BounderChapter 8 free porn video

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It took me a few days to regain enough mental strength again to properly be able to indulge my gift to any significant degree, but Edwina and I found a few other more traditional means of enjoying ourselves before I even started on her skull job. Sometimes the old-school ways work just as well as refined and intricate acts of magic, but within two days, I had already nearly lost all interest in my new captive.

Right from the very start, I always kept her head covered with a thick hood at all times so that I couldn't make accidental eye contact with her. Her mind seemed to be nearly as strong as her witch grandmothers and she too possess the family talent of exerting it upon others, but I could tell that her gift was relatively weak. She was indeed a young witch in training and ambition, the crone's equal in pure evilness and even the slightest delving into her mind sickened me as if I were touching poison! If bred, as the old witch had intended, our children might have been utterly amoral killers with magical talents capable of bringing down half of the empire! If I did nothing else useful for the remainder of my life, removing Edwina from this world alone ought to purge me of a great many of my prior sins.

Even before my mind first began to even tentatively delve into hers, intending to carve and shape her thoughts to suit my slightest whims, she had confessed her many crimes without the slightest remorse. She laughed while I had brutally whipped and tortured her, burned every part of her body with hot irons and probed her flesh with knives and cleverly fashioned hooks. She had always found pleasure in other people's pain and now she savored her own torment, and relished it!

She was already quite insane right from the start, enough of a true sociopath that I found increasingly little erotic pleasure in crafting this new toy. After a surprisingly short time, even the meanest forms of abject brutality failed to even mildly amuse me, and her very existence began to increasingly fill me with disgust.

I resisted for now the once pleasant thoughts of destroying her will and making a toy of her flesh, as I had originally intended. There was much more that her mind, enthralled to my will could tell me, but for now I didn't have to stomach to endure that course of action. Her soul would be an evil cesspit, of that I was certain. Already I was tempted to just simply cut her throat and be rid of her ... I would be doing all of humanity a favor, but I needed to make one or two last inquiries first.

Originally, I had at first intended to turn her into the meanest and lowest sort of pain-slut, to make her the most abject and pathetic sort of obedient pet I'd ever yet attempted with my gift. But this goal no longer gave me the slightest bit of pleasure. I could certainly alter her mind, twisting it in unpardonable and diabolical ways, perverting and corrupting her deepest remaining thoughts so that she yearned to be whipped, tortured and abused in any possible means I could find to debase and use her ... and even make her beg for it. The young witch deserved such a fate ... but I could not now bring myself to descend to her own moral level. Unlike her and her grandmother, I knew that I had a conscience, with distinct moral limits (albeit not extensive) that I would not pass, even now for expediency.

I had looked into her eyes, briefly, before replacing the heavy leather hood over her head to stay. Within them I could see Edwina's own evil plainly enough and that was bad enough, but worse still was the fear that while staring into her soul, I would instead see the inhumanly black eyes of the old witch again boring through mine, tempting my soul once more!

"We are as of a kind together!" The old evil crone had laughed as she had weighed my sins against hers. But we were not! I refused to accept that connection. While my own soul was far from unstained it was not an abyss of darkness either. She had tempted me with the fruits of what the utterly unrestrained use of my gift could gain me, endless power without the slightest moral or ethical restraint ... and I had been repulsed (mostly) by this near irresistible future. Her rape of my mind had revealed some deeply hidden small moral core that she could not easily overcome, and I had defied her the best that I could ... and refused this potential, perhaps even once probable, fate.

No, I could not corrupt Edwina into a pet for my future enjoyment as even holding her fate, life or death in my hands failed to give me the slightest bit of pleasure. The young murderess needed to be punished though, or at least permanently disposed of in some manner. Danelle and Rochelle's justice, and my revenge, was still incomplete ... but I couldn't decide now how to act, so I then decided to just keep her drugged and quiet, strung up dangling from a chain hung from a beam in the roof, like a pig awaiting processing at a slaughter house. I'd never spent any time on a farm, but I was certain that most pigs probably possessed more genuine humanity than Edwina did!

Edwina was a depraved murderous bitch, but she was mostly harmless now and I could decide upon her fate later. For now, I had other potential enemies that might require the use of my gift first.

With those couple of restful days spent recovering at my warehouse and avoiding any and all uses of my gift upon the vile young witch, I felt at last that I now had enough strength of will to begin my last bit of personal inquiry into the final dregs of this miserable affair. For starters, I needed to find out just how actively involved the thieves' guild had been in their assistance to the Blackguards and just how deeply the two groups were involved together, with hands in each other's pockets. I was pretty sure that I wouldn't like the answers much, but I needed to know where I stood.

It took some doing to pretty much force my way into his private domain, the upper stories of a building hosting a rather popular eatery located in a workingman's neighborhood just to the north of my own neighborhood Sunrise Hills. I'd figured out where the guildmaster lived and conducted the majority of his business some time ago by the always useful and direct method of once subjecting several of his street lieutenants to carefully applied queries with my gift, then gently reminding them to forget everything that they'd told me.

Sometimes it's handy and even necessary to defang the lion in his own den. I'd never actually planned for this particular moment in time, but I'd casually for amusement value considered on several occasions what I'd need to do to accomplish this small miracle ... and more importantly emerge again without the lion's jaws clamped fast around my head!

Feeling rather perturbed about everything, I admit that I wasn't in a particularly good mood when I went to pay the guildmaster of our thieves' guild, our current crime lord, a private but personal visit. I was sure that I'd picked up a tail less than half way towards my east end destination, but I never saw anyone obvious. Even taking a few detours down some side alleys and even across a few rooftops didn't reveal my watcher, but I was sure that I was still being followed. Eventually, I decided not to care, and resumed taking main streets for the rest of my journey.

The guard watching the staircase at the bottom floor in the back of the restaurant took his duties series enough that I had to waste time and mental effort with my gift convincing the oversized lug that I was on the approved visitors list. Fortunately the next pair of guards on the second floor landing of the staircase helpfully assumed that since the man-mountain downstairs on point had let me through, then my presence must have been pre-approved. I was waving around a sealed bit of parchment that looked official and important and I was radiating to everyone a loud 'please, try and fuck with me!' attitude of haughty belligerence. Sometimes, if you act like the biggest and loudest dog on the block, the rest of the pack just might be stupid enough to believe you!

My last obstacle upon the third floor hallway watching the door to the kingpin's inner sanctum was made of sterner stuff, and he probably fucked huge mastiffs with ground broken glass glued to the tip of his willie. He looked just like that sort type of fellow, and more or less, he was in fact exactly that sort of crazy badass. I sort of knew him from the Brenner Market and we'd maybe spoken two or three times casually. He knew me and my game ... and I knew his. That didn't make us even - I already knew every button in his head worth pushing.

Fritz "Thumbs" Coggleshaw got the nickname early at the age of ten by biting off entirely the thumb of a lowlife john that had porked his mother without rendering the customary payment. Being the youngest child and only son, Thumbs took to pimping his mothers and three older sisters from an early age and by thirteen was running his own whorehouse after stabbing the previous owner two or three dozen times. He was mean enough to kick any of his whores (family included) out onto the streets without a copper the moment any of them lost their looks, stopped attracting customers or dared to defy him in even the slightest way. In the twenty years or more since, Thumbs had become a powerful street-captain controlling nearly half of the criminal operations on the wilder west side of the city. With age and experience had not come any wisdom. He had only gotten meaner, richer and his ego (which had always been healthy) was stratospheric.

Nominally, Thumbs was just one of a dozen of fairly senior 'street officers' within the thieves' guild and wasn't particularly noted as worthy for future promotion within the highest leadership circle of the organization, but Thumbs held fantasies otherwise ... and quite possibly was ruthless and utterly vicious enough to prove everyone else wrong.

Within the guild, Thumbs also nominally led a faction of the younger and more aggressive thugs and roaring boys who thought that they desired a larger slice of the city's pie, and were quite willing to butcher fat merchants and bleed them dry until they got it. The current guildmaster was more of a traditionalist that worked to keep the status quo, avoiding violence and thusly avoiding interference from both the local vigiles and the governor. Fear, civil unrest and violence were bad for business, and the conservative heads had kept a tight grip on things, so far.

We were just well enough acquainted that Thumbs didn't shoot me on sight, the moment I couldn't instantly provide the necessary password. I needed a long couple of moments to pry it out from Thumbs head first, and then with his guard relaxed I feigned an interest to chat with him for awhile, under increasing apparent cordiality. Slowly I began to sculpt the amoral thug's mind, thoughts and desires to suit my current requirements. Maybe I wouldn't need Thumb's immediate assistance today, but I figured that he could definitely be useful in the long term, especially assuming that his current guildmaster had his ass up the Blackguards behind a bit too far to find his way back out to daylight.

Today's meeting was intended to just be a polite conversation with the kingpin, to collect some information and deliver a gentle warning. If cornered or pressured, I could and would take down most of the entire guild if I needed to, to make sure that I could sleep soundly at night without Koch guarding over my bed. I'd regret it ... genuinely, but I'd do it in a heartbeat to save my life, if needful.

After whispering a few mental instructions, I released Thumb's mind and gently smudge the last few minutes or so of his memories. He'd remember us politely speaking but nothing of any particular significance.

Now I had to deal with the big boss, and already I had a pounding headache from exerting my gift. I could use it again, and probably would need to, but the effort was going to likely completely exhaust me all over again. But it was going to be necessary.

The guildmaster, he had no other name than that that I was aware of, was a wry elderly gentleman who always appeared impeccably dressed and exhibited mannerisms that tended to ape the upper classes. He was at least as rich as many of the minor nobility and most of the cities' greater merchant families and this fact alone signified to his mind that he was worthy of similar due courtesies and respect. All guild masters, of every trade and profession tend to be megalomaniacs. I think it's provided along with the executive ledger books whenever a new boss takes over control. It was rumored that he was tight with the governor himself, hardly a difficult feat assuming that fat bribes wre undoubtedly involved, and I wondered just how far in bed he'd gotten with the Blackguards smuggling and other criminal activities ... particularly by assuming a blind eye and indifference to the black-cloaks involvement with extremely capable professional assassins.

He wasn't pleased to see me and I had to rather quickly use up most of my remaining willpower to stun and subdue his personal bodyguard that was standing at the read just behind his chair. A huge ogre of a man with far more brawn than brains, but it took me valuable moments and mental strength that I really couldn't spare to coerce the giant into taking a sudden restful nap with my gift.

Sensing my distraction, the guildmaster lumbered across the room from his large sitting chair to draw a pistol from a table drawer, but I had finished dealing with his bodyguard by then and could at last spare the remaining remnants of my will to deal with the big boss himself. It wasn't easy, his mind was active with a strength of will that belied his advanced age. He didn't have my gift though, or he'd have crushing my tired and nearly exhausted mind like a rotten piece of fruit. I'd not rested quite enough before starting this little expedition and I'd already exhausted my willpower rather more quickly than I had originally hoped or intended. Now I needed a flood of effort, but my mental pail was almost empty. This was going to be extremely chancy.

After giving up every bit of mental strength that I could muster, I at last seized basic control over his thoughts, but I had nothing left within me to make any necessary alterations afterwards ... and that from the very start had been my preferred intention. Now I was left somewhat high and dry, with my job only half done and almost no hope of exacting my ideal desired outcome. Well, it had been a nice try and I did at least have a fallback plan.

"Guildmaster, did the Blackguards hire the guild to find me?"

"They did, and they paid handsomely too." He calmly stated. I didn't have the strength left to force anything out of him but I had deep enough control that I thought he would answer me truthfully, or at least I'd be able to sense any evasion.

"What did they offer you? I had paid for the protection of the guild, its members should have offered me aid and comfort, or at least defied our enemies. Isn't that part of the oath? You'd taken my gold and silver and we had a bond between us!" I growled in anger, ordering him to reply.

"They could offer the guild more, much more. If we delivered you into their hands they promised us full distribution rights for their spirits, and their full protection ... their gold and their steel too. They'd have been our sword arm, united with us to maintain the status quo, and kill anyone that threatened it."

For a thief, this sort of betrayal was understandable, if not quite acceptable to me. I'd betrayed business associates and other thieves before for less. The guildmaster thought of himself merely an extremely rich businessman and loyalty alone would never prevent him from taking a profit wherever it could be found. The honor of thieves and oaths were of secondary importance. Heck, who were we fooling? There is no honor amongst thieves!

This need for the swords of the black-cloaks also suggested that he was preparing for a purge of his more aggressive and independent officers and foot soldiers. A preemptive strike perhaps to cull out overly ambitious and violent elements from the herd, especially the dangerous reactionaries like Thumbs outside. Yes, the old crime boss was starting to lose his grip perhaps just a touch, and was planning to weed out some of the more troublesome roaring boys from his ranks, but needed the Blackguards and their killers to accomplish this, quickly and completely, without triggering a guild civil war.

"Is the bounty still upon my head?" I enquired, already becoming faint with dizziness as my last reserves of willpower were fading. I'd have to drop control over the guildmaster very soon, whether I had all of my answers or not, so I'd need to make haste.

"No, but the Major-Captain would wish that it was still so, as he believes that you are clever enough to still be of inconvenience to our business arrangements. I told him otherwise, that you were just another slick chancer, another foolish lordling with a greed for gold, but he became concerned at your involvement. I'd told him to just pay you off, but by then the crazy Weir daughter had already tried to kill you and rumors on the street were that you'd then become Sir Adrian's pawn instead. Then he had no choice but to send his killers after you. They failed, badly, creating problems with the Lord Coroner himself, and even now he will keep his eye upon you."

"Sir John Golding? The Deputy-Commander of the Blackguards? Is he the officer responsible for the distribution of the spirits? Did the Lord Coroner himself act in any direct way in this matter against me?"

I had to rush, I was losing the last of my grip upon his willpower, and the malevolent old crimelord made his final answers with increasing hesitation and resistance to my commands.

"Sir John was the most senior officer we have dealt with, our partner for dealing with the liquor ... and other guild related business. No, he acts for his own self-interest and profit first, and these were not the orders or even the will of the Lord Coroner, at least explicitly so. The Lord Coroner is no fool however and knows everything that happens within the walls of the Ormscraig, with or without his consent and likely has been paid his percentage for his silence."

With a sharp twinge of mental anguish that dropped me to the floor holding my head in agony, the old guildmaster broke free as the power of my gift became exhausted. With some effort of concentration he staggered over to the desk to finish retrieving his pistol. Before I could so much as clear my eyes from the stabbing pain and get them to properly focus again, he was standing over me pointed a loaded pistol inches away from my head, and hollering for help, but I could tell that he was about to pull the trigger and kill me.

Thumbs was still the nearest person at hand outside and he burst into the door also armed with his pistol drawn and readied at once for use. This gave me my one and only chance.

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TrueAnal Emma Starletto Emma8217s First Anal

Emma Starletto has never had a dick in her ass before, and she’s in for a surprise. A whole new world of pleasure awaits her, as that monster cock is going to go where nobody else has! After rimming her asshole until it starts to open up, that lucky dude slides his thick rod into that super tight booty. You can tell Emma loves having her asshole stretched out by her hot moaning and the size of the gapes. This hot blonde takes her first ever anal cream pie as well. A new anal princess has just...

2 years ago
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Wife Ki Friend And Janta Curfew 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto, kaise ho aap sab? I hope sab sahi salamat honge. Is Covid-19 ke samaya me, aap sabhi apna khayaal rakhe. Stay at home, and read iss stories. Masturbate kare, aur kisi ko chode, aur safe rahe. Chaliye ab main apni kahani ka agla part shuru karta hu. Pichle part me aapne padha tha, ki main apni wife ke kehne par uski saheli Seema ka haal dekhne gaya. Fir Seema aur meri khoob baate hui, aur aadhi raat ko wo mujhe maalish dene lagi. Uski maalish se main garam ho gaya, aur mera lund...

2 years ago
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My Handsome Brother

I have a small size family. I just have my older brother Jeffery and my parents. I am lucky to still have both my parents that are still married and happy together. All my friends are not so lucky. The bad thing though is that they are always gone for business trips. I believe that is why Jeffery and me are so close, because it is just him and me most of the time. I really like my parents being away from home now. I get to look at my handsome brother all day long. I got to know him...

2 years ago
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Her first gangbang Part 1

Hi, I am writing after a long time and this time I was inspired by someone who wrote about her sexual experiences here. And this is about how reading a sexstory on ISS I was moved to share my girlfriend Roshni for a groupsex. For a quick recap, Roshni (name changed), is a busty slut. Her vital stats are to die for; 36-32-38. She has had but never before had she gone for a groupsex. So the other day I was reading a very dirty story on how a woman was turned into a slut by men who forced her...

3 years ago
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Fucking White Bitchs Blacken

My name is Trenton Ganger, and as a black man, I've had my share of pussy. I remember the first time, with one of those petite white girls they get to tutor the guys like me in high school. I was flunking Math, English, Spanish, you name it. I wanted to quit, but that school says no, no, you stay in the library after school and we'll send a tutor. I was expecting some scrawny Asian boy, but no, they sent little Tina Collins , with her brown bangs, cute smile, and those pale white thighs in...

4 years ago
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Me and Gavin Part 2

The story started off kind of slow, but I think you need some character development. If you haven’t read the first chapter “Me and Gavin” you should go back and read it first. Hope you like it. After I finish probing your little belly button and your little abs, I’m going to work my way up to your chest licking every inch of your lean little body. Then I want to run my tongue around your little pink nipples, in circles, over and over while gently sucking them every so often. Once your...

1 year ago
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The time of my life

Andy always knew that he wasn't a normal kid, he never thought of himself as homosexual, yet he knew that although he was probably the best looking kid of his age, he never even thought of getting a college, as a curious virgin, hoping for the answer of his sexuality would come to him. Months passed, and Andy was becoming more adapted to his friends, especially his roomate, Ryan. Ryan was a muscular young man with soft yellow hair and glittering eyes, Andy always thought of him as being really...

First Time
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Return To The Nursery chap8

Dear tammyjean, Nicola, babyfelicia, baby pansy and Katie, thank you for all those encouraging reviews. Candy Sissiboi, I love that you tell me which part you found most inspiring/exciting, and I'll try to add more scenes like that in future. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 8. Crib time After the girls asked for permission to leave the table, Zoe started to nag her mother about some make-up game she wanted to play this afternoon. When Sheila shook her head the three-year-old...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Paradise at Lands End Part 3

When Kea arrived to the inn, the sun had already risen completely. The door was still locked, so she used the key. The place was silent and empty of people. “Well, it’s only 6 thirty...”, she thought “...and Sunday”. She realized it was too early to do anything, even breakfast, so she decided to go up to her room. She wanted to change her damp shorts and panties but she wasn’t going to shower; she wished to keep Landra’s spicy scents on her skin. She took off her clothes and looked at her...

3 years ago
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Massaging not moms feet

My mom was single, a lot. She had a string of guys, but they were basically awful to her. She won't talk about it, but I know for a fact she was ****d, more than once. Sometimes while I was in the house. By at least a couple guys. Not just, like, home invasions. But just really fucking mean boyfriends who didn't respond well to "no".Anyway, I was in school, and my mom had been without a boyfriend for a couple years. Probably a good thing for her, really. But at the time it was obvious how much...

2 years ago
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Summer on Paradise

Damn, July already. Thank god I’d won the lottery in February, allowing me time to sort everything out. My island had been bought, a small cabin built and stocked with dried and canned food, tanks of freshwater placed and a long drop built. I had a solar powered satellite phone installed into the cabin and a small jetty to tie boats up too. All that was needed was me, the medicine and her, my island babe, Liza.It would be the first time I had seen her in the flesh, but after a month of talking,...

Straight Sex
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Lady at Midnight

She stumbled into the house, one shoe on and her red dress was still up over her cunt line. Her husband stood on the bottom stairs to their second floor as she dropped her purse as he caught her coming in from the act. Her reddish blond hair was disheveled with strands of dried cum in it. Her red dress, stained with whole loads. And her make up was more than smeared. Her lipstick had remained in the edge creases of her mouth. She looked at him in shame. He looked at her in disgust. ‘So, this...

1 year ago
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Margos Own Story Pandemic Encounter of the Third Kind

A pandemic encounter of the second kind could include visual contact over electronic means, like video sex. And the third kind? In spite of mandated social distancing, a violation. Meeting in secret with our reproductive organs ignoring all the risks we've been warned about for weeks now. I've been sneaking out to see Sean for the past year or so. He lives not to far from here. How we got together is a story for another time. I thought a current events story would be more interesting for...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jyoti and Worker

Mrs Jyoti Seth, CEO of the trading Corp. Stretched back to relax her neck. She had been working for more than 3 hours on this Saturday morning as she planned her marketing strategy for the coming year and was a little tired. She had decided to work on Saturday as that was the only day she could work undisturbed. Except for her assistant Vinod, the offiice was deserted. It was very hot outside, and through her office window she could see the sun beating down outside; although she was comfortable...

1 year ago
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Working wife to prostitute 5

Shalini waisi hi nagn padi rahi bistar par. Tabhi Dilip ka naukar Bheema doodh ka glass lekar aya aur Shalini ko sahara dekar uthaya. Shalini ne uske haathon se doodh ka glass le liya. Usne shalini ko ek pain killer bhi diya. Shalini ne doodh ka glass khali kar diya. Usne khali glass hath se lekar Shalini ke honthon par lage doodh ko apni jeebh se chat kar saaf kar diya. Kuchh der tak Shalini ke honthon ko choomta raha aur Shalini ke badan par ahista se hath ferta raha. Fir wo utha aur dettol...

1 year ago
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2nd time bisex

You may have read my story about receiving my first-ever blowjob...and it was from my friend Bob many, many years ago. Over the years, I've masturbated over and over again over this moment...closing my eyes and reliving the cockplay with a friend during a backyard campout. I've been married for many years, but always wanted to experience, once again, I subscribed to a local swinger's site that caters to singles, couples, married-but-looking singles, etc.. I took some self-pictures...

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Catching my wife Part 18

In late May, I got a text from my daughter, who was away and attending her first year of college. Her text announced that she was looking forward to coming home for the summer and spending time with me and her step mom, my wife. Obviously, she had no idea about the newly changed dynamics at home: my wife’s status as Connie’s whore, my devotion to Connie, as My Mistress, and Connie’s new obsession to claim my daughter as well. Everything screamed that I should waive off my daughter’s arrival...

4 years ago
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Bedroom With a ViewChapter 5

What I had done with Ron in his room that night haunted me all week. When Ron strolled around the apartment at night in just his pajama bottoms, I could not help glancing down to see if he was erect. I was ashamed that I had masturbated with my son. I was ashamed of the pleasure I received from masturbating with him. I was ashamed that I could not stop fantasizing about it. Tears would roll down my cheeks as I wished I could take it all back and stop the ache between my legs. Brenda and...

1 year ago
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learning about pussy

I was shocked by the sight to say the least. I had no idea that girls played will themselves, or each other then. My only sexual experience was with another guy, my uncle, so I thought it was a guy only thing. But my little dick got instantly hard which both excited and confused. I must of made some sort of noise because Kailey and Karissa stopped and looked at the door. I don’t know why I did this but I opened the door and walked into the room. All three girls quickly pulled their hand away...

2 years ago
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A Night With Fran Part 1 of 2

Hank had always like Fran. He liked her a lot. They had a great platonic relationship which he rued almost every day. In fact, he often dreamed about her and masturbated to thoughts of her. Sure, he had girlfriends over the years, and he had his share of sexual adventures since he was a senior in high school and during his time away at college. But Fran seemed to always occupy his idle thoughts. The problem was that she was almost twice his age and married with a teen aged daughter. Hank was...

Love Stories
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League Of Lewd Legends

The Institute was running in circles, battles meant to mitigate warring kingdoms and minor disputes were no longer working as effectively, nor definitively. Battles with no true risk caused the great champions that fought for their countries to become lax in their skills, becoming less like the polished gems and shining pillars of their homelands... and more like dented bronze. The Tribunal came up with a solution, lessening a hero's restrictions and allowing more freedom for everyone but Jax....

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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part three

I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her for a moment. She leaned down to me and kissed me again. I moaned against her lips and she smiled, this made me smile back. “Your turn,” She whispered, rolling me onto my back, “Your turn.” I smiled at her as she climbed on top of me. She straddled my waist and leaned forward to kiss me. Her hands finding my breasts and squeezing them lightly. I let out a little moan against her lips, and she smiled. The feeling of someone smiling against...

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What kind of name is "Porno Bae", "Pornbae" or whatever? The Internet can be an embarrassing thing. Your mom might post a pic on social media of you and your sister in the bathtub, or you might send a drunk and horny PM to a co-worker who now knows you want to sniff her panties. If you’re really unlucky, you could start a website and be stuck with a stupid name forever. That’s what happened with tube site Porno Bae.Yeah, it will always be obvious that PornoBae got its start in 2016. I’m glad...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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Work Cougar Revisited

Whilst she was 20 years my senior her body didn't show it. In fact she looked immaculate for a woman in her mid-40s and she knew it. Her tits were only a handful but each day at work she'd wear clothing that gave just enough away that would make your mind work overtime without showing too much. Likewise her clothing always clung to her magnificent frame. She was easily the hottest milf I'd ever clapped eyes on and I never imagined within just a few months I would be in her bedroom having no...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 27

He was lying on the bed reading a magazine when Terry returned; she had her hair down but with a wide clip securing it close to her head the rest of the hair flowing down and over her shoulder. “Hello darling have you missed me?” She said brightly, leaning over the bed to give him a quick kiss. “Not really, I’ve been engrossed in this article on how to grow cucumbers,” he said. She stuck her tongue out at him. He rolled off the bed to grab her, but she skipped away. “I ran into the boys...

3 years ago
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The Chateau

A week-end at the Chateau, yes now that is a good idea. I said to my wife, who had made the suggestion. We deserve some time away together, heaven knows we've worked hard and seen little of each other over the past few months. The Chateau was the place, old but very impressive and expensive. Just the type of first class accommodation to take your lover or in this case lover come wife, yes I think we were going to enjoy spending time there. I phoned for a booking. "Oh dear... let me see......

3 years ago
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A flower for my Mistress

'What do you think you are doing!' Shouted my mistress, as she barged into the bedroom, her boots clumping on the wooden floor. I was just milking my prostate for the second time when she busted me. 'You dirty little slut!' She exclaimed, pulling my hand away from my cunt, 'How dare you disobey Mistress. How dare you.' I kept my head down, not daring to look at her. She walked over to her toy chest and pulled out a riding crop. 'Look at me,' She demanded. I slowly looked up, my face burning....

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 6

Chapter 6-Rachel Learns to Suck a Cock Rachel was on her knees, her blouse pulled open, her tits hanging out of her bra. Her nipples were hard and swollen from the tugging and biting that Michael had inflicted on them. Her skirt was on the floor behind her, her panties pushed down below her knees, her socks and shoes still on, accenting her otherwise naked body. Her lips were wrapped around Michael’s cock, stretched tightly around the hard and erect instrument. Her saliva glistened on the cock...

2 years ago
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An Inspector Calls

IntroductionIn Britain, the New Order government has been in power for almost twenty years, pursuing gyno-centric policies that have progressively deprived men of status and political relevance. With women as the economic power house and men treated as little more than property, society has reshaped itself. The New Order Government, beset by the usual problems of internal political manoeuvring, outside events and the gap between the ideological and the achievable, has built up all the...

3 years ago
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Part 4 Bad pussy boy

“Bad pussy boy. Bad pussy!”Master yelled at me as I lay there on my back, hands clutching my knees, pussy still gaping open, and an extremely shocked look on my face. Master walked away, motioning me to follow him as he walked to the bedroom. I followed without a word. The babydoll dress had worked its way into my G-string and now barely covered even the top of my arse. I didn’t dare touch it. I didn’t want to upset master any more. “Lay down on your stomach and put your arms above your head”....

4 years ago
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The Ride Home

It’s been a long day and I know that the train ride home is going to be long, boring and hot. I’m glad I wore a light weight filmy pink flowered sundress to work and even more glad that I pinned my hair up that day. I find a car that is pretty vacant and settle in for my hour and a half ride home from the city to the suburbs. I’ve just pulled out a book from my bag when I feel eyes watching me. I glance up slowly, seeing nobody watching me I go back to my book. I’m midway through the fourth...

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