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Chapter 13, In which we have callers
The numbers didn’t make sense. True, I was just the house slut and I was more than a little distracted at the time, but somehow I just knew the monthly outlays were more than double what they should have been.
‘Am I boring you?’ Irene asked. ‘I could get the hook.’
My bladder clenched at the faint disapproval in her voice and I wet myself. It didn’t happen very often, but it wasn’t so unusual that it was worthy of mention. I’d just clean up when she was finished with me.
At the moment, I was bent over my boss’s desk, unaccountably fixated on some of the paperwork on it, with my black dress and white crinolines pushed up to reveal my butt. Irene crouched at my side, breathing heavily, while she slowly tugged on the string until another bead emerged from my back door.
It might have seemed strange to anybody who didn’t know us very well, but as Linnea was fond of saying, we were a match made in heaven. I was a slut, so I could get off on nearly anything, but I found anal sex especially arousing. Irene, on the other hand, couldn’t get herself off except by doing anal — with somebody else.
She liked to get herself warmed up by doing something with my ass, and then I’d finish her off, usually with my tongue. We were just about at the point where we’d switch, but something had thrown me off and Irene knew it. ‘Maybe you just need to keep these a while longer,’ she mused.
I could feel the warmth of her breath on my cheeks as she deftly poked the beads, one by one, back into my rectum. This set was constructed like Ben Wah balls, so I knew I’d have a good time. I wasn’t allowed to masturbate, but Irene — unlike Linnea — didn’t mind if I managed to orgasm when I wasn’t between her legs.
Shaking my head at the odd turn of thought, we traded places. Linnea Richwell was way beyond hot and the thought of servicing her was enough to make me drip, but she was totally out of my league. She was Irene’s boss, and also the sole trustee of the Richwell family trust, which was saying quite a lot. It wasn’t like Linnea didn’t know who I was — the staff wasn’t that large — but she could have anybody she wanted, I was barely on her radar.
I was glad I worked for Irene. She was big on discipline and etiquette, but there wasn’t a mean bone in her body. I slowly pushed her designer skirt up to her hips and buried my face between her cheeks. Yum, I thought, wetting my tongue in her moist pussy before concentrating on her wonderful rosebud.
Suddenly Irene was pushing me away, I sat back on my heels and followed her gaze to the office doorway.
‘Oh, geez, I’m really sorry, Irene, but…’ Cammy, the new girl, looked more than a little flustered. I think she’d been hired on as an intern or something, but ‘intelligence’ or ‘decisiveness’ weren’t words that came to mind when I thought of her. Unlike, say, ‘juicy’ or ‘delectable.’
‘What’s wrong, Cam?’ asked Irene, as she brushed her skirt down and turned so she could sit on the desk. It was one of the things I liked about Irene, she was always so considerate and professional.
‘There are people here,’ Cammy said, twisting the end of a jet-black pigtail around one finger. From where I knelt, her slick cunny was easily visible below the ultra-short black and navy plaid skirt. She was clean-shaven, like the rest of us, but had on black knee socks instead of stockings and garters like Irene and myself. Her thin black blouse had only a single button fastened, about in line with her navel.
It would have been easy to mistake her for just another Catholic schoolgirl, except for the size of the breasts spilling out of her top and the super-refined makeup on her face. Young girls always went with too much color, only after you’d been around for a while did you realize that unrelieved black, and plenty of it, was the ultimate in sexy looks.
Well, okay, I did wear candy-red lipstick, because it went so well with my platinum blonde hair, but the heavy mascara and eyeliner was de rigueur. Even an airhead like Cammy had figured that out.
‘What people?’ asked Irene, bringing me back to the moment. ‘What did they want?’
‘I don’t know,’ Cammy whined. ‘They just wanted to talk to Ms. Richwell, and they won’t leave.’ She meant Linnea, although Linnea’s parents also were in residence, nobody came to see them except doctors — especially psychologists. But we knew them all on sight.
Irene snorted. ‘Fat chance of that happening.’ Linnea was so busy nobody got on her schedule without a lot of advance notice, it was why she had an executive assistant. Except the executive assistant wasn’t exactly a shiftless idler, either. ‘I’ve got to review the budget with her now, too,’ she reminded us, although I knew her schedule already. ‘Can you deal with this, Lily?’ she asked me.
‘Absolutely, Irene,’ I immediately responded. The warm glow of arousal within me ticked higher, fanned by my instant obedience. ‘I’ll run them off if they’re solicitors, and get something on your calendar for later if it seems appropriate. Okay?’
‘Fantastic, as always,’ she approved, patting me gently on the head. ‘Cam, I want you to go with Lily. Watch what she does, so you can handle this by yourself next time.’
‘You are so hot, Lily,’ Cammy told me as we walked down to the entry foyer. ‘I don’t know anybody with a bell like that.’ The bell in question hung from a ring just behind my clit. Shaped like a lily, it chimed in pleasing counterpoint to the clicks of our stilettos on the hardwood floor.
‘Thanks,’ I said, a little uncomfortable with being the object of such adoration. ‘You’re pretty hot, too.’
‘Aren’t I?’ she preened. Lowering her voice a tad, Cammy confided, ‘Linnea thinks I should get my tongue pierced, like Miriam.’
‘Wow,’ I responded, a bit breathlessly. ‘That’s a big step up, for an intern.’ I envied her a bit for attracting Linnea’s notice, the thought she could do something to herself for Linnea made me gooey inside.
Cammy’s voice got even quieter. ‘Yeah. I’m a little nervous about it, I never did girls before I started here, you know?’
‘Don’t worry about it,’ I reassured her. ‘Sometimes it just takes a while to figure out what’s right for you.’
‘But I want to be good,’ she protested. ‘Can you give me some tips? Everybody says you’re like this major slut.’
I sighed, feeling perversely pleased, even if it was clear Linnea didn’t share that opinion. ‘I’d think Miriam would be a better person to ask.’
‘She’s lazy,’ Cammy whispered, looking about for eavesdroppers. ‘She licks for hours, and sometimes I think Linnea forgets she’s there!’ A little more loudly, she continued, ‘Irene is always talking about what a great assistant you are, and everybody can hear it when you’re doing her! And you don’t even have a stud. I want to be like that.’
I felt guilty for thinking such mean things about her, earlier. Anybody who shared my opinion of Miriam couldn’t be all bad, and I liked to see new people with drive who wanted to improve themselves and get ahead. ‘I don’t know what I can do, Cammy, but I’ll help out. Maybe we can talk to Irene about it.’
‘You’re the best!’ she squealed, and then pounced on me for a big wet kiss. Her tongue was aggressive and her lips tasted of licorice, I couldn’t resist sliding my hand into her opened blouse and copping a feel of her tit. Unlike her, I had the discipline to break contact right away, Irene expected me to take care of our visitors, not screw around with the other help.
The pair waiting for us in the foyer didn’t look like a traditional couple. The guy was a solidly built Hispanic who probably weighed about the same as Cammy and I put together. His companion was a short-haired Asian who, although tall, was thin as a rail. I figured her for a woman, mostly on the basis of the way her short hair was styled, she didn’t have makeup or anything in the way of a bust. They turned to fac
e us as we swept through the inner door.
‘Cammy! Please relight these candles, right away,’ I said, displeased to find them all extinguished. Linnea was real big on candles, I knew better than most, since I spent a lot of time each day making sure they were replaced before they burned down. ‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting,’ I addressed our visitors.
‘It’s no problem,’ the man said. ‘You don’t have to keep those burning on our account.’
‘They were all lit,’ Cammy groused, quietly, but she was already lighting the first of the big wall sconces.
‘Well,’ I said, seeing things seemed to be under control, ‘I’m Lily. How can I help you today?’
‘My name is Kim,’ the woman introduced herself, ‘and this is Xavier.’ They both bowed briefly rather than offering a handshake. ‘We were hoping to see Linnea?’ She coughed lightly even as I was inhaling to get a deep breath of the newly-renewed scent of incense.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I apologized. ‘As I’m sure Cammy told you, Ms. Richwell is extremely busy and doesn’t have room in her schedule for walk-ins. Perhaps you could make an appointment for a future time, may I ask what this is regarding?’
Annoyingly, Xavier chose to answer my question with one of his own. ‘Are you her assistant?’ he asked, staring intently at me.
I stepped ruthlessly on my inclination to inflate my importance, since I didn’t know who they were and didn’t want anything inappropriate to get back to Linnea. ‘No, I’m Irene Calzetta’s slut. Irene is Linnea’s executive assistant.’ The two of them exchanged a glance. ‘I’m quite capable of getting you on Linnea’s calendar,’ I insisted.
Xavier pulled a photo out of his shirt pocket and held it out to me. ‘Do you know this woman, Lily?’
Accepting it, I moved a little closer to one of the windows where the light was better. Cammy leaned over my shoulder to look too, but she remained quiet so I didn’t say anything. The woman in the picture was somewhat attractive, but dreadfully plain. She was smiling, but didn’t seem to have any makeup beyond some timid lipstick. Medium blonde hair that looked like it had never seen anything except a brush came about to her shoulders. The picture was cropped so it wasn’t really possible to see what she was wearing or where she was.
‘She’s kind of a dog,’ Cammy whispered, pressing herself lightly against my back.
I shushed her as I handed back the photo. ‘I’m afraid not,’ I shook my head, feeling my earrings swing. ‘Is she what you wanted to speak with Linnea about?’
Kim and Xavier traded that look again. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked me.
‘Absolutely,’ I replied. ‘Look, are you the police or something? Who is this woman?’
Xavier opened his mouth first, but Kim blurted out, ‘Nobody,’ before he could put a word in. ‘We’re very sorry to have disturbed you, Lily. If we could ask just one more question?’
I nodded politely. ‘Certainly.’ Frankly, I was tired of them and wanted them to leave, but Irene and Linnea always stressed to the staff that we shouldn’t make any waves, the Richwells had enough problems without making it onto TMZ or the cover of some tabloid.
‘Who’s this?’ Kim held out another picture.
‘Please leave, now,’ I said firmly after just a quick glance. I was more certain than ever the pair of them were muckrakers of one sort or another. ‘You are no longer welcome here.’
‘Oh, wow,’ said Cammy, trying to peer over my shoulder again. ‘When was that?’
‘Cammy,’ I sighed, but they were already focused on her.
‘Do you recognize them?’ Kim asked, brusquely pushing past me to shove the picture in front of Cammy.
‘That’s it! Out!’ I shouted at them, pushing the Asian towards the elevator. ‘A little help, please?’ I muttered over my shoulder.
Cammy jumped and leaned over to hit the elevator call button. Meanwhile, Xavier had grabbed Kim and hauled her away from us like we had leprosy. ‘We’re leaving!’ he assured me, backing towards the elevator. ‘I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to upset you.’
I glared at the pair of them until the closing doors blocked them from my sight, and then took a deep calming breath. ‘It would have been better to just stay silent, Cammy.’
She didn’t look too repentant. ‘Well, they weren’t going to let you get close enough to get a hair without being distracted, right? Besides, I was curious — I’ve never seen Linnea with a guy.’
With another sigh, I looked at the dark hair pinched between my fingers. Xavier hadn’t let me get near him — whether intentionally or accidentally, I wasn’t sure — but Kim hadn’t been so lucky. My mind shied away from thinking about the picture, but Cammy wouldn’t let it go.
‘She was dressed like a bum, too. I guess that was before she moved here, right?’
‘It’s none of our business,’ I protested, she was right. The casual clothing in the picture wasn’t anything like what Linnea wore now — when she bothered to dress. She’d been standing with a good-looking man who looked vaguely familiar, and holding up some little trinket. It looked like the commemorative pins some places gave out, but… I shook my head and pushed the troublesome thoughts away.
‘The candles were lit when you met them originally?’ Cammy nodded. ‘Then I suppose we’d better go tell Irene. I didn’t like the feel of those people.’ None of it really made sense to me, but Linnea was very possessive of her candles and had a fetish for collecting hairs from visitors. It had never been a problem before, as far as I knew.
Irene’s office was still empty, so we continued on to Linnea’s office and I knocked gingerly at the door before entering. I hated to disturb them if their meeting was still in progress, but Irene was a stickler for good communication, it was another of the things I really liked about her.
‘Oh, wow,’ Cammy sighed from behind me, and I had to agree.
Linnea was standing in the middle of the room, head back and eyes closed, looking like the earthly incarnation of Aphrodite. The perfection of her jet black hair and black-rimmed eyes, their thick lashes fluttering above her pale cheeks, made me want to dive between her legs and worship her while fingering myself violently.
Unfortunately, that spot already was occupied. Miriam knelt in front of Linnea, her tongue and fingers busy. The sloppy liquid sounds she made had me trembling. Behind, I could see Irene’s head bobbing against Linnea’s buns and I knew she was working her tongue deep into her boss’s ass.
I knew I was setting a bad example, but nobody alive could have been unmoved by the scene before us, and I was a slut. ‘Fuck,’ I moaned, turning to Cammy, ‘Do me! Work my tits!’ I covered her glossy lips with my own before she could reply, and then pressed her up against the door, cupping her wet gash with my hand.
Technically, I wasn’t masturbating, and Cammy — as an intern — probably was supposed to do what I told her, even if I was just the house slut. She didn’t put up any resistance, anyway. I tasted the black licorice of her lip gloss and watched her eyes half close as two of my fingers glided deep inside her hot pussy and my thumb started massaging her trigger.
It was my turn to gasp into her mouth when she brushed the lace back from my nipples and captured one of them between a thumb and forefinger. My tits and nips were super-sensitive, and if Cammy hadn’t known that before, she did after a single twist had me cumming in her embrace.
I tensed against her, a corner of my mind trying to keep my bell under control, and concentrated on giving as good as I got. I hardly ever had the chance to do a girl this way, and watching Cammy’s body language go from pleasure to reluctance to disbelief to mindless lust was a real trip.
Was Mrs. Richwell’s predilection for young girls genetic? The thought was so inapropos on so many levels it almost took me out of the moment, but Cammy’s teasing fingers and tongue got me over the hump and we both saw fireworks again.
‘What, Lily?’
I belatedly realized the others were looking at us and the only sound in the office, besides our heavy breathing, was the faint music of my bell as it swung between my thighs. I looked fearfully at the trio near the desk, but Linnea seemed to be riding a just-been-fucked high and Irene gave me the faintest of winks, as if she sympathized with my desires.
‘There’s something fishy about the couple that was just here,’ I said, speaking to the gap between Linnea and Irene. I wasn’t sure which of them I really was supposed to address, although I wished it were Irene.
Already Linnea’s fuse seemed to be burning down. ‘What couple?’ she snapped, smoothing down the hem of her expensive-looking dress. ‘When?’
Irene gave me an approving nod and I clutched to that lifeline, fighting my nervous bladder and telling myself I hadn’t done anything wrong. ‘Just now,’ I stammered. ‘They were looking for you, but wouldn’t say why. We told them to leave, and they finally did.’
‘They put out the candles in the foyer, too,’ Cammy added, ‘but Lily had me relight them right away.’
Linnea’s gazed locked onto the intern. ”We?’ You were there?’
Cammy nodded eagerly. ‘Yes. I answered when they first arrived, but they were like pushy so I went to Irene, and she sent Lily to help me.’
‘You are not supposed to be answering the door!’ Linnea yelled.
If she’d been talking to me that way, I would have wet myself like a baby, but her displeasure seemed to just roll off of Cammy. ‘But they kept ringing the doorbell!’
Irene sighed and interjected herself into the conversation. ‘It’s probably my fault, Linnea. My morning meeting with Lily ran a bit long and I hadn’t released her yet. Cammy was just trying to help. What’s the problem?’
Linnea couldn’t entirely suppress a smirk, it wasn’t much of a secret what went on during our meetings. As if she could talk, although that wasn’t something I could say in my position! Linnea sighed and sat down in her chair. ‘You say they were asking for me? Did you recognize them?’
‘No, I mean, yes, well…’ Cammy unconsciously swiveled a foot on the floor, trying to work it through. ‘They wanted you, definitely. There was a picture and everything. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before at all.’
The girl was sweet, but she absolutely could not carry a story. I hoped Linnea wasn’t considering her for anything too important. Taking a deep mental breath, I spoke up again.
‘Their names were Kim and Xavier. They did ask to speak with you, but the photograph they showed us first was of some other woman, a little plain but not unattractive, whom we did not recognize. Subsequently, they asked us to look at a second picture, of you standing with some man and holding what looked like a charm. You were dressed quite casually.’
Linnea didn’t look as surprised as I might have expected. ‘A thin Asian woman, and a big Hispanic guy, right?’
Cammy and I nodded in unison.
‘Damnit.’ Her anger didn’t seem to be directed at us. ‘I don’t suppose you managed to get any hairs from them?’ It was clear Linnea’s expectations weren’t very high.
‘Yes!’ Cammy cried, bouncing up and down excitedly. I held up the short dark hair, still pinched in a death grip so I wouldn’t lose it.
I tried to adjust Linnea’s expectations, which I feared we’d accidentally just inflated, and share credit where it was due. ‘Just from Kim, Cammy did a nice job of distracting her. Xavier wouldn’t let either of us get anywhere near him.’
Linnea still looked happy as she casually pushed Miriam aside with a foot and strode over to collect our prize. The quick kiss she gave each of us left me swooning with pleasure. By the time I recovered my senses, she was back at her desk and frowning again.
‘Are they a problem? Do we need to contact the police?’ Irene asked.
‘Nooooo,’ Linnea said slowly, still thinking.
I turned to herd Cammy (and myself) out of the office, we’d done our duty and clearly it was a job for the big girls now.
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Since early childhood, Patricia Sue Renton had always known that she wanted to become a Doctor. Highly focused, with a determined demeanor and a professional attitude to match—for a while she seemed well on her way to realizing that goal. Although diminutive and quite petite, she weighed only 100 lbs—there was a quiet reserved way about her that people found quite pleasing. Her small stature never hindered her from being at the top of the class in whatever subject she was studying at the...
His foot GoddessBy stryker53 For as long as he could remember Max had wanted to be near female feet. There wasn’t a particular reason for it. He wasn’t abused by his mother or anything. In fact, if he even tried to touch her feet he was forbidden. The same thing happened with any of her friends or his other female family members. Most boys would take the hint, but not Max. Each rejection only made his desire for feet grow stronger. As time went on and he entered high school...
This was written by request the material is rough but the best I could come up with. The year is, as near as I can tell, is 1840. I am nearing the Trading Post where I will trade my furs for my possibles which includes Bacon and coffee. Next on the list will be powder and ball for my long rifle. Then and only then a shot of whiskey... well maybe two. Of course maybe a woman … If one is available. I have 2 pack mules loaded with beaver and other furs. Other trappers have told me that...
Jonathan stood up from his desk and wandered to the door. He’d come over all queer. He couldn’t breathe properly and he needed some air. He could feel the others watching him as he went, their eyes burning into the back of his head. Why can’t they just leave him alone and get on with their work? He passed through the door and on to the rear entrance. He was hit by the bright sunlight and blinked several times before becoming accustomed to it. He rested his hands on the railings at the top of...
Group SexHi, I’m Jake, I was born in South Africa and immigrated to Australia in 2005. I’m 22 and roughly 178cm tall. I love sport especially Rugby and use to play it quite often in my High School years. But recently due to University, I became lazy and never really participated in any sports. I’m not an overly healthy person and therefore sported a bit of a belly, but nothing major, like a beer gut or anything, but in high school I had awesome rugby body. I’m reasonably endowed, having a 19...
What’s more embarrassing than family dinners?? Family dinners in public. Such is Peter Green’s nightmare when his parents drag him and his stepsister Willow Ryder out for a bite to eat together. He can’t even manage to take a leak alone when Willow sneaks into the men’s room and asks him if he needs a hand!? Willow is a brat and taking risks makes her horny, so what better way to get her juices flowing than to blow her stepbro in a public restroom? Peter is terrified but...
xmoviesforyouChance took a moment or two to calm himself before trying to talk to his fiance. He was still shaky from Cari's ball-draining performance. Then he began to talk. Apparently taking a cue from the sound of his voice, Cari slipped from the bed and went trotting off into the bathroom. He was grateful for the privacy. He was also grateful for the fact Tanya's call was merely a "good morning" call, nothing important, except that she was double-checking on the time he was to pick her up that...
Jessie and Penny and Master T Jessie- Master wants to talk to me. I hope I am not going to be punished I didn’t do anything I don’t think. Master why were you homeless? Jessie- I was kicked out for being gay. I worked odd jobs and sleep on friend’s couches or in the park where that guy got me. I sometimes went home with guys for money but I couldn’t do that because a pimp wanted me to work for him. I met some of the guys that worked for him and they told me that he beat them and got them...
It all started in one Saturday's evening. We were alone at my girl's home for the weekend, watching some tv together, and she got up to get something at her room. I followed her. As she entered the room I immediately groped her from behind, and started caressing her, rubbing my dick against her butt and lightly pinching her nipples. I knew she liked that kind of "attacking", she usually let me do that and play the "shy but excited girl" role, but not this day. She turned to me...
Working next door, as usual, the next day, Jennifer invited me into her private parlour for a little chat.“I discussed your financial ‘issues’ with Mummy yesterday. You may be surprised to learn that she was impressed with your domestic service the other day. She was planning a ladies’ tea-party this week, but unfortunately, her maid has been called away on family business. Mummy suggested that she might be willing to pay you to serve at her function,” said Jennifer.“Oh, err, well, that sounds...
FemdomWritten by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * Lei was fast asleep long before Kokata was satisfied that her wings would be safe. No longer having an excuse to be near her, he withdrew to his nearest hiding-place. He had never before told anyone about the beetles. It was a strange feeling: having talked about himself. He couldn’t remember ever before having talked as much in one night. He was glad he hadn’t gone into more detail, though. She didn’t need to know exactly what...
The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....
Jacob and Holly were more than a little overwhelmed by the events of the previous evening. Holly had the time of her life but also realized that she had gone way too far after fucking the men Jacob had arranged for her. Stopping at the adult theater and fucking whomever was over the top and she apologized to Jacob for pushing it beyond their agreement. He was forgiving, but was also a little perturbed by her behavior and really thought they needed to rethink their choices in lifestyles. But...
Paul: “I’m sorry honey. I honestly don’t know where it is. I must have left it back on my dresser.” That was my boyfriend Paul and I arguing on our weekend trip into the country. We were on the highway, and after driving for four hours Paul realized that he had lost or had forgotten his wallet. It really was a bonehead move because I had left my own credit cards and money back at my apartment. He was the one who told me to do so because He promised to pay for everything and anything that I...
This all started with Nancy introducing me to Bi sex and opening my eyes to the pleasures of cocks and pussies at the same time. I was hooked! We were planning my 30th birthday party, which had become somewhat of a tradition. We always invited all the friends single, married with spouses and c***dren however this year we decided that it should be adults only. After all it was a milestone 30-year-old! The planning began at the annual Memorial Day party, talking and deciding that it would...
1Because I Want To Be - by The TechnicianSpanking - F/MI am here because I want to be.It is Friday night. The marquee on the club says ?Amateur Night,? and some tourist walking by might think that means karaoke singing, but this is a leather club specializing in public BDSM. Much of what goes on here is technically against the law, but discretion and cash make quite a difference. No nudity before 1:00 am. Nothing that causes permanent damage on stage. All ID’s are double checked. It has...
"I know what to do," my assistant said as she tried to shoo me out of the office. "Go enjoy your honeymoon!"There it was again, the word that filled my stomach with butterflies. "Hope! Go!" she finally yelled."Okay, but you can call…" I started to say as I picked up my things."I won't be calling you," she said as she sat back down in her chair.There it was the final words. I nodded as I walked out of my office and into the brilliant sunlight of a great day. Today was the second-best...
Love StoriesTom watched his sister Judy swim the length of the pool and climb the steps. Water dripped from her as she bent over to pick up the towel she had left on the lawn chair. He liked how her thin body looked and the way her breasts filled her bathing suit top. It covered enough to be almost modest yet still showed the tops of her flesh mounds and was tight enough to press them together forming a deep valley in the middle. Letting his eyes move lower he gazed intently at her buttocks. The separate...
Carlita's turn: Dave's phone rang. He looked. "Pat." "Answer her, Dave," I said. "I love you," he told me. "Hi, Pat..." Pause. "My Carlita has had a meltdown. I wasn't sure when this all started how she was doing this. It just didn't seem like her." Pause. "I don't know. She just ... Like it was screaming at her from inside. She broke." Pause. "Yes, she's okay right now. We had a good cry together." Pause. "No, nobody said anything hurtful. She wants me for a husband....
Her First Time: Part 2 It was several days before I could call Joann to check in with her. Between a huge project at work and resultant overtime, trying to squeeze school and study time in there too I didn’t get around to calling her until Friday late in the afternoon. When we spoke on the phone I told her what was going on and apologized for not calling her sooner and that I would be free tomorrow on Saturday if she wanted to take in a movie and get some dinner. She said that would be good...
First TimeLast weekend I was over at my uncle's farm watching the MLB playoffs with the rest of my family. I got there Friday and ended up back home on Sunday night after a wild weekend.I had a great time with my aunts and uncles eating, drinking, dancing and FUCKING.My aunts always invite their friends over to our gatherings and most of them are married cougars/milfs so you know I was on the prowl to see if I can get some PUSSY without disrespecting my aunt in front of her friends.Luckily I didn't have...
Hi, this is Salim, I am 21 years old. This story is about Sana, my elder cousin. She was a very beautiful girl. We have a joint family. She was a very bright student throughout the school and college. She was a gold medalist in badminton tournaments in university. So she has a nice physique. She is a very elegant personality, always neat and clean, so charming. I had always seen guys in her college tried to woo her, but she ever did not give any chance to anybody. My family was very proud of...
The Reunion. This couple had embraced, but moved on unaware of how each other felt. They had each been tormented over the years by seeing each other with different partners until they both settled down with families and drifted apart. The only contact being a Christmas card exchanged each year.Now quarter of a century on, there respective marriages failed they have arranged to meet. Both are aware that the other would have changed.He arrives at the motel room with time to spare and draws the...
Straight Sex1Michael chose a strange point for me to start telling you my story, but that's not a surprise. Ever since we met, he's done everything he can to keep me off balance. It's my feet. He wants me to tell you about my feet. Later, I'll tell you about the other parts of my body he's had - as he calls it - "customized".It's terribly humiliating to me to have feet like this. After a year of training and three surgeries, I can no long keep my balance unless I am wearing ballet boots with six inch...
Jorgarn awakened stiff and sore the next morning. He had overdone things the day before and his body was telling him about it. He hoped he wouldn't have to put on another display. Grudgingly he exited his chamber for his morning meal. "Gentlemen," he said to his cohabitants. "How are you this day?" Both Fieth and Renoit looked at the other before speaking. "We are well, Master Jorgarn," Fieth said. "And yourself?" Jorgarn groaned. "Intolerably sore," he replied. "I am afraid...
On the edge of the galaxy an interstellar species known as Terrans continued to explore and expand their reach. Calling themselves the Steel Empire, or SE for short, they have vast technology, and ambition. Their home world now known as Steel Crown, is the origin of the Death Knights. Gifted among the Terran People for their ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe. Only one in a hundred thousand Terrans are born Death Knights, and they form the ruling class of the SE. The Death...
My father had just left to go out of town. He's a truck driver so I am at home alone quiet a bit, but seeing that I'm eighteen years old there's not a problem. I rushed to my cell phone to text Marcus a guy I knew who sold coke. I guess if I was gonna be home alone better make the best of it. After a reply back that he was on his way I went into my room to change. I slipped on a pair of lime green panties that read booty in pink on the ass. These panties fit my tiny bubble butt nicely. Slipping...
InterracialPart 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...
It began innocently enough, for an obsession. I wasn't the type for obsessions, but sometimes you don't have much choice. I'm an executive with a large insurance firm, a conservative company for conservative clients, which means I have plenty to lose. I'm married to a decent woman, a good mother to our two grown kids. We don't have sex very often, but who does after twenty-five years? I told myself I didn't care, that passion and abandon were for hormone-stoked teenagers, not senior vice...
The School Dance had come around again. These horror shows were part of our Socialisation Program and attendance was compulsory. Having a date was preferred but not compulsory.I dodged most of them by using the Asthma Card but that was wearing thin. The School Nurse told me it was too much of a coincidence that I would have an asthma attack before every event that I didn’t like. I told her it was brought on by the stress of being forced into unpleasant and painful experiences. She told me she...
I love my Fridays. They're still a working day but over a year ago now, I'd arranged with my boss that I could work from home on Fridays. In fact half the people in our head office worked from home on Fridays but I still felt that I was getting a good deal out of my working life. I work in accounts for a fashion business. It's a pretty steady 9-5 and the days are busy but there are rarely too many surprises and I don't have to stretch myself too hard to keep on top of the...
Today signals the last day I’m here in Miami, what was supposed to be a 4 day sightseeing turned into an almost two weeks of carnal pleasures and introduction to the private life of a woman I always admired for her passion and love of the people around her. I never thought that I could have so much fun in a strange place with a bunch of strangers, but Jenny somehow coaxed the party animal out of me and I had a blast, it seems like she did too. So far it seems like her advice on taking the new...
I still have no idea what's going on. My pathetic boyfriend is just frozen on his knees next to me with his arms behind his back and his head down. I look around the room and back up to the strange man in the leather throne above us. He snaps his fingers and a slender brown haired woman carrying a stack of papers walks into the room from behind me and approaches him. She's wearing a simple blouse and black skirt, and I can see when she turns slightly towards me that she is several months...