Sherrys Magical Christmas Gift
- 2 years ago
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Sherry's Test Ch 1
It was the Monday morning weekly status meeting at the school and the principal adjusted and said "Before we start with the usual agenda, there is a matter of upmost importance that needs to be dealt with first" and paused for dramatic effect.?
Having ascertained he had the staff's undivided attention, he continued "Sherry, you leaked the questions in your last test. About half the class knew the questions in advance and the other half didn't , thus making the test totally unfair. How could you do this?"
Sherry squirmed but pretended to be mildly outraged and said "I don't know what you are talking about!"
"Oh don't try to cover this up. I have all the proof I need. Do you want me to call the students who have already confessed?" said Principal Roberts.
"Like who?" Sherry said, looking unsure.
"Like John. And Suzy. And Brian."
"I never gave them the questions. I would never!!" said Sherry confidently.
"Well, let's call them in and see where the trail leads" said Principal Roberts.
"Uh can we do this in private so that we can question them properly"? said Sherry, no longer looking so sure of herself.
"Nah I think all the other teachers need to hear this so that they won't even think of leaking test papers" said the old principal. "But you do have a point. They may not tell the truth in front of all the teachers. Let me interview them and get to the bottom of all this"
Sherry squirmed in obvious discomfort.
"Or you can save me and yourself a lot of trouble if you just come clean and tell us what happened. If I find out on my own, I have no choice but to fire you. If you confess, I might let you off with disciplinary action. Not that you will like the disciplinary action any better but at least you will have a choice. Your call. You have five minutes to let me know" said the geezer putting his watch on the table.
All the teachers staring at Sherry did not make it any easier for her. After two minutes, Sherry coughed and said "OK. I will come clean".
"Ahh" the good principal said "you might have to come clean in more ways than one!"
The staff looked at the principal quizzically but he remained inscrutable. One thing was clear though. He was pretty confident of proving out Sherry's guilt otherwise he would never have been so openly aggressive with her. And Sherry, smart and beautiful, always the model of self-confidence with a biting wit, looked ready to crumble and cry. She wasn't mean but her humor had an edge and she had offended quite a few of her colleagues. And they were all watching the situation unfold with fascination and a pleased look on their faces. Except for Matt, who loved her secretly, or so he thought, for it was kind of an open secret. Matt was the proverbial nice guy and a friend to almost everyone on the staff. He couldn't help be otherwise. Matt had hoped to win Sherry's affection as she got to know him better but it never happened and Sherry was often dismissive of him. Matt was easy to use when needed and ignore when not. He wasn't particularly good looking but had decent features and a genuine warm smile. Even now, despite being spurned by Sherry, he had nothing but sympathy for her.
"Whatever this thing is about, Roberts" he said "Can you not discuss this in private in your office? No need to embarrass her like this. Plus, this is uncomfortable for all of us". Sherry looked a bit stunned at his unexpected but welcome intervention and for the first time since she knew him, looked at him with respect.
Principal Roberts pondered the question for a moment and said "Ideally I would. You all know me. I have always dealt with your issues in private and with respect. But in this case, I am really outraged that a teacher would leak the papers like this. So outraged, that I can't find words to express myself here. This is a core offence and undermines our basic educational and ethical standards and must be dealt with in the most severe fashion. We are running a high-priced private school here that has a waiting list a mile long. What do you suppose would happen to our reputation of this gets out. Do you see this any differently, Matt?"
Matt, his usual fair and dignified self, said "I guess upon proof of the offence, the punishment must be proportionate to the offence. But so far we don't know the whole story. All I am suggesting is that you hear Sherry's story in private and decide on the corrective action".
Roberts said "Good thoughts. But like I said, in this case, 'No'. Embarrassment and humiliation is going to be a big part of this corrective action as you so euphemistically put it, and now is as good a time to start as any. A big part of this punishment is going to be its value as a deterrent".?
"I will defer to your judgment on this, Sir. But before we go any further can I have a private word with you outside for a minute?" said Matt.
Roberts looked for any signs of insubordination or disrespect in Matt's face and voice and failing to detect any said "Matt, sometimes you are a pain in the ass. But you have our respect and I will humor you though you are kind of raining on my parade here".
"Thank you Sir" said Matt following the principal out of the room.
"What kind of disciplinary action do you have in mind, Sir?" asked Matt coming straight to the point.
"Good choice of words, Matt. Discipline is exactly what I have in mind. Corporate punishment, as a matter of fact" said the principal.
Matt was horrified. "You can't be serious, Sir!" he exclaimed before he could control it.
"I am very serious. Of course, she doesn't have to go through with it. She can just resign and walk away. Her teaching career will be forever over, though. No school will ever want to hire her".
"Oh come on!" said Matt "That's hardly a choice. And you know that"
"Then she will have to go through our punishment then won't she?" said the Principal.
"Our punishment? You are not proposing to do this in public?" asked Matt incredulously
"I sure am. As I said, embarrassment and humiliation will be a big part of this corrective action. And frankly I have been waiting to take her down a peg or two from the high horse she rode into town on. And why are you standing up for her? She has always treated you like an idiot and all because you let on that you had a soft corner for her. She probably told all her friends and ruthlessly made fun of you" said Roberts.
Matt wondered if the whole fricking staff knew about his feelings for her and was definitely annoyed that even the Prinicipal knew about despite the fact that he had been discreet and subtle about it. He had never overtly asked her out. He had merely hinted at it when the occasion arose leaving sufficicient room for ambiguity. Nonetheless Sherry's response was uniform. She always managed to avoid situations which could even remotely be construed as a date. In fact once they happened to have lunch just by themselves and when Matt casually tried to pick up the tab, she insisted on paying her share saying "This is not a date" and laughing at it.
Coming back to the present, Matt said "Be that as it may. We should still be fair to her. What do you have in mind?"
"She is going to be punished in front of all the teachers. I think I might even call in some of the students in question" confided the Principal. "As far as the details, I want to let it evolve and enjoy the whole process".
This was far worse that Matt had expected. He tried for the only concession that he thought he could get obtain. "Sir, will you at least promise one thing?"
"What?" said Roberts getting a little annoyed and wanting to get on with the staff meeting and the punishment he had planned.?
"Can you at least ensure that the punishment will not involve sex? I can see this going downhill and resulting in non-consensual sex. Surely she does not deserve to be violated in that way" pleaded Matt.
The Principal looked at him curiously. Matt was one of his best teachers and always his 'go to guy' for all kinds of issues. And Matt had never let him down. He had smoothed innumerable delicate situations. He had covered for his colleagues' mistakes often spending his own time. Much as the thought of Sherry giving him a public blowjob excited the Principal, he knew it would break Matt's heart and would lead to his resignation. Plus he was genuinely fond of Matt as was most if his staff. And Matt was not laying down any conditions on nudity or any other aspect of the punishment. He was just requesting that she not be violated. He cleverly used the word non-consensual leaving room for Sherry wantonly offering herself to all and sundry. Surely nobody would grudge him this and everyone would honor it.
"For your sake, Matt. For your sake!" said the Principal. "But I do have to let them know that this at your behest so that my staff doesn't get pissed with me for denying them what must be a dream for a lot of them. But bear in mind that the 'No Sex' injunction will imply 'No sexual penetration' and will not preclude a fair amount of groping or bodily contact. Like I said, I want the punishment to evolve spontaneously and can't lay down too many rules"
"Absolutely" said Matt. "I will owe all of you big time and repay your favors".
With that, they re-entered the room.?
Sherry squirmed as they entered. Not that the period when they were out of the room was any better because her colleagues were just staring silently at her making her feel very uncomfortable and quite a few she could have sworn, were letting their fantasies run away with them.
"Well here is the deal, Sherry. You will either subject yourself to a series of corporal punishments or you can resign. The punishments are meant to humiliate you and teach you a lesson and not to harm you or leave any lasting marks. Nobody is going to force you to have sex with them. Of course, if at some point, you get turned on and would like to offer that, I am sure there will be a few takers" Roberts said with a smile. Till now, nobody had realized what a letch he was. But then in time, the same would be proved of most of his staff. The fact that only Matt had protested this unusual punishment was ample testimony to that fact.
Sherry turned pale and then blushed and then got outraged.
"You can't be serious, Sir!" she exclaimed.
"Oh I am very serious. I spent all weekend salivating at this prospect. Too bad you had already left on Friday before I found out, otherwise we could have started this Friday itself".
The pretense of upholding educational standards was fast dropping away, replaced by a more reprehensible yet honest desire to exploit a woman in distress. And Matt much as he would have liked to be a knight in shining armor and whisk her away to safety was unable to do anything more. He looked around the room to see if he could garner any support but failed to detect any sympathetic face except, understandably, a couple of her woman friends. But there were other women who were jealous of her looks and the attention she commanded and were looking pretty pleased at the prospect of Sherry getting her comeuppance.
"Are you proposing to punish me in front of all my colleagues or in private?" Sherry asked.
"In public. Not only your colleagues but at some point I may invite some of your students to these session too. Like I said, humiliation is going to be a big part of all this and there is nothing more humiliating than public punishments" explained Roberts calmly as if he was explaining some school policy that he was laying down.
"This is crazy" Sherry said in a crestfallen tone. "Can I sleep over it and let you know tomorrow?"
"No can do. While revenge may be a dish served cold, punishment is best struck when the iron is hot" said the bard of RiverView High pleased at his ability to mix metaphors. "But tell you what you can do" he continued, "You can go kneel in the corner facing the wall while we continue with the meeting and ponder over this. We will need your decision by the time the meeting is over".?
At this Matt leapt up and pleaded "Sir, you can't possibly think of punishing her after the meeting and holding up the classes. Surely you plan on waiting till the classes are over? Why not give her time till 3 PM to think about this?"
Principal Roberts said "As usual, a perfectly rational and reasonable suggestion from you, Matt" and Sherry looked relieved and thankful. "However", he continued to her chagrin, "I have spent the weekend in suspense over this. And I can't have the rest of the teachers distracted in class over this. Sherry too will feel much better after she makes her decision. I cannot have her go about her class preoccupied with this. Plus if she does not intend to take her punishment like a lady, I would rather not have her teaching anyway. I had planned a short meeting in order to be able to get her punishment started in the meeting hour".
You could see Sherry going red and she was about to get up and slam her fist on the table and walk out but she know she was not thinking clearly and needed some time to think however surreal it seemed to kneel in the corner. She resigned herself to her first humiliating task and got up.
"Wait" pleaded Matt. "Let me talk to her in private for 5 minutes".
"Damn, Matt" said the Principal "You are getting to be a regular pain in the ass. And you are delaying Sherry feeling the pain in her ass. But go ahead and be quick about it".
Sherry eagerly followed Matt into the Principal's private office adjoining the staff room, welcoming a respite however brief it may be.
"You don't have to do this, Sherry" Matt paused and continued "It may be better for you to go ahead and resign. This may seem to be bad timing and sound crazy to you but I have always loved you and will do anything possible to help you get through this. And I won't ask anything in return either. You can pay me back in your own time later. I will help you get back in college somewhere and explore alternate careers".
Sherry couldn't help but break down and cry at this insanely sweet but ridiculous offer.?
"That's very sweet, Matt. But I cannot accept it. In addition to regretting my foolish indiscretion over the test questions, I have spent the past few minutes kicking myself at not showing more interest in going out with you" Sherry said in between sobs while Matt was holding her and patting her head gently.?
"But let me ask you something" she asked looking at Matt hopefully, "If I go through with these ridiculous punishments however humiliating it may be, would you still be interested in a romantic relationship with me?"
Matt looked surprised. He had always heard that once a woman says 'No', she does not change her mind despite all the romance novels and movies to the contrary. But he was exhilarated at Sherry's change in heart nonetheless.
"Are you kidding me? You have no idea how much I adore you. And if it helps you, I will ask myself to be excused from your punishment sessions so that our relationship can blossom more naturally" Matt said in an excited voice and continued looking puzzled "But this makes no sense. If you are open to idea of being in a relationship with me, why not take up my offer?"
Sherry, again touched by Matt's unstinting support, explained "It would be too much stress on the relationship right away, Matt. It would be put me under so much obligation, despite your assurance to the contrary. Neither of us will really know how much my willingness to be in the relationship was dictated by your financial support. I would rather start as equals and have the relationship grow on equal terms. Plus I couldn't stand the scandal in the newspapers and my parents knowing about it".
At this point there was a knock on the door. "Matt, your time is up. Don't call in all your favors all in one day" thundered the Principal.
Matt opened the door and led Sherry gently back in the room. Sherry dried her tears as she walked to the corner. Looking at Matt she said, "I still need a few minutes to let all this sink in".?
She sniffed and knelt in the corner, grateful to be facing away from the principal and all her colleagues and Matt.
Matt gazed at her lovingly and noticed how adorable she looked in her crisp navy blue suit dress.
The principal concluded the staff meeting in another ten minutes. Everyone hurried through their report in anticipation of what was to come.
In the meanwhile, Sherry processed the events of the crazy morning at warp speed. To her surprise, in addition to the humiliation of kneeling before all her colleagues, she felt a little bit of excitement or even thrill. "This is crazy. I can't possibly be getting excited at the prospect of facing abject humiliation in front of all my colleagues, not to speak of my future boyfriend" she thought. But Sherry was self aware enough to know that a part of her was indeed feeling an insane sense of liberation at the prospect of surrendering to her colleagues.
"Well" asked Roberts, "Have you made your decision, Sherry?"
Sherry was understandably silent.?
"The prisoner will please rise and face the court" joked Roberts. Matt stared at him, angry at his inappropriate levity but some of the lesser evolved members of the staff guffawed.
Sherry rose faced the group, bowed her head and said "I will submit to your punishments in exchange for my job and secrecy on the matter. As you have already promised, there will be no forced sex and you will not leave any lasting marks or hurt me seriously. In addition, you have to promise that my promotion prospects will not suffer due to this. You have to also promise that your behavior towards me outside of these punishment sessions will not be untoward and no mention of these sessions will be made".
"For a girl in your predicament, you do have a lot of demands" mused the principal. "However, I admire your spirit in the face of all this and do accede to your demands".?
"I have more conditions" Sherry continued. Roberts looked at her bemused.
"You mention sessions. How many 'sessions' are we talking about?" she demanded.
"I have no idea" said Roberts wearily. "Like I said spontaneity is a big part of my plan and I want these sessions to evolve."
"Strange that you should mention evolution at the precise moment that you are acting like apes" countered Sherry.
"Wow! You are still feisty! I am going to enjoy this even more. Let's see how sassy you are with your butt sticking up in the air and my palm landing on it firmly" laughed Roberts.
"Be that as it may" Sherry said blushingly, half-regretting getting Roberts riled up again. "I do need some sense of closure. I cannot agree to something indeterminate".
"That sounds like a reasonable request, Sir" said Matt.
"Oh well, let's say a year" said Roberts.
"No way! That is way too long. Let's say a week" said Sherry.
"Three months", said the Principal. "Take it or leave it".
Sherry thought of countering with a month but decided against it. "OK" she said resignedly.
"So, let the games begin" he announced.
Matt stood up and looked at Roberts and said "I cannot bear to be a party to all this. Please excuse me from all these deplorable sessions".
"Matt" exclaimed Sherry. "Please! Don't do this. As embarrassing it will be to go through all this in front of you, I could use a friendly face during my ordeal. In fact", she continued, turning to Principal Roberts, "I have one more condition. I need Matt to be present during all my so called punishment sessions".
Roberts looked quizzically at Sherry intuiting her change of heart towards Matt. He did really like Matt and almost felt sorry for what he was going to put his sweetheart through. "Alright", he said "You have your wish. In fact I would not have it otherwise either. I need Matt as much as you do, to make sure that things don't really get out of hand."
Matt nodded understanding the situation and somewhat relieved that Roberts did seem to be intent on keeping his promises.
"I think you can use a hug before we start" said Matt and went and hugged Sherry fondly. Some rolled their eyes and some looked as if they were sickened by Matt's unabashed romanticism and some wished they had someone as devoted as Matt.
"Ok. We have about twenty minutes left so let's get started. Sherry, I want you to go to the corner, face us with your hands clasped on top of your head and tell us what happened. Why did you leak the questions?" said the Principal in a stern headmaster voice.
Sherry walked to the corner and put her hands on the head ashamed at having to face her colleagues in this fashion and burning with the knowledge that this was only the beginning. It was going to get progressively worse and carry on for three months!! Three months! Oh why had she agreed?
Coming back to the present, she looked at her audience and said "I really don't know what came over me and I am guilty of very bad judgment. There is this jock called Sam and he came to me before the test asking for some extra coaching. The more I tried to coach him, the more I realized how hopeless he was. I looked at his chiseled face and his blue eyes and I melted. The practice questions I started giving him started to resemble the actual questions more and more and I swear it happened at a sub-conscious level. I started giving him hints like 'this is important' or 'you may want to note this down'. How was I to know he would go and tell others about it?"
"Ok. That sounds like a satisfactory explanation but does not absolve you of your guilt in any way. Let's see if we get Sam involved in proceedings at some point" said Roberts and Sherry looked horrified at the prospect. Before she could plead, the Principal continued "What I would like you to do now is go and kneel before everyone in this room, one by one, hold their hand, look up at their face and invite them to participate in your punishment. Everyone, please stand in a line. Sherry, crawl to the start of the line. Matt I want you to be at the head of the line".
Everyone scrambled hurriedly. It felt bizarre to be crawling around the room in her formal suit dress but again Sherry couldn't help but detect a tinge of excitement. Everyone's eyes burned through her enjoying the sight of this sassy girl crawling through the room. The anticipation and suspense of what was to come was also driving everyone crazy and led to pin-drop silence.
Sherry crawled to Matt, straightened herself to a kneeling position, took his warm hand in her hand and said "Will you please participate in my punishment?"
"Good. I want you to refer to everyone by name though" said Roberts before Matt could say anything.
"Will you please participate in my punishment, Matt?" Sherry asked again.
"I hate to but I will" said Matt.
Sherry blushed and moved on to the next. Next was Harvey, a puny southern guy who had always felt threatened by Sherry's looks and persona and was always trying to show her up. Harvey could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of humiliating Sherry not once, not twice, but for countless times for three whole months.
"Will you please participate in my punishment, Harvey?" Sherry asked with dread.
"Beg me again in a more pleading tone. Put some zip in it" said Harvey sadistically.
Sherry sniffed and pleaded "Will you pleeeeease participate in my punishment, asshole?" She hadn't meant to say asshole but it came out. Everyone guffawed. Harvey angrily said "You have one more chance to ask properly. Try it again this time hold your ear lobes like a naughty schoolgirl while you ask.
Sherry held her earlobes crossing her hand and looked so alluring in her naughty schoolgirl pose.
"Will you pleaaaase participate in my punishment, Harvey, kind sir" she asked making up for her asshole comment.
"I will be more than happy to" gloated Harvey.
Next she moved to Nancy, her close friend and repeated her request as instructed.?
"Oh Sherry sweetheart, I am soooo sorry this is happening to you. Yes I will be here and along with Matt, try to keep things under control" said Nancy.
Sherry looked at her gratefully and moved on.
Next was George, the inscrutable silent kind. He never said too much. George looked at her impassively and mumbled he would. You might as well have asked him he would like a cup of coffee.
Next was Kathy who hated her guts. And Kathy said she would be delighted to.
And then there was Jeff, another creepy guy and Harvey's sidekick. He said he would be glad to assist.
And there was Dana the new kid on the block and she looked flustered unsure of how to act but unable to hide her excitement.?
And then there was Mike the bore. And Ernie, the all conquering playboy who had tried to conquer Sherry but had failed. He was literally jumping up and down in juvenile excitement. And then Stan, a playboy wanna be and Ernie's competitor for the ladies' attention or more appropriately their panties.
And Wayne the fat slob who looked a bit like Pavarotti. And Dave, the quintessential curmudgeon.
And Lisa. Lisa was sympathetic but still seemed excited by the unfolding of events. And Tim, another guy who looked forward to the punishments with juvenile excitement. Tim wanted to know if he could invite his friends and Roberts said "No. At least not yet".
And then lastly there was Roberts who said "Yes I have been dreaming of this all weekend. So let's get started, Ten minutes to go before the bell".
"What I want you to do is, bend over the table, put your arms straight in front of you, keep your chin up and look in the mirror. I need you to be looking in the mirror at all times so that we can admire your expression while you get spanked" he continued.
Sherry braced herself for the inevitable and did as directed. Everyone lined up behind her so that look at her from behind as well as her expression in the mirror. It was slowly becoming clear that this was not first time Roberts had done this and he had the art of spanking down to a science. And Matt, bless his heart, managed to find a small cushion for Sherry to rest her chin on.
Roberts stepped behind Sherry, smoothed her skirt and laid the first gentle spank.?
"What I want you to do, Sherry, is count each one. One, thank you, Sir. Two, thank you Sir and so on" he instructed.
"One thank you, Sir" said Sherry as the next spank landed.?
"You forgot to keep the eye contact with the mirror. I want you to watching in the mirror so that we can see your expression as you are getting spanked and you can see our expressions as we are enjoying watching you get spanked. Let's start again".
"One thank you, Sir" said Sherry again, this time looking in the mirror at the point of impact. It was a gentle spank but Sherry couldn't help a small wince which made her look even more beautiful and vulnerable. Everyone looked on with rapt attention and Sherry blushed at having to look at her all her colleagues in the mirror and wondering how it must look to have her butt sticking up in the air in front of them.
When she got to 10, Roberts paused and asked "So how does it feel to be spanked in front of all your colleagues, your principal and your future boyfriend, Sherry?"
"Geez what are you now, a therapist? Of course it is humiliating, Sirrrrr" said Sherry visibly annoyed at the obvious question.
"Good we are making process. And in time, I assure you, you will lose all tendencies to make smart-ass comments like this and be much more coy and ladylike" said Roberts his old-fashioned and outdated views on women coming though.
Sherry ofcourse felt like kicking herself for provoking him but it wasn't easy transforming from a confident, spirited woman to the cowering, submissive girl that Roberts wanted her to be. But she had no doubt that in time, the transformation would be complete at least during these sessions. Her audience meanwhile were wondering when she would be made to lose some of her clothes but at the same time were enjoying the suspense and the anticipation.
"OK Sherry" continued the Principal. "Time to lose your skirt. Despite your acting like an uppity bitch, the fact that you plan on being Matt's girlfriend here makes me have a soft corner for you. So, rather than make you face the humiliation of taking off your skirt yourself, I want you to go to Matt and request him to take your skirt off you. Matt, my boy, I wish your first time undressing Sherry could have been in the privacy of your own bedroom but unfortunately Sherry never had the sense to go out with you earlier. Her current predicament would have been avoided if she had done that. Anyway, what I want you to do is go behind Sherry and take her skirt off slowly so that we can watch her long stockinged legs getting exposed in the mirror".
Sherry stepped back from the table and Matt walked behind her. Shery looked at Matt in the mirror and blushingly asked him "Matt, will you please take off my skirt?"
Matt nodded sadly and knelt behind her and slowly caressed her skirt to find the zipper and pulled it down slowly. Her blouse under her suit jacket was long enough to cover her butt it was still embarrassing to be in this position of undress before all the teachers. She looked at her colleagues expressions in the mirror and they ranged from drooling from the men to smug satisfaction from some of the women.
Sherry was made to resume her position again and Roberts spanked her again ten times while she retained eye contact with her colleagues in the mirror. This time the spanks were a wee bit harder and she did not have the protection of her skirt and her wince and her vulnerability increased a bit.?
"Ok that is it for now. It is time for the classes to start. I would request the other teachers to cover Sherry's classes in the morning since there is some legal paperwork that I need Sherry to sign so that we don't get into any legal issues later on. We will meet here again at 3 PM to continue with the session. Which means you will have to complete grading your papers and preparing your test questions in your own time but I trust that is a small sacrifice for the pleasure of participating in these sessions. Sherry, please go and wait in my office for the lawyers to come. Nancy, I need you as the witness, so please go and wait with Sherry" said Roberts.
Sherry stood up and proceeded towards her skirt. Roberts stopped her and said "That won't be necessary, Sherry. Leave the skirt here. I want you to feel the additional humiliation of being in this partial state of undress in front the lawyers".
"Bastard" muttered Sherry as she walked into the Principal's office with Nancy gently leading her by her arm.
The lawyers came over and unabashedly enjoyed the view Sherry offered. She was made to kneel in front of them and stand and twirl for their pleasure. All under the pretext of demonstrating that she was doing it on her own volition and there was no coercion. And the session as being videotaped for proof.?
After all the papers were finalized and all her statements were recorded on video and her signature recorded with Nancy as the witness, the lawyers, Mark and Brad left reluctantly.?
"Are you sure you do not want us present at these sessions as legal counsel?" Mark asked hopefully before leaving.
"Maybe later. Maybe later" consoled Roberts a he walked them out of the room.
"Well, Sherry" Roberts said. "I can understand if you are not in a frame of mind to teach your classes today. I can have someone fill in for you if you would like to continue to stay here and prepare yourself mentally for the rest of your session".
Sherry was surprised at his being considerate and realized that he was not the monster she would like to believe he was. He was just another male who could not help but take advantage of her situation.?
She gratefully accepted his offer and went and sat at the corner table. Roberts went and brought her some reading materials which turned out to be spanking stories of different sorts. Sherry began to read. If nothing else, it would give her an insight into Roberts' mind and give her clues of things to come. His secretary came in a few times and made fun of the naughty girl.
At 2:45, Roberts asked Sherry to go back to the conference room and kneel in the corner facing the door. As people would come in they would be greeted by the sight of her kneeling demurely in the corner. "Greet them as they come in" instructed Roberts.
"Welcome back, Harvey" she hated to hear herself saying. "Welcome back, Jeff" she told the sidekick closely following Harvey as was to be expected. "Nice to see you again, Lisa" and so on until the group had assembled again.
"Ok. Sherry, assume the position again" said Roberts using an oft-repeated stereotype.?
Sherry went back to the table. Before Roberts could say anything she said, anticipating Roberts' next command, "Matt, will you please come over and remove my jacket".
Both Matt and Roberts looked surprised, but Roberts was looking a little pleased.
Matt went over and stood behind Sherry again, slowly unbuttoning her jacket and peeling it off her. Her white blouse showed traces of her lacy bra underneath and her perky breasts seemed to be at full attention. 'Surely she is not getting turned on by all this' wondered Matt.
Sherry assumed the position again and Roberts proceeded to administer the next ten spanks with Sherry going through the embarrassment of counting while looking in the mirror at the gloating faces of her colleagues.
"Ok Sherry. You seem to be catching on. I am getting a little predictable for now but suffice to say there will be plenty of other opportunities for variation. For now, I will stick with the 'unveiling by Matt' routine" said the principal.
Matt came over and stood behind her again as she straightened from the table and stepped back a few paces to provide her colleagues with an unobstructed view in the mirror. 'Oh my God! I am going to be standing in front of all my colleagues in just my bra and panties' she pondered remorsefully.
"Will you please take off my blouse, Matt?" she asked. Matt put his hands on her blouse from behind her and bent down slightly to gently kiss the nape of her neck and whisper in her ear "I love you and you are beautiful". Sherry brightened at this and wished she could have turned around and kissed him passionately but did not want to do so in front of all her colleague. At least some things should be done in private she pondered at the incongruity of being naked in front of him before getting a chance to kiss him. 'Oh what the hell she thought' and turned around and kissed him on his lips. Nancy clapped at this and the rest of them waited patiently for it to end so that they could carry on with their fun.
"Will you please take of my blouse and expose me to the world" said Sherry now beginning to revel a little in her humiliation.
Matt again slowly unbuttoned her blouse enjoying the feel of his hand on her breast. He separated the blouse in the middle and paused to admire the view of her bra and her cleavage before slowly peeling the blouse off her arms. Her 36 D breasts would prove to be a good mouthful he thought as his gaze wandered over her flat stomach and her panties with the outline of her puffy lips showing through them.
'Oh my God' thought Sherry as she looked at the sight of her standing in her white lacy bra and panties in front of all her colleagues who stared unabashedly at her. This was far better than any strip joint they had ever been to.
At this point, Penny the secretary walked in and looked at her and smiled. "Is there a reason I should not be a part of this, Sir?" she asked Roberts.
"Part as in, you want to be spanked too?" Roberts asked jokingly.
"No!" said Penny shocked though the thought obviously excited her. "No, Sir. I meant as part of the audience".
"Sure. I don't see why not" said the Principal.
"Would you like to invite the mailman too?" seethed Sherry.
"Temper, temper" said Roberts. "And I thought we were making good progress in improving your disposition. We will get there eventually though. I promise. For now, I want you to crawl over to Penny and kneel before her and beg her to stay and witness your punishment".
Matt was shaking his head at Sherry's propensity to run off her mouth and get herself into trouble. Sherry hesitated and when she saw Roberts was serious, crawled on all fours to Penny, knelt before the black secretary and begged her to stay and participate in her punishment. She then crawled back to the table and resumed her position.
"Hold on" said the Principal. "We need to be able to watch your bra clad breasts while you are getting spanked".
He pulled up a high back chair and turned it with its back towards the mirror so that Sherry could kneel on it and lean over the back and have her bra clad breasts show in the mirror. She looked very alluring kneeling on the chair with her fake pearl necklace accentuating her bra. And her perfect round pantied bottom sticking out slightly seemed to be inviting something other than a spanking. All said and done and irresistibly vulnerable, demure look and who would have every thought looking at Sherry in her suit and sassy demeanour, that she would be reduced to this. This, was comeuppance at its best and richest.
The Principal gleefully went about the task of administering ten more spanks. "Jut out your breasts a little more, sweetheart" he instructed her like a director instructing an actress and Sherry reluctantly and poutily complied, not realizing that her pouting was adding to the charm of her spanking and making her infinitely more spankable.
At the end of it, he stepped back and called Matt over."It's your turn Matt. I dare say you will need to keep up with these sessions in your private life to keep her in line and this is as good a chance as any to practice".
Sherry blushed at this and so did Matt. "Thank you, Sir. But I would rather not" he said righteously.
"Matt, my son, you don't understand. Either you spank her or she faces the ignominy of being spanked her arch enemy, Harvey. Harvey, my son, you will get your chance before the summer is over but I am trying to break her in gently" explained the kind Mr. Roberts.
Matt walked over reluctantly behind Sherry and affectionately stroked her blonde hair."I am sorry sweetheart" he said as he gently began spanking. Sherry blushed at the ignominy of being spanked by her new boyfriend but was grateful it wasn't Harvey, at least for now she seemed safe from him.
"One thank you, Sir" she said looking into Matt's kind eyes in the mirror. If it was just kindness she would have been disappointed. But she did noticed signs of pure lust in his gaze. Glad to know he is capable of being horny mused Sherry and not just a boring nice guy.
"Matt, let me give you some lessons in intimate spanking that will stand you in good stead later" said Roberts. "You want to stand slightly to her side and cup her breasts in one hand. With your other hand, you caress her ass gently and then raise your hand and spank her while maintaining eye contact with her in the mirror. You may kiss her neck in between. Variation is the key though. Don't do the same things over and over mechanically and predictably. Vary the speed, intensity and location of the spanking. Ask her to wiggle her ass occasionally. At times, you can ask her to hold her ear-lobes with her arms crossed in front of her. That will make her look alluringly like a naughty schoolgirl. Anyway, you don't have to do all this at once. We will have plenty of other occasions to try out plenty of humiliating variations."
Matt did implement some of Roberts' suggestions. The thought of cupping her bra clad breast in one hand was irresistible. Sherry blushed when he did that. She was pleased at his doing that but blushed at the fact that it was a public setting and all her men colleagues were gawking at her perhaps wondering if they would have a chance at this too. Matt was making some body contact with her and his arousal was obvious. She noticed that she was getting aroused too and was terrified that her arousal would sow through. But if the events kept unfolding the way they were, then it would be a matter of time before it would become evident to everyone and that would be soooo humiliating, she thought with considerable dread. And Matt was finding the act of stroking her breast while spanking her and watching her face grow ever so vulnerable as she winced and surrendered, that he wished he could just whisk her away and screw her brains out. He also wished that this would continue to be part of their relationship, albeit in private. And Sherry too got into the providing variety act and on her own accord started adding "May I please have another" after the count and 'Thank You, Sir'. Roberts smiled and realized that giving her all the stripping and spanking stories to read in preparation had not been a waste and she had probably picked up some ideas from those stories.
"Well done, my boy" said the Principal pleased that Matt hadn't stopped at ten but continued till twenty.
"How are you feeling, Sherry?" he asked. "Do you need some rest?"
"No sir. Let's get this session over with as soon as we can" said Sherry.
"Ok then. We will now continue on your bare ass" said Roberts.
Sherry started when she heard that but deep down she had known it was inevitable. She had however hoped that it would not happen until her next session. She ventured the suggestion "Maybe we should wait till the next session to that, Sir. I thought you were going to build this up slowly".
Roberts stroked his beard and considered the suggestion, the suspense adding to everyone's excitement.?
"Well let's put it to a vote" he said. "All those in favor of postponing further nudity for the next session please raise their hand".
Matt predictably did. So did Nancy. And Mike. And Lisa.?
"Four" counted Roberts at which point Sherry raised her hand too. "Five, Sir. Five" she pleaded.?
"Cute" smiled Roberts "But your vote doesn't count".
"OK let's have it for continuing her punishment bare-assed" Roberts announced holding up his hand in the process.
Harvey, Jeff, Kathy, Stan, Ernie and Penny raised their hands promptly. George, in keeping with his inscrutable persona, did not raise his hand for either option.?
"Sorry sweetheart. Looks like we are not able to wait till the next session to see your beautiful bare ass. Matt, if you will do the honors?" the Principal said barely concealing his excitement.?
Matt prepared to unveil his sweetheart's ass.?
"Make sure you stand slightly to side, Matt. You don't want to block the view from the back. And Sherry, remember to look in the mirror. We want to watch your expression and your embarrassment as your ass is being slowly bared for all your colleagues to see. Did you ever think you would be in such a predicament?" asked Roberts sadistically rubbing it in and heightening her humiliation.
"No" said Sherry holding back a tear.
Matt caressed her pantied bottom and slowly peeled it down revealing her perfectly round globes inch by inch. God she had an ass to die for, he thought and quickly bent down and kissed both her globes and stepped away before he got yelled at for blocking the view.
"Well, Sherry" crooned the Principal. "There you are kneeling on a chair with your bare butt sticking out in front of your colleagues. How do you feel?"
Sherry resisted the temptation to make a sassy comment.
"Humiliated, Sir" she said tearfully. "Very humiliated", knowing that it was what Roberts wanted to hear and would not rest until he made her admit that.
"Ahh an honest answer. Hard to be a smart ass, when your ass is bare and sticking out, isn't it?" he asked rubbing it in.
"Yes sir. I will not be a smart ass, Sir" Sherry promised in a small girl voice kind of sounding like Eliza Dolittle saying "I am a good girl, I am".
"Well Matt, I need you to be ambidextrous for this. I am going to stand to her left and spank her with my right hand while you stand to her right and spank her with your left hand. And let's synchronize it so that she does not have any confusion counting" said the Principal with self-importance as if he was planning a military campaign.
Sherry winced as Roberts cupped her left breast and asked Matt to cup her right breast. And they both started spanking her in unison. Roberts spanked her a little harder than before, making her add "Ouch" to her count.
They stopped at ten mercifully.
"Ok for the grand finale for today's session. I want each of you to come and give her a token spank. And not too hard, please. By now you would have understood that the main intent is the embarrassment, humiliation and emotional confusion and not physical pain. Sherry, you will look at each one in the eye and ask to be spanked" said the Principal now sounding like a movie director directing a bunch of extras for an important scene.
Everyone lined up in a hurry. Ernie was the first to walk up to her and stand behind her saying "Oh I am going to so enjoy this, Sherry. You refused to go out with me and spoilt my perfect success rate with women. And now here you are kneeling with your bare ass sticking out begging to be spanked. As the good Principal is fond of asking, how does that make you feel, Sherry? " .
"It makes me feel mad that I got myself in this predicament before a deplorable insect like you, Ernie. You are neither a scholar nor a gentleman" Sherry blurted out unable to contain her anger.
"Which makes your humiliation all the more special, Sherry" he gloated and Sherry turned red in helpless anger at that. He cupped her breast , stroked her ass and said "Beg for it, sherry baby".
"Will you please spank me, Ernie?" Sherry asked with disgust.
And Ernie obliged. As did Stan after that. And Harvey came over and rubbed her face in it some more. "You always looked down on me, Sherry" said Harvey. "Are you sorry now?"
"Yes I am sorry" said Sherry fearing that the truth would get her into further trouble and increased humiliation.
"You don't sound very sincere. Grab your ears and apologize in earnest" demanded Harvey.
Sherry had no choice but do as directed and looked pleading as she apologized. "I am so sorry if you thought I treated you badly" she said.
"Not good enough" said Harvey. "That's like saying 'I am sorry you feel that way'. Not very sincere".
"OK Harvey. I am very sorry I treated you badly. I will be careful not to do so in future she pleaded" while holding her ears like an errant schoolgirl and making eye contact with a leering Harvey. 'Will this humiliation ever end?' she wondered.
And Harvey spanked her. As did the rest, one by one. Penny rubbed it in asking how it felt to be spanked by just a secretary. George just raised one eyebrow quizzically and stared at her before proceeding to spank her.?
One by one all her colleagues came over and spanked her, most after humiliating her with some banter or the other.
"OK Matt. You may now roll up her panties" said Roberts and Matt rushed and did that before he could even finish the sentence.
"OK line up everyone" aid Roberts. "Sherry, I want you to come over here, and curtsy before everyone, one by one and thank them for participating in your punishment."?
It seemed bizarre curtsying in her bra and panties but no more bizarre than anything else that had happened today. Plus she was glad today's session was coming to an end. She braced for this final indignity of the day and went over and did as directed a modestly as she could.
"OK. Today's session has to regrettably come to an end. We do want to save something for the remaining sessions where needlessly to say we will be upping the ante and cranking up the humiliation. Sherry, you may now dress."
Sherry had to undergo one more indignity of dressing in front of her colleagues and did so as hurriedly as she could.?
"You are free to go. We will take a break tomorrow and continue your session at 3 PM on Wednesday" said Roberts.
Matt went over and hugged a contrite Sherry and led her out the door holding her hand gently.
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This story is meant for adult readers only. It contains imaginary depictionsof violence and ideas that may be physically impossible or absurd. It is notintended to convey or condone the idea of violence or sexual activities involvinganyone under the legal age of consent, nor is it meant to contain representationsof actual people or institutions. If you qualify to read this and like bizarrefantasies, I hope you enjoy it. The Breast Test, Chapter 1 © Aiken 2005, all rights reserved ***...
Chapter Three: Father & Daughter Virginity Test By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michaels I arrived at the Wholesome Food, the grocery store my wife liked to shop at, eager to pick up the milk she wanted. I wasn't excited to pick up the milk but to have the chance to do another test of my mind control device. The works of the last six months had its first test in a park two hours away. An amazing test. It had worked with flying colors....
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I had checked into the Hotel and as the Bellhop, a good looking black kid about my age, took me up to my room he asked what I was in town for and I told him the computer test and he said, “Oh, my girl friend Lana is going to that.” We chatted some more and I asked if there was any action here at the Hotel and he asked what I was looking for. I told him, “It doesn’t matter, I swing both ways.” A big smile appeared on his face and he said, “Well if you meet Lana and get along OK maybe we...
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Dean Michaels I arrived at the Wholesome Food, the grocery store my wife liked to shop at, eager to pick up the milk she wanted. I wasn’t excited to pick up the milk but to have the chance to do another test of my mind control device. The works of the last six months had its first test in a park two hours away. An amazing test. It had worked with flying colors. It had done everything I wanted. I learned a few things, tested out some of the features, and had myself a good time. There was...
I was 19 and I’d taken 30 driving lessons and I knew I was ready for my test. The day dawned quickly and as I made my way to the test centre it was warm and sunny perfect conditions for the test. After waiting around ten minutes the test examiner introduced himself. Mr. Jones, he was wearing a shirt and slacks, we shook hands and then made our way outside to the car.I sat in the driver’s seat and Mr. Jones, Ted, said to move on when I was ready. As we drove he made small talk and gave me...
Gender Test: After 20 years of marriage things were getting mundane. Mylene and I were becoming frustrated and bored of the humdrum of daily existence. It was true that we had nearly paid off the mortgage but we had had to give up those stary eyed dreams of youth rather like we felt we had to give up on new labour. As young people we had honestly believed that "Things Can Only Get Better" but as we watched fiasco after fiasco on the news we had become cynical. We were growing old. We...
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Test: how gay are you?All bisexuals, gays and the curious on XHamster can copy / paste this test into their profile by answering the following questions:Step 1=======1. Do you like porn with transsexuals? Yes very2. Do you prefer masturbation, blowjob or penetration videos while watching porn? Especially the blowjob3. Have you ever wondered what semen tastes like? No, I've been swallowing for a long time4. While watching porn, have you ever caught yourself staring persistently at a man's cock...
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"Come on in darlin' and have a seat," Leo Coffman said smoothly, "now, what can I do for ya!?!" "Well, Mr. Coffman, I saw your ad in the paper, and I was just wondering if the position was still available?!?" "You mean the ad in the Underground Times," he asked casually!?! "Uh, yes," she replied softly, "is the job still available?!?" "Baby, the job's always available," he replied dryly, "I run that same ad everyday of the year!!!" "Really," she replied incredulously, "you mean that you just...
EroticElizabeth Blay was was anxious, because her 18 years old son, Tom, had pain in his bladder. Fearing that it was an urinary tract infection, she wanted to take him to a doctor. She was also worried for another problem. His son had a hospital- phobia. Even that medicine smell in the hospitals was enough to make him very uncomfortable and uneasy. Having all those thoughts in her mind, Elizabeth called the hospital to get an appointment for his son.A day later she took Tom to the hospital to see...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Elizabeth Blay was was anxious, because her 18 years old son, Tom, had pain in his bladder. Fearing that it was an urinary tract infection, she wanted to take him to a doctor. She was also worried for another problem. His son had a hospital- phobia. Even that medicine smell in the hospitals was enough to make him very uncomfortable and uneasy. Having all those thoughts in her mind, Elizabeth called the hospital to get an appointment for his son. A day...
IncestPiss Testby DirtyMindedMomI pull into the parking lot of the clinic. I’m fifteen minutes early. I decide to sit in my car and wait. I shouldn’t even have to waste my time doing this. A piss test? For what? d**gs, they say. I’m a man about to turn 56 years old. I’m not messing around with d**gs at my age. Unless you count Lipitor or coumadin, and pretty soon Viagra. Maybe it’s just a ruse to get a health diagnostic so they could reject me without being liable for ageism.I should be planning my...
The next morning, after she and Scott had showered, Nina stood in her closet, picking through her clothes to find something suitable to wear, keeping in mind Gretchen's rules. She finally settled on a white blouse, with a black pleated skirt that came to mid-thigh. She pulled on a pair of stockings, thankful that she normally never wore pantyhose anyway, so that rule was easy to deal with. Getting dressed took less time than normal, since she had less to put on, and she rummaged in her...
My story really begins the year we went public with the machine. Well, it's more accurate to say the story begins a little less than two years before that, when I had the accident. Well, if we're going for accuracy, it needs to start when I was five years old and first discovered crystal radios. It was another almost forty years, but that was the germ of the idea for the machine. Radiant pattern! Raising the energy state of matter and letting it settle back into new ... err. Gentle...
Next morning, Linda and Julie woke me up at 6am. "Sorry Patti, but Dr. Mallard wants X-rays before breakfast," Linda said. "And blood work," added Julie. And so, dressed in a hospital gown, they wheeled me to the front desk of the pediatric ward where an orderly took over. I could have walked, but hospital rules being what they are... Julie and Linda said they would see me tonight and wished me luck with my tests today. Today? I thought I would get some advance notice, but it...
It was a Monday evening and I was rolling down Hwy. 83 and trying to find a radio station playing something worth listening to and not having much luck. It was a perfect ending to a sucky day that was one more in a lousy week that was in turn a part of a god awful month. It was one month to the day since I'd found out that my fiancé was cheating on me. Of course according to her it wasn't cheating and maybe by her definition of cheating it wasn't, but by my definition it was and it was mine...
Champter 1: The Test “How long do you think the assembly is going to be?” Dan asked“I’m not sure, they are probably going to go every little thing in the most clinical way possible. So i’d guess we’re going to miss about half our classes today.” I said.“Damn it. Im crawling out of my skin man.” Dan was complaining about the fact that we weren’t aloud to ejaculate for a whole week. Because after the assembly our “swimmers” were being tested. “Yeah. I yelled at my parents all week.” It was true....
Sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called back for my tests. They are going to check the blood flow in my legs. It is already 30 minutes past my appointment time and I think I have checked out the butts of most of the Nurses going to get lunch. The door opens and and a vision steps out and calls my name. “Mr Carter, Mr Jason Carter. “ “UH That's me.” I struggled with my cane to get up out of the chair to follow her. A little about me, I am a senior citizen. 5'9'' and a bit...
"Finally Many thanks to RedEva for editing, any errors are the authors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kate?s Test "Finally!" Kate though, her roommate had finally finished packing and had left for home. She had thought that this moment would never arrive, Claire had taken so long to get packed, and it looked that she'd never get the flat to herself. These past months had been hard on her, having to share with a...
Candy's Taste Test by dale10 ([email protected])***They were up in Candy's bedroom after school, while Candy's mom was at work. Jordon always liked it when Candy's mom was home, because he was a vain 18 year old jock stud who loved the way the horny divorced bitch stared at his bulging crotch.He would lean against the kitchen counter so his fucker pushed out, and he would watch the middle? aged cougar drool and wet her panties. But he had to be careful that Candy didn't get jealous....
This is one of the sets of stories I am currently writing. The set is called Cocky, Weewee and Peepee Sissy Slut Training. These sissies are in the hands of Mistress Katrina, Mistress Heather and Mistress Satin. Sometimes Master John and Master Rick are involved in their training. Many situations await them. MANY! If these stories succeed I will add some prequels and sequels. Hope you enjoy it! English is not my native language! I will do my best! Sissy Joan Cocky Weewee and...
Solomon's Test Prologue In a place that is not quite of our world two figures meet, and one begins to speak. "Well, where have you been and what have you been up to?" "Been here and there, poking around." "So what is it this time?" "Been thinking. Once we did a wager that if you took everything away from a man, he'd be useless." "You lost that wager." "Well, regardless, I was thinking what about the reverse? ...
"Come on in darlin' and have a seat," Leo Coffman said smoothly, "now, what can I do for ya!?!" "Well, Mr. Coffman, I saw your ad in the paper, and I was just wondering if the position was still available?!?" "You mean the ad in the Underground Times," he asked casually!?! "Uh, yes," she replied softly, "is the job still available?!?" "Baby, the job's always available," he replied dryly, "I run that same ad everyday of the year!!!" "Really," she replied incredulously,...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Island, Magery of Thosi All thoughts were wiped from my mind as the tentacles of the eldritch horror wrapped about my body. The remnants of my magical circle sputtered and then went silent as the creature I conjured from the Astral Plane heaved himself out of the circle. I was lifted into the air above the Island, the artificial pentagram set in the center of Lake Esh. The perimeter was protected by spells and wards....
Something was tickling Jaux's face as he slept. No matter what direction he turned his face, the feeling was still there. Eventually, Jaux was annoyed to the point of reaching towards his face to pull off the disturbance. "Ouch!" Jaux woke from his slumber in pain and confusion. He had definitely just pulled his hair, but his hair was never long enough to fall over his face. Groaning, he sat up on his bed, and pitch black hair that stretched down past his waist tugged back on his...
Rio and the Daddy Test - Magicwand version I'd just finished making love to my wife Jennifer in our king-sized bed. Her head on my chest, she gently sucked at my right nipple as I stretched my arms and legs in relaxed bliss. For the last four years at least, I had spent each and every week-end morning at the office. This day was the rare exception. Once again, my thoughts turned to the juicy personal injury settlement I'd concluded the day before, basking in the glory of a legal job-...
“So, Mr Robinson, when you’re ready? I want you to continue down the road, and turn left at the junction.” The instructor sat there waiting for me to get the car moving, waiting for me to make another mistake. The test had gone horrible from the start. Forgetting to check my blind spot when I pulled out from the test centre, he maybe could have forgiven that, but mounting the kerb turning the first corner, or almost hitting that pedestrian when he told me to park up, no matter how nice he was...
I fail their test miserably....or i pass it as they told meI didnt know what they were saying before i had a hand in my speedo spreading my ass until his finger starter marking circle on my cherry looking around if people could see but evryone were doing there stuff ''please stop it please''''dont get hard , its a test , Mike here think you are a sissy''under the water my lil cock lost the fight i was having , focussing not to get hard''he wont last 5min i think yo are right mike''jeff holding...
Hi mera naam rehan hai main delhi ke jamiya nagar me rahta hun, apni family k sath meri family me mere mummy papa k alawa mere saat bade bhai hain, jisme sabse bade bhai ki age 40 yrs hai main sabse jyada pyar unse karta hun aur darta bhi unhi se hun, sara kaam wo hi sambhalte hai, wo 6 ft lambe aur kafi hatte khatte hai, wo halki shave aur munche rakhte hain, main sabse chota hun aur sabse jyada smart hun, mera figure thoda mota hai, aur sabse jyada gora hun, Ye baat tab ki hai jab main 18...
This is my first attempt in my Hypno Second Skin Universe. All characters are fictional. The story does include explicit language and adult situations so if you're of legal age to read it, go someplace else. I would like some feedback as well. If you loved it or hated it, I'd like to know. I have LOTS of other ideas for this theme. If you want more, please let me know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypno Second Skin. Mindy's Test. It...