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My thanks go to SH for doing what she can to find all of my cock-ups.

Copyright© 2009 by Denham Forrest

Under Sufferance

I really hadn’t wanted to be there in the first place, but Bill was my oldest friend, even if we had drifted apart somewhat since he’d taken up with Stephanie. So when he contacted me and made it clear he was about to ask me to be his ‘best man’, I really hadn’t been able to come up with a reasonable sounding excuse to turn him down.

Without making it too obvious I tried just about everyway I could think of to put him off asking, even making it clear that if he did, then my escort for the big day would be Brenda.

That did lead to the phone line going quiet for a few seconds, whilst I believe Bill contemplated what kind of atmosphere Brenda’s presence might bring to the proceedings. But then — after some thought — Bill stopped beating around the bush and upped and put it to me.

‘Look mate, I don’t really understand what happened with us. But I can’t think of anyone else who would fit the bill. You were always my best mate, there’s no one else that I’d want to be my best man.’ Bill eventually stated.

What could I do? I glanced across at Brenda who, sitting beside me, had I’m sure heard every word Bill said. She smiled, shrugged, and then nodded, before silently mouthing back at me.

‘I’m game. It’s up to you!’

‘Yeah all right mate, whatever you want!’ I’d replied, somewhat cautiously I should imagine. My memory of that phone conversation is a little confused.

‘Thanks mate, I’ll give you a ring in a couple of days so we can get together to sort out the details.’ Bill had replied and then the call came to an abrupt end.

‘I should imagine he wanted to get off the line before you changed your mind.’ Brenda said with a grin, as I sat there staring at the now silent handset.


Yeah well, if I’m forced to, I’ll admit to you that Stephanie was probably the biggest reason that I hadn’t wanted to volunteer to do my duty that day. Or as they say, stand up for my oldest and one time best mate! And I’ll add, that I hadn’t been at all sure how Brenda was going to be able to handle things either. But if you don’t mind, I’ll get back to where Brenda fits into the equation a little later. My real problem was Stephanie!

We had all been aware that Bill had found the girl of his dreams, whilst he’d been away at university and most of us guys had had a good laugh about it behind his back. Yeah well, our little crowd had always been a group of confirmed bachelors. Or at that age, rather guys out for fun and looking to sow a few of the ubiquitous wild oats, not on the lookout for life partners. Bill had maybe grown up a little whilst he’d been away and was looking more to the future.

But the first time he’d brought Stephanie back to town, I stopped laughing in a hurry. And what’s more, I’d instantly known that my close friendship with Bill was well and truly over.

I didn’t have to take a second glance at Stephanie to know that I was in love with her as well. Not that I could fall in love with her, mind you, I knew that I was completely taken, hook, line and bleeding sinker, with my best mate’s new fiancée.

Christ the woman was a walking wet dream, perfect in every detail. Stephanie had an unbelievably beautiful face, and an indescribably alluring figure, that her apparently natural dress sense showed off immaculately. Honestly the woman was everyman’s dream life partner and should really have been on the stage or a catwalk somewhere.

Actually I had always had the impression that there was something vaguely familiar about her, which I put down to her looking so much like everyone’s — in this particular case read ‘my’ — ideal woman. I figured that I saw in Stephanie elements of just about every model and actress I’d ever drooled over, all rolled into one.

Not that I actually liked Stephanie. Now, you have a go at getting your head around that one? I know that I had a hell of a lot of trouble understanding it myself for a long time. I’m telling you, I’d been in love with the woman from the moment I clapped eyes on her but, at the same time, I’m also assuring you that I couldn’t stand to be in the woman’s presence.

My reasons for not liking her were manyfold. Most obvious I suppose, because her presence in his life had caused the rift between Bill and myself. And yeah well, I suppose that there was the possibility that the fact she’d chosen Bill over myself, has to be added into the calculations as well.

Mind you, there was also the point that, right from the moment I had first been introduced to Stephanie — before I’d had the chance to decide whether I did or didn’t like her — I knew she was engaged to Bill. I couldn’t very well have gone walking up to the girl and her told how I felt about her could I? Well shit, she was Bill’s fiancée already, wasn’t she?

And what’s more, ever since Bill had brought her to our town, there had always been something about the way the woman looked at me that I couldn’t get my head around either.

At that first meeting, there had been — what I’ve always interpreted as — an expression of horror in Stephanie’s eyes when she looked at me. And, at our few subsequent meetings, Stephanie had always had an inexplicable air about her of being uncomfortable in my presence. And well, she appeared to avoid actually looking at, or speaking directly to me.

Yeah well, in a way that was to my advantage, because I wanted to avoid speaking to her anyway, so I can’t say that it bothered me all that much.

I very soon came to the conclusion that she was not only actively avoiding me, but trying to keep Bill out of my company as well. But I supposed, that that was pretty standard procedure when a couple get engaged. Stephanie wanted Bill to herself, not gallivanting around with all his old boozy mates, it was only natural really.

Almost all of the rest of our old gang appeared to love Stephanie, not that I could blame the guys. The one exception and — I had it figured for a long time — my only ally, in the ‘can’t bear to be in the woman’s company’ stakes, was Brenda Morris.

Brenda had her own reasons for disliking Stephanie of course. For a long time before Bill went off to University, Brenda had been his semi-regular squeeze. Nothing serious, mind you, but I do believe — like the rest of us — Brenda had had it figured that that would change when Bill got back from Uni.

Brenda was right in one respect, things did change, Bill didn’t call her anymore!

But in a strange way that fact kinda worked to my advantage. Brenda was a nice person and a damned fine piece of real estate (as the yanks say), definitely nothing to be sneezed at (that’s the English description fella’s). I’m not sure how or why now, but shortly after Bill returned from Uni, Brenda and I kinda teamed up together — mutual disappointment possibly — but somewhere along the line we did.

The rest of our circle of friends appeared to want to stay close to Bill and his dream girl, and it must have soon became pretty obvious to everyone, that Brenda and I both preferred to be anywhere that the loving couple weren’t. Actually people, who had chosen my line of work, often find themselves changing their circle of close friends when they join the job.

Now look, I even changed my bank, because Stephanie got a job as a cashier at the one I had been using.

As the months passed, Brenda and I discovered that we got on extremely well together, all things considered.

I’d moved out of my parents place and bought myself a little flat earlier that year … and well, as Brenda’s and my relationship progressed, very soon becoming an extremely physically, if not an emotionally entanglement. Whatever Brenda wishing to spread her own wings she had very soon moved into my spare bedroom and shared occupanc
y with me. Yeah well that’s what she told her parents anyway.

In fact, we almost exclusively shared the master bedroom, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. As I said, a close relationship did develop between us, but not to the extent that either of us would even contemplate the idea of getting married. Although we didn’t let that stop us enjoying ourselves, if you understand me?

Whether Brenda intrinsically understood where I was coming from, I’m not sure. But I knew where her heart was and the pain she was trying to hide, no matter how energetic she would become in bed. Whether by accident or design, on Brenda’s part, we had kinda consoled each other.

Actually, sometimes — when we’d maybe imbibed a little more than was good for us — we’d have a good laugh about that.

I’m not sure how now, but it had become common knowledge that Stephanie intended to get married in white, with all that that is supposed to imply! i.e. when the announcement appeared in the local church magazine, the words ‘virgin of this parish’ could be taken literally, unlike the case with the vast majority of brides in this day and age.

Ah, for those unaware of English church law. By the time the wedding came up, Stephanie — a regular churchgoer, along with Bill and his family since she’d moved into our town — had been resident in the parish for more than the requisite six months, required by the C or E. Technically she was correctly described as a virgin of the parish in the literal sense, if only just.

You know, at the time I had to wonder whether Bill had hurried the wedding along, because he was missing out on what he’d once enjoyed, with Brenda. Later, I kinda discovered that most, if not all of the haste had come from the couple’s parents.

Bill’s parents because they probably wanted the bugger out of the house. Bill’s folks were somewhat well off, in comparison to most of our friends’ families. They had a bloody great house with a heated swimming pool in the back garden. Pool parties had always been regularly on the menu, and by that time Bill’s folks were probably getting tired of the noise and collecting all the beer cans the following day.

Stephanie’s parents were probably at the hurry up, because they had two other girls at home and they wanted to get the expense of her wedding out of the way. Everything gets more expensive as time goes by don’t it?

Anyway so there we were that day, Bill and I — looking like a couple of complete numpties, dressed as we were in black ties and tails — sitting in a pew at the end of the nave waiting for his bride to show up.

I’d dutifully acted as chaperone and minder on Bill’s stag night a few days before and had returned him home in one piece, even if totally legless and out of his mind. And what’s more, I had stopped things getting out of hand with the slag of a stripper that some of the comedians had dragged out of the gutter somewhere.

I am aware that at a later date, at least two of the guys enjoying the Stage Night celebrations were extremely sorry that they took advantage of the extra’s the stripper so cheaply offered to throw in.

Still that was their problem, not mine. Brenda would have castrated me if I’d brought her any little gifts back from that evening. And Min would have killed me if Bill had picked up a dose of anything as well. Consequently, I’d had to play chief spoilsport that night.

Ah Min, or Gretchen, you have no idea who she is, do you? Well Gretchen (universally known as Min) is Bill’s younger sister.

By that time a rather a tasty young woman actually. Who, had she not been Bill’s younger sibling, I’d have been after her like a bullet out of a gun.

However, when we were younger Min had always been my best mate’s little sister and therefore a sort of surrogate little sister to myself. Consequently I had never had been able to let the lecherous side of my nature come to the fore, where Min was concerned.

I must admit that Gretchen had blossomed into an extremely elegant young woman, and by that time she was savvy enough to make sensible choices for herself. But even then, I couldn’t chance my arm because … well, Bill was with Stephanie, and that kinda put the kybosh on any relationship between Min and me developing. And of course, I’d kinda teamed up with Brenda pretty smartly when Bill got back home.

Theoretically Min should have been away at university herself at that time. She’d taken a week or so off from her studies to come home for her big brothers wedding.

It was Min who came out of the house to help me extract an almost comatose Bill, from the back of the taxi and all-but carry the bugger up to his room. Then she began helping me undress the bugger so we could put him to bed.

That was fine until we got down to Bill’s underpants, that I had been intending to leave him wearing. Min had different ideas and began to remove them.

‘Hold up girl, you can’t take them off?’ I said in panic.

‘Why not, he ain’t got anything I haven’t seen before.’

‘Hey yeah, when you were kids maybe. But you’re both adults now!’

‘Ooh aah, don’t go getting all prim and proper on us in your old age Barry? What Bill’s got to offer ain’t going to frighten me. Now if it was yours on the other hand, I might have second thoughts, I might not be able to control myself!’

I’m sure you’ve had the feeling yourself at one time or another. The thought comes into your mind that you surely must have misheard or misunderstood what someone had just said. I stood there staring at the grinning Min who was by that time removing her brother’s underpants from his feet. Then she demanded, by gesture rather than words, that I assisted her in getting Bill into his pyjamas. I’m pretty sure that I never uttered a word as we undertook the operation.

‘You’ve gone quiet Barry, didn’t you realise that that little spy hole you and Bill made in the pool charging room wall, so that you could sneak a furtive peek at us girls changing and showering could work both ways?’

This was what one might call a gobsmacking revelation. Bill and I had made that spy hole years ago when we were young prepubescent boys and I’d almost forgotten about its existence.

‘Min, we never spied on you, when you were in there!’ I found myself blurting out.

‘Barry, that’s pretty obvious because my friends and I wouldn’t have been able to spy on my big brother’s friends if you did, would we? All we would have seen would have been a lecherous eye looking back at us.’ Min giggled, ‘God, it was so funny watching you and Bill tell the other guys they couldn’t look through the hole, because I was in the girl’s side changing. I thought it very chivalrous of you actually, under the circumstances.’

‘Min, I … er!’

‘Oh don’t worry your little head about it Barry.’ Min giggled again, possibly about her apt choice of words. ‘Most of the girls know about the hole in the wall you know? Didn’t it ever strike you as odd, that some of them would put a chair up against that particular section of wall?’

‘Er, well.’

‘Never mind Barry, most of my friends think you’ve got the best tackle around. My, it gets really big when you get … excited. No wonder Brenda was so quick to move in with you. You do realise that Brenda is trying to make Bill jealous don’t you?’

‘I’m not exactly daft Min. Brenda is very upset about the recent turn of events. She needs someone to cling onto at the moment and we were both at a loose end. There’s nothing serious between us.’

‘Yeah I know, you’re fuck buddies. I have to complement Brenda on her choice of bed partner though. Having studied all the available talent, I have to admit that she picked the best-equipped candidate. If not the most … observant one!’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘Never mind Barry. That will do, let’s just cover him over in case mother comes in to check on him. Mother can be quite conservative and she might not like some
of those little notes the boys have written all over his body, he can wash those off himself in the morning. Shit what did they do, strip him as well as the…

‘Yeah well, but I had to put a damper on things. Some of the guys wanted to dump him on the outside of town naked.’

‘Was that supposed to be before, or after he’d shagged the stripper?’

‘Min, you should have seen the tart. There was no way I was going to allow anything like that to happen.’

‘What, not even a blow job?’

‘Min, the guys who turned her up, said that she came very cheap. I suspect she is a crack addict or something. Those silly tarts are so desperate for the cash, they don’t take any kind of precautions.’

‘A gentleman to the end, aren’t you Barry.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘Well Barry, if my brother picked up a dose of the clap, there is no way in hell that little miss goody two shoes would go through with the marriage. Although there is a faint chance that my dad’s cash might sway her mind. And well, that would leave the door open for you to get in there a bit quick like, wouldn’t it? You know, while Stephanie’s on the rebound.’

‘Do I take it that you don’t like your prospective sister-in-law Gretchen?’

‘Barry, whatever happens, do yourself a favour and don’t get involved with her yourself!’

Min had a very strange expression on her face, one that I couldn’t recall seeing before and I could not understand.

‘Min, Bill and Stephanie are getting married next Saturday.’

‘But today is Sunday so that’s almost a week away Barry. And as Winston Churchill once said ‘A week is a long time in politics.’


‘Alright in love as well. Lets just wait and see what the morrow brings shall we?’

‘Min, tell me are you studying philosophy at university?’

‘Yeah why?’

‘Okay, I kinda suspected as much. If I don’t see you before, I’ll see you at the wedding rehearsal.’ I said as I stepped out of the front door.

‘No you won’t, I’m not supposed to be part of the ceremony. But I’ll definitely be there for the service. Goodnight Barry!’

As I strolled slowly back to my flat in the early hours of that Sunday morning, those closing words of Min’s kinda kept going around in my mind. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t going to show for the rehearsal. I’d have thought she’d have been roped in as a bridesmaid at least. But then again, she had said that she wasn’t too enamoured with her brother’s choice of a bride and Min had been away at university for months as well.


I was somewhat surprised to find Brenda still waiting up for me when I got home. What’s more she was down to the bare essentials, a very short low-slung skirt that showed her navel and a cut-off t-shirt that only just came down far enough to cover those breasts of hers, and that was all! Shit, did Brenda know how to turn me on when she wanted to!

‘Hi lover. God, you’ve taken your time getting back here, are you ready for a little light relief?’ She asked.

‘I decided to walk Bren, I doubt I’d have found a taxi anyway. I’d have thought you’d be in bed hours ago.’

‘Hey no lover, I’m been sitting here dutifully waiting to help you release all those pent up frustrations of yours.’

‘Er, what?’

‘Well watching the guys shag that stripper … Hey, did any of them double team the bitch?’


‘Oh come on, I’ll bet some of them, tried to get her going at both ends, if nothing else. I’m not dumb you know. I know what kind of sick thought’s go around in you guys heads.’

‘Brenda I never touched the bird.’

‘Did I say you did? I have it on good authority that neither you nor Bill, got within ten feet of the bitch. If you had, I certainly wouldn’t be doing this, now would I?’

I thing I should point out that Brenda had sunk to her knees by this point in the conversation and had extracted my rather rampant member. Whether I had been excited by the view of the stripper metamorphosing into spit roast, or not, was immaterial. The way Brenda had been dressed had achieved what she’d intended it to achieve.

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Undercovers Detective chapter 9

 Alexia The gel felt cold when she squeezed it on my belly. I watched intently at the flickering monitor as she moved the scanner around my abdomen, searching. When the flickering screen stabilized, I viewed what appeared to be undefinable images of my innards. She continued shifting it around, pressing down with increased firmness. Some movement appeared but I couldn’t discern what I was looking at.“Ms. Hunter, if you look in the center of the monitor you can see the head—and that is the leg...

Love Stories
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NOTE: Hey guys, this is my first story here, so please bear with me. Hopefully it forms a good base to continue from. Any feedback would be appreciated, and feel free to add a chapter. Enjoy. It was the announcement that shocked the nation. Interrupting the television premiere of the latest Marvel film, a news bulletin announced that scientists had discovered and clinically trialled a new technique to prevent Cervical Cancer and STDs that had a 100% success rate. Given the simple application...

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I woke up on a patch of flowers not sure how I got there I got up in a daze and saw a door in the distance. I started wandering towards it, wondering where I was.

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Thundercats New Friends

As the sun sets once again you take a look around the planet you've lived alone on for so long. You've been able to fashion weapons from rocks and sticks and there's been plenty of wildlife and fish to eat. All in all you've done ok for yourself since Thundera exploded three years ago. Being the only intelligent talking mammal on this isolated planet has taken it's toll on you and you're starting to get lonely and lose your mind a bit. You were blown off course after the Thundercats convoy was...

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Undercovers Detective chapter 7

I nervously applied the last of my makeup in preparation for my debut at the Slice. Up until three months ago, no one besides my parents and physician had seen me nude, but now perfect strangers were going to be ogling me. My folks would have cardiac arrest if they saw me now. They were opposed to me joining the police force to begin with. My dad wanted me to follow in my family’s tradition of corporate law, but being the head-strong woman I am, I forged my own path. However, when I agreed to...

Straight Sex
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Undercovers Detective Chapter two

JANINE Janine poured the contents of her Louis Vuitton bag out on the bedspread, adding a layer of loose tobacco to the embroidered design. She always carried an extra vial of crystal meth to get her through the next job, but those damn vice squad guys busted her connection. She hadn’t replenished her supplies in at least a week. This was yet another hazard of working undercover.For the last three years, Janine Voltaire was an indispensable member of the Special Operation Joint Vice Task Force....

Love Stories
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Undercovers Detective

It was around eight pm, and my double-shift was about to end. We had been working overtime since the gangs had gone to war. Seven murders, in the last week alone. This city of angels was under siege. My rookie partner of two weeks had asked me to join her for drinks at Chubby's tonight. Reluctantly, I’d agreed, but it went against my rules to date a fellow cop. In all honesty, even though I had earnestly tried, it was hard for me to refuse such a pretty face. As partners, Alexia and I were...

Love Stories
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In2underwear fetish 2

I was out walking my dog across the fields again shortly after my encounter with my elderly gentleman. (see previous story) .  Who should I bump into but my elderly friend.  After a polite exchange of greetings I said did you enjoy our last tryst to which he replied very much.  whilst walking further my elderly friend grabbed my hand and as I turned to him he gave me a passionate kiss.  I said that was unexpected but didn't object to him giving me another passionate kiss.I'm sorry he said but...

2 years ago
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understall at the mall

I like to visit the mall and spend time in the restroom checking out the guys in the next stall. I will often suck or be sucked but usually I am only allowed the opportunity to masturbate another guys cock.I was sitting in the stall on the day in question and about to leave for lack of action, when I heard the door open. the urinal was being used, so I figured nobody was coming in. I stood up and was pulling up my jeans when I heard the stall door click next to me. I sat back down and glanced...

4 years ago
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Underpass experience

This is just a fiction form my desire. I'm walking home after a day at work, as I walk past a restaurant I notice a couple walking behind me, I think nothing of it and carry on. Shortly after I turn into a dark underpass with one light flashing on and off, as I get deeper into the tunnel a hear a womans voice call out "excuse me", so I look round and it's the same couple a noticed before. I stay quite for a second before I reply "sorry you talking to me?" The women replies "yes we was...

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We recently visited my sister-in-law and spent 2 weeks there at her place in Tampa, Fla. They have pretty big home and have a woman come in everyday to tidy up the place. She actually prepared our rooms for us. She was about 45ish and in pretty decent shape. We had been there for the first week and i noticed the cleaning lady's schedule was pretty routine. Right down to catching her sniffing my underwear. She didn't think i saw her, but she would go in to get the dirty laundry and when she saw...

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Sam was excited, more than ever he has been in his 29 years of existence. He got married today and to the most beautiful lady he has ever seen, to one he was deeply in love with. He fell in love with Rashmi the first time he saw her about six months ago in a party thrown by a common friend. Where he was besotted by her perfect Indian beauty he was enamored  by her elegance, intelligence and a confident aura around her which was almost captivating and yes captivated he was from the moment he...

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Samunder ke kinare maje kiye raat bhar

Naam arun hai main gujarat ka rahene wala hun. Main ne iss ki desi sab stories padhi muje bahot pasand ayi. Is se pahele meri apni ek story “pyasi bhabhi” iss per apne padhi hogi.ye mera dusra ek vakya apko batane ja raha hun.ye un dino ki baat hai jab main s.africa me tha mere uncle ke saath raheta tha. Ek din uncle ne muje kaha “arun teri bahen ki shadi tay ho gayi hai papa ki chithi ayi hai aur tuje india bulaya hai” bahen ki shadi ki baat sun ke main khush ho gaya. Uncle flight ki inquiry...

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Underglass The alarm went off in my head and another day was staring me down.  I just want to lie here for ever.  I hate this feeling.  It’s a mixture of dread and helplessness.  I don’t want to move, I don’t want to get up, and each second I lay here feels like it gets harder to move.  The ceiling fan is making circles over my head and putting me in a trance. I just can’t take this anymore, this daily life of sameness and drudgery.  It’s got nothing left in it for me.  Posting#:...

2 years ago
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Undertale ENF

Ah, the universe of Undertale, as well as it's follow up, Deltarune. Plenty of girls, both human and monster. What do they have to hide? This story is completely open up to the public. Well first things first.

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Angie stretched luxuriously on the sandy Chesapeake Shore. Her clothes lay in a neat pile beside her. Although the beach was deserted she chose to keep her underwear on. Her neat white brassiere and matching panties could easily be taken for a swimming costume at a distance. Many girls would have taken off their bra and sunbathed topless, but Angie shuddered at the mere thought that there might be someone with high powered binoculars observing her small but perfectly formed breasts from afar....

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BounderChapter 2

I needed to do some more thinking, but it wasn't safe to do it here on the street. I believe that I think best when I'm upon my feet but this wasn't the time to prove it. I returned to the Silver Fox and paid the tapster a silver to hire a private room upstairs for the evening and be seen heading up into it. This tavern was one of my usual drinking and gaming places and I knew that I could trust (within reason) the host and owner. A few minutes later he then secretly let me down into the...

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BounderChapter 4

With the gathering of hardboys growing just down the street from us, we really had very little time left to linger but I first need to get the items that I'd asked Mumford to collect for me from the house. "Mumford, I see you brought the package I asked for?" He nodded and handed me a small but heavy parcel wrapped in twine from inside of his large cloth covered market basket. Mumford always handled my daily shopping needs for our cook and could be regularly seen in the local markets...

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BounderChapter 6

It was not quite yet midday when we arrived, as we had hurried our traveling pace on the good road to complete the four leagues of distance in rather less than the usual four hours. I was huffing a bit, being a little out of my best physical conditioning, but Koch and Flerrie appeared to show little if any fatigue and they made no particular complaints. I left them for the moment at one of the roadside vendor tents, an ale house of sorts, and let them quench their thirsts. The air had been...

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BounderChapter 7

At most roadsides there can be found a shrine to Tywusa, Goddess of Travel, Roads, Fate, the future and (indirectly) Luck. Gamblers tend to view her in a masculine aspect, Tywern, Lord of the Dice, but in either identity she, he or it has never paid much attention to me. I try to make my own luck and never depend upon it, which is probably why mine has been rather horrid as a whole for the last year or so. I've never stolen anything from any of her temples or one of her high priests (that...

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BounderChapter 8

It took me a few days to regain enough mental strength again to properly be able to indulge my gift to any significant degree, but Edwina and I found a few other more traditional means of enjoying ourselves before I even started on her skull job. Sometimes the old-school ways work just as well as refined and intricate acts of magic, but within two days, I had already nearly lost all interest in my new captive. Right from the very start, I always kept her head covered with a thick hood at all...

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BounderChapter 9

Life started to return back to normal. Mostly ... more or less anyway. I was still feeling a bit 'off' with myself and had a hard time getting back into a normal routine and returning to business as usual. But I forced myself to return daily to my chambers office and tried to get back into the routine of making money. Looking out my office window onto Silver Avenue I could see a lovely familiar face pass by each day, usually even every hour or two. Flerrie la'Clerkes, junior patroller...

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Under Hentai is a cool little place to download and stream the latest hentai releases from Japan created by some top quality professional studios. Studios like Antechinus and Pink Pineapple are Japanese studios that produce content way better than the shit you’ll find on amateur sites, and you’ll find more than you can handle here.Videos are neatly categorized by studio, genre, the availability of subtitles, and more. Under Hentai also offers a search bar if you know what you are looking for,...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Life Under Cam! Voyeurism is a fetish old as time. For as long as people have been fucking, there has been some sad, lonely guy who has wanted to watch those people fucking. I guarantee you that, even in the days when Neanderthals ruled the earth, there was a cave woman getting fucked monkey style by her mate and some other cave man was watching, unbeknownst to the couple, jacking his dick out of sight. It’s just human nature to be curious; it’s just human nature to want to see other people...

Live Voyeur Cams
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If you’re a Big Cock Bully, it’d only make sense that you spend your days serving up that monster meat to the sexiest babes available. I mean, hell, it doesn’t take a fucking pornographic genius to figure that out. The whole smut industry is just chock full of well-endowed dudes giving it to tight petite babes, stretching them out, and having a fun time at it. While there are some tiny ding-dong pornos out there for the folks who might feel intimidated watching a bigger man banging the babes,...

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If I had an Underwater Sex Cam, I know I’d have a lot of fun capturing my sexual escapades at the pool and reliving them later on at home, in the office, and on the bus ride in between. And honestly, after checking out this following site, I think I might actually invest in the necessary equipment. Even if my homemade underwater fuck flicks never made it onto PornDudeCasting, where I think the chlorine would ruin the couch, they’d still be a hell of an addition to my own personal fap stash. I’m...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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Undertable intrigued me from the very moment I heard the name, which calls to mind sexy secrets passed beneath the dinner settings, unbeknownst to the rest of the diners. After taking a look at the site, I realized I wasn’t too far off. There’s a whole world of low-key liaisons going on right beneath our noses—or right beneath the table, as suggested by the title. If you’re looking to get into it, perhaps this site will be the key you’ve been looking for.If you haven’t figured out what I’m...

Hookup Sites
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Thunder Ch 03

The Thunder boomed overhead as Karen rode her Nephew's cock. Each crash of thunder caused the very pregnant woman to twitch with a mixture of desire and fear."Oh baby, your wonderful cock feels so good inside me," Karen moaned.Benny reached up and stroked her huge belly. He loved feeling her swollen stomach, knowing that his baby was growing inside his Aunt. "I can't wait until our Daughter is born so I can knock you up all over again."As Karen rode her lover's cock she gazed down into his...

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Thunder And Lightening

Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...

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Undercover Cop

This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...

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I was asked to volunteer for an undercover assignment and I jumped at thechance. It involved an operation designed to break up a major pornoperation that was feeding stills and videos to several very successful web sites.So far, the agency had been unable to find anything i*****l about the group's operations. There was no chance of infiltrating anyone into theproduction side because it was too tightly controlled.The only way in would be to insert an agent posing as a bondage model.That's...

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Undercover Angel Ch 03

Undercover Angel Ch. 03 - Transvestite in hiding forced to fuck.Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

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Undercover Angel Ch 01

Undercover Angel Ch. 01 - Mike goes undercover as a transvestite to escape crime boss.When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses' safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder.Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial adviser. Far removed from the...

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Undercover Angel Part III

Undercover Angel - Part III By Michele Nylons Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

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