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"Sit down," Hank said to Sue. "There on the loveseat."

"Why?" she said.

"Because I have bad news, and I want you sitting when I tell you about it."

Sue looked alarmed, but she didn't argue. She sat on the loveseat.

Hank kneeled in front of her and took her hands in his. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. Debra is dead. While she was..."

Sue jerked her hands from his and jumped to her feet, nearly knocking Hank over with her sudden move. "No!" she screamed, her arms stiff and by her side, her fists clenched. "No!"

Hank moved upright and took her in his arms. She remained stiff. "While she was shopping on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, lightning struck her again. This time she didn't make it."

As suddenly as Sue had moved off the loveseat she collapsed. With his arms around her, Hank caught her and set her on the sofa. He sat beside her. The tears came then, followed by gut-wrenching sobs. He held her through the release of her emotions.

When she could finally speak, Sue said, "I loved her. I loved Debra but I was afraid of her."

"I know," Hank said.

"No, you don't know, Dad," Sue said. "I..." She swallowed another sob. "I pushed her away from me, not because she'd killed that man, but because I didn't feel worthy of her. She was a genius, Dad. She was a better architect than Angela, a better salesman and marketer than Stan, a better poker player than world champion poker players on TV. She was better than anyone at everything she did. It was freakish. She was a freak of nature! Five months ago, she had the intellect of a six-year-old, and then lightning struck her and made her a genius. Her freakishness frightened me. Oh, that she could kill and did kill pushed me away, too, but she was just protecting me, saving my life. I could have..." She sobbed again, but quickly regained control. "I could have handled her violence; I figured she'd be violent only when she had to to protect herself or someone she cared about. Hell, Dad, that's normal, one of the only normal things about her. That she could stop that man, a large man with a knife, that wasn't normal." She buried her face in her father's chest. "Now you know. I wasn't worthy of her, but I loved her. I loved her."

Sherry held Angela in her arms. Angela was asleep. She'd cried herself to sleep. Sherry had cried with her. They'd just lost a cherished friend, but Angela had lost more than a friend, she'd lost her mentor.

"I could have learned so much from her, Sherry," Angela had said. "I was learning so much. Now..." She broke down in tears again. "I loved her, Sherry, I loved her, not like I love you, but I loved her. She was so unselfish, so giving."

"Yes she was," Sherry said. "Debra Oakman will be remembered. Some will remember her as a freak of nature. What she did, what she could do wasn't possible, but she did them. But I, for one, won't remember her for doing the impossible. I'll remember her for what she did for others, especially for what she did for you, Angela."

"I wish I'd had more time with her, a few more projects, and that's selfish. I feel so selfish, Sherry."

"I'm angry. I'm mad at her. That's as irrational as you feeling selfish because you wanted more time with her. I'm angry because she swooped into our lives like a tornado, lifted us up to heights neither of us had ever reached and then suddenly plunged us back to earth again. I want to curse her for abandoning us, but I won't. You were closer to her than I. I won't grieve as deeply, but I'll grieve, and I'll support your grief, Angela. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Sherry," Angela said.

"I know," Sherry said.

"I'm so sleepy; suddenly I feel so sleepy I can hardly hold up my head."

"Sleep then," Sherry said. "Go to sleep in my arms."

Home was a double-wide trailer in a trailer park. It took my new father and me a while, but we finally found Eric's drug stash and flushed it down the john. Besides meth crystals, the stash included marijuana, some pills, and some drug paraphernalia. The paraphernalia went in the trash.

"Can you cook?" I asked my father.

"Some," he said.

"Can I cook?" I asked.

"Some," he said.

"Let's cook," I said and opened the refrigerator door. Some milk, six bottles of beer, and a bottle of grape juice were the liquid offerings. Lettuce, a green pepper, a bunch of celery, two tomatoes, and a cucumber were in the crisper. Another drawer in the refrigerator produced cheese—two kinds, sharp cheddar and pepper cheese—a package of flour tortillas, and a tub of crated parmesan cheese. The meat drawer held bacon and sausage, and a package of biscuit dough, the kind that pops when it's opened. There were the usual things in the refrigerator door, including butter and eight eggs. I found a package of frozen chicken tenders in the freezer, some hamburger patties, a London-broil steak, a package of uncooked shrimp, a quart of coffee ice cream, and some ice cream sandwiches.

"Is there a pantry?" I asked.

"No, we store dry food in the cupboards," he said, pointing. I rummaged through the pantry. We had the makings for at least six dinners for two, maybe seven or eight. Breakfasts wouldn't stretch that far, and lunches would be mostly Campbell's soups and different kinds of sandwiches. Snack foods were abundant. I'd want more spices; I like spicy food, but the cupboard wasn't bare like the cupboard I walked into in John Windom's house.

"Do you plan meals?" I asked.

"No," he said.

There was a microwave oven on one of the kitchen counters.

"How about a baked potato, some breaded and fried chicken tenders, canned corn, and a salad for dinner?" I said. With my thin body, fried foods weren't a problem, and as Debra Oakman, I'd missed fried chicken.

He gave me a curious look, but said, "Fine by me. I'll do the potatoes."

I laughed. "In the microwave, right?"

"Is there any other way?" he said.

"Okay, but let me unthaw the chicken tenders first."

Twenty minutes later we sat down to dinner.

Dad sliced off some fried chicken, put it in his mouth and chewed. "Very good, Eric. Now, tell me where you learned to fry chicken like this?"

I swallowed the chicken in my mouth and said, "Can't. No memories, remember?"

"Your mother didn't know how to fry chicken like this. I don't know how to fry chicken like this. And as far as I know, you've never fried chicken, period. When I said you cooked some, I lied. If any meals were cooked in this house, I did the cooking."

I shrugged. "It's weird, Dad, but I think I can do a lot of things I couldn't do before lighting flashed out of the sky and put me in a coma. That's why I was asking about a computer. I think I'm pretty handy with a computer. I'm not a hacker, but ... I don't know. It's difficult to explain." I scrunched my brow purposefully. "Could I draw before? You know, like an artist?"

"Draw flies, maybe, but not like an artist," he said.

"After dinner, let's test one of the feelings I have. Let's find a piece of paper and a pencil and I'll draw."

"We'll do that." He grinned malevolently. "One thing you could do and do well before was the dishes."

"Yeah, sure, Dad. If I believed that, someone could also sell me the Brooklyn Bridge."

"I've got a quitclaim deed handy for that bridge, too," he said and chortled.

We cleaned up the dinner mess together, evidently another first for Eric Kleiner.

The paper was a standard 8 ½" by 11" piece of paper; the pencil was dull. I sharpened it with a kitchen knife.

"What do you want to draw?" Dad said.

"How about you?" I said. I'd made my spending money in college drawing caricatures in a number of sports bars around Phoenix. "Sit on that chair. I'll draw on the table. How about a caricature?"

"Whatever blows your whistle," he said.

I drew him with an oversized head, a tiny but long, thin body, pushing a wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow contained a bush that would be planted. It took me ten minutes. I didn't sign the drawing. I didn't know how to spell my last name. So I wrote "Stick" under the drawing and handed it to him.

"I'll be go to hell!" he exclaimed. He looked up at me with a stunned look on his face. "You can draw! This is professional, Eric!"

"Not really," I said. "I don't know why, but I believe I can do professional work, though."

"Okay, now tell me why the questions about a bank account and a computer," he said. "I won't think you're nuts."

"We can't afford an attorney, right?"

"Yes, mostly. I have a little money put aside, but you didn't care what happened to you. Still what I've put aside isn't much. I don't think it's enough for attorney fees."

"How much do you have?"

"$750," he said.

"No, that won't do it. This money you've put aside, is it in a checking account with a bank?" When he nodded, I looked at my left wrist to see what time it was. I wasn't wearing a wristwatch. Did I own one? "What time is it?"

"7:30," he said.

"What time does the library close?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Libraries have computers with internet connections," I said. "Do you have a library card?"

"Yes," he said. "So do you."

"We'll use yours because we'll be transferring money out of your checking account to a web site."


"So we can turn $500 of the $750 into $4,500. Then we'll use $1,000 of the $4,500 to turn it into $9,000, which will turn the $750 you've put aside into $13,750, including the $750."

"Will you be breaking any laws?" he said.

"Yes and no. What we'll be doing will be done in your name, so what we'll do will be legal. The thing is I'll be doing it, not you, and at my age, it's illegal for me to gamble. We're going to play Texas hold 'em poker on the internet, Dad. I've got this feeling that I'm really good at the game. The feeling is just like the feeling I got that I could draw. Are you willing to risk $500 of your $750 so we can make enough to pay an attorney to help me at my trial?"

He sat gazing off into the distance about a thousand yards, his lips pursed, his thin shoulders hunched over. Finally, he nodded and said, "Let's do it, Son. You're going to need a lawyer."

"Grab your checkbook. We'll need the routing number on a check, and hurry. As it is, if the library closes at nine o'clock, we'll be lucky if we have enough time for one tournament tonight. We'll have to play the larger buy-in tournament tomorrow."

We hurried. I won the $500 buy-in tournament at the moment the lights started to flash on and off to announce that the library was closing. I left $1,000 on the site for the next tournament and transferred $3,500 to Dad's bank account. "Check tomorrow to make sure that money hits your account," I said to my astonished father.

"I will," he said.

On the drive home, I said, "Do you work tomorrow?"


"Do I have a bicycle?"

"Yes, but the tires are flat. You haven't ridden it for a year. Why?"

"I thought I'd ride to the library and play that other tournament. If I win, I'll keep playing until I lose a tournament. Then I'll quit for the day."

"Oh," he said.

"Do I have a suit?"

"A suit?"

"Yes, I can't go into court dressed in clothes like I'm wearing."

"Oh. No, you don't have a suit."

"I figure we'll need $10,000 for the attorney. $500 for clothes for me. Do you have a suit?"


"Plus $500 for clothes for you. And I don't want to continue going to the library to play hold 'em, so I'll need a computer, a laptop with all the bells and whistles, say another $1,500. Plus, we'll need a high-speed connection to the internet at the house. Do we have cable TV?"

"Yes, just the basic package, though."

"Does the cable company offer an internet connection?"

"I don't know."

"I'll check." When asked, he told me the name of the cable company. "With the internet connection fee, our clothes, my laptop computer and the attorney, we'll need about $13,000. But that's not all. I'll need a job. If I can get a job before Tuesday next week, that'll show the judge that I'm serious about rehabilitating myself. To work, I'll need a car. A used car will be fine to start with, say another $10,000. And you'll have to pay taxes on the money I win for us. To net $23,000, I'll need to win about $30,000, depending on your tax bracket. Damn, I wish that court date was two weeks away instead of less than a week." I sighed. "We'll just have to do the best we can."

"I'll take off work for an hour and drive you to the library in the morning when it opens and pick you up when I get off work," Dad said.

"That'll work. Tomorrow evening, plan on shopping for clothes, a computer, and a car. And cell phones. I forgot about cell phones. We'll both need cell phones. We'll eat fast food for dinner while we're out. I'll start looking for a job while I'm at the library tomorrow. The classifieds for newspapers are on the internet. What's the name of the local newspaper?"

"Santa Fe New Mexican," he said.

"The job will be a crap job, Dad, not one to be proud of, and as soon as I can, I'll quit the job."

"With the way you play poker, I don't blame you," he said.

"Poker will not be my life's work, Dad. I don't know what it will be, but it won't be poker. I'll use poker to amass investment money, not as a vocation."

"Oh." After a short pause, he said, "I understand. I like it that poker won't be your life's work. Maybe you can be a professional artist?"

"Maybe. We'll see."

I played and won four tournaments the next day and transferred $30,000 to my father's checking account. That evening, I bought a used Honda Civic sedan, a laptop computer and color printer, and two cell phones. The stores closed before we could shop for clothes.

"We'll shop for your suit tomorrow night, Dad, and I looked in my closet this morning. I need more than a suit. My wardrobe sucks. I'll spend part of the day tomorrow putting together a new wardrobe."

He laughed and said, "Another difference between now and then. I hated the way you dressed, but..." He stopped talking and looked upward, as if in prayer. "What kind of music do you like now?"

"I don't know. I'll listen to the radio on the drive home and tell you when I get there." We had two vehicles: the Honda and Dad's pickup truck. "No, I'll call you with my new cell phone and tell you on the drive home."

Ten minutes later without turning on the radio, I called him using speed-dial number one. When he answered the call, I said, "Country music. I like country music."

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Craig List

Craig story for postingShe is yours for the tacking!! I have left my sissy chained to tree waiting to be used. We begin begin your transformation from loving boyfriend to my precious Gumdrop the slut. I begin by stripping all your man close off of you and leaving them on the floor. I tell you have sexy you will be once we get all that ugly hair off of you. No man wants a hairy girl. You MUST also be very clean for the men you will service. They wont a slut but not a dirty whore. I will help you...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 96 In the Running

After I hung up the phone, Marilyn looked over at me from the dishwasher. “I thought you told me you didn’t want to run for Congress.” “I thought you told me you did want me to run for Congress!” “I never said that! Besides, you never listen to me anyway,” she responded with a smile. I stared at my wife for a moment and was interrupted in my reply by the twins racing through. I snagged Holly and asked, “Do you know where Mommy keeps the camera?” “No.” “Well, I want you and Molly to go...

4 years ago
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One sexy mature lady

I have known Marie for a few years, due to my job, she is a lady , of about 57, short dark hair , nice boobs, and a nice well rounded bottom .One day last week she was really down in the dumps, so I asked her what was up, she said a friend, had told her about a sexual expierence with a man , and it had got her , a bit randy as she is a widow, and not had a man for a few years.Anyway I ended up chatting away , and she asked me if I would like to come round to her,s for a drink that evening , so...

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I was a popular guy at my High School, mostly among the girls. Before I hit puberty I was a nobody, then my body changed and even more so my penis started to grow in size and soon it was well known around school that I was hung like a horse.The first once that suddenly showed interest in me, was the "slutty and easy" girls. None of them were very attractive, they all liked attention and got it from the guys by sleeping with them. At first it was fun to get their attention, but some of my more...

3 years ago
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Taylor ConChapter 2

There is nothing more frightening than children being left with a stranger for the first time. The crying, the worry ... Fred hoped Taylor and Anita were over the worst of it now that they were in Philly. The conversation in the car had been a downward spiral of sadness only stopped when Fred started pumping The Donnas through the speakers. You can't be sad while listening to The Donnas. The convention officially started noon on Wednesday, so the trio drove into Philadelphia early Tuesday...

4 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 8 The Final Test2

GOD Anna and I sat in the lavish theatre room of my hotel in hell. Freshly buttered popcorn slickened our fingers and lips and crunched loudly between our teeth. The large projection screen displayed the dinner date between Lucy and Rachel in crystal clarity. It was shown to us as an actual movie, with differing camera angles and clear sound production. The two lead actresses of this production sat across from each other at the table, their postures leaning forward as their eyes locked....

4 years ago
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Sissy Boy BBC Contract

I, Keri Pinkpanty agrees to the following rules, and will adhere to them faithfully:I will submit my mind, body and soul fully to Big Black Cocks (BBC) as often as possible from now on and for the rest of my life in all of the following ways, as well as those not listed.1. I am no longer dressing for myself. I am no longer dressing for my gender. I am no longer dressing to pass as a woman as most sissy boys are prone to do. I am dressing for other men, Black men. I am dressing to attract and...

4 years ago
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Beaver Tales Pt 02

Forbidden Fruit or Care and Feeding of Amorous Beavers Part 2 2. The Consummation The room was dark and Tom leaned down and kissed her while his hand once again located her panties and stroked his fingers down the distinct groove that had formed between her labia. With sweaty hands he lifted her sweater off, unfastened her bra and dropped them both to the floor. Then he unzipped her skirt and let it fall, unhooked her garter belt and stripped off her stockings before finally peeling her...

2 years ago
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The Cocksuckers Learning adventure 1

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I went online and looked at thelatest ads for men seeking men and emailed a guy who had just posted an adfor afternoon fun in an adjacent town. He was looking to suck guys outdoorsor in their cars in the vicinity of the turnpike. He met me at the parkinglot of a restaurant and I had him follow me to an office park that used tobe a boy scout camp I went to on overnights and hikes with my troop. Ipicked a random office building and we parked in the back...

1 year ago
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Solomons Women

When I began my spiritual odyssey, I was 23 years old and I left the US for anywhere. Having been brought up in a strict all-white Catholic culture, I was aware after encountering other cultures, how suppressed and screwed up I was with regard to my own sexuality. So, I endeavored to experience as many different attitudes and mores as possible in my quest to ‘unlearn’ my Catholic upbringing and free myself of the fears associated with them. After many years of travel through Central America,...

3 years ago
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Whos First

I wonder who started first. Which one of us was the first to try out some strange? We met at a party that was full of sexy people wanting to fool around with other sexy people. It wasn't a swinger's party but it could have been with a slight push. The host was my closest friend who was always trying to hook me up with one of his wife's friends. His wife was very easy on the eyes, as were all their friends they had introduced to me too. This time the intro took. When I saw Jason's wife...

4 years ago
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Wicked Dreams 2

As I kneel in the garden, naked, amid the wind and the rain, the remnants of last night’s storm, I sense that you are standing directly behind me, but I dare not look over my shoulder. I can feel your presence Mistress. My cock is flaccid as I grasp it in my fingers again, but it twitches to life and I cry out as I feel the many strands of your flogger grip across my muscular back, cracking at my smooth wet flesh, dealing out your sweet dose of pleasure and pain. You flog me hard, over and...

4 years ago
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Betrothed Ch 02

Nick quickly put is hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. She looked at him with terrified eyes and started to thrash and claw at him. Nick heard footsteps outside her door, and wondered if someone had heard her scream. Nick didn’t know what to do. There was no time to explain who he was, because she would just ask questions about where he had been, and refuse to leave with him until she got the answers. And there just wasn’t any time. ‘Don’t scream or I’ll kill you,’ he whispered in her...

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EveryThursday night I babysat for the Harrisons. Like always I arrived home from school at four o'clock and jumped into the shower before heading over to their house. It was my senior year in high school, only one month till graduation. I was psyched for the school year to be over, but I knew I would miss babysitting for them. I had gotten the job because I went to school with their eldest son Jason. He graduated two years before me and went off to college. After I got out of the shower I went...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bathroom fun at Ricks

I was at a swinging party, and went to the bathroom to freshen up , and get my bits smelling fresh and clean for my next sexy partner, when i bumped into Gemma, who saw me washing my hardening cock . She suggested that i wear her panties whilst she played with my cock, no problem, this is going to be fun i thought...! naked in Ricks bathroom, wearing Gemmas panties,that shed just taken off, bearing her shaven quim that looked very inviting , with her basque and stockings on her sexy body....

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Amandas Big Mistake

[Book3] I was lying on my back, the cool air licking at my body. I could feel a thin fabric covering me but I knew that underneath it I was naked. I tried to open my eyes but for some reason I was surrounded by darkness. As I tried to lift my arms I felt the tight restraints circling around my wrists. I was soon aware that my entire body was strapped down onto what felt like a very hard table. I tried to force my mind to clear, to understand how this all could be happening to me. Why was I...

3 years ago
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Sisterhood IV Emilys First Fuck

Sisterhood IV: Emily's First Fuck!Emily was an innocent 16 year-old girl, whose older sister, Grace - 18, was a total slut, who fucked and sucked every guy off she wanted. After Emily was caught masturbating, as she watched Grace one night, sucking on a guy called John, Grace decided she was going to help her follow in her footsteps. First by getting John to eat her pussy out and then have her suck on a cock for the first time and have him cum on her face. Now, Grace decided it was time to...

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A Bleu Christmas

Don't get me wrong, I love parties; especially holiday parties. This particular party, on the other hand, I was not looking forward to at all, but I needed to be present, or at least seen to be there. Desmond Mallard runs the largest commercial real estate company in our large city and every year he invites his major leaseholders, suppliers, construction cronies and other assorted friends of dubious acquaintance to his home. The food is usually quite good, it's true, but his personality and...

3 years ago
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SolsticeThe sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds to the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black bare branches of the forest that stood waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan. Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. She smiled as she remembered solstices long ago. She was young. She was beautiful....

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Taking Pauline in the Liquor Room

I work weekends as a bartender at a catering hall for weddings and private parties, this is my story... To say that I was immediately attracted to Pauline on her first day of work as a hostess would be an understatement. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair with a gorgeous eastern European face sitting on a perfect body. We all have different definitions of a perfect body so mine is 5'6" tall about 120 pounds with a nice full B cup with a heart shaped ass that wont quit. Although policy...

4 years ago
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Encounter With Leena 8211 Part I

Hi All, I have been an avid reader of ISS for quite some time. I have read many stories and experinces of people shared here. I would like to share one of my experince with you all. This all happend a couple of months back and since then i am not able to take it out of my mind. I am a 26 Yrs old working professional from Mumbai. I have always been fond of sex and wanted to try out a first hand experince, which was succesfully done when i was in my last year of graduation, that incident I’ll let...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Behen K Sath Game 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam karan hai.. Aur ye meri pehli story hai.. Mai bahot time se iss ki stories padh rha hoon.. Aur mujhe bahot maza aata hai.. Khaas kar hindi stories me.. Aur jo wild stories hoti hain.. Unse mai khud ko relate kar pata hu.. Kyuki mai bhot wild ho jata hu sex karte tym.. Pta nhi kya ho jata hai mujhe.. Mujhe sex ka bhot shauk hai.. Aur mai bahot bada flirt hu.. Pehle aisa nahi tha.. Par.. Pyar me dhoke k baad ab ho gya hu.. And i don’t mind that… Neither do girls.. Ye story bilkul...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 86

Up in Sandra's room, Veronique stopped Sandra and turned her around. Wrapping her arms around that lovely naked body, she pulled Sandra closer and then gave her a toe curling kiss. Sandra kissed her back with the same ferocity. Veronique tried to push Sandra backwards towards the bed, but this was when Sandra stopped her. "Um ... Could we just talk? For now." Sandra asked her lover. "Sure," Veronique answered while pinching Sandra's bum, but not trying anything else. Sandra walked to...

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The Jelly Bean Factory for J

a real quick write – not a literary masterpiece, but fun – hope you enjoy it. I know I did – dedicated to J, who inspired it. ,)  Mist hung like a spectral curtain, clinging to everything inthe heart of downtown Vancouver, turning the night primeval. A brick wall, dingy and home to graffiti rose from rain soaked concrete and was seemingly lost in the clouds. Reflected streetlights and traffic signals shimmered in the puddles and gutters, trembling with the beat of distant thunder that spilled...

2 years ago
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Volleyball Girls

Even though I hadn’t really done anything wrong I immediately felt out of place and proceed to go to the other side of the walk-way looking straight ahead. I noticed out of the side of my eye they went down the aisle next to them. “that was weird” I thought but I didn’t want to think too much about it, I just wanted to grab my sub and head home. After I got my sandwich I headed to the self-checkout and again saw those girls out of the corned of my eye. “Someone over here has a crush” I heard...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 8

The rest of the dinner is a blue to me. People came up to Hawk and Polly, beaming, some crying, and all congratulating the three of us. As time went by, I got to thinking about the details of their surprise. Would I be sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom wing? Would I be using one of the bedrooms around the corner, off the main hall of the family quarters? Would they want to send me somewhere, away fro DC to start college? It was all a puzzle and I worried about it right up until I excused...

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Shave Legs White Sissy

One hawt musclefuck stood me up against the wall of the preview booth and fucked me in the ass. He was El Salvadoran, VERY muscular and macho, LOTS of sexy tattoos, shave head, and, like most Latino meyn, very rough in sex. As he was fuckin' me I couldn't help think of the time when I was young and my mom's boyfriend, James, attacked me. Well! I mean, James caught me wearing my mom's high heels and lipstick! What did I expect? He told me if I didn't suck his cock he'd tell my mom I was...

2 years ago
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Big bicock saves my relationship sort of

After a few years of marriage our sex life began to wane as people say. We enjoyed all types of foreplay, which we both enjoyed. My wife was good at slurping and swallowing my 5 inch cock, she could easily swallow me down to my balls no problem at all, most women before her could do the same. I'm not exactly hung lol. When it came to fucking, I knew I was lacking, I could get her to a point but not over the plateau, I had to make her cum by eating her hot, little shaved pussy and ass instead of...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

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