Blue Monday free porn video

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The following story contains mention of drug use and is sexual in nature, featuring explicit terms that some may find objectionable. While some members of the LGBTQ+ community accept and use these descriptions, I am aware that some choose not to and may find them distasteful. No offence is intended. In my defence I prefer to treat every character in my story as different, with a unique personality, lifestyle, and language that I feel reflects all aspects of the community. I hope you will continue to read and come to love the characters who live in my head as much as I do. ? Gosunkugi BLUE MONDAY Adrienne daydreamed of swimming in lilac. Surrounded by flowers. Lying back and drifting down the stream like Ophelia. Lifting her legs one at a time out of the bath she examined them closely and felt them for smoothness, then her arms, underarms, neck and face. When she passed inspection she checked the time on her phone and stood to rinse off the suds. She opened the bathroom door, and seeing the hallway was clear walked quickly to her room. She wore only a long t-shirt, and although it reached down to her upper thighs and covered her junk it probably wouldn't be cool to get caught short. Making it to safety, and slipping into the nice underwear and tucking, she made a turn in the mirror holding the shirt above her stomach. They were a good find, while more than she usually liked to spend on frillies, she liked how they flattered her hips and bum. Worth it. There was a knock at the door and she pulled on the tracksuit bottoms, tying them at her waist. Singsonging: "Come in," as she turned the music down, One of her housemates, Steve, popped his head in. "Hi, Ade, have you got any Rizlas I can borrow?" She always found it funny how people asked to borrow certain stuff when they had absolutely no intention of giving it back. "Yeah, gimme a sec," she replied and tossed him a multi-pack of rolling papers so he could help himself. "Don't think I've actually been in your room before." He was still there, looking at the posters on the walls. Adrienne thought it wouldn't hurt to appear more sociable. "Roll me a couple of cigs and you can hang about if you want. Keep me company while I get ready." "Cool." He obliged with the speed and ease of an experienced festival rollee, and tossed her one to smoke, which she did, half leaning out of the window, letting the street smells in along with a delicious cooling breeze. "Is that by Junji Ito?" He was looking at the black and white poster on the wall, a blown up panel from Ito's Uzumaki, depicting one of the characters having their head devoured by a spiral, her eye collapsing into the void where her brain should be. "Yeah, there's a couple of books on the shelf if you want to borrow." He poked at the books and ran a finger across the spines. "Are you into all that body horror kind of stuff?" He asked. She felt naked all of a sudden, caught off guard, and turned away under the pretence of blowing smoke out into the night. "It is a bit of a clich? I suppose." He turned, looking ashamed. "Oh god, sorry. I meant manga, not y'know..." "It's fine. I'm trans, Steve, I can deal with the odd faux pas." She expected a whole slew of questions to come spilling from his mouth then, but to his credit, he turned away again and continued examining the walls. "Wow, and who's that?" She didn't even need to turn around to know who he was talking about. "That's Jin Xing, Chinese dancer," she answered. "She's pretty," he said. Understatement of the century there, she thought. There's hope for you yet, Steven. She finished the cigarette, pitching it out of the window and rummaging through her nail varnishes, unsure of which one to go with. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him squinting at the DVDs with his head tilted to the side to read the titles. "Blue or black?" He started and looked at her quizzically. "Sorry?" She held up the bottles for him to see. "Blue or black? I can't decide." "Oh. Blue I suppose." "Blue it is then." She juggled a text on her phone and the brush awkwardly, in danger of dropping it and ruining her duvet. He sat next to her on the bed and plucked the nail varnish out of her hand. "So what are you up to tonight? Bit weird to get pissed up on a Monday." She watched him paint her nails carefully with more than a little surprise. "A few drinks around town if it's not too busy. The gang likes to gather when there's no nobheads about. Probably end up at The Arches later. " He turned her hand to get to her little finger, not taking his eyes off what he was doing. "Is that the gay club?" He paused while he waited for her to answer. "Yes. But I suppose they prefer the term LGBTQ clubs or something now. More inclusive and all that. They get a couple of DJs in, the occasional drag act" "Oh." She was a little disappointed in his attitude, or lack of interest. "Why's that? You want to come?" She teased. He smiled shyly. "Kinda, yeah. Not really my scene though, all that shit music. I like a quiet pint." "Oi. It's not shit! It's good to dance to. Besides, I've seen you admit to liking The Chemical Brothers once." She examined his nailwork, not bad. "I was off my face at the time though," he said, looking guilty. Ade chuckled. "True. You was, as they like to say, proper monged." He looked at her seriously. "Can we not use that one?" She was a bit taken aback and tripped over her tongue. "Righto, I just meant in that context you know, drugged up and that." "It's fine. I just don't like that word much." The atmosphere in the room had changed considerably, and she closed the window, taking the opportunity to get a move on. "I need to get dressed." He got off the bed and made his way to the door. "It's cool. I'll catch you later. Have a good night, Adrienne." She watched him leave and rolled her eyes. She doubted she'd irreparably damaged their friendship, and the irony wasn't lost on her being corrected for once, but she decided to make it up to him later, maybe with a peace offering of a takeaway. She wondered why she'd never thought of him in a romantic fashion before. He was totally her type, and not down on her being trans which was rare. Now that she thought about it, he often went out of his way to do little things for her, little boyfriendy things that she took for granted. Would it be so bad? She tapped the phone and threw it on the bed, letting the music get picked up by the Bluetooth speaker on the desk. Some old-school 90s trip hop played as she dropped the tracksuit bottoms and lifted the t- shirt over her head to toss in the dirty laundry pile. After taking a moment to admire the underwear again, she pulled the dress off the rack in the wardrobe and held it against herself. She'd definitely put on weight in the right places, she'd need some new jeans, but the dress was loose and fit her perfectly. A miracle. She shimmied to the beat and applied some roll-on deodorant. A little mascara and wine-coloured lippy and she was done. She tousled her hair dry and let it fall messily to her shoulders. That would do for The Arches. o - o - o - o - o She left the house as the taxi pulled up with her friend Jen in the back, and climbed in awkwardly. As they sped along the city streets, Jen slipped her two pills and Ade necked them with some water. She wouldn't come up for a while yet, so plenty of time to drink and gossip. Her friend's hair tonight was a shocking red, and she found herself beyond jealous. Jen was a few years ahead of her transition-wise, more experienced, confident, streetwise, and in Ade's eyes, in a whole other league entirely. Jen tapped a cigarette out of the packet and was offering one to her when the driver interjected. "Sorry, ladies. No smoking in the cab." She took one anyway and tucked it behind her ear, giggling as Jen silently mouthed the word, "Prick." Her friend was stretching her lovely, long legs. She'd kicked off her shoes and was folding her feet under her bum when she asked out of the blue, "Ade, you're into all that Japanese shit right? Have you heard of a bloke called Yoshiyuki Iwase?" She utterly butchered the pronunciation, but A for effort, Jen. Adrienne didn't have to rack her brain too hard. "He was the one that photographed all those naked pearl divers, yeah?" "Have to get up early to get one over on you, you perv. Yeah, I saw some of his work linked on Twitter. Sexy stuff," Jen said, surprising her. Ade agreed. "I suppose you could rub one out to it if you wanted, but it's nice art." She had picked up a giant coffee table-sized collection on nudes a few years ago at Waterstones, and remembered being mesmerised by the section on Iwase's work. The black and white bodies relaxing on the sand and rocks, the natural, explicitly feminine, curvy women seemed more real to her than the stick-thin figures that were plastered on every surface and in every magazine, show and movie. They talked about art for a little while and soon the taxi came to a stop. The pub was dead, and Adrienne was glad. Getting a few drinks in minus the hassle was what she needed tonight. They sat in the beer garden and smoked. Lolling in the warm spring air. Jen steered the conversation to mutual friends and suddenly remembered something. "I bumped into Vanilla yesterday. She's got that bootleg of that Brazilian soap opera you can borrow if you want." "Ah, nice one. I feel a bit of the loop, loads of catching-up to do." University had absorbed her utterly, and now it was over she had time to reacquaint herself with the social scene. A For?a do Querer was the TV show from South America that had drifted into their transy periphery by being the first time a transgender actor had starred in a major role over there, She decided she had to see it. Adrienne filed the news away, ready for the next time she met up with their friend, the drag queen supreme who went under the name Vanilla Chai. "Who's the DJ tonight?" Jen rolled her eyes. "Urgh God, Danny Neckbeard. Can't understand how he keeps getting booked." "He's alright when he plays the old stuff." "Danny's wank, Ade. It's like he's got feet for hands." Jen lit a spliff and took deep lungfulls, blowing the noxious smoke away from her out of courtesy. It didn't really help, and soon the beer garden stank of cheap weed. They were eventually joined by Jen's cis friend Rachel and her permanent hanger-on Diane. Adrienne didn't like Rachel much, they'd never really bonded, having zero in common. Any attempt to talk about men with her left her feeling like Rachel was just humouring her. Diane she didn't talk to at all, Adrienne felt like trans women intimidated the hell out of the poor girl. Still, it was promising to be a good night, and there was no sense in letting petty shit spoil it. She got the next round of drinks in and felt the first blushing thrill of the ecstasy, dancing to the table, singing: "Come on, Barbie let's go party!" Amazingly not spilling the glasses everywhere, making Jen roll her eyes again and Rachel laugh. o - o - o - o - o They paid the cover at the door of the club and walked into a sweat-box of dry ice, blacklight and pulsing music. She felt a grip on her arm and Rachel shouted over the beat, high on her own devices, "Oh my god this is fucking brilliant!" And soon the four of them lost themselves in the throbbing music and heaving bodies. Eventually Adrienne needed another cigarette, and danced all the way to the toilets. It was indeed a quiet night, as evidenced by the fact there was no queue for once. She filled her water bottle up at the sink and checked her reflection. She was a big sweaty vibrating mess, but she felt like pure sex. There were no smoke alarms in the Arches facilities, and the gorillas on the door never came into the club unless there was trouble, so she didn't think anything of sitting in one of the cubicles and enjoying a sneaky fag. Her moment was ruined when the toilet door slammed open and someone fell to their knees in the next stall over, vomiting explosively into the bowl. Adrienne sighed, took a final drag and dropped the butt into the toilet, getting up to check on the groaning casualty. "Dianne love, are you okay?" She knelt down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders, offering her some tissue. The diminutive girl wiped her eyes and mouth. "S-sorry, me and drugs don't mix. I'm an idiot." She offered her some water, and brushed her hair out of her face. "It's fine. I could tell you some horror stories of the scrapes Jen has gotten me into." She led Diane over to the sinks and helped her clean up. "How do you do it?" Diane said between splashes. Ade was confused by the question, thinking she was talking about not throwing up. "You and Jen, you're so gorgeous all the time," She laughed and burped "Urgh, I hate it." "Oh sweetie, you have no idea." "You are though. You're all supermodels and here's me looking like... Princess fucking Tomato." Adrienne put her hands over her mouth in mock exasperation. "Did you seriously just make an obscure video game reference?" "N-no?" "You totally did!" Ade laughed. "Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom is a classic." Diane smiled. "I don't have many friends who are into games." "Oh Diane, where have you been all my life?" The door opened and Jen and Rachel fell in laughing. Jen ruining the moment in typical fashion by yelling, "There you are, you proper slags, come on, you're missing out on some quality dancing time." As they left arm in arm, Ade offered her some reassurance. "You feeling alright?" "Yeah, much better now, thanks." After another five or six songs, she'd lost count by that point, and a lot of breathless gyrating, read: hilarious stumbling, Ade took a break to rest against a pillar and scan the crowd, drinking deeply from her bottle. She saw some of the same old faces, the regulars, the girls from the lesbian scene (people she intrinsically avoided these days.) Danny Neckbeard on the wheels of steel butchering another classic. She was throbbing below the waist and bumping the back of her head against the pillar, deeply regretting taking the ecstasy. Thanks to her hormones Ade didn't get erections, so this was distinctly out of the ordinary for her. Not to mention she was despairing at the idea of any kind of sexual release in her future. Suddenly she spotted a familiar figure lurking near the entrance. "Oh my fucking God." She bounded over to Steve and pulled him into a giant hug. "I can't believe you came." He recovered quickly. "I got lonely. Besides, I figured I owed you an apology." "You owe me? Nah, I fucked up, I'm the one that should be sorry." And she genuinely was. "All square then?" He hugged her again and kissed her cheek. "Um, Ade? Are you on drugs or are you really pleased to see me?" She felt below her waist as stealthily as she could. "Argh, that's so embarrassing. Give me a minute to pop to the loo, I need to adjust." He had a hand on the small of her back and stroked tenderly. "It's fine, don't worry about it." "Steve, I can't dance in this state, and I'm feeling really self- conscious." He looked into her eyes with something akin to desire. "I can't dance period. You want to head home instead?" Her stomach did a flip, she didn't need to think about it too hard. "God yes. I'll meet you outside, lemme tell Jen where I've gone." After a diversion to the bathrooms, still no queue, where she was able to rearrange her junk, she hit the bar where Jen was lining up a line of full shot glasses. Rachel and Diane were sat in a booth in the corner, heads on each other's shoulders, looking adorable. "Just in time, girl," shimmied Jen. Adrienne hated to burst her bubble and cut the night short. "I'm going to bounce. I think I just pulled." "Holy shit! Quick, drink this and get after them before they change their mind. Down the hatch." She didn't know what was in the glass, just threw it back and swallowed. They both screwed up their faces at the taste of the vile, aniseed liquor. She hugged Jen. "Love you, bitch." "Good luck, you big tart, knock 'em dead." o - o - o - o - o On the step outside she lit another cigarette with shaking hands and looked for Steve. She found him standing by the kerb and walked to him, pulling him into a kiss and letting herself get pressed up against the wall of the nightclub. He kissed her neck and bit gently at her earlobe, making her glad she had foregone earrings tonight. In the taxi she leaned in close to him, letting his arm hold her tight as she unbuttoned his trousers, her hand delving under his waistband and squeezing his dick. His face was buried in her hair and she could hear his soft gasps of pleasure as she ran her thumb over the tip and spread his pre-cum. She had untucked again and was tenting something fierce herself, and he squeezed her playfully over the dress. She shook her head and moved his hand away just as the taxi pulled up to the house. Steve paid the driver while she paused in the hallway, staring at a stain on the ceiling distractedly, and when he came in behind her, instead of resuming their exploration of each other's bodies or running for the stairs dragging him by the hand, she walked into the kitchen. He leaned into the door-frame and watched her make tea. "Is everything okay, I-" "Just... let's take a breath for a minute," she said softly. He looked disappointed and it broke her heart. "Alright." She threw teabags into mugs and added way too much sugar with a clattering of the spoon. "Did I do something wrong?" She turned at last and touched his face, kissing him briefly and resting her forehead against his. "No, no, Steve sweetie. I just need to think about this." She hoped he knew what she meant. This was happening fast, like being wrapped in a rug, set on fire, and rolled down a mountain. And there was more, so much more going on in her head, an animal that she couldn't even begin to think about letting out of its cage. She finished making the tea and headed upstairs leaving him standing holding the steaming mug, and that's pretty much what she felt like, a steaming mug. He was still standing in the middle of the kitchen like a lemon, forcing her to poke her head over the banister. "Well? Are you coming?" Her room felt different now, like he was intruding on her sacred space all of a sudden. Leaving the lights off so the room was lit only from the street outside, she faced the window. He stood a few feet away from her drinking his tea, and spoke to her back, "What are you thinking about?" She said what was on her mind, a quote from Virginia Woolf: "It is only by putting a shock into words that I make it whole." Placing the mug on the windowsill she leaned with her forehead against the glass and continued, "This wholeness means that it has lost its power to hurt me; it gives me, perhaps because by doing so I take away the pain, a great delight to put the severed parts together." She wasn't sure he could understand. "Perhaps this is the strongest pleasure known to me. Can you turn around, please?" After a beat she pulled the dress over her head, her cheeks burning. Her dark hair spilled over her naked shoulders. She pulled down her lacy underwear while bending over and her heart skipped in her chest. It was almost too much when she turned and began pulling on pyjama bottoms and a vest to see him staring. "I don't want to seem like a prick-tease, Steve, but... I've got a few hang-ups." "I'd never make you do anything you weren't comfortable with, Ade." "I know that." He waited before asking, "What do you want to do?" She blew hair out of her face. "Honestly. I want you to fuck me, but I'm bloody terrified." If he was shocked he hid it well. She went on, "So I just want to get a take-away and curl up into bed... with you... would that be okay?" He smiled. "That sounds like the best thing in the world." She sat on the bed with him and sighed in relief. "Don't run away, will you?" He kissed her then and she melted, purring into his neck. After phoning to order a suitable post-club meal, they spent the next few minutes simply holding each other. "Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?" He said abruptly. She looked away, barely audible as she offered a blunt retort. He didn't accept it, and kissed her again. She returned his desire, urgently tasting his tongue, unable to help herself. Panting, she slid off the bed to her knees in front of him, tugging at his jeans. He helped, unbuttoning the fly. "I thought you wanted to take it slow." "Slow doesn't have to mean stop," she said, managing to pull down his boxers and free his swollen member, which got harder still at her touch and the feel of her mouth upon it. He exhaled as her tongue circled the head and in a dry voice said, "Ade, you don't have to." "But I want to." She kneaded his buttocks, forcing all of him into her mouth. He came quickly, and she swallowed, running her finger over her bottom lip and sucking it clean. The doorbell rang, and the moment was over. "Takeaway's here," they both said at the same time, and laughed, embarrassed. A short while later they sprawled together in a food and post-coital coma, he casually played with her hair while she played video games. After losing a life she handed him the controller and tried to teach him how to beat the level. They lay in each other's arms, enjoying making the little sprite jump over the cactus.

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Blues in the Night

     The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television.  On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar.  The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff.     "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin.  "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..."     "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Blues in the Night

The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...

1 year ago
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Working the holiday Monday

She has no rings on her fingers so she is not married and not to my recollection does she mention a man in her life. The only jewelry at all were gold hoops in her ears and a gold watch. She always smells like wild flowers and is very kind to her people and never seems to have a bad day. I myself am single, bi-sexual and have not had a date in a while. Never found anyone open enough to keep a relationship working. They seem cool about it at first then when the novelty wears off they are...

1 year ago
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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 01 Monday

Hello and salutations. Or whatever it is you people say to one-another. I’ve always found you an odd bunch, always coming up with new words to describe your mundane existence with. I say mundane because of course you don’t have access to magic. Well, most of you, but we’ll get to that. I was about to say that by “you” I was referring to humans, but I suppose technically I’m human too. In the loosest possible sense. You see, I’m a wizard. A natural-born wizard, that is. You see, the ability...

3 years ago
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Little Piggy 4 Double Detention Monday

Monday after school she arrived at Mr. Newnen's office. He led her into his private office and sat her down in an old school desk he had. He told her they would get started in a moment. He was waiting for something. She suspected it was Coach Gray. Coach said he would meet her here to work out the lessons. The room was quiet as Mr. Newnen corrected class papers all the while looking up at her every so often. She was starting to squirm in the stiff little desk. Mashing her little pea into...

1 year ago
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Tim and Abbie 04 Monday

Last night was mind-blowing to Tim.  Never would he imagined the feelings he had.  Abbie’s fingers on his cock would be like.  And him just brushing at her through her dress.  Not anything he had experienced before.  It is a lot to comprehend and adjust to, but he wants to so much.After that encounter, Tim wakes up refreshed and eager on Monday morning for the day ahead.  On waking, he has a hard-on, and he knows the cause.  For the last three days, he feels like he has been in a perpetual...

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Brian and Joseph Monday

Thanks for the positive feedback on the first installment. For those who haven’t read it, check here ( For those who have and didn’t like it, please leave comments on what you don’t like. I’ll try to fix it. If you don’t like the overall idea, however, I’m not going to be changing that since it’s an experience I had that’s hot, and I also suspect a lot of people out there can relate. Brian was the first...

2 years ago
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Not Just Another Monday

Good old Monday again. Nothing much going on today except getting caught up on some of Tom’s correspondence. He went out the backdoor this morning to fly up to DC for meetings and I have to stay put in case he contacts me to fax him anything and also to listen on line to the various meetings. Our home office is equipped by his company. I work for the company too and just log my hours. Weather has really sucked lately but finally today had cleared up and the sun was warming up. I had just...

2 years ago
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Amber Monday

My heart was pounding as I waited at the bus stop on Monday morning. I’d barely slept since I’d spoken to Marie. I replayed her words again and again. The promise I’d made to her. That I would talk to her daughter. My palms were sweaty and my whole body was fidgety. I was barely in control of myself – my body pumped full of excited adrenaline. Of course, it was ridiculous. She was the one who was 16, not me. I should be in control of myself. Eager, yes. Excited, maybe. But scared? I...

2 years ago
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The New MD Monday

Three years on and numerous work conferences later, none had lived up to the dizzy heights of her virgin Work Conference. Whilst attending these subsequent work conferences Paris was always curious as to whether or not she would ever meet him again.   The tall, bald, attractive, sexy man who called himself Maxwell, Max for short. The man who never divulged to her the reason for his attendance at that work conference. Her curiosity remained just that as she never had the good fortune to meet him...

3 years ago
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Magic Manipulation Monday

A woman wakes up on a Monday morning, but this day will be unlike any day in her life. She will find herself doing things she would have never dreamed of doing and not be able to stop herself, and her body may be doing things or even changing, and she will have no idea why this is happening.

Mind Control
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Meet Frans on Monday

Monday morning soon arrived and after an interesting weekend, I got my daughter up and dressed for crèche. A little after 7h00 I left to drop my daughter off at crèche, seeing Frans there dropping his daughter off as well. I then followed him home to join him for breakfast and company as we planned Sunday night when we message each other. We were soon by his house and once getting out our cars we greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek and a big hug again. We then went inside where he made...

3 years ago
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A Relentless Monday

Not that anyone reads this shit but nonetheless I shall tell it anyway.On Monday I received a txt msg from ET101 which read:“When I get home (from work) I want you kneeling on the floor beside my chair. I want a glass of wine ready on my side table. I will take a few sips while you suck my cock, then I will decide which greedy slutty holes I will fuck”So, I spent the afternoon prepping myself, bath, hair, make-up and nails, all done with air of anticipation and excitement of what’s to come.I...

2 years ago
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Amber Chapter 4 Monday

My heart was pounding as I waited at the bus stop on Monday morning. I'd barely slept since I'd spoken to Marie. I replayed her words again and again. The promise I'd made to her. That I would talk to her daughter. My palms were sweaty and my whole body was fidgety. I was barely in control of myself – my body pumped full of excited adrenaline.Of course, it was ridiculous. She was the one who was 16, not me. I should be in control of myself. Eager; yes. Excited; maybe. But scared? I definitely...

2 years ago
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Early one Monday

Save this post in 'My Favorites'Catsman11's Blog » early one morning Edit | DeleteIt's early still but you have been on my mind all night and even when i awoke this morning. Our Monday morning love making was certainly a surprisingturn of events of that morning. Strange as it may seem, we almost always make love on the mornings that I am there and most of that morning was spent just holding each other and breathing in the others aromas and always taking advantage of the others soft lips. I know...

2 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 12 Monday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 12: Monday Disclaimer: Know this before you read further. This and some of the following chapters depict sexual harassment and physical assault. I am not trying to glorify it, but rather to shine a light on it through Kim's reaction. While there is truth in this, it is not all women's truths. Kim is afraid to rock the boat and thinks she can handle things and so her tormentors are not challenged or reported until it is too late. While this does happen...

2 years ago
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Not Just Another Monday

Good old Monday again. Nothing much going on today except getting caught up on some of Tom's correspondence. He went out the backdoor this morning to fly up to DC for meetings and I have to stay put in case he contacts me to fax him anything and also to listen on line to the various meetings. Our home office is equipped by his company. I work for the company too and just log my hours.Weather has really sucked lately but finally today had cleared up and the sun was warming up. I had just slipped...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My Monday

I normally hit the gloryhole/ABS/theater on the weekend but I was still horny and buzzing early Monday morning about 4:00am I guess. I left my place and headed out and seemed I got there quicker being there no traffic . So I go in pay and head back to see what I can get into. There was no one in the gloryholes at all. So I went to the theater section and seen 3 people. Two were side by side the other on another row. I ventured to the another theater section and it was empty. I just took a seat...

1 year ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 6 Malbec Monday

Victor Get into your PJs? But I don't have any PJs. So when Alexis and I walked to the bedrooms to change, I pulled her aside. "What was that?" "It's simple Vic," she said. "I asked you both to tell the truth. Consider this punishment for both of you." "But what do I wear?" I asked. "Nicole was supposed to do this for me." "Vic, honey. It's time you learned to get dressed without Nicole. Put on a cami and some pajama bottoms." "What's a cami?" "A thin tank top. Stop being...

4 years ago
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Maybe Next Monday

Wednesday came and, as soon as I woke up, so did I. My wakeup orgasm did little to quench the fire in my pussy so I tried putting it out with the shower massage. I began getting ready for work but then remembered that I had traded days with Marcy so I could have the day off. I then took my time selecting clothing that was sexy but not brazenly advertising my charms, did my makeup to perfection, and even pulled out my old hair crimper to give that kinky-coif look. A simple black, stretchy pencil...

1 year ago
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If Were Not Back in Love by Monday

This is the fifth semi-annual Jake Rivers Invitational. The initial one was based on the Statler Brother's song, "This Bed of Rose's." The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: "El Paso," "El Paso City," and "Faleena." The third had stories based on the various versions of, "Maggie May" or, "Maggie Mae." The fourth invitational was based on any Country and Western song. The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Merle Haggard. This song is...

2 years ago
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Naked in School TyshalaMonday

I didn't know it when I got out of bed, but it was the beginning of the worst day of my life. I woke up, sore and still tired like I hadn't slept at all — which I don't anymore, not since ... Well, not in a few months at least. Definitely not since I had to come here. I woke up, sore but typical and rolled out of bed and waddled my fat ass to the bathroom to do the stuff I do there. I dressed in my uniform, now required by all the local schools and walked to the bus stop. The private bus...

3 years ago
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Spring BreakChapter 1 Sunday Monday

Sunday Melinda, Katie, Carl and I picked up Leah at the airport on Sunday morning. She got an early flight in, and with the two hour drive to Orlando, we would get to the condo right about check-in time. I waved to Leah as soon as she got off the plane. She ran over and gave me a big hug. I held her tight and gave her a friendly kiss. Melinda watched along with Katie and Carl. Even though she had talked Leah into coming down and had spoken to her before, I knew Melinda could be mean and...

4 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 16 Monday

Tom Canfield stopped at Kyle’s locker on Monday. “How’s it going?” “Great.” “What you doing for summer?” “Dunno. Fool around, I guess. Probably go hiking, take some bike trips.” “Sally into that?” “Guess so, we haven’t talked much about it. We did that last year.” Kyle pulled stuff out of his pack and put it away. “How’s it going with you and Melanie?” “Oh, great. We’re good friends. Have been for years, ever since fourth grade.” “I hear you’re going together.” “Who said?” “Melanie...

2 years ago
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My Teacher My LoveMonday

Monday morning and I have never been so excited and nervous about going to school. It was just after 6, sleep had not gone well. Part of me missed Amy but another was anticipating what would happen at school. Mom, dad and I had fun when we went to the bed store and picked the most beautiful bed I had ever seen. I had tried to find a cheaper one, but I could not stop looking at this lovely wooden bed. It was beautifully crafted; the headboard had flowers engraved into it. My dad joked when he...

1 year ago
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Card PartyChapter 22 Monday

Kyle’s phone rang early Monday morning, early enough that he’d barely woken up. It was Sally. “You up for a run this morning?” she asked. “Hey, I’m barely out of bed,” Kyle complained. “Good, I wanted to catch you before you got in the shower.” She paused and giggled. “I can almost taste you. Coming? I’m out front.” Kyle threw on shorts, shirt and shoes and dashed out the door. Sally was at the end of the walk dressed as he was. They started off down the street, jogging at a good...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 2 Monday

Alex - Before Class Life in Reedville, VA is not exciting by any stretch of the imagination. Not even for a family like mine, which has enough money and influence - thanks to a two-century-old family fishery - to do damn near anything we wanted. It was a small hick town in the middle of nowhere on the edge of the Chesapeake Bay. Lisa had been my ex-girlfriend, but she was more than that; she was one of the four people in the world who knew me. The real me. Two years ago, roughly, Lisa and I...

1 year ago
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Its Always the Quiet OnesChapter 2 Monday

It was Monday afternoon, 3:02 PM, and Eddie was cycling furiously. His books and homework were crammed into his backpack, and his friends were calling for him to wait up. But he couldn't. He had a date. He had been thinking about her all day, and couldn't wait for school to end. As he coasted down a hill, he checked the small note in his hand for the hundredth time. He had long ago memorized the address written on it, but the delicate handwriting still brought him shivers of pleasure...

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The DilemmaChapter 14 Gareth Chancelor Monday

I was sitting with Estelle when a man came into her room a few minutes after 9:00am on Monday morning. He was short and stocky and I would guess somewhere in his 40s. His badge said Dr Nestry. He was carrying the standard clipboard. He looked at his clipboard and he said, “Hi, my patient is supposed to be Estelle Chancelor. I’m hoping that’s you in the bed. Are you Estelle?” Estelle nodded. “Yes, that’s me, I’m Estelle Chancelor.” “Could you please tell me your birth date and your home...

2 years ago
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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 6 Monday

Monday morning I didn't want to look in my mom's bedroom. I didn't know if she was alone or not, but I was afraid of finding Mr. Evans in there, you know? I was kind of done being mad anyway and maybe I shouldn't have been mad in the first place, I wasn't sure. Just being with Angie had helped a lot and I'd spent most of Sunday afternoon and night at her place, but we hadn't made out or anything. We'd just made friends with each other. I did look though, opening the door slowly and...

1 year ago
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Beth 1Chapter 5 Monday

Monday was—to put it mildly—interesting. I drove to Beth's house to pick her up—I was serious when I'd made the comment about the first ten guys trying to steal her and I was going to do everything I could to prevent any attempts to swipe MY girl—at least I hoped she was my girl. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Beth's mother answered, "You must be Tommy. Beth talked about you all night! Come on in." Talked about me? That didn't sound good. I stepped inside to see...

1 year ago
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Home StudiesDay 6 Monday

Ugh. Today is Monday. That means getting up early, that means going to school, but worst of all, that means no sex until both my sister and I get home after school. Ugh. But it's well worth the wait. I have something special planned for today, something that I've set into motion this morning before leaving the house. Right now, my lithe little sister is lying face up on her bed again, an impish grin on her face, and her nipples already slightly hardened in anticipation. In anticipation of...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 13 Monday

On Monday, both my sister and I sleep in. It's a long weekend so there is no school today, and after getting up early on both Saturday and Sunday we agreed that we should sleep in today, at least a little. So we are both well-rested when we sit down to have breakfast. We discuss our plans for today over cereal, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. Just that we're going to try various odds and ends. You'll just have to wait and see. So, first we ransack the house. All right,...

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Home StudiesDay 20 Monday

Sooooo ... it’s a Monday again. That means school and all that. It means that we can only play in the afternoon. But it also provides an opportunity. When we convene in Anna’s room, I do something that I haven’t done in a while: I blindfold my sister with one of her scarfs. She looks at me questioningly (at least as long as she can), but does not protest. Once her eyesight is gone, I have her lie down on her back on the floor. Then I quietly leave the room, pad down the stairs, carefully...

1 year ago
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Blues Fusion

‘Hey Mike, can I come to your band practice this afternoon?’ Mike played bass in this garage band that was working towards stardom, at least that was what he told everyone. ‘Why?’ ‘I heard Huw talking to a couple of his friends and they seem to think that you’re pretty good.’ What I didn’t tell him was that they all thought the lead singer was a ‘babe’ and that the rest of the band was sort of okay. ‘Okay, but don’t get in the way.’ He was packing his bass and amp into their cases ready to...

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It’s the little things I love: the warmth of your hand on the small of my back, your thigh gently bumping mine as we walk, the twinkle in your eyes when you look at me. I adore your laugh and the way your smile creases your entire face. If I nuzzle against you, your enticing scent fills my nostrils, and I love the way I quiver when your hand clasps mine.We entwine fingers now, linked together as we walk side-by-side through sunlight dappled by the dense beech canopy. Stooping, you pluck a...

Quickie Sex
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Sugarblue Beach

The sea has always fascinated me. The way the waves flow over the water. The amazing colours help focus your mind and bring a sense of calmness, inner peace and clarity. I have always loved just sitting on the beach in the same place watching the sea for hours on end. It’s the closest thing to paradise or heaven. I suppose that’s why I enjoyed helping Chris, before the fire that is. My name is Simone. I am eighteen, 5’11, slim, have long brown hair and brown eyes with slightly larger than...

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