Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Depraved and Debauched
by: bloodsport
Very bad things happen to very nice people sometimes. What follows is a case in point. Do not read if you are offended by brutality, torture and the rape of helpless young women
M+/F+f+? n/c? torture? rape? violent? historical?
Chapter 1.
The pretty dark haired girl staggered out of the dense foliage. She found herself once again on a wide sandy beach. The sky was beginning to brighten turning a faint purple to her left. The horrible night was ending. Had it been less than one day that she had spent on this island? It seemed like a lifetime had passed since she and her eight friends had shipwrecked their motor cruiser on this same beach. For the girls it had as if hell had come to earth.
The young teenager ran down the beach toward the pale glow where the beach rounded the small island. Her breath came in short gasps as her stamina began to wane. Her fatigued body cried out for rest. Only her memory of the preceding day and the events she witnessed during the hideous night kept her legs churning. Her dark Capri pants were tattered and torn having been repeatedly snared on branches and ripped as she fell upon sharp rocks in her flight. The red half blouse, which wrapped her upper body, was damp and dirty. Her long black hair trailed far down her back to the roundness of her small hips.
Angelique was a small girl. The seventeen-year-old stood just 5 feet tall and weighed only 95 lbs. Together with three of her graduating high school friends she had flown to Jamaica to spend three weeks with a rich friend of her sister. She and her high school friends joined up with her 23-year-old sister Blaise at the posh home of Deirdre Smith. Deirdre was an heiress whose family fortune allowed her to live a life of luxury and adventure. She had a cadre of close female friends who traveled the world enjoying the good life. When Angelique and her friends Gabrielle, Holly, and Isis arrived at the villa owned by the Smith family her sister Blaise and three other girls were already there.
Angelique was impressed by the plushness of the accommodations and by the beauty of her sister?s friends. Cherie was a gorgeous blonde and the two redheaded sisters Erin and Fallon were statuesque and breathtaking. The younger girls soon found themselves immersed in the beauty and thrilling lifestyle that is Jamaica. For a week, they played night and day on the beaches and in the clubs. Deirdre planned their every excursion and the girls were having the time of their young lives.
After a week in Jamaica, the nine girls decided to explore more of the Caribbean. They planned a trip to the Cayman Islands some 150 nautical miles to the northwest. Deirdre fancied herself quite a sailor and thought with the other eight girls as crew they could charter a powerboat and make the voyage without assistance. She found a forty-foot motor cruiser and had it outfitted so the girls could sail to the Caymans and stay several days before returning to Jamaica.
Early the next morning, before the sun had risen the girls traveled down Southern Cross Blvd to the boat moorage in Montego Bay. They boarded the chartered boat and at 4am set sail for their destination. Deirdre had calculated their sailing time at 5 hours getting them to the Cayman Islands by 9 in the morning. The girls chattered excitedly in the darkness and had motored out of sight of the harbor when things first started to go wrong.
The twin screwed vessel lost power to one of its diesel engines an hour into the journey. The ailing engine continued to run but was slowly loosing power. At first Deirdre was not overly concerned as the vessel continued to be making nearly 25 knots. She saw an additional hour being added to the transit time as not being much of an issue. What the pretty blonde captain had not anticipated was that the failing engine drove the battery generating system on the boat. Within an hour the diesel had completely quit and shortly after that the overworked battery gave up and all electrical power was lost. No electrical power meant no radio and no navigational system. The boat and the crew now had to depend entirely upon a magnetic compass and Deirdre?s sailing skills to get them to the Cayman Islands.
The girls? luck continued to get worse. They had been at sea for more than two hours and it seemed that the night was getting darker rather than brightening with the morning sunrise. Very dark clouds had swelled up from the east and south and the wind was increasing rapidly. The powerboat was struggling to hold a steady course as a trailing sea pushed with intensifying force upon its stern. Within another hour, the girls were being tossed about at the whim of the ocean as gale force winds pushed then from heaving swell to crashing depression.
The only redeeming quality for the girl?s aboard the floundering boat was that the wind and waters were warm. Small solace to the boat?s crew as they baled the warm water from the ship?s decks. The storm continued pounding the boat for three more hours battering both vessel and crew with savage fury. Then as quickly as it sprang up the wind and waves subsided. The sea quieted as the sun was revealed behind the parting clouds. The powerboat no longer thrashed about lying silently on a calm surface. The second diesel engine was completely dead and with no electrical power, the crew could not bring it back to life.
Just when the girls thought they were to be lost at sea, a small island appeared on the horizon. The island seemed a long way off but its size fooled the observers. The tiny island was barely five miles long and just over two miles wide. The ocean currents were pushing the boat directly toward the small green isle. To the girls? delight the boat washed ashore upon a wide stretch of beach grounding gently in the deep sands. It was not yet 11 in the morning. Deirdre was not sure of their exact location. She assumed they were on one of the Caymans because of the time and direction she thought they had traveled. The 28-year-old blonde was dead wrong.
The storm had carried the boat almost due north from the intended landfall. The girls were aground on a small island more than 150 miles north of the Cayman Islands. Their island was the middle isle bracketed by two other larger islands located just 20 miles south of the Island of Cuba. It was the smallest of the three by a large margin as the other two islands were almost twenty miles in diameter. The girls? good fortune was short lived, as they were now where they had no business and where intrusions were met with brutality and malevolence.
This was the summer of 1961. Activities on the Island of Cuba were conducted under fanatical concealment. The two adjacent islands were being prepared to house the newest of Soviet Nuclear Missiles. Cuban patrol boats made regular and unscheduled forays around the three islands continuously watching for prowlers. The storm had cut power to their Radar system disabling the Cuban?s normal method of screening these islands. As the storm had subsided, a Coast Guard patrol boat was sent to search the surrounding waters. At just before noon that vessel sighted the beached motor craft on the sand at the southern end of the small island. The sighting occurred while the Coast Guard craft was still several miles offshore. The Cubans reduced their power and quietly maneuvered their craft in behind the grounded boat.
On the motorboat, Deirdre and Blaise were changing their wet clothing in the cabin. Half an hour earlier Deirdre, thinking they were on one of the smaller Cayman Islands, sent three of the girls in one direction up the beach and other three of the girls in the opposite direction to find help for the stricken boat. Blaise and Angelique would remain on the boat with Deirdre in case the boat was discovered by other watercraft. Angelique had left the boat to explore what lay inland by herself. She was to go only as far as an hour?s journey would carry her and then she was to return to the boat. The two redheaded sisters Erin and Fallon teamed with tiny dark-haired Isis and headed west along the small beach. Cherie and the two other high-schoolers Gabrielle and Holly hiked down the beach to the east.
All seven of the departing girls had been gone and out of sight of the boat for more than twenty minutes when six Cuban Marines stormed aboard the motor cruiser. The onrushing men quickly and quietly assaulted to two surprised women. The 28-year-old blonde was confronted by two of the marines who shoved her back against the ship?s bulkhead. Dressed in pale blue shorts and a white tank top blouse the 5 foot 3 inch woman was no match for the two strong men. She lashed out at then with her slender legs and flailed wildly with her fists and arms in an attempt to keep then from forcing her to the floor. She was unsuccessful as one man pushed his hand across her face holding her head pinned to the bulkhead while the second man caught one of her feet with his hand as she kicked at him and lifted her leg high above her head. For several seconds Deirdre balanced on one foot, her cries of protest muffled beneath her assailant?s hand before she lost the battle and toppled to the floor beneath the two marines. Her struggles continued as the men tied her hands behind her back, lashing her knees and ankles together. She was tossed into the motorboat?s upper cabin, guarded by one of the marines while the other men went below to capture Blaise.
The brown haired girl was just pulling on her white bikini bottom when the boat was boarded. Hearing a noise behind her, she whirled about to find herself confronted by three Cuban marines. All three men had lecherous smiles on their faces as they charged at the terrified girl. Blaise?s black bikini top was tied in place by thin straps that criss-crossed just below her breasts and then circled her body to meet again and tie across her flat stomach. The 23-year-old knew from the looks on the faces of her attackers that she presented a very sexy sight. As the men quickly closed in around her, Blaise tried to run between them. Hands, arms and rifle butts stopped her escape attempt. One of the men?s hands gabbed by her arm while another hand hooked in the straps that tied her top to her body. As Blaise squirmed in his grasp, another man slammed his forearm into her chest knocking the brunette back into the cabin. As the 115-lb. girl continued to struggle, the third man drove his knee into her back just above the kidney. The severity of his kick instantly forced the air from her lungs. Her cries and squeals where suddenly cut short by the sound of wind rushing from between her wide opened mouth.
Blaise dropped to the floor and quietly twisted about in pain while trying to regain her breath. She lay writhing at the feet of one of the most ruthless men in Cuba. Major Hector Alonzo poked his boot into the ribs of the girl squirming on the floor. He could not keep a smile from crossing his lips. Maybe the discovery of this boat would not be so bad after all.
Chapter 2
Hector Alonzo had been an 18-year-old peasant in 1957 when he first heard of Fidel Castro. He had been kicked out of school because of his bullying sadistic ways. He was a large boy, standing more than 6 foot 2 inches while he was still in school. He always picked on smaller boys and was a lusting brute when it came to his treatment of girls. By the time he was sixteen he was on his own. He worked sporadically in the fields around his village and stole from anyone he thought he could terrorize or coerce. He would have eventually ended in prison or worse had he not joined Castro?s rebellion in late 1957.
He fought alongside Fidel rising in esteem and gaining rank with each skirmish. When Castro was victorious in 1959 Hector was a Captain in the militia. He marched through Havana just behind his hero and leader. Hector?s reward for his service during the insurgency was to be put in charge of a small garrison that was quartered close by his old village. Hector wasted no time revisiting villagers he felt had mistreated him as a boy. Captain Alonzo?s militiamen who made their visitations late at night sought out teachers, employers and schoolmates. Several of them disappeared altogether while others quietly moved away leaving most of their belongings behind. Repaying debts owed to women and girls was Hectors favorite pastime.
Within a week of his return Hector and his men invaded the home of one of his former employers. In the early morning hour?s eight militiamen broke into the secluded home that was on the outskirts of the village. The marines rampaged through the house rousing all inhabitants from their beds. Hector?s eyes glowed as he looked down upon his captives. The pudgy employer, his fat wife, his equally fat cook and deliciously nubile maid, and the man?s two luscious daughters cowered at his feet. The marines beat the employer, his wife, and cook. Then the fat captives were hog-tied and their bodies were thrown to the floor. In horror, the trio was forced to watch the debauchery and atrocities Hector and his men inflicted upon the employer?s two young daughters and the helpless maid.
Hector had imagined this moment many times in his mind. Justina was his employer?s oldest daughter. She had teased and humiliated him on numerous occasions in his youth. Her status and the protection her wealth provided had kept Hector from acting on his desires as a boy. Now things were different. He was a man. He was the man. He would make Justina and her entire family pay for her taunting activities as a girl. Justina was the same age as Hector at the time of the attack. Both were 20. Krista, her younger sister was three years younger and in her youthful way even more beautiful than Justina. Justina stood a tall and slender 5 foot 7 inch The 17 year old Krista was shorter and rounder. The younger girl was 5 foot 4 inch and carried some baby fat on her ample bosom and spherical hips. Her weight at 115 lbs. was only 5 lbs. less than her taller sister?s weight. Justina?s dark brown hair brushed the tops of her narrow shoulders while Krista?s similar colored locks fell far down her back. Added to these delightful offerings was the tiny, 5 foot 2 inch, 16-year-old blonde maid. Leah was petite with enormous brown eyes and fine golden hair that was piled high on her tiny head.
All three young women were enticing but Hector?s hatred of the older girl made her assault his first priority. Hector wanted to extract his vengeance upon Justina. He had to ravage her as she had tormented him, one on one. His hatred for his employer took second place to his purpose with this slender beauty. The rest of the family would suffer as well and the thought of abusing young Krista made Hector hesitate but only for a second. Justina would be his and the others would be left to the mercies of his men. Grabbing the 20 year old by her pink nightgown Hector dragged the screaming girl into one of the bedrooms and left his men to entertain themselves with the younger sister and tiny blonde maid. Three of the men turned their attentions on the maid while four marines attacked the buxom younger sister.
The sounds that emanated from the invaded house in the next few hours were horrifying. Justina was beaten and raped into unconsciousness by the raging Captain. Her screams of pain and pleadings for mercy as his defilement of her defenseless body intensified reverberated throughout the home. Hector slapped her around the bedroom until the helpless girl dropped to he knees in pain. Dragging the sobbing girl to the bed by her hair the vengeful Cuban tied her spread-eagled to the four bedposts. His hands explored her slender body. Rough fingers squeezed the round smooth breasts leaving bruised flesh in their wake. Sliding his hands down her writhing body the Captain pushed his fingers into her tight dry slit. Justina screamed in pain as the sadist hooked his thumbs into her womanhood and pulled apart the delicate lips of her vagina. His lust fully aroused, Hector centered his enormous penis on the small pink opening, pushing its beefy head past his prying thumbs.
Tears spurted from the girl?s tightly closed eyes as she reeled in agony. The Cuban returned his hands to Justina?s breasts twisting and wrenching at them with each lunging thrust of his manhood into her defenseless body. His savage mauling and horrific raping of the girl was to be only the beginning of her defilement. Justina was raped and sodomized until she lost consciousness. She awakened some time later, coughing, and fighting for air. Opening her brown eyes she found herself looking at the shaft of the Captain?s blood and shit stained penis. Hector sat atop her breasts, his hands entangled in her brown hair pulling her cock filled mouth into his crotch. Seeing his victim awakening encouraged the sadist even more as he yanked and tugged her head with increased violence. Justina?s lips and nose were bloodied before Hector spewed his cum deep down her spasming throat. With a final thrust the Captain groaned in ecstasy having wreaked vengeance upon his once haughty victim.
While Hector abused his captive his compatriots began their assault on Krista and Leah delivering cruel slaps and kicks to the helpless girls stunning both young women. The staggered women afforded easy pickings to the lusting marines. The four men mauling the 17-year-old brunette wasted no time shredding the young girl?s nightgown. Three men held her immobilized on the floor while the fourth man dropped between her spread thighs. The raped girl shrieked in agony as her virginity was ripped asunder. The pillaging men assaulted Krista?s every orifice, ramming their lusting shafts into the battered girl with such violence that crimson streaks adorned her once unblemished flesh. When most of the marines had satiated themselves sexually, they turned their attention to curvaceous girl?s fleshy buttocks. The immobilized girl was held by two marines face down atop a third man reclining beneath her with his penis buried deep in her slit. The fourth man whipped the thrashing girls exposed bottom with his belt until his sprawling associate had been milked dry by the girl?s wild gyrations. The men traded places, repeating the brutality until Krista no longer reacted to the whipping and faded into unconsciousness.
Tiny Leah fared no better. The brown eyed blonde was nearly torn apart by the three men attacking her. One man twisted her arms behind her back pinning her tiny wrists in one of his meaty hands. The man?s other arm looped around the blonde?s neck lifting her small body off the floor. As the helpless girl screamed and cried her legs were pulled wide apart and she was impaled upon the penis of a marine wedged tight between her thighs. The anguished girl bucked her body with such ferocity that the man holding her by the wrists and neck nearly lost his grip. Clamping his forearm ever tightly around her slender neck the marine stilled and quieted the writhing girl by cutting off her air supply. Her battered body continued to twitch and gyrate as her rapist pistoned his penis in and out of her petite body. The 16-year-old maid became comatose soon after all three men had repeatedly raped her virginal body; her tender virginal flesh was ripped asunder. The girl?s every orifice was utilized and mutilated by the repeated penetrations of the brutal marines? appendages and digits. Her limp body was discarded once the marines had vented their lust. The anguished shrieks of agony coming from Krista and Leah had faded away long before the Captain finished his attack upon Justina.
When Hector returned from his plunder incapacitating Justina he was greeted by the sight of torn and blood streaked bodies. The fat wife had been gagged to stop her wailings at the sight of her daughter?s rape. The employer was in shock, staring unintelligibly at the depraved sight before him. The cook remained securely tied and noticeably terrified. Krista lay on her stomach; one arm pinned beneath her body. Her legs were spread wide and pink liquid oozed from her ruptured anus and vagina. The once perfectly smooth globes of her ass were criss-crossed with dark purple bruises and strips of lacerated flesh. Her body twitched and tiny mewing sounds came from her chafed lips. The tiny body of the blonde maid lay crumpled alongside Krista. Leah lay face up, her arms extending above her head. Bruises blemished her budding breasts and like the dark haired girl sprawled beside her, a puddle of pink blood and cum was forming between her legs. Her once wide eyes were nearly closed blinking randomly as she stared at the ceiling. The girl?s 100 lb. broken body appeared motionless from afar but a closer examination revealed that the girl was still breathing.
In the early hours of that morning a house on the outskirts of the village caught fire and before anyone could respond, burned to the ground. An investigation of the fire found none of the former inhabitants of the home. They had all vanished. No cause for the fire was found and the disappearance of family and domestic staff remained a mystery. In the next six months several more accidental fires occurred and more than one hundred people either disappeared from the village or quickly moved away. Local officials started to become alarmed and rumors were spreading about Hector and his thugs. After another incident were the daughter of one of the officials turned up missing Fidel Castro became involved. Not wanting to call attention to one of the heroes of the revolution Castro had Hector reassigned to Cuban Coastal Marine Surveillance and promoted to the rank of Major. Hector found himself transferred 200 miles to the south and west and put in charge of the security of three small islands off the southern coast of the Island of Cuba.
Chapter 3.
Hector quickly established connections in his new position. He was sought out by local smugglers and was given a piece of their action for his allowing them to continue their illegal businesses. In a year Hector had his own drug smuggling business going. His base of operation was the small middle island the nine girls had washed ashore. His immediate concern when he saw the beached motor cruiser was that his smuggling affair would be discovered. His apprehension was somewhat diminished when he discovered the two women aboard the grounded craft. When his men discovered the passports of seven other women when the motorboat was searched, Hector sent search parties onto the small island to hunt down and capture them. He was careful to select men for the search parties who were aligned with him in his smuggling operation.
Footprints in the sand indicated that two groups had left the boat. One set of footprints headed to the west and the second trail of prints traveled east. Hector dispatched two men each to follow the trails and left two more men to guard the already captured women. Angelique?s small footprints leading directly inland went unnoticed by the men. The Major re-boarded the Coast Guard vessel and resumed his search of the three islands, as was his military responsibility. Upon returning to his base on the main island Hector reported that he had found nothing unusual during his inspection of the other islands. He quickly and quietly rounded up a dozen more of his trusted comrades and had four of them take the small Coast Guard vessel back to his island. Before 3pm that afternoon, these four men were back aboard the beached motorboat. Hector and the other marines boarded a small Cessna and flew to their inland smuggling operation headquarters. From there they would assist and coordinate the search for the seven missing girls.
Earlier that afternoon, just before 1pm, Angelique had almost returned to the boat. She found nothing out of the ordinary during her exploration of the island. The densely forested land and rugged topography reduced her penetration of the island to a distance of less a mile. She found that the island was divided by a deep chasm, which conveyed a narrow stream to the ocean. She was unable to reach the stream before she had to turn back to the motorboat. As she neared the edge of the thick foliage Angelique was stopped in her tracks by the sound of a woman?s scream. The sound came from directly in front of her. The sound was coming from the boat. Angelique started running toward the sound but was again stopped when she heard the sound of men laughing and shouting in Spanish. The small girl crept forward slowly until she came to the edge of the thick forest. When her eyes saw what was causing the sounds she stopped dead in her tracks and her hand flew to her mouth to stifle a scream.
Dangling by her wrists from rigging at the powerboat?s stern was her sister Blaise. The tethered girl?s body was naked except for her white bikini bottoms. Her mouth was gagged with a strip of cloth and her ankles were tied together. Blaise?s head hung forward, her shoulder length brown hair brushing the tops of her exposed breasts as she swayed by her wrists. As Angelique watched a men in a strange uniform brought back his arm and sent a four-foot length of thin bamboo crashing into Blaise?s back. Blaise?s eyes flew open and her body danced away from the blow as a scream echoed from the boat. Angelique?s eyes followed the sound and came to rest on its source. Deirdre twisted in the arms of another uniformed man. She screamed with every blow delivered to Blaise. Angelique?s eyes focused on the blonde woman and she could see that every blow administered to Blaise was replicated by her captor?s penis, which thrust deeply into her naked body in unison with Blaise?s beating. The men laughed and shouted to one another as they whipped and raped the helpless captives. ?They will wish they had told us the truth?, the man whipping Blaise snickered.
Angelique?s eyes filled with tears. She cried softly for her sister and because she was truly scared. What could she do to help her sister and Deirdre? What if the men came after her? She had no answer. For the next two and a half hours, Angelique remained hidden while the two marines abused Blaise and Deirdre. The brunette was beaten with the bamboo switch until she was welted front and back by the weapon. She finally fainted from the pain after an hour of punishment. Her limp body was cut down from the boat and Deirdre?s golden body hung in its place. Now it became the blonde?s turn to become the target of the switch. ?You Americans think you are smart, I show you how smart you are?, the bamboo-wielding marine shouted. Like Blaise had been, Deirdre was gagged before she was lashed to the rigging. Her ample breasts rose and fell in rapid succession as she awaited her persecution.
Even the vile fingers that explored her battered curves could not revive Blaise. Her antagonist did not allow her unconscious state to keep him from ravishing her limp body. He pulled the cataleptic girl to her knees and then pushed her backward so that she lay on her back, knees buckled under her body. Spreading her knees the man centered himself between her thighs. After several violent attempts he finally forced his penis into her dry slit driving it in and out of her tender body until he groaned in pleasure and emptied his balls. The only sounds emanating from the boat before his groan was the smack of the bamboo switch flogging Deirdre?s soft flesh and the chortles belching from the man doing the beating. The blonde?s lithe breasts became a favorite target. Soon they became welted, swollen, and then lacerated as the unyielding bamboo repeatedly sliced into the creamy flesh. Tears flowed freely from her blue eyes as her body was savagely beaten. At last she lapsed in unconsciousness: blonde curls falling over her battered body as she collapsed.
Angelique stayed hidden as the Cuban Coast Guard vessel suddenly appeared. She, at first thought rescue was at hand. When she saw the men debarking the vessel wore the same uniform as the two men who had been battering Blaise and Deirdre she turned and ran back into the forest. She knew no escape route likely lay inland so the small girl decided to run to the west paralleling the coast. Maybe she would find safety or the other girls. The headway was slow but was a little faster than bearing directly inland. When she was out of sight of the boat the 17-year-old moved back out closer to the seashore where she could make even better time. She had to find help before anything worse happened to her sister.
Chapter 4.
Hours before the two redheads and Isis had begun their journey. At first they made good speed, not that it seemed to matter then. After about a quarter mile of rounding sand shoreline the island traverse became more difficult. The beach steepened and then disappeared altogether. The girls continued on climbing up the steep bank until they were several hundred feet above the ocean. The dense forest restricted their view and they were forced to find their way by dead reckoning. After about two hours the girls had managed to round one end of the island and had started back the opposite direction on the other side of the island. The sun high in the sky gave them no sense of direction as they slowing circled the small island. All three girls wore only their bikinis and that fact slowed them additionally. The thick foliage was difficult to traverse even when fully clothed. Bare skin was being constantly abraded by contact with rough forest plants. They had begun talking about giving up their quest when they stumbled upon a narrow path that led diagonally from their line of travel. The first sign of civilization brightened their spirits and they began to follow the trail.
The two marines that had been sent to track the girls had made up much ground and were close behind when the trio of women found the path. Within ten minutes the men had their quarry in sight. The men slowed their progress to match that of the girls knowing that the trail the girls had taken would lead them to the center of the island where the smuggling operations were headquartered. That location was always manned and had been alerted by Hector to be watching for intruders. The girls were walking into a trap.
At almost the same time as Hector returned to the island Erin, Fallon and Isis spotted a small group of buildings on what appeared to be a narrow open field. In fact they were at the tiny airstrip used by the smugglers to transport their goods. This had been the first open area the girls had seen since leaving the beach. They were certain they had found what they had been searching for. The two redheads ran ahead of the small high-schooler who somehow had a sense of uneasiness and slowed her pace.
hurried to one of the small buildings and had just turned to look around for her sister when a man brandishing a pistol jumped her from behind. He reached to grab the tall girl by the arm before she saw him. His fingers dug deep into her arm as the startled beauty turned back toward him and then tried to pull away. The two wrestled for several seconds before the man used his pistol to deliver a glancing blow the back of Erin?s head. The blow momentarily stunned the girl and she stumbled to one knee before regaining her balance and renewing her fight to escape. Using both her fists and her long legs she punched and kicked at her assailant until his grip on her arm was loosened and she broke free. As Erin ran from the man she heard a scream coming from her left. Glancing in that direction she saw her sister slump to her knees between two men.
Fallon had not quite reached another one of the small buildings when two men brandishing long machetes ran from either side of the building straight at her. She was startled and lurched to a stop just as the men reached her. The men acted in almost choreographed unison. One man hooked the fingers of his free hand into the back of the redhead?s flimsy bikini top tearing it off her body while simultaneously knocking the handle of his machete into the base of her neck. The second man slipped around to the girl?s side while digging the tip of his machete under and then through the material of her bikini bottom. In a thrice the 20-year-old girl was naked and on her knees. Her scream was cut short as both men fell atop the struggling girl knocking the breath from her lungs.
ran to her ill-fated sister and jumped into the fray. She pulled one of the men off her sister when the man who had attacked her earlier joined the brawl. Like tigresses the two redheaded sisters fought against the three men. Both girls were tall and strong; they clawed and punched at their assailants who responded in kind. Erin managed to claw one of the machetes out of a mans hand only to have it reclaimed when she was again struck in the back of her head by the butt end of the pistol. The blow blurred her vision and she was inundated by as her assailants as they slapped and punched her face and unprotected body. Before she fully recovered her senses her bikini top was torn loose from her breasts and her bikini bottoms dragged part way down her long legs. When she did return to her senses she tried to regain her feet and run away only to find herself tripped by the bikini bottoms tangled at her knees. She fell and was instantly beneath two of the attacking men who continued to wrestle with her. Her strength waning Erin succumbed to a vicious knee kick to her temple that knocked her senseless.
Fallon had managed to hold her own against the one man battling to subdue her. She fought with him to gain control of his machete. Her knees found important parts of his body on several occasions causing him to lose the focus of his attack. He sent most of his energy protecting his vitals as the two wrestled to a stalemate rolling around on the hard packed ground. That condition changed after Erin was knocked senseless. The two men who had beaten the 5 foot 8 inch girl now joined their comrade and the three men turned their attentions on the 5 foot 6 inch naked beauty. Fallon was no match for the three of them and was quickly pinned to the ground flat on her back. She struggled wildly as one of the men loomed above her, his eyes filled with lust. Her green eyes opened wide in pain as the man dropped his pants, and then savagely drove his sizeable man-shaft between her writhing thighs. The rapist rode the suffering girl while his compatriots held her body pinned to the ground by her arms and legs.
Fighting like a wolverine Fallon was able to twist away from her rapist. She jammed her knee into his groin to gain her freedom. Rolling away from the lusting men the redhead jumped to her feet and began to sprint away. The men quickly gave chase catching the girl quickly. One marine tackled the leggy girl about the knees. Before she could react a second man leaped atop her body. In the struggle to subdue the girl a marine?s heavy boot smacked into the redhead?s cheek splitting open the soft flesh. Blood gushed from the wound as the Fallon fought her last before lapsing into unconsciousness. She was not aware of the men?s molestation of her body as she and her debilitated sister were dragged into one of the compound?s buildings. Both girls were dumped onto the floor and locked into the windowless storeroom to await orders from Hector.
The tiny dark-haired Isis had seen from the airstrip the attack upon other two girls. Her intuition had proved correct. She turned back to retrace her direction and sprinted back toward the forest. She was almost to the edge of the woods when her eyes caught sight of two men concealed within the underbrush. She stopped quickly and changed her direction again. She darted to her left and ran back across the field diagonally. Seeing their prey trying to escape the two men in hiding dashed from their concealment and gave chase.
The 90-lb. girl was lightning fast and small enough to go places the men could not fit through. She evaded their pursuit for almost half an hour before she misjudged the precipitousness of the terrain and fell headlong down a steep embankment. The girl plunged to the bottom of the ravine arresting her descent just before she tumbled into the narrow stream at its bottom. Somewhat disoriented after her fall the petite girl tried to stand. At first she thought she was still perched on sloped ground but it was the sharp pain in her ankle that caused her to topple over. Isis had seriously injured her ankle. She was unable to stand and put weight on the ankle. She lay at the bottom of the ravine for several minutes listening to the sounds of her pursuers.
The two men had only barely been able to follow the 4 foot 10 inch girl?s trail through the forest. The sounds of her escape became fainter, as she was able to travel more quickly then the men. She slowly widened her distance away from them. When her pursuers could no longer hear the fleeing girl the men lost her trail altogether. The men stopped their pursuit after a sort time and retraced their steps to see where they had lost the trail. At the edge of a steep gully the men found signs of the girl?s passage. They looked over the edge into the ravine but could see nothing but dense foliage. Several broken branches down the side of the steep valley told the tale. That the girl had fallen was certain. Had she survived her fall was yet to be determined. Carefully both men reconnoitered the area until they found a gentler slope in which to lower themselves to the bottom of the gully.
Isis could hear the men as they slipped and slid their way down the ravine?s side. They were coming closer with each minute and she know they would find her unless she found a way to hide. Painfully she crawled to beneath a wide leafed fern pulling its leaves in around her tiny body. She was still as the men came closer and closer. She concentrated so hard on the sounds the men made that she did not hear the splashing sounds coming from the stream below her until the source of the sounds was almost upon her. The tiny girl looked around to see a familiar figure wading toward her in the stream. Before she thought of the consequences of her actions she called out to the figure. ?Angelique?, escaped from between her lips before she heard the sound of her own voice reverberating in the narrow chasm. The splashing sound stopped and then restarted as the figure turned and ran from the sound of her name. Isis was instantly regretful she had made any sound as the men quickly rushed to her location. Even then she evaded their observation in her curled seclusion under the large fern. The men closed in to within feet of her hideout and would have missed her altogether when one of then stepped upon her injured leg in passing. Her whelp of pain was followed by the sounds of the men dragging her from her concealment and her screams as they twisted her damaged ankle in the process.
Angelique had found her way to the bottom of the ravine an hour earlier and was following the stream through its narrow meandering when she heard the sound of something crashing down the side of the surrounding hill. Quietly Angelique moved toward the sound slowing as the sound faded so she could listen more easily. She gently splashed her was up the stream, the water was only knee depth in this part of the creek. The only sound Angelique heard was her on movement through the water when suddenly someone called out her name. Angelique stopped all motion and then turned around and ran back down the creek bed. She had run for about a minute when an anguished scream emanated behind her. The sound of the scream was chilling as Angelique had heard similar sounds coming from her sister and from Deirdre only hours earlier. Again Angelique froze and then she made her way to the stream bank and hid among the foliage there. More screams came from up stream and they were punctuated by the sounds of men?s voices.
Angelique?s eyes were partially filled with tears as she slowly moved back toward the screams. In minutes Angelique could see their source. Two men had her dear friend Isis in their grasp. A man gripped her tightly by one arm while his other hand was entangled in her long black hair. The second man had wrapped one of his arms around her slim legs at the thigh. The diminutive girl?s screams were almost deafening as the men wrestled her to the water. Angelique watched in horror as the man at her head plunged Isis?s upper body beneath the waist deep water holding her struggling body while she thrashed about wildly. The man holding her legs tore her bikini bottoms away from her hips and then embedded his fingers deep into her gyrating groin.
After almost a minute the girl?s head emerged from the water. She choked and gagged trying to refill her lungs with air. While she struggled the men took advantage tearing away her blue bikini top from her pert breasts. When Isis had regained her breath she again began to scream and cry out in pain as her body was ravished. The men twisted their captive?s slender arms behind her back immobilizing her and forcing her back to arch backward. Her naked body was then easily penetrated by one of the men as the other twisted the 90-lb. brunette?s arms so brutally that her shoulders were nearly dislocated. Both men raped and sodomized the petite girl battering and bloodying her femininity and tiny anal passage. Whenever she fought back the men punched and slapped her fragile body until she could stand no more punishment and allowed the men to have their way with her. Angelique watched as her naked friend?s 18-year-old body was raped again and again. When the men had satisfied their lust the tiny brunette was dragged back up the embankment and out of Angelique?s sight.
Angelique choked back a sob at what she had witnessed. What was happening in this evil place? Her sister and Deirdre had been whipped and beaten. Now one of her close friends had been beaten and raped before her eyes. Angelique wept softly as she turned away from the atrocious deed and started back down the stream in the direction she had come from. She had no idea what to do next. She staggered on only because there was nothing else she could do.
Chapter 5.
At the other end of the small island the three girls exploring to the east had found the going somewhat easier. The beach had quickly receded into the dense foliage as had occurred in the west but here the terrain was much flatter. Cherie and the two dark-haired high-schoolers worked their way east through the thickly forested land. At the eastern end of the island they came upon the very stream in which Isis had been assaulted. Here the stream widened and emptied into the ocean. Alongside the north bank of the stream there was a narrow path leading back into the island. The intrepid threesome decided to follow the path in the hope it would lead to a source of help. As the other three girls had already discovered, this path would lead only to their capture and butchery. They had found the southern end of the same path that Erin, Fallon and Isis had followed to the smuggler?s headquarters. The girls followed the winding path for a hour before Cherie decided to stop at a point where the stream widened and deepened. She was hot and tired and a soak in the cool waters of the stream seemed like a good idea.
Cherie slipped off the top of her two piece swimsuit as she entered the waist deep water. She waded into the stream and found a cool place under an overhanging tree the rinse out her bikini top. The other two girl?s waited ashore for her to return. It was an idyllic location and all three girls relaxed in the quit surroundings. All of that changed in an instant.
The pair of marines sent out by Hector had tracked the trio of girls. The marines had quickly caught up with their prey then they lay back waiting for the right time to pounce. The girls had traveled far enough up the ravine that keeping them from escaping back to the seashore would now be an easy task. All the men had to do was stay east of the women to insure they could only travel west. West led directly to the smuggler?s center of operations and to certain capture. The men saw an opportunity to capture one of the women when Cherie separated from the other two girls. Gabrielle and Holly had both continued farther up stream while the 25-year-old blonde soaked her tired body in the stream. One marine crept up along the bank of the stream to a spot just above the 5 foot 4 inch girl. The other man stayed back farther downstream to be certain the other girls stayed upstream. With a silent nod to his comrade the marine above Cherie jumped into the water a few feet behind her.
The startled girl barely had time to turn toward the sound of his entry into the stream when he was upon her. The half-naked girl found herself engulfed in the man?s arms as he slammed into her side, wrapping his arms around her upper body and knocking her sideways into the stream. The suddenness of the attack and the speed in which the 110-lb. girl found herself forced below the water?s surface kept the serenity of the scene intact. Neither of the dark haired girls only a few hundred feet away had any notion of Cherie?s struggle. The man?s weight pushed her upper body down under the water as she struggled to twist free from his tightening grip. One of the pretty blonde?s arms was pinned to her side and the other was uselessly flailing about under the water. Her legs kicked about wildly on the surface, as most of her attacker?s weight was concentrated on her upper body. The man?s intent was to take the fight out of his victim by slowly drowning her.
He would have succeeded if Cherie had not been able to sink her teeth into his forearm where it wrapped across her upper chest. Like a badger, the small woman bit deep into the flesh of his arm drawing blood in the process. She refused to withdraw her teeth even as the injured man released his grip on her body. It was the marine who broke the silence of the place emerging from beneath the water with a cry of distress. Cherie followed him out of the water her teeth still sunk deep into his arm. The man?s shout alerted the other girls to the assault and they both turned and ran back toward the sound. When they saw the marine and the blonde girl wrestling in the water they turned again and ran back upstream on the narrow path. The second marine followed close behind them leaving his associate to subdue the blonde woman.
That was proving to be easier said than done. The marine was able to disengage his arm from Cherie?s mouth by pushing his thumb into one of her eyes. She released her jaws and pulled sharply away from the man before he could do any serious damage to her eye. The man concentrated his attention upon his bleeding arm while the slender girl splashed across the stream toward the opposite bank. She found the going more difficult once she reached the water?s edge as the land slopped sharply upward on that side. Cherie tried to pull herself out of the water but struggled with the slippery steep footing. As the man recovered from his fixation of his injury he gave chase. The 5 foot 4 inch girl stretched high on her toes and raised her arms high above her head trying to reach an overhanging limb to help pull herself from the water. With a huge effort she jumped high enough out of the water to snag the branch. She dragged her half-naked body up the slope and out of her pursuer?s reach as he arrived on the far bank. She scrambled up the slope kicking loose rocks down atop her adversary. The man blocked the rocks and worked his way up the slope in close pursuit of his prey.
The other girls continued to run up the path. Glancing behind them they could see they were being followed. Both Gabrielle and Holly were very frightened and tears flowed down their smooth cheeks as they ran. Their pursuer did not seem to be gaining ground on them as they ran but neither did they seem to be pulling away from the man. For the next twenty minutes the girls ran on and the man followed. At one point Gabrielle who was trailing Holly down the path looked over her shoulder and in doing so snagged her foot on a root in the path. She went sprawling to the ground. A yelp as her foot snagged and exclamation as she hit the ground alerted Holly to her friend?s problem. Gabrielle was struggling to regain her footing by the time Holly had run back down the path to help her. Both youngsters fixed their eyes on the path they had just traveled expecting their pursuer to emerge from around the last bend in the path. Quickly Gabrielle was pulled to her feet and the two girls ran as fast as their tired legs could carry them back up the winding path. The man slowed his pace and kept his distance from the frightened girls. His job was just to herd them into the trap up ahead. He was doing a fine job.
At the same time Gabrielle tripped and fell the marine climbing after Cherie had overtaken the half-naked blonde. She had scrambled to the top of the gully and was about to pull herself out of the ravine when the marine reached up and grabbed her by one ankle. Cherie tried to kick free but the man held his grip. The blonde held tight with both hands to the base of a small tree at the edge of the chasm. She pulled with all her remaining strength trying to lift herself out of the man?s grip. With her free leg she flailed wildly at the man below. She still couldn?t break free. The marine was using Cherie to pull himself upward. With a skyward lunge his free hand reached up, his fingers wrapped tightly around Cherie?s ankle-held leg just above the knee. Cherie could now do some damage with her free leg and she sent it pounding into the man?s face and shoulders. He turned his head to the side to avoid the free leg. With another upward lunge the marine pulled himself higher on Cherie?s leg releasing her ankle and sinking his fingers into the back of her thigh.
The weakening girl had to decide what to do next. The man was inching up her leg using her body to pull himself up the slope. She held tightly to a small tree trunk at the top of the ravine. If she let go of the tree both of them would likely tumble back down the steep bank. She didn?t have to decide. Her hands suddenly were pulled free from the tree trunk as the man again lunged forward and both arms wrapped tight around her slender waist replacing his grip on her knee and thigh. For an instant the 110-lb. girl was pulled completely free of the embankment and was dangling in the man?s arms. Both of them started sliding back down the slope but only for an instant before the marines boot caught firmly on an out thrusting root. He stopped his downward trajectory instantly and just as suddenly Cherie was slammed back into the hillside.
The marine was firmly footed on the slope. The half-naked blonde girl was against the hillside beneath him. She faced away from him so her arms and legs would offer her little offensive protection. Her teeth the man knew to be dangerous; but he held her tightly around the waist far below any place she could reach with her teeth. The man was now holding her only with one arm around her waist. The other hand was worked between her legs and under her pale blue bikini bottom. Thick fingers probed her anus and vagina while the helpless girl tried to pull herself free from the molestation. This is exactly what the marine wanted. Gradually Cherie pulled herself up the slope and the man followed her every move. In more time than Cherie wanted it to take she pulled herself and the man defiling her over the edge of the ravine. At the top of the hillside the marine quickly released his grip of her waist and grabbed a handful of her shoulder length hair in one hand. Then quickly he pushed his fingers deep into her groin. The shock and pain of his fingers caused Cindy to reach back with both hands and in an instant the man seized them both.
The marine dragged the captured girl to her feet even as she fought to regain her freedom. The man took a length of vine and wrapped to tightly around her wrists behind her back. Another length of vine was used to create a short tether for her ankles. The tether allowed her enough distance so that she could walk but would not allow her to run. Suitably trussed Cherie was shoved forward and directed to follow the edge of the ravine in a westerly direction. In time the marine found a less steep passageway back down to the stream and then across the water to the path. Cherie was on her way to rejoin her friends.
Holly and Gabrielle had no idea what had become of Cherie. They were too worried about their own safety to consider the other girl?s plight. They stumbled on for another hour before coming to a bend in the path that took them away from the stream. The dense forest obscured their view of the sun and they had no idea where on the island they were. They ran on until suddenly they broke out into a clearing. They were on the edge of what appeared to be an open field. Across the field they could see some small buildings. They were on the airstrip that a little more than an hour earlier had seen the capture of the two redheads and precipitated the rape of Isis. The two dark-haired teenagers were not aware of those circumstances.
As had the earlier group of girls, Holly and Gabrielle thought they had discovered a safe haven. The tired pair dashed across the open field as fast as their legs would carry them toward the closest of the buildings. Holly led the way with Gabrielle close on her heels. The man following them wasn?t far behind and he now was clearly visible as they ran toward the structures. Holly was two dozen steps ahead of Gabrielle when she reached the partially opened doorway of the small building. She burst through the door and into the room without slowing her pace. Gabrielle was slower in reaching the building and as she passed by a window at the side of the building she saw that Holly had run into a trap.
Two men hiding behind the door had slipped in behind Holly trapping her within the small room. The men were closing in around Holly and forcing her back into a corner. Gabrielle pulled up short and started to turn away from the building when she ran head first into the man who had been following her. The collision knocked her to the ground on the small porch of the building. She was stunned by the collision and was several seconds regaining her orientation. She could hear her friend?s cries of alarm and the sounds of a struggle coming from within the building. She had her own troubles to attend to, as the noise emanating from inside the building intensified as Holly fought hard to avoid her assailants.
The two girls? battled to evade capture using every deception their cunning could devise. Holly allowed herself to be slowly backed into a corner of the building and then suddenly tried to dash between her assailants. She was convincing in her act and was able to slip between the men and back out the door before they could react to her quick shift in direction. Her exit from the door coincided with Gabrielle?s quick recovery from pretending to be injured from the fall she had taken. The 5 foot 4 inch girl had yelped loudly as she hit the ground following her collision with the marine. She lay momentarily with one arm twisted behind her back as if it had been broken. The marine relaxed in his stance above the 17-year-old thinking she was incapacitated. When Holly burst through the doorway into the small porch the marine was distracted and Gabrielle jumped to her feet and ran off back toward the airstrip.
Gabrielle had enough of a head start to have reached the far side of the field before she was caught from behind. The marine made a flying tackle of the fleeing 110-lb. girl. Both of his arms were wrapped tight around her thighs as she was brought down at the edge of the forest. She squealed and screamed as the man held her lower body trapped beneath his. Her bare legs were pinned to the ground as the marine used his weight and strength to subdue the struggling girl. Gabrielle?s powder blue tank top was pushed far up her back by one the man?s grasping hands while the other hand locked into her long hair. With a tug on the soft locks the man jerked Gabrielle?s head back. Manhandling the young girl by her hair the man pulled her to her feet. Gabrielle stumbled back to the smuggler?s compound, one arm twisted high up behind her back. She witnessed Holly?s predicament thorough tear filled eyes.
The smaller girl had evaded capture within the room only to find herself again backed into a corner. Holly had rushed from the small building and had run straight toward two buildings directly across a small opening. Running recklessly the 100-lb. girl dashed headlong between two of the structures. Her dark hair swept across her face as she glanced back over her shoulder. Her range of vision being partially obscured kept her from seeing she was entering a blind alley. A dozen strands of criss-crossed barbed wire formed an eight-foot high fence that extended between the two buildings. By the time she realized her error the two men she had eluded had closed in behind her blocking her escape route. This time the men were not to be taken in by her fakery.
As they closed in or her one of the men now menaced her with an old carbine. Holly backed away from the short rifle as the man holding the weapon by the barrel loosely swung it at her as if he held a baseball bat. Her heart pounded as she continued retreating until she backed into the barbed wire fence. One of her hands came up to protect her body from the advancing men while the other was used to gauge her distance from the fence. The men took their time slowly closing the distance to their prey. The man with the rifle re-grasped the weapon in a more conventional manner pointing its barrel at the trapped girl. As Gabrielle watched and cried out to her friend the men leaped upon the feckless girl. Holly was forced to the ground even as her arms and legs flailed about trying to defend herself. The men battered and wrestled the 18-year-old into submission. What remained of her bikini top was ripped off her body when the men completed their assault. The partially naked girl was clumsily carried and dragged to join Gabrielle being thrown into the windowless storeroom with the injured Isis and the two redheaded sisters. There the five girls awaited Hectors arrival.
Chapter 6.
Angelique was aware of none of this as she worked her way back down the small stream. The day was passing into early evening when she heard the sounds of someone coming toward her. She was nearing a sharp bend in the stream and had just noticed a narrow path that seemed to turn away from the water at the change in direction. The small girl quickly hid herself in the deep foliage. In another minute see saw who had been making the noise her had heard. At first Angelique thought she was about to be reunited with one of her shipwrecked friends. An instant later she saw that the friend had fallen into the clutches of another of these strangely dressed marines. Cherie was naked from the waist up. Her hands were tied behind her back as she stumbled down the narrow path. Her feet were fettered and as she got closer to Angelique the young girl could see that scrapes and lacerations covered the front of the blonde?s body. Cherie?s head tilted forward and her eyes seemed locked to the ground directly in front of her. She was trying to keep her balance as the man right behind her pushed and shoved her along.
Angelique choked back a sob and helplessly watched as her blonde friend was pushed down the path. When the pair had passed Angelique slipped from her hiding place and from a safe distance followed along behind. Maybe she would find the chance to free her friend from the man. Angelique was scared but she had to try to do what she could. Deirdre, her sister Blaise, and Isis had been raped before her eyes; Angelique could not let that happen again if there was anything she could do to prevent it. The small dark girl stayed out of sight and followed Cherie and her captor until they reached a clearing in the forest. Angelique stayed within the protection of the dense greenery and watched to her amazement as a small aircraft appeared suddenly over the trees and landed gently in the clearing.
The man behind Cherie shoved her brutally in the direction of the airplane. The 25-year-old blonde tripped and fell from the action causing the man to grab her golden hair and pull her harshly back to her feet. Keeping his fingers entangled in her shoulder-length hair the man continued to push and shove her toward the taxiing airplane. When the plane came to a halt several men jumped out. One of the men was dressed in a fancy uniform while the other men wore some kind of strange green military fatigues. The man holding Cherie gave her hair a tug and sent her tumbling to the feet of the men disembarking the airplane. The fancily dressed man looked down at the tethered girl and leered a contemptuous grin. Angelique shook with fear seeing the look upon this mans face. This man was evil, Angelique knew now that her sister, Deirdre, and now Cherie were in danger. Why was this happening? What could she do to save her friends?
As Angelique watched Hector and his men marched Cherie across the field and out of sight. The 5-foot tall girl slowing crawled out of her hiding spot and crept across the airstrip until she could see the buildings on the other side. Angelique stayed as far away from the buildings as she could and still be able to see them. When she reached the end of the airstrip she was able to slip into the forest and follow it around to the other side of the compound. From her vantage point the 17-year-old could see the whole collection of structures that made up the smugglers headquarters. As the sun fell farther in the west the activities within the camp increased. The men seemed to be unloading one of the buildings and carrying sacks of something to the airstrip. Other men loaded the sacks into the aircraft and then the airplane was pushed back onto the airstrip and send back into the air. Only one man left with the airplane, the other returned to the compound and all of them entered one of the buildings.
The compound remained eerily quiet from another few minutes. Only the faint sounds of the men talking within the building could be heard. Then to Angelique?s surprise eight more figures appeared across the airstrip. Angelique saw that Deirdre and Blaise were among the group of uniformed men crossing the field. Angelique could see that her sister was completely naked. Blaise had welts and bruises covering most of her body. Her brown hair swayed before her as her head slumped forward as had Cherie?s indicating her subjugation to the captors. Deirdre?s short blue skirt, hung in tatters around her hips. The dress was torn up one side to the waist revealing that the golden haired woman had been brutally raped. Her body too was covered in bruises and lacerations, her breasts striped crimson from the bamboo inflicted wounds she had already received. Unlike the other captives Angelique had seen Deirdre still held her head high in spite of the bruised flesh visible on her cheeks and jaw. Even with the brutal treatment she had received since her capture the 28-year old woman still refused to surrender to her captors.
Hours earlier when Hector first departed the small island he had left Deirdre and Blaise in the hands of two of his men. These marines were to remain on the motor boat with the captives to guard them. The men amused themselves by stringing the girls by their wrists from the stern of the boat and then whipping them until the young women lost consciousness. The damsel?s black and blue bodies were raped and abused by these sadists. Blaise had succumbed early to the brutal treatment while Deirdre continued to resist. The pretty woman?s reward for this conduct was more malevolent abuse. The 105-lb. woman?s face was slapped repeatedly until she too lost her enthusiasm for resistance. The captives? abuse continued for another three hours until the Cuban Coast Guard vessel returned. The mostly naked girls were taken off the motorboat and put aboard the military craft. Their 40-foot motor cruiser was towed off the beach, hauled a mile out to sea and scuttled. As the motor boat sunk the smaller Cuban vessel made for the eastern end of the island. Once there the small craft entered the mouth of the stream and motored several hundred yards up river before tying off at the edge of the narrow rivulet.
With the Coast Guard vessel well hidden from the sea the marines and their captives made their way up the path toward the mid-island smuggler?s command. Along the way the men stopped long enough for each man to satisfy his lust. Blaise?s blood stained body was slammed to the ground; her hands were pinned to the ground above her head. One man after another mounted the writhing brown haired girl driving him manhood deep into her soft body. Her screams were joined by the cries coming from Deirdre?s bloodied lips as the debauch minded marines repeatedly raped the beautiful woman. The blonde?s short skirt was torn away from her wildly thrashing thighs. Her battered breasts suffered again as hands and teeth ripped into their soft form. When all of the men had been satisfied they resumed their march having inflicted their vengeance upon their helpless captives.
The result of the men?s savagery was apparent to Angelique as she watched from her hiding place as Blaise and Deirdre were paraded across the airstrip. The small girl?s eyes filled with tears when she saw what had become of her sister. Now the two cringing girls were thrown into the same small building with her other friends. Only Angelique remained free of these ruthless fiends. As the sun set that night the tiny girl with the long dark hair concealed herself at the edge of the forest. She was to be witness to all the barbarous depravity Hector and his men could spawn. Angelique shivered with a chilling foreboding as the repulsive men began in earnest their interrogation of the eight captured girls.
Chapter 7.
Hector carefully examined the passports found on board the motor cruiser. Nine passports were discovered but only eight of the girls shown on the passports were accounted for. Radio reports originating in the Bahamas told a story of nine women lost at sea on a motor boat. The reports were too coincidental to be believed. Hector was suspicious and his men not finding the missing girl made him spitting mad. It would be just like the American CIA to fabricate such a story and provide the duplicity for their operatives to gain access to Cuban military secrets. Hector was not fooled by the falsified radio reporting or by the simulated shipwreck. The motor boat had rested too gently upon the beach and was without a crew only these ?helpless? females. How stupid did the CIA think Cuban?s were? Hector vowed to extract the truth from the captives and to discover from them the location of the missing ninth girl, Angelique.
Hector and three of his men went to the small storeroom to check out the incarcerated women. The eight beauties were in varying states of dress and health. Blaise, Erin and Fallon had been striped of their clothing. Blaise and Isis had been beaten and raped by several of the marines. The two tall redheads were bruised as a consequence of the ferocity they had offered during their capture. Erin?s head had stopped throbbing and the bruise on the side of Fallon?s face was already fading.
Cherie, Holly and Deirdre still wore some of their clothing around their hips. Deirdre?s short powder blue skirt was held to her waist by only its narrow waistband. The 28-year-old blonde tried to retain her courage and audacity even as her body and face ached from the beatings she had taken. She had been forcefully raped by several of the marines during the same times Blaise was being battered and ravaged. She doggedly held her head high and met the men?s dark-eyed stares with icy-blue glowers of her own. Beaten and bruised the strong willed girl refused to be broken by these demented foreigners.
The front of Cherie?s body was scraped and lacerated. Her only raiment was the blue bikini bottom, which still wrapped tightly to her round hips. Holly still wore her tattered and dirty white shorts. Only Gabrielle was still completely dressed. The 17-year-old girl wore the blue tank top and jean shorts she put on before she departed the motor boat that morning. She trembled in fear as Hector and his men walked among the girls who gathered close together on the rough wooden floor. Hector carried a riding crop, which he used to poke and prod at the captives as his inspection continued. Gabrielle felt the tip of the crop slide beneath her shirt as Hector lifted the fabric to get a look at the teenager?s breasts. For a moment the 110-lb. girl?s modesty overcame her fear and she tried to knock the crop away with her hands. She become conscious of her error of judgment the instant Hector give orders to his men to seize the foolish young girl.
Before she could react two of the marines had jerked the 5 foot 4 inch girl to her feet. The men pulled her elbows in tight behind her back forcing her body to arch backward and forcing her flat stomach forward. Gabrielle?s cries of pain as her arms were twisted harshly behind her back were joined by the voices of her seven friends who protested and pleaded for Gabrielle?s release. The two men wrestling with the 17-year-old brunette paid them little heed. The third of Hector?s men threateningly swung the barrel of his carbine in the other captives? direction momentarily suppressing their agitation. Gabrielle?s shoulders snapped and popped as more pressure was applied to her arms. Tears of pain flowed from her dark eyes as Hector reintroduced his riding crop to her soft body. The point of the crop slipped beneath the bottom of the girl?s torn shirt and then slowly pulled the garment up the front of her body.
Gabrielle?s pink bra was exposed as the crop pushed the shirt up to and then, with a sudden jerk, over her tear-stained face. The temporarily blinded girl squirmed in the grasp of her captors as Hector poked at her near naked upper body with the thick point of his weapon. Pushing the rod down her chest he hooked the thin leather crop under the cross piece of the bra between Gabrielle?s round globes and pulled the lacy underwear down off her breasts. A perfect pair of breasts wobbled into view. Hector was reminded of another 17 year old that he had recently seen being deflowered. The girl before him reminded him of Justina?s younger sister Krista. Gabrielle was not quite as robust as the honey-plump Krista had been but her coloring and dark eyes made the resemblance between the two girls extraordinary. She would be a fine substitute for the relinquished opportunity Hector had tolerated when Justina was his chosen victim and Krista was given to his men.
This dark-haired beauty would be his, to take, first and then if she survived with anything worth their trouble his men could complete the defilement. Hector tore away the remains of Gabrielle?s tank top and pulled her bra free of her twisting body. With a nod from the Major his crony?s released the girl who staggered uneasily after being set loose. Hector knocked her back to the floor with a sweeping backhand that crashed against her cheek. The stunned brunette fell away from the punch landing with a thud upon her back. Hector?s mind wandered as he glared down at the moaning girl. The Major knew her history, her past, her indiscretion. In his youth, he had known a girl exactly like this one. She had been haughty and aloof, she had flaunted her body, her virtue, she spurned the boys who sought her favors. But now things had changed, she lay at his feet, his to take, his to punish for her stuck-up ways. She was so beautiful, so vulnerable, she would pay a terrible price for what she had done, oh how she would pay. Hector?s mind snapped back to the present. The girl lay on the floor, her cheek reddened; the corner of her lip oozed a thin trail of blood. Hector would attend to her later.
Chapter 8.
Now it was time to apply the tricks he had mastered since joining Castro?s insurgency and a few more that were self-taught after he set out on his own. He knew that an effective cross-examination technique was to conduct the inquiries individually. But to keep all the captured suspects close enough together so they could hear the application of the interrogation techniques without being able to see them being administered. The depraved sounds his men would be making as they vented their lust and vehemence upon the captives. The harrowing shrieks of pain and anguish the young women would make in response to the willful shredding of their virginity and mutilation of their bodies would go a long way in compelling the other captives to tell what they knew. They would be given no choice but capitulation. No mercy would be shown to these American bitches. Hector ordered his men to take the eight girls out into the compound. While the girls struggled and pleaded with the marines each of them was lashed to posts set several meters distance apart.
Roughly, his men grabbed the each of the captives separately, yanking them to their feet then hurling them out of the building. When Fallon fought back at being separated from her sister she discovered her strength was no match for the brutality of the men who punched and cuffed her into submission before shoving her from the room. The remainder of Hector?s men waited outside in the building snaring the women as they were flung out. One by one, the girls were manhandled to an arrangement of thick poles that the Major had earlier instructed his men to firmly embed in the ground. Each pole shaft was at least two-hundred millimeters in diameter. They were rough-hewn lumber, irregular in shape, culled from construction timbers intended for the framing of outbuildings. Standing straight out of the hard packed ground they stood about three meters in height and were braced diagonally from the bottom of one mast to the top of the next. The posts had been spaced four meters apart and were positioned in a line. Lengths of rope had been tied to the cross beams dangling down almost to the ground.
The Major?s men locked a crude iron manacle to each girl?s wrist, and then tied a thick leather strap to the shackle. Once a wrist was tethered, it was knotted into the rope that was tied to the diagonally crossed beams at the top of the posts. The rope was then pulled back over the top of the pole until each of the girls had one arm stretched high over her head. The rope was then tied off leaving each of the young women straining on her tiptoes, one arm pulled above their head, the thick post pressed tight to their back. As the girls writhed in their constraint, the rough-cut timbers poked furrows into their naked backs. The captives were left with their unfettered arm free and both of the girl?s legs were unrestrained. The young women squirmed at the end of the tether soon discovering that their ensnarement made it difficult for them when trying to evade a marine?s defiling hands. Squeals and shrieks sounded as filthy fingers explored writhing bodies and mercilessly invaded the captives? exposed genitals. As the men?s lust heightened the violent jabbing intensified the pain being inflicted upon the tight clefts as they plunged digits deeply into the unprotected slits.
When all the girls had been rendered vulnerable, the men moved in front of the line of women and built a small fire. As the darkness of the night closed in a few of the men meandered among the dangling women amusing themselves by suddenly twisting an exposed nipple to the distress of the molested girls. Hector sent some of his men to retrieve two sheets of plywood from the supply of building materials use to construct his compound buildings. The plywood sheets were two and one-half metes by one and a quarter meter in size. They could be positioned so that any one of the restrained women would be separated and hidden from the other seven captives.
The Major surveyed the efforts of his men. He noted that the clothing that had covered four of the girls? nether portions when they had been captured had been torn away. Exposed bodies showing newly bruised flesh bore testament to the violence already inflicted upon the captives. The captives had suffered unmistakably during their struggles to avoid the cruel restraint. Only pretty Gabrielle had been excluded from the indignity of being stripped. She was to suffer a different fate. The Major had special plans for the slender beauty. Her despoilment would be Hectors means of taking his vengeance upon the evil American CIA and high and mighty women in general. The men knew better than to tread on his property. As Hector walked among the girls he used his riding crop to explore their bodies bringing out exclamations of distress and squeals of pain from the helpless girls. When he had completed his survey, he was directly in front of Gabrielle. His eyes burned with lust as he explored her body with his crop. He worked the tip of the crop up one leg of her blue-jean shorts until it was poking at her crotch. The 17-year-old cried and squealed as Hector tormented her with his weapon. He was eager to take her right there but for the time, he postponed the urge. Stepping away from the trembling girl, Hector summoned his second in command Captain Jose Garcia to his side.
Hector did not speak English well; he left the initial questioning to Captain Garcia. Jose began shouting questions at the vulnerable girls?, ?Who are the CIA operatives? Who is your leader? How is it you know to come to this island?, Where is the girl named Angelique hiding??. Deirdre took the lead in answering only to be slapped in the face every time her response did not convince Jose of her truthfulness. Erin tried to explain to the interrogator that Deirdre was telling the truth, to no avail. Her outburst brought Jose face to face with the tall redhead. He shouted at her, ?You cannot lie to me Senorita, I know how to make you tell the truth?. With that, Jose grabbed Erin?s naked breasts with his large hands digging his fingers deep into the soft flesh. Erin cried out in pain slapping at his arms with her free hand while trying to twist away from her tormentor. Jose truly enjoyed the pain he was inflicting. His eyes gleamed as he watched his fingertips disappear in the soft firmness of the redhead?s lush breast meat. After a time Jose released his grip leaving behind ten purple blemishes on the redhead?s freckled flesh. Smiling smugly at the newly inflicted discolorations he stepped away leaving the bruised and sobbing girl hanging in despair.
Fallon sobbed at the sight of her sister?s distress. The other girls cried quietly to themselves averting their eyes from the surrounding men. Jose reported to the Major that the answers given by the frightened captives were all lies. Hector was openly angry but deep within his merciless heart he was creatively aroused. The Major was enraged that these American women thought they could defy him and escape retribution. He was cunningly pleased that he and his men would now be free to vent their rage and lust on the defenseless American spies.
Hector gathered together his men to decide which of the captives would be first to endure the next phase of the interrogation. While there were several opinions expressed the overwhelming favorite among the Marines was Erin, the long legged redhead. The men arranged the two plywood sheets so that the 5 foot 8 inch girl was hidden from of the other women. Then they converged on the terrified girl.
Chapter 9.
From Angelique?s vantage point hidden at the edge of the wooded area, she had watched her friends? mistreatment. She gaped in horror as Hector and a few men entered the small building that held her friends imprisoned. She fought back tears as, one by one; the mostly naked girls soon came hurtling from the building into the arms of Marines posted outside the door way. The girls were treated roughly as they stumbled out the door and sprawled onto the ground. Violently each captive was pulled to her feet, and then as the victim struggled in a Marine?s grip she was dragged away from the building. The girls were then tethered to a line of posts. Angelique eyes blurred with tears as she watched the girls being molested and abused by the men after they have been incapacitated. Her writhing friends were defenseless and stripped for exploitation.
The tiny girl trembled in fear as she listened to the interrogation of the captives.
? Jose?s inquisition sent a shiver down Angelique?s spine. How did these terrorists know of her certain existence? What did any of her friends know of the CIA? Angelique did not know what she should do. If her friends could not answer the questions what would be their fate? Angelique had already seen the brutality these beasts were capable of inflicting. Should she offer herself up to these brutes in the hope they would then be satisfied and not harm her friends. Angelique didn?t think they would be satisfied with only her surrender. As she watched and the hellish night continued, she found that, her suspicions were correct. These men only wanted to punish, to rape, to mete out vengeance, for some unknown dispute, vengeance for the sake of inflicting their perverted will upon the defenseless women. Into the night, Angelique watched, listened, and cried until she could stand no more.
Angelique could no longer see Erin, who now was concealed behind the two sheets of plywood. All of the men had moved around behind the barricade so that most of then were hidden from her view as well. The seven tethered girls pleaded with the men to leave their redheaded friend alone. Fallon cried out the loudest, tears streamed down her eyes as the cold-blooded men descended like locusts upon her sister. The 20-year-old?s earlier fight for freedom and her rape during her capture left Fallon terrorized. Seeing the men disappear behind the barricaded mobile screen and then hearing the sounds of her sister being abused by those terrible men was more than the younger redhead could stand. Her head was spinning from the abuse she had already suffered and she seemed to be having trouble focusing her emerald green eyes. Those eyes now leaked tears that rolled down her cheeks. She had fought hard during her capture, resisted her rape and the beating that followed but now, with the attack on her sister, most of that spunk had been knocked out of her.
From behind the barricades came more awful sounds. A chorus of the men?s rowdy shouts and Erin?s feeble sobs echoed into the darkness. Smacking sounds of openhanded slaps were punctuated by Erin?s yelps and squeals. These came with such rapidity that is was apparent the girl behind the blockade was being knocked around by several of the men simultaneously. As her torment continued the smacks changed to barely perceptible thumping sounds produced by fists punishing soft flesh. The tall redhead?s groans and whimpers following each blow told of the pain inflicted with each punch. As Angelique and the other girls anguished and wept the sounds of Erin?s torture continued.
The tall girl?s cries had become barely audible throaty wails when Hector turned his lusting men loose to despoil her body as they choose. The sound of these ravaging men sexually assaulting the whimpering beauty seemed to frighten the other captives even more than the sounds of her earlier assault. Erin?s voice returned as she begged for mercy and squealed in pain as her body was repeatedly violated. The marauding Marines took turns forcing themselves between her legs. Rock hard cocks punched deep into the 125 lb beauty?s tender body. When her womanhood had been laid waste, torn and agape, the men attacked her virgin anus. With evil intent men mauled her bruised breasts while driving and retracting their lusting appendages into her rectum. The first penetration of her behind caused Erin to shriek anew. When the second man positioned himself behind the brutalized girl she pleaded for mercy, begging her attacker to stop her pain. Her plea went unrewarded as the man drove his shaft into her, up until now, tight ass. As the tiny puckered ring was stretched and torn apart Erin begged for mercy and squealed in pain as the pillaging men repeatedly assaulted her body.
Angelique and the other girls cried softly as the ravishment of the 125-lb. girl?s body continued for almost an hour. Erin could be heard faintly moaning as her body was battered and abused. As her protests faded the Major?s voice could be heard instructing the men. The men began a ripple of laughter that increased becoming a raucous derision. The Marine?s taunts stopped abruptly when a wild shriek echoed out across the clearing.
The scream continued for nearly a full minute fading only as the tormented girl ran out of air. Erin?s blubbering voice could be heard frantically pleading with her assailants briefly before again another terrifying scream was forced from her mouth. A dozen more times the same horrible sounds rippled out into the dark night. Finally the screams faded away to silence. Only the sadistic men?s voices could be heard. Erin had succumbed to the attack on her body and she had, at last, faded into unconsciousness. Even then, the tall redhead?s limp body suffered more molestation as the men invading her tender rectum continued their grizzly fun until all lustful pleasures had been satisfied.?
Hector and his men returned to gather around the fire. The two plywood sheets were pulled back away from the raped girl so the other seven captives could see the results of the attack. Fallon screamed when she saw the damage done to her older sister. Erin hung at a slight angle with her head slumped to side. Her straight copper orange hair dangled down her side reaching almost her waist. The fingers and knuckles of her free hand were bruised and its freckled wrist was vividly discolored. Both of the slender girl?s breasts were scratched and thin trails of blood ran down their undersides to the flatness of her belly. Similar rivulets of blood stained her inner thighs and trailed far down her long slim legs. Darkening bruises, mostly around her hips, thighs, and buttocks, marked the places her body had been tightly gripped or squeezed. Her face was tear streaked and a tiny splatter of crimson marred one corner of her pouty lips oozing a thin red line down her chin. Her green eyes glinted in the firelight from within her partially closed lids. Lying on the ground at her feet was a three-foot long spiked dildo. The weapon was two inches wide at the tip, not accounting for the half inch spikes, and widened to almost four inches at its base. Twelve inches of the narrow end of the weapon was smeared with blood, which puddled on the ground around the cudgel.
Chapter 10.
From her hiding place, Angelique trembled in fear and loathing as Jose re-started his interrogation of the captives. ?Do you see what we will do to each of you if you do not tell us what we ask??, snarled Jose. ?We will show no mercy to liars?. ?You will talk to us now or another of you will pay the price for your stubbornness?, promised the interrogator. ?I will ask you one more time?, threatened Jose, ?Who among you is CIA, Who is your leader? ?Where is Angelique hiding?? Walking among the trembling girls, Jose stepped before each one of them and screamed in their faces, ?You will talk NOW!? Starting with Cherie the interrogating Marine screamed his message. The 25-year-old blonde whose lower lip trembled turned her head away from Jose and closed her eyes. The Captain grabbed her face at the jaw and turned her head back so that he glared down into her eyes. ?You will talk little bitch,? he whispered.
Releasing the blonde-haired woman?s head Jose moved to the next girl, Blaise. The brunette had suffered at the men?s? hands earlier; she had been whipped and raped repeatedly and already was in poor physical and psychological condition. Her body shock and her eyes leaked great tears down her cheeks as the Marine confronted her. ?Talk NOW Seniorita if you don?t want to suffer more?, shouted Jose. Blaise peeked at her assailant, her eyes searching for some sign of compassion. ?W?we have t..told you all w..we know s..sir?, stuttered the terrified girl. ?You lie?, screamed Jose, ?you will learn soon that you cannot lie to us?. ?No...No.. please sir, cried Blaise. Cuffing the 23-year-old on the ear, Jose turned away, ?you will learn little one?, he whispered as he moved down the line.
As Jose continued to move down the line of tethered women the responses elicited were all the same. Either the captives were so terrified that they barely stammered their innocence or vented their disgust and loathing for the men who had sadistically abused them. Deirdre proclaimed their innocence and blasphemed the Cubans with such vehemence that Hector had one of his men knock her senseless with a jab of his rifle butt driven into her naked belly. Her protest faded instantly as her focus became overcoming the pain of the blow. She writhed about expressing a series of sporadic gasps as she fought to regain her breath. Losing that battle, she slumped forward dangling by her wrist. The other girls screamed and pleaded with the men imploring mercy for the 5 foot 3 inch blonde-haired woman. The violence shown Deirdre quieted the remaining girls as Jose continued his interrogation. The answers to his questions did not change, though most of the women cried and begged to be released. Jose reported to Hector that the women were not yet ready to tell the truth about why they had come to the island.
Hector moved from the fire out to where the girls dangled. He walked from girl to girl flicking his riding crop randomly at the girls? faces or bodies. The tormented girl would yelp or squeal in fear and Hector would smile at the reaction. The Major completed his circuit of the captives then restarted his rounds when he stopped in front of 5 foot 4 inch blonde tressed Cherie. She cringed as he came closer having been flicked his switch at her upturned breasts on his previous passage. Hector circled the 25-year-old woman poking his riding crop into various parts of her naked body. She squirmed and moaned as his weapon poked at the tawny pelt that veiled the secrets of her womanhood.
The helpless girl twisted her body in an effort to escape the probing crop. She moaned and whined as the tip of the switch traced the scratches and abrasions on her chest and stomach. ?Si, si, Seniorita?, whispered her antagonizer as he stepped back from the blonde girl. With a wave of his arm, Hector gave the signal to his men that she was to be the next victim of their special brand of sexual violence. As the men closed in around her, Cherie screamed and begged for mercy. Quickly the men repositioned the two barricades. To a chorus of pleas from the other captives the blonde?s body was hidden behind the plywood. Only her plaintive cries revealed her torment. Those outside were left to their own imaginations when Cherie?s assault began out of sight of the other captives.
Her pleadings continued as the men closed in around her. From her vantage point at the edge of the forest, Angelique could occasionally see Cherie?s legs lash out at the men. The helpless girl?s voice was punctuated by sobs as she used her free arm and legs to try to ward off the men. Angelique watched as one of the men caught a leg as it flashed in to view. The man then disappeared behind the enclosure. Cherie?s breathless voice pleaded and squealed in pain as she fought the men?s lustful assault. Deep voiced shouts of encouragement came from behind the screen as the men overcame the dangling girl?s defenses.
Angelique caught a final glimpse of the Cherie?s plight as her body was arched forward in the grasp of several men. One man at her front was already naked and held the writhing women at the waist. As the girl?s screaming voice reached a crescendo, the men could be heard venting their lust on her 110-lb. body. The sound of rutting animals continued for almost half an hour. A renewed yelp of pain from the 25-year-old blonde became an extended wail of agony as the men?s hard shafts invaded her tight anus. As Cherie?s strength and voice trailed away, she barely whimpered. Her assaulters? grunts and gratified exclamations could still be easily discerned. Then even those sounds faded.
Suddenly the silence was broken. At first, only the men?s voices could be heard. They laughed and voiced concurrence with what was happening behind the screens. ?No, please no?, Cherie cried just before an agonizing scream of pain was torn from her lips. Once again, Angelique could see glimpses of the 110 girl?s legs as she writhed wildly beneath her tether. The tortured girl?s scream seem to last forever before finally fading to and anguished wail. Mingled with the voices and laughter coming from the men Cherie could be heard crying and whimpering again before she again cried out, ?Please, please no, no, please not again!? Then another frightful scream of agony was torn from the tortured woman. On and on it went until Cherie could no longer scream. The sounds she made became those of a hopelessly snared animal whimpering between plaintive whines as the men continued her cruel torment. When the brutalized girl no longer responded the men abandoned her limp form.
The men returned to the fire when they had satiated their perverted vengeance. The two barricades separating Cherie from the other girls were pulled away from the unconscious blonde so the remaining women could see what had become of her defiled body. The blonde?s head was tilted far back as if she was gazing at the dark sky. Her soft yellow hair trailed down her back. The debilitated girl?s upturned breasts were splattered with blood that trickled from fresh scratches and gouges in the tender flesh. The shoulder below her tethered arm was bruised from the neck to her upper back indicating that it may have been dislocated during the 110 lb. beauty?s attempt to twist away from her rapists. Bright scarlet streaks stained the inside of her thighs and trailed far down her dangling legs. Bruises and lacerations criss-crossed her body with most of the blemishes intensified in the region of her breasts, groin, and thighs. At her feet was the crimson streaked spiked dildo.
The six still conscious women wailed at the sight of Cherie?s abused body. The younger girls covered their tear streaked faces with their free hand, trembling and crying in despair. Repeating the reactions when Erin?s fate had been unveiled, the six girls pleaded again for mercy and exclaimed their innocence. Their entreaties were disregarded as Jose threatened each of them again, slapping and jabbing at them, as his threats were not acknowledged. Coming back to the fire Jose harshly repeated his demands that the captive?s must betray their leader and divulge who among them the CIA operatives were. He demanded they tell what they knew about where Angelique was hiding. When no confessions or betrayals were offered, Jose reported to Hector that none of the girls were talking.
The Major was disappointed that no information had been extracted from the captives. He did not know for certain that they were CIA. They did however know where Angelique was hidden. Moreover, because they wouldn?t talk he had to assume they had more to hide. The men had satiated themselves during the assaults on Erin and Cherie. A few of his more sadistic men would have gladly continued sexually assaulting the helpless women into the night.
Chapter 11.
Hector had not participated in the mistreatment and was looking forward to working over pretty Gabrielle in the privacy of his quarters. He decided to give his men one of the girls to take back to their barracks. They could use her as they saw fit for the rest of the night. Little 5 foot 2 inch Holly was chosen to service sadist needs of his men. The women were cut down from the stakes and all but Holly and Gabrielle were dragged or carried back to the building where they had originally been detained. Cherie barely stirred as she was thrown over a Marine?s shoulder. She was dumped into the building along side Erin who had regained consciousness as she was taken from the stake. Two men were needed to wrestle her into the building were she was sent sprawling to the floor.
Isis, Deirdre, Blaise, and Fallon were forced back into the building. Before the men barricaded the door, the windowless room was supplied with a small kerosene lantern, a bucket of tepid water, a carton of moldy hardtack, a pile of tattered uniforms and rags, and an obsolete Russian Army first aid kit. The relatively unharmed women were told to take care of the injuries inflicted upon their less fortunate companions. ?Listen carefully to the sounds you hear tonight?, recommended Jose, as he prepared to leave, ?If you do not tell what you know, tomorrow you will be screaming for mercy?. The frightened women sobbed and huddled together in the corner of the room as the heavy wooden door was bolted shut. The remaining hours that dark night were a hellish nightmare. A serenade of moans and groans from within the building were drown out by the screams and shrieks that grew in pitch and intensity as Holly and Gabrielle were debauched and plundered.
Hector had refrained from the lechery during the sexual cruelty inflicted upon the tall redhead and the pretty blonde-haired woman, now his loins ached for some action of his own. Both of the dark-haired girls screamed and pleaded with the men as they were untied from the stakes and separated. The Major told his men to enjoy the 5 ft. 2 in. Holly in their barracks. He warned them to bind the girl well so she could not escape while they slept. Hector would attend to the 5 foot 4 inch Gabrielle. Grabbing the flailing girl be her long hair Major Hector Alonzo dragged his prize to his quarters. Pulling open the door to his building with his free hand, Hector jerked backward on the 110 lb girl?s hair. As Gabrielle arched her back trying to avoid the pain, the Major planted his boot on her cut-off jeans covered butt and shoved her into the room. Gabrielle lost her balance and went sprawling to the floor. Hector followed the brunette beauty inside pulling closed and locking the door behind him.
Angelique was hidden only fifty feet from the building where her two friends were being assaulted. As their horror began and screams began coming from inside the rooms Angelique decided she could take no more. Tears streamed down her face and her little body trembled uncontrollably. She had to get away from this nightmare. Turing back into the thick underbrush the 17-year-old retreated from the scene. Within a few minutes, the jungle foliage had muffled all but the most strident screams coming from her friends. Angelique continued on until she could no longer hear the terrible sounds. There in the darkness the tiny girl collapsed onto the soft ground. Her sobs gradually receded as she fell into a fitful sleep.
While Angelique could no longer see or hear what was happening to each of the helpless girls their nightmare continued. Fondling Holly?s gorgeous body, the encircling Marines pinched and squeezed her ample breasts. For a small girl Holly was well endowed. Holly?s pleas, begging for mercy would have been heartbreaking to witness if her attackers hadn?t been sadistic fiends. Only the girls locked away in the ?storage? building felt pangs of pity and concern for the small teenager?s plight. The men preparing to rape the girl had no such feelings. Holly was fighting a loosing battle as her short legs kicked out at the men surrounding her. They laughed and easily swatted her limbs aside. One of the men at her back grabbed her arms at the elbow pulling them behind her back. Holly groaned as the powerfully built man cruelly twisted her arms as he forced them together until her shoulders cracked in protest. Two other men throw themselves at the brown-haired girl?s legs grabbing and trapping each petite foot. These men then slowly spread Holly?s naked thighs apart.
As the girl?s legs were pulled farther apart, her whines of pain were interspersed with whimpers and pleadings that the men ?Please don?t do this, oh God no, please have mercy?. Completely ignoring her plaintive cry one of the men then stepped in front of the completely helpless spread-eagled girl. Dropping his pants, the man pulled out his thick blood engorged penis. Holly?s eyes widened and she shrieked at the sight of the Marine?s huge tool. With deliberate and protracted movements, the man forced his shaft into the disabled girl. Tears of pain and humiliation gushed from Holly?s grey-green eyes as her womanhood was ravaged by the heavy shaft. Her screams became almost deafening when her assailant lost what little her had left of his self-control. With a mighty lunge, the man buried his penis to the hilt. The 5 foot 2 inch girl felt her virginal vagina stretched beyond its limits before ripping open as the beefy shaft stabbed roughly into her tight slit. Holly?s feet were lifted off the floor by the force of the man?s thrust. She found herself impaled upon the huge organ as the man heaved his hips up into her tiny vagina. The force of his punishing thrusts slammed her small body into the wall. Her mind was so focused on the pain of his intrusion that she hardly noticed the man?s fingers clawing at her firm breasts or his teeth, which chewed savagely on her raw blood smeared nipples. The rapist continued his slashing of her up-thrust breasts causing ever more blood to leak from the sides of the crimson speckled mammaries. Every where the man?s hands or teeth came in contact with the girl?s flesh they leaf trails of crimson in their wake. Rivulets of blood pouring out from between her writhing legs gave testament to the torn and ripped flesh between her thighs.
Holly fought her attackers with all her strength trying valiantly to twist away from the hands that immobilized her body. The 100 lb girl?s body bucked and flailed as the Marine between her legs battered his purple penis in and out of her delicious body ripping her virginity away forever. Her screams and cries began to fade as she felt her spirit violated. She had been taken with such vehemence that her determination to resist vanished as her strength waned. Before her initial rape was culminated, the only sounds coming from the captive were high-pitched squeals each time the man hammered his groin into her battered vagina. Holly?s body was raped and sodomized by several more men and as she continued to capitulate to the assaults, her limp mouth was attacked. The helpless brown-haired girl struggled to breathe as an enormous pick was forced deep down her throat. Gulping down the gushing cum that flooded her mouth Holly?s body arched backward in a final effort to escape her torment before she fell slumped passing into unconsciousness. It was after 3 am before the little girl was shacked to leg of one of the barrack bunks. The tiny brunette was left sprawled on the floor. She unconsciously curled her body into a fetal position, twitching occasionally as her traumatized mind struggled with the nightmare that had befallen her ravaged body.
Chapter 12.
In the Major?s quarters, pretty Gabrielle was faring no better. She stumbled and fell to the floor as Hector kicked her into his room. The dark haired girl scrambled to her feet as the door behind her slammed closed. Whirling to face her adversary the panic-stricken look in Gabrielle?s eyes dissolved into pure terror. As the sadistic Cuban appraised his prize, he removed the heavy belt around his waist. One end of the thick leather belt was wrapped tight around his fist while he flicked the other end in the direction of the cowering girl. Gabrielle backed herself into the corner of the room. Her eyes glued themselves to the leather belt that snapped and flicked in the narrowing space between the huge Cuban and her 110 lb frame.
?No please no?, pleaded the slender 17-year-old as the belt tip cracked inches from her cross-protecting arms. Hector paid no attention to the girl?s plea flicking the belt into her thigh just below her cut-off jeans. Gabrielle yelped and jumped away from the stinging blow only to expose her bare shoulder to another nip of the belt. With a series of precision strikes the major played with his victim. Wherever his weapon bit into soft flesh, a mark was left in its wake marring the perfection of the tender tissue. Squealing with each crack, the terrified girl threw herself about the room in a frenetic effort to escape.
Hector used his belt to subdue his captive. He took his time measuring and plotting his every move, while always keeping his distance from the 17-year-olds flailing legs and wildly swinging arms. Staying just out of reach of the girl?s feet and fists, the tall Cuban swatted and swiped his belt at Gabrielle?s body and legs. His belt tip repeatedly connected with the screaming girl?s soft flesh causing her to gasp or groan from the sting. Hector continued for several minutes until the girl exhausted herself. Seeing her weaken the Major moved in closer as he continued to stalk her writhing body. Gabrielle watched in horror, as the Cuban send the belt tip into repeated overhead swipes attacking the straps of her blue tank top. One particularly accurate wallop split apart the cotton material, surgically removing one side of her shirt. The lithe brunette yelped at the sting of the strike while she pulled the torn shirt back over her exposed breast.
With the girl?s attention, diverted Hector seized the opportunity to snap the belt tip into the button securing her blue-jean shorts. In the instant after the loosed button was sent flying across the room, the Major had redirected is aim and scored a strike upon the remaining shirt strap. Gabrielle spun away from her assailant crossing her arms across the front of her exposed upper body. The vicious Cuban marveled at the beauty of his victim?s naked back as he flicked his leather weapon into its tender flesh. Gabrielle had dropped to her knees bent forward at the waste. She writhed in agony and distress as the Major flicked the belt into her body. As Hector continued his slashing of the helpless beauty, his penis began to swell. The lust he felt building in his loins finally overcame his pleasure at watching the 17-year-old suffer the leather weapon?s savagery. A punch to the back of her head by the man?s belt wrapped fist sent Gabrielle sprawling forward onto her face. The injured girl was stunned and briefly knocked out cold by the blow.
As Gabrielle awoke, she found herself laying face up on Hector?s bed. When her head cleared and she tried to sit up, she discovered her hands had been tied to the bedposts. Lifting her head, the girl could see that her feet had also been tied to the posts at the foot of the bed. The dark haired girl tugged at her trussed limbs to no advantage. Preoccupied with her dilemma, Gabrielle did not see the Cuban
? at the head of the bed pulling back his arm. In an instant, the crimson tipped belt flew through the air to slice harshly across her softly rounded belly. The young woman screamed as the leather weapon snapped into her flesh. Her body was already extremely sensitive having been mauled during her capture and again earlier that night while tethered to the post.
The man?s cruel tactic of attacking her belly and abdomen with the belt?s tip created a shrieking note of intolerability at the end of every stroke. Lash followed lash and soon red marks appeared over her naked upper body. Gabrielle gasped and screamed with each whistling stroke as her white form writhed. Her prominently perched breasts wobbled wildly as the leather belt continued relentlessly to take its toll on her defenseless body. The master flogger varied the interval between his cuts, so the helpless young woman couldn?t anticipate any set rhythm. Her head twisted and tossed as she fought to endure the beating, her dark tresses flying over shoulders and upper chest. Finally, Hector took a short rest as the last of the blows raked the maid?s taut ribs.
The brutal man took a moment to brush the long dark brown tresses away from her exposed breasts tucking the curly locks behind her neck and shoulders. Once his victim had been rearranged, Hector redeployed to the foot of the bed. He grinned as he viewed his prize, Gabrielle could not help but see his pleasure as her blue green eyes darted back and forth in helpless fear. Now it was time for her beautiful nude breasts to feel the crop?s hot kisses and she was absolutely helpless to protect them. Hector took aim at them with the blood tipped belt, pulling his muscular arm slowly back. There was a dark flash low in her captive gaze. A sudden line of white-hot agony carved both tender bottom curves and tears flooded her eyes again as she grunted in uncontrolled reaction.
The girl?s almost nude body writhed lasciviously under the intense agony in her jutting chest. A second strike landed diagonally over her chest, catching lower right and upper left and the young brunette?s body contorted again. The Major delivered a another stroke and then another, each new lash setting the pointed globes heaving and leaving swelling purple bruises behind on the milky skin. With her wrists and legs bound, Gabrielle was quite helpless, but her body still managed to writhe deliciously. The girl?s desperate motions only served to launch her two high perched globes in an endless dance of suffering. Another slash embraced the sweat-shiny breasts, returning to the smooth under curves a finger?s-breadth from the aureoles.
Hector?s huge penis bulged obscenely within his uniform pants. He pulled open his fly allowing the purple member to emerge from its entombment. One huge Cuban hand encircled the mammoth glans at its base while the other hand ripped the girls torn shorts down her slender thighs. Tugging savagely at the denim material the Major tore the jeans from Gabrielle?s loins. In a thrice his free hand shred her fragile panties yanking them off the squirming girl leaving her completely exposed to his intended lechery.
Hector savored the scene before him. Gabrielle?s luscious form wriggled like a fish on a hook. Her sparsely haired pubic mound beckoned to him from between long tapering thighs. Dimpled knees rose and fell to the mattress as the helpless girl twisted and tugged at her bonds. Climbing onto the bed, he drooled with desire. This beautiful American girl, Gabrielle, would now become the victim to his personal sexual pleasure. Hector centered his huge penis on the girl?s vagina and then slapped her pretty face when she tried to twist her body away.
Gabrielle?s eyes had just refocused on her assailant when Hector savagely drove his tool into her soft body. She was so small that he was only able to penetrate a few inches of his ten-inch shaft into her womanhood. Her virgin vagina was already stretched apart more than its soft lips could endure. As her womanhood was ripped apart, Gabrielle?s shriek of pain rivaled any scream previously heard that night. The scream was repeated again and again; as the large men bulldozed his shaft farther into her once virginal body with ever more brutal thrusts of his hips. The rough surface of the major?s uniform As Hector slammed and then re-slammed his rock hard cock into her bound body the rough surface of his uniform blouse tore abrasions on her breasts and belly. The assault continued as the Cuban forced his raging member deeper and deeper into her tight slit, each thrust forcing a spray of blood past her ruptured labia. With a final lunge, Hector succeeded in burying his shaft completely into the shrieking girl. He bellowed in ecstasy as he shot his spunk into her still tight passage.
Too soon, Hector?s lust was satisfied at least from his point of view. Gabrielle?s perspective was somewhat different. The pain and humiliation she experienced was the most horrendous experience of her young life. Her anguish was only beginning as Hector turned her limp body over exposing her virgin ass. Quickly the stunned girl was tied face down on the bed. As Hector again climbed between her spread legs Gabrielle?s tiny anus became his target. His blood and cum smeared penis had re-inflated to its massive girth making entry into the puckered rectum very challenging. After a minute of unsuccessfully trying to gain access with his plundering penis Hector used his fingers to pull the tight sphincter apart. Digging his thumbnails into the tender channel the Major ripped open the narrow opening. The pain of this invasion brought Gabrielle back to full awareness. She bucked her body wildly as her screams and wails indicated the agony she was feeling. Once the Major had wedged both thumbs deep into the girl?s bleeding anus he was able to pry wide open the tiny hole. Gabrielle felt the flesh tear as her small rectum was stretched beyond its limits.
That pain faded in comparison to what she was subjected to when Hector popped his gorged penis head inside the bleeding hole. Her agony continued as Hector rammed deeper into her anus plunging in and then withdrawing partially until he had again buried himself to the hilt. The ravaging thrusts knocked Gabrielle?s breath from her lungs. Great tears streamed down her cheeks as she endured the pain while trying to regain her breath. As the 17-year-old lost her battle to breathe the faint groans that accompanied each sadistic plunge into her ruined anus finally faded away. Only the sounds of the man?s lusting assault continued. Gabrielle succumbed to the sodomy and rape as her shortness of breath caused her to again pass out.
When she awoke, Gabrielle found she was again bond to the bed on her back. The girl shook in fear as she stared into the eyes of the sadistic Cuban. In his gloved hand, the man held the supreme female torture instrument. The eighteen-inch long dildo she had seen earlier that night was brought before the quivering girl. Gabrielle?s eyes widened in fear as the man moved the weapon to between her thighs. The man pushed the pointed end of the shaft to the entrance of the beauty?s lightly haired vagina. The surface of the dildo was rough and small-serrated spikes jutted from the first six inches of its business end. The man rubbed the jagged shaft across her inner thigh. Gabrielle squealed and tried to pull away from the pain but could move only a few inches. She cried out as the man continued and the shaft was launched at her womanhood.
The defenseless girl shrieked in agony as the man jabbed the dildo into her vagina. At first, his thrusts were only an inch or so into the girl?s small body. The serrated edges of the weapon ripped into her tender flesh. Gabrielle tried to pull away from the thrusts screaming in pain as the shaft repeatedly re-entered her body. After a dozen shallow thrusts, the man rammed the weapon deeper in the helpless girl burying the dildo six inches into her lower abdomen. As the weapon was forced deeper its sharp spikes gouged into her tender slit abrading and ripping away tiny strips of abused flesh. Gabrielle?s agony became so intense that her high pitched squeals of torment exceeded human hearing. Only the wild animals close by the compound heard her shrieks of agony.
The Major gave the helpless girl no relief from her suffering as he pushed and shoved the weapon deeper into her flailing body. He grasped the shaft of the dildo with both of his powerful hands and twisted it about inside the young woman driving nearly a foot of the dildo into the abused girl. A final shove and squeal of pain sent Gabrielle back into unconsciousness. Five more times that night the 110 lb girl?s body was assaulted. Hector raped and abused her in every fashion, smearing and filling her body with his spunk. By the morning Gabrielle?s barely conscious form and face were soaked with Cuban sperm and splatters of her own blood.
Chapter 13.
As the light of morning overtook the darkness of the jungle Angelique awoke with a start. It took the tiny girl a few seconds to regain her bearings. Then the memories of the preceding day and the horrors she witnessed that night came rushing back into her memory. Angelique relived the terror in her mind sobbing quietly as she thought of her sister and friends at the mercy of
? the sadistic men. Angelique resolved to find a way to help the captured women.
The small girl assessed her situation recognizing that her own welfare had to be a primary concern. If she couldn?t find food and water to assure her survival she wouldn?t be able to help her friends. The plucky girl set off to relocate the stream that bisected the island. In two hours she had accomplished that task. Drinking her fill and then bathing in the cool water helped Angelique to recover her strength and freshen her outlook. The 17-year-old followed the water flow in the stream knowing it would lead her back to the ocean. Her journey ended three hours later when she stumbled upon the small Cuban motorboat hidden the previous day by Hector?s Marines.
Angelique was almost atop the vessel before she recognized it partially covered with brush as the river?s edge. Ducking quickly into the dense undergrowth alongside the stream Angelique watched the small boat is silence for several minutes. When she saw no movement aboard the vessel she crept closer. Easing herself to the boat?s side Angelique raised her head high enough to see into the craft. There appeared to be no one aboard. Angelique climbed onto the boat gently rocking the small craft as she boarded. Stealthfully the 95 lb girl explored the boat. When she was certain she was alone she began her search for food, filling her empty stomach was foremost on the list of things she had set out to accomplish.
Angelique found the vessel well stocked with a variety of foods. Even some fresh bananas and mangos were on board. Angelique ate her fill before continuing her exploration of the boat. The girl discovered two flare pistols and a spear fishing gun complete with a supply of a dozen spears. These items she packed into a small duffel bag that she had emptied of its contents. Exploring the vessel further Angelique located the boats radio transmitter. Switching on the radio Angelique was instantly listening to an English language broadcast. The voices on the radio appeared to be American, and after listening for awhile she realized that she was hearing communications coming from US Navy ships who were conducting a search for the missing motor boat.
They were looking for her. She had to find a way to tell them she was on the island. Angelique picked up the radio?s microphone and began shouting into it. When that course of action did not seem to have an effect Angelique began flipping on various switches on the radio control panel, repeating her messages into the microphone at each switch was toggled. For almost an hour Angelique worked with the radio and listened for a response from the rescue vessels. Finally the girl was rewarded with a response to her calls. The radio crackled and the voice she heard oscillated but Angelique could hear a voice say ?we hear you, where are you located??. At first, the excited girl squealed in delight but her demeanor changed when she realized she did not know where she was.
Angelique stammered into the microphone telling the tale of her journey through the storm, beaching on an unknown island and the capture of her friends. Her rambling tale continued for more than two minutes before she released the press to talk button on the microphone. She did not hear a response from the US Navy, this time the voice she heard was speaking Spanish. When she first heard the voice it seemed familiar but she couldn?t place it. She continued to listen for several minutes until suddenly the voice switched to English for only a few seconds. Angelique was startled to hear her name. ?We are coming for you Angelique?, the voice on the radio stated before again reverting to Spanish. In that instant Angelique recognized the voice as belonging to Captain Jose Garcia. A shiver of fear crept down Angelique?s spine remembering what Jose had done to her friends.
The voice on the radio was loud and strong, not weak, and distorted as had been the American voice she heard. Angelique knew that meant the Americans were far away. She had to get away from the boat and find a place to hide from the Cubans. After quickly throwing some of the food she had found into the duffel bag Angelique departed the vessel. She dashed back into the thick overgrown brush dragging the bag along behind. Angelique was nearly a half-mile away before the Marines arrived at the patrol craft. The men search the boat noting the missing flare guns and spear gun. When no sign of the girl was found on board or nearby the Marines separated into small search parties and fanned out into the island. They would have to use care in their search not that the girl was armed. The heavily forested isle would add to the degree of difficultly.
Angelique worked her way inland avoiding the stream. She carefully distanced herself from the trails that criss-crossed the island. The tiny brunette climbed up the steep terrain until she was near to highest point on the island. Her good fortune, at avoiding capture, continued when she, by chance, become aware of a small cave that was hidden behind some very dense foliage. As she climbed up the steep slope, the duffel bag she had been carrying had slipped from her grasp and slid down the embankment disappearing into a hidden crevice. Climbing down the hillside to retrieve the bag Angelique discovered the cave. Tired from her trek the girl decided to hide herself away and try to get some rest. Settling into her hideout, Angelique waited in silence for the rest of the day, sleeping sporadically, as Hector?s men scoured the island in their search for the elusive girl. As night fell, Angelique had calmed and nourished herself. She was beginning to feel confident her hiding place would not be discovered.
Chapter 14.
Aboard the US Navy Destroyer Seth Adams, sailing 60 nautical miles south of the imprisoned girls? island, a short and somewhat rambling message had been received. The navy radio operator had responded to the message that had suddenly been stepped on by a more powerful Spanish language broadcast. The Spanish broadcast seemed to be coming from the same location as the original message. When the strong signal continued for several minutes the navy operator switched frequencies searching for another connection to the weak message received earlier. One hundred miles to the northwest a US Coast Guard vessel had picked up the same broadcast. Both vessels reported the received message and provided their coordinates and time the messages were pick-up. Direction finders on both vessels were enabled and triangulated to pinpoint the location of the transmitter. That information was then relayed on to naval authorities.
Later that afternoon US Navy and CIA intelligence personnel were interpreting the intercepts. A report of their finding was forwarded on to the US State department. By late in the afternoon the report was being discussed at a meeting of President Kennedy?s cabinet. For several months, intelligence reports had brought to light the possibility that the Soviet Union was planning to install medium range ballistic missiles on Cuban soil. For more than a year, accurate information regarding that threat was made difficult to acquire. The US had been unable to find a pretext to over-fly the island since the May 1960 shoot down of a U2 spy plane over the Soviet Union and subsequent capture of its pilot. Just eight weeks earlier, in April, a US backed invasion at the Bay of Pigs had failed with the capture of 1500 Cuban expatriate. That fiasco had made US diplomatic relations with Cuba an impossibility.
During the afternoon meeting, the President authorized an over-flight of the southern portion of the Cuban island using as a pretext the intercepted message Angelique had sent. To the public this was to be seen as an effort to rescue American citizens who were believed to be shipwrecked on an island off the southwest corner of the big island of Cuba. In actuality, any photographic evidence of the lost women gathered during the over-flight was secondary to finding what the Soviets were up to on the island. At 1700 hours, a lone U2 lifted off the runway at Homestead AFB turning south as it climbed in altitude. Two hours later, the aircraft was back on the ground in Florida. At about the same time that darkness fell around Angelique?s hidden cave, the President was being briefed regarding what the U2 pictures had found. In the coming weeks and months the US and USSR would come dangerously close to nuclear war.
Angelique and her friends might have been forgotten and abandoned were it not for the happenstance that Deirdre Smith had friends in high places. The beautiful blonde who rebelled single-mindedly during and after her capture had personal and family connections in the political and intelligence community. Deirdre?s younger sister was just completing her training as a CIA operative. The younger girl, named Jana, was just 22, had always been fascinated by clandestine operations. She broke away from her family?s traditional debutant style expectation while attending college. Jana?s goal was realized when she gained admission into the CIA training program. The small blonde with her close-cropped hair was even more pugnacious than was her older sister.
That confrontational style served her well during her training where she finished first in her class. Jana had heard the news of her sister?s disappearance just hours before she had been given information about the intercepted message. It was a matter of courtesy to pass along acquired information to relatives.
Jana wasted no time contacting her Uncle, an important member of Congress. Within a few hours, several other highly placed government officials were lobbying the President to send in the military and rescue the lost women. The photos taken by the U2 meant a military incursion by the US was not an option. The President had much larger concerns to consider than rescuing nine lost debutants. His staff consulted with Navy and CIA intelligence personnel and came up with a plan to send a small team of CIA operatives to the small island with a plan to bring the shipwrecked women to safety.
That evening plans were finalized and before 10 that night four young civilian women were taken aboard the USS Skipjack at Naval Station Mayport, a few miles northwest of Jacksonville. At full speed, the submarine sailed south down the eastern coast of Florida turning southwest below the Keys. Fifty miles north of Cuba, the boat submerged. Unseen the craft sailed around the western tip Cuba. Two hours before dawn, the Skipjack surfaced two miles south of the tiny island where the nine girls had shipwrecked. The four civilian women departed the sub paddling to the small island in a compact rubber raft. Just before the sun rose that morning, the raft and its supplies were buried in the soft sand one hundred yards above the high water mark.
The four rescuers were dressed as vacationing civilians. All were young and fit. In their tight fitting shorts and loose fitting blouses, they appeared very alluring. The plan was to infiltrate the island without being seen. They were dressed as vacationers in case they were caught. They could tell the Cuban?s they had been washed ashore during the storm, as had the original nine girls. They were led on the mission by 34-year-old Kendra Cochran. The big-breasted 5 foot 8 inch tall redhead was an eight-year veteran with the CIA. She was a professional; a crack shot, and held a black belt in Jujitsu. One on one Kendra could take care of herself when pitted against any man, maybe even two men if she was given the incentive.
Second in command was 29-year-old Liesl Guttmann. The strawberry blonde woman had been born in Germany during the depression. She had witnessed her family?s decimation during the war losing both parents and two brothers. In May of 1945, she was in Berlin when the Russians captured the city. She hid for several days in the basement of a bombed out building before she was discovered by pillaging Soviet soldiers. 13-year-old Liesl was gang raped by the Russians who battered and clubbed her body violently, leaving her for dead when they had satisfied their depravity. The young girl survived and pledged herself to the destruction of the evil that was Russia. Immigrating to the US in 1946 Liesl found the best way to make good on her pledge was to join the CIA. She was tough and strong, though outwardly, her 5 foot 4 inch frame seemed too feminine, and her curvaceous body much to alluring for the peril her job entailed.
Two new CIA recruits completed the rescue team. Jana Smith, Deirdre?s younger sister and auburn haired Megan McGraw. Megan was 23, a year old than Jana, short and feisty. The two friends had grown close together during CIA operational training partially because they were the only women in their class. They also shared a common background, both coming from wealthy families. Their passion for the intelligence community and especially clandestine operations burned deep in their souls. They had been almost inseparable during their training so it was thought that effective collaboration between them on the mission would be a foregone conclusion. Kendra needed to trust the members of her team; from the years working together with Liesl, she knew the strawberry blonde could be trusted to do the right thing in any situation. Her superiors at CIA headquarters had given
? approval for the two recruits to be part of the operation. Kendra hoped they would be up to the task.
That task was both simple and complicated. Simple in general design, find the shipwrecked women on the small island and, by night, return to the submarine. The obstacles to that plan were incalculable. The rescuers didn?t know where on the island the shipwrecked girls could be found or what Cuban forces they might encounter during their search of the isle. Finding and returning the women back to the beach where the four rescuers had just landed would have to be done during daylight, which risked discovery. Once back on the beach the women then would have to hide until midnight, use a flashlight to send a beam of light seaward at that time, alerting the submarine to the surface half a mile offshore. Then carefully in groups of four or less the rescued and rescuers would board the tiny rubber raft and paddle back to the submarine unseen. They would have to make four trips in the raft to accommodate everyone, and this all had to be completed in fewer than five hours.
The rescuing women carried no radio equipment; they were on their own while ashore. Kendra and Liesl had been given the times during the day that U2 spy aircraft would be overhead. They could flash small mirrors at the aircraft to signal their location if they had the chance. The Skipjack was to return to the offshore rendezvous point every night at midnight until the women were recovered. There were no contingencies prepared or considered if the rescuers did not return to the boat.
Chapter 15.
After her getaway from the Cuban Marines Angelique needed to rest. During the night she was able to sleep occasionally. The sounds of the search for her had ended shortly after the sun set. She remained within her hidden cave until the morning. When she heard no sounds of a resumed search Angelique carefully ventured out of her seclusion. Moving slowly and quietly, Angelique climbed down the steep hillside to the creek a quarter mile below. In the stillness, Angelique drank from the rushing brook and then undressed to bathe her grungy body. The tiny girl washed the dust and dirt from her soft flesh and long brown hair. When she finished cleaning her body the naked girl rinsed out her clothing before arranging the damp clothes atop the warm rocks at the edge of the creek. Angelique sat in the sunlight for an hour in the silence of the morning as her small body and garments dried. Refreshed the young teenager dressed and after returning to the cave to retrieve the spear gun and one of the flare pistols she set out to rescue her friends.
The six captives in the barricade building spent the night tending to their wounded bodies while listening to the anguished sounds emerging from the rape of Holly and Gabrielle. When the sun rose those two abused girls were dragged into the barricaded building with the other six women. Gasps of empathy came from the girls already in the building when Holly?s battered and Gabrielle?s bruised bodies were thrown to the floor.
The Marines were in a hurry. They brought in two more buckets of water and some dried fruit dumping it all next to the two newly returned girls. Jose told the women to clean themselves and to care for Gabrielle and Holly?s injuries if they expected their survival to continue while in captivity. He warned them that if they did not soon tell what they knew more vicious interrogation methods would follow. With that parting message, the door was re-barricaded. Hector and Jose with two of his men left the island on his small airplane. Two Marines remained at the compound while the remainder of the Marines hurried away. Most of the men followed the path leading to the small river while a few departed in the opposite direction. For the remainder of the day the eight barricaded captives were not tormented and were left to recover from their ordeal.
Hector and Jose did not return to the island until late the next morning leaving the captives to the mercies of the Marines left behind on the island. It was already dark when the men returned from their search for Angelique. They were tired and hungry but still had the energy to molest the captives. They decided to select one of the girls and take her back to their barracks as they had done with Holly the previous night. When the barricade was taken away from the door, the men were surprised when several of the women suddenly burst through the open doorway.
After a day to recuperate, four of the captives thought themselves well enough to run. Led by Deirdre and Fallon the girls dashed for freedom. The four women ran past the stunned men and scattered in all directions. By the time the two trailing girls, Isis and Blaise ran out of the building the awakened men were in pursuit. Blaise had run straight out the doorway while Isis turned hard left once she was outside. In the darkness, the tiny brunette hadn?t seen that most of the Marines were directly in her line of flight.
The 4 foot 10 inch girl slammed her 90 lb body directly into one of the men. The one hundred pound weight differential between the tiny Asian girl and the husky Cuban stopped the girl dead in her tracks. Before she could turn away the Marine had his arms wrapped tight around her struggling body. Easily lifting the girl off her feet the man walked her back into the building. Taking a handful of Isis?s long dark hair the Marine slammed her head and body back into the wall of the building. As Isis?s eyes blurred and her knees buckled from the blow, she slumped to the floor. Snarling at the women in the room as he barricaded the door the Marine joined the rest of his squad who were chasing after the escaping women.
Blaise was closely pursued by two of the Marines. Clothed in a tattered uniform shirt she found in the pile of rags the 5 foot 5 inch brunette ran as fast has her slender legs could carry her. She could hear the heavy breathing and footfalls of the Marines rushing after her. The dimly lit compound area forced the girl to run blindly into the darkness, stumbling occasionally as her bare feet misjudged the uneven ground. The Marines quickly closed on the half naked girl; the first man was within arms reach before she had gone 200 feet. One instant the 115 lb girl was running free and the next she was wresting on the ground with two Cuban Marines. The two men quickly contained Blaise. Roughly they dragged her back to the barricaded building slapping her around as a reward for her attempted escape before throwing her back inside the building.
Deirdre?s head start was lost when, in the darkness, the 28-year-old woman tripped over an unseen root. The blonde stumbled a few steps before losing her balance and falling to the ground. Before she could regain her feet several Marines had surrounded her. The besieged woman was pulled to her feet and then the men played a game of cat and mouse with her. The blonde was thrown back and forth from man to man. Then she was dragged her back to the building. With a vicious shove, Deirdre was sent forcefully, back into the structure.
Fallon?s escape attempt continued for almost half an hour before she was caught. Running into the darkness the 5 foot 6 inch redhead reached the densely forested before any of men tracking her. The barefooted girl guardedly felt her way into the brush using her hands outstretched in front of her to guide the way. Fallon wore a pair of ragged fatigue pants tied loosely around her narrow waist. A torn T-shirt completed her ensemble. She was able to stay ahead of the men by changing direction often. She could hear the Marines as they shouted and called out giving instructions or information to one another. Her stealth and cunning may have kept her out of their reach but luck was running against her. The loose fitting pants she wore were snagged on an angled branch stopping her cold. As she tried to pull free from the limb, she was overtaken by one of her pursuers. The trapped girl was easy prey for the man who quickly wrestled her to the ground and called to his compatriots for assistance. The men extracted the struggling girl from the snagged branch by tearing the pants off her body. One of the men tied her hands behind her back and she was escorted back to the compound area.
The 120 lb woman would now pay the price for her attempted break out action. When the men passed by the barricaded building Fallon knew her fate. He freckled face was wet with tears as she struggled with the men keeping a tight rein on her resistance. Once in the men?s barracks she pleaded in terror as the men threw her down crossways on to one of the wooden bunks. The ragged T-shirt she wore was pulled up her body to the neck and then tied to the bed frame. Fallon lay naked across the bed, her butt open to attack off one side, her head dangling from the opposite side of the bunk. Her long slender upper body twisted and arched in a gyrating dance as she tried to pull her head free of the T-shirt collar. The men watched with fascination and lust has Fallon writhed about on the bunk The redhead?s green eyes darted from man to man as she arched her neck bringing her head up off the bed frame. What she saw made her wish she hadn?t been so inquisitive.
The Cubans had quickly removed their uniforms. Half of the men were gathered behind the defenseless girl while the other half were in a line that started at her head. Fallon let out a yip when she felt a pair of strong hands reaching around her upper thighs. Sadistic mans fingers dug into her soft flesh as her stomach was lifted off the bed. The hands were soon forgotten as a thick shaft of flesh was jabbed into her vagina from behind. Her previously despoiled slit was spread apart as the man began raping her doggy style. The obtuse angle of his entry was causing the prone girl unbearable pain. His thick penis jabbed into the front of her femininity stretching the inner flesh nauseatingly. With each withdrawal and re-thrust came an agonizing screech of pain from the girl?s wide-open mouth. As the powerful shaft plunged deeper and deeper into the wailing women the apex of her narrow slit was purposefully ripped to shreds. Splatters of Fallon?s blood soon adorned the bed sheet marking the spot where her hips were repeatedly slammed into the corner of the bed. Culminating with a savage hammering, the Marine emptied his balls into the redhead?s ruptured cunt sending Fallon into a temporary swoon.
Her respite was short lived as the second man behind her began his attack on her curvaceous backside. With no warning, he jammed his penis into the bloody hole vacated by the first man. This time Fallon?s scream was cut short. One of the men at her head wrapped his fingers in her long red tresses, jerking her head upward while simultaneously jamming his cock in her open mouth. The startled girl chocked and gagged as the man shoved her penis down her spasming throat. Fallon was in choked agony as the ravager at her front mashed his crotch into her bloodied nose and the rapist behind mutilated her wounded vagina. Her 120 lb body bucked and twisted as the pain descended upon her from all directions. Her air supply was cut to only short gasps whenever the cock buried in her throat was momentarily withdrawn. Both of her attackers emptied their spunk into her orifices at the same moment sending a blinding flash of pain and agony through the brutalized girl. The redhead fell limp onto the bed as unconsciousness reclaimed her ravaged body and mind.
Fallon was brought back to consciousness many more times during the night. Half a dozen sodomizers invaded her virgin rectum. Her tiny puckered anus was gouged and reamed with no mercy shown leaving a bloody gash where unblemished flesh had existed before. The raping of her mouth loosened several teeth, broke her dainty nose, and blacked both of her eyes before the night was done. At four in the morning, her battered body was carried back to the barricaded building and to the horror of the girls inside dumped in a heap on the floor. It would be many hours later before the savaged girl reawakened.
Chapter 16.
As the sun rose, the next morning the four CIA women were traversing the island working steadily inland from their beach landing. Kendra led the way with the new recruits Jana and Megan close behind. Liesl trailed the others laying off the pace set by Kendra so she could watch for any Cuban intervention triggered by the leading group. The four rescuers traveled as quietly as was possible staying away from obvious human or animal trails. Their progress was slow but steady as they moved farther inland, climbing to higher ground whenever possible to gain a better view of what lay ahead.
As the CIA team preceded with their search if the isle, little Angelique, armed with spear and flare guns was carefully traipsing her way back across the island, toward her destination, the compound clearing. Her full stomach and freshly washed body had emboldened her. She dedicated herself to helping her captured friends find a way to escape the island. As she stealthfully slipped through the lush forest, she tried to envision a plan that would free her friends. If she could find a way to isolate one of the men from the others, she could try to pick him off with the spear gun eliminating the men one by one. How could she carry out her plan? Angelique puzzled the problem over in her mind as she continued moving ahead through the dense jungle foliage.
That morning Hector radioed the compound instructing his men they were to renew the hunt for Angelique and to send out reconnaissance units to look for evidence of other incursions onto the island. The Major would be flying back to the island later that morning. He would be bringing reinforcement Marines and a trio of hunting dogs to broaden the hunter?s capabilities. Jose would return as well to renew the interrogation of the captives.
Chapter 17.
When Major Hector Alonzo returned to the island that morning he brought with him more than personnel reinforcements and tracking dogs. On his return to the main island the previous night, he reported the discovery of the beached cabin cruiser and his men?s capture of the women aboard the boat. His report included the fact that Angelique had not yet been accounted for. Cuban intelligence reviewed the captured women?s? passports and were able to identify Deirdre Smith as the niece of US Congressman TR Smith of Georgia. The Cuban State Department?s investigation of the Smith family reveled that Jana Smith, Deirdre?s sister was training with the CIA. The passports showed that the captured girl, Blaise, was Angelique?s older sister.
Hector was ordered to transport six of the eight captives back to the main island aboard the Cuban patrol boat. These six women would undergo a rigorous Russian KGB interrogation at Cuban Intelligence Headquarters in Havana and then be interred there within a military prison complex. On the small island Major Alonzo and his men would surreptitiously retain custody of Deirdre and Blaise. In that way Cuban government officials in Havana could obliquely deny knowledge of their incarceration or of any misadventure they may have encountered. This would allow Hector a free hand in the interrogation, or as Hector perceived it, the debauchment, subjugation and rape of the two women. He was ordered to have his men conduct a rigorous search the island. They were to assure that more intervention on the small island would not occur and they were to capture the missing girl, Angelique.
Within minutes of his small airplane?s return to the compound landing strip Hector?s men were dragging the captives out of the small building that had been their prison for two days. Six of the girls had their hands tied behind their backs and their ankles fettered. The encumbered girls cried and beseeched the men when as were separated from Deirdre and Blaise. ?Why are you doing this?? ?Where are you taking us?? ?Please don?t hurt Blaise or Deirdre any more?. The wails and pleas were ignored by the brutal men who slapped and poked at the partially immobilized and mostly naked women. Tears cascaded down dirt smudged cheeks as the six women were force-marched to the southern end of the small island. By mid morning only the 28-year-old blonde and 23-year-old brunette remained in captivity on the island.
Hector ordered most of his men out into the island searching for signs of Angelique or of an evidence of another unwanted incursion. Hector remained in the compound with Captain Garcia and three of his best ?interrogators?. They immediately went to work on the remaining captives. Jose had the brunette?s hands and feet hogtied so that she could be left in her own misery while pretty Deirdre became the focus of his attention. Blaise moaned in discomfort as her naked body was roped into an arching bow. She squealed in pain as her defenseless body was thrown down onto the dusty ground. He eyes leaked dirt streaked tears as she watched her blonde friend steel herself for the impending assault.
Even after two days of captivity and abuse Deirdre was in good physical condition, she still retained her soft, curved, feminine appeal. Jose approached the 105 lb woman wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. The Captain smiled as he surveyed the beautiful girl they were about to rape. Deirdre?s skin was a pale rose color scratched and bruised but a beautiful sight nonetheless. Defiantly the slender women lifted one arm to cover her breasts while her other hand moved down to cover the small puffy mound crowned by soft tan curls that peeked out from between her thighs. ?Seniorita, are you ready to tell us about the CIA?? ?Or do we get to have us one real good time with you now?, growled Jose. Deirdre?s blue eyes narrowed as she turned her head away from her interrogator. In that instant, Jose jammed both of his palms into Deirdre?s chest sending her backward onto the ground. The 5 foot 3 inch blonde landed hard on her butt before sprawling onto her back. In pain and fear, the woman lay trembling on her back, staring up at the bright yellow sun.
Deirdre closed her eyes to blot out the light, her tears leaking from under the lids as she heard the men moving close around and then felt the weight of Jose lowering himself down on top of her. ?Senorita, open your eyes, I want to see your expression when you feel a real man inside of you. This is your reward for being a CIA spy!? When Deirdre opened her eyes, Jose?s face was leering down at her. She gagged at his foul breath as he laughed and closed his mouth around the nipple on her left breast. Deirdre cried out as she felt his teeth close around the puffy nipple and begin to gnaw on the tender bud. His rough hands squeezed and kneaded the soft mound of breast as he ground his teeth into her bloodied flesh. Deirdre writhed beneath her attacker gasping in pain with each gnash of his teeth. Leaving the crimson oozing mound Jose switched his attention to her other breast and repeated the assault.
Deirdre?s body squirmed as the Captain?s hands moved down and began to wrench at her thighs, spreading them wide apart as he lowered his hips into position. His fingers roughly wedged between her thighs and then up into her cunt. With a vengeance Jose worked his fat fingers in and out and then around inside her slit. Pulling one hand from the blonde?s cunt Jose suddenly slapped Deirdre across the face. ?Seniorita, this is going to hurt you real bad? Jose sprayed his spittle into her face as he made the threat. Viciously, Jose shoved his beefy, hard cock at the blonde?s body. Deirdre gasped and then screamed as the thick eight inch penis stretched apart the sore lips of her cunt. The fat cock stabbed into Deirdre an inch at a time. Each thrust of the stiff cock grated roughly against her super tender insides. As the man hammered his shaft into her, it felt like she was being abraded by sandpaper.
Jose grunted and laughed as he began to thrust even harder, pushing his fat penis deep inside of the screaming woman and then pulling back so that he was completely out before shoving the massive organ brutally into her again. Deirdre shrieked with pain as she was mercilessly raped, her ravaged cunt burning with agony. It felt as it was being torn to shreds by the abrasive texture of the man?s unrelenting shaft. Deirdre?s screams were occurring with such ferocity that Jose felt compelled to shout back, ?Go ahead and scream, American CIA spy, no one can hear you, no one can help you!? The Captain grunted like a rutting pig as he shuddered shooting thick gobs of spunk deep into Deirdre?s pummeled body. Jose continued the battering after he blew his load, thrusting viciously into the torn blonde a dozen more times before he finally pulled away from her hot and sticky nude body, breathing hard and satisfied.
Jose was not correct in his assessment of Deirdre?s screams being heard. Little Angelique with the spear and flare guns was close enough to the compound when the captive blonde?s assault had escalated to hear the shrieks of her friend in the distance. The echoes of agony reverberated through the jungle reinforcing Angelique?s dedication to finding a way to play a part in triggering an escape from the island. The horrible screams increase in volume gave the tiny 17-year-old ample warning of her nearness to the compound. Quietly and alertly, the brunette girl crept ever closer to the clearing until she was at its edge. Peering through the lush foliage Angelique could see again the despoilment of the captured women. In the clearing, several uniformed military men stood around watching as Deirdre?s shrill screams accentuated the misery of her rape. Another captive girl who Angelique could not immediately recognize was lying at the feet of one of the men. While Angelique shook with rage as she beheld the carnage, her tear filled eyes witnessed the end of the first attack on Deirdre. Jose climbed to his feet leaving the defiled blonde sprawled on the ground.
The vacated yellow-haired woman was not uncovered for long. Sergeant Valdez, Jose?s assistant didn?t wait for an invitation when he saw his superior had finished with the raped blonde. He threw himself onto Deirdre grinding his naked body from side to side. The Sergeant snarled as his rough hands pawed her pale pink breasts, then dropped down her slender body to fondle her writhing hips, all the while his teeth nipped at her face, neck, and breasts. Deirdre twisted her head away, yelping and moaning in despair. She could feel the Sergeant?s massive, ten inch cock push against the raw opening between her thighs. Her breath came in short gasps as the thick shaft spread apart the lips of her vagina tearing the previously abraded flesh as the cock slowly inched farther into her body. The helpless blonde wailed in agony as her flesh was ripped apart.
The gigantic cockhead expanded her once tiny clit while its mammoth length pushed far deeper into her than her small body could contain. The fragile tissues deep within her womb were gouged and torn asunder by the invading shaft. Deirdre experienced so much pain that she thought the Sergeant?s cock was going to rip through her body and come out of her mouth. The rapist was thrusting powerfully over and over again, battering her distorted, throbbing pussy as he neared his peak. The assault continued for several more minutes before with a savage thrust the man shot his load in Deirdre?s bloody cunt. The large man?s final lunge lifted the 105 lb. woman?s body completely off the ground as she hung impaled upon the raging rapist?s giant shaft. The petite blonde groaned in pain as tears rolled down her smooth cheeks. She could feel the heat of the Sergeant?s sperm as it gushed into her ravaged hole mixing with blood that oozed from her raw flesh. Satiated, the abuser disentangled from his victim. He lay beside her abused body gasping for breath from both gratification and the ferocious effort of his extended rut. Deirdre tried to curl her body into a fetal position, weakening in spirit and psychologically shattered, tears trickled down her cheeks as a stream of pinkish cum leaked from her viciously raped cunt.
Angelique watched as Hector, Jose and his men pulled the battered women to her feet by her tousled blonde mane. Jose screamed his questions at her again, ?Are you CIA??, ?Why did you come to this island??, ?Where is the girl you call Angelique??. Deirdre?s knees buckled as the verbal assault continued. She could only cry weakly or moan in pain as the men roughly manhandled her naked body. Slapping the blue eyed blonde across both cheeks and then knocking her to the ground with a closed fist to her ear, Hector left the dazed women and turned his attention to the hogtied brunette.
Chapter 18.
Before Blaise became the object of his attention the Major was interrupted by one of his men. A radio message was coming in from one of his search parties. His Marines, searching the western shore of the small the island, had discovered a rubber raft and provisions buried in the sand. The discovery was made only a short distance from where the captive?s women?s motorboat had come aground. The raft and cache of supplies appeared to be US military issue. This news was quickly radioed on to all of the Cuban Marines searching the small island. They were told proceed carefully and be prepared to ambush any enemy force encountered on the island. They were to continue their search for infiltrators by quietly employing clandestine defensive measures, and they were to remain in constant radio contact throughout the day.
Armed with this new information Hector proceeded with the interrogation of Blaise. The rope hogtying the brunette?s wrists and ankles together was cut. Blaise rolled to her side once her legs were freed but did not escape Hector?s wrath.
Her body jolted violently as his heavy boot thudded into her side, she gasped, and tried to suck in air to replace that expelled from her by the force of the blow. Blaise found herself surrounded by the Cubans. Jose began is interrogation as the naked girl writhed at his feet. ?Where are your CIA friends??, he screamed. ?We know about the raft and we know you are Angelique?s sister, you will tell us what you know of both or you will pay a higher price than did you blonde friend?, the Captain warned. ?Reveal your sister?s hiding place now, Seniorita, where is she??. Blaise whined and pleaded with her interrogator, ?I don?t know where Angelique is hiding, and I know nothing about a raft, please, please believe me?. ?You are lying puta, we believe you have more knowledge than you telling?. ?Now you will do more than talk, you will scream.? promised Jose as he motioned to his men.
From the edge of the clearing, Angelique watched in horror as the woman being assaulted was revealed to be her sister. The men lifted the 115 lb girl to her feet, spun her around, and pressed her back against the barracks wall. Hector joined in the assault pressing his forearm across her throat, crushing her throat sufficiently to silence her scream. The 5 foot 5 inch beauty was frozen in fear as her ankles were unfettered and she fought being choked beneath the Majors massive forearm. Angelique fumbled with the spear gun, loading it as quietly as her tearful eyes would allow. For an instant, the tiny girl considered shooting the huge man attacking her sister but her good sense returned when she recognized the futility of such an action. The young girl could do nothing but watch as Hector abused her helpless sister. Angelique?s tiny hand muffled a sob as Hector used his free hand to liberate his enormous cock, pressing its outsized head against Blaise?s tender pussy.
The terrified girl yelped in pain as the massive shaft pressed tight against her sore slit forcing apart the bruised lips. Blaise fought hard to keep her legs together as a defense to her impending rape. Hector appealed to Jose who growled menacingly, ?Open your thighs, Seniorita,? When the moaning girl kept her thighs pressed tightly together, Jose slammed a vicious swipe of his short crop across the outside of her upper thigh. The pain and shock caused Blaise to cry out and her slender legs to reflex from the pain. Her cry became a shriek of agony as the Major?s hips thrust inward. The head of his cock spread the helpless girl?s ruptured lips apart as he plunged deep into her writhing body. As Angelique watched in horror, the savage man thrust up and into her screaming sister, repeatedly shoving his hips hard against her. With a powerful lunge, he jammed his thick cock fully into her shapely body.
? The huge width of Hectors penis tore open Blaise?s damaged vagina shredding the its tender membranes. The dark red blood that spurted from between her thighs with each inward thrust helped to lubricate the mutilated hole.
Once his cock was buried deep inside Blaise, Hector used his free hand clamping it hard over one of her breasts. His huge hand crushed the firm breast flesh cruelly as he continued his urgent thrusting into her pussy. The 115 lb girl?s body was crushed against the wall by the Major?s extremely large frame, his powerful hips slammed hard and brutally against hers as he shoved repeatedly into her. He pummeled her curvaceous body savagely, forcing the enormous length of his cock into her body, withdrawing almost out of her before violently ramming back in again. Hector?s mouth curled into an evil grin as he used his battering body to cause her as much discomfort as was possible. After what seemed to be an eternity to the brutalized brunette her assailant grunted loudly and gushed forth his cum, grinding his hips harder still against her as he emptied himself far up inside her bloodied womb.
Angelique shuddered and cried turning away from the horrible scene in front of her. Her brain was stunned by the brutality she witnessed. Slowly her mind cleared and she remembered something Jose had said during his interrogation of Blaise. He had referred to a raft. Angelique knew nothing about a raft, and there had been no raft on board the shipwrecked motorboat. What was Jose saying? A raft had been found on the island? Could that mean rescuers were on the island? Angelique had to find out. Staying at the clearing watching her friends and sister being raped wasn?t improving the situation. Angelique would need to find the rescuers before the men searching the island. Then she could bring the rescuers to the clearing and help her friends escape.
Before Angelique left the clearing one of the Marine interrogators began another assault upon Blaise. The instant Hector pulled his shrinking cock out of the girl the next Marine was on her. Spinning her body around to that she faced the barracks wall the man?s rough hands groped at her breasts jerking her body back onto him. The large man?s penis jutted out from his hips pressing into the crease of her smooth buttocks. The struggling brunette squealed in pain as the man lifted his hips rapidly, grinding his body against her back. He rubbed his stiff cock deep into the tight crack of her ass as his rough hands squashed her tender breasts into her chest hauling her ever farther onto his penis
As Angelique darted away from the clearing she covered her ears with her hands trying to block out the sounds of her sister pleading with the men. ?No please, don?t do that!? Blaise cried. The Marine smiled at the defenseless girl and then growled a savage oath as he jabbed the head of his cock at her tiny puckered anus. ?No please no!? She pleaded as the unyielding tip found the wrinkly entrance and forced it to open. Blaise began to cry out but her wail was suddenly cut short, she trembled, forced up against the wall, her eyes grew wide in pain. Her expression was of revulsion and horrendous pain, she gasp as the wrinkled ring gave way under the onslaught and the large head of the Marine?s cock crammed inside her. The incredible agony that accompanied the initial entry, which had obscenely ripped open the bloodied chute, was being replaced with a burning ache that radiated down her legs and up her spine.
The 115 lb girl screeched as the mammoth cock pushed deeper into her anal tract, brutally forcing itself into her defiled her virgin anus. The sadistic Marine continued ramming and withdrawing his bloody shaft into the thrashing girl until the whole of his thick rod was buried deep inside her battered body. The 5 foot 5 inch woman was being sodomized unmercifully; each thrust into her plundered body lifted Blaise up onto her toes. As the man mauled and scratched her tender breasts, each thrust slammed her into the barracks wall. Uncaringly her attacker rutted savagely into her newly torn rectum. Fanatically he drove his cock into her, bruising her breasts, mercilessly crushing the soft globes as he pounded into her bleeding backside.
For Blaise an eternity passed before the assault was finalized. The Marine pulled out of her ass, shoving the whimpering brunette to the ground. The weeping girl hugged her knees as she lay trembling in the dirt. Thick, globules of blood smeared cum dribbled from her raped pussy and ruptured anus. The pitiless men mocked her plight with laughter as Blaise moaned in anguish and despair. ?If you don?t talk soon Seniority we will be forced to give you much pain, much more than you have suffered? laughed Jose. Driving his heavy boot into the girl?s blood smeared ass, the Captain translated his message to his men whose loud laughter was drowned out by Blaise?s scream of torment and despair.??
Chapter 19.
At the same time that Angelique was backtracking from the clearing in search of her rescuers, Kelly and her CIA team had come across the creek bisecting the island. The four women split up at the stream with Kelly and Jana following the creek upstream while Liesl and Megan tracked downstream. Within thirty minutes of separating Liesl was in sight of a small Cuban Coastal Reconnaissance boat traveling slowly up the narrow stream. This same craft had, earlier in the day, transported six of the captive women back across the narrow channel to the main Cuban island. On returning to the small island the craft was patrolling the southern portion of the stream until passage up the shallow creek was no longer possible. At that point the men aboard would disembark and continue searching the creek bank for signs of trespassers. Aboard the vessel were four Cuban Marines and one of the tracking dogs Hector had flown to the small island that morning.
Liesl and Megan tracked away from the creek bank when they saw the boat approach. The two women hid in the dense undergrowth until the vessel passed them by and then returned to the stream to follow the boat as it continued upstream. Less than an hour later the boat tied off at bend in the stream and three men disembarked. The three Cuban Marines took to both sides of the creek, two men on the eastern bank and the third man and the tracking dog tracked the western bank. The CIA women who had come from the western side of the island watched closely as the troops disappeared around the curve in the stream. The women could see that only one man was still aboard the boat. They decided to wait a few minutes for the men ashore to move out of sight and then continue tracking the stream downstream.
The women?s plan of action might have proved effective if it had not been for the tracking dog and his companion?s decision to search the western bank of the creek. Shortly after moving up river the dog had picked up an unusual scent. The large German Sheppard signaled this to his handler by folding his pointed ears back and baring his teeth, growling and snarling as he swung around on the scent. The Marine reversed his course and followed the dog while radioing his intentions to the Marines on the opposite bank. They also turned back paralleling the course set by the tracking dog. Thirty minutes later, the Marines had worked themselves back to where the boat was tied off. The men radioed to all Marines on the island that they were following a trail that continued downstream from their location. A squad of Cuban Marines who had been searching to the south began tracking north from the mouth of the creek. The Liesl and Megan were quickly encircled between the two converging groups.
Out numbered four to one, the women never had a chance. The girls had heard the Cuban force moving up from the south before that group spotted them. Immediately both women turned back upriver darting quickly away from the approaching men. Within less than a minute, Marines coming down from the north, had cut off the girl?s escape route. Nine Marines and a huge snarling German Sheppard immediately surrounded the pair. With nowhere to run and not much chance of escape, the CIA women capitulated by throwing their hands in the air in a gesture of submission. Their indication of defenselessness did little to shelter them from the brutality of their capturers. The depraved men lashed the women?s arms tightly behind their backs then began tugging at the girl?s clothing.
Megan wept and cowered as her blouse was stripped of her body leaving behind the flimsy bra concealing her freckled breasts. That garment was hastily torn away as well revealing the girl?s gorgeous mounds to the lecherous men. Rough hands and pinching fingers quickly replaced the bra as the Cuban Marines amused themselves to the detriment of the 104 lb redhead.
Liesl suffered the same fate as her compatriot; a bayonet slashed at her sleeveless T-shirt was slicing it open at the neck. As she rebelled in disgust, the tattered shirt was roughly pulled off her struggling body. Her arms tied tightly behind her back, the 29-year-old blonde fought her attackers with what little aggression remained at her disposal. She kicked at the men with her strong legs and tried to bite any of the Marines within reach. The men laughed at her feeble attempts to keep them at bay until one of the men was splattered full in the face by a mouthful of Liesl?s spit.
Wiping away the dripping spew the Cuban uttered an oath; then balled his fist and punched the face of the half naked woman. With a sickening thud, the fist punished the 5 foot 4 inch beauty?s cheek, bruising the soft flesh and knocking the girl to the ground. The man followed the beaten girl as she fell. He grabbed the strap between the cups of her bra and with a powerful tug ripped it off her chest. Liesl fell to her back, golden breasts wobbling as she came to rest on the ground. She was hauled to her feet by another Marine and was subjected to the same breast mauling as was befalling Megan. On the march back to the compound, both women were pawed and probed by their capturers.
Chapter 20.
Upon their arrival at the compound, Liesl and Megan were greeted by Jose and his entourage. The Cuban Captain questioned both women employing his usual form of threatening promises and painful consequences for not answering truthfully. Neither woman would admit to being spies or counterinsurgents. Both women held to a concocted story that they had come to the island by accident. The told a tale involving their small pleasure boat that had mysteriously sunk while off the coast of the small island. They told Jose that they had saved themselves from drowning at sea by swimming ashore. After undergoing several hours of interrogation, the stories had not changed.
? Jose reported to Hector that he had been unable to coerce a confession from either woman. Hector decided to take matters into his own hands.
As Hector approached the newly captured women, he first saw Megan who was sitting with her legs curled beneath her. The Major was instantly attracted to the young redhead. Her expression was that of a frightened child rendering her compellingly cute, with disheveled red hair cascading down to her shoulders and freckles spread across her dirt smeared cream colored skin. Hector lusted after Megan?s petite, stunningly beautiful body. Her cute face, enhanced by enormous sea green eyes and a dappling of freckles, which spread across the bridge of her nose to both creamy cheeks. The same sprinkle of freckles dominated the upper portions of her naked breasts. The redhead girl was slender but her buttocks plumped promisingly from within the torn shorts still hugging tightly to her hips.
The Major ordered two of his men to haul the apprehensive girl to her feet. Bared to the waist, the redhead?s young breasts are thrust forward as one man tugs cruelly on a handful of red hair. In their tight grasp, the petite girl is immobilized. She strains to break away rippling muscle sinew beneath her freckled flesh. The years of CIA training trimmed and firmed her small frame leaving her body with pleasingly rounded curves. Cinched tight around her slim waist, a dirty pair of white shorts are fastened just below her tucked navel. The seam at one side of the body-hugging shorts is ripped from leg hole to waistband.
At 5 foot 3inches and 104 pounds, the young girl is no match for the two Marines who cut the ropes holding her arms behind her back and drag her back onto the ground. Her wrists are pulled above her head by the two men while Hector cuts away her tattered shorts exposing a pair of lace panties. Hector ripped the fragile panties from Megan?s hips with one hand while digging the fingers of his other hand into her exposed body. The tiny girl?s tight passage was stretched apart by two fingers then three and with a violent shove four fingers burrowed into her womanhood. Megan moaned as she tried to twist her body and pull away from her assailant. Hector paid little attention to her plight as he unbuckled his belt and pulled his trousers down exposing his hard penis. With no preparation he plunged his manhood into her tiny dry hole. The huge penis parted the tender folds of her vagina tearing open the tight opening. Hector rammed and withdrew his fleshy weapon into defenseless body more than a dozen times before he completely buried the massive shaft inside the girl. Megan?s green eyes fluttered as each thrust brought a squeal of agony from her parted lips.
As the Major continued his rape of the helpless girl she tried to buck and twist beneath the huge man. Her tiny body contorted under Hectors body but she could not dislodge him. The gyrations of her body did the girl more harm than good as her narrow vaginal slot was stretched and distorted by her wild thrashing. As the captive girl screamed in pain Hector continued the assault until with a moan of his own he filled her with his spunk. In the moments just before he ejaculated Hector?s powerful hands fell upon Megan?s freckled breasts clawing and mauling their softness. Tears poured from the young girls green eyes as her pain ravaged body was battered and bruised. As quickly as Hector finished with her, a second Marine took his place. Megan?s body was raped and brutalized by the second man for twenty minutes before his cum was discharged deep in her soft body. Another Marine followed and then another. When they were finished, Megan lay curled on the ground. Her upper thighs smeared with her own blood and the overflow of the sticky drying mess that had been forced into her. She sobbed and her trembling shoulders shook. Her freckled white skin was dirtied and scratched from the unforgiving contact with the uneven ground.
Her rape was just the beginning. Jose was not finished with Megan. He had his men hang the weeping redhead by her wrists from the crossbar of one of the torturing posts. The Captain approached the dangling girl showing her his long leather belt. Jose demanded she tell him the truth about activities on the island. Megan sobbed but refused to stray from the concocted story. The Captain stepped to her side, pulled back his arm, and then the belt fly. It whistled as it cut through the air before slicing harshly across her softly rounded belly. Her left side was exposed to the belt?s metal buckle.
Megan?s rape had abraded her body making her back and sides extremely sensitive. Attacking them with the belt?s buckle caused the girl to shriek intolerably at the end of every stroke. The front of her body as not spared as lash after lash welted her abdomen, stomach, and ribcage. Megan gasped with each whistling stroke; her freckled white body writhed, her bare breasts wobbling wildly. Jose varied the interval between his swipes, so the helpless girl could not anticipate the next lash. Her head twisted and tossed sending her auburn tresses flying. Finally, as the last of two dozen strokes raked across Megan?s taut ribs the Captain lowered his arm.
Megan?s sea-green eyes darted back and forth in helpless fear. Jose screamed at her to talk but the sobbing girl again refused. Tiring of the girl?s defiance the Captain switched weapons. Using a thick length of bamboo the interrogator began striking the battered girl in the chest and stomach. Each blow brought a squeal of pain. Megan?s soft body was swathed in welts and bruises. The Captain lowered his target applying the cane to the helpless redhead?s thighs, first smacking the smooth outer curves, and then working the weapon between her thighs. Megan fought to keep her legs closed.
The two Marines who had raped her rejoined the battle. Their powerful hands had little problem prying her legs apart. Seeing his target exposed the Captain rammed the end of the bamboo shaft into the opening of her vagina. The thick shaft ripped apart the tender membrane shredding her fragile flesh. A shriek tore from Megan? throat as the stake penetrated her tender body. The young girl writhed violently as Jose continued to ravage her body. The Captain worked the shaft into and out of his screaming victim before withdrawing the bloody shaft. The trembling girl?s head slumped forward in relief as the blood-smeared shaft was pulled from her ravaged womanhood. Before her body was taken down from the crossbar Hector again confronted the dangling girl.
Megan tried to turn her body away but was caught off guard and overwhelmed by the Major?s strength. His second brutal rape of her tormented body began. His large hands first mashed her firm, young breasts, then the hands were clawing apart her blood smeared thighs, finally the hands dug into her mutilated womanhood. Megan screamed as a dirty finger nail probed her savaged entry before stabbing deep inside her. Her protests went unheeded as her legs were spread farther apart.
Hector positioned himself between her slim legs. She could feel his hands grip her waist and then suddenly, his thick, hard cock jabbed into her womanhood. ?My God, no?please?NO!?, Megan screamed. Her legs were pulled apart at the ankles until they could stretch no more. The battle was lost; her mind raced with fear at the thought of being raped again by this brute, and yet Megan could do nothing to protect herself. At first, she tried to squirm but the pain was too great and the stiff member was already probing deep into her body. Hector savored her torment slowly forcing his big cock deeper into the redheaded captive.
First, the penetration was slow, but soon Hector?s thrusts came faster, then harder, and deeper. Megan?s body was battered violently as the Major built towards a massive orgasm. Megan could do nothing but ride out the thrashing she was receiving from the sadistic Cuban. Hector grunted a loud gasp, becoming even more energized he humped the small girl savagely exploding with a series of gushing orgasms deep inside the narrow, bloody canal.
After being raped by Hector, Jose made one last attempt to make Megan talk. He used his belt again slashing at the brutalized girl before consigning her broken body to the will of his lusting Marines. Megan worst fears were soon realized, a queue of Marines had moved into position between her legs. She whimpered, then screamed, and screamed, and screamed some more as her nightmare continued into the dusk.
Chapter 21.
Seeing her young friend raped and hearing her agonized screams sent bitter tears cascading down Liesl?s bruised cheeks. She was helpless, her hands were tied together above her blond head. She was hanging from the crossbeam where Megan had just been raped. There was more than enough tension in the ropes that bound her to keep her hands high above her head, enough tension to take almost all her weight off her feet. Liesl?s legs trembled as she stretched them down trying to relieve the strain on her shoulders and wrists. It was unavoidable for her not to stand tall, as her shoulders ached unbearably whenever she relaxed. The pain was such that it felt as if her arms were being wrenched from her shoulders. The rope bit relentlessly into her wrists numbingly cutting off the blood to her hands. The blonde woman?s heart pounded in terror and apprehension. During her capture, she had attempted to ward off her attacker, only to receive a bruising punch to her face.
Jose stood back away from the dangling captive. The girl was prime, long blond hair, 5 foot 5 inches, and 115 lb. Her light blond hair cascaded down over golden shoulders, bare to waist, her breasts, were firm, and perfectly shaped. Liesl?s belly was smooth and slightly convex. She wore a pair of white Capri?s that fit snugly up the crease of her rounded butt. Liesl?s legs were slim, appearing longer as she stretched onto her toes. Jose went to the girl, cupping her left breast. At the contact Liesl moaned and tried to twist away, putting further strain on her already painful arms. Jose squeezed the nipple pinching it between his thumb and finger. The 29-year-old yelped and squirmed as Jose continued to mash her breast between his fingers. Suddenly Jose released the nub slapping her hard across the cheek. The previously bruised cheek stung with agonizing pain as the blonde?s tears welled up in her dark grey eyes. Liesl?s long forgotten fear was about to become reality, she knew these brutes meant to gang rape her.
Her fear suddenly turned to rage, ignoring the pain in her shoulders the slender girl brought her knee up fast, targeting Jose?s crotch. Jose saw the kick coming and turned away, catching her blow on his hip. The pain of the blow angered Jose who punched his fist directly onto the just abused breast. The Captain followed the punch with backhand to her purple mottled cheek. Liesl?s head snapped to the side as the pain caused her to gasp for breath and stars to flash in her eyes. The strength was drained from her legs, as she sagged, her shoulders and wrists screaming in agony. As Liesl struggled to regain her feet, Jose reached out hooking his fingers in the waistband of the moaning girl?s tight pants. Ripping apart the material, Jose pulled them down her curved hips and tapered thighs. Releasing the tattered Capri?s the Captain let them slip down her legs to heap at her ankles.
The 115 lb girl hung before him wearing only a flimsy pair of silk panties. Her fear of being gang raped returned with a vengeance, heat pounding, Liesl could barely catch her ragged breath. Jose slipped behind the dangling blonde reaching back around her lithe form to grasp both breasts in his large hands, squeezing and mauling them with enthusiasm. He smashed her pink nipples twisting and crushing them between his fingers. Liesl screamed in pain and desperation as her tender nubs were torn and bruised by the Marine?s cruel fingers. When Jose finally released the screaming woman, her breasts were blemished with darkening purple bruises. The Captain slid his hands down her belly grasping the waistband of her panties. Liesl shrieked as he yanked the silk material violently, shredding the flimsy garment as he tore it off her naked body.
Jose let his hands wander across the blonde girls smooth body, squeezing it?s firmness, almost playfully slapping one creamy butt cheek making the plaint ass flesh jiggle. Liesl recoiled in surprise as a resounding crack emanated from her spanked flesh. Liesl?s pale blonde mane was duplicated between her thighs where only a thin fleece of soft blonde pubic hair shielded her virtually bare clit. The slender blonde cringed as Jose?s rough hands and fingers explored her intimate secrets. She tried to hold her thighs tightly closed to deny entry to Jose?s defiling fingers. This only created more pain from the unbelievable strain it put on her sleek shoulders. Jose was in no rush as he watched the girl writhe in her own self inflicted agony.
Liesl, unable to withstand the pain in her shoulders, allowed her thighs to be pushed apart. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, knowing what was coming. The blonde woman steeled herself when she felt Captain Garcia?s rigid penis tip brush against her hip. Jose stood at her side, his rough hands slithering purposely over her sweat drenched body. Liesl moaned in desperation as his hand slipped between her smooth buttocks. A probing finger found its way deep into the crevice between the spherical cheeks, and then poked its way into her small crinkled anus. The Captain?s other hand dropped away from its molestation of golden breasts slipping down the smoothly rounded belly to her honeyed cunt. The exploring hand followed the gently curving clit before forcing a dirty fingertip into the warm opening. The whining girl?s knees buckled when Jose sadistically jabbed a finger from each hand further into her nether parts. Liesl shrieked in pain and despair as both fingers jabbed deeply into her tight holes.
The pain of the invasion made her eyes snap open suddenly as her head shook fanatically from side to side. Glistening blonde hair flew in all directions spraying a patina of sweat into the air as the girl reacted vehemently to the pain of the digital rape. Jose lifted the 115 lb girl off her feet with just the two fingers that impaled her. Liesl shrieked in agony, it felt as if her rectum and cunt were being torn apart. Slender legs thrashed wildly as the tormented woman desperately fought the despoilment of her body. Anxiety, humiliation, and fear combined with the excruciating pain to overload her devastated soul. Jose continued the finger rape with the helpless girl gyrating wildly for a short time, before she finally succumbed to the pain; her curvaceous body sagged forward as she passed out. Liesl?s naked body, bathed in sweat, gleamed in the harsh sunlight. Her arms were bound above her blonde head that was now slumped down into her breasts, a trickle of sweat running down between them. Her pale blonde cunt was exposed, enhanced by the tanned skin of her thighs and belly.
While Liesl was unconscious, her limp body was taken down from her bondage. She was left lying on her back, her plump breasts pointing at the sky. Her legs were splayed apart, exposing a thin trickle of blood between the delicate pleats of her small vagina. Between the supine girls ankles the first of more than a dozen Marines waited their chance to break and enter the gorgeous American girl. The man first in line dispensed with any preliminaries kneeling between the wide spread thighs, his engorged penis in his hand. He pushed the thick cock head to her pussy lips, working the rigid shaft up and down the slit, until he pinpointed the small opening. Even after Jose?s sadistic finger rape, the petite girl was still as tight as his fist.
The Marine?s huge cock head wormed its way into the tight hole stretching the tender membranes of the ravaged vagina. Driving ever deeper the massive organ inexorably forced open the tiny passage shredding the fragile inner lining of her femininity. Liesl?s most vulnerable attribute was ripped apart by the sadistic man.
? Her sweat covered body provided a bit of lubrication; with a powerful thrust of his hips, the Marine forced his shaft all the way into her small body. The moistness and heat of her pussy fired off his passion. The rapist tore into the limp girl with pile-driving thrusts while his hands mauled her breasts pinching the bruised pink nipples.
The painful brutalization of her cunt caused her body to stir as she slowly drifted back to consciousness. She became aware of a heavy weight pressing down upon her body. She felt a pounding between her legs then as she senses returned, realized that she was on her back, the pressure was the weight of her attacker?s body, the pounding was his assault on her painful cunt. The nightmare she had experienced sixteen years earlier was being replayed. She was being gang raped! She tried to struggle, but a leering, drooling Cuban Marine was holding her hands above her head and heavy body on top of hers, left her no path to escape. The rapist was mauling and crushing her tender nipples so cruelly, it was as if they were being torn away from her breasts. Her only salvation was that because the Marine couldn?t control his lust his assault didn?t last more than a few minutes. As he neared his climax, the rapist increased his thrust rate, his breath quickened suddenly, as his hands tightened terribly upon her bruised breasts. The Marine grunted draining his balls deep into her cunt then rolled off the brutalized blonde?s tormented body.
Liesl wept as the next man in line prepared his assault. He sat his fat naked butt atop Liesl?s heaving breasts, grabbing a fist full of her hair he pulled her face into his crotch. His intentions were clear enough but she couldn?t bring herself to open her mouth. The Marine wasn?t pleased. He pushed the blonde?s head back to the ground, and then began to slap her bruised face ruthlessly. Intense agony emanated from the bruised flesh but Liesl would not give in. Again, he pulled her head into his crotch, and again she refused him. He slapped her again, this time with such force that she felt several teeth loosen. After a third slap into the side of her face one cheek was speckled with blood and saliva. Following up the man balled his fist then punched brutally into the bloodied girl?s cheek again. Crimson gore erupted and spewed from terrible wounds opened in her cheek and lips. Liesl gave up.
Her vision blurred in one discolored eye as the rapist shoved his cock between her smashed lips into her soft mouth. The penis thickened and lengthened as Liesl coughed and choked on the purple shaft. He moaned with passion, handfuls of blonde hair in both hands pulling the girl?s face to his crotch while his penis penetrated far down her throat. Liesl groaned and gagged as she tried to catch her breath. She was slowing fading back to unconsciousness as the thick shaft continued to choke her. The man moaned in ecstasy as he completed his assault filling her mouth and throat with a gush of whitish spunk. The Marine pulled his cock from her mouth, wiped the tool on the gasping girl?s damp blonde hair, and stepped away.
As her breath returned Liesl had little time languish. The man holding her arms above her head was twisting them trying to roll her over onto her face. To relieve of the twisting pressure on her shoulders she had no choice but to rotate her body. In her new posture, Liesl?s butt was displayed invitingly. Her tight little sphincter lay bare and exposed just above her bloodied labia. The third man in line nestled between the girl?s thighs. Placing his hands on her round butt cheeks, the Marine parted the soft globes. Forcing his long penis into crease between her creamy buttocks the man pushed down until the tip popped into the girl?s miniscule rectum. Liesl?s shriek of agony was heartbreaking as the huge cock stretched her nether hole beyond its aperture. Her sphincter muscle was ripped open. The lining of her colon tore apart as the powerful man thrust repeatedly into her writhing body. Blood soon spurted from the ravaged hole with each inward thrust jetting streaks of crimson that splattered her golden thighs. Liesl could only struggle weakly as her will to resist faded. She offered only token resistance to the continued onslaught of her body.
She lost count of the men who followed. They used and abused her battered body. Liesl whimpered softly as rough hands rocked her body back and forth. Men plunged their fleshy weapons even deeper into her broken body on occasion piercing the tight ring of her cervix. With each thrust Liesl let out a feeble yelp. The rape and sodomizing continued as the blonde woman moaned in anguish. Liesl?s moan became a wail through clenched teeth, as a particularly violent Marine forced his way deep into her rectum. The pain was so great that Liesl was certain her ass was being split in two. There was no escape as assault wore on, still her attackers continued to lunge into her, cramping her bowls and mutilating her pussy. Near the end of the assault, Liesl fainted again, her body sagging limply on the blood and sweat smeared ground.
Chapter 22.
Kendra and Jana were unaware of the terrors inflicted upon Liesl and Megan. The two CIA women had tracked the creek northward to near the highest point on the island. At noon Kendra used her small mirror to flash sunlight in the general direction of the highflying U2 spy plane that was scheduled overhead at that time. She had no way of knowing if her signal was seen because the U2 flew at almost 70,000 feet making it undetectable to the naked eye. Shortly after her signal, Kendra and Jana caught their first glimpse of the Cuban presence on the island. Several uniformed men and a dog were seen climbing up the hill from the west. The women quickly turned away from the approaching men. They started down the eastward side of the hill keeping to the dense foliage to avoid being observed. Their trek down the steep hillside was precarious in that they had to travel quickly but had to do so quietly. Kendra led the way with Jana close behind.
The women could hear the men behind them when the dog picked up their scent and began barking and howling fiercely. The sudden canine clamor spooked the young blonde girl who immediately lost her footing on the steep terrain and fell. Jana tumbled past Kendra dropping almost 40 feet before her fall was halted by a large tree trunk. The 5 foot 5 inch blonde slammed into the tree stunning herself severely in the process. The 22-year-old slumped to the ground at the base of the tree moaning softly. Kendra scrambled down the hill to where Jana lay.
The blonde was conscious but stunned and was not able to regain her composure. With the sounds of the dog and men coming closer Kendra had to decide fast what action she should take. She did not want to leave Jana to the mercies of the Cubans but knew that if she stayed with the injured girl they both would be captured. Kendra quickly gathered some loose brush piling it around her downed compatriot. When Jana had been camouflaged by the brush Kendra advised her to remain quiet and motionless until the Cuban search party had passed by. Kendra promised to return when the shipwrecked girls had been rescued. With little time to waste Kendra vanished into the surrounding jungle.
The Cuban Marines searching the northwestern part of the island sent out a radio message that their dog had picked up a scent and they were in pursuit. Hector radioed the remainder of his patrolling force that they should all converge upon the location identified by the northwest patrol force. In short order two dozen Cuban Marines had surrounded the area. The first of these men to reach the area where Jana was hidden were the two Marines being led by the tracking dog. The animal tracked down the side of a steep hill stopping and growling expectantly at a large pile of loose brush. When the men arrived they began pulling apart the tangled brush pile. A moan from within the pile hurried their efforts. What the men found hidden beneath the brush made their wearying hunt worth the effort.
A young girl with long wavy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a fabulous figure lay moaning on the ground. When she saw the men her tan eyebrows flared in fear above enormous damp blue eyes. The girl?s face, is lightly dusted with freckles crossing her nose and cheeks, and smudged with dirt. She is wearing cut-off jeans, with one seam slit nearly to her waist and a tattered sky blue blouse. The girl wears only one white canvas shoe, the other shoe lies farther up the hillside, lost during her fall. When the dappled sunlight catches her face, wet streaks of moisture can be seen trailing down her creamy smooth cheeks.
Her wavy blond hair is disheveled, a few strands of the soft curls brush across her deep blue eyes. She is excruciatingly beautiful, her vulnerability and fragility enhanced even more by her terror. She struggled to regain her feet but the two men leaped upon her. The blond girl tried to defend herself but with no weapons, she had no chance. The men trapped her beneath their bodies, combining forces to hold the girl pinned onto her back. The blonde?s long naked legs flashed into the air as she wrestled with her capturers. For a minute, Jana squirmed and fought against the men. Shortly, another half dozen Marines joined in the assault. Within seconds six or seven Marines were pinning down Jana?s curvaceous body.
Jana?s cut-off jeans, torn at the seam, are pulled away from her smooth buttocks. Her fight for freedom continued as a golden leg lashed out to fend off her assailants, but it is ineffective. The tattered edge of the cut-offs rides up her thigh exposing delicate pink panties beneath. The thin blue blouse barely covers her heaving breasts. The blue material is so thin as to be almost transparent. Sweat stains and grime outline her globular breasts, whose nipples are clearly visible. The dirty blouse is short, extending only a few inches below her breasts, leaving her lean and muscular belly naked. Her smooth flat stomach extends down to a slightly rounded lower abdomen before disappearing beneath the waistband of her jeans. Two buttons at the top of the jeans have come undone to reveal just the hint of a delicately raised pubic mound. The blonde?s bare legs thrash and writhe beneath the men trying to kick herself free with one bare and one white sneakered foot. She struggles as rough hands fondle her shapely thighs; explore the soft mounds of her breasts and firm bottom. Her attackers pin her legs to the ground, roughly tugging off her remaining shoe. Next, the lusting men turn their attention to her flimsy shirt.
The glint of a knife flashes in the sunlight. One of the Marines has removed the bayonet from his rifle. Rather than tearing the blouse off the blonde?s chest, a Marines points the tip of his bayonet at her stomach, then with a single swift stroke, slices up through the flimsy blue shirt. A thin red line appears just above her navel where the blade point grazed her rounded belly. A drop of bright red blood trickles from the shallow incision. As Jana struggles her full, round breasts bounce in the air completely exposed to her assailants. Each creamy breast is the size of a grapefruit; each curved topmost surface is lightly freckled. Coarse hands grab her breasts squashing and squeezing the supple flesh. Jana cries out in pain as brute force distorts the pliant globes. Her tender nipples distend as the surrounding crushed flesh is bruised taking on a bluish hue.
A yellow-toothed mouth descends upon a puckered nipple chewing and tugging at the pink nub. The 108 lb girl?s plaintive wail accompanies the breast mastication. Blue-gray bruises and ragged teeth marks mar the blonde?s perfect breast flesh. The nipple, slightly deformed, dribbles a thin line of blood than trails down the under curve of her cream colored breast. She continues to struggle helplessly against her ravishers. Her legs are spread and held in an iron grip as the bayonet hacks away her shorts. More crimson lines appear where the blade punctures delicate flesh. A slash near her hipbone is slightly deeper than the others bleeding freely and initiating a red streak that treks down her round hip. Dozens of eyes gaze at the splayed blonde girl?s golden pelt. The gyrations of her muscled legs part slightly the pink folds of her cunt lips pointing the way to its inner treasures.
The naked blonde struggles frantically, shaking her head and screaming, ?No, no, no!? The Cuban squad leader pays her little mind. He is determined to satisfy his lust upon the captive girl regardless of Major Alonzo?s orders to immediately return captives to base camp. The Marine squad leader?s military bearing was being overcome by his lust. The other men in his squad have the same idea. The helpless girl would undergo their personal ?interrogation? before being turned over to Hector. The depraved Cuban climbs between the slender blonde?s naked legs. Jana had never felt so exposed and helpless as at that moment. The Cuban began to probe her cunt with his hard fingers. The 108 lb girl squealed as the man, with increasing roughness, pulled painfully on the tender cunt lips and spreading them painfully. He said something, to his men, in a hushed tone and the Marines laughed loutishly. Suddenly, he became rougher, forcing two fingers into Jana?s almost virgin cunt.
The penetration was a shock to the 22-year-old; it was also very painful. Jana tried to summon her CIA training. She bit her lip forcing herself to be brave as the sadist explored her pussy but could not stop a whimper as his fingernail scratched the lining of her tender vagina. The Marine smiled at her whimper and Jana realized how much the man was taking pleasure in her pain. With a vengeance, he forced another finger into her and pressing deeper into her dry, tight cunt. Smiling evilly, the man withdrew his fingers, and unfastened his pants. Pulling out his huge purple veined penis he knelt between her legs. Without any further preparation, the Squad leader forced the tip of his organ into her dry cunt.
? The massive shaft pushed passed the tender cunt lips easily before finding resistance a bit farther into the tight hole. To Jana the penetration felt as if the penis was tearing her apart as the man forced himself deeper into her tiny dry slit. Jana?s eyes blurred in tears as she frantically looked around for someone to help her.
The large blue eyes found only the grinning faces of the other Cubans. The Marine forced his cock deeper and deeper as she writhed and struggled futility beneath him. The cruel cock forced aside fragile membrane causing pain that burned its way through her body to her brain. Jana was certain her womanhood was being ripped apart, and there was nothing she could do to stop the agony. She shouted out her pain, shrieking as the penetration continued even deeper into her ravaged body. Never had she been so abused, so mistreated, her vagina stretched with hellish abandon. Tears rolled out of her wide blue eyes trailing down her baby soft cheeks to the ground. Jana could not stop the screams that escaped her lips, as the thick shaft was forced deeper inside her, stretching her femininity painfully.
? Finally, it seemed that the Cuban had penetrated as far into her as his penis could go; his wiry brown pubic hair mixed with the tuft of soft blonde fur covering her cuntal mound. Jana found she could barely catch her breath: it was as if the huge penis completely filling her lower body, leaving no room for air. Gasping for breath, Jana begged the Marine to stop hurting her.
Her pleas were ignored as the rapist gripped her legs at the knee lifting and bending her thighs back while spreading her open even more. Then with a vengeance the Cuban Marine began to pump in and out of her cunt. He fucked her brutally. Jana?s body jerked with each of his powerful thrusts, pushing her back with the force of his thrusts and then pulling her hips toward him again as he withdrew. Then he would slam into her now open cunt again, painfully rubbing her shoulders back and forth in the dirt. One of the other Cuban?s was running his hands over her bouncing breasts, squeezing the soft breast flesh, twisting the sensitive nipples painfully as his compatriot raped her. Jana thought he was trying to lift her up by her nipples as he grasped each one in his fingers and pulled. As she was raped, Jana moaned and whimpered, tears streaming from her eyes.
The squad leader continued to rape her as she lay there helplessly. He drove his cock into her with great force. The head of his cock was soon battering against her cervix as he forced himself into her sore, abused cunt. Jana had never experienced such a deep penetration. She was sure that the man was tearing her apart inside; that he would kill her if he continued. She could feel her cervix forced open under the continuous pounding of his brutal assaults. It was as if she would be impaled on the massive cock; as the battering continued, the penis drove even deeper into her ruptured body.
To the Cuban raping Jana, the tightness of her cunt seemed unbelievable. The narrow slit surrounded his cock like it was his own hand, compressing snuggly as the shaft was thrust in, milking gently as the cock was withdrawn. The Marine was angered by the way Jana?s fragile body fought his penetration. He would teach her; he determined to break her will, to make the blonde American woman scream and beg for mercy. She would receive only pain and humiliation, no mercy would be shown.
He wrapped his powerful arms around her tiny waist, digging his fingers into the softness of her skin, as her body was pulled to his with each powerful thrust of his punishing organ. The Marine raped her brutally, determined to break her will to resist completely. His sadistic lust was intensified by the sounds of her agonized screams. Repeatedly, he stabbed into her bloodied hole with all of his strength battering tender membranes as he utilized his stiff cock like a weapon to dominate the helpless girl. The other Cuban Marines grinned evilly stoking their cocks in anticipation of their turn at the gorgeous blonde. The sight of the young American woman pounded into the ground by a fellow Marine was intoxicating to their lusting eyes.
?No!. please killing me!. please!? please!. have mercy?, the blonde beauty screamed. The sound of her cry and sight of her pleading face, wide blue eyes wet with tears, drove him to his climax. The Marine thrust viciously into her one more time blasting her womb with his white cum. His fingers dug furrows into her soft flesh as he emptied his balls groaning and moaning in ecstasy. When the exhausted Marine finally withdrew his fallow organ from the brutalized girl the way was open for the next man to enter her. The Squad leader had taken great pleasure abusing the American girl. His lust momentarily sated, equal pleasure would now come from watching as his men raped the battered woman.
The first Marine finished and Jana felt his fat cock pull out of her throbbing cunt; almost instantly, that relief was replaced by the ache of another stiff shaft chafing the raw outsides of her vagina. The pain was not as severe, her cum moistened hole was lubricated lessening the invading cock?s abrasion capacity. Jana looked at her rapist, seeing another grinning face leering back she turned her head away in despair. The pain and humiliation of the brutal assault was taking its toll. The 22-year-old girl was slipping into a state of shock; her eyes closed as she tried to close her mind to the pain. The violent pounding of the Cuban?s cock into her sore cunt was numbing her mind. The second rapist
? raped the blonde girl with the same brutal force as had the first man. Jana felt so degraded, so dirty, so demoralized, she wanted only to die. Her blue eyes leaked huge tears as she turned her face to the ground, sobbing and squealing with each battering lunge of her merciless invader.
As her nude body struggled against the brutality of the assaults, her lush breasts wobbled wildly as she fought against the pain. Long smooth legs thrashed desperately their supple muscles flexing against her capture?s fearsome grip. Each attacker?s weight pressed her delicious ass firmly against the rough ground as they ripped her virginal body asunder. Jana twisted her face first to one side then to the other as the nightmare continued. Jana was vaguely aware that a third Marine was raping her. He sprawled atop her spread-eagled body with his bare buttocks rocking her small body back and forth.
Jana?s fading mind was suddenly brought back to reality by an excruciating pain as the Cuban molester shifted his body angle driving his long thick penis into a different part of her uterus. Her scream of pain reawakened both the swooning girl and her and rapist. This third man attacked her body as brutally as had the first man, pounding into her with all his strength as if to stab her to death with his cock. When the Marine finished with the battered girl, another man took his place. They assaults began to run together in Jana?s shattered mind. One brute after another assaulted her torn and mutilated body. One man would finish , another man would take his place; they were all one and the same, same grinning face, same mauling fingers, same horrible brutality.
Every Marine used her tender body and then they lined up to use her again. Her tender cunt lips were battered red and swollen from the horrendous beating they suffered. A trickle of blood dripped out of her distended cunt splattering her globular asscheeks and thighs with crimson speckles. The 5 foot 5 inch girl?s taut body was smeared with dust and sweat, a result of her long-lasting struggle to evade the Cuban cocks invading her body. As her strength began to fail in the endlessness of the attack Jana found she could barely catch her breath. The men were literally knocking the breath out of her with their powerful thrusts. Her face was racked with agony as she endured the violence of the gang rape. At each new attack Jana turned her face to the side, more tears poured from her reddened eyes and pitiful screams gushed from her mouth. Jana had lost count of the times she had been raped, her bloody pussy was the center of a massive agony that enveloped her body and mind.
During the second round of assaults Jana was only vaguely aware when a Marine pushed his filthy cock between her lips. The thick purple shaft was down her throat before Jana reacted to the invasion. As her mind spun she tried not to panic. She forced herself to breathe during the few seconds when the fat cock was withdrawn before for the next thrust. Gagging and choking the blonde desperately tried to suck air to her tortured lungs. Her efforts were cut short every time the cock plunged back inside her mouth. More violent than the assault on her vagina the Marine slammed into the helpless blonde?s lips. His cock glided over the girl?s, wet tongue to smash into the back of her throat before retreating and then repeating the process again and again. Jana?s jaws ached and stretched full open to accommodate huge penis.
She gagged and choked each time the cock forced deep down her throat. No matter how hard she tried to refill? her lungs the strangling girl could not breathe. When the marine thrust his fleshy weapon deeper, no longer pulling the cock from her throat, Jana was unable to draw any air into her lungs. Her oxygen starved lungs burned, her mind began to swim into blackness. Helpless and too weak to fight back, the blonde could only lay on the ground as her mouth was brutalized. Just before Jana lost consciousness, she tasted the hot bitterness of a man?s cum as it flooded into her warm moist mouth. The Marine groaned has he milked his cock inside her mouth until his gooey white cum poured down her throat. The satiated Marine released the sagging girl?s head as blackness overwhelmed the unconscious blonde American.
Chapter 23.
Kendra had trekked was far down the steep hill before the Cuban?s found Jana. The 34-year-old redhead could not hear the young girl scream as she was assaulted. Kendra continued down the hillside staying hidden within the deep foliage. She could hear the sounds of Spanish speaking men as they shouted to one another. Kendra understood enough Spanish to know the men were looking for her. At the bottom of the hill the island terrain flattened out and the foliage thinned. Kendra continued eastward unnoticed by the Marines searching the island until she was within a quarter mile of the compound clearing.
Hector had posted parameter guards around the compound in the morning and now that action was about to pay off. One of the guards on the western side of the clearing had concealed himself on a small hillock. His unobstructed view to the west allowed him to see Kendra still partially hidden in the jungle as she approached the clearing. The guard saw the woman several minutes before Kendra recognized her proximity to the compound. Quietly he radioed this information to Hector and to the other parameter guards who hurried to his location.
At the same instant Kendra became aware of the clearing, she discovered that several of the Cuban Marines had surrounded her. The 5 foot 8 inch CIA agent was suddenly rushed from all sides. Her combat training kicked in immediately as she assumed a defensive posture. The onrushing Cuban?s eyed their prey hungrily. The tall American woman wore a pair of tan mid-thigh length shorts and a white blouse. The auburn haired beauty weighed 130 lbs and those pounds were distributed superbly on her athletic body. Kendra?s more than able bust filled her blouse to capacity. Her narrow waist flared into gently rounded hips and smooth but muscular thighs. Her feet were enclosed in a pair of tan canvas sneakers, which were her first line of defense as the men closed in around her.
The men closest to the woman were the first to come under attack. Kendra landed kicks to the groins of two men before the other men backed themselves out of her kicking range. Their orders were to take the woman captive, which made shooting her not an option. The two injured men clutched their groins as they writhed on the ground signaling to the other men the cost of underestimating the surrounded woman. The officer in charge of parameter defense took control of the situation by creating a diversion. Two men in front of Kendra rushed at her as if to overwhelm the redhead only to fall back quickly when her focus was upon them. At that instant three men to the rear of the tall woman jumped her from behind. Kendra was knocked to her knees by the force of the men piling onto her. She fought back using her elbows and fists disabling another man before the rest of the Marines joined in the fight.
Kendra wrestled against half a dozen men. One man grabbed two handfuls of her long copper hair tugging her back onto the ground. The other men trapped her arms beneath their heavy boots and pinned her thrashing legs to the ground. Kendra soon lay spread-eagled on the rough ground. As she was subdued her blouse had been ripped open exposing the white lace bra that held her opulent breasts in check. The redhead thrashed about wildly struggling with the Marines as they carried their prize into the compound. Kendra was thrown into the building that had housed the shipwrecked women earlier that morning.
When the interrogation of Megan and Liesl ended the Interrogation team turned their attentions upon the captured redhead. Hector ordered his men to bring out Kendra. Retrieving the copper haired woman from the barracks required the efforts of several of the men as the strong woman became a tigress as she was approached in the building. Her fists punched at the first man as tried to heft her over his shoulder. The 130 lb. woman thrashed about until she managed to sink her teeth into his upper arm. The man yelped and dropped the woman to the floor. More of the Marines rushed into the building to subdue the captive. She fought briefly with the men before one of them encircled her neck cutting off her air supply. Rough fingers tore away her shorts and panties while her naked legs flailed in the air. Ruthlessly Kendra was dragged backwards from the building. Defenseless against the men?s numeric advantage Kendra was shoved roughly towards the open compound, any notion of flight arrested as the rest of the men encircled her.?
Kendra was dragged to the center of the compound where a heavy rough-hewn table sat. She was forced her onto the table, her back against the splintery wood. The lusting men tied her arms and legs to the heavy table legs. She lay spread-eagled on her back, arched backwards over the wooden tabletop. Her arms and legs were drawn wide apart. Her firm breasts jutted upwards still hidden beneath the flimsy bra. Hector approached the woman noting her magnificent breasts glistening with sweat under their constraining wrapper. Hector summoned Jose to question the woman while he busied himself with the removal of her bra.
For the next ten minutes Jose screamed his questions, Kendra pleaded her innocence and Hector amused himself by tweaking and pinching the glorious mounds of flesh that adorned the captive woman?s chest. Jose intensified his interrogation threatening the woman with horrible visions of disfigurement. Kendra?s outraged disposition diminished as Jose?s threats and Hectors mistreatment continued. The sadist Major mauled the gorgeous breasts mashing their jutting nipples between his fingers. Kendra cried out in pain has her tender pink flesh was ripped apart. Digging his fingernails deeply into the pliant sides of the enormous orbs Hector squeezed his all his strength. Kendra?s shriek of agony ended only when her head slumped backward off the edge of the table. His lust inflamed Hector climbed between the swooning woman?s spread thighs aiming his huge cock at the tall redhead?s clit. Kendra?s closed eyes did not witness the vision of her rapist as he leered covetously at his target. Her dark green eyes snapped open wide and she started a frenzied scream as the tip of Hector?s shaft entered her narrow channel.
Her scream was quickly cut short as another huge penis was forced against her lips, forcing itself into her open mouth. Calloused hands brutalized and savaged her bruised breasts pinching and mauling the soft mounds. It seemed to Kendra that dozens of molesters pounded in and out of her ravaged holes. Her vagina walls stretched painfully to contain the huge purple shaft plundering inside it. Her jaws ached as she fought to breathe around the thick shaft jammed halfway down her throat. She could feel the trickles of blood that oozed from her torn nipples and lacerated breasts as the warm crimson streaks decorated her heaving chest. Hector and Jose ejaculated at the same instant spewing cum into both ravaged holes. Kendra could taste and feel the sticky fluid as it trickled down her throat and gushed into her womb. As fast as one oral rapist emptied his load into her mouth another took his place. Hector continued to pump his load into her battered cunt as dribbles of semen and blood leaked past the cock?s shaft. When he withdrew his flaccid tool from Kendra felt another man take his place. Then another and then another.
For hours the Cuban Marines repeatedly raped and orally abused the 34-year old American. The brutalized woman was dazed; her green eyes expressionless when the men rolled her beaten body over and re-tied her to the table. Through her stupor Kendra felt a stinging sensation as Hector drove his re-hardened shaft into her nether hole. The tiny sphincter fought the invasion before splitting open. That pain soon diminished at the long thick shaft was wedged pushed deep into her colon. The fully awakened victim screeched and wailed as her virgin anus was plundered unmercifully. Hector battered her round ass until his penis disgorged its seed filling the writhing girl with more Cuban cum. He pulled out of the trembling woman leaving her to his men. Kendra continued to scream and scream as one after another raped her from behind before she again passed into unconsciousness.
An hour later Kendra awoke she screamed, ?Oh God?no?please?no more
? ?. The plea poured out of her without hesitation. The mistreated woman felt only pain and fear. She was on her back again. Jose pinched her swollen nipples between his fingers, she screamed in terror. Another hard cock poked the entrance of her bruised cunt lips. Kendra?s body shuddered with fear. The Marine?s huge, purple organ was about to penetrate her again. ?Are you ready Seniorita?? Jose queried. The Captain released her pink breasts, repositioning his hands under her smooth buttocks. Without waiting for an answer from his helpless victim, he thrust forward driving past the woman?s bruised vagina lips into the tender abraded hole.
?Oh please no more?I can?t stand any more?please?? Kendra shrieked. Her battered, wet, vagina offered little resistance to Jose?s attack as he quickly penetrated deeply. Kendra sobbed as her ruthless assailant intensified his brutal attack. At first it seemed impossible that the entire massive organ would fit inside her, but the merciless Captain forced all 9 inches into her. The invasive pain was unbearable. The pretty redhead was certain her insides were being ripped apart. Again and again and again, with no mercy offered the Marine thrust into her plundering her narrow tunnel. Kendra?s 130 lb body writhed beneath him, huge tears streaming down her cheeks. How long was this nightmare to go on?
? Kendra began to wonder if she could continue to endure what a day earlier would have been unimaginable. Jose raped the beaten sobbing American woman for most of an hour before finally expending himself within her. When he was finished, the once aggressive beauty had again been raped unconscious. But the sadistic Cuban Major was not yet finished with her.
Hector?s cock was ready for action again. He ached to drive to deep into Kendra?s horribly ravaged cunt. The Major climbed back atop the woman centering himself between Kendra?s curved thighs. Reaching to her chest, Hector roughly grabbed two handfuls of soft tit flesh and brutally squeezed and twisted the pink globes. The inflicted pain forced a moan of pain from Kendra?s mouth as she slowly regained consciousness. She was aware once again of the agony that had overtaken her helpless, naked body. ?Now we?re going to have some more fun, Seniorita?. Jose volunteered from nearby.
Weakly, Kendra struggled to raise her head; she found she was in too much pain to even try to speak. Between her legs Hector laughed, a cruel, heartless laugh. He enjoyed seeing her helplessness and her look of despair at the endless pain he knew she was experiencing. He reached between her thighs roughly parting the soft folds of her woman flesh, opening her battered slit. He pushed one and then two fat fingers up inside of her, rubbing and pumping the pulsating slash.
? Kendra screamed in pain as Hector shoved forward. His hand rubbed his cock head up and down the smooth pussy slit. He watched as her terror mounted, knowing there was no way she could save herself from being raped again. She would suffer yet another horrific violation pain racked body.
Hector pushed his thick cockhead an inch inside of Kendra, savoring the warm, moist, softness that pulsated around his shaft. Then he forced it in inch further. ?Oh, please, stop, no, please, no more pain. Please, don?t do this to me, please...? Kendra begged. Ignoring her cry, Hector began to twist his cock round and round while ever so slowly sliding it in and out of the tall redhead?s cunt. Finally, he could constrain himself no longer. Kendra blanched when she saw the look in Hector?s eyes. The Major suddenly drew back and then powerfully rammed forward, thrusting brutally with his hips. Kendra screamed and arched her sweat slick body beneath him as his mammoth cock slid buried deep inside her, penetrating to her womb.
Hector looked down and saw a trickle of bright red blood leaking from the purpled cunt lips hugging tightly around his swollen cock. He pumped his hips hard and fast, raping Kendra savagely while she moaned and gasped under him. The agony caused Kendra to bite her lower lip, drawing blood as the thick cock slid in and out between her sweaty, blood stained thighs. Tears streamed from her green eyes, pouring down her face, she wished she could die. She would not get her wish as Hector shoved himself deep within her spurting his thick sperm into her womb. The exhausted Major collapsed on top of Kendra. A few minutes to recover and Hector pulled out of the battered woman?s soggy cunt. He stood and looked down at the helpless, naked girl on the table. Her inner thighs were smeared with blood, and sperm. Still not through with you Seniorita, Hector thought to himself.
Oh, please, don?t hurt me any more, please, please, please...? Kendra?s voice faded into choked sobs as she saw Hector pick up a heavy round plank the size of a the baseball bat. Tapping it against his hand, he walked back over to Kendra and then took the fat end of it and pushed it against her blood-smeared slit. Kendra gasped and tried to wiggle away. ?Oh, please, I beg you! Please, oh please, oh no, please, no?!? wailed the helpless woman as Hector began to push the plank against her bruised cunt lips. She could feel it pressing on her body insistently, forcing open her bloodied hole, stretching the opening impossibly wide as Hector shoved forward.
Suddenly, Kendra screamed in agony as the plank was shoved an inch into her body. She could feel her cunt tearing as the plank pushed further up into her violated pussy. Hector began to twist and wiggle the plank around inside of her body, watching the lumps and bumps that showed on Kendra?s slender, flat belly. Blood spurted past the fat shaft with each inward push. Kendra screamed and screamed as Hector shoved and withdrew nine inches of the plank in and out of her body. Finally, Hector pulled the blood-coated shaft from Kendra?s writhing body and held it up for her to see. Blood dripped down the shaft and over Hector?s hands. Kendra was almost in shock at the sight of so much of her own blood on the plank. The sadist tossed the shaft away, then shoved four of his fingers up into her bloody orifice. Pressing harder, his hand and then his wrist entered her body as she gasped in pain and writhed helplessly. Laughing sadistically, Hector punched his fist into the shrieking American woman until she passed out in agony. Kendra remained unconscious for a long time.
Chapter 24.
Angelique?s trek in search of rescuers was not successful. By the time the little brown-haired girl came upon Jana and the men raping her, the brutalized blonde was fading to unconsciousness. Repulsed,
? Angelique turned back toward the compound prepared to take matters into her own hands. She could still use spear gun as her weapon. Her only remaining hope was that she could distract the men long enough for her friends to escape. Creeping quietly back toward the clearing Angelique could hear the distant sounds of Kendra?s rape. Angelique crept closer to the clearing. Distracted by the screams of agony Angelique did not see the compound parameter guard until he grabbed her small body from behind. Angelique dropped her weapon as she wrestled in the arms of her capturer. The tiny 95 lb girl was no match for the burly Cuban who had his arms wrapped tightly around her 5-foot body. Lifting the petite girl off her feet the Marine squeezed her so tightly to his chest that Angelique could not expand her lungs. In a matter of less than a minute the frightened 17-year-old fell limp in the man?s powerful grip. Throwing the little brunette over his shoulder the Marine carried her into the compound.
When Angelique regained consciousness she was sitting on the ground between two Cuban who were amusing themselves with the exploration of her nubile body. One Marine had one hand entangled in her waist long dark hair while his other hand probed under her short red shirt. His fingers busied themselves rolling her tiny nipples between their tips. Angelique?s eyes were moistened by humiliation and the discomfort of his pillaging digits. The second man had pulled her tight fitting Capri?s down her thighs and was doing the same to her pink panties. Angelique writhed in the grip of these men as more tears streamed from her dark brown eyes. As her torment continued she became aware of the screams coming from a tall redheaded woman who was tied to the top of a heavy table. The sounds coming from the brutalized redhead were horrific. Angelique tried to look away from the scene of the attack but she could not blot out the screams and pleas for mercy. When the redhead?s brutalization finally stopped Angelique was momentarily relieved. Her respite was short.
Two huge men approached the tiny girl. Hector and Jose both grinned evilly at the captive. ?So Angelique, you have decided to visit us? mocked Jose. ?We have been waiting a long time, but your sister was good enough to keep us company until you arrived? ?Wait until you see what we have planned for you Seniorita?. promised Jose as he and Hector chuckled to themselves. ?After raping your friends and your sister we are now ready to try out your tiny body, you may not enjoy it as much as I think we will?. Angelique burst into tears crying and pleading with the Cuban Officers. Jose grabbed the little girl by her arm and thrust her in the direction of the heavy table. Angelique?s knees buckled as she stumbled toward the table. She fell to the ground in a cloud of dust only to be yanked back to her feet by the huge Cuban Captain.
She sobbed in fearful apprehension even though her dread of angering the huge Cuban man was subduing her blubbering somewhat.
Angelique found herself standing before the table, her arms outstretched, and her palms planted firmly on the rough wooden surface of the tabletop. Her shirt was bunched up around her neck exposing her apple sized breasts, her black Capri pants and panties were crumpled around her ankles. She stood braced and tensed, her feet slightly parted. The whole of her naked buttocks was on display. Between the round cheeks of her tight ass at the junction with her thighs her dainty pussy lips peeked out alluringly.
She flinched and drew a quick breath as she felt Jose touch her, his hand tested the pliant flesh on the curved sphere of her right buttock. Angelique gasped as the hand moved, fondling both buttock cheeks and the backs of her thighs. Angelique could hear the Captain breathing heavily as he wantonly traced her tiny curves. The brunette yelped as Jose?s rough thumb slid between the firm cleft of her buttocks, digging briefly into the ring of her anus. The petite girl sobbed quietly as the thumb repeated the invasion of her crack, threaten again to punch itself into her virginal anus.
?Will you talk to us now, Seniorita?? Jose sniggered as he covered her pussy mound with his big hand. ?Tell us what you know.? Angelique sobbed deeply and shook her head. ?So?, the Captain grunted. ?You choose to follow in the footsteps of your friends.? He gripped her little cunt lips between his fingers, trapping the jutting mound between his fingers and squeezed the little slit cruelly causing Angelique to cry out in pain. ?No!?, through a gush of tears Angelique blurted, ?I?ll never talk.? Jose chuckled squeezing her tender cunt lips again.
?How kind of you, Seniorita?, he said sarcastically slipping two fingers tips into her open pussy. ?Oh God!?no,?no,?please!? she cried as his thick digits parted her bruised cunt lips. Angelique screamed in agony as two more fat fingers tried to push inside her virginal pussy. Angelique?s tight little pussy was being stretched apart. Angelique groaned in anguish as Jose?s thumb again pressed against her anus. The pressure of the thumbnail digging into her little puckered anus intensified. Angelique straightened her body, arching her back to slow the man?s entry into her pussy and ass. Her effort was in vain as the fingers and thumb started their invasion, Angelique was loosing the battle. She could hear her assailant mocking her, repeatedly calling out her name, ?Angelique, Angelique?, her shouted.
Her shoulders shook and the tiny girl wailed a long and pained shriek of humiliation. Her arms flailed about wildly and her head thrashed side to side as the penetration of her orifices continued. She cried out again and again as she endured the ravaging fingers, her mouth wide open as she screamed in agony. She suddenly snapped her damp eyes open wide?
To be continued?
What will happen to tiny Angelique and to the other six women trapped on the small island?
What will be the fate of the six women taken to Havana to face a KGB interrogation?
How much more blood will be spilled and tender bodies ravaged before one of the CIA women capitulates and tells the Cubans or KGB what she knows?
Let me know if you want to story to continue, and what you would like to see happen to the captives.
bloodsport ?
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Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...
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Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversAndee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversI had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...
First TimeAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversAndee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Wife LoversMs Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...
Andee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...
Wife LoversBecoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...
Andee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...
Wife LoversThe whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...
Wife LoversIt had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with Paul,...
Wife LoversBecoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...
We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...
Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...
“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...
Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...
Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...
Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...
Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....
Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....
Wife LoversWhen we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...
Finish what you started. Fucking defile me’ – from Daniella Bound * Daniella’s pulse raced. Her discomfort was real, but it was countered by a sense of wild excitement. She could have freed herself by a single sharp tug of her wrists but she did not want to. Not for an instant. Never in her life had she felt like this. She was irked that he had left her so damn long, but then it should hardly have surprised her now she had submitted to his games. So she remained seated on his kitchen chair,...
Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
I put the razor to my face, sliding it over the remaining patches of beard that had grown over the winter. This New Year’s Eve I wanted to look smart for the ladies at the party I was going. I have been going out with Shalini for some time, but I was getting tired of her. I even let Ayan (a dear friend of mine) fuck her brains out in a threesome with me. We fucked both her holes all night long till she could not scream or fight anymore. She couldn’t walk for days after that and stopped speaking...