Swear to God Chapter 6
- 2 years ago
- 47
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"5 o'clock, Cully, okay?"
She'd called, straight-up noon. I'd just finished cleaning the house. Only the vacuuming remained.
"Sure, I'll be there."
"Cully, Tommy is going to drop me off at the front of Skaggs then pull into the parking lot. He doesn't want to leave until you pick me up. Isn't he sweet? So, please don't look at the parking lot in search of him. He's so nervous. And don't pick me up and hold me up in the air. And no Dutch rubs. Okay, hon?"
"What's wrong, Girl?"
"He's a little down this morning with having me leave and all. I told him I'd call this evening and we could talk and that he could come over early tomorrow, say about one, instead of in the evening. Cully, please, would that be alright? It would mean so much to him. And to me, darling."
I jumped in immediately, both clodhoppers, "Girl, why don't you just stay the night then you can both come in tomorrow. That way..."
She cut me off.
"No, Cully, this will be fine. We need some time for one another. I want to be with you, Cully. Just you and I. It feels like forever. Tommy will be fine."
My heart soared, my mood along for the ride.
"If you say so, Girl. Hey, I cleaned the house. It's sparkling."
"Thanks, Cully. You've been so patient during this time. I couldn't have done it without you."
A pause.
"Oh, Cully?" That voice, that particular one.
I was poleaxed.
"Yes, Girl?"
"Get the key, Cully-boy, choose a pair of panties, white, or pink. Your choice, darling, and retrieve the belt."
There was a pause, a ten count, perhaps more. I waited the entire count. That voice crackled like a lightning strike, "Understood?"
"Yes, Miss. It shall be done as you so direct, Miss."
Again the voice changed, "Goodbye, Cully. See you at five, punkin.'"
The line went dead.
"Cully, Miss hasn't surfaced in what, three months?"
My voice was shaky.
"Give or take."
It'd been a while.
I stared into that glass wedding photo frame again, Girl's past words coming to the fore, "Cully, you don't ask. Miss will be here when she so desires and not one moment sooner. If you ask, it only delays her arrival."
"Understood, Girl. I'm so sorry."
"I'm confident you are," said Girl.
"All this agony, son, it's all been worth it. Glory B, Dale, glory B in the highest! Miss will be here tonight!"
I bellowed like the MGM lion. Then just to cover my soon-to-be scorched buns I checked the Road Runner, then took luncheon in front of the children, all of them, "All My Children."
First though, I checked the key.
"Present and accounted for, sir!"
And then the belt.
"Present and accounted for, sir!"
Broke two salutes off then raided the Kelvinator.
I chose pink, then reconsidered and switched to white. Back and forth I went.
"Try them on?"
"You know better."
I bitterly countered myself aloud. I knew better. How could I even approach myself with such a foolish notion?
"No wearing them unless you're under the belt of Miss, right, Cully?"
"Yes, Miss."
"They remain freshly laundered under lock and key in this box-three white pair, three pink pair, no more, no less...I hesitated my response. "Cully!"
"Yes, Miss."
"That's a good boy, a good Cully-boy," Miss said.
The afternoon flew by. I stood sentinel to the phone just in case everything went to hell in a handbasket, but, phone silence held.
"Yes, sir!"
I, "Yes sirred," the whole afternoon. Saluting everything that I approached.
In the end, I decided on white, reserving the right to change my mind just before pulling them on when so directed by visiting Miss.
"Now, what?"
"Have you checked the time?"
"No, sir!"
"Go ahead, you should be in the ballpark of departure."
Everything was going my way.
After four, pulled my duds on. "Duds!" I screamed.
"Dress casual!" I hissed.
Combed my hair. "Vitalis!" Went back to the scream.
Brushed and gargled. "Charge!" I commanded.
Thought about firing it up to spite that fuck.
"You ain't gettin' me, you side-show lookin' motherfucker, you." Another hiss.
And tooled wrong way down the one-way entrance road.
"And stop going down that one-way road the wrong way, or, I'm notifying Bellevue PD!"
She was standing exactly where she said she'd be. Not standing, but, rather sitting upon a very large storage chest.
"What now?"
Next to her sat a vase of blood-red roses, at least a dozen.
"Thank God you didn't bring flowers."
Girl was all smiles, as she stood up and waved me close. I shut 'er off. The instant silence and lack of throb a welcome relief. I was getting too old for this meat grinder. Felt liked I'd aged ten years in the last three days.
"What have you got here, youngster?"
"Cully, give me a hug, you." I'd forgotten how she smelled. My heart fluttered and tears threatened.
"Oh, yeah." Though I figured with him out there in the parking lot watching she'd not want affection. I was mistaken.
"I missed you."
She looked like a million bucks. The love juiced mini dress traded in for a pair of jeans that were simply astounding. Had to be painted on.
"Girl, you look incredible. My God."
"Thank you, Cully."
"No, seriously, I'm in awe."
She loved compliments. Getting it from a stranger had increased her beauty, somehow.
"Cully, that's so sweet of you. Thank you. A make-over at the mall."
I could only imagine how much that cost him.
"My goodness, Katie, what's in here?" Just gave it a slight lift and found it was not going to be an easy pick-up.
"Be careful, you'll knock my roses over."
Then in a moderated tone: "He's still out there so don't look."
It was all I could do not to pick the little screwball up as high as I could.
"What are you going to do with me now that you have me up here?" She'd inquired upon her arrival back at Eppley Airfield on her return from Cleveland---Christmas last when I'd held her aloft.
"That's all the stuff that Tommy bought me and your gifts as well, Cully. Plus he gave me some pots and pans from his kitchen. We're going to exchange. C'mon, help me load this trunk into that trunk."
She pointed. "You think it'll fit, boy?"
It was close, but, we got 'er in.
She put her bucket in her bucket.
"Okay hand me my roses and be careful, Cully."
"Is that everything?"
"Yep 'er do, got my purse. C'mon, get it fired up, take me home, don't spare the horses and don't look left as you go out."
I ran around the car, got in and didn't look left as I went thru. I cheated a bit with my peripherals, but, couldn't see a thing.
"He's a bit sad, Cully. It was hard to leave him alone like that."
"You should have had him caravan over with us. It'd be okay."
"No, now that wouldn't be right. I told him I'd call him as soon as I got home though. He's going to beat feet it back to his place so we make that phone connection."
I'd missed her more the more she talked.
"Cully, can I trust you not to root thru this trunk while I phone Tommy?"
We'd got it into the house.
"Well, when do I get my presents? They're in there?"
"As soon as I get done talking to Tommy. Yes, they're in there, but, that trunk is very well organized and I don't want it tore up. Now, can you wait, or, should I help you haul it into the bedroom before I make my call?"
As I pondered, Girl made the decision for me.
"Grab an end, sweetheart. C'mon."
"No, I'll do right."
"Cully!" We each grabbed an end and transferred it.
"This is better anyway, it's nice and cozy in here. Cully, the house looks so nice."
"Well, I wanted it to be special."
"Cully, would you like to stay for the phone call, it's going to be a little sensitive? I don't mind, I really don't, honey."
I didn't want to intrude until I'd had my say, and my confession. And I didn't want to do that until after Miss came and went.
"No, I'll step out and give you some privacy. And there is no hurry. You take as much time as you need."
I got the phone out of the kitchen and strung the extension line.
"I promise I won't be long, honey. Thank you."
It hurt a little to see that closed door, I won't deny it. But, I was so thrilled to have Girl home, I really didn't care.. My little girl. Mine. I'd worried for nothing. The relief was one sweet feeling, the presents awaiting me a fine bonus.
I sat down, left the television off and just thought. He'd be in this house by noon the next day. The original 7 PM arrival was now a noon arrival.
"How had that happened?"
I had the answer: "Slowly but surely, my friend."
How in the world was this going to actually work? A black man in the same house with us. It seemed inconceivable that the time had passed and had now arrived.
"You have to make this work, Cully," I whispered. I enjoyed hearing my own voice now.
"I will, I promise."
It was an adventure, an exciting adventure for her. I could see that. I felt some excitement, consternation, yes, but, a lump of pleasant anticipation had taken root. A real hunch that it was going to work out pretty darn good.
"Perhaps it already has. You're both still alive. If you'd a flipped those last two carburetor jets at that speed?"
It had cost a small fortune to have that (six pack) work done.
"Yes, Cully, yes," She'd finally relented.
I put those thoughts of disaster and calamity away and replaced them with the thoughts of her in the arms of another man, of Tommy's arms and found it warmed my innards, caused me to relax instead of imagining that car literally disintegrating at a 120+mpg smash up.
"You're fortunate, man," I reminded myself. I knew that as well. I had a bit of flashback from that Sunday night brush with severe legal wrangling if not outright death itself.
"What if you'd lived and Girl was killed?" I'd not considered that possibility until this moment.
"How 'bout you dying and Girl living?"
"Cully, don't leave me here."
Why did I keep pondering her words from our wedding night?
"Christ, I pray it's not a harbinger."
"Me too."
And then I answered myself:
"Because it's germane to what happened and what almost happened. You've got to grow the fuck up, Cully. And now, with the arrival of this man, this Tommy, now would be a great time to start that revelation, that makeover, if you will."
I'd never seen her more gorgeous. I'd been mesmerized in that parking lot. Perhaps it's the influence of Tommy. I didn't want to compete though, the thought withered me. I'd tell her that whenever we finally got down to it.
"Cully? Baby? Cully!"
I'd missed her return.
"Hey, youngster."
"Sorry, it took so long, hon. He's fine. I'll call over one more time before we hit the old sack-a-roony."
She settled onto my lap, warm and soft, her hair like a dream.
"Cully, hold me, I missed you. I thought about you so many times."
The hug was the tightest we'd shared in some time. It was so peaceful, I could almost hear our hearts beating.
Then a hissed whisper into my ear:
"Cully, I heard that Miss is coming here tonight. Is this true?"
Girl would do it like that. Play it out hard, make it special like a third person was actually involved. And she'd see it thru if I met her at the point. She'd get into that frame of mind and it was just surreal. She wouldn't break until I broke first. She was there right-this-second: Tommy, that trunk full of wampum, those designer jeans, the make-over, all of it had caused her to set that point, and bring me to it.
She'd started, so, I cautiously, though, eagerly followed in:
"What kind of mood do you think she's in, Girl?"
"Probably a special one, I'd bet my bottom dollar."
She'd emphasized "bottom."
I knew when Miss was close. And Miss was close.
Oh-my-God, Miss had arrived. I was holding her.
(To be continued.)
I got her call a half hour after setting up shop at the kitchen table in front of the telephone."Cully, I'm okay, honey. It's okay. I'm fine." She sounded genuine."Where are you?""At his place. We walked in five minutes ago. I..."I cut her off."Where is he?""He just left to get some take-out for us. He thought it might be better if he wasn't here when we talked. He didn't want us to feel badly, Cully. He's very considerate, honey.""He left you alone in his apartment?" I was...
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Once the battle had ended in their victory, Axel ordered the worshipers to return to camp and rebuild. If ever another threat came from the dungeon, they should be there ready to face it. Still, a significant number of worshipers opted to come with him and Rayner to Ridgehill needing a break from the fighting. Ellen and Kata were among those who joined them. When they got close to Ridgehill, the order of the army camps had gone through a visible change. The camp was structured much the way...
When Axel exited the cramped tunnel, he found the worshipers already engaged in combat. Rayner, however, was nowhere in sight, meaning he’d gone deeper into the battle to fight more fearsome foes. Axel knew Rayner was alive because of the way the worshipers fought. They were all under the effects of Rayner’s skill, Battle Cry. It meant Rayner was doing his part and Axel had to do his own. Since all the monsters were engaged and Colin and Haro were taking up the task of keeping other enemies...
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Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew there was a deep well of kindness in him, no matter how much Axel teased him on his social justice values. “We need to talk about what happened,” Rayner said. “What we need is to find a place to stay for the night. Do you know how to start a fire?” Axel said. “I didn’t know I was capable of such violence; I know we had to do it but—” “I’m guessing this world does not have electricity. The forest will be pitch black. We will...
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Mystic Godfather ---------------- Chapter 1 --------- His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to my first high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would never understand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flash of light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on to mask my tears so I didn't hear him approach. I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against my bed. A man was standing there...
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after one and a half years with goddess sarita things were getting less hard as I knew what and how goddess wanted so punishment was very rare.. but due to long time in chastity I could not take off my mind of my cage and I was thinking of some how getting it off and cum for once when goddess is at work ..it was Monday goddess woke up un chained me from the bed let me take a dump and get fresh then I prepared breakfast.. goddess finished breakfast asked me to do the house works and left for...
Rayner stood in front of Tessa’s shack, his hand over his brow to shield his eyes from the sun’s heat. He’d only just arrived. The usual riot of pickpockets and women soliciting him slowed him down. Visiting Tessa had become a regular event for him and he truly enjoyed the woman’s company to Axel’s amazement. She was a severe woman at times, with admittedly prudish and old-fashioned notions. Other than that, she was a very good listener with cute kids. They reminded Rayner of the kids he...
Unfortunately for Rayner, this world didn’t have umbrellas. The sheer volume of rain the sky dumped on him and his current companions obscured his vision and forced him to trek up a hill to see where he was going. Rayner found a job thanks to the recommendation of the whitesmith he assisted at the caravan. The job was to protect a monster cataloger named Kata. He researched the twisted monsters that still inhabited the area which the miasma had originally affected. Three others were hired...
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There was family at home yesterday. There was also my godmother. They all went to Euro Disney, but my godmother stayed home. I was on Xhamster and I was watching your vid when it happened. This one http://xhamster.com/movies/869701/preggo_lateshay_sucking_cock_and_showing_36_g_tits.html (you're fucking hot btw). It was around noon, I was in my bedroom jerking off before going to work, I like to do that. Suddenly my godmother (she is 38 and from Brazil, she is a widow and lives alone) knocks to...
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"Damn!" Caroline thought to herself, as she stepped into the taxi. It certainly had not been 'the plan' to conclude her night out with her husband, Oliver, by putting him to bed, in a state of hopeless inebriation. Bed had certainly been on Caroline's agenda. After the last couple of weeks at the office, what she needed most in the world was a leisurely dinner and romantic conversation with the current man of her dreams, followed by — let's face it, she thought to herself, with a wry...
While it was called a dungeon, what Axel saw around him wasn’t a cold cloistered structure. Rather, he had stepped into a cool expanse. A cavern filled with light mist that smelled of grass after a spring morning’s rain. The walls of the cave were far enough apart that Axel’s eyes strained to see them through the mist. The walls were covered in the same green moss that was beneath his feet. Vines long enough to swing from hung from a ceiling obscured by cloudy mist. Rayner stood gaping at...
Once the boys had finished with their celebration at Roddrick’s offer for training, he led them through a gate of mist onto what he told them was another floor. Unlike actual floors, dungeon floors were not separated by stairs or ladders but by obscure gates like the one they just traveled through. Roddrick ordered them to sleep as the first lesson in his training regimen. He chuckled to himself. The boys knew he had a surprise in store for them but they believed he would attack them in...
As they left the dungeon, others came. The smallest parties were made up of five and the larger ones numbered in the dozens. They gave the trio a quick once over and went about their business. At the entrance, the triangle barrier had been removed and in its place was a neat row of desks staffed by some very pretty ladies. They handed out pleasant smiles and papers. Worshipers lined up to put their signatures to the paper before moving on. Before Axel could ask, Roddrick explained the...
Since the night of the goblin attack, General Parlar had dismantled all the changes Leyla made to the army camp. The priests once again began trying to recruit Altans to their religion and soldiers began taking advantage of the weak. The Altan army wasn’t happy about it either but the General kept them in line. The militia was a whole other issue. They watched and seethed. It would bubble up into violence, eventually. The only reason they held back was because of the threat from the...
The camp still had plenty of supplies for them to use and so in order to buy time for himself to think, Axel ordered the worshipers to salvage anything of use. He stood with fake confidence pointing at random areas for them to go, giving the illusion of productivity. Axel pinched the bridge of his nose, the stress giving him a small migraine. He already regretted his choice to give in to the inspiring words of the gathered crowd. Making matters worse, someone had confiscated all the...
*** Growing up I loved stories about Greek mythology. There was something special about the idea that gods and humans led these interwoven lives and the god-like offspring they could have and about the mythical creatures and historical battles of eons past. What would happen if the gods still existed today? Please note that Hercules is a modernized name for Heracles and I chose to use his traditional name throughout this story. Please write a review and I hope you enjoy the...
You sat patiently in the headmistress's office with a small bundle of nerves knotting in your stomach. The Lady Godiva school was famous. In the last fifty years it had produced some of the greatest minds in almost any field imaginable. Young women that graduated were almost always enrolled into highly prestigious colleges on full scholarships or would start highly successful independent businesses. It was said the only people more amazing than its students were its teachers who were empowered...
Sometimes I wish it didn’t. I don't know why the journey always has me pontificating about the world, the immediate world, my family, my work, my friends, not the whole world.I don't know why I think of Syeda today. The pretty girl on reception with that wonky smile, her olive skin that glows against the blood-red lipstick worn so well. Maybe it is because she is getting married today. To live happily ever after, amen. A loving and dutiful wife - faithful, unlike me.The five-floor cheap hotel,...
LesbianThe Fairy Godmother Device: Cinderella's Slippers Part III By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 The young woman's figure was nearly hidden by the cascade of golden-red hair that fell across her shoulders and down her chest and back. However as she moved, proud, pointed breasts intermittently peeked through the silky mantle exposing soft, pink nipples to the cool ocean breeze that surged through the open patio door. And as she approached the bed that dominated the room, her lush...
The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...
My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...
FetishHe’d battled them throughout the swamp, his hammer having little effect. Brute force failed to defeat them. Instead, he looked for other monsters and the dumb swamp slimes would get distracted and engage them instead. Using this method, he made his way through the forest with swamp slimes acting as his unknowing allies. He needed more varied skills. For one, when force failed him, he found himself in a disadvantageous position. Another point he wrote in his notes. They also needed another...
He’d seen twisted trees, sickly grass, and muddy ground ever since leaving the miasma. Checking Axel’s pulse and breath, Rayner saw no improvement in his condition. As he rested among the cursed land, he took out his list. In only a short time it had gotten long and increasingly ambitious. But now he wanted to focus on the basics. The game-like system has several key differences from what he was familiar with back home. A review of what he had learned was in order. Attributes like speed,...
He had to buy it, and Axel thought they should have given it to them for free as a thank you for saving them. Rayner insisted the refugees were not in a position to give anything away for free. Besides, he had checked its authenticity, and it was a good map. “So, what’s the plan?” Rayner said. “I know you have one. You must, because we’re heading off into the countryside on our own. That has not worked out too well in the past.” “You’re the one who signed up for this quest,” Axel said. “I...
They had escaped the forest and now traveled across rolling hills and farmland, looking for civilization. After much discussion they agreed to avoid cities, not wanting to be near the center of events. They still did not know what to do in this world. Yazid wanted them to be a force that did not have any loyalty to the gods, to help people without asking for permission. “Is that smoke?” Rayner said. “Yes, I can smell it from here. Let’s go around it,” Axel said. “There could be people in...
A dozen students were ahead of him and he didn’t feel like wasting the remainder of his lunchtime, opting to grab the tasteless burgers from the shorter line instead. After loading up his tray with food, he looked for his friend Rayner. Axel saw him near the back by the window, chatting with Yazid. He did not want to deal with the eccentric teen. He just wanted to have a peaceful lunch. There was no avoiding it, sitting with anyone else was not an option. It was the price for having such a...
To start this story we have to go a ways back. For a little framework, I was born to an already broken marriage. My father a serial cheater and my mother could never fully let him go. I know they maintained a physical relationship years after the divorce, everyone saw the signs. He had too much charm and equally excessive libido. I guess that is where I get it. I was always told I was just like him. I was great at sports, was a natural leader, good looking, and you guessed it, i did...
In the now crowded brothel, Axel sat with his own full mug of devil’s water, brooding over the events since he was summoned to this world. Almost from the beginning, he and his best friend Rayner had been embroiled in conflict, battling goblins, Inimi soldiers, bandits, and even dragons. All he wanted now was to slip into obscurity and keep a low profile. Too much attention brought the wrong kind of scrutiny. People would start asking dangerous questions about them. Questions they could not...
All Axel knew of the man was that he clashed with Evans who also held the rank of captain. Their roles differed in that Evans patrolled the outside of the city and Kreg patrolled the inside. Evans received greater attention and accolades for his work, spawning jealously from the longtime captain. At the other side of the table the representative of the merchant class, Ivan, poured over a ledger. He would remove his nose from the ledger only to scribble notes. Every so often he would remove...