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Author: slaveboyusa                                

e-mail: [email protected]

date: 2/20/2010  

Title: The Re-education. Part 1

Description: The year is 2100 and the world economy is in bad shape, so much so that its time for a serious economic reshaping. The government of an unnamed country has decided to strip all the wealth from the elite and redistribute it among everyone else. It was decided that the entertainment industry is the least practical of all sectors and therefore should be the first to pay. Movie and music studios and sport venues across the country have been closed down and any and all movie, music and sport contracts of celebrities are null and void. While some of these celebrities can accept this change as a result of the ever changing economy and can afford to live off their investments, there are those that cannot accept that their fame and fortune are gone. This is the story of the re-education of those actors, musicians and athletes that protested the abrupt change in society.

Author's note: I considered placing the story in the near future, so that I could use female celebrities as victims of my ?re-education?. I decided instead to use a fictional setting with invented women, so that the reader can use their imagination. Please send me your comments

       Two federal agents sat in a small control room. Despite the fact they were running an important government experiment, they were calm. Agents ?X? and ?Y? were seated behind a large instrument panel and were facing a one-sided mirror that looked into the next room. On the other side of the room were bare concrete walls, a metal door that was locked from the outside, an air vent above the door and a metal bed that was bolted to the floor. The bed had a single pillow and a single sheet. Natasha was asleep on the bed.

       ?Would you please get up now?? asked Agent X into the intercom that was connected to the next room. Agent X is the female shrink that is assigned to re-education institution, cell block ?C?. She is a psychiatrist by trade and was hired a year ago by the government to design and carry out a skinner-box like re-education program for celebrities. At first she had ethical qualms about the project, she thought it was inhumane. However, once reminded that the economic landscape was going to be changing fast, she decided it was in her best interest to be on good terms with ?big brother?. Plus, she didn't mind if some over-privileged member of the elite had to endure spartan living quarters for the benefit of society and the big paycheck didn't hurt either. In her early 30's, she was beautiful and smart as a whip with a PhD from Yale, where she once had a research position.

       Natasha stirred a little, but did not open her eyes. Agent Y pressed a button and an alarm sounded in Natasha's room. It was loud in her room, much like playing music on the stereo and forgetting you had it on full volume. It was hardly audible in the room occupied by the agents. Natasha jumped out of the bed with her hands on her ears. This meant her hands were too busy to cover her naked breasts, not that she had fully noticed she was naked yet. The alarm sounded for 10 seconds and once the alarm turned off, Natasha could relax and she sat down on the bed. She was not afraid, or even embarrassed. God bless the little sprite, she tried to let herself out the door. With her athletic body, she could knock down most doors. But even if this was a normal door, there are far too many guards in the complex for this tennis star to subdue.

       Natasha was breathing hard and her pulse was high due to her rage. She was pounding on the door and was switching between shouting profanities in broken English and demanding that she be released. Her body was tense, this caused all the muscles in her curvy body to be emphasized. She looked stunning and feline, even when she said ?mother fucker? in 4 languages.

       Agent Y pressed the alarm button again, this time for twice as long. Natasha took her seat on the bed again, with her hands on her ears again and her face near her knees as if to hide form the ear drum scaring sound.

       Agent Y is a former special forces soldier. Both decorated veteran on the front line and strategist instructor at the academy, he was what the military called ?someone who can carry a weapon and was smart enough to know how to use it?. Is there such thing as trying to hard? Agent Y was a military man since he joined the army at 16 with a fake birth certificate. He was too smart to be satisfied as a grunt and too energetic to find an instructor position rewarding for long. He was in danger of being court martialed for disobeying orders one too many times and his fake birth certificate prank came to light. He accepted a position as an ?experiment enforcer? as a way to make his record nice and shiny again. His job was to keep the subject inline.

       ?Your name is Natasha Yodovo, a famous tennis player. You are from Ukraine, but your mother was Russian. You are 27, your date of birth is 6/9/2073. You have green eyes, blonde hair. You are 5 foot 8. You came to this country at age 4. You damaged your right knee in a tennis game last summer. You only had one boyfriend in high school, but your parents were strict and forced you to break up with him so you could focus on tennis. You did not lose your virginity until 22, the same age when you went pro. We know everything there is to know about you? said Agent X.        

       Natasha stood up again, her perky breasts were heaving and her nipples erect.

       ?Hey honey, just wanted to let you know, I'm enjoying the show. What are you, like a BB cup?? asked Agent Y. This got a laugh out of his partner.

       Natasha turned bright red. This was the first time she heard a mans voice since finding herself in the cell. She took one of earrings out that had a sharp edge and wrote something on the mirror. It was not in English, but both agents correctly assumed it was a swear word meant for them.

       ?I see you are familiar with one sided mirrors. I know you were introduced to them, when you went to rehab for alcoholism? said Agent X. Natasha replied with a pissed off expression.

       ?Can you hear me, Natasha?? asked Agent X as she flipped on the two-way intercom.

       ?Why don't you get me the hell out of here and some clothes too? said Natasha.

       ?'fraid I can't do that. One, you scratched our mirror, that will cost you. Second, you are a criminal. You know very well you are expected to hand over all your assets to the government as a part of the new economic recovery legislation. And what do you do? You join an anti-government organization. Thankfully, it turns out the man you trusted most to protect your celebrity status was also one of our undercover agents. He said capturing you was the easiest assignment he ever had, and that's saying something from someone with 15 years on the job.? said Agent Y

       ?Here is the situation. You broke the law that says that no one can earn a professional living in the entertainment industry. You tried arranging your own tennis matches, for which people would be charged to see. Your assets and freedom were taken away as of yesterday, when we drugged you and brought you here. Your $4.5 million in property including jewelry, designer racquets, condos, sport cars, potential earnings from sponsorship have all been repossessed. We thank you for compliance, Ms. Yodovo?. said Agent X.

       ?Fuck you and fuck komp....lie......see? said Natasha. Her English was average at best.

       ?The word is ?compliance?. Don't worry. It is a word you will learn very well.? said Agent X.

       ?Here is how its going to work. To the right of the door is a microphone. Certain words can activate features in the room. The room your are standing in now is fully functional with a complete bathroom, shower, wardrobe and dining table. However, those features are behind the walls on revolving panels. Much like in the movies where you pull the candlestick and the bookcase rotates on its axis and reveals a large monitor. But, its not as simple as saying ?shower? activates the shower and so on. Instead, you say you want food, then we give you a phrase to speak into the microphone. That phrase might be something like ?I want a lollypop? or ?I've been a bad girl and I need a spanking?. Sound strange? Well, too bad.? said Agent Y.

       ?Would you like some clothes, dear?? asked Agent X.

       Natasha shook her head as she was hugging her cold breast.

       ?The phrase is, ?school girl?, say school girl into the microphone? said Agent X.

       Natasha looked confused, and after coming to the conclusion that there was no alternative other than compliance, she walked to the door and spotted the microphone in wall near the door. She spoke the word ?school girl? into the microphone. Behind her, a panel In the wall opened and a desk and chair slid out on a platform (it looks like the desk/chair unit that kids in elementary schools use and was that small).

       The 2 agents looked at a monitor that displayed several outfits that could be be considered a ?school girl? outfit. Everything from a catholic school girl ensemble, to a Japanese PE outfit even a British prep school outfit with tan skirt, white blouse, blue jacket and union jack neck tie. Each costume had varying degrees of sexiness. Agent Y wanted to select a extra small pink t-shirt that said school on it, and by just a shirt, that's exactly what it was, not even panties. Agent X pointed out, that while a kinky choice, would actually be giving her more clothes than she already has. The clothing should put her in a submissive state of mind. A girl scout outfit would be perfect. Agent X put in the order for a girl scout outfit. Brown socks, brown skirt, white blouse, brown beret, brown sash. The order form on the computer also asked for specific sizes for the clothing. Agent X decided it would  funny if the clothes were regular, but meant for a 12 year old. It would be interesting to watch miss athletic wiggle her slim body into a outfit meant for someone less than half her age, not to mention it put bra and panties out of the question. The order went through and in 5 minutes, a brown paper sack dropped from the ceiling. Natasha put the outfit on, just happy to have some clothing. The skirt was tight, but seeing as it did not come with panties, it was better than nothing. Not only was the blouse too small to button, it also pulled her shoulder back, pushing her breasts out and restricting her arm movement. The sash added little modesty.

       ?Now sit at the desk and read the books that are there? said Agent Y.

       Natasha approached the desk. There was a copy of Karma Sutra, pornographic magazines and an encyclopedia of sex positions.

       ?I'm not going to read this garbage? said Natasha.

       ?Then I suppose you don't need to eat either. In case you have forgotten, you are no longer Natasha the international tennis sensation. You are Natasha the criminal. You have no money in your bank account, it is illegal for anyone to hire you for any job. You couldn't land a job as janitor right now. On top of that, we control your world right now. You only get food if we give it to you. You can only take a shower if we decide you have earned it. And if me and my partner just feel like it, we can send in the local football team to give you a good 'ol fashion gang bang. I'm sure they wouldn't mind? said Agent Y. Natasha got the picture. She sat down and did as she was told.

One hour later...

       ?I'm tired, can I take a break now?? asked Natasha feeling tired and strangely horny

       ?Of course you can? said Agent X.

       Natasha laid down on the bed. It felt good to rest her tired eyes. The door to her cell opened, yet she did not even bother to look up to see who it was. She heard boyish giggling. She lifted her head to see who it was. She saw 6 boys about age 17, all dressed in boy scout uniforms. Even when Natasha closed her legs, she still looked pretty damn good to the boys. Before Natasha could get her wits about her, one of the boys pinned her head down, 2 of the boys each held an arm down and the other 3 went to work on removing her skirt. Natasha would have had a better chance at kicking the boys away had she been wearing shoes and she might have tried kicking harder, had she realized that these boys happen to be the arm wrestling champions out of 200 boys that competed in the local area. The boy that was holding her head down unzipped his pants and let his penis slide across her face much like a windshield wiper makes an arc on the glass. The 3 boys that were in front of her ripped her skirt off, unzipped their shorts and one at a time fucked her. They fully knew what they were getting into in well in advance. In fact, the arm wrestling match was just a way to figure out which boys were the strongest, therefore the most fit to rape a female athlete.

       Two weeks ago, after the awards were handed out for the arm wrestling contest, the boys were given an envelope that described a very interesting offer. They were selected by the government to ?tame and rape? an outlaw. They were told  that the police was staking out ?Natasha Yodovo?. The boys did not need the pics of Natasha that came with the envelope. They all had her posters on their bedroom wall, which they all masturbated to. Now they don't have to imagine any more. Natasha screamed the loudest during her first orgasm, her voice becoming meeker and more tired as the wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over. The boy holding her head never penetrated her, he was happy to slap ?Ms. Number one in woman's tennis 2099? in her face with his junk. He pretended his penis was like a giant foam finger, pointing at her flawless tits. He shot his load all over her cute girl scout blouse.

       5 of the boys fucked her in the vagina. The bed was low to the ground and the boys quickly figured out it was easier to lift her legs over their broad shoulders. By the time the 4th boy was fucking her, she didn't even have the strength to say ?AH-AH? with each penis thrust. She was just waiting for it to be over. She was pretty weak from the drug that knocked her out and the fact she has not eaten anything in 16 hours, so she didn't have enough fight in her to protest when the boys wiped the excess cum of their penis on her hair and clothes. She wasn't any worse off for that. Do you ever remember a time when sex wasn't sticky?

       Sergei walked through the cell door with a tennis racquet in his hand. The same Sergei that won Natasha's trust when she joined with other famous people that were fighting against the anti-celebrity legislation. Sergei was lying when he said he was a bass player in a rock band and that he supported her resistance to the anti-celebrity laws. Thanks to his ability to speak Ukrainian and charade as a famous person, he was able to convince Natasha that he was the only person she could trust protecting her future career. After 2 months of being chummy, she even agreed to move into an apartment he set up for her. The apartment was pre-rigged with microphones and cameras, so they could listen in on all her anti-government talk (she shared the apartment with an actress and a female singer, so that they would feel comfortable talking to each other about how they would circumvent the new laws). The cameras in the apartment is where the pics in the envelops came from. Each boy got pics of the girls in various states of undress. The police did not even need to bother with getting a warrant when they arrested the women yesterday morning. The women all had shocked expressions on their faces as they saw Sergei waving to them as they were herded into the back of squad cars. Sergei won a medal for getting intelligence to capture not one, but three celebrity outlaws. The other 2 female celebrities were also in cells, one on the left and one on the right of Natasha's cell.

       Natasha had the same expression on her face now as when she realized that Sergei was a undercover cop working for the police.

       ?I trust you find your new accommodations to your satisfaction, Natasha Yodovo? said Sergei.

       ?Fuck you, traitor, I should have known you were a cop? sneered Natasha.

       ?But you didn't, had I known you were so easy to fool, I would've had you move in with me, then I could've fucked you, under more civilized conditions? laughed Sergei.

       ?Hey big guy, Natasha here vandalized government property by scratching a swear word into the mirror. Can I trust you to do the honors of disciplining miss potty mouth with this racquet? Asked Sergei to the tallest boy.

       The boy nodded and Sergei tossed him the racquet. The other 5 boys rolled Natasha over and the guy with the racquet made Natasha's behind look like she sat bare assed on an waffle iron.

       ?I believe in tennis, they call that a smash? joked Agent Y.

       All the guys in the other room laughed. Agent X gave Agent Y a dirty look. Agent Y just shrugged his shoulders and said he saw an opportunity for a joke and went for it. Despite their differences in attitude, they both agreed this was the funnest assignment either had in a long time.

       Sergei walked over so he was facing Natasha. He asked one of the boys to sit on top of Natasha's legs and pull her arms back. Natasha legs were pinned down, her arms straight back and her face about waist height to Sergei.

       ?You look like a seal in that pose, you know that?? asked Sergei

       ?Why would you do this to me?? asked Natasha.

       ?Lets see, a mortgage, a girlfriend and 2 kids to feed, a medal, the respect of the other cops on the force, and this? replied Sergei, as he unzipped his pants and let his trouser snake slip out and force fed it in her mouth.

       ?I know that this is all kind of catching you by surprise, but I promised myself I would only pop in for a minute. You know, I never understood what all the hub-bub was about watching tennis. Nothing wrong with it as a game, just never seemed all that exciting. I guess people watch it so they can fantasize about moments like this? said Sergei.

       ?MMM-m.....MMMMM-muh-muh...guh...GUhhhh...MMmmmmMMMMMMMM (Im going to kick your ass, your crazy if you think I'm going to have sex with you)? was what Natasha tried to say, before she chocked on a large load of Sergei's cum.

       Sergei pulled his dick out and wiped his one-eye monster in Natasha's matted hair. The boy let Natasha go and she flopped face down on the bed, thoroughly spent physically and emotionally.

       ?Sorry I had to be so rough with you. The government doesn't like it when you damage their property, they generally charge a hefty fine. I brought you some lotion for what I am sure is a sore behind? said Sergei as he reached into his pocket, pulled out a bottle of lotion and tossed it so it landed on Natasha's red ass. Sergei ripped and gathered the shreds of Natasha's girl scout uniform, and tossed them down an incinerator shaft that the agents opened.

       Sergei and the boys left the room and locked the door from the outside. Sergei told the boys that they have done their community a great service, and if they go down the hallway and take a left, their was a free meal waiting for them. The boys went to go eat and Sergei made his way into the control room.

       ?Have you introduced yourself to the other celebrities you captured?? asked Agent X to Sergei.

       ?Sure did, I fucked that hot actress Michelle Li pretty good about 30 minutes ago, boy is she a screamer. Right now, I'm one my way to see that singer I caught, Samantha Ambers? said Sergei.

       ?and I trust your going to give her the stuffing of a lifetime?? asked Agent Y.

       ?You know what, I just bagged 2 ladies in a half hour, I'm a little tired. Why don't you go fuck some sense into Samantha? said Sergei to Agent Y.

       ?Ah-hem, what about me?? Asked Agent X.

       ?Did you want Samantha to munch on your carpet?? Asked Sergei

       ?I'd like to fuck her with a strap-on. I'm a psychiatrist, I get into people's heads for a living. In other words, I'm a control freak. A top.? said Agent X.

       ?How about this, Agent Y goes in their and pops Samantha's prison cherry, and when she is exhausted, Agent X goes in their and plays dominatrix? offered Sergei.

       ?deal? said both agents.

To be continued.  





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Ever More Obsequious 1 The woman who would one day soon be the wife of Lord Richard Hurley, woke up early with a delicious smile on her face. She had a long hot bubble bath, loving the luxury of it then ate a tasty breakfast with her grandmamma out on the balcony, chatting excitedly about ideas for the wedding. Ann felt entirely happy; satisfied in a way she didn't remember ever feeling before, as though not only was life perfect for her now, but it always would be perfect...

2 years ago
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Events On A Cruise Ship Changes A Marriage Forever

Our sex life was mostly fun then. For a day or two after being apart for so long, we would have sex for hours, and he would make me feel sexy and wanted…always bringing home pretty outfits from fancy boutiques sought out during his travels…black, pink and blue lingerie ensembles…a Chinese geisha gown…and even a St. Pauli Girl get up from Europe that I wore on Halloween one year. Only occasionally back then would he bring up someone different during our bedroom time, and when he did he...

3 years ago
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My doctor mom 2

Hi to all ISS Readers. I am Rakesh writing the continuation of my experience “My Doctor Mom”. I and my mom use to make love regularly. We use to try all the positions by watching the cd of Kamasutra. When I was alone I use to think whether all the things I am doing with my mom is a dream or what. Because she was the lady of my dreams, she was my heroine. One night after we made love and relaxing in each other’s hug she said that she wants to marry me. I said why so mom. She said I want to live...

1 year ago
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Raped Degraded DaughterChapter 4

The minute Linda was perched on her dad's lap, right on his growing hard-on, she knew she was in for it. He wasn't going to let her watch TV at all. How could she when his hands were all over her body? As he licked his thick tongue into her little ear, he mauled her tits with his big hand, squeezing and fondling them. He chuckled and drew the front of her light nightie way down and bared her jutting, pink-nippled tits so he could kiss and lick and suck them even as he mauled...

4 years ago
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A Ball With MotherChapter 4

“Mother,” Sally said that afternoon, “I don’t see how you can stand it.” “Stand what, honey?” Marla was wearing a housedress, but she was naked underneath except for a pair of panties. She was amused to see her daughter running around after her morning bath wearing only a pair of panties. Amused, but delighted, too. She loved to watch those tight tits of her daughter, that saucy ass cupped in the tight panties. Bob was still in the bath, and she and Sally were in her bedroom, with Marla...

4 years ago
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Sexy Salesman

I decided to purchase a new pair of trousers for my birthday and decided to go for shopping after I finished my work at office. I entered a newly opened Mens only showroom near my office. There I was greeted by a handsome and sexy Salesman aged around 25 years. He was looking sexy with his thick moustache, tall and well built physique. The shop was almost empty as the time was around 9.00 pm and all the sales men except this boy left. He was about to close the shop when I entered the shop for...

2 years ago
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Seizing the Opportunity

It is said there are good days and bad days, well today was a bad day as far as Colin Greenway was concerned. It had started off with a flaming row with his wife, not that, that was uncommon it was just a fact of life in an unhappy marriage, however this morning it was over finances; she had got a parking ticket and the council's grab for revenue was very steep. Finances were not there to be just given away, especially to a council he utterly opposed; he flipped. "You useless fucking cunt",...

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A Hot Office Tale

3 pm, I am looking at my laptop screen trying to get things done. The to-do list was just on my side, there were still a lot of things undone for the day. The ac was at its best, and the dead silence in the office made it more difficult to finish the list, I could see everyone glued to their chairs and screens.   My eyes slowly started shutting, my mind, not focused and after few sec… minutes…. I realized I have already slept, my eyes had closed. I open them fast, looking around if someone had...

2 years ago
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The first time I ever had sex was with my mother, it happened on my 16th birthday. My father had been killed in a logging accident when I was very young. I never got to know my father. My mother had dated a few guys but every time they found out she had a c***d they would split. The ones that did stay around were only there a couple days then would leave. My mother never did get into a serious relationship.My mother is about 5’6” tall. Her tits are about a 32DD, and she keeps her pussy trimmed...

2 years ago
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Lefones Quest Ch 0103

Here are the first three chapters of the story, please note there isn’t much sexual shenanigans going on yet — this is more setting the background and the character. Please leave any (constructive!) criticism! — Chapter 1 Mr Thomas Lefone surveyed the assembly room with a familiar disappointment curling in the pit of his stomach. The same preened gentlemen, powdered ladies and flirtatious girls spread before him throughout the great hall, the same as he had seen at every ball this season,...

3 years ago
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At the age sixty-four Gramma Grace was a strikingly beuutiful woman. She believed wholeheartedly that it was a sendintary lifestyle that truly made you old before your times. She saw it sadly in the youth of today. The apethy was disturbing. Early on Gramma Grace encouraged me in my artistic interests and often went on train rides into Manhatten to visit the museums. She regretted abandoning her own art ambitions. One afternoon she got out one of her old sketck books and we sat there on the...

3 years ago
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Dastaan E Majburi 8211 Part II

Dear readers aap logo ke mails aur comments se mein bhout inspire hui hoon isliye mein aapko aage ki dastan batati hoon…Meri tho chudai hone ke baad mein so rahi thi par itna dukh raha ta ki neendh nahi aah rahi thi tho didi aayi aur itrate hue boli “bol du kya inko phir se neelu ka maan kar raha hai”maine kaha aap bhout gandi ho didi phir didi haste hue boli jab bhi maan karega bata dena mein kamre ka darwaja bhar se band kar deti hoon tu so ja magar bhar se jijaji ke chilane ki awaz aah rahi...

2 years ago
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Tante Belle Dating Dad part 15

Both of my parents worked, and had very little time for me. With the exception of our evening meals, we hardly saw one another. They were not bad parents, they just didn't want to be parents. Mom was a very renowned french photographer, sometimes she would travel and be gone for weeks at a time. She was, and always will be absolutely stunning. She had an eye for beauty, whether in other women, or in nature, and she was able to capture it with a lense. Father was one of those...

3 years ago
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Father And Daughter Continue With A Third

After that first weekend with Myia, we continued our father/ daughter incestuous relationship. We were careful not to let her son catch us. As for my wife, she was hardly ever at home and when she was she occupied a room on one side of the house and me on the other. My house is a six-bedroom ranch style of about five thousand square feet.I had converted one of the bedrooms to a home office. Tanya, my wife, occupied one bedroom. Myia and Brandon each had a room of their own.It turned out that my...

1 year ago
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The movie was not all that interesting and after a while her attention diverted to me a bit more. Think she was quite amused by my dedication at licking her feet. And I was learning. Learning the nitty gritty of foot licking and how to please her. For example if I sucked her middle toe finger with my tongue hard under it, she almost always moan with pleasure etc etc. She was becoming quite playful – sometimes holding my nose or my tongue between her toes fingers, at times running her feet over...

3 years ago
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Me with Sexy sisters8230

Hi ISS Readers i am Dinesh from Madurai. I’m 29 years old and i have married for just a nine of months ago. Here i describe about my wife. Her name is Lakshmi (Name Changed)26, She is somewhat fat. Her size is 36-34-36.we are happy in living with happy sex life in our life. Her sister is Tamil, 32 and had one boy child of 3years, who married of 5 years ago,and her husband wsa expired in an accident after one and half years of her marriage. and she stayed with us. And one day we recived a call...

2 years ago
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Noukrani uski maa

Hello friend, yeh meri dosri kahani hai, meri pehali kakani ko aap log ne bhaut pasand kiya. Aaj mai aap ek nahi kahani bata ho. Mera nam ajay hai , our main delhi me rahta ho. Jab se mera lund kada hona suro hua hai tab se mai aurato ko chood raha ho. Mene aaj tak bahut kisam ki chut mari hai. Aaj mai aap ko aapne naukrani ke kahani bata ho. Uska sareer bhaut bara bara tha, uske umar 16 saar ke kareeb hoge. Rag bhaut kala hai per uske mamme bahut bade bade ha. Jab wah pheli bar ghar aaye the...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 14

When the alarm went off, I didn’t exactly feel rested, but I didn’t feel like I’d spent the night fighting demons. We all got up and showered together, taking turns at the rest of the fixtures before getting dressed and going upstairs to breakfast. Mom and Lilly joined us again and the seven of us enjoyed the morning together. Mom still had the phone on her hip, but it never rang while we were at the table. Once again Dan and I were off to the Garden and I told him that if we didn’t hear...

2 years ago
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My wife begs to suck my dick

Last week, my wife told me that she would be my cock sucking slave for 5 days straight if I take her on a trip to the beach. She rarely gives me blowjobs so I was ecstatic to hear this. She said I can make up any rules I want and she will follow. The only request she made is that if I am satisfied with her performance, she gets to have a ride on my dick afterwards. Of course, I can also boss her around during that.These are the rules I came up with and she has already agreed to follow:- She has...

3 years ago
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Daddy dear

I loved to tease my dad by walking around the house almost naked. I could see him eye my tits and ass. I wore short tight t-shirts and a skimpy thong. I would walk by him and rub against him. I loved to brush my tits against him. and I did this slow. I knew it was hard to resist me. The other day when I left the shower, I walked to my room with my towel over my arm instead of around me and dad came up the hall and looked at my naked body. I walked by him and ran my exposed nipple over his arm....

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Vampire Chronicles Pt 4

Oddly enough the sun did not seem to be draining him very badly. He figured he was still very high on energy because of the feeding he had done the night before. He got up to go take a shower, and he he almost tripped over Tiffany's dead body. He felt nauseous. He was curious why he did not smell anything though, as he had always understood that dead bodies were suppose to give off quite an unpleasant aroma. He then realized he couldn't think of one time in the month he...

4 years ago
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Nephews Lust

A few weeks ago my nephew Mike, came to the house to stay for a few days. He and his live in girl friend of 10 years had split and he was finding the dating scene hard. He had tried a couple of dating sites but he got no results. He called on Wednesday to see if he could come over for the weekened just to relax and be out of his apartment for a while. I told him it was ok. Friday afternoon he drove up to the house. He and I talked outside while Carrie fixed supper. He told me it had been...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 15

Sucking on her index finger, Laura watched Sid working with the men. They were practicing a new tactic for dealing with men marching four abreast. She thought he cut such a dashing figure riding his horse with a lance leveled at the targets. Watching him made her wet between the legs. When he would pause and wave to her, she thought her heart would explode. Although Sid had been busy leading the army, he had given Laura more of his time than she had expected under the circumstances. When he...

3 years ago
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Tucker fantasy

Some one had gotten ahold of me and wanted me to write up a fantasy for them and I said I would. So here we go. Tucker and Amy have been married for alot of years. They have alot of love for each other and with that their sex life has still been good but deep down inside Tucker wanted alittle more. He had been watching videos of sex or porn as most call it. Through watching the movies he had realized he was wanting to do something new with his wife but didn't know how he would bring it up to...

1 year ago
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NightClub Pt1

Young Ted had a tremendously arousing and sensual experience just two weeks ago and it's time that you heard about it. The story begins with the young man walking home from a movie and seeing all the pretty girls going into the night clubs that line the streets on his way home. At each one he stopped and looked longingly at the pretty ladies. He couldn't help but think of all the fun they were having and all the sex the guys that got to go home with them were no doubt having. If only he could...

3 years ago
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Meri doctor behan 2

Doctor meri tang pay dressing ker raha tha jab baji ka phone aya “Nomy kahan ho man tumhara intezar ker rahi hoon” “Baji man ap k hospital k ander hoon” “Hospital man kahan ho?” “man emergency main hoon” “wahan ki ker rahay” “baji mera accident ho gia hay aor doctor meri dressing ker raha hay” Baji dorrti hoee emergency man aaee mujhay zakhmi halet man dekh k gabhra gaee. Woh meray sath beth k ronay lagi. Man nay baji ko galay laga lia aor chup kerwanay laga. Baji nay short leave to pehlay hi...

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A brisk wind, chill from the night, began its decent into dawn with one last caress over the grassy hills and plains. With a determination unseen by the human eye the fierce current blew, dancing and twisting as waves crashed upon the ocean front. With it were carried leaves, turning, rising and falling, untamed by invisible threads which seemed to draw from the Earth itself. The air was salty, fresh on the ground as blades of grass worshiped with trembling chorus. The earth swayed. Shoreline...

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sherrys first

We have been married 15 years. Sherry has never had any k**s...hence the body is still pretty hot. Her tits are the best money could buy. We'll leave our occupations out of this for now...let's just say we are both white collar perverts.I married Sherry because she was just drop dead beautiful with a hot little body. I knew she was reasonably uninhibited before we got married. She had no hint that I was bi-sexual. We were just madly in love.I introduced her to porn soon after we were married...

1 year ago
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Serving the doctor

This is how it all started.This all started shortly after I turned 18. I had worked while growing up and bought my first new truck right after high school. I did landscaping during those years and was good at it. About 6 months after I turned 18 I came home to find a new lock on the house. After my asshole dad got home he let me have my tools and clothes and that was it, couldn't even take my bed. That was the last day I saw my parents. I had rented a construction yard and I lived there for a...

4 years ago
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Playing Santa Ch 04

Playing Santa Ch. 04 I came in on Tuesday as usual and headed for the Shady Lady. On my way, Mrs. Shattuck stopped me in the nearly empty mall. ‘Lars, I have a favor to ask you,’ she began. ‘Every year we have a little party for the mall employees and some of the store personnel. It’s after closing on Christmas Eve. Do you think you could come and play Santa? We have a little gift exchange and I’d like you to hand out the presents.’ Of course I agreed. The party would be Friday night and...

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Im Bann der schwarzen Krieger

Rachegedanken Wir schreiben das Jahr 211 v. Chr. Der karthagische Feldherr Hannibal hatte mit seinen Streitkräften die Alpen überquert und war beinahe bis nach Rom vorgedrungen. Im Rahmen dieses Feldzuges war das kleine römische Gehöft von einer Gruppe desertierter karthagischer Krieger überfallen worden. Claudia hatte hilflos mit ansehen müssen, wie ihre gesamte Familie von den afrikanischen Kriegern vergewaltigt und ermordet wurde. Nur ihr, der schlanken, schwarzgelockten stolzen...

2 years ago
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Did That Really Just Happen

It was just a normal day for Stephanie, get up, get ready, go to work, bore the day away. But she really wasn’t in the mood to go work, so she called in sick and stayed home. Ok, she really wasn’t sick but, who gives a fuck, everyone takes a sick day, and that is exactly what Stephanie did. Since she stayed home, she got really horny, ran upstairs, took off her work clothes, which consisted of her short skirt, button down top, matching jacket to go over that, her knee high boots and of course...

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Sue Blindfolded for an Evening

He had arranged with some friends to take his wife Sue to their house, blindfolded for the last part of the journey. He had instructed her in what to wear - a loose, twirly, short skirt which swayed when she walked and at the slightest breeze, rose to show her tanned thighs and bottom and more as she wore nothing underneath. Her blouse was filmy and silky and showed the shape of her bare breasts and nipples. She knew she would be used that evening but did not know how or by who or where. Would...

3 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story Part 3

Bree woke to the sound of her alarm clock beeping its god awful sound from across the room. It read 7:05. She had actually woke up right at the start. I guess an earth shattering orgasm is just the ticket for a good night's sleep she thought. She walked across the room and although her mood was surprisingly bright she still slammed her fist down on the hated alarm clock. She then heard a soft knock at her door. Bree threw on a robe and went over to open it. Trina stood there all made up...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 123

I spent my morning researching Liz Larimer Entertainment and its subsidiaries (while keeping Liz’s parents, my mother and Brea entertained with my sparkling wit and charm). Yeah, the last part, not so much. I was worried and I was a huge pain in everybody’s ass. My mother was used to me being a pain in the ass, though, so she hung out with me while everybody else made themselves scarce. She lasted until 10 o’clock. I still hadn’t heard from Liz but I didn’t mention my concerns to anybody...

2 years ago
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Fast Fap Fairy Tail

Welcome John to fast fap, the interactive where you get to the sweet sexual action with you favourite fairy tail character without having to read about how it came to be. So if your ready let's start this fap train all I need to know is your gender and sexual orientation then your off to pick you fairy tail character and get to fapping! Ps be sure to check out the great story that gave me this idea: Happy Fapping!

3 years ago
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Pussy hounds at the lingerie store

I gravitate to older men, because they are such blatant pussy hounds. I like to tease them. Suggest the possibility of some fun fooling around. Let them know that I MIGHT be interested. I have an older Daddy who takes care of me, spends a lot of money on me. In return, I keep him entertained. I'll do anything for my Daddy. Calls me his little sex pot. Unless I've been naughty. Then I get spanked. I cheat on him all the time. He knows it and likes to watch. He thinks up lots of crazy shit for me...

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