Sleep With Me Darling
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Helping out my brother one rainy morning we were at this dealership while he tried finding a new car. He went on a test drive of a third and final car while I decided to wait behind.
Sitting in the showroom of the dealership while waiting for him people were hustling around and trying to sell cars, shuffle paperwork and answer incoming calls. I happened to pay attention to the receptionist but was distracted for a few minutes.
When I looked back there was a different one working the front desk that was extremely pretty and seemed really sweet. She was talkative to everyone that walked by and looked at me a couple of times finally saying hello but with a big smile and earnest eyes. I figured she only said hi because I was rude and stared at her pretty smile, adorable long wavy hair and a full figured shape which had many curves to it.
I told myself a number of times, even though I am much too old for her, ‘She is a heckuva catch. I wonder if she is dating anyone.’ Then I told myself ‘Who am I kidding. She is too attractive not to be seeing someone’ and let it alone. I picked up a magazine while waiting for my brother, looked up and saw she was looking my way again. ‘Whoa cool beans’ as my heart rate went up a few too many points.
I smiled back at her but she looked down right away, I did too. I wished she would have stared at me so I could feel both the euphoric and timid emotions simultaneously. I looked back at her, but she disappeared. I looked around and didn’t see her.
I thought ‘Man how is it someone her age be so darn cute?’ She wasn’t some twenty year old. She looked closer to 30 to me. I looked around and there she was coming around a corner looking right towards me and when she saw I was looking at her smiled she put on an unbelievable smile. I melted. I could have fallen down if I was standing up.
My whole body riveted with pangs of excitement. I tingled like I hadn’t tingled about a female in years. Being married once before, but no children thankfully, I knew the emotions but hadn’t experienced them in about 9 years.
I had to talk to her, but she was busy as ever answering phones. I wanted to see when she got off work so I could see if she would go out for lunch or for that matter why not dinner.
I tried to see if there was a ring on her finger. I couldn’t blatantly walk up, lean over or even stand there to check it out, so I decided to do something equally blatant but on the sly at the same time.
I went to a salesman down a corridor and asked him if the beautiful receptionist was attached to anyone. He roared out laughing. I blushed a beet red. I was as red as a ripened tomato.
He looked my way once he settled down, I looked around seeing everyone’s looking at us and I heard ‘Buddy you and a hundred guys have asked that same question. But I have never ever seen anyone get the guts to talk to her.’ ‘She is pretty isn’t she’ he added ‘if you like that sort of woman that is.’
Instantly I thought ‘What did he mean by that? Because she is a full figured woman’ I wanted to ask. I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. I wouldn’t see the guy again so I went ahead and asked ‘Why because she is a full…’
‘Yep’ he said cutting me off. ‘You, me and hundreds of others have felt that way about her. But me, I am a married man plus I am too old for her.’
I asked how old she was and he said ’31, is that too old for you? Like them younger do you?’
I laughed and nodded my head no and thanked him and walked back to a chair. She had disappeared and the older woman was back working the receptionist desk. I saw my brother come back. He found the car he thought he liked and was going to test drive it for two days.
My work was done. I did my duty. I was hungry so I said goodbye and headed back to my place. I decided to stop at a fast food restaurant. It was busy but I had a taste for a good old fashioned cheeseburger. Having received my order I promptly found a small table against a window. Looking outside I drifted off the fantasyland and thought about me, her and together at some amusement park. Off and on I would see myself walking with her holding hands and laughing about everything under the sun. Finally I told myself it was fleeting thought and to blow off the idea. Move on and get a life.
Picking up my drink to swallow down my food someone bumped into me making me almost spill the drink. ‘Oh I am so sorry sir’ a sweet tender voice said from behind me. ‘I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you’ and I turned around.
I looked straight ahead and a big woman stood behind me as my eyes naturally looked upwards and when my eyes reached the face that belonged to the nice figure fireworks went off inside me. My heart blew a gasket. I know my blood pressure soared and I couldn’t smile I was so ecstatic that she was standing there behind me.
‘Ohhhh hiiiiiiiiii’ she asked excitedly. ‘You’re from… weren’t you just over at the…’
‘Yep how are you’ I asked her while looking at her as if she was a Hollywood star. Finally I was able to muster and earnest smile. I felt a heated tingling rushing all through me. Quickly I invited her to seat with me. ‘I’ve got nothing going on today. Go on sit down I’d love your company.’
She declined but my mind was on overdrive and I insisted. ‘Well if you insist’ she said as her face lit up. ‘Then your wish or insistence is my command sir’ and the ways he said it only made me feel like I was hers forever. I was her slave and I’d do anything to make the woman happy.
I smiled what seemed like forever as she talked. Before we knew it she had to go back to work. I didn’t know her name and she didn’t know mine. Other then she has been working there for about a year and a half and she was 31 and a few other basics we knew nothing except one thing.
‘We really liked each other a lot. We clicked. There was a huge spark which could be considered a potentially romantic spark. There I was telling myself I wanted to ask her if we could make out right then and there. There I was telling myself to ask her to marry her on the spot. I did not care. I knew deep in my heart I was in love with the woman.
But life doesn’t happen that way. Life does not work that way. It just doesn’t. We finished our food and the bounce in her step wasn’t there like it was at the dealership. It wasn’t there like it probably was when she got to the fast food place. She wasn’t sulking or despondent but something seemed wrong. She didn’t have a sad expression on her face but she walked out slower then she usually walked around from what I quickly gathered from when I saw he walking around at work.
‘Hey are you okay’ I asked.
‘Yeah I’m fine’ as her voice trailed off a little. I didn’t believe her.
‘I had… I loved having lunch with you… by the way I am Dan’ I finally told her.
Her face lit up again. That bounce in her step came alive. ‘I’m Sue Anne’ she told me. ‘It is nice to meet you Dan’ she said. I wanted to go and hug her regardless if I didn’t know her. I felt like we needed to hug. I wanted to hold her hand, hug her body, kiss her lips and go down on a knee and ask her right there in the parking lot if she would consider marrying me I the near future.
‘Dan’ she started to ask ‘Ummm is it possible you and I’ and my hormones kicked in before she got to the end of her question.
‘Could male love with each other’ I asked myself. ‘Sure’ I told her before she spit out her question.
She laughed at me. ‘I wasn’t even done asking you’ she said. ‘What were you thinking I was going to ask you?’
‘Ohh umm nothing’ I came back shaking my head with my eyes closed. ‘I don’t know, it was nothing Sue Anne.’
‘No really what were you thinking? I wanna know?’
‘Honestly Sue Anne I was thinking a million things well no I was thinking a few things but what did you want to ask me?’
She kept insisting I tell her but I looked at my watch t
hen she looked at hers. ‘You can tell me later when we go out to dinner tonight’ she said. ‘Wait you aren’t married are you Daaaan?’
Smiling I nodded my head no and we said goodbye to one another. Before I realized it I didn’t know her phone number, her address or anything else except her name and where she worked. I got home and thought about it all. I thought how much I wanted to be next to her, holding her and kissing her lips. I thought about it so much I pulled out my cell and called her.
She answered I a sweet professional voice and I said ‘Hi how’s it going?’ She said fine. ‘This is Dan.’
‘Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Daaaaaan I am sooooo glad you called me. Do you know what’ and I said yes I did. ‘I never ever gave you my address or phone number’ and I started laughing, she did too and I told her that’s why I was calling her. ‘Youuuuu are such a darling’ she said. ‘You are soooooooo sweet Daaaan.’
I asked her what time she gets off work. She told me 3:30 and I told her I’d be there at 3:35. She was giddy. I was nervous and anxious. I kept thinking ‘Ask her to marry you now before she gets away.’
I was there promptly and she insisted I follow her to her apartment. She left it there and hopped in my car and we looked at each other. We smiled like too teenagers having kissed for their very first time.
‘Sue Anne I am going to tell you exactly what it was I was thinking.’
‘Really’ she asked. ‘That is so cool. That is so neat that you would open up so early in a relationship. I really like that. I’m going to tell you something too maybe but it all depends on what you tell me first. Kind of like a truth or dare game, kiss and tell or some of that nature okay?’
Her face stayed on permanent overdrive with the smile she emitted. I was in heaven. She made me feel so euphoric inside that I had to tell her that also. I told her everything and I mean everything. She was stunned and surprised at the same time. She was flabbergasted I’d tell her all those thoughts I had. She couldn’t believe it.
‘Even marry me now’ she asked. ‘Even marry me and you don’t know me Dan’ as her eyes flickered and her head shook in disbelief. ‘And consider having sex with me, wow that is so wild Danny’ as if we have been going together for a few weeks already.
Driving along we had been quiet for a few seconds. She turned to look at me but didn’t say a word. I looked at her also but didn’t speak and only smiled. She smiled but it wasn’t one of her big hearted ones I fell in love with.
Keeping my eyes on the road and driving across town I heard her ask ‘Danny would you like to go to your place or my place so we could… well you know make out and umm have sex?’
Suddenly I looked her way. I was floored. She was smiling but cautiously. I didn’t know how to respond at first. I felt my body tingle. ‘I’d love to make out with you the rest of the week Sue Anne’ I said looking straight ahead.
‘Really Danny’ she asked ‘because so would I and I’d also love to get naked with you and crawl under the covers… I mean if that’s what you’d like to do it toooo.’
I almost slammed on my breaks. My head jerked to my right and I looked into those wondrous sparkling eyes of hers and asked her ‘Are you sure you mean what you said?’
Smiling like she was just asked to be my bride, which she wasn’t, she nodded her head yes and then I felt her hand touch my lap. My heart jumped up somewhere inside my mouth or so it felt like it. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t have to. When her hit my knee my first thoughts were ‘Go on go further Sue Anne! Sue Anne feel it please will you? Please Sue Anne will you touch it’ and almost groaned out loud. God did that feel great!
I didn’t know her but several hours and there she was touching my lap. I felt a tremendous amount of tingling running between my thighs but I didn’t want things to be like that or at least I never had that intention. I didn’t know if it was her intention to have sex with me but it sure seemed like she did.
‘Sue Anne, can you say you’re comfortable being around me?’
She didn’t understand.
‘Well I guess what I’m trying to ask you is ‘Are we cool with everything” but she still was confused. ‘What I think I’m trying to ask you is I’ve told you I wanted to kiss you romantically and you said the same thing to me. I told you I could ask you to marry me I felt that strongly about you and I and you understood what I meant even though you didn’t feel that way about me yet. But I even told you how I wanted to have sex with you due to how strong of an attraction there was between us and I wasn’t completely serious to be honest and I know I said it anyways so is what we are doing what I think it is?’
‘You mean going over to your place so we can get naked and get under the covers Dan? Well what do you think we are doing’ she asked as if she had no reservations about having sex.
‘I guess I am under the assumption we probably will have sex and well I’m not…’ and I stopped to second guess myself.
‘You can put yourself at ease Danny because I’d love to have sex with you… sometime that is but what I’d love to do is be intimate with you, play with you and your body of course and hopefully you will do that with me won’t you’ she said in the sweetest sounding voice I’ve ever heard.
‘Sue Anne, are you really 31?’
‘Huh how did you know I was 31 Danny?’
‘I asked someone about you?’
‘Who did youuuuu talk to about me Danny?’
‘Does it matter’ I replied and she said no. ‘IT was just because when our eyes met well to be honest with you I fell to pieces. I mean I literally fell to pieces when I saw you. Especially when you smiled at me Sue Anne I, I uhhh ohhhh god Sue Anne I told myself I was going to ask you to marry me.’
‘Daaaanny’ she cried out happily, ‘did you really? Awwwwwwww that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Nobody has ever said thaaaaat to me before. Wow… I mean honestly you really mean it? You said to yourself you were going to ask meee to marry youuuu? No way wow… I just don’t believe it’ she said with a euphoric voice.
‘Wait a minute!’ Her face suddenly became serious. She looked directly in my eyes. I was worried something was gravely wrong such as I did something stupid or I did not do something the right way, I didn’t know for sure. Either way it wouldn’t matter.
Daaaanny… are you… good in bed? I hafta to know if you are good in bed first. No lover of mine or should I say no husband of mine is going to be well that husband if he can’t make real good love in bed. You should know that’ she said with a completely straight face and serious voice.
She carried the serious look on her face, but suddenly her eyes changed and she roared out laughing! It was the funniest but cutest laugh I ever heard.
This girl or I should say woman was too much (she was really flawless I thought). She couldn’t be more perfect! I felt she was the ideal woman. I had hoped I was the perfect man for her too. She laughed in a really neat high pitched tone and then all of a sudden she snorted with a higher pitched snort. It was so damn funny that I even broke out laughing.
‘I’m the one who hopes to live up to your expectations’ she began to say as she started calming down. ‘I hope I’m a good lover. I want to show you how I make love… when we make love that is Danny. If it’s today or whenever Danny, I hope I am the best lover you will ever experience in your life.’
I knew she would be as we looked into each others eyes. I was head over heals for her. I wanted to embrace everything and anything she could offer me or I could give to her.
‘Danny I want to make love to you all the time. I want us to make love forever if we do get married. I’d love to be the mother of your children. I’d love to give you at least four or five babies if we get that chance’ she told me.
I was shocked that she even considered the idea. I was floored. I didn’t
no what to say.
‘I want to be your wife when you are ready to ask me to be your wife. Because… well because I already think you and I are a match made in heaven’ she added as her mystifying gaze seemed to hypnotize me. ‘You should know that lying in bed, under these covers with you, and completely naked… it just sounds fun and exciting! It just sounds really wild in a way to me…’ and she took pause wondering what I thought. She asked me ‘Is it to you too?’
I did a u-turn even though I was 5 blocks away from my place. She asked what I was doing. I only told her ‘Change of plans.’
She knew why, she knew my place was probably a mess. ‘Mine’s going to be a mess too Danny but I don’t care at all. I’m with you tonight and we are with each other. I am soooo excited to be with you tonight, you have no idea.’
‘Oh I should tell you this too, I don’t mind that you are uhhhh kind of a chubby guy either okay?’
I didn’t have any idea why that subject matter came up. My build hasn’t bothered me in several years.
‘It doesn’t bother me at all Danny’ and she turned as she tried holding my hand while I headed towards her place.
We arrived at her place, went in, and she offered me a drink but I declined. I told her I was fine and she said she was too. She led me straight to her room.
‘Wanna just sit and talk first’ she asked. ‘You know kinda get comfy with each other? It’s kinda strange being here all alone with a guy… especially in my bedroom’ she said in a weird voice. ‘I’ve never been in here… with a guy. Ummm I’ve never been with uhhh… I’ve never been…’
‘With a guy’ I asked unassumingly looking at her with a straight face.
She nodded her head yes but she was looking at her bed.
In the same tone of voice I used to confirm she hadn’t been with a guy before I said to her ‘It is okay you know, I’m happy that you haven’t been with anyone before.’ ‘It kinda makes me feel better that I am… well you haven’t… that I am the first guy you have ever been with. Regardless of what…’ but I touched her hand and her lower arm and added ‘Okay… Sue Anne?’
Looking up she said meekly ‘Okay.’
‘May I’ I began to ask but she didn’t know what I meant when I said that, I scooted up in front of her. We looked into the others eyes. It was a romantic gaze for sure. I was going to ask her if I could unbutton her blouse but instead I asked the question again saying ‘May I kiss you now?’
Sue Anne’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. When she did light up, my heart exploded. When I saw her eyes light up I was overjoyed. Her eyes were brilliant. They sparkled. I felt a compelling affection for me. I was overwhelmed with joy, I was in awe of this woman.
A passionate craving to kiss her came over me like a tidal wave. The wonderful joy I felt of being with her rushed within me. I knew right then and there all the desires I had to kiss this woman were totally real.
Sue Anne needed to be kissed. I needed to kiss her. This was nothing but destiny. I wanted her against my body! I yearned to feel her sumptuous lips against mine! I needed her to kiss and hold me so tight that I would explode with the thunderous love which was held captive within me.
I loved her I thought but I wasn’t able to express how much I did nor was I able to express how I loved her the way I wanted to love the woman. She was everything life intended her to be. She had so much to offer someone but no one to offer it to until I came along I think. I was the luckiest man alive! I could feel what she wanted to give away to someone: Love in its purest form!
It did not bother me one iota if she was a big woman. She was a beautiful woman, a beauty queen in my eyes. She was very special and a really nice person who had all the qualities a full figured wooman and all around great person could offer another individual such as me.
With destiny on our side we naturally reached out to the other without waiting for one another to make the first move. We wrapped ourselves around each other in the most passionate kiss I’ve ever been involved with or even seen in a movie for that matter.
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HI, this is my first story here. i am a regular visitor of the site. Thank you for all your stories. now it’s my turn to try and make you horny. hope you like it. It was a chilly weekend morning’s had intended to lie in the bed till late. but the cold air from the window disturbed my sleep. I called out my darling but she dint respond and I was too restless to wake up and close the window’s grabbed another blanket and covered myself from the chill. Just when I was settled in the warmth I heard...
We both were on my bike, the bike making around 100 km/ hour. I don’t drive so fast normally but I was in a hell of a condition. A gorgeous woman was the pillion rider, her creamy, hairless, arms wrapped around my waist and she was pressed hard against me. She was wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. No bra, I had noticed. As I was not wearing anything underneath my t-shirt, I could feel her breasts rubbing up and down my back with every jerk of the bike and often they just pressed against...
IncestNight had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...
He was in high school and he went with his class to Greece. One day, I seriously can't remember, he came back from school with a big smile on his face and he was really happy for some reason. "Hey Aky, guess what." He said happily. "What?" I replied curiously. I better have not.... "I'm going to Greece next week with my class." He said all happy. "Oh, cool. For how long ?" I asked him. "For a month. It's going to be a blast." he said sitting on the bed next to...
_________________________________________ I Was Seventeen And At That Time I Was A Huge Masochist And Loved Anything To Do With Girls I Had Never Done The Do But I Have Dated A Million Chicks And Not One Liked Me In The End I Still Was Going To High school Ready For College But My House Was Kinda Awkward Since My Parents Were Wanting A New Baby Girl So My Parents Were At It All The Time And It Was Annoying But One Day I Came Home From School, My Parents Were Siting On The Couch...
My name is Melinda, I’m 55, divorced and live by myself near Nashville Tennessee. I have long Auburn hair, seductive green eyes, and a full figured body, I don’t go out in the real world to find someone to date, nor do I go online. Mainly because most of the people online are phony, I can never tell whether I am talking to a man or woman. However, my poor heart had been shattered so many times, and on Saturday nights you will find me in front of my computer chatting. His name was Mathieu, he’s...
You roll over in bed and reach for me only to discover that I’m not there. Feeling the empty space in the bed it wakes you up. You get up and come looking for me. I’m sitting in your leather recliner in your man cave totally naked, with each leg draped over each arm of the chair, spreading my pussy lips wide open to give you a great view of the pink flesh inside just dripping with juice. I bring my hands up to play with my nipples, squeezing them and pinching the nipples until they get hard. I...
Hai all. I’m Keerthi from Chennai. I’m a housewife. After reading this story please send me your feedback to: This sexually arousing story is between myself and my sweet husband. I’m 26 and my husband is 28. He is working in an it company. The most important thing is “we got married just 30 days back. This story is about how we got into our sexual life in a way that we couldn’t forget throughout the lifetime. In my house, in a deep village near Coimbatore, there were 5 people. My dad, is a...
Hi. I’m abhinav and i’m from mumbai. Mene ISS per pahele bhi mere sath huwa kissa shere kiya he. And muje bohot sare response mile and bohot sari achi comments and shayad 3/4 ladkiyo ke sath bat chit bhi chalu ho gai he. So thanks ISS for this site. Agar koi or muje contect karna chahata ho to app kar sakte ho 225as225atgmail com. So abb me apni story start karta hu. App log ne jese pahele ki story me read kiya hoga mere and meri sis and meri sis ki friend ritika ke bare me. So abb ne and...
I am Bisu 31 from Angul.I live with my uncles family at their Home. I have 3 cousin sister jini, mama, puspa. This story is about my sister puspa. She looks very beautiful. puspa age 25 after she completed her post graduation she is staying at home. I always wanted to fuck her heard that one of my cousin brother sital had fucked her.I won’t kill your time. Let’s come to the story straight away Puspa having shape 32-26-34 She is slim I heard that she had a lot of bf many have fucked Her.I know...
Hi, M naresh, 33 years old from b’lore. Would like to share my amazing sexperience which I had with my ex-colleague kavitha about 3 years back. I had recently joined a company in bangalore which was in to financial services and was liking my job. With in 3 months, I was my bosses blue eyed boy which made me to work even harder!! Then entered kavitha in our team as well as my life!! Uff what a lady, 5″4′ with an amazing vitals of 34b bra size, 26 waist and 38 hip size( which she had revealed on...
Hi this is a true story which started almost 16 month back. Myself Ashok(definitely name change) stay in Bangalore with and married for almost 5 yrs having good sex life. My wife work in IT and me in sales, so our office timing does not match much as she leave for office by morning 8 am and have weekly off on Saturday and Sunday & I leave for around 10.30 and have weekly off on Tuesday & Wednesday. About myself I am 32 yrs old and do photography as a hobby. Cut to the short I will start my...
Hi all, this is Shyam (name changed) am a 28yr old male having a decent look as most of the girls used to say with tall and athletic body. This is my first story in iss and i am going to share a real experience which happened 7 months before. Let me straight away coming to the incident which has changed my life a lot. The incident which i am going to narrate happened with one of my friends in Chennai a few months back. I work in a MNC and my friend also works in the same company and we are in...
It was the swimsuit that did it. Yes, when you get right down to it, everything that happened between me and my daughter Lisa that summer started with the damned swimsuit. It was early June. I was in the living room watching television when Lisa walked in. She had just turned sixteen that spring, and there was no denying it any longer - Lisa was becoming a woman. Fortunately she had inherited her mother's looks; thick black hair that cascaded around her shoulders, an angelic face with wide,...
IncestHi all this is Harish writing a real life sexperience with office colleague I am a SW guy working in one of the reputed organisation in chennai as a team leader age 28,slim built average looking and not a great cock like whats shown in the movies .We used to have cab pickup to office and drop back since we were supporting european counties .It all started when i saw this girl in the cab and my heart jumped a bit . She was from my area but two streets away and we didnt speak for a week . Then...
Introduction: Radha, a lifelong friend and neighbour has hidden feelings toward her massage therapist Radha is a long time friend and neighbour. I’ve known her and her husband and her daughter Sharmila for more than twenty years. They moved into my neighborhood when I was around seven years old. Sharmila had just been born. My mother used to send me over with cookies and fresh baked pastries. It was her way of welcoming our new neighbors. Through the years, our families became almost as one....
IncestIt was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend. A week before i found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and i think i have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then i had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it out of my mind, but the more it took over my thoughts. What are you going to be doing Monday?’ she asked. ‘Not...
LesbianHi, I am Vinay. I live in Bangalore. I am single. I am very fond of indian sex stories and i want to share an exciting event of my life. It’s a true incident, which happened three years back. I am self. Monica was my friend’s friend. She was married and workingwoman. Monica was a very sexy woman with 38, 28, 38 & 5’ 7” figure. She was so sexy that every body admires her figure. After three years of marriage, she had no baby. We had good family terms and we used to visit each other’s house once...
When I opened the door and let my Rohit come in I knew something was different.He kicked the door shut and straightaway swept me in his arms and carried me to the sofa in the living room. There he kep me and mounted me straightaway.I giggled and tried to push hiom away but he would have none of it. “I want you right now my sexy slut,”He said and raised my housegown to knees revealing my smooth milky white thighs and their fleshy undersides.I sighed as his hand travleed up to my inner thigh and...
Hello friends. I have always written about my past incidences until now. But this time I am jotting down a sexual encounter which took place this week with an internet buddy Pradeep. Pradeep resides in London and we came into contact through email which he had sent after reading one of my previous stories. Gradually after every email we came closer. His emails and chat really excited the horny me hidden behind my innocent face. We both were dying to have a real hot session, especially me....
Hi I’m a regular reader of ISS from New Delhi and after reading so many stories got an idea to write down my experience also. I m writing my original experience with a virgin girl who was working in my C.A’s office in Darya Ganj New Delhi two year back in 2005. Her name was Anjali. She was very good looking and having a nice and attractive body. Her boob’s size was 36D, 22 yrs of age and 5’2″ in height. Let me tell you about myself also I m 5’10”, having good physique, my dick size is 6.5″. She...
I am Rahul age 22 from Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, I want to share my sex experience which I had with my maid, her name is Gayatri 36 years she works in my home from 2years she comes daily in the morning and in the evening, when she cleans the floor of my house her sarry pallu drops and her breasts are clearly visible she wears no bra, daily when she comes into my room to clean the floor I enjoy seeing her breasts and many times I feel as I fuck her sizes are 36-32-55 approx, her husband is a...
Hi I am Vijay again. And this is my story to iss. Earlier I had submitted the encounter with Ruksa (who was my neighbor). This time this is with wife of maid (maid was working in our village with our grand mother’s place). This all happened when I went to my grand mother’s place on vacation. There was maid named Riyaz who was working with them for at least 5 years. In my grand mother’s place there were grand mother, my mama (mom’s brother) and his wife and their kids who were going to school. ...
I couldn't wait to get home. This was the second anniversary of my wedding night. Our first anniversary wasn’t significant because I was still in college, working two jobs, and I had very little money. Tonight is going to be different. My wife had called a told me to hurry home. She said she had something extraordinary planned for that night. When I arrive home, there is an extra car in the drive. I walk through the garage door into the kitchen, and I find my sweet wife cooking a special...
My birthday was approaching, next Friday, and my wife, Linda, since four years asked me what I wanted for present. From the beginning of our relationship we had agreed not to spend to much money on presents but rather give small tokens of affection. In the beginning it wasn't that difficult to make a wish but after four years, eight birthdays, four Christmases and some other days of celebration it was getting harder to come up with something. For a while I thought of asking her for a...
The following weeks seemed like a serious challenge for Joey and Deirdre's relationship. The frequency of tests and quizzes increased until it seemed that they had at least one every day. They made up for that by studying together as much as possible. Deirdre was almost living at Joey and Tess' house, even spending many nights in Joey's bed. Joey switched bis bed against a queen size bed from their guest room, allowing for a better sleep. They did not always have sex on weekday nights or...
Sudha,an unsatisfied woman gets her life long desire to become a proud mother. Dear readers, I was waiting to share my story with someone but was unable to tell to anyone. I was hiding my exciting story to myself enjoying internally by recollecting it and experiencing it again and again. Yes this is my story of how I was seduced by my neighbor. Her name is Sudha. We were staying in an apartment in Mulund west near Kalidas hall. I am Sudhakar, an ex-serviceman. I took retirement on attaining age...
IndianThe sheepish look that was on Violet’s face quickly turned into one of blinding rage. She tried to force her way inside, and looked to want to attack Lillian, until I grabbed her. She kicked and hit my arms and shoulders violently, but I was really surprised when she sank her teeth into my arm. I cried out in pain, but I did not let her out of my grasp, afraid she might hurt Lillian. “Let me go, Davik! The bitch needs to pay for taking what is mine! If you do not let me go, I will...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara ------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 2 - onboard Shelby, in Re-gen 0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...
Angel Wicky proves that blondes have all the fun, even by themselves, in today’s DDF Busty premium porn scene by DDF Network. The Czech glamour pornstar is always running late and it’s for one reason only – she’s so damn horny she can’t wait even a minute to satisfy her XXX needs. The voluptuous vixen is in the bathroom getting ready for the day, her man Steve Q. awaiting her, but she is of course horny as usual, and starts playing with her pink. She gets so into...
xmoviesforyouNote to readers: I might have named my female lead ‘Jillian’, but I like the look of the alternative ‘Gillian’ and its separation from its male form Julian. The pronunciation is the same, just as with the word, ‘ginger,’ and the name of American actress Gillian Anderson. The familiar form, ‘Gilly’ is similarly pronounced like ‘Jilly.’ Please enjoy, as you are able. ***** Gillian gives me her most precious gift. Chapter 02, Part 1 of 2: Gilly (Gillian) became a mystery to me after our...
I have been an avid reader of ISS for many years now. But it’s the first time I am writing a story. Not a story infact expressing a desire I have held for long… I am 28y man working in a well reputed organization. I am a gay bottom for some years now. Having experienced the wonderful feeling it is hard to turn back for me. Off late I am getting more and more engrossed in the feeling and my ultimate fantasy. To be like a woman, dress up and get fucked by my man. Here’s an account of my mating...
Gay Male“Hand plays many parts in control of the male,” Tsai Linn announced to Fara and the other girls who were standing in the training room. Three of the men had been taken upstairs to help with the next stage of the girls’ training while one had been taken off to help in the unloading bay of the Sunrise Tea Parlour. Bernard was stood against a wall on one side of the room, his arms raised up above his head, his wrists chained to a bar. The other two were kneeling, looking at the assembled...
Hi friends, enathu peyar Palani, vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En veethiyil oru thirumanam aagiya manaivi irukiraal, aval peyar nithya vayathu 30 irukum. Avaluku iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal, aval government school teacheraaga velai paarkiraal. Naan siru vayathaaga irukum pozhuthe antha akkavai paarpen aval sexyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga irukum. Mulaiyai paarka paarka enaku aasaiyaaga irukum, oru naal aval thotahil kulithukondu irukum pozhuthu naan aval mulaiyai en nanban veetu motai...
Welcome to Lesbian Dating Stories! In this story, ‘Her Roommates Don’t Know’, the protagonist (Whitney Wright) has been dating a woman (Anny Aurora), and now… well, maybe we should let the protagonist explain this for herself: Oh, man, FINALLY we’re having a date at Anny’s place – for ONCE. I’ve been dating Anny for a few weeks now. Y’know that old joke that lesbians arrive to their second date in a moving van? Well, not Anny. Don’t...