Ms. Grant free porn video

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       It had been another average day at college. English class was a breeze as usual. The instructor never engaged with the students much, and although this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it made the class go by so slowly you thought you just might die. He was also always 25 minutes late, and well, that definitely wasn't a bad thing. It was almost as if he made it a point to speak in the most monotone of voices and talk about things almost completely unrelated to the subject at hand. I also found it interesting how he always seemed to ignore the students that slept during class, the ones that listened to music, the ones that typed away on their laptops, and even the kids who always showed up stoned. I could never tell if he simply didn't care what we did, or if he was just so passionate about lecturing that he never noticed. It was probably the former of those two.

       Mathematics was difficult, but the challenge was always a pleasant change of pace. The classroom was small and that's how I liked it. Biology was my favorite course. Not because of my interest in the sciences, but because of my instructor. I had taken the class in high school years ago and retained most of what I had learned, so I knew it would be a breeze and an easy A. I also knew it would certainly be easier than taking chemistry or physics, and that may or may not have also played a role in my decision to sign up for the course.

       Ms. Grant, the biology instructor, wasn't quite like the other teachers. It's hard to explain, but from the moment I sat in her class, I knew there was something different about her. She was strict, stern, and serious. She didn't smile often, but when she did, you knew that it was absolutely genuine. I thought about Ms. Grant a lot, I really couldn't help myself. When my mind wasn't occupied with daily mundane tasks, chances were that I was thinking of her.

       I was out of my final class and was off to my weekly tutoring session with Ms. Grant. Although I really didn't need to be tutored, I figured it would be an interesting way to spend some of my free time, and I could possibly get to know her a little bit. After the first Biology class, I mustered up a bit of courage and went up to her desk. I told her that I was probably going to need help with the class, and inquired if we could arrange some dates and times to get together each week for a tutoring session. I made up a lie about how I work better and absorb more information when I'm in a one-on-one situation with someone, and although she did seem a bit skeptical, she agreed. Ms. Grant had a closed personality and never seemed to reveal much about herself during class, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I enjoyed being around her, and if this was the only way I could do that, then so be it.

       After having several cups of coffee throughout the day, I had to use the restroom. I did what I had to do and noticed that my lips were a little chapped. Hating that feeling, I desperately ruffled through my bag looking for some chapstick, or any type of cream for that matter. While looking for it, I found a clothespin which reminded me of what I sometimes do with them. Putting a pair on my nipples, or even on my clit. It was my favorite clothespin, actually. It seemed to work perfectly for me. It was never too tight, or too loose. I could tell it apart from the others because of a mark I had made on it, and I smiled to myself when I realized it had been in my bag this entire time. I began thinking about how dirty it would be to show up to the tutoring session with Ms. Grant rather horny, and I liked that thought. Something in me said this was a good idea, so I pulled my pants down, rubbed my clit briefly, and put the clothespin on. I leaned against the stall and breathed in sharply at the initial pain of it, cringing, but was soon biting my lip and moaning quietly as I eased into it. Noticing that I was getting carried away, I quickly took the pin off, placed it in my bag, got out of the stall, washed my hands and rushed off to class.

       As I walked into the classroom with flushed skin, Ms. Grant sat quietly at her desk writing something--she was focused--or atleast she was pretending to be. She didn't even take the time to look at me, she just sat there quietly, writing. As I sat down and took my books out, a bit nervous, I muttered "hello Ms. Grant." She looked at me seriously, "you're late". My face reddened as I thought about what I had been doing, "I know, I apologize, I had to use the restroom." She stood up. "Listen. I don't care how badly you have to use the restroom, when we've got a session, you come here first and then ask for permission to use the restroom, understood? Don't let it happen again." A bit intimidated and yet strangely turned on, I replied "yes, Ms. Grant. I understand. I won't ever let it happen again." She sat back down at her desk and put away whatever it was that she was working on. "Okay. Lets get started." "Alright" I replied, "I've been having a bit of trouble on the homework. I don't quite understand how homeostasis works. It's rather confusing." She looked at me and nodded, "Okay. Homeostasis is the ability of an open system to regulate its internal environment...", my mind drifted off of the subject of homeostasis, I knew exactly what it meant. As she spoke, all I noticed was how sexy and perfect she was. Her face was beautiful, symmetrical, toned, and her short haircut fit her so well. Her style was also perfect, for me at least. Normally she would just wear jeans and a t-shirt, but today she had a skirt and tan blouse on. The skirt wasn't short, it was professional, but it still revealed enough for me to accurately fantasize about what her legs would look like without it on. "...And, that's homeostasis in a nutshell." My mind snapped back and she gave me a look I was all too familar with. I always had a difficult time paying attention during class, and would often get called out on it by a teacher, only to be humiliated in front of the entire class. "Did you catch any of that?" "Yes, of course, thank you so much for explaining it--I think I've got it now." "So, what purpose does homeostasis serve?" I panicked. I knew the answer, but I was so nervous being questioned in such a manner that it took me a several seconds to think of the answer. Finally, it came to me. "The purpose of homeostais is to maintain a dynamic equilibrium." Relieved, I let out a sigh and smiled, awaiting her response. She didn't smile back and looked at me sternly "Very good." I couldn't help but smile again.

       After a moment of silence and several seconds of me staring at her, I snapped back to reality as she raised her eyebrow at me, "Well?" I quickly looked down at the homework assignment I had in front of me, and began speaking. "A- Alright, hmm, I'm also having some issues with the schematics of a human cell. I'm confused as to what goes where... etcetera etcetera..." "Very well then, this is a bit more complicated to describe out loud, so I'll just go ahead and draw a chart out for you. That should certainly help you understand it a lot more." She turned around and made her way to the whiteboard. As she walked away, I could feel myself getting wet. I couldn't help but think about what it would feel like to stand behind her, grasping her hips with my clit firmly up against her ass. It was almost as if I could never stop thinking dirty thoughts when I was in her presence. As she scribbled her rendition of what a cell should look like, my hand couldn't help but find its way to my pussy. Through my pants, I rubbed myself slowly, thinking about being fucked by her. I closed my eyes for what only seemed like a split second, and my heart dropped as I heard her clear her throat. I reluctantly and slowly opened my eyes only to find her looking at me intently, smiling. I stayed silent, without expression.

       Slowly, she began walking towards me, maintaining eye contact with each and every step she took. After what seemed like years, she was finally standing over me. She circled around my desk, carefully looking me up and down, observing me. After making one full circle, she stopped. "So. What do we have here? A horny girl, I see?" Out of nervousness, I said nothing. I had never been with a woman in "that" way, let alone talked to in such a sexual manner. The most I had ever done was kiss and fool around with girls my age. I certainly had never been with a woman in her twenties, let alone an attractive one. "Nothing to say for yourself, hmm?" I tried my best to think of something--anything at all--but my mind was completely blank. My face was so red, it felt as if it was going to catch fire.

"Get up. Right now." she said. Confused, but still unable to speak, I stood up. "Good" she said, and walked to the door, shutting the shades and locking the door. Knowing that I had been watching her the entire time, she glanced back and me and grinned. She made her way back to me. "Now, take your pants, shoes, and socks off." "...Excuse me Ms. Grant, but what?" "Oh? So you can speak now? That's a bit of progress, but it's not much. And did I stutter? Take off your pants off right now. Your underwear comes off as well for questioning me." Aroused and unsure of what I should do, I decided to simply follow my instincts and obey her. I carefully unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, pulled my shoes and socks off and set them next to my desk. Embarassed and still unsure of what was happening, I looked up at her. She smiled, "Good girl". Circling me again, she remarked, "your ass is quite spankable, isn't it?" I looked at her and smiled, as I didn't have much to say. I mean, what *do* you say when someone says something like that to you?

       She put her hand on my side, and that alone caused me to moan a little bit. Her hand felt so good against my body, much better than any mans ever could. It made its way towards my backside and moved downwards. She began squeezing and caressing my ass, and I couldn't help but moan again. "Very well then. Come over to my desk now. I've got some work to do with you." My clit throbbed as I thought about all the different things that might occur. It was difficult for me to believe that any of this was even happening--it was so surreal.

       I walked calmly towards her desk, trying to maintain whatever composure I had left. "Put your hands on top of the desk, spread your legs at shoulder width, and stick your ass up in the air nice and good for me." I did this, and as she stood behind me, watching me for a few moments, I could feel myself getting wet again. "Good girl." She went back to touching my ass rather softly, and then out of nowhere she gave my left cheek an extremely firm spank. I let out a sharp moan as her hand made contact with my ass. It hurt, but it also felt incredibly good. "Do you like that? Does that feel nice?" she said. "Mmmm fuck, it really does. I love it." "Oh? Foul language I see? That deserves another spanking." She then went on to give my right cheek a hard and firm smack, and began alternating between the two until they were completely red. She then grabbed me by my hips and turned me around so that I was facing her. She put her face close to mine and held it there while her hands made their way underneath my shirt. She unhooked my bra and tossed it away, and began forecfully caressing my breasts. She let out a quiet moan, and I couldn't help but arch my neck back and do the same. I absolutely loved the fact that she was enjoying this. She tugged at my nipples and pinched them tightly until they were hard. Once they were, she ripped my shirt off and began sucking and biting them. I ran my hands through her hair, and after a few minutes of her teasing me, she brought her face close to mine again and began kissing me. Her lips were so soft, I felt like I could kiss her for hours. She knew how to kiss, too. She used the perfect amount of force and tongue and knew exactly what she was doing. She then moved onto my neck, and continued kissing and biting me. While doing so, her hand made its way downwards and she smiled while remarking on how wet I was. My face reddened again. She moved in closely to me, continued smiling and whispered slowly, "I find it extremely sexy." I nearly came right then and there.

       She then began rubbing my clit, and for a second, I thought I might've died and gone to heaven. Considering the fact that my clit was already hard and tender from the clothespin I had on earlier, it felt absolutely amazing. I was moaning rather loudly as she was rubbing me, so she put her hand over my mouth, signalling for me to keep it down. I nodded, and she continued touching me. I was trying my best not to make any noise, but was failing. It just felt so fucking good that I couldn't help but make a little bit of noise. "I told you to keep it down, did I not? I'll be right back. Don't you dare move a single inch, understood?" I looked at her and nodded, watching her carefully. She went into her desk, grabbed a set of keys, and headed towards a cupboard at the back of the classroom. She unlocked the cupboard and took out what looked like a gag, some lubricant, and two dildos--but I wasn't one hundred percent sure. She looked over all the things that were inside the cupboard for a few moments, as if she was trying to decide if she should grab anything else while she was there, but she didn't. She shut the cupboard, and as she was walking back towards me I thought about how lucky I was right now and smiled widely.

       She put the gag over my face, tightened it, and went on to turn me over onto my stomach so that my back was facing her. She then ran several fingers over my soaking cunt and after a few seconds of this, her fingers found their way inside of me; only for them to be quickly pulled out. Her fingers then made their way to my asshole. Shivers went down my spine and I let out a muffled moan as she pushed them inside of me and began thrusting. After a few minutes of this, she pulled out and grabbed a dildo. She was taking a moment, so I looked back and noticed that she was applying a fair amount of lubricant to it. My clit hardened. "I think you're going to like this." she said, and slowly pushed the dildo inside of my ass. "Now, I want you to hold it there. Understood?" "Mmhmm" I mumbled. As I tried my absolute best to keep it in place, she walked around to the other side of the desk so that she was facing me and stood there watching, smiling. Her hand made its way down her pants and as she leaned her back up against the whiteboard and began rubbing herself. She did this for quite a while, and I couldn't tell if she was really enjoying herself, or if she just wanted to see how long she could make me suffer. In hindsight, it was probably both.

       She then made her way back to standing behind me. "Good girl" she said, "You did a great job. Now, do you want more of this? Or should I just move onto your pussy now?" I began to attempt to mumble a reply and she interrupted, "well, you don't get to decide anyway" and grinned. She began fucking my ass rather roughly and my breathing became quite labored.I felt almost as if I was going to orgasm. Noticing this, she pulled the dildo out of me, set it down, and grabbed the other one she had resting on her desk. She went on to rub it against my pulsating clit for a few moments and I let out several moans. "I hope your pussy is ready to be fucked nice and good. I can't wait to see you cum". She grabbed one of my tits and thrusted the dildo inside of me. She began fucking me fast and hard. She wasn't wasting any time. I felt like I was going to explode after just 15 seconds, but I held on for as long as I possilby could. I was moaning after every thrust now, and as she gripped my breast as tightly as she could, I came. It seemed like the most amazing, and satisfying orgasm I had ever experienced. I felt it throughout my entire body, and my eyes rolled back which was always an excellent indicator that I had just came *hard*. She pulled the soaking wet dildo out of me, took the ball gag out, and ordered me to clean the dildo up. I listened and intently sucked and licked every last trace of my cum off of of it.

       She pulled it out of my mouth, placed it on her desk, smiled, and began kissing me. After a few minutes of that, I pulled away and let out a satisfied sigh, "that was absolutely incredible. I loved every minute of that. You're incredible. But what about you?" She smiled and responded "oh, we're not done here yet." I smiled, "Oh?" "Of course not" she replied. She then began taking her shirt off and I could feel myself getting turned on again. She took off her bra, her skirt, and then her panties. I couldn't stop staring at her breasts, all I wanted to do was lick and nip at them, but she had something else in mind. She looked at me and said rather sternly, "get on your knees and lick my pussy." A rush went through my body as she said these words, and I got onto my knees as fast as I could and began licking her directly on her clit. I held her by her hips, and she ran her fingers through my hair as my tongue brushed up against her. I was determined to make her cum. She began making a bit of noise and I couldn't help but start rubbing myself a little bit as well. After a quite a while of licking her pussy the best that I could, her moaning became increasingly louder and I could tell that she was ready to cum--and she did just that. She looked down at me contently, and I smiled and stood up. She pulled my body against hers, and began  kissing me softly. I couldn't help but press my clit against her thigh and thrust myself against her a little bit. I pulled away from her for a moment, and we both smiled. "You can go ahead and get dressed now." I nodded and walked over to my clothes that were still resting neatly beside my desk. As I picked them up, I glanced back and smiled as she stood there, calmly surveying me. I put each article of clothing back on, and by the time I was finished so was she. "Well, I should probably get going now, it's quite late. I really enjoyed today though, thanks for everything." She smiled and nodded. "Be here on time next week." I smiled and responded "I promise I will." She sat down at her desk, got out the papers she was previously working on and continued writing. I walked out quite possibly the happiest person on the planet.

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____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 o'clock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large men wearing ski masks and brandishing pistols rushed into their living room. David and Linda were both 34 years old. David was 5'7" tall and weighed 147 pounds. He was a computer programmer at one of the Washington government office buildings. Linda was 5'5"...

1 year ago
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StayHomePOV Baby Nicols Lounging

Being stuck in lockdown with Baby Nicols is really making me appreciate just how attractive she is. Her long, caramel legs, her bouncy tits, she’s really the full package. When I see her lounging around in see through pajamas, I need to capture her beauty on camera. I take a couple shots, and soon Baby wants to show me more. She takes off her underwear, kissing my throbbing cock and giving me a wet rimjob. Then, she lets me fuck her tight Latina pussy and cover her tongue in cum. Staying home...

2 years ago
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To Her Surprise 8211 Cousin 8211 Part I

Hello readers this is Robin, 5.10 ft, slim, normal Indian guy, 20 yrs. old from Kerala currently living in Chennai. This incident of mine which I’m narrating is more like a page from my dairy. I came to Chennai two years back to pursue my college and i go to Kerala for my vacations. I’m a guy who spends his most of the time in solitude and walks around observing and enjoying nature. This is a short description about me. This particular incident happened when it went back to my home after...

1 year ago
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Fuckbuddy 3 Slutty BBW Mom

Kathy was always one of my best fuckbuddies, because she had tried everything before I showed up, and was willing to do anything again on my command. She was quite a few years older than me and I was out of her league in the looks department, but those are always my favorites, since they will go above and beyond to please an adonis.We met on the internet and I was at her house in no time. She was a BBW, which I never had a problem with, and about 20 years older than me. It was clear that she...

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BackroomCastingCouch Owen 10012018

Saving the best for last – haha OK, just kidding. But this is the last casting we’re doing in this office. For the first time ever, we voluntarily leave this one and try a different location.Better lighting and whatnot. But first, today we have a girl whose dad clearly wanted a boy. Owen? Really? She is a 22 year old photographer who is already earning some money taking pics at weddings so she’s got stuff going for her. But money is still very tight. She knows the allure her...

3 years ago
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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 9

Exams were, well, exams. Until I sat on the desk and started to write, my hands were clammy and my nerves all over the place. But the moment the tip of my pen touched the sheet for the first time, all that faded away and was replaced by a manic drive to squeeze as many words as I could onto the paper. Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was evening again and once more time to cram and get last minute jitters for Tuesday’s subjects. Anne and I hardly talked, each caught in our own world of...

4 years ago
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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Kat Monroe Extramarital Massage

Kat Monroe receives a phone call at work from her husband Mr. Pete with a very peculiar request; his BFF Big Chief Quarterback is coming in for a massage and he asks Kat to fuck him. Kat will do anything to please her husband’s fantasies so with Big Chief unaware of Kat’s intentions, she massages his chest and slowly makes her way towards his cock. Kat explains Pete’s fantasy of her having extramarital affairs, and with that said, Big Chief fucks his best friends wife. Kat...

3 years ago
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E060 Pearl ThirtyThree

When Emma wakes Tuesday morning, she snuggles next to Donald as she feels his now flaccid penis still in her.  Of this way of sleeping, she will never tire.  Now feeling only an inch or so in her, does make her start to throb. She clenches against his cock over and over, and it amazes her that it begins to grow and harden, all as he sleeps.  By the time her clutching goes on for a couple of minutes, and she presses back against him to once more have more of his wonderful prick up in her, Donald...

Love Stories
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I stared at the ad on the personal/contact web site. Did I really writethat? For years, my husband has been asking me imagine what anotherwoman's touch would feel like. At first, I was revolted by the idea ofsexual contact with another woman. However lately my curiosity has beenaroused. I had a very intimate examination by a lady doctor and it made mewet. My pussy juices started to flow and my nipples hardened. She spottedmy arousal and backed off. I could not understand why I reacted...

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Questions for Miss Butler

Questions for Miss Butler Copyright (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume SYDNEY: Private memorial services were conducted today for Eric Trice, the flamboyant tycoon who perished in the terrorist attack in Bali on 12 October. Mr. Trice, who at one time presided over a vast business empire including media outlets and real estate holdings, was being pursued by New South Wales authorities for securities and bank fraud at the time of his death. Mr. Trice left no immediate family, and only a...

1 year ago
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The Stop Watch

The Stop Watch I was forty-two and married. My wife’s life at forty revolved around our children. Any guy looking at Karen would see a five foot nine inch, voluptuous brunette, with a beautiful face, out of proportion breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, and long shapely legs, but her interest in sex was minimal. On the other hand, if I didn’t have sex three or four times a week I was walking on ceilings. I’m not a Hollywood movie star, but at six feet, with brown hair and eyes, an athletic build,...

4 years ago
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Bollywood BlockBuster

Bollywood had found its latest Angry young Man, Aryan Khan. He debuted in SOTY 5 which proved to be a commercial success and gave another 4 consecutive hits within his first 2 years. But his most acclaimed role came in a somewhat controversial Erotic thriller named "Bondage" it was like an Indian version of The Fifty Shades of Grey. Here Aryan played a Psychotic lover who kidnaps his unwilling crush and subjects her to various bondages and sexumiliation which was his version of Harsh...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Surprise

It was the first night of their honeymoon. After another sweet lovemaking session,Alice was passed out, wrapped in Charlie's arms. He was nuzzling her, tryingto gently wake her up for another session. But he also had another plan, inthe back of his mind. He kept kissing her neck, a little more than gently,so she would wake up. She slowly stretched in his arms. ?This is so comfortable.? ?Mmmm,? he said, starting to slowly run his hands up and down the curves onher side. She started turning...

4 years ago
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The Chosen One

(Warning: Story will feature heavy Homosexual Themes and Explicit Content.) "Come on the field" Coach shouted at the group of college students. "There is no way you lil' bitches are gonna make regionals with the sloppy behavior I saw last night." Coach was a bit of a drill sergeant. All the team began to file onto the field when suddenly coach puts a hand in front of you. "I'm keeping an eye on you boy. You may be new to the team, but we don't have any time for cold feet. Got it." "Got it sir."...

2 years ago
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My step mother the Anal Slut

"No we can't Tommy. " My step mother protested as I put my hand between her legs as she sunbathed by the pool. She rolled on to her back towards me. Stupid slut. I had her between my legs I sat behind her pulling the strings loose on her bikini bottoms with one hand as the other wrapped around her midriff kept her pinned. "No Tommy stop. We can't do this again" her protests turning to a whimper as my fingers rubbed her pussy and the other hand teased a nipple her face nuzzled in to my...

1 year ago
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Black VelvetChapter 12 Magic Fingers

“And so that brings us to article sixty-eight, which covers procedures. Read that off for me, Zuki,” Jules said as he stood before the monitor and pointed to the section in question. She leaned forward on the couch to see better, the tablet clutched in her padded fingers. “The eco ... economic and social council shall create commissions in economic and social fields ... and for the promotion of sap ... sap...” “Sapient,” Jules corrected, underlining the word with the mouse pointer. “Sapient...

2 years ago
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The Surrogate Chapter One

The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter One - An Indecent Proposal "She's gone. She left for Australia yesterday with her fucking yoga teacher. How fucking clich?!" Peter Randal stared down into his drink. "I mean the guy even looks like Chris Hemsworth for fuck sake... and that accent! What a joke! I should have seen it coming a mile away." Peter choked down his scotch and poured another. Miles Francis sat nursing his own drink listening to his brother-in-law and c...

2 years ago
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Funny Sex Games and Sex on the Lake

(episode 7)Over the summer break after my freshman year at UGA I was working full time in a grocery store to earn spending money for the next school year. I would see my girlfriend, Jennifer on my days off, either going to her house in Atlanta or she would drive up to see me. We’d often would go out on the lake skiing, using my dad’s smaller ski boat. One weekend I was able to borrow my dad’s large boat for the day. Jennifer and I had several friends who were dating each other at the time join...

College Sex
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Tammy and Sammy chapter four

It took almost a year until daddy let us see each other again, a year in which we phoned each other every morning, noon and night, mummy was great though, she kept asking me if I thought I loved Sammy and my reply was always the same."I don't think I love her mummy, I know I do."One day when daddy was away on one of his many trips abroad, I sat with mummy in the living room fiddling with my mobile and wishing I could go upstairs early to ring her when mummy said."Did I ever show you my old...

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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 6

I woke up about 2 hours later still in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I had cried myself to sleep right there in the car. I was thinking about going home but remembered that I left my tools at Jessica's. I dug in the console for the Trac-phone that I normally kept there for emergencies. I called home, "Hello." "Hi Robbie, it's Dad. Could you look on the caller id box for the number that called around 1?" Robbie found the number and gave it to me. "Dad, mom got called into work just after...

3 years ago
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Things We Said Today

The constant ringing of the doorbell slowly pulled me from my deep sleep. I crawled out of bed before I even managed to unglue my eyelids. I accomplished that feat just as I opened the front door, somehow knowing that opening it would finally end the pealing of those damn bells. I was beginning to understand what the hell Edgar Allen Poe was trying to say. All I needed now was a goddamn crow on the windowsill! "If you'd leave your cell phone on, I wouldn't have to torture you with that...

2 years ago
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Staff Member Became My Secret Family Member

Hi friends. I am samrat agarwal. I live in Ahmedabad and i am back with a new story. This is a story between me and my accountant. God she is so sexy. I love the way she was rough and nasty. Let me tell you something about myself first. I am 22 years old and my dick is 7 inches long. My father is a businessman and i started coming to office about a year ago. Here i saw my accountant for the first time.She is 27 years old and is very sexy. She has a figure of 34b-30-36. I love her curves. She...

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caught naked in the yard

last summer i installed a privacy fence so i could go nude in the neighbors are a little older than me and seem to be religeous so out of respect id stay behind the garage when i was nude in the yard.i have a big yard and always wanted to roam free and naked in my yard so last summer when id get each paycheck id buy 5 sections of privacy fence.once i accumulated 15 sections i began construction.once i had about 10 sections up i noticed my neighbors loading their luggage in their car and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Couple Ch 21

Chapter Twenty One: Revelations Begin"Good evening Eddie. Aren't you going to invite me into your home?"I hesitated, still in shock that He was there in our doorway. Instant feelings of shame flooded over me, as all of the memories of the time He'd spent on me at the party came bursting into my mind. I stepped aside, motioning for him to come in."Eddie, while you are in my presence, you will answer me, properly. And do not forget to call me Master Nick. Now, please invite me into your home for...

1 year ago
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In the South II

My name is Eric Shims, I’m a nineteen years old and I am originally from a small town called Maryville in Tennessee. All my life I have always thought that I was a little different then the other boys that I grew up around. I mean we like the same stuff football, horses and hunting; but something always seemed different for me. I was always trying to see the other guys naked out of pure curiosity. Like when I was eight I tried to get my friend Daren to let me see his penis, but when I tried to...

1 year ago
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Here at Last

You walk down the sloping, dimly lit corridor towards where I stand holding up a card with the word ?Holly? in big, bold letter Here at last. I watch as you walk towards me down the sloping corridor, a huge smile lighting up your face as you see me at the very front of the crowd with a big bunch of roses and holding up a card with the word ?Holly? in big, bold letters. Although this will be the first time we meet I know it?s you because you are exactly as you have described yourself,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 118 Trial Run at the Spirit Mountain Casino

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia and Carol chased me upstairs to get changed for Prof's and my trial casino trip, but I asked to divert to our study to see my website first. I learned that my website's address was [[Don't bother trying it, as the need for it disappeared long before I wrote this.]] Julia explained, "Lily hosted it through her father's business in Hong Kong. We could have gotten an American 'dot com' address, or done it on one of the...

2 years ago
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(taking to foxxy directly)You and Venus decide to have lunch in the restaurant that I work in. It's a rainy day and you two have just returned back to Newark to your suite in the Courtyard Marriott. You sit at the bar and order a couple of drinks. I see the two of you take your jackets off to reveal tight mini skirts and halter tops. When I see the two of you, my mouth drops open and I cannot help but to stare because you guys are looking extremely hot. You notice me staring and whisper in...

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Nipple Rings A SunDress

I spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dads office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps Id go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dads office, I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door...

1 year ago
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Advanture of Seema and Anita

We reached home and I knew it was time to break the ice with our husbands. It had been too long that I have been fucking around and my husband didn't know about it. Obviously no one wants to tell the whole truth. At the dinner table,"ajay, seema wanted me to come over tonight for some work, would it be ok? She wants to tell vijay that she has been fuckin you!", he stopped eating and said,"what? Vijay is my best friend, if he knew I was fucking his wife he would be very upset", I walked up to...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 259 Year End

I'd missed five days of classes to go to Los Angeles and when we got back there were only three more days until finals. I was in a panic. I never should have gone along to the awards. No one else who went had more than one or two courses that they needed to catch up on because they'd all shifted to taping Elaine's show full time. Except Nicki. But she didn't even get to come to the ranch. Our plane stopped in Indy and let Nicki, Erin, and Jim off so they could catch their flight to Rhode...

3 years ago
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Sexy Night

Hiiii friends… I am regular reader of ISS…Really I like many real stories…I am going to tell my dream sex life… My name browneyes (name changed)… Now I am working in Mumbai, I am having true lover she is not just lover my wife and also my second mother…. just crazy abt her and her love on me.. If I can’t call her, she will not do any work.. To realise her love I fought wit her often..She is simply superb gal, very homely,very much attracting figure and speech… I fell in love bcz of her...

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