Sleep With Me Darling
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Dictator, my Darling
The first time I saw him, I fell hard. As hard as his remorseless expression, as hard as the medals covering nearly every inch of the snugly tailored uniform --- some strange mix of equestrian and military robing --- did he fancy himself a king, a general, or both?
I’m a tough woman?a tough bitch, some might say. I know Hanson thinks of me like that.
?You’ve handled these two-bit tin-pot despots before, Liz,? he says, leaning over my desk and staring lustfully down my pink linen blouse. ?This is a quick inspection, just a cursory tour?you know that. We do a little looking, then serve his ?highness? with a notice, then get the hell out. He wouldn’t dare touch us. We’re with the UN.?
I know that, I say. Still, my eyes can’t help but fall on his dossier picture again. He’s standing at some podium in his little shithole country, fist raised, covered in satin and steel, a gold monocle implanted in one eye, his fatty jowls blown outward like a bullfrog, his flushed face the color of hate, of control, of fanaticism.
Crossing a man like Chang might not be the wisest move, I say. His regime is months away from being toppled. He’s got nothing to lose at this point?and he’s rumored to be mad.
?He’ll be even madder when we shut down his little --- what’s the sicko call it? His?playroom,? Hanson snaps. ?Demented little fucker. Be ready tomorrow morning. The car’s at your house at 5.?
On the flight over I find myself reading the reports compulsively, fascinated in particular by the accounts of the dictator’s crimes.
Since taking over the microscopic country seven years ago, he’s turned it into a well-oiled machine that solely serves himself and his pleasure?making him richer and more powerful each day. He’s levied ridiculous taxes on his people, turning them all into virtual slaves. No one is allowed to leave the place. Those that try, are arrested, tortured for punishment, and then sent to the firing squad.
I read about a young mother of three, arrested on suspicions of ?treason.? I read about her three-day-long ordeal, chained to a torture rack, the general personally interrogating her, slowly burning every stitch of clothing from her body with lit cigarettes. Each time she screamed, the rack was wrenched tighter and tighter, tearing her delicate muscles with infinitesimal patience. She told her story to one of our operatives, who managed to interview her weeks later, as she was confined to a hospital bed in the country’s filthy infirmary.
?You must stop the monster,? she is quoted as saying. ?He enjoys this?enjoys hurting and controlling people. He won’t stop until we’re all dead.?
We are greeted on the landing strip by a small, trim man named Hector Okita, a major in the general’s army, and his ?personal aide.? He smiles warmly and tells us his Excellency is honored by our visit and hopes it can remain as comfortable as possible. His tightly pursed lips move back and forth after he says this, in an expression of smugness, and I ask why it would be anything but comfortable.
?The heat, Miss Jackman,? he replies smoothly. ?It’s so very hot in Terrahito this time of year.?
I smile back, give Hanson a look, and he lightly chuckles, but there is no humor in his voice. Okita points to an enormous silver Rolls Royce limousine idling on the tarmac.
?The general’s personal car,? he says, bowing and motioning to a uniformed chauffeur, who holds open the rear door.
?We’ll take a cab,? I say, the sharpness of my tone cutting through the humid air.
Okita says nothing, expressionless, then removes his mirrored sunglasses. ?A request from his highness is an order, Miss Jackman,? he says, his voice dead and heavy. ?Surely you don’t wish to get your visit off to a bad start by refusing a direct order.?
?We’re from the UN and we don’t take orders, major,? Hanson pipes. ?Tell your ‘great leader’ we’ll be at the prison by four and expect to find things ready for our inspection.?
Okita smiles, this time showing his teeth. He almost looks impressed at our chutzpah. Or perhaps it’s only amusement. ?Of course, Agent Hanson. Agent Jackman,? he says, looking my short skirt over leisurely, ?his Excellency looks forward to meeting you. Also Mr. Hanson.?
Rolling my eyes and running a hand through my dark, tousled hair, I turn toward the cab stand, following Hanson, wishing I’d worn that pantsuit, heat be damned.
We’re driven in circles for about thirty minutes, through desolate areas interspersed with laborers feverishly toiling in fields, before Hanson blows his top.
?We were sent here to see the prison. PRI-SON! Understand?? he shouts. The small, frail-looking homunculus at the wheel shrugs his shoulders weakly, until Hanson starts directing him: turn here, go there, take a right there. Finally, we’re in an industrial looking area surrounded by grey granite buildings --- bars on the windows, attack dogs, watchtowers.
?Terrahito Prison,? the cabbie announces softly, his tone fearful and nervous. ?You want I should wait??
The warden is a small man, well-fed, balding, dressed in an expensive dark suit. He leans back in an overstuffed chair behind a desk in a lavish wood-paneled office, and folds his hands over his paunch, smiling.
?You’re too late, I’m afraid,? he explains happily. ?Security lock-down. There has been some disturbance.?
Hanson goes ballistic, almost reaching over the desk and taking the bureaucrat by his bespoke lapelled vest. His guards cut him neatly off by a quick display of their gun metal.
?If you had taken the general’s car, you would have arrived on time,? the man rebukes, straightening his tie officiously. ?You Americans have to have everything your way. Hotheads?? he sniffs. ?Never listening to anyone.? He puts on a pair of rimless spectacles and smiles. ?You will soon understand, in this country, that General Chang’s way is all that matters.?
Hanson moves toward the man again, despite the approaching guards. ?Is that a threat, warden?? he asks.
?Knock it off, Glenn,? I say suddenly. ?Let’s go back to the hotel.?
?A wise choice, young lady,? the warden says, reaching into a box on his desk and thoughtfully lighting a small cigar.
?The nerve of that asshole!? Glenn sputters, snapping his cell phone closed and opening his suitcase. ?I’ll have the FBI down here tomorrow if he continues to stonewall us.?
I fall on the hotel bed sheets and kick off my heels. ?Yeah, right, Glenn. Your diplomatic acumen hasn’t exactly been a hit so far. Why don’t you let me handle his highness tonight??
Glenn laughs, but it’s a nasty laugh. ?And let him eat you for his supper? Liz, sometimes you amaze me with your naivet?. You think you can flash your boobs and he’ll turn to butter in his boots? Wake up, we’re in a savage place.?
?Fuck you,? I say, lighting a cigarette. ?I’ve got a third-degree black belt and I’ve handled guys like him before. They’re only interested in two things?money and power.?
?And sex,? he snaps. ?Will you fuck him, too?? he jibes. He’s half-undressed now, his muscles bulging, his skin oiled. He still looks good, even at forty-two.
?That was a long time ago, Glenn,? I say. ?And I’m on a mission?I’m not some slut. I’m a senior agent with more experience than you. You forget that sometimes.?
He looks at me for a long time, almost curiously. ?You?you’re attracted to him?aren’t you?? he mutters, shaking his head unbelievingly.
I sigh. I throw my shoes back on and start for the door. ?I’d be lying if I didn’t say that powerful men turn me on.? I shrug. ?A hell of a lot more than little mama’s boys who lose their temper and don’t act professionally.?
?That’s not fair,? he whines. ?You never gave me a chance. You want me to be a badass? Fine. I’ll demand that fat bully give us a full tour tomorrow. I’m not afraid of him.?
I laugh. I hate doing it, but hearing this ridiculous boast is impossible to check. ?Yeah, Mr. Tough Guy? Think you can last five minutes in that maniac’s torture room? You’d be pissing your pants while they’re stringing you up. I’m taking in some sights. Meet you at the palace at seven, like on the invitation.?
He walks toward me and pushes me against the wall roughly. ?If you think I’m letting you walk straight into his arms?.? He leans toward me, wanting something: A kiss. A word of comfort. A smile.
I knee him in the balls instead and bat him away.
?One of us has gotta serve the bastard,? I say, walking toward the hotel room door, lighting another cigarette. ?Ain’t gonna be you.? His cries of pain still echo down the corridor even after I reach the elevator.
?Miss Jackman, what a surprise,? Okita beams, as he trots down a grand staircase of white marble. ?You’re a bit early. The general is still having dinner.? He reaches me and tries to take my hand, to kiss it, or some such crap. ?And where is Mr. Hanson? Still at the prison?? His shit-eating smile is infuriating, but my face doesn’t change as I remove my sunglasses.
?We were too late, major,? I say. I shrug nonchalantly. ?We’ll see it,? I promise him.
His mouth goes down in a small frown, but it’s quickly erased. ?I’ll telephone the throne room. Perhaps you may be received now.? He gives me a large grin and steps to a nearby table, picking up a phone and muttering something inaudible.
?Follow me,? he says, waving with his gloved hand.
I do, trailing him up the steps, pausing to admire the lavish artwork that populates nearly every inch of the walls on the way up. I recognize a Seuret, a Gauguin, a Picasso.
?His Highness has exquisite taste,? I say, a little louder than normal. Never hurts to butter them up. But I’m also feeling my courage drain a little, and my heart beat faster. It’s not just the number of steps I’m climbing.
We arrive at a set of gilt gold double doors with a red carpet protruding from beneath.
?You are to be presented to his Excellency, General Chang, on your hands and knees,? Okita says. His smile is bigger and brighter than ever.
I swallow harshly, my eyes widening. It’s got to be some sort of joke. ?I don’t understand,? I say, hoping I’ve misheard him.
?You go on hands and knees,? he repeats, ?like a dog. Everyone must. His Excellency saw it in a movie and thought it was appropriate?an appropriate show of respect by visitors. It is our custom.?
My mouth is hanging open now; I can’t seem to shut it. Still, something is surging through the lower half of my body, sapping my strength. It would be easy to turn away now: turn away, go back to the hotel, and leave tomorrow morning, the mission a failure.
I straighten my blouse and start lowering my body until my knees are on the thin ribbon of red. The marble underneath is cold and unforgiving. I stare hatefully at Okita’s shiny boots, then lift my head. ?You’re not coming, major?? I ask sarcastically.
He grins down at me. ?No. The general does not wish it.? He looks up briefly then snaps his fingers sharply. ?Keep your head down until he orders you to look up.?
I snort with disgust, but nod quickly. The double doors are opened and I start to move forth on my hands and knees.
The interior of the throne room is easily the most lavish one I’ve seen, and I’ve seen more than a few. Most are nothing but long barren halls with a large chair at one end, usually on a platform. But this?this one looks like the lobby of a five star hotel. Surrounding the carpet runner on which I’m groveling is deep-pile royal blue plush, the walls are a rich walnut or mahogany. I can see booted feet around the perimeter of the room. It smells of opulence: oiled wood, the aroma of some sort of food, and cigarette smoke.
As I inch closer, I get a first look at a pair of jackbooted, crossed feet, and behind them, red billowy cushions of velvet. The sides of the throne are a gilt gold and dark wood. The noise grows louder, the sound of chewing and licking, the sound of an animal eating. I move closer, inhaling the scent of testosterone I can feel enveloping me, suffocating me.
A spent chicken bone lands in front of my nose and I rear back, instinctively looking up, both surprised and appalled. The Asian tyrant is before me, lounging on an enormous throne, lavishly upholstered. He is tearing with his bare hands into a golden-brown roasted bird, ripping a large thigh from it and stuffing his mouth greedily. He has on the familiar uniform, but this version is so tight at the middle it appears ready to burst, the buttons bowing outward. Any thoughts I may have had of plying this maniac with my womanly wiles are quickly leaving me. His gluttony, combined with his obesity and pomposity are slowly revolting me. My anger starts to rise. ?How?much longer do I have to??? I start.
?No more,? he snaps. ?You are here.? He looks at me quizzically, knitting his large wildly unkempt eyebrows. ?Did I say you could look upon my royal person?? he growls, through the mass of chewed-up gristle in his teeth.
Adrenaline shoots through me and I stand, brushing myself off quickly. ?You?smarmy monster!? I hiss. ?You sickening little creep! I’m a deputy of the UN and I’ll not take this kind of treatment from the likes of you!?
He brings a fat finger to his lips and suckles it greedily, smacking his lips. He dabs at his large handlebar moustache and neatly trimmed goatee. I may as well have said nothing, or greeted him politely, by his lack of response. Instead, he motions with a finger.
Two guards stalk toward me, from either side of the throne room. I turn to one, ready to strike him, but before I can the other brings a bayonet down savagely on my back. I collapse back to the floor.
I look into the barrel of a deathly sharp pointed piece of steel.
?You will look upon his Excellency only when instructed by him!? a voice shouts.
My hands and knees shake as I attempt to resume my supplicant position on all fours, but the pain shooting up my spinal column is searing.
The general laughs lightly: a fat, decadent, hideous noise. ?You are nothing here,? he says calmly. I hear a metallic crack and raise my head enough to see a lit cigarette fixed to the length of a long black rod swing lazily into my line of sight. ?The sooner you realize that, the better.? He pauses, puffing, and a cloud of smoke descends upon me, rushing over my face. I turn away disgustedly.
?You came to spy on my prisons and then to write a false report.?
I say nothing, frozen, the only thaw in my veins coming from the nervous realization that I have gotten in deep this time, far too deep.
?You will see my prisons?experience the pain?firsthand?to get an accurate story. And then you may write about them. But first?you must survive?.? He starts to laugh louder, a ghoulish, maniacal laugh that rises in volume until it deafens me
I stagger to my feet quickly, turn, and try to run. The guards tackle me in an instant ---there are over ten in the room. I fight madly and almost have one pinned when a white cloth is wrapped over my head and the familiar scent of chloroform clogs my nostrils.
I wake nude, tied to a long, hard surface. My ankles are wrapped in steel cuffs, as are my wrists. I strain madly at them, but it’s like trying to smash my hands through metal walls.
Okita is by my side, leaning over me, with a pen and document in his hand. I turn my head further and Glenn is also there, bound naked to a stone pillar?a whipping post.
A small little thug of a man, barrel-chested and bare from the waist up, is busily adjusting something at the foot of the torture rack.
Okita points a remote in the air and I notice a large television screen mounted four feet in the air, at my feet. It brightens to reveal General Chang in his garish uniform. He has a large grin on his face, lazing comfortably in a cushioned chair, almost reclining. He is languorously puffing a cigarette in a black, foot-long holder, blowing smoke rings.
I stare hatefully at the camera positioned above the TV screen. ?You think this ridiculous scene from one of your grade Z movies is going to scare me, general?? I say. I’ve never been so terrified in my life, but saying these words of defiance somehow gives me strength. During my time with the Bureau I was trained to handle situations like this, and one thing I’ll never forget was the advice handed down to me by my senior drill instructor: They get more than half their power from intimidation. Don’t let them enjoy that.
The dictator’s fatty face grows wider and he chuckles irritatingly. ?It will do more than scare you, my fair deputy. Fear is a definite side benefit, but I will get the most pleasure from the pain I will cause you.? He sighs, leaning back further in his fancy chair, really enjoying his dominant position, his eyes twinkling malevolently.
?I’ve been on the rack before,? I spit, lying but hoping he’ll buy it. ?I’ve endured torture from bigger assholes than you.?
The tyrant’s nicotine-stained teeth flash briefly. ?Perhaps that’s true?perhaps it isn’t,? he says. ?We shall see. I doubt though, that you’ve ever experienced a variation?like this. Major, begin with her!?
I let out a quick frightened gasp, which I know the bastard hears, because he giggles and claps his hands together insanely. The next second a horrid racket sounds from behind me, from behind my head, and my arms are jerked dramatically until they are so tight I can feel the muscle strain.
I close my eyes, gritting my teeth in agony. I hear a motor start, somewhere in front of me. I raise my head as much as I am able and find myself looking at a huge black steel dildo, jutting from the boards in the torture rack. It is spinning slowly. The tip is gleaming, wet, something oozing from it.
Chang’s figure moves on the screen and I can see he’s gesturing again with this holder. The wooden spokes over my head are again brutally wrenched backwards. This time I have to scream?I can’t control it. I look down again and the dildo spins quickly, advancing slowly toward my open pussy. I stare back at the smug televised face of my torturer.
?Simply sign the papers, admitting you lied about us, and we will free you. If you are foolish and refuse, we will persuade you?with this.? He leered into the camera merrily, rabidly drinking me in, helpless to his insanity. ?Needless to say,? he adds gleefully, ?I hope you refuse!?
I’m panicking now. Every instinct tells me to shut him out, to stop engaging him, but I can’t?I have to know. ?What is that? What’s on it?? I sputter, staring at the rotating rod, knowing exactly what its intentions are, but not how they’re to be carried out.
Chang chortles. ?That?is for causing your pussy a great deal of pain. And for warming you up. You see?each time the rack turns, it powers that dildo, which will spin slowly around inside of you?its rubber tip coated with a vile pepper sauce and a chemical to induce a burning rash. A pity you won’t be able to?relieve it. You’ll want to stroke it, to soothe it, to tend to it?but the pain will just get worse...the itching more intense until finally?you sign! Marvelously fiendish, isn’t it??
?Ugh?God, no!? I gasp, repulsed, ?NO!? But as soon as I say it, I feel it starting to bore into me, softly at first, then picking up speed as the rack is turned once more. A sharp knife of pain stabs at my clit.
?Liz! Goddamn it!? Glenn says, speaking for the first time. ?They’re serious! Just?sign the papers?I already did!?
Instantly my panic and fear is replaced with an insane rage. ?YOU?LITTLE PANSY-ASS FAGGOT PIECE OF SHIT!? I shout at him. ?Mr. Tough Guy, huh??
Glen ground his teeth. ?Fuck you!? he screams back, ?fuck you! I did it to save you! He said he wouldn’t?torture you?if I did.?
?You goddamn idiot. You know how much this pervert loves to torture women. And you?take him at his word? But first he showed you this place, didn’t he?? The rack turned again, my arms are ripped upwards, the dildo plows directly into my snatch. I feel the burn of the pepper, intensified by the spinning of the phallus. Then the itching sensation starts, lightly tickling at first, then getting more and more insistent. It’s maddening. I close my eyes trying to divert my mind, as I’ve been taught.
?Rack her again, major,? Chang gloats, his tone slightly bored. ?I don’t wish to waste her completely. Then we start with the man. Perhaps that will persuade her to cooperate.? He laughs, blowing a few smoke rings, delighted with the despicable idea.
?You?sick piece of shit!? I scream. It was an underhanded move even for him?forcing my cooperation by threatening Glenn. The utter futility of it all begins to dawn on me. There is nothing else to do.
?ALRIGHT?alright, general,? I shout. I clench my teeth as pain rushes through my arms, perhaps incited by the idea of relief at last that allows myself to feel the full force of the agony.
Chang grins, deeply satisfied, taking a long drag of his cigarette and extinguishing it. ?Excellent. I knew you’d cooperate. Take her to my chambers and prepare her for my pleasures. Lock the man in a display cage.?
?Yes, most high Celestial One,? Okita purrs, disengaging the dildo from my pussy and starting to unchain me.
?Display?display cages?? I mutter, looking up at the TV, but realizing it has gone black.
?Yes,? Okita smiles. ?Prisoners sentenced to death are always put in his Excellency’s display cages so those outside palace walls get a good view of them before they are shot!?
?You?you little?.? I gasp. I reach out and quickly grip his arm. I roll the little flunkie over my shoulder, landing him on his back. He hits the stone floor with a thud and instantly begins to shriek.
I turn next to the little man?a young boy really?who had manned the rack. He has no weapon but his arms, and they are reaching out to me, a bit nervously, given the fate of his commanding officer.
I charge at him, executing a move I’d long forgotten, wrapping my arm around his neck while clamping my fist down brutally on his clavicle. He hollers and drops to his feet. I dart to a nearby stairwell.
I emerge into a darkened hallway, the scent of perfume leading me on.
At the entrance to an open door, I find no less than seven women, all wearing skimpy harem outfits. One is giving another a pedicure. Another is doing hair. Several are merely lounging and watching TV.
One stands as she notices me and the rest of their eyes follow.
?Who are you?? the standing woman asks. She is taller than the others, though they all look similar: Asiatic, as are the general and his troops, with dark hair and even darker eyes, heavily made up.
I stand there, stark naked, and attempt to wrap my arms around my bosoms and cross my legs, even though none of them are wearing much more. ?I need clothes,? I say.
?We call security,? the tall one retorts, heading for the phone.
I turn and grab a silver tin of talcum powder before throwing it into her face. She staggers back, coughing and the room clouds with white for a second. I quickly grab her neck. ?Give me something to wear or her neck gets broken,? I order the others.
The women frantically dash around until finally working up an identical costume for me: tiny gold cups to mask my nipples, clasped with a strand of pearls around my back, a similar G-string of the tiniest bit of pink satin, then gauzy green legging and slippers. It must be the ?official? costume for a concubine of Chang’s.
?I need a weapon,? I murmur, looking around the room for a bit before finding a long letter opener. I conceal it as best as I can in the waist band of my leggings. ?If you’re not tired of fucking that fat pig for free,? I say, ?go ahead and call the guards. If you are?your secret is safe with me. Now, where does he sleep??
Virtually all of them point in the same direction, without hesitation.
I turn and make one more pass around the room. ?Anyone got a douche?? I spit. The itching in my cunt feels like its nesting a thousand fire ants.
I dart quickly down the long corridor until coming to what obviously is the general’s suite: four sets of double doors, adorned with elaborate gold knobs, fixtures, and gilding.
I open the one on the far right and enter as quietly as I can. I smell the cigarette smoke, smell the brandy, and look to my right. The fat bastard is relaxing in a large club chair of soft green velvet, swishing a brandy snifter in one hand, cigarette holder in the other, staring at a blazing fire.
?Major,? he begins, ?how much longer???
?No more, general?I am here,? I say.
His head snaps around and he starts to reach for a button on the table next to his chair. I withdraw the letter opener, trying to disguise it as much as possible in the dim lighting of the room. ?Don’t touch that button, general, or this knife goes into that fat blubbery gut of yours. And you should know from my resume that I can do that.?
He freezes, then frowns and slowly heaves himself up. ?You are bold?and foolish,? he sighs. ?A hundred men surround this palace. You think you can evade all of them? Stupid woman!? He places the cigarette holder in his teeth, puffing defiantly on it.
?Who said I want to get away?? I say, returning his stare.
His eyelids close slightly and a smile comes to his lips. ?You want to feel more of my power, don’t you, Miss Jackman?? He ejects his spent butt into an ashtray, pockets the holder, and begins to saunter towards me, his long silken robe falling open, revealing his nude body.
I stare at him, repulsed but somehow being drawn in. As he gets closer, I smell the room again. It isn’t a bad smell?it’s musky, old, rich, corrupt?opulent?just like him.
?Shall I confiscate your ‘weapon?’? he laughs, reaching down and gripping my wrist firmly, harshly, until my hand shakes and falls open, letting the opener fall to the floor. It looks pathetic and small as it clatters to the marble.
He wraps his large hands around my ass and gently pinches it, pulling my body into his hairy chest. Yes, he’s plump, but he’s also muscular. He reminds me of an ape?a savage ape, one who could have people ripped apart with a snap of his fingers?or do the ripping himself, if he chooses. He’s a savage waiting to be tamed. But first I want to feel that power first hand, as he had promised me as I knelt before him earlier.
Chang forced himself on me then, kissing me savagely. I gulped at the intensity of his attack, feeling the slickness of his waxy moustache, the vile taste in his mouth of booze and imported cigarettes. But it was wonderful. He was nasty?so?so nasty?and powerful. His stink was one of pure evil. I felt his cock harden and begin to seek me out.
I pulled away from him suddenly and slapped his face.
I braced myself for a punch from him, but he only smiled. ?You want me to hurt you, isn’t that right? You want me to torture you? That is why you slap me??
?I slap you because you’re a foul, sadistic, evil?.? I gasped at the words, ashamed, now getting wet. ?Yes?yes, I do. I want you to really hurt me?here?now!? I couldn’t look at him any longer. Glenn was right?I was a slut. But fuck it?I didn’t care.
The look on the general’s face was exultant. He grunted happily. He picked me up in his arms and carried me to his large California King bed, then threw me down. He opened a drawer and produced four white silken bands, then carefully tied each of my limbs to the posters, my bottom side up.
I watched as he carefully inserted another cigarette in his holder and picked up a candle, pooling with wax. He lit his smoke and started toward me. Oh my Christ, what was he planning? My mind was exhilarated. I was anything but afraid now.
I grunted in shock as his heavy girth crushed my ass, then moaned with ecstasy as he slid his enormous cock into me. He needed no prompting?he was a master. He fucked me slowly at first, picking up momentum gradually. When I was on the verge of coming, his cockhead spun around in little circles, dandling silkily on my G, gradually widening me. I yelled, screamed, moaned. Then he stopped.
?Want me to finish?? he taunts.
?YES! YES!? I scream angrily, frantically, biting my lips, gnashing my teeth.
His hand came down harshly on my ass. ?Not before you get the pain!?
?AHHH! AHHHH!? I was screaming not with pain now, but with delirious anticipation. More?more?give it to me?NOW, I wanted to beg.
He loosened the bonds from my feet and easily pushed my feet up to the ceiling. He tied the silken bands on two hooks that hung from the ceiling. I was now upside down, standing on my head, my arms still bound to the bed, my feet straight in the air, legs spread wide.
?What are you going to do?oh mighty?Celestial One?? I panted.
He chuckled smugly, pleased by the usage of his title. ?You will see?the anticipation of it, not the pain?will be what drives you mad?and gets you?hot?hotter?.hottest!?
I waited like this for maybe ten minutes, my helplessness driving me round the bend. I couldn’t see much of what was happening. And then suddenly, I felt the hot, scalding wax dribbling into my cunt.
I let out a scream, my every fiber reveling in the sweet, joyous pain. He laughed obnoxiously and I let it fill my head with its sadistic force and unbridled glee.
He then sat on the bed, facing me from behind, his monstrous cock lying in wait for me on the satin sheets. Meanwhile, the wax continued to dribble down. He must have had it in some sort of dispenser attached to the ceiling?I?I couldn’t think or see clearly enough to?.
He shoved his cock into my mouth and I began to suck it crazily. It took no less than three minutes for him to blow a massive, gooey wad into me. The warmth of the come?.the sweetness?.the pain of the wax.
I screamed and screamed, then screamed some more, all while the dictator laughed maniacally.
The door to General Chang’s suite opened and a man broke down in agony. The guards must have brought him for one final bit of gloating from Chang before being taken to the firing squad. His face contorted with anguish as he watched the madman torture me.
I smiled. ?Don’t?.no?general?.please?you?fucking sadistic pig...? I said loudly.
I just smiled and screamed, my laughs filtering slowly through my cries.
The door shut. Goodbye wimpy Glenn?hello, Dictator Chang, my darling!
I don’t love you anymore actually I don’t think I ever did. You make me angry all the time, well most of the time and we bicker too much. The sex is good though and when I’m hurting about something well you won’t tell me anything I don’t already know but you’ll hug me because you love me. We sit down and watch the television together when I’m home, which is rare because normally I am out with friends or by myself silently wishing that my life could be different, that you are different. You...
I hadn’t been fucked, yet, but I had cum twice. Once when my husband James finger fucked me as his friend Don kissed me and caressed my tits and secondly when Don nestled his deliciously thick and wonderfully hard cock in the cleft of my bum as he rubbed my clit and James sucked my tits. James and I have been married for just over twelve years, we have no children by choice. It is not a typical marriage, but then it is not an open one, perhaps slightly ajar might be the most apt description....
Introduction: a boy has a new look on life. This is my first time writing this kind of story and I wrote it in an afternoon so sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy. I am a 18 year old named John, I am 6,2 and weigh 200 pounds, I enjoy running, weight lifting, and playing video games and I have always been shy around girls, until this summer. This particular summer, my whole world changed. For the last few years I have been spending a few weeks at my uncles house. My mother and father love the...
I hadn’t been fucked, yet, but I had cum twice. Once when my husband James finger fucked me as his friend Don kissed me and caressed my tits and secondly when Don nestled his deliciously thick and wonderfully hard cock in the cleft of my bum as he rubbed my clit and James sucked my tits. James and I have been married for just over twelve years; we have no children by choice. It is not a typical marriage, but then it is not an open one; perhaps slightly ajar might be the most apt description....
BisexualI don’t love you anymore actually I don’t think I ever did. You make me angry all the time, well most of the time and we bicker too much. The sex is good though and when I’m hurting about something well you won’t tell me anything I don’t already know but you’ll hug me because you love me. We sit down and watch the television together when I’m home, which is rare because normally I am out with friends or by myself silently wishing that my life could be different, that you are different. ...
ReluctanceJulia my darling Julia is a beautiful young woman. She possesses beautiful eyes, long blond hair, round full grown up breasts, appealing lips, attractive hips and above all a heart throbbing sexy figure. I like her very much and truly speaking, I love her. In dream, I enjoy her naked body… In dream, I fuck her in her pussy… In dream, I suck her breasts… In dream, I feel the excitement of her leaking and sucking my penis… I spend many passionate nights in my dreams. In my dreams, I see Julia's...
EroticI first met her when I arrived for a staff meeting, three days before the start of the new school year. We arrived at the door to the conference room at the same time and our eyes met. Hers were a beautiful shade of green, catlike, the kind of eyes you could drown in. She smiled as we both reached for the doorknob, a radiant, friendly smile. "Hi," she said, her hand halting in its quest, as did mine. "You must be the new third grade teacher." "That I am," I replied, my eyes...
Hi Iss readers.i’m hafeez.this story happened when i’m 18 years old.let i’m introduce myself.i’m a sexy guy.size of my cock is 8 inch.this story happened 3 years back with my friend’s sister shabnam.she is very fair girl also sexy.her boobs size is 30.she is older than me two years.i used to go her home to see my friend.when i saw her first time…….. My god my cock became to expand, that type of figure she has. Her lips are red..when i use to see her i’m enjoying myself as i’m fucking her…
Little Darlings by Robin Lane Sandy walked along the side of the decaying asphalt road, clutching her raggedsweater about herself as tightly as she could against the chill of the lateevening rain. Locks of her light brown hair, soaked and dripping with rainwater,dangled loosely in front of her face. Her tattered and filthy canvas shoesplopped through the shallow puddles on the pavement, and her thin blue skirt,stained and hopelessly dirty, swayed limply back and forth with each step.She felt...
“Happy anniversary my darling," Gerry said as he touched glasses with Carly.“And you husband of mine,” his wife answered. “And thank you for this lovely surprise”.The trip to a top London hotel had indeed come as a surprise to her. Expecting the obligatory bouquet of flowers and a card, this was indeed a shock.Carly had had a difficult year. The couple’s second child had now left home, and Carly was suffering from empty nest syndrome. Gerry, on the other hand, was revelling in having the house...
ThreesomesThe queen of this story is Anitha(32) my sweet darling who is my sweet wife and a mother of my son who looks really hot in appearance and myself Kumar(22) the hero or love maker of the story…the main point to be notified is the baby we have now and it’s the love we make with each other….. Before this incident we have never had even a word talk with her and the mornings of mine starts only after watching her hot ass which is my love part in her. She notices me having a look at her and she never...
Hello friends my name is Ankush me nasik ka rehenewala hu aur meri umra 21 saal he meri mam Hemangi ki umra kuch 24-25 he. Dikhne me thodi sawli he pr figure 36 ke boobs 26 ki kamar aur 34 ki gand he ekdam hot and sexy lagti he chalte waqt gand to aise matakti he ki mera turant khada ho jata he so ab me story start karta hu hope you enjoy. Baat un dino ki he jab me eng 1st yearr me tha result laga tha lene gaya aur dekha 4 sub fail tha usme 2 Hema mam sikhati thi. Mujhe year drop laga tha to me...
You roll over in bed and reach for me only to discover that I'm not there. Feeling the empty space in the bed it wakes you up. You get up and come looking for me.I'm sitting in your leather recliner in your man cave totally naked, with each leg draped over each arm of the chair, spreading my pussy lips wide open to give you a great view of the pink flesh inside just dripping with juice.I bring my hands up to play with my nipples, squeezing them and pinching the nipples until they get hard. I...
MasturbationHappy Anniversary, My Darling “Donnie!” Laura called out as she quickly sat up in bed. “Donnie,” she said weakly. She wept into her hands. “Why did you leave me?” Her husband of almost 5 years, and love of her life had been gone nearly 3 months and still the memories of their life together consumed her. They had love each other all their lives and had decided to wait until they were each established in their own careers before devoting their lives together in marriage. It had been such a shock...
EroticIt’s supposed to be the case that every father would like at least one male heir to carry on his line and every mother would like at least one daughter, I suppose just to have an ally in the household. One of my parents, Miles and Elsa Siddons, struck out as far as that was concerned, as I, Richard Charles Siddons, only have two older brothers, Thomas and Edward. However, if it is any consolation for my poor, beleaguered mother (yeah, right!), at least she had a gap of almost three years...
We’re sitting at a crossroads in an old residential area. A shop on each corner – we’re looking at the first, a small convenient store – blue and white signage above the door reads “SAMMY’S STORE”. Then we pan around to the other side of the street, a mobile phone store, with similar signage, this time reading, “SAMMY’S MOBILES”. Then across another road to look at the third corner, another store with similar signage, this time a fast-food outlet, named “SAMMY’S CHIPPY” And then to across...
Brother Darlingby Miss Anonna I heard a knock at the bathroom door and instantly rolled my eyes. It figures the minute I sneak into the bathroom to take a nice hot bath, my brother will inevitably have to pee. “What?” I hollered sarcastically. “What do you want?” “I have to pee,” cried my younger brother who always treated me like a younger sister, though I was a year older than he. He was just 16 and already all the girls at school were after him, though he was modest about it. Even I couldn’t...
IncestHis mother's undisputed darling by Rex AntiochThe following document was discovered among a miscellaneous collection of uncatalogued papers in a pile of dusty boxes in a cupboard in the Psychology Department Library of a major English university.It appears to be a transcript of extracts from a private journal maintained by Amalie (or Amelia) Freud, mother of that Sigmund Freud who was and is still a towering presence in the field of psychology, and psychoanalysis in particular. The document...
IncestI am loving my life as a college student. I am 20 years old, and I go to an elite university. My time has been great, accept for one issue; my girlfriend Jenny has broken up with me. We were dating since high school and went to the same college. It all happened 4 months ago. I walked in on her having sex with a black football player in our dorm. She then told me that it was over. I cried for so long. I really, really love her! But I have no choice but to accept it.I have moved in to another...
Oh my darling. This weekend is going to be one for the books. I can't wait to see you standing there at the door. I will throw myself into your arms and hold you tight to me. Mold my body into the length of yours. Kiss your lips, taste your taste. You hold me close, wrap your arms around my waist and grab my butt cheeks... Pulling me into you. I can feel you already getting hard and ready for me. It makes me catch my breath and my insides run rivers down my thighs. I push my pelvis into yours -...
Author's note: This is a complete work of fiction. The characters are not real people and the actions and situations have never happened. Isiah's Little Darling By Verna Benson When I was 13, I really began to enjoy my homosexuality full tilt. I started dressing up a bit (makeup, daisy dukes, jewelry). I had a couple of playfriends, real sexy guys my age. There were 3 of them, Jerry, Bill and Andy. We'd walk to Jerry's house after school, strip and have a total gang bang...
Hi friends this is Kishore from Hyderabad. Am 23 year old right now and this incident happen a year ago. The story am going to narrate is the encounter happened between me and my sexy Sarita .I had completed my engg. Course and took a break and was staying at home. Now about myself , am with fair complexion & 6ft height and I regularly go for gym and am very keen in maintaining my body. I used to watch porn since am 9th standard and I got addicted to it. So daily I used to keenly observe every...
HI, this is my first story here. i am a regular visitor of the site. Thank you for all your stories. now it’s my turn to try and make you horny. hope you like it. It was a chilly weekend morning’s had intended to lie in the bed till late. but the cold air from the window disturbed my sleep. I called out my darling but she dint respond and I was too restless to wake up and close the window’s grabbed another blanket and covered myself from the chill. Just when I was settled in the warmth I heard...
We both were on my bike, the bike making around 100 km/ hour. I don’t drive so fast normally but I was in a hell of a condition. A gorgeous woman was the pillion rider, her creamy, hairless, arms wrapped around my waist and she was pressed hard against me. She was wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. No bra, I had noticed. As I was not wearing anything underneath my t-shirt, I could feel her breasts rubbing up and down my back with every jerk of the bike and often they just pressed against...
IncestNight had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...
Dictation by Cal Y. Pygia "You're a good-looking woman, Mandy. You should apply." I frowned. "Why would my looks matter, one way or the other, Stella?" She smiled, shaking her head. "When it comes to men--especially men like Marion Howard--looks always matter." Shaking her head again, she added, "You should know that." I guess, deep down, I did know. I just didn't like it. "So, to be an executive secretary at Howard Enterprises--to be Marion Howard's own private secretary, in...
He was in high school and he went with his class to Greece. One day, I seriously can't remember, he came back from school with a big smile on his face and he was really happy for some reason. "Hey Aky, guess what." He said happily. "What?" I replied curiously. I better have not.... "I'm going to Greece next week with my class." He said all happy. "Oh, cool. For how long ?" I asked him. "For a month. It's going to be a blast." he said sitting on the bed next to...
_________________________________________ I Was Seventeen And At That Time I Was A Huge Masochist And Loved Anything To Do With Girls I Had Never Done The Do But I Have Dated A Million Chicks And Not One Liked Me In The End I Still Was Going To High school Ready For College But My House Was Kinda Awkward Since My Parents Were Wanting A New Baby Girl So My Parents Were At It All The Time And It Was Annoying But One Day I Came Home From School, My Parents Were Siting On The Couch...
Helping out my brother one rainy morning we were at this dealership while he tried finding a new car. He went on a test drive of a third and final car while I decided to wait behind. Sitting in the showroom of the dealership while waiting for him people were hustling around and trying to sell cars, shuffle paperwork and answer incoming calls. I happened to pay attention to the receptionist but was distracted for a few minutes. When I looked back there was a different one working the front...
My name is Melinda, I’m 55, divorced and live by myself near Nashville Tennessee. I have long Auburn hair, seductive green eyes, and a full figured body, I don’t go out in the real world to find someone to date, nor do I go online. Mainly because most of the people online are phony, I can never tell whether I am talking to a man or woman. However, my poor heart had been shattered so many times, and on Saturday nights you will find me in front of my computer chatting. His name was Mathieu, he’s...
You roll over in bed and reach for me only to discover that I’m not there. Feeling the empty space in the bed it wakes you up. You get up and come looking for me. I’m sitting in your leather recliner in your man cave totally naked, with each leg draped over each arm of the chair, spreading my pussy lips wide open to give you a great view of the pink flesh inside just dripping with juice. I bring my hands up to play with my nipples, squeezing them and pinching the nipples until they get hard. I...
Hai all. I’m Keerthi from Chennai. I’m a housewife. After reading this story please send me your feedback to: This sexually arousing story is between myself and my sweet husband. I’m 26 and my husband is 28. He is working in an it company. The most important thing is “we got married just 30 days back. This story is about how we got into our sexual life in a way that we couldn’t forget throughout the lifetime. In my house, in a deep village near Coimbatore, there were 5 people. My dad, is a...
Hi. I’m abhinav and i’m from mumbai. Mene ISS per pahele bhi mere sath huwa kissa shere kiya he. And muje bohot sare response mile and bohot sari achi comments and shayad 3/4 ladkiyo ke sath bat chit bhi chalu ho gai he. So thanks ISS for this site. Agar koi or muje contect karna chahata ho to app kar sakte ho 225as225atgmail com. So abb me apni story start karta hu. App log ne jese pahele ki story me read kiya hoga mere and meri sis and meri sis ki friend ritika ke bare me. So abb ne and...
I am Bisu 31 from Angul.I live with my uncles family at their Home. I have 3 cousin sister jini, mama, puspa. This story is about my sister puspa. She looks very beautiful. puspa age 25 after she completed her post graduation she is staying at home. I always wanted to fuck her heard that one of my cousin brother sital had fucked her.I won’t kill your time. Let’s come to the story straight away Puspa having shape 32-26-34 She is slim I heard that she had a lot of bf many have fucked Her.I know...
Hi, M naresh, 33 years old from b’lore. Would like to share my amazing sexperience which I had with my ex-colleague kavitha about 3 years back. I had recently joined a company in bangalore which was in to financial services and was liking my job. With in 3 months, I was my bosses blue eyed boy which made me to work even harder!! Then entered kavitha in our team as well as my life!! Uff what a lady, 5″4′ with an amazing vitals of 34b bra size, 26 waist and 38 hip size( which she had revealed on...
Hi this is a true story which started almost 16 month back. Myself Ashok(definitely name change) stay in Bangalore with and married for almost 5 yrs having good sex life. My wife work in IT and me in sales, so our office timing does not match much as she leave for office by morning 8 am and have weekly off on Saturday and Sunday & I leave for around 10.30 and have weekly off on Tuesday & Wednesday. About myself I am 32 yrs old and do photography as a hobby. Cut to the short I will start my...
Hi all, this is Shyam (name changed) am a 28yr old male having a decent look as most of the girls used to say with tall and athletic body. This is my first story in iss and i am going to share a real experience which happened 7 months before. Let me straight away coming to the incident which has changed my life a lot. The incident which i am going to narrate happened with one of my friends in Chennai a few months back. I work in a MNC and my friend also works in the same company and we are in...
It was the swimsuit that did it. Yes, when you get right down to it, everything that happened between me and my daughter Lisa that summer started with the damned swimsuit. It was early June. I was in the living room watching television when Lisa walked in. She had just turned sixteen that spring, and there was no denying it any longer - Lisa was becoming a woman. Fortunately she had inherited her mother's looks; thick black hair that cascaded around her shoulders, an angelic face with wide,...
IncestHi all this is Harish writing a real life sexperience with office colleague I am a SW guy working in one of the reputed organisation in chennai as a team leader age 28,slim built average looking and not a great cock like whats shown in the movies .We used to have cab pickup to office and drop back since we were supporting european counties .It all started when i saw this girl in the cab and my heart jumped a bit . She was from my area but two streets away and we didnt speak for a week . Then...
Introduction: Radha, a lifelong friend and neighbour has hidden feelings toward her massage therapist Radha is a long time friend and neighbour. I’ve known her and her husband and her daughter Sharmila for more than twenty years. They moved into my neighborhood when I was around seven years old. Sharmila had just been born. My mother used to send me over with cookies and fresh baked pastries. It was her way of welcoming our new neighbors. Through the years, our families became almost as one....
IncestIt was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend. A week before i found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and i think i have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then i had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it out of my mind, but the more it took over my thoughts. What are you going to be doing Monday?’ she asked. ‘Not...
LesbianHi, I am Vinay. I live in Bangalore. I am single. I am very fond of indian sex stories and i want to share an exciting event of my life. It’s a true incident, which happened three years back. I am self. Monica was my friend’s friend. She was married and workingwoman. Monica was a very sexy woman with 38, 28, 38 & 5’ 7” figure. She was so sexy that every body admires her figure. After three years of marriage, she had no baby. We had good family terms and we used to visit each other’s house once...
When I opened the door and let my Rohit come in I knew something was different.He kicked the door shut and straightaway swept me in his arms and carried me to the sofa in the living room. There he kep me and mounted me straightaway.I giggled and tried to push hiom away but he would have none of it. “I want you right now my sexy slut,”He said and raised my housegown to knees revealing my smooth milky white thighs and their fleshy undersides.I sighed as his hand travleed up to my inner thigh and...
Hello friends. I have always written about my past incidences until now. But this time I am jotting down a sexual encounter which took place this week with an internet buddy Pradeep. Pradeep resides in London and we came into contact through email which he had sent after reading one of my previous stories. Gradually after every email we came closer. His emails and chat really excited the horny me hidden behind my innocent face. We both were dying to have a real hot session, especially me....
Hi I’m a regular reader of ISS from New Delhi and after reading so many stories got an idea to write down my experience also. I m writing my original experience with a virgin girl who was working in my C.A’s office in Darya Ganj New Delhi two year back in 2005. Her name was Anjali. She was very good looking and having a nice and attractive body. Her boob’s size was 36D, 22 yrs of age and 5’2″ in height. Let me tell you about myself also I m 5’10”, having good physique, my dick size is 6.5″. She...
I am Rahul age 22 from Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, I want to share my sex experience which I had with my maid, her name is Gayatri 36 years she works in my home from 2years she comes daily in the morning and in the evening, when she cleans the floor of my house her sarry pallu drops and her breasts are clearly visible she wears no bra, daily when she comes into my room to clean the floor I enjoy seeing her breasts and many times I feel as I fuck her sizes are 36-32-55 approx, her husband is a...
Hi I am Vijay again. And this is my story to iss. Earlier I had submitted the encounter with Ruksa (who was my neighbor). This time this is with wife of maid (maid was working in our village with our grand mother’s place). This all happened when I went to my grand mother’s place on vacation. There was maid named Riyaz who was working with them for at least 5 years. In my grand mother’s place there were grand mother, my mama (mom’s brother) and his wife and their kids who were going to school. ...
I couldn't wait to get home. This was the second anniversary of my wedding night. Our first anniversary wasn’t significant because I was still in college, working two jobs, and I had very little money. Tonight is going to be different. My wife had called a told me to hurry home. She said she had something extraordinary planned for that night. When I arrive home, there is an extra car in the drive. I walk through the garage door into the kitchen, and I find my sweet wife cooking a special...
My birthday was approaching, next Friday, and my wife, Linda, since four years asked me what I wanted for present. From the beginning of our relationship we had agreed not to spend to much money on presents but rather give small tokens of affection. In the beginning it wasn't that difficult to make a wish but after four years, eight birthdays, four Christmases and some other days of celebration it was getting harder to come up with something. For a while I thought of asking her for a...
The following weeks seemed like a serious challenge for Joey and Deirdre's relationship. The frequency of tests and quizzes increased until it seemed that they had at least one every day. They made up for that by studying together as much as possible. Deirdre was almost living at Joey and Tess' house, even spending many nights in Joey's bed. Joey switched bis bed against a queen size bed from their guest room, allowing for a better sleep. They did not always have sex on weekday nights or...
Sudha,an unsatisfied woman gets her life long desire to become a proud mother. Dear readers, I was waiting to share my story with someone but was unable to tell to anyone. I was hiding my exciting story to myself enjoying internally by recollecting it and experiencing it again and again. Yes this is my story of how I was seduced by my neighbor. Her name is Sudha. We were staying in an apartment in Mulund west near Kalidas hall. I am Sudhakar, an ex-serviceman. I took retirement on attaining age...
IndianThe phone rang at my desk and I answered. 'I need you in my office now Samantha. I have some important dictation I need you to take down'. With that the phone was put down and I felt a sweet sensation between my legs which had now become familiar each time those words were spoken to me. I knew what awaited me behind my Master's office door!I knocked and he called me in. 'Lock the door behind you Samantha.' 'Yes Sir' I responded. I walked over to his desk and he took my hand and pulled me...
The delicious aroma of the perfect yet robust blend of ”lat`e machiato” cofee has bring all my attention towards the task at work, with a deep sigh of frustration I put my hand over my enormous , round firm and perfectly shaped left boob and gave it nice gentle squeeze and finishing it by taking my index-finger and thumb towards the succulent nipple and gave it a rather hard pinch ”aaaaahhh” a moan escaped my throat I slowly roamed through my midsection and going further southward and reached...
I couldn't get enough of my sister, nor she of I and we brought each other off multiple times. While I withheld cumming for the week leading up to my marriage with Dana, it was not something I would repeat. Aside from the fact I loved fucking my women too much, I loved fucking Dana too much in particular to forego her pleasures. Besides, Bonnie had been such a good girl for her patience that she really did deserve a good regular pounding. However, I was going to be marrying Danielle the...
I am Kamini, 20, beautiful, with good body features, fair, and healthy. But God had given me an itchy cunt. Right from my childhood I used to massage my boobs and cunt without the knowledge of my parents or others in the family. I used to watch through the keyhole my father fucking my mother and used to finger myself to an orgasm. I used vegetables or any object immediately available to satisfy my itch. Sometimes the table corners, or umbrella handles come handy for my relief. But in front of...
IncestRebeccaYes, it’s that time of year. My birthday. My day off. Normally, my master would just be that little more considerate by lavishing me with a present; usually a new type of butt plug or nipple clamp, a collar even, but sometimes with a meal out, somewhere posh. This year, he has chosen to try something completely different.I’m not sure what compelled him to do this, but it goes against the grain and I find myself in a quandary. I may just be a total air-head, but I’m finding it...
BDSMThe Deception of Choice. Episode Three, comprising Chapters 6, 7, & 8. Preamble Some light is cast onto the general background, but not enough to provide real illumination. And, alas, none appears at the end of the tunnel for David. Indeed it is generally a rather dark episode; with nothing in it to provide comfort for those who enjoy a happy ending. Although I suppose such depends on your point of view and where your sympathies lie. With the Foundation or with...
Cockatoo Part 28 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] I couldn't believe it when I saw Jandaeng come into the bar. The first thought which flashed through my mind was that he was following me and my instinct was to get up and run. The problem was Steve had his arm around my waist and was holding me tight even though he was busy kissing Nin. My hands began shaking as I watched Jandaeng and his group as they ordered beers at the bar and laughing as they looked around. I...