Inflection free porn video

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Inflection by Dawna Tompson July 2020 Rated R A man reflects on the long path he's travelled in coming to grips with a lifetime of perverse TG sexual fantasies. --- The soft sunlight streaming in the window gently woke him from his slumber. He was awake but left his eyes closed to extend the pleasant feeling of the dream he had just left. It was a good omen, a sure sign, he felt, of a day that seemed to have great promise. He lifted his hand and pulled at his long dark hair trying to brush away a few annoying strands that had fallen across his face. He shifted slightly in bed so that his soft thighs slid together just enough to give a slight tug to his clitoris. He felt a soft but persistent surge of tingles that spread upward along his groin and lower abdomen. "Oh," he sighed softly. His hand drifted downward with the intent of finding a comforting tug on his erect nipple with perhaps an added soft caress around his dark areola. As he moved his hand it bumped into a muscular arm wrapped around his chest. "Yes," he thought, "last night was wonderful. Making love as a woman to a wonderful guy. Wow! I've come a long way." He reflected on how hard he had worked to achieve this state. For many years, starting around puberty, he had been plagued with an ardent desire to become a woman. At first, he was certain he was a transsexual but the descriptions and narratives he had read about them never seemed to quite match up with the way he felt inside. He was left puzzled and alone. He didn't think that he had been born a woman with the wrong body. Such a woman would demand a more complete feminine expression. "I know I am not a transsexual." Though it excited him to imagine what it would be like to become one. "But then, what exactly am I?" On more reflective days he tried moving inward searching, perhaps, for the mysterious woman inside, Freud called it the Anima, that might be driving his mammoth need. "I just want to possess her fully and revel from inside her body for a while. But who and where is she?" "No," he concluded, "I don't think she exists." He wanted to be a woman for sure, but only on his terms, not those of some long-dead Viennese psychiatrist. The idea of inhabiting a woman's body for a time excited him in a way Freud would have never been able to explain. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." He mused. He tried dressing up as a woman, but the image of himself in drag never came close to the ideal beauty he needed to become. "It's kind of gross anyway, I mean, I look like a man in a dress and then, once I'm done, it's suddenly so embarrassing to see myself in the mirror dressed like that." He couldn't count the number of times he'd bought woman's clothes, put them on in the privacy of his own bedroom, and then disgustedly threw them away after wearing them only once. He considered altering himself physically, maybe through hormones or surgery. "Perhaps the right doctor could give me what I need." But he was never able to convince himself that it would be the right path for him. "Maybe I don't have the courage of my convictions." He scolded himself. It seemed like the thought of becoming a woman only existed to fuel his sexual impulses, nothing else. "Ah, having sex as a woman whenever I feel the need, now that would be ideal. But then I'd want to be able to slip back into being a man again once my urgent sexual needs were met." Indeed, each time he completed his solitary task he was embarrassed of his fantasy and he rushed to realign his thinking back to normal again. "What is normal?" he pondered. "I wonder, was I ever was normal? A normal man wouldn't have fantasies like these, would he?" Still, he took some comfort in the thought that everyone around him saw him as a normal guy. To the extent that he interacted with other men at all he thought he mostly fit in with them, though he admitted that he was puzzled by their near universal interest in competitive sports. He had trouble making friends and once in the while he felt socially awkward. "To be fair, it's more like I feel awkward almost all the time," he admitted. A few times he haltingly tried to date women. He even had a girlfriend for a while, though the relationship never went very far. "The only real ongoing relationship I have is with my fantasy woman." He satisfied himself as best he could through masturbation. "It's better than nothing, besides I can be any woman I want to be inside my head for a few minutes, even if it's not a physical reality." He recognized that the term Cross-Dreamer applied to him. There was also a fancy name for this condition: Autogynephilia. But putting a name to it didn't really help much. Nor did the fact that he might have shared this state with many other men. "There must be other guys who share this fantasy," he reasoned, "if not, then why would there be so much tranny pornography on the internet?" He recalled walking alone on a beach staring at a full moon and thinking, "Who cares what it is called or who else has it? How am I going supposed deal with it?" If he had expected enlightenment to come from that faraway celestial body he was surely disappointed. It was the sexual excitement he craved, and he found fantasizing that he was dressed as a woman, mistaken for a woman, parts of his body were physiologically female, or he had somehow magically become a fully formed anatomical woman, sent his mind and body reeling. Once it surfaced, there seemed to be only one way to address it. Still, he had always felt confused after achieving a self-induced sexual climax. "Maybe confusion isn't the right word," he mused. "I think shame might be a better word choice. Once I jerk off, all I want to do is return to my male self as quickly as possible." Life went on in his solitary world. "I'm okay being alone, but imagining myself as a woman ensures that I'll never have to feel lonely. " He took solace in his books and prowled bookstores for new or interesting books on science, his one love that lay apart from sexual fantasies. One day, he stumbled across a old book on a dusty back shelf in a used bookstore. "Fobredan Alchemy, The Magik of Anwealda," proclaimed the book's title. "Alchemy?" he thought. "Isn't that supposed to be a way to turn lead into gold? I thought that modern physics had long ago squashed such superstitious beliefs." Still, he flipped through a few pages and then, on a whim, purchased the heavy tome. The book sat untouched on his bookshelf for several months collecting more dust. Late one night, while searching for another book, the alchemical text seemed to leap off the bookshelf. He caught it in mid- fall before it hit the ground. He sat down and began to read the page that had opened before him. The book had fallen open at the start of a new chapter. "Alchemy as Personal Transformation." "Hmmm. What is this book trying to say?" He flipped to the beginning and started to read it more closely. Ten pages in he declared, "This stuff is nonsense, beyond those first few words I can't make heads or tails out of anything this book is saying." Yet something urged him to keep reading. He struggled through, more than once making up his mind to abandon the nearly indecipherable text. Yet something always seemed to keep bringing bring him back to the book. The words hinted that there was something here for him. Something he needed to understand and master. "Something transformational?" he mused, chuckling at his own sarcastic sense of humor. He read on, sometimes taking days to wade through just a few pages of text. "Maybe it's showing me a way to transform my thinking into something that won't torture me so." Though as soon as he formed the thought he wanted to recall it. Torture wasn't the right word for indeed his only real source of well-being emanated from his sexual fantasies. "But there must be a way to control these thoughts and transform them into something more useful." Maybe that's what the book is about. Finally, halfway through the book it dawned on him. "Personal transformation wasn't about adjusting his mental state. "This is a book that is describing the relationship between subatomic energy fields and personal consciousness. It's not about turning lead into gold or a book full of psycho-babble. It's confusing and written in an odd and nearly unfathomable vernacular, but it's really a physics textbook. The real intent of the book is to show the way to create a physical manifestation of anything I need and desire using the power of my own consciousness. The real trick is in understanding what I really desire and what I really need. Once that's clear then it's just a matter of following the written steps to manifest it in the real word. This is about the creation and assembly of real physical substances using the immense nothingness of the universe as a framework!" Indeed, if the entire universe began as an infinitesimal sub-atomic spark, then why wouldn't it be possible to create physical objects within that universe from the very same vacuum? He began to practice the exercises outlined in the book. "At the very least, it's a way to divert attention from my annoying sexual needs," he thought. It took nearly a year of concentrated study, filled with frustrations and failure, before he made his first amazing breakthrough. He needed a pencil and he couldn't find one handy. He stopped, visualized a sharp number two yellow pencil in his mind, assembled the correct frequencies to make it manifest, weaved and compressed the dancing frequencies until they coalesced into the form he had visualized, and then opened his eyes. On his desk lay a sharpened number 2 pencil! He picked it up, rapped it on the desk, pressed his finger into the pencil's point and exclaimed "Ouch" when it nearly broke his skin. He positioned the pencil over a blank paper and wrote out the word, "Success!" This initial success was soon followed by a colossal failure. It was natural, he thought, to try to create money. But he could not muster a single dollar bill or even a penny. A few minutes of contemplation explained why. He had no real need for money and only a minuscule desire to have more. "So stupid of me, of course I cannot create money." With practice came other successes. The size or composition of the object seemed to make no difference. Kitchen utensils, a new pair of shoes, a lounge chair, a mend to the tear in his favorite shirt. All manifest so long as he needed and desired the object and he followed the correct procedure to bring it into physical existence. "What else do I desire?" Well, the answer was self-evident. But did he really need it? "I think this is something important, I really need to experience being a woman, at least for a little while. I have no idea where this need came from, but it's now a deep seated need that's an intrinsic part of me," he proclaimed, hoping that the universe would agree. He tried an experiment. He imagined his feet becoming small, delicate and feminine. When he opened his eyes he found attached to the end of his legs, small woman's feet with well-manicured toes painted bright red. They fit nicely into a pair of women's size six pumps he also created for the occasion. Once he finished admiring his new feet and he'd modeled the shoes he panicked. "What if I am stuck with these feet forever, what if I cannot get them back? That was something I didn't think about." He closed his eyes, configured the correct visuals, activated the necessary frequencies and, when he reopened his eyes, his feet had returned to normal. "Holy shit!" He became excited. "Geez, this could be my ticket, I can use this if I can trust that I can always get back to the way I was." He sat down to think. "Could it be that I could finally realize my lifetime need? Is it possible that I can actually become a beautiful woman, spend some time, and then return to my male self?" Yet he hesitated. "Maybe I just got lucky. Next time I might get stuck. It just seems to be too big a leap into the unknown." He set the entire project aside. He wrestled with himself. "I mustn't use this power that way. It could be dangerous. Maybe I don't deserve to have it. I'd be going against nature." "Nature created both men and women. It doesn't matter how I present myself. I need it, I want it, it's a deep, deep desire. Forgoing the power to turn into the best version of myself would be a unconscionable waste." In the end he was unable to ignore the the vastness of his new power. He decided to move forward, but promised himself to go slow. He performed a series of confidence building exercises. He started simple by imagining he had long beautiful hair. When he opened his eyes he found full tresses that fell down well below his shoulders. A little more meditation and he was able to conjure rollers, hairspray, a curling iron, conditioners, and body formulas. He played all afternoon learning to roll, comb, brush, and fluff his long beautiful sexy hair. "This is exciting, and if the worst happens and I can't get back I can always cut it off." But after his customary solitary affair with a wad of tissue he had no trouble changing back to his former self. He proceeded in baby steps. He sensitized his breasts and enlarged his nipples a bit, just enough to provide a tingle when he pulled gently on them. He did so with the idea that it wouldn't be noticeable if he could not get them back to normal again. But he had no trouble returning them to their original form. He next imagined his legs and feet were as beautiful as the model on TV that demonstrated that new woman's shaver. Again he reasoned, "If I can't get back no one would see that my legs are feminine. I always wear long pants anyway." When he opened his eyes, his legs were exactly how he imagined them. He even shaved them smooth with the same amazing shaver he'd seen on TV. As usual, once he reached the peak of his new fantasy he was overwhelmed with an urgency to get back. And again, he had no trouble doing so. No matter how he changed his physical appearance it seemed he could maintain it for as long has he wished and then return to his original physical form. "Geez, this is like a dream come true!" It didn't take long before he was exploring a variety of feminine forms. He found that becoming a female for a short time was exactly what he needed. "No more angst and shame, no more worries about his compulsion. He could satisfy his every need just by imagining a female form. He soon learned how to self-pleasure his new anatomy. So when a sexual urge sprouted he could, in the privacy of his own apartment, turn himself into a woman and then meet his needs. Once his deed was complete he was always able to return easily and reliably. And yet, he felt compelled to go further. "What would it be like to go out in public as a woman?" His excitement grew at the thought of going out disguised as a beautiful woman. "Well, it would be a pretty realistic disguise, wouldn't it?" he chuckled. The first time seemed like a disappointment. Everyone treated him exactly how he appeared, as a beautiful woman. He went into woman's public bathroom expecting. . . what, he didn't know, but it wasn't much different than visiting the men's room. He shopped at a woman's apparel store and was treated no differently than any other customer. "Can I help you find something ma'am?" Asked the store clerk. "Would you like to try this on?" "Well, what was I expecting?" He discovered a few subtle differences though. People smiled at him a lot more. And even when he didn't feel ready to interact with others as a woman he found himself smiling back. Doors were literally opened for him. Men often turned and stared as he tossed his wide hips back and forth while walking through the local shopping mall. Even though he felt as if he were play-acting the part of a woman he still enjoyed the admiring stares. Another strange difference was that many women were friendly and gracious toward him. "Gee, I like your blouse, it fits you so well," some matron might remark. "Where did you get it?" Or on another occasion, "Your hair is so pretty, I wish mine looked as good." This was new and different. He tried to imagine how a man would respond to another telling him he liked his shirt or that he had nice hair. And yet it didn't seem all that remarkable among women. He learned that to smile and simply say, "Thank you," was the easiest and best response. He eventually became comfortable enough in a woman's body to consider realizing a bit more of his fantasy. He wasn't naturally attracted to men but he considered his options. He was repulsed by the idea of a lesbian encounter. So it would have to be men. He had long since gotten over his revulsion to men in his fantasies. Usually, they were just a mechanical aid for his mental encounter anyway so he didn't need to consider them as much more than penis with a formless body attached. The real world seemed much different and much more challenging. "Could I ever find a man I was willing to bed just so I can experience having sex as a woman?" He asked himself. He wasn't sure how to proceed. However, he soon realized that he really didn't have make a conscious decision about how to approach finding a man. He had always been afraid of talking to women and did so only hesitantly. Yet many of the men he encountered when he went out as woman were friendly. Very friendly. So it wasn't too difficult to find a willing man. It was another matter to build up enough courage to have any physical contact with one. He was in a grocery store when it first happened. He had intended to just pick up a few items at the store while dressed in a simple tight knit top and fitted jeans, just to try out a new appearance. "No need to sweat it, it should be a milk run," he declared, smirking at his own stupid humor. He had a handful of groceries, enough that he should have gotten a cart or basket. As luck would have it he dropped the bundle just as he approached the checkout line. A young clerk rushed to help. He cringed a bit now thinking back on the incident. He had returned the favor by jumping into the back seat of the clerk's Camaro during his lunch break. Immediately after the encounter he rushed home and quickly restored himself. "What was I thinking?" But the memory of the event stayed fresh in his mind. Despite the cramped conditions and the shortness of the encounter he found that his woman's body was not repulsed at all by the boy. He was quite hard and, as he took him in, he found his lifetime fantasy had been realized. He reached a climax in the car and cried out loud enough that the boy had pressed his hand over his mouth momentarily to quiet him. It was the first time he had sex as a woman. "The honest truth is that it was the first time I ever had sex with anyone." At first he felt shame at what he'd done. "Oh, I'm a homosexual! I touched another man's penis! A man with a woman's body is still man. Right? That's queer. Isn't it?" He considered that there was no one he knew who could answer that particular question as it applied to him. He wavered. "Wait a second," he countered, "it was normal heterosexual sex. I was a fully formed biological and anatomically correct woman. Why shouldn't I be free to have sex with a man?" The thought seemed comforting and after a while he warmed up to the notion that his actions were in no way queer. "Besides, I liked stroking his hard rod until he was about to burst and then guiding it inside my juicy hole." "It was really great, and it was so easy to bag him." He laughed again at his own dry humor. "Bagging a grocery clerk, Ha! Ha!" It wasn't long before he was realizing his fantasies in a very real way. And he was doing so at an almost frantic pace. He changed bodies to suit his most current fantasy and then went out to troll for men, sometimes several times a week. He found it was an easy thing to do. Sit at the bar, wait for a man to strike up a conversation, pretend to be interested in him, (he didn't even have to say much, just look interested, nod occasionally, and pretend to hang onto his every word), and before the last call he was accompanying him home. At one point he noticed, after a long stint trolling at a local bar in various different bodies, that the place was twice as crowded as when he first started coming in. Apparently, the word was out that it was easy to pick up beautiful women at this bar. "Well, it is," he thought, "though I'm the one that fostered the majority of those pickups." After satisfying his needs, he would always fein sleep until his partner dozed off. He'd then sneak out of bed, quickly dress, and catch an Uber ride home. "No point in going any further, I want sex but I'm just not interested in anything more. It's easier on both of us this way." This became pretty routine and it seemed like his dream had finally come true. It really was satisfying being a woman just long enough to have sex and then coming home and getting back into his comfortable male body. Yet sometimes his experiences as a woman were different than he expected. One day he was standing at an ATM machine about to put his card into the slot. A man cut him off, practically pushing him aside, and he began his own transaction. "Hey!" exclaimed a man's voice from behind him. "You can't treat the young lady like that!" He was flustered at first. He didn't immediately recognize the young lady in question was himself. The belligerent man stopped and turned toward the man. "Who are you to be telling me what to do? She's too slow and stupid to..." "Hey fuck you, you prick!" He stood frozen while the two engaged in an escalation of words. He began to get frightened. It seemed that they might come to blows. Eventually, the belligerent man stomped off. His shining knight courteously asked him to step forward to the machine. He noticed that his hands were shaking as he clumsily inserted the card into the machine's slot. The machine rejected his pin and returned the card. Flustered, he began to sob as he turned and tried to blurt out thanks to the man for coming to his defense. Later, he consoled himself, "Oh, I was just playing the part of a damsel in distress, ... wasn't I?" But he was truly puzzled by the unfamiliar mix of emotions; frustration, fear, gratitude, and confusion; that had bubbled up during the encounter. He was filled with doubt. "Maybe it wasn't just play-acting. I think I really did feel something. It was new and unusual. And it's unsettling that I didn't seem to be able to control it. It just swept over me." Even more unsettling were the tears that welled up in his eyes as he re-lived the incident. "What's that all about?" It dawned on him that the new life he had created was really not much different than before. "Oh, the sex is nice and it's certainly better than my solitary exercise in salami slapping." But something seemed to be missing. "I expected more, I guess." The next night he tried something different. He was certain there would be another protest tonight downtown. He didn't have a well developed social conscious nor any real political leanings, but hey, it might be fun to go watch it and besides, maybe there would be some friendly men around. He went through his routine to change into a woman. He had a vision of a beauty in mind that he lifted from a Mexican novella on the Spanish language channel. Somehow his concentration failed him. When he opened his eyes what he saw in the mirror was not the image he had intended. An olive skinned girl with long straight black hair and large brown eyes stared back. "She's cute enough, in her own way, but not the knockout starlet I had in mind." He thought she looked a bit Hispanic or maybe someone with a mixed heritage. "A little bit of Native American too, I think, especially the cheeks and the nose." He shrugged. "Well, I'll go with it. Anyway, she looks to me like the kind of girl who might show up at a protest, so maybe it will be a good fit for tonight." He took the subway downtown and was soon mingling with protesters, counter-protesters, media reporters, casual observers, tourists, and a bevy of armed police. He seemed to blend in without anyone taking undo notice. "I'm just another young person in this mix of souls." No one paid any particular attention to him. He drifted toward the edges of the crowd to get a better view of the protest. The crowd was moving forward and chanting. The riot police with their billy clubs and plastic shields responded by forming a tight line spanning the width of the street. Things looked like they might go out of control. News reporters scurried to try to get close to what looked alike an impending clash. Something caught his eye and he turned. A few feet away he saw a man eyeing the crowd. Something about him seemed familiar. After a moment he recognized it. "He's alone in this crowd, standing at the edges. He's afraid to get too involved. He's just like me." The man turned toward him and their eyes met momentarily, though he quickly glanced away. He felt compelled to somehow acknowledge the man but couldn't think of a way to do so. Finally, he blurted out, "Are you going to join in the fray or stand back and watch?" The man turned, smiled a bit and shrugged his shoulders. What followed was the best night yet that he had ever spent as a woman. They began to converse about the rioters, why they had come to watch, and what they expected. At one point as they walked along the man casually placed his hand on his shoulder to gently guide him through a throng of bystanders. Tingles shot through his body. "Over the past few months I've had physical contact with a lot of men, but I think this was the first time I was ever tenderly touched by anyone." Their eyes met again but this time they both lingered, each looking deep into the other's eyes. An odd thought popped into his head unannounced. "He's so dreamy!" He shook his head a little in disbelief. "What was that? He said to himself loud enough for his companion to hear. "What did you say?" "Oh, nothing, I thought I stepped on something. Let's keep walking." He looked down at his feet and quickened the pace. As he did he became aware that his heart was pounding in his chest. The night ended and they parted without exchanging numbers or making any future plans. "See ya!" he called. "Yeah, I'll see you around." His voice trailed off and his shoulders slumped a bit. He knew what had happened for he's seen it in himself many times. "I think he's attracted to me but he's too shy to do anything about it." He went home alone and sat in his easy chair for an hour or so seeming unwilling to change back into his male image. Finally, well after midnight, he closed his eyes, activated the familiar frequencies, and spun them until they formed the familiar shape of his male body. He expected that his thoughts would also return to normal but was surprised to discover he was still thinking about the encounter as he fell into a deep dreamless sleep. The unrest in the city was certain to continue for another night so he decided to go back downtown again. "Maybe I'll run into someone interesting," he told himself, trying desperately to avoid admitting who that interesting someone might be. He began to prepare for his transformation back into the same woman's body he had inhabited the previous night. "Oh my gosh, what if I can't reconstruct her? Let's see, do I even have a solid idea of what she looks like? I didn't pay enough attention last night. I've never tried to recreate the same body before. Oh, I hope this works." His concerns were calmed when he opened his eyes, looked in the mirror, and found the same dark-hair girl with her large dark-brown eyes staring back at him. "Whew! She looks about the same as I remember her." He hopped off the subway, quickly climbed the steps to the street, and briskly walked the few blocks to the teeming square where the protesters were gathering for tonight's march. He anxiously scanned the crowd, looking for that one familiar face he wanted to see. No luck. Then he hit on a better idea. He turned to search the bystanders at the edge of the crowd. "If he is the person I think he is then he won't be in the middle of the crowd, he'll be on the edge." Sure enough. He found him standing at the base of a metal barricade the police had erected to control the march. He called out to him and he waved back. As he stumbled his way through the people gathered to watch the march he was flooded with emotions that were totally new to him. He felt anticipation, relief, closeness, and excitement. "I don't have time to sort them all out," he told himself. "I'll think about it later, right now, I just want to experience the moment!" As he approached, the man lifted his arm hesitantly, offering what might have been the beginning of a handshake or maybe a half-wave. He ignored the outstretched arm and instead rushed close. Surprised, and perhaps a little embarrassed, the man wrapped his right arm partly around him in a gentle half embrace. It was such a welcome gesture of acceptance that he couldn't help but close his left arm around his torso, raise his open right hand, and press it softly against his chest. Looking up at the towering figure holding him he confided, "I was hoping I'd see you again." "Yeah, me too," he replied, trying to fein a casual response. Before long the protest march turned ugly. A rock was thrown from somewhere deep within throng. The police responded roughly. They waded into the crowd swinging billy clubs wildly and cuffing and dragging others toward waiting vans. Tear gas soon covered the streets and many of the protesters turned and fled the stinging cloud. In an instant they were engulfed by a surge of humanity. A tear gas canister flew by as rocks and bottles arched in the opposite direction. A cop pushed the man standing next to them to the ground and another kicked at him. People began running, shielding themselves with makeshift bandannas or covering themselves with their shirts. He caught a whiff of the gas and he started to cough. Tears streamed down his face. He bent over to try to catch his breath and as he did so someone pushed him to the ground. He struggled for a moment to get up until two strong arms lifted him up and carried him to a calm side street. "He picked me up as if I were nothing," he observed admiringly. "Whew, that was close. Here, let me wipe some of those tears away from your eyes." He dabbed at them gently. He gazed up at the figure that had just pulled him from the crowd. He was still teary-eyed though the tears from the gas had changed into tears of relief. He sobbed quietly as he tried without much success to compose himself. Still, he beamed with pride at the man who had pulled him from danger. "Another shining knight has come to rescue me again!" "That was really something. Are you alright?" "Yes," he was now regaining his composure a bit, "it was quite a gas." He was rewarded with a hearty laugh. "He gets my silly humor too." "Do you want to find somewhere a little quieter?" He asked. He nodded in agreement. They met again the next day then several more times over the next few weeks. Each time he felt something stir inside. A cacophony of new emotions spilled upon him. "I really had no idea. As a man the strongest emotion I ever experienced was anger or maybe frustration. This is so much different." One of the strongest feelings came over him while they walked in the park. They passed over an arched wooden bridge and leaned over together to watch the swans paddle silently under it. As they looked up their eyes met and he came close. They kissed for the first time as the full moon rose up over the horizon. "It's so... what?" The word romantic sprang into his mind. The word had never meant much to him before, yet here he was in the arms of a man in what could only be described as a near-perfect romantic setting. "It's new, it's exciting, it's ... wonderful!" Several weeks went by before he invited him to his apartment. It was clean, neat, and tidy. He inspected the bookshelf wondering what it might reveal. He was amazed to find the same video games and not a few of the same book titles as he had in his own apartment. "We are so much alike." The books on the shelf were arranged alphabetically by author. "The same way I keep my own books." He was starting to crave more than just the physical form of a woman. Their friendship had ignited a need for something more. "I really enjoy being around him. When I am I feel very different. It's something new, exciting, and something I very much need. He seems to fill me with something I didn't even know I was missing." At times he grew frustrated at the slow progress of their relationship. "Sometimes, I wish he didn't hold back so much." Yet he understood him, he needed to allow him to move at his own pace. He tried to be encouraging without rushing him. "He needs to go slow," he told himself. Most nights they sat and watched TV or played video games. Sometimes they just sat quietly, each in their own space. "Spending time alone together." He called it. Finally, last night after dinner at his place, he had casually mentioned, "You could hang around tonight if you wanted to. I mean it would be okay with me." "Spend the night?" "Sure, I mean you don't have to but it would be okay with me." He quickly appended, "But only if you want to." He felt a surge of excitement and without realizing it he rushed into his arms and folded up into them. "Yes, yes, of course I'll stay." And so it was that he found himself in bed with the soft morning sunlight peaking above the cityscape and streaming into the bedroom window. He turned a bit and snuggled closer as he gently stroked the hairy arm wrapped around his torso. "I'm sure he'll be awake soon so I want to treasure these quiet moments alone with his warm body next to mine." He could feel a morning hard-on pressing against his lower back. "He'll soon wake up and this moment will pass." A warm rhythmic breath brushed lightly near his neck. "It feels so good to be like this. It's so much different than just a few weeks ago." It occurred to him that he had been wrong about his alchemy text. It wasn't just a physics book. "Sure I became facile in reshaping my physical world, but it was my emotional terrain that has been totally transformed. I started from a bleak moonscape of anger and confusion and now I have developed a rich tapestry of emotions. Sometimes I feel like I'm now an artist painting with emotions instead of oils. I'm human now." He closed his eyes and a hypnogogic image formed before him. "It looks kind of like a graph, a cubic if I'm not mistaken." A spinning dot slid along the trace coming up from below. It moved up and around the concave portion and then stopped at the graph's origin. "That's where the graph turns from concave to convex," he observed. "The inflection point." The dot remained for a moment poised on the origin and then slowly slid along the curve entering the convex portion of the plot. "That dot must still slide a long way," she thought, "but I think I'll stick around for a while and see where it takes me."

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My name is Emma and i am a 17 year old teenager and i am 5ft 6 inch tall and i have blonde hair, brown eyes and my bra size is 36c. I am your average teenage girl really, i like going out with my friends, shopping and most of all i love boys. Like most other girls i often find my self fingering myself to guys i know or even some celebrities but today i was a very different day. When i go to bed tonight i would be fingering myself but not over any guy i know or a hot celebrity, i would be...

3 years ago
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An Education A Coming of Age Story

Chapter VI“Hey, want to come to mine to do our homework?” asked Jeremy. Practice was letting out for the day and the boys were walking to their bikes.“Sure. I’ll take a quick shower at mine and then come over. Do you know if your mom is making dinner?”“Probably. You know she always comes up with one of those health-freak recipes of hers—quinoa something-or-other.”“Ha. It’s still bomb though. Plus, now my mom is getting all her recipes from your mom. She’s been complaining that my dad’s been...

3 years ago
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New acolyte in the CBBC

New Acolyte in the Church of Big Black Cockby OldCuck54I was doing oral practice when Bishop Washington walked into the room and said ?Come.? As I was the only acolyte in the training facility, I dropped to my knees and quickly began crawling toward him. My breasts were sore from the whipping they’d received earlier in the morning, but that had been my own fault. My large breasts had been designated ?cow? size the day I’d come to the mission. As such, I’d been instructed very clearly about the...

3 years ago
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Jenny Visits The GloryHole

As a little background, Nick, my husband of thirty years completely owns my pussy. My pussy has been 100% faithful to him since our first date many moons ago. My mouth is another story. I am a cock sucking slut. I LOVE to suck cock and swallow cum. Any size, as long as it’s hard, clean and very well trimmed or shaved. My motto is “blow and go.” I pick out random strangers and find a way and a place to do what I do best. I never schedule dates or make arranged meetings. That would seem too much...

1 year ago
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A Lisa in need

It was a sat. Night about 11pm and I was just drifting off to sleep when the phone rang. I slipped out of bed and went to the phone in the dinning room not to wake my wife. “John its Lisa my car will not start again”. It was friend. She had car problems earlier in the week. “I told you that this would happen again and you needed to get it fixed. Where are you?” “I am on 12th the 500 block on the left you can see the car” I notice as Lisa was giving me the directions that she was slurring her...

Group Sex
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Doctor Who Adventures in Sex and Time

I do not own the copywrite of any of the characters featured in these stories. The rights to these character belong to their respective owners. This is simply a product of Fan Fiction, take it as such. I will also feature fake nudes/fan art, I have not made these but I do not know the original artists (unless it's said in the picture itself.) I am not trying to take credit for things I have not made. Please do not rape. Rape is a fucked up thing to do. Leave it to erotic stories. This series of...

2 years ago
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Boy Stud4

Introduction: Adam has played with one of his birthday-presents. Now its time for him to play with her twin brother. Thanks for all the great comments about my stories. I love to hear from yall. Im posting chapters 4 and 5 of this story, as well as the second chapter of Whats Wrong With Me? If you havent seen that one yet, take a look. Thanks again– –RogueRambler But before I came, Dad pulled off my dick once again and he thanked me. That tasted wonderful, son. Thank you for sharing it with...

3 years ago
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Photo ShootChapter 5

"Congratulations, you two," Joan exclaimed as we walked into the gallery the morning after the show. Joan came up to us a planted a big wet kiss on Helen's lips first, then on mine. She paused a bit longer as she kissed me. I felt her mouth open slightly and the flick of her tongue on my lips. When she opened her eyes and looked at me afterwards, her face said, "I want you." But she quickly turned away and headed towards her office. "Let me show you the preliminary sales figures,"...

3 years ago
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New Years Party

It’s 8pm on New Years Eve. I’m standing in front of the bathroom mirror and just finished applying the final touches of my make-up. I’m wearing a long black dress and just hope it won’t offend anyone at the party. It looks like a very simple dress from the front, but the back is cut out very low and with a back like that, there is just no way of wearing a bra. After a final check in the mirror, I walk out into the hallway. Looking at my watch, I realize I have 15 minutes until he will be...

Straight Sex
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The Beach Part 1

Stretching my towel out on the beach, I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. It will be another hot day, my tan improving daily.That is nice, but what is nicer is the selection of beautiful ladies who seem to frequent this section of the beach, reserved for those who like to be clothing optional.There have been a selection of both men and women there most day off holiday. Some keep covered, many are topless, a small handful are totally naked. The only problem is this damn trend for young...

4 years ago
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Seeing the Doctor

Linda have been complaining about her stomach bothering her. Her regular doctor has been out of town. She couldn’t wait till he comes back so she went to see a different doctor. It was a small clinic in downtown, there was a nurse and one doctor. Not many people there today. I took Linda in, we got there late, she was the last person to be seen.I stayed in the waiting room while she went back. She was back there for a long time. I know why too. As I sat there I heard Linda having an orgasm, she...

4 years ago
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The Boat

I got lucky when I met my wife.  Ten years my junior she is fascinatingly beautiful, maybe a mix of Marilyn Monroe and Margot Robbie.  Some people say she is a Christina Applegate look-alike, I don’t see it.  She turns most heads, females included, I'm sure many thinking, 'What's she doing with him?'.  After a couple of years with her, I started inadvertently planting seeds in her head in the form of fantasies, of her being taken by multiple guys at once, while I watched.  Well, in the last...

Wife Lovers
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Hot Times With Cute Raju

Greetings Fellow readers! I am Achyut, a software professional based in Bangalore. The story I am about to tell you is all a fabricated lie. It is a fantasy I have with young boys/men. A brief introduction about me. I am 29 years old, a bisexual guy having an average body, average cock and…basically I am an average guy. I am that guy you would not care about in a train/bus. I stay alone in an apartment, which gives me many opprtunities to invite guys and girls for fucking sessions. I love...

Gay Male
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Coming Home Late From Work

As I pulled into the driveway not a light was on in the entire house. Knowing I had let her down once again. I then realized, there were but two things waiting for me. The silent treatment, and a cold shoulder. I hurriedly made my way inside creeping ever so quietly towards the bedroom door. As I moved closer and closer to the bedroom, I could hear the rhythm of her breathing. I slowly pushed the door open only to find her basking in a casual but comforting sleep. As I moved my way around the...

1 year ago
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Cat my teeny virgin

I was in a bad mood,I`d let the freezer run low and now I was having to drive this shopping trolly that had a mind of its own round the local ASDA store at 8 at night, the only compensation being I had a chance to speak to young Cat,a rather attractive young lady of about 18 or 19 ,who happened to work checkout 12 or 15(depending on her shift) Cat (That was on her name label) was 5ft 7in tall 36-26-32 I estimated ,beautiful deep brown eyes and a cute slightly snubbed nose,her butt was two tight...

First Time
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HardcoreGangbang Lea Lexis Bourgeois Filth The Litanies of Perversion

The gorgeous Lea Lexis is under the direct tutelage of Mr. Gray hoping to become a respectable woman and find herself that perfect husband. Practicing her divine walk, perfect pedicured toes are seen through her stockings. Unimpressed Mr. Gray moves her along to the dining room table to learn her lessons on being a proper woman. Mr. Gray reveals that she is a quivering virgin desperate for hard cock. Her pussy begins to drip for these hardcore desires. The final lesson for making this perfect...

3 years ago
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Another Surprise at the Gym FM Sexfight And More part 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A long time ago, I heard that fear and sexual arousal are in the same category of emotions. Being humiliated in front of women has been a fantasy of mine since puberty, but I was nonetheless afraid when faced with the reality of it. I had no idea what would come next. Despite my anxiety, or perhaps because of it, my cock was as hard as a rock.Cory had no respect for me at that point. She pulled her loincloth aside, planted her clit perfectly against my mouth and yelled, "Lick...

4 years ago
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The HealerChapter 3

Mum and Dad were waiting for me at the air-shuttle port when we stepped off the shuttle and they greeted me warmly and, in the case of my Mum, emotionally. Tough as you thought it would be?” Dad asked. “Tougher. Grandad Tivey sugar-coated it quite a bit,” I grinned. “He did the normal Ground Trooper training, Officers are supposed to be better,” he nodded. “You’ve lost weight too.” “Just a bit of padding,” I giggled. “I’ll visit a sculpt shop and get the shape back whilst I’m...

2 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 12

Alan walks through his door. Sandy is waiting right is the walkway for him, waging her tail. He smiles down at her. “Hey girl, did you miss me?” he asks, bending down to pet her on the head. She whines, but wags her tail furiously. “Fuck, I need a shower and some sleep.” He drops his keys on the table and heads into the kitchen for a bite to eat. “You know, Sandy,” he says taking the last bite of his sandwich. “I think we need a woman in this house. I’ve almost got Judy broke down, so maybe...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 6 From Ecstasy to Anguish

January 2006 Phillip, two months shy of age five, was enrolled in kindergarten. Brian rode in the backseat with him, giving him instructions as how to interact with other kids as Peggy drove the SUV. "Don't try to kiss any girls the first day," Brian advised. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted from the driver's seat. "Wait until the second day," Brian said. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted again. "Do you want to get him kicked out on his second day?" she asked, blushing. "On second thought, it...

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Tommy The Tongue

Back in High School they called me Tommy The Tongue because my tongue was as big as Gene Simmons. I later learned what my tongue was good for. Take my girlfriend, Tisha. I spent the night at her place after making plenty of noise in the bedroom. She was quite the screamer I gotta say. I was in the kitchen making some coffee while I awaited on her return from her morning jog. She took serious care of her body, avoiding all the sweets and anything fattening. I heard the door slammed shut and in...

1 year ago
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Watching Amy

Note : This story is completely fictional! My step-daughter likes for me to watch her fuck. She first approached me about the possibility about a month after her mom and I got married, while I was watching a movie in our den, an hour after my wife went to sleep. Amy came in in a sheer nightie and abruptly yanked my DVD out of the player and put in one of her own. The lights were off, so I couldn't see much of her but then the DVD came on the screen and it was Amy herself, nude and eating a cock...

4 years ago
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Special Case Ch1 Introducing Dakota

She also looked amazing for her age, just starting to get some wrinkles around the edges of her eyes because of stress at work. Her face was a light bronze, tanned only from the short time she spent outside. She had a beautiful face with high dominant cheek bones and sparkling blue eyes. Her light brown hair was always cut about halfway down down her back and framed her face, making it seem even more profound and distinct. She had large,voluptuous breasts that were covered by a snug long-sleeve...

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Office Politics

Office Politics – Part I   The job search started off just like any other job search. Sarah read the ads in the local newspapers and in trade journals. She also spoke with head hunters, friends, family and with her contacts in the field. After four months of searching, she finally got a bite from one of her previous co-workers, Annette. It seemed that Annette’s company had an open position for a new technical secretary. The company’s laboratories were located in a technical park in Deerfolk,...

5 years ago
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Bus story by Cezar73

Bus storyi can recognize you in the dark...slutty smell....still on the bus....i hope you remain alone here....i was wandering what to do to is late ...other passengers are going out of bus...: another stop...other 2 in know iam watching you....: i move and go close to your seat...: the bus is emptynow....just the driver....: me and you...the driver gives a look with mirror....more interested in you than me.....our eyes are talking....driver is a smart guy...not so young...

1 year ago
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Oscars 1st Time

Oscar was now 16, and he desperately wanted to lose his virginity, but how? His Aunt Steph and Grandma Diane were there all of the time, watching his behavior, and he did not yet know that they were closer to his parents than normal relatives would be. What he also did not know, however, was that his aunt had noticed his sexual development most closely of all of his family, and she really wanted to fuck her nephew, who was, after all, as well-endowed as his Dad. His 8 inch cock would be inside...

4 years ago
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Hot Massage For A Hot Mom

My name is David and I am 14 years old and I live alone with my 30 year old Mom. My Dad accidentally got my Mom pregnant so they decided to get married. From what my Mom tells me my Dad was a loving and proud father but he passed away in when I was a baby leaving my Mother as my sole parent. She did the best she could but her job as an elementary school teacher didn’t provide much for us. We made due though, we bought a one bedroom rancher out in the country, it was small but we liked to think...

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Im my Wifes Sissy

I was online when l came across an article about dogging, when my wife came home from work l brought up the subject and suggested we try one of the local carpark which apparently was a meeting place. First Jolie thought me mad, but when we were in bed she said may be if we went for a drink before going to the carpark, then decided we would try dogging the following Friday evening. Friday evening came l sat downstairs while Jolie dressed, l have to say she dressed to be noticed. Her top was...

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How It All Started

The purpose of this story is more to let you readers know the situation. My stories will be based on my family and the fun that we have grown to having and I will try my best to retell all the sexual fun that we have experenced. It all started when I was 16 years old and legal. My family had always been nudist as far as I could remember however we often wore underwear so we werent constantly nude like some nudists do. It was a happy medium for the situation. A few days after my birthday my...

1 year ago
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Do you really See Him Fuck when you’re watching a straight porno? The woman or women are almost always the focus in fuck flicks, so much so that I rarely really mention the studs doing the banging unless they’re particularly noteworthy for the size of their hog, a third nipple or vestigial tail. My visitors here at ThePornDude usually care a lot more about the women, but I get the feeling you’re a little different in that respect. When you’re shaking your dick at the screen, you want to see him...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Business Before Pleasure

‘Samantha Taylor is here.’ Gayle had stuck her head in the door to announce the visitor. ‘Bring her in Gayle.’ I said, as I moved around the desk to meet her at the door. ‘Samantha Taylor, this is Bob Eyestone,’ said Gayle, then turned and left the room. ‘Please have a seat Mrs. Taylor,’ I said. ‘Its miss Taylor,’ she said as she took the proffered seat. ‘Miss Taylor? Then are you the owner of the Trucking Company?’ ‘Yes I am, my father left it to me.’ She replied. ‘I’ve been running the...

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A family Affair

21 year old Rebecca walked into her parent's house. It had been a long four years of college but she had made it. She was a college graduate. "Mom, dad I'm home." She called to the empty room. Now that she was out of school she had decided to come back home and stay with her parents for a while until she decided what she wanted to do with her life.Her 19 year old brother came into the room from the kitchen and smiled at her. "Hey s*s, welcome home." He hugged her slender body and made sure her...

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PinwheelChapter 7

We arrived back at the barracks and packed our gear, Raz went to the showers to clean up and wash off the blood and sweat from the battle, then we hung out in the mess hall for a while, chatting with the other trainees and sharing stories about the day’s encounter. Raz was now a favorite of the Krell, and even the rest of the pack had gleaned some respect from the other races after their impressive display, most of them seemed happy to be going home though, Raz explained that being separated...

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Forgive Me Shiroo 8211 Part 3 Last Part

Just like that, they came together whenever possible for them. Though shiroo was abandoned by her Muslim colleagues because of her apostasy, she felt no sorrow thanks to sandhu, who was always with her at her sorrow. “Thank you sandhu, I am so lucky to have you” she then hugs him and cries. This had happened for many times. After deciding a date for their wedding, he suddenly proposed her something different. It was about a week more foe their wedding. “Shiroo, let us avoid touching each...

3 years ago
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Abducted SlutChapter 4

It had been so long since the last DVD of her precious little slut arrived. Susan could hardly contain her excitement. She ripped open the package thinking of how six months had gone by since witnessing Candy being used at the adult book store. What perverted things had she done. Susan’s lust took over, she spread herself like the pedophile slut she had become, rubbing her frothy cunt and staring wide eyed at the blank screen waiting. Candy’s face appeared streaked with cum, her hair was...

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Her First Event

This was Donna's first event. He had decided to have her meet him and his slave at Dark Odyssey. It was a good event for her, because it gave her an opportunity to experience lots of sex in addition to the good flogging they both knew that she needed. She arrived at the hotel and, following his instructions, went right up to the room. The hotel had dedicated floors of rooms for the event, which gave him an excellent opportunity to start her weekend off right. Following his pre-arranged...

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Every Woman Has a Price18 Corporate Espionage

Katelyn looked at the empty seat at her elbow. Kirk’s largesse gone to waste. She feared it would have been hard but her husband had been talked out of the trip almost before she could suggest it. “You think I want to waste one brain cell congratulating that fucking sadist?” He had said the moment she had opened the exit in his conversation. He didn’t attempt to talk her out of it. He muttered something about Katelyn’s need for closure. That wasn’t it. Her teeth were on edge. She turned her...

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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

2 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part Three

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Three By Danielle J Note- I used a plot device once seen in a Tom Clancy novel, "The Bear and the Dragon." Chalk it up to a lack of computer expertise or imagination from me. I just didn't know how else to work this part of my plot. In any event it's just a very tiny bit of the story that follows. I want to say thank you to Andi and Daphne for their help with this story. ***** Hiromi had been up around about an hour, when she heard the sound...

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Just For LaughsChapter 18

It was almost as cold in Washinton as it was in Moscow as Air Force Two landed at Andrews. Gabrielle requested no press on the tarmac. She was pushed into a waiting limo by Secret Service agents armed with automatic weapons. The car was filled these agents and a leader from each party. With the incapacacitation of the President, they were taking no chances that this was some plot by cutting off the head of the government. "Thompson had a stroke along with his heart attack," Ted Morton said...

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Dark Willows Harem

Dark Willow's HaremNote: Alternate future after the 6th season episode "Villains". Here Willow goes completely dark after the death of Tara. Also, sometime after the 3rd season of "Charmed". The various characters from "Angel", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Charmed" aren't mine. I'm just borrowing them for some nasty fun. There are real people here but their actions here are not intended to reflect their real lives or orientations. All of this is just for fun: sleazy, nasty fun.Cordelia...

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Blue Balls 7 Tiffanys Solutions

Summary –Tiffany decides she needs a boyfriend to solve her problems, and she makes friends with the school janitor. Previous Story Summary – Tiffany her father and brother continue their adventures. She decides to speak to her teacher, to see if he has blue-balls too (hint, he does!) Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity...

4 years ago
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7e hemel en daar voorbij

Ben vanmorgen tijdig vertrokken om maar geen moment van je te hoeven missen. Via Skype hebben we elkaar al flink opgefokt. Op de parkeerplaats naast je huis neem ik de groene pil. Het duurt over het algemeen een minuut of 10 voordat de eerste werking start, een warm gevoel over mijn wangen. Het duurt nog even voordat je er bent maar het geeft mij de mogelijkheid om voor te bereiden. Ik vind de sleutel onder de bloempot en open de deur. Je geur is het eerste wat ik ruik en mijn opwinding neemt...

2 years ago
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The Heat Inside Her

Copyright© 1992 All rights reserved Joining the District Attorney's office hadn't exactly been a dream for Toni Minelli. But after graduating from law school she figured her best bet to get lots of trial experience was there. She got exactly what she wanted, though she, like the rest of the staff were tremendously overworked. There was little time for socializing during work hours, but it was standard procedure to go out for a few drinks with the guys after work, and that included Carla...

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Economics Mam Me

Hi friends I’m of 21 years as of today… And doing a professional course….When i was in inter i took MEC and met my economics teacher…she is a bombshell man what to say about her being a mom of a girl of 7 years she looked like my class mate and i completely got attracted to her whole beauty… What a perfect structure she had… Ops just can’t be described in words…lets come to sex that happen between her and me and how it first year i used to eye her a lot and she use to notice and many...

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Our Train Adventure

Hornybunny74 and I had just arrived at Schiphol airport. As we were leaving the arrival terminal she gently grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Eventually we came upon the customs queue and as we stopped walking she squeezed my hand prompting me to turn my head and look her in the eyes. She had a shy but horny grin on her face and I could feel my brush tingle and sensed a distinct damp spot in my pants. Fortunately the waiting time wasn’t too long and we proceeded to walk towards the exit. We...

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Road Trip to Heaven

Usually, I-75 from Fort Lauderdale to Naples isn't a very exciting ride. But as my car sped along, passing Florida State Road 19 at around 75 mph, I was pretty fired up. Yeah, I noticed the hundred or so gators sunning themselves on the embankment that lines the interstate; that was different. However, the hormones that were coursing through me this day didn't have anything to do with being excited over cars, or mileage, or gators. The drive itself was a nuisance.I had met her three years...

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The Developers Room

It's 8pm, you're on your high school campus, and you're running for your life. You accidentally spilled water on the 3rd string quarterback's shoe. That was a mistake apparently punishable by death according to the crowd of jocks chasing you. Using up every last ounce of energy you had, you stealthily ducked into a construction site on campus. The jocks ran right past you. Convinced they were gone, you looked around the site a bit. You took notice of what appeared to be a faint glow coming from...

Mind Control
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Lisa Kakima3

Hello ISS member Ami abar esechi apnader kache Lisa kakima – 3 niye. Amar age lisa kakima 1 & 2 apnader khub bhalo legeche jene khub anando pelam, oneke mail pathiyeche tader comments janiye, aro comments pele khushi hobo. Lisa kakimar sathe amra majhe modhei chodon karjo chalatam, lisa kakimar tar katha rekhechilo, majhe modhei amader deke pathato amake bolto raja aai khub kasto hoche sona ese tor lisa auntyr sarirer jala mitiye diye ja. Ei rakam ekdin bhalo kore amar lisar gud marar pore...

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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 08

It was like a vision of heaven, thought Kitty, as she watched the city of Barcelona unfold from distant smudge to clear definition over a period of an hour or so. She knew that Captain Prince had business here in the rookeries of the Raval district, and she also knew that this might be her best chance of escaping his maddening personal and sexual despotism and living her own life, however hazardous. She had a pair of britches and a promise of a rowing boat from Tom, she had a bag of cunningly...

2 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 19

When she reached the group blocking her way, the boy snarled, and reached his gauntleted hands out to grab her. She walked right through him. A few feet beyond them, she turned, sighed, and shook her head as though she was sorry for them. Then David let the illusion fade slowly away. They stood there dumfounded. With all the things they had been rehearsing in their heads, from mayhem to martyrdom, they simply had not considered the possibility of that happening. They stood around silently,...

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Falling In Love With Learning 1

We were on our way to the buses to get home but we were to late and the buses were gone. "Ugh Jess see this is what we get for talking so much" I laughed. Jessie took out her cell phone to call her mom to pick us up since we lived down the street from each other. "Hey mom um, can you pick me and Melody up... we missed the bus". "Okay, Okay calm down we'll find some other way home god!" Jessie yelled. "What the hell Jessie! You know my mom and dad are away they can't pick up,...

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Home By The Sea

Two figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists. The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence. The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand...

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Jerking Off Again

      I was just about to get in the shower and wash my dick up when Rebecca—the girl I was supposed to be fucking that night—texted and said she wasn’t coming because her ex-boyfriend showed up at her place. Talk about mad, I was fucking furious. My mind was already set on getting some pussy and she’d fucked it all up. Since I wasn’t getting any pussy that night, I decided to just jackoff and take my ass to bed. But just as I was grabbing my bottle of lotion… “Fuck!” my roommate James yelled....

4 years ago
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Chanel Number 5

I've been flirting with this lady for some time and she is extremely hot. Not a slapper, or available to anyone, a classy girl with a hot body, who knows what she wants and doesn't settle for second best,And we arranged to meet in a hotel. She sent me a pic, so I would know what she looked like but it was kind of dark and indistinct, but when I walked into the bar, I looked around and the only person it could possibly be was this sexy blonde, with a great figure and long, slender legs, wearing...

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A Shock to the System Ch 5

Melissa recovered straight away and moved down between Jack’s legs and started to lick at his ball’s which were rapidly replenishing their store of hot sticky cum. She took each one into her mouth, lavishing them with attention as her mom’s head bobbed up and down rhythmically on his cock. Jack looked over at his dad, who was jerking himself off slowly, stood to the side of the camera and watching the action unfold before him. Jen put her hands under her son’s thighs and pushed them up...

2 years ago
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If words could express emotion but in it's fullest way, then, I'd be the happiest man alive! What made me feel like this? Well, this little site called What made me so happy was the fact that the moment I laid my eyes on it, I saw so many things that were good and that were extremely bad that I almost got an erection just from thinking about it. Sick, isn't it? But, since I take my job very seriously, even woodies happen when I conduct myself in a very professional manner. That's...

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