Osaka Hipster Grrl Throat & Bum Fuck free porn video

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Getting deported from Korea was the best thing that ever happened to Pihla. Flying back home bombed out of her mind on LSD hadn't been a pleasant experience. Doing that while wearing her dorm pants, fuzzy slippers, and her new belly button piercing itching like a motherfucker because of an infection probably wasn't a bright idea while going through customs, but she made it through okay. Tall and slim, Pihla had a youthful innocence about her. "A" cup breasts on the verge of spilling over into a "B" cup and a pixie hair cut dyed hot pink made the recent college grad look as if she hadn't received her high school diploma yet. Her legs and bum were pleasantly girlish, even though Pihla probably would have been happier with a more pronounced bubble and longer, deeper, ass cleavage. The bored customs inspector waived her through, admiring her tight little ass as she went off to find her baggage.

After a dull, boring year of waiting on tables and slinging espressos in her hometown of Toronto, Pihla was ready to go back to Asia and teach English. This time she wanted to do things right, and found a job in Osaka, Japan. A sensible girl, she bleached her hair before leaving for Osaka, and had been growing it out ever since.

The salary-men loved her barely legal alternative freshman year college look. Well, the pervier ones anyway, the men who bought her used panties. Like a lot of foreign teachers in Japan, Pihla made a lot of money teaching private English lessons on the side. Unlike most foreigners, she had another revenue stream. In Canada, she had sold her panties on Craigslist, and was delighted to find out after placing an ad in a regional ex-pat magazine that Japanese salary-men were willing to pay handsomely for soiled gaijin underwear.

Before he even got a chance to sniff her panites, the red and white baseball shirt, denim mini-skirt, and her blue, ribbed knee high tube socks were going to make her customer jizz in his pants. Her high-top red canvas sneakers completed her ensemble, and were a lot more comfortable to wear than high heels. Her roots were begining to show, but Pihla thought it looked more edgy than sloppy.

As she walked down the shotengai, her bottle blonde hair tied up in a sassy little pony-tail, she gazed wistfully at the fake designer handbags being hawked by street vendors. She certainly had no regrets about her time spent in Osaka. She had a good run, and had just finished her last lesson at her school late in the afternoon. After a month long vacation she would resume teaching English in Japan, but this time in Tokyo. Stopping abruptly in front of an Israeli vendor, she squatted down to get a better look at some gorgeous fake designer handbags.


They looked like the real thing. White leather, little Ls and Vs in bold primary colors. No matter how many private lessons she taught, and smelly g-strings she sold, she couldn't afford a month long vacation and a genuine designer handbag. And it wasn’t like she was some sort of shameless, brand-name whore. The white ones had been designed by a famous Japanese artist. It was?a cultural thing. Nothing shallow or materialistic about it at all. She let out a deep sigh of disappointment. Well, the fake hand-bags would be cheaper in Thailand -

Fuck it. Standing up, Pihla pulled out a fistful of yen, and bought the handbag – or rather, the fake handbag - of her dreams. Stuffing it in her over-sized courier bag, she hurried through the shotengai to the quiet little coffee shop where she had agreed to meet her last client in Osaka. Checking the burner phone she had purchased for her used lingerie business, she was relieved to see that there were no messages. Nothing. That was good.


Breaking into a jog she ran down the shotengai to the cafe and after purchasing a iced coffee, ran up to the second floor to find a seat before the client arrived. She sank into the comfortable chair and savored her ice coffee and the brief, calm interlude before show-time. It didn't last long as a few minutes later she heard the heavyset sound of feet climbing the stairs.

Arming herself with a smile, it morphed from forced to genuine as she realized that a genuinely impressive specimen of masculinity had contacted her. Fairly tall for a Japanese male, he had a tan and the outdoorsy physique to go with. Most of her clients were old and balding, or young and nebbish. This looked like a guy she would actually consider fucking. Well, Pihla’s type was usually more her age, had shaggier hair and a beard, but she wouldn’t kick this client out of bed.  A little conservative for her tastes - if his closely cropped hair was anything to go by he probably played baseball and not soccer in high school - but definitely an attractive specimen of masculinity.


And of even more interest, was the shopping bag that he was carrying. It was brown, and emblazoned with little yellow ?L’s? and ?V’s?. A discreet peak over the edge of the bag revealed that the present inside was her own fake handbag’s identical, albeit genuine, twin. Pihla stifled a squeal of delight and a smile of recognition, trying to channel herpleasant discovery into flirting with Koji.

After shaking hands, and making introductions she turned around and pushed her skirt down her slender hips in order to give him a better look at her whale tail and the creamy white flesh under her clothes. She was wearing a cute little black g-string with a glittery gold kitty silk-screened on the crotch panel. Excusing herself to go to the ladies room, she pulled the garment down her pleasantly lean, long, thighs and calves. Pihla paused for a moment before putting on the clean pair of boy shorts she had stashed in her courier bag.


Feeling naughty, she put them back in her bag and walked back out into the shop to make the exchange. Maybe this little business transaction could lead to something bigger?


Koji was plastered when they got back to house in the suburbs. Stumbling home from the station, he had been all hands, groping Pihla’s ass and brushing up against her tits every chance he got. Pihla didn’t care. Getting bolder, he started kissing Pihla on the lips, and slipped her some tongue. Soon they were French-kissing. It was kind of like licking an ashtray. Koji smoked like a chimney, but getting some felt good, regardless of whether or not Koji was a smoker.


With no job and a flight leaving tomorrow just before noon, she had time to kill. All the gaijin guys wanted to do as many Japanese chicks as they possibly could. It had been awhile since Pihla had got some, and she had never been with a Japanese man before. Even though he seemed a little conservative, he was handsome, urbane, and a lot more generous than any Canadian boy she had dated. She was beginning to understand why some of her gaijin girlfriends swore by Japanese men...


Plus, there was the matter of what was in the bag. The drunker and hornier Koji got, the easier it would be to make the switch later.? It was a push present for his wife, who had recently given birth. For the next month, she and the newborn were staying with her parents, and Koji was enjoying the bachelor life.


Over drinks, he’d bragged about his numerous ?conquests?. He’d been saving up for months, and an army of Russian and Portugese whores had entered and left his house, and would continue to do so until his wife returned. He had small boxful of panties hidden away somewhere in his office as proof of his conquests. An American high school and college education had given him a fluent, colloquial command of English and a passion for women with blond (or at least bleached) hair and round blue eyes.


Fortunately for her, Pihla had both, with the added bonus of being a slut from North America, not a professional whore from Europe. Pihla had been very careful, and although she had been a little tipsy when she got in the cab, had sobered up considerably on the drive to Koji’s house. ?Not that she let on. No, if Koji ever found out a switch had been made, she wanted him to suspect one of those cold, calculating Russian hos that were parading in and out of the bedroom he shared with his wife.


Laughing and giggling as they walked back from the convenience store, Koji took long, generous swigs from the bottle of whiskey he’d purchased. Pihla politely delclined Koji’s offers of whiskey, and at this point in the evening he was too drunk to care or notice. There was a good chance she might be able to make the switch without having to put out. Not that she would object if Koji was up for a little lovin’?


Koji stepped up his game as soon as they stepped over the threshold, letting the gift drop to the floor while he and Pihla grappled together in a passionate embrace, pausing briefly between kisses to kick off their shoes before making their way up to the bedroom. They staggered up the stairs to the bedroom, lips crazy glued together as their hands roamed freely exploring each other.


After entering the bedroom, Pihla pushed Koji away and pulled off her baseball shirt. Letting it fall to the floor, her black sports bra joined it a few seconds later. Koji gawked at her tits, taking in her porcelain white flesh, and her unusually large, brown aureola. She undid the button on her denim mini-skirt and let it fall down around her ankles. Koji didn’t notice as he was too busy enjoying the pleasant sight of her breasts. The aureola around her lemon sized breasts fascinated Koji, as the diameter of her aureolas was large relative to the size of her boobs.

Finally, Koji’s eyes drifted further down, and smirked when he realized he had just hit the jackpot. He seemed just as enchanted by the sight of her bald, hairless cunny as he was by the sight of her tits. The lips of her labia were relatively thin and pinched together, and her labia minora peeked tentatively above her labia majora.

"You're not wearing any panties. And your pussy is?bald"

"Well, I was hoping to get a little lovin’?.?

He shrugged and gave her a wolf-like smile.

"I’m not going to complain."

Pihla flashed him her most winning smile, and took off her watch. The big, clunky, virtually indestructible resin digital watch she had "borrowed" from an ex-boyfriend hit her skirt with a muffled thud. Standing there wearing nothing but a thin silver necklace with her first initial on it and her knee high socks made her perversely feel even more naked than if she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing or jewelry at all.


She looked down at the floor and stared demurely at her toes as Koji examined her in all her feminine glory. After taking another long swig from his bottle, he reached out, and tweaked one of her dark brown nipples hard, and she lifted her head up with a squeal. Pihla decided to play along, giggled and slapped his hand away. Another grin from Koji, another long pull from the bottle, his other hand quickly snaked out and tweaked her other nipple. Lingering this time, he seemed intrigued by how erect it had become. Cupping her breast, he suckled on one nipple, and then the other.

Unfortunately, as it would turn out this was nothing more than an all too brief tease. Foreplay really wasn't in Koji's vocabulary. A man suckling her tits made Pihla melt, and her pussy juice flow, but after a few minutes of playing with her breasts, he pushed her down on her knees. Koji didn't even waste so much as a second on stroking her kitty. Pihla pushed it out of her mind. It was his loss. The sooner he came, and fell asleep, the sooner she could put her plan into action.

In a matter of seconds she had his pecker out of his fly, and gripping it firmly in her hand went to town on his joystick. Fisting his five inch shaft while her head bobbed up and down along the top of his pole, Koji stared down at her as she used her mouth and hand in order to satisfy him. A loud sigh from Koji caused her to stop her efforts and look up at him quizzically. She felt like such a little fool kneeling in front of him naked, with his cock in her mouth, looking up at him with wide eyes. Pihla was definitely no prude, having smoked a lot of pole in the past, and she planned to smoke morepole in the future. It just felt weird to be in such a submissive, vulnerable position with someone she hardly knew and hadn't built up some trust with.

"Put your hands behind your back."

Pihla didn’t like where this was headed, but her lust for designer goods overcame her reluctance to be submissive for a one night stand. Quick to comply, Pihla closed her eyes and put her hands behind her back, leaning forward to take his pecker in her mouth and awkwardly began to bob up and down on his pole. It was a little messy, and drool began to dribble off her chin and onto the living room floor.


Another pained sigh from Koji prompted her to stop what she was doing and look up at him to see what was wrong. Picking up the bottle of whiskey from the floor, he took another long pull before giving her his instructions, his words becoming more progressively slurred as he spoke.

"No you stupid cunt. Look me in the eyes while you suck my cock."

Ugh. Sexist pig. If she felt a little bit guilt about her scam before, it was gone now. Eager to get him off and get this over with, she did as she was told. Grabbing her firmly by the jaw and the back of her head, he began to shove his cock in and out of her mouth. Wordlessly, she looked up at him and struggled to get some air whenever he pulled his cock out of her mouth.

If Pihla thought she looked foolish before, she was wrong. Not even a village idiot could match her stupid gaze as Koji's prick assaulted her oral orifice relentlessly, causing her to salivate uncontrollably. The string of drool on her chin had become a goatee, making her chest wet with saliva. Koji's pecker stabbed in and out of her mouth like a piston, Pihla realized she didn't really know what being objectified and used like a piece of meat meant before this moment. It was an awful experience, and it kept on getting worse.

Banging up against her tonsils, Koji held her head down on his cock, choking her with his penis. Tears welled up in her eyes, and Pihlacould feel her mascara running down her face. Gagging up more phlegm on his prick, she tried to push him away, but Koji was strong and held her down on his penis for a few seconds longer, then relented and allowed her to come back up for air.


It became increasingly difficult to breathe as Koji jammed more and more of his joystick down her throat with each thrust and held her head down on it for longer and longer periods of time. Struggling to draw in air through her nose, Pihla would gasp sputter and choke, and finally, when she was desperate for air, would push Koji away with her hands. If she retched, he would give her a minute to recover, but otherwise, he would grab Pihla by her ponytail and ram his dick right back down her throat after she had inhaled and exhaled a couple of times.

Going deeper and deeper every time he slammed his cock into the back of her throat, her gag reflex kicked in, and she puked over his cock after one especially long, hard thrust. If Koji noticed, he obviously didn't care or found it a turn on, as he just continued to rape her face with reckless, gleeful abandon. Unfortunately for Pihla, once she started to vomit, it was difficult to stop, and soon the snacks and beer she had drunk at the izakaya decorated her chin and torso, in addition to Koji's shaft and nut-sack. It tasted awful every time he forced her mouth back down on his cock. Stifling her feeling of helplessness, Pihla calmed herself with the knowledge that she would be delivering some payback soon enough.


After jamming his cock down her throat and almost causing her to black out, he left the room while she puffed, gasped, and wheezed on the floor. Koji returned a few minutes later with a?scary looking pair of dental clamps and a large glass bowl. Thrusting the bowl into her hands he barked some instructions at her.


?Hold the bowl under your chin, and don’t spill a fucking drop you stupid cunt.?


Little ?L’s? and ?V’s? danced together in her imagination as she stared blankly at the bedroom wall while he spread her mouth open with the clamps. Pihla’s knees felt sore and her jaw ached. What happened next came as a surprise: Koji just stood there in front of her with his eyes closed, his face furrowed in concentration. Pihla was too dazed from the relentless assault on her oral orifice to figure out what he was going to do next as he stood in front of her with his penis pointing at her open mouth.

"That's real fuckin' good bitch. Don't forget to swallow."


Being able to breathe freely was pleasant as Koji stood in front of her, but Pihla’s brief intermission from this assault on her dignity as a human being didn’t last very long. Grabbing her firmly by her blond pony-tail, he held her head in position as he relieved himself in Pihla’s mouth. Choking and spluttering, Pihla swallowed some of the urine, but as she emerged from her daze Pihla just let it flow out of her mouth on onto her chest, the warm liquid rushing down her torso, pooling in her belly button, and some of it dripping on to the carpet.


That was a BIG mistake. The stream stopped for a moment, and then a sharp blow landed on the side of her head, knocking the dental clamps out of her mouth and Pihla onto the floor. The blow hurt, and as her face turned red, and tears of humiliation and pain started to flow down her face. Acting as if nothing had happened, Koji picked her up and pushed the dental clamps back into her mouth. Smiling down at her as she glared up at him, he gave her a gentle verbal admonition before using her mouth as a urinal again.


?Swallow, don’t spit, cunt. Gonna ruin my carpet??


After a few seconds of waiting, the bitter brackish fluid flowed back into her mouth, and Pihla successfully swallowed the nasty yellow water, gulping it down and trying not to dwell on the taste. Koji’s flow gradually slowed down, and she leaned forward to drink the remainder. When he was done, he stood there for a few minutes, enjoying his conquest, and she let out a loud belch. It tasted absolutely vile in her mouth, even worse than the pee, but she was able to suppress her urge to vomit. Picking up the bottle, he took another long pull from it.


Gazing up at the bottle clenched in his fist, Pihla’s heart leaped with joy when she realized Koji had poured about half its contents down his throat. That hand-bag was going to be hers. And she’d figure out some way to get a little bit of extra payback?


That train of thought was interrupted when without any warning Koji grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to her feet. Wriggling and squirming with discomfort, Pihla tried to follow him as quickly as she could while he half dragged, half pushed her over to the bed, and threw her on the bed, so that she was lying on it horizontally with her head hanging over the edge. Walking back to where she had been kneeling, he picked up the bowl and his bottle of whiskey, drinking some more as he staggered into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he staggered back with a tube of lipstick.

After smearing her mouth with lipstick, he wrote something on her forehead. Moving lower, he drew little hearts around her aureola, then wrote "cunt" above her bald labia.

"I wrote 'cunt' on your forehead too."

Moving the bowl under her head, he pinned one of her shoulders down with one hand, and grabbed her by the throat with the other. Then he jammed his prick down her throat again and pumped away. The head-hanging-over-the-edge-of-the-bed position might have felt better for Koji's cock, but it did nothing for what little was left of Pihla's dignity. Phlegm, mucus, saliva, snot and vomit streamed down her face and into her hair, mixing with the mascara in a viscous mask. Raping her face, he gently massaged her throat as she struggled to accommodate his penis. The bile and fluid that dripped and ran out of her mouth started to collect in the bowl.

For some reason having her throat fucked senseless with her head hanging over the edge of the bed amplified the feeling of strangulation to an unbearable degree. The position allowed Koji to force every last inch of his cock down her throat, his ball-sack banging against her nose as he plowed her mouth. Pihla would writhe on the mattress, her back arching higher, her hips flailing wildly, and buttocks clenched in fear, as Koji pinned her shoulders down and humped her mouth. While Koji didn't mind her struggles, he did insist that Pihla keep her legs spread while he skull-fucked her. Occasionally he would slap her when she forgot to open her legs again after her reflexes kicked in and she had closed them while twisting around on the bed in a vain effort to escape Koji's rape of her face.

Pausing for a moment, Koji stood in front of her. Pihla wondered if he had finally come. It was hard to tell, as his pecker had been buried so far down her mouth his seed had probably been shot directly into her stomach. Even if he came in her mouth, it would have been difficult to distinguish the taste amongst all the snot, mucus, saliva, urine, and puke working their magic on her taste-buds. With both his hands pinning her shoulders down she suspected he wasn't done, and Pihla prepared for another round of sexual battery.

Which...never came. Instead, Koji urinated on her face again. Some of it landed in her mouth, but he was too far gone to insist that she swallow. Most of it landed in the bowl after it had been sprayed in her face. At this point he had morphed from an out and out sadist into a horny, deranged mutt marking his territory. And Pihla understood that for the moment, she was his bitch. Soon, very soon, she was going to turn the tables on him.

But that wasn't going to happen right away...Pushing, pulling, and turning Pihla around on the mattress so that her ass was now hanging off the edge of the bed and her knees scraping the carpet, it was clear that Koji was going to use a different orifice. Too stunned to resist, Pihla didn't say anything until she heard where Koji wanted to go next.






Stars burst in front of her eyes as Koji’s fist slammed into the back of her head. So much for a one night stand, this was swiftly turning into a date rape. Pihla stood her ground though, and resumed her protest.


?Condom. Please. I’m not on the pill.?


?Other hole.?


Letting out a muffled, outraged cry of frustration into the comforter, Pihla tried to prepare herself for the unwanted anal assault. While she was certainly no virgin back there, Pihla’s pooper hadn’t seen any action since her arrival in Japan. Anal sex was something she did for a lover, not a drunken one night stand. Her only consolation was the fact that she had figured out the perfect wayto make Koji pay for this unwanted violation of her special bathroom place.


Spitting on her asshole and his prick, Koji still wasn't able to force the head of his penis into her tight shitter. Muttering a barely audible curse, he got up and went to the bathroom to look for lubricant, shedding his clothes and taking swigs from his bottle of whiskey as he did so. Pihla resisted the urge to flee. While she didn't relish the idea of being corn-holed by this drunk, the prize waiting for her downstairs was too good to pass up. Plus, she couldn’t wait to get back at Koji for sexually humiliating her like this...

Upon his return, Koji roughly applied to some lipstick to her asshol, scrawled something on her back and giggled like the psychotic little maniac he was. Breathing raggedly, Pihla knew he was waiting for her to ask him what he had scrawled on her snow white flesh. It was like a train wreck. Pihla knew that it was demeaning, but she had to find out.

"So what -"

"Ass pussy."

Koji laughed.

"Underneath the words I drew an arrow."

Pihla didn't really care at this point. Whatever got him off. She had something far worse planned for Koji. Without any ceremony, Koji got to work and roughly jammed a huge glob of vaseline up her bum-hole. Pausing for a moment he put some more on his fingers and rubbed it all over his cock. After completing this chore, without any ceremony, he jammed his willy up her dirt-pipe. The bed muffled her low, anguished moan of pain as he pushed his pecker up her butthole, and once he'd gotten it lodged firmly up her stink-bud, began to push in and out.

It hurt. It hurt. It hurt like a motherfucker. She tried to relax and push out like she was taking a shit, but it didn't do much good. At least not now. Not as long as he was using his pecker as a battering ram. That bastard wasn't going in gently at all. Letting out another muffled cry of physical anguish, Pihla vowed to make that fucker pay much more than he bargained for – Pihla was going to extract a price that was higher than the cost of the designer handbag when she was finished with Koji. Stopping for a moment, she could hear his hand fumbling on the floor. A few loud gulps and the thud of the bottle hitting the night table signified Koji was ready to resume sodomizing her. Pihla steeled herself for the renewed anal onslaught, but before he resumed plugging her ass again, he couldn't resist rubbing her nose in it.


?Fuck. I’d have to pay a Russian girl 50,000 yen to do all that.?

Oh, how she was going to make that bastard pay...Unfortunately, thoughts of revenge only helped stifle the pain somewhat in her backside. Koji was hammering away at her hiney like a crazed chimpanzee, just slamming in and out of her dumper as if her asshole was a pussy. Which it wasn't. But Koji was obviously too drunk, or too much of a misogynistic sociopath to care about the difference.

Finally, just when she couldn't imagine sinking any lower, Koji found a way to up the ante. The psycho fish-hooked her. Using his fingers, he spread and stretched the corners of Pihla's mouth into a horrible grimace as he rutted up against her rump. It was as if the demented freak was trying to rub her nose in the fact that she had been forced to submit to him sexually. His thrusts reached a crescendo, and as he drove his dick home harder and deeper every time he pushed it back in, Pihla's ass felt like it had been set ablaze -

And as suddenly as it began, it was over. Koji buried his manhood as far into her as he could, and shot his seed into her bowels. Without any ceremony, he rolled off of her, scooched over on the bed, curled up, and either passed out or fell into a coma. For a moment, Pihla just lay there, too stunned to move or do anything. A loud fart tumbled out of her puckered starfish, and jizz, lube, and some of her feces plopped with a wet splash into the bowl that was fortunately directly under her ass. Pihla didn't relish the thought of having to clean her own shit off the floor to preserve her "nice girl" image.

The fumes were awful, but the sound and the smell didn't wake Koji from his slumber. Pihla made a beeline to the bathroom to flush the disgusting contents of the bowl down the toilet, and quickly clean up.When she was done, she gathered her clothes, dressed, and hurried downstairs to make the switch and get her revenge on Koji.

Pihla made the switch quickly, and felt a surge of excitement when she placed the real designer hand-bag in her courier bag. Frigging her clit and fingering her pussy to stimulate her vaginal juices, Pihla rummaged around her courier bag for her boy shorts, wiped her vage dry with the inside crotch panel of the panties, folded them into a neat, thin square, and dropped them into a side pocket of the handbag. She zipped everything up and put it back down on the floor.

Listening carefully for a minute, Pihla heard not so much as a sound or hint of movement from Koji upstairs. She quietly exited his house and made her way outside to look for a taxi. So much for making him miso soup in the morning. The thought made her giggle.


Sitting in the cab, Pihla'shiney ached from all the abuse Koji had dished out on it. Peeking inside her courier bag to admire her loot, Pihla's bumfelt a little less sore as she gazed at it...


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Sniffing The Cleaning Ladys Bum Pt2

I've gotten a lot of messages and comments about my "Sniffing The Cleaning Lady's Bum", and thought I'd share a few more incidents that's happened since. Her aunt is still off, although she does light cleaning sometimes, I've told them I'm very happy with Teadora, and that she needn't worry about comming to my place until she's fully recovered. Teadora on the other hand, put her hairstyling dreams on hold, and is cleaning full time for her aunt. I've told her if saturday's still work, that it...

1 year ago
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bum fun

i have alwas been a plump and big busted even as a early teen the one week end we had a party for my dad back then i had a thing for puting marker pens up my bum every body was getting pist so i went to my room to listen to some music while the music was playing.i pulled my pantys down and started playing with my bum hole. iwas realy geting in to it but with the music playing i did not here my uncle frank come the tape stoped and he was stood there with his dick in his hand i coverd up strait...

2 years ago
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my girls bum hole

i was horny, so i told my g-friend to follow me to the car. once ther, i told her to lay on her tummy. i pulled her dress up, and slid her panties down a little. then i kissed and liked her cheeks, till i just had to see her sexy bum hole.i spread her chubby bum cheeks, revealing her pretty hole. eager, i hissed it then began to lick it. moaning, i pushed my tongue right up her bum, as deep as i could, i licked out her bum... then i hovered over her , pulled out my cock, and gently pushed...

4 years ago
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A New Taste Part 23 Bum Heaven Bi

Harrison and Polly arrived back at my place about 11 at night. Polly used the bathroom and then I told Harrison to get ready for us. I left everything he would need laid out on the bathroom cabinet. He would be about half an hour prepping himself. As the sound of the shower ran Polly and I slipped into bed. I descended between her thighs to explore my delicious pussy with my tongue. She thrilled me by rolling over and grabbing my head. Face sitting is such a satisfying pleasure.She jumped off...

2 years ago
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Bum Sex

(MF, unsafe sex)I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn't help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I've learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won't stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...

2 years ago
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Before the Fleshlight there was my Bum

In the eyes of some, good sex is about domination, females become objects of desire and domination, experts will tell you, it's nature, or in reality, mans need to procreate.In one apt word, 'Bullshit'.Sex, is an act where certain men reward themselves, by choosing females at will, having a good supply on tap, that's why, 'Blackmail' is so important to them, I am sure some of you readers would like to feel that sense of power, making a woman do your beckoning, something she does not want to,...

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A Rednecks BumBoy

My father died I was fifteen years old. My mother, God bless her, had always been a real ditz. Several months later, after I turned sixteen we found ourselves in somewhat of a dilemma and had to move to a trailer park. My mother had unfortunately developed a drinking problem and finally got fired from her work. I knew that we would be okay for the following six months because of the money she had received after my dad’s death, but beyond that, goodness only knew what would happen to us.Late one...

Gay Male
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The first time Katie Fox ever smacked my bum

Ive always been attracted to dominant people, in fact I probably wouldn't be the girl I am today if it wasn't for a sub/dom relationship I'd had in the past. Im not talking about the kind of relationship that is based around fetish, that relationship probably looked pretty normal to the casual observer, there was just rules involved. Basically the guy I was seeing made it clear that he wanted to be with a girl and he had pretty high standards of what he expected of me. There was no tolerance...

3 years ago
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Bum Sex to stop teenage pregnancies

In school we called her the 'Amazonian Princess'. She stood five feet ten in her bare feet, when she was just thirteen. When we showered, she already had a fuzz between her legs, and a pair of breasts to die for, there was no doubting Sonia was a girl who knew how to pleasure a man, and as we gathered at her feet, she told us of her sexual exploits, and made us hunger for men, sending us to bed to finish what she put into our heads, you could see all the beds in the dorm that night, with...

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Sniffing The Cleaning Ladys Bum Pt3

I was out golfing, when it started pouring rain. My party and I decided it would be awhile beofre it let up and called it a day and headed out. While I was changing in the clubhouse my sell rang and my hime number showed up on caller ID. Figuring it was just my roomie Kimmy, I didn't think anything of it and answered. It was Teadora! It seems she was out biking when it started raining and as my place was a lot closer then her's she stopped in. She asked if I minded if she waited the storm out...

3 years ago
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Neutered White Fuckpig

NEUTERED WHITE FUCKPIG by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**ONE**?Pig! Come!?Daddy Sir calls and I struggle to my feet from my corner in the kitchen. I waddle into the living room where he sits sprawled in his brand-new leather easy chair watching the NBA Finals on his new HD home theater system, all bought with my latest paycheck. It’s half-time and he’s pressed the mute button on a series of commercials. There’s enough time for a quickie.?Two,? he barks.This is the command for me to turn...

1 year ago
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Stretching a Girls Bum is easier than she thought

I want to tell you about a girl who did something both sexy and foolish, the sort of thing a crazy guy might do, but she was a young girl, mid-teens, on her voyage of discovery, of sex and her body, her fascination with porn and public sex, how she attracted men, and could not say 'No'Pia was a typically Swedish girl, tall for her age, which was sixteen, she was extremely hormonal, had no sense of danger, smoked weed and drank alcohol, took pills and fucked, because she had no problem getting...

2 years ago
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Chloes Mum Takes It Up The Bum

I had been dating Chloe for 6 weeks when I got the invite to meet her parents. It wasn’t something I really wanted to do – I personally didn’t see a long term relationship with Chloe being on the cards, but at that moment I was enjoying having a 22 year old on my arm and in my bed most nights of the week, so it was a small price to pay. A date was agreed for me to drive down to her parents’ house in Surrey for a meal and overnight stay.The agreed Saturday arrived and I was a little nervous; I...

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Reddit FuckDoll, aka r/FuckDoll! Women who love getting treated as “sex-objects” are my kind of ladies, and I am sure the majority of you lads here will agree with me. Well, if that is why you decided to click on this subreddit, you are in for a rather addictive treat. Welcome to r/fuckdoll/, a place where your dirtiest desires will come true because all the sluts here love to objectified and used as cum dumpsters.Before I go on and get many angry letters from idiotic feminists, I just want to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Wonderful Benefits Of Having A Fuckbuddy

When you hear this word, fuck buddy what comes to mind? Growing up in a society that values traditional relationships and believes that you should only be having sex inside one, chances are they aren’t good things. Or at least you’re conflicted. But having a fuckbuddy at least once in your life can actually be beneficial to you. Here are few reasons you need to get a fuckbuddy right now and have a positive experience. 1. Gives You Time For Focusing On Yourself Whether you just got out of a...

1 year ago
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5 Unexpected Benefits Of Having A Fuckbuddy

When you hear this word, what comes to mind? Growing up in a society that values traditional relationships and believes that you should only be having sex inside one, chances are they aren’t good things. Or at least you’re conflicted. But having a fuckbuddy at least once in your life can actually be beneficial to you. Here are five reasons you need to get a fuckbuddy right now and have a positive experience. 1.Gives You Time For Focusing On Yourself Whether you just got out of a long-term...

3 years ago
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Fucky Fucky

"Fucky, Fucky, Neil?" I smiled and shook my head. "Let's have a look at the calendar, shall we, Yasuko?" Every Friday on the kitchen calendar was marked with a letter, either F or S. It alternated between the two. The F Fridays stood for Fucky, while the S Fridays stood for Spanky. Of course, there were often Fucky, Fucky days during the week, but Spanky, Spanky days did tend to be confined to alternate Fridays. It so happened that this Friday was a Spanky, Spanky day. I pointed at the bold S...

4 years ago
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A CRACK ON THE BEACH PART 3 all about the bum c

...for more chapters and the complete story, A CRACK ON THE BEACH IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM AS A KINDLE DOWNLOAD!CHAPTER THREEThe next day as we lounged on the beach and as Shy took a swim nearby, I looked over at Cee.“I hate saying this, “I began, “but I don’t know if we can carry on getting her drunk like this every night.”Cee nodded. “I know.”We watched Shy in the waves.“But I haven’t finished yet,” Cee suddenly murmured.My stomach flipped. My God, what was going on in this woman’s...

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Club Gomorrah Part 8 What is a Fuckpig

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...

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Bum Beating During Bus Ride

This happened in the year 1992 when I was staying in Thanjavur where I was employed. I was staying alone in a relative's house, taking my food in hotels. I have already written about one incident that happened to me there with a Malayalee women under the title "HANDJOB FROM A HANDSOME AUNTY" which is available in this very site. This is another incident which happened in a bus journey. I have an aunty in Trichy who is very dear to me. Her name is Chellamma. She is a widow living alone in...

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Dog walker takes it up the bum

Not seen the bitch out with her bitch for a while, she text’s me when she’s out, but it had been difficult to coordinate. Good weather over the weekend had allowed an extended walk in the woods with the boy. Spotted the dog mine had service a couple of weeks ago, the owner walking behind. Spring clothes are allowing a better view of her melon sized tits and big arse held in tight Levis and shirt. My boy runs over and sniffs her bitch's arse to make sure, and they run off together. The owner...

2 years ago
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Bum Fun x

I’d never actually heard of the term pegging until joining NN, I’d previously assumed it was more to do with hanging out the washing rather than anything to do with a guys arse! Since meeting my husband I’d become more experienced in anal play, I’ll never forget the first time that he penetrated my arse with his finger in the middle of one particularly hot fuck, I climaxed immediately which only encouraged him to push his thick finger even further in my arse as I bounced wildly on him, my pussy...

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Reddit TitFuck, aka r/TitFuck! If you’re looking for a good place to go to where you can see some of the hottest babes getting titty fucked, you’ve come to the right place. This subreddit is called /r/titfuck and it’s the optimal place to go to if you’re looking for a good time with hot titfuck sessions, as the name suggests. You can bet your ass that I visit this place on the regular because of how good the posts are. Seriously though, I’ve seen and been through so many subreddits, and they...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Cigarette Bum

Cigarette bums are the worst people in the world! I am a smoker and am very comfortable with the disgusting labels that come my way due to this affliction, but individuals who are either ‘giving up’ or constantly forgetting to buy, give me the shits. A standard response of mine to these arseholes is; ‘You haven’t given up, you’ve simply stopped buying.’ This response generally has a satisfactory conclusion and further harassment by this irritating breed normally ceases after that.Of course, in...

Gay Male
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Cd Fuckdoll

I’m a part time cross dresser, and when I’m in fem, my name’s Koni, at least that’s my name when I’m a blonde bimbo. Last Saturday night… I had arranged to meet this guy at his house. He wanted me to park in the alley behind his house and come in through the back gate. So I arrived early, so I’d have time to put on my makeup and long blonde wig. I was already wearing my black-lace panties under skin tight black leggings and a pink halter-top over a strapless bra, giving the impression I had...

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Asscapades Bum love

"Mmmph! Slurp! Mmmm!" Was all the noise Hayley could make as she was ferociously sucking on your hard on. Hayley was your busty slightly older cousin. She was sucking you off because she had needed her english paper to be an A+ and you told her that if she'd give you a blowie you'd make sure she'd pass. "I'm cumming! Don't stop! Aaaaah!!" You screamed as you shot your load all in her mouth. Hayley sucked everything down and swallowed and had a look of intense satisfaction in her eyes. "David, I...

2 years ago
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Sniffing The Cleaning Ladys Bum

Being a fat, lazy, slob, I hate doing housework! Truth be told, I haven't done my own housework in years, I just hire a lady to come in and clean up after my fat ass! The lady I hired years ago was an older romanian lady, who spoke little english, kept to herself and always did an excellant job! Earlier this year though, she became ill and had her niece fill in for her while she underwent surgery. Now her niece is also from romania although she's been here for only a few years, speaks english...

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katia loses her bum cherry

She was bent over face down on the table, her tall legs keeping her ass up in the air. Her hands were tied to each of the further away table legs while her ankles were attached to the closest ones. Her face mask prevented her to see anything; it was darkness all round and only her ears could help her guess what was happening around. All her senses were heightened by the deprivation of her sight. She felt very vulnerable and humiliated being so unable to move and cover her nakedness, worse, her...

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Daddys fuckdoll

This is about my c***dhood, most of which took place in the 70s and 80s. The names are different, but the acts are as I remember them.My name is Marie. I cannot remember a time in my life when Daddy didn't play with me. He would always touch and kiss me, and he encouraged the same behavior from me. I learned very young how to suck cock and swallow both piss and cum at Daddy's whim.Mommy was aware of and involved in the play. Often Daddy would fuck her and I would lick his cum from her cunt or...

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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

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Meacutenage A Trois by Ghipster

Ménage A Trois by Ghipster“Our cocks are no bigger than white men’s cock”. I shouted to the applauding audience of the university’s Jr. KKK Fraternity “And I speak for all black men everywhere, when I say,THANK YOU! Thank you for this flattering but preposterous myth. And they say white folks ain’t done nothing for us. Ha!” This unbelievable line of bullshit yielded me a standing ovation and an session of signing autographs afterwards. Little did anyone know, I did the whole lecture...

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Beach Bums

This is a recent, true and genuine (if slightly light-hearted) e-mail conversationbetween two BDSM Library friends. Only the names have been changed to protectthe innocent. I have deleted the links to the on-line store where Meg buysher bikinis, to avoid embarrassment and so as not to provide free advertising. ****************************************************** Dear Meg, I've been thinking more about what you've told me in your previous messagesabout your love of thongs and I thought I...

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Flashing Bumhellip Big Red

This story was given to me by my friend Lilbadgirl. She said I could share it so..........It seem like forever I have being at work being a long day let me just say what it is I do I own my own Spa and Beauty Salon. This particular day was so hot had many clients throughout the day, just wanted this day over had 40 minutes left before closing when another client worked into the Spa I asked him to take a sit and I’ll be with you in just a minute. I walked over to him and introduce myself my...

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Beach Bum

It was a beautiful warm sunny day in late August, perfect for a trip to the beach. So I grabbed a towel and a six pack, hopped into the jeep and headed to my favorite spot. I love the surf and dunes, but like to get away from the crowds. I park at the very end of the lot and follow the sand path toward the lighthouse. A few minutes down the path there is a perfect spot secluded by dunes on either side, but still close to the water. As I turn the corner, I almost step right on a beautiful...

Straight Sex
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Panty Spanks A Charmed Ones Bum

Santa Panty Spanks A charmed Ones Bum Part, 1 [email protected] do not own the TV Show Charmed or any of its characters. I write for fun and receive no monetary gain from the writing of this storyThe Christmas Ball Room overlooking the San Francisco Skyline was nearly full. The pretty long brown haired witch swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed into her black corduroy pants. Prue Halliwell found herself in the presence of "Panty Santa at the hip...

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Beach Bum

Beach Bum By Mad Lews ?Sandy always looks so innocent when she's asleep. She'd snuggle down under the sheet, naked, but for her collar, a sweet smile on her lips. I almost hated to disturb her, but the sun would be up shortly. I flipped on the light and pulled the sheet away, revealing her in all her delightfully naked glory."Oh god, what time is it?" she mumbled, yawning and rubbing her sleep filled eyes."Get up, hands behind your back. Now!" I snapped not wishing to discuss my plans with...

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Angelas First Time in the Bum

No matter who you asked in Angela’s neighborhood or in the school where she was an honor student, they all agreed there was no more an innocent girl than Angela Brown. The eighteen year old senior at Saint Michael’s Academy was friendly to one and all, even the bullies that liked to give the weak ones or the new students a hard time just to show them who was boss. She was a pretty girl, a lot prettier than most with an hourglass figure that made the middle-aged male teachers drool and dream of...

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his fuckmeat

he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...

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PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...

4 years ago
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The slapping of flesh roused me from my blank dreams,I could hear the moans and the shaking of the bed as an orgy started where I lay.Doused with the potent geiko(named so after the disappearance of the Geisha;women of art )their mind were focused on one thing and one thing alone;pleasure and more specifically my pleasure after spending most of their lives in the chambered ruins of Okashio being trained to do exactly that.Call me a smart investor.I scooched up the bed and lay with my elbows...

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She woke that morning with the throes of ecstasy still lingering in her mind,she had gone through with it.She spread on her bed drinking in the new day,the new opportunities that had just opened after sealing her place as the women’s no 1 in pro tennis.With a cash prize of 10 million she thought of retirement,but at 21?How much more could she make if she stuck long enough in the game,maybe 5 more years?She would be 26 and at her prime. Monique was set to fly to Florida at 9am.It was already...

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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

2 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

Introduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...

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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

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This is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...

1 year ago
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I love a girl with a pretty face. I won’t deny that I get rock hard staring at women’s titties and asses, but the whole package is always enhanced when you put an angelic mug at the top. Like any attractive fuck-hole, the prettiest faces are the ones I always want to stick my cock deep inside. That’s probably why I’ve been spending a lot of time at Throated is a premium porn site where gorgeous women get their faces banged hard in exclusive deepthroat scenes. If you’re into...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...

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DeepThroating Lessons

Here on Literotica and on the internet in general, there are several stories and guides posted on the subject of giving blowjobs. Many of them are great and give various techniques and opinions on how to enhance oral sex on a guy. Once again, I'm not claiming to be an expert, especially at the young age of 22, but I do have skill, experience and above all, enthusiasm. In this post, I'm focusing on the deepthroating aspect because I feel over time I have gotten pretty good at it and want to pass...

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My First Facefuck

Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...

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