Algonquin MemoriesChapter 2 free porn video

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Monday, August 14th

The sun was already up when I woke up. Will's sleeping bag was empty. I opened the tent flap and pulled my bag of clothes inside. I dressed in my swim suit and t-shirt. I crawled out of the tent and headed for the woods. Justin was sitting on a log at the fire pit. I stopped when I reached the fire pit. "Sorry about listening to you and Sherry last night. We really couldn't help it."

"Well, I guess none of us will have much privacy on a trip like this. I'm not mad, dude." Justin answered.

I headed into the woods to take a piss. When I got back, Justin was rousting the crew for breakfast. Amy and I were cooks for breakfast. We made the pancakes, served them and cleaned the dishes while the rest of the crew tore down camp. I quickly packed my sleeping bag and personal gear in the pack I shared with Amy.

I sorted the bags of food into four piles and split the crew gear between the four piles of food. "Everyone, take one pile of food for your second Duluth Pack." I commanded.

"Everyone, let's get these packs loaded in the canoes. We have a long walk ahead of us today. Jon, you are the navigator today. Here is the map." Justin yelled.

Amy climbed in our canoe and I pushed the bow out into the lake. I hopped in when the water reached my knees. The rest of the group followed behind us.

We rounded the tip of our peninsula and turned northeast. I could see the yellow portage sign a couple hundred yards in front of us at the end of the lake. Navigating certainly wasn't going to be hard today.

Two minutes later we beached our canoes at the start of the portage. I jumped out of the canoe and steadied the canoe while Amy climbed out. I grabbed one pack and carried it out to the beach. Amy tried to lift the second one, but couldn't lift it over the gunwale of the canoe. "Amy, let me help you." I picked it up and rested it on my knee. It was a lot heavier than our other pack, the one that had our sleeping bags and personal gear. Amy slipped the shoulder straps on. She stood up a little unsteadily. I helped her snap the waist strap. "Are you going to be OK?" I asked.

"I guess so. This is way heavier than I expected." She answered.

Justin yelled, "Girls walk for twelve minutes and drop your packs. Come back for the second pack and carry it to the end of the portage. Take your time, this isn't a race."

Barb led the way with Sherry, Katie and Amy following up the path. Amy kind of struggled as she climbed the hill.

I walked back to my canoe, stretched my right arm across to the far gunwale, grabbed the near side with my left hand and lifted. I sort of lifted up and slid my body under the canoe at the same time while I flipped it upside down. I found myself under the canoe with the weight resting on the thwart setting on my shoulders. These 47 pound ABS canoes were much easier to carry than the old 90 pound aluminum Grumman we practiced with at the scout camp in the spring. Will, Joe and Justin were ready too. I led the way up the portage trail. This wasn't too bad, so far.

Then the mosquitoes attacked. It took both hands to steady the canoe. The mosquitoes had no mercy. They attacked my arms, legs, neck. One even landed on my nose. I tried to blow him away.

Within a few minutes, we passed Amy. She looked tired already. I said, "I'll see you soon. I'll come back and help when I get done with the canoe and my turn with that pack."

Amy tried to smile. "Thanks, Jon."

Twenty two minutes later we came down the hill to the shore of Proulx Lake. I walked into the water and flopped my canoe down. The other guys did the same. Joe directed, "Let go guys. The packs will be waiting for us back by the small pond at the middle of the portage.

It only took a few minutes to get back to the small pond. This was a lot easier without a pack or canoe. When we got there we found three packs waiting for us. I checked. My pack wasn't anywhere around. The girls weren't there either.

"Hey, guys. I'm going to go back and find Amy and our pack. I'll see you at the canoes in a while."

I walked for another five minutes towards Opeongo Lake. I finally found Amy sitting on a log looking despondent. "Hey, the cavalry is here." I announced.

"Thank God. I don't know if I can do this. I never worked so hard in my life!" Amy whimpered.

"This is the only portage we have for the next two days. This pack will be a lot lighter after we eat two days worth of food. The other pack is much lighter than this one. You can do this." I picked up the pack and strapped it on. Amy handed me the canoe paddles and life jackets. I headed for Proulx Lake while Amy walked back to the start of the portage. Climbing the hill to the small pond started to wear me down. I was happy when the trail started to slope down to Proulx Lake. When I reached the lake, I dropped the beastly pack in the bottom of my canoe.

I rested a few minutes. Barb, Sherry and Katie arrived with their packs. "Where is Amy?" I ask.

"She's back the trail behind us." Sherry replied.

"I'm going to go back to help her." I announced.

I walked for five minutes before I find Amy. She is stooped over and shuffling her feet along as she moved down the trail. "Let me carry that for you."

"Oh, Jon. Thank God." Amy said. "I don't know how I'll ever make it through this trip. If every day is like this, I want to go home."

"No, most days won't be this hard. Remember, last night Joe warned us about today. We'll get to camp. We can relax. Have a swim. Do anything you want. You can do this!" I said, trying to encourage Amy.

We walked quietly to Proulx Lake and the rest of our group.

I swung our canoe away from the shore and started east into the lake. Amy and I led the way for our crew. I saw about a mile ahead where the lake split into two parts. We wanted to stay to the left, go around the bend and find a campsite. This would put us closer to our destination for tomorrow, Big Crow Lake.

I took about 45 minutes to reach the area where the Crow River left the north end of Proulx Lake. The sky was a bright crystal blue. The wind was calm. Today was exactly the kind of day I pictured in my mind when I signed up to go on this trip. As we approached the lower end of the lake, Justin and Sherry pulled ahead of us.

"Let's see if the campsite on point just ahead is available." Justin announced.

Five minutes later we pulled into the campsite. No one was there. Justin started giving directions to the crew "Jon & Amy, look for the latrine. Will and Katie, check for an area for the tents. Sherry and I will check out the other side of the campsite. Meet back here in five minutes."

As Amy and I walked through the campsite, I saw that the fire pit wasn't as nice as our last campsite, but it certainly would do. The seats were small logs. They were so small that it was going to be like sitting on the ground. Amy led as we followed a trail out of the campsite into the woods. About 50 yards away we found the latrine box. We returned to the canoes.

"What did you find?" Justin asked.

"The campsite is kind of small compared to yesterday. I think we can fit our four tents in, but they will be really close together." Katie said. Will smiled when Katie said that.

"The latrine is up the hill. It's just like yesterdays. A box with a lid." I offered.

"This campsite is probably the best we'll find. It is on a point where we should get more wind. That will help keep the mosquitoes away. The other campsites at this end of the lake sit back in the woods and won't get much wind. Let's stay here." Justin asked.

"Yeah" "Sounds good" "OK" the rest of us replied.

Justin directed setting up the campsite. We got the dining fly and tents up much faster today than yesterday. Will hung back and waited until Justin and Sherry started to put up their tent to pick a spot four our tent. Naturally he chose a spot between Joe and Barb and near Justin and Sherry.

"You voyeur" I whispered, when I realized what he had in mind.

"So what." Will answered with a sly grin on his face.

When we were settled into the campsite, Justin gave more orders, "Will and Katie, fill the water bags. Jon, you and Amy put up the bear rope. Sherry and I will gather fire wood for dinner tonight."

Amy and I started into the woods and up the hill by our campsite. This was going to take a lot longer than yesterday. All of the trees were either small birches or pines. None of them had branches thick enough to hold our three 50 pound packs.

Amy seemed kind of down cast. I tried to cheer her up, "Wasn't the lake beautiful today?"

"I guess"

"The weather is perfect. Clear skies, the temperature feels like it is around 75 degrees. No wind. We couldn't have any better conditions."


"Amy, what's wrong?"

"I had no idea that this would be so hard. Those Duluth packs feel like they weigh more than I do."

"They probably weigh around 50 or 60 pounds each. That's heavy, but not impossible." I offer.

"I was afraid if I fell over on my back, I would be like an upside down turtle and not be able to get up again." Amy whined.

"I'll help you through this." I said as I tried to comfort Amy.

"It's too hard. I can't do this." Amy started to cry.

I wrapped my arms over her shoulder and squeezed her close to my side. "Amy, today was supposed to be one of the hardest days. We'll make it through."

"I ... I ... don't ... know ... if I ... can ... do ... this." Amy sobbed. I turned to face her and gave her a hug.

"Amy, have I ever let you down in the eight years we have been friends?"


"I will help you through this." I said as I pulled her closer to me. I kissed her cheek as I held her close. I could feel her breasts pressing against my body. My cock started to twitch.

"Jon, thanks for being here." Amy said, starting to regain her composure.

"That's what friends are for." I answered as I stared into her green eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Amy wrapped her arms around me and started to rub my back. I kissed her again, a littler longer. The third time, I parted my lips and slid my tongue along Amy's lips. They parted! My tongue explored further into her mouth until it found her tongue. Our tongues wrestled together. My cock went fully rigid. It pressed into Amy's side. We held each other and kissed for minutes. Time no longer had any meaning.

Finally we had to stop to breathe. "Amy, are you OK with what we just did?"

"Yes Jon. I don't think I can consider you to 'just' be a friend anymore. I want more than that from you."

I give her one more kiss and then said, "I think we better find a spot for the bear rope soon. The rest of the group is going to wonder where we went. We found an old tree with a nice strong branch about 25 feet above the ground further up the hill. I threw the rope over and secured it until the night.

When Amy and I returned to camp, everything was set up. The fire was going, wood was stacked nearby, water bags were hanging from the tree in middle of the campsite. Joe had set up the backpacking stove on a rock near the fire. He had a cloth cover that looked like it was covered with metal foil.

I asked him, "What is that?"

"It's a Backpacker Oven. I won't say more, the rest is a surprise." Joe answered.

Justin was sitting on a log playing with his fishing rod. He looked up when he heard us come back to camp. "Hey, Jon, Want to go fishing with me? I need a buddy."

"Sure, why not." I followed Justin towards the canoes. I grabbed PFDs and paddles on the way to beach. Justin and I climbed in the canoe, shoved off the beach and paddled out into the lake.

"Let's go up to the northern end of the lake by the marsh." Justin suggested.

"OK, point the way." I answered. We headed north towards the end of the lake. When the water started to get shallow we coasted to a stop. Justin cast his line out.

"Justin, I have something to tell you. We have to keep an eye out for Amy. Today was rougher for her than she expected. She started crying when we were out looking for a place to hang the bear bags. I held her to try and comfort her. I think we may have gone too far. I hugged her when she stopped crying and then we started kissing. Amy has been my closest friend, beside you, for the past eight years. I don't want to risk losing her friendship. But she is beautiful, smart, and funny. I think I need more from her than friendship. What should I do?"

Justin answered, "You really like her, right?"

"Yes," I answer.

"Treat her decently, you can keep her friendship and have her as a girlfriend too. I know how much you care for her. I think you should take it one step at a time and see where things go."

I sat thinking about this for a few minutes.

"Justin, you never finished your story of your first time when Joe interrupted the night at the outfitters. Can you finish the story?" I inquired.

"I guess. Where was I when I stopped?"

"You and Sherry had just gone to Sam's little brother's bedroom and locked the door. You were naked and lying on top of Sherry." I answered.

"Oh, yeah. Well I lay between her legs, slid up and kissed Sherry's tits. I rubbed my cock up and down along the crease of her cunt lips. Sherry's cunt was super wet. She begged me, 'Put it in me, please. Put it in!' As you may have noticed, Sherry can get quite loud when we have sex."

"I may have heard that," I said, smirking.

"I took my cock in my hand and rubbed the tip up and down her cunt lips a couple times. Then I pushed it forward into her pussy. I went slow so it didn't hurt too much. It took a couple minutes to get my cock all the way in. It's hard to describe the feeling. It feels great when you jerk off right?"

"Well, duh!" I answered.

"Fucking is a million times better. I asked Sherry if she was ready. She said, 'Go to it.' I started to stroke in and out. The feeling was so intense. I didn't last very long. My orgasm when I was inside Sherry was the most intense of my life. My cock wilted quickly after I came. I asked Sherry how it was. She said, 'OK I guess.' Well, Joe had me well prepared. I leaned down and started to lick her pussy. Joe said you have to make sure your girl has a good time too when you have sex. The best way to get a girl off is to lick and rub her clit. It absolutely drives them crazy. I wasn't sure where it was but I kept licking and rubbing around until I felt a little bump near the top of her pussy lips. I rubbed and licked until she started to scream and squirm around. I asked her again, how she was. She purred, 'That was wonderful, Justin.' I always try to give Sherry an orgasm when we make love."

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AMANDA: Hey Nikki! NICOLE: Sup? AMANDA: I miss Josh. NICOLE: Me too. He was sooo cute. Kind’a a whiner, tho. Couldn’t hold his breath worth shit, either. AMANDA: That’s what made him fun, Nikki! Holding his face under my ass for a long time, knowing he was totally helpless and in agony holding his breath and he had no choice but to endure the pain until I decided he could take a breath. NICOLE: You’re such a bitch, Mandy! AMANDA: You know it, girlfriend. You’re no fun ‘cuz you can hold...

2 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 20

Post Script: Lunch With Dr Julian Julian Castwich had suggested lunch. Since his proposed venue was in the dining rooms of Her Majesty's own appointed grocers, Messrs Fortnum and Mason, I was happy to agree. I spent my time on the journey across London reading the day's newspaper. Headlines trumpeted successes against the Ottoman and Macedonian forces but it seemed clear to me that the conflict would continue for some time. As I left my Stanley taxi-cab in Jermyn Street, a dark shadow...

1 year ago
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The Dividing Line Ch 02

October 7th Ed MacCarley is sitting in the watch commander’s office of the Central Division sub-station, there are knots in his burning stomach, a tight-acrid sensation boiling up from deep within his gut to his chest. The watch commander, a Captain named Thomas Hardy, has been in the department for almost thirty years, and is an even older man than MacCarley. His close-cropped hair is almost solid silver, his stomach is as flat as a board. Both men look very careworn, there is a large bottle...

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Temptation with daughter 4

My wife was away for the night, as usual. It was already 2 am. i was in the living room waiting for my daughter. i specifically told her to come at the latest 1 30 am, and she still wasn't here. I was very annoyed, couldn't believe my daughter didn't listen and obey me. Thinking that girl is probably out fucking the first stranger she can get her hands on. that slut. I bet shes out there on all fours, getting her tight arse hole fucked hard. Couldnt stop thinking about last night, her arse was...

4 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 8

The three men could hear Chloe’s shrieks as soon as they got out of the car. As they made their way inside, they could now hear both Lisa and Josh begging them to stop. But what they heard didn’t prepare them for what they were about to see. Coming up on Josh from behind, it looked like he had big balls of flesh coming out of his sides. Both were dripping milk. The three soon realized that the breasts belonged to Lisa. She and Josh were secured to a post. Both were naked and bound tightly,...

1 year ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 24

We went into the kitchen to help her mother cook supper. Actually, Mister Mason and I were there to offer immoral [sic] support until we were drafted into making the tossed salad. We cut vegetables merrily slicing and dicing like we knew what we were doing. Mister Mason might have. I didn’t though I didn’t let that keep me from cutting big things into little things. Missus Mason looked over my shoulder and said, “Brad, that brings to mind a whole new picture when the words, cut up, are used...

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Sean The Teenager Part 1

This is my first story! Constructive comments accepted. Also ideas are welcome! "Sean...Sean...Wake up..It's late,Wake up...." As the morning light poured in through the window,He barely opened his eyes to the fateful day. Today was his Maths exam, and as usual he had studied nothing.Well more into Sean or Sean Jay,18 year old,fan of Steve Jobs,and all people and things related to tech. He is an engineering student,like many other of his classmates who joined it just because of the...

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House sitting for Jessicas parents

House sitting for Jessica's parentsJessicas dad took had got free tickets for his family to join him on a business trip.  They went to Cape town for a few days and He asked if I minded looking after the house while they were away. Not minding at all, being young and rather happy to have some freedom away from my parents for a few nights I accepted to look after their house. I dropped them off at the airport midday Wednesday saying goodbye to my girlfriend and her family and head back to their...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Elise Siswet Graphic Anal Toy Play

Hailing from the Netherlands, delicious blonde Elise Siswet sports sparkly, thigh-high boots and tight shorts. Following a sexy tease, the Dutch cutie chats with pornographer Proxy Paige, enlightening viewers on her background in porn. Elise oils up her round booty to start, spreading her sphincter as Proxy probes her rectum with a dildo. The perverted director crams multiple, massive toys into Elise’s anus, generating immense gaping. The kinky anal performance includes extreme toys and...

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Eve A true storyOK maybe not

Going back in time to give the first woman her first orgasm...hey, somebody had to do it...Eve (A true story...OK, maybe not)Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land. It all...

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To the greater Boston general public it was simply a small little known quite private night club located in the back part of Roxbury called The Black Rooster Bar. While in local Gay Community circles, insiders called this private by membership only pub, THE BLACK COCK CASTLE! When first learning about it from a new CD sister named Mary Beth I just met online last July, I found myself immediately interested for one very good and powerful reason. Yes like most white gay Cross Dressers, my...

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Even Big Girls Need Love

Even Big Girls Need Love Hi, my name is Donna Wilkinson, I am 19 years old, I work in a pharmaceutical packing company, on the packing line. My boyfriend, David Johnson is 18 years old, has just started an apprenticeship as an electrician, we live together in a small flat in a place called Doncaster which is in South Yorkshire. I am a typical overweight teenage girl, 5' 8" tall and weigh 205lbs, my hair is shoulder length black, I have a pretty but chubby face, a small double chin...

2 years ago
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Happy Holi 2019

Hi, this is Ankita. We live in XYZ colony, a little far from the main city but a beautiful place. This is a part of my experience in this year’s Happy Holi. Please ignore the grammar issues if you observe. I am the single child of my mom and dad. I am 19 years old, and this year I got college admission. I don’t have any friends from college over here, I mean near my residence. In the colony, I gave tuitions to kids from junior college in my free time. They all love me, and I, too, love them...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter Audrey Royal Massaging That Big Black Cock With My Mouth

Audrey Royal loves a good massage and can not help but to wonder how big of a cock her masseuse has. His hands rub up and her body in such a manner that just makes her pussy so wet! She takes a chance and can not believe the big black cock he has been hiding in his pants! She can not wait to wrap her lips around it and feel him throat fuck her as she slobbers and spits all over the length of that hard shaft! She begs for it to be put in her tight little pussy; she needs it so bad! Jason pounds...

1 year ago
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Visiting My Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Recently I was visiting my Mom for a couple of weeks in Florida. I was just getting through with a nasty divorce. Mom was 68 and had been a widow for 16 years. She had an old rooming house that was becoming too much for her to handle. The tenants had all moved out and I was going to visit to try to help her sell it. I stayed on the second floor. Being a rooming house the 2nd and 3rd floors had a share bath in the hall. Later, after dinner, I went...

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One lucky Nephew

My name is Brian and I did something that I am sort of embarrassed about. I fucked the hell out of two of my sexy aunts at my cousin’s wedding reception. I didn’t feel embarrassed at the time as they swept me out of the hall in the hotel up to aunt Chris’s room. I didn’t protest when the pushed me onto the room couch and pulled my pants off and took turns sucking me. Let me go back to the beginning. I hadn’t seen two of my three aunts in years. Aunt Chris and aunt Lyn were known for parting,...

2 years ago
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Riding Bitch

Riding Bitch By Cissykay It was my favorite day of the year. September 1st. I worked my ass off for ten months counting the days, hours and minutes until my yearly pilgrimage to Sturgess. At twenty seven years of age, it is my first year as the president of the local motorcycle club. All twenty two men in the club rode Harleys. I had been riding since I was old enough to shift a small mountain bike. I graduated to the big "hog" as soon as I earned enough money to buy one. As the owner...

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Holiday Hell part 4

Hello, Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to either email me or to leave feedback. It's greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback as it does make writing stories more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading what you write. If you have any suggestions for the plot that you'd like to see in the story please send me an email at [email protected]. Please also take some time to visit my blog...

4 years ago
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Husbands revenge part1

I'll warn you right off that this is not an exciting story. Instead I offer you a real story and hope that in some way, that fact will make it a better story than one I invented. The first thing most of you will say is that I did it to myself. Here I was, a guy with very little (almost no) sexual experience marrying a woman with, shall we say, a history. I thought that life would be sex, sex, sex... but of course it wasn't. After a few years, my mother gave up asking when she would get...

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CW Heroines

This story takes place in the CWverse. In this story, the female heroes find themselves fighting a strange enemy who has abilities. During the fight, they are sent through a portal and to a strange place. The heroes such as black canary find themselves with no weapons or tools. For the heroes with powers like supergirl, they find their powers taken away. While they explore the place they're in, they quickly realize they're the only female in the place and everyone they come across is a man and...

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GunfighterChapter 9

As I left the lawyer's office, I couldn't help wondering why the railroad was so generous, or, maybe, why were they so anxious to get that right-of-way? I could see why they would go easy on the mineral rights if they were sure there was nothing there, but I sure was surprised about the water situation. I just hoped we wouldn't be hurt when we did find out the reason. I mulled it over all the way home and talked it over with Jane and Sam. Neither one had any idea of the "why" of the...

1 year ago
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Bull stories 1 The meeting of the hot wife

In the feeld-app I noticed her. "Just looking for some fun".It said she was single and looking for an FWB. I assumed she meant Friends with Benefits.That's great, I'm not looking for anything else but a woman to enjoy myself with once in a while.She started the chat before I could.- What would you do to me?A lot went through my head. Oh the things I would like to do.I replied: depends on what you are into!- Anything and everythingShe might regret saying that, I thought."Well, I'd put you on...

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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 1b

When I told Jacqui it was time to go, I picked up the chairs and quietly leaned them against the side of the garage so there wouldn't be any evidence of us watching when Mike and Michelle awoke the next morning.As soon as we got in the car, Jacqui pulled me to her and frantically kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I was so horny from watching Michelle and Mike and now this sexy girl trying to devour me that I returned her kiss just as fervently. When we finally broke away, she told me...

Wife Lovers
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Daddys Little Bitch

Introduction: Katies Stepdad gets fed up with his daughters antics and trains her to be his pet bitch. Daddys Little Bitch by Katie Spencer ([email protected]) *** Chapter 1 Katie wasnt sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 54 and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and...

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Mothers and daughters they choose they use

Part One.“You look gorgeous, both of you,” Steve said.“Why thank you, kind sir!” I giggled. “Shall we give Dad a twirl?”We each turned a three sixty. He nodded his approval, and so he should, our collective outfits had cost, but then he could afford it.He looked handsome, in his dinner jacket. I’d tied his bow tie myself, and as I tied it, so he had fondled my bottom, cupping my bare cheek, then lightly tugging the back of my thong, it rode up into my pussy. I wanted him then, had that feeling...

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Sarah has a wild experience new

Sarah has a wild experienceIt was a hot sunny day as Sarah left school, she often rode home on her bike, sometimes stopping off in the park on the way. Today was no different,the heat was getting to her. The plastic of her saddle was making her knickers damp, peddling to an old tree that had fallen down in the park. Consedering last week it had done nothing but rain the tree was now dry enough to sit on which is exactly what she did. Propping her bike at the end she sat with her legs either...

2 years ago
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A Plaything For Men

The change, when it came, happened when my brother was just turned thirteen, not a life changing affair although it left me perplexed for a while and I had to wait to find out what it was all about. Mother was in a good mood and we had a laugh before she started to make sure we were washed properly, getting my brother to stand up in the bath while she rinsed him down. She was not making a big thing about it but suddenly his penis started to swell and as I watched it went hard and stood out...

4 years ago
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My Slavery 8211 Part I

Hey I am Rony come there in a short time with my new story please send me feedback my id is ok my She had just started college. As is normal, she had been assigned a second year student to help her get to know where things were and what happened. Carole was a really friendly, helpful person and she had become a good friend to Jean already although they had only known each other for a week. The one thing that was obvious from the beginning was that Carole was not as short of cash as other...

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Hotel Heir

You rub your temples, thinking of all the stressful work you have to do today. You sit in your office, at the top off the 20 story skyscraper, and tap your table. In front of you used to be a putting hole, but golf is for old people. You remind yourself of why you got here. You, 21 year old John Doe inherited Doe Corporations, a billion dollar company owning a world-wide branch of hotels, after your parents died in that car crash. It didn't really bother you though, since they sent you to live...

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