and my brother’s name is Raju. We’ve been together roughly 15 years as we are in our late 20s/early 30s. This is how it all began between us. If incest offends you, I suggest you look elsewhere. My parents were both recovering alcoholics when I was born and fortunately never relapsed when I was growing up. I really had a simple childhood; I was quiet and people liked me because I didn’t bother anyone. My world changed when my grandfather died in a bad accident – my father’s...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Beth had just recently turned 16, but even still, her mind and level of innocence made her seem younger. When all of her friends, many just at the beginning of their sexual awakening, were making out and feeling each other up, with some well on their way to sex, she was still blushing at the thought of holding hands. She just had no clue. It was the weekend after her birthday. Since her family had been so busy the week of and only had time for a quick get together, she allowed a little sleep...

2 years ago
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Brotherly LoveChapter 4

‘Oh, fuuuck,’ I moaned, my breath coming in short little wisps. One arm came up from the pillows, where they’d both been splayed above my head, and my small fingers twirled themselves firmly in the auburn mass of Jason’s curls. I pushed his face harder between my legs with the butt of my hand. He made a little noise of surprise at my active enthusiasm but kept at it, his hot tongue swirling in circles around the little nub of my pleasure and lapping down to my pussy entrance. When he teased...

3 years ago
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The Crusader Brotherly Love

The spell that Cayden de Witte weaved on everyone who crossed her path did not ignore her family. To her father, his only daughter could do no wrong. She was his precious princess. Hayden de Witte also failed to be immune to his twin sister’s charms. At eighteen, Cayden wasn’t yet aware of the way she affected people. She didn’t realize how beautiful she was or the power of her sexual appeal. She wasn’t yet the seductress that would make the Baroness Sophie von Streit weak. Otto von Streit was...

2 years ago
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Brotherly LoveChapter 8 Possibilities

Sweetgrass was a sleepy town. In total, I’d say there were about 2 000 people living there. It had its own school, though, a nice looking big brick building with one of those old playgrounds that are actually fun. It went from K-12, too, and I’d always wondered what it would be like to go to a school like that. Sweetgrass had a town hall too, a few restaurants, and your run-of-the-mill stores. It was just as good as a big city, I thought, but quieter. During the day few cars went on the...

3 years ago
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BrotherlySister love

It was 10pm when she got in from her friends and she sighed lookign around when she noticed her brothers shoes. Remus looked up from the couch and grinned hearing his sister walk in and he chuckled ''So i dont even get a massive hug after coming back from University?'' he yelled. As he saw her step through the door his eyes went wide. What had happened to his little sis, she used to be flat chested with no curves and now.. now she had a massive rack on her chest, an hour glass figure and...

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