Uday's Toy (ft. Anna Kournikova)Chapter 10: Escape From Al-Qae-Traz free porn video

The guard rattled and generally sounded like he could die any moment. But Anna didn't release her grip and kept pulling the waistband of her bikini-bottom into his throat with all the force in her tennis-arms.
She had jumped at him while he had entered with her last evening-meal before the Great Meeting. Since he was carrying the plate, and since he was all alone (Anna couldn't believe her luck!), he hadn't had a chance to react adequately. The Russian had attacked him in the back and given him a serious kick to start. But that was not enough, so now some additional strangling was needed to render him unconscious. This was not the moment to release her grip. She could do without someone running around and screaming that she had escaped!
"Argh! Pass out, damn it!! Just give it up and go to sleep," Anna almost pleaded.
This was more something for Marines. It looks so easy in movies...
A surge of adrenalin had helped her to initiate the attack, but now that the whole action took longer than expected, she was starting to shake all over. This was completely against her nature! And sitting naked from the waist down on the man's back, clamping his torso with her thighs to immobilize him, was far from pleasant. And that's quite an understatement for practically rubbing him with her exposed pussy (she needed the ripped bottom for the strangling!). As her bare slit moved over his back, the Harem Jewel left behind reddish scars. Anna was in control, but it shouldn't take much longer or she would break down.
After seconds that seemed to last hours, the man finally no longer made a sound and Anna released the waistband.
"I just hope I didn't kill him..." She thought by herself.
These black men were merely walk-ons, doing their duty and nothing more. It was in the first place the evil pasha who she hated and feared so much. It was Rashid who had driven her to these extremes, who had let her feel that she was no longer safe. Odd that she thought about it that way, 'safe'. But indeed, if you left the pasha out of the equation, she had never actually feared for her life, because she figured she was simply too valuable to the Prince. Even though she had never met him thus far, it was apparent in so many things. She was his most expensive and exclusive toy. Uday's Toy. You don't break your favourite toy! Not your OWN toy.
But she had ignited the hatred of his right-hand, Rashid, an unscrupulous individual with a hidden agenda who had it in for her. He wouldn't leave a stone unturned to take revenge for her impulsive kick in his family jewels. He was the kind of guy who loved to borrow, then break other people's toys. Just out of jealousy. Having heard and seen the rage in his evil eyes and his voice, Anna dared not imagine what tortures, REAL tortures this time, he had in store for her. She shuddered at the idea! And it was this primal fear that had pushed her to forget her peaceful self for the moment. Her life, or at least her health, was at stake. Survival instinct will always get the upper hand, in the end.
"They forced you to do this, Anna. No need to feel guilty!"
Still sitting on top of the guard, she held her breath and listened carefully. The only sound she could hear was the faint breathing of the man she had just knocked out. It was almost a miracle that all the rumble during their fight hadn't alarmed anyone through the open door. But then, she could really use a bit of good fortune for once!
Hastily, she turned the servant on his back. With the knife of her cutlery, which had fallen on the floor together with the other contents of the plate, she cut some slivers from his uniform and used them to bind his hands and legs. She also managed to put together a functional gag to mute the sucker when he would regain consciousness.
Anna raised to her feet, looked at her package and couldn't suppress a feeling of pride.
"Not bad for a first, Murzik!"
Next, she took the guard's keys and dragged him to the bedroom, putting him behind the bed. He would have to make a lot of noise to catch somebody's attention, now. Returning, she locked the door behind her, beginning her one-in-a-million attempt to escape out of this nuthouse. Her heart bounced in her throat.
One-in-a-million wasn't much. But still infinitely better than waiting for Rashid's next move.
What had certainly also helped her taking this step, was the really bad night she had experienced after the Purification. The nightmare had been a strange blend between 'Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves', and her recent experiences at Al-Qae-Traz. Featuring the vile Rashid and 40 clones of Tarek, fucking her for days on end in every available orifice, until her poor body couldn't possibly hold any more cum. A nightmare so cruel, that, to her own astonishment, Anna had felt relief when waking up and finding out that she was still at Uday's. She had never been much into predictive dreams, but somehow this one didn't look all that implausible!
No, it was time to leave for sure... She had to create an opportunity for herself and finish it off.
The hallway was really dark. In contrast with the luxury and relative modernity of her studio, it resembled more some medieval dungeon, sparsely lit by flickering torches. "The Prince highly values tradition" Rashid had once said. It showed, Anna thought. It looked like the last renovation of the Harem premises had taken place centuries ago!
"Just another indication that you better get out of here as soon as possible," she whispered to herself as she set off.
And Anna needed any incentives she could get; the night proved terribly cold outside her room, making her escape an even crazier attempt than it already was. Desert nights always are, especially for girls only covered by a minuscule see-through top. Now that she was no longer warmed by the heat of the moment, iciness shot up Anna's legs each time her bare feet touched the rough cold concrete. Maybe she *should* have borrowed some of the guard's clothes after all. But then, not much was left of them after she had cut them to make bonds.
Cautiously she progressed through what turned out to be a true maze, where every door and every hallway looked like the previous and the next. The rhythmic crunching of loose concrete scales under her bare feet, and an occasional spooky distant scream were the only sounds breaking the dead silence in this grim fortress.
The Russian actually didn't have the faintest idea where she was heading. Since her capturing she hadn't left the room that had been assigned to her. There simply was no *plan*. Such that the goose bumped blonde had not much choice but improvising by systematically opting for dark corridors and doors with no light behind them. An ad-hoc tactic that seemed to work out surprisingly well: quite miraculously, there always seemed to be options like that available. Maybe her fortune had returned?
It was a tense adventure, and the most stressing moments occurred when the fugitive had to try the guard's keys to open the occasional locked door on her (hopefully) way out. Anna cursed silently each time one of the rusty old locks protested with a much too loud 'CLANG' to her attempts to open them.

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