Undercover Patient free porn video

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Undercover Patient by Throne Clarence Clovis was paging through his latest published book and making notes. This one was an expose of behind-the-scenes practices in moviemaking. His revelations had caused several scandals, one of them major, and put two careers on hold. Well, as he always told himself, he was just the messenger and not responsible for the effects of what he delivered. He jotted down a final comment and clapped the book shut. Clovis was a small man behind a large desk. He wore his blond hair long and tied back in a ponytail. "Dana," he called. "Come in here." Moments later the young man appeared, carrying a dust rag. Along with being Clarence's writing assistant, he was also required to do some light housework. Holding the rag in both hands, at waist level, he waited for his boss to speak. Clovis made sure to keep his employee waiting while he fussed with some scribbled notes on his desk. Finally the writer looked up. "You know, now that I'm going over my latest, I'm picking up a lot of bad writing you did in it." "Sir?" "Well, for instance, there are run-on sentences. And then sentence fragments." "I believe those appeared during your final edit of the manuscript." "But shouldn't you have caught them after that?" "Well, there was the deadline and..." "Never mind," Clovis said acridly. "Just let me see what you have ready for my next one." "Oh, that's already on your desk, Sir." "What? This stack of papers?" He gave a long sigh. "I supposed I'll have to go through them page by page." "That won't be necessary. I highlighted everything that I thought you'd want to check." "I suppose that will have to do. But why don't you go over it again and put everything into better shape? Sort of like finished chapters, though of course I'll do all the real writing after you eventually get them prepared." Clovis nodded to himself. "It's like with that movie book. It was me who got the real dirt, remember. I was pretty clever to leave out some stuff about people if they'd give me something even better about someone else. Right?" "Those were the parts that were most discussed." "And the ones that caused the most uproar. Which translates into publicity. And that sells copies." He fixed his eyes on Dana. "So show me what you can do with these pages and then I'll fix them up and do the real work like always." Dana appeared about to say something else but then visibly thought better of it. He went to the desk and picked up months worth of intense research, all molded into artful prose, to be gone over yet again. The current project was a deep look into the shortcomings of major hospitals. Dana was trying to make it a blueprint for reform, but his employer was determined to merely stir up trouble. The assistant held up an index finger and said respectfully, "Sir, there was one aspect of all this I wanted to mention." "Well, what is it?" the man behind the desk said tartly. "One of the institutions I looked into -- under your guidance of course -- was a private facility called Alter-Mann Center. It appears ripe for further investigation." "Why are you telling me that?" Clovis waved dismissively. "Just get busy and find out what I need for my book." "Well, Sir, the problem is that there appear to be some improprieties going on in that place, many involving sexual practices, that would have to be looked into personally." "Are you asking for permission to go there and spend a lot of my money to accomplish something you could probably do on the computer?" "Not exactly. What I'm thinking is that you might want to do it yourself." "I haven't bothered with that hands-on nonsense almost ever. Mostly only when there was a photo-op involved. Why would I want to do it now?" "You know, it appears to be a big story. Could be the centerpiece of the book. And if you could write that it was you who infiltrated the place and got all the facts, well, it would certainly put the spotlight on yourself. In the sense of celebrity, that is. But if the sexual aspect isn't something you want to deal with..." Dana had the author's attention. Clovis put one elbow on the desk and propped his chin in his hand, while putting a thoughtful expression on his smooth youthful face. He looked like he was posing for a dustjacket portrait. "Well," he said and pursed his lips. "I always was the best at getting in there and getting my hands dirty, so to speak. What would it involve?" "I could get you booked in there for a series of tests, ones that don't have to be ordered by a doctor. The story would be that some of your older male relatives had medical problems when they were your age, so you want to be proactive about your health." "That makes sense. I'm glad you're learning to think like I've tried to teach you to do. And if this reflects well on me, I wouldn't mind having my next book tour include a few major talk shows. You know, because I'd have lots of first-person stories to tell." "You're always thinking ahead." "Try to keep up with me, Dana. I see myself getting into this whatever- it's-called place and tearing the lid off their wild sexual carrying-on. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "I... think so, Sir. If you'd like me to set up a visit to that place..." "Yes, yes," Clovis said distractedly. "Just make me up some notes about what I'm checking them for and so on and so forth. And cancel any visits I have scheduled from my girlfriends. But right now I have some deep thinking to do. Nothing that you'd understand." "Of course. And there will be some paperwork for you to sign before being admitted." "Naturally. I knew that. Just get it and I'll sign whatever it is. Now scat. Finish your dusting. And make sure the bathroom is done properly for a change." He made shooing motions. "This is when I do my most important work." As soon as Dana was gone, Clovis poured himself a celebratory drink. He leaned back in his well-padded chair and smiled the smile of the righteous. Or at least the self-righteous. Days later the arrangements had been made. Dana brought the papers to his employer at the breakfast table, where they were hurriedly signed. Clovis was liking this more and more. He saw himself not only guesting on talk shows, but perhaps eventually having one of his own. He was still dwelling on that possibility two days later when Dana told him an e-mail had arrived saying that he would be admitted Friday afternoon. There were no dietary restrictions for the tests he would be getting, and he didn't have to bring any clothes. Clovis wasn't thrilled that he might be stuck in some sort of institutional pajamas or, worse, much worse, a hospital gown. The idea of having his bare bottom peeking out was dreadful. He gave Dana detailed instructions for what to bring if there was a problem with what they provided for him to wear. Clovis stressed that a man like himself had to maintain his dignity at all costs. To make sure Dana understood the importance of what he was saying, his employer reminded him of several blunders he claimed Dana had made in the recent past. The assistant didn't correct him. On the appointed day, Dana drove his boss to the Alter-Mann Center, far out in the country. It looked like the usual medical facility, though less severe, a cluster of long low buildings set in landscaped grounds. This was where the purported improprieties had taken place. When they went to the reception desk and Clovis saw the attractive woman seated there, his mind turned to the hanky-panky that he intended to uncover. Her skirt suit and high-collared blouse couldn't hide a curvy figure, and having her auburn hair up in a tight bun at the back of her head drew attention to her large eyes and full lips, rather then making her appear officious and reserved. A nameplate by her computer identified her as Jayne Caster. She reviewed some of the forms Dana had already been responsible for filling out so his employer could sign them. Clovis signed a final document, his interest more on the alluring female than on the words above his hasty signature. After that she led the two men to an examining room. Clovis had to go behind a screen and strip. He put all his clothes, along with his wallet and keys, into a cardboard box, and handed it out to her. There was nothing for him to put on, he informed her. "You'll need to be nude for the initial exam," Jayne explained. Then she surprised him by folding up the screen. He was also caught off guard by the fact that Dana was no longer there. Nor was the box with all his property in it. Jayne directed him to put his feet on a drain- plate set into the floor. He stood there, naked and looking unsure. Jayne said, "It's alright, Sir. I'm a nurse." She glanced down at his penis. "And a sex therapist." He liked the sound of that but still said, "If I could have something to cover up with..." "Don't you like being all bare-assed in front of me?" "Well... no." "I'll have something for you to wear... a bit later. Right now," she went on, taking a spray nozzle with a hose attached, "let's get you ready." She activated the machine that the other end of the hose led to. "Now please put your hands above your head." She took what looked like a sleep mask off the table and slipped it over his eyes. "This spray is harmless but could make your eyes water." She put on goggles. "It's fine to breath it." He stood there without being able to see, which made him even more uneasy than being undressed, which was bad enough. A hissing noise started and cool moisture hit his body. She worked it over his arms, back and chest, taking special care with his underarms. Then she casually asked him to move his feet apart. That allowed her to cover his genitals, then his bottom, including between his buttocks, and down his legs. He had to stand there in that awkward position to let the preparation work. While he did that she applied cream to his face, as if she was getting ready to shave him. He wanted to protest, to ask questions, but being naked, with his money, credit cards, ID and keys all gone, he wasn't able to summon the nerve. What he did do was begin to shiver, finding that he couldn't control it. "Oh my," Jayne said calmly. "You seem to be having an emotional reaction. I'm going to give you an injection. Something mild, just to calm you down. Our doctors preauthorized it in case this happened. Please stay still." She swabbed his arm and that was followed by the prick of a needle. Within seconds he started to relax. She sprayed him again, though this time it was more than a mist. Jayne must be rinsing off what she'd previously applied. She stroked him lightly with what felt like a cloth, focusing on certain parts of his body. When she moved to his genitals she took extra time, handling his penis and scrotum with clinical efficiency. She even gave him an extra shot of the mist and rinsed again. When she performed a second wipe-off down there he had a sexual reaction. With his stress abated he found himself getting an erection. The way she manipulated his penis then was much less detached. He moaned and involuntarily jerked his hips. She observed, "Your reaction is quite normal. I hope it doesn't upset you." "I... well... a little." She chuckled. "Not a problem. And you have nothing to be apologetic about." She gave his stiffy a squeeze. "Now let me get that eye cover off you." When she removed the mask he blinked a few times and then reflexively looked down at his body. OMG, all of his hair was gone. He was pink and smooth everywhere. The remnants of the hair from his chest, underarms and crotch and here were on the drain-plate. A blast of water from the nozzle washed it away. Clovis was wet and tingling all over. He wanted to snap at her, the way he was used to doing to Dana, but his sense of vulnerability and whatever that drug -- she's said it was a mild one, hadn't she? -- was doing to his mind, combined to keep him from speaking. He murmured a few syllables but couldn't produce words. Jayne took him by the arm and walked him to a vertical table. His erection began to droop. She had him stand against it while she put straps over his shoulders, midsection and thighs, and then titled it back. When she wheeled a small, stainless steel table nearer he was unnerved to see several hypodermics lined up on it, all of them prefilled and ready for use. Clovis tried to speak but his inability to form words was increasing. His penis was still semi-tumescent. She wrapped her fingers around it and gave it several pumps. He moaned and arched his back as far as his bonds allowed. She nodded approvingly at what she was holding. "You're larger than average down there. I'll be interested to see how successful the treatments are in dealing with that." When he turned his eyes questioningly toward her, she informed him, "Oh, we know about the expose you intended to write. Or rather, to have your assistant produce so you could take credit for it. Well, that's not going to happen. The rest of the book will be published as it stands. But the section on Alter-Mann will be brief and assert that no misconduct was found. It will be nice for us, because after that no one else will come snooping around. Thanks in advance or giving us a clean report." She patted his thigh. "And when we're done with you, the chance of that you'll say anything about us in another context will be eliminated. Trust me on that." Jayne took the first needle and held it up, ejecting a drop of the fluid it contained before setting it against one side of his chest. He shook his head in slow motion but that was all he could do. She smiled pleasantly and plunged the needle deep into the area below his nipple. It hurt but something in the previous shot kept him from feeling much pain. As he watched helplessly she did the same to the other side of his chest. "It's helpful that you're already soft right there. The skin is somewhat stretched by fatty tissue, which will work to our advantage. Same thing with your bottom and thighs. I foresee wonderful results for you, Clovis. Or maybe I should call you Clover." His mouth opened and closed wordlessly several times. He made a small sound in his throat. She cupped a hand behind her ear, as if listening closely. "What's that? You're concerned about who's going to handle matters at home? Well, Dana explained that he already deals with your money and sees that the property is maintained. That won't change right now. The difference is that he'll have much more access to your considerable wealth with you not there, and you won't be able to touch a penny of it while you're here. Later on I'm sure you'll be ready to sign all the necessary documents to put everything in his name, if it comes to that. Our doctors will testify that you are no longer competent and an order you signed among those papers he got your name on at home will make it all neatly legal. He will be your legal guardian and caretaker and whatever else he wants to be. Maybe he'll sign the responsibility over to us. An appropriate fate for a jerk like you, I'm sure you'll agree." Clovis' eyes darted to the side as she selected the next needle. Jayne injected this one into the side of his buttock. She assured him that its contents would go where needed and do the job for which they were meant. The second one went in the same place on the other side. Then she mentioned that he would be kept well hydrated and be put on a special diet to assist with the changes that were going to take place. The next two shots went into his thighs. She looked him over and began using another series of needles, smaller ones, on his upper arms and hips. Finally she injected something into his cheeks and massaged them, then did the same to his lips. There were even ampules with points attached that she used on his ear lobes. "You're going to be startled at the makeover I'm giving you. After this I'll drop the table down flat and you'll be wheeled into surgery. Don't worry, it will be bloodless, or close to it. All very neat and tidy. The latest techniques. And almost no healing time required. Honestly, I'm amazed myself at what those doctors can do. And you know," she said, leaning close to whisper in his ear, "that ponytail of yours will be perfect for your new look." She phoned someone and minutes later a buxom nurse appeared. Jayne introduced her as Serena. She adjusted the table to a horizontal position and Clovis found himself staring up at the lighted panels in the ceiling. The women conversed but their voices sounded far away. The nurse took pictures of what was between his legs and made some measurements. Despite his drugged state, his penis was still fully receptive. He ached to have more attention paid to it, so he could ejaculate. Clovis was accustomed to having sex regularly with a series of women who he were financially in his debt, a situation he had created intentionally. He would frequently call one of them to come and serve him at bedtime. On occasion there was intercourse. He liked to remind them that he was the man and could penetrate them. But usually he only wanted their hands and, especially, their mouths to provide his pleasure. Having a female fellate him was also a good way to assert his mastery over them. He considered the act disgusting for them to have to perform, but that was part of what made it so exciting for him. Ugh. To have a cock in your mouth and then the balls emptied over your tongue would be unthinkably awful. How could those gay guys stand it? Serena wheeled him away to a small sterile room. After removing the straps, she played with his manhood and even toyed with his nipples. "You're very responsive, Clover." Why was she using that feminine name, the same one Jayne had assigned to him? Next she donned a facemask and applied chilly liquid to his genitals. He shuddered from both the cold and anxiety. This situation was spinning out of control. If they would only free him and call Dana to return with his clothes, so he could be driven home, he would promise not to expose that they had intended to perform procedures on him that were plainly unethical and, as he didn't want them, must be illegal. Except that he had signed every piece of paper that had been put in front of him, at home and in the reception room. What had he given them permission to do? Two men in scrubs appeared and looked down at him. "This is the one who thought he was going to make a public spectacle of us," commented one doctor. "But now that's what we're going to do to him," said the other. The first one put an IV line into his arm. Jayne attached a bag of yellowish fluid and injected something clear through an access port. The room began to spin around Clovis. The last thing he saw was one of the doctors holding an odd looking instrument, sort of like a dentist's drill, and moving it toward his male parts. There was a jabbing sensation and then everything went black. When he awoke, Clovis felt strange all over. He was under a sheet, which was held up on some sort of frame so that it didn't touch him anywhere. It also kept him from seeing any physical changes that might have been wrought on him. He was no longer strapped down but felt very weak. Jayne appeared, wearing a sexy, retro nurse uniform, and checked the single large bag of fluid that was feeding into his IV line. She notated something on his electronic chart and then looked down on him. Her pretty face broke into a sinister smile. "Congratulations," she said. "Everything went better than hoped for. We were able to do even more for you than anticipated. Isn't that nice?" "What... did you do... to me?" he asked groggily. She chortled. "All sorts of exciting things. But first let me do something to make you feel more normal." She took a sealed hypodermic from the pocket of her lab coat and removed its wrapper. "Of course, normal is a relative term." Opening a foil packet she took an antiseptic swab to clean the tip of the needle. "You now have a whole new normal." Then she sent the contents of the hypo through a branch port near where the IV entered his arm, so he would get the full dose all at once. His mind was energized within minutes, though he was still barely able to move. "I think you're ready for a look-see now." She drew back the sheet all the way to the foot of the bed and said with a flourish of her arm, "Ta dah!" Clovis gasped. Not only was his body still smooth and denuded of hair, but it no longer looked even remotely masculine. The first feature that met his astonished eyes was a pair of firm round breasts, the size of grapefruits, with prominent pink nipples and areolas. As he got up on one elbow they wobbled and jiggled. His waist had been cinched in somehow and his hips flared. He felt behind him and discovered that his bottom was full and round. His legs had become fleshier and shapely. "What did you do to me?" He stopped speaking. His voice was higher and softer. "This isn't possible." "New techniques," she pointed out. "The very latest. Only the best for our clients. And the same for you. Except that they want what we offer and, judging from your reaction, you don't." "You mean you do this to guys who... who...?" "Who want to be women? Or become partly women? Yeah, those are who we cater to." "But they're into..." He made a disgusted face. His new voice was hushed as he said, "... into gay sex." "The gayest. And you might find yourself switching teams along with them." "That's crazy talk. I can still have sex with a woman. I'll find some way to fix this and..." She cut him off with a raised hand. There was a mirror mounted on a long jointed arm that was attached to the wall. She swung it out and lowered it, then angled the reflecting surface. Clovis got a look at the juncture of his thighs. "What did they...? Where is my...?" "Your dingus is still there. Our people simply did a reduction procedure, so you can't take advantage any more of those sweet girls you had under your control. By now Dana has let them know that their debts to you have all been canceled. After all, you won't need that money in your new life. And you wouldn't be able to do what you used to, to those females with your minimized equipment. If you'll notice, they made your balls small enough to go with that peewee pickle." "But I won't be able to... to..." "To have sex with a girl? Not after having your magnum changed to a derringer. It's about an inch soft and when it gets excited, well, let me demonstrate." Jayne sat on the edge of the bed. When she lightly tweaked his nipple he gasped. It was incredibly stimulating. He felt his dick responding. The mirror was still in place and he saw that it had stiffened but was still below the two-inch mark, and proportionately slender. Yet his arousal was intense. She fingered his tiny penis and he squirmed his widened hips. "Please." He was panting. "Stop. No, don't stop. Make me finish. I need to so badly." "Well," she told him, her hand still adding to his stimulation, "there's kind of a problem with that. You see, this junior version of your cock can become wildly excited but, when it comes to finishing, it's not so good at that. Tends to keep your mind over-focused on getting relief. Might even make you perform all sorts of unnatural acts to try to get someone to help you over that elusive finish line. Hey, I made a joke. You want to finish and I said 'finish line'. Pretty funny." Clovis wasn't laughing. He was jerking his hips helplessly, making his big boobs dance around on his heaving chest. Jayne kept one hand on his penis and moved the other to his nipples, going back and forth between them, pinching and tugging just hard enough to keep him in a frenzied state of need. He moaned nonstop and ran his tongue around his plumped up lips, which he had yet to see. Jayne realized that he hadn't gotten a look at his features and moved the mirror closer so he could check his new physiognomy. His face was rounder and dominated by those enlarged lips. There was also what appeared to be liner around his eyes, except he had a bad premonition that it wasn't removable. "I don't even look like me." "True. I even fattened up your ear lobes. And I think your hair looks better with a ponytail high up on either side of your head. Bet you can't wait until the guys around here get a good look at you. Hell, the girls will probably like what they see, too. I know I do." She stroked his satiny hairless leg and eyed him hungrily. He shuddered at the implications. Jayne told him she had to go check on one of her other patients, a young man who had been given similar alterations, except that he desired them. And they hadn't reduced his cock. Clovis put his hand over his diminished organ. It was shameful to have anyone see it. But Jayne had gotten it buzzing so powerfully that he couldn't stand to touch himself there. Not if he couldn't gain release. He sobbed as she rose and turned away. Her ass rolled invitingly in the tight skirt of her uniform and he groaned from how much he wanted to grab it, to possess her, the way he was accustomed to doing with the females who had been his prey. Jayne called back, "You should stay in bed. You'll still be unsteady on your feet for a while. Besides that, you might find it a bit tricky to stand up and walk with those new curves. I mean, there's a lot of weight involved. And there'll be more pounds and inches as you follow your new diet. I can't wait to see you expand all over -- except that one area below the waist." She threw him a kiss and was gone. He lay there, trying to absorb everything that had been done to him. His nipples tingled demandingly. His dick throbbed. Down between his buttocks he clenched and relaxed again and again, his body insistent. After a short while a male attendant arrived. He introduced himself as Rick and expertly removed the IV and taped a square of gauze over the site. The young man was handsome, with naturally wavy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He checked Clovis' electronic chart and shut it off. "You won't need that anymore. Feel like you can take a few steps?" He held his broad hand out to him. "I'm not sure." "It's good to try. If you have difficulty you can lean on me. I won't mind." Was there a lascivious subtext to his words? Clovis accepted the hand uncertainly. With Rick's assistance he got to his feet. The competent attendant held his forearm and got his free hand on the patient's backside. He held one smooth buttock with disturbing familiarity. The writer hated being touched by another man but couldn't deny that, after whatever had been done to him, and having Jayne tease him so skillfully, even that was pleasurable. He tried to fight back the urge to be handled more but found himself leaning against him, reaching up to grip his bare bicep. "There you go," Rick encouraged. "Let's just walk you around for a minute and then you can try sitting in a chair." The nude male's steps gradually strengthened. At the same time, he didn't think he could do much more than just walk, assisted or otherwise. Rick led him to a chair and eased him down into it. The writer's bottom felt like a cushion under him. "Thank you," Clovis said, still bothered by how unmanly his voice was. "No problem. Jayne mentioned that your erogenous zones are highly sensitized. Let's just give that a quick check." "You don't have to..." That was as far as Clovis got before Rick's thumbs and forefingers went to his nipples, to roll them gently. The seated man could barely breath, it was so arousing. His shrunken penis stiffened so much that it ached. His tiny balls were drawn up tight. He whimpered with the need for more. Rick offered, "I can stop if this is too much. Or do you want me to keep doing it, Clover?" "I... you shouldn't... I'm not into..." Clovis broke down, unable to form a complete sentence. All he could manage was, "More. Please." The affable guy stopped only long enough to poke his fingers into Clovis' mouth and tell him to get them plenty wet. After they were generously coated with saliva, he reapplied them to the ends of those impressive boobs, whose owner went rigid and held his breath. Rick switched to trailing his fingers over the breasts themselves, giving the nipples a chance to recover. They remained hard and the attendant touched them lightly from time to time so they didn't recover too much. "Maybe I'll stop now," Rick suggested. Clovis implored him, "Don't. I couldn't... (gasp) ... take that." "Hmm. How about if I keep touching you and, in return, you get your hand between my legs. Rub my equipment through my pants." The altered man was close to tears. He had a strong revulsion to fondling another guy. But he thought he might swoon if Rick ceased playing with his receptive nipples. Clovis reached out tentatively and cupped Rick's three-piece-set in his palm. It was so big, a reminder to him of how much his own had been diminished. As he squirmed under Rick's expert ministrations, the bigger man talked to him. "You're certainly reacting to my touch. More than I would have expected. This must be so embarrassing for you, to be nude, feminized, and responding to what I'm doing. I know it feels wonderful. You must be incredibly horny already. But it's so shameful to want it this obviously, to be breathing hard like you are, making those shapely breasts rise and fall, pleading with your eyes for more. Oh, look at that. Are you blushing from mortification or from how much you enjoy this?" Clovis mind couldn't focus. The words of the man touching him seemed to be getting imprinted on his mind. He definitely had to have more but was simultaneously humiliated by how urgent his need had become. He couldn't regulate his own body. His fingers continued to caress Rick's male parts through his slacks and Clovis could feel how long and hard that big cock had gotten. "You know," the attendant mused, maintaining self-control in ways Clovis could not, "I'll bet if I told you to take my cock out and use your hands on it directly, you'd do it. In fact, I'm guessing that you'd even be willing to give it a kiss or two, and probably a lot more, if it meant having me keep teasing you this way." He demonstrated by tugging slightly on Clovis' nipples, delivering pleasure and a hint of pain. "You'd do that for me. Wouldn't you?" In a haze of mixed thoughts, Clovis confessed, "Yes. Whatever you want. But please don't stop what you're doing. I need more." "Now aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Rick sounded like an adult scolding a naughty child. "Wanting my cock in your hand? In your mouth? So eager to get those thick puffy lips around it. Shame on you, Clover." "I... I didn't know what I was..." "It might be better if I went away, so you can spend some time thinking about your lewd mindset." With that he backed up, turned away, and departed. Clovis could only sit there shivering. He was wracked with guilt over his behavior. Even so, if the hunky attendant had returned right than he would have been thrilled to resume their session. What was happening to him?" Outside the room, on the other side of a soundproofed wall, Rick was talking with Jayne. "Wow," the blond man said. "This one is out of control. And I made sure to mix the messages of shame with all that tantalizing. How did I do?" "Very well. Though using the words 'mortification' and 'mindset' might have been a bit much. No need to show off your vocabulary. Remember to keep your messages simple and direct. The drugs that make him receptive to them, that will imprint them deep into his consciousness, work better if they're very basic. I liked that tone you used near the end, like a disappointed authority figure, and your repetition was perfect. I enjoyed watching this get-together and can't wait to see you work with him again, and some of the other guys taking their turns." "What I can't wait for," Rick enthused, "is when our Miss Clover gets to fulfill those offers she made to move to the next level. The doctors gave her excellent cocksucker lips." Jayne smirked. "And wait until the desire to have a prick in his mouth gets hardwired into his brain, along with associating endless disgrace with doing it. He'll be pulled in both directions at once, all the time. After seeing in his pre-admission profile, which his assistant provided, how he loved to manipulate girls into giving him blowjobs, it will be a total pleasure to see him addicted to doing the same for any man in the room with him. I will never get tired of watching him get his paybacks." "And I'll never have too much of making him give them to me." In the days that followed there were a half dozen male attendants working in rotation to keep him aroused and frustrated. They continued the psychological manipulations, also inculcating him with a deep sense of modesty, which was very effective because he was kept naked or close to it. Occasionally they would give him something feminine, like a see- through nighty or a pair of panties with no crotch. There were sometimes stockings and even heels, which they got him acclimated to walking in, which gave Clovis a swishy gait. He was utterly flustered by being see nude or semi-nude by all those men. There were also women assigned to tease him, a trio of them led by Jayne. Their goal was to further confuse his mixed desires for both men and women. It also provided a different effect to have females working to increase his sense of shame. All through this period he was denied ejaculations, which would be impossible without special help from someone. At the end of two weeks, when he was half out of his mind with the need to finish, they sprung their next trap. He would be given a chance to gain relief but had to give one of the men a BJ first. The lucky recipient would be Rick. By that time Clovis felt dependent on his keepers for their approval, even when it came with criticisms. He was desperate to please them. Rick acted almost as if he was doing Clovis a favor by allowing him to offer his mouth, like not having the chance would prove the writer's unworthiness. "Thank you," Clovis whispered breathily. "I'll do my absolute best." "Well, if you honestly want to. I'm not going to force anything on you." "I do. I mean, it's what I should be... To show you that I'm..." "I understand," Rick consoled. "There's a nice private bedroom we can use, one they set up for you. Just pretend that you're one of those girls you used to know, and I'm you. Do for me what you made them do for you." That sly reference sent Clovis' guilt soaring. OMG, he had become the same as his victims in a way. Worse, where they had been obligated to do it, he was feverishly anxious to get an opportunity. He saw himself as some sort of slut but couldn't manage his needs. Full of confused feelings, he quivered as he undressed Rick. Once the attractive man was stripped, Clovis couldn't stop ogling his enviable cock. Rick sat down and crossed his muscular legs, much to Clovis' annoyance. The attendant had two cups on a table by his elbow. One was small, and he took a sip from that. The other was jumbo size. He offered it to the trembling transformed man, who accepted it and took a long swallow. The contents were thick and rich, similar to the many 'health shakes' they had been feeding him. Those were part of his special diet, designed to help him gain weight. Already his feminine contours were enlarging. He lowered the cup and Rick laughed at him. "You've got that white creamy stuff all over your upper lip," he pointed out. "It looks like you've already given a blowjob. Did you let someone get ahead of me?" "No. I'm sorry." Clovis waved a hand in the air, wrist limp. His trainers had made subtle suggestions that he followed to win their favor, all of which contributed to giving him girly body language and movements. "I'll just..." He licked his perpetually puckered lips to clean them. "Is that better?" "At least now you don't look so trampy." That sent a pang of remorse through its target. The writer was acutely aware of how his big tits and ass, along with his swaying ponytails and tendency to strike seductive poses, projected a trashy image. His programmed modesty was triggered and he wanted to cover his essentials with both hands, except that he also wanted to flaunt them to attract Rick. The blond guy encouraged Clovis to finish his high-calorie concoction and then, as if giving him a reward, uncrossed his legs. Clovis sank to his knees. "Okay, Clover," Rick said. "You can do what you've been wanting to all along. It's okay. Even if it does give the impression that you're..." He halted, as if he didn't want to use an offending term. "I know," Clovis said, turning down his gaze. "A bimbo." "Well, I wasn't going to use that word but yes." The busty figure raised his eyes coyly and fluttered his lashes. His knockers were now the size of cantaloupes and they had done something to thicken and lengthen his eyelashes. He ran his tongue over his swollen lips suggestively. Rick smiled. The kneeling slave-to-lust leaned forward to reverently take hold of that inviting cock. With a few strokes of his soft hand, Clovis had it hard and impressively large. He moved even closer, so that he could capture it between his warm boobs and work them up and down on it. Rick's tool was long enough that Clovis could keep it there and lick the head, and then engulf that part with his mouth. He closed his eyes to savor the sensation, breathed in Rick's male musk, and swirl his tongue around the widest part. After that, Clovis became lost in what he was doing, oblivious for the moment of how whorish he was being. Clovis used his hands and mouth to keep Rick's sexual interest at a peak. The writer was giving him a real stimulus package. He fondled and licked his balls, stimulating his package. Rick's head went back and he exhaled loudly. Clovis felt weirdly proud that he could make one of his benefactors -- which was how he was beginning to see the people at Alter-Mann -- so happy. He slobbered on that glorious piece of man- meat and took as much of it as he could manage into his mouth and the start of his throat. After a lot of that, Rick began to grunt in time with the hard sucks that were being given to his knob. Clovis rotated his tongue around it and took another half dozen pulls on it, making his cheeks go concave each time. Then Rick made a guttural sound, his hips jumped, and he blasted his load into that busy mouth. Clovis swallowed it greedily, delighted with his success. He gulped it down and made sure the blond guy enjoyed a few added minutes of having his stick pampered. At last Clovis released the spent organ. That was when waves of shame and guilt hit him. He wanted to cover up his big mobile boobs, to hide his blushing face, and flee the room. He had been concentrating on Rick when what he wanted most was to gain some relief for himself. Even though he had finally earned that, he was now too embarrassed to mention it. Instead he scrunched down and wrapped his arms around Rick's firm calves, clinging to them like they were his salvation. The attendant smiled to himself. He and his peers had done a fine job of reprogramming the mind of their subject. After that the crew initiated a series of tests on Clovis. All of them appeared suspiciously like sex games. There were long sessions of teasing him and unscientifically measuring how overcharged he became. They lubed up a butt plug, inserted it in his fundament, and made him run on a treadmill with his jugs and butt jiggling wildly. There was a maze made of clear plastic tubing. A dozen numbered balls were distributed in it and he had to crawl through the narrow passageways and retrieved them in order. Everyone could observe him as he squeezed in and out of narrower sections and snaked through ones with tight curves. Workers he had never seen before appeared to watch his frantic efforts to complete the task. He tried his hardest because there was an element of aversion therapy involved. If he failed to finish in time, it cost him a spanking, with all those added staffers watching. The first time he earned corporal punishment it as administered by Marco, who was Black and possessed a bodybuilders physique. The big man sat down and pulled Clovis, who had been allowed panties that day, over his lap. He yanked down the test subject's single piece of covering and caressed his bottom appreciatively. Clovis was aware that he had added more inches back there. That often attracted pats and pinches from the men... and women. As he lay across Marco's well developed thighs, the powerful man raised his arm and paused, letting Clovis' anxiety build. Then he swung hard and landed a solid blow on one cheek. Clovis yowled and kicked his feet. But Marco had a hand firmly on the small of his back and effortlessly held him in place. He swatted that defenseless bottom over and over until it went from white to pink to red. Clovis was in tears, blubbering and sniffling. When Marco at last stopped after twenty of his best, he stood Clovis on his feet and announced that he had to wriggle through the maze once more. The balls had been reinserted through openings in the tops of the tubes, in a new order. With his tail end blazing, Clovis had to once more slip into an entrance and begin another long search for the numbered balls from lowest to highest. Everyone could see his red sitter. They laughed and pointed. It was so upsetting that he took even longer this time, which meant another punishment. At least they allowed him to postpone it until he recovered from the fanny tanning he had just been given. Another test involved a new form of tantalizing him. Whoever was handling him at that moment would bring a vibrating wand with a sight curve at its end. They liked to make Clovis lube it up himself, to make him complicit in his own remaking. Then he had to assume some shameful pose, often kneeling on an examining table with his growing butt, now quite thick and inviting, up in the air. The wand went up his bunghole and was used to tickle him internally. The trick was that it could touch his prostate and bring him to the edge of a climax, but no one ever took him past that point. They could have but that wasn't in their plan. Instead they informed him that the only way to reach the next level, to obtain an elusive ejaculation, to have his male G-spot fully activated, was to get one of the guys to take him from behind. Just the idea of allowing the ravishment of his widening rump sent him into fits of frightened denial, yet the round-the-clock teasing continued and his needs remained unmet. He was beyond desperate but couldn't accept what was offered. One day -- Clovis realized he no longer knew the date or even the time - - Marco caught him in an especially emotional moment. The former writer tended to get weepy. His tiny balls ached from the need to be emptied. The Black attendant appeared sympathetic and Clovis, lying in his room on a pink and white bed they had provided for him, unburdened himself to Marco, going on about how drastic his yearning had become. "You know," Marco said understandingly, "there might be another way." Clovis was naked except for a pink sports bra that allowed his ballooning bazooms, now like a couple of soccer balls, to judder every time he moved. The inadequate garment had cut-outs for his oversized nipples to protrude through. Marco said, "Let's get you calmed down first." He began to flick his fingers against those easily activated, pink gumdrops. The workers had created the fiction that teasing Clovis relaxed him, even though the opposite was true. After Marco had him wriggling and mewling, the attendant relented. Then he sat next to the distracted androgyne and toyed with one of his ponytails. "Now just roll onto your side and let me show you." After he changed position, Clovis heard the familiar sound of a latex glove being donned and smelled the scent of the perfumed lube that was used on the wands. Unexpectedly, Marco's thick fingertip probed at Clovis' tight rosebud. "Oh." The touch made his entire body pulse. "Maybe you shouldn't... It might not be a good idea to..." Marco shushed him. "Relax, Clover. That's my good girl. Just let me..." Suddenly he was inside, up to his first knuckle. Second. All the way. The invading digit found that special spot and lightly made contact, but it wasn't enough. Clovis moaned, "I need more, Marco, more." "Well, baby doll, I can give you a whole lot more. But like we've all been telling you, it has to be your decision to go ahead. You've got to ask for it." Of course, need and embarrassment were in conflict over that delicate issue. Clovis didn't want to take the big step toward proving how wanton he was, but he couldn't imagine going much longer without having his trigger pulled, so to speak. He purred. His voice turned sultry. "If you promise to be gentle, Marco, I guess it would be okay." "Sure, Clover. Just get on your tummy and raise that booty up for me. I'll take good care of you," he soothed. Clovis assumed the position, trembling with anticipation, his usual guilt temporarily held at bay by lust. It was no longer necessary to condition him as they went along. His mind was working to do the job for them, running on automatic. He waggled his well-padded seat at Marco, who was getting out of his slacks to reveal the long girthy member that Clovis had lavished manual and oral attention on so often. Marco rubbed it against those twin cushions and was ready for action within moments. He set the end of his weapon against the bullseye. Clovis took a deep breath and held it. The confident man plunged into him, waited a few seconds for the initial shock and discomfort to pass, and followed with inch after inch until he was in up to his heavy balls. Clovis cooed. Marco growled happily as he began the timeless in-out motion. He knew what he was doing and made sure to bump the morphing man's prostate, but not on every stroke. It got Clovis dizzy with arousal but didn't let him achieve his ultimate goal. His nipples were stiff and his pipsqueak dick dripped, but he wasn't permitted to get to where he wanted to go. "Pleeeease," Clovis wheedled, "make it happen, Marco. I know you can do it. Your cock is incredible. You're so manly. Don't leave me unsatisfied." The big man laughed and kept up his tireless piston-like movements. Clovis pushed back to meet his shoves. As Marco sensed himself nearing the point of no-turning-back, he changed his angle of attack and made sure to give that secret spot all the attention it could stand. Half a dozen strokes later Marco grunted and blasted his load into Clovis' bowels. The bent-over patient wailed as he too had an orgasm, except that his was limited and unfulfilling. His spunk oozed out instead of spurting. Even so, it did alleviate some of that terrible internal pressure. There was a sort of pleasure and, even as it peaked and quickly subsided, he understood that he would crave more of the same. More, more, more. After that, all of the guys had access to Clovis' backdoor pleasure center. They mostly left him wanting an ejaculation, but made him finish just often enough that his need remained at an elevated level and he was always sending signals to them that he was ready to go again. During the same period, now that he was fully hooked on guys, the girls began to use him. He had never used his mouth on a pussy, considering it distasteful and demeaning. But now they channeled his runaway sex drive into doing that as well, and he became as addicted to serving females as he was to pleasuring males and being used by them. After that was firmly established, Dana came to visit him. He brought along Mya, one of the women who Clovis had so heartlessly taken advantage of. They were both well dressed and radiantly happy. "Look at you," Dana said to his former boss. All Clovis had on was a tight corset that had half-cups to support his heavy jugs. "There've been some changes made." "Yeah," agreed Mya. "Changes for the better. It's so nice to know you had the roles reversed on you. How does it feel to be the one getting cock fed to you?" "Listen," Clovis piped, "this is all so unfair. I mean, I know I mistreated a half dozen girls for years. And Dana, I'll admit you did all the work for my books. But in my defense... I mean when you think about it... If you look at things from my side..." He realized that he had no defense, there was nothing to think about, and the view from his side was as condemning as the one from any other perspective. He sighed but, instead of letting his shoulders slump in dejection, pulled them back to accentuate his bust. His fallback position was always to show off his body in the hope of getting a positive response. Along with that, however, he was overcome with programmed modesty. His hands went over the fronts of his big boobs. Touching them had the unsought effect of sending currents of sexual energy through his nervous system, to his teeny tiny dick. The laughable organ stiffened. "Whoa," Dana said with a smile. "Even if you could get everything else changed back, that mini-meat would disqualify you from ever screwing any woman again." "But I hear you're very skilled with your mouth," Mya stated. "And always looking to have your tailpipe stuffed," Dana reminded him with a nasty grin. "So why don't the three of us retire to that sweet little bedroom of yours that I've heard so much about, and you can give us a free demonstration. As your former victims, we could both use some closure, and that would be the ideal way for us get it." "I'm not... I only do that for people who work here and..." Clovis ran out of words. His supercharged sex drive took over. He led them to the pink and white room. His supersized sweater-stretchers shook atop the corset cups like jelly on a plate. Dana got alongside him and gave his swaying bottom a squeeze. He made a comment about the loss of body hair being permanent, knowing that would remind Clovis of how this had all started, and Dana's part in trapping him here and taking over his wealth, home and possessions. Mya mentioned that her attractive outfit had been paid for on Clovis' business charge card, which Dana was authorized to use. She told him that his assets were growing and that it was so sad (she was lying) that he couldn't touch any of that money. "His assets are growing," Dana agreed, "but not as fast as his ass." Once they were in the bedroom, Dana made Clovis undress him. Then Mya made him do the same for her. The woman lay on her back with her legs spread. She pointed to Clovis and then to her lightly furred pussy. He understood. As he got between her legs and lowered his head, Dana got behind him. He rubbed himself lewdly against that double-wide ass and was rigid in a minute. There was lube on the nightstand and he used some on himself. As Clovis began to lap at Mya's womanhood, Dana went in-the-out-door. He eased himself back and forth, setting an unhurried rhythm. Mya ordered Clovis to diddle his own hyper-receptive nipples. Dana's penetration had the rear erogenous zone sending out red-zone signals. Clovis' twin erotic addictions, combined with the workout his nerve endings were being given, had him perspiring, his pintsize penis dripping. The three participants got noisy, there was a final surge of sexual energy, and two glorious orgasms exploded. Unfortunately for Clovis, there wasn't a third one and he was once again left hungering. "Aw," Mya said with a pout in her voice. "Didn't you get put over the top, Clover? Now you know how I felt all those times, because you were so selfish in bed." "And for me," Dana asserted, "it's like a lot of old scores got settled all at the same time. Not that it will stop me from enjoying your home and your money. I'm glad you let me be the one to stock your wine cellar. I made some terrific choices and now I'm getting to enjoy them." He gave Clovis a friendly slap on the rump and got off the bed. Mya wriggled out from under and began to dress. Soon the two visitors were ready to leave. Clovis lay there with one hand over his crotch and a forearm thrown across his heavy breasts, though the latter effort wasn't enough to properly hide the ginormous milk-bags. His elevated modesty factor had kicked in again. His plump lips quivered, still glistening from Mya's fluids. Dana informed him, "I'm going to suggest some new tests for the good folks here at Alter-Mann to try on you. I don't want to spoil any surprises, but let's just say that they involve seeing how you react during extended sessions of arousal, while you're in stringent bondage." "Mmm." Mya licked her lips, as if she could taste the added indignities Clovis would soon face. "And I'm going to suggest some outfits that will be a lot more restrictive than that sexy corset you've got on. But don't worry, they'll still show off your titanic tits and outrageous ass. It would be a shame to hide those from everybody here." "Maybe we'll stop back sometime," Clover, Dana suggested. "But if we don't, you keep on enjoying yourself the way you've been." "And I'll be thinking of you," Mya assured him, "every time I get into bed with a real man who takes care of my needs. Have fun, Clover." The transformed and defeated man lay there, shivering with unmet desires. He bit his lips and got his runaway emotions partly under control. His new life wasn't all bad, he reminded himself. After all, he might have more guests in his room later. Jayne or Rick or Marco or some of the many others. It would be embarrassing but strangely satisfying in the end, though never satisfying enough. Never. ********* (Several captioned images by Crayle 2 made me write this fantasia. All hail Crayle!)

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Undercover RoseChapter 20

The few minutes turned into an hour and a half, during which time I drank two cups of coffee. The coffee was as bad as I remembered it from my earlier stay at the Camp. I watched recorded TV shows, since I remembered how their computer system worked. The cabin was a rubber stamp of the one I stayed in last time, but it wasn't the same one. I wondered why I hadn't been taken to the admin building. Then it dawned on me that I was being held in isolation while they checked me out. I hoped the...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 32

Take the phone to the courthouse square park and place it inside a Hardee's bag. Take a biscuit and coffee from the Hardee's bag then deposit the trash in it after your breakfast. Place the bag filled with your trash and the phone into the refuge collector directly across from the courthouse. Move to a bench away from the refuse can and wait for it to be collected. Do no allow the county to empty those cans until our man gets it. I followed the instructions even though I was in a little...

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Undercover RoseChapter 76

I was at least five years older than either of them. I most likely had more experience in the field as the two of them together. They might just be a simple reception team, but I didn't think so. It was 10:30 on Friday night after all. Once we were in the van I removed the headscarf and large dark glasses I wore for the CCTV cameras. "Who else is on the team?" I asked. "The team leader is code named Shemp," the woman said. "So I guess that makes you Moe," I said to the man driving...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 77

While I vetted everyone on the crew that I felt needed it, the security wheels were grinding. The security team had Arnold pretty much disguised as he had the breakfast buffet with 'The Girls'. Since they had a Chef making meals no one expected or knew about the buffet. The armed guards couldn't hover about him so they tried to fit in. Hiding their weapons was next to impossible so a lot of the security fell to me and the comedy team of Moe and Curly. The Dovecheck family and the people...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 81

On the drive home I tried to sort it out, and maybe make sense of it all. I hadn't taken the time in the morning, since Billy Joe was gone when I awoke. I didn't want to think at that moment. I just wanted to get the hell away from there before the police came to charge me with Statutory rape or some such thing. Hell Billy was no more than sixteen at best. More likely he was even less, but I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that he was a minor. I had known that when I allowed him...

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Undercover RoseChapter 98

"Get your asses out of bed. Something is happening and I have no idea what," I said. "I need you to help get Bart and his wife through the compound and to the meadow behind the greenhouses. Get a move on and bring something to make sure nothing happens to them while they are on the Catfish Farm." I said that from the doorway of the travel trailer. Shit this thing is going to need airing out before Andrew can ever use it again, I thought. I had no idea what the smell was, but it was much...

3 years ago
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UndercoverChapter 3

Dino began to join in and they sang that and Hotel California then ten or twelve other classics before they grew tired of that. "Ok so truth or dare time," Joey said, moving closer. Dino raised an eyebrow. "Oh God please no." "Come on, it will be fun," Joey poked him. "I get to ask a question first," Joey told him. "How did I guess you would. Alright, go ahead." "Truth or dare?" Joey challenged him. "Oh truth... of course," he replied, folding his arms across his...

2 years ago
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Undercover Investigator

Katherine "Kat" Cranston walked down the hall towards the launch bay at The United Earth Investigative Service Head Quarters with pride. The young twenty-two year old brunette was tall with an athletic build, long straight hair, and bright blue eyes. Only two months ago she had graduated the academy at the top of her class and now had been selected to be part of a major undercover investigation. The investigation focused on The Amazons of Tython. An all female race of slavers that specialized...

4 years ago
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Undercovers Detective Chapter two

JANINE Janine poured the contents of her Louis Vuitton bag out on the bedspread, adding a layer of loose tobacco to the embroidered design. She always carried an extra vial of crystal meth to get her through the next job, but those damn vice squad guys busted her connection. She hadn’t replenished her supplies in at least a week. This was yet another hazard of working undercover.For the last three years, Janine Voltaire was an indispensable member of the Special Operation Joint Vice Task Force....

Love Stories
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Undercovers Detective chapter 7

I nervously applied the last of my makeup in preparation for my debut at the Slice. Up until three months ago, no one besides my parents and physician had seen me nude, but now perfect strangers were going to be ogling me. My folks would have cardiac arrest if they saw me now. They were opposed to me joining the police force to begin with. My dad wanted me to follow in my family’s tradition of corporate law, but being the head-strong woman I am, I forged my own path. However, when I agreed to...

Straight Sex
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Undercovers Detective chapter 9

 Alexia The gel felt cold when she squeezed it on my belly. I watched intently at the flickering monitor as she moved the scanner around my abdomen, searching. When the flickering screen stabilized, I viewed what appeared to be undefinable images of my innards. She continued shifting it around, pressing down with increased firmness. Some movement appeared but I couldn’t discern what I was looking at.“Ms. Hunter, if you look in the center of the monitor you can see the head—and that is the leg...

Love Stories
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Undercovers Detective

It was around eight pm, and my double-shift was about to end. We had been working overtime since the gangs had gone to war. Seven murders, in the last week alone. This city of angels was under siege. My rookie partner of two weeks had asked me to join her for drinks at Chubby's tonight. Reluctantly, I’d agreed, but it went against my rules to date a fellow cop. In all honesty, even though I had earnestly tried, it was hard for me to refuse such a pretty face. As partners, Alexia and I were...

Love Stories
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The Patient

“Looks like it’s going to be another slow Thursday night, ladies.” Katie sighed as she moved the stack of files she had just reviewed. She was at the nurse’s station in the Huntsville Memorial Hospital Emergency Room. Their last patient had just left over an hour ago. She looked at her coworkers, Samantha and Caroline. All three ladies had finished catching up with their paperwork and were sitting at the station together.Samantha grinned, sitting in the middle of the three of them. “I guess...

2 years ago
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Doctor Patient

Here is the biggest mistake I made in my life. I slept with a patient. That is due to the second biggest mistake in my life. I am a doctor.Of course, there is a story involved. Here goes.As a k**, I wanted to be a doctor. But not to people. I wanted to be a vet. That didn't work out. My old man pointed at medical school. I loved my dog, and my dog died, and soon, I found my dream dead. I was a people doctor. I studied my ass off, read as much as I could and finally made it to medical school. On...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Patient

This is a story of my patient in the biggest city of Punjab i.e. Ludhiana. I am normal built physiotherapist doctor not a regular gym user but handsome enough to attract any girl or aunty. Always interested in books encountered a sex with patient. Her name is Priya (changed for maintaining secrecy). This happened about four years ago, when I just started my clinic. I was unmarried and got a call in the morning from the husband of patient who is around 35 years old mother of two. I was 27 years...

3 years ago
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Sex Therapy 1 The Patient

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

4 years ago
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Undercover Ch 12

No matter what Warren said he was definitely getting soft, Cade thought as he left Warren’s office. Even so, the soft, old man had still managed to talk him into spending another fortnight in the presence of the bitchiest female he had ever come across. But she was also the most intoxicating one. He could feel his cock preparing for some serious fucking just by the thought of the woman. He had never experienced such a lack of control before meeting her and the fact troubled him. At least he...

4 years ago
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Undercover Ch 14

If Warren only knew what he was planning he would not have given him the address, Cade chuckled to himself as he rang the doorbell of Erin’s apartment. ‘Who is it?’ he heard her ask from the other side. ‘Someone who wants to apologize,’ he replied sweetly and held up the bouquet of red roses he had just bought. He heard the door chain being removed and the door unlocked and revealed a mildly surprised Erin staring at him. ‘What is this?’ ‘Flowers for the beautiful,’ Cade answered sweetly as...

3 years ago
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Undercover Ch 02

Why on earth had she accepted this assignment, Erin wondered for the billionth time while stuttering around on a muddy road in heals too high for comfort. The wind was blowing fast, swirling through her newly dyed curls and making her shiver in her thin city clothes. She stared with longing at the entry door as she was gradually closing in on it. But first she had to cross an area better designed for hiking boots than stilettos. How a company could be placed in the middle of nowhere, 10...

4 years ago
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Undercover Ch 11

Erin got a message asking her to immediately attend a meeting in the boardroom. Someone was in a real hurry, she though while she cancelled her lunch appointment with Stella. Not wanting to skip lunch altogether, she settled for a small sandwich as she bundled together the papers she had prepared and headed for the boardroom. Warren had wanted her to check out a new company he intended to buy. The case seemed much too straightforward as far as she was concerned, and she wondered why Warren...

2 years ago
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Undercover Ch 03

The week passed with no greater incidents, except for some minor accidents involving broken china, food plastered onto the wall and papers flying around the factory. Cade had decided to leave only the non-dangerous tasks to his clumsy secretary and had therefore banished her to the filing room. Erin could not have agreed more as this gave her the perfect opportunity to search the financial records and locate the frauds. It was just what she had hoped to accomplish all week long. She’d wrung...

3 years ago
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Undercover Ch 13

An hour later Erin still felt like a total mess. She had managed to adjust her clothes and make-up, but she still looked like a woman who had only recently fallen out of the bed after a night of extensive lovemaking. It didn’t help much either that she knew the rumours had spread like fire in dried grass. Everywhere she went the women were giggling and looking at her as they whispered among themselves. She had even dropped going to lunch and settled instead for a dry sandwich from a machine...

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Undercover Milf Ch 02

Laura waited until the afternoon of the next day, then she drove down to her son’s school and found a place to park. The spot she chose was out of plain sight, yet gave her a view of her son’s school parking lot. Her son, Teddy and Matt were walking toward a red minivan, a large heavy set gentlemen got out of it. The four of them stood in the parking lot for several minutes and laughed as they talked, then the boys got into Teddy’s car and the large man got back into the van. They pulled out...

2 years ago
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Undercover Ch 04

But he did get away. A week had gone by and all Erin had seen of Cade was small glimpses. The man was a complete coward. There was no other explanation. He was clearly avoiding her and when they actually met, he pretended their little interlude had never happened. Instead he portrayed all of his High-and-Mightiness to almost Award-winning levels and he was treating her like a silly child trying to act the role of a secretary. Which she probably was when one considered her disguise and total...

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Undercover Ch 06

‘Damn,’ Cade swore to himself as he tried to put his clothes back on again. That did get way out of hand – again. He had never meant for it to go that far. He had only wanted to warm her up a bit and transfer some of his frustrations onto her. Instead she had been so responsive he could not contain himself. And the following release had simply been earth shattering. He had never before experienced anything like that. This obviously had some potential, he thought. But perhaps it was best to...

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Undercover Ch 05

Erin listened as Cade snapped at another employee. His temper was definitely not of the best lately, but usually it was her on the receiving line of his bad moods. He had not confronted her with the Christmas-picture yet, so hopefully he hadn’t figured out who had pulled the prank on him. Still he was as sour as ever and even a couple of days had not managed to cool down his temper. She heard him curse again in a very inventive vocabulary. She would never have thought he had it in him, but...

3 years ago
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Undercover Ch 15

Cade awoke and reached for his pants to locate the keys for the handcuffs. They were not there. He tried to remember if he had put them somewhere else last night. It was really strange. He could not think of another place where he could have put them. They had to be here. He checked his pockets once more. ‘Is something wrong?’ Erin asked. ‘I can’t find the keys. I thought I had them in my pants,’ Cade said smilingly. ‘I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the time being.’ ‘Ha, no way if you’re...

4 years ago
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Undercover Milf Ch 03Q

The next morning Laura did the same routine as she waited anxiously for her son to leave so she could once again snoop in his room. Most of all she wanted to see if there was another video on her son’s computer. When she entered the room, she once again found his computer left on and she sat down quickly. Sure enough there was a new video on the computer, so she clicked on it and the media player came up. It was her son inside her best friend’s living room, they were sitting on the couch...

4 years ago
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Undercover Ch 08

‘We need to talk,’ Cade said the next morning as she was dressing herself. He had already gotten dressed and was obviously preparing breakfast when she finally came awake. She had been so relaxed after her orgasm that she slept like a log. Now she felt more alive and awake than she had done in ages. Having sex with Cade was obviously the best medicine for total relaxation, she smiled smugly. Finally concentrating on his words she looked at the sober man standing in front of her. She raised...

3 years ago
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Undercover Milf Ch 01

Laura Cranston was lying on her side facing away from her husband Joe early Sunday morning. The first glimmers of light of dawn began to trickle into the bedroom, Joe stirred and rolled over. She could feel his erection poking her in her pajama clad ass, then she felt him slowly unbutton her pajama top. He nuzzled his face into the back of her head and once her top was unbuttoned he fondled her bare breasts. ‘Roll over,’ She said to him softly. He did as she asked and rolled over onto his...

5 years ago
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Undercover Ch 07

The next morning Cade drove her uphill and far into to wilderness. At least that was her impression as she looked out on the surrounding scenery along the narrow road they were driving on. She had never ventured this far away from a shopping centre in her life. The road was barely drivable at some places and she wondered how anyone would want to stay at this cottage at all. No, hunting lodge. Anyway, what was it for? Shooting wild animals for pleasure? Or kill them before they ate you? A howl...

5 years ago
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Undercover Slut

You're Sara Ridgley, also known as agent X. With a slender body, long legs, pert breast and bronzed skin, you're not only the most deadly, but the sexiest red headed agent working for your government. Dressed in a standard military issue uniform, you stand firm as a large, handsom general approaches. "Agent X, you're the best damn agent we have..I hate to have to send you on one of the hardest damn missions we have...but you're the only one who can do it." You nod along as you listen, eyes...

3 years ago
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undercover boss 3

billy julie and john enter ryans office the next morning 'julie strip off take my cock out and sit on it facing john and billy i want john to seethe look on your face as my cock slides up your tight ass'julie strips off kneels down to take ryans cock out then turns so she is facing john and billy , ryan takes hold of his cock and lines it up with her tight asshole julie slowly lowers herself onto his cock groaning as his big cock slides up her tight ass'now put your hands on your head and fuck...

4 years ago
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undercover boss 2

'so now its just the 2 of us ' ryan says 'did you like the feel of my cock up your cunt did you enjoy me fucking you ?''no i hate it ' julie says'good thats great i really don't want you enjoying it ' ryan laughs 'how about your husband did you like watching him eat my spunk ? and licking his own jizz off your lovely tits ?''its what the bastard deserves for getting us into this mess ''bend over my desk spread your ass cheeks let me see where i will be putting my cock ' ryan says'please don't...

3 years ago
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Undercover Part 1

Officer Charles Owen adjusted his collar and tie for his interview with the beautiful Latino reporter Isabel Rodriquez. Her long black hair cascaded down and framed her face. She had full lips and her eyes seemed to pierce your very soul. That could be because she seemed to be ever vigilant of anyone ogling her full bust. She could easily be a 32DD. Even though she was in her late 30s, they were still very perky, but all natural. "Now Mr. Owen...." Smiling, Officer Owen says, 'Call...

3 years ago
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Undercover Handjob

It was a typical Friday night at college and my girlfriend, Liz and I were both too worn out after a long week of exams to go out. I texted her and asked her if she wanted to hang out in my room for the night. She texted me yes and there was a knock on the door within a few minutes (she lived in the same dorm as I did, but on a different floor). I walked past my dweeb of a roommate who was always in the room, and I do mean ALWAYS (it drove Liz and I crazy when we were in the mood for a night of...

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