Gidget Surfs Up At Bikini Beach
- 3 years ago
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How did I get myself into this?
My name is Sam (Samuel) McDonald and it’s been just under four weeks now; four weeks trapped in the basement of a mad woman in Hamilton (Scotland). As I sit here in my basement prison, gasping for breathe with my waist crushed by a special leather corset, my arms pinned to my back by the built in leather mono-glove and my entire body encased head to tow in a bright blue satin Burqua that imprisoned the women of Afghanistan for so many years under the brutal Taliban government; I contemplate how the hell I ever got into this hideous situation.
It all started four weeks ago on Monday, two days from now:
Monday, 1st November:
Monday was like any other day at the office in central Glasgow. No idea where the time went but soon it was time to catch the 17:57 train out of town. As most of you reading this story will know, you meet the same people every day, doing the same commute. I’d spotted the same girl on the train home for the past month or so. As I didn’t use the train every day, we managed a smile and a ?Hi-there? when we did bump into each other. Today (Monday, November 1st) was a day I will never forget and one that I had wished I’d never been on that bloody train!
The mad-woman, ‘Jessica’ was a looker all right! It was winter so the standard corporate uniform for girls seemed to be polar-neck jumpers, skirts and legs encased in leather boots to the knees, with the rest of the leg visible but covered skin-tight black Lycra. Jessica was no different because today she wore her navy blue uniform with a black wool over-coat and a pale cream cashmere scarf, wrapped tightly around her neck. Her bleached blonde, shoulder length hair cascaded to her collar puffing out with the thick wool scarf tied around her neck.
Today Jessica sat opposite me. The smiles as we left central station turned into a conversation about how cold it was, by Rutherglen. By the time we got to Hamilton West, we both stood up to exit the train with several hundred other commuters. We continued chatting as we climbed the steps towards to bus stop and Jessica said, ?Goodbye? as I headed towards my parked car.
My first massive mistake:
?Can I give you a lift home Jessica,? I offered?
?Sure Sam,? replied Jessica, ?I only live about ten minutes away by car on the Larkhall side of town.?
We continued chatting as we got into my Volvo for the 2-mile drive to Jessica’s house. I was puzzled why Jessica didn’t have a car but she explained that she did but her BMW had been stolen three weeks ago and she was still waiting for the insurance to pay-up before ordering a replacement. Jessica was obviously fairly wealthy as she lived on the right side of town and drove an expensive German automobile. She explained that she had lived on her own since her husband of seven years left her just over a ago for a younger woman. I complemented Jessica on how good she looked for 42 and her husband was mad leaving her.
We arrived at Jessica’s early 20th century stone house, which was typical of the area. It was nestled at the end of a suburban tree-lined avenue on the side of a hill so the drive way was steep and then at least twenty steps up to the front door.
?Thank-you very much Sam, would you like to come in for a coffee,? asked Jessica?
How could I refuse? I’d been single myself for more years than I can remember. Having moved around for so many years with my work had meant relationships and marriage had to take second place in my life but maybe there was something in this that might add some spice to my boring existence. I could never have guessed that four weeks later, I’d still be regretting that cup of coffee.
Jessica’s home was a home in the true sense. It was warm as soon as we walked through the front door and we stopped to remove our coats and place then on the rot-iron coat stand, which was just inside the hall. Jessica looked fantastic as her ample breast budged out the front of her tight wool sweater. Her hair waved in the air as she unwrapped the scarf and flung it towards the coat stand, briefly brushing my face, giving me a sweet smell of Jessica’s perfume on route. At the same time she lost her balance, hurtling towards my arms and dropping her hand-bag on the floor, emptying the contents across the hall. In the split second after, Jessica ended up in my arms with her sweet smelling scarf half wrapped around my shoulder.
?I’m so sorry Sam but thank-you for catching me.?
I smiled at this blonde as I helped her back to here feet and then knelt down on the floor to help pick up the contents of her hand-bag, which I think was my next big mistake. I’ve always thought that no guy should ever see what is in a woman’s handbag but one item really did grab my attention:
?So what are these for Jessica,? I asked as I handed her back a rather heavy pair of handcuffs?
Jessica’s face went red as she took the handcuffs from me and tried to explain that they were her insurance policy against men she didn’t trust.
The conversation started to get more interesting as I teasingly asked Jessica if she trusted me, which she replied by simply saying she didn’t know:
?Would you like to try these on Sam and I’ll be able to trust you 100%,? asked Jessica with a glint in her eyes?
To be honest, I didn’t know what to do. This conversation was getting very interesting. I loved bondage and would often spend hours handcuffed in my own house, waiting until melting ice released the key to my freedom. This was very different though. I stood in front of a 42-year-old woman who I hardly knew and I was considering giving up complete control and therefore my freedom. I must have been mad but I always lived dangerously and looked Jessica straight in the eye:
?Can I trust you Jessica, if I hand over complete control to you,? I asked, continuing the tease?
?You’ll never know until you try Sam,? responded Jessica as she approached taking my left hand and closing the ratchet, savouring every click until my left arm was in her control.
I’ve no idea why I let her then turn me around, while I freely offered my right arm and therefore my freedom. The second cuff clicked into place, completing my handover of power to this beautiful woman I hardly knew.
?Now Sam; doesn’t that feel good,? asked Jessica as she approached and took hold of the wool scarf still dangling from my shoulder where it landed just before Jessica landed on me.
Using both ends of the scarf, Jessica pulled my head towards hers and we kissed for the first time. It was wonderful but what was I dong? I’d just handed over complete control to a woman I didn’t know and I was enjoying it! Jessica broke off the kiss and reminded me that we were to have coffee so I followed her into the living-room and she pushed me back on the couch. Again, using the scarf to pull my face into hers, she straddled my bound body and we kissed again. She began like a woman possessed and the passion was frantic. Next she stood up and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor so that she could step out. Jessica then pulled off her sweater revealing a tight black leather corset reducing her waist while causing her ample breasts to push up and out towards me. This matched the thick black Lycra tights and black leather boots that stood only feet away from me:
?Do you like what you see Sam,? demanded Jessica?
Of course my answer was ‘YES’ as this beautiful blonde in a combination of black leather and Lycra straddled me once more, and our tongues wrestled for at least another five to ten minutes.
?My corset interests you Sam, doesn’t it,? asked Jessica?
I looked into her eyes and explained that I had a fondness for all things tight and always imagined how one would look in real life.
?So you like bondage as well Sam,? asked Jessica with a smile in her face? ?I guess that is why you were so keen to allow me to cuff you so easily!?
While I was a tad embarrassed, I did admit to Jessica that I loved being restrained but right now I would like some freedom to rub my hands all over her Lycra and leather covered body. It was clear that Jessica had no intention of releasing my hands just yet. She was happy that I was in her control and she wanted to show me just how much control she had over me!
?So Sam, how much do you really like tight bondage,? asked Jessica as she wrapped her wool scarf once around my neck and taking hold of the two ends, she starting pulling the scarf very tight around my neck?
We started kissing again with even more passion but this time I was being slowly strangled by Jessica’s scarf in some sort of Autoerotic Asphyxiation type ritual. I tried to tell Jessica that she was strangling me but then she already knew this as she pulled tighter and tighter on the scarf until my lips started to tingle and the life-giving oxygen needed to keep me breathing, reduced in enough quantity to cause me to pass out.
I can’t have been out for long as I came through, Jessica was still straddling me but her grip on the scarf had been released, leaving the soft and warm wool, wrapped loosely around my neck.
?I think it is about time for that coffee,? explained Jessica as she got up and headed towards the kitchen, leaving me sitting on the couch, recovering from a near-death experience.
I just sat on the couch with my arms still pinned behind my back by Jessica’s handcuffs and her heavily perfumed wool scarf still hanging around my neck. Soon she was back with two cups of steaming hot coffee in both hands. I asked how I was supposed to drink without the use of my hands and Jessica just laughed, explaining that that was half the fun for her being in control. She had the opportunity to hold the cup up to my lips, allowing me to drink the hot, welcome liquid but only when she agreed to offer the cup to my mouth.
I’m, not sure if I could describe the coffee as my third mistake because four weeks on, I think the whole encounter was one big mistake but it was clear within a few minutes of drinking the coffee that Jessica had drugged me! The room started to spin and while I tried my hardest to remain alert, complete tiredness overtook me and I collapsed into a black hole.
I’ve no idea how long I was out but obviously some time by the position I now found myself in. I slowly started to wake up and realised that I was lying flat on my back in the middle of a double bed. When I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I realised that my arms were cuffed to both corners of the metal headboard. In fact, my ankles were cuffed to opposite sides of the metal framed footboard as well leaving me in a rather exposed (spread-eagled) position. As the gravity of my current situation started to cause me some concern, I started to feel a pain in my stomach or should I say, ‘an incredible tightness?’ When I was able to focus, I immediately understand that Jessica had removed my male cloths and replaced them with an incredibility tight bright red leather corset / body suit, which covered my torso from my neck to the built in crotch, which was then contrasted with the thick black Lycra tights that encased the rest of legs to my toes. I then started to focus on my immediate surroundings. I was clearly in a large bedroom, not that different from a modern hotel room. I was chained to a large (king size) double bed and to my right, four feet away was a bank of built in wardrobes. To my left a small living area with sofa, two chairs and a large LCD TV. I could also see an open door, leading to an ensuite bathroom. What was most strange about this room, was the fact it had no windows and opposite my bed, instead of a door, there was a set of bars, which I guess would be locked, imprisoning me in some sort of basement cell. There was no way I was leaving the confines of my bed anyway, so for now this soft king sized bed was my prison within a prison. Breathing was very difficult due to tightness of the leather corset. I have to admit that it wasn’t unpleasant but fuck, it was tight!
I lay there for at least an hour, or that was how long I thought I waited until I heard high-heeled footsteps coming down stairs just outside the barred door. Jessica stood behind the bars and stared at me lying here in a position that I had no escape from.
?Ah, you’re awake Sam,? asked Jessica from behind the bars.
?Alright Jessica, you’ve had your fun, now what the fuck is going on,? I demanded?
In a rage, Jessica unlocked the barred door, entered my cell and went straight for one of the cupboards that lined the wall to my right. I clearly recognised what she had in her had as a ball-gag, which was very quickly and methodically pushed into my mouth and strapped far too tightly behind my head.
?Now you moaning peace of shit,? explained Jessica; ?you’ve now got no option but to listen to me!?
?You’re now located in my basement bedroom. As you can see, it is quite safe and you’ll soon come to realise that there is no escape from it! You’re here as my guest for as long as I decide to keep you here so any more outburst like you’ve just attempted will bring swift and extremely harsh punishment!?
?You were keen to handover control to me so I’ve now taken your little fantasies a step further. From now on you will stay in this room, wear what I give you to wear but I must warn you now that you’ll no longer have access to your male cloths but instead something along the lines of what you are wearing right now. From now on you’ll be wearing a corset 24x7, except for the times you are freed for a shower or a bath. The corset you are wearing is rather like a tight teddy. It is a special corset, completely bespoke and I’ve quite a few more for you to get acquainted with. This particular one has absolutely no laces and requires to be inflated to put it on and take it off. You’ll soon learn that you’ll have to step into my corsets, pull them up other your torso and using the rear locking zip, close the loose corset around your waist. As you can see, the corset is like a short sleeved teddy with built in crotch. To give you the added female figure, each has built in inflatable tits but the most exciting feature is this special pump that enables me and only me to apply or release the amount of pressure on your body. The figure hugging garment has is also heavily boned with steel rods that pull the corset even tighter when I release the pressure to give you an even tighter fit. You’ll soon notice that the crotch area is quite stiff and hard. Your dick is sealed behind a thick piece of plastic, which will ensure you can get no pleasure from you predicament!?
The true gravity of the position I was currently in was only just starting to sink in. What did this gorgeous but devious bitch want? Yes, I loved bondage and I had many dreams of being kidnapped by a beauty just like Jessica but I’d no idea in my wildest dreams that my fantasies would ever become a reality. I therefore calmed down and accepted even for only as long as I needed to, the position I was in. There was no need to panic (yet) and Jessica did seem a nice girl even though a tad mad but she certainly didn’t seem to want to cause me any harm.
?Okay Sam,? Jessica continued: ?I’m going to leave you for a while to relax and let the true nature of your current position sink in. When I decide to release your bonds, you’ll here a bleep and the red LED that is currently alight on the cuffs restraining both your hands and feet will turn green and you’ll be able to open the ratchet and slide out. I’ll warn you now that you will only have 2 minutes to free yourself before the ratchets lock once more and you’ll be stuck again if you haven’t released yourself. Do you understand??
I nodded to show Jessica that I basically understood what she was saying and with a smile she left, sliding the bar door closed with a chilling ‘CLUNK’ as it self-locked. Her footsteps disappeared into the distance as she marched up the stairs away from the basement and through another door, which I guessed, must have led to the ground floor. So here I was once again, cuffed and spread-eagled on this mad woman’s basement bed with my torso being slowly crushed by the leather corset that was locked around me. Time was going to pass slowly and my jaw began to hurt, a lot! If you have ever worn a large ball-gag for any length of time, you’ll know what I mean. Nothing you can do to relieve the pain in your jaw as it is forced open under the strain of the big red ball trapped behind your teeth. What the hell had I got myself into?
As time passed, I struggled against the cuffs that bound me so tightly to Jessica’s basement bed. There was no way to get loose and the more I pulled against the steel cuffs, the more pain and discomfort I caused myself. I looked at the cuffs that manacled my wrists above my head to the headboard and hoped every time that the little LED might be green and release would be mine but to no avail! I simply had no choice but to lie here and contemplate whatever this beautiful mad woman had in store for me. I started to question myself; ‘Why has she done this to me’ and ‘why me?’ The hours must have passed as my bladder started to remind me that it had been early afternoon since I’d taken a piss. I tried to call out to Jessica through the ball-gag but nothing that meaningful managed to get passed the hunk of rubber that filled my mouth. I thrashed against the cuffs but all I achieved was more discomfort and pain. It was then that I heard the ‘BLEEP’ that I’d been waiting for and as I checked the cuffs, the LED was now green and as I pulled against the steel cuffs the ratchet was free and the cuffs opened, releasing me from the bed where I’d been lying for many hours now. No time to wait as I jumped to my feet and headed straight to the ensuite bathroom. I took no time to check my surroundings, pulled down the tights and then I hit the first barrier. The leather corset I was wearing had a built-in bodice, which would not budge. What was even weirder was that the leather bodice of the corset seemed to be rock hard and there was no access to my dick and therefore that badly needed piss. What the fuck was I to do? Should I just sit down on the toilet and piss myself? To be honest, I needed to take the piss so badly, I took that decision and sat on the toilet and let go! To my amazement the trickle of urine exited from a hole as if there was a hose or channel directing the liquid away from me. The relief was unbelievable and soon I was finished and had time to check out my prison.
I stood up and saw myself in the bathroom mirror. I was this idiot looking guy, dressed in a bright red leather corset / bodysuit with my legs encased in thick black Lycra tights. The red ball-gag still filled my mouth so I reached up behind my head and un-did the buckle, which allowed me to remove the horrible gag. I was surprised that Jessica hadn’t locked it on me in some way but relieved all the same that I jaw could now recover. The bathroom wasn’t that spacious but still had room for the all-important toilet, wash-hand-basin and a bath with shower screen and shower. Tiled from ceiling to floor there wasn’t much else to say about the bathroom. As I entered the main living area I through the ball-gag towards the bed and checked out the sofa, chairs and LCD TV that sat in the corner of the living area. To my surprise, the TV worked and within a few minutes I was surfing the myriad of cable channels from BBC1 through to complete Discovery and movie package. Not too bad I thought but I had to check out the barred door and what was in the closets.
As expected the barred door was locked and it seemed, my only way out of the basement prison. No point dwelling on that as I picked up the ball-gag from the bed and headed towards the closets that covered an entire wall of the basement room. I guess it wasn’t a surprise to find them all locked so there was no way to replace the ball-gag from where Jessica removed it in the first place and no way to see what else filled these cupboards. There wasn’t a lot else I could do but chuck the ball-gag back onto the bed and head back to the living area to watch some TV. It was only then that I realised that it was 10PM as the BBC 10 o’clock news was just starting. I had no option but to accept my predicament and sit down to watch the news.
‘Reporting Scotland’ was just finishing at 22:35 when I heard footsteps on then stairs so I headed straight to the barred door where Jessica was standing, stilling wearing her tight corset and tights but hording a tray of food.
?Sam, if you look below the foot of the bed, you’ll find a large cuff attached to a length of chain. Please place it around one of your ankles and then come over here to the bars, turn around and allow me to handcuff you,? asked Jessica in a relaxed voice?
I did exactly as she asked but not because I didn’t want to cause trouble but I guess because Jessica asked in such I nice way. I found the large leg-iron, closed it around my right ankle and then approached the barred door and turned around. Jessica then cuffed both my hands tightly and asked me to go over to sofa and sit down, which I did immediately, trailing a heavy length of chain with me.
As soon as I sat down, Jessica used her keys to enter the basement cell and after picking up the tray of food, she entered the cell, walking passed me and placing the tray on the small table that sat between the sofa and the TV. Turning towards me, Jessica stopped to say:
?Here is a light snack Sam. I’ll leave you to eat and I’ll be back at eleven to see how you are before bed time.?
I just sat there and looked up at this beauty that had imprisoned me early this afternoon:
?Why are Jessica you keeping me here,? I asked?
Jessica looked down at me, folded her arms and just stared:
?You are my pet project Sam. I find you a very attractive man, which is simply an added bonus. I know you enjoy spending time in bondage so this is your chance to play out your fantasies. Anyway, time to go. I’ll be back at eleven.?
As soon as the barred door was locked, Jessica suggested I go over to have my handcuffs released. I guess this was a good idea because how was I going to eat with my hands cuffed behind my back? The leg-cuff wasn’t removed as Jessica explained it would allow me reasonable freedom of the basement but if I got through the barred door, I’d only get about six feet up the stairs, ensuring I wasn’t leaving! That said, she left and I tucked into the toast and coffee she’d left me. Eleven o’clock came soon enough and Jessica was back at the barred door, asking me to return to be restrained once again. Again I was told to go and sit on the sofa as Jessica entered the basement cell but this time she sat beside me and put her arm around me:
?Sam, your stay here doesn’t have to be that bad. I’m sure you will actually enjoy it given time to accept your situation,? explained Jessica.
?I suppose time will tell Jessica but how long do you intend to keep me here,? I asked looking straight into her big blue eyes?
?I’m not sure,? replied Jessica. ?I’ll see how our current arrangement holds and depending on your behaviour we’ll just have to wait and see.?
I then started to question Jessica on why she dressed me the way she did:
?To be completely honest with you Sam,? explained Jessica. ?I love the way men look and feel while wearing female clothing. You always wanted to know what it would be like to wear a corset; now you know! Most men love the soft feeling of Lycra tights or stockings and I’m fairly sure you’re no different.?
?Okay Jessica I understand but what is the reason for the hard panel in the crotch of this corset,? I asked?
?It’s quite simply Sam,? stated Jessica. ?While you are in my care and on your own down here, you’ll be wearing some sort of chastity device. I don’t want your perverted little male brain working over-time when I’m not around. You’ll notice when you get horny that your little man will simply have no room to expand. He’s currently trapped in a hard plastic tube, which is itself trapped behind a plate of steel that makes up the crotch of your corset. Taking a piss is possible but you’ll soon learn that you’ll have to take dump once a day when you’re free of the corset for showering in the morning.
I sort of regret asking Jessica about the chastity features in the corset but I suppose I needed to know the limits she had set for me, while I was locked in her little prison. It was clearly time for bed as Jessica stood up, lifted the tray ands headed for the unlocked (open) barred door. Once it was locked, Jessica called me over to have both the leg-cuff and handcuffs unlocked. I was told to get a good night sleep and she would return in the morning. As soon as she left, I had complete freedom, even though locked in the confines of her basement prison. The bathroom was well stocked with soap, tooth-paste and a tooth-brush. Towels and facecloths were also available and I had control of the lighting so after my toilet duties I head straight for bed. Sleeping was certainly not going to be easy! Questions went around and around in my head, ‘how had I got myself into this mess?’
Sleep must have followed at some point as I awoke sometime with calling to the toilet. Because there were no windows in the basement cell, I had no idea what time it was until I looked at the clock radio beside my bed. It was just before six-am, which was when I’d normally be getting up. A quick trip to the toilet to take a piss but on my return towards the bed, Jessica was standing at the locked bars:
?Good-morning sleepy-head.?
I pretty well grunted a response whilst heading back to bed but Jessica had other ideas. I was ordered to face down on top of the bed and place my feet first and then my wrists into the cuffs attached to the four opposite corners of the bed. Restraining by ankles was fairly straight forward and at least one wrist by while I could reach to place my other wrist into the open cuff there was no way for me to cuff the open cuff around my wrist:
?Jessica dearest,? I muttered in an extremely sarcastic voice. ?How am I meant to close this cuff when my other wrist is already connected to the other side of the headboard??
Jessica just laughed and explained that it was probably already safe to come into the room and secure my other wrist. There was no way I was going anywhere with both ankles and one wrist already cuffed to the bed! As soon as my free hand was no longer so free, Jessica sat on top of me and started plugging in the corset pump, which started releasing the pressure around my entire body as the whirring motor did its business. Unlocking and unzipping the tight corset that had imprisoned my torso in its tight grip since my kidnap last night. I’ve no idea how naked Jessica was below her towelling robe but I was in no position to do or see much being cuffed spread-eagle on the bed, faced down. The relief was incredible as the corset finally came loose.
?There you go Sam,? explained Jessica. ?As soon as I leave the cell, I’ll unlock your cuffs. You’ll then be able to free yourself, remove the remove the corset and take a shit, shower and a shave. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes to prepare some new cloths for you today.?
And with that, Jessica got off me, headed for the open door and soon closed and locked the bars behind her. The cuffs bleeped and I was free to remove the rest of the corset and the Lycra tights. Freedom felt so good as I headed for the bathroom. The shower felt fantastic and what a difference it made being able to move my body freely without the restriction of the tight corset. I remember that Jessica’s comment last night that I would remain corseted 24x7 unless I was having a shower or a bath. Oh well, maybe it wasn’t that bad and I loved the look the bloody thing give me. I was day-dreaming away when I knew it was time to get out of the shower and shave before Jessica returned.
I didn’t want to annoy her on my first morning and I desperately needed a way to escape to no time to waste. I was just finishing my shave when I heard Jessica calling me back into the main room. On my return I saw the real beatify she was standing wearing a tight sweater and long pencil skirt, with leather high-healed boots. I remarked on how good she looked but Jessica just smiled and pointed out the fact she was holding a tazor and would not hesitate on using if I didn’t follow her instructions.
Jessica handed me a black bodysuit / corset, just like the one I wore last night except this one was black. Jessica explained that I just had to step into this one and pull the leather bodysuit over my torso. Easier said than done as I had to direct my penis into the built-n sheath that would keep any sense of pleasure locked away for the period I was being forced to wear the corset. That done, Jessica approached and warned me again about the tazor. I took the hint not to attempt anything stupid on my first morning and Jessica approached to pull the zip up to the leather collar that doubled as a locking point for the zip pulley. That done Jessica inserted the pump and started the motor that soon start deflating the corset, tightening around my entire body.
?Enough Jessica,? I demanded as my breathing became more laboured and the tightness turned into pain.
?Don’t be such a wimp Sam,? responded Jessica as she relished in my discomfort!
Jessica explained that this corset would not restrict me taking a piss but as she explained last night, a dump would out of the question. It felt tighter than the suit I’d been wearing all night and Jessica explained that each day, she would increase the tightness just a little and soon I’d not only get used to the discomfort but I’d soon need the corset in my life to remain sane.
?I’ve left you some cloths to wear today Sam. I’m off to make you some breakfast so when I come back in fifteen minutes, please ensure you are dressed and have your ankle locked in the leg-cuff we used last night,? demanded Jessica!
I sorted each piece of clothing out in order:
First thing was clear that I needed to fit a garter belt around my now slim waist. Not that difficult a job, which prepared for a pair to thick black stockings that attached to the garters hanging from my corseted waist. It was only then, when I looked down to attach the first stocking to the garter did I realise how tight the corset actually was. My breathing became even more laboured as I bent and the large inflated breast that were built into the corset (bodysuit) restricted my vision. I wanted to play with my tits but I had a job to do right now so I started (with difficultly) to roll up each stocking and attached them to the garter belt.
Next I pulled on the short black and white patterned skirt. While it was a tight fit, I had no problem closing the zip and smoothing it out against the soft Lycra of my stockings.
Next I pulled on a black wool sweater that moulder itself to my new enforced corseted body. The soft wool felt good and I started to get horny as I rubbed my hands over the soft material.
Finally I picked up the pair of leather boots and slid my Lycra clad legs into the soft leather. I’d fantasised about wearing leather boots before so I savoured every second until the zips were pulled up.
As I completed Jessica’s final instruction, she re-appeared at the bars:
?Fuck you look great in that gear Sam. I wish I didn’t have to go to work today,? remarked Jessica.
?You’re not going to leave me locked in here all day today Jessica, are you,? I questioned as she entered the basement with a tray in her hands.
?Yes I am,? replied Jessica, ?and yes, you will be spending all day in here like every day from now on, until I get fed-up with you.?
I reminded Jessica that I had a job to go to myself and that I would play her games if this nightmare ended now and she released me. Jessica warned me to behave of punishment would be severe. She explained that there was no doubt that I would become a missing person but my car was now securely hidden and as far as the COPS would be concerned, I simply disappeared. This was also part of her game; to see how the authorities handled my disappearance but all the time I would be imprisoned in her basement dungeon.
Jessica had also brought breakfast so as soon as my ankle was secured to the leg-cuff that would keep attached the base of the bed on a long chain; she unlocked the barred door and entered the basement room with a light breakfast for two. Yes, she had also joined me for breakfast. We sat opposite each other across the table and tucked into toast and coffee. I had thought my morning ordeal was over but I was wrong when Jessica demanded that I go over to the hoist that I hadn’t notice before but hung from the ceiling near to the barred door. As directed, I slipped my hands into the leather cuffs at each end of the horizontal steel pole. Using a remote control, Jessica tightened the leather straps and raised the host, dragging my bound body towards the ceiling and me on my tip-toes.
Jessica then disappeared from my vision as she headed behind me to one of the locked closets and removed something I couldn’t see because I was facing towards the TV area of the basement bedroom. Jessica then explained that another fantasy of hers was masks and most days I would spend the entire day wearing, whichever mask she chose for me that day:
?Sam, do you remember the film, THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK,? questioned Jessica?
Of course I did but I started to panic a little when Jessica produced a fearsome looking steel helmet, which was split into two; a back and a front.
?This is one of my favourite masks Sam,? Jessica went on to explain. ?Most of my masks attached to the common back piece using a number of tiny springs inside the face piece. To lock the two parts together (she demonstrated as she explained), I just slot the two sides together and they click into place. They then cannot be separated without this special key, which I slot into the rear part of the helmet and wind until the springs retract and the two parts separate again. The whole helmet is quite heavy but I think you might enjoy this version today, which as you can see has two eye holes, a small hole in the nose for breathing and a series of perforations around the mouth, which will allow a small straw to pass through but that is it.
Jessica then approached me holding the face section up as she came closer. I started to pull back but my bonds wouldn’t allow much movement at all:
?Come on Sam,? said Jessica. ?You will be wearing a helmet today but it is your choice to accept this one or I’ll force you into a more severe helmet, with no eye-holes at all and you can spend the day in darkness so it is your choice, accept this one or your day will get even worse!?
Not happy with my current situation, Jessica approached again holding the face mask against my face, while sliding the rear part into position until the CLICK told me that my head was encased in steel for as long as Jessica wanted. The helmet was very heavy and the internal padding reduced a lot of the sound entering my ears but I could see out and breathing wasn’t any worse than normal with my torso being squeezed so tightly by the leather corset.
?Now Sam, I’ve left a flask of coffee and soup for you today and don’t worry, I have provided straws that I know will fit through your mask. You can go to the toilet easily (for a piss only) so there is nothing more to say other than I’ll see you around six-thirty tonight. Have a pleasant day,? and with that she was out of the basement, locking the barred door, releasing me from the hoist by remote control and I was no on my own for the rest of the day.
Fuck, was it going to be a long day!
I had a look at myself in the mirror, dressed in the female clothing with my head covered in this hideous steel helmet was bad and I’d no way to escape!
When I look back on that first / second day now, four weeks ago, I have a strange feeling that I could be here in another four weeks with no chance of escape. Tonight will be my best chance ever but I’ll tell you more about that later.
That first day was without a doubt the worse. Yes, there have been worse and more painful days, which you’ll hear about later as you read this tale, without a doubt, Tuesday was the most difficult to get through.
I spent that first day fighting with my situation and not my emotions. I fought time and time again to remove that fucking helmet that imprisoned my entire head. I could easily remove the female cloths that Jessica had forced me to wear but what was the alternative? The basement wasn’t the warmest place in early November so taking off any of the female garb I was wearing was maybe not a good idea.
I should have spent the day trying to understand ‘why’ I was here and maybe the ‘how’ to escape might have followed more easily.
Anyway, back to Tuesday, 2nd November and my fist full day in captivity:
Today was truly horrendous! I spent all day trying to find ways to escape and in-between giving up and trying again, I watched some TV; slept and even managed to drink the soup and coffee Jessica had left for me. The helmet was a pain and I was going to tell Jessica exactly how I felt about it when she came home. I did however get moments of pleasure while lying on the bed, still shackled by one ankle cuff and a long chain. My frustration then just continued due to my failure to gain access to my cock through the heavy padding and plastic sheath that imprisoned my cock.
By the time seven o’clock came and I heard noises upstairs, I was no mood to be nice to Jessica. I’d worn this fucking helmet all day, sucked soup and coffee through a straw and I was extremely pissed off. By the time she came down stairs I had no plans to be compliant. She was beautiful, standing behind the bars in a neck to tow PVC catsuit, made from the shiniest black skin tight rubber. Her blonde hair cascaded to just below her shoulders and she stood there asking how I was and directing me to turn around and allow her to handcuff my hands so that she could enter the cell:
?Fuck off Jessica,? I screamed! ?I’ve been stuck in here all day, with this fucking helmet locked onto my head and you fucking expect me to just turn around and let you abuse me even more! I want out of these sissy cloths and out of this fucking situation!?
What did I really expect? Jessica wasn’t happy and stormed upstairs. Within what seemed like only seconds, she was back down stairs waving keys to my helmet in her right hand.
?Okay Sam, come here and have the keys to the helmet,? she offered but how stupid was I to think Jessica was about to just hand me some freedom?
As soon as I approached the bars, the bitch brought round her left hand and as soon as I was able to recognise she was holding a tazor gun, it was too late. The pain in my groin was a believable and I went down like a sack of potatoes. I was shaking like a leaf, which enabled Jessica to unlock the cell door and before I’d time to recover from the shock, she had my hands cuffed behind my back and the leg-cuff released.
?Get up you sack of shit,? she yelled!
I was in no position to argue as Jessica dragged me to my knees and hauled me towards the wardrobes, which didn’t seem that strange as I was having difficultly focusing at all, never mind any comprehension on what she was doing. The far left wardrobe door opened and it was clear that this was a secret entrance to another room, a very small room, which had its own inner barred door that was already slid half open and therefore unlocked. Jessica dragged me into the tiny cell and quickly exited, sliding across the bars and locking them automatically on closing.
?You’ll learn Sam,? explained Jessica in a very serious voice!
With that she closed over the outer wardrobe door and turned my world into darkness. All I could do was sit on the hard tiled floor with my arms pinned behind my back by Jessica’s handcuffs that got me into this shitty situation last night. I had no idea how long I sat there until I heard the outer door opening and Jessica turning on the light, which nearly blinded me. She unlocked the outer bars and put a bucket down by the open entrance, just inside the cell.
?This bucket is for you to piss in Sam and this plastic beaker has some soup in it and here is the straw,? explained Jessica as she approach and forced the straw into my mouth through the mesh on my helmet. She then left me alone again, locking the barred door and closing the outer wardrobe door but this time she left the light on so I could eat my soup through the straw.
I have to admit, I was in trouble here. Jessica had beaten me once again and I was now in a worse position than I was before. How much worse could it get for me? I’ve no idea how long I waited after finishing my soup but Jessica did return but said nothing as she lifted the empty breaker and left the cell once again but turning off the light again and I was now in darkness. I sat there in the tiny cell all night, with my sore arms pinned to my back, trying to get comfortable but simply unable. I found it nearly impossible to take a piss in the bucket because the cell was in complete darkness and my hands were cuffed behind my back. I did make a mess but there was nothing I could do to avoid it. Thanks goodness I didn’t have to negotiate pulling down tights as the stockings meant fairly easy
I drifted in and out of sleep through exhaustion but morning did come with Jessica unlocking the outer door and turning on the bright light.
?Are you prepared to give in Sam and accept your situation,? asked Jessica?
?What option do I have Jessica but please understand, I can never accept this situation but I have to admit, you have broken me this time,? I replied.
I was told to get up and exit the cell, which was easier said than done with my hands cuffed. Once out in the outer cell, Jessica asked me to knee down so that she could unlock my helmet, which was such a relief from 24 hours of constant wearing. Jessica then left the basement cell and once on the other side of the bars, she offered to unlock my handcuffs so that I could get undressed and take a shower before breakfast, which was an extremely welcome release from 24 hours of bondage. By the time I’d finished my shower, Jessica had left out cloths for me to wearing today. Another pair of opaque stockings and a blue leather corset. Going through the same process as yesterday, I pulled on the blue corset and with Jessica’s help it was soon zipped closed and locked at the collar. Then began the daily drudge of inserting the pump and the tightening process, which reduced me to a panting idiot!
Jessica instructed me to put on the thick black stockings then the navy blue, floral print dress and high heeled boots before locking my ankle into the leg-cuff again while she went off to get breakfast. I was in no position to complain because I was starving this morning as I’d had nothing to eat except soup for the last 24 hours! Like yesterday morning Jessica and I ate breakfast together and chatted while watching some breakfast TV news.
It was time for her to go to work and time for my head to be locked into the helmet once again. I didn’t argue this morning and sat on the bed while Jessica retrieved the rear section and held it in place while slotting in and locking the front mask. This morning I hadn’t noticed that Jessica had replaced the front face plate with a new face plate. This one had no eyes but the same grill over my mouth so today I was going to be blind. Jessica explained that she had left soup in a flask in the same position she had yesterday morning but maybe today, I’d be a little nicer when she got home from work and I would be rewarded with a nice meal tonight. With that she was gone and I was locked in my own world of darkness for the next eight hours.
Just like yesterday, today was going to be equally as boring except today I was blind! One positive did come out of my night in the small cell. I was very tired and managed to pass some of the day by napping, which wasn’t easy with my waist being squeezed so tightly. I did managed to find the flask and even got some soup through the straw Jessica had provided. Remembering where I’d left the TV remote was impossible to there was no way I’d be able to catch up on the news today at all. While today did pass slowly, the day did pass and soon I heard footsteps upstairs and finally the door to my cell being unlocked:
?Well Sam, are going you going to be more compliant this evening,? asked Jessica?
There was no way I was going to piss her off this evening. I was tired and fed-up wearing the mask so I politely asked Jessica if she would be so kind and remove the mask, which she did this evening without any hesitation but only after she handcuffed my hands behind my back. I thanked her and carefully considered the sight that stood in front of me this evening. Jessica was wearing a tight leather mini-dress that came from the tightly buckled collar around her neck to the black fishnet stockings that entered the top of her knee-high black leather boots.
?You look fantastic tonight Jessica?, I remarked.
She seemed genuinely pleased that I’d complemented her and with that I was rewarded by a passionate kiss, which was the first kiss we’d had after the realism that Jessica had taken me prisoner.
?You see Sam; if you just accept your fate here with me, you will enjoy your stay even more!?
?How can I accept this fate Jessica,? I responded? ?You’re keeping me against my will in your basement cell. I’ve been wearing woman’s cloths since Monday night and I’ve had some sort of bondage added for my entire stay. If you hadn’t done this, we would have probably gone on to be great friends, even lovers and I would have more than likely accepted your dominance as part of our love making routine.?
It was clear as we kissed more that Jessica had a need that she required to be satisfied. Her dominance of me had gotten the best of her and she needed fucked.
This was very evident when she unlocked my hands from behind my back then started removing my female attire and finally the bodysuit / corset that also imprisoned my dick all day, every day. Jessica then pushed me back onto the bed and began to secure my hands and feet secured into her remote cuffs at opposite ends of the both the head-board and foot board. Jessica had a plan to relieve herself of some pent up frustration. Climbing on top of me, my best friend sprung to life by standing to attention and allowed this beautiful blonde to lower herself onto him. There wasn’t a lot I could do but lie there and allow Jessica to pump herself into frenzy and finally an orgasm. I screamed at Jessica to hold on just a few more seconds until finally I was rewarded with an explosion myself. Jessica finally collapsed on top of me and she hugged my bound body until she finally relaxed after her exertions.
We kissed for at least another ten or so minutes until Jessica finally sat up on the bed and we chatted for another half-hour.
?Jessica, can I asked you a favour please??
?Sure Sam,? replied Jessica.
?Can you please allow me to have a bath this evening??
?I think that would be an excellent idea Sam,? replied Jessica.
She soon left the cell, allowing the cuffs to remotely unlock and me to gain some more freedom, even though I was still locked within her basement prison.
The rest of that first fateful week in captivity carried on with somewhat of a routine.
Each day Jessica would find me some new female outfit o wear and each day I was allowed the freedom of the basement cell with only my right ankle attached to the foot of the bed with a long chain connected to a single leg-cuff.
I wore the same steel mask that I first wore on Tuesday but on Thursday and Friday I was allowed the relative freedom of having the mask that allowed me to see via two eye holes.
On the Friday evening Jessica returned home from work and suggested I take a shower. The weird thing was I was told that the steel helmet would not be removed but during the shower I understood why. Jessica had given me a new soap to used, which removed all my body hair, leaving the hair on my head safe under the steel helmet.
Jessica told me that she would spend more time with me during the weekends and while Saturday would be a silk day, Sunday would be a leather day.
I loved silk so I went off to sleep on Friday night actually looking forward to what Saturday would have in store.
By Saturday I was accepting more my current situation. I’d no idea why Jessica had kidnapped me but the fact she had was enough to keep the thought of escape at the forefront of my mind. I slept well through Friday night into Saturday morning. My new smooth (shaved) skin felt weird but not in an unpleasant way. I woke earlier than Jessica so I had the relative freedom of the basement cell with no chains attached to my body in any way. I was naked except for the tight leather corset that depressed my body into a tight female figure and kept my prick well out of reach! After taking a piss, I sat on the sofa and caught up on some breakfast TV. Nothing too exciting in the world today like most other days this week. I was slightly surprised that there had been no mention of me going missing on the local Scottish news but there was nothing I could do to tell the world of my current situation.
It was around 10am when I heard footsteps on the stairs coming down to the basement cell. She stood outside the locked bars and asked if I’d co-operate with her this morning. I agreed and she entered the cell to first of all release the leather corset, which allowed me to pull it off. I was then instructed to take a shower and when she returned, I was to have placed my wrist into the open leather loops on the corseting bar and wait Jessica’s return. After my shower and shave, I simply headed over to the bar, which was raised at about seven feet so I could easily slide my hands into the leather loops and wait until Jessica returned. It was only five or so minutes when I heard the footsteps on the stairs and the loops being tightened around my wrists, holding me once again ready for whatever Jessica had in store for me today. Without saying a word, she unlocked the cell door and headed straight for the cabinet to retrieve whatever she wanted me to wear today. I tried my best to look over my shoulder but strung up in the way I was, made turning my head very difficult. I hadn’t long to wait until Jessica started fashioning a thick silk / satin corset around my waist. Like the others I’d worn this week, this corset had built into breast but an open crotch handing down from the front where garters hung empty awaiting to be connected to stockings. This corset was very soft and luxurious but it was tight, very tight and Jessica tugged on laces this time until I was gasping for air. Happy that I was corseted to her satisfaction, Jessica next helped me into a pair of extremely soft black silk stockings. These were very different from the thick Lycra stockings and tights I’d already worn this week. These were made of thin, stretchy silk material and felt really smooth against my shaved legs. I soon knew that my prick would be out of reach as Jessica positioned him into the pocket of the crotch strap, which was soon buckled to the rear of the silk corset very tightly. Next Jessica slipped my feet into a pair of high heeled shoes, which again was very different for the boots I’d worn this week. It was clear these shoes were not coming off as the straps were buckled up tight, followed by the click of a tiny padlock at each ankle. Jessica then came around to my front and we kissed patiently.
?You look and feel great already Sam,? explained Jessica as she rubbed her hands over my silky smooth underwear.
I was so horny and frustrated by the bondage.
?Sam, I’m going to leave you for ten minutes so that I can get dressed. I’ll release your hands as soon as I leave the cell but while I’m gone can you please put on the dress I’ve left on the bed for you,? requested Jessica as she locked the leg-iron around my right ankle and left the cell, locking the barred door behind her.
I did as Jessica asked and I was rewarded by a silk (floral print) summer dress that slid easily over my head and ended just above my knees. The dressed zipped from the back and I was ready for the day. When Jessica returned she was wearing a very similar dress with high healed shoes but in her case, they were not locked. To complete Jessica’s outfit, she wore a silk scarf tied tightly around her neck with the ends hanging down her back. She looked great and I complemented her as she entered the basement cell. She had a bundle of silk in her hands, which I recognised as about five or six silk scarves as she dropped them on the bed beside me.
?What are all the scarves for Jessica,? I asked?
?It’s quite simple Sam,? replied Jessica. ?I plan to spend most of the day with you down here and I don’t want to use the chains on you. As I explained last night, Saturday will be a silk day and tomorrow a leather day. The chains will ruin the effect so I plan to tie you up using these silk scarves.?
It was clear Jessica had no intention of tying me up right now as she dumped the pile of scarves on the bed, picked one up and tied it tightly around my neck.
?It’s time for breakfast Sam,? explained Jessica, ?so I’ll leave tying you up until later. There is no use you not being able to eat yourself so I’ll go upstairs and fetch some food for us both. Don’t go away!?
Here I was on my own once again. Locked in Jessica’s basement cell wearing an assortment of silk female clothing and feeling really horny. I could feel me dick trying to break loose from padded crotch strap of the silk corset as I ran my hands over my silk covered legs, which felt fantastic in the soft, thin silk stockings.
It wasn’t long until Jessica returned with a tray in her hand. I stood by the barred door until it was unlocked and I took the tray from her, taking it to the small table by the sofa, in front of the TV.
?Thank you very much Sam,? remarked Jessica. ?I’m glad to see you’re accepting your situation after only five days.?
I looked at Jessica and smiled at her:
?Do you know something Jessica,? I asked? ?We could have been great lovers but you’ll soon come to know me better over time and you’ll then understand that I’ll never accept my imprisonment here in your house!?
We continued to chat over breakfast but Jessica assured me that she had no intention of letting me go in the short term so I’d really no option but to accept my imprisonment at her hands. It was clear neither of us would win this argument and I headed off to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a piss, dragging the ten-meter length of chain attached the leg-cuff, locked round my right ankle.
When I returned to the room, Jessica was now sitting on the bed, folding one of her myriad of silk scarves into a thin band:
?Come over here please Sam and turned around,? she demanded in her sexiest of voices?
I simply smiled and followed Jessica’s instructions as she tied my hands behind my back (palm to palm) with a luxurious, soft silk scarf. This new bondage was tight but felt great and soon my ankles had the same tight band of silk tied around them, which allowed Jessica to unlock the leg-cuff, freeing me from the bed. If only I had the chance to untie myself, I could over-power Jessica and gain my freedom but my new silk bondage did feel very tight! Next Jessica picked up a small square silk scarf and rolled it into a ball, before forcing it into my mouth. She then folded another silk scarf and forced it between my teeth, tying it off behind my head, ensuring the smaller scarf stayed inside my mouth, effectively gagging me. Jessica was obviously not satisfied with my gag as she folded another much longer silk scarf into a wider band and wrapped it twice around my face, tying it off behind my neck also. Next thing Jessica did was untie the scarf, she tied around my neck earlier, which was little odd until I realised she wasn’t finished. Taking a much larger square of silk, Jessica draped this over my entire head and using the same scarf to seal my head by tying it tightly around my neck once more. I was now completely gagged and blind with my head sealed inside a thick layer of silk:
?Now that looks much better,? explained Jessica as she helped me hop over to the sofa and sit down so we could both watch TV.
I suppose I could only listen to the TV as I couldn’t see a thing through the thick layer of silk!
The local BBC news was on and I soon realised that I was being mentioned on the news: A local-man, Sam MacDonald had gone missing last Monday and the police were worried for his safety as there had been no sign of either him or his car since leaving the Hamilton West train station on Monday evening around six-thirty. The news article then went on to explain that CCTV footage showed me leaving the station, talking to a blonde female but that was the last either of us had been seen. I mumphed until my gag, trying to get Jessica’s attention but she simply turned off the TV in a panic and explained that if the police interviewed her, she’d simply tell them that I’d chatted her up and she hadn’t seen me after we parted at the bus stop. I then started to fight my bonds and find some way to loosen the noose that bound my wrist but to no success. Jessica just laughed at me and said that I would deserve some freedom if I managed to get loose. This gave me even more reason to try and escape but all I was doing was cooking myself under various layers of silk that covered my body from my head to my toes.
?Sam, calm down or you’re going to hurt yourself,? demanded Jessica in a slightly sympathetic voice.
It was no use as I ignored Jessica and fought hard to try and release my bonds. I could faintly hear Jessica get up and retuned to me fighting myself:
?You’ve left me no alternative Sam,? explained Jessica as she rolled my bound body onto my stomach and started to attach more scarves to my already bound hands and feet.
Soon I was effectively hogtied with at least another two or maybe three scarves attaching my hands to my feet, leaving me nothing else to do but wriggle around like a beached whale. Jessica left me alone for what I could only guess was at least an hour and soon I was lying on my side (on the sofa) resting from my contours exertions to free myself from my bondage. I quickly found out that silk wasn’t as friendly as I’d expected. My drooling had started to seep out to the outer scarf that had been looped twice around my face and the damp silk made it more difficult for me to breath. I was hot and my face craved to be free from the layers of silk. This was all very weird because I was horny and my dick continuously tried to break free from the crotch strap that had imprisoned him since Jessica’s demands only a few nights ago.
Soon Jessica returned and put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder and asked if I’d given up on trying to free myself. I could only mumph into my gag and nod vigorously to try and persuade her to at least remove the hogtie and some of the silk layers that covered my head and face. She obviously got the idea and soon the scarf tied around my neck had been removed and the large silk scarf was pulled from my head. I could at last see this beautiful girl that was not only my kidnapper but the girl I wanted to screw so badly. She obviously took pity on my pleading eyes because soon my face was free of the long scarf and the sodden gag was being untied and removed.
?Thank-you Jessica so much, thank-you,? I continued.
She then leant down on her knees beside me and we kissed. I pushed hard into her face but lying on my side on the sofa with my hands and feet tied together made this a very difficult task!
?Please remove the hogtie Jessica and I can pleasure you better,? I pleaded?
She agreed and soon my aching hands and feet were at least free from the hogtie but still tied tightly by silk scarves. I got onto my knees in front of this beautiful blonde and we kissed more. I suggested Jessica should stand up and remove her knickers so that I could pleasure her, hoping for some more sympathy from what she was doing to me but soon she was thrusting her soaking wet pussy into my face and my tongue was hard at work giving my kidnapper plenty of pleasure. I was enjoying what I was doing to Jessica but I craved for pleasure myself with no idea on when Jessica would demand my dick inside her again. I worked my tongue harder and harder until Jessica exploded into an enormous orgasm leaving my face covered in her juices.
?Thank you so much Sam, that was fantastic,? responded Jessica as she went off to the bathroom to clean herself up and return with a cloth to wash my face.
?Jessica, I need to take a piss,? I asked in my pleading voice that she seemed to respond to so far.
Jessica agreed but rather than untying my hands, she helped me hop into the bathroom and as I sat on the toilet, she lifted my dress and allowed me to take a piss. She then very kindly cleaned around the nozzle on the crotch strap and soon we were back in front of the TV. We spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the TV, watching a DVD.
It was around six o’clock when Jessica and I agreed we were both rather hungry. Since it was Saturday night, Jessica agreed to order food in so after some debate we agreed to order a curry. Since it would take around an hour to arrive, Jessica explained she wanted to take a bath and would return with the food in an hour. I was then so disappointed when she approached to shove the sodden scarf back into my mouth and secure it in the same way she did earlier. Just like this morning, the long silk scarf was wrapped twice around my face and I was completely silent once again until Jessica would return with the food.
?Now stay around Sam and I’ll be back soon,? explained Jessica.
She was then once again gone, leaving me tied up, gagged and locked into her basement prison once again. At least I knew that I’d be free to eat in less than an hour so I lay on my side on the basement couch and caught up on the news. It had been a few days since the local news had reported me missing and while I was no longer headlines, I still featured at the end while Strathclyde’s best continued their enquiries into my disappearance. Jessica finally appeared with a tray and lots of food at the barred gate. There was nothing I could do to help her in my current position so I watched as she made two trips upstairs but taking no changes, Jessica locked the barred gate behind her for each trip. I guess she was being over protective as there was no way I could have gone anywhere with my hands tied tightly behind my back, my ankles also bound by silk meant hopping would have been slow and dangerous on the steep stairs the ground level.
?Okay Sam,? explained Jessica. ?I’m going to re cuff your ankle before untying you so no struggling and you’ll be free in a few minutes.?
It did take several minutes for Jessica to pluck the knots on the scarves that bound my hands and feet. As soon as my hands were free, I was able to untie the scarves that gagged me and what a relieve it was to be relatively free after a day of tight silk bound.
?That feels a lot better Jessica, thanks,? I muttered sarcastically as I stretched my jaw and arms from the constant bondage that prevented me from doing anything at all al afternoon.
?You’re welcome Sam,? responded Jessica in just a sarcastic tone.
Free of my bondage except for the cuff that attached me to the bed with around 10m of chain and the female attire that covered my male body, I felt great so Jessica and I sat and ate dinner, taking our time to enjoy each others company and the good food and wine.
?So Jessica,? I asked? ?If today is a silk day and tomorrow is a leather day, what had you in mind for me tomorrow,? I enquired?
I suppose the lack of response from Jessica was expected. Everything that happened to me on a daily basis seemed to be a surprise at the moment and if I’d known what was in store for me, I wouldn’t have been just so compliant. While I’d never accept my current imprisonment, I was starting to enjoy Jessica’s company more and more but I had hoped that I wasn’t falling for this beautiful blonde that was holding me against my will in her basement cell! We continued to chat well into Saturday evening and after one trip to the bathroom, I returned to the same sofa as Jessica was sitting on. I suppose I might as well enjoy myself while I was here so I sat down beside my kidnapper and placed my hand on her silk covered leg.
?Jessica, I should be pissed off with you for keeping me down here but I feel somewhat drawn to you and I’m scared that I’m getting feelings for you,? I blurted out.
Jessica just turned to face me, smiled and we kissed again.
Maybe I was getting brave but I was dying to get more answers:
?Jessica, do you really enjoy dominating me or do you enjoying being dominated at all yourself,? I asked?
Jessica just smiled and started her response:
?Of course I like a man to control me Sam but in our current situation I don’t believe this is practical. If I was to allow you to chain me up, yes I would enjoy it but you would just escape and leave me tied up with no way to release myself and I’d loose you for ever and maybe my own freedom if you went to the COPS! I therefore think for now, I’ll keep control of you and enjoy binding you in all sorts of new and wonderful ways.?
I was pushing my luck but my only hope was to build the trust of Jessica to a point that would allow me to escape:
?Well Jessica, if we’d started a normal relationship I would have allowed you to control me anyway and then, I could have reciprocated when we both felt the need. In our current situation, I suppose I get all the fun and you have to accept that fact.?
?Yes Sam,? responded Jessica. ?I do enjoy holding you here and that is the way it’s going to be for now. The fact you actually enjoy wearing woman’s cloths and being tied up, chained and generally humiliated is a real bonus. I understand that you probably would like to leave this room but you’ll understand that, that isn’t going to happen in the near future because I’ve dreamt about this scene for years now and my dreams are coming true through you.?
On that note, it was getting late and Jessica wanted to clear up. I offered to help her but she declined my offer and left my chained the bed, while she made three trips upstairs to clear away the take-a-way. Not long after, she returned to the basement cell wearing a red silk and very short nightdress that really showed off all her wonderful curves. I was therefore disappointed that Jessica just stood on the other side of the locked bars and offered to unlock the cuff that was locked around my stocking’d ankle.
?Good night Sam,?
?Good night Jessica.?
With those two gestures, I was alone again in the basement cell but able to remove the silk cloths and get ready for bed. I was once again looking forward and dreading what Sunday would bring.
After a very tiring day of silk and bondage I awoke on Sunday morning but only when Jessica entered my basement room at around 10am.
?Good morning sleepy-head are you ready for your day in leather,? asked Jessica as I struggled to enter the world that morning, never mind actually comprehend what she was on about.
Without saying too much, I crawled out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom for a shit, shower and a shave. It was only on my return to the main basement room that I noticed just how gorgeous Jessica looked this morning. She was wearing a tight leather mini-dress, with a front zip, which was pulled down just enough to show the top of her black corset, keeping her tits from bulging out. Her legs were clad in smooth opaque Lycra, which set a lovely contrast against her black leather boots that came up to just below her knees.
?Fuck, you look good this morning Jessica,? I remarked!
?I’m glad you approve Sam,? replied Jessica. Soon you’ll be looking just as good in your outfit.
First of all I was directed to pull on a pair of equally opaque Lycra tights that when pulled up, completely covered my legs from my toes to my stomach in a thick layer of black Lycra. Next I was secured to the lacing bar for my morning introduction to the dreadful corset that I’d come to love and hate at the same time. This particular one this morning was made of heavy boned leather, which Jessica pulled and pulled until she was satisfied I was as tightly laced as possible and even the tiniest breath was taking it toll on me. Next she pulled up a back zipped flap, which soon covered the laces and was locked in place at my neck. As with all the corsets, this one had built in tits that filled out upper torso very well and gave me a slightly over-weight female shape.
The next piece of clothing was my jacket and bondage for the day. Yes, as soon as Jessica released me from the lacing bar, she held out the long empty arms of a leather straightjacket. I’d always wanted to try a straightjacket but never thought for one minute I was about to spend the next eight hours, trapped inside a thick mass of leather that would keep me hugging myself all day. The various buckles at the back took about ten minutes to be pulled and secured to Jessica’s exacting standards. Next a leather crotch strap meant I wasn’t pulling this particular piece of clothing over my head. I was then directed to hug myself and my arms were pulled tight until I was struggling even more against the pressure of the corset and now the straightjacket. Finally Jessica used the last remaining strap to buckle around my secured arms at the front of the jacket. This therefore prevented me any opportunity to pull my bound arms over my head.
For the next twenty minutes while Jessica left me alone to make breakfast ware very interesting as I struggled and struggled to free myself from the leather jacket. I was so busy trying my hardest to get free; I never even heard her return until the basement bars were being unlocked.
?I’m glad to see you making such an effort to free yourself Sam,? said Jessica with smile from ear to ear. ?There is no way you’ll ever escape from that jacket as I’m reliably informed that if fitted correctly and it is on you right now, there is no way you can pull those useless arms of yours over your head!?
?So my sweet,? I replied in an equally sarcastic voice. ?How am I supposed to eat like this then??
Jessica continued to laugh as she put down the tray of coffee and pancakes and told me that she most enjoyed being in control and having to feed me.
And that is how I ate breakfast that first Sunday and every other since Jessica tricked me into captivity!
After breakfast finished, Jessica introduced me to one of her horrible leather hoods. This particular hood was evil with only two holes for my eyes and a leather mesh that covered my lower face from my nose (which had two tiny breathing holes) to my chin. Like all her leather hoods, this one laced up the back, just like the leather corset I was wearing. Again, just like the corset, a zip was pulled from the top of my head to my neck and attached to the collar of the corset using another tiny padlock.
?There you go Sam, time to really enjoy your first Sunday in leather,? explained Jessica.
The rest of today was spent as yesterday. Jessica and I watched some TV together and at one point she teased me by fingering herself or orgasm while I sat there and watch in my leather bondage. The day ended at 10pm when Jessica finally released my bound arms from the back of the jacket and left me to free myself. I’d spent nearly twelve hours in that bloody jacket, was fed three meals and then left to undress myself and go to bed, which would then take me into my second week of imprisonment.
The following three weeks followed the same routine as the first fateful week. I looked for chances to escape but Jessica was very careful and took no chances. While I would never accept my current situation, I was not going to risk spending another day in painful bondage, locked into the tiny inner cell as I’d come to call it.
We made love at least twice a week. I couldn’t really call it rape as I actually looked forward to the times Jessica released me from the various bodysuit / corsets and mounted me, bound to the bed in some manor.
The news reports continued to report my status as missing but even after appeals from my family, I was not being found by the police and it was therefore a massive surprise when Jessica announced to me that we were going to a party on Saturday night (tonight).
I therefore thought that tonight would be my ideal opportunity to escape. In the last four weeks I hadn’t left the basement once. All day today, I spent the day in the basement alone, still wearing a silk dress but other than that, I was free of any bondage except for the leg-iron that gave me relative freedom of the basement cell. Jessica arrived at the bars at around five o’clock, offered me a tray of food for dinner and order that I be showered and ready to be dressed by six! I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to actually leave the basement cell. I knew that Jessica would take precautions but no matter how bad they would be, this was my first chance in nearly a month to escape!
At six, I had finished my dinner and was showered and sitting on my bed, waiting for Jessica to return, which she did bang-on-time.
?Okay Sam, time to get you dressed for tonight,? explained Jessica as she offered me a pair of thick black Lycra opaque tights to put on. These were the same thick tights that I’d worn on Sunday’s with my leather straightjacket.
Next Jessica introduced me to an awful leather corset that I soon learnt was called a Venus corset, which meant it had built in bondage. Unlike the other corsets I’d worn, Jessica demonstrated the open front and guided my arms into the built-in arm binder that would keep my arms bound tightly to my back all evening. Once my arms were pushed and pulled into the tight single sleeve (glove), Jessica started attaching the pump to deflate the corset, causing me immense pain as the leather shrunk around my body, pulling my stomach and arms tighter and tighter until I clasped on the bed, landing on my pinioned arms. While I was on my back, Jessica showed no mercy as she climbed on top and kissed me while this terrible bondage corset crushed my entire torso until I passed out. When I came round for the third or fourth time, Jessica was gone and I was lying on my side with my chest crushed by this awful leather corset, which not only reduced my figure but also trapped my arms behind my back. It was clear that Jessica had also used another leather strap to attach the single glove to the crotch of the corset, meaning movement of my arms was nearly impossible!
When Jessica returned she was looking even more gorgeous than ever in a long leather dress, which had a built in corset, reducing her waist to what should have been an intolerable level of tightness. When she walked her silk covered legs were visible from the high slit in the leather dress, which also showed off her wonderful, high-healed leather boots.
?Ah, I’m glad to see you’re still with us Sam,? said Jessica in an even more sarcastic voice than usual.
The first thing Jessica did when she re-entered my basement cell was go to the wardrobe and retrieve a pair of high-healed leather boots for me to wear. With her help, they slipped on easily over the thick Lycra tights. Next she retrieved a pair of large leather cuffs and buckled them around my thighs:
?These will certainly reduce your step Sam and ensure you don’t run away,? explained Jessica!
Finally Jessica retuned with a pile of shiny blue silk in her arms; after all it was Saturday and silk day, even if Jessica was in leather tonight. Before she explained what the dress was, she pressed a silk scarf into my mouth and sealed it in place with several layers of silver duck tape.
?This is a Burqua Sam, an awful garment from Afghanistan that kept Muslim woman oppressed for century’s and still does in many countries,? explained Jessica.
I soon understood what Jessica meant by ‘oppressed’ when she pulled the Burqua over my head and slid the mountain of silk over my leather and Lycra clad body. The dress had a built-in hood or mask of silk and mesh that covered my eyes. I could see through the mesh but not very well and Jessica explained the additional thick silk around the mouth area that would ensure any noise was kept to a minimum. The dress therefore covered my entire body and hung just above my ankles.
?Okay Sam, I should now explain the format of tonight,? said Jessica as she sat down on the bed beside me. ?We’re going to a bondage party at my friends house across town. We’re going by taxi so I can have a drink. I’ve gagged you for two reasons: (1) while you’re in the taxi for obvious reasons and (2) while at the party because you’re my sub tonight and while most of the other girls will have their subs in various degrees of dress and bondage, I don’t want you telling anyone you’re in bondage against your will. You’ll not look out of place, I promise. I’m going to leave you a little longer now to get ready and I’ll be back for you around seven, when the taxi arrives. Enjoy the wait!?
With that Jessica was gone and I was alone once again. This therefore brings me back to where we started in this story.
Four weeks on I’m waiting here in my basement cell. Waiting for this beautiful Blonde girl that has kidnapped me and turned me into her bondage slave. I sit here on my bed, waiting for Jessica to return wearing a combination of Lycra, leather and silk bondage. While this should be my greatest chance yet to escape, I’m not very hopeful.
To be continued.
Ed Kilpatrick
Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....
Lady Georgette Lockwood was bathing on the orders of the voluptuous Madam De Voillet. The maid Maisie caressed her sperm encrusted skin with a soft cloth, washing away the sticky essence with perfumed water. Georgette lay back and gave a soft sigh, reliving the events of the last few hours. When she awoke this morning she was an innocent virgin, unaware, and ignorant of, the ways of men and women. And now, just a short while later, she had masturbated a cock, tasted sperm, and been...
“You`re sure madam? We can really fuck her?” Madame De Voillet stood in her drawing room before the semi-circle of seated guests and smiled. “Yes, Sir Edgar. She is 20 years old and the daughter of one of my most valued friends. And might I add, one of the most licentious. The girl that will shortly stand before you, is the result of an overprotective father. A man who knows nothing of his wife`s wanton ways.” A chuckle of delight rippled around the room. “And do we get to fuck the mother...
Introduction: Bridgette B. is one of my favorite pornstars and so when I came across this photoset of her in a harem girl outfit, I knew I had to make a story of it! This story is a sexy parody of the old TV show "I Dream of Jeanie” but with a few sexy twists! I hope you like the story as much as I liked writing it! * * * *Tony Williams sat in the holding position, awaiting permission to enter the runway and take off. His small Cessna 340 twin-engine plane was fueled and ready for its...
Supernatural"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...
Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...
Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...
It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...
Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping mall. No one else seemed to mind either because I never interfered with their activities. I usually just sat there and listened to them gossip or complain about boyfriends. I liked to imagine I was a sheikh and they were all my harem girls. Occasionally one of the girls would ask my opinion about something they were talking about, something they were wearing or a boy one of the girls liked. I was...
My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the...
Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...
Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...
Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...
It was eight thirty in the evening on a Friday but unfortunately for Bridgette she had to stay to finish the project in the laboratory she and colleagues had started earlier in the week. The vaccine had proved a difficult one to manage but success had been accomplished and she just needed to ensure all the proper documents were straight before they presented their accolade to the many ministers, heads of departments and other dignitaries at the forthcoming press conference on Monday...
"I'll be home when I'm home" Bridget screamed, looking back at her mother as she slammed the screen door behind her. Bridget's mother threw her hands in the air in total frustration, knowing full well she had lost her young girl and was now looking at a very confident and independent young lady. Bridget walked down the front yard to the driveway where she met her friend Mike in his 1995 Mustang convertible and hopped in, ignoring her mother as she looked out the window. "Drive!!" Bridget...
Bridgette and I would talk all the time through text messages since we had similar jobs. We both worked for a large telecommunications company in the IT department. We did not work in the same location but it was fun comparing notes with each other. We would complain about the dullness of our jobs, the long hours, and of course the pay. In the last series of text messages she complained about her husband not fulfilling her needs in bed. She said he was barely...
My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping...
“Crap,” she thought, green eyes snapping open. Dustin had given her specific orders before falling asleep last night. “I want to fall asleep tonight with my cock in your mouth and it better be in your mouth when I wake up in the morning,” was the last thing he’d said to her. The last thing the slender blonde wanted was to be punished again. Glancing fearfully upwards at Dustin’s face, she discovered his eyes were still closed and he was breathing easily. At least he was still asleep....
Pam fondled my cock as she nestled into my side. The morning sun streamed in the master bedroom window reflected off the pool and the sail boats on the bay. Pam said, “You were a busy boy last night. We have a new member in our love circle.” “Georgie?” “Did you have any doubts?” “I don’t know whether she’s interested in plural relationships. Maybe she was swept up in the eroticism of the moment.” “She is, and she was.” “And you know this how?” “Because after you zonked out – after...
She meant it, too. At that moment, still on a high from the long edging session capped off by her nephew’s hard fuck, she was willing to do anything to keep the experience going. Crawling to him, she pressed her cheek to his thigh as she hugged his legs, desperate to show her devotion. Feeling his hand in her hair, she smiled and kissed his thigh with a quick, open-mouthed swirl of her tongue on his skin. “You really are a whore, aren’t you?” the boy marveled. “Is there anything a slut...
After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley; Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
FetishSo, it wasn’t long before he was searching for MILFs and slut moms on Tumblr … which led to The banner across the top was a leggy blonde with her ass in the air, vibrators shoved up her ass and pussy as she held a third one to her clit. He unzipped his jeans and started stroking his cock as he scrolled down … and his heart stopped. The next photo showed his aunt, topless in her kitchen. There was no mistaking it. It was his Aunt Bridgette. The long blonde hair,...
It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen her naked, she thought. The boys always found excuses to pop their heads into the bathroom while she showered or got dressed. On hot days, she was almost never full dressed, letting them see her in the skimpiest of cut-off jeans and bikini tops. Hell, she’d flash them her boobs or tits just because they asked any time. And they asked a lot, usually on movie nights when they’d compare her to the actresses on the screen. They’d seen men fuck her on more than one...
“This school has a reputation for being very good, and we want to uphold that. You’re not helping matters any by being mean to students and flaunting your sexuality.” “It’s a crime to be sexy? You sound like Brenda. I can’t help it if she’s ugly.” “But you can stop your behavior.” “And what if I don’t want to?” Houlihan was still sweating. “I went to Georgetown, you know.” This caught Monica off guard. “Really? That’s my top school! I so want to go there!” Houlihan regarded Monica for a moment....
FetishIntroduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...
The older woman’s pussy tingled. She knew it was wrong to let this kid who was half her age treat her this way, but that just made it hotter. She licked her lips and gave him her sultriest gaze, practically inviting him to rape her. “I told you, Dustin, I’ll do anything you want me to. All you have to do is ask, baby.” Her nephew spit in her face. “I won’t be asking for shit,” he snapped. “You’re my fucktoy slave and you’ll do as your told.” “I’m not your slave, Dustin,” Bridgette...
“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...
SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...
HumorTommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...
Oral SexTommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their 2nd day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights. She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way. She sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet. Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...
At the moment, the boy was spent, face down on her bed, recovering from his marathon fuck session. Bridgette, still naked, straddled him, the warm mixture of his cum and her juices dribbling from her well-fucked pussy as she massaged her master’s shoulders. She alternated working the muscles beneath his sweat-slick skin with her hands with leaning forward to lick and kiss his shoulders. “Thank you, sir,” she murmured between licks. “Thank you for knowing what this slut needed and being man...
“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...
FetishIntroduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART II As you can imagine, I was completely devastated. I couldnt believe my nightmare had gotten this far. The thought of my wife having full on sexual intercourse with that disgusting little creep was like pure poison in my heart. And yet it was all my fault. I kept telling Kelly how sorry I was. She was incredibly kind and said it hadnt been that bad, even though she said it was obviously pretty strange...
The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...
The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...
FetishLadies and Gentlemen, President Chelsea Clinton By Heather St. Claire January 20, 2025 NBC News Anchor Natalie Morales: And there you have it, the inaugural address of President Chelsea Clinton. And now the new President is embraced by her husband, Marc Mezvinski, and her children, Bill, who is 12, and her daughter Olivia, who just turned eight. And now, a heartfelt hug from her mother, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Wouldn't you like to know what words they're exchanging at this...
My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...
Bridget - The Story of a Trained Slave by Lewis Chappelle with assistance from ?Alli?Chapter One - Parts 1 - 5Part # 1Bridget could not remember much about her early life. She did know a little about her former master and mistress, an older German couple, who got her from her parents before she even started her first menstrual period. The couple trained her to be a good slave but, had done nothing to educate the young girl, who was now practically illiterate. She did not have aspirations or...
A little about myself I have had a mackintosh fetish for as long I can remember all types leather pvc and rubber. When I was very young back in the early 60s my mother used to wear a rubber lined mackintosh, at that time I loved it and didn't know why, I would often touch it or hold the rubber lining against my face and smell the fantastic aroma it gave off, thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. As time went by I discovered wanking and when ever my mother was out...
Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...
Bridget - The Transformation Chapter One written by ?Alli? based on a concept by Lewis Chappelle Carefully, Bridget arranged the implements on the floor: the flogger, the cat o' nine, the cane, the leather belt, the large paddle - they joined the others in a neat, straight line across the floor. Everything had to be perfect when Adam, her Master, came home. Bridget worked quickly and smoothly, almost humming as she readied herself and the room. Her Master, the love of her life, traveled...
Hello friends this is Sanjay I am a regular reader of this site going through a lot of stories I also thought of sharing an experience I had with my girlfriend recently and well to introduce myself I’m a doctor and completed my internship recently and this story which I am trying to share with you happened 6 months back when I was in my internship while working in my college hospital. I used to work in a private hospital for a night shift in order to earn money as a duty doctor and that was a...
Bridget cried out and thrust her pelvis up against the mouth of her favorite student as she came. His mouth had been servicing her bits for the last half hour the teacher estimated. Time held very little meaning for a woman when she had a gorgeous young man eating her pussy. Harry’s tongue continued to stroke through her juicy folds while she arched her pelvis and grasped the back of his head with her left hand. Harry grinned mentally while his favorite professor shuddered and moaned...
When I went to see Bridget yesterday I was actually worried she might know what I was thinking by the expression on my face. I was still high on the fantasy sex I had with her the night before, as well as the orgasm she gave me, without her knowledge, of course. I thought she might take one look at me and know about my lusty play, of which she was the star attraction. Thankfully, if she did sense anything like that in my demeanor, she didn't seem to mind. She greeted me more joyfully than...
Ghum theke uthe Maa er kache sunlam Sutapa di asbe. Sutapa di amar masir meye. Amar theke 3 years boro. Soddo biye hoyeche. Jai hok sunei mon ta valo hoye gelo. O alo. Dudin thaklo. Kothai kothai masir chhoto meye mane amar chhordir kotha uthlo. O nurse er chakri korto Berhampore posting. Onekdin or sathe kotha hoini. Sutapa dir kachei phn no. ta nilam. Phn korlam kintu porichoi dilam na. Dekhlam besh provocative kotha barta. Sune valoi laglo. Tarpor porichoi dilam. Girl frnd sonno jibone tobu...
Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...
When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...
Office SexWhen I was younger, I needed a place to stay after my first house mate Dave decided to get married, and Bridget a good friend I had known since school said I could crash at hers.She had a house in a nice neighbourhood that she had inherited from her parents, after they had died a few years earlier in a car crash, and was more than happy to let me rent a room."Are you sure?" I asked as I carried my boxes in the front door on that first day."Yes, of course dumbass, or I wouldn't have offered!"...
I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...
Bridget stood there, looking down at the engine. She had to laugh, {well it's still there ... that's what I know about cars!... } She had been on the way home and her car just stopped. She was reaching for her cell phone when a car pulled up. "Hi, thought I recognized you. Troubles?" She vaguely recognized the young man, he had helped her with her groceries one day. He joined her and they both stared at the engine, the boy wiggled some wires and tried to restart it, no luck. "Well that's...
I'd just started working with Bridget about six months earlier when I'd gone to third shift. She's a bit on the bigger side compared to girls I'd done stuff with, and I knew a bit older. For the last couple of years, I'd been doing stuff with my stepdaughter's friends in the sixteen-eighteen range, and I'd done stuff with a couple others that I knew who liked to flirt, fuck around and have fun.Working with Bridget was fun to start with. Very outgoing, friendly, almost crude, extremely blunt,...
Office SexBridget and I had been flirting since the day she started at work. With a personality like hers, it wasn't hard to like her. Very outspoken, almost too loud at times, sarcastic, funny, off the wall, and dirtier than most girls I'd ever worked with. We hadn't been working together that long which made it even more fun. She simply said what she felt like saying, if it offended someone, she would smile, smirk, and go "whoops. Did I say that out loud?" and everyone would laugh.What I did not...
TeenI gave Bridget one of my personal email addresses a few days ago ... one that I use in the private online world. But not laurenmom. I don't know that I'll ever want her in my online story and sex talk world. In any case, she sent me a message the same day. Even her emails are ultra adorable. And, she shared something that has me intrigued as hell. She told me that she has two tattoos. Tattoos are something I can generally take or leave. But the thought of her having ink adorning that sweet...
We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...
Damn! Nearly 2 weeks has gone by since I've had time to update my tale of Sweet Bridget. Some things have developed. Here goes... She and I have had a couple of dates, which is how I'm referring to our outings, since I posted about this a couple of weeks ago. We've become social network friends and we're emailing pretty much daily. I'm also stopping in the store to see her as I always have. Here's something fun, that's been quite titillating for me. I haven't really touched my sweet...
I'm not sure how I want to (or don't want to) continue with the story/journal part of this tale of me and my almost girlfriend, Bridget. I've woven parts of my real life through much of what I've written in my online life, but this is pretty much the first time I've actually just shared the real thing as it was happening. But for now I'll continue sharing this way, because it helps me think it through. And, as I just shared with one of my good online pals, if the shoe were on the other...