Ticklish Tantalism free porn video

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"Ouch!" Joselle's hand rose to her neck, thinking a wasp or hornet had just stung her. Odd for a hornet to be out so late at night, she thought as she walked thru the near-empty parking garage to her car after a long day in court.

No sooner did she begin to lift her arm, however, she felt incredibly lightheaded and, within seconds, passed out cold.

"That wasn't a hornet, Joselle," said a man's deep voice.

"Where am I," she said. Joselle still felt groggy and light-headed, and a small pinching pain in the back of her neck. As she went to rub it, she realized her hands were bound above her, entrapped in silk-lined cuffs of some sort well above her head. She was laid out on what appeared to be a gynecological table, with her feet curiously close together. Oddly enough, she was still fully dressed, wearing her tight Diesel jeans over the tops of her new Cole Hahn leather boots. Inside her boots, she wiggled her toes inside her striped black nylon knee-high socks.

"Where the hell am I? Who are you?" she screamed, thinking a rape or other terrible assault was imminent.

"I'm Dr. Vynter," said the man. He was about 45 years old, tall with dark hair and a powerful build. "You've been 'selected' for a little experiment of mine. That pain in your neck earlier in the parking garage wasn't a bee-sting, it was a tranquilizer dart. You see, I had to put you to sleep for the transport here to the lab. While the Dr. spoke he began running down a list of items noted on his clipboard.

"I didn't consent to any 'experiments,' and demand you release me right now! I'm an attorney and will sue you for assault, false imprisonment, and a lot of other things!"

"Now now Joselle, I assure you you're going to have a splendid time here. Now lets see, have you ever had any breathing problems or high blood pressure?"

"I WANT TO BE RELEASED THIS INSTANT" she screamed, pulling hard at her bonds and squirming within the limits of the restraints.

"Joselle, I've explained already that release isn't possible. We have to complete the experiment, and I plan to go about this very methodically and thoroughly. I think you may even enjoy some of the tests we're about to perform.
With that, the doctor turned his attention to her Cole Hahn boots. He pulled a small paintbrush from his pocket and began slowly swirling it about the stiff leather, making circular marks first across the toe of the right boot before moving on to the sole.

"What are you doing, giving me a shoeshine?," Joselle said.

"No Joselle, I'm merely testing your "sensitivity" shall we say. In a few moments when this boot comes off, I'll get a better idea of just how ticklish you are."

"Noooo! Joselle shrieked. Ever since childhood, she had been terribly ticklish, to the point where even the slightest graze across her foot was sheer torture. "You can't tickle me, I can't stand it. Anything but that! I'll have sex with you, you can burn me...anything but TICKLING!"

"Joselle, understand this: I am going to tickle you using various instruments and tools, including my manicured, well-buffed fingernails. They are torture devices in themselves, my fingers, as they are smooth enough not to so as much rip your cute little striped nylon knee socks."
Joselle was in fear like she'd never felt before. The doctor began slowly and methodically tugging her boot away from her right foot. Joselle "clenched" her foot and tried to hook her toes into the boot to make it harder to pull off, and it was working. At least for a moment, anyway.

"My my, Joselle, I get the feeling you'd rather leave your boots on! Now how I am going to tickle those lovely feet of yours with these heavy boots in the way? That just wouldn't work, would it?"

Joselle gritted her teeth and curled her toes tightly, trying desperately to keep the boots from coming off her foot. But she was no match for the doctor, who used his strong grip to finally pull the boot down past her heel and off.

Now exposed, Joselle's foot glistened thru the black striped knee sock. The dark burgundy of her toenail polish could be seen thru the thin nylon. The doctor stood back and gazed a moment at her sock-covered foot, admiring it.

"What a lovely foot you have, Joselle. Why did you want to cover & hide such a lovely foot inside those thick leather boots?"

Joselle felt rabid pangs of fear rise in her throat as the doctor walked slowly about, taking in the view of her foot from different angles but not touching it. Yet.

Suddenly, the Doctor raked a finger slowly across her foot from the toes down the arch to the heel. Just one single stroke, but it had a effect on Joselle that was electric! She twitched within the limits of her restraints and laughed hysterically. "My my Joselle, you are ticklish aren't you? I barely even touched you! Imagine how bad it's going to be when I go at you with this" The doctor held up a small electric toothbrush, which he switched on so Joselle could hear the buzzing sound.

"Of course, that's for later. We have this as well!" said the Doctor cheerfully, pulling a soft, round make-up brush from his shirt pocket. He twirled the brush between his thumb and forefinger, mimicking the technique he's use later to torment her.

With that, poor Joselle simply broke down. Hysterical. She had no idea how (or if) she'd be able to withstand the type of tickling the doctor was talking about. On a scale of one to ten, her ticklish level was about a 99. It was the poor little thing's worst nightmare, a horrific dream that was, to her writhing, uncontrollable fear, about to come evilly true!

The doctor walked over to kneel beside Joselle's now-sobbing head for a moment. She was crying hysterically and shaking, her chest heaving and snorting, mucus-clearing like sounds emitting from her nostrils. The Doctor wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye with his finger.

"Now now, Joselle, it isn't going to be so bad. I'm going to tickle you, and tickle you severely. That is assured, and there simply isn't a thing you're going to about it, being all "buckled up."

With that, the Doctor patted gently the strong leather cuffs which bounds her hands to the table, as if to emphasis the severity of her predicament.


Now let's just switch on some "tunes to tickle by," Joselle! With that, the doctor pulled a remote control from his pocket and pressed "Power." Instantly the room was filled with a deep, throbbing bass sound as what sounded like club music or techno began to flood the chamber.

"You like the music, Joselle?" The doctor had to shout into her ear to be heard above the roar and thump of the sound.

"Why are you doing this to me," Joselle asked. He had to read her lips as the music was too loud to hear her.

"Joselle, he shouted in her ear, "this is so I can't hear you beg. Often times my patients beg almost hysterically for me to stop tickling, but now you can shout yourself hoarse- and you will, I assure you- and I won't hear a thing! And if I can't hear you tell me to stop, I won't stop. Understood?"

Joselle began crying again as the Doctor began unbuttoning her blouse. Joselle had plump, round breasts, and the Doctor undid enough buttons to expose her bra and cleavage, Then, pulling a pair of scissors from his pocket, he cut between her bra straps and eased her breasts from their cups just enough so her puffy nipples were visible.

"OK, now we're ready to begin." Joselle of course couldn't here him as a pulled a small wheeled stool between her feet. Her toes wriggled nervously beneath the striped nylon, curling and uncurling as if trying to protect themselves from the oncoming tickle assault.

The doctor slowly rolled Joselle's jeans up her right leg, carefully folding and tucking the denim so it wouldn't get unrolled while she struggled. Being careful not to wrinkle or disturb her lovely black knee-high nylons. Her recently waxed leg shone beautifully under the harsh light of the laboratory, gleaming thru the translucent stripes of the nylon. Once her jean was rolled up to her kneecap, the Doctor gave her a quick, playful tickle right behind her knee, which caused Joselle to convulse and nearly lift herself off the table in hysterical laughter. Referring to his clipboard, the doctor noted that area (behind her knee) as one to address later with the electric toothbrush, which he was certain would be unbearable beyond belief for her. Before moving on, the Doctor gave a gentle "tug" to the top of her nylon sock, pulling it tight and smoothing the handful of wrinkles that had formed as it went up her calf.

Moving downwards. the Doctor gently placed his hands atop her foot, and carefully pulled slightly upwards on her toes, stretching taut her high arches beneath the nylon, making them more vulnerable. Preliminaries done, he began to gently wriggle the fingers of his other hand down her arch, saving his softest touches to lightly torment her heel. Her foot (indeed, her entire leg) twitched and convulsed violently, yet the restraints held her fast. There was no escape possible.


Preliminaries finished, the Doctor now began tickling little Joselle's petite foot in earnest. The thin, black nylon of Joselle's socks seemed to amplify and make more intense the devilish wriggling of the Doctor's fingers against her bare soles. Joselle especially hated the deep, throbbing club music which the Doctor had now turned to blaring volume. It's bass throbs shook the metal gyno table and sent ticklish vibrations thru her bones. It was as if she was strapped to a giant, buzzing cell phone!

After a minute or so, the doctor released her pulled-back toes from his grip. He watched as she cutely flexed her toes, and began trying to curl them downward in an effort to 'guard' her vulnerable soles. The black stripes of the nylon were like prison bars, tautly stretched against the pale skin beneath.

So ticklish was Joselle that she had never had a pedicure, at least not a professional one. She's always attended to her own feet, as she secretly feared having a ticklish breakdown and possibly embarrassing herself in public at the nail salon. Now her worst nightmare had come true, with a ticklish fiend attacking her poor foot relentlessly.

Her break from tickling was short lived. The doctor took a moment to swing a large, body-length mirror in place over the gyno table so Joselle could now see her reflection staring back down at her. What a sight she was! Her hair was mussed & tousled from where she'd shook her head back and forth during her torture, and her crying had dissolved her mascara and sent purple rivers of it down her reddened cheeks. The doctor quickly raked an index finger down her arch, and her face contorted in laughter like a sad clown, her ruined makeup giving her an absurd, defeated appearance.

The doctor apparently noticed this, as he wheeled his stool over and put his face only inches from hers.

"Poor little Joselle," he said softly. "It appears the tickling has got your makeup all messed up. We can't have that, now can we?"

"Please untie me, I'm begging you. I'll do anything-ANYTHING- you want, just please don't tickle me anymore. I'll have sex with you, I'll blow you, anything but, anything but this tickling!...."

"Now Joselle," the doctor said sternly, "we've been over all of that already. You are scheduled for a nice, long tickle today. I have several areas noted on my clipboard that we need to explore, and it's going to be a long day of experiments. Now let me see about fixing that makeup of yours. Hold still...."

With that, the doctor took a puffy white cotton ball and began wiping away the streaked mascara that had run down her cheeks. Once cleaned off, he pulled a small bottle of mascara and began brushing it back in place over her eyelids. His touch was as gentle as her own would've been. In only a minute or two he was finished.

Joselle gazed up at her own face, seeing that the Doctor had applied her mascara and eyeliner much more heavily than she would have. Her exposed nipples were rock hard, her chest heaving as she still sought to regain her breath.

"Hhhm", the doctor said, looking at the mascara brush and eyeliner applicator. "I think since I was nice enough to fix your makeup with these, you should let me tickle your breasts a bit with these, don't you?"

"Please don't, I'm begging you," Joselle pleaded. But the doctor was already beginning. He carefully untucked the remainder of Joselle's breasts from her bra cups, so that he might get better access to her entire breast.

"Cootchie cootchie coo," the doctor said as he began to circle the makeup brush around Joselle's exposed and hardened nipple. He took the handle of the brush between his palms and spun it, making the bristles twirl against the defenseless flesh of her tit. While tormenting the bottom of her breast with the soft makeup brush, he began using the eyeliner applicator's stiffer bristles to torment her nipple.

Joselle exploded in laughter, her large chest heaving as she struggled against the sensations. Her wrists tore helplessly at her bonds, as the throbbing techno music seemed to tickle inside her skull. Unknown to her, the Doctor's music was specially designed to use sound frequencies that caused a highly irritating tickling feeling throughout her body. The doctor himself wore underclothing that protected him from the vibrations, but poor Joselle had no such luck. Furthermore, the stainless steel gyno table she was strapped to served as a sort of "amplifier" which transmitted the music's deep, tickling bass through her skin and into her bones, it's entire surface vibrating with the rhythm. The vibrations seemed to buzz annoyingly against her spinal cord, and from there cycle throughout her entire body.

The Doctor continued his torment of her breast, circling the puffy makeup brush in random patterns across the soft flesh, while using the stiff little eyeliner brush to torment her nipples. The remaining bits of makeup on these tools turned Joselle's entire boob a light shade of purple, as if she'd been bruised.

He finally stopped attacking her breast and allowed her to briefly regain her composure. Joselle had been hyperventilating, and sweat and tears had again mussed her makeup. Streaks of purple eyeshadow ran down her cheeks.

"There there, Joselle. It isn't so bad. You see, I did you a 'favor' by fixing your makeup, and all I asked is that you return the favor by allowing me to tickle your boobs. Of course, I was going to do it anyway. Are you enjoying our little experiments here, Joselle?" The Doctor had to cup his hands and speak directly into her ear, so as to be heard over the roar of the music. Joselle hated when he spoke to her like this, his very words and breath seemed to tickle inside her eardrums as he mouthed the words into her eardrum.

"Please just let me go," Joselle cried. "You don't understand what torture this is for me. I can't stand it- it, it's torture!" Joselle balled up her fists and began thumping her head against the cold, polished steel of the table. Poor Joselle was beyond frustrated, and her head and body ached from the tickling, breathlessness, and throbbing techno music in the torture chamber.

The Doctor quickly took his clipboard in hand and re-checked Joselle's restraints. They were designed specifically for tickle torture: the cuffs were fur-lined and made of heavy fabric like a car's seat belts, designed to withstand prolonged struggled and thrashing. Yet they weren't so tight that the 'victim's' circulation would be cut off and thus have her lose sensitivity. Methodically, the doctor pressed a few buttons on the table and the restraints self-tightened, making sure Joselle wasn't going anywhere.

"How about a little 'snack' to restore your energy, Joselle?" said the Doctor. His words and breath tickled her ear again as he spoke. Joselle suddenly realized she was in fact quite hungry, she had had lunch....when? How long had she been here? Two hours? Two days? The torture seemed to make time stand still, and of course there were no clocks in the torture chamber. Only her breathless heartbeat served to measure the time.

The Doctor wheeled his little doctor's stool over to a small dorm fridge and began shuffling about inside. In a few moments he returned with some melon slices & fruit salad on a small plate.

"How can I eat when I'm tied up like this?" asked Joselle. Her face screwed up into a haughty, spiteful look, which the Doctor found somewhat amusing, considering her predicament. Poor Joselle was bound with her arms stretched above her, inescapably bound to the table. Her legs were bound into the tables gyno stirrups, one leg clad in jeans and a boot, the other pantleg rolled up past her knee, and her lovely striped nylon knee-sock sexily covering her shapely leg. Those socks, the black stripes like prison bars, her leg & foot trapped for tickling.

Her starched blouse was unbuttoned and pulled away from her chest, with the remnants of her lacy bra cups tucked firmly beneath each breast, causing her prominent chest to point upwards invitingly. Each breast bore a slight purplish hue where the leftover mascara from the brush had rubbed off on her tits during the tickling session.

"How do you expect me to eat?," asked Joselle again. Her hunger suddenly seemed severe.

"Why, I'll feed you, of course," said the Doctor.

"With your FINGERS!," shouted Joselle. "That's gross." Joselle was in fact something of a germ nut- she washed her own hands many times a day, and avoided any restaurant without an A grade from Board of Health.

"Why what do you know, I have a fork right here! The Doctor plucked an ordinary white plastic fork, wrapped in a sanitary plastic cellophane, from his shirt pocket. Carefully, he poked the tines of the fork thru the cellophane wrapper and withdrew the fork from inside.

'Open sesame," said the Doctor, waving a forkful of melon before Joselle's nose. She struggled to reach it with her outstretched tongue, but the Doctor kept it just out of reach.

Joselle was burning with anger inside. She felt just like a suckling infant, being fed fruit slices by this evil monster.

"What's the matter Joselle? Are you not so hungry after all," laughed the Doctor. Joselle was trying desperately to "reach" the food, but she was bound so securely that her mouth & tongue couldn't stretch enough to reach the forkful of melon.

Finally, the Doctor held the fork just close enough for Joselle's tongue, when fully outstretched, to reach the melon and work it off the end of the fork. Sadly, she ended up dropping it on to her chest rather than "catching" it inside her mouth, since her tongue was so ridiculously extended. She barely was able to reach the food at all!

"Joselle, I am very angry with you," scolded the Doctor. "This fruit plate was VERY expensive, and you go and 'play' with your food rather than eat it. How ungrateful you are!," said the Doctor nastily.

"But, but, you didn't hold it close enough for me to reach it," said Joselle. God, she was hungry. She could just taste the bit of melon that had left it's residue on the tip of her tongue from the brief moment it was there. It was beyond frustrating, and boy was she hungry. The tickling had sapped nearly all of her energy. She could smell the sweetness of the melon slice rising from where it lay on her chest.

"No more food for you, young lady," the Doctor admonished her. "If you like to play with your food rather than eat it, I'm afraid you'll have to be punished. You've been a very naughty little girl, Joselle."


With that, the Doctor gave her a condescending pat on the head. Joselle burned and seethed with anger, hunger, and frustration:

"You bastard," she said. "How do you expect me to eat when you don't put the fork close enough for me to reach."

The Doctor looked at her quizzically for a moment. Then he said "Joselle, if you'd like the fork a bit closer, I think that can be arranged. first, however, we have to attend to that smart, disobedient little mouth of yours.

He went over to a gleaming metal cabinet and Joselle could hear metal instruments clinking inside as the Doctor searched the drawer. After finding what he wanted, the Doctor approached Joselle and again looked her dead in the eyes.

"This is a spider gag, Joselle," said the Doctor. "It's what we use here on disobedient little girls who can't hold their tongues."

Dangling before her was the dreaded gag. It looked downright medieval, like some torture device from ancient history. Between a pair of thick, black leather belts was a chrome "O" ring, with ominous stainless steel brackets protruding from all 4 corners.

Joselle, upon seeing the spider gag, screwed her mouth tightly shut.

"Come on now Joselle," lectured the Doctor. "This is going in your mouth one way or the other. You've already earned yourself a punishment for being difficult about this."

Joselle just stared back at the Doctor with hatred in her eyes. Under no circumstance was she going to open her mouth and have that dreadful-looking thing jammed into her jaw.

"I see you've chosen the hard way," said the Doctor. "So be it." With that, the Doctor took his right hand and used 2 fingers to pinch Joselle's nostrils tightly shut. Her air supply cut off, it would only be a matter of seconds before she was forced to open her mouth and draw in a deep breath. The clock was ticking......

42 seconds. That's what it took until a breathless, defeated Joselle's lungs gave out, and she opened her mouth to gasp a deep, well-earned breath. The Doctor immediately shoved the ring gag into her gaping mouth, tucking the metal "O" ring tightly behind Joselle's teeth. Just as fast, he circled the leather straps about her head and buckled it tightly behind her head, pinching & pulling her hair cruelly in the process as it tangled in the buckle.

"Aaaargh, ugggh, arg, u basthard," Joselle uttered. Her ability to speak had been severely restricted by the spider gag's large "O" ring stretching her jaw, prying open her mouth uncomfortably wide. She felt a dull ache beginning already in her jaw from it being pushed open so unnaturally wide.

"Beautiful, simply beautiful," said the Doctor, stepping back a few feet to admire his work. "This gag is for your own good, Joselle. It will help you draw in more oxygen as we begin the next stage of tickling."

"Nooohgh" Joselle blurted thru her gag. Already a thin ribbon of drool was leaking from the corners of her wide-open mouth. She looked quite a mess, with the remains of her mascara flowing in purple streams down her now-bulging cheeks, and the melon slice still on her chest where she'd "dropped" it earlier whilst trying to get it off the fork."

"Now Joselle, before you became so defiant, we were having a conversation that the fork wasn't close enough to reach. I think we can remedy that for you." With that, the Doctor produced a small razor and began slicing the thin material of her blouse from under Joselle's right armpit. He cut about a 4 inch slit in the material, and by way of a tickle test quickly thrust a few wriggling fingers inside to "test" Joselle's reaction to armpit tickling.

"Aaargh ummph," Joselle muttered thru her gag. The Doctor tickled her armpit for about 10 seconds, seeing if any areas produced an especially violent reaction. In Joselle's case, the soft skin about an inch up her armpit, the soft flesh just outside the pit itself, seemed especially ripe territory. The gyno table creaked as Joselle tugged manically at her bound hand, trying vainly to bring her arms down and protect the sensitive flesh. Of course this was fruitless- she was bound too tightly for any chance of movement.

"Now where were we?,' said the Doctor, scratching his chin for a moment. Joselle was still convulsing from the brief, recent finger tickling of her armpit. "Ah yes, the fork," said the Doctor. "You said before it wasn't close enough for you to reach, correct? I think I can fix that for you, young lady."

With that, the Doctor inserted the plastic fork into the slot he'd cut in the blouse to access Joselle's armpit. He turned the fork upside down and slowly raked the tines of the fork gently to and fro beneath her armpit, barely letting the plastic graze her butter-soft skin.

The effect was like an electric shock! Joselle writhed and moaned miserably as the Doctor tormented her armpit with the fork. He pretended Joselle's armpit was fragile as an egg yolk, and grazed the fork's prongs ever so slightly across her skin, barely touching her at all. To Joselle it felt completely unbearable, like a cross between a terrible itch and a tickle. He kept up like that for a full 10 minutes, until Joselle was gasping and hyperventilating thru her gag, Drool and spit now ran like rivers from both corners of her spider gag, and her dark hair was soaked with sweat and drool about her shoulders. She was horribly, terribly ticklish under her arms, and driven nearly to the point of insanity. Worse yet, the metal of her ring gag seemed to send the throbbing bass vibrations deep inside her jaw, almost tickling her skull. Having her mouth pinned open so severely was torture in itself, as her nonstop laughter caused a dull ache that radiated from her teeth up into her sinuses. The gag also made swallowing difficult, so the majority of her saliva dripped embarrassingly from corners of her gagged mouth.

The Doctor let her cool down for a few moments before beginning anew. This time, he decided to pretend the fork was an insect, and "walked" the fork's prongs back and forth down Joselle's armpit, sort of gently "poking' her as he "walked" the forked sideways down her armpit. It drove Joselle insane, making her feel as if a huge spider were building a nest under her arm. He varied the speed and technique, such that at times it felt like one large insect and at times he poked and moved it quickly, so it felt as if a swarm of bugs were crawling around poor Joselle's pit. She was hysterical and tearing so hard at her arm restraints that the Doctor had to briefly pause and make sure they remained taut & secure. The victim was afford no protection whatsoever, her arms were puled tightly over her head, leaving her pit completely exposed and completely unprotected & vulnerable.

Tiring of her armpits, the Doctor decided to move 'south' a bit, and unbuttoned the remaining blouse buttons below Joselle's exposed breasts, exposing her flat tummy. Her belly button was exquisitely cute and innocent, an "innie," and seemed to almost beg for a through tickled. He gently tucked the "flaps" of her blouse underneath the small of her back, making sure it would not interfere or flail about as he set down to tickling her tummy proper.

First, he gently dragged the prongs of the plastic fork from between Joselle's ample cleavage down to her belly button, stopping just short of her adorable, innocent little navel. A navel that, until now, had never been the victim of a sadistic, merciless tickle.

He raked the fork up and down, up and down, sweeping it gently from between her cleavage to just above her belly button, yet avoiding the navel itself. For now, anyway.

Sometimes about an inch above the navel he'd 'turn' the fork to the right, continuing a trail that raked & curved down her lower tummy. Other times he'd draw a "figure 8," skimming the fork from just under her breasts and making the center of the "8" just north or south of her cute little navel, before finishing off the bottom loop across her lower abdomen.

Suffering horribly, Joselle's tummy sucked and heaved as he tormented her, and he had to be careful to get the "pressure" of the fork just right so he'd make enough contact just to tickle, but not to scratch, poor Joselle as she squirmed and squealed in ticklish hell. The contrast of the gleaming white fork against her soft olive skin was exquisite. The tight muscles of her stomach convulsed in deep belly laughter, and a wet spot formed in the crotch of her jeans as Joselle's suffering bladder finally gave way. He kept this torment up for a full 20 minutes before moving on to the "main event": her precious little navel.


Joselle was beyond exhausted. She'd tried as hard as possible to "suck in" her tummy and thus prevent contact with the fork, but the Doctor was a master of his craft. Whenever she sucked her tummy in, he followed with appropriate 'pressure' on the fork to assure that her tender skin had no break from his torments. With her arms and legs tightly bound, there was little Joselle could do but lie back and endure it. Pissing herself only added to the humiliation she felt, and her soggy jeans and panties added another layer of misery to her ceaseless torment.

The evil Doctor granted Joselle just a few second's reprieve to catch her flagging breath before attacking her belly button proper. He'd been fantasizing about this moment for nearly a half hour, and could hardly wait to see her reactions. Ever so slowly, like a baker probing the top of a hot, sticky pan of brownies, the Doctor gently pushed the tips of the fork prongs into Joselle's tender navel. The effect on Joselle was like an electric charge! She gasped thru her gag and jolted upwards, the small of her back nearly lifting off the table. The Doctor noted this on his clipboard, and a small indicator light lit up on the side of the gyno table. Beneath the indicator light it read: "Additional Restraints Required."

Reaching beneath the table, the Doctor pulled a pair of additional dark blue straps which were attached underneath on a retractable reel, much like a car's seat belt. He placed on tightly above and one tightly below Joselle's belly button, fully immobilizing her midsection so she couldn't squirm so much as an inch, not arch her lower back upwards.

The gyno table's machinery adjusted the straps to the appropriate tension, and he set about tickling her navel in earnest. He again gently inserted the prongs of the plastic fork into her belly button, lightly twisting it as if poking the top of a puff-pastry souffl?. Joselle's suffering was incredible, as her belly button was almost unbearably sensitive. The Doctor then gently raked the fork in circular fashion around the perimeter of her belly button, making just enough contact to torment Joselle hysterically. He made a huge spiral, staring almost at her sides and slowly ringing in closer until the fork's tines were scraping inside her navel itself. The additional straps performed their function well, keeping Joselle's tummy from escaping the fork's irritating, ticklish quest.

Joselle's tummy heaved and churned as the fork continued it's assault. She began to wonder just how much worse it could get. Soon, she would find out......

(to be continued)

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Gasping like an asthmatic, he stopped and delicately pushed her legs apart just a tiny bit. Wanting to spread her legs apart wider, he stopped himself and started pulling her panties down. Then with a fiery shock, he saw the crotch of her panties wetly sticking to her woman-place. Just the idea of his mother being wet in that place was enough to make him almost loose control and shoot off. He couldn't believe how totally erotic and wicked it was to see her place so wet that it had completely...

4 years ago
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Introduction: fictional story about my wife, written for my wife I could hear each of his footsteps as he walked away. The slap of his bare feet on the hard basement floor was the only sound. The lights were low but I could still see his huge dick swinging back and forth. The lights glistened on his sweaty body. He was a muscular man about six feet tall. I glanced over at Remington still sitting in the corner his dick in his hand on its way to a flaccid state. He had a dazed look of...

3 years ago
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Maude Claude and My Wife

It was my wife's birthday and for a surprise I had sent airline tickets to her best friend Maude and Maude's husband Claude. They flew in from Kansas City and I had a rental car reserved for them and they were sitting at the kitchen table when Amber got home from work. The surprise was total and Amber's grin got even bigger when I told her that I had dinner reservations made for the next evening and tickets for a play that she had been wanting to see. Then, to give Amber and Maude time to...

3 years ago
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Fairies III A day in the life England

A day in the life: England Lady Penelope looked across the small town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight. "Where now?" she asked. Martin had the listing Erika had made the previous year. "Down two streets. Corner of North Walk and Appley Lane." She nodded, walking in the direction he pointed. The town was sprawled out along the English Channel across from the port of Portsmouth. The shop sign said 'Herbalist'. Lady P smiled at it. On the sign a dozen Faerie danced. She pushed in,...

3 years ago
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A note left on my car

I walked out from my fitness gym and saw a piece of paper tucked neatly under my windshield wiper. I took it and sat down inside. It read, “Hi, I saw you get out and wanted to talk to you, but I was too nervous and too shy. I don’t know if you are interested in another man or not, but had to try. I’m Eric and would love to get to know you.” I looked around the parking lot but didn’t see anyone. The note had a phone number and an email address and a physical description. I had to admit, I was...

2 years ago
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A Little Bit Of Cock Will Hurt No One

Tom and I were best friends. We grew up together. We met in church. It was in one of them strict fundamentalist Baptist churches that taught you pre-marital sex was bad and discouraged close contact from the opposite sex. It was ok that you dated, but as long as you remained about six inches from each other and there wasn’t even the slightest bit of ‘Hanky Panky’ going on. As we got into our teenage years, all this sort of thing did, was make your hormones rage ten times over and deprive you of...

2 years ago
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The Lake P2

As Rob’s fist found its way into his friend Jake’s thick hair, and his rigid cockmeat pulsed against his buddy’s soft lips and slippery tongue, he had that moment of disbelief that suddenly flashes when you dare to step into something you never imagined you’d want. He cased the perimeter for privacy, as his mind raced to comprehend his own choice. But as he looked down again, he could see Jake patiently grinning up at him with a mouthful of fever-thickened cock, giving Rob the freedom of this...

1 year ago
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Me And My Brother Real Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Sonia from Delhi,recently experienced incest sex with my brother and after that came across with this site. So sharing my first incest experience with you all.please share your views and comments. Thanks Sonia Hi everyone, my name is Sonia and I am from Delhi. We are basically from Goa. I am Indo Portuguese. My fahttp://www.kanishkatrading.com/ther is Punjabi and my mom is Portuguese. We are four in our family,me mom,dad and my younger brother.I am 31 married and have 4 year’s old...

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HandsOnHardcore Tigerr Benson Doc8217s Double Penetration Prescription

Tigerr Benson gets her tight asshole and shaved pussy fucked balls deep by Doc Mike Angelo and boyfriend Ricky Mancini. The voluptuous stunner from Asia can’t get enough of their rock-hard dicks in today’s Busty premium porn episode by the one and only DDF Network! Sit back and watch this mouth-watering threesome unfold as that brown-eyed babe with enhanced tits and tattoos sucks the doctor’s big cock at his office. Once at home, he gives wonderful instructions on how to wank,...

1 year ago
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The ambassadors wife

The diplomatic community in any country is a small, tight-knit one. While each ambassador is dedicated to looking after the interests of his or her own country, they are all in the same boat, performing the same function. And they meet up all the time, invited to official functions that they probably wouldn’t really choose to attend if they weren’t expected to. As a journalist, I was frequently at those functions too and so it was that, in the capital of a small South American country, I met...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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An Early Saturday Morning Part 2

We laid back and cuddled, but I could tell she was still aroused, wanting to cum again and wanting me cum. Lauren smiled as she straddled me, moving her hips softly and slowly in a circle. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against mean. I put my hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer and kissing her deeply and passionately. She moaned into my mouth quietly and moved her hips faster as she felt my bulge press against her soaking and naked pussy. I knew she could taste herself in...

Love Stories
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Adventures Of A Slut The Train Platform

I could feel the ac blowing my long brown hair gently over my shoulders; I could feel the leather of my handbag vibrating on my leg, as I glanced at my watch I realized I was late for work, as I squirmed in my seat to get my phone from my bag I could feel the hard steel of my pug stretching my intestine, I wriggled to get it comfortable again and answered the phone to my boss. She wasn't happy and wanted to know why I was so late, while trying to explain my problem boarding the train I...

2 years ago
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Tennis With The Neighbor

I am not a bashful person, but I will admit I was quite shocked when, one Saturday morning, I walked totally nude into our kitchen, on the way to the laundry room and right into the wide-eyed stare of our neighbor, Pam. I quickly retreated around the corner after she shrieked. I quickly retreated to the master bedroom After throwing on some jeans and a shirt, I made my way, rather sheepishly, back towards the kitchen to find out why Pam was sitting alone at our dining room table.I mumbled an...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 102 The Sabertoothed Tiger

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

1 year ago
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Aunty groped and forced2

Aunty groped and forced-2Please read this …..https://xhamster5.desi/stories/aunty-groped-and-forced-1-10063317Anil uncle came home early in the evening not giving me a chance to fuck my hot aunty and asked me about my studies and went to his room.I realized that Mamatha aunty used to cover her body fully when uncle was around but when he used to go for work she used to be careless of her sari and pallu covering her body and blouse in particular, I found my aunt did not wear any bra (easy to...

3 years ago
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Painful Piano Lessons Meeting Up With Alison

If you read Painful Piano Lessons - Part 4, you’ll know that I watched Alison being caned stark naked before she helped ‘Miss’ cane me in a most embarrassing way. As she was leaving, Alison pushed a note into my hands and made it perfectly clear that she would like to meet up with me again. I was not going to turn down that offer. I called her and we chatted for a while before I suggested we meet up. Alison told me that her parents were away for the weekend so I could go over to her house. I...

2 years ago
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Resist or Fall

You wake up to your amazing wife, Jane. Her body is near perfection sporting DD cup sized breasts, short black hair and a petite body. She is defiantly out of your league your just a normal guy nothing really special about you. Your marriage has been going very well overall but more recently shes been distancing herself it seems. You've been having less and less sex with your wife and when you finally do manage to get her in the mood she only lets you eat her out~. You cant quite remember what...

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Mr Bigs and I

Mr. Bigs was my favorite teacher. He was about 30 years old, but I was 18, so I didn’t feel wrong about having a huge crush on him. He taught English and even though I hated English, he made me want to go to his class. I always made sure to check my hair and makeup in the bathroom everyday before his class. I always wore the cutest bras and panties the days I had his class. I sat in the front row and liked to mess with him by spreading my legs just a little bit so my thong or panties would be...

3 years ago
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Kingdom Hearts

“Falling. Into darkness. Then a bright flash burning through the darkness, but only for a second. After that, still the black emptiness again, as you spiral through it. A girl. Calling. From a tropical island. Huh? I’m standing in the sea? And who is this Sora? Hey, she looks up, frightened. Hey, there is someone falling from the sky above. Hooooo, the falling feeling returns lose and I’m somehow fell backwards into the sea. What is this for spacy dream? Feels too damn real…” “Suddenly a floor...

4 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 11 Still Making New Friends at the Mall

The next day Pam came to get me from school, to go to the Union Bank to take care of getting a safe deposit box and get my signature on the accounts for the trust. We had some other banking business to do as well. I never knew so much paperwork was required just because I had became the head of a major business and financial trust. After leaving Union Bank, Pam took me back to school. Cathy was going to basketball practice to see if she could get on the team. Cathy also had gone to the...

1 year ago
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The Typewriter Intro

Introduction – many years ago Lawrence lay down in the darkness waiting for sleep. He had received Wren’s first letter of the day written on the type writer so he knew he would dream of her. His body ached for her touch so he no longer cared that the dream could only be his fantasy. This one night was stolen, their last night together. A smile drifted across his face as he into the darkness. * * * * * She looked beautiful dressed in the white lace of a bride’s first night with her long...

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Porn Star

"This place is a bitch", the man said chewing a cigar with his uneven, stained teeth. He was a portly old man in a dark jacket, blue jeans and shiny crimson shoes. His short gray hair covered only the sides of his head. He had small eyes and bushy eye brows, a large nose, big forehead and puffy cheeks. His large, round face and double chin melted into his thick body and his thick stubby hands poked through the long sleeves of his jacket.Joe owned the studio, not legally but we all knew who...

2 years ago
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Her Blue Eyed Guy Part 8

The next morning… Daniel was pacing around the hotel room. He had been up for almost two hours and it wasn’t even half past seven yet. He wandered into the bathroom and turned the shower on. He had to look and smell his best for Sarah. He stood under the shower, feeling the hot water cascade over his body, wishing that Sarah was there to enjoy it with him. He spent around twenty minutes in the shower, before coming out and looking at himself in the mirror. He really needed to shave, running...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi At A Beauty Pageant 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi’s company is sponsoring a beauty pageant. The boss asks Savita to take responsibility on their behalf. But among so many beautiful women, how can our sexy Bhabhi be left behind? A famous Bollywood film star compliments her beauty at the venue. This makes Savita Bhabhi all the more determined to win the contest. She is now looking at ways to win the contest. To watch and enjoy the entire episode,

2 years ago
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A Model Child 2

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two As Raymond headed off to school, his mother got ready for work and then headed off to her office on the final day before the show. She had barely slept, worried about finding a model and even worse now, worried about her son's intentions to help. As she got into the office, she headed right down to her studio to walk through her collection again and begin the process of final alterations. As she began the process...

2 years ago
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KT LLC Ch 01

Author’s Note: After some consideration, I will am retitling this story. It is still part of the Sean and Sheila saga, but a new volume. Volume one ended with their first night together. As before, sex is secondary, so look elsewhere if you want a stroke Story. Try Kitty & Teddy, LLC Ch. 06A, which will also make the first chapter easier to follow. There is little sex in these chapters. Sorry. Chapter 1 — Changes Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: ‘Everyone knows about the wedding. Some of...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Submission Day Thirteen A Nice Day Out

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Thirteen - A Nice Day Out Pleasant dreams enveloped Linda. She felt safe and at peace. Throughout the night one of them would stir which invoked mild murmurs or movements from the other two. At one point she got up to go to the bathroom. When she returned, Jane was waiting for her with an outstretched arm and pulled her into an embrace between her and Rick. Linda accepted the embrace with no shame or hesitation. She sighed and both were...

1 year ago
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My little secret

I'm Alex, 29 years old. My friends say that i'm hot. I'm married to Tana, very hot and , much to the envy of my friends. My son Brad is in school now. Though i have a sexy wife, i'm unable to resist my desire to fuck other hot women. Speaking frankly, I've fucked 3 women after my marriage, though my wife doesn't know it. My wife had arranged a tution teacher for my son who comes to teach him every evening for two hours. The teacher was a 23 year old hottie by the name Lisa who made me hot...

Erotic Fiction
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Its Raining Again

It's raining again. Christ, it's enough to make a man want to chew the end off a pistol. As if the damned dogs aren't enough to bring a person down. Since I decided to start this journal for something to do, I may as well start at the beginning, eh? It all started with Roundup. It's a herbicide which means it kills plants. May God damn Monsanto and their 'perfect herbicide'. Farmers applied it around the world in hundreds of tons per year since 1970. Then the Frankenfood disasters swept...

3 years ago
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Fucked Sales Boy Tarun

Hello guys! Hope you all had a great day. This is my first story in iss and I hope you all will enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. Myself riyah,a 21-year-old working in an it company as an assistant consultant. So today I decided to share my recent sexcapade with you all. Here it goes It was a summer day. I was asked by mom to go to a grocery shop to buy the commodities as a part of monthly grocery shopping. I decided to wear an off-shoulder top and changed into the top and shorts. I was pretty...

4 years ago
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Blue Balls

Like most single men these days you try your luck of meeting women through online dating sites. You have had dates but nothing so far has lead into a steady relationship, which means you have not gotten laid in months. This means jerking off to porn sites and Literotica. However, there is only so much porn you can handle before you cave into your basic human instinct of needing to have sex with another real person. Your hand could never substitute for the tight grip of a real wet, warm pussy...

2 years ago
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Shut The Fuck Up

John was enjoying a quiet pint in his local pub, out of the way from the hustle and bustle of his wife and visiting niece. The pint was going down rather well and he was happy with just his mobile phone for company. It was around half past ten, just as he was finishing the dregs of his last pint when his eyes met Emily, his niece, from across the bar.Emily made a beeline for her Uncle John and soon she had offered to buy him a pint and was knocking back gin and tonics, and doubles at that. By...

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Lee and Lyns World Beginnings Chapters 13

Proofread 2/17/2010 Koala Lee and Lyns World Chapter 1 Lee Lyn Hamelton looked at the other seven system engineers. We had all gone to school together for the last two years. We each were experts in computer operations. We each knew more than anyone else did in the world about the computer system that would be under our charge. Unknown to anyone else we were all in a conspiracy with each other also. For the last 200 years, the world had become over populated. ...

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Buxom Betty

I was home alone because my family went on vacation. I couldn't join them because I was working a night job. I was 17 and saving the money for a car and college. It was about 1 PM and I had just finished eating lunch when my kitchen door opened and my across the street neighbor entered. Her name was Betty Valo and she was one of my mother's good friends. She had a large paper bag in her arms. She put it on the kitchen table and I saw it contained two quart bottles of beer. Where's your...

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Pauls Baby

Sept 3rd 2007 She was smiling contentedly, idly rubbing her belly, as she moved to answer the door. But even in her hurry she had an awareness of her new responsibility, that there were now two people who depended on her every step. She couldn't afford to slip and fall. "You!" she hissed after opening the door and seeing the boy. 'The boy'. That what she'd started to call him in her mind lately. Not Paul. Not 'my love'. Simply 'the boy'. Period. It was easier to forget the nights...

2 years ago
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Black Meat KOMPLETTE Story Literotica Story by

Black Meatby Worrak©PrologEin Gutes hat der Irak-Krieg (und das ist auch wirklich das einzig Gute): Er spült jede Menge schwarze GIs nach Deutschland, die nach mehreren Monaten im Einsatz extrem ausgehungert und extrem spitz sind.Und Frank kennt diese GIs. Franks Name ist in der ganzen Black Community bekannt und wer als Farbiger nach Frankfurt versetzt wird und Lust hat auf 'ne weiße Muschi, der ruft Frank an. Denn Frank kennt auch die Frauen, die auf dicke, lange Schwänze stehen, wie nur...

3 years ago
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Full circle

My first career wasn’t destined to be my last. I still enjoyed Accounting, but being a Sex Coach was far more fulfilling to me physically and emotionally than the satisfaction of having a Balance Sheet balance. My career change happened gradually, with friends and then friends of friends coming to learn from me or ask for some sexual advice. I suppose they did it because I was so joyous about sex and its pleasures. My knowledge and practise slowly grew through studies and experience into a...

3 years ago
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BulletChapter 7

Marilyn was right. Half a million might just be a good enough reason to eliminate the competition. Me being the competition. "But WHO?" I asked her. "Now that is the question ... Isn't it?" Then she quickly added, "I'm not sure who or why. That's what we'll have to find out!" Then she bid me a little farewell, saying she wanted to be with her mortal being. Interesting thought. My mortality had ended and it was almost like feeling I was without a home. Marilyn had a home to return...

2 years ago
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Evil Rey english

Evil Rey1. ExogolRey faced the former emperor Palpatine. The rumors were true and he seemed to be trying to regain power with his fleet of brand new modern star destroyers.Rey tried to find similarities between herself and her aged grandfather. He was even uglier than she had expected. His face, disfigured by Windus, was even more repulsive after decades of aging.„Kill me my granddaughter. It's the only way you can save your friends and end this war. Take your rightful place on the throne and...

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Cumming Soon to a Theater near you

We have been waiting anxiously all week for Saturday to arrive. We plan to spend the evening hours of a beautiful late spring evening at the opening night of the only still functioning local Drive-In Theater. We sit in the front seats and wait for it to get dark enough for the first movie to start. Sipping our wine and watching the sun slowly being devoured by the still snow capped peaks to the west and the spread of the red and orange sunset smeared clouds. The sky gradually transitions from...

3 years ago
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

2 years ago
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Busty Friend Gets Her Way

I had been FWB/sugar daddy with this busty college student for a few months. I met her at a local bar and we simply hit it off right away but she didnt want to be attached, which I was cool with. As you can see from her pics, its hard to say no to things she wants. I really liked the fact that she was willing to try new and different things. After we spent the night in a hotel, I asked her that I wanted her to try something. She replied "you know Im up for just about anything. You want me to...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Dee Williams Mothers And Stepsons

Dee is flattered when she finds flowers that her step son Robby bought, at least until she realizes the bouquet is for his ex-girlfriend. She says he can’t keep going back to his ex. He is just cunt struck because she was the first and only girl to fuck him. What he needs is to fuck someone new so he realizes other women like him. He just doesn’t know how to find someone else who is willing to fuck him. Luckily he has a very caring step mom. She offers to fuck away all the bad memories of his...

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Lets Go For a Drive Ch 2

My friends call me Amanda. I’m fifty-five, and a red-haired sexy BBW. I live in a small apartment on the outskirts of a major metropolis. On the back side of my place is a deck which is secluded away from the main road. During the day, my neighbors are usually gone to work, so I can do just about anything I want. This means when I venture outdoors I chose too, could wear little or nothing at all, which I sometimes do, because I’m an exhibitionist. My friend Dave and I just took a sexy drive in...

3 years ago
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My Lovely Sister

By : Bunty_sahi Hi friends, I just read your story on ISS and I want to share a real story of mine. I dot know what you all think about it. It is a real story about my self. First off all I introduce you about my family. My family has only four members. My father and mother both working in a PSU bank, my self Bunty doing B E first year and my sister Nidhi aged 24 just got married with  IT professional. My brother in law lives in the same city. We are a good and happy traditional family loving...

2 years ago
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How I Became the Family Slut Part 1

My name is Ima. And I want to share my story of sexual awakening and incest.I grew up in rural Alabama, in a three story house on about six acres acres of land, about three miles outside a small country town. The house was white with brown shutters, and had one of those wrap-around covered porches on two sides. Looking back on it all, I would have to say I had a great family. I had two older brothers, a younger brother and two great parents, and they were all pretty loving, except for mom. ...

1 year ago
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since ive become pregnant

Since I became pregnant seven months ago I have noticed that all I think about anymore is sex and doing naughty things. The sad part is my man ran off once he found out I was pregnant. This left me horny and trying to find ways to quench my insatiable sexual appetite any way I could find. The fact that I am pregnant, and now very obviously so, limits my choices of sexual play partners quite a bit. Many guys are turned off by a pregnant woman, or frankly they just don’t want to deal with the...

3 years ago
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She was different

I sat in my second class of the first day of my senior year in high school. The teacher droned on about another syllabus, and what was expected of us in class. I tuned her out, knowing that the marine biology she was going to be teaching us was probably inadequate compared to my own knowledge on the subject. I am officially a senior in high school, but I technically have enough knowledge and test scores to be a graduate student. Instead of listening, I started to reread the Iliad."And on the...

First Time
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The Ring of Fate

The Ring of Fate - by Acid Dreams CHAPTER 1: The Ring of Fate Tommy looked at the ring one more time, not sure if he could accept such an expensive looking artifact. The lawyer looked at him sternly and told him that if he was not available to accept it, it was to be destroyed. Tommy wondered what his uncle was thinking when writing his will, but decided that the ring would do better with him than with no one. "I'll take it," Tommy told his uncle's lawyer. The lawyer smiled...

4 years ago
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new house

Years ago I decided to try going to a different bath house, it was bigger, they claimed it was also better more men, more variety, supposedly hotter guys, what did I have to lose by trying right. So I headed in, the place was big, not as clean as the other one I usually went to, I took a locker and slowly stripped, I had about three guys watching me get naked, me not being shy, gave them a show, I took my time to remove all my clothes, anticipation will drive a man crazy.I think the one guy...

2 years ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 16

Marjorie was still horny as Miles obediently patted her dry after they had showered in the wet room; he had done everything as per her commands to the letter, which swelled not only her cunt, but her sense of dominance. This was a lifestyle she would want to continue, and she had already developed affection for the cur, in the way you might for a dog or cat; her superiority and his worthlessness were now fully confirmed. Miles looked up at her between patting her calves and ankles dry and...

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Wife Swapping in the hospital

The door bell rang. “Darling, could you please see who is it?” I requested Sheela , my wife for 18 years.“ Hi, Sheela! Wow ! Long time no see, you look nice and trim most sexy ! Boss keeps you in good shape I can see.” Said Suresh walking inside the living room.“Come in Sush . Look who is complaining my Idd ka chand ! You look your fucking best too..” Said Sheela, ‘And thanks for the compliment.”“Jeet, what’s up?” Suresh addressed me “Certainly not my prick.. That’s for certain,” Care for a...

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