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"Sit down," Hank said to Sue. "There on the loveseat."

"Why?" she said.

"Because I have bad news, and I want you sitting when I tell you about it."

Sue looked alarmed, but she didn't argue. She sat on the loveseat.

Hank kneeled in front of her and took her hands in his. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. Debra is dead. While she was..."

Sue jerked her hands from his and jumped to her feet, nearly knocking Hank over with her sudden move. "No!" she screamed, her arms stiff and by her side, her fists clenched. "No!"

Hank moved upright and took her in his arms. She remained stiff. "While she was shopping on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, lightning struck her again. This time she didn't make it."

As suddenly as Sue had moved off the loveseat she collapsed. With his arms around her, Hank caught her and set her on the sofa. He sat beside her. The tears came then, followed by gut-wrenching sobs. He held her through the release of her emotions.

When she could finally speak, Sue said, "I loved her. I loved Debra but I was afraid of her."

"I know," Hank said.

"No, you don't know, Dad," Sue said. "I..." She swallowed another sob. "I pushed her away from me, not because she'd killed that man, but because I didn't feel worthy of her. She was a genius, Dad. She was a better architect than Angela, a better salesman and marketer than Stan, a better poker player than world champion poker players on TV. She was better than anyone at everything she did. It was freakish. She was a freak of nature! Five months ago, she had the intellect of a six-year-old, and then lightning struck her and made her a genius. Her freakishness frightened me. Oh, that she could kill and did kill pushed me away, too, but she was just protecting me, saving my life. I could have..." She sobbed again, but quickly regained control. "I could have handled her violence; I figured she'd be violent only when she had to to protect herself or someone she cared about. Hell, Dad, that's normal, one of the only normal things about her. That she could stop that man, a large man with a knife, that wasn't normal." She buried her face in her father's chest. "Now you know. I wasn't worthy of her, but I loved her. I loved her."

Sherry held Angela in her arms. Angela was asleep. She'd cried herself to sleep. Sherry had cried with her. They'd just lost a cherished friend, but Angela had lost more than a friend, she'd lost her mentor.

"I could have learned so much from her, Sherry," Angela had said. "I was learning so much. Now..." She broke down in tears again. "I loved her, Sherry, I loved her, not like I love you, but I loved her. She was so unselfish, so giving."

"Yes she was," Sherry said. "Debra Oakman will be remembered. Some will remember her as a freak of nature. What she did, what she could do wasn't possible, but she did them. But I, for one, won't remember her for doing the impossible. I'll remember her for what she did for others, especially for what she did for you, Angela."

"I wish I'd had more time with her, a few more projects, and that's selfish. I feel so selfish, Sherry."

"I'm angry. I'm mad at her. That's as irrational as you feeling selfish because you wanted more time with her. I'm angry because she swooped into our lives like a tornado, lifted us up to heights neither of us had ever reached and then suddenly plunged us back to earth again. I want to curse her for abandoning us, but I won't. You were closer to her than I. I won't grieve as deeply, but I'll grieve, and I'll support your grief, Angela. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Sherry," Angela said.

"I know," Sherry said.

"I'm so sleepy; suddenly I feel so sleepy I can hardly hold up my head."

"Sleep then," Sherry said. "Go to sleep in my arms."

Home was a double-wide trailer in a trailer park. It took my new father and me a while, but we finally found Eric's drug stash and flushed it down the john. Besides meth crystals, the stash included marijuana, some pills, and some drug paraphernalia. The paraphernalia went in the trash.

"Can you cook?" I asked my father.

"Some," he said.

"Can I cook?" I asked.

"Some," he said.

"Let's cook," I said and opened the refrigerator door. Some milk, six bottles of beer, and a bottle of grape juice were the liquid offerings. Lettuce, a green pepper, a bunch of celery, two tomatoes, and a cucumber were in the crisper. Another drawer in the refrigerator produced cheese—two kinds, sharp cheddar and pepper cheese—a package of flour tortillas, and a tub of crated parmesan cheese. The meat drawer held bacon and sausage, and a package of biscuit dough, the kind that pops when it's opened. There were the usual things in the refrigerator door, including butter and eight eggs. I found a package of frozen chicken tenders in the freezer, some hamburger patties, a London-broil steak, a package of uncooked shrimp, a quart of coffee ice cream, and some ice cream sandwiches.

"Is there a pantry?" I asked.

"No, we store dry food in the cupboards," he said, pointing. I rummaged through the pantry. We had the makings for at least six dinners for two, maybe seven or eight. Breakfasts wouldn't stretch that far, and lunches would be mostly Campbell's soups and different kinds of sandwiches. Snack foods were abundant. I'd want more spices; I like spicy food, but the cupboard wasn't bare like the cupboard I walked into in John Windom's house.

"Do you plan meals?" I asked.

"No," he said.

There was a microwave oven on one of the kitchen counters.

"How about a baked potato, some breaded and fried chicken tenders, canned corn, and a salad for dinner?" I said. With my thin body, fried foods weren't a problem, and as Debra Oakman, I'd missed fried chicken.

He gave me a curious look, but said, "Fine by me. I'll do the potatoes."

I laughed. "In the microwave, right?"

"Is there any other way?" he said.

"Okay, but let me unthaw the chicken tenders first."

Twenty minutes later we sat down to dinner.

Dad sliced off some fried chicken, put it in his mouth and chewed. "Very good, Eric. Now, tell me where you learned to fry chicken like this?"

I swallowed the chicken in my mouth and said, "Can't. No memories, remember?"

"Your mother didn't know how to fry chicken like this. I don't know how to fry chicken like this. And as far as I know, you've never fried chicken, period. When I said you cooked some, I lied. If any meals were cooked in this house, I did the cooking."

I shrugged. "It's weird, Dad, but I think I can do a lot of things I couldn't do before lighting flashed out of the sky and put me in a coma. That's why I was asking about a computer. I think I'm pretty handy with a computer. I'm not a hacker, but ... I don't know. It's difficult to explain." I scrunched my brow purposefully. "Could I draw before? You know, like an artist?"

"Draw flies, maybe, but not like an artist," he said.

"After dinner, let's test one of the feelings I have. Let's find a piece of paper and a pencil and I'll draw."

"We'll do that." He grinned malevolently. "One thing you could do and do well before was the dishes."

"Yeah, sure, Dad. If I believed that, someone could also sell me the Brooklyn Bridge."

"I've got a quitclaim deed handy for that bridge, too," he said and chortled.

We cleaned up the dinner mess together, evidently another first for Eric Kleiner.

The paper was a standard 8 ½" by 11" piece of paper; the pencil was dull. I sharpened it with a kitchen knife.

"What do you want to draw?" Dad said.

"How about you?" I said. I'd made my spending money in college drawing caricatures in a number of sports bars around Phoenix. "Sit on that chair. I'll draw on the table. How about a caricature?"

"Whatever blows your whistle," he said.

I drew him with an oversized head, a tiny but long, thin body, pushing a wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow contained a bush that would be planted. It took me ten minutes. I didn't sign the drawing. I didn't know how to spell my last name. So I wrote "Stick" under the drawing and handed it to him.

"I'll be go to hell!" he exclaimed. He looked up at me with a stunned look on his face. "You can draw! This is professional, Eric!"

"Not really," I said. "I don't know why, but I believe I can do professional work, though."

"Okay, now tell me why the questions about a bank account and a computer," he said. "I won't think you're nuts."

"We can't afford an attorney, right?"

"Yes, mostly. I have a little money put aside, but you didn't care what happened to you. Still what I've put aside isn't much. I don't think it's enough for attorney fees."

"How much do you have?"

"$750," he said.

"No, that won't do it. This money you've put aside, is it in a checking account with a bank?" When he nodded, I looked at my left wrist to see what time it was. I wasn't wearing a wristwatch. Did I own one? "What time is it?"

"7:30," he said.

"What time does the library close?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Libraries have computers with internet connections," I said. "Do you have a library card?"

"Yes," he said. "So do you."

"We'll use yours because we'll be transferring money out of your checking account to a web site."


"So we can turn $500 of the $750 into $4,500. Then we'll use $1,000 of the $4,500 to turn it into $9,000, which will turn the $750 you've put aside into $13,750, including the $750."

"Will you be breaking any laws?" he said.

"Yes and no. What we'll be doing will be done in your name, so what we'll do will be legal. The thing is I'll be doing it, not you, and at my age, it's illegal for me to gamble. We're going to play Texas hold 'em poker on the internet, Dad. I've got this feeling that I'm really good at the game. The feeling is just like the feeling I got that I could draw. Are you willing to risk $500 of your $750 so we can make enough to pay an attorney to help me at my trial?"

He sat gazing off into the distance about a thousand yards, his lips pursed, his thin shoulders hunched over. Finally, he nodded and said, "Let's do it, Son. You're going to need a lawyer."

"Grab your checkbook. We'll need the routing number on a check, and hurry. As it is, if the library closes at nine o'clock, we'll be lucky if we have enough time for one tournament tonight. We'll have to play the larger buy-in tournament tomorrow."

We hurried. I won the $500 buy-in tournament at the moment the lights started to flash on and off to announce that the library was closing. I left $1,000 on the site for the next tournament and transferred $3,500 to Dad's bank account. "Check tomorrow to make sure that money hits your account," I said to my astonished father.

"I will," he said.

On the drive home, I said, "Do you work tomorrow?"


"Do I have a bicycle?"

"Yes, but the tires are flat. You haven't ridden it for a year. Why?"

"I thought I'd ride to the library and play that other tournament. If I win, I'll keep playing until I lose a tournament. Then I'll quit for the day."

"Oh," he said.

"Do I have a suit?"

"A suit?"

"Yes, I can't go into court dressed in clothes like I'm wearing."

"Oh. No, you don't have a suit."

"I figure we'll need $10,000 for the attorney. $500 for clothes for me. Do you have a suit?"


"Plus $500 for clothes for you. And I don't want to continue going to the library to play hold 'em, so I'll need a computer, a laptop with all the bells and whistles, say another $1,500. Plus, we'll need a high-speed connection to the internet at the house. Do we have cable TV?"

"Yes, just the basic package, though."

"Does the cable company offer an internet connection?"

"I don't know."

"I'll check." When asked, he told me the name of the cable company. "With the internet connection fee, our clothes, my laptop computer and the attorney, we'll need about $13,000. But that's not all. I'll need a job. If I can get a job before Tuesday next week, that'll show the judge that I'm serious about rehabilitating myself. To work, I'll need a car. A used car will be fine to start with, say another $10,000. And you'll have to pay taxes on the money I win for us. To net $23,000, I'll need to win about $30,000, depending on your tax bracket. Damn, I wish that court date was two weeks away instead of less than a week." I sighed. "We'll just have to do the best we can."

"I'll take off work for an hour and drive you to the library in the morning when it opens and pick you up when I get off work," Dad said.

"That'll work. Tomorrow evening, plan on shopping for clothes, a computer, and a car. And cell phones. I forgot about cell phones. We'll both need cell phones. We'll eat fast food for dinner while we're out. I'll start looking for a job while I'm at the library tomorrow. The classifieds for newspapers are on the internet. What's the name of the local newspaper?"

"Santa Fe New Mexican," he said.

"The job will be a crap job, Dad, not one to be proud of, and as soon as I can, I'll quit the job."

"With the way you play poker, I don't blame you," he said.

"Poker will not be my life's work, Dad. I don't know what it will be, but it won't be poker. I'll use poker to amass investment money, not as a vocation."

"Oh." After a short pause, he said, "I understand. I like it that poker won't be your life's work. Maybe you can be a professional artist?"

"Maybe. We'll see."

I played and won four tournaments the next day and transferred $30,000 to my father's checking account. That evening, I bought a used Honda Civic sedan, a laptop computer and color printer, and two cell phones. The stores closed before we could shop for clothes.

"We'll shop for your suit tomorrow night, Dad, and I looked in my closet this morning. I need more than a suit. My wardrobe sucks. I'll spend part of the day tomorrow putting together a new wardrobe."

He laughed and said, "Another difference between now and then. I hated the way you dressed, but..." He stopped talking and looked upward, as if in prayer. "What kind of music do you like now?"

"I don't know. I'll listen to the radio on the drive home and tell you when I get there." We had two vehicles: the Honda and Dad's pickup truck. "No, I'll call you with my new cell phone and tell you on the drive home."

Ten minutes later without turning on the radio, I called him using speed-dial number one. When he answered the call, I said, "Country music. I like country music."

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Who Chooses the ChosenChapter 6

The orcs advanced slowly, implacably. Every few seconds one of them would pause a moment to slap the ground and give a roaring bellow that froze the blood. Their black and red striped fur bristling outwards, they looked every inch the eight feet tall they were. With arms nearly as tall as a man they held huge weapons, shining brightly and well cared for, dripping with blood and gore. With a squat and simian saunter they moved towards the frozen group. Tired, wounded and already having...

3 years ago
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An Extraordinary Old Woman a Willing Young ManChapter 2 The Summer of Bliss

She was waiting for me as I came through customs. I spotted her instantly in the small crowd; her white hair framed her face, shining brightly in the florescent light. But it was her eyes that grabbed me, just like they always did. It was her extraordinary spirit that shone like a bright light in the huge dimly lit hall. She wore a light blue dress that accentuated her slim figure, and high heeled boots. She smiled, and the sight of her happy face thrilled me. I smiled back. I was glad to see...

2 years ago
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An unfortunate blowjob incidentwith a great prolo

A long time ago, in a college apartment not too far away....I'm a dominant man in bed. Because of my foot baller physique, I've always had an aggressive, but passionate way to love making. Something about my girlfriend f***d to do whatever my perverted mind drove me wild. I turned most of my submissive girls into anal cumming, gagging sluts. I stretched one's asshole to accept a fist (never got past the wrist, but it was so exciting stretching her nontheless). I loved hearing the sound of...

2 years ago
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Mother and her 2 daughters Taking Amy

Introduction: My father had some rental houses on our property and we had this young single mother with 2 young daughters to rent one of them. I could not believe my eyes when Janet came in to rent one of my dad houses that was right there on our property . God she was beautiful. Dark hair, olive skin and brown eyes about 5 3 tall and every thing in the right place. When she told my dad she was single I could hardly believe it. Expecially since she had two young daughters. I found out later the...

2 years ago
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God is in his kingdom and all is well in the world

I decided to make an Evangelion lemon instead of Digimon lemon, because my style of writing better suits the psychotic atmosphere of Eva. Besides, I love the series. Oh yeah, this mixes the final episodes and End of Evangelion, with me approaching the story’s conclusion in a rather different way than in the series while still trying to remain close to the original. Due to the rules however, I had to water some things up, which I’m really sorry about. Prologue: Shinji has sunk to a new...

3 years ago
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From Masturbating In The Bathroom To Fucking My Friend8217s Hotass Mom

My name is Mohan Patel and i live in America. This story is about my best friend’s hot ass mom and this is a completely true story. So I am nineteen years old, and my best friend is a year younger then me and is eighteen years old. We both go to the same college. I have known my friend, who’s name is rajan, since i was three years old. Rajan’s mom, sapna aunty got married at a really early age and is only 39 years old. She is hot as hell. She could have been a model or an actress if she was...

1 year ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 10 Floor Plan To Togetherness

For the two days after Rita's holes had been unveiled, they were kept in constant, almost non-stop, use. Apparently both the boys and the girls felt they'd been cheated out of 24 hours of valuable fucking time and they were determined to claim it back. Everyone was pretty happy with the new system for keeping their sex quotas up, and the girls especially were happy to have their daily supply of cum back. Three girls however still looked somewhat down, even though they made frequent stops...

4 years ago
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A Reversal of Fortune Chapter 1

I had heard quite a bit about Lorna Pierce before I actually met her. I was the new hire for the company and the personnel manager, Bill, and I seemed to hit it off pretty well. We had both gone to the same college (he was a couple years ahead of me) and we both came from the same general part of Ohio - I was from the Dayton area while he was from somewhere around Columbus. "You probably won't see much of her... she doesn't come down from her ivory tower to visit us commonfolk much. But if you...

3 years ago
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33 Years of Funcontinued

Our Wedding night as Sarah planned was a wonderful night as our bodies responded brilliantly working as one unit and as I increased the in and out movements she reciprocated by moving her hips and pelvis to create enough friction our bodies began to emit a rather loud sucking noise which turned us on even more. So much in fact I had to slow my fucking pace as I didn,t want to cum too soon! I felt that Sarah deserved a proper climax after her planning to make this a night to remember. Sadly with...

3 years ago
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Curious WM 30

cock sucking – cock licking – crotch licking – ball licking – curious male – curious older male – sweet cumCURIOUS WM, 30 looking for first time oral experience from another man. All calls answered. 4257You've seen the ads. Maybe you even thought about answering one. Maybe you did. I saw this ad and was drawn to it. It was so simple. A curious guy wants to find someone to satisfy his need to know what it would be like to have a man give him head. He may have had oral sex from a woman but he...

2 years ago
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One Marathon Sex Session

Jarvis and I stayed in touch, Jarvis was Daryl's fuck buddy, that is until Daryl found that he did not need to leave the dorm room for freaky sex. Jarvis wanted to know all about me and Daryl, I drew the line at talking about Daryl, but emptied myself about me and my fantasies. Jarvis questioned me as to how many men have sexed me at one session, I told him about Mr. Ronald, and how he would pick me up so his buddies could fuck my tight ass. But Jarvis said 'they are just old men trying not...

4 years ago
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USA Part Time Job Sex Experience With Desi Girl

Hi all! My name is Swarup (name changed) I am a great follower of iss. Here I am going to explain about my first sex experience. Her name is Preethi (name changed) set assets are 34-26-36 nice and big boobs. Her height is 5’9 she is from Hyderabad. I came to USA for masters and parallel started to work in subway by my work and skills I became manager to the subway in short time it was summer time most students from different universities where part time jobs were less used to try for part time...

3 years ago
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Time for another Miller Light, after all that playing around. All three sat on the couch, the nude girls beside John. They watched more of the film as they recuperated. Finishing her beer, her right hand on John’s thigh, Kelly told the other two, “Okay, now it’s time for you married people to go in the bedroom and lie down. I’ll be in there in a minute with a delicious surprise.” A quizzical look passed between the couple. What has this girl got up her sleeve now? Oops, no...

3 years ago
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Me and My Asian Girlfriends first time

So me and my girlfriend met in college and she was an international exchange student from South Korea, we didnt start getting intimate till around a month or two in but our first big time is what ill be sharing tonight. You see she had never done anything in her life and me myself had some experience but wasnt a professional by far. We were in her dorm on her single bed and just laying looking at one another kissing every so often till it started getting heated. I was rubbing her back and...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Sex GovernessChapter 4

Today would be Jen’s first day with the kids in the mansion’s sex den where they’d start their training. Two king-size beds, large-screen televisions for porn, sex lube and plenty of clean towels awaited. Jen told the children to wear shorts and a t-shirt ... nothing else. She dressed similarly but in a short top that hugged her tits and bared her midriff. Jen wanted her charges to receive a complete sex education. They would begin with a daily classroom-style study of sexual health with...

3 years ago
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A Trip To My Favorite Glory Hole

Went to my favorite adult bookstore in Atlanta a few weeks back. I got a bunch of tokens and then went to booth 3 which is my favorite booth because it has glory holes on both sides. I put in some tokens and then undressed completely. I started to watch the shadows in the holes and there was one guy in the one on my right. I looked in and he seemed like a middle aged construction worker wanting a bj before he went home. I looked and I caught his eye, then I motioned him that I wanted to...

3 years ago
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An Alien Abduction Part 2

Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days. The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him...

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Bisexual groupies

I decided I would watch her every day for a few weeks. The third day I saw Sharon with two cute teenage girls. It was getting really interesting today with another girl. I think she is either a lesbian or a bi-sexual. Sharon and Jennifer held hands with few clothes on. On the fourth day Sharon and another girl were here. She unbuttoned her friend’s pants. Neither had a bra on. I could barely see them as they sat on the dining room floor. I heard Sharon say, “Lisa I want to suck your...

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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 6

I motioned Pat and Dad down and crept closer to the generator site listening and watching for anyone or anything. Other than the generator noise, it remained quiet and I saw no people or animals. Dad and Pat had crept up close to my right. I whispered, "It looks clear. Let's wait a bit though. That thing is cycling. I want to watch and to listen to a full cycle." They nodded. We did exactly that and everything remained quiet other than the generator's motor. I said, "Let's go down...

4 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 31

Brooke’s shoes barely touched her parent’s, Athens Texas, ranch soil, when a German Shepard sprinted from the front veranda towards her. Barks, high chirps, and furiously tail wagging announced his eagerness and excitement, recognizing his love. A cloud of dust greeted her as his paws dug into the hard ground, skidding to a stop. “Hi Tex, hi my boy, I’ve missed you so much!” Brooke cooed as her faithful four-legged partner fussed over the arrival of his beloved master. “How’s my boy?” She...

2 years ago
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Moms bad idea

It was another long friday for cindy once again her day was full of random errands that made it hard for her to enjoy the day. But finally she was home and ready to relax with her husband. Her daughter (kat) is at her friends for the weekend and her being excited for the long needed break from the day cindy decided to get all dolled up for her husband and surprise him with a special night. She even puts on her new size 2 sexy pink laced lingerie with the crotchless bottoms even put the silk...

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A Night To Forget

A Night To Forget im 15 years old , short brown hair, slim build about 5ft 5 and a nice 3 inch cock at full erection. ive always had a fasination for dressing as a girl. it just makes me so horny. ive been meeting this 43 year old guy for about 3 months now not a relationship just meeting 2 times every 2 weeks for a quick round of sex. i always go on the bottom i like being used by another man the thought just makes me so horny. anyway this perticular night we decided to meet at 2:30am...

1 year ago
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MMDChapter 7 Marty Stu Walks in the Park

Sir Issac Ney strode into the General Assembly of the United Nations. I was on his left as was proper for subordinates. Sir Issac was in soft clothes but I wore my Earth Defense Force uniform. We were announced. “This is Colonel T. E. Lawrence,” Sir Issac introduced me. “His primary mission is preserving human culture. Colonel Lawrence has traveled the world collecting documents, artifacts and interviews so that human culture survives invasion by the Swarm.” “Thief!” someone shouted from...

3 years ago
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Reenu Ritu And Unka Cousin 8211 Ek Bottle Whiskey

H!,I am Kabir Kanvar from Punjab. Yeh kahani meri cousin ritu and reenu ki hai jo M.sc ki phadayi kar rahi hai woh mujhse approx. 5 saal choti hai .hum log aksar shadiyo par hi mila karte the otherwise hum mein koi contact nahi hota tha. par yeh facebook bahut achi cheez nikli mere liye.Unhone ne mujhe facebook par add kiya . pehle toh kabhi koi baat nahi ki kabhi bus ghar walo ke baare mein puch kar baat khatam ho jati thi . Ek din raat ko Ritu ko kuch topic samjh nahi aa raha tha toh usne...

1 year ago
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Glen WisemanChapter 3

Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...

3 years ago
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A Brief Encounter

The New England autumn rain had stopped by the time I drove the rental south on Route 95 back toward my hotel. It was late and the taillights of the few cars on the highway shone on the wet pavement ahead of me. I had traveled back to my home town to visit family. Not a particularly happy visit. A funeral, in fact. Despite the sadness that brought us together, it was good to see people who I hadn’t seen in so long. It was over though, and I would fly home the next morning. Those...

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Coed in the Corner Part One

She had been going to the corner of the General Education building to study for a few weeks now. It was a little area near the stairwell with a few comfy sofas and a small coffee table. It was crowded during the day with students studying or just chatting with friends between classes. In the evening, however, it became quiet as a tomb. No one wanted to hang out in an empty classroom building, but Joni found it to be just perfect. Joni had tried the library, but it was just too stuffy. The smell...

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Ageplay a true story

This was a while ago, i was 24 years and had the opportunity to follow a woman home that was twice as old as me. She was a beautiful woman with athletic body and long blond hair.I met her at a bar where she stood drinking a classic dry martini when I would order a drink. There was a line so we started talking to each other. She was wearing a pair of light linen pants and a white blouse. She had small firm pointy breasts that you could see through the blouse when she didn´t ned a bra. I invited...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 69

I was resting - alone - when the phone rang. It was one of those rare moments when someone wasn't 'babysitting' me. It took just a second to wake up enough to answer the phone, but I made it before the call went to voice mail. It was Sherrie asking if I was flying with them or meeting them in Sweden. Instead of answering, I put her off and promised to call later with an answer. Her call got me thinking. I felt good enough to do just about anything I wanted to do, so why not? "Rebecca,...

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