Ed Kilpatrick's Island Adventure free porn video

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Ed Kilpatrick’s

Island Adventure


Well, after a marathon story for TALES OF THE VEIL; I’ve got back into my traditional bondage series during April, May and June 2011. If you’re bored of cross dressing, bondage and being locked in a cell, then don’t read any further as this story goes back to my routes in storytelling.

Set in Eigg, a small island off the west coast of Scotland, our main character is forced to land at a remote house that comes with all the usual trappings that allow my imagination to run riot.

I Hope you enjoy

Setting the scene:

My name is Daniel Skinner. I’ve just past my 42nd birthday and celebrated it with early retirement. When I say EARLY RETIREMENT I should explain: I have worked in the software industry since leaving school with no qualifications in the mid 1980’s. I had an idea as the DOT-COM industry collapsed but took the risk and set-up my own company. This paid off three months ago when I sold my business to a US rival for a little over ?10m ($15m). So here I am, single, in my early 40’s and loaded! What to do with my life?

I could buy a mansion now but what is the point? I already have a really nice four-bedroom house in the most exclusive area of Bothwell in Lanarkshire. Okay, I did splash out on a top-spec Range Rover Sport and a brand new Aerospool sport plane. Yes, one of my passions is flying and the other, we’ll get into later.

I stayed on heading up the business I’d sold for three months. The all-too-short Scottish summer was approaching and with the delivery of my new toy, I wanted to explore the beauty Scotland had to offer from the air and this meant an extended holiday. As my small software business was finally integrated into the much large UK arm of the US Company that had just parted with a significant amount of cash for, I left for an unspecified amount of time, promising to help out on an ad-hoc consultative basis when the need arose (at a large daily rate of course). As June approached I started to prepare for my adventures, which would start with island hopping on the west coast.

I should state now, that flying may be a passion but I’m new to it and therefore do not rate myself as a competent pilot; Just a guy that is leaning a new skill and yes, just a little nervous from time to time.

My first flight was set for Saturday. A small group of guys from my local club were planning to fly north to Sky for the day so I agreed to tag along:

A Beautiful Day for Flying:

My Saturday started at around 10AM at the airfield (along with my colleagues). We fuelled our aircraft, pulled them out of the hanger and carried out all the usual checks before embarking on a days’ flying. We could of course stay overnight but why should we. I had around eight hours’ worth of fuel on board and a comfortable bed back in Bothwell? BY eleven, we’d taken off and were cruising towards Ayrshire at a little over 2,000 feet, keeping under the corridors around Glasgow. My Aerospool was a fast little aircraft, I could easily have left the others behind but we stayed together and climbed to 4,000 feet as we left the busy skies around west central Scotland, monitoring SCOTTISH ATC at all times but none of us asked for a basic service.

The scenery was magnificent! I’d never seen Scotland this way before and loved every minute of it. A little after twelve-thirty, we all switched to Safety-Com and called out our approach into a little airstrip near Portree.

Lunch was fantastic and by 2PM we were sitting outside having coffee and planning our route back to Lanarkshire. The others wanted to check out the Great Glen but I wanted to see the islands so we made out plans and departed separately this time. I said my good-byes to the guys and as they headed east, I climbed to 4,000 feet, going south towards Mull, my next stop.

An unexpected detour:

Maybe the early June weather was too much to hope for. As I settled into my south bound flight I could see nasty clouds approaching from the south west. I wasn’t experienced enough to work out how bad the approaching weather was but I had at least four hours fuel on board and could easily turn to the east and make a detour back towards the mainland. I carried on and reduced my height to 3,000 then 2,000 but I knew it wasn’t looking good. The approaching cloud base was far too low to continue flying south so I turned onto heading one-five-zero and ahead was the Isle of Eigg (according to my GPS). That confirmed, I looked for a break in the clouds but even the mainland was disappearing in the dark approaching mass. I turned onto a due east heading to look north again and it was getting dark also. I then called up my colleagues and just about heard their response: ?Clear weather over Loch Houm.? This wasn’t looking good for me. I was far too inexperienced to continue flying so my recent training took hold and I accepted that I’d have to find a place to land.

As I approached Eigg, I checked my GPS for airfields but none showed up. I could see the town to Cleadale just ahead so I dropped to 1,000 feet and flew towards the town, hoping to find some flat ground and therefore a good place to put down. The beach at Cleadale looked perfect but I wasn’t an expert on the tide and didn’t want my brand new ?70K toy swept out to sea. As I dropped to 500 feet, passing over the beach, I was about to turn around, when I saw what I thought was runway (running east to west). I again checked my GPS and nothing so I climbed to 700 feet to clear the cliffs and flew towards what I thought might just be a stroke of luck. I dropped down to take a closer look as I passed over a large house and as luck might have it, I was right, there was a runway! A lovely strip of tarmac running east-to-west with a windsock, showing a south-westerly wind so no matter what I did, this would have to be a cross wind landing.

Again my training cut in and I did a slow pass over the tarmac at fifty feet. The runway was clear of any foreign objects and as I passed to the west end of the runway, there was a large hanger with the door open. Today was my lucky day; I even had a dry palace to pull into when I finally landed. AS the runway ended, I added power again and started to climb. I could see the house much easier now. It was a large red brick, three-story building with a large single-story outhouse to the rear, with a courtyard in-between. I had to concentrate now as the rain was starting and it came on like a tap, slamming into the canopy of my little aeroplane. I turned to the south to begin my circuit at 500 feet. I again called out my intensions on the SAFETY-COM frequency and as I turned base, the sky was black and the rain pelted and the wind picked up. The cross wind landing was going to be a tough one so I eased the little plane down on the final leg towards the lovely tarmac. Nose into wind and the power set I fought the approaching wind and rain until I drop onto the runway, straightening the nose wheel just before I touched down. Thank goodness, I made it down in one piece and the elation of finally being on the ground was mainly the fact I was proud of myself and the actions I’d just taken. I was alive and now taxiing in torrential rain, thunder and lightning towards the large green hanger.

As I said previously, the hanger was laying open so I slowed down and decided to cut my engine as I entered the large space. It was as I turned right to point in the direction of the open building; I noticed the Cessna Caravan parked at the back. Still plenty of room for my wee toy so as the engine cut, I cruised into the hanger and stopped with plenty of room to spare. With the engine now shut down and the switch-off checks complete, I opened the canopy, climbed out and walked towards the open hanger. The sound of the thunder was defining and rain was now entering the hanger so I started to pull the two large doors closed, leaving just enough space for me to stand and watch the raging storm, trying to anticipate when it would end and I could get on my way again.

Meeting Ailsa for the first time:

I stood in the small opening for about thirty minutes. The clouds dissipated slightly but the rain stayed on. I had to call the airfield to let them know I was safe. Unless I arrived back in the next two hours, air-sea-rescue would be informed that I was missing and I didn’t want the already stretched service to be out looking for me. I switched on my mobile phone but as expected, there was no signal:

?You’ll get no mobile signal here,? yelled a female from some distance!

As I lifted my head from the iPhone, I saw and figure walking towards me, riffle in hand. She wasn’t pointing it directly towards me but I guess it wouldn’t take much for her to shoot me:

?Please don’t shoot miss,? I pleaded in a slightly nervous voice. ?I’m just trying to get out of the storm and your runway has probably saved my life!?

As the girl with the gun approached, I could see her dark blue raincoat, with leather boots covering her lower legs. Her auburn hair cascaded around her face in the wind and trying to judge her age, I would put this girl in her mid-forties so a little older than me:

?I’ve no intention of shooting you unless I have to,? came the sweet island accent in response to my plea. ?I’d no idea what I was going to find when I saw you fly over my house so this is just for my protection from the unknown!?

The girl now stood only feet away from me in the pouring rain:

?Come in here and get out of the rain,? I ushered the girl to join me in the hanger. ?By the way, my name is Daniel Skinner, Dan to my friends.?

?Hi Dan,? the girl replied, entering the hanger and pulling down her hood to reveal a beautiful face. ?My name is Ailsa MacDonald and I own this airfield and the house you nearly crashed into.?

I just laughed:

?I know my flying isn’t great,? I continued to try and make light of this weird situation. ?I’m sorry for taking the liberty of parking in this hanger but I’ve no idea when this storm will subside so that I can be on my way.?

?That’s okay,? replied Ailsa. ?I’m glad it was open for you. I doubt this storm will leave us for a few hours so why don’t you come back to the house and I can make a cup of coffee??

My day was finally looking up again!

?That would be great,? I replied, smiling at the beauty standing right in front of me. ?Do you have a landline I could use because I must let my home airfield know I’m safe or they’ll send out air-sea-rescue looking for me??

?No problem,? replied Ailsa,? pulling up her hood again and leading me outside, turning right and heading towards the large red bricked house.

The old house had a past:

?This is enormous,? I complemented Ailsa on her house as we entered the archway leading to the inner court yard.

?Thank you,? replied Ailsa as we turned and entered the large open planned kitchen. ?My husband Peter and I bought this place two years ago when we sold his business in London. I always wanted to move back to Eigg, my birthplace and set-up a B&B.?

?I assume the Cesena Caravan belongs to Peter as well,? I responded? ?A fantastic aircraft so I look forward to hearing all about it from him.?

Ailsa turned towards me as she took off her coat, revealing an outfit that looked really sexy to a guy of my tastes: A tight black stretchy top over a short red and black tartan mini skirt. Ailsa’a legs were clad in a pair of thick black opaque tights and her black leather boots finished her off:

?I’m afraid that will not be possible,? replied Ailsa with a tear in her eyes. ?Peter sadly passed away six months ago and left me everything, including this house. Sadly I do not know how to fly so I’m stuck with the Cessna until I can find someone to buy it.?

?I’m so sorry,? I sympathetically responded.

I’d no idea what to say so I used the GOLDEN SILENCE technique to see if Ailsa wanted to divulged anymore information as she put on the kettle.

?Sadly, we were just about finished this project when he took ill and died within only a matter of weeks,? explained Ailsa. ?We moved up from London because we managed to find this place and it was our dream to turn it into an alternative B&B and now I simply do not know what to do with it!?

As Alisa made coffee, I called the airfield and told them that I was on Eigg and safe. I would call again when I planned to leave so until then, they were not to call out air-sea-rescue!

?So what is an alternative e BBQ,? I quizzed Ailsa as she handed me the piping hot cup?

Ailsa finally began to smile after telling me about the sad passing of her husband three months ago:

?You’ll have noticed that our runway doesn’t appear on any of your charts,? Ailsa explained.

?That’s true,? I nodded in response.

?Well that is because this house was a cold-war interrogation facility, where the government brought people they suspected of being spy’s,? Ailsa went on to tell me about the old house’s past. ?Eigg is very small and people are funny here. We are also far out of the way and with little communication with the mainland, it was a perfect location to carry out government work that let’s just say, you don’t want others to find out about.?

Now this was getting very interesting and appealed to my other passion, BONDAGE.

?So this house was a prison in the 50’s and 60’s,? I asked?

?Well the outhouses across the courtyard was the old prison and interrogation centre,? Ailsa continued telling me about the house’s past over a cup of coffee in the massive kitchen. ?This house is where the government officials lived in relative comfort while the dirty work went on over there.?

?So does the prison still exist Ailsa,? I was now getting a little excited?

Ailsa’a smile started to get even bigger with even a little embarrassment:

?That’s where our idea for an alternative B&B came in Dan,? responded Ailsa. ?My husband had a great of interest in bondage like so many of you on the mainland and with the aircraft, he was going to be able to bring in guests to our little B&B to enjoy their alternative passion in the peace and quiet of this tiny island.?

?So you were not interested in bondage yourself,? I started to play with Ailsa?

She just started to go red with embarrassment as she finished her cup of coffee:

?Would you like to see the old prison,? asked Ailsa?

?I thought you’d never ask,? I replied, joining Ailsa at the dishwasher to put away our used cups.

20th Century Torture, 21st Century Fun:

We exited the kitchen and walked back out to a torrent of rain:

?Are you sure you want to go back out in this storm,? I asked Ailsa?

?Sure Dan,? she replied. ?We’re only going across the courtyard to that door over there!?

I then followed Ailsa as she led me across the internal courtyard to a heavy wooden door (not dissimilar to a stable door). As we entered the outhouse, I was confronted by a large set of bars (lying open):

?Umm, this looks interesting,? I started to get excited.

?It gets much better,? laughed Ailsa as she led me through the open barred gate to a small hall: ?To the right is the kitchen and dining area. Straight ahead is our store room where a whole host of accessories are kept and if we turn left and go through this next set of bars (also open), we enter the first set of interrogation rooms.?

The short corridor had four small rooms, two either side before arriving at another set of bars (also open). Each of these four rooms had various devices of torture. One had a type of dentist chair with leather straps positioned at various strategic points to hold its’ victim tight. The room opposite had a set of manacles hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room and a set of shackles connected to the tiled floor. The third room had a gibbet style cage along one wall and a Saint Andrews cross along the other wall. The final room had a set of wooden stocks in the middle of the room to hold both arms and legs (more detail later). I was amazed at what I was seeing but Ailsa just pointed at each room as we passed the heavy iron doors, lying open so in effect each room as like a small cell in itself.

?This is amazing Ailsa,? I complemented this strange middle aged girl who now held a new level of attraction for me.

?I’m glad you like it Dan,? she replied. ?If we walk through these bars and turn to our left (the next side of the courtyard outhouse) we come to the cells.?

Ailsa had now led me to another corridor with four cells either side, (eight in total). All had heavy steel doors and a sort of latch two-thirds the way up. Ailsa headed into the first cell:

?The first five cells are all like this one,? explained Ailsa.

She was referring to the single bed on the right hand side of the small cell. Toilet and wash-hand basin on the end wall where there was a high barred window. On the wall opposite the bed (left), a set of manacles hung from a ring high on the wall:

?Do the five cells have these also,? I asked, taking hold of the heavy iron cuff in my right hand?

?Yeap,? replied Ailsa. ?This wasn’t a nice place to be held because according to the limited papers we’ve read, most prisoners were held in near constant bondage during their entire stay and few ever left here alive.?

?And you and Peter wanted to keep that history alive,? I laughed. ?I’m sure this would have been a great hit, minus being beaten to death!?

Ailsa just started laughing, taking hold the other manacle hanging from the wall:

?Would you like to try these Dan,? she continued laughing?

?I’m not sure,? I nervously responded.

Ailsa didn’t know me and my passion for bondage. I didn’t know Ailsa and what would happen if I gave over complete control to this stranger.

?What is the worst that can happen,? she teased in response, using a key (removed from her skirt pocket) to unlock the manacle?

?That’s what I’m scared of,? I replied, taking hold of the now open cuff.

Ailsa then unlocked the second cuff and smiled at me:

?Go on, you know you want to,? she continued teasing!

How did this beauty know I wanted to try these cuffs? She had no idea about my inner most secrets but taking hold of my left hand, she lifted up and held it into the open manacle and pushed the cuff home, with an overpowering ‘CLICK!’

?There Dan, that wasn’t so bad after all,? Ailsa tried to calm me down, taking hold of my right arm and pushing me against the cell wall.

?Speak for yourself,? I tried to make light of the situation as I gave into my desires and allowed this stranger to pop my right hand into the second open cuff and close it, locking me to the wall.

I was now standing with my back to the left wall of the open cell with both arms held above my head in heavy iron shackles and I had allowed Ailsa, a girl I’d met less than an hour ago to place me into this vulnerable position.

?So how does it feel Dan,? asked Ailsa, stepping back and sitting on the cell bunk, which was made up with a duvet on it?

?I feel a little tied up right now,? I replied with a smile on my face. ?How long are you going to keep me here??

Ailsa then put her finger to her mouth and pretended to think for a minute, while all the time she was enjoying the tease:

?That depends on how good you are,? She continued the game!

?Well what do I need to do to prove to you that I’m a good boy,? I played along, slightly nervous at my current predicament?

Ailsa then stood up and approached me:

?I’ll make you a deal Dan,? she started to explain. ?It is clear the rain is here to stay for a while. Why don’t I leave you here for a short time, while I make us both something to eat and I’ll come back for you when its’ ready??

?I think the rain is here to stay for the day Ailsa,? I replied, trying to plead for my freedom without giving in to my desires. ?I will need to head into Cleadale to find a B&B for the night.?

?My house is a B&B Dan so you can stay there if you want tonight,? replied Ailsa. ?My rates are rather competitive but you pay depending on which accommodation you choose.?

I just laughed at what I was now hearing:

?You have it all worked out Ailsa,? I continued to laugh. ?You also have me a disadvantage so I guess I’m here until you free me!?

I pulled on the chains to emphasis the bondage I was now in. Ailsa just laughed in response, leaving the cell and slamming the heavy door closed behind her. She then opened the small latch and peaked through:

?Don’t go anywhere Dan,? laughed Ailsa. ?I’ll be back shortly to release you for dinner.?

With that, Ailsa closed the latch and I could hear her heading back down the corridor. There was little I could do but stand there, attached to the cell wall and await her return.

A dinner date with a difference:

As you can imagine I was horny, very Horney! Sadly there was little I could do to gain any advantage over my raging hard-on. Both my hands were held above my head in Ailsa’s heavy manacles and I was going nowhere. I was also now locked in the prison cell with no route of escape, even if I was free from the manacles. I had no option but to await my captors return.

It was at least ninety minutes when I finally heard footsteps coming down the corridor. I was tired of standing in an uncomfortable position, with my arms held above my head. As the latch on the door opened, I could now see Ailsa looking in at me:

?I see you’re where I left you Dan,? she laughed!

?Where else would I be Ailsa,? I replied sarcastically?

Ailsa then unlocked and opened the cell door. She was still wearing her tight top, short tartan skirt and black tights. Her leather boots were now gone and replaced with low heeled pumps. She had to come close to unlock my hands and I could smell the sweet aroma of her fresh perfume:

?You smell nice,? I started to flirt.

?I’m glad you like it,? replied Ailsa, taking hold of my right hand in preparation for unlocking the cuff. ?It’s called Paris!?

Ailsa was returning the flirting now as she pushed her breasts into my stomach as she reached her second hand with the key in a tight grip. I just smiled at her as her face came very close:

?Do you want me to leave you in here a little longer,? she teased, holding back from slotting the key into the locked cuff?

?Nah, I’m looking forward to our dinner,? I replied in a playful tone.?

With that, Ailsa pushed home the key, turned it and cuff popped open, freeing my right hand. As my arm fell south, Ailsa repeated the exercise on my left hand and soon as I was free.

?That’s better,? I commented. ?But thanks for giving me some first-hand experience of your facility!?

?You’re still taking the piss,? Ailsa laughed, allowing me to slip pass her.

?Ah but two can play at this game,? I laughed, exiting the cell and pushing the door closed until it locked automatically.

?Come on Dan, that’s not fair,? shouted Ailsa from behind the locked cell door!

?Remember you still have the key Ailsa,? I replied!

?Yeah but there is no lock this side of the door Dan,? Ailsa came straight back at me.

?Oh well, you’ll just have to pass the keys through the latch,? I laughed opening the tiny hatch where I was now watching Ailsa locked in her own cell.

Ailsa just smiled and held up the keys:

?You’re enjoying this Dan,? she broke the short silence.

?I’m enjoying this about as much as you enjoyed locking me in the cell,? I continued to tease and I suppose, flirt at the same time.

Ailsa then handed me the keys:

?Thank you,? I continued the game. ?Now are you going to be a good girl Ailsa??

She just laughed in response and reminded me that I’d get no dinner if I didn’t let her out. I gave in and after being told what key to use, I unlocked the cell door where Ailsa now stood right in front of me. As she exited the cell, Ailsa, rubbed her hand on my arm and led us back towards the kitchen and a wonderful spread:

?So you haven’t told me your B&B rates Ailsa,? I continued our friendly exchange. ?I may not be able to afford to stay in this wonderful hostelry!?

?I’m sure that a guy who can afford that little plane, can afford to stay here,? replied Ailsa as she continued eating. ?It is ?20 to stay in the house and ?100 to stay in the cell block but you get full access to the facility on both arrival and departure day.?

?I think I’ll be staying in the house then tonight,? I responded knowing this wasn’t what Ailsa probably wanted to hear. ?I will need to go back to the plane at some time because I’ve got an overnight bag in there.?

?Are you sure you don’t want to spend a night locked in one of my cells Dan,? Ailsa continued to try her luck. ?I could do you a great deal!?

?What sort of deal,? I tried my luck?

?Well Peter’s plane hasn’t been flown in a while, could you take it for a quick flight tomorrow and check its’ okay,? Ailsa set out her bargaining?

I thought for a minute. Would I be licensed to fly the Caravan? Surely yes; my pilot’s license was for a single engine aircraft, the Caravan was a single engine aircraft!

?No problem Ailsa,? I replied. ?Weather permitting, you and I can take it for a spin tomorrow.?

?That’s great Dan,? responded Ailsa. ?Would you like coffee now or later??

?It depends what else is on offer,? I continued to flirt with this really cute girl.

Ailsa’s idea for desert:

It was clear Ailsa had other things on her mind:

?Why don’t you head back for the bag now and meet me in the cell block Dan,? suggested a clearly horny Ailsa.

?Is that a request or a demand,? I continued to flirt?

?Make it whatever you want,? responded Ailsa and she walked past me, heading for the back door and once again, rubbing her left hand on my arm.

Was this a come-on I asked myself, following Ailsa out into the pouring rain? As she headed for the heavy wooden stable door, I walked out of the courtyard and back to the hanger. I pulled both doors open very slightly to allow me to enter the large space which now held two planes. I checked mine for any leaks from the heavy rain on landing (none to be found) and after picking up my hold-all, I ran back to the courtyard, trying to avoid getting soaked. As I entered the fun part of the house, I saw the store room was open. I had to take a look so I put down my overnight bag and entered the large store room. I suppose I wasn’t surprised at what I found: Ailsa and Peter had managed to accrue and myriad of equipment from straightjackets to gags, hoods and even a couple of iron masks and of course many different chains and cuffs to keep the most adventurous fetishist happy for years! I loved masks and therefore had to take a closer look at the iron mask. Just like the one in the modern movie, a side hinge opened the fearsome looking helmet. I had to see what it would be like so I held the faceplate up to my face and held it in place, ensuring I didn’t accidently close the thing and lock it! I therefore stood for a few minutes and wondered what it must have been like to be forced to wear this continuously for months on end? I pinched myself back to reality as I wanted to find Ailsa. I therefore put the iron mask back on the shelf and headed out of the storeroom, picking up my overnight bag again. Nope, Ailsa wasn’t in the first room with the dentist’s chair! Neither was she in the room with chains that hung from the ceiling but in the third room, I saw a picture I’d never forget. Ailsa stood with her arms one length in the gibbet:

?Are you quite comfy in there,? I laughed, placing my overnight bag on the floor?

?I thought that I’d present you with desert,? replied Ailsa in a wicked tone.

I now stood only feet away from a really wonderful site.

?And how are you supposed to get yourself out of there,? I quizzed my new friend?

?Well I was hoping you would let me out,? replied Ailsa. ?The keys are lying over there.?

?Where Ailsa,? I really started to tease. ?Can you point them out to me??

Ailsa really began to laugh now!

?You really are enjoying yourself Dan,? Ailsa broke down into hysterics! ?If I knew you better, I would say that you’re not new to bondage games!?

Shit; should I open up slightly? Why not, I’d nothing to lose!

?Well I have also been known to enjoy a little self-bondage,? I opened up. ?Nothing this elaborate though!?

?I would hope not Dan, you might have been competition to me,? Ailsa’a hysterics continued! ?I assume you do not have a girlfriend or a wife to share your bondage with then??

?You are getting personal,? I smiled. ?You assumed right. I never had time for a relationship while I built up my business.?

What the fuck was I saying? Why was I telling this stranger my inner most secrets? But then, I was being presented with desert, a beautiful girl with long Auburn hair in an outfit pleasing to my eye but also locked in a cage, shaped to fit only a human.

?If you are so wrapped up in your business,? Ailsa kept probing from inside the locked gibbet; ?what were you doing flying out to the islands today??

?That’s because I sold my business three months ago,? I explained. ?I have now taken the summer off to explore the western isles from the air and maybe even take a wee trip abroad for some heat, if our Scottish summer doesn’t shape up to expectation.?

?And here you find yourself in Eigg with the power to grant a girl her freedom from this cage or take advantage of her,? Ailsa really started to come onto me. ?By the way, did you find anything interesting in the storeroom??

?How did you know I looked in there Ailsa,? I quizzed?

?I left the door open, hoping you would venture in and find something that took your fancy,? she replied. ?So did you find anything??

?I found lots of fantastic toys,? I responded to Ailsa question. ?I especially liked your collection of masks. I had a close look at the iron mask as I’ve always fancied trying one on. The straightjacket collection also intrigued me as again, I’ve dreamt of trying one on but never had the opportunity!?

There, I’ve gone and done it! I’ve now opened a can of worms!

?Well I can’t help you with the straightjacket right now Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?The key for the iron mask is on my big bunch of keys over there. I’d love to point them out to you but as you can see, I’m a little restricted in this thing!?

?Well whose fault is that,? I laughed? ?And anyway, I could be a mad rapist or something and you’ve just handed control over to a stranger!?

?Again I’ve made a few assumptions about you already Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?(1) you released me from the cell earlier, you didn’t have to. (2) I think you enjoyed being manacled to the cell wall earlier and you could have easily overpowered me as I released you but you didn’t and (3) you own a plane so you must be a reasonably wealthy guy, with a passion for flying.?

?And this all makes me a good guy,? I laughed.

I then picked up the keys and headed out of the cell, past my overnight bag, still lying on the floor. I headed back to the store and picked up the iron mask again. Before trying it on for real this time, I checked the lock and after some fiddling, I managed to marry up a key that would unlock the thing. I then slipped the heavy helmet over my head and pushed the rear part hard until after a wee struggle, the lock finally engaged and the iron mask was now locked around my head. Before going back to see Ailsa, I decided to lift a heavy set of irons from the wall, where they hung alongside many other manacles, shackles, handcuffs and leg-irons. This particular set had a pair of small manacles attached to a short chain. A long chain then ran to another set of large shackles, which were also connected together by about ten inches of chain. After testing the locks, I decided to slip the larger cuffs over my ankles. Once in place, I slipped the first cuff around my left wrist, before placing the final manacle around my right wrist. I was now hobbled via a prison set from days gone-by. The cuffs and chain were very heavy and I was enjoying how they felt on me. Shuffling back to the cell where Ailsa remained locked in the gibbet; she burst out laughing when she saw me entering:

?I love the new look Dan,? she continued laughing!

?I thought you might,? I shuffled over to the girl still locked in the gibbet.

What the fuck was I going? I had locked my hands and feet into heavy irons and was now wearing an iron mask. Yes I felt as horny as hell but why had I allowed myself to do this? My only comfort was Ailsa; the girl I’d only met hours earlier had also locked herself in the gibbet. Her cage looked tight and unlike most gibbets I’d seen in museums or on TV, this one was bolted to the wall. The steel cage was shaped to accommodate a human with a frame for the head, expanding out to accommodate the body and then tapering in again to meet the contours of one’s legs. Ailsa was by no means a fat girl. She might have been a little overweight but the cage was a snug fit:

?Is that a tight fit in there Ailsa,? I questioned this cute and caged girl?

?Not really,? replied Ailsa. ?I bet you’d fit in here fine. Maybe the cage door would need to be pushed closed but I’m fairly sure I’d get you in!?

?Yeah, but to do that I’d need to let you out Ailsa,? I teased. ?To be quite frank, I’ve no intension of letting you out for a while so if you’re cool with it, I’m going to take your keys and have a closer look at your wee dungeon block??

?Go for it Dan,? replied Ailsa.

?Thanks pet, I’ll be back soon,? I sarcastically responded to the authorisation to explore the outhouse.

?Who’s your pet,? laughed Ailsa!

?You are right now pet,? I laughed in reply! ?You’re the one stuck in that cage!?

As I shuffled out of the cell, I lifted the keys:

?Does the big key that I used to unlock your cell earlier also work on this door Ailsa,? I asked as I left the small door?

?Yes,? replied Ailsa. ?But why do you need to lock the door? I’m not going anywhere!?

?I know but it adds to the fun,? I laughed slamming closed and therefore automatically locking the cell door.

I would have opened the latch and said something sarcastic but I couldn’t! My wrists wouldn’t reach high enough in these chains. I decided to continue in the heavy irons so I struggled next door:

The integration room next to the one Ailsa was now locked in was very simple. It was basically a cell with no window (same as next door where Ailsa was). Hanging from the ceiling (centre of room) was a set of manacles. These looked to be the same as the manacles I’d spent some time in earlier today. The cuffs were hanging open but again I was far too restricted to reach up and check them out! Lying open on the floor was a set of shackles. These were the same cuffs that encircled my ankles currently so I guess Ailsa and Peter must have bought a job-lot! It was then I noticed a panel on the wall. I shuffled over to check it out. To access to button, I would have to open the plastic flat but again the fucking cuffs got in the way. It was therefore time to get rid of them if I was to give this self-tour some justice! I then reached for the bunch of keys that I’d put in my pocket. It was awkward pulling out and as expected, I dropped them onto the cold tile floor. As soon as I was on the floor, I used the correct key to unlock my right left wrist. Again this was very awkward but with some effort, I finally got there and my first wrist was free. My right wrist freedom came soon after, followed by both ankles. I was enjoying the iron mask but decided to get rid of it also so soon the iron mask and empty manacles and shackles lay in a heap on the floor. Now to check out the control panel: As expected, the button was used to pull up the chain set hanging from the ceiling. Umm, what would it be like to be pulled high, while my ankles were being kept imprisoned to the cold tile floor? That was all there was in that cell so after returning to the store room, I placed the chains and mask back where I found them and continued with my tour.

The first room had that all important dentist chain in it and nothing else! I hopped up onto the chair and felt the high quality leather of the two handcuffs, ankle cuffs and then the collar that would keep the victims head tight against the back. There were also two leather straps lying loose from the side of the chair. I could only assume that it was a sort of seat belt or lap strap but without Ailsa, there was no way to try out this devilish chair.

As I entered the final room, I marvelled at the elaborate set of wooden stocks. It was set up in such a way that the victim would have to kneel on the leather rest before putting his or her hands and neck into the stock. About three feet behind the main stock and the leather knee pad was another stock, ready to accept its’ victims ankles. I carefully opened the lock on the side and raised the heavy wooden stock. There was no way to try this device without getting my head and arms stuck because of the automatic locking mechanism.

Before moving on to the eight cells, I used the latch to check on Ailsa:

?Are you quite happy in there,? I called out!

?Are you enjoying your tour Dan,? replied Ailsa?

?Yes thank you,? I responded. ?See you shortly.?

It was then time to check out the cells. The first five were no different to the one I’d spent time in this morning. All with as single bed, toilet, wash hand basin and the manacles attached to the wall. All also had their beds made up with bright colourful duvets.

The sixth cell was slightly different to the previous five. On the outside of the door there was a small control panel. It was some sort of timer based system. There was three LED’s with (1) Bed, (2) Wall and (3) Door. Each LED had an UP and a DOWN arrow. I then suspected this was some sort of self-bondage cell. The door had a different key lock to the others but there were differences when I entered the cell. First of all, the same wash hand basin and toilet sat at the back of the tiny room. The bed wasn’t made up this time. It had four plastic cuffs: two for wrist either side of the pillow and two for ones ankles at the foot of the bed. Two similar cuffs were attached to the wall. It was clear someone could easily slip their hands into the cuffs and what I assumed happened next scared me and therefore I didn’t give any of these cuffs a test drive. I then exited the self-bondage cell (as I called it in my mind) and turned my attention to the final two:

Now the seventh cell I entered was different. This one had no bed, no toilet or wash hand basin. It didn’t even have a set of manacles hanging from the wall. In the middle of this cell was a large cage. The cage was black in colour with vertical columns of steel rising from the base to the top where it met similar tubes of steel. On the end nearest the door was an open gate to the cage. I had to see what this would be like so I climbed in and sat on the comfortable padding of a mattress and duvet. This would be comfortable if the victim didn’t need the toilet. I could easily lie out flat in the cage and as I didn’t want to accidently lock myself in, I ensured the gate was left open. Climbing out of the cage, I had to check out the eighth and last cell:

Now this cell was different because it was a padded cell! Ailsa and Peter had thought of everything! I had seen various straightjackets back in the storeroom and I dreamt of my desire to try this out some day. Anyway, back to the cell: It was very simple! No toilet, no wash hand basin, no bed, no cuffs! This cell was covered floor to ceiling in white padding. Even the inside of the door had white padding. There was a cut out for the latch but that was it. There was no way I could ever imagine being held in this room, tightly wrapped in a straitjacket and unable to escape. Now I was getting horny!

As I exited that last cell, I had to check out beyond the last set of open bars. As expected, this led to a large bathroom with a massive bath and shower. Nothing else to report except to comment on how fantastic this facility was! It was time to go back to Ailsa!

As I used the key to open the heavy cell door, she was exactly where I’d left her:

?You have a fantastic facility here Ailsa,? I complimented my host.

?Thank you Dan, it is nice that someone else appreciates it,? replied Ailsa from inside the gibbet. ?Since Peter died it has had no use apart from the odd self-bondage session but that isn’t the same!?

?I know how you feel Ailsa,? I replied.

?Oh now I’m getting somewhere,? she laughed. ?You are not new to bondage!?

For fuck sake, why was I opening up to this stranger?

?Just behave yourself Ailsa,? I teased! ?Remember I have the key to your freedom.?

I then held up the key to the gibbet.

?You wouldn’t leave a girl to stew in here, would you,? Ailsa put on the puppy dog smile?

?I know you’re enjoying yourself Ailsa so why should I let you out,? I continued?

?So what did you like the best from your tour,? Ailsa started the questions again?

?I love it all,? I blurted out! ?I want to try everything!?

?That can be arranged,? replied Ailsa. ?You just need to let me out!?

?Do you really want out Ailsa,? I asked?

She just stood there and said nothing:

?Okay if I let you out, can I put you in the stocks next door,? I started to bargain with my host?

?That sounds like fun,? replied Ailsa, rattling the cage door!

I then used the key to unlock the gibbet and took Ailsa by the hand, helping her out of the tight human shaped cage.

?Thank you Dan,? smiled Ailsa as she came out and headed for the interrogation room next door.

As we entered the room, Ailsa held open the larger stocks, ready for her head and hands:

?As you have probably worked out Dan,? explained Ailsa. ?This is ready for its victim and it requires no keys. Once I put myself in this, there is no way out until someone lets me out!?

Ailsa then demonstrated the feature by kneeling on the leather padding before turning around, lifting the foot stock and slid it down into place over her ankles. The CLICK ensured they were not opening without help. Next Ailsa lifted the larger stock and eased her head and hands into position. As Ailsa lowered her head, the stock followed and with another loud CLICK, I knew Ailsa was mine once again!

?How does it look,? she asked?

?I don’t know about the bondage but you look fantastic,? I complemented Ailsa on her position.

It was then I had a wicked thought!

?Don’t go away anywhere Ailsa, I’ve got an idea,? I said before disappearing out of the cell and waiting for Ailsa to respond.

I’d seen an array of gags in the storeroom and I wanted to try out my luck. I picked up a large red ball gag. The massive sponge ball would certainly fill Ailsa’s mouth and when I returned to the cell, I could hear her gasp:

?I’m not sure I’m ready for you to gag me Dan,? Ailsa pleaded!

?Are you sure,? I quizzed my new friend who was certainly in no position to complain or refuse anything. ?I will never do anything you really don’t want.?

?That’s excellent to hear Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?Peter and I had a safe song!?

?A safe song,? I quizzed?

?Yes,? replied Ailsa. ?If I hum the national anthem then that is my safe song and you MUST free me.?

?That sounds reasonable Ailsa, would you now like to be gagged,? I laughed?

Ailsa just nodded and I popped the large red sponge ball into her mouth and buckled the strap around her head. I was careful to pull her hair out of the way and I kissed her on the forehead as I checked the buckle.

?Are you okay there Ailsa,? I checked?

She could only nod and MUMPTH into her gag.

?Right, I’ll leave you to enjoy yourself for a while,? I laughed.

Again I checked I had the bunch of keys and I locked the door on the way out. Back in the storeroom I wanted to take a closer look at a few things. The straightjackets really captivated my interest. I’d always wanted to try one but there was no way to get properly into a straightjacket without outside assistance. Ailsa certainly catered for all needs! There were several sizes in leather, Lycra and of course white canvas.  I would need to ask Ailsa to put me into one before I left so next on my agenda was to try out a few gas masks and leather helmets. Again, I’d never worn a gas mask and it was weird to slip my head into one and listen to my own breathing, laboured under pressure. There were many leather, PVC and Spandex hoods to try but one made out of leather really took my interest. I lifted it off the polystyrene head and checked it out much closer. It had no mouth or nose openings. Instead there were a series of small perforations to facilitate breathing. There were two eyes but these had dark lenses over both. Unlike the hoods I owned, this one opened via a rear zip (much easier than laces) so I slipped it over my head, positioned the lenses over my eyes (I could see easily) and then pulled down the zip. The inside was lined and felt fantastic! I decided to keep it on do some testing on the self-bondage cell:

On my way back to the cells, I used the latch to check on Ailsa who as (as expected) held tight in the stocks. As I arrived at the self-bondage cell, I used the timer to set the door to one-minute. As it closed, there was a BLEEP and the sound of an electronic lock engaging. The timer remained on 01 and I kept an eye on my watch. As the red LED bleeped zero-zero, the sound of the door lock mechanism pulling back and the heavy steel door popping open very slightly told me that timer based system worked. I had to give this a go so I set the door timer to ten minutes this time and the wall-cuff timer to seven minutes. Both LED times flashed as before and I entered the cell. Unlike the other cell (I hadn’t noticed this before) there was a handle so I could easily pull close the heavy door. As it shut, the loud BLEEP could be heard and the locking mechanism engaging. I pushed on the door and knew I was now locked in for ten minutes! The cuffs were next. I had no idea how they worked. They didn’t open and I could easily stand with my back to the wall and slid my right wrist into the cuff. As I did this, I heard another BLEEP and the cuff automatically tightened around my wrist. This was fantastic! I then popped my second wrist into other cuff and the same thing happened. I was now strapped to the cell wall until the timer freed me. It was during this seven-minute period that I began to panic. What if this didn’t work? I would be stuck in here for ever and so would Ailsa in the stocks. How stupid could I have been? I only had seven minutes to stand there and panic because soon there were two bleeps and the cuffs opened, freeing me from the wall. I was of course still locked in the cell for another three minutes. This ended up being only one minute because the timers worked independently. I was now free to go back to check on Ailsa.

As I approached the room, I unlocked and opened the cell. Ailsa suddenly looked up from her odd position and I think smiled from behind the gag:

?Do you like,? I sarcastically asked (referring to the leather mask I still wore)?

Again all poor Ailsa could do was nod and MUMPTH into her gag. I guess it was time to release her so I eased back the clip and Ailsa was able to push up her head and release her arms. As the stock fell back down, I opened the clip on the foot stock and freed her ankles. At the same time I was freeing Ailsa’s legs, she was unbuckling the gag:

?Oh that feels much better,? Ailsa re-opened the conversation. ?I see you found my favourite mask.?

?Oh I’m so sorry,? I replied, reaching round to pull open the zip. ?I’ll take it off right now!?

?Don’t be silly Dan,? responded Ailsa. ?It looks really good on you!?

As Ailsa did some exercises to remove any strain from her time in the stocks, I told her how brilliant the self-bondage cell was. It was then Ailsa told me how she’d spent up to a day in the place. The timers couldn’t be set for longer than twenty-four hours. There was several safety solutions built in including the system unlocking itself in the vent of a power cut and no matter what happened, the cuffs and cell door would open after twenty five hours, no matter what happed to the timer system. These were all built in as a failsafe!

?So what now,? I asked still wearing the tight leather mask?

Ailsa just stood in front on me and looked up:

?To be honest Dan I’m quite tired,? Ailsa began to set the scene for the rest of the night. ?I know it is only nine but I’d like to go back to the house, have a bath and take a book to bed. I’m a single girl and I’d be much happier if you stayed here tonight!?

I just looked down and tried to grasp what Ailsa was telling me:

?You mean you would like me to sleep in a cell tonight,? I tried to understand what Ailsa was thinking?

?Yes Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?If you head back to the cell you spent this afternoon manacled to the wall, I’ll bring you over a cup of coffee before locking you in for the night.?

I guess I had little option and anyway it might be fun actually spending all night locked in a cell. I agreed to Ailsa’a proposal and after picking up my overnight bag, I headed to the first cell. I suppose if I was to clean up, I needed to lose the mask so I pulled up the rear zip and tugged the tight leather from my head. After finding my toilet bag, I brushed me teeth and washed my face. Ailsa had very kindly provided towels so I guess I was going to be very comfortable tonight. I removed my socks and shoes, then my shirt and jeans before climbing into bed in my boxer shorts. It was then I heard footsteps in the corridor outside:

?Ah, I see you’ve made yourself comfortable Dan,? Ailsa smiled as she brought me a hot cup of coffee and some biscuits.

?I guess you’re right Ailsa,? I continued playing her game. ?You’ve no idea who I really am and I suppose it is better that you keep me in this cell overnight, while you sleep safely in your big comfortable bed in the main house.?

?You’re so sweet Dan,? complemented Ailsa as she sat down on my bed beside me. ?I think I can trust you but it is more fun this way. It is a very long time since I kept a man locked in one of these cells??

?Did you keep Peter in here Ailsa,? I questioned?

?Yes,? replied Ailsa. ?Peter spent many nights locked in a cell and so have I. You seem a really nice guy and it is clear you are enjoying playing along with me so I think you’ll enjoy it in here more than spending a night in a double bed in the main house.?

With that, Ailsa leant down to give me a hug. I held her tight and she broke down in tears.

?I really have missed this,? Ailsa bubbled.

?It’s okay Ailsa,? I tried to comfort her. ?Whatever brought us together today, I promise to be a good friend.?

Ailsa then eased back, looked into my eyes and then moved in for a kiss. I wasn’t complaining and returned what was a wonderful first experience of Ailsa.

?I’m so sorry Dan,? I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that,? Ailsa continued to bubble after pulling back.

?It’s okay Ailsa,? I replied. ?You’re a very pretty girl and it was a really nice kiss. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you??

Ailsa just sat back and smiled at me before standing up:

?See you in the morning Dan, sleep well,? suggested Ailsa as she walked out of the cell.

?Good night Ailsa,? I replied. ?Sweet dreams.?

It was then the heavy steel door closed with a CLUNK and I knew I was now stuck in here until the morning.

I could hear Ailsa’s footsteps disappearing into the distance but not before I heard the next barred gate being closed and locked. This was my first experience in a real cell (except this afternoon of course) and there was little to do but try to get some sleep. Remember, it was early June and the sun really never sets this far north in Scotland. Light continued to stream through the tiny barred window that was high up on the outside wall. As I drank my coffee, the inevitable happened and due to a raging hard-on, I had to deal with some self-relief.

Sunday on Eigg:

Sunday morning in Eigg visited me several times through the long first night I spent in Ailsa’s cell. The sun barely had set, when it rose again at just after 2AM and the light streamed through the bared window of my tiny room. I managed to get back over to sleep and must have been out cold when I heard the heavy door being opened:

?Good morning Dan,? I heard Ailsa’s dulcet tones. ?I assume you have slept well?

I had barely woken up when I focused on what stood in front of me:

?Good morning gorgeous,? I replied, not really thinking.

Ailsa was looking really sexy today: She wore a black dress with no sleeves. Yes, it was short and ended well above her knees. Her legs were clad today, as yesterday in black opaque tights. She wore bright red high heeled shoes and a bright re belt to match. To finish off her Sunday outfit, Ailsa wore a bright red silk or satin scarf tied tightly around her neck. I notice these things and saw the ends of the scarf falling half way down Ailsa’s back. Her long auburn hair was also in a ponytail this morning and again, her look really appealed to my kinky nature:

?Do you really like,? Ailsa fished for more complements?

?Oh yes,? I responded, trying to ease myself into a sitting position. ?Black and red is very simple and on you, very effective.?

Ailsa just smiled and sat down on my bed:

?I like to make a special effort on Sunday’s,? she explained. ?I don’t go to church but it is nice to dress up at least one day a week, especially if I have visitors.?

?That’s great Ailsa,? I replied. ?I’d love to dress up for you also but I’m afraid I only have a change of shirt, socks and boxers for two days with me so jeans and a shirt it will have to be for me today.?

Ailsa leant over and gave me a hug:

?I’m sure I could find you something to wear today,? she cooed.

I just pushed her away and looked at her:

?Please don’t tell me you have kept your husband’s cloths and they would fit me,? I started to wonder what Ailsa was all about?

?Oh no, you don’t understand,? replied Ailsa, taking hold of my hand in hers. ?Peter had another wardrobe, which he wore religiously on a Sunday and I’m in no doubt, you would fit most of the outfits.?

I’d no idea what Ailsa was going on about so I changed the subject:

?What’s the weather like,? I did my best to move to a different topic, thinking about flying?

?It’s still raining and very windy,? explained Ailsa. ?I’m not sure you’ll be able to fly today.?

Ummm, this was a little weird! Did Ailsa want me to stay or did she want to keep me here?

?Oh well,? I responded. ?Do you allow me to leave my cell and get a shower??

?Of course,? replied Ailsa, trying to move back to the previous conversation. ?Would you like me to fetch one of Peter’s special Sunday outfits for you to try on??

?Oh go on,? I responded, not really knowing what I was getting myself into.

I then eased myself out of bed and grabbed hold of Ailsa, moving in for a kiss, which she accepted and reciprocated:

?Good morning,? I teased!

?Good morning to you too Dan,? smiled Ailsa at the same time standing up.

Ailsa then exited the cell, pointing at the towel and suggest I take it to the shower with me. As I exited the cell myself, Ailsa was now closing and locking the next set of bars:

?Are you scared I’ll abandon you Ailsa,? I laughed!

?Maybe when you realise what you’re going to have to wear today,? she laughed in response. ?Anyway, it is more fun this way.?

As I entered the shower, Ailsa must have headed back to the house for whatever she had in mind for today. I sort of hoped Ailsa was going to persuade me into a dress. This was something I did in private back home but never with someone else. My mind started to wonder as I heard the set of bars being slammed closed again and locked. By the time Ailsa reached the shower room, I was out of the shower and shaving, with a towel wrapped tightly around my waist, hiding my modesty.

?When you’re finished Dan, put these on and meet me back in the cell,? requested Ailsa placing three items on top of the radiator.

?No problem pet,? I replied, not even raising an eye to see what she’d left me to wear.

It was only when I finished shaving and dried off, did I fully understand what Ailsa had in mind. Lying on the radiator was a black bra, a pair of Lycra pants that would attempt to pull in my male bits and a pair of thick black opaque tights. JACKPOT I thought to myself! Now this was going to be interesting so I first pulled on the extremely tight pants that not only pulled in my stomach but also my thighs. They certainly were not that sexiest but they did feel fantastic! Next I lifted the black bra. This was made of silky smooth material, with large inserts. I knew how to put on a bra so this was easy but I’d never felt the weight of artificial boobs before and they felt odd to me. Finally I was able to pull on the silky smooth Lycra tights. I loved wearing tights and I loved the way they made my legs feel as they rubbed against each other. I checked myself in the mirror, took a deep breath and headed out to find Ailsa.

As I entered the cell, Ailsa was sitting on the bunk with a smile from ear-to-ear:

?I honestly didn’t think you would put them on,? Ailsa opened a new conversation, while I stood in total embarrassment; looking at the dress she was no doubt going to persuade me into.

?Well in for a penny, in for a pound,? I responded. ?I’m just not sure I’ll look as good as you!?

?Don’t be silly Dan,? replied Ailsa as she stood up, picking up the mass of satin and leather. ?You’ll enjoy this bit.?

Ailsa then opened the rear of the dress using the back zip. As she handed the dress to me, I could see there were also laces on the back and while the bust was made of heavy lined leather, the skirt part of the dress (all black) was made of layers of satin, puffing out. As my arms slipped into the satin (puffed out) sleeves, Ailsa tugged at the dress before pulling up the rear zip. I took at bit of a yank but she did get there in the end:

?Shit, that feels tight Ailsa,? I complained.

?Not as tight as it is going to feel once I lace up the corset,? responded Ailsa.

Boy was Ailsa right! The harder she pulled, the tighter the dress got until I could barely breathe.

?Slow down pet,? I continued to complain. ?You’re cutting me in two!?

?Oh stop moaning,? replied Ailsa in a matter-of-fact tone. ?I’m just about done anyway!?

I was being cut in two with every tug on the laces. How would I survive a day in this dress?

?There, you’re done,? announced Ailsa.

I turned to look in the mirror and boy did I look ridiculous. All I could do was burst out laughing:

?I look ridiculous Ailsa,? I continued laughing. ?I look like a sissy in a dress and a fairly ugly one at that!?

?Nonsense,? responded Ailsa. ?Put on these shoes and the wig and you’ll look fine!?

What option did I have? I then sat down on the bed and pulled on the black leather shoes with a heel (not too large) and some straps.

?Hold on,? said Ailsa as she knelt down to help me.

I was struggling with the buckle but then I realised why. A tiny CLICK later and I knew these shoes were not coming off! Next Ailsa puled on a blonde wig. The hair was long and reached halfway to my arse.

?I bet my face still paints a picture,? I laughed!

?Ah but I have a solution here,? Ailsa also laughed as he picked up what looked like a hat.

As soon as she placed the hat on my head, a dark mesh fell over my face.

?Ah so you’re veiling me Ailsa,? I laughed.

?Go on Dan,? requested Ailsa in a smug voice. ?Look at yourself in the mirror now!?

Ailsa was right! I could no longer tell it was a boy in drag. I was covered in black from head to toe! A black hat with a black mesh veil; black leather and satin dress and black tights with shoes. Fuck, did I feel weird dressing this way in front of someone else? It was then I felt Ailsa putting her arms around me from behind:

?I really didn’t think you would go through with this,? she complemented me on being so adventurous.

?Neither did I,? I responded, running around to face Ailsa.

I then put my head down and our lips touched again but this time through a thin layer of satin mesh.

?Hold on a second until I hold this up,? I explained to Ailsa as I raised my arm to pull up the veil?

?No Dam leave it as it is,? replied Ailsa, moving in for another kiss. ?This just adds to the fun of it.?

We kissed for a few minutes longer until Ailsa suggested I go back to the main house with her for some breakfast. It was now 10AM and I was getting a little peckish. As I walked behind Ailsa, I remembered the wonderful feeling of the Lycra tights against my legs. As we exited into the courtyard, the wind rushing up my skirt nearly made me come. Of course Ailsa had no idea what putting me into this dress actually meant to me but my goodness, it was a wonderful feeling! I helped Ailsa set the table and we chatted as she prepared a cooked breakfast:

?This feels really odd standing here beside you wearing this dress,? I explained to Ailsa. ?Even though the veil hides my face, it really doesn’t help much.?

?To be honest Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?I would never in a million years have expected you to accept my suggestion of you dressing up today. I’m so glad you have and I think we’re going to have a wonderful day together.?

?So what have you got in mind for today,? I quizzed this island beauty?

?I’m sure we can find something to do Dan,? replied Ailsa as she started serving breakfast.

We sat and chatted for ages over breakfast and extra coffee. It was clear Ailsa was enjoying my company and I guess even more due to the fact I was wearing the dress for her. My veil had come off and to be honest, I forgot all about the dress and how tight the built in corset was. As Ailsa cleared up, I called the airfield and told them about my decision to stay at least another day in Eigg to avoid the bad weather. The CFO (Chief Flying Officer) at the club explained that he thought my decision was very wise and the weather was to clear up later today so tomorrow (Monday) would be a better day for flying. I also checked the position with me flying Ailsa’s Cessna Caravan but I’d forgotten my license restricted me to a certain weight limit and the Caravan was over the legal limit of my license:

?I’m so sorry Ailsa,? I explained as soon as I came off the phone to the airfield. ?It seems my pilot’s license doesn’t allow me to fly aircraft as heavy as your Caravan. The CFO has suggested that he come up sometime and check the aircraft over. He would also be happy to broker the sale for a small fee if that is what you want??

?That’s so kind of you Dan,? responded Ailsa. ?I have no pilot’s license and have no need for the plane so I’d be delighted if you can help me sell it.?

?I will do my best to ensure you get a fair price Ailsa,? I promised.

We hugged again and Ailsa suggested we go upstairs so that she could show me Peter’s collection of costumes.

?Before we go put this back on please,? asked Ailsa, handing me the hat and veil.

?If I didn’t know any better,? I complained. ?I would think you wanted my face hidden!?

?Oh not at all,? Ailsa stopped to hug me again. ?I just love veils and masks and it turns me on so much to see you in that dress with the hat and veil.?

I then followed Alisa up the large staircase and into a large room:

?I guess this room never gets rented out,? I asked?

?No chance,? replied Ailsa. ?I have five rooms to rent out and two rooms are kept as my private accommodation. To be honest, I’ve no idea what to do with this room. It means so much to me and I can’t bear to get rid of these special cloths that were so much a part of Peter’s and my life.?

We had now entered a massive walk-in closet with rows of hanging space, loaded with oversized female attire. The collection was all dresses, blouses, skirts, corsets and jumpers. The drawers were full of pants, bras, tights, stockings and scarves. There were also shoes and boots with varying heel sizes and at ten polystyrene heads with various wigs.

?So what do you think Dan,? asked Ailsa?

?This collection is unbelievable Ailsa,? I response.

?Is there anything that really takes your fancy Dan,? Ailsa press further?

I stood and looked at the collection:

?To be honest, I’d be happy to wear any of these outfits for you Ailsa.? I tried to move to what I really wanted to try. ?There is one thing I’ve always wanted to try and it isn’t in here.?

?What’s that,? Ailsa asked, looking up at me?

?I’ve always fantasised about wearing a straightjacket,? I dropped the only hint I could.

Ailsa just put her arms around me and gave me a hug.

?That’s settled then,? she replied. ?I’ll need to get you into something else other than that dress but I would be delighted to make your dreams come true this afternoon.?

I leant down and kissed Ailsa again through the mesh of my veil. She raised her hands and pulled the hat off, clearing my vision and access to a little tongue to tongue action.

?I think if you put on this jersey and pinafore,? explained Ailsa. ?Any of my straightjackets should fit you perfectly!?

Ailsa then helped me out the dress after releasing the tight laced corset and pulling down the rear zip. Once out of the dress, Ailsa hung it back up and handed me a black jersey and red & black tartan pinafore to put on. Back in the bedroom, I’d slipped easily into the jersey, which had a bodice and poppers to keep the clingy wool like material tight to my skin over the Lycra tights. Before pulling on the pinafore, I headed for the ensuite to take a leak under Ailsa’s direction as it might be some time before my next toilet break. Before long I was now dressed and following Ailsa back out into the courtyard and over to the cell block. The wind still blew up my very short skirt and around my soft Lycra clad legs, which was such a wonderful experience.

?So which jacket would you like to try first,? asked Ailsa as we entered the storeroom?

?I’ve no idea, what do you suggest,? I asked?

?How about this leather one,? suggested Ailsa as she lifted a heavy black leather straightjacket off a hanger?

?I’m in your capable hands,? I laughed in response.

Ailsa just laughed herself and directed me to slide both arms into the long lined leather arms. Ailsa then turned me around (as expected) and pulled up the rear zip, which started to pull the leather jacket tight:

?Okay Dan,? ordered Ailsa who turned me around to face her gain. ?Pass each arm through the loop in front and pretend you are hugging yourself??

I’d seen this done may times on You tube so I slid each arm through the leather loop in front and allowed Ailsa to pull hard on the straps at the end of each sleeve as she fed them into the buckling system at the back. Soon I was getting the breath squeezed out of me again and I loved every second of it!

?That should keep you,? laughed Ailsa, moving onto the final strap.

She pulled the crotch strap through my legs and started to buckle it up very tightly.

?I can see you’re really enjoying this,? teased Ailsa, referring to the rock hard-on I was experiencing as my dreams of been put into a straightjacket came true. ?Don’t be so embarrassed Dan, it’s absolutely natural!?

With that, Ailsa brushed her hand along my shaft, which was hidden behind those ridiculous pants and wonderful soft Lycra tights. I was then directed to follow her to the tight room (the padded cell). During the short walk, I felt the power of the straightjacket and couldn’t wait to be locked into the padded cell. I was directed to stop out the padded cell while Ailsa bent down and using a tiny bespoke key, she unlocked the buckle on my shoes and then directed me into the cell again:

?Wait there, I’ll be back in a second,? asked Ailsa?

She didn’t bother to lock the door but soon Ailsa returned from the cell I’d spent last night in, with the leather hood I’d worn yesterday.

?You know I enjoy masks so this shouldn’t be a surprise,? laughed Ailsa as pulled the thick lined leather over my        head and sorted out the zip. ?I’m going into town and will be gone about two hours Dan, is that alright??

?I think I’ll survive,? I laughed from behind the leather mask.

?That’s great,? replied Ailsa as she kissed me on my leather covered mouth and slammed the padded cell door closed.

Yes, this was my dream come true but what the hell was I going to do for the next couple of hours in this tiny padded cell? Wearing what I could only describe as my dream outfit: Lycra tights, tight jersey with a short skirt (granted part of a pinafore), which was now bunched up due to the crotch strap of my leather straightjacket. I’ve spent hours looking at girls on the internet trying to escape from a tight straightjacket and wondered what it would be like. I had to at least try and escape from it so that is exactly what I attempted for the first part of my enforced stay in the padded cell. As you would expect, escaping the clutches of the leather straightjacket was never going to be an option! Fighting the thing just made me very, very hot and yes, I loved every second I fought the jacket, then rested and started to fight it again. I’d no idea how long I’d spent in the jacket and padded cell when I finally heard the door being unlocked:

?I see you haven’t escaped my jacket,? laughed Ailsa!

?Have you been gone two hours Ailsa,? I asked this beautiful girl who was still wearing her black dress, tights and the red shoes, belt and silk scarf.

?Actually two-and-a-half hours Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun??

I just stared at Ailsa as she took off her high heeled shoes and stepped onto the padded floor.

?You’re sweating Dan,? laughed Ailsa. ?Have you been trying to escape all the time I’ve been away??

?Well it’s my first time in a straightjacket and I had to give it a good test drive,? I teased in response.

Ailsa then helped me to my feet and started unbuckling the jacket. I’d no idea how sore my arms were when they finally fell free from the tight grip of the leather jacket. Soon I was free and Ailsa was straightening out the mini skirt of my pinafore:

?Come with me Dan,? Ailsa now requested?

I said nothing as we exited the padded cell and entered the self-bondage cell as I called it:

?I think you need a rest,? explained Ailsa as she instructed me to lie down on the bed from outside the cell as she fiddled with the timer system outside.

As I flopped down on my back, Ailsa pulled back the duvet to reveal the four-point shackle set. Under Ailsa’s instruction I slipped my feet into the two shackles at the bottom of the bed. As I popped my hands into the shackles either side of the pillow so just above my head, the automatic mechanism took over and the cuffs started to pull tight, trapping my limbs in their grip:

?How long have you set the timer for,? I asked?

?That’s for me to know and you to find out,? replied Ailsa as she left the cell!

She wasn’t gone long as Ailsa re-entered the self-bondage cell, wearing her high heeled red shoes again and this time she pulled the door closed, again engaging the locking mechanism and therefore trapping us both in this tiny cell for a pre-set length of time, only known to Ailsa. Without saying a word, Ailsa stood by the wall and inserted her wrists into the wall shackles, which soon closed tight ensuring my partner in bondage was as trapped as me:

?So what should we talk about Dan,? asked Ailsa? ?We’re here for a while so let’s get to know each other!?

?Okay Ailsa,? I came straight back with the million dollar question. ?Are you really horny right now??

?You know I am Dan and there is nothing either of us can do about it, is there,? replied Ailsa?

I just laughed as we spent some quality time together bound apart but locked inside the self-timer cell:

?So Dan,? Ailsa start to prod my inner most secrets again? ?Have you ever dressed as a girl before??

Did I really want to answer that question from a girl I barely knew? Sadly, my silence really did the answering for me:

?I guess the answer is yes Dan,? Ailsa answered her own question. ?Why are you embarrassed about it, lots of straight guys dress up in girlie cloths; it brings them nearer to their feminine side!?

?It’s alright for you Ailsa,? I answered sort of grumpy that another one of my secrets was out. ?Dressing up is something I’ve done on my own for years and I’ve told no-one.?

?Well until now,? laughed Ailsa!

?Yes until now,? I replied.

?So have you never been married Dan,? Ailsa continued?

?Yes,? I replied. ?I divorced nearly ten years ago just before I set-up my own business. My ex-wife clearly wanted different things than me and we moved apart. One benefit to come from it is that fact I can order what I want from the internet and I’ve got no-one to answer to. I suppose it also meant when I sold my business, I didn’t need to share the profits!?

?To be honest Dan,? Ailsa replied, still manacled to the cell wall. ?I wish I had someone to share my husband’s profits with. I’ll never need to work again but what fun is it when you’ve no-one to share the money with??

?I suppose you’re right Ailsa,? I continued. ?In saying that, I was happy to spend this summer flying around the UK and enjoying myself on my own. This stop has certainly changed things a little and to be honest, I’d like to see where our new friendship leads.?

?Me too Dan,? replied Ailsa. ?I’d love to come over and hug you right now but I’m a little tied up right now!?

?Me too,? I laughed!

We both laughed at our situation and admitted we were as Horney as hell but sadly nothing either of us could do about it:

?What would do if you were free right now,? asked Ailsa?

?What if I was released from this bed and you were still cuffed to the wall,? I asked?

?Yes,? replied Ailsa!

?Would we still both be locked in the cell during this fantasy of yours,? I continued with Ailsa verbal teasing?

?Absolutely,? Ailsa came straight back at me!

I thought about that for a few seconds and responded:

?I’d like to drive you mad until you begged for an orgasm,? I blurted out. ?Of course if you let me because I’d never do anything you wouldn’t want me to!?

?Ummm, that sounds so nice Dan,? purred Ailsa who now had her eyes closed. ?So how would you do that??

It was just then that my bonds released themselves and my wrists slipped free from the cuffs:

?Were they supposed to do that Ailsa,? I bought our conversation back to earth?

?Oh, I forgot,? replied Ailsa. ?I can’t believe how times flies when you’re having fun. ?Yeap, I set you cuffs for thirty minutes before mine and then another thirty minutes until the cell door opens.?

By now I’d managed to pull my ankles out of the other cuffs and was stretching all my limbs:

?So what was that you wanted me to do to you Ailsa,? I teased, rubbing my finger down the front of her black mini-dress?

Ailsa just smiled back at me:

?You know,? she teased.

It was then I reached behind her head and undid the tight knot on the red silk scarf that encircled her neck. As I pulled away the soft silk Ailsa said noting and just smiled back at me:

?Are you okay with this Ailsa,? I asked for clearance to continue?

?Remember Dan if I hum the national anthem, then it is time to stop,? explained Ailsa. ?Until then you are free to do whatever you want!?

That couldn’t have been clearer! I then raised the scarf behind Ailsa’s head and pulled the two ends forward, wrapping the soft silk scarf around her head, covering her eyes and then tying if off again behind Ailsa’a head. I then moved away for a second and pulled the rear zip on the back of my leather mask. I wanted to be free from this head covering if I was to achieve my goal here. Finally free of the mask, which I’d been wearing for quite a few hours now, I approached my bound friend and kissed her on the lips, while running my fingers around her nipples. It was clear the dress would never come off while Ailsa’s hands were trapped in the wall cuffs so I pinched as best I could until I got the desired reaction. Ailsa continued to purr as I ran my other hand down the front of dress, now touching her thigh through those wonderful Lycra tights. I kissed her neck and this time Ailsa threw her head back:

?Oh Dam, that feels so good,? Ailsa cooed.

?You haven’t felt anything yet,? I laughed.

?I hoped that would be the case Dan, go for it,? Ailsa continued to give her consent.

That was all the encouragement I needed to push my hand up and underneath the hen of Ailsa’s mini-dress and push hard with my fingers against her most private of areas. It was clear Ailsa had pants on underneath her tights so I needed to get my fingers in there if I was offer any pleasure in advance of the cuffs unlocking. I continued kissing her neck and pinching Ailsa’s nipples, which by now were like little bullets. There was no resistance when I pulled away the elastic of Ailsa’s tights, followed by her satin pants. My fingers then found what they were looking for and Ailsa certainly didn’t complain:

?You’re so good at this Dan,? complemented Ailsa.

?I aim to please Ailsa,? I teased and prodded my fingers even deeper into Ailsa’s very wet and warm place.

?Oh that feels so good,? Ailsa continued to approve of what I was doing and then turned her head to kiss me. ?Harder Dan, please twist my nipples harder and fuck me with those fingers!?

This little minx knew exactly what she wanted and she panted even harder as my fingers worked their magic. Just before the end, Ailsa stepped it up a gear and was more demanding than ever:

?Twist harder, fuck harder,? she demanded!

It wasn’t long though until Ailsa’s demands paid off and her orgasm blew this cute middle-aged girl over the top. Pulling hard on the shackles that held her tight to the wall, Ailsa screamed and shuddered as a wave of pleasure ripped through her body. As she came off the high, I was still prodding with my fingers as the second wave of pleasure ripped through Ailsa like a speeding train. It was then that her cuffs released and Ailsa was able to pull her arms free and wrap them around my body:

?Of fuck that was good,? she screamed!

My sticky hands were now free of Ailsa’s pussy and I raised both hands toward her head, pulling the silk scarf down leaving it piled around her neck. We kissed again and being pushed back, I finally fell onto the bed, Ailsa standing over me, pulling off her black dress, revealing a black bra. Ailsa’s tights and pants were now hanging around her knees so they came off next, leaving this girl naked for the first time with me. She was now on a mission and pulled up my pinafore until she was able to pull the buttons on the bodice that held the black jersey tight to my body.

?Place your feet and hands into the cuffs,? Ailsa demanded as she pulled off her final piece of clothing, her black bra?

?What good will that do,? I asked as I did exactly what Ailsa requested to find the cuffs automatically retract, pinning me back against her cell bunk?

?You see Dam? explained Ailsa as she started pulling the scarf from her neck: ?If you do not set the timer, it will default to one hour if you pull the door closed, place your wrists in the wall shackles or as you’ve just found out, place all your limbs into the bed cuffs!?

I was now learning new things about his cell all the time we played in it! Ailsa’s scarf was now free from around her neck and it was clear I was about to lose my vision as she pulled the long red silk material around my head, cutting off all light.

?Open wide,? Ailsa now demanded as I could feel her packing something into my mouth, effectively gagging me. ?Tights can be so useful!?

You’re right, my mouth was now filled by Ailsa’s tights and by now she was pulling both legs around my head and tying them into a knot inside my mouth. All I could do was MUMPTH in acceptance as the second knot was pulled tight, gagging me completely!

?You can still hum the national anthem if you want to Dan,? Ailsa laughed!

I’d no intention of giving up yet as this wild island girl took full control of the situation. Soon the black leather hood was back on my head covering the gag and blindfold that kept in in complete darkness and silence:

?I told you I like masks,? Ailsa continued to laugh as I was pushed back onto my back and Ailsa impaled herself on my rock hard cock.

Ailsa was now like a vixen on heat as she pounded up and down on me, giving herself at least one more orgasm before I exploded. Again all I could do was MUMPTH in appreciation as Ailsa finally climbed off:

?Did you enjoy that,? asked Ailsa as she got off and used the toilet in the cell?

I MUMPTHED hard in my gag and nodded:

?Glad to hear that,? replied Ailsa. ?The door is now open but I’m going to leave you until your cuffs release themselves. I could of course reduce the timer manually but that wouldn’t be any fun, would it so enjoy yourself, my darling!?

Those were Ailsa’s last words as she left the cell and therefore left me to wait on my own until the cuffs released me from the cell bed.

I guess my wait was a little over forty minutes before I felt the pressure on my ankles and wrists subside and I was free to pull myself from the bed cuffs. My mask was first, followed by the blindfold and finally the gag. As soon as I was free, I sat up on the bed, pulled up the horrible tummy-tuck pants and tights, followed by sorting out the jersey and pinafore, which had both been pulled up around my chest during the session that had ended less than twenty minutes ago. As soon as I was happy with my appearance, I picked up the red silk scarf. It felt so soft that I had to give it a go so I wrapped it twice around my neck and left two ends dangling over my chest. I then picked up Ailsa’s used tights and the leather mask I’d enjoyed so much and decided to head for the house, via the storeroom of course.

I was slightly worried that Ailsa might have locked one or two sets of bars to block my exit but I was in luck as I was able to make my way directly from the cells, passed the play rooms and finally the store room. I placed the leather mask where it belonged and took a closer look at some of the other masks. One that grabbed my attention was a simple plastic mask with nose, mouth and eye holes and a bobbed mass of black hair attached. This might serve my purpose well this afternoon as I was still dressed as a girl. I therefore lifted the plastic face mask and pull the rear spandex hood over my head and fiddled until I was happy with my reflection in the mirror. Yes, I was once again looking like a slightly overweight female with a plastic face mask, black bobbed hair and wearing a pinafore with black tights. The red silk scarf added to my afternoon outfit but I’d forgotten about my shoes. I therefore headed back to the padded cell and noticed the black leather straightjacket still lying just inside the cell and my shoes lying just outside the open door. I picked up the straightjacket before slipping back into the shoes and yes, I did up the strap, which locked them onto my feet again. Happy I was ready for the outside, I headed back to the store room with the straightjacket. Once it was back on its rack, I headed outside and into a windy Sunday afternoon and the main house:

?Hi honey I’m home,? I called out as I entered the empty kitchen!

There was no response so I headed further into the house:

?Ailsa, are you there,? I called out?

Again no response so I headed upstairs towards the bedrooms. You should note that in two days I’d only visited the spare bedroom so far and never managed to work my way into Ailsa’s special place:

?Ailsa, are you there,? I called out while knocking on her bedroom door?

There was no response so I popped my head around the door and could barely believe what I saw! Lying naked in the middle of a large four-poster bed, except for a tight PVC hood over her head, breathing heavily through the straw type tube was Ailsa with a vibrator in her right hand, buzzing like crazy as she brought herself back on an edge that she must have only come down from less than sixty minutes ago. I stood there in amazement. I knew I had to do something but what I’d no idea. As I approached, Ailsa still didn’t realise that I was watching her. It was then I noticed the bottom drawer of her bedside cabinet was open and a pair of handcuffs lying on top. I had to act quickly so I grabbed the stainless steel modern-day manacles and grabbed the expectant Ailsa by the left shoulder, pulling her over onto her front. She let go of the vibrator, which was still buzzing inside her pussy just in time for me to grab her right arm, forcing both wrists into the handcuffs behind her back. She was screaming into the gag that clearly filed her mouth but little audible noise came out as I flipped her back onto her back, now pressing down on her bound arms. I said nothing as I took control of the vibrator and continued where Ailsa had no option but to stop.

?Are you enjoying this, my sweet,? I teased, placing my mouth close to where her ears were?

All Ailsa could do was nod in reply. It was then I decided to make things very interesting. At the base of the breathing tube, where it met the thick PVC mask, was a tiny valve. I then twisted it ninety degrees and watched as Ailsa soon realised access to life-giving air was now completely cut off. She started to buck against the bed, trying to pull her arms free from the handcuffs but that was never going to happen! She screamed into the gag but soon her air supply was in such short supply that the MUMPTHING stopped and she lay still on the bed, trying hard to breath, which of course couldn’t happen. I kept pulsing the vibrator in-and-out as Ailsa’s situation became critical but then I watched in delight as a massive orgasm ripped through her entire body. At that very point, I kept playing with the vibrator but turned the valve 45 degrees, allowing at least a little air into Ailsa’s mask. She started gasping for what little oxygen there was as I continued with the vibrator, quickly bringing her to another orgasm. That was at least four in two hours so I thought she would have had enough by now and I pulled the buzzing toy free from her soaking wet pussy. She was still gasping for air so I turned the valve again until she was able to breathe freely. Ailsa lay still on the bed as life returned to normal but I wanted to remove the mask and see how she was. Easing her onto her side, I pulled on the rear zip and slid the heavy PVC off her head, revealing a sweat soaked scalp below:

?Thank you Dan,? praised Ailsa. ?I’ve fantasised about someone doing that to me. It was even better than I expected!?

?You’re welcome,? I replied in a soft voice, running my hands through Ailsa’s loving auburn hair.

It was then Ailsa blinked and was able to see my plastic face mask and attached bobbed wig:

?The mask really suits you Dan,? laughed Ailsa.

?I’m glad you like it honey,? I replied, lifting the naked Ailsa into a position that I could now hug her.

We then sat on Ailsa’s bed hugging (well me holding her as her hands were still cuffed behind her back) and whispering into each other’s ears.

?If you tell me where your keys are Ailsa, I’ll release your arms,? I suggested.

?They’re in the drawer,? replied Ailsa ?but I’m not sure I’m ready to be free yet.?

?Sounds perfect Ailsa,? I continued what was going to be an all-day game. ?I’d like you to get dressed again in the outfit you worse earlier and I’ll then put you back into the cuffs!?

Ailsa agreed and soon she was pulling back on her bra, pants, a fresh pair of black tights and the dress she wore yesterday. After the red shoes and belt went back on, I pulled the red silk scarf from my neck and handed it to this beauty:

?Thank you kind sir,? Ailsa replied as she took the scarf and wrapped it around her neck, tying a knot in front and leaving the rest of the scarf falling from her neck.

?You’re welcome my dear,? I responded, picking up the empty handcuffs. ?Please turn around so I can get you back into these cuffs??

Ailsa complied and soon I had her wrists locked once again behind her back. I then led her out of the house and back towards the out building play area. She followed me to the cell with the cage and then looked at me as I asked her to get in:

?You’re not putting me in there are you,? asked Ailsa?

?You’re going in, like it or not,? I responded, pulling Ailsa’s legs from her, forcing her down so I could force her forward and into the cage.

Once she was forced beyond the cage door, I slammed it closed!

?Enjoy yourself,? I laughed as I headed out of the cell, closing the heavy door behind me and therefore locking Ailsa behind two doors this time. No need to do anything with the corridor gates because there was no way Ailsa was going anywhere!

As I headed back through the cell-block, on route to the house, I had to take a look the other rooms again. I wanted to have a go in the dentists chair but there was no way to bind myself into the bloody thing. I therefore sat in the large chair and did up the right wrist cuff and held onto the other, trying to image what it would like to actually be constrained to this fantastic chair. My stomach was now telling me it was time for something to eat so I released my right arm and popped back into the storeroom to replace the mask I was wearing. I’d no problem working in the kitchen while wearing a pinafore, tights and heels but preparing something to eat while wearing a mask was something else.

Back in the kitchen I checked Ailsa’s fridge and cupboards. I easily found chicken, rice, onions and enough herbs and spices to pull together a really nice curry. Sadly no beer in the house but I was able to pull together a great meal in about thirty minutes. With the curry and rice being kept warm in the oven, I headed back for Ailsa. Unlocking and entering the cell with the cage, I laughed at my new friend as she sat on the padded floor with her arms still pinned behind her back but leaning against the bars of the cage:

?That doesn’t look that comfortable,? I teased as I unlocked the gate to the cage.

?It’s not bad,? responded Ailsa. ?You should try it sometime.?

?Maybe sometime,? I replied. ?I’ve made us both some dinner so would you like to come out of there??

Ailsa wasted no time in manoeuvring herself towards the open gate. As she reached me, I helped my bound friend to her feet:

?Are you going to release my hands,? asked Ailsa who turned to show me the cuffs still holding her poor arms tightly behind her back?

?Maybe later,? I laughed, taking Ailsa by the arm and leading her out of the cell-block, passed the other rooms. ?I have to try that dentist chair sometime!?

?That can easily be arranged,? Ailsa laughed as we exited the outhouse and cross the courtyard to the main house. ?Umm, that smells really good Dan!?

?I hope it tastes as good as it smells Ailsa,? I replied taking hold of Ailsa’s arms and using my key to unlock the cuffs.

As her arms were freed from the confines of the high-grade steel handcuffs, Ailsa turned towards me and kissed me:

?This has been a fantastic weekend Dan,? Ailsa explained. ?A day of fun and now a curry; what more could a girl ask for??

?I just hope you enjoy it Ailsa,? I replied taking the piping hot food out of the oven.

We sat for the next hour enjoying the food, a bottle of wine and each other’s company:

?Do you have to go home tomorrow Dan,? asked Ailsa?

?Why, do you want me to stay,? I teased, taking another sit of wine?

?You know I do,? responded Ailsa.

I thought about my response for a while:

?Why don’t I head home and look at setting up a website for your business Ailsa,? I explained my plan. ?You clearly have an opportunity here and one I think we can capitalise on it if that is okay with you??

Ailsa now took her time to respond:

?Who would help me run my business Dan,? asked Ailsa?

?If you were happy to have me as a minority partner, I’d be delighted to work with you.

?I had hoped you would have offered Dan but how do we fly guests up here,? Ailsa asked again?

?I think I could obtain a license given a few hours training,? I replied. ?I’d be happy to invest in the time but I think I could find a pilot to help us out in the meantime.?

My plans were coming together and Ailsa and I continued were our ideas as we cleared up the dishes and made coffee. It was settled; I would fly home tomorrow, start on the website and bring up a pilot to take the Caravan back to Lanarkshire for sale. Our idea was to buy a smaller aircraft (4-seat) that I could easily obtain a license for:

?So when will you come back to Eigg Dan,? asked Ailsa with some urgency in her voice?

?How about next weekend,? I asked?

Ailsa just threw her arms around me and we kissed:

?I really think we can make this work Dan,? she praised my ideas.

?Well whatever we agree on, would you like to fly back to Bothwell with me for the week and we can sort a few bits and pieces out,? I offered as I planned to bring Ailsa home for a week to continue our preparations.

That was settled. I would fly home tomorrow. I’d then fly back on Friday morning (weather permitting) with another pilot who would head straight back with the Caravan. I’d then spend another weekend with Ailsa and she would come back to Bothwell with me for a week.

?So what do we do for the rest of the evening Dan,? asked Ailsa?

?Well honey, you’re my prisoner today so you’re spending the night in the same cell I spent last night in,? I explained what was going to happen tonight.

Ailsa just smiled and offered to head upstairs and change into her night outfit. I then cleared away the coffee cups and prepared to join her in the bedroom. As I made my way up upstairs Ailsa was standing in a dark red satin nightshirt but still wearing her black opaque tights.

?Do you always wear tights,? I asked Ailsa?

?Yes,? replied Ailsa. ?I love how they make my legs feel so you’ll find me wearing them day and night! I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that do you??

?Not at all,? I replied, holding up the empty handcuffs Ailsa had spent so much time in today. ?Come here and turn around gorgeous, remember, you’re still my prisoner!?

Ailsa offered no resistance as she approached, turned around and brought her arms behind her back to accept the cuffs:

?You’re not going to leave me in these all night are you Dan? asked Ailsa as I locked her hands into the steel bracelets?

?No, not at all,? I came straight back, turning my now bound friend around. ?This is just my security as I walk you back to your cell.?

Taking Ailsa by the arm, I led her back downstairs, through the kitchen and out into the cool night air. Soon we were back in the outhouse and walking past the open torture rooms. Finally we entered the cell I’d spent last night in. As we entered the tiny room, I asked Ailsa to sit on the bed while I picked up my overnight bag and toiletries. I first placed them outside the cell before heading back in to kiss Ailsa good night:

?I think I’m going to enjoy spending nights with you sweetheart,? I explained, rubbing my hands along with Lycra covered legs.

?If you go back into the spare room, where I’d like you to spend the night Dan,? Ailsa explained what she wanted me to wear in bed. ?You will find several larger nightshirts just like this. Why don’t you wear ome and the tights tonight and see how it feels??

?I might just do that,? I replied, before kissing Ailsa one more time before locking her in for the night.

I then took my keys and unlocked Ailsa’s wrist before taking the handcuffs and leaving the cell:

?Goodnight my dear,? I said before slamming the heavy cell door closed!

I could hear Ailsa wishing me goodnight as headed out into the corridor, pickling up my overnight bag a locking the first set of bars as I exited. I locked the others as well (just to be on the safe side, not that Ailsa was going anywhere) and headed back to the spare bedroom. I was prepared to do what Ailsa had suggested and after unlocking the shoes and pulling off the pinafore and jumper, I pulled on a dark blue satin nightshirt and climbed into the massive double bed.

Monday morning and time to go home:

Morning came far too quickly, lying in the extremely confortable bed. To be honest, I thought wearing the tights to bed would have been an enormous turn on but quite frankly, I’d forgotten all about them, which I guess had something to do with wearing them all day yesterday. As life finally returned to me, I remembered about last night and locking Ailsa in the same cell I’d spent Saturday night in. I had a choice to go a fetch Ailsa now or get dressed first. What the hell, I’d go and get her right now!

The trip across the court yard, wearing only a night dress and tights was a cold one. Even though it was early summer, it was still cold in the north western Scottish islands. I had found a pair of flip-flops to pull on my feet. I’d no intention of handcuffing Ailsa this morning so armed only with a massive bunch of keys, I made my way through several barred gates that needed to be unlocked before I finally arrived at Ailsa’s cell. Using the observation hatch I first checked on my prisoner:

?Good morning sleepy head,? I greeted Ailsa this morning who was still hiding under the duvet.

?Good morning Dan,? responded Ailsa who by now was climbing out of bed as I used my key to unlock the heavy iron door. ?Ah, you wore the nightshirt and tights last night, how did it feel??

?To be honest Ailsa, I’m not sure because I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow,? I replied. ?I have to admit that it does feel really good today though.

We hugged and kissed before agreeing that a shower and then breakfast would be a good idea. As we walked out of the cell-block Ailsa turned towards me:

?Hey Dan, you wanted to try the chair didn’t you,? asked Ailsa as we passed the open torture rooms?

?I’m not sure we have time to play this morning honey,? I tried to get out of what Ailsa was suggesting, while secreting trying to ignore common sense and allow Ailsa to do her worst. ?Go on Dan, you know you want to!?

Ailsa was right and I followed her into the room I’d wanted to try out all weekend. Under Ailsa’s instructions I climbed onto the large chair and allowed Ailsa to first of all buckle my wrists into the leather cuffs. My ankles were next and then the strap that would hold my waist tight to the dentist’s chair. The final cuff was the large leather collar that Ailsa wasted no time in duckling around my neck. Now I was stuck!

?Right you enjoy yourself and I’ll go and have a shower,? explained Ailsa before kissing me on the mouth and leaving the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

As hard as I tried for the next half-an-hour, I couldn’t remove the cuffs. I was stuck and I knew there was no choice but to accept my bound position until Ailsa returned for me. Even if I could escape this chair, where could I go; I was locked in the room anyway! I therefore sat back and waited for Ailsa to return. I hadn’t long to wait as the outer door unlocked and my gorgeous friend arrived wearing a floral print summer dress with her legs clad in our favourite black opaque tights. Ailsa hands were behind her back. I wondered if she’d cuffed her own hands but I guessed she was hiding something. As my captor approached, her grin grew. Ailsa then placed something on the floor out of view before approaching again with what I recognised as a ball gag in her hand:

?You used this on me during Saturday while I was in the stocks so I think you need to be repaid,? teased Ailsa as she wasted no time at gagging me.

The large red rubber ball packed my mouth wall as Ailsa insured it was staying in place by pulling very tight on the buckle:

?Umm, that’s better,? laughed Ailsa as she pulled up my nightdress, pulled down my tights, followed by my pants.

As expected, my dick had betrayed me and was standing to attention.

?Oh my,? teased Ailsa. ?Danny’s dick is very big this morning!?

Again, I couldn’t respond as Ailsa headed over to the sink and picked up a cloth. Using very, very cold water, Ailsa returned to wash my cock, which shrunk the second the cold water splashed onto him. It was then Ailsa knelt down and picked up another item. Horror cut across my face in realisation that Ailsa was about to fit me with a chastity tube. I screamed into the gag but little exited my packed mouth:

?Calm down Danny boy,? purred Ailsa as she slid my flaccid cock into the steel tube. ?This is my little insurance that you do return next week.

Nothing she could do would calm me down as Ailsa fitted the ring around my balls and clamped the two parts together with a CLICK!

?There you go my sweet boy,? Ailsa continued to tease. ?You’re all mine now!?

Ailsa then unbuckled and removed the gag:

?Come on Ailsa, the chastity tube isn’t necessary,? I pleaded!

?Oh but it is,? responded Ailsa. ?As long as you return next Friday, then I know you’re coming back and I’ll remove it forever.?

?Ailsa, I will be faithful to you, I promise,? I continued to plead. ?I’ve got no intention of not coming back and in fact I’m looking forward to it so there is no need to lock up my cock.?

Quite honestly, chastity belts did fascinate me but I was a three-a-day guy and not being able to come until next Friday at the earliest scared the crap out of me:

?Well Dan, the key to the tube is locked in my safe back in the house so don’t think about doing anything silly when I let you go, is that clear,? Ailsa demanded my attention?

?Ailsa I will never hurt you,? I replied a little shocked at this morning’s events. ?I’m not happy about this but as long as you never use it again, I’ll accept it this once only.?

?I will not promise to never use the chastity tube again Dan but I will promise to free you the second you get back here on Friday,? Ailsa set-out her goal for my release on Friday.

Once I’d calmed down, Ailsa released me from the dentist’s chair and we headed back to the house. Ailsa prepared breakfast and I took a shower, regretting allowing Ailsa the minx to lock me into the bloody chair in the first place. I dressed this morning in my jeans and a clean T-Shirt. I packed my bag and headed downstairs to a wonderful breakfast with the girl that now had a lot of power over me:

?I’m not comfortable with the chastity tube Ailsa but I’ll accept it until Friday but you MUST promise to release me the second I get back,? I set out my demands.

Ailsa just came over, sat on my knee and we kissed:

?Dan, you are the first man I’ve ever looked at since Peter died,? she explained. ?I do not want to lose you so please allow me this one tiny bit of control??

We kissed again before the 5 minute walk back the hanger. Ailsa stood back and watched as I opened the large hanger doors and pulled my sport plane out into the morning sun. Once out, I gave what I thought was the only girl in my life the once over before opening the cockpit canopy and throwing my bag behind the pilots seat. I went back to Ailsa and we hugged and kissed for another ten minutes before I climbed into the aircraft. Checks complete, I closed the canopy and started the engine. I waved again the Ailsa as I taxied out and down the runway before turning around, applying full power and climbing into the bright blue morning sky. Turning around for a low pass, I waved my final goodbyes to Ailsa before heading south-east, climbing to 4,500 feet for the cruise home. Calling up Scottish Control I announced my position and then settled back for the ninety minute flight back to Lanarkshire.

As I watched the sparse but beautiful Scotch west coast countryside fall below me, I reflected on what was the most amazing weekend of my life. It was then reality set back in as my cock fought to grow in his steel tube, a prison that would keep him under Ailsa’s control until I returned n Friday.

To be continued during the summer 2011.

Author:                        Ed Kilpatrick

E-mail:                        [email protected]

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Threads The Island Part 1

Before we start let me tell you this is going to be a very long story and i hope with every coming part you will get more exited about next one. EdwinEdwin looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk and rubbed at his eyes. It had been a really long day, and only midway through what was bound to be a long week. It had begun with his friend Danny's death two days ago, and since then the Island had been a hive of activity getting things prepared. In a couple of days time Danny's c***dren would...

1 year ago
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The Scat Island

This is not an advertisement for the scat island, but instead description and narration of activities and events that take place there. Somewhere in pacific, there is this island not shown in any maps and can hardly be seen on google-maps! The island has a rim of narrow yellow sand beach and in the middle it is mainly green. On one side the island is slightly elevated like a small hill, and where this elevation starts, there is a small plain strip where woods are less and if you look down...

3 years ago
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Island MineChapter 9

The Island Nine days had passed since the dossiers had been planted. The newspapers were beginning the investigative groundwork, but as predicted the British paper was the most aggressive of the bunch. A staffer in one of the Senate offices had pitched the thing before even reading it, the probe monitoring that office quietly retrieved it. The other Senate office turned the documents over to the FBI. The package was taken seriously because of the classified markings on the documentation....

2 years ago
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Island MineChapter 8

Site B Waylon woke slowly. He thought about his 'to do' list and rolled out of bed. He stepped into a pair of slippers and shuffled to the bathroom, yawning the whole way. He wasn't normally a slipper kind of guy, but there had been a lot of changes lately. It had been two weeks since they'd fled Texas and he still couldn't believe what the AIs had done, or built. The B site was nothing short of a marvel. Clearly, the AIs had been humoring his minor ambitions all this time. Waylon...

4 years ago
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The Hidden Island

My name is John. An ordinary name, and it fits, because I'm an ordinary guy. I'm fifty-seven, short, and not particularly well-built; I have thinning hair, a weak chin, and ears that kind of stick out. I'm not exactly ugly; I just have the kind of face you don't remember two minutes after you see it. I'm a corporate accountant, which is every bit as dull as it sounds. I drive a twelve-year-old Toyota, and I live in a small one-bedroom apartment. I have no close friends, no brothers or sisters,...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Three

____________________________ Dressed in a loose-fitting light blue terry cloth robe, I joined a couple of dozen similarly attired men in the lobby of the resort shortly before 9:00 a.m. Most of the gathering of Guests sat quietly sipping tea or coffee, but a few Asian men – Chinese, I think – sat huddled together talking in subdued tones broken only by brief sporadic outbursts of laughter. Their conversation was not in English and I did not understand what they were saying, but from...

4 years ago
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Tales of Lotus Island The Telephonist

Elizabeth De Vere, Director of People for Lotus Island Resort was working her way through the tiresome paperwork that she couldn’t leave to her two assistants or secretary. As always, they had problems with staff turnover not because people were unhappy but because the guests formed relationships with the staff and then left with their lover in tow. Admittedly it was good for business as guests kept coming back in part to meet their lover before they leave. Look at Tomas and Ruth the...

4 years ago
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The Island Of Pleasures

My wife and I live in Miami Florida. We both have very demanding and high pressure jobs, that keep us very busy and away from each other alot, so that we really enjoy our time together. My wife and I have arranged our vacations so the we both get two off in the 2nd week of August. This gives us a chance to be together, and to relax and unwind from our busy work schedule. During this time, we love to get in our boat and head out into the waters of the Atlantic. We have travelled as far South as...

Group Sex
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Island MineChapter 16

Freehold Breakfast was a lively event. The previous day's flyby was still a topic of conversation, but one that Waylon would just as soon forget. He'd been angry at the Navy's arrogance, but after he'd cooled down he realized that using the drone to return the favor may have been monumentally stupid. There hadn't been any fallout, so far. The carrier and her escort had departed the area immediately afterwards. That worried him. While he couldn't see the U.S. Government wasting a lot...

3 years ago
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Island Royale The Report Chapter Seven

____________________________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the “tutoring” of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on the main level. The chance to participate in the training of...

4 years ago
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Island Fever Ch 01

Chapter 1: Paid Vacation Monday, June 3, 2013 Finally, the time was at hand – the girls were arriving today! This past week was devoted to getting everything on the island ready for the six young ladies who would spend the upcoming six weeks here with me. I worked 20 hours per day getting the mansion ready, installing all of the wiring and video equipment, and finally stocking the supplies for the six women and yours truly with plenty left over to spare for emergencies. The supply boat would...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Seven

Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Seven ______________,,______________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the tutoring of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on...

2 years ago
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Bestiality Island Part 1 The Dog

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! Barbie Lez awoke with the worst headache of her life. In fact, it was the worst headache in the history of headaches. But the first thing the eighteen-year-old noticed was not her pounding head or the suns hot rays on her skin. It was something long and slimy slithering across her face. Normally, she would have jumped to her feet, ready to fight for dear life. But every muscle in her body was sore. She immediately began wondering what...

2 years ago
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The Island Newcomer and Uncertainty

My name is Melissa and I live on a North Scottish island. There are about twelve couples living on the same island, and all of us are between thirty five and sixty. It is a very wild and inhospitable place at times, and the weather, often unkind. We live off the land and sea by farming, fishing and rearing cattle, and we make what little money we can by exporting fish and island goods to the mainland. Life is hard, but so much fun. I share our home with Steve, my husband, and for the last...

Group Sex
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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Lust Island Part 2

It had been about eight months since they had been rescued from the island. Their story of surviving the disaster and their rescue briefly made some headlines before other events occurred, that natural cycle of news. What had happened on the island was kept a secret by the seven survivors. The captain and his first mate, absolved of any responsibility in the shipwreck, moved on to work on another boat. Dave and Rachel were still a couple. Brad and his wife Leslie returned to their lavish...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 6

You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55 Bel-Air." "It's always been sexy when you talk cars." You have to kiss her. Any sexy...

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