BounderChapter 4 free porn video

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With the gathering of hardboys growing just down the street from us, we really had very little time left to linger but I first need to get the items that I'd asked Mumford to collect for me from the house.

"Mumford, I see you brought the package I asked for?" He nodded and handed me a small but heavy parcel wrapped in twine from inside of his large cloth covered market basket. Mumford always handled my daily shopping needs for our cook and could be regularly seen in the local markets nearly every day with his usual wicker basket. This time instead of a roast or a string of sausages he was delivering the second of my matching brace of pistols for me and I carefully made sure that it was still loaded. He'd also brought a change of clothes for me, some simpler and more common garments that I could wear anywhere without attracting particular attention. Under my new plain brown jacket I wore the custom made leather and silk holster harness that Mumford had also delivered from my home wardrobe, along with a small silk pouch of spare shot and premeasured paper tubes of powder, ready for swift reloading. With the coat buttoned, the bulge of small pistols in my underarms wasn't noticeable, especially since the current jacket and coat trend was for a heavily quilted and padded garment that considerably bulked up the normal appearance of the male chest. It was unbearably hot in summer, but they did conceal my weapons superbly.

Now that my custom pair of undersized but adequately powered wheellock pistols were reunited, I paused for just a moment to inspect them both once more before tucking them carefully into my holsters. They had cost me a fortune, even by nobleman standards, but the superior workmanship was worth every gold solida that I'd paid. The ivory inlaid wood stock and the silver filigree of the metalwork identified the pistols as a proper weapon of a high nobleman, but they were each small enough to be concealed under a gentleman's waistcoat or jacket, such as now.

As ever, my silver handled walking stick remained in my hand and it held secreted within a much more traditional gentleman's weapon, a slender but sharp sword cane of good watered steel. It was an antique, and an unintentional bonus from an early burglary effort from the estate of a very high nobleman. I'd never trust it against a duel with a great sword or even a heavy claymore, but in such instances I could strike much faster than these sorts of weapon wielding enemies, piercing their hearts before the downward heavy stoke of a greater weapon could even begin. My foes would have short stabbing swords today, a respectable means of arms, but still like a snake I should be able to strike faster and with more deliberation, given a fighting chance. Still, while I had adequate training with a blade when I was younger, I am not a skilled duelist and I try to avoid real sword fights if at all possible. Too many uncertainties ... no matter how good you might think you are, there is always someone better.

This early afternoon, I was less than inclined to desire anything resembling a fair fight with the growing collection of leather-bound roughs downstairs. Mumford was too old for such athletics and Maitlan was far too inexperienced to fight against hardened professionals, or really even with most talented amateurs. He was a promising young thief, but fancied himself as a lover and not a fighter, and spent his spare time trysting with whores rather than much time training with the sword-master of the local gym I'd purchased membership for him at. If he didn't get off of his ass and start making an occasional appearance there, I was going to deduct that not insignificant cost from his next pay purse.

As ever, Koch had his long sword at his side, longer and thinner of blade than the usual long sword, but Koch was no sluggard with this weapon in hand and usually would also bring to bear in a fight a long stabbing dagger as well, to wield them together in a complicated dance of steel with effectiveness. He had some skill with this complicated dual-blade technique and he regularly visited an elite sword-master of this school to improve his skills. With both blades he could even hold off a force that might outnumber us, assuming we could avoid being surrounded and overpowered by sheer weight of numbers. If we didn't get out of here fast, he might just have to!

I risked another long look out of the window towards the ale shop and noticed that the gathering of fighting men appeared to be complete and that they were starting to head towards our direction.

"We've been followed here!' I sharply barked, "Make for the Red Standard in the west end, tonight after dark. Stick to dark alleys and side streets and be late if you have to be, to ensure that you're not followed ... I'll wait there as long as necessary. Mumford, you and Maitlan take the back stairs first and run rather than try and fight. Koch and I will take up the rear and deal with any other swords sent to cut us off there, now get going!"

Mumford didn't need the reminder to get his ass moving but Maitlan could be a little dense at times. Traveling together, they looked much like father and son and the two of them wouldn't attract much attention, even if the Blackguard had their descriptions or names, or so I hoped. Mumford was also an expert at the creative uses of both stealth and disguise and given just a few minutes of preparation, the pair of them could merge unnoticed into any crowd.

Koch and I followed them right down the stairs and gave the escaping couple a good thirty seconds to get a good head start on us until I saw them disappear safely enough into a side alley a full block away without any immediate sounds of alarm or obvious direct pursuit. When my bodyguard and I attempted to repeat this same feat we met with less fortune. We'd hardly left the rear steps of the whorehouse when from the roof above us I then immediately heard a loud whistle, and with a quick glance upwards I could just make out the long greasy head of one of local street urchins. One of the resident whoresons that had just delivered one of my messages for me! He was the one who had betrayed us!

With a glance before his head disappeared from view, I was able to recognize his features and put them to memory so that I could report this betrayal to the guild master. The thieves' guild could deal with the traitor later, now I needed to make my own escape before the Blackguards soldiers and hired sword mercenaries all came charging after us.

Alarmed to our location, we were pressed for time as our stalkers began closing in on us, undoubtedly from different directions. My bodyguard and I trusted to speed rather than guile to make our escape down the numerous winding alleyways of the warrens, but with a slight measure of ill fortune we could not evade one group of four leather clad assailants that had nearly cut our retreat route off and followed within sight of us for the next five minutes until further misfortune placed our feet down a narrow dark alleyway with no apparent exit. Covered with trash and filth, I couldn't immediately see any other way out, save the way that we had come, and before I we could reverse our way out of this dead end, we were cornered by the four pursuing swordsmen.

One of the soldiers, obviously current or former military to my experienced eyes brought forth a blunderbuss and leveled the fearsome weapon towards us, but as his firearm was matchlit it could not be prepared for firing with swiftness, unlike mine. I had the moment's necessary to draw my brace of wheellock pistols and discharge them each deliberately in turn, taking down the would-be gunman and also the man next to him in front. The mercenaries both fell with large flowing chest wounds, perhaps even instantly fatal, and this at one stroke evened out our fighting odds.

The two remaining swordsmen drew their broadswords and charged us but Koch drew his own brace of sharpened steel blades and stepped forward to meet their charge. Koch is not a man of great intellect or profound thoughts, but he's brave enough to be a knight! I considered holding back to reload my pistols, but I feared that I could not then spare the thirty seconds each necessary to do so, and instead holstered them and drew my sword cane and came to Koch's immediate assistance. His foes were indeed veterans, and exceptionally trained and from the start they had my stout guardian quite upon the retreat. Individually they were about a match, but as a pair they would soon overpower my lone defender if I didn't quickly act.

A quick stinging thrust of my slender blade helped to even the odds, and my strike wounded the mercenary on our right in his side. The wound was neither deep nor stuck into a vital region, but it would be lethal enough soon. I suppose it bears mention that I keep poison inside of my sword cane scabbard to coat the blade. Technically, this is a profoundly dishonorable act that also bears the imperial death penalty, if discovered, but I prefer my enemies to die as quickly as possible, to avoid the risk of them taking me along with them into death! The poison was an expensive one, odorless and colorless that would penetrate into the bloodstream of the victim quickly and not leave any distinct discoloration or by-traces in the wounded flesh. This precaution precluded the use of other more virulent and vile (and more instantly lethal) poisons that did taint the flesh, and thus might cause some embarrassing questions, if used. This poison was more subtle and safer to use, and would bring near certain death within a minute or two unless the victim had the constitution of an ox, and it also quickly caused a considerable amount of burning pain to debilitate its victim.

The poison burned through his blood enough for him to drop his guard quite nearly at once, so that Koch's deliberate parry high with his main blade and a quick sudden stabbing thrust with the long dagger into the stomach of the attacker brought him down to his knees, where a second deliberate thrust of my own slender blade quite took him full in the throat and finished him by normal methods.

Now facing just one assailant, Koch was much more comfortable with these odds and his opponent now finding himself alone and now outnumbered, began to lose his nerve and wits, soon making an overextended attack that my stolid defender could easily parry away hard to the side and downwards with his dagger, leaving his sword free for a final deep mortal thrust into the now unprotected chest of his foe.

While I could not yet hear any sounds of incoming close pursuit, the discharge of the two pistols had been loud and would be unmistakable to the rest of the men hunting us, but I hoped that the warren of alleyways would confuse the exact location of the gunshot, and not directly lead the remainder of the attacking force to us, or at least not right away.

I let Koch cut their coin purses quickly and make a hasty examination for other portable loot but there was little to be had other than their arms and leather armor, which although valuable, were much too bulky to take with us now. Their coins were not particularly plentiful, suggesting that these were not newly hired mercenaries recently assembled to deal with me, but probably Blackguard soldiers out of uniform. The matchlock was of no particular quality, just common military grade stock, but rather than leave it behind for others to use I grasped the pistol by the barrel and beat it hard enough against the cobblestone paved alleyway so that it quickly shattered into pieces and was made quite unable to be fired.

In haste, I next rolled up the sleeves of the front pair of the fallen soldiers and discovered to my entire dissatisfaction that my fears had been quite realized and that most, if not all of the soldiers sent to capture me were in fact current or former members of the Blackguards. Each man's arm bore the traditional black diamond shield shaped emblem of their order tattooed on their left biceps, their traditional shield arm.

This was really of no particular surprise to me, and rather than ponder the problem further here in this crap strewn alleyway it was entirely to our benefit to get our asses onward, and lost into hiding. Immediately, if not sooner.

Koch didn't need any further reminder, and my pistols could wait to be reloaded later. I thought I could hear nearby sounds of running boots in the distance, heavy good quality ones at that, but I didn't see any further Blackguard soldiers and after about another half hour of winding our way through dismal alleyways, I felt secure enough to send Koch on ahead alone, to complete the rest of the trip by himself, so that we would attract less attention.

I ran a few false trails, even trying for awhile to make myself visible again on the main street near my home, to distract and misdirect my pursuit as far away as possible from my actual intended destination. It also helped that before my wild wanderings across the city, I first stopped by the Riverside Vigiles station and borrowed young Flerrie la'Clerkes, junior patrolwoman, once more from her other duties. I let the lass act once more as my tail shadow to again guard my back for the remainder of the afternoon. With her help, we spied out everyone tailing me, and with only minor effort we left several good false trails to everywhere and yet nowhere.

The Blackguards had spread coins across the city like the snows of winter and it seemed that nearly every peddler, street vendor and beggar in the city seemed to take sudden notice of me. It was considered bad business for members of the thieves' guild to take money to rat on one of their own, but I had the distinct feeling that my paid membership in good standing wasn't quite buying me the loyalty I should have expected. At a guess, I'd stay that about half of the street thief's I recognized were taking an extremely unusual interest in me. I wondered what the current price on the street was for news of where to find me? Obviously, it was more than enough that any number of old business acquaintances would cash me in, given half an opportunity, guild rules be damned. You can never fully trust thieves ... I should know!

Flerrie kept her rear watch upon me until my trail had been muddied enough that we then dared to head onwards, north and west across town to the Red Standard and we made it there just before dusk. En route, we risked having her leave a message with her watch captain to forward onwards to Sir Adrian, requesting that we might need a little local vigiles support from the rank and file, or at least their active indifference. Safely now at the ale house, I gave the kid a few minutes to get herself a quick hot meal from the street corner food stand across the street and she then set up a mostly hidden watch outside there, with a good view cover the approaches to the main doorway of the ale house.

Everything appearing safe and secure this time for a nice quiet meeting where no one with an ounce of sense would bother us. The Red Standard was the main vigiles drinking house for the patrollers of the west side of the city, where at least a couple of dozen off-duty patrol and watchmen could be found every evening. No one causes trouble in a cop bar! At least they don't if they want to keep all of their teeth and avoid a bunch of broken bones or worse, a year's punishment on a road crew!

I didn't think anyone could ever associate me with the Red Standard tavern, which was located just inside the unsavory boundaries of the very unfashionable west end of the city, uncomfortably near the docks. The ale house catered to off-duty vigiles, making it the safest place to drink (or hide) in nearly the entire city. I'd been in here once or twice before but hadn't been made to feel particularly welcome then. Tonight I was hoping for somewhat more tolerance, or at least benign indifference. The surrounding neighborhood was a dump and the tavern itself looked like something of an unsightly wreck itself, but that just meant that the rent was cheap and the drinks cheaper. Most vigiles don't have the coins to drink at anyplace decent, let alone anything up market, so the bargain basement furnishing and ale suited them just fine.

Without Sir Adrian looking benevolently down upon me from on high, I wouldn't have set foot into the place again even on a bet. I just hoped that the word had gone out for the rank and file to continue to be 'helpful' and that the Blackguards hadn't tossed too many backhanders the vigiles way. The way they loathed each other, I was pretty sure that they hadn't, and I was gambling my neck upon this assumption. The men and women of the guards liked their coins as much as the rest of us and for the most part had a decent enough sort of understanding with the criminal underworld they protected the rest of the city from. The thieves' tried not to create obvious trouble for the watch, or assault them with weapons, and in turn most patrollers didn't go out of their way to make trouble with them either. A mutual attitude of live-and-let-live, tempered with some reciprocated respect.

A message drop for the thieves' guild was quite nearby too, close enough so that while Flerrie ate her hasty meal, I had time to leave a quick message there informing them that a certain whore's by-blow had squealed, and thusly needed carving like a pig. They'd take care of the necessary unpleasantnesses after that, without any help or involvement by me. Squealing was very bad for business in general, even if at least half of the guild would probably take Blackguards silver and gold quickly enough, if the opportunity for profit arose. I might do business with these men and women but I'd never confuse them for friends.

If the bastard kid was real smart, he'd have already buggered off to the Blackguard barracks at the Ormscraig. Maybe they'd promised the kid a future job, or profitable night work as one of their buttboys ... I didn't care. Sooner or later the fucker would leave the safety of the walls and suffer some sort of very unfortunate accident, unless he just disappeared into the swamp instead.

Only the lazy or amateur killers dump their victims into the river. That more than anything had been Rochelle's killer's biggest mistake. The great Orms River was big and wide, but at Ormsford, as its name suggests, the river becomes rather shallow and rocky. Anything tossed into the river for several leagues on either side of the bridge is highly likely to just get stuck on a rock or sandbar, or cling to the marshy riverbanks on either side. Ormsford is the furthest upriver that navigation on the river is even possible, let alone practical, and not the best place to be dumping ones garbage!

Anything you want to stay lost forever goes into the swamp. No one with an ounce of sense ever goes there ... it's too insanely dangerous, and not just from giant lizards and deranged cannibalistic half-men/half reptiles that are rumored to live there too. There are lots of rumors of a lost temple to some deranged frog god in the heart of this vast swamp, with no shortage of abominable things to guard the ruins and its fabled treasure. Every year like clockwork, some moron adventurer or a group of them will go into the swamp during the early autumn dry season to go questing for it. They never return, so I guess they're all lizard food. In any case, dead bodies that you don't want to ever be discovered disappear very, very quickly when deposited just inside the edges of the swamp ... and stay disappeared.

I left my warning message at the drop place for the guild and arrived at the Red Standard early, still just before the city gate horns announcing sunset had blown. The tapster, a sturdy aged veteran who had the bearing of a former senior vigiles sergeant didn't seem to be too surprised to see me and I pretended not to notice when he casually whispered some instructions to a young guardsman who then promptly skedaddled out the door, probably to deliver a message to Sir Adrian. Meah ... this was not entirely unexpected.

The furthest corner table in the back corner was available and everyone else left me the hell alone, but they did give me the cat-like odd piercing look of semi-deliberate focus but yet feigned ignorance. I was neither friend nor foe, fish or fowl. Welcomed much like an unloved in-law that no one quite had the stomach to tell to go piss off and ruin someone else's life, or at least not interrupt their private drinking. No one had anything to say to me, but they kept an unusually wary eye upon the front door and their sword hands never seemed to wander too far away from their sword hilts. They didn't seem to be expecting trouble, but they were ready for it all the same.

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No Sympathy for Lilly Black

Saturday the 23rd, September 2012 ~I seek revenge on the sons of Adam. As reported to us by the sole survivor of last night’s massacre. These were the chilling, deranged words allegedly spoken by the Equinox Killer, the blogosphere has simply dubbed as, Lilly Black. This is Red Alert News at Eleven with Dennis Thomson. Good evening ladies and Gentlemen I’m Dennis Thomson. ‘Lilly Black’ left a wake of gore yesterday in the sleepy town of… ~ Friday the 20th, September 2013 Jude grabbed a tray...

1 year ago
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More summer of 65

That night as I lay in bed, I thought about John, his cock, how big it had got and the way he had pulled and pushed mine, also the wonderful feeling I had when the “white pee” had squirted from the end of mine. As I lay thinking about every thing, I realised my cock was big and hard, I started to do the same as John had done, it felt really good, I pulled it, I pushed it and finally the head came out, “WOW” I thought, I can make it do that as well. I kept on pulling and pushing, up and down...

4 years ago
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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 3

The next morning I was awakened by being kissed, when he saw my eyes open Sid said, "I would really like to have you again Sherry but we don't have time, we have another early morning meeting, then a break for lunch and were dinner guest's tonight again. So we better get up, we have a very busy day ahead of us. As much as I would love to spend the whole day in bed with you, we had better refrain from anymore strenuous activity and get showered and dressed or we may not make it to the...

4 years ago
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Iron Girders and Steel Springs

Marshall O'Neil waved down the minibus as it pulled into the quiet car park next to the picturesque little railway station. It was the first vehicle he'd seen since getting off the train ten minutes ago. First people, even. Altnabreac was a real out-of-the-way place. Marshall had been the only passenger left on the train and there was no one else about when he'd stepped out onto the platform and then followed the exit signs to this empty little car park. "Are you heading up to...

2 years ago
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BDSM Fantasy part one

I am walking in the near woods, climbing and taking breaks once in a while. This is always a peaceful place. I sit on the bench I usually sit to take some rest when I hear a sound of moving leaves. 'It's just some a****l' I say to myself. 'A rabbit may be'. But it isn't a rabbit. He catches me from behind and puts one hand on my mouth so I can't scream and with the other holds my hands behind my back. He calls for someone. Another guy comes and ties my legs and hands with rope. Then they slide...

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Brothers Wives Made To Fall In Lust

Hi everybody. This is my first true story.I am 27yrs old. I am living with my bro tinku and sweet sexy bhabi Ninu.We are financial well off running a factory and have a big bunglow with 30 acres of land.Both of us are doing very well in our buisness. Tinku and ninu got married in 2010 with great pomp and show.When I saw her first I envied my bro. She looked really hot, busty boobs of around 36. I bet anyone can fancy her in bed.My love story to bring her in bed with me started from the moment I...

3 years ago
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Family PlayChapter 2 and the end

Corry, Ali and Ross About twelve years have passed since my last writing. Mother and father have moved closer to town since dad is sickly. But we meet quite often and have fun together. Since the parents moved to town, Ali and I live at the old home, the house in which I was born. The house I grow up, I learned how to love, how to make love, how to play with daddy and mommy, how to fill my adult diapers when I was a teen and before. In this house I also got introduced to pee and scat-play...

2 years ago
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager Chapter two

Introduction: An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager Chapter two Ashley with no panties and the helpful submissive feelings of champagne, is ready to do most any sexually kinky thing! This is exactly what David wants, and has planned on. She has put her arms around...

3 years ago
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Working With Women Part 6

Back out on State Street, the night was still ours. It was just before nine o'clock, so any place we could go party was just about to heat up. "Where to sisters?" asked Edith. "Well, we could take our newly outed lesbian to Deb's," suggest Monica with a chuckle in her voice. Deb's was short for Debutante's, a well known locally as a lipstick lesbian dance bar. "Too easy," replied Edith, "I think she should have to mix with a more mainstream crowd, and then we can see how she...

2 years ago
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One Million Dollars pt 2

After a quick shower and cleaning up Sara thought she has heard someone talking in the room. She wrapped a towel around her and peeked to her hotel room. And she was terrified. A woman in leather jacket and black jeans was counting the money in the briefcase. It was her sister, Tegan."Sa-sa? Come over here." Sara's sister demanded. Sara obeyed and walked sheepishly in the room. "This nice gentleman here tells me that you have made quite a large sum of money today. And he is offering more..."...

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My Private Cumfession True Story

Hey guys so this is an extension of my past experiences when i was (☆11☆+☆1☆) years old. This story takes place a few weeks after my friend and I messed around for the first time. Remember guys this really did happen to me. Enjoy ;) So this happened a few weeks after my first experience with my friend and the ☆8☆th grader. I was feeling like i was doing something wrong and kinda felt guilty. I didnt know who else to talk to so i thought I could speak to Father Gregory. He was a tallish older...

3 years ago
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Just Desserts

Thanks once again to my editor "Wires" for his efforts in my behalf. He has, once again, taken my scratches and morphed them into a story much better written and easier to read. I rang the doorbell and stepped back to await our host. I put my arm around my darling Heather and pulled her to me for a quick kiss. Oh, how I loved this woman. She had given me four of the happiest years of my life. We were once again going to celebrate our free evening with my best friend Doug Bevers. This time we...

1 year ago
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Nympho Lola Mai Dicking Down Lolas Pussy

Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some ass then takes some dick right up her pretty pink pussy. She gets the fucking she came here for & she loves to swallow!Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some...

1 year ago
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Turn your wife into a slut

My wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fuckin ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...

Cheating Wifes
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Incredible ChangesChapter 474 Go To The Principalrsquos Office

Some parents weren’t happy that I kidnapped their kids to run around the world ringing in the new year, but they could get over it. Why is it that the ones that are mad about me taking their kids on a once-in-a-lifetime trip don’t have the money to go to those places with their kids? Elena and I went home shortly after the stroke of midnight. Camden’s family had chosen to throw a New Year’s Eve party for Becky, Chrissy, and my family. The kids were all sleeping over there, so my house was...

4 years ago
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Mature Mom Starts a New Life Part2

I woke up late missed breakfast on my second day, I made my way to the shower cleaned Jake's smell off my body, I dried myself off put on my new Blue Bikini and headed out for a different pool than yesterday. Not sure if I just wanted to stay away from Jake and his buddies or just wanted new adventure! Once I arrived I found a chair took my cover off and lay down. It was another glorious day the weather was sunny and hot. The woman next to me started a conversation with me asking if I was here...

2 years ago
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The Cleaner Part 5

What a day, it wasn’t even lunchtime and I had 2 visitors already, I needed a rest. I sat down with a sandwich and a beer; I got a reply back from Ann: “send me ya number” was all it said so I was a bit confused but had nothing to lose so sent her my number.Within a minute I got a text, must say her text speak leaves a lot to be desired: “u want me to cum? For view? Ann” which was a bit weird in all senses, ‘cum’ or ‘come’? both would be good I thought and she wants to come for a ‘view’?,...

1 year ago
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How To Get Your Wife To Cuckold You

How to Get Your Wife to Cuckold YouMost husbands start out trying to get their wives to cuckold them by putting the emphasis on "fucking other men." This is a critical mistake. Just because this idea turns you on, doesn't mean it is going to turn your wife on. Women think differently than men, especially married women---and the key word here is married. Women learn very early as little girls that being a good wife means being faithful to our husbands. We also have some preconceived ideas about...

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The plumber

Jake was just about finished installing the new hot water heater for Mrs. Drake, as the old one had been leaking like a sieve and must have cost a fortune to run. Jake lit the pilot light and waited for the familiar whoosh that came when the burner fired up while Mrs. Drake leaned around the corner and asked if everything was O.K. "No problem Ma'am, all finished," Jake said, as he wiped his hand with an old rag hanging from his tool belt, "I'll be upstairs in a minute!" After gathering up all...

4 years ago
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Bad Karma Part VIII

Bad Karma Part 8 - Shifting Relationships Lauren decided not to go straight back home to the Goodridge family residence. Instead she asked the Uber take her back to Oscar's flat. She already had a key and she had money in Dan's wallet in his trousers that were still in the dressing room, so Lauren was able to pay the fare without relying on charity from her faux mother. After the driver left, Lauren decided to spend a little time snooping around Oscar's flat. She'd been there several...

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Basketball Camp

My best friend, Brook, and I were at basketball camp with our new coach. Our coach was named Lori and she was 5'10, long blonde hair, great tan, beautiful smile, and the sexiest green eyes. Brook approached me and told me that she thought the coach was very attractive, but I really didn't pay that much attention. Practice was running smooth and perfect, at the end she let us go 20 minutes early. All the girls were out of the gym in five minutes and all that was left was Brook, Lori, and me....

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 27 Fierce Fight

(Aoshi's punches rain down; one catches Kenshin across the face.) Aoshi: No matter how many times you attack, it's futile. When pressed my kodachi could keep off bullets from a rifle. (Kenshin goes down.) Yahiko (thinking): He's too good... Kenshin couldn't even hit him once... Aoshi: Stand up. I don't like dealing the finishing blow to one already defeated. Yahiko (thinking): No matter what advantage he has, he never has even a thin smile on his face... he really does have a...

2 years ago
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Taking That First Step Part 5

Lana began to protest at being pulled toward the bed; she felt she had been punished enough. Her ass was on fire due to the spanking she had just received. Her protests were ignored.Lana was pushed face down on the bed and she felt Cassandra sit on her back before she could attempt to rise. She felt Cassandra attach something to her wrists. Lana opened her eyes and saw restraints. These were not the restraints made of nylons that had been used in the back of the shop; these were made of...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Jaymee Green The Sweeter The Juice

Jaymee Green is in Miami, and she’s hornier than ever. She is in town looking for dick but before we give it to her good. We need to tease her a bit. We drench her curvy body in oil. It slips down her crevices and holes. She loves it. Peter comes out with his big cock ready to thrust in her good. He grabs her by the pussy and starts worshiping it good. She is ready to get fucked. He starts nice and slow and then quickly fucks her hard and deep. Peter blows his load all over her face and...

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Older women gets fucked by a young boy Chapter 2 By Nasty guy

After the sexual encounter I had with Sujata I couldn't sleep all night . I was masturbating thinking about her . I wanted to fuck her again . Next day I went to her house and I knew she would be alone as her husband would have gone to office and her son to college . When I went near her house the door was lil open I went inside and found her face back cleaning . I slowly moved forward and put my hands inside her arms and squeezed her breasts . "I was shocked to...

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Lets play Twister

We are sitting in the living room. I’m on the couch; you’re in the recliner. We’re drinking, because drinking is what we need to do if we’re really going to do this tonight. Are we really going to do this tonight? After several drinks we decide to get out Twister. It’s a k**’s game, but we’re both drunk enough that we’re feeling pretty playful. We put the mat on the floor and start the game. A few turns in, you make the suggestion that we should play naked. I guess we are going to do this...

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Blackmailing To Satisfy Her

Is kahani ki heroine ka naam rani (name changed) hai. Dekhne me bahut sundar to nai par pyar karne ke lie kafi hai. To dosto mai fir se apka sexstory teller lovedove hajir hu ek nai kahani le ke. Mai delhi me ek rented room m akele rahta hu. Koi bhi akeli ladki jise sex ki bhook tadpa rahi hai mujhe contact kar sakti hai, mera email id hai , ya fir kik app me bhi mujhe search kar sakti hai. Mera user id hai ‘love00dove’. To ab story me ate hai. Jaisa ki maine bataya aaj ki meri heroine hai rani...

2 years ago
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Slut Daughter

I heard the doorbell, whilst I sat watching the Television. I heard her stumbling first, as well as hearing quiet moans, and whimpers. I looked over to the doorway, and as I did I saw the most erotic sight of my life. In walked my beautiful daughter, looked completely used. She was wearing a low cut black dress, which looked completely soaked, with stains all over. I saw a trail running down her thighs, a clear liquid, which seemed to constantly flow out of the edges of her thong. My daughter...

4 years ago
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School of Love

You are Jack, a student at Wilson High. It has been a long year, and you decide to make today fun. Instead of going to your first class, you go to the cafeteria and notice a few other people cutting class. One of them is your friend, Sarah, and you decide to say hello. "Hey, Sarah, what's up? You should be getting to class," you say sarcastically. "I would, Jack, but my dog ate my homework," she laughs. She is wearing a low-cut, red tank top and tight, black jeans that cling to her beautiful...

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Not Tattered But Torn

Not Tattered, But Torn It had been over a week since i had been able to chat with my Masteronline. The longest week in my life so far, in fact. At present, i waseven evaluating the worth of my life suffering from constant torment, orinviting death to avoid it, but squash the chance of being with my Masterever again. As the crop came hissing down on my torso for the thirteenthtime, it was still a decision to be made. Perhaps the only thing that madeit debatable, is knowing my Master wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Pados Ki Muslim Behan Ko Choda

By : Pwngtmpwngtm Hi, all iss readers I’m Gautam from Delhi, this was my first story on ISS, agar koi galti ho jaye to please let me know about this, ab mai seedha story pr aata hu mera naam gautam h, I’m 23 yrs old mere lund ka size normal h or mai har tarah ki chut ki aag ko shant kr sakta hu mai ek middle class family se hu, hamare ghar me total four floor h, ground floor par mere parents, 2nd par meri sister jinki ab shadi ho chuki h, 3rd par mera chota bhai, Jo ab hostal me rehta h or...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Mrs B

I stood there looking into the mirror. What I saw was a married woman of thirty-nine who had a grown son and a hard working husband. It was a good looking (okay, so I'm prejudiced) woman who looked back at me. Five feet four, a hundred and eighteen pounds with nice breasts (no sag), dirty blonde shoulder length hair and with what I've heard called a sexy mouth. The woman I was looking at and who was looking back at me used to be a faithful wife, but not anymore. Now she was a slut! A whore! A...

3 years ago
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Minoan Vacation

Cindy opened the French doors to step out onto the little apartment's balcony. The apartment was not right on the beach as Carl had promised. However; it was an easy walk to the center of Plakias, so it was not a problem to reach whatever shopping and night life that the little village could offer. More importantly, the apartment had a spectacular view of the Mediterranean across the narrow, road that wound along this portion of the southern coast of Crete. It was all theirs and only theirs for...

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Arians Pool Ch 03

They’ve made love, and have just woken up by the pool and, well, they made love again… It was even better, and I will confess that after the second one we both jumped in the pool and splashed around like idiotic teenagers. Benny joined us, which reminded me I had no food for him and I could only guess at what time it was, my watch was on my kitchen table where I’d left it the evening before after washing my hands. It turned out that Mike was on duty and had to go back to work the following...

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