Sentenced To Suffer! free porn video

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           Sentenced to SUFFER!

               TJ Ryder

Illustrated Femdom fetish FF/fm stories for Adults Only!

    Lloyd  had no idea when he crossed into that province the changes

that would take place in himself that night, the beginning of the

nightmare at Ballus Prison.

    Looking back at that accidental speeding stop, the police running

what should have been an inconsequential license check, and he didn't

think anything of it because his driving record was clean.  But when he

saw the female officer grimly get out of her vehicle with her handcuffs

out, he knew something was bad.  He knew that the province's last election

swept the Femrule Party into power, but how would he have known that

some unpaid alimony payments to his cheating slut of an exwife was considered

a serious felony, and his astonishment at being sentenced to 6 months

Hard Time at Ballus Prison for it!  In fact, he practically saw no men

at all during the whole court experience, including his own lawyer who

didn't seem all that enthused about his defense and told him he was lucky

for such a short sentence.

    Now, he shivered, standing almost naked in only jockey shorts,

among a dozen other young men, hands cuffed in back, trying not to get

caught whispering by the mostly female correctional officers.

    "Shut up, newbie," one young man said, his recently shaved head like

all prisoners looking white against the tan body, as Lloyd realized he

looked as ridiculous as he did.

    "okay, okay," he whispered, "I just wanted to know if you knew anything

about Ballus!"

    The boy winced, looking around fearfully.  "More than I want to, how long

you in for?"

    "Six months, you?"

    "18!  But they'll be tough ones!"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Shhh, not so loud!  Ain't you heard nothing about Ballus?"

    'I'm not from around here!"

    "Figures, that's why you got 6 months.  Still, they'll break you in

plenty of time.  Took only 3 weeks to break a mate of mine, and he was tough!" 

   Lloyd shivered in fear, "W-what do you mean?"

    "You do know it's a women run facility don't you?  You know they use

corporal punishment, a lot!"

    (Gasp) His worst fears realized!  "I-I didn't know!"

    "You'll find out soon enough!  At least a Ballus graduate can get plenty

of bitch dates when he gets out, and by then, I'll probably like those bitches!"

    Lloyd looked at him as if he were crazy, and the other boy shrugged, half

smiling.  "My name is Timmy, but we won't have names much longer.  You don't

believe me, but most of the guys who leave Ballus use the numbers given them

for their names even after they leave!"

   Lloyd swallowed, "are you telling me that women, females, run a prison

for men, and the men are, ..., beaten?"

   Timmy smiled, "more than beaten, boy!  Just from what I hear, don't do

anything wrong, because we get it even worse!"

    The humiliating bus ride wearing chains and leg irons with a smirking

luscious female guard watching them was bad enough, but after two hours

of riding with naked butts on hard wooden benches, being told to get out

in front of the huge monolithic stone prison gate and strip naked, even

throwing off their underpants, which were tied with simple laces so they

could keep their leg irons on was even worse, but then,

he saw the female guards come out, giggling with amusement at the new crop

of prisoners.  He couldn't believe how beautiful they were!


    Instantly the muttering stopped with the imperious although feminine


   He looked over at a woman in authority standing at a podium.

   "Welcome to Ballus Penitentiary for males!"  She smiled at that.

"Get used to nudity,  males have no rights here, and no priviledges except

what they earn, and you WILL earn them!"  Some repressed giggling followed

that, as some of the males shuddered.

   "There are extensive rules, which must be obeyed EXPLICITLY, so

my advice is to memorise them!  Breaking the slightest rule will result

in severe suffering, I assure you all of that!"

    At that two smiling luscious young women in very brief guard costumes

exposing cleavage and ripe thighs held up a large chart and placed it on

a frame for the males to read.  But as soon as Lloyd began reading it,

trying to commit it to memory, he and the others were ordered into single

file by women with cattle prods, giggling at the nude males, and they were

marched to two women at a booth at the entrance to the prison, under the

huge gate.  But he blushed as he saw one of the rules:

  NO MASTURBATION!  He also tried to see the others, like no speaking without

being questioned, the ones he expected, but there were other ones, more

complicated ones, and he was marched past them so quickly he couldn't

read more than a few.

   At the booth, two beautiful young women smiled, each holding up a large

stamp, and they were attached with wires to a computer with a display.

   'Starting with the B's this time, Laura?"  A guard asked.

   "Yes, Dotty, this is the first group this year with B!"

   Each young man yelped a little in the line ahead, but was warned

to keep still. Finally, Lloyd was next, and looked at the display.

It read B313!

   'Remember that number, prisoner," a blonde smiled coolly, "this

hurts a little, but that's the electrolisys making it last for 90 days!"

    He felt one woman hold her stamp pad to his right buttock, while

the blonde held hers to his right breast, as he held his hands obediently

behind him as they told him.

    BZZZZZ!  He yelped, feeling an electric jolt and a warm feeling,

and then saw the naked white buttocks of the preceding male, B312,

being marched off.

    'B313!'  He heard a guard say to him, so he turned and replied.


    He felt a slap across his face then, the girl smiling at him,

'Very good, but answer "Yes Ma'am!"

    'Yes Ma'am!"

    Now he committed the number to his memory to make sure that was

his last mistake, but if he didn't get a chance to read all the rules

on the way in, he could he do otherwise?  Maybe,' he shuddered, 'that

was the whole idea!'

    "What do you think, darling?"   A lovely office worker on the

second floor looking out the window at the new arrivals said to her


    A spectacular guard was buttoning her low cut blouse over

her luscious breasts as she turned and looked down at the naked males.

    "Just more meat for me to play with!"

    'And for me to help you!"

    Daphne smiled at her girlfriend indulgently.  "Come on, honey,

you know only correctional officers can be in the punishment rooms!"

    Laura pouted, running her fingers over Daphne's tight backside.

"Sheila's girlfriend lets her watch when she does it, lots of times!

Even help out a little!"

    Daphne smiled, kissing her on her full lips.  "She could get her

in trouble!  I'll tell you what, if you find one of the males of

particular interest, maybe I can let you watch!"

    'Oooohhhhh, how nice, and I already know which one I want,

see that taller one down there, with the nice body?"

    'I see him, a virgin too, by the look of him.  I'm not promising

anything, but I'll see what I can do!"

   Down in the cobblestone courtyard, the males were made to kneel

on the hard stones, their hands behind them now cuffed, before an

odd looking device, something like a wooden X, and that's when Lloyd

gasped, seeing the manacles at each end.  And underneath, the dark

stains on the cobblestones, could only mean blood!

   "Prisoners!"  A new guard intoned, "I want you to understand this

is for your own good.  Some of you are not paying attention, and when

this happens, it must be corrected!" AT that Lloyd noticed to his

right that two young men from his group were standing with female guards

on each elbow, their hands cuffed in back, and something new, he blushed,

because each male had a genital leash to one woman's wrist and a neck

leash to the other one.

   "So I am going to be forced to demonstrate the consequences of your

forgetting your identity numbers!"

   With that, the first two women led the first prisoner by his leashes to the

cross, as he visibly trembled, as they expertly bound him spreadeagle, and

then the two guards stood in front of him to watch, their eyes sparkling

and lips in a smirk at his expression.  Lloyd could see them speaking

and teasing him, but he could only see his back, his naked buttocks with

with the red stamp on his cheek.

   He wondered who would do the punishing, and he was surprised at the

authoritative woman who had spoken reach into a case and withdraw a long

blacksnake whip!  He could see the smile on her face in anticipation

even as she turned her back to the prisoners, her shapely buttocks riding

up in the micro skirt.

    Expertly moving the whip back, she paused,  feeling the absolute

attention of every set of eyes, and then whisked it out, making a crack

across the prisoner's white buttocks, with a red weal instantly appearing

as the prisoner shrieked and writhed.

   SWISSHHH  CRACK!   AEIIIIIE!!   The female guards sighed with satisfaction,

the men trembled with fear, as the female commander played the whip over his

body, making him scream even more when she laid one across his back.  After

ten strokes, some were bleeding, and some drops fell on the stones.

Lloyd had been wondering if he could resist torture, but he knew by looking

at the effect of that terrible whip, he could not.  But could he not scream!

Could he at least be stoic during it?  After twenty strokes, with the male's

screams becoming louder, she stopped, as he continually sobbed as the female

guards directly in front enjoyed his performance.  Then the whipmistress

lowered her whip with satisfaction, and nodded at the other guards with their

trembling prisoner, and soon one male was beind undone by teasing smirking

guards as the other one was led, this time visibly crying and pleading.

   "You see, prisoners, what happens when you disobey?"  She smiled

when at last the next prisoner was found, still begging and sobbing, and

pulled the whip back, her big breasts heaving in anticipation.

    In the second story window, Laura was looking down in enrapt attention,

drinking in the screams, her girlfriend had gone back to work, and she

so hoped Daphne wasn't leading her on in promising she could watch up close

while she broke a male, especially that handsome young man staring with

horror at the screaming writhing spectacle that was happening in front of


   Three days later, Timmy and Lloyd were working in the fields, as usual

naked, when Lloyd saw two female guards come over with the usual smirk

meaning something bad was going to happen.  What made it even worse was the

fact that not only could he not masturbate in their cells, but the constant

exposure to luscious female flesh left him almost always with an erection,

like most of the males in the prison.  Not having had an ejaculation in weeks,

sometimes months, left every boy with big swollen blue balls.

   "Oooh, now, prisoners, didn't we tell you to start at the other end?"

    Lloyd looked over, not sure what she mean't. 

   "Theyr'e not answering, Carla!" A smiling brunette said. "It means theyr'e

trying to come up with a lie then!"

    Timmy protested, "No ma'am!  Um, I didn't hear anyone say which end

of the row to start, that's all!"

    The brunette put an imperious hand on her hip, "I don't care for any

excuse, prisoner!  Just because you didn't hear doesn't mean we didn't

say it!"

    Lloyd swallowed, lowering his head, 'Yes ma'am!  I-I'm sorry!"

    "No, your'e not!"  She smiled at her friend, "do you think theyr'e sorry,


    "Sorry specimens maybe," she laughed, "but not sorry in the sense you mean!

Not yet anyway!"  Timmy and Lloyd both swallowed at that, on their knees

in the middle of the row of plants they were weeding.

    "And, we have two, which group mistress do you two belong to?"

    Lloyd looked over at a blonde guard with her heel on the back of a prisoner's

nead, forcing his face into the dirt.

    "Daphne" Carla yelled out, "wer'e taking these two pigs in, okay?"

    Daphne looked over and smiled and then frowned, and kicked the male under

her foot as he groaned and then came over to them.

    "What's up girls?"

    "Come on, Daphne," Carla said, "we want to do these two pigs, okay?"

    Daphne looked at them, knowing one was the same boy that her girlfriend

wanted to watch being broken.  "Did they both disobey?"

    Carla was impatiend, but her friend assured her that one of them did.

    "Well, if your'e not sure which one, take that one, and leave this one!"

she indicated Lloyd.

    "Okay," Carla said, reaching for her belt leash to attach to Timmy, "but

I think your'e being such a stickler!"  She wanted to do both males at the

same time with her girlfriend but at least one was better than nothing.

    As they left, teasing and giggling with the naked trembling Timmy, his

hands cuffed in back, Carla leading him by his genital leash, Lloyd smiled

up at Daphne.

    "Thank you ma'am!" he said, and instantly realized he made a big mistake,

had spoken out of turn!

    Daphne's frown turned to a warm smile!  She had him!  "Tsk, tsk, and

you were doing so well too, B313!  Now, let's have you stand up for me!"

   Soon, the first time he ever had a genital leash trapping his inflated

testicles, his hands once again cuffed behind him, he felt so totally dominated

and under her control, a slight pull of her slim wrist could bring agony,

as he hurried to keep up with the swishing bottom as she led him into the

dreaded punishment section of the prison!

   Walking behind his mistress guard, he tried not to blush at the smirks

from other women, especially the female clerks gathered near the entrance

to the punishment section, and one in particular seemed delighted to see him,

blowing him a kiss, trying to make eye contact. 

Resolutely trying not to look at her gaping cleavage, he kept his eyes

straight ahead.

   Not dissuaded, the young clerk laughed at his reticence.  "Don't be shy,

boy, I'll be seeing you up close and personal in a little while!"

He wondered what that mean't, and then he came to what appeared to be

a waiting area, with other male victims present, in a very odd way.

They were bent over, wrists tied to ankles, but balancing somehow

on their toes, moaning and groaning, and he realized with a shock their

testicles were tied to ceiling rings with weights attached to the other

end of the leashes.

    A lovely guard wearing a tiny string bikini was holding a riding crop

as she came over.

    'Hi Daphne, your'e early today!  From the new batch already?"

    "Yes, Lois, let me help you with him, I want him nice and ready for me!"

    "Then let's use the spreader bar, this will teach you a nice lesson,"

she smirked at his expression, and soon, his ankles were spread by a

shiny wood bar attached to manacles.  Then, he was made to bend forward,

fastening his wrists to the same manacles, bending him all the way over,

his butt straight up in the air like all the other males, making the girls



     "No, just pull him up, slowly!"

     Gasping and groaning, he felt his balls lifted up, more and more, and

he cried out, pushing himself up on the balls of his feet.

    "Ahhhh, ahhhhh," he cried out, and Daphne smiled, adjusting the tension.

    "Oooh," Lois smiled, "he won't take very long, is that what you want,


    "Yes, we need him ready soon please!"

    Lloyd was concentrating on his balance, already beginning to sweat,

and shuddered at that, ready for what?"

    "Oh, well in that case," Lois giggled, and moved in back of him,

idly raising her riding crop.

    WHACK!  AUUGHHHH!"    Lloyd cried out, writhing, the pain and the pain

caused by moving off the balls of his feet, yanking his full balls, making

him shudder and writhe to the girls amusement.  He heard more crop cracks,

and looking over, saw his friend Timmy half sobbing, several red weals

across his white butt cheeks.

    Lois came over after ever male was now shuddering, crying or moaning

with recent red marks on their white butts, her cheeks flushed with excitement,

and picked up a clipboard.

   "Mmmm, you can have room 4, and your'e taking B313 in?"

   'Yes, I'm going to get it ready now, oh, I might have a guest also!"

    Lois lifted up an amused eyebrow.  "A buxom young thing in accounting,


    Daphne smiled as she left, "perhaps!"

    Turning back to her shuddering hanging prisoners, Lois smiled as she

picked up a long plastic ruler, several males trying to be invisible

as they saw her approach.

   Rapidly changing to string bikini and boots and gloves, Daphne

looked around the small torture chamber and decided on what her plan

for him would be.  The first breaking of a male was very important

anyway.  It must be done right!  And on top of that, she wanted her

girlfriend to experience the pleasures of seeing a male broken and if

she didn't do it right, it would be very frustrating for them both, and

not good for the young man either.  It was well known that after a male

is broken properly the first time, any woman can make him scream and

grovel the next time despite her lack of experience or even proper

equipment.  On the other hand, if she tried to accomplish too much,

he would be useless for a long time, perhaps permanently. She

decided on two things for sure she would do, maybe more or less depending

on how the subject reacted.

   On the second floor of administratin, Laura was trying desperately

to finish her typing so she could duck into the punishment block,

and cursing because she was making mistakes. Finally, she saw a friend

finish her report, and smiled.

   "I really have to go, now, Fran!  Could you finish my typing for me

like a sweetheart?"

   Fran was an older mid forties clerk and looked doubtfully at Laura,

and finally reluctantly nodded.  Laura smiled wider, her nipples tight,

her pussy already moist, as she got up and handed her the unfinished


   "When will you girls realize there is work to be done here at

Ballus?  It isn't built for your amusement and pleasure!"

   "Yes ma'am," Laura said, "I'm sure your'e right!"

   Relenting, the woman smiled, "Make him scream for me too, honey!"

   "I will," Laura gushed, giggling over her shoulder as she left the


   Daphne took a last look around her little dungeon and took a deep

breath, inhaling all the scents of fear and blood and sweat, reliving

all those wonderful moments, those lovely hours spent here, and was impatient

to begin, and looking at her watch, wondered where that little slut Laura

was.  Finally, she stepped out in her high heels and looked critically at

her subject, bent over, sweating, trembling and whimpering.  Lois

paused in paddling a trembling butt and looked over, expecting her to have

Lloyd already in her dungeon. 

   "What," she said?"

   "I was waiting for a friend!"

   "Better get started, honey, or change his position anyway!"

   "Never mind," Daphne said, frowning as she stepped over and "I'm not

waiting any longer for the silly!"   Lloyd gasped with relief as his

tension on the balls was released, moaning but then also realized he

was next, as Daphne smiled at him, undoing the spreader bar, and told

him to hurry up!

    As soon as he turned the corridor, he trembled, hearing muffled screaming

behind the cement block walls, behind every heavy door, most of whom

having an OCCUPIED sign on the doorhandle.  Then, Daphne paused before

door 616, and opened it, holding it open for him like they were on a date,

smile ironically as he obediently walked into the cement floored small room

with no windows, and inhaling with incipient terror the same scents that

made Daphne salivate.  He could feel the pain and screaming and degradation

that took place in here.  And he looked wide eyed at all the equipment,

and on racks on the brick walls, the instruments of torture.

   "Come right over here, prisoner," Daphne smiled, leading him by his

enlarged genitals.  Trembling as he faced what looked like a bar mounted

at chin up level with manacles attached.

    "That's a good boy, now put your right hand in that manacle, that's

right, CLICK.   Now your left, do it or I'll hurt you even worse,  CLICK.

    She could read his thoughts, that insane moment when one arm was free

where he had a slight small chance, to overpower her, and then what, escape?

From inside a prison!  No chance, he had hesitated and she smiled at that,

enjoying the moment, even though she held a electro prod in her left hand

all the time, wondering if he would try it, but then, he gave up, and

with both wrists secured, he was hers, completely helpless.

    But to complete it, she also added a spreader bar again to his

ankles, and then secured them to the rings mounted in the cement floor.

    "Go ahead, try to move!"   She smiled, walking around to his front.

    He tried and couldn't move his wrists or feet at all.

    "Your'e totally helpless, you know that?  Some girls like to just

fasten the wrists casually, because they like to see the puppet dance

when they use their whip, but I like the male to be still, so I can

aim perfectly.  I am very good with a whip and every time I do this, I

try to do it perfectly!"  She paused, tilting his chin up with the

handle of her favorite thin blacksnake whip,  "You may ask questions if

you like!  While you have the breath," she chuckled.

    Clearing his throat, "Your'e going to whip me, like I saw at

the front gate?"

    "Oh no," she smiled, "that would be over much too soon!  Wer'e

going to have a very special time in here, the two of us, perhaps

one other," she added with a frown.  She loved to talk a bit with

each subject, especially the first timers like this one.

    "No, what you saw at the gate was a quick little lesson,  I hate

it when I have to do those.  But don't worry, here we can take our


    Next door in another nearly soundproof room, Timmy was kneeling before

his two lovely torturers,  as they corrected him with their gloved


   SLAP!   AUHFFFFF!  He moaned, his face red from the slapping.

The girls had changed into skimpier outfits, and when there were two

to one male, they liked to dominate him physically before torturing him.

   "Here, honey, "  her partner said, pulling Timmy up and pinning his

hands behind him, "take a few shots and show this tough boy how we handle

smartmouthed males!"

    Naked, feeling her big breasts against his back, he was ashamed to

be so overpowered by two women, but also felt the eroticism of it,

as his cock hardened.  Carla grinned, and punched him expertly in the

stomach, doubling him over, and then worked him over, in the face and

stomach, and finally ended with a nicely timed round kick to the

abdomen, knocking him down, coughing and retching as the girls giggled.

"Want your turn, Anne?"

   "No, he's too pathetic to beat up.  In fact I bet he'd lick your

shoes right now if we told him to!"

   "Of course he would, hear that, prisoner, come over here on your knees!"

    Timmy was surprised, getting over the pain in his stomach, but also

strangely gratified, as he crawled over to her leather pumps on the

cement floor.

    Next door Daphne was standing in front of Lloyd, her soft hand now

cupping his big bloated testicles, making him hard, so hard he felt he

would burst as she talked about the science and art of breaking men.

    "I like the fact you have a psychology degree, prisoner!"

    "Th-thank you, ma'am!"  he weakly smiled.

    "Really," she said, her eyes wide as she softly grasped his

erect phallus, squeezing it and making him shiver and moan.  "I much prefer

intelligent subjects over some of the dummies  I get.  I'm sure you'll

appreciate what we do here much more!"

   'I-I'm sure," he said with a trace of irony.

    "Oh," she laughed, squeezing his phallus, he nipples hard in anticipation,

"I don't mean now, but after youv'e been trained. In fact it would be

interesting to have your, shall we say, unique, perspective on it! As

a trained observer, and then, as a, (smile) participant!"

    "Yes, well, I was wondering,...!"

    "I think wev'e talked enough now, don't you?"

    "I-I was just going to...!"

    She giggled, slapping his phallus with her open palm hard enough

to make him wince, "Oooh, I think perhaps your'e just trying to stall,

don't you think?"

    He weakly smiled and nodded, "you may have a point there!" he tried

to joke, making her chuckle.

    She smiled, walking imperiously around behind him as he sucked in

his breath.  "Wer'e going to start very slowly, but we must start!"

    "Y-yes...!" he trembled, hearing the swish as she teased him

making the whip move through the air, hearing a crack as she tested

it, making him jump and her giggle at his reaction.

    WHISSHHH CRACK! He yelped at the sharp burning pain across the


    Whisshhhhh CRACK!   He moaned as he writhed as much as he could

in his tight bonds.

    Several whip cracks later, mostly on his white buttocks, and he

was perspiring, trembling, crying out, and he heard a knock on the heavy


   Hearing Daphne's steel heels clicking on the floor, going to the door,

he heard another girl's voice.

    "You didn't start without me!"

    "I had to, your'e the one who's late!"

    "Oh, did you do much?"

    "We just started, (kiss).  You really didn't miss anything!"

    'OOh, I should have left earlier!"  Into Lloyd's vision came

the same luscious buxom young girl who teased him at the entranceway.

    SMiling a cruel smirk she walked right up to his naked front,

noticing his half hard cock still semi dangling.  "tsk, tsk, remember

me, prisoner?"

    He gasped,  this was the same girl at the gate who mocked him!

He didn't want to acknowledge her, but she chuckled at his expression.

    'Yes, you do remember me!  I remember you too.  I told Daphne you

were the one I wanted to see broken first, and guess what, here you are!"

Daphne came over then and the girls embraced, their big breasts pressing

like foam pillows as they put on a deliberate show for the helpless young

man, whose erection returned at the sight of the pink tongues searching

each other.

   "Mmmm, kiss," Daphne smiled, "don't stand too close, darling! I

might hit you, and your'e wearing your office clothes!"

    Laura was cupping her firm buttocks with loving familiarity and

looked down at her cleavage.

    "What's wrong with my dress?"

    Daphne winked at Lloyd, and smiled, "if you stand within a few

feet your'e certain to get blood on it! That's what's wrong, silly!"

   "Oooh, how nice!" laura smiled, and then giving her lover a last kiss,

as Daphne returned back, coiling up her whip idly, she had an idea.

   "I know your'e too good with a whip to hit me, darling!" To Lloyd

she said proudly, "Iv'e seen her in action practicing with straw dummies!

Everyone says she's the best with the long whip and she's teaching me!

You should be proud your'e being broken by the best!"  He felt ridiculous

in almost nodding in response as she giggled.

   "But that's all right, honey, I have a solution to save my dress."

  with that Lloyd watched her teasingly reach around back and unzip her top,

and soon her luscious big firm pink breasts were exposed, and then she peeled

her dress down, standing in just high heels and white silk bikini panties

before him, and this time she stood closer, licking her full lips in

anticipation.  So close he could feel her warmth or imagined warmth from

the luscious body so close, so close he could feel her breath.

    Idly cupping her big breasts, gently kneading her stiff nipples with

her fingers, she gazed at his face, and by her eyes he knew Daphne was

raising her whip, seeing the bright eyes of anticipation and her smile.

   SWishhhhhh!  WHACK!   AAAUGHHHHH!  He screamed and writhed as the

buxom teenager drank it in.  Then he heard the whip being pulled back


    Daphne was being very slow and patient, not always hitting the

sensitive back, but most of the time hitting the legs and buttocks, allowing

Lloyd to almost recover, but the third time she hit the back he screamed

loud, writhing in his tight bounds.

   Laura was so close to him, arrogantly studying and enjoying his suffering,

and after one whip crack where he writhed heartily while screaming, she

felt a pitter of warm droplets on her big breasts, and looked down,

sighing with pleasure at the blood drops.  She felt she was experiencing

all of his pain and degradation then, and arched her breasts for more

droplets every time he received a whip crack across the back.


   Next door Timmy was kneeling on hands and bloody knees,

the cruel torturers having beaten him down, used small whips, and finally

were making him crawl, but now were making him pull on the leash attached

to one girl's wrist, while the other one was pulling on his neck leash.

   "Simon says come here," one girl said, and if he did it right, he only

got a light pull back on his testes.  But then he did it wrong, and he received

excruciating wallops on his already tender buttocks while pulling on his

genital leash, making him scream, cry and alternately beg, delighting the

cruel beauties even more.  Changing their instruments of torture, Timmy

had a chance to shudder at the muffled screams from next door, thinking it

sounded like Lloyd.  Then after a bit, it was silence from the next room

and then it was his turn to scream and beg for a long time.

    At first the device seemed comical, but as they ordered him to get

in it, he felt his ankles trapped by the two sections of heavy

secured wood, and then bent forward, his naked bottom in the air,

and his head and wrists contained. Then he remembered from a history book,

it was a pillory!  As the girls strutted around him, smiling smugly, the

absolute humiliation and total control was driven home, he couldn't move

at all, he was at ground level, and he couldn't even twist to one side

as his naked butt was jutting straight up.   All he could do was arch his

neck up and look at a beautiful woman undo her blouse to be more


    "How does it feel, prisoner?  Your first time in a pillory?

We have many different kinds!"

   Drily swallowing, he gasped, "it's, um, interesting!"

   She smiled.  "It's very practical.  Many of them are designed to keep

the prisoner's head at a lower level, so they don't pass out during the


   The other beauty strutted into view.  "Others have different uses,

as you and your friend will be seeing soon!"  she added ominously!

   The blonde haired beauty loved pillories, and this was one of her

favorite positions, and she liked the males to be in one for a while

as she teased them.  She wanted this to last a nice long time!


    Laura frowned, "But why stop, darling?" she pouted, seeing Daphne

hang up her whip on a rack and Lloyd still writhing and moaning.

    "Your'e so impatient, honey.  For good results you have to have

patience.  Now, help me lead him to the table and I think you'll be

very happy soon!"

    Half broken, half sobbing and weak, Lloyd put no resistance up

as Daphne was right there with the cattle prod next to his genitals,

and soon he was on his back, his arms and legs bound to a high padded


    Laura used a tissue to wipe up a few drops on her breasts, when

Daphne stopped her.

    "I wouldn't bother cleaning up just yet, darling!"

    "Oh no?" she replied eagerly.

    "Yes, this part is quite messy also, but very rewarding after a

nice whipping!"  REaching out to Lloyd, she grasped his flopping penis.

    "Did you think we were finished, prisoner?  Oh no, that was just the

softening up!"  Squeezing his penis, he became hard, swollen, and she

stroked him more, making him pant and groan.

    While she did this, she spoke to her lover, 'Pull up a stool honey,

if you want to help out with him now!"

    'Oooh, yes, thank you, " she gushed, 'but, what do we do?"

    "Do what I do, here," she opened a drawer between his legs at the edge

of the bench, and Lloyd couldn't see what was in it, but Laura sucked in her

breath with delight.  She saw tweezers and various needles with rubber grippers.

    "Here now, you take this pair of tweezers now, and let's see how hard

this boy can get, shall we?"  Daphne was anxious now for the fun to continue.

    "You won't the dirty pig shoot will you?"  Laura frowned with worry.

    "Oh, don't worry, he might want to, but he won't!  Now, you won't,

will you piglet?  Does that feel good? MMmMmmmm?  You want me to pump you

some more do you?  Make your disgusting pig cock spray like an animal?"

   Her hand was moving faster and faster, but as soon as he felt as if

he were going to cum, as Laura's eyes grew worried, they turned triumphant

when Daphne's soft hand gripped his scrotum hard, and then, he felt his

testicles trapped as well as his hardon with smooth brass rings.

    GAsping and groaning, he tried to cum despite it, but could not,

to the girls' amusement. 

    "Oh no, prisoner, we can't let you do that.  But it puts you in just

the right state for our more personal hygienic touches.  Here," she

said to Laura, placing her tweezers over some of his genital hair, "now

pull slowly, make it last honey!"

    Laura was entranced by the way the hairs grew tight, and then his

body trembled, and the feeling of each hair being ripped out, as he

writhed and screamed.  She did several more as Daphne helped her, and then

she was disappointed he had no more hair on his genitals, because his trapped

hardon was still so nice and bloated.

    Then she saw Daphne's needle, between thumb and index finger.

    Lloyd looked down with horror at the big breasted torturess leaning over

his genitalia with a needle in her hand. 

    "Hold it like this, honey, and avoid the veins, place it just so,

and then, PUSH slowly, slowly!"

    Lloyd screamed as the needle slowly entered his skin, deeper and deeper

and then emerged from the other side.  Laura sighed with pleasure as she

was allowed to do the next one.

    'No, see that vein, you'll be in enough blood as it is!"  Laura

felt hot drops on her face as she breathed in his writhing contorting

screams, and realized her face was close to where she was working.

In ten minutes of slow work and intense pleasure for the women and exquisite

pain for the male, both women enjoyed the feeling of hot blood droplets on

their luscious body, revelling in the experience.  Lloyd screamed and

screamed, and also began pleading and begging, as the girls waited for

him to almost recover before using a new needle.

   "Mmmmm, lovely, do they all beg, darling?"


   "Of course, mmmmmm, yes,  AEIEIIIEIEEIEIEI!  Some sooner and some later,

but mmmm,  yes, AEAEEIEIEIEIEIEI!   they all beg.  You'd be surprised at

the cute tricks we can make him do when wer'e finished."

    "Oooh, mmmmm, yes, you feel that  don't you, no, I don't think I'd

be surprised at all. I can make this pig do anything I want!"

    "Yes, (sigh) we can, can't we?"   MMmmmmmm!


    Lloyd wasn't sure when the torture ended, but groaning and gasping, he felt

warm blood all over his genitalia, and looked down, his soft phallus had

finally softened up to escape the cruel brass ring, and the luscious women

were gently lovingly kissing each other, their hands on their big breasts,

white breasts that still had his blood on them.  Daphne bent her head to

lick some warm droplets off of Laura's breast, sucking in her stiff nipple,

making her moan.

    "Mmmmm, let's use the couch darling, I need you so!"

    'mmmm, kiss, suck mmmmm, "I wanted to do puppy training, but we can

wait, mmm ,kiss, tillmmmmm, afterwards I suppose!"  Lloyd watched

the older luscious torturess lead the buxom teenager by the hand to the

nearby leather couch, not noticing the pools of cuntcream on each of

the vinyl pads of their stools.  They made sweet luscious lesbian love in

front of him, and despite the agony, the fear of what was to come, the

aching holes all over his genitalia where his hairs were ripped slowly

out and where sterilized needles had slowly been inserted, he began to

erect again. Groaning, he wished he didn't have to look at them, but he

knew it was part of the punishment, and he didn't want to give them the

satisfaction, but he couldn't help himself.  And what did she mean by

puppy training?"

The End!


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Es war bereits spät in der Nacht und ein dunkler, feuchter Nebel hatte sich über die Stadt gelegt, welcher hier und da durch die flackernden Straßenlampen bläulich erhellt wurde. Die Straßen waren wie leergefegt, nur in der Ferne konnte man das Bellen von streunenden Hunden, Geräusche von vereinzelt vorbeifahrenden Autos und andere undefinierbare Laute hören. Es regnete. Ein Mädchen, die 18-jährige Nela, lief durch die verlassenen Straßen. Sie kehrte von einem Abend mit ihren besten Freunden...

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Met Bindu After BreakUp And She Kisses My CockTears

Hi, I am Ajay, 27 years old, 5. 6 in height. I am a big fan of ISS and I am following ISS since 2012. Here is my story. Please be patient as it’s a long story that will I try to divide into parts. Definitely, you people will enjoy it! I am from Hyderabad. This incident happened in 2018. I wanted to go to Delhi to do a course and finally took a decision to go in August for spending some quality time with my girlfriend. She had some problems at home and she would call me when she is alone. We...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake0

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

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love making to friend

Hi readers let me tell you the incident happened with my best friend. Her name is vidya(name changed) she stands 5.2 inches tall, with medium built she is 1 year elder to me we were best friends we often used to roam around, chat I did not know that i will end up having sex with her one day.Day by day we were getting intimate with each other, her behaviour towards were changing she used to rub her body knowningly making me feel more hornier, which tempted me to kiss her. Once we were hanging...

3 years ago
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Fucked Hot Girl Next Door

Hi ISS readers, Aman here with a new story. I am from Bangalore, but working in Chennai. Let me tell you about myself. I am 24 years old. To be honest, I am a normal guy with a fair color. A height of 5’8. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s nearly 6 inches and 2 and a half inch thick. This story is about how I seduced my neighbor, girl next door and had sex with her. Let me tell you about her. Her name is Nikitha. She is 24 years old and has a very sexy figure of 36-28-36. Her body is...

4 years ago
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Exgirlfriend again

We had broken up some time ago. Just nothing to talk about. Sex was great though but a bit boring. Waking up was painful. I must admit, she had fought me to 'take my time' ;-)One night I was out on the town and ran into her. She looked great and damn sexy. Short skirt, long booths, accentuating her curvy Italian butt. She was wearing a loose shirt and her boobies where pointing forward, helped by a black push up bra. She never used to dress this sexy. Even now, the buttons where closed all the...

2 years ago
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Bongo Java Girl

True Story: There was this little blonde chiclet I met, briefly, in college. I was nocturnal, taking an absurd 22+ hours a semester, sleeping every two days to complete coursework. I’d come into the habit of writing outdoors past midnight, if I weren’t on the soccer field exercising. One night I diverted from my normal schedule. Instead of heading to the cafeteria patio tables, — which conveniently circled an eerie-lighted bell tower. Perfect for writing. — I walked to a coffee shop, Bongo...

3 years ago
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Charlies AngelsChapter 21

We didn’t have to wait long before we heard a knock, and before anyone could say a word, there was a tall, slender young woman bursting into the room. She looked at Jenny Beth, and without even a look at her daughters, Lisa or me, she ran to her. “Sher, where is Jenny Beth? Jean called and told me she had somehow been miraculously cured and she’s been transformed into a totally new woman.” “Pat ... slow down and listen carefully, I-am-Jenny-Beth! AND YES, I have been blessed with a most...

2 years ago
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Spending Summers With The Cuzinns Part 1

Intro:I spent most of my time growing up in a remote place where it snowed a lot and it felt like winter year round. For the most part it was just Momm and I living in a small two bedroom house with a chimney. Dadd had his very own international type of business and he ran it almost entirely by himself. He was always super busy traveling the world, he'd come home once a month to stay for a weekend and then he would catch another flight the day after. Every year when schoul let us out on summer...

3 years ago
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My Friends Girlfriend

It was a quiet Friday night and me and my friends had been drinking together. We had been at my mates house which was particularly big and large. We were all hanging out in his large living room when a few of the guys decided to leave. They got up and put on their jackets before stumbling out of the room. I was to drunk to move and stayed laying on his massive brown couch with my eyes semi shut. My friend stood up and signalled to his girlfriend that he was heading to bed, he slowly walked out...

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Nayi Naukrani Ko Diya Chudai Ka Asli Maza

Hello everyone, Mera naam garry hai aur me is site ka regular reader and story writer hoon. Sabse pehle aap sabka me shukriya kehna chaahunga jinhone meri pichli kahaanio par apne precious feedbacks diye . So friends agar koi bhi mujhse baat karna chaahe to aap mujhe face book par add kar saktey hai meri fb id Garry singh gkc hai. Agar koi facebook nahi use karta to vo mujhe instagram par follow karey mera username Garrysinghgkc hai.Agar koi girl ya lady secretly enjoy karna chahati hai to...

3 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 5

Mona was unsure just how long she lay there. She stared at the roof of the tent, feeling the wetness of her husband's release trickling from the lips of her vagina and running down her thighs. She shuddered. For the first time in her life, she felt used and degraded. The fluids of Frank's climax felt dirty on and within her. Never had she seen sex to be anything but a beautiful experience shared by a man and a woman. Now... now... she felt no better than a whore. No, not even a whore; at...

3 years ago
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Choices For The Gay Boy

Choices For The Gay BoyBY: Londebaaz Chohan Previn Singh Arora; a college aged boy; simply could not believe the liberty, he was in as he spent couple of days in the dorm room of his college in this country. It was amazing that he could be as much a gay, bottom or top or versatile as he could enjoy. There was no ‘gay checking police’ anywhere nor his roommate boy or any other boy in the dorm had anything to do with it and the always nudging parents; he was glad, to be far away from both of...

1 year ago
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Diary Of Sex With Cousin Sister

Hey everyone, this is Diganth. I am a regular reader and fan of ISS. I hope everyone is safe and fine. Please do follow the precautions during this pandemic and be safe. I am 24 years of age with a fair complexion and 5’11” and a 6” dick. I just finished my engineering and am working in a reputed company. Describing my cousin sister, her name is Usha. She is 23 years of age pursuing MTech. Usha is 5’10” tall, with curves just at the right places, and her figure is 32c-28-32. She has a fair...

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Rosemarie Ch 06

I apologize for the lapse of time between this chapter and the last. I would suggest that you read the first 5 chapters before jumping into the story at this point. If you chose not to do this, here’s a brief re-cap. Twenty three year old Rosemarie Thornton lives in an affluent area of Indianapolis, Indiana with her parents during the hot summer of 1919. The Thorntons neighbors are the Collier family, and Mr. Collier’s nephew, Jake Collier, has decided to take a vacation from the family...

4 years ago
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First time

She had just had 19 years, after her evening of birthday we are in her room(), shein tucked up her skirt on the stomach, in removed its panties and asked me of the good to lick her I did well him to wet, then it came to impale itself on me I had the impression to go into a block of butter,, she enjoyed practically immediatement, I still remember her glance and its lips which she bit not to shout! She said to me then that she had never been taken in 4 legs and that she wanted to make me this...

3 years ago
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Hello all, thank you for the wonderful comments, as a novice I greatly appreciate the encouragement and support. Please continue to provide constructive criticism. Taylor hated driving to work. Normally she would take the train but today she was running late and had she waited for the train she would have been so late. Her boss would have been furious. He was a cranky old man anyway. She stuck to the speed limit and watched and cursed the speeding drivers flying passed her. She was thinking...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 23

No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon. Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin. And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the...

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