Memories Of Long Tall Mary free porn video

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A 50 year old dominatrix reminisces on her long career in Central New Yorkand describes some of her more memorable encounters.

CODES: M/F, F/F, nc, heavy, job

My name is Mary and I just turned 50 years old this past week. I'm a 6 footweight proportionate, blue eyed blond and known in the business as "Long TallMary". For nearly 15 years I've been active as a career life style dominatrixin the Syracuse area and am the best in the business as well as the tallest.I'd like to share some of these memories with you and I'll start by relatingsome of my personal history.

Basically I'm a dominate bi-sexual. For 15 years I've been divorced and thatcoincided with the start of my dominatrix career. I owned a bar at the timebut because I hired others to do the work it wasn't all that profitable. Fortunatelyin later years I was able to do well on inheritances and also on an auto accidentlawsuit. This gave me the financial security to afford an expensive suburbanhome with a well equipped basement dungeon.

When I first divorced I needed money and I learned of, shall we say, a consortiumof dominatrixes who rented space in a house that was equipped with a dungeon.This was located in a safe suburban area where one didn't have to worry aboutbeing mugged or have their vehicle ripped off. The guy who owned the houseyou could say was a promoter more than a pimp. Dominatrixes were consideredemployees off the books needless to say. The individual dominatrix solicitedprospects on their own for the most part and paid the owner a set fee per client.

I always had a kinky side to me but I could never get my ex interested inbdsm either as a dom or submissive but I knew some people who were into thescene and had a pretty good idea how the system worked. When I approached Craigand inquired about working for him he readily accepted my offer.

There were a number of advantages of working for Craig. One is that he wasn'tinto drugs or violence. He spent most of his time managing his rental propertiesand his only legal problems were with the IRS. The only time he got bustedwas for prostitution when an ex female employee set him and another dominatrixup. Craig paid the legal fees for the employee and charges against both weredismissed.

Another advantage was that Craig provided security at "The Hotel" as we referredto it. All a dominatrix had to do was push a button and a security person wouldcome down to the dungeon. Approximately 90% of our customers were male andwith no practical way of screening new customers having security availableprovided for peace of mind. They were rarely needed however.

Craig did have a fairly high turnover rate of employees. He did not tolerateemployees or customers selling or using drugs at the hotel and more than oneemployee got the axe for this reason. The most common reason was the employeewould arrange to have a private encounter with the customer thus deprivingCraig of income.

It didn't take long for me to become competent in the techniques of the tradesuch as restraint, flagellation and cbt. I soon acquired a reputation for beingthe meanest of the dominatrix. This was always of concern to Craig as he fearedsomeone getting hurt or loosing business but in the end I got my way. I hadlittle sympathy for the johns, most of them wimps, who paid to be abused byme and they got more than their moneys worth.

It wasn't uncommon that I used some bizarre techniques. One was finding whichjohns were homophobic. Every now and then I would invite one of my gay dominateacquaintances to a session to terrorize the john. Craig tried to force me tostop doing it but I was generating too much income for him overall and I lethim know it. Craig also expected the employees to serve him sexually on occasionwith he being the dom. I quickly dispelled any hopes Craig had that I wouldso serve him and he never bothered me.

The main disadvantage of working at the hotel was the emphasis on volume.Ordinarily a session ran two and a half hours and it wasn't uncommon for onecustomer leaving to pass by another who was arriving. The fact that the clientelewas predominantly male and willing also tended to be a turn off. We did geta handful of females and occasionally a TV but they too were quite willingand hardly proved challenging. My fantasy had always been to be a mistressto unwilling female slaves. I would have made a good white slaver but thatkind of stuff exists only in the minds of fiction writers.

After working for Craig for about eight years I came to be quite secure financiallyand wasn't dependent on hotel income. My bar business had improved and withthe inheritance and lawsuit money I was able to purchase an expensive homein suburban Camillus and outfit a dungeon.

The time had come to quit working for Craig and cultivate my own clientele.Craig initially was extremely upset and literally begged me to stay. I assuredhim that I was not competing with him and that my clientele would be almostexclusively female. He finally came to grips with this but two or three timesa year I return to the hotel mainly as a substitute for one of his regularemployees.

It was quite a relief to operate out of my home. The time constraints thatwere a fact of life at the hotel no longer existed and I was able to book afew clients for overnight stays. Even more importantly is that I was able tobe very selective as to my clients. Most were lesbians but a significant numberwere heterosexuals experiencing their first BDSM encounter.

While I realized I would never fulfill my fantasy of confining slaves involuntarilyI did find a niche in the market for a category that might be termed semi-willingsub. Actually most of them aren't submissives by definition. These are caseswhere a significant other to the female such as parent, husband, or boyfriendexert strong influence over the female usually financial. As a condition forcontinued support they must submit to a dominatrix to correct their undesirablebehavior. These cases can prove to be very challenging.

I've had several requests from males to train their wives or girl friendsin their presence but I have never granted such a request. A few years agoat the hotel a dominatrix granted such a request to a boy friend. After thefemale was restrained he attempted to overpower and tie up the dominatrix.We never found out what his intentions were. Fortunately the dominatrix wasable to summon security and an ugly scene ensued. Since that incident I resolvednever to put myself in that situation.

My first such case involved the 19 year old daughter of a prominent Syracusearea socialite. The wench had fallen into undesirable habits such as excessivedrinking and associating with persons of inferior social stature.

Her mother gave her an edict to either accept three hours of my corporalcorrection or her allowance would be terminated meaning she would have to geta job for the first time in her life. The mother was quite insistent that thewench not be subjected to any of the usual anal, oral and other sexual tortures.This was acceptable to me.

Tiffany was driven to my house by her mother. My protocol is to meet theclient in the garage and without saying a word I cuff their hands behind themin the presence of their escort who leaves immediately. The client is thenwalked down to my dungeon for assessment. Actually I make my decision on whattraining techniques to use after this brief assessment. It's a rather subjectiveprocess but I find it preferable to a preset routine.

My client was clearly fearful which is the way I like them. Tiffany is a5'4, 140 pound short haired brunette. She is a buxom plumper one who will nevermake the cover of Mademoiselle but who has considerable sex appeal none theless. She was attired provocatively in a short black dress and heels. I waswearing a two piece leather outfit. Tiffany's eyes widened as she caught aglimpse of what was probably the first dungeon she had ever visited. Especiallyterrifying was my jail cell. This replicates an ordinary jail cell completewith steel bars on the door. Its used mostly for my overnight guests and Tiffanywas only to be mine for three hours.

After attaching a leather collar around her neck I removed the cuffs andordered her to undress with the exception of heels and hose. After giving hera brief introduction to the flogger I attached a leash to the collar and puther through the standard leashing exercises. These consist of making the subcrawl on hands and knees around the cellar making either barking or mooingsounds. Tiffany was instructed to make barking sounds but it took several lashesbefore she performed them in the correct manner.

Having completed her leashing exercises I attached Tiffany to the overheadbar using leather cuffs and proceeded to the intensive flogging routine. Lasheswere deftly administered to her buttocks, breasts, and cunt in a progressivelysevere manner. Tiffany seemed to have a problem addressing me as "Mistress" andshe took some heavy pain as a result. The three hours went fast and I feltthat I had not achieved my goal. It was my distinct feeling that the wenchwas enjoying the torture. I regretted not being able to use additional techniquesupon her but the first rule of business is to honor the wishes of the personpaying the bill.

At the end of the three hours I released Tiffany to her mother with my recommendationthat she be brought back for more intensive training. The mother was non committal.About a week later I received a call from the irate mother questioning my competenceas a trainer. It seems like the daughter was begging for another session withme. I explained to the mother the necessity of using more severe methods butI ended up loosing a customer. You just can't please everybody.

Another semi willing case proved to be more satisfying. The dominant of alesbian couple wanted the submissive to be trained. Again it was a case ofa wealthy person exerting influence over someone who was economically dependentupon them. Beth was a 26 year old 5'6, 110 blue eyed blond whose duties wereto serve as housekeeper for a female psychiatrist. Lately she had been refusingto perform these duties diligently and was not sexually responsive to her mistress.Beth was an inveterate man hater who probably hadn't had a male cock in anyof her ports since she was a teenager if even then.

Her mistress gave her the choice of spending a night at my dungeon for behavioralmodification or being evicted. Beth begrudgingly chose the former and was deliveredto me by her mistress. Little assessment was needed as I had already made plansfor her. She was taken to the basement, stripped and cuffed to the overheadbar after which I proceeded to soften her up with my flogger.

One of my strong points is my superior rope skills unlike the majority ofdominatrix. What I had in mind for Beth was ideally suited for a ball tie positionand I took Beth down from the bar and rigidly tied her in such a position onthe floor. I used a metal dental gag which forced her mouth open leaving itaccessible for various penetrations but preventing intelligible speech.

Prior to Beth's arrival I had made arrangements for a male bondage trainerto be present to assist in her training. This person was Vince from Utica.Vince could be characterized as a super stud as prior to returning to his nativeUtica he had spent a few years on the West Coast and appeared in a number ofporn movies. One requisite for such acting is an ability to have a superb erectilecapability or perhaps medically speaking to be hypererectogenic. Such abilitywould be needed for breaking the will of a stubborn man hater such as Beth.

With Beth securely bound and gagged Vince made his appearance wearing a skimask to conceal his identity. Beth realizing what was imminent thrashed aboutand yelled to the best of her ability but the restraints made her efforts futile.Still I wish I had a video of her efforts as it was a classic. She did herbest to resist Vince's repeated thrusting and no doubt she was determined notto come. Vince was equally determined that she would.

It took nearly twenty minutes before Beth tired of her resistance and surrendered.Still her ordeal was not complete. Vince next turned his attention to mouthfucking her. Had it not been for the dental gag Beth would have incapacitatedVince permanently but the gag held firm and Beth had no choice but to swallowhis semen.

Beth spent the rest of the night in my cell and was released to her mistressthe next morning. Her mistress reports that her attitude has improved tremendouslyand that the mere mention of another session with Long Tall Mary paralyzesBeth with fear. Clearly I have one satisfied customer.

One of my long standing interests was in the use of electro shock therapyas a means of behavioral modification. Craig cringed at the mention of sucha modality but now that I was an independent I was free to pursue my desires.I sought out Gary a gay bondage trainer from Rochester who was reputed to beknowledgeable in this area. He agreed to train me in the basics. Since I wouldnever be submissive to any male or female I was permitted to observe as Garyused this technique on one of his willing submissives. It is a technique thatis inherently dangerous yet can be mastered through adequate training. Afterinstruction from Gary I felt competent to use it on my own clients and I investednearly $1700.00 to procure the necessary equipment. That investment wound soonprove useful.

I was approached by Dominic whom I knew little about other than he was areputed higher echelon organized crime figure. To this day I don't know ifhe was into loan sharking or what but he certainly fit the stereotype. Dominic'sproblem was with his 25 year old live in girlfriend Veronica. A coke addictshe had run up a fortune on his credit cards and Dominic learned she had abrief affair with a male assistant district attorney. He was willing to paya handsome amount for Veronica to stay overnight at my dungeon and in additionto basic behavioral modification he wanted her interrogated to determine ifshe had betrayed any secrets.

Veronica was delivered to me by Dominic believing she would only be undergoinga three hour session. Without saying a word to her I cuffed her behind herback and told Dominic to check back with me in two days about her release.She went spastic spewing venomous remarks at Dominic. I just smiled and draggedthe struggling bitch to the basement. Despite her petite build she put up agood fight. An Italian immigrant of only three years she spoke remarkably fluentand unaccented English.

The fact that she was casually attired in sweatpants and a sweatshirt andpoorly made up did nothing to improve my attraction for her. While I don'thave a formal dress code for my submissives I do expect them to be more suitablyattired and made up. After first removing her sweatpants and pulling up hersweatshirt I took the bitch over my knee and proceeded to give her a viciousflogging. When she realized how easy it was for me to overpower and controlher it resulted in her struggling abating although not her mouth. A pair ofsoiled panties that I always keep on hand were stuffed into her mouth takingcare of that matter.

One of my numerous pieces of bondage furniture is a high backed wooden chairwhich is secured welded to the floor. It was the ideal position for my firstapplication of electroshock therapy. Using leather cuffs and belts I securedVeronica to the chair in a seated position and used a pair of heavy scissorsto cut away her remaining clothing. Her arms rested on the chair elbows andI spread each leg as far back as it would go before attaching it to the chairleg.

From what I'd learned electroshock works best on a shaved pussy. Veronicawas sporting a full mound of hair and since most of my clients are alreadyshaven I couldn't resist the temptation to shave her. She cringed in humiliationas I lathered her up and deftly shaved her hairs. Then I rolled over the cartcontaining the electrical equipment. It clearly had a terrifying effect onher and I left her gagged for the time being.

As I applied gel and electrodes to her nipples and crotch area I explainedto her that she would be taught obedience Pavlovian style and this would includeinquiry into her sexual habits. Any vocal outbursts would result in the maximumcurrent intensity being applied and likewise if I concluded she was being deceptive.

Before removing the gag I instructed her not to speak without permission.Immediately after removing it she begged me to let her go. I delivered my firstzap of current on low intensity warning her that every time she spoke withoutpermission she would receive a heavier zap. The intensity clearly was effectiveand it shut her up. She no longer displayed the façade of bravado thatshe had attempted earlier.

To soften up the bitch for the interrogation part I used my speech trainingmethods. These consist of making the sub utter statements such as "I'm a worthlessslut" and receiving a lash if they fail to respond emphatically enough. Inthis case if the response was not adequate she received a jolt of current.I alternated the jolts between her nipples and crotch. She proved to be quiteresponsive to this technique and I decided it was time to move on to the interrogationpart.

The interrogation proved surprisingly easy. Not only did she confess to theaffair with the probation officer but also to an earlier affair with the cablerepairman. Dominic wasn't even aware of the repairman's visit. I was certainthat once I made that known to Dominic he would have his house swept for buggingdevices and would vent his wrath upon Veronica for such an indiscretion ifnot upon the repairman as well. The good news was that she denied revealinganything personal about Dominic to anyone. In fact she seemed to have no knowledgeof his activities other than he was employed as a business agent for a localunion.

After nearly an hour of interrogation I decided that little additional informationcould be obtained and that the repetitive shocks had worn down her resistance.I released her from the chair and let her rest unrestrained for awhile in mycell before continuing with her training. The cell was windowless and austereequipped only with a toilet and a mattress lying on the concrete floor. Videoand audio equipment had been installed which enabled me to monitor my dungeonfrom upstairs.

For the next hour or so I did some work upstairs monitoring my trainee periodicallywith the video monitor. Deciding it was time to move on with the training Iremoved her from the cell and used my red and white candy striped rope to tieher in a rigid hogtie. For the next fifteen minutes or so I used one of myriding crops on her. I left her ungagged but warned her not to speak withoutpermission which she wisely heeded. It was now time for her to receive herfirst exposure to the dominatrix style of oral and anal sex.

Veronica insisted she had no prior lesbian sexual contacts. From having workedat the hotel I had plenty of experience with males performing oral sex on mebut only a handful of females had done likewise. Veronica performed quite enthusiasticallylicking my pussy straining within the confines of her rigid hogtie as I pulledher forward by the hair.While I had become rather desensitized to male pussylicking I found it quite pleasurable to be serviced by a female especiallyone who despite apparent enthusiasm detested every second of it.

The bitch must have thought that when I told her to stop after nearly tenminutes that would be the last of it. Much to her chagrin I ordered her tobegin licking my asshole and she had the audacity to defy me. Picking up myflogger I positioned her in such a manner that I was able to deliver a severelash to her pussy and I threatened to reattach the electrodes. It did the trickand for spite I ordered her to use her mouth on my asshole for nearly fifteenminutes and to penetrate to a greater depth than I might require of someoneto whom I was more favorably disposed.

With the oral part of her training complete all that remained to round outher exposure was the anal part. Leaving the bitch in a rigid hogtie positionI attached my strap on device. Despite the torture I had already subjectedher to her demeanor indicated she was clearly defiant making it all the moregratifying for me. At least she had learned her lesson and didn't speak withoutpermission so I left her ungagged.

As you've probably noticed I have spoken quite disparagingly of Veronica.While I do my best to provide cruel treatment for all my submissives theirare certain ones I take an exceptional disliking to and Veronica was one ofthem. Mounting her with the strap on I proceeded to make her anal part of thetraining especially painful. I'll have to concede the bitch was brave, no doubtshe wished to hurl epithets at me and would have probably tried to kill meif not for the tight restraints. Her moaning sounds became more passionateas I increased the tempo and intensity of my thrusting. When I finally withdrewfrom her I had the distinct feeling that I had not yet broken her will andmore needed to be done.

None the less a submissive can only endure so much torture within a certaintime period and I decided it was time to confine her to my cell for the restof the night. Some of my overnight cell guests are allowed to be unrestrainedbut this was not to be the case with Veronica.

With the bitch still hogtied I inserted both vaginal and anal intruders thatwould keep her in erotic torment for the night. The vaginal device was a vibratorset for low speed. To secure these I attached a heavy metal chain around herwaist and looped the free part underneath and through her crotch tighteningthe crotch part purposely tight. The crotch chain was padlocked to the waistchain in the rear.

Freeing Veronica from her hogtie I led her into the cell where I took another4' chain attached to a floor bolt and padlocked it to her waist chain. Thisassured she would be confined to sitting or lying on the mattress for the nightand would be unable to stand. Her hands remained free but I warned her thatif either of the intruders were expelled she would be severely punished.

Satisfied that the bitch was secure for the night I headed upstairs. I regularlyparticipate in an AOL bondage chat room and it has generated a number of clientsfor me. Tonight it was even more enjoyable chatting as my video and audio monitorsenabled me to enjoy the agony my basement guest was to experience for the restof the night.

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

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Mary Mary

I have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...

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Mary Mary Mary

Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...

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Ben and Mary have been married for 7 years. They dated for 3 years before getting married and Ben loved it. Mary was quite provocative in the way she dressed an acted. After the first two years Ben noticed a big change in Mary as she no longer wore dresses and skirts like she did, now its mostly jeans or shorts. She also stopped wearing hosiery and went bare legged. Ben had been invited to go out clubbing with another couple. He discussed it with Mary and she agreed. He asked her if she could...

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I apologized to her again about being an idiot. She smiled at me and let me know that everything was all right. As we were walking along headed for a good seat to see the fireworks, my sisters stopped us. "Hi, Bro. What's up? Going with your friend to see the fireworks?" "I'm sorry, Barb, Bess. This is my friend Mary." Barb then walked up to Mary and put her hands on her cheeks like she was going to kiss her. Mary started laughing, "I can't do it girls. You two are just too...

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Scott and Mary

“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT!!!” “It was a sort of spur of the moment thing.” “And it didn’t occur to you to, you know, speak to me first?” “I honestly didn’t expect anything to come of it.” “Oh and that makes it all okay does it?” “I know I...” “Don’t you dare even try to wriggle out of this.” “I...” “You have done some stupid things in my time, but this? This is a whole new level of stupidity.” The voices crashed into silence. Fifteen year old Scott looked over at his one year younger...

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Amazing Mary

Mary was only a year younger than me. We met at a friends birthday party in my sophomore year. I instantly had a crush on the girl with short blond pigtails and braces. Mary had a soft voice and was hard to hear while in the party so we sat outside by the rivers edge and talked. Mary’s mother picked her up a little before the party officially ended and I didn’t see her again for four years ironically it was at another party. Mary had grown up and filled out a lot over the last four years...

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Bill and Mary

BILL AND MARYI was late the first time I met Bill and Mary. I had naively agreed to meet them in an hour at a Mexican restaurant and bar, realizing too late that I was trying to get there in rush hour, and was going to be at least 40 minutes late. Not a good beginning. Fortunately I had Bill’s cell phone number, stopped alongside the highway, and called him to let him know. Bill agreed to wait for me, but I was convinced he was already wondering what kind of dufus he and Mary had agreed to...

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Adult Baby Mary

Me: Mary its time for a diaperingMary: ok let me get naked!Mary: Hops on the changing table Me: Grabs the diaper bagMe: grabs a diaper, thermometer and baby wipesMary: why do you have the thermometer?Me: so i can take your temperature in your rectum MaryMary: oh Me: sticks the thermometer inside your ass and checks your temperature 98.9 perfectMe: takes the thermometer out and grabs a baby wipeMary: i like to be wipedMe: goes to wipe Marys pussy and see's she has lots of hair!!!!! Grabs razor...

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A School Trip With Mary

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As step-sisters go, Mary was OK, in her own way. Suffice to say that I mean when things went her way.Out parents had married a couple of years ago, I only met Mary at the wedding. She was married to some sort of corporate lawyer, who was always on his phone. And I suppose we viewed each other with a little apprehension. So I think we both agreed that for the sake of our respective parents, we got along, but there was no real brother sister relationship.After the wedding, and the happy couple...

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Something About Mary

Something About Mary "Hey, Dillan! Mr. bleach blond!" It wasn't completely out of the blue, but I was certainly caught off guard when Mary called out to me. Though I was hardly one of the school punching bags, I wasn't exactly a popular kid either. I had my small circle of friends that I was happy with and we largely avoided the drama riddled 'upper echelon' of the school hierarchy. So I never expected one of the most popular girls in school to spontaneously...

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Trent Mary

I pulled into the parking lot of a small, seedy bar and turned off my motorcycle. I stuffed the keys in the pocket of my jeans and went in. Inside it was dimly lit, as was the norm for bars, at least as far as I had ever seen. About a dozen people were there. I sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. I twisted off the cap and turned around on the stool. A number of women were there. One in particular caught my eye. She was quite tall for a woman, about six feet, meaning she was only slightly...

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My wife was working one of her overnight jobs and I was bored as hell. I didn't care to watch TV, it was Monday night and there was nothing on worth watching. I had already seen all the new stuff on my porn sites and was tired of it for a while. I wanted to get out of the house but didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I don't go to clubs or bars.....why pay for one beer what I buy a 6-pack for and have to shout to be heard by the person sitting 2ft away all the while...

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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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second date with Mary

“I like Don and Nancy but I would like to get to know you better,” she said as I helped her into the van. “Besides they smoke too much weed, a little is fine but they seem to over do it don't you think”she said as we were leaving the driveway. Everything happened so fast last week I wasn’t expecting that “I said I don’t usually have sex on the first date. Mary replied “I don’t either but I think it was the weed and how Nancy portrayed you to me that gotten me excited.I hope you don’t think...

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friemd mary

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A visit to my Aunt Mary

One December evening I received a phone call from an aunt I hadn’t seen for years. It was my Aunt Mary, of whom I’d been very fond as a kid. She and her husband had lived near my parents back then and we saw each other often. Since then, however, I had moved away from home when I’d gotten a job on the other side of the country. I still saw Aunt Mary when I came home for birthdays and holidays, but that had changed when my parents had retired and moved to another part of the country as well....

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This is more about Mary..her husband Bill and myself. After the first time together our friendship developed much deeper. We just connected deeper than just a sexual attraction. There was only 1 moment that made me concerned and that was a few days after our fist visit at Marys and Bills home. I stopped for coffee and when i went in the other younger girl Melanie who works in the shop with Mary gave me a funny little look as i entered. Did she know? As i was pouring my coffee Mary came...

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Seducing Mary

Brian, Tom and Jenna sat around the kitchen table. Brian was actually more pacing than sitting, and was so deep in thought that he had worked a cigarette out of its pack, put it in his mouth and had it halfway lit before realizing that Jenna would have his ass on a platter if he finished the action in her kitchen. Surprisingly, she was so deep in thought that the whole process, complete with stamping out the cigarette and putting it back in Brian's pocket managed to escape her in its...

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Mike and Mary

I am Mike. I grew up in a small town that was so far out in the middle of nowhere that we were heading back in on the other side. If you farted on the south side of town, they knew about it on the north side within 5 minutes. We did not have a stop light in town, just a 4 way stop at the square. I was never a person that someone would notice. Average is the best way to describe me. Height, weight, looks, you name it, YEP I was average. I could stand alone in the middle of a stadium and no one...

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Great Aunt Mary

I was about 16 when my mother’s aunt, Mary, was suddenly widowed. She must have been in her late sixties by then. My mother felt responsible for her so the whole family made sure that everything was okay for her and that she had no problems. She was an intelligent woman and still very lively. She would ask me to go to the house to fix minor things around her place that needed some attention. One day, she phoned mother and asked if I could pop over and help her move her late husband’s rocking...

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Maria occasional would blow into town like a storm. This time was no different. She had called when she had stopped for gas outside of town to ask if I could make time for her. It was New Year’s eve and a bit unexpected, but I had no serious plans and welcomed her to ring in the new year together. About an hour later she knocked on the door. ‘George, it’s so good to see you,’ she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. ‘You’re looking good Maria’, I said leaning down into her grasp....

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Losing my virginity to Mary

I masterbated a lot during my youth and I still do, there’s nothing better than a good private wank.I stayed at my mates house whilst his parents were away and he told me to stay in his parents room. I used to love looking at women’s underwear as I’ve previously mentioned in another story so whilst I was in their room I decided I’d have a wank and snoop around to see what underwear my friends Mum ‘Mary’ had. I discovered some huge knickers and bras, Mary was a big woman, her breast size was...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly prefer to be teased because I was much bigger than them.My...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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Cherishing Mary

CHERISHING MARY! By Anne Gray "To love and to cherish, As long as we both shall live? I do." Life wasn't fair, in fact sometimes it was downright hard to handle. Mary and I had been married for just on thirty years and now I was looking at closets full of her clothes wondering what I would do without her. At fifty-two I was alone...

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