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"The doctor's ready to see you now, sir," the receptionist said, waving him through to the doctor's office. It was like any other doctor's surgery - magazines in the waiting room, a clean, professional doctor's office with an examination table in the centre. The difference being that Dr. Litt only attended to a very specific clientele.

Timothy stood, thanking the receptionist with a quick grin. Timothy was a charming boy - at twenty-two, this was his first pet - a present from his father. He wanted to make sure that he did everything right, that the pet got all his shots and that they set up monthly health checks. He wanted to make sure that he looked after his new pet perfectly, wanted to make his father proud.

Pulling on his leash, Timothy guided his pet into the doctor's office. "Come on, Fido," he said, his voice low and commanding. His father had told him that you had to be firm right from the start, that you had to establish yourself as alpha male or they would try and push boundaries. He knew better than to expect anything less than immediate obedience - if his pet didn't obey, it would be punished severely.

Fido crawled toward the office, trying to keep up as best he could. He was a cute pet, with dark brown eyes and floppy brown hair. The only thing he wore was a tail plug, his tail 'wagging' with every movement he made, his cock dangling soft between his legs, his body pale and completely smooth. He was boyish and cute, and new enough to this that being naked still made him blush. He knew better than to disobey his master - he knew that would only bring pain.

They entered the office together, the doctor looking up from his studies. He was an older man, though still virile. He had wrinkles around his blue eyes and salt and pepper hair. He was quick to smile, looking over his new client professionally.

"My, my," the doctor said, his voice low and friendly. "I take it he's new?" he asked, raising his eyes to Timothy. Dr. Litt was a handsome man - despite his age, he hadn't lost any of his good looks. He was confident, and he loved his job.

"Yeah, I just got him earlier today. I wanted to bring him in for examination and vaccination immediately," Timothy said, reaching down and rubbing a hand through Fido's hair. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Adorable," Dr. Litt agreed, unable to take his eyes off the new pet. "Why don't you put him up on the table? I'm assuming you want a full examination, including sensitivity. Is he a virgin?"

"Of course," Timothy said, nodding his head. "We were assured that he was trained by the best, and that he was left fully intact and virginal, but I'd like a sensitivity and tightness test all the same, just to be sure. My father wants to make sure that he got his money's worth." Timothy patted the examination table.

Trembling, Fido hopped up onto it obediently. He was nervous - he'd been trained, but he'd never been examined like this before. The tail plug was the biggest thing he'd ever had in his ass, and it wasn't much more than a finger. And he had no idea what a 'sensitivity test' entailed.

"Understandable," the doctor said, watching the pet tremble with a smile. He reached for his gloves, snapping them on slowly, relishing the anticipation. It wasn't often that he got to examine one this pretty, nor this new. He was going to enjoy himself.

Dr. Litt started by checking Fido's eyes, ears and teeth. "Very good, very good," he murmured to himself. "Excellent teeth, though we can have those removed if he proves to be unruly. I had the procedure done just last week to Mr. Lawrence's bitch, Lavender. He says that she's much more pleasant to face fuck now that those pesky teeth aren't in the way." He pulled Fido's mouth open until the pet's jaw ached, inspecting him carefully.

"We'll see," Timothy said. "He seems like a timid creature - well trained, so it may not be necessary." He crossed his arms over his chest, watching the examination with interest.

"Mmm, sometimes, even if they're not a biter, they can't help their teeth grazing you, which isn't pleasant. Of course, you can just use open-mouthed gags to keep his teeth out of the way as a short term solution, but if you're ever looking for something more permanent, we can yank his teeth. I'd offer the same discount to you as your father, of course." Dr. Litt grabbed a speculum, fitting it in behind Fido's teeth and opening it carefully, stretching the pet's jaw open painfully before pushing his fingers inside. He checked the gag reflex, sinking his fingers into Fido's throat.

Fido choked and gagged, his hands twisting in his lap, tears coming to his eyes at the pain of having his jaw stretched open. It was a persistent ache, not helped by the way the doctor roughly finger-fucked his throat. He tried to swallow around the fingers, but he couldn't help choking, his throat tightening as he gagged.

"Nice, tight throat," Dr. Litt said, pulling his fingers out. "You'll enjoy that, no doubt." He left the speculum in, tutting at the pet drooled all over himself. "Dirty creatures. I hope he's not a drooler. I suppose such a perfect specimen has to have a flaw somewhere." He slid his hands down over the pet's chest, twisting and pinching his nipples until they were tight and hard.

Shuddering, Fido whimpered - his nipples were exquisitely sensitive, sending bolts of sensation down his body. His cock twitched eagerly to attention even as his jaw ached fiercely. He flushed with humiliation at the doctor's words, but with the speculum keeping his mouth open, he couldn't stop himself from drooling all over his chin.

"Sensitive nipples," the doctor noted. He grabbed a clamp, snapping it closed on Fido's hard nipple, watching as the pet's back arched and he howled. Dr. Litt nodded to himself and added a second clamp, tightening them both until Fido whimpered, whined and twitched. "Very sensitive nipples." The doctor looked down at the pet's hard, twitching cock. "Look, see how excited it gets him? He'll respond very well to nipple play. Nipple torture will be a good punishment for him, too," Dr. Litt said, pulling at the clamps until Fido let out a hoarse scream of pain.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen one with nipples that sensitive before," Timothy said. He sat down in one of the chairs and reached down, rubbing himself slowly through his pants. "You don't mind, do you, doctor? The thrill of discovery is very... stimulating."

Dr. Litt released the pet's nipples and looked around at the young owner. "No, no, go ahead, feel free," he said. "I can certainly understand that this could all be a little overwhelming, especially for a first time owner." Leaving Fido's nipples painfully clamped, he slid his hands down over the pet's stomach, checking him over carefully for any imperfections. "He's got a little birthmark in his thigh here, but I'd say it's more endearing than a blemish. Still, I can get it removed by laser, if you desire it. I know that some owners like their pets to be absolutely flawless." He reached for Fido's balls, rolling them carefully between his fingers, watching as the pet's cock twitched and jumped.

"His testicles are intact - we can fix him for you, if you like. If your father has any female pets, there is a risk of impregnation if you don't keep a close enough eye on your animals." The doctor gave a quick squeeze to Fido's balls, eliciting a pained whimper from the pet. "Of course, if you want to stud him, or if you want to keep his balls for personal reasons, that's fine. But we do take care of those kinds of alterations at this surgery. Or any alterations you might require."

"As long as he doesn't prove himself too troublesome, I think I'd like to keep him intact, at least for now," Timothy said, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his palm over the bulge in his slacks. "He's a fine specimen - he could fetch a fair bit as a stud, and I do like it when they can come. So much more entertaining that way."

"Ah, yes, I've got many a client that has the same opinion as you on that," Dr. Litt said, nodding his head in agreement. "Though I'm not sure that your father will agree if Fido starts breeding his bitches. I suppose if he proves unruly and you want him to keep his balls, you'll just have to keep him locked away from the females. They can't help themselves, you know." The doctor lubed up his gloved palm before stroking Fido slowly, feeling the pet's cock jump and twitch in his hand. He pulled the foreskin back, exposing the pink, sensitive head. "Ah, foreskin's intact. That's nice, you don't see that a lot. That means the glans and slit will be nice and sensitive. Of course, if you require it, I can remove the foreskin. But I recommend you leave it, especially if you're into cock torture. They're so much more sensitive that way. See?" He rubbed his fingers lightly over the head, circling the little piss slit slowly, watching as it twitched.

Fido panted and gripped the edge of the table, arching into the touch, his body awash with sensation. His jaw was in agony, his nipples clamped tightly and burning, his cock so hard that it itched and ached. He was expressly forbidden from touching himself and it had been two weeks since his last milking - his trainers had wanted him nice and horny for his new owner. He whined hopefully.

"Yes, yes," Dr. Litt said, slapping the pet's thigh. "Down, boy. I'll milk you when we're done." He paused. "If that's what you wish, of course, Tim." Moving away from the table, he opened a drawer, retrieving a metal box. Opening it, he revealed a selection of slim metal rods, ranging from slimmer than a pencil to as thick as a finger.

"If you would," Timothy said, nodding his head. "I want to make sure of full sexual function before I take him home."

"Understandable," the doctor said, pulling out one of the slimmer rods. "I'm just going to make sure his urethra is clear - no obstructions." He lubed the sound up and pulled Fido's foreskin back, revealing the sensitive head and the twitching piss slit. Pre-cum pooled at the tip. Dr. Litt teased the sound around the slit, dipping it in gently like he might insert it before pulling it out again. He repeated this a few times before guiding the rod slowly into the tiny hole slowly, inch by inch.

Fido had never taken a sound before. He looked down anxiously as it circled his oh-so-sensitive piss slit. He knew that he liked it when someone touched him there, but he'd never had something inside him like that. He panted, his toes curling as the doctor teased him with it. Eventually, the man guided it into him, and Fido groaned gutturally at the feeling. It was so sensitive down there, even more sensitive than the outside of his cock. Having that little hole stuffed felt so good and hurt all at once, burning and itching as it stretched him out, the cool, smooth metal sinking deeper and deeper into his aching dick as his cock ate it greedily. Lube and pre-cum oozed up around the sound as at least eight inches of it disappeared into his throbbing dick. Fido looked at the box desperately - if one of the thinnest sounds felt this intense, he couldn't even imagine what the biggest ones felt like.

"Oh, he likes that," Dr. Litt said, pulling the sound out carefully. It was covered in pre-cum, white streaks clinging to the metal. "I'd recommend urethral play with this one, he seems to enjoy it a great deal. I can't feel any obstructions." He let the metal sink back into Fido's dick, watching as gravity took over. Every time the pet clenched, the sound squirted out a couple of inches before sinking back down again, fucking Fido's cock in sweet, slick slides.

Fido whimpered, his hands clenching desperately so he wasn't tempted to do something stupid like touch himself. It felt so good as the sound squirted in and out of his cock. He looked down at himself, moaning as he saw the metal gleam at the tip before disappearing back inside him. He was so hard that he ached, and he thought maybe he could come from this alone, but his master hadn't given him permission to. His cock twitched and bounced as he shivered from the stimulation, finding the sight of his own dripping, rock hard cock arousing in itself.

"Yeah, he definitely likes that," Timothy said, groaning and rubbing his cock slowly, fingering the head as he watched his pet shudder and whimper. "Is there a way you can keep it in there while you examine him?"

"Certainly," Dr. Litt said, pulling out a cock plug. He fitted it carefully into place, sliding the tip inside of Fido's sensitive urethra before fitting the ring into place, keeping the sound plugged deep inside of the pet's cock. Hidden away, it still moved every time Fido clenched and relaxed, fucking his cock on the inside, stimulating him even though they couldn't see it.

Having the sound plugged inside his cock made Fido pant. He was so aroused that he didn't quite know what to do with himself, his skin tingling and his cock pulsing. He could feel the sound sliding, rubbing against the inside of his cock, the slick metal pulling sensation after sensation from him until he was a shivering, moaning mess. Through training, he'd never been this aroused and it showed - his skin was flushed, his chest heaving, his clamped nipples hurting every time he moved.

The doctor squeezed the pet's rock hard dick and let out a low chuckle. "I think I'd better slip a cock ring on, or he'll come before I'm even done with the examination," he said, shaking his head. "He looks like he's ready to explode just from the sound." Reaching for a cock ring, he snapped it into place, separating Fido's balls from his body, adding in a ball spreader so that each of the pet's balls were separated and defined, the skin pulled tight. He added a couple of weights to really pull Fido's balls down away from his body, making sure that he wouldn't come until they wanted him to.

Fido whined - having his balls confined made them ache sharply. He looked down at himself, twitching at the way his rock hard cock pointed for his navel. His balls were smooth and separated out, pulled tight. With that on, there was no way he would be coming, and he ached to release a hot load.

"Right, time for your shots," Dr. Litt said, turning away. "Little scratch." The first few shots were just immunisations, and the doctor got those out of the way quickly. "I'm going to administer something special," the doctor said. "Just something to make him more sensitive. I don't believe in animal cruelty, and this shot will make sure that his pleasure far outweighs his pain. The effects last a few hours, so he'll be extra fun when you get him home. Of course, I have vials for sale on the stand by reception, if you feel like buying. Lots of clients think it's worth the money, but I'll leave that for you to decide." He gave Fido the last shot.

Within minutes, Fido felt it. He moaned quietly, his eyes glazing over, his chest heaving. What had been almost bearable before suddenly seemed impossible. His whole body was on fire, his nipples shooting pleasure and pain down to his dripping dick. His cock twitched and throbbed to the beat of his heart, the sound trapped away inside him making his breath come in sharp pants. He arched his hips, helplessly reaching for his aching dick. Even the leather wrapped around his bound balls was stimulating.

"Ah, don't think it's bad training." Dr. Litt caught the pet's hands, keeping Fido from touching his straining dick. "He's over-stimulated. It drives them crazy. No amount of training would keep him from trying to touch himself. It's very potent. The poor boy must be losing his mind with that sound in his dick. Just look at him. He's ready to explode. Of course, he won't be doing that until I've checked his prostate thoroughly."

Timothy let out a low groan. "Fuck," he gasped out, spurting inside his slacks, messing his underwear, his hips arching. "Damn it." He'd meant to save himself, but seeing his new pet squirm was so stimulating that he couldn't help himself. "Well, feel free to tie his hands so he doesn't touch himself."

"Of course," Dr. Litt said. He tied Fido's hands carefully behind his back before helping the pet to kneel on the table. The doctor arranged Fido so that he was using his shoulders as a brace, his ass up in the air, his legs spread, his balls dangling and stretched down thanks to the weights, his cock so hard it was up against his stomach.

"Right, I'm doing to examine how tight he is, first." The doctor parted Fido's buttocks with his thumbs, exposing the pet's entrance to the air. He eased the tail plug out of the Fido?s ass, feeling the pet shudder involuntarily beneath him. Dr. Litt set the plug aside and patted the pet?s hip soothingly as he examined his hole. It was nice and tight - small and pink. Lubing up a finger, he teased it around the tiny hole, watching as it clenched and twitched. Carefully, he inserted the finger all the way up to the knuckle, feeling the way it clenched around him tightly.

"Yes, beautifully tight," Dr. Litt said, ignoring how the pet panted and twitched under him, fighting against his restraints helplessly as he desperately tried to touch his aching cock. "I'm just going to check his prostate." He carefully slid a second finger inside, stretching Fido out slightly.

Fido was in a world of hellish lust. He moaned gutturally as he felt the doctor insert a second finger into his ass. His hole clenched greedily around the two slick, latex-covered fingers. The stretch of it burned slightly - he'd never had more than one finger and that tail plug up there before. But with the aphrodisiac in his system, the pain of being opened up by those two fingers just felt good, his cock jerking underneath him. He groaned and whimpered, jumping as he felt the doctor touch a special place inside him that made him want to come on the spot. Only the snug leather and the weights on his balls were stopping him. The doctor touched it again, and then started to massage it slowly, making Fido tense and cry out. His hips started to jerk as he tried to fuck the air helplessly, his cock throbbing so hard that he thought it would burst, the sound sliding slickly inside his urethra as the doctor manipulated his body mercilessly.

"Nearly there, boy," Dr. Litt said, slipping his fingers from Fido's ass. "He's very responsive to prostate stimulation. Everything looks fine. I'm just going to open him up and take a quick look."

Reaching for a second speculum, Dr. Litt opened up the pet's buttocks and slid the instrument carefully inside. He started to open Fido up, stretching the pet's ass out painfully, working him open with the cold, unforgiving metal.

"Not too much, Doctor," Timothy said. "I want to feel it when I fuck him later. No point buying a virgin if his hole is ruined by you first." He leaned back in his seat, sighing happily like a man that had enjoyed a satisfying orgasm.

"Don't worry," Dr. Litt said. "He'll be plenty tight when I'm through." He opened the Fido up a little more, stretching him more than two fingers, but not enough to impede Timothy's later pleasure.

Fido whined and panted against the table. The feel of having his ass stretched out was uncomfortably erotic. It hurt enough that his ass ached and burned, but his cock throbbed and drooled like it welcomed the pain. Maybe some part of him did. Between his aching Jaw, his clamped nipples and the speculum stretching out his ass, he was in plenty of pain. Despite that, he was still rock hard and so turned on that he couldn't help flexing his hips forward a few times, searching for something to rub his dick against.

The doctor tutted and slapped the pet's thigh. "Keep still," he said. "I can't take a look with you squirming around." He aimed a small flash light up Fido's ass, watching as the pet clenched around the speculum, futilely trying to close his asshole. The metal held him open - there was no give in it. It kept Fido spread open and helpless whilst Dr. Litt examined him.

After a few moments, the doctor nodded. "Everything looks fine," he said. "He seems to react to the aphrodisiac well, I'd definitely recommend that you take some home with you." He pulled the speculum out of Fido's ass carefully before setting it aside to be sterilised. The pet's hole clenched immediately into that tight, tiny pink pucker again. The doctor smiled, imagining the fun that Timothy was going to have fucking that tight little ass. Especially with Fido in such a horny, eager state. Normally, a pet might be a little nervous about its first fucking, but with the aphrodisiac in his system, Fido would offer up his ass like a bitch in heat.

"Well, I suppose I'd better finish up. I'm sure nothing's wrong with his sexual function, but it doesn't hurt to be thorough," Dr. Litt said, releasing Fido's balls from their leather confines. They immediately tightened up close to the pet's body, ready to release their load. The doctor then pulled the plug from Fido's urethra, setting that aside to be sterilised along with the speculum.

Just the act of having his bound balls released and the plug drawn from his twitching piss hole was nearly enough to make Fido come. He panted against the table, moaning deliriously as he waited eagerly to be milked. His whole body tingled with anticipation. He could feel his balls drawing close up to his body, his cock dripping pre-cum onto the steel table he was kneeling on. The sound was still inside, shifting and sliding around inside his sensitive urethra, making him whimper and twitch. He was so close that a single touch would send him over the edge, and he fought to give himself that, straining against the padded cuffs around his wrists.

"You're leaving the sound in?" Timothy asked, sounding surprised. He watched as the doctor lubed up his fingers again.

"Oh, yes. It won't hurt him any to come with it in - he'll just squirt it onto the table, and I think Fido here enjoys having it fucking his cock," the doctor said, patting the pet's ass fondly. "I do classes on safe urethral play every Wednesday morning, if you're interested. I'm starting a new course next week. You get a complimentary kit of medical sounds at the end of it. Well worth the expense, in my opinion. And I think your pet will enjoy your new expertise greatly. Sounding is one of those things that can be wonderful if you know what you're doing, but I've had too many pets in here with bad infections or obstructions. If you're going to do it, you have to do it right." Dr. Litt glanced over at Timothy. "And it would be a shame not to do it with this one. It's been a while since I've seen a pet so responsive to having his cock violated. Now, boy, settle down and stop struggling or I'll have to give you a sedative."

When Fido stopped struggling against his restraints, the doctor slid two lubricated, gloved fingers back into the pet. He was still deliciously tight. Dr. Litt lingered for a moment, his cock twitching in his slacks. Luckily, his white doctor's coat hid his hard cock from Timothy's view. After a few seconds, the doctor slid his fingers in deeper and crooked them, expertly finding Fido's prostate. He massaged firmly, in much the same manner he had when he was doing the prostate exam.

Fido panted and quivered on the table as he felt the doctor's fingers violating his ass again. This time, he knew what to expect, and he craved it. Even the ache of having his tight hole stretched open felt good to him. He tensed and moaned with anticipation, giving a full body shudder when the doctor's fingers finally found that spot inside him. The feeling overwhelmed him, his clamped nipples throbbing in tandem with his cock, his ass clenching greedily around those fingers as the doctor rubbed him, sending intense pleasure through his body. It only took seconds before Fido gave a high pitched whine, his body tensing up and his toes curling. The sound hit the table with a clatter, metal hitting metal. Come burned through his cock, stinging his irritated urethra as he spurted across the table. The sting of it just made him come harder, his ass rippling and squeezing around the doctor's fingers like he was trying to milk them. He moaned, whimpered and gasped, shuddering and twitching his way through the best orgasm of his young life. Finally, the orgasm tapered off, his cock oozing its last few drips of come as Fido relaxed, the chrome table covered in pearly droplets.

The doctor slid his fingers from the pet's tight ass with a chuckle. ?Definitely nothing wrong with his sexual function,? he said. He slipped the tail plug back into Fido?s hole, watching it wag as the pet clenched around it, shuddering with ecstasy as aftershocks ripped through his body. Dr. Litt unclipped the nipple clamps carefully, Fido whimpering at the pain of blood flowing back into his sensitive nipples. Finally, the doctor removed the drool-covered speculum from Fido's mouth and wiped his chin and neck. When he was done, he stripped off his gloves, dropping them in the trash. He unlocked the cuffs from the pet's wrist and lowered Fido from the table onto the floor. "Everything looks fine, Tim," he said, looking down at the shuddering, panting pet at his feet.

"Thanks for everything, Doctor," Tim said, getting up and shaking the man's hand. "And I think I will take you up on those Wednesday classes."

"Wise choice, boy, wise choice," Dr. Litt said, smiling and giving Timothy's hand a firm squeeze. "Bring him back in a month for a check-up. You can settle up with Hilary in reception, where there's a range of products you can buy to enhance your experience with your new pet. Judging by his responsiveness, you're going to have a lot of fun when you get home." The doctor winked and grinned, showing Timothy and Fido out of his office and into the waiting room.

"Thanks again, Doctor," Timothy said, leashing his pet and walking him carefully out of the waiting room back to reception. Poor Fido was still dazed from his milking, shuddering now and again as the tail plug stimulated him. His cock was still hard, slapping his stomach as he hurried to keep up with his new owner.

"No problem, Tim. Julia, come get this mess cleaned up before my next patient arrives, will you?" His next patient had been registered at his practice for a year, and Dr. Litt looked forward to seeing how wide he could stretch Jakey?s asshole this visit.

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I'm not a virgin. But I haven't had a lot of boyfriends either. And no one would ever pay me to model, especially naked. A few years ago I convinced my then current boyfriend to use his new digital camera to take pictures of me. No one other than the two of us would ever see them, since they wouldn't have to be sent out for processing like 35mm. I wasn't so worried about someone seeing my naked body as much as just being seen. I'm not photogenic. I practically had to...

3 years ago
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Naughty Nudist ReportChapter 2

Case 5 Current stories from readers – Housewife left alone Molly is a young housewife with two kids left at the camp for the week while her husband works. In the course of activities, she met a tall black man named Leroy who seduced her, using her curiosity to get her legs apart. She had such an interesting time that she asked to go back for another week. During that time, a friend of her husband noticed the time they spent together and followed them discreetly back to her cottage. When...

1 year ago
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My aunties dark side

My name is James Marshall. I grew up in Chicago on the south side. A pretty rough part of town full of gangs and violence. To keep me out of all that, my mom insisted I work hard through school. It worked since now at 18 I had been accepted into a special college in San Francisco, the SFC school for gifted writers. I was excited and so was my mom. She said she only knew one person out there. Her name was MS Carlson, the white lady mom used to house clean for. The two women had kept in touch,...

1 year ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 50 A Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On

Rosa arrived home first. Several minutes later Kathy ran into the house, kissed her mother and headed for the shower, yelling out that she had a date with Peggy and another girl named Marlene. Rosa smiled and shrugged thinking back to when she was seventeen and how full of life she'd been. Then it occurred to her that she was pretty active even now at thirty-eight and she laughed aloud. Knowing that Dutch was due any minute, she made two martinis, one for each of them, in order to prepare...

2 years ago
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Between The Trees

?Between The Trees?By Thomas Chaser, [email protected], 2012Intro: This story has a very strong ?horror? element to it that some readers may not particularly enjoy.  If you are one of those people, I encourage you to skip the gory parts but come back to the storyline as it’s woven throughout the action.  Read the story all the way to the end, then go to the beginning and read it again, this time not skipping over the gore.  Hopefully you will enjoy the story in its entirety that way,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 7 Full Metal Jessica

They spent a few minutes sitting on Sophia's porch, cuddling and kissing a bit, not saying much of anything. Sophia couldn't believe how happy and relieved she felt, and Warren was plainly looking like the cat who had eaten the canary. She was reclining on the seat, the back of her head against his chest, his arms around her waist, both of their legs spread out on the bench. She could hear his heart beating. It was a very comfortable place to be. Then Sophia saw movement coming up the...

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Sexy Op

You are Rory, a female special operative. Your job involves spying, espionage and at times extracting persons of interest. You are 23 and 5' 6" and have toned your muscles through intense training and know several forms of martial arts, even though you aren't quite an expert yet. Your cooper toned brown hair is just short of shoulder length and your deep green eyes shine from your tanned face. You have shapely breasts but they aren't big. You wake up in a dingy hotel room. Looking around you...

2 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 20 Chocolate in the night

Tuesday 29-May 2007 Chris hadn't been working on his homework for very long when his mind once again turned to Shahia — how was she doing? He pulled out his phone and sent her an SMS message: A & m in bed asleep. All ok. Hope h is all right Hopefully that would reduce her worries. A few minutes later, his phone rang. "Hi." "Yeah, it's me. Thanks for the message." "How's it going there?" "Yeah, okay." He could hear her weariness. "It looks like he's going to be all...

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The Videographer

If anyone had asked them – though nobody ever did – they would have said they were just an average couple. Which begs the question what is average: who knows what an average couple gets up to when the bedroom door is closed? Speculation on that subject is best left for another time while we consider this average couple. They are Beryl and John. They live in a semi-detached house like many another, in a middle-class suburb like many another. Beryl is forty-seven, a few pounds over weight but...

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James and Amy Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday, October 18, 2007 Amy James was waiting for me when I got to school. I noticed that he hadn't even bothered to dress. "I've figured out a plan," he said, "we start a club to advocate for a comprehensive sexual education curriculum, and get other schools in the state to do the same. We can stage petitions and letter writing campaigns, and when a bill gets put to the legislature, we'll organize a rally to support it." "That sounds like a great plan," I said, "what will we...

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Confessions of a Loving Mother

I watched my mother looking through the window.She was in the kitchen washing the dishes on a weekend morning. She's a lawyer. Her schedule is always hectic. Often times she spends long hours in the office meeting with clients or writing legal briefs. If she had a courtroom appearance, she would spend her nights doing research on the computer and preparing for strenuous oral arguments. She has always been a naturally hard worker with a powerful drive to be successful.On the rare occasion that...

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Slut Wife Spanish Trip

We took a trip to Palamos in Northern Spain recently, it was business but she came along to have a few days away. Palamos is still a port and although there is a tourist element it still has the sleazy side that comes with visiting sailors. We were staying in a good hotel and at the bar I met another Englishman who knew the town well, he told me that he visited a Whiskeria in the town when he felt like a good time. I asked him what that was and he said they were dimly lit bars where hookers...

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Getting Pierced at the Chemist

Serena stood in the little room waiting for one of the men to do her nipple piercings. She had removed her blouse and bra. Looking in the mirror Serena looked at her big pendulous tits each one was the size of a small soccer ball like the one her five year old boy played with. Serena was curvy an hour glass figure around 5'6". Sam opened the door and quickly walked in the men were to busy dispensing d**gs. Sam would have to do it. Sam was tall skinny and flat chested. She had pierced her own...

1 year ago
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The classifieds

He must have been out of his mind!!! Putting an ad in an underground paper personals section was totally nuts, but for some reason he had this strange urge to see and touch a woman who was six or seven months pregnant!!! Several weeks went by and Vance had pretty much had forgotten all about placing the ad, until then one day his mail box contained a letter of a thirty three year old woman who wanted to meet him!!! Excitedly he read her letter and found out that she was married but her husband...

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Bella and I

I grew up in a suburb of New York and had this crazy, old, whitecouple as neighbors for as long as I could remember. Then, the summer before I turned 18, a new family moved in. They were black and seemed very nice. There was a mother, a father and a little daughter, but this story is mostly about the mother. Her name was Bella and she was a very nice woman. She was 5 foot 2, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. We would occasionally talk, and I even helped them out around the house when they...

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So, there we were, Friday afternoon... Six months after opening a site in Brno (Czech Republic) and their local IT-guys (or rather the lack of them) had finally made their compute facilities a total fuck up.That was more or less the condensed version of the teleconference I just participated in. Calling to my wife (we got married the year before after a long distance courtship of about two years), I explained I was going to be late again, because some reports needed to be reviewed.When...

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WildOnCam Aria Carson Fiesty And Wild

Aria Carson is ready to get naughty and loves having Dan Ferrari join her for this hot show! She is eager to show him… and you how much she loves sucking cock and getting that pussy pounded! She first teases in her black and gold lingerie showing off her long legs in her thigh high stockings before spreading those legs wide so she can open up that pussy for you! Dan lets her sit right on his face so he can devour that pussy completely. Aria loves cumming and loves how you watch her fuck!...

3 years ago
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Demonstration of Submission

You asked me to demonstrate my submission. At first, I froze. My head swam with all the ways that I might please you. I could sense your impatience as I second-guessed myself, wondering exactly what it was that you wanted. Finally, you took pity on me. Holding my chin firmly in your hand, your eyes were not unkind as you spoke. "Breathe. You can do this." This was new to me. It was something I'd only recently discovered about myself. You'd seen it, and gently drawn it out, patiently teaching...

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An Experiment Gone Wrong

Frank was a genetic microbiologist with a talent. His teammates called it a "red thumb". His projects lived, thrived and cooperated. Frank was lucky. His latest project was a plastic-based organism that would not respond to histamines or cause tissue-rejection responses, yet would work smoothly with human tissue, and "learn" mechanical functions. It would form tiny cilia to probe outwards and mesh with the tissues around it, and absorb food thru its surface. He was determined to replace a...

1 year ago
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Out WestChapter 13

I knew we were going to have trouble with the Army. I was hoping that when the time came we could avoid serious fighting and limit the number of people killed. Friends told me that more Soldiers were on the way and would be here by the end of the month. The fort Commander Major Kinkade was ordered back east when Colonel Clay Montgomery took charge of the area with the fort as his headquarters. He sent a messenger to ask me to speak with him. I was curious but cautious as I sent my response...

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I Married a Hooker

I guess at one time or other, some of you guys out there will have been with a prostitute. Perhaps your wife knew, perhaps she didn't. Perhaps you weren't married and just looking for sex without any attachments. Maybe you went by yourself, maybe in a pair or even a group. Perhaps you cared who she was, more probably you didn't. Did you look at her face while you thrust into her body, or did you take her from behind? - The reason I ask is that the prostitute could have been my wife or, if it...

4 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 19

Jim Harper faced the district attorney, who happened to be a short heavy woman with the temperament of a short heavy woman. That was to say she was surly. Whether that had to do with the lack of male interest in her as a woman, or the case Harper had just briefed her on, was a thing for supposition. "I can't do anything without a victim," said the DA. "He's off writing a novel somewhere," said Harper. "Paid his rent in advance and didn't tell anybody where he was going. I have no...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 12 All for One and One for All

August 20, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Mike Loucks,” I said to the young woman at the desk in the brand-new Rickenbacker dorm. She flipped through the manila envelopes and pulled out the one with my name on it. “Your room key, a sticker for your ID to update it for this year, a new student handbook, and your parking sticker,” she said. “Parking sticker?” “The lots are all numbered now, and you can only park in the lot you’re assigned to. Yours should be next to this dorm.” “What about...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 338 Resolutions

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 38 - Resolutions I woke up late on Saturday morning. Mom had cancelled my appointment with Mary because she knew how tired I would be after performing the previous night. I expected that most of the...

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This is about a mom’s life in shambles. Janet was a pretty brunette, she and her husband Roy had two young sons. Roy was a salesman for a chemical company, so he did a lot of traveling. Janet wasn’t the prettiest woman, but her body more then made up for it. She had 40 dd’s a bubble butt short well-toned legs and a great smile. Her youngest had started 1st grade so she was alone most of the day. She was unaware that two dropouts who worked at the local supermarket had been scoping her out...

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The ex files Emma Jane and Mick

This little tale from my previous marriage to Emma took place a couple of months after i had discovered the video tape that the girls had made while i was at work. Once again it revolves around Emma's friend Jane who seemed to have a strange hold over Emma and had the ability to twist her around her little finger, always getting her way, convincing Emma to share all the intimate details of our sex life and even our private home video and picture collection. I can't say it bothered me but i did...

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Fallout Chayses Story

Your name is Chayse; at 18 years of age, you reside in Vault 73, Iowa, with your father, Lee, and older brother, Joel. The vault has been closed for just over 21 years now, since October 23rd, 2077, better known as the start of The Great War. You were born in the vault, and worked as a nurse after your mandatory G.O.A.T examination. Everyone in the vault knew that the water purifier was faulty from day one, but hadn't anticipated it breaking so soon, and with only a day of fresh water...

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Facebook Se Fuckbook

Hey guys and here I’m with another story bat pichle saal march ki hai jab mai ek fake id banakar facebook per chat kar rahatha.fir main stranger ladkiyonke sath chat karne laga ek ladki roz mere sath chat karne lagi ye silsila 2-3 moths tak chala. Mujhe yekin nahi ho raha tha ki ye koi ladki hai yun hi bato bato me maine use milne ko kaha aur pass ki ek restorant ka address diya mai diye hue time per pahuncha wanha per mulakat nahi ho saka problem ye tha ki hum Ek dusre ko nahi pahchante the...

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ks on the block

Joel and Allison live 4 houses away. Allison is a year behind me in school and Joel 3 years behind.I have been on a swim team most of my life and Joel started swimming for the same team a couple of years after me. He started hanging around me, almost worshipping me. At first I found it ego building but it got almost weird. My last year in school he invited me over after we had won a swim meet.“My parents are gone,” he said. “We can do anything we want”I reluctantly went to his house. Allison...

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The Love Shared Part 7

I turned my head and looked at her, she was beautiful. Her hair was spread over the pillow as if it were laid out for a photograph. She was blissfully asleep still and I really didn't want to wake her. I felt her stockings rub up against my leg as she moved, they were the one item of lingerie that had remained on her body last night. I don't even know what time we finished with one another. It was the second night in a row that we had shared the same bed, and for the second morning in a...

3 years ago
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Saga Of Losing Power To Dominating Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, myself Rahul and I am 31 years old. I am an obedient type person. I am married to Swathy and she is 27 years old. We are settled in Bangalore. I was working in an MNC and she was working in an IT firm. About my wife, she is beautiful, attractive, and much dominant type. Her figure stats are 34B-32-36. It’s like my femdom wife decides everything, and I must obey her fully! Things were going smoothly and then one day, she just forced me to resign from my job and concentrate on...

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Tims LifeChapter 7

Wendy closed the door behind her, leaving Tim and two of her students alone. As commanded she yearned to complete anything Tim suggested, this as one of those things. At his suggestion she had sent each of her students out to an empty class, one at a time. There Tim simply asked each a few questions then he sent them back. After all her students had gone, he had simply come to the door and told her to ask Samuel and Jean to stay after class. Then, he told her to leave them alone. She smiled...

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slpIn For Daddy ch 6 to 7

Chapter 6 A couple of days went by, or was it three? Days and nights telescoped into themselves, blurred by eating and sl**ping and bathing, all the necessary things that seemed at most to be only a background for the focal point of Jerry’s life – the fucking they were doing. They made it in all possible positions, in acrobatic contortions and the more comfortable basic methods, his mother’s pussy always open and smoking, her mouth always hungry for the meaty club he fed into her red...

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The sound of the door closing woke Mrs. Duffy. It was almost summer, and the nights were getting warmer. She looked at the clock next to her, twelve-thirty. Early, she thought. She kicked off the bedspread,stuck her feet out, and listened to the night sounds. She heard Julie Ann, her daughter, talking with Jerry, her boyfriend. She heard him. The television in the living room went on, to hide the noise of their love making. Mrs. Duffy heard them stop talking, and over the blurred sound of...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 69

I was sitting and watching my friends party. Lena walked over and began to rub my shoulders. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I'm just in a weird mood. I can't put my finger on it." "Your shoulders are very tense. Relax." "I'm trying." I reached up and put my hand on hers. She stopped rubbing and slid down so she could kiss my ear and cheek. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you, too." "I love the ring you got for Mom. It's beautiful. It matches the bracelet you gave her....

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 9

Stealing the horse and being able to ride it were two different things. Mabel knew that she had come to the end of her job for the day and she was looking forward to a good rub-down and some oats. She did not expect some stranger to unhook her from the trolley, jump onto her back and urge her to run with his heels drumming into her sides. Mabel had never been ridden in her life, she was a draft horse. Also she was used to slow and steady. As a result she bolted and tried to get me off her...

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My Wife 8211 Part 17 Unexpected Indecent Proposal

Avantika again woke up late this morning. She looked at her phone and saw a few missed calls from her husband, Suresh. She tried to call him back but couldn’t connect. She was so frustrated with her husband ever since he had left because they didn’t even talk once in the last 2 days. Her in-laws have been driving her crazy, especially her father-in-law. Never in her wildest dream did Avantika think that she would crave to get fucked by her father-in-law’s cock. On the other hand, Surender was...

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Black Bachelor Party

Spontaneous happenings are sometimes the best of life’s little diversions, and I love it when my sexual needs are satisfied in a spontaneous manner. This story is about one of those times when my military husband was deployed overseas and I had taken a job at a local store where some nice young college men were employed on a part time basis.Our son was in college in another city so I was a home alone wife for a year, the year started of with boredom and developed into one of the best years of...

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My Pretty slut

While working at home one afternoon, I notice my slave’s phone, sitting on my desk. He must have left it when he ran out to buy my tampons. I saw the message alert flashing. Strange. He shouldn’t be getting any .jpeg messages. I touch the screen and the phone switched from the power save mode. I quickly access the new pics sent. My eyes open wide and my jaw drops. ‘That little bastard.’ I hear the door begin opened and closed. The security code being re engaged. I look up just as my...

4 years ago
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Meet The Maddisons 3

The day came to return to the Maddisons, this time with my mum and dad. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. What if mum and dad found out about what I'd done with the Maddison family and threw a fit. What if Laura propositioned dad and he said no? What if mum totally flipped out? Would that mean the end of my fun with the Maddisons?All these thoughts swirled around my mind as dad drove to the Maddisons house that evening. It was a casual visit, not a dinner, so we were all dressed...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 52 Lifestyle Choices

June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...

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Wifes sexual med

Let me start by telling you a little about my self. I'm a Latino from Central America. I'm a 5'10 average guy in my 30's with an average body type. I met my wife while working in a delivery warehouse. She is very beautiful brown skinned Dominican. She is two inches shorter than me with long beautiful brown hair. She has teenager firm breasts that I would guess are "b" cups. They are nice and round and she has a firm butt with beautiful legs.We dated for a couple of weeks and got really serious,...

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So this man asked me out Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 Panicking a little I ran upstairs and knocked on John’s door. John opened the door and I told him that there was someone at the door. “Go and let him in, it will only be Harry with the pizzas for tea, I’ll be there in a minute.” “You want me to open the front door like this?” “Yes, you may as well get used to it and will only be Harry, he won’t mind you being naked.” “But, but.” “Jade, you are not a wimp, go, now.” My heart was pounding as I went down and then...

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Hone alone again but enjoyinga BBC

I was really horny that night, when my beloved hubby had gone fishing with his buddies. My own fingers were not enough to calm down my growing arousal; so finally, I decided to call Jerome, my Black Master…I met my black man at the door with a deep tongue kiss. We had not seen each other on the last two weeks; but we did not need to talk too much…Jerome did not waste any time when he had me in his strong dark hands.He dragged me to the main bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. Then he...

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So anyway, 14 years old, normal in all proportions, I had glasses, brown messy hair and blue eyes...perfectly average in every way. Now, the story!!! * * * My school's science teacher had just left and we were due for a new one, it was a windy Monday morning, and first lesson it was Science, my favourite lesson. Remember how I told you I was perfectly average? In science I was a genius, top of the class...

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Summer with my grandparents 3

So we went upstairs. From that night my life changed. Not mentioning that night I sucked and fucked my grandma and grandpa. Been licked and sucked numerous times. Starting next summer till my grandparents passed away I had sex with ladies and men, i haven't counted. During summer when i was 16, I had sex with most of that small village. During one of the evenings I was introduced to this lady and her family. Lady was really impressive. Really short, her boobs were hanging to her belly button....

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