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Trina's Baby Ex-Husband
by Verna Benson
(Note: The story "Forced Into Babyhood" as been a delight for me and I've yearned for a new chapter to the story. So I've created my own story, inspired so much by it and hope to continue it. Let me know what you think. -Verna)
My wife was my whole life, I adored her so much. She was a bit distanced from me and perhaps that was part of my devotion; everyone loves a chase. We were married when I was 36 and 19. Sex was great at first, then with six months I became impotent. It was frustrating because Trina is so beautiful.
Not only did my ability to achieve an erection disappear, but I was getting weak. I had to quit my construction job and soon I had trouble lifting anything heaver than a coffee mug. Trina laughed at me and called me a weakling. Soon, I couldn't walk more than two or three uneasy steps before tumbling on my ass. Then I began to piss and shit myself and had to start wearing adult diapers. Next, my jaw became weak. This caused me to speak with a lisp and I couldn't chew solid food.
In the meantime, Trina had become very domineering and laughed at my plight. She'd taken up smoking again, a habit I'd spent a long time convincing her to quit. Often as I crawled about our house crying over my situation, she'd follow me, towering over me, holding a lit cigarette and clutching her pack of Benson & Hedges Menthol in her hand. She'd yell at me, call me a pussy and a weakling and a baby.
Soon, I could only get oatmeal and I couldn't balance myself in a chair, so she had to use belts to hold me up. Often, I would drool and not even know until Trina discovered it and yelled at me and slapped me on the face. And the slapping was a strange thing, too. I'd never, ever hit Trina. Even raised a hand to her. And when I was at normal strength, I could hold my own in a bar room fight. Now when Trina slapped me, as she did often, it felt like Mike Tyson was punching me barehanded. The initial pain hurt worse than any pain I'd ever experienced and stung very painfully for at least a half hour afterward. I'd cried and shriek in pain and soon lived in terror of Trina's slaps. She noticed this and was soon putting me in a submissive position with the treat of a bareassed spanking.
In the meantime, I rapidly lost wait, what with the weakness and oatmeal diet. In the three month period this happened, I went from a muscular 175 to a rail-thin 103. I was too weak and not mobile enough to dress myself anymore, so Trina slipped old satin teddies on me which caused utter humiliation. I dare not complain to suffer a spanking.
She hated changing my soiled diapers, so in the morning, she'd put me naked in the shower, disdainfully removing the diaper and would use the shower spray to hose the mess off my butt. Then she'd reapply a fresh diaper, which I'd soil all day and have to set in. The was repeated before I went to bed. And my bedtime became earlier and earlier as I got weaker. Soon, I was in bed before 6:30pm each night. I'd lay in bed and itch from my bottom from the rash that developed from sitting in a dirty diaper all day. Trina had long ago dismissed me from her bed and I slept in a spare room. She had to use belts to hold me in the bed, since I rolled in my sleep and would fall out and be too weak to climb back in.
One day Trina was gone all day and I was forced to simply fall asleep on the living room floor with my dirty diaper on. When I awoke the next morning, I struggled awake and felt then new additions to my already cramped diaper from overnight. I focused my eyes on the bottom of the couch and saw two sets of 5-inch heeled black leather boots. Looking up, they were connected to shiny black latex clad legs. I heard laughter and the room was thick with cigarette smoke. Suddenly the legs got up and walked toward me. In my prone position on the floor I looked up and Trina was standing over me with a tall, muscular, beautiful black woman. Both were wearing Full siny black latex catsuits. Both had their long hair piled elegantly high atop their heads. Trina's nails had been done and were at least 6 inches long and painted blue. The black woman had 3 inch nails of the same color. Trina was smoking her B&H Menthol in a black holder and flicked a long ash onto me. The black woman was smoking a long, brown cigarette. Long, straight, shiny gold bars were running across their faces, they had pierced the middle of their noses!
Trina was waving a piece of paper in her long-taloned hand. "This is a divorce, dumbass!" she laughed, exhaling a plume of smoke in my direction, "The impotence, weakness, incontinence...all of were so stupid! I DID IT! I drugged you and it's all irreversable! You're stuck like this for the rest of your pitiful life!" She got on her knees and into my face, flicking another long ash, this one into my mouth. Blowing another stream of smoke onto me, she said, "This is Keisha, my long-time lover and soon to be my wife!"
With her introduction out of the way, Keisha easily scooped me up and into her massive arms, holding me like an infant. The shock of it all hit me and I began crying hysterically. Keisha smiled a big smile and I saw that one of her front teeth was solid gold. "There, there," she said, patting my back. "Don't baby him! He's a grown fucking man! An absolute pussy!" Trina said edging into my face. She smiled and I saw that she, too had a gold tooth in front. Blowing smoke in my face once again, she said, "Aren't you?" The look on her face sent the scariest, ice cold shiver of humilation and fear through my body and I meekly replied, "Yes." Her eyes twinkled and she said, "Yes what?" A new bout of tears streamed out as I said, "Yes, maam." "That's better!" she said.
Suddenly she said, "Shit, Keisha, the faggot has drool and baby tears all over the back of your suit!" Keisha said "Bad baby!" and threw me effortlessly across the room and into the corner, adding, "Someone's getting a spanking!" Keisha carried me into our basement and into a tiny room in the back of it. As she carried me down the stairs, I faced Trina who dragged mightily on her B&H Menthol and gave me a look of utter comtempt. Outside of the room, I noticed an adult sized black baby stroller and pink highchair with straps on both. Inside the tiny room, everything had changed. The walls were pink and had framed pictures of fairies, Barbie and the purple Teletubbie. The small space was taken up by four items of furniture: A pink changing table and crib with lock up bars both made to accomadate my 5"5' frame. There was a white dresser stacked high with diapers and a large playpen.
As Keisha threw me on the changing table and began to clear the day and a half of mess in there, Trina gestured with her cigarette and said, "You see, Keisha said she'd love changing your diapers!" After changing me, Keisha began rubbing my entire body with a cream. "To permanently remove any nasty body hair." she explained with a laugh. As I lay there, my skin burned all over. I barely noticed Keisha edge toward Trina and Trina's look of utter lust at Keisha. As I caught the scene before me, it dawned on me that I'd never seen Trina look at me that way, not even close. Soon they were exchanging tongues. There were a number of tight kisses and their nose tusks clicked together. Pulling away regretfully, Keisha said, "I've still got a nuaghty baby here who needs a spanking. I shivered with fear.
Then the spanking began. If Trina's blows hurt, Keisha's were gut wrenching. Just five spanks and I was a basket case, howling in pain. As I cried, Keisha diapered me and then produced a pair of pink panties and ruffled, pink, little girl pageant-style dress. She put me in this and put a big pink satin bow in my hair. Then pink satin booties on my feet. "All done!" she said with satisfaction, "Ready to meet your cousins!"
"That's right, baby!" Trina said with a laugh, "Keisha's nieces are coming to babysit you while Keisha and I go out. They're in college, so much older than a baby like you, so you better be good for them." I was still crying from the pain on my bottom, but this produced new gales of tears. They both laughed at me.
I was carried up stairs and the two girls arrived. Cute, all-American, young girls, they wore pleather pants of silk tops. Both were smoking long cigarettes and the oldest, Tawnay, held a pack of Max Menthol 120s in her hand. The younger one, Dawnay, smiled and said, "So, Aunt Keisha, this is the big pussy, huh?" Both giggled and then Dawnay pointed and said, "Look at the big pussy crying!" Then Tawnay produced a small African-American baby doll. "Baby, this is Darcel," she said, "Aunt Keisha said you needed a dolly. You better take care of her!"
"Be a good baby for the girls, Mark," Keisha said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, "I don't wanna have to spank you again!" The shiver she sent down my spine was surely felt as she squeezed me by my now frail arms. Trina said the same thing as she, too, kiss my cheek and she whispered into my ear, "You'll never touch these lips again, faggot!"
After they left, the girls ordered me to the kitchen and when I crawled in, I saw the adult-sized pink highchair setting in the middle of the room. With some help I was placed into the chair and the tray lowered and my hands, chest and forehead were strapped down tight. A pink Barbie bib was tied around my neck.
As I sat and watched, the girls explained that Keisha had left the ingredients for my meal and they would whip it up to a fine paste in the food processor. A huge 64 gallon bowl was put before me on the tray. Then the girls started putting the stuff in pointing out each thing to me as they added it. First, a healthy dose of castor oil and a "medication". then several prunes, a can of spinach and a cannister of oatmeal. As the girls, were whipping this up, they put their now spent cigarettes right into it and lit new ones. Dawnay disappeared into the living room and returned with the giant ashtray that Trina had put on the table. It had at least 10 of Trina's B&H Menthol butts and several of Keisha's More Menthol 120s butts. They laughed as they dumped the ashtray contents in to the processor. Then the girls mentioned another ingredient amoungst themselves and went to look for it. I was panicking about having to eat this hideous blend but dare not say a word. When the girls returned, they had a coffee can-sized container of lipstick, the kind that you put your finger in and smooth on your lips. They laughed as they dabbed my finger in and smeared lipstick all over my lips like a clown. They dipped my finger again and wrote something on my forehead and produced a mirror. Across my forehead it said "faggot!". I burst into tears and Dawnay produced a video camera and started taking pictures of me.
Meanwhile, Tawnay was spooning half of the can into the processor. "Just one more ingredient!" she announced playfully. Dawnay ran into the basement and quickly returned with my dirty diaper, full of a day and a half of feces and urine. She held it at arms length with the tips of two fingers and held her nose with the other, careful not to pinch where her diamond nose stud was. "You must really be hungry, baby!" Tawnay said and laughed, depositing her latest Max Menthol 120 into the mix. Then she carefully fed the diaper in, too, slowly, as the processor ate it up.
What was poured into the 64 gallon bowl was a brown, runny paste with a shimmer to it from the lipstick and slivers of white diaper. "Sometimes baby girls have to adjust to a new flavor, faggot," Tawnay said bringing the first spoonful to my lips, "Don't throw it up or your vomit will be mixed in with this and you'll still eat it all up for us!"
I did gag up the first spoonful, which they forced me to dump back into the bowl. I finally was able to down a spoonful and my whole body quivered from the acrid taste. I felt as if poison where invading every part of my being. With another spoonful, I could take it no more; I drifted off, my mind wandering, seeking shelter from this hell. Then it happened: I returned suddenly as I puked up. The girls forced my head over the bowl and it all spilled in.
"OK, Miss Smarty Pants!" Dawnay yelled, "You're going to eat that all up!" I had no choice. My spirit died as two little girls force fed me the sludge that included my own urine, feces, cigarette butts and vomit.
Defeated, I was taken out of the chair and sat on the floor. The girls lit fresh cigarettes and just stared at me, as if waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, my whole body surged with racking pain my head was exploding. I shook violently, convulsed and faintly heard the girls laughing at me and saying something about the medicine really working.
When I finally got my body under control. I started crying heaps of tears and the two girls crouched down and laughed and teased me, blowing smoke on me. Just then, my ass erupted like Mt. St. Helens, a volcano of poop shot from my anus. If went out so fast it caused me horrible pain in my schpinter. It felt like gallons of poop were spilling into my diaper. I was making loud, squeaky farting sounds and the girls belly laughed at that. When the girls stood me up, I felt a heavy weight from the diaper of the mess inside had oozed into my groin area it was so voluminous.
The girls said the had a present for me and produced several pink leather collars and a leash. The collar they buckled to my neck 3 inches high and said, "Baby Mark" on the front in gold letters. The attched a pink leash to it. Then collar cuffs 5 inch long where attched to each wrist and lock. They locked the collars behind my back and then used a 5 inch chain to attach that to the neck collar in the back of it.
Each girl went into the bathroom with a baby bottle and each returned with a full bottle containing warm yellow fluid. I was so defeated; I simply took each bottle and quickly emptied each, filling my stomach with their urine.
Then the girls walked me to the living room, sat me down on the floor facing them and Tawnay produced a horrifying-looking metal device. It was forced into my mouth, stretching it open to nearly twice its size. Then the girls lit up fresh Max Menthol 120s. They began chatting about girl stuff and would flick their ashes directly into my open mouth. When they were finished with their cigarettes, they ground them out on my tongue, then I swallowed. "Good, baby!" Dawnay exclaimed. They must have smoked at least 5 more cigarettes each that rest of the time they sat there and I was parched. As if reading my mind they stood up over me and began spitting long, phlegmy streams into my mouth. They spent five minutes spilling their saliva into me and for the first time today, I was actually happy for a few seconds.
Then they had me kneel in the middle of the floor and I looked up at them towering over me. "Training time, baby!" Dawnay said excitedly. The midday shine shone off of their pleather pants. "Lick my boot!" Tawnay commanded and I did as told and as directed licked Dawnay's. Then Tawnay and Dawnay commanded me to lick the soles of their boots and I obeyed.
The girls said it was time for my nap, so I was led to my dungeon nursery in the basement, placed in my crib, and a set of pink bars were locked across the top. Tawnay mentioned that Keisha had installed a sound system to play me lullabyes continously while I slept from now on. Each told me goodbye and spit large hockers on me. The lights were turned off and they exited closing the door and I heard a number of bolts lock into place.
The room was totally dark. Windowless. I couldn't even see my hand right in front of my face, even though it was behind my neck. Suddenly, I felt the heat in the room rise and within seconds, I was caked in sweat and within moments my dress was soaking wet. The heat caused the contents of my diaper to stink horribly.
Just then, Brahm's lullabye began playing, but the volume was at an ear-spliting level. The first few notes of the lullabye blended into sounds of creaking doors, screaming, wolves howling, evil laughter, loud bumps. With seconds, it repeated. the loop never stopped and terror gripped my very being. A short time later, I was beyond being the basket case I already was. I was so scared! I was crying and had wet and soiled my daiper again. "MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!" I yelled forever...
I didn't noticed the night vision camera over my bed. Nor, of course, the girls upstairs watching the whole thing on a monitor, laughing uprorously, smoking their Max Menthol 120s. "Aunt Keisha was right," Tawnay said, exhaling a plume of smoke, "She and her new wife are gonna have a little baby girl!"
-End of Part One-
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This is the first chapter of a long multi-part story involving 2 different families, the Churches and the Streets. It will span several decades and generations. I hope you enjoy it.Summery: A wife tries to give her husband his longest held fantasy. Even the best of intentions cum with a price!Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red...
Monday, July 22nd, 3:27 AM - Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA "Push, Karen!" Chantelle shouted as she gripped my hands. I was confused, in pain. I had been in labor for nearly a day and I was so tired. The last few weeks had been a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I didn't know where I was or, more importantly, where Master and Mistress were. I was being cared for by Lana and Chantelle, the missing sex slaves, in a strange house. Whenever I felt strong enough to ask, the...
It was for a family in the next block and they had a 12 yo son and an 8yo daughter. On the third time I sat for them I was using their toilet and the boy walked in and said “Can I fuck you“ and he was fondling his penis sticking out his pajama pants. I was really astounded at his proposal and his forthright manner in which he asked. He also had quite a big cock for a boy his age. My immediate reaction was to say “no”. I was quite taken back and could not think of anything else to say. His...
Jake couldn’t believe that he was finally going to see his old friend Sarah after so many years. About four years ago, Jake had babysat his neighbor Sarah after school and whenever her parents were gone for the night or weekend. Although Jake had only been thirteen at the time and Sarah was eleven, most of the parents in their small town regarded Jake as being far more mature and trustworthy for someone his age, and Sarah’s parents never worried about leaving her with him. Over time, the two...
SeductionMy name is Vanessa and I’m 16, definitely too old for a babysitter. But my seven year old brother needs one and my parents have been hiring Joan since I was little. She’s kind of like family and I was even the flower girl at her wedding when she married Brian three years ago. He often came with her while she babysat and would work on his laptop or watch TV. Brian was super tall at 6’3′, especially compared to my 5’4′. He’s very stocky and wide, with muscle and fat. I usually find chunky guys a...
He opens the door and steps into his home, relieved to be home and exhausted from a long day. But more then anything, he's relieved to be back to the place where his princess is. And the fact that she hasn't come running the moment he stepped inside suggests she must be sleeping.And after hanging up his coat, he moves straight to her room, gentle opening the door to peer inside. Indeed she has fallen asleep, though clearly not a proper sleep, she rarely sleeps well when he isn't home. Instead...
At the surprise bday party with our family and friends, i whisper to you and say Poppa is gonna make babygirl very happy tonight. we laugh mingle and as we move around the room i look into your eyes and give you "that look". as we leave, we climb into the car. you look great in your dress that shows off the gift your mama blessed you with. we hit the road you spread your legs and show me that you are not wearing any panties. I want to be bad tonight Poppa! i slide my hand up those lovely legs...
He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...
First TimeI lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...
BDSMJosie liked the fact that she could get her homework done and get paid for babysitting at the same time. She had been doing it for almost two years now and had never had a problem of any sort. Her current assignment with the Green family was almost like robbing a bank because the baby was sound asleep every time she showed up for work. They were a cute young couple with Angie the wife pregnant again only eight months after giving birth to a young daughter called Cindy. The husband was a tall...
She couldn’t get her mind into it as of Friday. She knew why, but nothing she did, like masturbating once again, and earlier that week for that matter and even just before she went on to class, couldn’t seem to resolve her issues. She felt “it” when she woke up that morning…that deep seated, deep pitted series of sensations in her stomach which were almost causing her breasts to ache and burn with a wanton desire as well…they began doing it again also. This was a growing desire. Both burned...
LesbianThe last time I had spent the night Kayla and I got pretty heated. I’ll admit that it was one of my first serious kissing sessions so I got very excited and a little carried away. Since then I had raided my uncle’s porn stash (as well as the internet) and I was really anxious to see how far I could get her to go with me. It took almost no time at all for us to sneak away alone after the adults went out. They said since me and Kayla were oldest (Kayla being 13) we were in charge until the...
CHAPTER 1 I loved babysitting. Not so much with actual babies, but for kids that you can joke with, tease, play games with, or just have fun with. I was so good with kids that my parents’ friends were always asking for me to sit for them. My parents were very strict and would not allow me to date or even hang out with boys my age. But, babysitting was acceptable. It was both social interaction and my only way to make money. I loved to hang out and babysit for family friends. They...
The Babysitter by Richard-to-Rachel Sometimes I guess it's hard to find ways to make a bit of extra money when you're home from college for the summer. It certainly wasn't easy for me looking for work. That's why I found myself doing a bit of babysitting in my spare evenings. I know, it's the kind of work that you'd expect from a teenage girl, not a nineteen-year-old guy who should be out living it up at nights. But, it was easy work and it was money. My parents were very young for...
SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...
Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...
Baby woke up smiling when her vibrators turned on. Every morning they turned on an hour before Daddy woke, so she would be wet and responsive when he came to feed her her morning cum. She was in her crib, an open topped metal cage, each limb tied to a post. She began happily sucking on her pacifier, a large penis gag, when she realized what today was. Her long, curly, pale blonde hair in two pretty braids, and her brown eyes were blind folded. She had a pale pink collar on her neck, with a...
BABYLON STAGE 34 A Midsummer night's dream ~ the IMP ~ Chapter 4 "c*** ****!b**st: "It's fine at a good time, fine."b**st "You're right"b**st "It was pretty easy, was not it?"b**st (pointing to the wild b**st house) "こ ↑ こ ↓"Tono: "Wow, that's awesome big ..."※ Two people go into the wild b**st house※ Gachan! Gon!b**st "Enter, please!"Tono: "Oh, Ojamasama"Tono: I'm in the house ...※ Gee, Guttan!b**st "† repentant †" (good go up)Tono: Oh ... I'm sorry.Tono: It's really big ~ ...2 people sitting...
By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 1 Richard Carter heard the voice of his wife, as if from a long distance away. "Ricky! Ricky, wake up!" she shouted He shook himself out of the dream, and woke to find her shaking him. "Wha ... what is it?" he asked, blearily. "You were having a nightmare," his wife Anne said, worriedly. Richard shook the sleep out of his eyes, and sat up. He was debating whether to tell his wife about the dream when she surprised him, saying, "Hon, I...
By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 2 Richard went digging for Don Ford's contact information, as well as the last number he had for Mitch Woodward. By the time Anne had finished making breakfast, he was on the phone with Don Ford, and discovered that Don and his wife Linda had both had the same dream as well, and all of them felt the urge ... the need ... To go back to the desert. Soon the four of them made plans to meet up, and then go to the last known address of Mitch...
By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 3 Five people were looking at a goddess in shock, but eventually, they found their voices. "I didnt do anything," Richard replied. "Neither did I," Don chimed in. "Actually, you did much more than you think. Let me show you," the goddess replied. She waved her hand, and they saw the past ... Brianna: It started the same as the dream we had all shared. Except I saw from the perspective of Fadhil that he had actually manipulated our...
EscortBabylon! I was quite confused as to what really has to offer, since while the name of the site would suggest that you have loads of naughty escort women at your service, at the same time the whole site looks like a fucking joke. Here you have reviews and ads of mostly valid escort chicks you can hire, so if you are interested, visit the site or continue reading to see if Escort Babylon is actually a place worth the visit.When I say that the site looks like a ‘joke’ I...
Escort SitesIntroduction: Okay, so having decided that my last story was faaaar to controversial to actually appeal to many people at all, Ive gone down a completely different road. Hope you enjoy, love reading comments xx Sarah beams at me as I take her hand. Blue light bathes her pale skin as we enter the upscale private quarters of downtown Houstons aquarium dining. The waiter, dressed in a sharp midnight blue suit, quickly shows us to our table, circled by the magnificent tropical tank. We sit down...
My Sister And I Babysitting My sister and I have always been close. I had been looking for a way to earn some extra money when my sister suggested that I help her baby-sit. She promised that I would not have to change any diapers as long as I helped out by getting bottles ready and playing with the children. She had tried babysitting once and it was more than she could handle. Mom had suggested that she find a girlfriend to help but none of her friends wanted to spend their Friday and...
I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars. I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly...
Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years. He and his wife were best friends. They were each other’s soul mates. They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another. Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife.Jack was obsessed with breasts. His wife had a small chest. He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health. She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants. Jack’s obsession with...
TeenPamela was 19 and wise beyond her years. She was not only smart, but also extremely devious and was one who got what she wanted one way or other. Most called her Pam and the closest person in her life was her twin brother, Paul. If there was such a thing as identical twins who were of the opposite sex, Pam and Paul were it. Each would do anything for the other and often did because of their love for each other. Paul was the typical guy and was horny all of the time. Pam on the other hand loved...