It's All In The Mind - Case Files: Natasha free porn video

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Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.

The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.

As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!

I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If anyone reading this would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.

[email protected]

It’s all in the mind – case files.


Session 1.

I arrived a little early at the doctor’s practice one evening.  I had intended to spend a few minutes sorting through some notes, and then have a fairly light evening, with just a few patients looking for help with stopping smoking or biting nails.  The routine, low level sort of stuff I’d grown used to since I’d started working with my friend, Dr. Dave Ritchie, several months ago.  Among the simple and straightforward, Dave manages to send me one or two interesting, not to say amusing, cases, and on this particular evening he was waiting impatiently for me.

?I’m glad you got here early.? He said, clearly excited, ?I think I’ve got you another good one.  Come and see her.?

I followed him to his consulting room.  Sitting huddled in a chair near his desk was a huddled figure in dark clothing and a headscarf.  At first I thought he was having a laugh at my expense, as he’s done with several other patients, this time however, he looked at me and winked.

?Natasha.? He said softly.  The figure started wildly and spun around to face us.  ?It’s ok, Natasha, this is my colleague Dr. Waters, he is a specialist in stress disorders, and I wonder if he might be able to help you.? He smiled reassuringly.  I looked at the figure.  A pretty, elfin face with blue eyes and a full mouth looked up at me.  She wore no make up, and her hair was completely covered by the headscarf.  Her clothing consisted of a pair of baggy jeans and a shapeless sweatshirt which could have been for someone twice her size.  Dave put his hand on hers, which were knotted together tightly in her lap and said, ?I want to have a quick work with my colleague, and then I’ll be back, ok??

?Can’t you just give me the prescription, doctor?? She asked imploringly.

?Well let me speak to Dr. Waters first, then we’ll see, ok?? He smiled again, then lead me back to my own room.  He closed the door to ensure we had privacy, then turned to me.  ?There’s got to be something behind this one, mate.  She comes to see me every few months for a contraceptive pill prescription.  You wouldn’t think it to look at her now, but she used to be one of the highlights of my day!  Pretty little thing, nice tits, cute pussy. Personality to match too: a fiery redhead!?  He chuckled.

?So what’s she here for tonight? I asked.

?Sleeping pills, tranquillisers, anything to help her ‘get through the day’.  Won’t tell me why she needs all this stuff, only that she has to have some help, because she can’t cope.  I tell you, there’s something big happening in her life, and it’s causing her brain to melt.? He paused for a moment, then smiled, ?Now I used to look forward to seeing her. She was always bright and cheerful, even when I had my fingers up her pussy!  Never seemed to be embarrassed at all.  I’ve never seen her like this.  I thought you might be able to find out what’s going on.  What do you think??  

I shrugged, ?Sure, I’ll have a go.  Book her in for a session and I’ll see what I can find out.?

He shook his head, ?It’s got to be now, tonight mate.  When I started to talk to her about counselling and other things we might try she damn near exploded.  Tears, begging, the lot.  No, I need you to get in her head tonight.  Can you do that??

I thought for a moment, ?Yes, ok.  Get your secretary to cancel my appointments for tonight.  Get her to say I’m tied up at a conference or something, then wheel your basket case in.?

He grinned at me,  ?Fine! Come and have a word with Natasha with me and try to reassure her.?  We went back t where she was still huddled.  He sat down next to her and spoke softly.  ?Natasha, I want you to have a few minutes speaking to my colleague here.?  She began to protest at once, but he calmed her with a smile, ?Just for a few minutes, and then you can come back to me and I’ll see about that prescription. How’s that??

She chewed her bottom lip anxiously, ?You promise??  He nodded.

She looked up at me nervously.  ?It’ll just be a bit of a chat really.? I said, ?Just to see if there’s anything I can do for you which may help the medication to work.?  She nodded curtly, then stood up.  She was no more than about five foot four.  It was impossible to tell anything about her otherwise, as her clothing masked all her other features.  I turned to leave and she followed, trailing behind me like a small child. 

I settled her into a comfortable chair in my room, then asked her to try to relax.  ?This won’t take long at all, Natasha, but I need you to just sit back and try to relax.  Close your eyes and just listen to me for a moment or two, ok??

She leaned back in the chair, her entire body as taught as a bowstring.  I went to work, slowly taking her down and under, until she gave a huge sigh and slumped down in her seat.

?How old are you, Natasha??


?Do you work??

?I’m at university.?

?What are you studying??


?Enjoying it??

She shrugged, ?I was.?

I gave her a key word, to enable me to take her under whenever I wanted.  Then I started to go deep into her psyche. I worked quickly, implanting into her brain the suggestions necessary to enable her to open up to me.  ?Natasha, you can trust me completely.  I am your friend, I will help you.  There’s nothing for you to be worried about, you’re perfectly safe here, understand??

She sighed with relief, ?Yes.?

It took several minutes before I was able to begin to open her mind completely, but my practice on Sally, the girls and my other toys had sharpened my technique to the point where she was soon mine.  ?And you want to talk to me.  You want to tell me everything.  Whatever I ask you, you will answer honestly, understand??

Her fingers twitched nervously as she struggled to hold on to her final defences, then she sighed again and said, ?Yes.?

?Natasha, do you have a boyfriend??

?Yes. Paul.  I’ve been with him for about six months, since I started at university.?

?And you like him??


?Has there been any kind of break-up between you??

?No.  Not at all. I love him.  I love him a lot.  That’s why this is so awful.?

?What’s so awful??

?What I’ve done.  What I’ve done to him.  Oh it would hurt him so much. Oh God.?  She began to cry softly.  I calmed her down, told her everything would be fine, then asked her to tell me what had happened.

?Well it was just over a week ago, when it started.? She began falteringly, ?Paul and me live together in this little flat near the university.  He went off to lectures one morning, and I stayed back to do some study.  There was a knock on the door, and when I opened it there was this man standing there.  He said he was from the landlord, and he’d come to inspect the flat to see if any repairs were needed.  We’d complained to the landlord that the water heater was faulty, so I thought that was what he meant.  I let him in, and he asked me to show him around the place.?

She sobbed softly.  I gave her some more programming, then told her to continue.  She sniffed, then coughed nervously.  ?Well he’d seen the bathroom and kitchen, and we were in the living room. And then he said he needed to see the bedroom.  I went to the door first, and he was behind me.  When I opened the bedroom door he grabbed hold of my hair, then put his other hand ‘round my throat.  He said if I screamed or made a noise he’d kill me. Then he pushed me through the door into the bedroom.  I was so scared.  I felt sure he was going to kill me.  He said if I did everything he said he’d let me live, but if I didn’t he said he was going to strangle me, and then cut me into pieces.?

?Did you believe him??

?Yes. He was so much bigger than me, and he sounded really mean and nasty.  I was terrified.?

?So what happened then??

?He told me to take my jeans off, and I knew then that he was going to rape me.? She began to sob once more.  ?I begged him not to.  I said ‘please don’t do this to me’ over and over again, but he just said ‘do you want me to kill you?’  He still had his hand on my throat, and he squeezed really hard for a moment.  I said I’d do as he said, then I started to take my jeans off.  He was laughing at me as I slid them down, and then he told me to take my knickers off too.  I did that, and then he made me lie on the bed, our bed, the one I sleep in with Paul.?

?Go on. Tell me everything.?

?Well he got on the bed next to me.  I was lying down, but he was kneeling, and he still had hold of my throat.  He said he was going to let go of me, but that if I moved he’d kill me.  Then he let go of my throat and, and ?..?

?Carry on Natasha, remember, you’re safe here.?

?He was looking at me.  Looking at my body.  He started pulling at my T-shirt, pulling it up.  And then he made me take it off.  He pulled out a knife and ran the point across my face. I was sure he was going to kill me. But then he ran the knife down until it was touching my bra, between my breasts.  He was laughing all the time, and then he put the knife under my bra, and he pulled it away quickly, and he cut my bra.  It started to fall away, and I grabbed hold of it without thinking.  That’s when he hit me.  He smacked me across the face and warned me again what would happen if I didn’t obey him.  He pulled my bra apart and he was looking at my breasts. He looked like a hungry animal.  He was licking his lips all the time, and then he started to touch them, and he was saying all sorts of horrible things.?

?Like what??

?He said, ‘you’re a bit of a skinny one, aren’t you? Not much meat on you.’  And then he told me to open my legs.  I was too scared to refuse, so I did it, and he was looking at me down there, and he grinned and said, ‘shaved it, hey? Is that what your man likes?’ And he laughed again.  He was looking at me like I was a piece of meat, and then he started to touch me again.  He squeezed my breasts really hard, and then he pinched my nipples.  It really hurt, and when I started to cry with the pain of it all, he hit me across the face again.  Then he moved between my legs, and he pushed them wide apart.  Then he started to rub between my legs, and he wanted to know what I called that part of my body.?

?What did you say??

?I told him that I call it my pussy, and he sniggered and said, ‘well I call it a cunt!’  And then he made me say ‘play with my cunt, play with my cunt.’ Over and over again, and he was pushing his fingers into me all the time, and it just felt so awful.  Well then he started to open his trousers, and I looked away, but he told me I had to look at it.  And it was all big and stiff, with a big purple head.  He made me say how much I liked it, he made me say it looked lovely, and I wanted him to put it into me.  Then he lay on top of me, and I could feel his hot breath on me, and he started to rub it against my pussy.  He was laughing all the time, saying things about my body, like ‘you may be a skinny bitch, but I bet you fuck good.’  And then he started to push it into me.  I could feel it going deeper and deeper.  I wanted to be sick, and I wanted to cry, but I knew if I did he’d hurt me, so I just lay there and let him do it to me.  Then he began to grunt and groan, and I knew he was going to come inside me.  When he did it felt so horrible I wanted to scream.  He pushed it right up inside me and held it there, and I could feel him coming.?

?Were you a virgin before this happened??

?No, I’d done it with Paul, and one other boy.  But it had never been like that. Oh God, that was awful.  Afterwards, he just got off the bed like it was nothing at all.  And her started to look around the bedroom, in the drawers and everything. He held up some of my knickers and laughed at them, and then he found my address book.  He wanted to know if all my family and friends were in there.  I was too scared to lie, so I told him they were.  He said he was going to take the book away, and that if I went to the police, or told anyone what he’d done, then he’d kill someone from the book.  He said he’d just choose one and find them and kill them.  He was smiling when he said it, but I knew he meant it.  He said he’d be watching me, and if I told anyone I wouldn’t get a second chance.  Then he took my knickers, the ones I’d been wearing that morning, and he said he was going to keep them.  He went to put them in his pocket, but before he did he smelled them.? A look of disgust flooded her face, ?He put them to his face and sniffed them.  Then he said my pussy smelled good, and laughed again.?

?What happened next??

?He left.  When he’d finished looking ‘round my room he just walked out.?

?What did you do then??

?I ran to the bathroom and was sick.  Then I got in the shower and scrubbed every single inch of my body.  God, I was so sore when I got out, my skin was red raw in places.?

?Did you tell anyone what had happened??

?No. I was too scared.  For a few moments I thought maybe he was just saying all those things, so he could get away with what he’d done to me.  But I remembered the look on his face, and I was terrified he’d do something to one of my family or friends, so I didn’t tell anyone.?

?So what did you do??

?I tried to forget it.? She said with a sob, ?I just tried to blot it out of my mind completely.?

?Did that work??

?No.? Another sob.  ?That night in bed, Paul wanted to touch me.  I knew he wanted to make love, but I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone touching me.  He got a bit angry, and then he got out of bed and went to the kitchen.  It all went quiet for a bit, and when I went to see what he was doing he was drinking glass after glass of whiskey.  He wouldn’t speak to me at all, so I went back to bed.  I couldn’t sleep, kept thinking about what had happened.  When Paul came to bed later, I pretended t be asleep, though.  The next morning he was fine again.  All through lectures that day I kept remembering what had happened.  The man’s face, his voice, the smell of him.  It was like I couldn’t escape, no matter how hard I tried.  I kept wondering if he was watching me, if he could see me.  The next day was the same, and the next.?  She screwed up her face in misery.  ?And the day after that he came back.?

?The man who raped you?? She nodded.  ?He came back to your flat??

?Yes.? She sobbed.

?Tell me what happened.?

?Paul had just gone to college.  He’d only been gone a few seconds, and the doorbell rang.  I just thought it was Paul, that he’d forgotten something, so I went to answer the door.  I never thought it would be him again.  I opened the door and before I knew what was happening he’d pushed it open, forced his way in and closed it behind him.  He just stood there grinning at me.  I was too scared even to scream.  He grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me towards him.  He said ‘hello again sweetheart.  Have you been a good girl?’ I begged him to let me go, but he just laughed.  Then he dragged me into the living room and threw me onto the sofa.  He said, ‘I wanted to make sure you’ve been a good girl, and that you haven’t done anything silly.’  I told him I hadn’t done anything.  I begged and pleaded with him to leave me alone, but he just ignored me.  He started walking ‘round the room, like he owned the place.  He was picking up things and looking at them, making all sorts of comments about the things he looked at.  Then he turned back to me and said, ‘did you do as you were told?  Did you tell anyone about our bit of fun the other day?’  I couldn’t believe he called it that, a ‘bit of fun’, the bastard.?

?What did you say??

?I promised him I hadn’t told anyone, not a living soul.  And I swore that I wouldn’t. I promised and promised.  I begged him to go, to leave me alone.  He just laughed at me.  He stood over me as I lay on the sofa.  He was grinning again.  And then he said, ‘as your reward for being such a good, clever girl, you can stand up and let me have another look at you.’  I was crying a lot by then.  It was like a living nightmare.  He sat down in a chair, and said I had to stand up and take my dressing gown off, so he could have another look at me.  I tried begging again, but he just said, ‘I could always cut you a couple of times, until you see sense.’  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the knife he’d used to threaten me before.  He held it up to my face and asked me if I was going to carry on being a good, clever girl, or if I was going to be stupid.  Those were his words, ‘a good, clever girl’.

?So what did you do.?

?I was so scared of him.  I’ve never been that scared of anyone or anything, not even when I was a child.  I just thought I had to do what he said, or he’d cut me.  I stood up and untied my dressing gown.  I remember looking down and seeing my fingers trembling.  Then I opened it and let it fall off my shoulders.?

?What were you wearing underneath??

?I had my night dress on, and a pair of knickers.  He was grinning at me, enjoying himself.  Then I had to turn around so he could look at me.  Then he told me to take my nigh dress off.  I was too scared to refuse.  I pulled it off and then stood there in front of him.  He made me put my arms down, so he could see my breasts.  He said, ‘are you bothered because you’ve only got little tits?’ and he laughed.  I said I wasn’t. He laughed again, he said, ‘most girls I know would be too embarrassed to show those off.  They’re not much bigger than a couple of fried eggs.’  He said he knew twelve-year-olds who had bigger ones than me.  Then he said, ‘I want to have another look at your bald little pussy.’ And he said I was to take my knickers off.  I pushed them down and then stood there while he looked at me.  Because of what had happened I hadn’t shaved it for a few days, and he said I was a naughty girl for letting it get like that.  He said, ‘you’ve got to keep that little pussy shaved, understand?’  Then he stood up and grabbed me by the arm.  He took me to the bathroom, and he said I had to shave it, right there and then.  He said if I didn’t, he’d do it for me, and he held up his knife again.?

I adjusted my cock, which was stiffening rapidly.  ?So what did you do??

?I did it.? She sobbed.  ?He sat on the edge of the bath and watched me as I shaved my pussy.  He made me go over it again and again.  He said I had to get rid of every single hair.  When I’d finished he made me rub baby oil into it.  He said he liked a girl to have a nice, soft pussy.  Then I had to stand in front of him and he was looking really closely at it.  Then he started to touch me again.  When I felt his fingers touch my skin I wanted to be sick again, but I was too scared to move, so I just stood there and let him touch me.  He made me open my legs wide, and then he put a finger inside me.  I mean right inside.  Then he started to push his finger in and out.  It was awful, I hated it, every second of it.  But then my pussy started to get wet, and he laughed at me and said I was a ‘randy little bitch’.  I tried to argue with him, said that it was just my body reacting, but he told me to shut up.  Then he started to play with my button.  He rubbed it and pinched it, then he put his face between my legs and started to lick my pussy and suck my button.?

My cock was now throbbing urgently.  I told her to continue.

?Well then he grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me back to the bedroom.  He made me lie down on the bed and open my legs as wide as I could.  He said ‘your bald little cunt looks all wet.  Maybe it needs a cock up it.’ and he laughed again.  Then he opened his trousers and got between my legs and he raped me again.  Because of the oil he made me put on my pussy, and because he’d been licking it, his cock went straight up inside me, and he thought that was funny.  He said I must like it because I was so wet.  Then he started to do it to me really hard.  It hurt a lot because he was doing it so hard, and I was crying again.  He started to touch my breasts, he was grabbing them really hard, and then he started to suck my nipples.  He grabbed hold of my bottom and pulled my hips up, and he pushed his cock in really hard and deep, and then he started biting my nipples.  It really hurt, and I begged him to stop, but he just went on doing it harder and harder.  And then he came inside me again.? She paused for a moment, tears rolling down her cheeks.  ?Afterwards he said I’d been a good girl, and because of that he wasn’t going to hurt me.  But he said that if I told anyone what had happened, then I knew what he’d do.  He said that he might come back and see me again, and that if he did, and I hadn’t shaved my pussy, he’d do it with his knife.  Then he just went away again.?  She hugged herself and cried bitterly.

I took her even deeper, then told her that when I woke her she wouldn’t think it strange that she was in my consulting room, she would accept this as normal.  However, instead of me sitting with her, she would see her rapist, and she would be too frightened to do anything but obey my instructions.  I counted her awake, then sat back to watch her reaction.

As she slowly regained consciousness she wiped her eyes with her hands, then slowly opened them, blinking nervously.  She glanced around her, then her eyes settled on me.  She stared at me in disbelief for a moment, then a look of horror swept across her face.

?Hello then, my good, clever girl.? I smiled at her.  She froze with fear, unable to move.  ?Surprised to see me?? I grinned.  She flinched.  ?I thought I’d just drop in to have another look at you.  I hope you’ve been following my instructions.?

?No. Please?? She began.

?Be quiet.? I snapped, ?I’m not in the mood to listen to all your whining.  Get your things off, quickly.  Come on, I haven’ got all day, girl.?

Her bottom lip quivered as she slowly stood up.  As she began to lift her shapeless, baggy top tears began to roll down her face.  She pulled it over her head and let it fall to the floor, then she wearily kicked off her trainers.  Her shoulders began to shake as she opened her baggy jeans and let them fall to the floor.  She stood motionless, wearing only a grey/white bra and a pair of black knickers.

?Take that fucking scarf off next.? I ordered.

She pulled off the scarf and a rope of bright red hair unravelled and cascaded over her shoulders.  The bright, hot colour contrasted magnificently against her smooth, pale skin.

?Now the rest.? I ordered.

She sobbed, then reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She removed it carefully, covering her small tits with each arm in turn, then she dropped it onto the pile of discarded clothing,

?Come on then, let’s see them.? I urged.

She moaned, then slowly lowered her arms.  Her tits were small and firm, perched high on her chest.  Her nipples were a delicate pink, already stiffening as her body became more and more stressed.

?Now, let’s see if you’ve been a good girl.? I chuckled.

She flinched, then with a shudder she pushed her knickers down to reveal a completely shaven mound.  She stood awkwardly, her knees pressed together, shoulders hunched, head bowed.

?Turn around slowly.? I ordered.  She shuffled ‘round, head still bowed.  When she turned her back to me I could hardly believe my eyes.  She had the most magnificent arse I’d ever seen!  It was perfectly shaped with taut, firm cheeks, tapering to a slim waistline.  She was practically edible!  She carried on shuffling until she was facing me again.  I stood up and moved towards her.  She flinched and fidgeted, wanting to run but unable to.  I reached out and caressed her tits one at a time.  They were deliciously firm and shapely, her nipples small and pink.  I made her turn once more, then ran my hands across her magnificent arse.  Her skin was sleek and smooth, her flesh warm and inviting.  She shuddered as I traced the crack of her arse with my fingertips, going lower and lower until I could just feel her pussy lips.  I turned her back to face me, then moved her legs apart with my hands.  She obliged without complaint.  Her pussy was every bit as perfect as the rest of her.  Her outer lips met and formed a wonderful, tight looking slit, with only the base of her clit visible at the top of her pussy.  I ran my fingertips across her mound, her skin faultless, then slipped my hand between her thighs and traced the line of her slit.  She whimpered at my touch but made no attempt to move away.  As my finger travelled along her slit I felt her lips twitch involuntarily.

I ordered her to lie down on the consultation couch.  She pulled her knees up, still pressing them tightly together.  I moved closer, then took hold of her knees and pulled them apart.  Her slit opened slightly as I pried her thighs apart.  She covered her face with her hands and moaned as I began to tease her slit once more.  Her pussy was just about perfect, her outer lips concealing the delicate folds within.  As I gently opened them her moist inner lips spread too, and there at the top of them was her small, perfectly formed clit.  I slipped my finger between her lips, savouring the delicious warmth and moisture there.  Her hole was tight and dry, her muscles resisting my finger as I tried to penetrate her.  I moved upwards and stroked her clit, then gently eased back the hood to expose the sensitive tip.  I stroked this gently with my fingertip.  After a couple of moments she moaned in distress as she felt her body respond.

I decided to have a little more fun before I buried my cock in her perfect body. I told her to play with her pussy as she lay on the couch, then I took her deeply under once more and began to explore her mind.

?Natasha have you ever fantasised about being raped??

?I used to, sometimes, ages ago.? She whimpered, ?But that was before ??

?What did you fantasise??

?I used to lie in bed and imagine that this big, strong, gorgeous man had crept into my room.  He got into bed with me and started to touch me.  I tried to push him away but he was far too strong for me.  His hands were running all over my body, and it felt really nice.  I wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t do anything about it, I just had to let him carry on.  And then he lay on top of me, and his cock would be all hard and throbbing, and he would push it into me, and as soon as he pushed his cock into me I came.?

?Did you used to masturbate to this fantasy, like you are now??


?How often did you do that??

?Lots of times. It was my favourite.?

?Are you becoming aroused now??

?Yes.? She gasped.

?I want you to continue your fantasy.  Imagine being touched, stroked.? She moaned softly. ?Does that feel good??

?Ohhhh yessss!? She sighed.

?Are you imagining that stranger’s hands touching you??


?Do you like that??

She pressed her lips tightly together, her eyes closed in concentration. ?Mmmmmmm!?

?Are you close to orgasm??

?Yes. Oh God, yes! Ahhhhhhhh!? She gasped.

?Stop!? I barked, ?Take your hands away, you dirty little girl.?

She moaned with frustration, then moved her fingers away from her moist slit, her hands trembling.

?You want to orgasm, don’t you Natasha??

?Yes! Oh God yes!? She groaned.

I reached down and ran my fingertip along her slit.  She was soaking wet!  She moaned softly.  ?Is that nice, Natasha?? I asked gently as I found her clit and began to stroke it once more.

?Oh Jesus, yes! Oh it feels lovely.? She sighed.

?I want you to imagine that it’s the rapist who is touching you now, the one who came to your flat.?  She gasped with shock, her body tightening.  ?He’s here right now, looking at you, touching you.? I rubbed her clit a little faster. 

She whimpered miserably, ?No, please don’t.?

?He knows all about your fantasy.  He’s laughing at you.  He’s going to play with your body for as long as he likes.  There’s nothing you can do about it.?

Her body began to respond to my teasing.  I reached out my free hand and stroked her tits, teasing and gently pinching her nipples.  ?Does that feel good, Natasha?? I taunted.

She made a strange choking sound, half sigh, half sob.  She closed her eyes tightly, tears escaping from the corners and rolling down her face as she nodded miserably.  ?Yes, you like having your pussy played with, don’t you?? I chuckled, ?Just feel how wet you are.? I grinned, then slipped a finger into her sopping wet hole and began to finger fuck her.  Her hands gripped the side of the couch, I watched the knuckles whiten, then she was pushing her hips up to meet my finger.  ?That’s right, Natasha, you enjoy a good finger fucking! Let your hot little pussy take you over the edge.? I laughed.  She groaned in misery.  ?You want to come, don’t you??  She moaned and sobbed, turning her head away.  ?You do want to come, don’t you Natasha?  It’s almost too much to bear, isn't it?  You’re so close now, I can feel it.  I can feel how hot your pussy is.  Your nipples are standing out like bullets!  You want to come, don’t you Natasha??

?Yes.? She whimpered.

?And you want me to bring you off, don’t you Natasha??

?Please.? She whined.

?Please what, Natasha? Please stop? Do you want me to stop, Natasha?? I teased.

?No!? She sobbed, ?Please don’t stop. Oh I’m so close. Oh I’m going to? Oh I’m! Oh yes! Yes! Ahhhhhhhhh!?  She bucked and writhed around on the couch as her orgasm tore through her body.  As it subsided I sat back in my seat and watched as she rolled onto her side and curled into a ball, sobbing miserably.

I’d now made the contact in her mind between her rapist and pleasure.  I calmed her down, then adjusted her programming.  She would now remember the association, but not the orgasm she’d just had.

?Natasha, I want you to remember your rape fantasy whenever he comes to rape you.  Remember how you used to become more and more aroused as the man in your fantasy explored your body.  You’ll start to feel the same way whenever he comes to rape you.?  She whimpered softly as her body began to respond.  ?You won’t be able to help yourself.  You’ll become aroused as he touches you.  When he pushes his cock into you, you’ll remember how you used to climax imagining a stranger taking you, and you’ll start to enjoy the feelings.  Do you understand, Natasha??

She moaned softly, ?Yes.?

?I want you to think about that now.  Imagine you’re in your flat alone.  There’s a knock at the door.  You open it, and he’s standing there.? She gasped.  ?Imagine that he makes you undress.  You have to take everything off.  You’re completely naked. He can see every inch of your body.  How do you feel??

She screwed up her face in misery, ?I hate it.? She sobbed, ?I hate him being here, hate him treating me like this.?

?Is that all you feel??

?What?? She said, confused.

?Don’t you feel aroused at all??


I stood up and moved towards her.  I rolled her onto her back and spread her legs once more, then I stroked her pussy lips.  ?Imagine him doing this to you.?  She gasped.  ?You like it, don’t you??

?Oh! Ahhh!? She moaned.

Her pussy was still sopping wet from her earlier orgasm.  ?I think you’re starting to enjoy this.? I chuckled. 

She gasped with shock as she felt herself becoming aroused once more. ?No, please.? She moaned, ?Oh please don’t.?

I stroked her clit for a few more moments, then slipped my finger down to her hole.  Her tunnel was warm and wet.  I could feel her muscles respond to the intrusion, squeezing my finger tightly as I pushed it further into her.  I slowly finger fucked her for a minute or two.  She moaned and sighed as her body betrayed her.  I took my hand away, then opened my trousers.  She looked at my stiff cock anxiously, then closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip.  ?Now you’re all juiced up we can have some fun.? I laughed.  She turned her face away.

I moved onto the couch and placed my cock against her delicious, smooth pussy.  I hesitated for a moment, then eased forward.  She moaned as I began to penetrate her, then shuddered as she remembered her fantasy and her programming kicked in.  I began to fuck her with long, slow strokes.  Her pussy felt unbelievably good as my cock slid into her up to the hilt, and then she moaned again.  As I gradually built up the speed of my strokes she gripped hold of the edge of the couch, began to whimper in time to my thrusts.  I glanced down at her body to se that her nipples were now stiff and her face flushed with the conflicting emotions of rape and pleasure.   She began to move her hips in time with mine.  Tiny, almost imperceptible movements at first, gradually increasing until she was pushing her pussy up to meet each stroke of my cock.  I fucked her faster and faster, her body so delicious I had to hold myself back.  Finally I let myself go, shooting my load deep into her perfect pussy.  As I lay on top of her I listened to her gasping for breath and smiled.  She hadn’t climaxed, but she was highly aroused.

I ordered her to wake and dress, then take a seat opposite me.  She obeyed at once.  I put her under and completed the programming.

?Natasha, how do you feel now??

?I don’t know.? She whined.

?Are you feeling aroused??


?Are you a little frustrated because you didn’t climax??


?Are you ashamed because you enjoyed being raped??

She began to cry again, ?Yes.? She whispered.

?When you get home will you masturbate??

?I think so.? She blushed deeply.

?And you’ll imagine the man raping you when you touch yourself, won’t you??


?That’s good. That’s what I want you to do.  And if he comes to rape you again, you’ll become aroused as you did just now, won’t you??


?When I wake you, you will feel refreshed and calm.  You will forget about being raped here this evening, but you will still feel frustrated.  You will want to touch yourself to achieve relief, and when you do, you will fantasise about being raped, understand??


I counted her awake.  She opened her eyes and glanced at me, then she smiled and blushed.

?How are you feeling?? I asked.

?Better. Much better, thank you. Wow, that’s incredible! How did you do that??

?It’s just a relaxation technique.  Come and see me again next week, and we can do that again, ok??

She smiled warmly, ?Sure thing, thanks doctor.?

?Wait here for a moment, while I go and have a quick word with Dr. Ritchie.? I smiled, then made my way to Dave’s consulting room.  I told him briefly what had happened, and he looked at me with a smile on his face.  ?You fucked her?  You lucky, lucky bastard!  When do I get my turn, then??

I grinned at him, ?Soon.  Just give me a couple more sessions and I’ll have her primed and ready.  Now I think she needs some sort of crutch, so she thinks we really are helping her.  Can you prescribe something which will have no effect on her at all??

?You mean a placebo? Sure, easy peasy!  Send her back in.?

I returned to Natasha and told her she should go and speak to Dave,  ?Dr. Ritchie will give you a prescription which should help you to relax.  Don’t forget to come back next week.?

She heaved a sigh of relief, ?Oh thank you doctor.? She gushed, ?Thanks ever so much.  I’ll see you next week.?

Session 2.

Exactly a week later Natasha shuffled into my consulting room, still wearing shapeless, nondescript jeans and a dark coloured baggy top.  She looked tense and nervous.  She perched on the edge of her seat, fidgeting, knotting her fingers together.

?How have you been this week?? I asked, genially.

?Awful.? She said at once, ?I don’t know what’s happening to me.  I think I’m gong mad, or worse.?  I gave her the key word and told her to relax.  She went under at once of course, then slumped down in her seat.

?Tell me what happened since you were last here.? I said gently.

She heaved a huge sigh, then began.  ?It was weird.  When I left here last week I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me.  I felt happy again, you know??  Another sigh.  ?When I was on the bus going home, I started to feel strange.?

?What were you feeling??  She hesitated, clearly reluctant to speak.  I took her down further, gave her the reassurances she needed, then urged her to continue.

?Well as the bus took me home, I started to feel sexy.? She said with another sigh.  ?I hadn’t felt like that since that first morning when he raped me, but on the way home that’s what I started to feel.  I started to think about what had happened, when he’d raped me those two times, and the way he’d just laughed about it.  I should have felt disgusted, I know, but instead I started to feel randy.?  Despite the programming I’d given her, she blushed deeply.

?You were turned on, sexually??

?Yes.? She said in a whisper.

?Tell me what you did.?

?When I got home I found a note from Paul.  It said he was staying over at a friend’s house, and that he’d see me in the morning.  Normally I’d have been annoyed or disappointed, but that night I was glad he wasn’t there.  I went straight to my bedroom and took off all my clothes.  I looked at myself in the mirror, imagining that it was him looking at me.  I felt so turned on, it was weird.  Then I lay on the bed and started to touch myself.  I was really turned on by that stage, and I found myself thinking about him.  I started to remember what he’d done to me, how it felt, how he sounded, how he smelled.?

?And that calmed you down?? I asked with a smile, knowing the answer.

?No!? She gasped, ?It made it worse.  I started to play with my pussy, touching it, stroking my clit.  And all the time I was imagining him doing it.  Then I remembered how it had felt when he put his cock into me, and ?..?

?Carry on, Natasha, you can tell me everything.?

?I came!? She wailed.  ?I came while I thought about him raping me.  It was so powerful, one of the best ever.  Afterwards I couldn’t believe I’d done it.  I felt so cheap and dirty, like I’d been raped all over again.  I went and showered again, like I’d done before.?

?So what happened then??

?The next day, when Paul came home, he wanted to make love, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t bear to have him touch me.  How weird is that?  I can’t bear the man I love to touch me, but I’ll bring myself to climax thinking about that man who raped me.  Paul got really upset, and we had this massive argument.  He accused me of seeing someone else, he said if I wanted him to leave, he would.  I tried to tell him that I loved him and wanted him to stay, but he just kept asking me why I wouldn’t make love with him.  He said there must be someone else.  Finally he stormed out. He said he was going to stay with his mate for a few days.  I just lay on the bed and cried.?

?Then what happened??

?The next day, at about two in the afternoon, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and he was there.?  She bit her lip.  ?He just walked past me into the flat, like he owned the place or something.  He told me to close the door and lock it. He said, ‘we don’t want to be disturbed, do we?’ and he laughed.  It never even occurred to me to argue or refuse, I just did what he said, then I followed him into the living room.  He sat down and looked up at me, he said, ‘have you missed me, sweetheart?’ the he laughed again.  I knew what was going to happen, and I felt sick again.  Then he told me to get undressed, ‘get your kit off.’ He said.?

?And you did??

?Yes. But when I started to undress I felt weird, like I was excited and nervous.  I took all my things off and then stood there while he looked at me.  He made me stand right in front of him, and he was staring at my pussy, and then he touched it and said, ‘glad to see you’re being a good girl, still.’  I didn’t say anything, but I could feel myself starting to get turned on.  He made me stand in the middle of the room and turn around slowly.  He said he liked having a good look at me.  Then I had to stand with my back to him, and open my legs wide and bend over.  I knew he was looking at my pussy again, and he laughed and said ‘you’ve got a really pretty cunt, haven’t you?’?

?And how did you feel??

?I was all mixed up.  I felt sick, and scared, and so ashamed, but I was starting to get turned on as well.  How crazy is that?  Then I had to stand there while he walked around me, looking at me. He stroked my bottom.  He said it was one of the nicest he’d seen.  When he said that I felt something run through me, like electricity.  Then he started to squeeze my breasts and play with my nipples.  They started to go stiff and he laughed at that.  He asked if I was enjoying myself.  I said ‘no’, but I knew part of me was.  Then he said we should go through to the bedroom.  I followed him in, and I lay on the bed without him telling me to. He grinned and said, ‘you are enjoying this, aren’t you?’ I tried to deny it, but he said, ‘you couldn’t get on the bed quick enough, you dirty bitch.’ He thought it was hilarious.  Then he lay down next to me and started to play with my breasts again.  I knew I was turned on by then, and when he put his hand down between my legs I knew he’d find out.  He laughed and laughed when he started to touch my pussy.  He said, ‘you’re fucking soaking down here.’ Then he started to stroke my clit, and before I could stop myself I heard myself sighing with pleasure.?

?You were enjoying yourself??


?Tell me what he did next.?

?He was laughing at me for being turned on, and he kept on saying, ‘you want it, don’t you? You really want it?’  I tried to deny it, but he just kept on laughing at me.  Then he told me to open my legs wider, and I did, but that wasn’t good enough.  He kept saying ‘wider, wider.’  In the end I was lying there with my legs spread wide apart, and he was stroking my clit and pushing his fingers into me, and I could feel how wet I was, and I was moaning with pleasure.  I couldn’t believe I could get turned on by what he was doing, but I couldn’t help it. Then he said that if I wanted it that bad I’d have to ask him nicely to put his cock in me.  He made me beg him to do it.  I had to say ‘please put your cock in me. I want your cock in my pussy’. But even that wasn’t good enough.  He made me say ‘I beg you to put your cock up my cunt and fuck me hard.’  He thought that was really funny.  I was so desperate I didn’t care what I said.  Finally he moved between my legs and put his cock against my pussy.  He looked down at me and grinned, then he said, ‘OK, you slut, here it comes.  Enjoy it!’ And then he pushed all the way in, and ??  She sobbed miserably.

?Go on.?

?I came.? She wept.  ?As soon as he pushed into me, I came.  Then he started to do it to me, and he was doing it really, really hard.  He was grunting like an animal, and he kept grabbing my breasts and squeezing them really hard. He made me say I liked it.  I had to say ‘I love having your cock up my cunt.’ Over and over again.  And then he came in me.  He seemed to be coming for ages.  I could feel him shooting inside me, again and again and again.  Finally he just fell on top of me, and all I could hear was his breathing and grunting, and the smell of his body on mine.  I couldn’t move.  I was trapped under him, and I just wanted to die of shame.  And then he rolled off me and lay on his back laughing.  He said, ‘I knew you’d be the type to like it rough.’ Then he laughed again.  He got up off the bed and looked down at me.  I tried to turn away, but he made me stay where I was, lying on my back with my legs spread wide.  He looked between my legs and grinned, and he said, ‘not that’s a well fucked cunt.’  Then he pulled up his trousers and just walked away, but when he got to the door he turned and said, ‘see you again, soon.’?

?What did you do after that??

?I showered again.  I remember standing in the shower for ages, just sobbing.  I couldn’t understand how I could react like that.  How could I like being raped?  I thought I was going mad.? She paused again, sniffing and moaning.  ?That evening Paul came back, and he said he was convinced I was seeing someone else.  I denied it, told him how much I loved him, and he said ‘OK then, prove it.’  He said if I loved him I should show it by going to bed with him, right there and then.  I didn’t want to lose him. I love him.  So I said ‘ok’.  But when we got into bed and he started to touch me, all I could think about was him. How he touched me, what he said, how I felt.  I started to get turned on again.  Paul thought it was him, but I was really thinking about him.  When Paul got on top of me and put his cock into me I came again, just thinking about what had happened earlier.?

?Do you think Paul suspected??

?No. I know he didn’t.  Afterwards he said he was sorry for suspecting me. He said he knew I wouldn’t go with anyone else, he said I wasn’t that kind of girl.  I lay there in his arms and wanted to cry because of what I’d done, and what I was doing to him.  The following morning he wanted to have me again.  I didn’t want to, but he was really kind of begging me.  He just wanted a quick one, because he came really quickly, then had to rush off to lectures.  I just lay in bed, trying to make sense of it all.  But then I started to feel randy again.  I started thinking about him again, and I started to touch myself.  I closed my eyes and opened my legs wide, like he’d made me.  I imagined what I must have looked like, lying there with everything exposed as he touched me.  I remembered the smell of him, and the sound of his voice and his laughter.  It was all too much, and I came again.?

?And has he been back since??

?The rapist? Yes. He came to see me again that afternoon, and it was the same again. I had to strip for him, then show him my body, then lie on the bed and he touched me, and I got turned on again.  He loved that.  Kept saying what a hot little slut I was.  Then I had to beg him to rape me again.  And when he did I came again.? She took a deep, ragged breath, then went on.  ?He came again the following day, and it was exactly the same.?

?How do you feel now??

?Like I’m losing my mind.? She laughed bitterly, ?How else would I feel?  Every woman’s nightmare, and I love it.  Can’t get enough of it.  I even fantasise about it.  When he doesn’t come and rape me, I rape myself.  How insane is that??  She shook her head and sniffed.

?He called you a slut.  Is that what you think you are??

?Of course I am.? She snorted, ?How could I be anything else behaving like I have??

?Maybe it just appeals to you?  Perhaps you have a need for this kind of sexual activity.  Have you ever fantasised about having casual sex with someone you don’t know, or hardly know??

?I suppose so.  Doesn’t everyone?  But this is different, this isn’t fantasy, it’s happening.?  She wept.

?But when it’s happening you enjoy it, don’t you??


I delved deep into her psyche, began to manipulate her thoughts.  ?Natasha, I want you to believe that you deserve what is happening to you.  You’ve fantasised for years about being raped, and having casual sex with strangers.  Now it’s happening to you, it’s entirely your fault, understand??


?You will tell yourself that you deserve to be raped.  You will believe that you deserve it.  If you didn’t deserve it, why didn’t you report it to the police when it first happened?  Why didn’t you tell Paul?  Why do you enjoy it?  Why do you fantasise about it? Understand??


?You know it’s wrong.  You know that you shouldn’t be like this, but there’s nothing you can do about it.  It’s just how you are.  Understand??


?You will believe that you need to be punished for all the bad things you’ve done, all the bad thoughts you’ve ever had.  It was wrong to fantasise about being raped, and now you’re going to be punished, understand??


?You want to be punished for what you’ve done, don’t you??


?You’ll start to think about the rapist.  You’ll want him to come to you again.  You’ll wonder what he’ll want you to do next time.  And you know that you’ll do anything he wants, anything at all, understand??


?And you’ll enjoy it every time he comes to you.  You’ll enjoy being punished, understand??


?But that’s a bad thing, isn’t it?  You’re not supposed to enjoy being punished.  And so you’ll need to be punished again and again, won’t you??


?You’ll start to look forward to being punished.  You’ll want him to come and punish you.  It’s what you deserve, isn’t it??


I gave her several minutes to absorb her new programming, then told her to wake slowly.  When she was fully awake, she would see the rapist instead of me.  I sat back and watched as she gradually regained consciousness. 

She opened her eyes, blinking in the lights, then looked around her.  She saw me and gasped.

?Hello again.? I grinned, ?Can you guess why I’m here??  She went pale, then her eyelids flickered as her programming kicked in.  ?Well can you?  Can you guess what we’re going to do?? I smiled.

Her breathing quickened.  She looked at me from under her lashes.  ?What do you want me to do?? She said quietly.

?You know what I want you to do, don’t you?? I grinned.

She looked away, then nodded, ?You want me to take my things off, don’t you?? She said with a moan.

?There’s a good, clever girl!? I laughed.

She flushed deeply, then slowly got to her feet.  She pulled off her baggy top then let her jeans fall to the floor.  She kicked them off, together with her trainers, then unfastened her bra and let it drop.  She drew in an unsteady breath, then pushed her knickers down and stepped out of them.  Then she turned to face me, her arms hanging loosely at her sides.

?Nice!? I smiled, ?Very nice indeed.?   She gasped, then lowered her head.  ?Let’s have a look at that pretty little pussy of yours.? I grinned, ?Come closer.?

She shuffled forward until she was standing just inches away from me.  I could feel the warmth of her body, could smell her musk.  I ran the back of my hand over her smooth mound.  She flinched at my touch, pulling her hips back, then quickly pushing them forwards again.  ?That’s right, clever girl, you like having your cunt played with, don’t you?? I teased, ?Are you getting wet yet?  I bet you are! I bet you’re all hot and wet thinking about having my cock up your cunt, aren’t you??  She whimpered softly, then squirmed as I slipped my hand between her thighs, began to stroke the soft, delicate skin there.  I applied gentle pressure to the inside of her thigh and she immediately shuffled her feet apart. I ran the tip of my thumb along her perfect slit and she shuddered.  I could feel the warmth and moisture there already.

?My, my, you are getting excited, aren’t you?? I said with a chuckle.  She whimpered again.  I stood up.  ?Let’s have a look at the rest of you.? I grinned.  She stayed motionless as I reached out and cupped her small, firm tits.  I ran my thumbs over the tips of her nipples, watching them stiffen.  Her breathing was rapid and shallow, her tits rising and falling quickly.  I stroked the sides of her tits gently with my fingertips. She moaned softly.  ?That’s right, you just enjoy yourself.? I grinned. Her face flushed a deep, hot red. 

?Turn around.? I ordered.  She obeyed at once, presenting her fabulous arse to me.  I touched a fingertip to her skin between her shoulder blades, then slowly ran it downwards.  As I reached the small of her back she sighed, then shuddered again.  I ran my finger lower, reaching the top of her crack.  Then I paused, waited.  After a moment or two she glanced over her shoulder at me, her eyes alight with yearning, then she pushed her hips back towards my finger.  I looked into her eyes and grinned, then slipped my finger down, tracing her crack.  As my finger started to curve towards her slit she pushed her hips back again.  I chuckled, ?Be patient.  I’ll play with your cunt soon enough!?

She groaned with shame, closing her eyes and biting down on her bottom lip.  As I pushed my hand between her thighs she shuffled them apart again.  She shuddered and gasped as I touched her pussy lips, then moaned as I slipped my finger along the length of her slit.  I leaned in close and murmured in her ear, ?You’re getting hot and wet, aren’t you??  She took a deep, ragged breath, then nodded her head.  ?Would you like me to stroke your pussy some more?? I teased.  She whimpered with shame.  I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her to face me once more.  She looked up at me with eyes that were both fearful and hopeful.  I ran my fingertip down from her throat, between her tits and over her taut belly.  As my finger approached her mound she lowered her head once more, concentrating on the feelings within her.

Her entire body was tight as my finger found it’s way almost to the top of her slit.  She took another deep breath as I touched the very base of her clit, then released it in one sibilant hiss as I pressed on her button.  ?You like that, don’t you girlie?? I teased.  She didn’t respond.  I pushed my finger along the length of her clit, then began to rub gently on the tip.

?Ohhhhhhh!? She groaned and shuddered.

?Mmmm, yes, I can see you really like that!? I laughed, ?Would you like me to do it some more, or would you like my cock up your cunt??

She gasped, then shook her head, ?I, er, I mean, I, er, ohhhh!?

I grinned at her anguish, then pushed my finger between her pussy lips and began to tease the entrance to her hole.  ?You‘re really, really wet, you know.? I chuckled, ?Would you like me to stop, or do you want me to put my cock inside you??

Her eyes flew open. She stared at me feverishly,  ?Stop, yes!? She gasped, then ?No! Don’t stop.?

?Make your mind up girlie!? I grinned as I gave her clit another stroke.

Her breath was now coming in ragged, irregular gasps.  Her face was flushed a deep, hot red, her lips swollen.  Her nipples stood out like bullets and her pussy was wet and slippery.  I knew she was close.  I wanted to hear her say she wanted me to carry on raping her.  I concentrated on the sensitive tip of her clit, began to tease it with tiny circular motions of my fingertip. 

She shut her eyes tightly, her jaw hanging loosely.  ?Please don’t stop.? She whimpered softly.

?You want my cock up your hot, wet cunt?? I teased.  She nodded urgently, eyes still tightly closed.  ?Then say it.  Beg for it, girlie!?

?Please put your cock in me.? She gasped, ?Please. I want you to put your cock in me.?  I laughed at her urgency.  She opened her eyes wide and stared at me, her pupils dilated, ?Please?? She gasped.

?Bend over the desk then.? I barked. 

She turned to my desk and bent over it, her elbows on the polished surface.  She looked over her shoulder at me expectantly.  Her arse looked magnificent!  She spread her thighs wide, I could see her swollen, wet slit glistening.  I stepped behind her and dropped my trousers, then ran my glans along her slit.  She shuddered and moaned, pushing her hips back onto my cock.  I let my glans rest on her clit for a moment or two.  She sighed, then wriggled her hips, rubbing her stiff little nub against it.  I placed my cock between her lips, then eased forward.  Her pussy was hot and welcoming and she pushed her hips back once more, urging me into her. I reached ‘round and cupped her tits, rolling her nipples gently between thumb and forefinger. 

?Ahhhhh!? She sighed with pleasure, then shuddered again as I drove my cock deep into her.  She whimpered and moaned with each stroke of my cock, grinding her hips back onto mine.  I took hold of her hips, began to pull her back onto me while I rammed my shaft into her.  I could feel her body tensing as she neared orgasm, could feel her trying to catch the fleeting moment which would give her release.  She began to let out a series of long, low moans as I stroked into her.

?Ohhhhhhhh!  Ohhhhhhhhhh!  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!?

I held myself back, not wanting to come too soon. Her body was delicious in every way.  As her urgency grew she looked over her shoulder at me repeatedly, tossing her magnificent mane of hair around.  I reached out and took a hand full of it, knotting my fingers into her brightly coloured locks.  As I started to climax I pulled tightly on her copper coloured mane, forcing her body back against mine.  She groaned, then began to whimper as she felt me nearing climax.  Feeling her own orgasm building she gasped and moaned as she ground her hips against my cock.

?Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!? She shrieked.

As I exploded inside her, her body began to shake.  She was gasping and moaning, and then I fell forward, pinning her to the desk.  Her body heaved beneath me, her moans and cries muffled.

After a few seconds I raised myself and stepped away from her.  She moaned as she felt my cock slip from her pussy. I slumped into a chair happily.  She started to get up from the desk, her movements laboured, almost painful.  She turned towards me, her face tear stained.  She looked shattered.  ?Can I go now, please?? She said flatly.

I put her under and told her to put her clothes on.  As soon as she was dressed I put her under and wiped her memory of the rape.  As I woke her again I told her to return a week later.

Session 3.

Natasha returned a week later, as ordered.  I gave her the necessary programming to enable her to relax, then told her to tell me what had happened that week.  I settled back into my seat expectantly.  She didn’t disappoint!

?The day after I saw you, he came to my flat again.? She began,  ?I opened the front door of the flat and he just walked in, like he had before.  After I closed the door he pushed me up against the wall and started touching me.  He was grinning all the time, and he put his hand inside my top and started to squeeze my breasts.  Then he put his hands between my legs and squeezed there as well.  Then he asked me when Paul was due back.  Without thinking I told the truth, that Paul was away until late that evening.  When I told him that he smiled, and I felt my heart sink.  He said that as my boyfriend was away, there was no need to rush, that we could take our time and ‘have some real fun.’  He took me into the living room, and then he made me undress for him again.  Then, when I was naked and he was looking at me, he started to ask me questions.  He asked me how long I’d been with Paul, and how long we’d been living together.  Then he wanted to know the things he did to me that I liked, really personal stuff.  He asked me if he licked my pussy, and if he sucked my nipples.  I had to tell him everything, and he laughed at me over and over again.  Then he wanted to know if I sucked Paul’s cock.?

?Do you?? I asked with a grin.

?Only sometimes.  Not very often. Paul likes me to, but I don’t like it very much.  Once I did it for him, and he came in my mouth.  I hated that.  I told him about that.  He wanted to know all about it.  Why I didn’t like it, was it the taste?  Was it the feeling?  Was it just the idea of having a cock in my mouth?  He wanted to know if I licked his balls.  Did I let him come on my breasts?  He asked me if I played with my pussy. Then he asked me what I fantasised about when I did.?

She flushed a deep crimson, her mouth turned downward and she began to cry again.

?When I told him that I fantasise about being raped he roared with laughter.  He said ‘I knew you liked it.  Why else would you keep letting me fuck you without going to the police?’  I tried to tell him that I was too scared to, but he laughed again and said I was lying. ‘You’ve just told me you bring yourself off fantasising about what I do to you, so don’t tell me you’re scared!’ he laughed.  Then he made me lie down on the floor, and he told me he wanted to watch me play with myself.  He told me I had to do everything like I was on my own, fantasising about being raped.?

Her tears were flowing freely now, her face burning with shame.  I took her deeper and adjusted her programming to enable her to relate her ordeal.

?I’ve never felt so ashamed and dirty.? She whined, ?He sat in his seat, and I had to lie down right in front of him.  He made me move until he had the best view, then he told me to get on with it.  I can’t believe I actually did it.  I was so shocked by what was happening I was dizzy.  But I did what he said.  I opened my legs and put my hand down and started to stroke my pussy.  I thought I was going to be sick I was so ashamed. And then I touched my clit and it was like electricity.  I’ve never felt like that before.  He was grinning down at me as I touched myself, watching everything.  Then he said I should tell him what I was imagining.  He said, ‘I want to hear you say it all.’?

?And did you??

?Yes.  I told him everything.?

?Tell me what you told him.?

?I said that I lie in bed and I imagine that I’m alone in the flat, and I’m just relaxing, when the doorbell rings.  And I go to the door and it’s him.  He forces his way in and tells me to do whatever he says, and I’m too scared to refuse.  Then we go to my bedroom and he tells me to undress. I imagine him watching me undress, how each part of my body is exposed to him; my breasts, my bottom, and finally my pussy. I imagine watching him as he looks at me, and then I have to lie on the bed and open my legs as wide as I can.  And he can see everything, every part of me.  Then he opens his trousers and his cock is big and hard, and he lies on top of me and pushes it into me.  Then I told him how I would wait until I was about to come before I put my fingers into me, imagining it was his cock.?

?What did he say??

?He said I was ‘a randy little bitch.’ He laughed at me.  Then he made me do things to myself.?

?What things??

?He made me pull my pussy lips apart and push my hips up high, so that my pussy was completely open for him.  Then he made me stroke my clit slowly, and when I sighed or moaned he giggled at me.  Then he made me stroke it faster, and faster and faster.  It was too much.  I begged him to stop, to let me stop, but he said, ‘no, I want to watch you come you dirty slut.’ I begged him not to make me do that, but he just laughed at me.  He said I’d better do as he said, or he’d hurt me.  I just closed my eyes and did it, and then I came, and he was laughing at me again.  I can’t believe I did that.  I’d never let anyone see me doing that, never, and there I was doing it while he watched, and telling him what I was thinking and imagining, and coming.  I just felt so dirty.  Then he said ‘well now you’ve had your fun, it’s my turn.’  And he told me to kneel down in front of him and suck his cock.  I pleaded with him I said I do anything he wanted, whenever he wanted, but that I couldn’t do that.  He just grinned at me, ‘you did it for boyfriend, you can do it for me.’ He said.?

?Did you do it??

?I had no choice.  I got to my knees and moved between his legs.  He dropped his trousers, and his cock was stiff and hard.  I could see it pulsing.  I just closed my eyes and put it in my mouth.  It was disgusting.  I tried just putting the tip of it in my mouth, but he put his hand on the back of my head and forced me down on it, until it was almost touching the back of my throat.  He kept grunting and saying things like, ‘suck my fat cock you bitch.’, and ‘use your tongue.  Lick it.’ He said I had to lick it like it was a great big lollipop.  It felt like I was doing it for ages, and I kept wanting to be sick, but he held me there.  Then suddenly he grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me away from him.  He dragged me to the floor, and he lay down next to me, and he said I had to get on top of him.  He said, ‘you’re going to do the fucking now, bitch.’  And I had to do it.  I got on top of him, and I put his cock against my pussy and I sank down on it.  He started to squeeze my breasts, making me go up and down on his cock.  Then he slapped my bottom and said, ‘come on, put some effort into it.’ And he was laughing again.  I could feel myself getting turned on again, and I started to do it faster and faster, riding him.  His cock was deep inside me, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer.  He was looking up at me and grinning, really pleased with himself.  He kept asking me if I was enjoying it, and when I lied and said ‘no’ he laughed and called me a, liar.  I was so close to coming, but I couldn’t get there, so I went faster still, and he started to pinch my nipples.  It really hurt.  And then he started to push up, pushing his cock into me.  I knew he was close to coming, and I felt mine coming too. And then when he started to come, I came with him.?

She paused for a moment to draw in a huge breath, before letting it out again with a heavy sigh.  ?Once he’d finished he started to make fun of me again.  He said I was a hot little slut, and he said that he’d never met anyone who liked a cock up her like me.  I felt so ashamed.  He started to get dressed again.  Then he wanted to know when Paul would be around the following day.  Stupidly, I told him that he was at college all day, but that he’d be back in the evening.  He said that I was to meet him at seven o’clock the following evening.  I said I couldn’t, but he just said, ‘just fucking be there.’  He said I had to wear some nice clothes as well, ‘not those fucking rags you always have on.’ he said.  And he told me to wear make-up.  ‘doll yourself up.’ He said.?

?And did you??

She sighed again, ?Yes. I told Paul I’d been invited out by some old friends from school.  He didn’t like it.  He said he thought I was meeting another man.  Like before, I denied it, I said I loved him.  He took that as an invitation to make love, and I couldn’t refuse him or he’d have been suspicious.  All the time he was touching me and having me, I was thinking about him. What was he going to make me do? What was going to happen.  I came again.  Paul thought it was him, of course.  Then I had a shower and put my make-up on.  I wore a long skirt and a top. I didn’t know what he would want, so I just tried to make myself look a bit more feminine.  Then I went to the meeting place, like he’d told me to.  I was there at seven, waiting.  There were a couple of guys who came and spoke to me, chatting me up, but I told them I was waiting for someone.  By half past seven I was sure he wasn’t coming, and I was about ready to go home.  Then this big, old white car pulled up and he called to me to get in.  He didn’t say much to me as he drove along.  We went to this business park on the outskirts of town.  Everything was closed.  He pulled into a side street and stopped.  Then he turned to me and said, ‘let’s have a look at you then.’?

?It was dark.  He made me get out of the car and stand in front of the headlights.  He looked me up and down, and said I looked better than I’d done before.  He asked me if I had a bra on, then he told me to take it off.  He took it from me and hung it on the aerial of the car.  He thought that was funny. Then he made me go to him and kiss him.  He’d never made me kiss him before.  He smelled of stale cigarettes and beer.  He pushed his tongue into my mouth, the started to touch my breasts.  He took hold of my hand and pushed it down, made me rub the front of his trousers. ‘do it like you mean it,’ he said.  Then he pushed me up against the front of the car and started to lift my skirt up.  I said ‘no’, because someone might see, but he just laughed and said there was no one around.  He was still kissing me, and then he had lifted my skirt and he put his hand in my knickers and started to rub my clit.  I got turned on in no time, and he laughed at me again.  Then he said I had to kneel down and suck his cock again.  He looked down at me with that stupid grin on his face as I knelt in front of him and opened his trousers.  I sucked his cock for a few minutes, and then he told me to stand up and take my knickers off.  I was really nervous in case anyone saw me, but I did as he said.  He held out his hand and I had to give them to him.  He held them up like they were a flag or something, then he laughed again.  He knelt down in front of me and told me to lift my skirt up.  I begged him to take me somewhere else but he just laughed at me.  I sort of inched my skirt up bit by bit.  I kept looking around to make sure no one else was around, and then he pushed my skirt right up to my waist.  He just knelt there staring at my pussy for a few moments, then he started to lick me.  He pushed his tongue right inside me, and then she started to lick my clit.  He knew I was really turned on, and then he said, ‘lift your top up and play with your tits.’  He carried on licking my clit, and I pulled my top up and stroked my breasts and nipples for a while.  I was really turned on, and the thought of being caught like that seemed to make it even more exciting.?

She shifted around with embarrassment.  ?After a while he said, ‘now your cunt’s nice and wet, what shall we do about it?’ I knew what he wanted me to say, and he knew I’d say it.  I tried not to say it, but I had to give in.  I said ‘put your cock in my pussy please’ and he laughed at me again.  He made me bend over the bonnet of his car and lift my skirt right up.  Then I had to spread my legs and he stood behind me and he had me.  He pushed me forward until I was right over the bonnet of his car, and he was doing it really rough.  I wanted to come, but I couldn’t catch it. Every time I thought I was going to come it slipped away.  He was doing it for ages, grunting and groaning, and I was really scared in case anyone found us.  Then he started to go faster and I knew he was going to come.  When I felt him start to come inside me I came too.  Afterwards he hung my knickers over the aerial too, and he made me keep my top up as we drove along.  I kept ducking down whenever there was a car coming the other way.  He kept looking at me and grinning all the time, like there was some sort of private joke.  Finally he dropped me off a little way from the flat.  I asked him of I could have my knickers and bra back, and he laughed and said only if I put them back on right there in the street.  He watched me as I took them off the aerial.  I put my knickers on first, then managed to put my bra back on without taking my top off.  He asked me when Paul was going to be out.  He was angry when I told him that Paul was going to be in for the rest of the week because his lectures had been cancelled.  Then he told me to give him my mobile number, and he said he’d call me.  Then he drove off.?

?And what happened after that??

?He didn’t call me for two days.  I was wondering what had happened to him, and every time I got a phone call or a text message my heart would sink because I thought it was him.  Then one afternoon as I was leaving college my phone rang, and it was him.  He said I had to meet him right then, and he told me to go to the bust stop near the college.  He picked me up there about ten minutes later.  He wanted to know if I’d missed him.  He laughed about it.  Then he wanted to know if I’d played with myself at all since he’d last had me.?

?What did you tell him??

?I told him that I’d done it once, and he laughed again.  He asked me if I’d fantasised about being with him.  I told him that I had.  He wanted to know if I’d done it with Paul, and if I’d been thinking about him when Paul had been making love to me.  He made me tell him how I had been thinking about him while I’d been in bed with Paul, he thought that was really funny.  He took me to an old lock up garage.  We went inside and I had to undress and then he made me sit on the bonnet of his car and play with myself until I came.  I felt so cheap and slutty, and he made me do all sorts of awful things.?

?Like what??

?He made me lick my fingers, and then play with my pussy for a while and then lick them again.  He made me put my knickers into my pussy.  He wanted them to be really wet.  Then I had to give them to him, and he said he was going to keep them as a reminder of what a slut I was.  While he was watching me he kept asking me all sorts of questions, like how old I’d been when I’d lost my virginity, and how many boys I’d done it with.  He made me tell him about my fantasy again, about being made to undress for him and show my body before he raped me.  After I’d come he made me suck his cock again and then he had me.  I came again when he did, and he laughed at that.  He said I must be addicted to cock.  He thought that was funny too.  Then he drove me home.?

?And after that??

?That was two days ago, and I haven’t heard from him since.? She said.

?And are you missing him??

?No! I mean, yes, er, I mean I suppose so, I don’t know.?

?But have you masturbated since then??


?And you thought of him having you??


I decided to have some more fun with her.  ?Natasha, you believe that you deserve to be treated like this, don’t you??


?And why is that??

?Because I’m a slut.  I used to fantasise about being raped, about just doing it with someone I didn’t know.  Now it’s happening for real, and it’s no more than I deserve.  When he does it to me I feel so dirty, and afterwards I want to kill myself.  But he makes me come every time.  And when I’m alone I touch myself and think about what he does to me.  I keep telling myself that I hate it, but I must like it really, because I keep fantasising about it and when he rapes me I always come.  I’m a dirty little slut, and I deserve to be treated like this.?  She began to cry again.

?Natasha, you have to continue letting him treat you this way, understand??


?You mustn’t think of harming yourself in any way, understand??


?And you must do whatever he says.  It doesn’t matter what it is, you have to do it, understand??


I brought her ‘round, made her strip and ploughed my cock into her delicious pussy once more.  Then I sent her away with instructions to come and see me the following week.

Session 4.

I was fascinated to hear about Natasha’s latest ordeals.  The thought that I could aid a complete stranger in his ruthless exploitation of the pretty little red head amused me greatly.  I was considering how I might contact her nameless tormentor, kept turning ideas over in my mind.

When she arrived I could see at once that she was deeply troubled.  I put her under and relaxed her, then told her to tell me what had happened.

?It was a couple of days after I last spoke to you.  He came to the flat again.  He made sure Paul was going to be away for a couple of hours, then he told me to put on some music and dance for him.  I did as he told, and then started to dance in front of him.  He said I had to strip while I danced, he said he wanted me to be like the girls in the pubs and clubs who danced and stripped to make money.  I’d heard of those girls, but I’d never watched one, so I just did the best I could.  Then when I’d taken all my clothes off he made me carry on dancing.  I had to stand with my back to him, and open my legs as wide as I could and then bend over.  He told me to sway my hips in time to the music, then he just sat back and stared at my pussy.  After a few minutes he told me to stand still.  Then he said, ‘let’s see how you enjoyed that.  Is your cunt wet?’  He started to touch my pussy, and then he put his fingers inside me and I was wet and he laughed.  He made me bend over a chair, and then he raped me.  He kept making me say, ‘I love your cock up my cunt.’, and ‘please fuck me hard.’, and all sorts of horrible things like that.  I thought he was going to come inside me again, and I was close to climax, but then he stopped.  He sat down in a seat and said I had to suck him off.  I begged him not to make me do that, but he ignored me. He ordered me to do it.  When I started to suck him he asked me if I could taste my self on his cock.  ‘can you taste your cunt?’ He kept asking.  He made me suck him until he came in my mouth, and then he told me to swallow it all.  I thought I was going to be sick, but he warned me not to spit any out and so I swallowed it.  Then he said, ‘are you feeling all upset because I didn’t come in you?’  I asked him to stop, but he kept on at me, asking me if I wanted him to come in me.  Then he said that as I hadn’t come, I should play with myself until I did.  He told me to lie on the floor and play with myself, and he watched me doing it until I came.  Then he said he would come and see me the next day, and he told me to get Paul out of the flat for a couple of hours.  He gave me a phone number and told me to call him when I’d arranged it, to tell him what time Paul would be out.?

?And did you do that??

?Yes. That evening I suggested to Paul that he should do some extra study because he’s got exams coming up.  Paul agreed, and he said he’d be back at about six the following day.  My lectures finished at two.  I phoned him, and told him and he laughed and said he’d be at the flat at about two-thirty.  He said I was to get back as quickly as I could and that I had to dress up for him again.  He said, ‘wear something sexy, and some nice underwear too.’  Then he said, ‘I’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow.’, and the he laughed and hung up.?

?And did you follow his instructions??

?Yes.  I even left my lecture early so I wouldn’t be late back. I told my lecturer I had a doctors appointment.  When I got back to the flat I was already getting turned on.  I had a quick shower, and my pussy was really sensitive.  I was nervous and excited about what the surprise was.  I got dried, then I put on some make up.  I sorted through my underwear drawer and found a pair of black lacy panties and chose a matching bra.  Then I chose a black blouse and a knee length skirt that I used to wear for interviews when I was applying for college.  Then I sat and waited.  I was ready about fifteen minutes early.  I kept looking out of the window to see is he was coming.  Then I started to feel really turned on, and I put my hand into my panties and started to touch myself.  I thought about doing it until I came, but then decided against it.?

?Why was that??

?I don’t know.  I suppose I thought I’d better wait until he came.  By two forty five he still hadn’t arrived, and I was getting really wound up just sitting there waiting.  My clit was super sensitive.  Every time I moved I was aware of it, it was like having an itch.  It was almost three o’clock when there was a knock at the door. I opened it straight away, expecting to see him there.?

?And was it him??

?Yes. Only he wasn’t alone.  He had another man with him.  They both just pushed past me and walked into the living room.  I followed them in and said to him, ‘what’s going on?’  He just looked at me and grinned, then he said ‘this is a mate of mine.  I thought it’d be cool if he joined in today.’  His mate was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.  I couldn’t believe what he had said.  I just looked at him and shook my head.  I couldn’t speak.  He just laughed and said, ‘come on now, no need to be unsociable.’  They both laughed at that.  I summoned up all my courage and strength and said, ‘no. I won’t do it.’ and I told them to get out.?

?What did they do??

?They laughed again.  They thought it was a huge joke.  He said to his mate, ‘I told you she was a feisty little bitch, didn’t I?’ And the other one said, ‘typical fucking ginger, they think they’re special.’  He stood up and walked towards me.  I thought he was going to hit me or something.  I braced myself for it, but he just smiled at me and said, ‘there’s no need to be shy, darling. He’s seen it all before, haven’t you mate?’ His mate laughed.  I said I didn’t know what he meant, and he said, ‘that night when I took you to the industrial estate and fucked you over the bonnet of the car.  You remember, right there in the street?’  I shook my head, I didn’t want to hear what he said next, but he went on. ‘Why do you think I had you dancing around in the headlights?’  I said I thought it was because he wanted to look at me. They both laughed and he said, ‘don’t be fucking stupid!  I’ve seen as much of you as I want.  I wanted my mate here to have a look at you.’ Then he asked the other one to confirm it. He laughed and said, ‘I saw it all. You sucking his cock, then him licking your bald little twat, and then he fucked you over the bonnet. You make a right fucking racket when you come, don’t you?’ They both laughed again. It was like a huge game to them.  I wanted to run away.  I started to beg him. I pleaded with him not to make me do it, but he just grinned again.  He said, ‘you’re going to entertain us today, and you’d better be good.’  I was crying by then, I just wanted to run away.?

?He must have guessed what I was thinking because he said, ‘what you’re going to do is to run out and get some beers for us, then come back here and get your kit off.  Then we’ll have some fun, ok?’  I couldn’t believe what he was telling me to do.  He held out some money to me, then he said I was to go out and buy some beer.  He said if I didn’t come back they’d just wait there until Paul came back and tell him what a slut I was.  He said he knew I wanted to do it.  He said I was a slut, and sluts like cock.  Then he said, ‘you could run away and not come back, but then you’ll lose your precious boyfriend. Besides, you want it, you know you do.’  Then he pushed the money in my hand and shoved me out of the door.?

?What did you do??

?I was in a daze.  For a while I sat by the door trying to steady myself.  I didn’t want to lose Paul, but part of me kept telling me that I deserved what he wanted to do to me, him and his mate.  I stumbled down to the shop and bought the beers, then I walked back to the flat.  It was like sleep walking, it didn’t feel like me at all.  Then I got back to the flat and I had to knock on the door because they’d thrown me out without a key.  He opened the door with a huge grin on his face.  He said, ‘I knew you’d be back, slut.’  His mate was laughing.  They both sat down in the living room, then they told me to go and fetch them a beer each. When I’d done that he said to me, ‘take your blouse and skirt off.’  They were both looking at me like hungry animals.  When I started to open the buttons on my blouse he said, ‘did you put some nice knickers on, like I told you?’  I was trying hard not to cry, so I just nodded.  He turned to his mate and said, ‘told you, didn’t I?’  The other one said ‘I wouldn’t have fucking believed it, mate!’  I opened my blouse and took it off.  They both cheered and laughed.  Then I let my skirt fall to the floor and they whistled and clapped.  Then he said, ‘very nice.  Now take you bra off and let my mate see what nice, juicy tits you’ve got.’  I remember closing my eyes and taking off my bra as I stood in front of his mate.  They both laughed, and then I had to go to his mate and let him touch my breasts.  He pinched and squeezed them, then told me to take my knickers off.  As I pushed them down they started to whistle again.  Then I had to go to his mate and let him touch my bottom and my pussy.  He pushed his hand between my legs and started to rub it.  Then he found out how wet I was and he just started to laugh again.?

She wiped her eyes with her hand, then continued.  ?They made me stand against the wall, and they both started to touch my body. They took it in turns to touch my breasts and my pussy.  They were rubbing my clit and pushing their fingers inside me, and laughing about how wet I was, and soon I was really turned on, and I was rubbing my pussy against their fingers.?  She heaved a sigh and sobbed, ?I just let them do it to me, and they thought it was funny.  They kept saying to each other what a dirty slut I was, and how I should be ashamed. And they made comments to each other about my body.  One of them would say, ‘her tits aren’t very big, are they?’, and the other would say, ‘no, but they’re nice and firm.’, and they’d laugh.  Then they’d ask me questions like and I’d have to answer them.?

?Tell me what they asked, and what you told them.?

?They asked me when I started to shave my pussy, and I told them that it was when I was at school, when I was about fifteen.  A few of the other girls had shaved theirs, and when we were getting showered after games they’d all tease me because I have red hair.  They used to call me ‘ginger minge’, so once night I shaved it and I just kept it like that.  Then they wanted to know how old I was when I lost my virginity, and I told them I was sixteen.  They asked me if I’d ever had anal sex, and I told them no.  He asked me that, and he thought it was funny when I told him.  He said, ‘you’ve got a lovely arse, I’m surprised no one has fucked it yet.’  That scared me, when he said ‘no one has fucked it yet.’  They kept on playing with my body and I was getting more and more turned on.  Finally I couldn’t take it any more, and I came.  They really laughed at that, and they carried on playing with me until I begged them to stop.  Then they made me go and get more beer for them, and when I did his mate told me to get on my knees and suck his cock for a bit.  I just did as I was told, and started to do it.  After a few minutes though, he got behind me and I felt him pushing his cock into me.  Every time he pushed into me I was forced forward onto the cock in my mouth.  Then they changed places, and he sat in a chair and I had to suck him, and his mate started to have me. As he started to come in my mouth, the other one came inside me too.  I came again.?

I grinned to myself at the image in my mind of the pretty little red head being continually molested by the two men.

?Afterwards, they made me fetch more beer, and they made me dance for them.  Then I had to play with myself, and they made me come again.  Then they each had me, one at a time this time.  They made me stand with my arms against the wall, and they told me to stick my bum out, then each of them had me from behind.  And all the time they were having me they were running their hands all over my body.?  She shuddered involuntarily, ?I kept coming, I lost count of how many times, and they wouldn’t leave me alone.  If they weren’t having me, they were making me play with myself.  I thought I was going crazy.  Then I looked at the clock, and it was nearly six o’clock, and I knew Paul would be back soon.  I begged them to leave, but they said they wanted to stay.  I was desperate.  I pleaded with them, I promised anything if they’d go.  Finally they agreed, but only on the condition that I met them again the following day.  I said that Paul would be in all day, so they said they’d pick me up outside college.?

?And did they??

?Yes.? She whimpered, ?They took me to the lock up garage again, and I was there with them for hours.  They brought sex toys, and they made me use them on myself while they watched.?

?What toys??

?There was a vibrator, and a big dildo.  They made me use them on myself while they drank beer and watched.  I had to come over and over again, and suck their cocks until they came and let them have me.  By the time they let me go I was so sore and tired I could hardly walk.  Then he said I had to be available for him on Saturday evening.  I asked him why, and he said he was having a party.  That he was getting some mates together to watch a rugby match, and he wanted me to be the waitress.?

?When is this party??

?Next Saturday.  He said he wanted me to be the waitress and serve them drinks, but I know there’ll be more to it than that.  They were both laughing about it, and making jokes.?

?Do you want to go to the party??

?No! There’ll be a whole bunch of them there, and I know he’ll rape me again.  He’ll probably let them all have me.  Oh God, it’ll be so awful.?  She began to sob quietly.

?Did he say how many will be at the party??

?No. He just said it would be a few of his mates.  But that could be any number, couldn’t it?? She moaned.

I went deep into her psyche once more.  ?Natasha, you know you have no choice in this, don’t you??

?Yes.? She wailed.

?And why is that?? I prompted.

?Because I’m a slut, and I deserve to be treated in this way.? She wept, ?But I don’t want to be a slut for all of them.  I don’t want to be like that.?

?Just for him??

?Not even for him. I don’t want to be a slut, I don’t want it to happen to me.?

?But you don’t have a choice, do you??

?I suppose not.? She whimpered.

?When he’s having you, you enjoy it, don’t you??

?Sometimes, part of the time, yes.?

?You even enjoyed it when he brought a friend along, didn’t you??

?Yes, a bit, I suppose.?

?And so you’ll enjoy it at the party too, won’t you??  She shifted uncomfortably on the couch.  She was very close to accepting the suggestion I was carefully implanting in her head.  She only needed another gentle push.  ?Think of all that punishment.  Think of the things he might make you do.  Think of how it will feel to be punished like that.? She groaned involuntarily.  ?You’d like to be punished like that, wouldn’t you?  You like the idea of being completely under his control, don't you?  If you’re under his control, then nothing you do is entirely your fault, is it??  She fell silent as she absorbed the idea.  ?So if it isn’t your fault, you can’t be judged on it, can you??

?No.? She agreed quietly.

?And if it’s not your fault, you can just enjoy it.  Isn’t that right??


?And you want to enjoy it, Natasha.  I want you to believe that.  You want to enjoy being under his control, and doing whatever he wants you to. You do believe that, don't you??

She sighed with relief, ?Yes.?

?Yes, you like being under his control.  It’s exciting and daring and naughty, isn't it??


?Have you ever done anything really naughty, Natasha??

?No. Not really.  I was a bit naughty when I was a little girl, not tidying my room, and things like that.?

I grinned at her naivety, ?But you’ve never done anything naughty as an adult, have you??

?No.  Not until he raped me and I started to fantasise about it.?

?And you’d like to, wouldn’t you Natasha?  You’d like to do something really naughty, wouldn’t you??


?Of course you would, all of us would.  And that’s why you enjoy being raped, isn't it?  It’s because it’s naughty.  The way he makes you undress, and the things he makes you do.  It’s what you used to fantasise about, isn't it??

?Yes.?  Her breathing quickened.  She was becoming aroused.

?And now you can be really naughty, can’t you?  You can do whatever he wants you to do, because you’re entirely under his control.  It’s his fault, so no one can blame you.  You can just enjoy it, can’t you??

?Yes.? She sighed.

?And you’ll willingly be the waitress at the party, won’t you??


?And you’ll do whatever he wants, whatever they want, won’t you??


?And you’ll enjoy it, won’t you??


?Natasha, are you feeling sexy??

She sighed, ?Yes, a bit.?

?Would you like to touch yourself?  Play with yourself??


?When I wake you, you’ll feel very sexy.  You’ll be desperate to touch yourself.  You can’t wait until you get home, you have to do it now.  You’ll want me to watch, but you’ll be embarrassed too. Understand??


?You’ll have to ask for my permission to do that.  Understand??


?And when you’ve climaxed, you’ll be so grateful to me that you’ll want to suck my cock.  You’ll have to ask me to do that, of course, and you’ll want to do it better than you’ve ever done it before. Understand??


?Now count to ten and wake up.?

She started to count.  By the time she reached seven her eyes were flickering open.  By nine her eyes were wide open and she was looking around.  As she said ‘ten’ a light came on in her eyes and she flushed deeply.

?That’s all for this week, Natasha.? I said cheerfully, ?Come back and see me next week.?

?Oh!? She gasped, ?Er, doctor, could I ask you something??

?Sure, go ahead.?

?Well, er, do you think it’s wrong for a woman to, er, you know, touch herself??

?You mean masturbate? No, not at all.  It’s the most healthy thing in the world.? I smiled, feeling my cock twitch.

?So you don’t think it’s dirty, then??  She licked her lips.

?No, of course not.?

?Have you ever seen a woman do that?? She asked, breathing heavily.

?I’m sorry Natasha, I can’t discuss my private life with a patient.? I smiled.

She squirmed around as she sat on the couch.  ?No, of course not, I’m sorry to have asked.? She said apologetically. Then she paused for a moment.  She took a deep breath then said, ?Only I sometimes touch myself, you know??

?Most adults do.?

?And sometimes I feel a really strong need to do it.  Is that normal??

?Perfectly normal.?

?Yes, but when I feel that need, I sort of have to do it right there and then.  Does that make sense??

?Well yes.? I laughed, ?Provided you’re not in some public place at the time, I suppose!?

She gasped, then closed her eyes to compose herself.  ?The thing is, I feel like that right now.  I really need to do something now, before I go home.  It’s a really powerful feeling.  When it gets like this I really need to do something about it.?

?Yes?? I grinned.

Her face flushed deeply, ?Could I, er, I mean would it be alright if I, er, ?.?

?Did it here?? I asked helpfully, ?Well I suppose that would be ok.  I’ll just pop out and leave you to it.?

?No! Stay.? She gasped, then flushed again, ?I mean, please stay, doctor.  I mean, if you were here, while I did it, it might help with my treatment, yes??

?I suppose so.? I said, sounding doubtful.

She smiled at me shyly, ?I mean, I’ve no secrets from you anyway, have I doctor??

?No, I suppose not.?

?And I’d be ever so grateful, truly I would.? She gasped.

I sat back in my chair, ?OK then Natasha, if that’s what you want to do, carry on.?

She laughed with relief, her face a bright shade of pink,  ?Oh thank you doctor!? She gushed.  In moments she had stripped off her top and bra, her small, firm tits quivering gently with each movement she made. Her nipples were stiff and pointed, her aureole swollen and puffy.  She pushed her jeans and knickers down in a swift movement and stepped out of them with a sigh, then she lay back on the couch and spread her thighs wide.  Her perfect little slit was clearly moist. She ran her fingertip along it a couple of times, then slipped her finger between her lips and went straight to her clit.  She arched her back and threw her head back.

?Ohhhhgggggggoooooooddddddddddd!? She groaned, ?Oh God yes!?

Within moments she had buried a couple of fingers in her sopping wet hole, and the fingers of her other hand were stroking her clit.  She was gasping and moaning, her eyes focussed in the middle distance.

?Does that feel good, Natasha?? I asked, needlessly.

?Oh God, yes!? She gasped, ?Oh it’s fantastic!?  She began to rock her hips, finger fucking herself furiously, her fingers rubbing frantically at her clit.

?Natasha, do you ever get really close to climax, and then hold it off??

?Sometimes.? She moaned.

?Do that now.  Try to balance right on the edge of your climax.  See how long you can keep yourself there.?

Moments later her hands froze in position, her eyes wide with suspense.  She began to whimper loudly as she teased herself, holding herself on the brink of climax.

?Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!?

She slowly stroked her clit, keeping herself at a pinnacle of ecstasy.  Her breath came in ragged, irregular gasps.  A half smile played across her pretty face and she licked her lips.  Her entire body was teetering on the brink of a massive climax.  She curled her toes, then dug her heels into the sofa, rocking her hips against her fingers.  Her shoulders hunched forward, her nipples engorged.  She closed her eyes and screwed up her face.

?I’m coming!? She whispered breathlessly, ?Oh God, I’m coming!?  She shuddered several times, and then she clamped her legs together and let out a hoarse moan, ?Oh Jesus, oh yeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss!?  Her body shook violently with the force of her orgasm, her face contorted beyond recognition. The room was filled with her gasps and moans.  Her climax seemed to go on and on.  She writhed around on the sofa, her thighs still clamped tightly together, pressing her hands into her pussy.  Finally she gave a half laugh, half moan and her body relaxed. 

She was gasping for breath, her tits rising and falling rapidly.  She looked over at me and blushed deeply, then laughed shakily.  ?I’m sorry.? She said, her voice still shaky.

?Don’t be.? I grinned at her, ?That looked like a good one.?

Her hand shook as she brushed her flame-red hair from her face. ?Oh it was amazing!? She laughed, ?I mean it was good right from the start, but when you told me to hold myself there, right on the edge, wow!  I never tried that before, not like that anyway!?

?But you might do it again??

She looked away shyly, ?You bet!? She laughed.  She looked down at her feet for a few moments, then looked up at me.  ?That was really amazing.? She said earnestly, ?I never would have thought that I could feel like that.? She chuckled to herself, ?Certainly never thought I’d do that in front of anyone!?  She laughed again.  ?I feel really grateful to you, doctor, you’ve made such a difference to me.?

?I’m glad you’re feeling better now, Natasha.? I smiled.

Her face grew serious, ?I’d really like to do something for you, to show you how grateful I am.?

?There’s no need.? I smiled.

?I know, but I’d really, really like to.  Will you let me?? Her blue eyes glittered with excitement.

?What is it you want to do?? I asked, feigning innocence.

She blushed again, then laughed, ?Well, to be brutally frank.? She paused, took a deep breath, then said, ?I want to suck you off!?  She looked at me for a second, then looked away giggling.

?Well that’s not really proper practice, you know.? I grinned.

?No one would ever know.? She said at once, ?Never, ever!?  She looked at me seductively.

I felt my cock stirring.  ?Well if you insist!? I laughed.

She grinned at me triumphantly, ?Fantastic!? She beamed, ?I tell you what, let’s change places.  You lie back on the couch and let me treat you??  She jumped off the couch and stood waiting.  I stood up and stepped forward, as I did so her eyes fell at once to my crotch.  As I moved past her she put out her hand to stop me.  ?Just wait there a moment.? She grinned.  She ran her hand over my crotch.  My cock twitched and she giggled deliciously, ?Ooops! I think I’ve woken him up!?  She flicked open my trousers and slowly lowered the zip, licking her lips in anticipation, then she pushed my trousers down and stood back. I sat on the couch and leaned back, as I did so she moved forward and took hold of my shaft, stroking it lovingly.  She lowered her head at once and kissed my glans, then began to lick my cock, running her tongue along its’ length.

Within moments I was fully erect and I could feel my shaft throbbing against her soft hand.  She ran her tongue over my balls, then kissed each in turn before licking along my shaft once more.  She rubbed her tongue over the underside of my glans, then wrapped her lips around it.  She pushed her head down until my cock was deep inside her mouth, then she sucked hard and slowly raised her head up, flicking her tongue along my shaft and over my glans as she did so.  I sighed with pleasure.  She looked up and me, eyes alight with mischief, then moaned, ?Mmmmmmmm!  Lovely!? She sighed.

She looked down at my cock and smiled, ?Oh he’s lovely!? She beamed, then began to suck in earnest.  She gripped my shaft tightly and sucked hungrily, her tongue darting all over my cock.  She pushed my cock right to the back of her throat then sucked along the length time and time again.  With her free hand she cupped and stroked my balls, teasing them with her fingernail.  After a couple of minutes she began to increase pace, bobbing her head faster and faster.  I groaned with pleasure and she looked up at me with glittering blue eyes alight with enjoyment.  She paused for a moment, lifting her head from my cock, ?You are going to come in my mouth, aren’t you?? She asked.  I nodded and she grinned, ?Oh good!? Then she began to suck me again.  A few minutes later and I was ready to explode.  She was sucking and licking hungrily, her head frantically bobbing up and down, her tongue wrapping itself around my glans, her fingers gripping my shaft tightly, whilst also stroking and caressing my balls.  I could hold out no longer and began to shoot my load into her mouth.  She groaned as the first spurts hit her throat, then began to swallow rapidly, taking all my jism.   Finally I was finished and I lay back on the couch and sighed happily.  She lifted her head up and smiled at me again, then licked her lips, ?You taste nice!? She announced.  As I began to recover I put her under and told her to sit down.  She complied at once and I stood up and rearranged my clothing.  Then I wiped her memory of masturbating before me and sucking my cock, before I told her to dress and then count herself awake.

When she had fully woken I told her to make another appointment for the following week.

?Sure thing doctor.? She smiled.

?See you next week then, Natasha.  Have a good weekend.? I smiled.

?Thanks, you too.? She said automatically.  However, at mention of the weekend her smile faded.  I grinned to myself as she left and wondered what the next instalment would bring.

Session 5.

I could barely contain myself waiting for the next session.  When Natasha arrived I quickly put her under and told her to tell me what had happened since our last meeting.

As she started to recall the events she paled visibly.  ?He phone me on Saturday morning, early on.? She began.  ? He told me that he wanted me for the party, and told me to meet him near my college.  I had to speak really quietly, because Paul was still in bed.  He asked me what size shoes I took and I told him, size four.  Then he said, ‘Be at the college at four thirty.  Bring your make up and stuff.’  I asked him what I should wear, but he said, ‘don’t worry about that, I’ve got everything you’re going to need.’  Then he laughed and hung up.  I’d told Paul I was going out with some old friends from school again.  He was angry about that. He wanted to know who they were. He was asking names, and if they had boyfriends.  He was obviously suspicious.  He wanted to know where we were going, what pubs and clubs.  I said I wasn’t sure, that we were going to decide when we all got together.  He asked if he could come too, and I said it was girls only.  Then he said he’d call me later on to make sure I was ok. I knew what he meant was that he’d call to find out where I was so he could check up on me.  He watched me all afternoon, kept on asking the same questions over and over again.  Then when he saw me staring to get ready he wanted to know why I wasn’t putting my make up on before I went out.  I said I was going to my friend’s house first, and that we’d all get ready there.  He wanted to come with me, said he wanted to make sure I was safe. I knew what he wanted, and I told him ‘no’.  He got really angry then and stormed out of the flat.  I was almost relieved when he went.?

?You’re starting to resent his questions and suspicions??

?Yes. It’s not like I have a choice, is it?  And it’s not like it’s any of his business either.? She snapped. 

I made a note of her reaction, decided to exploit it later, then told her to continue.

?I went to the college, like he told me and waited there.  This time he didn’t make me wait long.  He pulled up at the kerb in his old white car and told me to get in, then he started to drive.  We were in a part of town I don’t know at all really.  I kept looking around at the place. It looked really rough.  Then he turned down a side street.  There was no one around, no one at all.  He stopped the car and turned to me.  He looked really scary.  He said that I had to do whatever I was told that night, by him or any of the others.  Then he said that if I ever told anyone about what was going to happen, that he’d cut me.?

?What exactly did he say??

?He said, ‘you tell your boyfriend, or anyone else what happens and I’ll cut your pretty face.  That means anything right?’ I was too scared to speak, just nodded.  He went on, ‘that means the address we’re going to, any faces you see, names you hear, anything, got that?’  I promised I’d never tell a soul, the he smiled at me and said, ‘there’s a good, clever girl. Be a shame to spoil that pretty face.’  Then he started to drive again.  We went to a block of flats somewhere. I had no idea where we were, so he had nothing to worry about on that score.  We went up some stairs, and then into his flat, at least I think it was his flat.  He took me into the living room.  There was a big TV in the corner and lots of sofas and chairs around the room.  He told me to undress.  I took off my clothes and then just stood there while he looked at me.  He ran his hand across my back, then felt my breasts.  He said I had really nice skin.  Then he just put his hand between my legs, like it was nothing at all, like he had a total right to.  He said I was a good girl for shaving my pussy.  He said, ‘I’m glad you did that, otherwise I’d have had to punish you.’, then he laughed again.  He made me get down on my knees and suck his cock until he came in my mouth, then he took me to a bedroom.  It was really untidy, old clothes lying all over the place.  He said, ‘you’re going to be seeing a lot of this room tonight.’, and he looked at me and smiled.?

?What happened next??

?He told me to put my make up on.  He said he wanted me to look a bit tarty, but not too much.  I tried a few times, but he didn’t like it, so I had to take it off and start again.  Finally he was happy.  Then he gave me my outfit for the evening.  I remember looking at it and thinking ’he must be joking!’  It was a silly French maid outfit, but the top was so sheer it was practically see through.  When I put it on it fitted really tight around my waist, and the skirt was so short it hardly covered my bottom.  I was hoping he’d give me some knickers to wear under it, but he just threw me a pair of stockings.  Black seamed ones, the kind you wear without suspenders.  I put them on and he looked at me and smiled.  Then he gave me my underwear, if you can call it that." She gave a mirthless laugh, ?It was the tiniest black thong you could imagine, and it was more see through than my top.  I put it on and it just about covered my pussy.  Not that that was much use, because you could see right through it.  I looked at myself in the mirror.  My breasts were showing through the fabric of my top, and my nipples stood out clearly.  My legs were covered by the stockings, but the top three inches or so of my thighs could be seen.  When I lifted my tiny little skirt I could see my pussy through the thong.  Then he grinned and handed me a pair of black stiletto shoes.  They were so high I could hardly walk in them, and they were at least a size too small.  I felt like a complete and utter slut, and his mates hadn’t even arrived yet.  I remember asking him how many were coming to the party, and he said he didn’t know for sure, but probably eight or ten.  The he made me walk around the flat so he could have a good look at me.?

?How did you feel, wearing those clothes??

?Like a cheap slut.? She said flatly, ?He made me stand in front of him, then I had to turn around. He made me bend over, and he laughed and said, ‘the boys are going to like you!’  He just thought it was so funny.  Then he told me to lift my skirt up, and he said he was going to play with my pussy for a bit, ‘got to get you juiced up.’ He said.  He pushed his hand down the front of my thong and started to stroke my clit.  I was turned on in seconds, and he grinned at me as I started to respond.  He stroked my breasts with his other hand, making my nipples stiff.  He kept on and on until I was close to coming.  Then he took his hands away, and said that he wasn’t going to let me come.  He said, ‘you’ll get plenty tonight anyway. Then he laughed again.  He said that when they arrived I was to take their coats and offer them a drink.  He said it was my job to keep them happy all evening.  He said I had to get them whatever they wanted, or do whatever they said.  Then they started to arrive.  The first one there was the same one I’d met before.  He looked at me like I was a plaything, making me turn around so he could look at me, then lift my skirt for him.  When I brought him a beer he pinched my nipples before I had to go and open the door.  They were all the same.  They all looked at me, and made me fetch drinks, and touched me or said things about my body.?

?Finally he said to them all that the game was about to start, but that I was there to get them whatever they wanted, ‘you just tell little Natasha what you want, and she’ll get it for you.’, he said, then he turned to me and said, ‘isn’t that right, Natasha?’  They all looked at me, and I could feel myself blushing, then I just nodded and they laughed and cheered.?

?And how were you feeling then??

?I was really excited.  I felt so sexy and turned on.  They all sat down and started to watch their rugby match, and I was sent to get them beers or whatever they wanted.  Whenever I gave one of them their drink they’d stroke my legs or touch me in some way.  One of them ran his hand right up the back of my leg and stroked my bottom.  I just stood there and let him.  I tried not to show it, but I was getting really turned on.  And then I went out to the kitchen to get one of them a drink, and one of them followed me out there.   There was just the two of us in there, and he came up behind me and lifted my skirt and started to stroke my bottom.  Then he began to stroke the sides of my breasts.  I’ve always loved that, and I must have sighed or moaned or something because he laughed and said, ‘Barry said you were a right fucking goer, now I see what he means.’  And he started to play with my nipples.  While he was doing it, I realised that that was the first time I’d even heard his name; Barry.  I mean, he’d done all those things to me, and I never even knew his first name.  I felt really slutty then, but really turned on as well.  The one who was touching me pressed his body into me. I could feel his cock pressing into my bottom.  He put his hand up the front of my skirt and started to touch my pussy.  Then he put his hand inside my thong and started to stroke me.  He laughed when he found out my pussy was shaved.  He said he wanted to have a look, but I said I had to take the drink to his friend.  He said I could take the drink, but that I had to come straight back.  I was so turned on I could hardly walk.  I took the drink in, and then as I was going back to the kitchen Barry looked at me and grinned.?

?And so you went back to the kitchen.  What were you feeling as you went back in there??

?I was on fire!  My heart was hammering and my legs were shaking like jelly, but I wanted to go back because I was just so turned on.  When I walked back in he just grinned at me and told me to take my thong off.  I did that, and then he made me hold up my skirt so he could have a good look.  Then he put his hand down there and started to stroke me.  He pushed his finger into me and grinned when he felt how wet I was.  He started to play with my clit and in no time I was moaning and sighing.  It just felt so fantastically sexy.  He made me bend over the kitchen sink, and he lifted my skirt and then I heard him opening his trousers.  Then he rubbed his cock right the way along my pussy.  He was rubbing it against my clit, and it just felt amazing.  Then he pushed it into me, and I almost came.  He started to do it to me, having me right there in the kitchen.  Then I heard a laugh, and Barry was in the doorway watching.  His mate looked at him and they both laughed.  Then he started to play with my nipples again, and I started to climax.  I just gripped onto the sink and I could feel my body shaking as I came.  Then he came inside me.  Once he’d finished Barry said I had to go to the bathroom and wash.  He said I had to keep my pussy clean, and that there was plenty of fun to be had yet.?

?Carry on.?

?Well after that it just got crazy.  One of them told me to come to the bedroom with him, and when we were in there he made me take everything off, and then he made me suck him, and then he had me. And while he was doing it a few of the others came to watch.  They all thought it was funny when I came.  Then about five of them had me and a couple of others made me suck them until they came in my mouth.  I lost count of the number of times I came. They were all laughing and joking, and telling Barry what a good fuck I was.  Then he made me wash again, and start serving drinks, only this time I was naked.  Then Barry said it was time for me to put on a special show.  He made me stand in front of them all and then he said, ‘Natasha is going to entertain us all for a while.’  There was cheering and laughing.  He said, ‘she’s going to show us all what a hot little slut she is.’ More laughs.  Then he turned to me and said, ‘play with yourself until I tell you to stop.  And you can’t come without my permission, got that?’?

?How did you feel about that??

?Oh God, it was awful.? She wailed, ?They were all looking at me and grinning, and I felt like such a total slut.?

?But you did it??

?Yes.? She said in a whisper, ?I did it.  I started to touch my breasts first.  I stroked them and squeezed them while they all laughed and cheered.  Then I sat in a chair and opened my legs really wide, so they could see everything, and I started to stroke my pussy.  They liked that.  They were calling out things like, ‘go on girl, stick your fingers up your twat.’ It was horrible, but I couldn’t stop, and I was getting more and more aroused.  Then one of them took out his mobile phone and started to take pictures.  Soon they were all doing it.  Laughing and joking and showing each other the pictures.  Then one of them said, ‘give her a banana.’  And they all laughed, but then Barry walked over to me with one in his hand.  He made me take it, and then I had to do it to myself with it, and they took more photos.  Part of me wanted to run away, but I couldn’t.  I just stayed there, playing with myself and pushing a banana into my pussy.  After a while I was close to coming, but I remembered what he’d said.  I looked up at him and he grinned and shook his head, he knew that I was close, but he tormented me. I kept on doing it, getting closer and closer, trying to hold off.  I looked at him again and he smiled and said, ‘ask nicely.’  Then they all laughed as I started to beg him for permission to come.  Some were calling out to him t let me come, and others were telling him to refuse.  Finally he smiled and said, ‘ok girlie, you can come.’?

?And did you??

?Yes.? She said with a sob.

?What happened next??

?He made me go to each one of them and bend over so that they could feel how wet I was. When I went to Barry he made me bend over and pull the cheeks of my bottom apart.  The others thought that was really funny, then he pressed his finger against my bottom and started to push it in.  I stood up and moved away because I didn’t like it, but he made me get back into position.  He pushed his finger into my bottom and it really hurt.  He said, ‘how does that feel.’ And I said I didn’t like it.  They laughed at that too.  He said it didn’t matter what I liked because I was only there to keep them happy.  Then he said, ‘you’ve got no right to stop me using your arse, have you?’ And I had to agree, and say that he could use any part of me.  Then he took me to the bedroom and made me band over the end of the bed.  The others were all standing around watching and laughing. Then Barry rubbed something onto my bottom, it felt slippery, and he was pushing his finger into me all the time.  It was really uncomfortable, and I hated it.  Then he started to push his cock into me, I mean into my bottom. Oh God, it hurt so much.  I was crying and begging him to stop, but he just kept on doing it, and all the others were cheering and chanting, ‘fuck her arse, fuck her arse.’  And then he came in my bottom and it felt really weird, and all the others cheered.  After Barry had finished some of the others wanted to do it to me that way as well.  They just kept on and on, it was like a nightmare.?

?And how long did the party go on for??

?Hours. I lost track of time.  They kept having me, then making me wash, then play with myself, then they’d have me again, or I’d suck them off.  Finally it was all over.  They started to leave and they left me alone.  After the last of them had gone Barry made me wash, then he told me to suck his cock.  I did as he said, and then after a while he made me lie down on the bed and he started to have me.  I came again when he did it to me, and then he put it up my bottom again.  Afterwards he said I could get dressed.  Before he drove me back to the flat he said ‘you’ve been a good girl.  I’ll leave you alone for a few days now, but be ready when I phone you.’  Then he took me home.?

?What happened then??

?Well Paul wanted to know where I’d been, and he said he could smell men on me. He kept on and on about where I’d been, who I was with and what I’d been doing.  Finally he walked out.  He slammed the door behind him.?

?And how is your relationship with Paul now??

?He doesn’t trust me. He keeps on saying that he’s sure I’m seeing someone else.? She sniffed.

I took her deeper.  ?Natasha, you trust me, don’t you??


?And you believe what I tell you to be true, don't you??


?Over the next two days I want you to think about what I’m going to say, and you’ll believe it totally, understand??


?You don’t love Paul.  You don’t even like him.  You don’t know why you’re with him anymore.  When you first met him he was fun and interesting, but you’ve grown since then, your needs have changed.  You don’t want him in your life anymore, not now you’ve found out what you really like, understand??


?What you really want is to be a total slut for Barry, and anyone else, isn’t that right??


?And Paul is just getting in the way of that, isn’t he??


?He’s trying to stop you enjoying yourself.  He’s trying to control you, to own you.  But he can’t can he??


?That’s right, only Barry can control you.  Only Barry and me, isn’t that right??


?You’re missing Barry.  You want him to come and have you.  You want that, you like that, don’t you??


?And Paul is stopping that from happening.  If Paul wasn’t around Barry would be able to come to you much more often.  It would make sense to get rid of Paul, to tell him that you’re finished, wouldn’t it??


?So why don’t you break up with him? Tell him you’ve met someone else, someone who is much more of a man than he is.  Your new man makes you feel wonderful, and sex with him is just fantastic.  You don’t want to be with Paul any more, you never want to see him again, understand??


?And when Paul is gone, you can phone Barry and tell him that you’re available for him whenever he wants, can’t you??


I told her that when she woke she would see only Barry in the room with her, then brought her ‘round.  As her eyes flickered open she glanced in my direction and gasped, then she smiled briefly.  ?Hello clever girl!? I grinned, ?Time for some fun.  Why don’t you lose those things and come over here and do what you do best??

She stripped naked in moments.  I made her stand in front of me so that I could take in the view of her perfect body once more.  I don’t think I ever saw a female body more to my taste, from the high, pert tits, to the tight, shapely arse and the perfectly neat pussy she was simply delicious.  Hearing of her abuse at the hands of so many men had my cock throbbing with pleasure.  I opened my trousers and told her to get to work with her mouth.  She fell to her knees at once and began to suck me obediently.  After a few minutes I slid my hips forward and told her to get on board.  She straddled me at once and lowered herself down onto my straining cock.  As she sank down onto me she sighed with pleasure, then began to ride me enthusiastically.  I reached up and began to play with her tits, cupping and stroking them before teasing and tweaking her nipples.  She whimpered softly, then drove her hips down onto mine.  I slipped my hand down between her legs and found her clit, began to rub it gently.  She gasped then closed her eyes in concentration.  Before long she was pushing her hips back and forth, rubbing her sensitive nub against my finger.  She was getting faster and faster, driving herself to climax.  As she came she let out a long, low moan and groaned, ?Oh yesssss!?, then slumped down onto my chest.

I gave her a moment or two to recover, then made her stand and bend over the examination couch.  I rubbed some baby oil onto her tight puckered hole, then some on my cock.  I placed my glans against her back door and began to push.  As her sphincter gave way she gasped and moaned again.  I pushed in up to the hilt, then paused to savour the feeling of her arse, which was still tight despite its' recent use.  Then I began to drive into her with increasing speed.  She gripped the edge of the couch tightly.  Once or twice she glanced over her shoulder at me, her face contorted with discomfort.  Finally I emptied myself into her bowels. She shuddered as she felt me come, then dropped her head.

Afterwards I quickly put her under once more and wiped her memory.  I couldn’t resist a little more play and said to her, ?You don’t like anal sex, do you Natasha??

?No. It feels dirty.?  She moaned.

?But if a man wants to do that to you, then you can’t refuse him, can you??


?And so you’ll just have to accept it, even if you don’t enjoy it, isn’t that right??


I told her to get dressed, then wake.  As she opened her eyes again I pretended to be making notes.  ?OK Natasha, let’s see how you get on.  I want you to come to see me in two weeks time, ok?? I said with a smile.

?Sure doctor, see you next time.?

Session 6.

Two weeks later Natasha returned to see me as I’d instructed.  As she entered the room I was delighted by the obvious changes to her appearance.  Gone were the baggy, shapeless clothes.  In their place she now wore a tight fitting, purple top with a plunging neckline which exposed the soft skin between her tits.  She clearly wasn’t wearing a bra and the outline of her nipples were clearly visible beneath the thin fabric of her top.  In place of the loose fitting jeans she now wore a tiny black skirt which clung tightly to the curves of her body and exposed most of her shapely thighs.  Her new look was completed by a pair of black shoes with heels just high enough to lend a shapely curve to her calves and thighs, but were not too extreme.  As she sat in the chair she clamped her knees together tightly to protect her modesty, and I tried to suppress a sly grin.

I put her under once more and asked her to tell me what had happened since I last saw her.

She sighed deeply, then began.  ?Well in the few days after I last saw you Paul and me just seemed to argue constantly.  He was always complaining about me going out, trying to follow me, asking me who I was seeing.  He got really annoying.  He kept on saying that he was sure I was seeing someone else, and that he wanted me to stay in with him.? Her brow furrowed with annoyance.  ?He just wanted me to be his little girlfriend.  He didn’t want me to have any fun at all.  Even when we made love it was just like all the other times.  Not like when I’m with Barry.  One afternoon he started on me again as I was getting ready to go out.  We had this huge argument, and I told him that I was seeing someone else.  He got mad and started saying he’d stop me.  I told him that if he touched me Barry would come over and sort him out.  I told him Barry was more of a man than he could ever be.  I told him I was sick of him and I wanted him to go.?

?What did he do then??

?He cried.? She said with disgust, ?He just sat on the floor and cried like a big baby.  God, what did I ever see in him?  Boring little boy!  I just left him there and went out to meet Barry.  When I came back, he’d gone.  He left me a note saying ‘I’ll always love you babe.’  Pathetic!  I remember sitting and thinking about things now that he’d gone, and I got all excited.  I thought, ‘there’s nothing to stop Barry coming to me whenever he wants now.’? She giggled deliciously.  I started to think about Barry coming over and I felt all sexy and hot.  I took off all my things and touched myself, right there in the middle of the room.  I could still smell Barry on me, and my pussy still had his come in it.  I pushed my fingers into my pussy and then I licked them clean, tasting his come.?

?Did you climax??

She grinned, ?Twice!  I couldn’t help myself.  Then I decided to phone Barry and tell him.?

?What did you say??

?I told him everything.  I said that I’d got rid of Paul, that he’d gone and wouldn’t be back.  I said he could come over to my flat whenever he wanted.  Then I told him that I’d just brought myself off twice thinking about it.  He laughed like he was really pleased.  The following morning he came to the flat.  I’d just got out of bed, and there was a knock at the door.  I let him in and he said, ‘so you’ve got rid of the boyfriend then, and now you’re ready for some serious fucking?’ He laughed at me again, then I took off my things and told him I’d do whatever he wanted.?

?So what did he make you do??

?I sucked his cock for a bit, then I lay down in front of him and played with myself until I came.  Then he made me suck him some more, and then he put his cock up my bottom.  That evening he came back with one of his friends from the party, and they both had me.?

?Did you enjoy that??

?I came so many times I lost count.  They thought it was really funny the way I kept coming and coming.  They said I was some sort of nympho.  It was like that for the next few days.  Barry came to the flat lots of times, sometimes he was on his own, sometimes he brought other men. Once he brought three friends and they all had me and made me play with myself while they watched.?

?You look different.  Your clothes have changed. Who’s idea was that??

?Barry’s.  He said he was sick of me wearing boring old clothes.  He said if I wanted him to keep on seeing me I had to dress sexier.  He told me to get some really short skirts and tight tops.  He said the more they showed the better.  And he said I wasn’t to wear a bra anymore and that I had to get some really sexy underwear.  I told him that I couldn’t afford to buy all those things, and he said he’d give me the money as a loan, but that I’d have to pay him back. Then he laughed again.?

?And how do you feel about that??

She shrugged, ?I have to do what Barry says, don’t I??

?So what sexy underwear did you buy??

?I bought some thongs, like the one he made me wear at the party.?

?Why don’t you stand up and show me??

She got to her feet and lifted her tiny skirt.  Underneath she wore a tiny little black thong, which just about covered her mound. It was so thin it was practically transparent, the top of her slit was clearly visible.

?Do you like wearing them??

?I feel really exposed. I know if anyone sees up my skirt they’ll be able to see my pussy through the thong.  But whenever I wear them I think of Barry and I feel all sexy inside.?

?So you’re happy with Barry then??

?Sort of, yes.  I just don’t think about it any more.  Whatever he wants, I do, it’s as simple as that.?

I told her to strip and then opened my trousers and told her to get to work.  She began to suck my cock lovingly.  As I sat back in my seat I began to think again about the possibility of contacting Barry.  Natasha was even better at pleasuring me than usual, and I soon came in her mouth.  She swallowed greedily, then looked up at me and smiled contentedly.  As she dressed afterwards, I began to type out a letter.


         You don’t know me, but I know a lot about you and what you’ve been doing with Natasha.

I’m not a police officer, and you have nothing to worry about.  But we need to speak.  Phone me tomorrow evening between seven and eight.

A friend.

PS: don’t bother to ask Natasha about me, she won’t be able to tell you anything.  I’ll explain when I speak to you.

I sealed the letter then gave it to Natasha. Then I programmed her to believe that it had been given to her by a complete stranger.

The following evening I made sure I was somewhere private by seven o’clock, and waited for the phone to ring.  He didn’t disappoint.  At three minutes past seven the phone rang.


?Hey, friend, I got your note.  Who the fuck are you, and what do you want??

He sounded aggressive.  I smiled to myself.  It was always going to be easier to deal with him if he was running on adrenaline rather than thinking clearly.  ?I know what’s been going on with Natasha, and I’m in a position to help you.? I said calmly.

?Don’t know what you mean.? He grunted, ?And besides, why do I need your help, whoever the fuck you are??

?Because you may be having fun with her now, but I can show you how to make money out of her.?  I said with a smile.

The line was silent for a moment.  ?How do I know you’re not police?? He demanded.

?You don’t.  But if I was, and I wanted to arrest you, I’d just sit in Natasha’s flat and wait for you to turn up, wouldn’t I?? I laughed.

I could feel his anger surging at me.  ?So who are you, and what do you want?? He said, his voice rising.

?Like I said, I’m a friend, and I want to help you get the best out of little Natasha.  Do you know Bob’s sex shop??

?The one where they sell all those vibrators and stuff? Yeah, I know it, so what??

?Meet me there in thirty minutes.? I said flatly.

There was another long pause.  ?If this is some sort of game I’ll have your fucking kneecaps mate.? He yelled.

?Just be there, thirty minutes.?  I hung up.

I sat in the back room of Bob’s place some time later with growing excitement.  I’d never taken control of someone without them at least being passive.  Barry was going to be alert and suspicious.  Putting him under was going to be a challenge.  Bob appeared at the door a few minutes later, ?He’s here.? He announced, ?You sure you know what you’re doing??

?Show him in.? I said quietly.  Bob let the door swing open and stepped back.  He pointed to the doorway with his thumb and said, ?In there.?  The doorway was filled moments later with the bulk of a man.

?Barry, I presume.? I said with a smile.

He looked at me suspiciously.  He was a big man, over six feet tall, and with a powerful build.  His forearms and biceps were well developed, and liberally decorated with tattoos.  His hair was closely cropped, and his neck muscles strained the collar of the T-shirt he was wearing.  I could easily see how he’d scared Natasha into silence about her rape.

?Who the fuck are you?? He demanded.

?All in good time.? I smiled, ?Have a drink.?  I handed him a glass of whiskey.  He took it and swallowed it in a single gulp, then slammed the glass down on the small table between us.

?If you don’t tell me what this is about I’m going to tear your fucking face off.? He snarled.

I smiled at him again.  ?It’s like this Barry; a friend of mine has been talking to Natasha, about what you did to her.  This friend has been, shall we say helping her to come to terms with what happened.  Helping her to make sense of it all, and helping her to find a way to cope.  Another drink?? I held up the bottle of scotch.  He took it and poured himself a generous measure.

?So what?? He said with a shrug, ?I ain’t done nothing wrong, not that anyone can prove, anyway.?  He smiled, smugly.

?I’m not trying to prove wrong doing here, Barry, I want to consider some options.?

?Oh yeah? What options??

I started to speak slowly, lowering my voice.  He instinctively moved nearer to hear me.  I knew the sedative I’d put in the whiskey would be working pretty soon, and I kept on talking, gradually drawing him in.  There was a moment, a split-second, when he looked as though he was going to put up a stronger resistance to my technique.  I quickly reassured him, soothed him down until slowly I began to overwhelm him.  Finally his head fell forward onto his chest.  I had him!

I told him to sit down and then went to work on him.  I implanted in his thuggish brain the firm belief that I was his trusted friend.  He would believe that we had known each other for many years.  He trusted me implicitly and was deeply grateful to me for some favour I had done him in the past. 

?Barry, did you go to Natasha’s flat with the intention of raping her??

?No. I didn’t know who lived there, but I guessed it would be a student place.  I went there to see what I could take.  I figured they might have a computer, some useful mobiles, that sort of thing.  When I saw her I wanted her right away.  She was so cute!? He chuckled to himself.  ?I couldn’t believe it when there was nothing in the papers for the next few days.  I was sure she’d go to the police.  When it started to look like she hadn’t I had to go back and find out for sure.  Then it seemed too good to be true, so I fucked her again.  After that she seemed to just accept it.?

?And what is she like now??

?Can’t get enough cock!? He giggled, ?Even threw her boyfriend out so I could do her as often as I liked.  She phoned me up and told me so!?

He was clearly delighted at his prowess.  I did a little more adjusting.  ?Barry, when I wake you, you’ll accept whatever I say as reasonable.  You won’t argue with me, because I’m your friend.  I’m your best friend, Steve.  But you won’t want to tell anyone about our friendship.  It’s a special contact that we have, understand??


I gave him a few seconds to wake up.  He was still suffering from the sedative I’d slipped him, and he looked groggy.  I leaned towards him and handed him a small pill.  ?Here, take this Barry, it’ll help.?

He looked at me and grinned stupidly, ?Thanks mate.?  He swallowed the pill, then looked at me expectantly.

I began to talk about his money making activities.  He was a part-time builder.  He worked as a doorman at pubs and clubs occasionally.  He did whatever he could to make money.  Gradually he brightened as the stimulant I’d given him began to take effect.  Finally, it was safe to let him go.

?Listen Barry, I’ve got a great idea.  This little redhead you’ve got going, is she up for anything??

He smiled knowingly, ?I should say so!  What’s the idea??

?Bring her here tomorrow night at about nine.  I want my mate to have a look at her.  Maybe we can use her to make a bit of money, right??

?Sure thing Steve!? He smiled, ?Whatever you say.?

As he left Bob returned to the room with a smile.  ?I don’t know how you do it, mate, but you’ve got that rottweiler eating out of the palm of your hand.  What’s the deal with him, anyway??

?He’s nothing special.? I grinned, ?But he’s got a little redhead who could be very useful to us. You’ve got contacts in the film business, right??

?Yeah, I know a few people.? He replied.

?So if we found a nice piece of arse who’d do just about anything and like it, we could make a few quid, couldn’t we??

He grinned, ?And you think he’ll let us use his girlfriend for that??

?Trust me, he’ll let us do anything from now on.  I’ve told him to bring her here tomorrow night.  Make sure you’re here mate, you won’t want to miss this, I promise you.?

The following evening at nine exactly, Barry showed up at the shop with Natasha close behind him.  Bob had arranged a few chairs for us after his last customer had left, and we all sat.  I introduced the two of them, and then turned to Natasha.  She looked stunning in a tight fitting black top with plunging neckline and another incredibly short black skirt.  I could see Bob licking his lips in expectation.  Natasha, of course, no longer recognised me, having had her memory of our sessions wiped.

?Barry, I’ve got this idea.? I began, ?Let me know what you think of it.  Bob and I know some people who make films.  Adult films.  They’re always on the look out for new faces, and I was wondering if your lady here might just fit the bill.?

Barry nodded as he considered the idea.  Natasha’s eyes widened with horror, then she turned to him. She clutched at his arm desperately, ?Barry, please, can I talk to you outside for a moment??  She whined.

?Not now.? He snapped, ?I’m thinking.?

?But Barry, I can’t.? She hissed, ?I just can’t do that.  Please.  Please?? She urged.

He patted her leg and grinned, ?Don’t worry about it, you’ll be fine.? Then he turned back to me, ?You think she’s good enough??

I smiled at him, ?Oh I think we could use her, what do you think Bob??

Bob appeared thoughtful, ?Well I think she should be ok.  Tell you what, Barry, why don’t I take a good look at her, then I’ll let you know??

Barry grinned, ?Good idea.? He turned to Natasha, ?OK, get your kit off and let the man see what you’re made of.?  He said casually.  She stared at him in disbelief, then slowly stood up.  She hesitated for a moment, then pulled off her T-shirt.  Her small, high tits with their pale pink nipples were every bit as delicious as I remembered.  Then she pushed her micro skirt down, revealing an opaque, tiny black thong.  She discarded this also, the stood with her arms at her side as Bob surveyed her with a practised eye.

?Not bad.  Not bad at all.? He said after a few moments, ?Turn around and let me see your arse.?  Natasha turned obediently.  ?Right, now spread your legs and bend over.?  She shuffled her feet apart, then took a deep breath before bending forward.  Bob stared at her perfect, clean shaven slit and grinned.  ?Now that’s nice!? He chuckled, ?I’m sure we can make use of her!?  Natasha groaned softly.  ?Does she go, though?? Bob asked, turning to Barry.

Goes like a fucking train mate!? He laughed, ?Can’t get enough of it, can you sweetheart??

?Is that so?? Bob said with a sly grin.

?Maybe Bob would like to try her out?? I suggested, ?You wouldn’t mind, would you Barry??

?No, I don’t mind at all, mate.? He agreed, ?Help yourself.?

Bob winked at me, then stood up. He took Natasha by that hand and led her to the back room of the shop.  Within moments I could hear him grunting with pleasure.  I turned back to Barry.  ?There may be some money in this.? I smiled, ?I thought we could split it seventy – thirty.  Seventy for me, thirty for you.  That ok with you??

He thought for a moment, ?Sure thing, Steve, if you think that’s the right thing to do.?

I smiled at him, then we both grinned as we heard Natasha moaning with pleasure in the back room.  ?And if she’s any good at the film making business, we could try her out with some other stuff.? I smiled.

?Yeah? Like what??

?Well, I’m sure Bob could use her for special parties at the shop from time to time.  You know the sort of thing, strip dances, live sex shows, that kind of thing.  She might even be useful doing special services for some of his wealthier clients.?

Barry’s brow furrowed, ?But if she’s doing that, I still get to fuck her, right??

?Absolutely!? I grinned, ?You can have her whenever you want.  In fact, it’ll be your job to make sure she’s where she’s supposed to be and does what she’s meant to do.  You’ll be like her business manager.?

He grinned, ?Cool!?

?And if there’s some new stuff we want her to do for a film, then you can try it out on her first. How about that??

?New stuff? Like what??

?Maybe some bondage stuff, or spanking?  Maybe we’ll want her to dress up, and I’ll expect you to get her costume and make sure she behaves how we want her to. How does that sound??

He grinned broadly, ?Excellent!?

?There is one thing though.  We’ve got a valuable commodity here.  You can’t carry on just giving her away to anyone just for the fun of it.  If she’s going to be fucked, there’s got to be some money involved, agreed??

We both turned to look at the door to the back room as Natasha’s moans and wails escalated as she climaxed.  Then Barry looked at me and grinned again, ?Sure thing!? He chuckled, ?No more freebies!?

?So if your friends want to use her for a party, they’ll have to pay.  You work out the rate, and remember, seventy – thirty, ok??

?Yeah, sure Steve.?

Moments later Bob emerged from the back room, fastening his trousers and grinning broadly, ?Jesus but she’s a good little fuck, isn’t she?? He laughed, ?I think she’ll be a big success in the kind of films I like to sell.  I’ll set something up, and I’ll give you a call.? He nodded to Barry, who grinned back.  Seconds later Natasha emerged, her face still flushed with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.  She quickly pulled on her thong and top, then wriggled into her tiny skirt.

?It’s all agreed.? I said to her, ?Bob will sort out the times, and then Barry will take you to the studio.  You’re going to be a movie star!?  The others laughed, she looked pale.

A few days later I received a phone call from Bob, ?Got a couple of films for you to watch, mate.  What a fucking cracker your little red head is!  When can you get down here to see them??

I grinned at his obvious satisfaction, then made arrangements to see the goods.  Then I phoned Barry.  He answered his phone with a grunt, then brightened considerably as he recognised my voice.  ?Hello Steve! How you been??

?I’m good thanks, had fun with Natasha, I hear??

?Jesus yes!  We had a fucking great time!?

?Is she with you now??

He chuckled, ?Yes, but she can’t come to the phone right now, cos she’s got my cock in her mouth!?

I laughed, then told him about the arrangements to see the films.  ?Be there, will you, and bring her along.?

?Sure thing, Steve.  See ya.?

The following evening I arrived at Bob’s place after closing time.  Bob grinned at me, then nodded in the direction of Barry and Natasha.  He was flicking through a porn mag and stopping from time to time to show her a picture, asking if she would like to wear a variety of different clothes.  She was sitting next to him, her body tight, fingers knotted together.

?Right then mate.? I grinned at Bob, ?let’s have a look at how out little film star has done, shall we??

Bob and Barry grinned, Natasha bowed her head, her face blushing.  Bob switched on the TV, then set the film running.  The scene opened on a bedroom with a single bed in it.  Posters of current pop stars covered the walls, and a collection of teddy bears and other soft toys was strewn around.  Natasha came into the room dressed in a grey school skirt, blouse and tie.  ?I’m just doing my homework mum.? She called out as she closed the door.  Then she sat on the bed and reached for a picture frame on the bedside cabinet.  She stared longingly at the image, then sighed, saying, ?Oh Robbie, I love you so much. Oh I’d live it of you were here now.?  She ran a hand over her small tits, then sighed once more, ?Oh Robbie, what are you doing??  She flicked open a button on her blouse and slipped her hand inside, then she began to massage her tit, licking her lips.  ?Oh Robbie, yes! Oh yes! Oh do it to me, my darling.? She gasped.  Then paused, ?What did you say?  You want to see me? All of me?  I know you love me, my darling, and I love you too.?

She stood up and faced the camera, then began to open the remaining buttons of her blouse.  She looked deliciously young and innocent as she pulled the blouse open to reveal a plain white blouse, then she removed it completely and reached for the clasp of her skirt.  She let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it, then said to her imaginary lover, ?Do you like me so far, Robbie?? She smiled, then sighed happily, ?Would you like to see the rest now??  After a brief pause she reached behind her to unfasten her bra, which she removed carefully, keeping her arm across her tits, then she looked at the camera, smiled, and lowered her arm.  Her small tits looked perfect, and her powder pink nipples were stiffening.  I glanced across at the real thing to see her squirming with embarrassment next to Barry, her face crimson.  On the screen she was hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her knickers, and then with a nervous looking smile she pushed them down. 

The camera zoomed in on her shaven mound, paused, then pulled back slowly.  As it did so, she lifted herself up onto tiptoe and turned around, displaying her perfect arse before turning to face the camera again.  ?Do you like me Robbie?? She asked girlishly, then sighed, ?Oh I love you so much Robbie. Oh Robbie!? She gasped, falling onto the bed.  The rolled onto her back and opened her legs, then stroked her pussy lips.  ?Oh Robbie, that feels so good!? She gasped before spreading her thighs wider and slipping a finger between her lips.  ?Ohhhh yeeesssssssssss!? She moaned as she began to finger fuck herself slowly, ?Oh Robbie do it to me, ohhhhhhhh!?

She began to buck her hips as she fucked herself with two fingers, her free hand caressing here tits and rolling he nipples.  She began to gasp and moan, confessing her love for the unseen Robbie, ?Oh I’ll always love you Robbie.  I love you so much Robbie. Oh my darling, yes!?

There were sniggers from Bob and Barry, Natasha hid her face in her hands.  I looked back at the screen, watching as she fingered herself, her gasps and moans filled the room.  I pressed fast forward.  Her fingers became a blur.  After a moment or two I hit the ‘play’ button, then watched as she got up off the bed and reached into a school bag.  She brought out a large banana then lay back again.  The camera zoomed in once more as she eased the long yellow shaft into her glistening pussy, moaning softly as she did so.  I watched for a couple more minutes as she fucked herself with increasing passion then looked across at Natasha once more.  Her eyes were fixed on the floor, her face flushed.

?I like this one!? I grinned, ?What about the other??

Bob beamed a broad smile at me, ?If you like that, you’re going to love this!? H said with a chuckle.  He loaded the disc and pressed ‘play’.  The image flashed onto the screen of Natasha entering a room with two men, one black, one white.  They immediately began to fondle her, squeezing her tits and rubbing the crotch of her jeans.  The black man lifted her T-shirt exposing her tits, then began to suck and lick them whilst the white man opened her jeans and thrust his hand inside.  She closed her eyes and whimpered as they played with her, then they each opened their trousers and placed one of her hands on their stiff cocks.  She slowly stroked and massaged the shafts as the white man pulled her jeans down.  He left her jeans and knickers bunched around her knees then rubbed her pussy slowly before pushing a finger into her.  The film cut to a scene of all three of them naked.  Now the white man was playing with her tits, pinching and rolling her nipples while the black man played with her pussy, teasing her clit, making her moan. 

I fast forwarded.  Now she was on her knees on a bed sucking the large black cock, stroking his balls.  The white man was licking her pussy, pulling her lips apart and thrusting his tongue into her.  He slowly pushed a finger into her tight hole, began to finger fuck her arse.  She moaned onto the black shaft, her hips moving from side to side as she tried to evade the intruder.  I ran the film forward again.  The black man was taking her from behind, driving his shaft deep into her pussy as she sucked the white man’s cock.  In the next scene the black man was sitting on the bed.  She lowered herself down onto his cock and began to fuck him eagerly, gasping and moaning.  The white man positioned himself behind her, then placed his cock against her tight hole and began to push in.  She froze in position with the black cock deep inside her, then whimpered as the second shaft began to bury itself in her. Within moments they were both fucking her, laughing to each other as she moaned with each stroke.

I glanced across at her once more.  She was biting her lower lip, her head down, unwilling to watch her shame and humiliation.  I smiled to myself, then turned back to the screen.  The black cock was now buried in her arse, and she moaned with discomfort as it stabbed into her.  She was sucking on the white cock, eyes closed.  The white man reached down and began to play with her clit, then pushed two fingers into her shaven pussy.  I flicked forward again.  Now both cocks were being stroked by their owners as they were pointed at her face.  As I watched the white cock began to spurt jism across her face.  She closed her eyes and opened her mouth.  A spurt fell onto her tongue, then next one hit her across the face, followed by several more.  As the white cock finished, the black one erupted, firing stream after stream at her.  The spurts were so powerful that she flinched instinctively as the first few hit her face.  The black cock seemed to go on and on. By the time it ended her face was covered with jism.  Both men laughed, then the camera closed in on her.  She began to rub the sticky streams into her face, then licked her fingers before smearing more of the jism onto her small tits.

I turned off the screen then turned to Bob and Barry.  ?Good!? I grinned, ?Really good.  How much are you selling them for??

?Twenty quid a pop.? Bob grinned smugly, ?Already sold thirty of them, and I’ve got orders for another fifty.  She’s going to be a fucking gold mine!?

?You’ve got more planned??

?Yeah, next weekend.  We’re doing a naughty schoolgirl one.  She’s going to get spanked, caned and fucked.  Should be a good one.  Then we thought we’d do a rape one.  Have her done over by a gang of hells angels or something.? Bob laughed, ?You got any ideas??

?Sky’s the limit, isn’t it?? I chuckled, ?We could do anything with her.  Water sports, scat, torture, even animals.?

Barry laughed, ?Yeah, that would be good! Watching her get fucked by a horse or a dog.  Nice one!? Natasha stared at him in horror.

?You don’t like the idea of being a film star?? I grinned at her.  She had gone very pale.  She shook her head sadly, but didn’t speak.

?It doesn’t matter what she wants, does it??  Barry grinned, ?She’ll do as she’s told, whatever it is.?

?That’s good.? Bob said, ?Because I’ve got a little job for her on Friday.?  Barry looked up expectantly, Natasha nervously.  Bob continued, ?I know this bloke, he’s a regular customer of mine.  Spends lots with me.  He’s already bought the films, and he likes what he sees!  He wants her for a private party he’s having.  Should be about ten of them there he says, and he wants her in bondage gear.  He offered three hundred quid for the night, I told him he could have her for four.  He agreed, so make sure she’s here for about six on Friday and I can get her ready and take her to him, ok??

Barry grinned, ?Sure thing.? 

Natasha squirmed in her seat next to him.  ?Please don’t make me do that.? She whined, ?Please.?

?Shut up.? Barry said brutally, ?Like I said, you’ll do as you’re told, right??  Her bottom lip quivered and she fell silent.

I grinned to myself, then said, ?Well I think it’s time me and Natasha went to the back room.?  Her head jerked up and she looked at me in alarm.  ?Come on then.? I said, and stood up.

She glanced at Barry who had picked up another magazine and was paying no attention to her, then got to her feet.  She was wearing a white crop top and matching micro skirt, with white stilettos.  As I made my way to the door of the back room, she tottered after me.  I closed the door behind me and turned to her.  ?Take your top off.? I ordered.  Without a word she pulled off the tiny garment and clutched it to her.  I reached out and fondled her tits, gently squeezing her nipples. ?Did you enjoy making the films?? I asked with a grin.

?No. I felt so ashamed and dirty, but I had to do it.  Barry said so.? She whimpered.

?Exactly.? I grinned, ?Take the rest off now.?

She kicked off her shoes, then wriggled out of her skirt.  She had a tiny white thong on underneath, which she quickly removed, then put all her clothes on a nearby chair.

?Right, I want you to kneel on this desk, legs apart, shoulders down.  Stick your pretty arse in the air for me.? I said.  Without protest she climbed onto the desk and positioned herself as I’d ordered.  I stood behind her and took in the view of her shapely arse and perfect pussy, then ran my fingertip from the base of her spine, along her crack to her slit. She shuddered at my touch but made no other movement.  I leaned forward and licked along her slit. She groaned, then sighed with pleasure.  I gently pulled her pussy lips apart, then touched her clit with the tip of my tongue.  She gasped, then arched her back, pushing her hips towards me.  ?Play with your clit.? I ordered.  Immediately she thrust her hand between her legs and began to stroke the little bud.

Within moments she was moaning softly, and I could se she was becoming wet.  I let her play with herself for a couple of minutes, then told her to get down off the desk.  I sat on the edge of it, opened my trousers and said, ?Let’s see how good you are with that pretty mouth of yours.?

She fell to her knees and took hold of my shaft, then began to suck it hungrily.  Barry had obviously been giving her instructions on how to do it properly, because she soon had me sighing with pleasure as she licked and sucked whilst caressing my balls.  After several minutes I told her to stand up, the bent her over the desk.  She looked over her shoulder at me as I ran my cock along her slit, then moaned softly as I slid into her.  I let my hands slide up her body and cupped her firm little tits, then began to fuck her.  Her programming had already kicked in, and she was soon pushing back at me and moaning with pleasure.  I thrust my hand between her legs and stroked her clit.  She sighed, then pressed her hand onto mine, began to rub my fingers onto her bud.

?I want you to come for me.? I grunted in her ear.  She began to thrust her hips back onto my cock whilst pressing my hand hard against her clit.  She writhed around on my cock, gasping and moaning, and then suddenly she came.  She let out a high pitched wail and her entire body shook.  I pinched her nipples hard as she climaxed, then rammed my cock deep into her.  She fell forward onto the desk and wailed with pleasure and pain, and then her body was racked with gasps and sobs.  I let her recover for a few seconds, then pulled my cock out of her pussy and quickly placed it against her back door.  She shuddered as she felt me start to penetrate, then groaned again.

I took hold of her hips then began to fuck her arse.  She was deliciously tight, and the soft moans of discomfort she emitted spurred me higher.  I tried to hold back, savouring my enjoyment of her body and my complete control of her mind, but soon I knew I was done.  I allowed myself to climax, shooting my load deep into her bowels.  She groaned with shame as she felt me come. 

I pulled out of her, still gasping for breath.  She made no sound, simply stood up and reached for her clothes.  ?Wait a minute, you’re not finished yet.? I ordered.  She let her clothes drop and looked at me expectantly.  ?Get down and lick me clean.? I demanded.

She fell to her knees and began to lick my cock, her face contorted with displeasure.  After a couple of minutes I was satisfied with her and told her to get dressed.  She did so without a word, then followed me back onto the shop.  I grinned at Bob, ?Nice! Very nice indeed.  Let me know how the filming goes.? He grinned back, ?Oh, and make sure I get my cut of the money she’s going to earn, won’t you??

Bob chuckled, ?Oh yes, don't you worry about that, my friend.? He moved over to Natasha, began to cup her tits, ?You’re going to be a right little money spinner, you are!?

She hung her head in misery as he pulled off her T-shirt, then pushed his hand up her skirt.  I smiled to Barry then said, ?Right, well have fun you two, I’ll see you later.?

Barry grinned in reply and raised his hand in salute.  Bob said something incoherent as he sucked Natasha’s tit.  I grinned to myself, then left the shop. I didn’t doubt that they would enjoy themselves, and so to, in her own way, would Natasha.  Bob was right, she was going to make us a lot of money.

Same as It's all in the mind - case files: Natasha Videos

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Case Files of Nick Stud Ch 1

Chapter One: In The Beginning There are those of us who still remember the Private Investigator of old like Phillip Marlow and Sam Spade. For those to young it’s a pity for you certainly missed one of the most golden of eras when a Private Eye was tough. He gave no quarter and expected even less for himself. It’s my hope for the older generation to turn back the clock a few years so they may remember those wonderful days past. As for the younger ones, I hope to bring them some of the joy we...

3 years ago
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Case Files of Nick Stud

Chapter 1: In The Beginning There are those of us who still remember the Private Investigator of old like Phillip Marlow and Sam Spade. For those to young it's a pity for you certainly missed one of the most golden of eras when a Private Eye was tough. He gave no quarter and expected even less for himself. It's my hope for the older generation to turn back the clock a few years so they may remember those wonderful days past. As for the younger ones, I hope to bring them some of the joy we...

3 years ago
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You know, when you read "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" with a modern understanding of science, as a person who understands chemistry, biology, and psychology, the rational part of your mind will tell you it's not possible. That it makes for a fun story, but you could not drink a potion and transform either physically or mentally like the title character of that book. You can't change yourself like that. But the irrational part, oh it wishes you could. It looks at...

1 year ago
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Doctor Von Scouries Case 1 Katherine

One of my second cousins, Andy Von Scouries, a psychiatrist, is the hero of the following tale (they still use the Von in their branch of the family). When Andy and his sister were down visiting in Florida last winter they told me about some of his most interesting cases. He was hoping I'd write some of them up for him so he also left me a copy of his case notes and some of the video of the various sessions to ensure accuracy. Next time I'm up visiting him he's promised to let me sit in on...

2 years ago
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The Phyllis Files Ch 01

Cold Case Files: The Case of the Executed Environmentalist. The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The...

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Anna and the Secret Files 2

-- Anna And The Secret Files 2 --Our story began with my discovery of some very interesting files Anna's husband had left on a system, files he'd desperately needed me to delete. I'd deleted them, but I'd kept a copy .. because they were files of Anna having all sorts of sex! Showing them to her gave me the leverage to get her to give herself to me. Holding her naked in my lap, we watched a video together. We discussed some of the things we were watching, and I learned more about Anna's sex...

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Callies Downfall

PLEASE WRITE SOME CHAPTERS- - - - - - Description: My life was great. 18, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "James, how am I going to get enough money for my prom dress? Between school and the job I have at...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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Kalluri Kathaliyai Kathal Seithu Oothen

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil en kathaliyai eppadi kalluriyil vaithe sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Ragul, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, aanal innum entha pennaiyum oru murai kuda matter seiya mudiyaamal thavithu varugiren, yaraiyaavathu kathal seiya vendum endru yosithu irunthen. Appozhuthu thaan en kathaliyai naan paarthen, aval peyar meena en vayathu thaan agugirathu. Aanal aval kalluri mundram varudam padithu vanthu irunthaal, naan...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Hot Lactating MILF in Overalls Gangbanged at Halloween Party

My name is Jason, and my wife, Katie, and I are in our mid-thirties now, still living a cuckold lifestyle, that began with us agreeing to try swinging with our close friends, when I was twenty-seven years old, Katie was twenty-four. Our daughter was only five months old then, and Katie was breastfeeding her.Katie and I live in Memphis, where we moved when we got married, right after graduating from UT; me with a law degree, and Katie with an accounting degree. I was recruited by a law firm in...

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The Revolution Kalliste Leaves

"God, that was fun," Selene said as she pushed open the front door of the Women's Co-op. Three other girls crowded in behind her. It was a blustery Spring afternoon in Chicago, and all four of them were heavily bundled up against the cold. All of them carried signs demanding the government take some action. "Did you see his expression when you hit him with the pie?" "And that cop was like totally out of line," Brianna said. "He actually tried to lay hands on us." "Shut the door,"...

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Kassandra and Kalliste

"You're Kalliste's friend aren't you?" Caroline asked Kit Cameron. It was Tuesday night at the Northwestern University Women's Co-op and people were busy everywhere. "Do you know any stories?" Kit was taking her turn at the loom and glanced at Kalliste Periakes over her glasses. Kit was like Kalliste, a woman of indeterminate age with dark hair and a slight olive cast to her skin. Her thin face showed a few lines, and at times her dark eyes seemed deep and unfathomable. "We've known...

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Keys and files

I was waiting for the end of this boring meeting with our client. It was important for our company. My boss even lent me his shiny car, so I could make a good impression at their facilities. But I was not totally focused on that meeting. I was eager for the end of it.We, you and me, were going to grab a coffee today, after work, and I was getting late for it. Finally, it's 6.30pm. The meeting is over. It went Ok. We sold our solution to them. The client chose us.I get into the car and I take...

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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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