Undercovers Detective free porn video

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It was around eight pm, and my double-shift was about to end. We had been working overtime since the gangs had gone to war. Seven murders, in the last week alone. This city of angels was under siege.

My rookie partner of two weeks had asked me to join her for drinks at Chubby's tonight. Reluctantly, I’d agreed, but it went against my rules to date a fellow cop. In all honesty, even though I had earnestly tried, it was hard for me to refuse such a pretty face.

As partners, Alexia and I were extreme contrasts. For starters, she was a recent graduate from Berkeley with a degree in pre-law, unlike me that had joined the force out of high school. I had worked my way up the ranks from a beat cop and took the required courses for detective in night school. 

Alex was very enthusiastic, as most rookies are when they’re right out of the Academy. She had shared that she decided to pursue a career in law enforcement rather than follow her father into corporate law. This had caused some tension in her family but she had graduated from the police academy—top of her class. That combined with her education landed her the gold shield of a detective while still a rookie.

The difference between us was physically blatant, also. She was only about five-foot five compared to my six-foot two. Alexia was extremely fit from her devotion to the gym and martial arts training. I do the minimum to pass my required physical agility tests. When I was young I had the same gung-ho desire as she did, but that faded along with my hair color.

I had reached the big Five-O in August and I was now a twenty-eight-year hardened veteran, third generation cop. My attitude had been cultivated by many years of dealing with criminals, scum bags, and losers. In a nut shell, I just didn’t give a damn anymore.

I wasn’t looking for a relationship and was openly unhappy about being assigned a female partner; I had my reasons. The first woman I had assigned as a partner... I married. That was a disaster from the very beginning. She thought I was some sort of mission and was convinced she would mold me into her image of “the perfect husband.” Well, she certainly had little luck with that! Except for the sex, we’d had little in common. Without going into the sordid details, we were divorced a year later, about eleven months too late.

Quite frankly, as a bachelor I didn’t feel lonely because l had all the company I needed: my dog, big screen TV, and a fridge full of beer.


Alex had only worked the first shift, so she had the day off while I filled in at the front desk. I needed the extra money because my mom was in the hospital. My expertise had always been in the homicide unit, where I preferred to work with dead people—you know… all that gory forensic stuff. The front desk was a crap job in comparison; you dealt with the same lowlifes’ day in and day out. Drunks puking, whores screaming, and addicts shaking from withdrawal—that was the typical day at the station. It didn’t take much time at this job to lose all hope for humanity.

After parking my ‘93 Chevy in the back lot of Chubby's Bar & Grill, I looked in the rear-view mirror at my two-day beard and thought about how I’d much rather be watching the tube at home. This was Laker night.

Fuck this, I thought, dialing Alex's number. I was hoping she’d already gone home.

"Hiya!" the voice answered. There was loud music blasting in the background.

"Hey, it’s Frank.”


“Frank!” I raised my voice a bit.

“Well, of course it’s you, silly! Your name popped up on my caller ID!” She laughed. 

What a smart ass.

“Where are you at?" she asked. 

"I just pulled into the parking lot. I’ll be right in."

"Hurry up, I've been here for hours."

I hung up and mumbled an expletive.

Chubby's was a local cop hangout that had been here since before I was born. I stood in front of the entrance and pushed hard to enter. Those doors had been sticking for as long as I could remember. Nothing had changed inside after all these years. It was a typical crowded Friday night. The jukebox was blaring, people were laughing and talking loudly, and a few were dancing and shooting pool.

On the walls there were pictures of retired cops. Over the bar there were photos of those that had been killed in the line of duty. We called it the hall of fame. One of them was my dad who died when I was seven. This was definitely not a place you'd want your picture mounted. I rarely hung out at Chubby’s for a lot of reasons. First, the joint was a dump that should have been torn down years ago. Then there was the issue that it was filled with cops. I saw more than enough of them during the day. Last but not least, I didn’t like paying three bucks for a dollar beer.

The room was a dense haze, even though it was against the law to smoke in California bars. I mean, what can you do? Call the cops? Nothing irritated my lungs worse than cigarette fumes. Unfortunately, I was guilty of having quite a nasty affair with those nicotine sticks once upon a time, but I've been clean eight years.

I scanned the crowded surroundings and looked for my partner, to no avail. Suddenly, someone shoved me from behind and I whirled around, only to find myself staring at a stunningly beautiful woman. She had long, flowing raven hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her tight, low-cut dress showed off her ample bosom and killer legs.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" she teased, flashing a pearly white smile.

After putting the voice together with the eyes, I realized that it was Alexia. I hadn't seen her out of her tweed suit. She’d also worn her hair up in a bun on duty. This was a stunning transformation.

"Damn!” I said in shock. “I didn't recognize you! You clean up nicely,” I added, staring down at her cleavage. 

"Why, thank you.” She giggled as she took my arm and pulled me to the bar.

I knew she had more than enough to drink because she could hardly walk in those heels.

"What are you drinking?" she asked, leaning against the bar to steady herself.

"I'll buy," I offered, trying to be a gentleman. “One Bud and whatever the lady is drinking,” I told the bartender.

"Jack—double straight up,” Alex replied.

"You’re going to feel that in the morning," I warned, watching her gulp down her drink in a couple swallows. “I thought you said you don’t drink.”

“I don’t!” she smirked. "Come on, let's dance! This is my favorite song!" Her eyes lit up as she practically yanked me onto the dance floor.

"Whoa, hold up! I don't dance, and I think you've had enough to drink.” I pulled my arm away.

"You're no fun!" Alex glared at me, then half-staggered toward the dancing crowd, bumping into people along the way.

I noticed that she had enticed several men into dancing with her, all of whom were taking turns grinding against her and rubbing their crotches against her curvaceous bottom.

One of those men looked familiar to me… Mike: a sergeant from division. He was groping at her, trying to grab her tits. I had never liked him since we went to the academy together. 

Shit, Alex! The guy’s a pervert. How can you let him touch you like that? I thought to myself. Just as I was about to rescue her, she turned around and punched the sergeant hard in the face.

"You bitch!" He grabbed her by the hair, making a fist and cocking it back.
Oh no you don’t, asshole… Over my dead body! I stepped in between them and pushed him away.

"What the fuck?" he shouted. Then he stepped toward me, throwing a big roundhouse right, but I blocked his swing and decked him with one punch to his eye.

"I don't need your help!” Alex screamed at me in outrage. “I can take care of myself!"

"Yeah, you’re doing a fine job of that," I replied sarcastically, pulling her away by her arm. Mike’s angry cussing echoed behind us. 

"Take the bitch and get her out of here!" he yelled.

Everything in the bar came to a stop and all eyes were on Alex.

I pulled her to the door, despite her efforts to try and break free. She was shouting incoherently and was stumbling so badly she could barely walk. I felt her lean her weight on me as we made our way through the crowd toward the exit.

We left out the back and navigated our way to my car in the dark parking lot. I propped her against the fender while I unlocked the door. She kept mumbling something over and over about her hating me.

“Yeah, yeah, I love you too,” I replied to her drunken insults. After a few attempts, I maneuvered her into the passenger seat and buckled her in.

As soon as I got in the car, she started puking all over herself and my interior.

Fuck my life.

I had nothing to clean it up with. I could not believe so much could come out of such a small woman. She sagged back in her seat dead to the world.

Great, this is just perfect! This is exactly how I wanted to spend my night.

She hadn't brought her hand bag with her and I had no clue where she lived. So I turned on the ignition and drove to my place.


After arriving at my apartment, I noticed that she was still unconscious. Removing the seat belt, I shook her several times, but she didn’t respond.

“Alex? Alex!”

Resolving to lift her, I carried her up the steps to my place, while her arms dangled like a ragdoll. I found it amazing how much heavier a body felt as dead weight. It had been a while since I carried a woman across the threshold—certainly never in this situation.

Her long, dark hair sprawled out on my bed as soon as I gently placed her down. She was a vision of beauty. Impulsively, I caressed her cheek in almost a protective manner. She had a childlike innocence about her.

I tried to wake her once again, but she was totally asleep and stunk like a brewery. I couldn’t leave her lying in her own vomit, so I decided to clean her up. After assessing my options, I hesitantly unzipped her dress and pulled it off, throwing it in a heap on the floor. Next, I undid the puke drenched bra and added it to the pile. I found her car key wedged between her bosom and set it aside. Lastly, I finished by pulling off her panties.

I paused and stole a moment to just stare at this beauty lying on my bed. The moonlight coming through the window illuminated her ivory white skin. Her slim, athletic body would’ve caused any playboy bunny to be jealous. Her heavy breathing made the globes of her milky white breasts sway with the movement of her chest. Glancing down, I also noticed her private area was trimmed very closely—not shaved, but groomed.

What the fuck are you doing? This is your partner, for Christ's sake! I reprimanded myself. Reality had slapped me in the face.

I stripped off my own clothes down to my skivvies and carried Alex to the shower. The warm water flowing over her head jolted her into partial consciousness.

"Wha... What is this? What are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning the vomit off you."

"Uh... okay," she mumbled, drifting off once more while sagging in my arms.

I sat her on the drop down shower stool and pulled up her silky hair, rinsing it out carefully. Afterwards, I took a soapy wash cloth and washed her back, under her arms, and lower back. I hesitated only at those perfectly shaped breasts, and continued to wash her legs. Finally, I started washing her chest and scrubbing off the dried puke. Personally, I had never handled such perfection in my life. I was aroused, but focused. The object was to clean her, not to cop a feel. I scolded myself

With the cleaning finished, I toweled her well and carried her back to bed. I looked through my drawers to find something appropriate for her to wear and settled on my old Forty-Niners jersey and work-out shorts. Fortunately for her, the shorts had a drawstring, seeing how my waist is about twelve inches bigger.

Truthfully, I had undressed a few women in my time, but this was the very first one I had ever dressed. With Alex tucked in, I took her clothes and put them in my antiquated, apartment size washer. While she lay fast asleep, I grabbed a beer, turned on the Tonight Show, and plopped down in my recliner. Bandit, my Australian Shepherd jumped up in my lap before I turned out the light. My mind wandered and I began to think about how the captain had told us to get to know our rookie partners. Tonight I got to know mine really, really well.

It wasn't long before I nodded off to sleep.


"Wake the fuck up!"

A woman’s voice startled me into semi-consciousness.

"What the hell am I doing here and where the fuck are my clothes?"

I struggled to wake and looked up at Alex. "Jeez... don't get your panties in a bunch."

"Well, that might be hard to do since I can't seem to find my fucking panties!"

Looking at her with clearer eyes, I remembered the jersey I’d dressed her in last night.

"Who put these rags on me? And why in the hell am I at this dump of an apartment?"

“Dump?” I asked.

Bandit buried his nose in her crotch trying to sniff her privates. She swatted him away and said, “You fucking males are all the same! One sniff of pussy and you’re out of control.”

Who was I to argue with such wisdom?

"Well, before you tear my head off, let me answer your questions. You got shit faced last night and barfed all over yourself… and my interior. You are in my apartment. I undressed you, bathed you, and dressed you.”

“You did what?”

“I didn't think you'd want to sleep in your own vomit."

"Hold up, Frank. I want to know exactly what happened, now!” she demanded, crossing her arms and sternly staring at me.

"Calm down and sit here at the table," I said, tossing off the dirty laundry from the chair. "How do you want your coffee?" I poured her a mug full of my finest.

"Black and strong," Alex replied, putting her head in her hands. "What the hell happened? I don’t remember anything."

"You had quite a time last night! Basically, you got drunk and started a fight, got kicked out of the bar, puked yourself in my car, and then passed out. I carried you up two flights of stairs here and cleaned you up. I put your clothes in the washer and let you sleep it off. By the way, that’s a cute little rose you have on your butt."

"Pervert!" She glared at me. "Did I really get in a fight? With whom?"

"Sergeant Mike McNeal from division."

"Shit!" She stared at me in disbelief.

"You broke about a dozen regulations last night and punched a superior officer. Great first impression, Alex."

"What regulations did I break?"

“For starters… you’re supposed to have your badge and weapon with you at all times, you don’t leave them in your car. Then there’s the issue of public intoxication and assault…" 

"My head feels like it’s in a fucking vice,” she groaned, rubbing her temples. "Where’s that fucking Johnny Cash music coming from?"

"My phone," I said, digging through my pants on the floor.

"You seriously need to change that ringtone."

I ignored her comment and answered the call.

"Yeah, this is Frank… okay...we'll be there ASAP." The conversation hardly lasted ten seconds. "We need to go now,” I said. “There's a high profile death in Beverly Hills”

"Crap! Frank, I can't go dressed like this."

"Your car key is on the nightstand, along with some aspirin. I'll drop you off at Chubby's so you can pick up your vehicle, go home and dress. I'll head to the crime scene. Just meet me there later,” I said, while pulling on my clothes.

"Give me my dress. I'd rather wear it wet. There's no way I' m going out in public in these rags."

I threw her the half-dried dress and then stood in shock as she stripped off the jersey and shorts and stood there in the buff.

"Damn, Alex!" I turned my face away and resisted temptation to stare.

"Really, Frank? Nothing you haven't already seen." There was a rustling movement, and I could see from my peripheral vision that she was pulling down the dress over her nakedness.

“Help me zip up." She walked over to me and turned around, exposing her back. My god, she really did have the body of a goddess.

I reached down and slowly, but carefully zipped up her dress. I tried to ignore the desires welling up in me as it touched her soft skin.

"Thank you." She turned around and met my eyes with a smirk. "You've stripped me down and dressed me up. That's quite the accomplishment."

"Not an accomplishment,” I said. “I’m fulfilling my duty. Partners cover for each other, so to speak.”

She let out a short little laugh and disappeared out of the kitchen while I stood there questioning my feelings.


There was no need to check the address, as there seemed to be an endless number of patrol cars leading my way to the crime scene. Rich people certainly attracted more attention, I thought as I flashed my badge to the uniformed cop guarding the entrance. Then I drove up the long driveway and around the three-tier fountain, parking directly behind the Coroner’s wagon. After climbing the entrance steps, I was greeted by a plain-clothed cop from the local precinct.

"What do we have here?" I asked.

He looked at the clipboard he was carrying. "Single white male, sixty-seven years old. Apparent suicide from a single gunshot to the head. His name was Victor Vanderhoff. He was a TV producer and director."

I took a quick scan around me and then said, "What the fuck are all these people doing contaminating my crime scene? Clear this area completely of non-essential personnel. And get those damn cameramen the hell off this property!"

I had entered through the ornate double entrance doors, ducking under the yellow caution tape. Sergeant Mike McNeal greeted me and I couldn’t help but notice the big bruise on his cheek from last night.

"Well, well! It is a small world," he said. "You can just go home, Frank. This one is a slam dunk; a simple suicide. I’ve already checked out the scene. No homicide here," he added, leading me down a hallway.

We entered the crime scene. It was a huge office for a personal home. There were large cherry bookcases around the walls, and custom mill-work windows. In the center of the room, there was a large, hand-carved desk and executive leather chair that contained the victim. He was slumped forward with a revolver in his right hand, revealing an obvious entrance wound in his forehead. From the power burns, he was shot at close range.

"Nice of you to join us,” the Sergeant said, looking past me. “A little hung over are we?”

When I turned around, I saw that Alex had arrived. She was dressed in a smart, grey, mid-length pencil skirt and a matching jacket, with her hair up in a bun—a stark contrast from the naked beauty that was sprawled out on my bed last night.

"What do we have here?" she asked me, examining the body.

I clued her in to the preliminary findings and that the unofficial cause of death was suicide. Alex then put her plastic gloves on and went to work taking samples, bagging up the revolver and dusting for finger prints.

"What is she doing?” Mike asked. “I told you it’s a suicide, plain and simple."

"Just back off and let her do her job," I replied.

After about a half hour, Alex approached me.

"Frank, this is no suicide. This is a homicide," she said in a low tone.

"What makes you come to this conclusion?"

"First of all, there’s almost no blood from the head wound on anything but the body itself. Then there are the dirty knees on his suit pants, and bruises around his wrists, indicating that he was restrained. Also, there are two empty casings in the revolver. How many times have you seen a suicide where the victim shot himself twice?"

"What do you make of two rounds being fired?" I asked.

"One shot to the head and a second after he was dead to put his fingerprints on the gun and powder residue on his hand. I noticed his watch was on his right wrist, indicating he was left handed—the gun was in his right hand. Lastly, I found this taped to the underside of the desk." She handed me a flash drive in a zip-lock bag.

"Good work! How do you think this all went down?"

Alex looked around the room. “Based on the lack of blood at the scene, he was killed at another location and brought back to his office to make it look like a suicide. I'm sure we can get our blood spatter analyst to confirm that. The dirty knees and bruised wrists indicate he was kneeling with his hands tied and was executed gangland style."

"What's the motive?"

"I don't have a clue," she sighed. "But I’d bet this has something to do with it." She took the flash drive back from me and inspected it, as if it was the key to solving this mystery.

Mike had seen her holding the flash drive and rushed over to try and take it from her.

“Don’t!” I said. “It’s evidence for a murder.”

He argued with me, still trying to push the suicide hypothesis. I told him it was a homicide and then queried him about why a division officer would be at a crime scene. I also restated that all non-essential personnel must vacate the premises and that included him.


After compiling our evidence and logging it in, we put together our report and took it to Captain Albert Greer. Alex was in awe of his reputation taught at the academy.

Greer was a heavy set black man with pitted skin nearing retirement. He wasn’t much to look at but he was all business and the best cop I’d ever known. My father trained him when he was a rookie and he was like family to me. Albert was personally devastated when my dad was shot in a bank shootout. It steeled his resolve to bring down the bad guys and that is exactly what he did. Albert was legendary in solving several high profile cases.

He studied our scenario of the murder carefully and asked if this was all we had. I told him there was more. I had it in a separate file and handed it to him. I told him I kept this file separate because of the sensitivity of what it contained. The file was an extensive investigation taken from Victor's flash drive.

Victor was making a documentary on the underground sex slave and prostitution trade in Los Angeles. He had compiled some very strong evidence implicating key criminals, politicians, judges, and even police officers. There was enough there to raise suspicion on many recognizable people, but not strong enough to go to court with. We needed more. Records from a single source was not prosecutable evidence.

Captain Greer suggested we keep the number of people that know this to a minimum. He locked the door and closed the blinds. Then he commenced to share with us some classified information. He said there was presently a joint investigation task force with the FBI focused on the expanding Russian Mafia and their ever increasing influence on the drug and prostitution trade in Los Angeles.

"Alex,” said Greer. “I’m going to ask you something I want you to think over before you respond.”

“What?” Alex looked troubled.

“Would you consider going undercover?" Greer asked.

"Me?” She seemed surprised as I was. “I have no experience…"

"That makes you the perfect candidate. You’re a fresh face, young, attractive, and from what I witnessed at Chubby's… very convincing."

"Convincing at what?" she scoffed.

"To pose as a high class call girl, of course. We need you to gain inside information on this cartel.”

"And if I say no?"

"First of all, let’s explore what happens if you say yes,” the captain replied. “If you do this, you’d help bring down some very bad people, and this might save a lot of girls from a life of sexual slavery. Last but not least, you'd be on the fast track for career advancement."

“I have absolutely no training whatsoever in undercover work.”

“We will pair you up with a long term operative who will be your instructor. Plus, Frank will be on the team as your intermediator.”

"Can I have some time to think this over?"

"Of course! I’ll give you forty-eight hours. If you have more questions, ask them in person. Don’t use the phone. From now on, all mention of this is classified. We need to move on with this as soon as possible."

To be continued.

Much thanks to Mina (sweetestSins) and Bethany Frasier for their edit.

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"Signor Giuli mi dispiace ma questi sono i fatti" - ero nel mio studio e stavo mettendo al corrente un mio cliente degli ultimi aggiornamenti sul suo caso: tre mesi fa la figlia era stata rapita durante una crociera nel mediterraneo la polizia non ha mai trovato niente, allora si era rivolto alla mia agenzia, mio marito aveva lavorato diverse volte per la sua società e quando lo informai che mio marito era rimasto ucciso ed io avevo preso il suo posto nell'agenzia era rimasto sorpreso ma mi...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Dicked By The Detective

It seemed like the breakthrough I’d been waiting for. In the six months I’d been dating Mick, he’d chosen not to introduce me to either his friends or family. “It’s part of being a detective,” he said. “Keeping you out of harm’s way and all that.” “Or having me as a bit on the side while he gets on with his real life,” I thought, wondering whether privacy really did go with the territory. That was why I had been so thrilled when he’d suggested that I come into the police station with him at 2...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Exposing Cindy Chap 3 Bound to be Fucked Blindfold detective

Previously: As you recall, several weeks ago, Jim stripped me, tied me to the bed and blindfolded me in a mild game of bondage. BDSM had previously not been a significant portion of our sex life, so this was a uniquely stimulating situation for me. Jim had never blindfolded me previously. Being deprived of my sight added rather than detracted from my sensory experience. It made me feel far more vulnerable than I ever would have imagined. And this feeling of helplessness was strangely arousing....

3 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 10 A Spectacular Detective

I slept well that night, but images of a beautiful blonde drifted through my nocturnal thoughts. I awoke rested, but well aware of those images and the effects they had on me. I was surprised that this woman was having such a dramatic impact on me, and I was determined to spend more time with her if she would allow it. "Good morning, Colin," Cassie sang. She was in cheerful spirits as usual. I saw a crepe pan on the stove. "Are you making what I think you are making?" fingers...

1 year ago
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Watching Tne Detectives

Watching The DetectivesNikkie Silk1 PhilippaFor the umpteenth time I needed to move to get my circulation goingagain. I tried to stretch my legs but it's not easy in the front seat ofmy small car. Fuck, I thought as I snagged my tights against somethingbeneath the steering wheel. If that was another pair ruined I wouldscream. I was parked facing a nondescript semi-detached house in a drabsuburb of South London. It felt like I had been here for days when ithad been just four hours as I checked...

2 years ago
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Watching The Detectives

Watching The Detectives Nikkie Silk I live for feedback. [email protected] 1 Philippa For the umpteenth time I needed to move to get my circulation going again. I tried to stretch my legs but it's not easy in the front seat of my small car. Fuck, I thought as I snagged my tights against something beneath the steering wheel. If that was another pair ruined I would scream. I was parked facing a nondescript semi-detached house in a drab suburb of South London. It felt like I had...

3 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 15 A Blackmailer Confronted Loving Friends and Detectives

By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...

2 years ago
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Worlds greatest detective

So, few notes and warnings, this story started as just my amateurish attempt to write something here, I used to dabble in the dark arts of writing short stories and this is just a continuation or build up from that. Thing is, the more time I put into this story the more it seems to get serious. So be warned, this is not a story for everybody, there are a lot of dark undertones not many will enjoy, there will be a lot of plot points I feel necessary for the characters that might be a bit...

1 year ago
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PalimpsestChapter 8 Delectable Detective

After serving her man bagels and cream cheese and coffee and returning to bed, watching him put on his coal gray suit, pale blue shirt and burgundy tie, getting a too brief heartfelt kiss, Marta nodded off. A couple hours later her cell phone woke her. She bounced out of bed and caught it before it went to message. "We have a noontime client," said Mary. "I could use the money and I miss getting intimate with you if only for show." "I'll be there." "Thanks. I'll book a room." By...

3 years ago
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Undercover Exposure Tiara

Undercover Exposure Tiara When I look at the newspaper, we read that lesbians say they do not need a man to be a father. They think they can do it and even do a good job. This being said I often wonder if I had a dad, would I be the same person as I now am. I think it's about time you heard what happened when I was 9. I did not have a dad. I don't have a clue why he was not in my life. My mom never talked about it. I lived alone with her. We were well off as her parents were very...

1 year ago
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Undercover Brother in White girl Paradise

Pardon the shortness for the first thread. Undercover Brother was continuing to be trouble. He had taken the man’s organization down. The man organization was now replace buy the White Queen, Peggy Sue. She was an uptight soccer mom racist with a secret love for black men that was hidden to even her. She would prove that Uncover Brother could be taken down. So she set a trap. She was going to give Undercover Brother and invite to the Martin Lawrence film festival. Unknown to undercover brother...

3 years ago
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Undercover Alliance

Undercover Alliance By: Lyrissa "I don't think I heard you right," Thormod said carefully. "You want us to betray the Alliance and join the Horde?" General Middleton furrowed his brow and sighed, shifting the weight of his resplendent Stormwind armour and looked at the group of four Alliance warriors assembled in his comfortable office in Stormwind Keep. "No, that's not what I said, sir paladin. I said I need you and your team to go undercover in Horde territory. Spy on them, if...

2 years ago
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Undercover Husband

UNDERCOVER HUSBAND My wife has been a very wealthy woman all her life. Not only that, but as a child she was spoilt and precocious, she knew what she wanted and didn't rest until she got it. She told me on our wedding night that was how she got to marry me; determination. She wanted a husband who would love and obey her, with the emphasis on the word obey. At the time I was a rather naive twenty two year old, she was two years older and we were married before I realised that we...

3 years ago
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Undercover Operative

Julia knew she was in trouble when she came round to find herself with her arms stretched above her head and unable to bring them down to her face to relieve the awful headache. She knew she was standing and as her eyes came into focus she saw a plain brick wall in front of her, she could feel what appeared to be a post of some kind pressing into her back, her arms pulled up and tied behind the post above her head causing her to arch her back and thrust her body forward as the thick pole...

3 years ago
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UNDERCOVERJessica’s a five year veteran of the force.  Still young, attractive, she’s been assigned to a task force investigating the suspicious disappearances of young women from the downtown riverfront night spots.  The task force has been assigned teams, usually a couple or so undercover male officers in the background with a female officer, sometimes two, dressed as ‘Marks’ frequenting certain bars and clubs.  A couple months in without any further disappearances and the rumors are the...

3 years ago
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“This shouldn’t be happening” I kept telling myself as I hesitated. If I hesitated much longer then our psycho host would get pissed and probably kill us both ... just for the fun of it. He was impotent ... and he wanted a threesome involving me, his girlfriend and mine. He’d discovered that I was hung like a horse, and his perverted mind wanted to see me in action whilst he sat and watched. I had just fucked his equally psycho blonde bimbo girlfriend to a massive cum ... and there was an...

2 years ago
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Undercover Cop

This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...

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I was asked to volunteer for an undercover assignment and I jumped at thechance. It involved an operation designed to break up a major pornoperation that was feeding stills and videos to several very successful web sites.So far, the agency had been unable to find anything i*****l about the group's operations. There was no chance of infiltrating anyone into theproduction side because it was too tightly controlled.The only way in would be to insert an agent posing as a bondage model.That's...

4 years ago
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Undercover Angel Ch 03

Undercover Angel Ch. 03 - Transvestite in hiding forced to fuck.Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

2 years ago
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Undercover Angel Ch 01

Undercover Angel Ch. 01 - Mike goes undercover as a transvestite to escape crime boss.When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses' safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder.Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial adviser. Far removed from the...

2 years ago
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Undercover Angel Part III

Undercover Angel - Part III By Michele Nylons Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

2 years ago
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Undercover Operation Gone Awry

Undercover Operation Gone Awry I The powerful head of the city building department stared at the e-mail messagedisplayed on his flat-screen monitor. As usual, he was in his office more thanan hour before any of his staff, checking voice mail and e-mail. Better print a copy and delete this one, he thought. I wonder where elsethis message sits that I can't get to? He waited for the sheet of paper toemerge from the printer next to his keyboard, then with several clicks of themouse he deleted the...

2 years ago
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Undercover the Sequel

Six months had passed since the end of the undercover operation involving myself and Tess. We spent the first two weeks fucking ourselves silly ... in every room of our safe house, and in every position that we could think of. When we emerged we had decided that we needed an extended break from law enforcement - the undercover operation had taken its toll on both of us mentally. Tess had lost her husband, and I was just mentally jaded. We hadn’t used the L word whilst together so far, but I...

1 year ago
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Undercover Rock

The steamy water from the shower was really helping to wash away some of the tension of the last three months. Jamey expected when she took this undercover assignment that it would be the most challenging she had ever attempted. She also knew that it could be the piece that would jumpstart her career as a writer. She dared to dream of more money, better assignments, maybe even a book deal. Jamey wanted it all. But right now all she wanted was to enjoy the massaging power of the shower jet on...

2 years ago
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undercover boss

billy and john knock on the door of the new owners office they are the last of the 300 staff members to be called in to a meeting'come in' calls a voice from inside the officebilly opens the door they both walk in then stop shocked 'didn't expect it to be me did you' ryan laughs at them'is this some sort of joke ? ' billy says ' you are the new boy only been here a month whats going on ?''i wanted to check out my new company from the basics up see who is worth keeping and who should be booted...

2 years ago
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Undercover Angel Ch 04

Undercover Angel Ch. 04 - Transvestite on run is finally caught & fucked.Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes."Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said.Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of...

2 years ago
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Undercover Angel Ch 02

Undercover Angel Ch. 02 - TV on the run from the mob is forced to suck cock. Tony Leonardo discovered that he had been robbed of two point seven million dollars by Mike Harris at ten o'clock on the 15th July; by then Mike Harris, in the guise of his alter ego, Michele Nylons, was sleeping in a cheap motel a few hundred kilometres away, just over the Victorian border.As soon as he discovered the money was missing from his safe Tony knew that Mike had stolen it. He didn't know whether he was...

3 years ago
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Undercover Assignmnet

Undercover Assignment By Ray Kitten As I got out of the car and approached the door I was all too aware of the sound of my little hard soled shoes tapping against the sidewalk. I could not believe that I was actually going through with this stupid bet, but I really had no choice. I had been wanting to propose to my girlfriend for months, but didn't have enough money to buy her the quality of ring that someone as beautiful as her deserved. I saved for almost six months, and...

3 years ago
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Undercover Angel

Undercover Angel By Michele Nylons When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder. Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial...

3 years ago
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Undercover Angel Part II

Undercover Angel - Part II By Michele Nylons Tony Leonardo discovered that he had been robbed of two point seven million dollars by Mike Harris at ten o'clock on the 15th July; by then Mike Harris, in the guise of his alter ego, Michele Nylons, was sleeping in a cheap motel a few hundred kilometres away, just over the Victorian border. As soon as he discovered the money was missing from his safe Tony knew that Mike had stolen it. He didn't know whether he was more pissed...

3 years ago
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Undercover Angel Part IV

Undercover Angel - Part IV By Michele Nylons Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes. "Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said. Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of 'Michele...

3 years ago
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Undercover Tour

About a year ago I started writing a new novel length work in the same 'DiaperDimension' that my story Exchanged took place in. (The DiaperDimension was inspired by PrincessPottyPants original work, 'Alisa's Adventures in the Diaper Dimension'). I've written other works under another penname on this and other story sites, and had always completed them before posting. When I started writing a couple pieces of ABDL fiction I decided I was going to experiment writing as a serial writer...

2 years ago
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Undercover Patient

Undercover Patient by Throne Clarence Clovis was paging through his latest published book and making notes. This one was an expose of behind-the-scenes practices in moviemaking. His revelations had caused several scandals, one of them major, and put two careers on hold. Well, as he always told himself, he was just the messenger and not responsible for the effects of what he delivered. He jotted down a final comment and clapped the book shut. Clovis was a small man behind a large...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 7

By Cindy and Walt At the end of the last shift before my break, and after I made the dead drop at a Kentucky Fried Chicken, I just wanted to get out of town for my two days off. Since I was sure that I was being tracked electronically, going back to visit old friends was out of the question. My calls were most likely being monitored as well. All thing considered I decided to stay in Capitol City and just rest. I didn't even want to have sex with anyone at that time. Martin had left me...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 18

For all intents and purposes Janet Anton died at 3:15 PM on the first Friday in September. It had been a long summer and I was pissed because I spent most of the summer being Janet Anton. To be honest I missed Farmer's Grove. At 3:30 PM in the parking lot of the Office Plaza, Rose Seabold was reborn. I was ready to lose the uniform, but alas I had forgot to bring a change of clothes. Well technically I did have a change of clothes in the trunk of the Hyundai, but I couldn't get to them...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 20

The few minutes turned into an hour and a half, during which time I drank two cups of coffee. The coffee was as bad as I remembered it from my earlier stay at the Camp. I watched recorded TV shows, since I remembered how their computer system worked. The cabin was a rubber stamp of the one I stayed in last time, but it wasn't the same one. I wondered why I hadn't been taken to the admin building. Then it dawned on me that I was being held in isolation while they checked me out. I hoped the...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 32

Take the phone to the courthouse square park and place it inside a Hardee's bag. Take a biscuit and coffee from the Hardee's bag then deposit the trash in it after your breakfast. Place the bag filled with your trash and the phone into the refuge collector directly across from the courthouse. Move to a bench away from the refuse can and wait for it to be collected. Do no allow the county to empty those cans until our man gets it. I followed the instructions even though I was in a little...

1 year ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 76

I was at least five years older than either of them. I most likely had more experience in the field as the two of them together. They might just be a simple reception team, but I didn't think so. It was 10:30 on Friday night after all. Once we were in the van I removed the headscarf and large dark glasses I wore for the CCTV cameras. "Who else is on the team?" I asked. "The team leader is code named Shemp," the woman said. "So I guess that makes you Moe," I said to the man driving...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 77

While I vetted everyone on the crew that I felt needed it, the security wheels were grinding. The security team had Arnold pretty much disguised as he had the breakfast buffet with 'The Girls'. Since they had a Chef making meals no one expected or knew about the buffet. The armed guards couldn't hover about him so they tried to fit in. Hiding their weapons was next to impossible so a lot of the security fell to me and the comedy team of Moe and Curly. The Dovecheck family and the people...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 81

On the drive home I tried to sort it out, and maybe make sense of it all. I hadn't taken the time in the morning, since Billy Joe was gone when I awoke. I didn't want to think at that moment. I just wanted to get the hell away from there before the police came to charge me with Statutory rape or some such thing. Hell Billy was no more than sixteen at best. More likely he was even less, but I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that he was a minor. I had known that when I allowed him...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 98

"Get your asses out of bed. Something is happening and I have no idea what," I said. "I need you to help get Bart and his wife through the compound and to the meadow behind the greenhouses. Get a move on and bring something to make sure nothing happens to them while they are on the Catfish Farm." I said that from the doorway of the travel trailer. Shit this thing is going to need airing out before Andrew can ever use it again, I thought. I had no idea what the smell was, but it was much...

2 years ago
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UndercoverChapter 3

Dino began to join in and they sang that and Hotel California then ten or twelve other classics before they grew tired of that. "Ok so truth or dare time," Joey said, moving closer. Dino raised an eyebrow. "Oh God please no." "Come on, it will be fun," Joey poked him. "I get to ask a question first," Joey told him. "How did I guess you would. Alright, go ahead." "Truth or dare?" Joey challenged him. "Oh truth... of course," he replied, folding his arms across his...

1 year ago
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Undercover Investigator

Katherine "Kat" Cranston walked down the hall towards the launch bay at The United Earth Investigative Service Head Quarters with pride. The young twenty-two year old brunette was tall with an athletic build, long straight hair, and bright blue eyes. Only two months ago she had graduated the academy at the top of her class and now had been selected to be part of a major undercover investigation. The investigation focused on The Amazons of Tython. An all female race of slavers that specialized...


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