Jackson in HRPG World 4 Bubble BotherChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Sara and Carol stepped up to the counter. Sara
handed over her driver's license as identification
and asked for her ticket. Carol did the same with
the other agent. "Why are you flying on a one-way
"We're going to visit my family for Christmas, and
my father has bought me a car, so we'll drive back
to college instead of flying."
"Miss Porter, would you please step over there?"
Apparently Carol was getting the same treatment.
For some reason,. The Transportation Security
people suspect people who travel on one-way
tickets, even though the 9-11 terrorists did not. A
uniformed security man ushered the two room
mates through an unmarked door.
"You are Sara Porter?"
He took her driver's license and looked carefully at
it. "5 feet, 8 inches. A hundred and five pounds.
She looks even skinnier. Red hair, blue eyes. That
checks. Do you use the screen name, Redgirl18?"
"Carol Lepska, 5 feet, 4 inches, 155 pounds. Black
hair, brown eyes."
"I've lost some weight."
"Do you use the screen name, Hunnybun69?"
"Give us your back packs. Empty your pockets on
the table." When they complied. "Cuff 'em."
Sara felt a wave of panic. "What have we done?
Are we under arrest?" she asked, as they cuffed her
hands together behind her back.
"You are under arrest for conspiracy to commit acts
of terrorism. We have dozens of intercepted e-
mails to prove it. You, Sara, suggested poisoning
the congress with ricin by putting castor beans in
the chili in the Capitol Cafeteria. You, Carol,
wanted to steal a propane truck and cause a fuel-air
explosion that would have destroyed several blocks
of downtown Washington."
"It was only a game," protested Carol. "It's called
American Ninja X, and it's just a fantasy."
"Take 'em away." They had black hoods placed
over their heads and agents guided them down a
hall, down stairs, and outside, where they could
hear the sounds of the airport. They were loaded
into a helicopter, which took off and flew for some
time. Sara was nearly airsick, but she didn't vomit.
When she tried to talk to Carol, someone punched
her in the belly and told her to shut up. When the
helicopter landed it must have been a roof-top
heliport --- they were led down three flights of
stairs. When the hoods came off, they found
themselves in a grim room with institutional green
walls and four people, two men, two women,
dressed in camouflage trousers and boots, green tee-
shirts, no name tags or insignia. A woman wrote on
Sara's forehead with a marking pen, and she saw
Carol marked also, 454. Sara was sure she was
"OK, bitch, strip."
"You can't expect me to do that. I'm not getting
undressed in front of men."
The woman had a small object in her hand. She
pressed against Sara, just above the waistband of
her jeans, and a powerful electric shock made Sara
double up and fall on the floor, writhing with pain.
"I said strip."
Sara could see that Carol was already down to her
bra and panties by the time Sara could regain her
feet. Sara pulled off her tee-shirt. She wore no bra,
for her breasts were no bigger than English muffins
on her chest. When Carol took off her bra, Sara
saw altogether more womanly breasts. Sara undid
the waistband of her low-rider jeans and unzipped
the fly, sliding them down her skinny legs, hardly
thicker than a man's arm. She had to kick off her
canvas shoes to step out of the jeans. Then she
removed the pink panties she wore. She saw the
men look at her sparse red pubic hair, until Carol
dropped her thong panties, and they all looked at
her. Carol had a dense black triangle of pubic hair.
One of the men took several photos of the naked
women. Sara wanted to protest but decided not to
risk another electric shock. She had a flash image
of her picture, complete with red pubic hair, on a
web page with a headline about police brutality.
She was certain things were getting worse by the
The woman pulled on latex gloves and instructed
Sara to open her mouth. She ran a finger tip around
Sara's gums and under her tongue, then combed her
fingers through Sara's short red hair. Sara saw
Carol being subjected to the same sort of search,
except that a man was doing it. "Bend over and
grab your ankles. Feet apart. Farther!" Sara
assumed the position. The woman inserted a finger
into Sara's vagina and swirled it around, then.
Quite apart from the humiliation, it felt strange,
being raped, as it were, by a latex-clad finger. With
no preparation or lubrication, she forced her way
through Sara's anus and felt around inside her.
That was a weird feeling. "This one needs an
enema." Sara shuddered at the thought. She had
never had one, and she didn't want anyone raping
her rectum. The man was still "searching" Carol,
three fingers in her vagina, as Sara was led into a
nearby room. It was a sort of communal bathroom,
with several toilets, washbowls, shower heads with
drains in the floor, no privacy at all.
The woman hooked Sara's cuffs to a chain which
hung down from the ceiling, so Sara had to stand
there, bent over, with her arms wrenched upward
until her shoulders hurt. The woman had a hose
with a pistol-grip valve and a long nozzle; it might
have been useful for washing a car or watering
plants. Sara felt the nozzle pressed against her
"nasty place", and cold water surged into her. In
seconds, she was screaming in pain, as the water
stretched her rectum and gurgled up her colon. Just
when she felt she would pass out with pain, the
pressure lessened and she spewed brown stuff
behind her. The woman hosed the shit down a
drain, repeated the process, and left Sara hanging
from her arms. Now Carol was beside her, and the
woman gave her the same treatment. Carol, being
heavier, seemed to have a harder time of it, having
her hands pulled up behind her. Her breasts hung
down like softballs in socks. As the woman sluiced
Carol's shit down the drain, Carol protested that
such treatment was sexual abuse, and she would see
to it that the proper authorities would be informed.
The woman laughed and then spoke with her teeth
clenched. "Listen, bitches, we are the proper
authorities, the only authorities, and we say enemas
are required to assure you are not concealing
contraband. After all, you might have swallowed
capsules of drugs. You will get enemas anytime we
feel like it, and if we feel you need some discipline,
some remedial training, I know how to give you an
enema that will be more painful and last for hours.
Let me warn you; I enjoy doing that. Now shut up
and don't speak unless you are spoken to."
When the young women were once more standing
naked in the green-walled room, a man made each
one swallow three large capsules, washed down
with tepid water, and gave each an injection in the
buttock. They were then led to a large room with
overhead lights, almost like an underground parking
garage, where a number of cells had been erected.
They were about six feet on a side, a bit taller, and
were made of woven wire fencing, both walls and
ceiling, as if they were dog kennels. There was no
privacy at all, and on the way to their cell they
passed several cells with naked men in them. The
men all stared lustfully. Two, Sara noted, had
erections --- but neither Sara nor Carol could do
anything to cover their naked breasts and genitals,
as their hands were cuffed behind them.
Sara and Carol were put in cells which faced each
other across a six foot wide aisle. As soon as the
guards had left, male prisoners started calling to
them. "Hey, honey, how would you like to swallow
my cock?" "Come on, Sweety, stand up and show
us your beautiful cunt. Show us some pink." A
male guard returned, yelling, "Silence! You know
talking is not allowed." Just to emphasize his point,
he thrust a long baton through the wire mesh of the
swallow-my-cock man and jabbed expertly at the
prisoner's scrotum. His cock was too limp to use
after that.
There was no way to tell time. Bright lights shone
through the mesh ceilings of the cells, and no
sounds from the outside world penetrated the place,
which had no windows and was probably
underground. There was only the concrete floor to
sit or lie on. After a while, the capsules they had
swallowed began to have their intended effect.
Sara felt pains in her stomach and intestines and
soon had an irresistible urge to defecate. There was
a sort of trough on the back wall, the closest thing
to a toilet, though there was no way to flush and no
seat to sit on. Sara saw how Carol, her hands
cuffed of course, was able to squat over the trough
with her arms against the wire wall to steady her.
Sara did the same, as runny brown stuff exploded
from her bottom, and watching men snickered.
Feeling a bit better, Sara stood and tried to lie down
to sit would have soiled the floor --- but another
wave of cramping went through her belly, and she
could barely make it to the trough on time. Some
of the men laughed louder.
"They are cruel," said Sara to Carol, who was also
busy defecating. "The guard with the enema hose
reminded me of Dr. Kohler." Carol and Sara called
Dr. Kohler, who taught Western Civ., the Feminist
Bitch from Hell.
Carol said, "Remember what Dr. Kohler said about
how Hitler asked for and got extraordinary powers
after the Reichstag fire? He said the security of
Germany demanded the right to tap phones, read
mail, arrest people and hold them secretly."
"Yes, she said President Bush was like Hitler, and
after 9-11 he asked for and got the same powers."
"Well, the Nazi Gestapo used the same techniques
to humiliate prisoners. If they ever released them,
they gave them a dose of castor oil, so they'd shit
their pants on the way home and be humiliated in
front of their families. When they cuffed us at the
airport, I suddenly understood how it was that
German Jews obediently boarded the railroad cars
that were going to take them to the gas chambers.
They were just like us. Dr. Kohler said that, but I
thought she was just ranting." A guard showed up
and poked Carol with his baton, once on each
breast, and Carol spoke no more.
When she was empty enough to stand up, Sara
realized she was dehydrated and very thirsty. There
was big bag of liquid hanging on the outside of the
door, with a tube entering the cell through the
mesh. On the end of the tube was a realistic black
penis of rubber. The only way to get a drink was to
kneel on the floor and suck on the penis. Sara tried
to think of it as a nipple on a baby bottle; she had
never sucked a penis and couldn't imagine wanting
to. Then it was back to the trough. There was no
way to flush, and the smell was sickening.
Ultimately, Sara managed to empty her bowels and
slake her thirst and get a bit of sleep.
Male guards woke Sara and marched her back to
the green-walled room. One of them pinched her
butt and squeezed her little breasts, but without
much enthusiasm. Sara supposed it was all part of
the standard operating procedure to humiliate
prisoners. From the green room, the woman who
enjoyed giving enemas took Sara to the bathroom
and hosed her off, using a high-pressure blast of
cold water. Sara thought the sadistic guard spent
rather a lot of time aiming at Sara's breasts and
vulva, and, of course, the multiple enemas were
repeated. This time Sara did not resist. She didn't
have to have her arms chained and raised behind
her; she bent over when so ordered. Sara, to
herself, named the woman, Enematrix. E. left Sara
in the green room, as two male guards and an older
man, who was evidently in charge, told Sara to
stand over a spot on the floor. By now, Sara was so
used to having her naked body stared at by men that
it was no longer a torment. She stood tall and met
the older man's eye.
"Well, 455, we have all the evidence we need to
convict you of terrorism. You have been designated
an enemy combatant, so you will be sentenced by a
military tribunal."
"I want a lawyer."
"Enemy combatants are not entitled to a lawyer."
"I'm an American citizen. I have rights."
"Have you never heard of the USA PATRIOT Act?
You can be held indefinitely, even without charges,
though the Supreme Court did say that, someday,
you should get a hearing. The outcome, of course,
is certain."
"My family. They will report me as missing."
"Just another missing teen-age female student. The
police will round up some known sex offenders
and... whatever. It is illegal for anyone to reveal
what has happened to you. We wouldn't want the
other terrorists to know that you have been arrested
and incriminated them."
"But I'm not a terrorist. I can't incriminate
anyone." Sara realized she was in real trouble, and,
unlike the old pulp covers, there was no GI in the
background, gun in hand, to rescue her from these
"You will cooperate." The man drew an automatic
pistol from his holster. "Are you a virgin?" She
shook her head. She had let David have his way
with her, after the senior prom, but she was hardly
sexually experienced. The man approached her
and parted her lower labia with the muzzle. "How
would you like a 9 millimeter hysterectomy?"
"Then I could not incriminate anyone." She felt a
sort of false courage. Don't give into the bastard.
"We will give you an opportunity to think about it.
I don't require much. When I return, you will tell
me the name of the leader of your terrorist cell, the
name of the person who recruited you." Then, to
the guards, he said, "Let her rest in the special
The special chair was an ordinary wooden chair
with two additions. Down the middle of the seat,
from back to front, was a wooden board, on edge,
about as long as the seat and about four inches high.
The upper edge was narrowed to a wedge shape, no
wider than a pencil. The second addition was a lap
belt, like the seat belts on airplanes. The guards
placed Sara's cuffed hands behind the chair back
and lowered her so the board pressed against her
perineum, pressed from her anus to her vulva. The
lap belt prevented her getting up, even if she could
have managed it, and the back of the chair
prevented her from leaning back or leaning
forward, and of course she could not move
sideways, with the board pressed up between her
thighs. The concentrated pressure, her weight
supported an the tiny area, caused pain, which
seemed to increase with time, as the blood was
squeezed from her tender tissues. She tried rocking
her pelvis as much as she could, which only hurt
her anus or shifted her weight to the tender
membranes of her vulva, squashing her inner labia.
She resolved to sit still and bear it. The older man
observed her and smiled.
"I thought, after that Iraqi prison scandal, that they
prohibited torturing prisoners," she said.
The man chuckled. "Armies have always abused
prisoners and always will. The chair you are
enjoying is a variation on the wooden horse, which
the US Army used to torture rebels during the Civil
War. Do not think you can bear the pain
indefinitely. When it starts to go numb, that's when
you are getting nerve damage. When used with a
male, of course, the effect can be quite dramatic.
He will never father children. In your case, you will
still be able to have children, but if the perineal
nerve is damaged, you will never experience
another orgasm. Think about it. I'll be back." The
guards followed him out of the room.
Sara wasn't sure she had ever experienced an
orgasm, and she had never heard of the perineal
nerve, but she knew the pain was increasing. She
tried to keep from screaming, but she moaned
through clenched teeth, while, distractedly, she
tried to figure out what to tell her torturer. After
what seemed like hours of torment, the pain began
to fade, as numbness set in. Sara was desperate to
get out of that chair.
The interrogator returned. Before he could even
ask, she blurted out, "It was Dr. Kohler. She
recruited me."
"You confess, then, that you were part of a terrorist
cell headed by Dr. Kohler?"
"Yes, yes. Let me up. Please let me up!"
The man nodded, and guards released the belt and
lifted Sara to her feet. She screamed, "AHHHH!" as
the blood returned to her tortured flesh and the pain
was as bad as before. Some nerves, at least, were
functioning. They held her as she danced in their
grasp, gasping and moaning until the pain subsided
some. They put a ball gag in her mouth. She
walked bowlegged, with her knees apart, as they
steered her down the hall to another room and
pushed her through the door.
Sara was shocked at what she saw. They had
passed ropes round Carol's breasts, constricting the
base, so that her breasts stood out, round and red,
like pomegranates, and she was hanging from her
engorged breasts, with her feet inches from the
floor. Enematrix stood there holding the first
section of a fishing pole, about 4 feet of fiberglass
rod, the ultimate cane. It swished through the air,
striking Carol's thighs, leaving a distinctive pair of
red welts and eliciting a yelp of pain. Sara could
see that Carol had been caned over all her body
from her shoulders to her knees, except for that part
of her back which was covered by her bruised arms.
There were streaks of blood on Carol's swollen
breasts, which looked like red party balloons,
streaked with jam.
"Your room mate has confessed and named the
leader of your cell. Now, there is nothing to be
gained by your silence. Confirm who it is." Carol
met Sara's eyes. Sara nodded, but she could not
communicate a name. She concentrated, hoping for
mental telepathy or something to save them both
from further torment.
Carol twisted slowly, hanging from the rope which
bound her breasts. Perhaps she remembered the
conversation in the cells. "Dr. Kohler," she said.
In a matter of minutes, they were back in their cells.
Time passed. They were still cuffed, but they could
drink from those obscene penis-nipples. They had
had nothing to eat for many hours, a day or two?
That was a small concern, under the circumstances.
Sara's pain subsided, and she was pleased to see
that Carol's breasts had returned to their normal
color, more or less, and still looked like breasts, in
spite of having been squeezed and stretched
incredibly. They tried to sleep, lying uncomfortably
on the cement floor.
Again guards came. The men led them to an
unfamiliar room and fastened chain collars around
their necks, each with an identification tag which,
of course, could not be read by its wearer. Their
hands were released, and they were given orange
coveralls and told put them on. Well, they were no
longer naked. Things were looking up.
After a wait, Carol and Sara were led into another
room, where three army officers, in dress uniforms,
sat behind a long table, and a man in civilian dress
stood by. "Sara Parker and Carol Lepska are
charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts.
You have before you transcripts of their e-mails and
of their confessions. There is no question of guilt."
The officer in the middle pronounced, "The
defendants are pronounced guilty as charged and
sentenced to five years to life in close confinement
at hard labor. Next case."
"Don't we get to say anything in our own defense?
Confront witnesses?"
"No. Take them away."
Their hands were cuffed, they were fitted with
opaque hoods, and it was off to another helicopter
ride. When the helicopter landed, they were
transferred to a C-130 transport and given sedative
injections, so they passed out.
Carol woke first. Perhaps, with her greater body
weight, the drug wasn't as strong. She was actually
lying on a bed, in a room which was cheerfully
decorated. A young man in medical corpsman's
whites came in and unlocked the handcuffs. "You
need to clean up," he said. It was true, Carol had
wet herself sometime during her unconsciousness.
"Take off your jumpsuit and take a shower, in
When Carol undressed, in the privacy of a real
bathroom, and was adjusting the shower --- such
luxury --- the corpsman came in and said, "Sorry,
but the doctor ordered an enema." Well, thought
Carol, I'm getting used to those. The corpsman was
gentle. He used a lubricated nozzle and gravity
feed from a suspended bag. After about two quarts
of soapy water, all she could hold, he let her sit on
the toilet, watching her while she expelled the
solution. Then there was another two quarts, clear
water. She needed no more, for by now she was
empty from stomach to anus, it seemed. At last she
got her shower, in privacy, with soap and shampoo
and a wash cloth and nice towels. She was feeling
much better.
When she indicated that she was done, the
corpsman led her into an examining room, where he
weighed her and took her blood pressure and some
vials of blood, for the lab, he said. A doctor came
in, a middle-aged woman with Lieutenant Colonel
rank insignia on her white lab coat. She scanned
Carol's ID tag with a bar code reader and read the
file which came up on a screen. Methodically she
examined Carol, listening to her chest, checking her
breasts for lumps or damage. "Your skin,
especially on your breasts, suggests that you were
caned rather severely. Is that so?"
"Any other injuries that I should know about?"
"I don't think so. I've had some pretty painful
enemas, and it must be days since I've eaten, but I
guess my body is pretty intact, except for bruises."
The doctor made some entries on her keyboard
while the corpsman took pictures, whole body and
close-ups of Carol's breasts.
"OK, up on the examining table, " said the doctor,
and Carol climbed up. The corpsman helper her put
her feet in the stirrups. It was all so "normal" that
she didn't even feel ashamed that the corpsman, a
man about her own age, could see right into her
crotch. "Are you sexually active?" asked the
doctor, as she put on latex gloves.
"No. Well, I'm not a virgin. I lost my virginity in
high school, but I haven't had sex since. Guys
don't like fat girls." The doctor examined her
external genitalia. "Fairly lush growth of pubic
hair. Labia majora are full and almost conceal the
inner labia. The hood of her clitoris is just visible,
with her legs spread. Do you masturbate a lot,
"Some. Doesn't everyone?"
The doctor spread Carol's labia and tried to push
back the hood of her clitoris. "Let's get a better
look at that." The corpsman handed her a small
plastic cylinder with a tube to a small hand pump.
The doctor placed it over Carol's clitoris and pulled
a mild vacuum on the cylinder. The little pink
clitoris engorged with blood and poked out into the
clear plastic like the end of a little finger. "Looks
good," she remarked. "Did it feel good, too?"
Carol did not reply. The doctor released the
vacuum, and the little pink clit retracted. She
unwrapped a cheap plastic speculum, and inserted it
in Carol's vagina, twisting a little ratchet to spread
the walls of her vagina. Carol grunted in protest.
"I can believe you haven't had sex lately." She
took a smear with a swab and took a close-up flash
photo of the cervix. "When was your last period?"
"It's due any day now. I'm pretty regular, every full
"OK. Tell the guards when you have your period,
and I'll see you after that. Don't want you
pregnant." Then she collapsed the speculum and
tossed it in the waste basket. She put a dab of
lubricant on Carol's rosebud and explored the anus
and rectum, as far as she could reach with her
finger. There was something about a finger in her
most private place that disturbed Carol. She was
aware that she was breathing heavily. "No evident
tearing or hemorrhoids," the doctor noted. "Still,
we'd better take precautions." She selected a
conical butt plug, lubed it, and began to press it into
Carol's anal passage.
"Ow. That hurts. You'll tear me."
"No, I know what I'm doing. It's no bigger than a
good bowel movement. If we loosen things now,
there's less chance of tearing later." The plug
popped in, and as the anal sphincter muscles
contracted around the smaller diameter near the
base, the pain subsided.
"How will I go to the bathroom?"
"You are a bit overweight, a bit Rubenesque, for
modern fashions. I'm going to put you on a special
diet, very low fiber. You shouldn't need to have a
bowel movement for at least a week, and weekly
thereafter. When you have to have one, you will
come back here, and one of the corpsmen will clean
you out and probably give you another anal
obturator, a bigger plug. Now, stand up and let me
measure you."
Carol stood while the doctor measured her bust, her
spine, her waist, her hips, every which way , it
seemed. Carol had to stand there, letting the
corpsman feast his eyes, while the doctor
rummaged around in a store room. She returned
with, of all things, corsets, an old fashioned affair
out of the nineteenth century. Humming to her self,
she tried it on Carol, then went back for another.
The new one seemed satisfactory to the doctor, and,
with the corpsman's help, she put it on Carol. In
front, it went from just below Carol's breasts to just
over her pubic bone. "Oops, the busk is a bit
long, but that's alright." She had the corpsman
shave Carol's pubic hair at the top, so that the
garment would contact the skin. Carol wasn't
happy, having that guy shaving her pubic hair, but
she was in no position to complain. "Now, you see
why they call them corsets. There are two halves,
joined in front with a sort of parachute ripcord. I
zipper might be better, but of course they didn't
exist when these things were designed. There's a
loop on this wire, which functions like the hinge pin
of a piano hinge. If there's an emergency, you faint
or something, someone can pull the wire out, and
the two halves will come apart. It's only for
emergencies, because it's a lot of bother to get
things back together. There are steel stays in there,
which will make it impossible to bend at the waist,
but you won't need to. It will do wonders for your
posture. Now, it seems to be cut high enough at the
hips and buttocks, and it doesn't cut into your
breasts, does it?" Carol shook her head. The
doctor got the corpsman to help her with the laces
in back. "When we lace it up properly, it will
compress her floating ribs and move her waistline
upwards from its present location. Men think that's
sexy. It has to be that high, so as not to strangle her
intestines, which could be fatal. Instead, her
stomach will be compressed, which means she will
eat much less, and, voila, she will lose weight."
As the laces were tightened, starting at the bottom,
above the crack of her ass, Carol felt more and
more uncomfortable. "I can't breathe," she
"No, not the way you are used to, with your
diaphram. You will have to breathe by expanding
your upper rib cage. You'll get the hang of it, and it
will make your bosom heave enticingly as you
inhale." When they were done, Carol was breathing
in shallow pants, but she was getting used to it.
"Go sit over there and get used to it. Wait while I
see the next patient. We may have to tighten the
laces again.
By then, Sara was awake, and she went through the
same routine, the enema, the shower, then the
examination. Sara was surprised to see Carol
sitting there in a fantastic black thing that even
Victoria's Secret probably couldn't match. The
doctor was methodical. "Breasts, symmetric, but
not prominent, barely an A-cup." Photo. "Pubic
hair sparse, wavy, the same reddish color as her
hair, must be a natural redhead. Outer labia thin
and flat." Photo "Inner labia protrude, perhaps half
a centimeter. Color normal. Hmmm, I can't find
the clitoris or its hood. It seems to be completely
covered." The doctor felt around with her finger,
moving it from side to side. "Yes, there is a ridge-
like structure under there, but there is no opening
for access. 455, do you mastubate?"
"A little, I guess."
"Do you have orgasms easily?"
"I'm not sure. I'm not sure what an orgasm feels
like. It feels good, but not like the other girls
describe it."
"Are you sexually active?"
"No. I'm not a virgin. When I was thirteen, a
friend of mine dared me, and we took my virginity
with a zucchini."
"Has a man ever ejaculated inside you?"
"Once, after my senior prom. He used a condom, of
course. Last month, I had one ejaculate on my leg.
I gave him a hand job."
"So, you don't exactly enjoy sex?"
"I'd like to, but... I guess I can take or leave it."
The doctor shook her head. "You may not have
much choice, here." She went on to the vaginal
examination, using a smaller speculum. "When
was you last period?"
"Two or three months ago. I'm very irregular."
"When did you have your first period?"
"I was thirteen. It was right after the zucchini, and I
was afraid I'd injured myself, but of course my
mother explained it to me and gave me some
sanitary napkins."
"So, you don't use tampons?"
"I didn't think so. And you can't be pregnant, but
you are sexually mature. I'm a little concerned, that
with your irregular periods you might get pregnant
and not know it. We'll have to have a follow up
visit and make sure you are protected. I'm going to
give you a shot. It may make your breasts a bit
tender, or make them grow, but that's alright." She
finished up with the photo of the cervix, the smear,
and the injection, right into the lumen of the cervix.
Then she added some additional pregnancy
insurance, "super glue" in the vagina, to make
penile penetration impossible. It burned for a
moment, but Sara bore the pain. Better than rape.
Last item was a butt plug. "Most of the women
prisoners have them. It saves a lot of grief. OK,
wait there with 454, while I write some orders."
Then to the corpsman, "Call for an escort to take
these prisoners to the women's block."
The prison, such as it was, seemed to be an annex to
a large, irrigated farm, in a desert. There was a ten
foot tall steel fence, a wall, really, which concealed
what was behind it. It was painted sand color.
When the women were led through a gate, they
could see that the prisoners were housed in large,
wall-less barns, but they had seen horses and cattle
in similar barns and fenced enclosures, so, from the
air or even from a distance, one would identify the
complex as a farm. Sara wondered where it could
be: Arizona, New Mexico, Old Mexico, Iraq? It
was evening, in winter, so the air was cool. Sara's
bare nipples rose to the occasion. One of the guards
escorting her pinched her nips and gave her ass a
squeeze, but she took no notice. She'd experienced
worse in the halls between classes in high school.
Carol, of course, got rather more attention,
particularly her breasts, which were lifted and thrust
forward by her corsets. In the middle of the
enclosure, they were met by an older woman,
dressed in green tee-shirt and camo pants like the
other guards. She was deeply tanned, with a face
like a prune. Her race was in doubt.
"Well, girls, welcome to Camp Dreary. Unless you
volunteer for special duty, you can plan on being
here for years. There's plenty of work for you,
weeding the crops, mucking out the livestock barns,
that sort of thing, and if there isn't enough real
work to keep you busy, we can have you carry rocks
or dig holes and fill them up again. You will
behave yourselves and obey any guard without
question. If you are good girls, life won't be too
bad. If you are not good girls, we have many ways
to make you regret your misbehavior. Take a look
over there." She pointed to a pillory, in one of the
barns. A bald woman, gagged, was bent over, her
neck and hands held between wooden boards, just
like colonial days. "I assure you, her ass is red. It
will be a while before she refuses an order again.
"For various reasons, you will mostly work at night
and sleep during the day. Do not even think of
escape. It wouldn't be so difficult to slip away
from a work detail in the dark, but you wouldn't get
far out there in the desert. The sun would fry you,
your bare feet would get cut to ribbons, and the
nearest water is more than thirty miles away. I
won't tell you which way. If you are missing from
the count, you will be found, dead or alive. You
may wish you were dead, for you will be punished."
Since Carol was on light duty status, she was
assigned a cell at the end of the barn, pretty much
out of sight of the others, since many of the cells
were still vacant. The guard, an older man with
desert leather skin, said, "Since you are a special
case, you can sleep tonight, and we'll find light
work for you tomorrow. When they call out the
others for the count, don't leave your cell."
"I haven't eaten in days. When can I eat?"
"You get the standard prisoners' liquid diet. You
have to suck on the dispenser." He indicated a pair
of those awful rubber penises. "On the left is water.
On the right is liquid food. It's kind of like melted
ice cream. Normally, one of the prisoners is
detailed to fill the dispensers twice a day."
"That bucket under your bed. You'll be told when
you can empty it. There's a trench over there. The
crops get running water. You don't."
"Thank you. Can I go to bed now?"
"Just one more thing. Bend over, legs apart, and
press your tits against the bed." After the warnings
from the older woman, Carol complied without
delay. It was awkward, with her torso held rigidly
straight. There was no blanket on the bed, just a
plastic-covered pad, so her breasts felt strange
against the plastic, already cool in the evening. She
supported some of her weight on her elbows, as her
breasts were still sore from their beating, and she
didn't want to open any healing wounds. The guard
pulled her butt plug with a quick pull and
immediately put the head of his penis in its place.
"Please, I've never had... Ahh!" Her plea was cut
short when the guard thrust the full length of his
big dick into her ass, heaving her forward against
the bed and mashing her breasts against the
padding. There were a few seconds of confusion,
as Carol was bumped against her bed, and then the
guard ejaculated into her. He quickly pulled out
and re-inserted the butt plug, which slipped in
easily in the stretched anus. He dropped his condom
in her toilet bucket.
"I don't suppose you enjoyed that, but I did," he
said. "Camp Dreary is a hell hole assignment, but
there are compensations. I have the power to do
anything I want to you. Any guard does. Don't
forget it. I'm sensible enough to use a condom. A
guard can get an Article 15 for contracting a
venereal disease, but some guards will take the risk.
If you think you have picked up something, notify
the commandant, the woman who greeted you just
now. Any questions?"
"Good night."
Carol knelt and sucked on the food dispenser,
reminding herself once again that, while it looked
like a penis, there was no man attached. She
couldn't think of anything more disgusting than
sucking on a man's penis, though getting raped in
the ass was pretty close. She reflected that her life
was very different now. Forced sodomy, back
home, was a felony, but here the guard took it as his
due. At home, he could get twenty years in prison
and be branded, life-long, as a registered sex
offender. Here, all he got was a smile. Everything
considered, her first experience with sodomy wasn't
all that bad. It didn't last long. It wasn't as bad as
a painful enema. It surely was better than being
Even though Carol was very hungry, she found she
couldn't drink as much as she expected. It was
true, about the corsets compressing her stomach.
As the light faded, Carol lay on her bed --- it looked
like a World War two surplus cot --- and hugged her
breasts. She would have liked to curl up in a ball,
as she had as a child, but the corset stays prevented
that. She felt the plug in her anus. There was
almost something reassuring about it being there;
she didn't know why. She heard some noise, a
whistle, clanking of doors and shouting, but she was
already half asleep.
After the pep talk from the female commandant,
Sara was taken to her cell, the standard woven wire
model, by a female guard who looked only a year or
so older than Sara. She carried one of those fiber-
glass rods. Sara hoped she didn't use it. She had
seen what they did to Carol. The guard had short,
bleached, blonde hair and, under her clinging tee-
shirt, a bra full of breast, a C-cup, Sara estimated.
The guard showed her the assigned cell, explained
about the toilet bucket and feeding provisions. "In
a few minutes, you will hear a whistle. That is the
signal for you to leave your cell and line up outside.
The doors normally aren't locked. Just go to the
right of the line of other prisoners. There will be a
count, to assure that everyone is accounted for.
Don't be late, or you will be punished. Prisoners
will be taken to various work details. About dawn,
you will be brought back here. You will be given a
few minutes for personal things, like emptying your
toilet bucket, and then, at the whistle, you will go to
your cell for the day. One other thing. You see
those fences. They are there so no one outside sees
you and you don't see what goes on outside. There
is a "dead line", a white tape, on the ground, about
8 feet from the fence. Don't cross it. Used to be,
you'd be dead, shot by a guard, but we don't do that
any more. You will, however, be punished, and you
may wish you were dead."
Sara sucked on the right hand penis until it was
empty, and drank some warm water, too. She sat
on her bunk, feeling the butt plug trying to stretch
her anus under the pressure of the mattress pad.
She was overwhelmed by everything. Some time
ago, she didn't know how long that was, she was a
college student on her way home for Christmas.
Now, she was a prisoner, maybe for life, in a
hellish, isolated, inhumane prison camp where
everything seemed contrived to make her miserable.
A whistle blew, and Sara instantly opened her cell
door and ran outside, to the right of a line of
similarly naked women who wore nothing but the
chain collar, and maybe a butt plug. As more
women arrived and forced their way into the line,
Sara had to side step to the right. The woman who
had been in the pillory stepped into line next to
Sara. Yes, her ass was red, and her wrists and neck
showed the abrasions from being in the pillory.
There was no opportunity to talk. It was dusk, with
the sun below the level of the fences, so the "parade
ground" was in shadow. The moon, not quire full,
was visible low in the eastern sky, but it did not
shed much light. One last woman ran to get in line.
The busty blonde guard strode toward her.
"No, please! I was going to the bathroom," the
prisoner said, softly. The guard said something
Sara couldn't hear. The woman, crying already,
bent over with her hands on her knees and received
three whacks with the rod on her bare bottom.
A male guard led them in calisthenics, jumping
jacks, deep knee bends, toe touches, a dozen or so
exercises while he counted out, "One, two, three,
four." Then, "Left face." The prisoners turned left
and ran in a line around the parade ground, staying
a couple of feet inside the dead line until they
returned to their original position. Sara, of course,
was last in line, and she had to try very hard to keep
up, as the blond with the fiber glass cane came up
behind her and shouted encouragement, emphasized
by the whiz of the rod through the air behind Sara.
Two guards on horseback, with rifles in scabbards
and long whips in their hands, led the way, and the
prisoners were marched, single file, through several
gates and fences. Sara could see another enclosed
area, even bigger, which she supposed might be the
men's portion of the prison. They were marched a
mile or more along a track between fields, followed
by a Hummer carrying the female guards. Sara
estimated there must be nearly fifty women ahead
of her, ranging from teen age to middle age. When
they reached their destination, a huge potato field,
the Hummer provided a flood light, and the women
were each assigned a row to weed. A plastic hose
along each row provided drip irrigation, which, of
course, irrigated the weeds, too. Sara and the others
progressed along, stooping over or on their knees,
pulling weeds. The woman from the pillory was in
the next row, almost at Sara's shoulder.
After a while, during which Sara discovered
muscles she didn't know she had, muscles which
ached in protest against the unfamiliar work, Sara
said, "My name's Sara. What's your's."
"392. We're not allowed to use our old names.
What's your number?"
"455. How is it you are bald?"
"Just part of the punishment, the humiliation.
Usually they take your pubic hair first, and then, if
you misbehave, they shave your head. They rape
you, front, rear, and topside, to break your spirit.
The shitheads are pretty good at it, considering how
dumb they are. There must be a field manual
somewhere on abusing prisoners."
"What did you do to get sent here?"
"Shhh, keep your voce low. We're not supposed to
be talking. I was convicted of providing material
support to terrorists. My boyfriend, who was
unemployed and living with me, was convicted of
terrorism. He may have been dealing drugs, but he
wasn't a terrorist. Of course, the Feds got more
points and an easier conviction by charging him
with terrorism. You've heard the lies, that terrorists
are financed by drug sales. Shit, if that's the case,
the DEA is guilty of treason, for granting a
monopoly in drug dealing to the terrorists. The
Drug Enforcement Agency ought to be called the
Drug Price Support Agency. They eliminate any
honest competition. Anyway, they gave me five to
"Same here," said Sara, "except they thought the
role-playing game we were playing on-line was a
genuine terrorist plot."
"The shitheads are dumb. Just like the airport
inspectors who take away a GI Joe doll, because it
comes with a plastic gun. Anything that looks like
a gun is equally illegal. You realize that if
passengers could carry guns, 9-11 wouldn't have
happened. If I was armed and somebody tried to hi-
jack my flight, I'd shoot the fucker. Ooops, here
comes a guard."
When the guard had passed, 392 was several feet
ahead of Sara, and they couldn't talk. A C-130
transport flew overhead and landed somewhere
behind the farm/prison complex. About midnight,
judging from the moon, they called a break. The
women prisoners crowded around the Hummer,
taking turns sucking water from a water bag
equipped with several rubber penises. Sara
realized that, in the dry desert, sweat evaporated so
fast that she did not realize how much water she
was losing. A female guard, maybe thirty-five and
somewhat overweight, called to Sara. "455, you,
the new girl, come here."
Sara approached the woman and stood at attention.
"You are a cutie." The guard reached out and felt
Sara's left breast, gently at first, but ending with a
painful squeeze. "Follow me." She led Sara
around the Hummer, to the dark side. She drew
Sara too her and kissed her mouth, as she slid her
finger between Sara's labia. She tried to penetrate
Sara's vagina but could not. "What the shit! Have
you no cunt?" Sara shook her head. "Jesus Fucking
Christ, I can't find a clit either!" She squatted in
front of Sara and examined her with a flashlight.
"Shit, you aren't a woman. You're a dickless boy.
Get back to work."
Sara found 392, her only friend, now that Carol had
disappeared. "How many guards are there, all
"I don't know much about the men's section, but
there are four men and four women with us, plus
the commandant. That guard who called you out,
we call her Dyke. I don't know how you got back
so fast. Can you eat her out that quickly?"
"No, she called me a dickless boy and sent me
392 actually laughed. "Lucky you. I guess no one
would call you voluptuous. The busty blonde
guard, we call her Tits. She's straight, I think, and
she's not bad, just strict, doing her job. The two
guys on horses, we call them Bruce and Willis.
They're gay, a couple. The army looks the other
way, you know, don't ask don't tell. They have a
tough enough time keeping men. The older guy, the
one who butt-fucked your friend... You didn't
know? I saw. Anyway, we call him John. The guy
who led the exercises, we call him Big Dick,
because he has a huge cock, and that's where his
brains are, if you know what I mean."
"Does Big Dick..." asked Sara in a frightened tone,
"actually... I mean does he have sex with the
"Every one. It's a point of pride with him, even the
older women and the ones who don't speak English.
Just wait. Your turn will come. Not just Big Dick
and John, sometimes they invite guards, men and
women, from the men's prison to come on over and
have a party, with us as the party favors."
"That's awful. Doesn't anyone stop it? The
commandant, or her superior?"
"No, 455. You don't understand. It's policy. It's
part of the punishment. It's compensation for the
guards, being stuck here in Camp Dreary. Would
you want to work here, if there wasn't something
extra in it for you?" A whistle blew, sending the
women back to work.
By the time the prisoners were marched back to the
compound, the sun was high and the air was
warmer. The prisoners were hot and dirty, but they
were allowed to wash sort of. There were three
stock watering tanks, galvanized iron tubs about
three feet high and ten feet long, arranged in a line,
with wooden steps between them. Prisoners lined
up and went single file up the steps to the first tank,
down into soapy water, on to the next, a rinse, and
on to the last, a final rinse. It was much like
washing dishes, and it conserved water, since all the
prisoners could wash without using more water than
that which clung to their skin. Sara was worn out,
all aches and pains, but she waited in line and took
her turn scrubbing the dirt off, especially her sore
knees. Back at her cell, after drinking "food" and
water, she flopped on her plastic covered pad and
fell asleep. When the temperature is over 80, it's
easy to sleep in the nude. She was awakened by the
sound of her cell door opening. "Slut, get up!"
roared Big Dick.
Sara jumped to attention, instinctively trying to
cover her private parts. She could see the
inhabitants of nearby cells were all awake and
watching. Big Dick turned her around and cuffed
her hands behind her. Then he dropped his trousers
-- he didn't seem to believe in underwear -- and
lay down on her bed, on his back. His huge cock
was erect. He held it straight up and said, "Climb
aboard and sit on by cock."
"I can't," said Sara.
"No, is not an option for you. You'll be punished
for that. Now climb up here and slide down on my
Sara got up onto the bed, with her knees either side
of his body, facing him. She slowly moved until
she felt the tip of his huge tool touching her labia
minora. "Sit," he commanded. She lowered
herself, but the thing would not go in. "Tight pussy,
eh? Come on, it will stretch." He bucked his hips,
so forcefully that Sara fell over backward, but the
glue held and the cock would not penetrate. "Shit,
she was right. "You're a dickless boy." He thought
for a moment. "Well, I'll pretend you are a woman.
Suck my cock." Sara was shaking her head. "No,
you can't say no. Suck it. Go ahead, you've had a
enough practice on the rubber pricks."
Sara resumed her kneeling and leaned forward. His
big cock slid up the crack of her ass, bumping
against her butt plug. She backed up until she could
put her lips around the end of it, while Big Dick
held his foreskin back. Tentatively, trying not to be
sick from the smell of it, she licked and sucked the
tip. Big Dick smiled, and then her grabbed her
head with both hands and pulled her down on his
monster prick. Sara gagged and got a panicked
look in her eyes. Her chest heaved, as she tried to
suck air and got only meat in her throat. Big Dick
moved her head back, just far enough for her to
gasp for air, and then he fucked her throat again.
For Sara, any thoughts of shame or sexiness were
displaced by her fear of death by asphyxia. At last
he ejaculated and released her head. She sat up,
straining to suck in air and choking on semen. She
coughed, spraying cum over Big Dick, coughing
and gasping for air.
Big Dick exploded with rage, throwing her off him
and onto the concrete floor. "Bitch, you've got it
coming." He picked her up --- she didn't weigh
half of his weight --- and plopped her on her back,
crosswise on the bed, on her cuffed arms. He
pulled up his trousers and, out of one of the big
cargo pockets, he took a coil of rope and a pocket
knife. "I'm going to beat your ass and cut your clit,
Sara heard a collective sigh from the female
spectators. She was paralyzed with fear and did
not resist as he spread her legs obscenely and tied
each ankle to an end of the bed, cutting lengths of
rope for the purpose. Her legs were so spread that
her hip joints hurt and the muscles of her inner
thighs were stretched painfully. Her head was up
against the wire wall of the cell. She could see her
upthrust pubes. He still held the rest of the coil of
rope, and he used it as a whip, the loops of rope
thudding on Sara's mons, on her labia, on her
thighs, her buttocks, and her butt plug. From time
to time, he would beat her breasts, but mostly he
aimed at her vulva, where her inner lips were
visible to hit when her legs were spread so wide.
Sara cried out in pain with every blow, but a strange
thing happened. Every time a loop of rope struck
the upper end of her female cleft, the end away
from her sealed vagina, she felt... tingles. The more
he beat her, the more she concentrated on the
strange feeling. Even her breasts, abused as never
before, seemed almost to enjoy the pain. To her
surprise, she became lost in another world, seemed
absorbed by the quivering of her insides, seemed
oblivious to pain, sensitive only to the shuddering
inside her. She writhed in her bondage and sighed,
relaxing in a state she had never before
His pocket knife was a multi-purpose tool, knife,
fishhook remover, saw, file, can and bottle opener,
pliers. "I'm going to twist your clit off, bitch," he
said, parting her labia. "Shit, no clit!" He pulled
on her inner lips with his fingers and the pliers, but
he could not see her clitoris. Sara was half drugged
from her orgasm, and as he pinched the place where
he expected a clit, she had another shuddering
orgasm. Then he used his pliers to pull out the
wavy strands of her pubic hair, a tuft at a time. He
worked his way down, from top to bottom, ending
by searching out the stragglers close to her butt
plug. "That's two punishments," he said, staring at
her naked, reddened, bruised "bikini area". "You
get one more. I said I'd cut your clit." There were
gasps again from the spectators. "You don't have
one, so I'll cut your cunt."
With one hand, he pulled her inner lips toward him,
stretching them. Then he slipped the blade of his
knife between them and cut toward her navel, as if
opening an envelope or gutting a fish. Sara
screamed and fainted, a vasovagal response to stress
which deprived her brain of blood.
The guard, Big Dick, looked at her bloody cunt and
closed eyes, afraid that he might have killed her or
something. He left in a hurry, leaving Sara spread
on the bed.
Before long, Tits arrived. She dabbed at the blood
with a Kleenex, then concentrated on releasing
Sara, who was now fully conscious. "I don't
suppose you feel like walking," Tits said. She
picked up Sara in a fireman's carry, over her
shoulders, and went out a gate toward the clinic.
Sara was placed on her back on an examining table.
The corpsman was there, and he swabbed Sara's
wound and held a gauze bandage against it until the
bleeding stopped. The doctor arrived. "How did
this happen?"
"Sanchez cut her with his pocket knife."
"Hardly sterile. I suppose he thought she needed to
be punished?"
"She coughed when he came and spattered him
with semen."
"Yes. Herself, too. Corpsman, can you clean her
up a little? 455, can you raise you knees for me so I
can get a better look? That's it, spread them as
wide as you can." The doctor peered at Sara's
mutilated labia. "I can't just sew her up without
evaluating the damage to the underlying tissues.
Corpsman, get me some local anesthetic, please."
Tits held Sara's head and talked to her, making sure
she couldn't see what the doctor and corpsman
were doing. The doctor seemed very busy, with
swabs and a cauterizing scalpel, some stitches and
liquid bandage. She finished with an injection,
which would have been very painful, had Sara's
vulva not been deadened. Finally, the doctor held
up a mirror and said, let her look. Sara looked.
"You see here, 455," indicating with a gloved finger
tip, you do have a clitoris. What you don't have
very much of, anymore, is a hood over it. I couldn't
just sew up the knife wound. There would have
been scarring and adhesions and God knows what
complications, probably infection and no drainage.
Now, 455, where other women have a hood, like the
foreskin on a penis, that protects the clitoris, you
have a more or less permanently exposed clitoris.
See, this tubular structure, like a miniature penis.
With the covering membranes trimmed back, they
can heal without adhering to the clitoris, and the
wounds will stay dry. I'm afraid you will find your
clitoris is very sensitive, when the anesthetic wears
off, but you may find you like that. Also, I opened
up your vagina, removed the glue with acetone.
That may burn a bit, from the acetone, but don't let
that worry you; there's no damage internally. We
do have a problem, how to protect the area while
your trimmed back membranes heal. If I simply
bandage it, it will get wet and stay wet and infection
will set in. I could keep you here, with your legs
spread, but that would be very inconvenient.
Fortunately, my hobby is antiques, and I think I may
know just the thing for you, a chastity belt. It will
take a few minutes to make"
Some time later, Tits led Sara back to her cell. Sara
walked a little awkwardly, getting used to the
apparatus the doctor had fitted to her. There were
chains, like her collar, which went around her waist
and down the crack of her backside. The butt plug
was removed. From just in front of her anus to a
point not far below her navel there was an
aluminum piece, cut from sheet and hammered into
shape, held against her body by the chains. It was
solid, except over her vagina, where there were
several holes. She could urinate, or even
menstruate, but nothing much bigger than a pencil
could be inserted into her vagina, and her exposed
clit was entirely covered, with a quarter inch of air
between the inside of the metal crotch piece and the
sensitive pink tiger button.
455 was assigned light duty, with a daily check-up
by the doctor. Tits said, since they would be
sleeping at night and might get cold, perhaps 454
should share 455's bed. She gave them a blanket
they could share. They were room mates once
again, though they had to share a narrow cot. The
other prisoners assembled for their exercises and
work details, leaving Carol and Sara alone in the
barn, huddled together under the blanket. Sara told
Carol what had happened. "I guess I was lucky in
comparison," said Carol. "It was John who butt-
fucked me."
"No, how awful."
"Not as bad as being choked by a penis or having
your clit cut."
"Yes, you are right. I hope you never get a visit
from Big Dick, his real name is Sanchez, but they
say he fucks every prisoner. What are you doing?"
"Just touching myself. All this talk about sex...
Well, it doesn't seem to do much good to play with
myself. Good night."
That morning, as Tits supervised their "light duty"
jobs, which included shoveling manure from a
horse barn, the doctor stopped by and said, "455,
when you are done, don't wash in the dip tanks; you
could get a nasty infection. I'll tell them to bring
you to the clinic, and you can shower there. 454,
too. She'll need her laces tightened."
So it continued for two more days, until the full
moon. Both women had their periods. The
corpsman removed Sara's chastity belt, gave her an
enema, and left her to finish her shower. Sara
aimed the shower at her healing vulva and
discovered an amazing thing. Her clitoris was very
sensitive, and just the stimulation of a stream of
water was enough to make her have a shuddering
orgasm. Carol came in, minus her corsets, and
found Sara curled up on the floor, the classic fetal
position, amazed at her response. Carol helped her
to her feet and then, incredulously, tried a solid
stream of water, sluicing it down Sara's vulva like a
river running down a canyon. In seconds, Sara
called out, and her knees gave way.
The doctor seemed pleased, and she told Sara to
rest on the examining table. She watched while the
corpsman gave Carol her enema, and then she told
him to try the stream of water on 454's clit. Carol
squirmed and moaned, but she didn't come. "Wait
around, 454, and help me with your friend. I'll get
back to you."
With Sara on the table, feet in the stirrups, the
doctor examined her "circumcision." It seemed
healed well enough. She inserted two gloved
fingers into Sara's tight vagina and, with the other
hand, teased the exposed clitoris until Sara was
about to come a third time. The doctor, monitoring
the expansion of the vagina, the retraction of the
cervix, knew just when to stop, leaving Sara on the
edge. "Please, don't stop," pleaded Sara. The
doctor smiled and gently stroked the erect clit until
Sara screamed, "Oh, God!" and went limp.
"Very nice responses," noted the doctor. "Did you
enjoy that, 455?" Sara nodded, still wiped out and
groggy from her experience. Carol was amazed;
Sara was a new woman.
The doctor and the corpsman slipped a speculum
into 455; she was past objecting. Carol held Sara's
head, which kept both of them from seeing the
details of what happened. After an injection, right
into the cervix, they dilated the cervix and inserted
an intra-uterine device. They finished off by
putting a tampon in the vagina. "You may need
tampons for a few days. I'll give you some to take
back with you. Then, you may not have another
period for about five years, but you must let me
know if you do. I've inserted a slow-release
capsule of hormones which should inhibit your
menstrual cycle. You may find your breasts
growing a bit, perhaps feeling more sensitive, but
that's no problem." The doctor examined Sara's
breasts, stroking them and sliding her latex-clad
palm over the nipples. "Nice response from your
nipples. Does that feel pleasant?" Sara nodded.
"Good. I want you to do that to 454's breasts while
I work on her. Try to keep her nipples erect. She
has nice breasts, don't you think? You may squeeze
them, if need be, to distract 454."
Sara did as she was told, while the doctor and
corpsman put the hormone-containing IUD into
Carol's uterus. "454, does having your breasts
manipulated turn you on?"
"It's OK, but I'm not turned on."
"No, I didn't think so. Corpsman, if you wouldn't
mind, put on a condom? It will be a bit messy, but,
while she's in the stirrups, go ahead and see if you
can make her come. The corpsman began by
cleaning Carol's clitoris, which was streaked with
menstrual blood after the vaginal dilation and all
that. Then he licked and sucked it. "No, orgasm,
yet, 454?" Carol shook her head. "Go ahead, fuck
her cunt. Make her come." The corpsman dropped
his uniform trousers and inserted his condom-clad
penis, which had been erect for quite a while.
While he leaned over and squeezed Carol's breasts,
he plunged in and out, making slurping noises with
each stroke as he tried to make her come. Sara
stood back and watched, fascinated. The corpsman
ejaculated and pulled out, his penis soft.
"Do you think you can get it up again?" asked the
"Maybe, with a little help."
"454, did you not enjoy being fucked by a nice
young man? Did you have an orgasm?"
"Well, doctor, I can't say that I did."
"I didn't think you had. Why not?"
"I don't know, doctor. It seemed so... seemed sort
of sterile, passionless, so clinical. I don't think I've
ever had an orgasm with a man."
"You prefer girls?"
"Oh, no, I'm straight. It's just that... I don't know."
"Have you had orgasms when you masturbate?"
"Once or twice, maybe."
"What did you do to make yourself come?"
"I don't know."
"Yes, you do, 454. Don't lie to me."
"Well, once I used a deodorant bottle."
"In your vagina."
"No, in back."
"And you fantasized. You pretended you were
being raped, by a lustful Arab, perhaps."
"Something like that, I guess. How did you know?"
"And you don't do that more often, because you felt
"I guess so."
The doctor took the corpsman aside and had a short
discussion with him. He stripped off the condom
and got dressed. Then he helped the doctor
reposition 454. They placed her face down on the
table and used surgical tape to fasten her arms to
table legs. They taped her knees to the other table
legs, so she her legs were straight and her rump was
raised. The corpsman went on his way. The doctor
slipped a tampon in Carol's bloody cunt. "455,"
said the doctor, "you will have to assist." She
handed Sara an 18-inch wooden straight edge.
"Spank her buttocks with that."
"Doctor, she's my friend. I can't hurt her."
"You will do it because she is your friend. Would
you rather one of the guards beat her ass?"
Sara used the flat wooden stick to slap Carol's
buttocks, not all that hard, but hard enough that they
turned bright pink. "Keep it up, 455. See how wet
she is getting?" Sara did, surprised that her friend
was getting sexually turned on by a spanking with a
The corpsman returned with the guard, John. John
dropped his trousers, put on a condom, and took his
position behind the prisoner. "455," said the
doctor, "you are a wanton slut who deserves to be
degraded until you come. You will come,
understand?" Without waiting for a response, the
doctor removed the butt plug, smeared a large glob
of surgical jelly over Carol's anus, and motioned to
"Oh, ow!" said Carol, as John's tool once more
invaded her rectum. "Uh, uh, uh," she cried in
rhythm with his thrusts. After perhaps only a dozen
thrusts, she called out, "Oh, Mary, mother of Jesus!
Oh, pray for this sinner! Oh, oh, OH!!!" The butt-
fucked prisoner writhed and sweated and very
obviously had a violent orgasm. John, however,
was not yet satisfied, and he continued to pump her
ass until he came, and she did, too, as he ejaculated
inside her.
John pulled out, stripped off the condom, and went
to wash his limp penis. By this time, the corpsman
was hard again. "May I, Doctor?"
"Be my guest."
He slipped on another condom and stepped up to
Carol's exposed ass crack, gleaming with smeared
lubricant. "Do you deserve to be fucked in the
ass?" Carol made muffled noise. He plunged into
her, and it took some time for him to ejaculate a
second time. While he worked hard to achieve his
own climax, Carol wriggled and squirmed, pressing
her sweating breasts against the table and making
incoherent noises. The doctor estimated that she
had two more orgasms before the corpsman was
spent. The doctor handed Sara some surgical
scissors and directed her to cut 454 loose from the
table. Carol lay there, breathing hard, in no hurry to
get up. Sara saw Carol's reddened ass-cheeks and
oozing anus and wondered how it was that Carol
could enjoy being abused like that. But she
obviously had enjoyed it.
Carol was fitted again with a butt plug and corsets,
laced as tightly as possible. "I am going to have to
get a new garment for you, 454. Report back to me
when your period is over. You, too, 455. Get some
sleep, because you are both going on regular work
The work details at night were boring and
wearisome, but not especially eventful. Sara was
glad that Dyke left her alone, perhaps not realizing
that Sara was no longer a "dickless boy." She had a
dick, a small one, but it seemed always erect. It did
not take Sara long to discover how to play with it.
She found the best way to be simply to sit, or even
stand, with her legs crossed and to massage the
little fellow by tensing her thigh muscles. An
orgasm would follow, and Sara practiced keeping
quiet, with a straight face, even as she was
overcome by waves of internal excitement. Sara
did not want to advertise her sexual nature.
Carol, on the other hand, somehow attracted the
attention of the guards. During one midnight rest
break, Dyke held her down while Tits caned her
backside for some infraction or another, and Carol
just egged them on until she achieved her orgasm.
Another time, John showed up and fucked her ass
again, and she thanked him for it. Carol, having
discovered the pleasures of orgasms, wanted more,
but she could not masturbate successfully. She
needed to submit to another.
When the tampons were no longer needed, 454 and
455 were sent back to the doctor. Carol had her old
Victorian corsets removed, was cleaned out with
repeated enemas by the corpsman, and was fitted
with a new anal plug and a new corset. The new
garment was more modern. It lacked the "ripcord"
in front but had laces in back which could be
quickly removed, and there was room for it to be
cinched in several inches at the waist, as 454 lost
weight. It was obvious to both Carol and the doctor
that the compression of her stomach was causing
her to lose weight. The thing was black, of a
stretchy material which was permeable enough that
it would not get wet with sweat, and 454 could
bathe in it. There were no steel stays, and it was
not so low in front, but it was very tight. There
were various loops and rings and places where
things could be attached or added. One accessory
was a bra which was a network of rubber strands.
The doctor tried it on Carol. It forced her breasts
upward and outward and squeezed them so the soft
flesh bulged through the holes of the net. Her
nipples protruded through properly placed
openings. Then the doctor removed the bra, saying,
"I think this should be saved for special occasions,
when you need to concentrate on your breasts.
Various interesting devices can be placed over your
nipples." There was also a lower piece which could
be fitted to pass between her legs. The doctor tried
it on. "I'm sure you can imagine what might be
attached to this, and which parts of your anatomy
might be stretched or rubbed or... Well., we'll see."
Tits took them back to the cells and said, "Get
some sleep. The next few days will be hard on
That was an understatement. The next morning,
after the regular all-night work detail, Carol and
Sara were made to empty the wash tank with
buckets, carrying the water to be dumped in the
waste pit where they emptied their toilet buckets.
Then they had to transfer the first rinse water to the
wash tank and the second rinse water to the first
rinse tank and refill the second rinse tank with
water they carried in buckets. Since a hose would
have done, they assumed that this was some sort of
punishment. Sara, with her fair skin, got an all-over
sunburn which hurt constantly. The work took most
of the day, and they did not get enough sleep before
the next night's labor, which involved stoop labor
transplanting tomato plants. When, extra weary,
they were ready to wash and were looking forward
to sleep, Bruce and Willis, the two gay horsemen,
took them outside the fence again.
Grinning, Bruce said, "There is an sort of endurance
test you need to pass. Who's first."
Sara said, "I can hardly stay awake, and I have to
avoid the sun. Let's get it over with. I'll go first."
Dyke showed up and said, "First test. Eat me."
"Lick my pussy until I come. That's an order." She
dropped her uniform trousers.
Before her arrest, Sara could not have imagined
licking another woman's pussy, but she was now
trained to do whatever she was ordered to do.
Following Dyke's instructions, she got on her knees
and licked Dyke's clit until told to stop. "OK," said
Dyke, "You passed that test. Now you are going for
a horseback ride." Bruce led Sara to Willis's horse.
Across the saddle was a rubber mat, which clung to
the leather, and in the middle of the mat was
something approximately the shape of an ice cream
cone, about two inches wide at the base, also
rubber. The pointy end was rounded off, and it
gleamed with lubricant.
"No," said Sara, "you can't mean for me to..."
Before she could finish, Bruce and Willis had
hoisted her up and lowered her onto the saddle.
The rubber cone entered her vagina and stretched
the opening as she slid down the cone until her
weight was supported by her buttocks. Never, it
seemed, had she been so full. Her legs hung loose.
The men put her feet in the stirrups, but, even with
her legs straight, she could lift herself off the rubber
invader. She saw Carol on her knees in front of
Dyke, but then Bruce mounted up and led Sara's
horse away.
The rising sun was fierce on Sara's sunburn, and the
thing inside her, while it did not hurt, was a
distraction, seeming to stretch her every time the
horse swayed as it walked. Then Bruce urged the
horse from a walk to a canter, and Sara found
herself jerking up and down on the rubber cone.
The motion massaged the roots of her clit, which
wrapped around her vaginal walls internally. They
had not gone a hundred yards before the first
orgasm struck her, and then they came, one after
another, as she swayed back and forth, impaled, and
the pulling on her labia teased her exposed clitoris.
She was nearly unconscious when they pulled her
off the horse and left her, collapsed on the desert
It was Carol's turn, but she did not come so quickly.
Sara watched as the horse cantered half a mile, then
turned and trotted back, Bruce leading it. When
they were back, Dyke examined Carol's rubber-
filled vagina and told them to do it again, another
mile. "OK," she said to Bruce and Willis, "we
don't have all day. Shove it up her ass."
With her plug replaced by the rubber cone, Carol
was taken for another ride, and by the time Bruce
brought her home, she was as exhausted as Sara had
been, having had more orgasms than she could
count. "OK," said Dyke, "let them wash and go to
Sara slept, as well as she could with her sunburn,
and she and Carol did another night's work, this
time hoeing row crops, back-breaking work when it
goes on for twelve hours. They could not even get a
decent break, as Dyke made Sara eat her while
Carol orally serviced John. That, however, was just
the beginning.
About mid-day, Sara was wakened and taken to the
end of the barn, thankfully still in the shade. There
were three wooden saw horses. The guards tied
Sara's ankles to the legs on one side, bend her over
the cross bar, and then they tied her wrists to the
other legs, loosely, but with short enough ropes that
she could not raise her torso above the horizontal.
Dyke pulled Sara's butt plug and smeared
lubricating jelly over her ass crack and vulva,
rubbing it into Sara's vulnerable little clitoris until
Sara came with a gush of pussy juice which
cascaded down her inner thighs. Dyke wiped the
jelly off her hands by rubbing them on Sara's
breasts. "I think," she said, "that we might as well
start with these." She screwed clamps on Sara's
nipples until she screamed in pain, then hung
weighs on the clamps, so that Sara's normally
flattened tits were distorted into cones. "Shut up,
455. You'll get used to it." Sara did shut up. She
was getting used to the pain.
Carol was next, displayed as Sara was, bent over a
horse with her rump in the air and her tits extended
by weights on her nipples. Carol had three per
Next, to their surprise, was Dr. Kohler. Sara and
Carol had not known she was at Camp Dreary; she
must have arrived recently. That estimate was
reinforced by the observation that Dr. Kohler had
obviously been caned, even worse than Carol had
been. They imagined what must have happened,
the secret arrest, perhaps in the middle of the night,
or during what seemed like a routine traffic stop.
The interrogation: Dr. Kohler's breasts bore the
ligature marks. She had been hung by her tits and
beaten until she confessed. The military tribunal, of
course, and now she was at Camp Dreary. As Dyke
fastened the clamps on her nipples and hung the
weights, Dr. Kohler gritted her teeth and glared at
Sara and Carol. They decided Dr. Kohler knew
they had named her. Now the feminist bitch from
hell was in hell.
Time passed, while the weights and clamps tugged
on their nipples and the crossbars of the horses
pressed their bellies. The two female guards who
had been on leave when Carol and Sara arrived,
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, taunted the
prisoners and took turns swatting their bottoms with
perforated wooden paddles that left round red
marks where they hit. Carol seemed to respond to
the pain and degradation, and she was sexually
excited. Sara didn't care for the pain, but Tweedle
Dee seemed adept at stimulating Sara's clit as she
spanked her, so Sara was on the edge of an orgasm,
too. Dr. Kohler got her quota of swats with the
paddle, on her recently caned ass, but she did not
seem to respond sexually.
The rest of the afternoon was, well, predictable,
once they saw the men arriving. The male guards,
from the rest of the prison complex, arrived in
small groups, no more than a dozen at a time, but
over the course of the afternoon, there must have
been fifty or sixty of them. Who counts at a time
like that? Dyke made sure that Dr. Kohler got extra
attention. Since her anus had not yet relaxed to fit
the larger plugs, the men were encouraged to fuck
Dr. K's ass, though they also used her mouth and
cunt. Sara was sure that Dr. Kohler's views about
the injustice of a patriarchal system were reinforced
by her repeated rape in prison.
Sara was already aroused when the first men
arrived. An older guy with graying temples,
probably a sergeant and a veteran of Iraq, wanted
her to suck his prick until he was hard. She did,
somewhat distractedly. Then the sergeant slipped
on a condom --- there were boxes of them --- and
directed his penis into Sara's vagina. His balls
bumped her exposed clitoris, and she was rewarded
with a very satisfactory orgasm. Another guy
wanted the use of her mouth, and as she half-
heartedly sucked, as if he were black rubber, she
heard Dr. Kohler cry out. Big Dick was plunging
into her, giving her fucking of a lifetime--- pain,
anger, humiliation, not pleasure for Dr. K. Sara felt
a large penis being inserted into her vagina, but,
after the horse ride, and the resulting stretched
vagina, she could handle it. The next guy chose her
ass. Sara tried to relax as he pushed his way into
her lubricated anus. She tried to think of something
else, as he did his thing. She didn't much care for
sodomy, but she learned to put up with it. It was,
she supposed, the ultimate humiliation. However, it
was not so bad. Because most of the guards went
for her tight pussy, and her clit got it's share of
attention. A good orgasm is great, and a bad
orgasm is still pretty good. She had so many that
she was feeling no pain and her brain was so
muddled that she lost track of time.
Sara could hear Carol sounding off from time to
time, even encouraging her rapists, calling on them
to fuck her ass, harder, harder! While Carol had a
perfectly functional clitoris, she did not have
orgasms when fucked doggy style in her vagina.
There was something about it, the humiliation, the
submissiveness, whatever, but the way to Carol's
orgasm was through her anus. Carol was sometimes
quite loud when she was vigorously fucked, and she
evidently enjoyed it. Dr. Kohler, in contrast, was
stoically quiet. She could not enjoy the gang rape,
not the men or the women; Dee and Dum fucked
her with a strap-on dildo in between swats with the
paddle. Dr. Kohler must have serviced fifteen or
twenty men, as had Carol and Sara, orally, anally,
and/or vaginally.
As the sun got lower in the sky, the commandant
appeared and inspected the three women. Sara had
never seen the commandant up close. The woman
was dressed, as all the "staff" were, in camouflage
trousers, tee-shirt, and desert boots. She was not an
attractive woman, but she had a military bearing
that commanded respect. The men, guards from the
other portion of the prison, Sara supposed, left, but
the prisoners were still tied to the saw horses. The
commandant squatted in front of Sara and reached
to undo the nipple clamps. Sara, weary as she was
and groggy from multiple orgasms, couldn't stifle a
scream as her abused nipples responded to the
restored flow of blood. When Sara settled down,
the commandant spoke. "455, you know that life
here can be hard, and you might be here for the rest
of your life. I am going to offer you a chance for
an early release from this prison, if you will
volunteer for special assignments. Are you
interested?" Sara nodded her head. "You cannot,
of course, be sent back to your former life as a
college student. You could not keep secret what
has happened to you, and the American public is
not ready for the details of our anti-terrorist
activities. The very existence of this place is
classified, SECRET. You can, however, if you
qualify, be released on parole, to work for an
agency of the U.S. government, in overseas
assignments. You will be given new identities,
foreign passports, and be sent on various missions,
as your aptitude suggests. You might find your
work enjoyable. At any rate, it will be more
pleasant than at Camp Dreary. If you do not
perform satisfactorily, you will be returned here, to
continue your sentence at hard labor. Any
"What kind of assignments?"
"You are an attractive young woman, attractive, at
least, to those who like little girls. You have been
thoroughly debauched, so you should have no
scruples about using your body to serve your
country. Perhaps you will only entertain people
whom your government wishes to influence.
Perhaps your work will be of a more cloak and
dagger sort. Most likely, you will live comfortably:
nice clothes, good food, a soft bed, perhaps travel
in exotic parts of the world. Quite frankly, you will
have to prostitute yourself, but isn't that better than
whoring in your present position? Tomorrow, the
day after, the day after that, tied to a saw horse?
How long will your cunt and asshole last, here at
Camp Dreary?"
"I'll volunteer," said Sara.
The commandant moved on to Carol and removed
her nipple clamps. They had a quiet conversation.
Sara couldn't hear, but she supposed it was similar
to the one she had just had. It concluded with Carol
saying, quite loudly, "Yes, I'll be happy to serve my
The commandant did not stop to talk with Dr.
Kohler. Tits and Dyke appeared. "Release 454 and
455 and take them over to the clinic to get cleaned
up and checked out." Then, pointing to Dr. Kohler,
she said, "Let this one's tits stretch a while longer,
until it's time for work call." As Sara and Carol
were led away, they saw the commandant say
something to Dr. Kohler. Then she picked up a
large rubber bulb with an enema tip. She filled it
with a liquid, the color of kerosene, and injected the
liquid into Dr. Kohler's well-worn vagina. As
Carol and Sara passed through the gate in the fence,
they could still hear Dr. Kohler's screams.
In 2008 I was leading an exciting double life. On the one hand I was a mild-mannered professional with a good job, house and fantastic circle of friends but on the other hand I was this sex enthused guy whose sole desire was to fuck as many sexy girls as possible. I was single, happy and did not care to get into any sort of relationship, partly because I had not found anyone serious in 4 years and I had been through some tough times in the last year. In addition, I had been unlucky in love and...
AnalHi I am Abhay. You might have read my previous stories on how I nailed my neighbor and also one when I lost virginity to my cousin sis…. But this incident is one of the best sexual experience of my life….. But before beginning Guys…. Please don’t mail me asking number or pics of my sexual mates… As I cannot provide it…. Secondly anyone can mail me at for hot chat and a golden chance for girls and bhabhi’s upto 30’s we can have a secret affair…… ;) Anyways lets begin the event when I felt like...
Then Lissa continued, "I know, way back, Jason said we would do simultaneous orgasms. And I said that, this morning, too. But I've been thinking that it would be more interesting, at least for me, to, like, take turns. I mean ... so we can watch each other?" She ended on that funny questioning raised tone teenagers sometimes seem to use when stating something that requires agreement. Denise and I exchanged shrugs. "Like I said, you're in the driver's seat, hun," Denise said. Lissa...
Hi guys n gals, This is my first post on ISS. After reading many stories for a year or so on ISS i have finally decided to tell u all a sexual incident in my life which till now I can rate as the best. Well, first of all let me tell u all about myself, i am manish,21 years old,doing graduation in some college in mumbai the name of which i would not reveal, i m a very average male with a 6.5 incher tool(cock) and m not interested in telling all people a fake info by saying its an 8 0r 9 incher n...
First personI originaly wrote this for my girlfriend but i wanted more opinions on it so I uploaded it.This is my first story please keep in mind. Thank you for reading. I kiss you awake holding you to my chest slowly rubbing your sides until you wake up and kiss me back. My hand slowly moves to your stomach and down to your pussy rubbing slowly as I kiss your neck. As I move my hand in your underwear rubbing your clit I press my dick against your ass and slowly push a finger in your pussy...
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She was my friend. But she was only my friend because I wanted her, I wanted her so badly. After six months of friendship, my desires to have her, hold her, kiss her, and fuck her were not subsiding. Every minute I spent with her only increased my want for her, my need. She was beautiful of course, her hair was long and dark, but the colour often changed. She rarely smiled but when she did her eyes lit up and it made me fall for her deeper. As our friendship grew I knew that my feelings should...
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The winter of 2008-2009 was a low point for me. I had gotten laid off from a good job in November, and my marriage, which had been shaky for a couple of years, fell apart just before Thanksgiving. January found me working part time jobs in two convenience stores and living in a three room cracker-box of a rental house in a neighborhood, which, if it wasn't exactly a badneighborhood, was definitely dreary in the dead of winter.One gray, drizzly afternoon in early February I got off work at one...
... Turning, the General called out, “Sergeant, see that my wives get home safely.” “Yes, Sir,” the Sergeant responded, snapping off a salute before hurrying to get their luggage. “My office at the Retreat, or shall we use the Lieutenant’s office here?” “Let’s use his. I want him to be part of this, anyway.” The General stopped to kiss his wives tenderly and quietly tell them something, then followed Jeff toward the Security building. A few minutes later, Whitworth rapped on the...
Jennifer was strangely excited after her chat with her friend, Sue, over their coffees. Although they had been friends for years, this was the first time they had spoken so candidly about their sexual predilections. What had particularly enthralled Jennifer was Sue’s account of how she had succumbed to the punishment delivered by Miss Palmer, the games mistress, all those years ago. Jennifer could remember Miss Palmer quite well. She had always been a popular teacher, despite her strictness....
Note : This story is completely fictional! I stripped down to nothing and looked at myself in the mirror; trying to see if I was older or more of a woman now. Standing there naked and knowing Daddy was just one thin wall away, I started to get damp in my crotch area. For just a split second; I almost walked out into the living room and announced "Here, daddy, I'm all yours!" But I didn't. I wrapped myself in large towel and went into the bathroom. The warm water running on me didn't help get...
IncestJust got off of work and I was feeling good so I will go to the mall and shop a little and maybe have a glass of wine so before I leave I took off my bra and my panties and my panties were all wet cause my pussy is always leaking juice and I know she wants to be fucked again so I put on some make up and I looked in the mirror and I look hot and sexy so off I go so as I was walking I notice a young white guy kept looking at me and he smiled so I smiled back so I continued looking at some shops...
Hi readers, this is Prath i live in Navi Mumbai, I work as a doctor Anyone girls aunty looking for fun can mail me back. I promise to give u and amazingly awesome time.This story is about my school friend Rachita to whom I met through facebook after 8 years. So let me first tell u about out school life.. We belonged to a town in Raigad district we were in the same school she was one year younger to me in school.. Back then we both were typical shy and town school going kids. We never really...
I have been visiting Yahoo Groups for about seven years, and over that time I have accumulated literally thousands of pictures of all kinds, and especially pictures of cocks and balls. I probably have five thousand pictures of black cocks and balls alone, and I’m continually intrigued by the length, and especially the thickness of many of them. My favorites are pictures of older black men in normal settings, such as standing by their car with their cock hanging out, sitting at their computer,...
Gay MaleA week later we were lifting off for a weekend, meeting with Cindy and Dan, and I was passenger in my own airplane, with my young private pilot wife and her best friend occupying the front seats. I didn't mind. It was relatively short flight, Tina was more than capable, and the absurdity of the scene was a bit humorous. As we neared the airfield, I heard the radio click as Tina made a general radio call: "Jackson Unicom, this is Cessna six-seven-six-five-Golf, five miles out, landing...
Friday afternoon I was home alone and enjoying a warm shower, when I heard someone knocking at the front door. I dried my body and wrapped a giant towel around it.The day before my lovely husband had to fly away from town, on an emergency trip to meet some clients. He had left in the early morning without any sex during the night; he was stressed out...Victor had promised me he would be home by Sunday evening, but I was hungry there waiting for his hard cock coming back to me. I had fingered my...
I wanted her to see me as a man in uniform taking her. The sex and the visual aids I hoped would get her to adjust quicker to her new reality. At my unspoken command the ship started to climb once more and the cargo net became down. I climbed over the woman's body and was then able to put my cock into her mouth. She sucked a little and stopped. In her mind I said, "Suck my cock. You belong to me and I intend to use you." Connie sucked mechanically until I came in her mouth then I pulled...
Hi dosto. Mera naam mohit kr thakur h. Mene b.A. Kia h. Me ek gora 5.10 ft lamba or 22 yrs or average body ka hu. In short, I am smart handsome enough to seduce any bhabhi girl aunty. Or ye me nhi log bolte h. Aasha krta hu aplogo ne pdha hoga. Iss story ki heroin suman h jo mere office k staff ki beti h. Age 24. Size 34 30 32. Dikhne me poori sex bomb. Saadi se pehle figure khas nhi tha pr saadi k kuch din bad jb wo apne papa k ghr ayi toh me dekhta reh gya. Unka quarter office campus me hi...
Domo arigato, Mr. Hard Cock-o! “What the fuck are you talking about?” Shepherd angrily demanded. “What do you mean, my son was the price for ... a prophecy? Do you think I’m stupid?” Demie looked at her. “No, just uninformed. You can believe it or not, but given that you came alone and without a SWAT team, I expect that your co-workers didn’t believe either?” Shepherd continued to look frustrated. “Nobody remembered that I had even been pregnant! All records of Seth were erased. That’s...
Matty’s real father died when he was four years old. Apparently, he had been a really nice man and Matty had inherited his good looks. When Matty was sixteen years old his mother remarried. Rex, his stepfather, was good-looking in a very thuggish way. He was a biker and worked for a business that remodelled and restored motorbikes. Subsequently, his hands were always somewhat soiled and greasy looking.Matty’s mom, Gloria, who was thirty-six years old, was very taken with the attention of Rex,...
Gay MaleLewis could not believe how much he was enjoying himself. When Eric leads him back out to the pit he goes without question, head down, mouth and arse wide open, like an animal. It shocks him how willing he has become in such a short space of time but for now he is done fighting his urges. Lewis’ heart skips a beat. He has spotted Ross lying in the pit and he is being lead over to him. ------------------- Ross scrubs at his eyes, then blinks rapidly trying to focus. His view blurry and...
Gay MaleJohn woke up from a dream he could not remember. He tried to shake off the odd feeling that it left him with but it hung over him like a curtain. As he headed to the shower he didn't even glance at the mirrored wall. He'd seen his severely average reflection enough. Today was both his 18th birthday and the last day of summer before his senior year in high school. He didn't need to be any more depressed. He'd be excited about his birthday except for the fact that it wasn't his own. He had a twin...
IncestHi, this is Sameer from Mumbai, and I am going to tell a story of my encounter with a stranger girl Debika whom I met on facebook. First let me tell about myself. I am tall, 6 ft, wheatish complexion and of a muscular build. My cock is 7 inches long , quite thick, 3 inch circumference anI was rubbing her pussy skin.private area clean and shaved. I am not a virgin and had sex with two different girls. My age is 31. I work in an MNC and do a lot of traveling within India and abroad. Now let’s...
"You're married aren't you?" The clerk asked as she took my money."Why would you ask that?""Evading the question, yep married and for quite a while." She said it with such a smile that I couldn't help but respond."Yes, as a matter of fact I am." Well I know I wasn’t married anymore, but it was still so recent that I still felt married!She grinned like a little schoolgirl. "I knew it! And from the stuff you're buying, I bet she's out of town."I shifted nervously without saying...
TransI had worked overseas for a number of years for the government in Italy. It was idyllic. I had a house near the beach and work was about 10km away. We typically worked 12 hour days so I usually worked four days followed by three days off. I had it in my mind to stay there for many years. But then one day I got word from home that my grandfather had suddenly died from a stroke and I was needed at home to help. I took an extended leave of absence figuring I'd need at least a month and probably...
I slowly open my eyes, with a great difficulty. I almost feel as though there are weights attached to my eyelids. I’m not exactly sure where I am, or how I had even arrived here. I vaguely remember being here yesterday though, and a sense of anguish. I try lifting my head but again there seems to be a resistance even though I don’t feel anything around my head. There’s also a throbbing pain through my wrists and ankles, but I can’t seem to find the strength to look. Moments go by and a young...
"We need to talk" is usually the two slices of sweet bread covering a shit sandwich. I have yet to hear those innocent sounding words when they weren't followed by news to which I didn't want to listen.The last time a boss called me into the office using that invitation, I left with a security escort to the front door with a severance check in my back pocket."Have a seat," Sheila patted the empty cushion and motioned for me to sit. "We've got a lot to talk about and not much time. The meeting...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"'Bye, kiddo," Mike said to Kirsten early Thursday morning. "See you at the office." "Before you go, would you check the bathroom for me again? I have to go." It was a miracle that Kirsten was using the bathroom at home at all, Mike thought. On their way back from Northwoods Realty the evening before, Kirsten had them stop at the office so she could use the bathroom there, rather than at home. "No problem," Mike said, and hustled up the stairs. He was back in a moment. "No...
I’m a 33 year old stockbroker. I’m 5’11 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing business. I told her she would have to run it by herself, as I had a busy work schedule. She found a small space to rent in a popular strip mall on the other side of town. I told her the location wasn’t the best, but she liked it, and the rent was reasonable. The business...
Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...
As I sat their looking at her, she spoke about such things as if it was the most natural thing in the world. You see, she had been having trouble with her son. His grades had gone downhill, his attitude was terrible and she was worried for his future. It was a very similar situation that I was now having with my son. "So I asked him, punsihment or reward? I'll punish him when he fails, or I'll reward him when he exceeds." She said. "So you give him a handjob when he does well on...
Abby Stone got out of her battered mini in the car park of the Coach and Horses. The weather was dull and drizzling, and twilight was just a few moments away, which matched her sombre mood. She was feeling a little depressed after her meeting with the Regional Manager at the brewery. He had been very nice and very sympathetic with her dilemma. But he had pointed out that under the present economic conditions, the brewery were having to consider closing some of the managed houses. The increasing...
After reading a story here about a couple of people that met on a chat program reminded me of my own experience that happened 20 years ago when the chat programs weren’t as sophisticated and video chat was relatively new.I was going through a rough patch with work and family as we all usually do. I was studying at the time, so on the computer frequently. I came across a chat program called icq, so decided to join up and see what it was like. As would now be expected, there were plenty of people...
“You only gave me two plates, Jess.” The nap had been all too short, and now I stood in the middle of the kitchen, still naked on my best friend’s insistence, plates in hands and feeling increasingly awkward. “I know, just put them next to the stove and set the rest out on the far ends of the table.” With a shrug I did, set out the silverware and fetched two glasses from the cupboard, filling them with sparkling water and putting them next to the silverware. My stomach was grumbling, my last...
ReluctanceThe power to persuade others to do just about anything is given to a kid in high school Maybe this was a mistake made by the gods who had planned to give it to someone else who'd use it for something much more...productive for humankind. Or maybe they just wanted to see a bunch of teenagers fuck. Either way you choose which of these horny sociopaths received the gift and how they use it. And no, none of them gives a shit about stopping world hunger.
TeenThis is a true story:After hearing my teacher say she basically wanted a threesome with me and friend, I spent the next 24 hours trying to figure out how I could get my friend to come with me. I never came up with a plan. So the next time me and her met up in the practice room to have sex. I told her about what happened. She was shocked but she was intrigued. I knew then I had her. "We can have sex now. But we need to make sure we are ready for after 8th" I said to her. She agreed with me...
My name is Sean and when this story took placed I had just turned s*******n years old. I had short blond hair, blue eyes and was thin. I lived with my mom, dad and brother Mike in a house we have lived in for most of my life. My mom works a lot as a nurse so it was usually just my dad, brother and I at home during the night. My dad was tall and heavy with a stocky build and was nice most of the time but when he got upset he really got pissed. Usually when our dad went upstairs to bed my brother...
Matts mom had just dropped him around and it was before dark so we had decided to go play some football, we came back about 1hour later and then played Xbox. After that we had ate our Pizza, and watched movies it was about 12:00pm and my parents had gone to bed. We started talking for a bit about really good looking girls and how we wish we could pull them, we were both straight and usually got girlfriends; matt had a girlfriend who had the most fantastic ass ever!! so we discussed that...
Chapter Seventeen I woke up the next morning at around six. That was two hours past my normal time to get up. At first I tried lying next to Annie till she woke but before long I had to get up. First I went into the bathroom to empty my bladder. I would've taken a shower shave and brushed my teeth but I didn't want to wake up Annie. So instead I slipped into the changing room to look for something to wear. Most of my clothes were things I wore to work. Those were dress pants...
I had just started working in a new town and didn't know anyone. I was bored, horny and curious. So I checked out one of those online personal ad websites. I found a guy who was looking for exactly what I wanted: a no-strings attached purely sexual relationship with another guy. Most of these ads were guys wanting a lot of kissing and things I had no interest in. I told him upfront I wanted to find a guy to fuck me in the ass and maybe watch gay and straight porn while we jacked off or sucked...
At the age of thirty, Inez worked as a fitness instructor in a Northern Florida city which was progressively getting more sophisticated. Originally from France, Inez moved to the city for a lucrative opportunity as a fitness instructor. Inez had toned abs, dark hair, and looked exactly like former pornstar Cecilia Vega.Inez held her fitness sessions at her house and she came to the clients with a plan for making them more fit. Most of the times, Inez succeeded. For Inez, life was good but her...
SeductionJesa ki aap sab jaante hai mai ek 18 saal ka average looking karka hu average isiliye ki ab apne mu se apni kya tareef karna sorry kherab sa joke tha haan toh mai kahaan tha ….. Haan mera lund ka size 6.5inch hai mai bachpan se masturbation (muth mar) kar raha hu. Agar koi bhi bhopal ki larki private sex karna chahati toh toh email me Mera ek dost hai vo 21 saal ka hai vo chudaai ka bohot shaukeen hai uske paas ek call girl ka nmber tha jiski photo vo mujhe pehele bhi dikha chuka tha dikhne vo...
My name is Harry and I am the son of a very beautiful mother and sister. They have always teased me one way or another through my teenage years by walking around half naked or by saying suggestive things to me and leaving me all hot and bothered. I am now 18 years old with very short dark hair and now stand at 6 foot tall. Now that I am of age maybe the teasing will lead to more than just me getting all hot and bothered maybe it might lead to something more.My sister Jenny is almost a mirror...
This is a true storyA few years ago I was working in a general office type business (rather not mention the company name). There was this very attractive mexican woman I would say in her late twenties. Let’s say her name was Maria. She had such a hot body and the perfect latina ass. She was skinny but her ass popped out just perfectly. Not to big but not to small. Maria had long brown hair and a a pretty face. Nice big lips and those fuck me eyes. I looked forward to every causal Friday in the...
Lark lived in the woods, although there were roads; and, on these roads, she walked her dog daily. She was a sleek 5'7" with long red hair that, when she wore it down, would reach past her ass cheeks. She wore baggy clothes all the time because she was embarrassed by her body...she used to be hugely fat and wore sweat pants and baggy shirts only, and now that she had reduced herself down to 120 lbs., she still felt big. Her breasts, which were always the first place to go, when she dieted,...
I drive to Florida every year to visit my family that spends their winter there, but always take a couple of days for myself to play and try to get some cock to suck. My recent trip was the best ever. I drove as far as south Georgia the first day and got a room for the night and placed an ad on craigslist missed connections section that simply stated. Pipe cleaner in hotel. No recip wanted. I received a couple of replies and invited them to my hotel. The first guy came and took his cock out, I...
Prepare yourself for a black cock infused sexual masterpiece featuring Moka Mora! We rented out a beautiful studio space where Moka started out with a relaxing backrub from our big black stud. Seeing her perfectly round ass get covered in oil and rubbed down was beyond beautiful. Moka then laid back and opened her mouth wide to fit around our boys girthy black fuck stick. He then impaled Moka’s pussy in all the right positions, begging him to let her ride as a break from all the intense...
xmoviesforyouI scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed. I came here to do a job to raise money for a trip with the school and now I am just ..... "Fuck! what will I tell my teacher when she asks how did it go with Mr Byrne and his over grown lawn, " I don't know, fuck I can't remember. My last memory is coming in from the garden after cutting the grass for Mr Byrne. I...