How 2 roommate set me up
- 2 years ago
- 25
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I needed to do some more thinking, but it wasn’t safe to do it here on the street. I believe that I think best when I’m upon my feet but this wasn’t the time to prove it. I returned to the Silver Fox and paid the tapster a silver to hire a private room upstairs for the evening and be seen heading up into it. This tavern was one of my usual drinking and gaming places and I knew that I could trust (within reason) the host and owner. A few minutes later he then secretly let me down into the back alley with the quiet aid of a rope ladder. If anyone asked about me, the tapster could report that I was upstairs (behind a rather sound and sturdy door). It was unlikely there would be any actual trouble, but I wanted to see if anyone was keeping tabs on me and asking about my whereabouts. Perhaps the killer was working alone but I thought it likely that he had at least some help and that I should assume that I was now being watched at all times.
With the promise of more silver in his palms tomorrow, I sped off into the night down the dark alleyway and made my way down another set of narrow pathways between the main streets until I was a good half mile away from the Silver Fox, and considerably uphill. The real estate gets more rarified the thinner the air is up the hill, and the closer near the Ormscraig you get, the better the private security of the rich becomes. The local vigiles always work in pairs up here and keep an especially sharp watch at night, usually because they’ve been paid a few extra coppers to do so.
Can’t blame a guy for wanting to make a better living!
Having a noble name does set one’s self from the general riff-raff and I stopped the first pair of patrollers I encountered to boldly request that they hail me a cab, which they were eager and extremely prompt to arrange. If you’re a nobleman, even an unfavored fourth son exiled under terms of remittance, the lower classes expect you to bark orders at them. If I were to be polite that would be highly unusual and even rather suspicious, so I didn’t bother, except to offer the pair of them a couple of coppers each in payment. One coin each would have been the usual bribe, but I wanted to keep the law under particularly friendly terms these days, especially with a calculating killer now after me.
This newly arrived hack and its driver were clearly not the ones I’d encountered earlier. The carriage that the vigiles had summoned was somewhat larger and the outside body panels were of a white color with gold stripes and a gold rearing horse emblem, indicating that it belonged to a well-known private company from ‘up the hill’ that mostly conducted contract work rather than general street hires. The driver certainly didn’t match any of the earlier eyewitness descriptions being tall and lean with long well kept hair that he kept tied down his back with a silver clasp. The obligatory top hat was of quality too, probably of beaver or muskrat fur with a simple black silk band with a brass pin of a horse. No, this wasn’t the hack and driver that had tried to run me down earlier, but that didn’t make him utterly innocent of being involved in other ways. I’m not prone to suspecting conspiracies behind every shadow but being of a personally rather dishonest bent myself, I do try and be a realist.
It’s almost like a parlour game. I try to get the measure of every opponent, putting myself directly into his shoes and calculating in what manner I could screw ‘me’ over the most, if I were him! Then I can do unto him, before he can get the chance to do unto me! That’s also a cardinal rule of most successful battles — get there first and with the most!
Getting into the cab, I took a moment of concentration to grasp the surface thoughts of the driver and while the connection was tenuous and weak without direct eye contract, I couldn’t sense any malevolence. If this was my killer, about to press a pistol to the back of my head, he had covered his emotions and thoughts exceedingly well. My driver tonight was merely hungry and somewhat annoyed that his passenger didn’t have a clear destination already in mind. I grudgingly had to admit that this cabbie was extremely unlikely to be any part of the murderous conspiracy and I began to relax my will. I couldn’t have done much more tonight anyway, save in but the most extreme urgency. Using my gift at all is extremely tiring and seemingly I had been indulging it for much of the day and evening. Now I had an abominable headache and I still couldn’t think more than half-straight. The wine was wearing off now too, making my head pounding even worse… and not any clearer.
‘Just drive. I need a few minutes to think in peace and quiet, so spare the conversation tonight and keep the trip gentle and as smooth as possible and there’ll be an extra silver in it for you for your time and forbearance.’
Really, I had no idea where to go next! I could have gone straight home, but that was back down the hill in a moderately good but busy east-central section of town near the river crossing that tended to cater to the artsy types that kept late partying hours. I own a small house right at a busy street corner with a popular café right across the street and I’ve made it as secure as possible from armed intrusion without being obviously so, but the neighborhood is so active at all hours that a stranger watching for me wouldn’t stand out as obvious. This usually works in my favor, so that I can come and go at all hours of the day or night and not attract much attention, but now that I was the prey it was more dangerous. For now it was better that I stay away from familiar haunts, but I needed information… or at least a place to start from. I also needed to retrieve both of my pistols, but that was another problem.
Reviewing all of my available options only left one alternative that I absolutely didn’t immediately distrust… but that particular destination was quite nearby, just further up the hill from the route the cabbie had randomly taken. I wouldn’t have come here on a bet before tonight, but it now seemed suddenly like a somewhat decent idea. I’d probably soon regret it though.
‘Stop at The Crown if you would, and I’ll get out there!’
It was just a short drive from here and the hack pulled right up to the front pillared and brightly lantern lit steps of The Crown. There a pair of liveried doormen opened my carriage door for me and accepted the cabbie’s payment from my hand for delivery so that my noble fingers wouldn’t have to soil themselves by touching even the gloved hand of a mere hireling. I can put on the snob act when I have a mind too, but this was silly and too ‘nose up in the air’ for my usual tastes, but I played along. The Crown was the elite private gentleman’s club of the nobility and even I didn’t have a membership here, but I was dressed adequately enough, especially with the opera cape and the silver cane, and the doormen allowed me immediate access into their sacred halls. A much more senior footman or butler inside wearing a fancy frockcoat didn’t recognize me as a member however and he quickly stepped forward to challenge me, but in an excruciatingly polite manner.
‘May I be of some assistance to you Sir? I do not believe that you are in fact a member, so to whom may I refer you to?’ He stated smoothly and with loads of smugness. I had to admire the chap… I don’t think I’ve seen a nose stuck that high up into the air since I left home. The old family butler could pull off that act and get away with it, but then again he was an ex-Army sergeant and had a steel rod shoved up his ass all the way up to his neck.
‘Would Sir Adrian be in this evening for a visitor? I can assure him that the matter is of some delicacy and importance.’ That’s the way to handle a servant with a superiority complex… namedrop a personage of importance as if he’s an intimate acquaintance and then hint that they’re not important enough to know any details about why. For a moment I could have sworn I saw the man’s face twitch but
he recovered nicely.
‘I will indeed check Sir, if you could wait here for but just a moment.’ He left and remained gone for a several long moments, really closer to ten minutes in actuality, but at length he returned and escorted me into the club proper, and with surprising deference.
‘Sir Adrian would indeed be available for you Sir and has in fact been anxiously expecting your arrival. He’s over at the member’s bar in the blue game room awaiting you.’ And he was. That alone was more than disturbing and already I was having more second thoughts about being here. I needed to be able to act… but to do so I first needed information that probably only Sir Adrian could provide. I needed him… and it was only now vaguely occurring to me that Sir Adrian might just need me now as well!
Sir Adrian Grimthorpe looked exactly like his name. The victor of over a dozen battles great and small, he had commanded several imperial armies during his prime and even now in retirement he was a legend, and a very living force to be reckoned with. Nominally, he was a civilian now and by imperial assignment now in command of the local vigiles, the watchmen of the city who mostly patrolled the streets by both day and night. Originally responsible for fire prevention they also handled local mundane law enforcement and investigated most minor crimes. More serious crimes like murder and other felonies were the direct responsibility of the Governor (you can laugh now at that thought!) via his appointed agent for justice (another giggling snort here), the Imperial Lord Coroner.
If motivated, the ILC had the authority and a company sized detachment of personal soldiers to command any official investigations of murder and other high crimes but the elite bully boys of the Blackguards didn’t tend to get along well with the street toughened lads of the vigiles, and the two rival groups tended to brawl at the drop of a hat if their paths ever happened to cross.
Gossip on the street was that Sir Adrian tended to support his vigiles through thick and thin and he had already crossed over the Lord Coroner’s bad side more than once. In theory, the Lord Coroner was appointed and his powers kept in check by the Governor (with Imperial approval and confirmation) but the relatively new Governor had kept the old one on, as had the previous four Governors as well. This suggested that the Lord Coroner, one Lord Emwyn in title, had held the job for close to two decades and he and his personal soldiers the Blackguards were firmly entrenched in power, probably knowing every dirty secret of the city. It was no secret that the Blackguards took bribes and ran their own private protection rackets… and so did many vigiles too, but I’d heard early upon my arrival that the Blackguards had the local assassination and murder for hire rackets directly under their control as well. That’s never good for a city or its citizens when the killers can officially cover their own tracks with an official document and a few palms of silver.
For an old man in his early sixties, the retired general looked damn good. He held his shoulders and chin high and his grip was still strong enough to bend metal and more than a match for my own far weaker handshake. He wasn’t any taller than me but his chest was big enough to resemble a barrel and little if any of it was fat. We’d never met before, but we apparently knew quite a bit about each other.
‘Bounder! So glad you could come!’ He barked with a smile and a twinkle of amusement in his eye. The general was alone at the bar without even a tapster to provide service so it was clear that we could speak candidly here.
Damn I hate that nickname and I’m pretty sure my entire face twitched! Bounder had been my nickname as early as my school days and once my moral limitations became obvious even my father and three older brothers tended to call me by that name. A bounder is of course a gentleman who is not one by behavior. A cad or blaggard even. A dishonest scoundrel not to be trusted or permitted into noble or polite society. Yeah, that’s me.
There are lots of noble cads and bounders in the studbooks of the imperial peerage and the highest levels of the aristocracy, and I’m undoubtedly just one of countless troublemaking young scions of the empire, albeit of a much more minor family. I didn’t however think that I was that notorious or infamous, even back at the capitol! I’ve earned more than my share of income from scandalous means and methods but since arriving here I’ve done my best to be circumspect and restrain my public behavior. To the best of my knowledge, even the clients that I’ve helped assist with a blackmail problem have never learned that in fact I was the true master blackmailer hiding in the shadows, being now paid to resolve the problem… quietly and secretly. Or handling the return of stolen items that my own men had burgled, or ‘recovered’ from some thief’s market at a most modest price… plus reasonable expenses.
Yes, I am a bounder and a cad… but I don’t like my betters reminding me of it! Being true, the words of accusation had stung deeply and quick. Still, I needed to pretend that his intentional little dig hadn’t stung and drawn blood, but it had. Unwilling to confront this charge directly, I just tried to pretend that the affront had never occurred. I needed his help!
‘Thank you for seeing me this late Sir Adrian, but I need to ask your advice concerning a particular criminal incident that your vigiles investigated earlier this evening, which may directly concern a previous incident that occurred last fall.’
‘Concerning the street accident of Miss Danelle na’Gwenyr, daughter of Halros the Milner, late of Glitter Alley? Very tragic that was. The local vigiles from that station said that she was much loved by everyone. A happy and popular young lady… much like her late older sister Rochelle. That ‘accident’ was tragic too, but how is this of any concern of yours?’
The additional emphasis on ‘accident’, expressed with a huffing snort of a chuckle each time could hardly be ignored. The fact that Sir Adrian knew at once the victims full name and parentage was extremely significant, indicating at once that the matter was of considerable significance and formality. Unmarried women of the lower and middle classes, until their consorting, take the maternal name of their parentage, the men taking the paternal. Danelle and Rochelle did have a younger brother not of age, named accordingly Willem le’Halros, or Willem son of Halros. By identifying both parents, Sir Adrian was making a subtle point that her family was not of insignificant importance. Although from a family of trade, and barely middle class at that, they were apparently of some merit to their community, enough so that the vigiles couldn’t entirely ignore her death… even if others in higher positions of authority and power apparently already had.
‘So the Lord Coroner has already settled this particular incident?’ I enquired, not being quite as blatantly sarcastic.
‘Incident is a very suitable way to describe this matter, and I must remember to ensure my staff utilizes that word in any future discussions of this situation. Indeed, our wise Lord Coroner himself quite at once ruled the matter a tragic accident and her body has been already released to her family for burial.’
‘So then there will be no further investigation of this… incident… from the local vigiles? I had hoped that I could get one of two little points of interest and concern clarified so that no such further ‘accidents’ would be likely to occur on our already overcrowded and dangerous city streets. I admit to being concerned about the safety of our citizens in the streets… or even while on the sidewalks.’
‘I wasn’t aware young Bounder that you had such a sense of public service! Your talents are being wasted with your trivial frauds and petty insider market dealings when you could have a long and successful career in city administration waiting for you! A man li
ke you could go far managing our street and sewer crews. Just say the word and I’ll have the governor find an office for you… unless you’d prefer to continue to frequent the Brenner market and auction in the wee hours of the morning?’
Damn, he knew way more about me than was even remotely safe! By royal charter (and an enormous annual bribe from the local thieves’ guild), the so-called public market on Brenner Alley was legally allowed to conduct business during the hours of darkness, when every other market in the city was closed. For shady deals that needed to be conducted in obscurity, no place was better and this was the primary location for most mundane thieves and disloyal servants to fence their stolen swag. Once a month in a nearby warehouse under heavy security, the thieves’ guild conducts a very private auction for the redistribution of finer quality loot too sensitive for the sight of outside curious eyes. The rare, the dangerous or just the cream of the region’s stolen loot offered ‘cash and carry’ to the highest bidder, a good many of which were gentlemen art collectors (or their agents). It was the place to buy or sell anything worth having and I never missed an auction… and Sir Adrian knew it. Buying or selling goods of doubtful provenance from Brenner Alley was no crime, but this suggested more knowledge of my business activities than I ever wanted any governmental official to have!
Fuck… he had me already by the short hairs and I didn’t even know what he wanted from me! He was acting as if he wished to be helpful, but still he was yanking my chain at every opportunity! What did he want from me? Did the retired general need my help making financial ends meet? Doubtful, he wasn’t ever the sort of man that had his hands stuck out for bribes and he discharged from the vigiles anyone caught taking normal routine ‘backhanders’ as well. No, he didn’t want my money… but he did want something from me!
‘Do you play Tarocchet?’ he suddenly enquired. ‘I’m rather partial to the game and it’s a favorite pastime here at the club and the hour is not yet too late to find a few willing companions. Would you care to indulge in a hand or two? I find it an excellent means of getting the full measure and gauge of a man, and ascertain how his mind thinks. Will you indulge me?’
How could I say no? I needed to find out how much more he knew about my personal business habits and more importantly just how he intended to use that knowledge!
The complete rules of Tarocchet fill a rulebook about the thickness of my clinched fist and every group of players has their own individual house rules and variants, so I won’t bore you with the details. In short, Tarocchet is a card game allegedly derived from the tarot card fortune telling deck of the Sylvan gypsies, usually with 80 cards total. There are four suits of Minors called, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, with ten normal cards and four face cards in each suit, and then also 24 specialized but powerful cards often called the Major Trumps or Arcana. Majors tend to be very powerful cards but their real strength is that they can be withheld and kept hidden in your hand and then played at need at any time, while Minors must be placed in-game and also ‘revealed’ first before being effective.
It’s a game of expansion and often direct conquest, starting with four dealt cards kept hidden (unrevealed) but placed on your first (or Home) row, this is your starting place and your ‘kingdom’ can grow into additional pyramid format expansion rows of next three, then two, then one and ultimately into the center of the game table. The most successful expansion of their kingdom into the center wins, or else the game ends when the last card has been drawn and played, or the central game ‘pot’ of silver has been exhausted.
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Super hot 19 year old redhead Layla is getting a cum ambush today. Is that a thing? Well, today it is – I had a feeling Vince is going to manage squeezing out 2 loads of jizz with this super hottie, and I was right. I let him cum inside her pussy (creampie) and then jizz again over her face and braces. I’m not surprised he was able to cum twice. I was surprised he didn’t jizz in his pants the second he met Layla. He already has a boner when he brings her in from outside the...
xmoviesforyou“Think they’ll want to talk again?” Roxanne asked. “If they think it will delay the inevitable, probably yes,” Morgana replied with a shrug as our forces began to invest what we could of the fortress of Myrkálfar. “Verenestra sent William to talk to the Drow prisoners, though he doubts they’ll reveal anything until they lose here,” Roxanne added. “They won’t. From what I can gather they have a strong sense of honour, despite their dubious provenance roots,” Morgana replied as a gate in the...
Robert when was in a bay that had 6 beds in it but as Annie walked she saw that only 3 of the beds were actually occupied and she smiled as she saw the three men all in a row with her husband at the far end, she said “it looks like the 3 wise monkeys in here!” and one of the men smiled and said “no it is just 3 of your admirers” Annie laughed and replied “Well hopefully two he doesn't really count does he” looking towards her husband! The third guy looked Annie up and down and said “Hey Robert,...
I am new to this story telling, so bare with me please.Any chance I get I try to log on to a particular website and see what is available near my neighborhood.This one ad I saw, the guy was wanting his dick sucked. I was very horny anyway and thought I'd see if he wanted to come over.He wanted a glory hole, but I told him I didn't have one. He said he has never had a man suck him while his face was in view. I just explained for him to come over, sit back and relax and watch an x-rated flick...
At 39 years old I am quite a bit older than most of the other students on my course. Having left the army with few qualifications that would be of any use in civvy street, I needed to make a serious career decision. I applied to start a social work training course to gain a qualification and hopefully open up a career opportunity that I could enjoy. I knew that I would have to put in a lot of effort because I was desperately out of practice with academic endeavours. Most of the other students...
There was one girl in his 4th period class that he took an interest in. Her name was Lany James. She was his best student but she was very shy. She rarely raised her hand during class or even talked to anyone in class. When they'd have a group assignment she'd be the quite one in the group. Mr. Ayden would have to always come over to the group and help her contribute to the group, often she did. It was a Friday today and Mr. Ayden was getting ready for his first class of the day. He had...
This is compliments of Deepdweler For what it is worth, being “clean” and apolitical - Forrest Gump died and went to heaven, where he was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter. St. Peter says “Forrest, it is so good to have you here, we have been waiting for you!” Forrest replies “Well, thank you St Peter” St Peter then explains to Forrest that God had recently started some new rules for all entrants into heaven, they had to complete a brief 3 question quiz, and if they got them all right...
When I was 15, my sister was 13 and we were both going through puberty. I had dreamed and jacked off thinking about getting inside my little sister's tight pussy, and when my parents went to Hawaii for two weeks, my dream would come true. A day after my parents left, I went to take a shower. Halfway through my shower, I realized that I had forgotten to get a towel. I called to my sister to bring a towel and she opened the bathroom door. To my surprise, she yanked the shower curtain away and she...
IncestAugust 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers. My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able. Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.” “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know it...
The highlight of Saturday night was the beginning of the long promised and awaited "Date Night". The concept spread quickly and soon everyone had decided to go out in twos, threes and fours to something of interest to the group. Some of the pairings were natural. Walt and Mary invited Katey to join them for a game at Dodgers Stadium. Sean, Rachelle and Meredith planned an evening of dinner and dancing. Adam wasn't a bit surprised when Beth and Jason decided to spend Saturday at the...
Her sister, Hanna, had just blown a load from her mysterious new, large cock, and had imagined blowing it in her sister’s pussy. Christina grabbed her middle, where her cervix was, and said, “How would I even get all that cum inside me. That was a lot.” She got up, walked to the door and peeked out. Hanna was sitting on the couch, under a blanket, watching t.v. Christina shut the door, and pondered her next move. It was the biggest cock she had ever seen, and was...
While we eat breakfast on Monday Chie details the arrangements for our trip on the Shinkansen, the Japanese bullet train. It’s then I find out there are a number of Shinkansen, and we have to ride on two to reach our destination in the Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyūshū. We start at Tokyo Station with the Tōkaidō Shinkansen to Shin-Osaka Station where we change to catch the Sanyō Shinkansen to Hakata Station in Fukuoka where we switch to local transport for our visit to the Komiya family. My swords...
Was Aron already back? He wondered, as he climbed the stairs two by two, with Taz happily prancing after him. He definitely hoped so, but stopped in front of the door to catch his breath. Aron was going to ask him why he had rushed up the stairs. He had no alternative reply for that. “It looks like for a while you’ll have two daddies,” Carter scratched Taz’s ears, just to buy some time. Taz barked in reply and Carter had to shush him since he didn’t want the neighbors scandalized on Sunday...
JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...
He turned so that I could see his full length and thickness. His cock was big, how big exactly I had no idea. I was sure that it was going to cause some discomfort for both Reggie and me before this night was over. He didn't ask me anything I think somehow he knew I wouldn't cause any trouble so he was concentrating on Reggie. I couldn't say that I blamed him any. She was more his age and more attractive than me. Much less likely to have any experience with this kind of thing. "Kiss...
Alternative Title - "A Whore and a Lady"=========================================== "I love you husband" my mother, dressed in burgundy wedding dress held her new husband's arm. She had picked the dress. Bob wanted her to wear white but she refused. Bob wore his black suit with a red bow-tie and kissed me mother deeply. I could see a bulge in his pants. It was clear that my mother hadn't let him cum for last few days, heightening his hormones and committing him to the ceremony. After the...
In a sleep rough voice, Alex answered her ringing telephone, "Yes?" "Alex Reardon, please?" the female caller asked. Not caring to offend the caller, Alex did not clear her throat, although the temptation to do so was great. "Yes, may I help you?" "I am calling to confirm today's 10:30 appointment with Mr. Aeolus P. Cerigo." "Yes, I can confirm that time," Alex said, prepared to answer further questions, hoping her rough voice did not make her sound ill. "Thank you." The...
My parents and Dani's parents were waiting with the rest of us. Mom, Anna, and Sylvia, of course, were right beside Dani's bed. They weren't about to let their little girl go through this alone. Debbie and Dolly were both going through sympathy pains and wanted to touch their sister. Dani clutched my hand when Dawn suggested I might want to leave now and let the women handle what women have always handled. I scowled at Dawn. "I was just kidding," Dawn laughed. "Part of the reason to...
Saturday seemed to come all too quickly for Virginia. She sat at her dressing table pinning her hair into a severe chignon wearing her most unflattering dress. She was determined to look as unattractive as possible. Lucy, her maid, entered and exclaimed, ‘Oh, miss. Did you forget Mr. Thompson is coming this afternoon? Perhaps we can find you something prettier to wear.’ She began to look through the large oak wardrobe, pulling out a very pretty dark blue velvet dress. ‘You look lovely in this....
ye kahani mere bachpan ki hai jab main 5 saal ka tha mere maa aur pitaji ek sadharan ghar se hai pitaji naukri karte hai aur maa ghar ka kaam . maa mere bachan se hi ek gadrayi hui kamuk aurat hai jise bahut sex ki bhook hai. ek raat ki baat hai ki meri achanak nind khul gayi tab maine dekha ki maa aur pitaji dono nange ho kar kuch kar rahe hai main us waqt bahut chota tha kuch jyada samajh main nahi aya maine dekha ki samne wale flat ki khidki khuli thi wahan ek aurat aur mard dono mere maa...
Lucky was so excited about going to her first hockey game, she couldn't wait to go. It was her twenty-first birthday. Lucky's boyfriend James thought it would be a great experience for her, little did Lucky know what kind of experience it would really be. The game was so noisy and crowded, everyone was happily cheering for the home team. Lucky tried to follow along and James did his best to tell her about the game and the player's. She hadn't realized however, that the player's on the home team...
HardcoreNovember – Year 2 On Monday morning I packed up my wives and we headed off to breakfast and then to the OB/GYN and Lynn’s sonogram. Lynn was lying on the exam table while the technician warmed some gel and began moving the probe around Lynn’s little belly. “Let’s see what you’ve got growing in there.” The tech was a very jovial lady. She was moving the instrument around and she suddenly made a very confused face before she spoke to me in a firm but calm voice. “Paul, you better go and get...
Young Girls Skipping SchoolIt was late morning as I finished cleaning the house. Largely deserted during the days with Dad at work and my little sister at school, I rarely bothered getting out of my nighty to pick up and vacuum. I enjoyed seeing my breasts bouncing around in the mirrors along the wall as I headed down the hallway to Dad's area of the house smiling to myself thinking what would happen if he would see me looking like this. I was sweating from cleaning but my panties were damp at...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Faerie “He’s going to be a while,” I said, a smile playing on my lips as my brother followed the faerie princess into the pavilion grown out of the grass in moments. Nathalie giggled. The fourteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she rubbed her hands together. Her small breasts jiggled as she squirmed, her blonde, braided pigtails swaying about her head. Then she looked to her right and squeaked, covering her tits. The...
By : Sameer Mehra Hi friends I am Sameer from Ahmadabad. I am doing Engineering from reputed university. I am commited to my sweet beautiful girlfriend named Pooja. Discussing about my vital stats, I have 5’10” height and fair complexion with muscular body, in short a handsome boy. My girlfriend is really very beautiful and I was commited to her until I met her beautiful cousin sister named Khushboo. This is a 100% real story and not an art of fiction I loved my girlfriend very much. Her almost...
IncestMike journeys to Brazil, and discovers a sultry Latina by the name of Leona. Adults Only. All characters are 18+ Written by LoneGarif For the illustrated version that includes a video at the end, go to: ============================================================== Mike had never been to Brazil before. In fact what inspired him to take the plunge and journey to the South American country was precisely because...
Alisha listened intently as her grandmother related the old legend that linked her family and Pierre de la Rochelle. No matter how many times this story had been told to her, she never got tired of it. Each time she would visit the elderly woman, the latter would talk about her ancestors and the once prestigious lord of French origin, Pierre de la Rochelle. “He was successful, envied by the men and wanted by the women. His manor was beautiful and well maintained by his servants. He could have...
The hospital in Arthur, Kansas, was a typical government facility of the time. It was of wooden construction, even though the wood had to be hauled in from miles away, and it rambled on with seemingly miles of corridors connecting ward after ward holding 20 beds, each. Most of these wards held Army veterans who were recovering from a lost leg or a lost arm, though a few had multiple limbs missing. By now, all of the Civil War veterans had moved out, and the wards were now filled with victims...
Marie is kneeling on the end of the bed naked; her knees are a shoulder-width apart with her bottom up in the air. Her head is facing towards the top of the bed, arms tied at the wrists.The rope is wrapped around her wrist four times in a wide wrap and cinched so it will not tighten and so she cannot undo it. Another tie at the elbows keeps her arms straight with the rope from the wrist cinch rope going up to the bedposts on the headboard holding her arms away from her body, just not so tight...