It's All In The Mind - Case Files: Emily free porn video

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Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.

The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.

As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!

I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If anyone reading this would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.

[email protected]

It’s all in the mind – case files.


Session 1.

I had been running my hypnotherapy surgeries for just a few weeks when my good friend, and ‘partner in crime’, Doctor David Ritchie referred Emily to me.  She was quite a pretty little thing, slim build, shoulder length light brown hair, a fine-featured face with large brown eyes.  I noticed at once that she had a small, tight, shapely little arse, and her tits were no more than a handful I guessed.  She dressed simply, blue jeans and a loose fitting top.

As she took her seat beside my desk she looked around nervously, clutching her bag tight to her body as if it were some sort of shield.  I smiled at her reassuringly, encouraged her to relax. She just smiled weakly at me and said nothing.

I started by confirming her details.  She was fifteen and studying for her ‘O’ levels.  I asked her what the problem was.

She coughed nervously.  ?There’s nothing wrong with me.  Nothing at all.  I don’t even know why I’m here.?  She said in a thin, nervous voice.  ?My mum seems to think I need to see a shrink or something.  Like she cares!?

?But she must have a reason to be worried about you??  I probed.

?Yeah, right!  Worried about me, that’s a laugh!  Worried about herself more like.?

?Why would she send you here if she were worried about herself??

She laughed, mirthlessly.  ?Good question!  Why don’t you ask my darling mother about that? Maybe she wants to talk to you.  I don’t.?  She slumped down in her seat still clutching her bag tightly to her body.

I tried to get her to relax, to loosen up a bit.  All to no avail.  She point-blank refused to discuss anything with me.  What was clear was that she was seriously stressed, and very, very angry at her mother, although her father too came in for some acerbic comments.

?How long have you been suffering like this?? I asked.

?Like what?  What do you mean, ‘suffering’?  I said, there’s nothing wrong with me.?

?I think there is something troubling you.  And I would guess that it isn’t going to get better by itself.  I can help you, Emily.?

?Yeah? How??  She demanded, her face impassive.

?I’d like to try some relaxation therapy.  It can be very effective in helping with all sorts of problems.?  I smiled reassuringly. 

She looked at me with very real fear in her eyes. ?I don’t want that.? She insisted, ?I don’t want to be here at all.  Can’t I just go, please??

?Certainly, if that’s what you want.? I said soothingly, ?But unless you let someone help you, things are going to go from bad to worse.  And your parents are obviously worried about you, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.  Emily I promise you, there’s nothing to worry about.  All I plan to do is help you relax a little, ok?  If you’re not happy with anything just say, and we can stop.  How’s that??  I smiled again.  She fiddled nervously with her bag, her entire body a bundle of nervous energy.  After a few moments she sighed heavily, then said, ?Fine!  If that’s what it takes to stop them going on at me, then ok.?

I told her to take a seat on the examining couch nearby, then began to put her under.  She was very reluctant to succumb, fighting me all the way, but finally she was out.  I took her very, very deep, peeling back the layers of her psyche, until I knew she was mine.

?Emily, you can trust me completely.  I am your friend, and I’m going to help you. Understand??


?In a little while I will wake you, and you’ll go home.  But every night, before you go to bed you will tell yourself that I am your friend, that I can help you, and that you can trust me completely.  You will come to see me again in exactly one week, and when you do you will want to tell me everything about what is upsetting you.  Understand??


?You’ll tell me whatever I ask.  You’ll tell me about your life, your feelings, anything at all, understand??


?And you’ll feel completely comfortable telling me these things, because I’m your friend and you can trust me completely, understand??


?And because I’m your friend you will be happy to accept any suggestion or instruction I may give to you.  Isn’t that right, Emily??


I let her brain absorb the new information, and spent a few minutes making sure she was completely under my control.  Naturally, I gave her a key word, one which would take her straight back to this state of deep hypnosis whenever I wanted.  After a few minutes I told her that she would wake feeling relaxed and refreshed.  Then I brought her ‘round.  She opened her eyes and blinked sleepily.

?There now, that was ok, wasn’t it??  I smiled at her. 

For the first time since I’d met her she smiled back, a smile with genuine warmth to it. ?Yes, that was fine!  Wow! I feel really good.  Is that all there is to it??

?That’s all there is for today.  Come and see me again next week, and we’ll talk again, ok??

?Sure thing!  Thanks.?  She skipped from the room.  I watched her tight little arse disappear through the door and felt my cock stiffen at the thought of the fun I was going to have with her.

Session 2.

Emily came back to see me exactly a week later.  She was less defensive, even managing a small smile for me.  I asked her to lay back on the couch, then put her under.

?Emily, how do you feel about me now??

?You’re my friend.  You’re going to help me.?

?And you’re going to tell me everything, aren’t you??


?When I wake you I want you to answer all of my questions, and leave nothing out, understand??


I brought her ‘round and sat back, eager to find out what was bothering her.  She started to sit up, but I motioned for her to lay back on the couch.

?You’ll be more comfortable there.? I told her.  ?Now, why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you??

She sighed heavily.   ?You really want to know??

?Yes, of course.? I smiled again.

?All of it??

?All of it.  Tell me everything.  That way I can find out what’s been bothering you all this time.  Go ahead.?

?Well, it all started when my dad got this new job.  He was really pleased with himself, kept telling us all how it was his big break, how we’d all be better off.  Then he told us that as part of the new job we’d all have to move here.  None of us wanted to move, but he insisted.?

?How many of you are there??

?There’s me and mum, dad of course, and my brother and sister, Patrick and Chloe.?

?How old are your brother and sister??

?They’re twins.  They’re just twelve.?

?Go on.?

?Well, we tried to persuade dad not to make us move, but he insisted.  And he’s not the sort of person who you argue with, so we ended up here.?

?And when did you move here??

?About three months ago.?

?And you don’t like it here??

?I hate it.  I hated it from the first moment we got here.  I hate the house, I hate the neighbours, I hate the people here ??

?What about school??

?School’s the worst of it all.  Oh God, it’s so awful.?  She wailed.

?Tell me how things started to go wrong.?

?It started on the very first day we moved here.  We were still moving all the furniture in when dad’s new boss showed up.  I hated him right away.  He’s a horrible, fat, sweaty man.  When he looked at me that first time it made my skin crawl.  It was like he was weighing me up.  I felt as though he was undressing me with his eyes.  I could see mum felt that way too.  He was looking at her in the same way.?

?What did your father do about that??

?Didn’t even notice, or if he did he was too busy crawling around his new boss to say anything. ‘Nice to see you Mr. Atkins.  So good of you to come ‘round, Mr. Atkins.’ God! It made me feel sick to see him fawning all over him like that. And the fat man just took it all as if it was his God given right.  He even ordered my dad to get him a coffee! We were all amazed when dad said, ‘Yes, of course, Mr. Atkins, won’t be a minute sir.’ Then he ordered me to go and make it.  I could feel the fat bastard’s eyes on me as I left the room.  After that he called ‘round whenever he felt like it, and always made himself right at home, like he owned the place. He even started coming ‘round when dad was away on business trips.  He’d get mum to cook him a meal or make him drinks, and then he’d ask me about school, and what work I was doing. Sometimes he even sent me and my brother and sister to our rooms to do homework. He said he needed to speak to mum alone, and that we should stay upstairs until after he’d gone.?

?What were they talking about, do you think??

?No idea.  After a while it was a good excuse to get away from him.  Anyway, dad was away more and more often, and whenever he was away Mr. Atkins would come ‘round to the house, and we’d be sent out of the way upstairs.?

?Did you make any new friends when you moved here??

?Fat chance!  I wanted to, of course, but as soon as I started the new school I knew I’d never fit in here.?

?How do you mean??

?I never had the chance to fit in.  As soon as I started there they all had it in for me.  The laughed at my accent, because it’s different to theirs, they laughed at my clothes, my hair.  If I worked hard in any class they called me names. When I ignored that they used to tear up my books, or steal my stuff.  I tried complaining to the teachers, but after a while I think they got tired of hearing me complain, so nothing got done.?

?You were bullied all the time??

?Yes.  Every day.  It would start on the bus to school.  They’d call me names and stuff.?

?What kind of names??

?The boys would call me ‘posh tart’, and the girls used to call me ‘Emily no-tits’, because my boobs aren’t very big.?

?Did that upset you??

?It would have done, if that’d been the end of it, but it was just the start.  All through the day I’d be pushed or hit.  They’d call me every dirty name they could think of.  Once, when I was getting changed after gym class, all the girls stood ‘round me chanting ‘no tits, no tits’.  Then they pulled my top and my bra off and made fun of my body.  On the bus home that afternoon they told all the boys about it, and they all laughed again.  A couple of the boys said I should give them a look at my boobs, and some of the girls tried to get hold of me, but I managed to get off the bus before they could touch me.  But the next day it started again.  Every day there was something.  Either my dinner money was taken off me, or my books were damaged or some of my things were stolen, and there was always the name calling. Then one day I had enough and I threw a jug of water over one of the older boys.?

?What happened??

?I was standing in line to get my lunch when this boy, James, came up behind me.  He put his arms ‘round me and grabbed my boobs, and said, ?You haven’t got much up top, have you no tits?!?  Everyone saw, and they all started to laugh really, really loudly.  I pushed him away from me and called him a dirty bastard, but he just laughed at me.  Then he pointed at my boobs and laughed some more.  Before I knew what I was doing I’d picked up a jug of water and thrown it all over him.  He tried to get at me, but one of the teachers got in the way and we were both sent to the headmaster’s office.  I told him what had happened, and why I’d thrown the water over James.  He denied it, of course, and the headmaster told us to wait outside until our parents came.  As we waited James said to me, ?You think you had it bad before now.  You just wait, you little bitch.  You’re going to pay for that, big time.?

?Then what happened?

?Our parents arrived about an hour later.  Mum called dad at work and they came over together.  He looked pretty annoyed about it all, and then James’ dad came in, and it was Mr. Atkins, dad’s boss.  As soon as he saw the fat man he started to apologise.  He didn’t even wait to hear my side of the story.  Then the headmaster called us in, and he started apologising to James’ dad too.  I looked up at James and he was grinning at me all the time.  Whenever I tried to get a word in to explain, I was told to be quiet.  Finally, I just stood there and listened to them talking.  Finally, the headmaster left us all alone in his office. As soon as he closed the door, Atkins started to yell at my dad.  He was going on and on about him not being able to control his children, how he was a lousy father, how, if I was his daughter he’d put me over his knee until I learned some manners. On and on and on.  And dad just took it all, never complained once.  Nor did mum.  Then he told dad off for taking time off work without permission!  Dad just apologised, over and over again.  Finally he finished, but not before he said, ?If there’s any more nonsense from your bloody kid, or if I catch you missing work again, you’re out.  Got that??  James grinned even more at that, and dad made another grovelling apology.  As soon as they’d gone, he started on me.  He called me a selfish, stupid little girl who was going to lose him his job.  ?And if I lose this job because of you, then we lose the house, the car, everything.?  Then mum joined in.  ?Really darling, you must try to get on with your school mates more.  You can’t go throwing water over everyone just because someone teases you a little.?  I tried to explain, but they didn’t want to know.?

?So what happened next??

?James wasn’t kidding.  At school the next day things got even worse.  It started on the bus as usual.  James saw me, and immediately called out, ‘here she is boys, the one who likes throwing water around.  Tell us how your dad’s going to protect you now.  Go on, tell everyone what a snivelling little shit your dad is. How he grovelled to my dad, how he got put in his place!’ All the others were laughing.  ‘She thought her dad was going to sort things out, and just because I gave her tiny little tits a bit of a squeeze!  Got that wrong, didn’t you, no tits!’  They all thought that was hilarious.  He went on and on, all the way to school.  ‘All that fuss over nothing!’ he giggled, ‘It’s not as though she’s even got a decent pair!  More like a couple of fried eggs.  Tell you what, why don’t you get them out now, let’s have a look at them?  Come on, it’s not as though they’re anything special, is it?’  I asked him to leave me alone, but he was having too much fun.  He said I should apologise for having thrown water over him.  I told him to get lost, but he just kept on and on.  Finally, he said, ‘You better say you’re sorry, or my dad is going to hear all sorts of stories about you.  And what will your spineless father do then, little girl?  You know my dad will sack him if there’s any more trouble from you, so unless you want to end up living on a council estate, you’d better say your sorry, and make it believable, ok?’?

?And did you??

?Didn’t have any choice, did I?  They all sat there laughing at me, and I knew he’d go through with it if I didn’t apologise, and then dad would be in trouble, and it would all be my fault.  So I gave in and said I was sorry.  But that wasn’t good enough for him.  I had to stand up in front of them all and say, ‘I’m sorry I threw water over you James.’  And then I had to say that it was all my fault, and that I wouldn’t do it again, and that I’d pay to have his clothes cleaned.  And then he said, ‘You just got angry because you’ve only got little tits, isn’t that right?’  And I nodded.  I was totally beaten by then.  And he made me say it out loud, ?I was angry because I’ve only got little tits.?  And they all laughed again.  I thought I’d die of shame, but that was only the beginning.?

?Go on.?

?Later that day I had a gym class.  All the girls took every chance they got to hurt me or make me look foolish.  They’d throw the ball at me so that I dropped it, or they’d trip me up or something, it was awful.  And then when we were getting changed I came out of the shower and I couldn’t find my knickers.  I looked around for them but they had gone.  One of the others, a big, nasty girl called Selina asked me if I’d lost something and they all laughed.  That’s when I knew that they’d taken them.  I asked for them back, but they pretended they didn’t know what I was talking about, so I had to go for the rest of the day without any.  And then, as I was leaving school at the end of the day I saw them.  They had been pinned to a notice board with my name written underneath.  There was a gang of boys standing right by them, with James right in the middle, and they were all giggling.?

?What did you do??

?I should have walked away, I can see that now.  If I’d walked away they’d have had far less fun. Instead, I walked over to the notice board and got them.  They all cheered and laughed, and James asked me if I was going to put them back on, right there in front of them.  I didn’t know what to say, so I just put them in my bag and walked off as quickly as I could.  But then on the bus home they started again, telling everyone that I had no knickers on, that I had them in my bag.  And then someone grabbed my bag from me and started searching for them.  I tried to stop her, but some of the others held me back.  And then she found them, and started to throw them around the bus, playing catch with them.  I’d never felt so embarrassed or ashamed in my life.  Finally, James got hold of them and walked over to me.  He held them out to me, he was grinning all over his face, ‘Do you want your pretty pink knickers back, then no tits?’ he sneered.  When I reached out for them he snatched them away and said, ‘Too bad!  ‘cause I’m going to keep them.  I tried to grab them off him, but he was taller and stronger than me.  As I tried to grab them he reached out with his free hand and grabbed one of my boobs.  I must have cried out because they all looked over at the driver to see if he was going to do anything about it, but he just carried on driving. Finally, James put my knickers in his pocket and calmly got off the bus.  He waved to me as he got off, then the rest of them carried on calling me names.?

?And there was more treatment like that??

?Every day.  Whenever we had gym some of my things would go missing.  Once it was my bra, and that ended up on the notice board too.  They all laughed when they read the label, and all the girls had fun explaining to the boys that an ‘A’ cup was very small.  On another occasion they took pictures of me with their mobiles while I was getting changed, then they showed them to all the boys on the bus on the way home.  The week after, they waited until I was almost dressed, then they threw me out of the changing room and locked the door behind me.  I was only wearing my bra and knickers.  I kept begging them to let me in, but they wouldn’t, and then James and his gang came ‘round the corner and stood there watching me, making all sort of rude comments about my body and my underwear.  When they finally let me in I just put on the rest of my things and walked out of school.  I couldn’t bear being in there after that, I just felt so ashamed.  Once I was out of school I wandered around for a bit, then decided to go home.  I was going to tell mum I’d felt sick and was sent home.  When I got to our house, there was a car on the driveway I didn’t recognise, a big flash one.  I knew it wasn’t dad’s, I’d never seen it before.  I let myself in to the house as quietly as I could, and then I heard noises coming from the living room.  I remember peering ‘round the door and I couldn’t understand what I was seeing at first.  Then I knew.?

?What was going on??

?It was mum.  She was on her knees in front of Mr. Atkins, and she was totally naked.  He was sitting in dad’s chair, and his trousers were ‘round his ankles, and she was sucking his cock.?

?What did you do??

?I just screamed out ‘What is going on here?’  She looked ‘round at once, and I could see his cock, all hard and wet from where she’d been sucking it.  Mum looked appalled, but he just grinned at me, the same, smug grin I was used to seeing from James.  I turned and ran to my room, sobbing all the way, then I threw myself on the bed and cried my heart out.  Downstairs, I heard him calling to mum, ‘Get back here and finish me off, you lazy bitch.’  She must have done, I suppose, because it was some time later that she came to me, and as she came into my room I heard the front door slam and a car start up and drive away.  I couldn’t look at her.  I couldn’t believe she’d do anything like that, and with him of all men.  I asked her why, and she just sighed and said, ‘Dear God, girl, can’t you guess?’ I shook my head and she sighed again. ‘I have no bloody choice in it, darling.  Mr. Atkins said if I wasn’t nice to him he’d find some way to sack your father.  At first I refused, but then your dad came home one evening and said he’d been warned that if he didn’t improve his work he’d be fired.  That’s when I knew that he was serious, and that if I continued to refuse him it would be bad for all of us.’  I asked her how she could even bear to have him near her, that’s when she began to cry too.  She told me how she hated him, how it made her skin crawl whenever he came near her.  But she said he was completely ruthless, would fire dad if she didn’t co-operate.  I can still remember her words. ‘If your dad were to be fired he’d never get another job that paid even close to what he earns with Atkins.  I know Atkins would see to that.  It would just destroy your dad.  So I have to do it, so that he doesn’t have to go through that.’?

?And you believed her??

?Yes. I could see she was terrified of Atkins.  She kept on, over and over, telling me how I couldn’t tell anyone about what I’d seen.  She made me promise I’d never tell a soul, not Patrick or Chloe, not dad.  She even said I couldn’t tell any of my friends.  What a joke that was!  As if I even had any friends.?

?So you agreed to keep her secret??

?What choice did I have??

?None, I suppose.  So how did things progress after that??

?Progress? That’s a good one!?  She let out a short, staccato laugh, almost like a cough.  ?The ‘progress’ was all down hill from there on in.   Next day, on the school bus, James told the story of how I’d been locked out of the changing room in just my underwear.  He said what a cute little arse I had, and how he wouldn’t mind having a feel of it.  Loads of laughter once again.  By the time we reached the stop for school I could feel my face burning with shame and embarrassment.  As I walked to the school gates James drew level with me.  When I looked at him he looked me up and down and grinned at me.  I tried to ignore him, but then he took hold of my arm and steered me over to some out buildings where the ground staff kept their equipment.  I tried to struggle, but he had a tight grip on my arm.  He was hurting me.  I was so scared. I started to cry and begged him to let me go, but he just grinned again.  In a few seconds we were behind the buildings, out of sight of anyone else in the school.  He pushed me back against the wall, then he leaned in really close and laughed cruelly.  ‘My dad tells me you walked in on a bit of a scene yesterday.  Serves you right for running out of school like that.’ 

I was appalled. How could he possibly know about that?  It must have showed on my face, because he grinned again and said, ‘Oh I know about what dad and your mum get up to, don’t worry about that.  Dad says she’s a fine piece of arse.  Says she goes like a fucking Ferrari!  I’m just wondering if it’s a case of ‘like mother, like daughter’.  Well is it?’  I tried to pretend that I didn’t know what he meant, but he just laughed again.  ‘What I want to know is, what are you prepared to do to keep your spineless father in a job?’  He was looking straight into my eyes.  I was terrified.  He reached out and pulled my blazer open, then looked me up and down again.  I was too scared even to move as he reached out and put his hands over my boobs.  He started to squeeze them really hard.  I felt myself start to cry, I begged him to stop but he just laughed again.  Finally, he said, ‘Be back here at lunchtime.  If you’re not, then dad isn’t going to like what he hears tonight, and we know what that means for your pathetic daddy, don’t we?’  Then he stepped back, grinning all the time.  I turned and ran from him, tears running down my face.  He called after me,  ‘Remember, lunch time, or else.’  A few moments later and I was in the comparative safety of school.  One of the teachers noticed that I’d been crying and asked me what was wrong.  I was about to tell him, but then I saw James watching me and just shook my head and walked away.?

?So what did you do??

She sighed heavily and her bottom lip began to tremble.  ?I couldn’t see what else I could do.  If I went to a teacher and said what James had done to me they wouldn’t have believed me.  And then if James’ dad found out, then my dad would be fired, and Atkins would make sure he knew what he’d been doing with mum.?

?So you went to meet James??

?Yes.?  She said, in barely a whisper.

?And what happened??

?He was there, waiting for me.  He was on his own, and he was grinning at me, like he’d won a huge victory or something.  He said he was glad I was being sensible, and not making any trouble.  He said he could have my dad fired at a moment’s notice.  I asked him not to do that, practically begged him.  He said, ‘Well that depends on how nice you are to me, doesn’t it?’ And he laughed again.  I begged him to leave me alone, told him I’d give him money, anything.  He said, ‘I’ve got more money than you’ll ever have.  What I want is something different.’  I wanted to run away, wanted to be sick.  He moved closer to me. He was standing really close.  I was so afraid of what he would do.  Then he grinned and said, ‘Now, if you’re going to be nice and friendly to me, then your dad can keep his job. If you don’t want to be friends, then you can fuck off!  You, and your dad and your slag of a mother and your two little kids can all fuck off to some council slum.  So what’s it to be?’  I felt faint.  My legs were shaking.  I begged him once more to leave me alone.  He said, ‘Fine.  Go back to your lunch.  I’ll have a word with dad tonight, and I guess you’ll be out of here by the end of the week.’  I heard myself saying, ‘What do you want me to do?’  He grinned at me again, said, ‘Now that’s much better.’ He stepped closer, then reached down and opened the button of my blazer, then pulled it open.  ‘I thought it would be nice to have another feel of your juicy little tits.  That ok?’  I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.  I just stood there as he reached out and began to squeeze my boobs.  I closed my eyes tight and tried to pretend it wasn’t happening.  Then I felt him opening a button on my blouse.  I pushed his hands away and turned to run.  As I did so he said, ‘This is your last chance, you know.  If you go now I’ll make sure your dad finds out my dad’s been fucking your mother.  Imagine his face when he finds out!  And how will he feel when he’s sacked and has to live with the knowledge of what she’s done.  You want all of that to happen?’  I started to plead with him once more, but he dismissed me with a wave of his hand. ‘You know what I want.  If you don’t give it, you can fuck off.’?

?What did you do??

?I gave in.? She sobbed.  ?I stood there and let him open my blouse, and then he put his hands inside, and he pushed up my bra and started to squeeze my boobs and pinch my nipples.  I just stood there, sobbing as he played away, grinning all the time.  After a few minutes he stopped and told me to do my blouse up.  Then he told me that I was to meet him there every lunch time, and that I had better not miss because he’d make trouble for me.?

?And did you??

?Yes.  Every day after that I’d go to the outbuildings and he’d open my blouse and play with my boobs.  Then one day he made me kiss him.  I didn’t want to, but he insisted. It was my first real kiss and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. It was horrible.  And while I was kissing him he was touching my boobs.  I just felt so dirty.  He kept taking things further and further.  One day while I was kissing him he started to stroke my bum.  I didn’t like that, but he made me stay there.  He did that day after day, touching my boobs, then stroking my bum.  Then one day he said he wanted me to come back to his house with him after school.  I said that I couldn’t, because I had to go straight home, but he ignored me.  ‘Make up some excuse.’ He said.  I tried to find a reason why I couldn’t go with him, ?What about your mum and dad?? I asked, desperately.  He laughed at that.  He said, ‘Dad’s out at work, and mum pissed off years ago. It’ll be just you and me.  Fun, yes?’?

?And so you went back with him??

?There was no way out.  I followed him up the driveway to his massive house, feeling really, really scared.?

?Tell me what happened.?

?Once we were inside he made me take my blazer off, then he told me to follow him upstairs.  I remember my heart hammering against my ribs as I walked up the stairs. I followed him into his bedroom and he kissed me.  His hands went straight down and began to stoke my bum.  Then I felt him start to lift my school skirt.  I tried to struggle, tried to push him away.  He just looked at me and said, ‘Have you forgotten what will happen if you’re not nice to me?’  He was just in total control.  He started to kiss me again, and then he lifted my skirt and started to squeeze my bum.  I was too scared of him to object any more, not even when he put his hands in my knickers.  I just stood there and let him.  I knew what he was going to do next, and I was dreading it so much.  And then it happened.  I felt him move his hand around to my front, and his hand was down the front of my knickers.  I felt him touch my pubic hair and he sniggered.  I closed my legs really tight, as tight as I could, but he pushed his knee between mine and forced my legs open.  And then I felt his hand move right down, and he was stroking me between my legs.  I began to shake with fear but he paid no attention to me, just carried on touching me.  I felt him push a finger into me and I started to cry.  I hoped for all the world that he’d stop, begged him not to do that, but he just grinned.?

?Go on.?

?He was like an animal, grunting and groaning.  He had one hand on my bum, pulling me into him, and the other down the front of my knickers, and he was just rubbing my pussy and pushing his finger into me.  I was squirming around, trying to get away from him, but he was too strong for me.  I summoned up all my strength, then put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him away.  Then I tried to run for the door.?

?What happened then??

?He called out to me.  He just shouted, ‘OK, no tits, go ahead and run back to mummy and daddy.  You know what’ll happen next, so you’d better go and tell daddy he’ll be out of a job by this time tomorrow.’  I stopped at the door, tears streaming down my face.  I turned back to him and started to beg.  I pleaded with him not to make things bad for my father, but he just smiled.  I begged him once more and he grinned and said, ‘Well if you want your daddy to keep his job, you know what you have to do, don’t you?’  I just stood there and looked at him.  I couldn’t believe that anyone would be so heartless.  I begged again.  ?Please, James.  Please don’t do this to me.  Please.?  He just grinned again.  Finally, he said, ‘If you want your daddy to keep his job, come over here and be nice to me. If you don’t want to be nice, get out and tell your daddy to start packing, right?’?

?What did you do??

?I asked him if he promised that if I was nice to him, he’d leave my dad alone, and he grinned again and said, ‘Sure. If you’re really nice to me.’  I felt numb as I walked over to him.  I couldn’t look at him, I knew he was grinning that smug, sly grin of his, and I just couldn’t look at him.  I stood in front of him, totally miserable and dejected.  He looked me up and down again, then told me to take my blouse off.  When I hesitated for a moment he yelled at me, ‘Do as you’re told or fuck off.  I don’t have time to waste on stupid bitches like you, now make your mind up.’  I was so terrified by this time that I actually apologised.  I said I was sorry, then began to open the buttons on my blouse.  When I’d got them all open he reached out and took hold of each side, then pulled them apart.  He looked down at my boobs and grinned again, then he pushed my blouse off my shoulders and I let it fall to the floor.?

She paused for a moment to compose herself, then continued.

?Then he reached behind me and unfastened my bra.  He took it away from me, and I covered my boobs with my arms, but he pulled them aside and just stood there looking at my boobs for what seemed like ages.  The he pulled me towards him and began to kiss me again.  This time he kept on squeezing my boobs, sometimes pinching my nipples.  I tried to blot it out, tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, but then I felt him lifting the front of my school skirt.  Within moments his hand was between my legs and he was rubbing me there again.  Then he pushed his hand down the front of my knickers and started to stroke me between my legs.  I clamped my legs together, but he just looked me in the eyes and said, ‘I won’t tell you again.’  I gave in completely, let him push my legs apart and he started to stroke my pussy again.  He was sniggering to himself all the time, like he enjoyed the fact that I didn’t want him to touch me, but I couldn’t do anything about it.  Then he reached behind me and opened the catch of my skirt.  I remember hearing myself cry out quietly as I felt it slip down my legs to my ankles.  Then the worst part started. He dragged me over to his bed and pushed me down on it.  By this time all I had on were my shoes and socks and my knickers.  I lay on the bed, terrified, and he looked down at me and laughed to himself.  Then he reached down and started to pull my knickers down.?

?What did you do??

?I started to cry again, and started begging him again, but I was too scared of him to try to stop him.  He pulled my knickers down and dragged them off me.  Then he made me open my legs wide, so he could see me. ‘Have a look at the goods.’, he said.  I remember lying there, looking up at the ceiling while he looked at my entire body, and I just wanted to die of shame.  Then he started to open his trousers and I knew what he was going to do.  I started to cry again, but he paid no attention.  He pushed his trousers and underpants down, and his cock was all hard.  I’d never seen a real one so close up before, only my brother’s, and that didn’t count.  Now there was James’ one so close to me, and I was just horrified.  He grinned again, then climbed on top of me.  I felt him place it against my pussy and I pleaded with him once again.  He just laughed and said. ‘Shut up.’  Then he said, ‘Are you a virgin?’  When I told him I was he grinned again, then said, ‘My lucky day, then, isn’t it?’  And then he started to push his cock into me.  I felt panic rising in me, and started to try to push him off again.  I was desperate to get away, but he was far too strong for me.  I felt his weight bearing down on me, felt him start to push into me.  I felt a sharp, stabbing pain inside me and I cried out.  I tried to push him off me, but he just grabbed my wrists and held my arms over my head.  Then he gave a really sharp push and I felt a tearing pain inside me, and then he fell forward and I felt him pushing up inside me.?

?He’d taken your virginity??

?Yes.?  She whispered.  ?We lay there for a moment, with him on top of me, grinning, and me underneath, crying.  He said, ‘Well you ain’t no virgin no more.’ And laughed.  And then he started to pull back and then he drove into me again.  In no time he was pounding into me, and I was being shaken around like a rag doll. Oh God, it was so awful.  He was pumping into me really fast, and squeezing my boobs at the same time. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, on my face, and then he groaned and I felt him shooting into me.  He seemed to go on for ages, and then finally he just collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath.  After a few moments he rolled off me and lay back on the bed.  I turned over onto my side and curled up into a ball. I was sobbing, I remember, feeling so dirty and so scared.  I wanted to get away from him, but was too scared to leave.  He reached out and slapped my bum and giggled, ‘There you go, no tits, that’s what it’s like to be given a good seeing-to!’  I just said, ?Can I go now, please James?? and he laughed again and said, ‘Yeah, ok. But same time tomorrow, right?’?

?And what did you do??

?I got dressed as quickly as I could.  He was watching me all the time, his eyes raking over my body.  As I made for the door he jumped up off the bed and grabbed hold of my hair, dragging me back.  I remember screaming, I thought he was going to kill me or something, but he just said to me, ‘You tell anyone about this, and I mean anyone, and it’s not just your old man who’ll get it bad, understand?’?

?Did you know what he meant??

?No, but he soon explained.  He made it clear that if I made trouble, not only would my dad lose his job, and my mum be publicly shamed, but my brother and sister could expect to suffer some particularly nasty accidents.?

?He threatened to harm them??

?He told me straight.  If I made any complaint at all, to anyone, my brother might get beaten up on his way home from school, and he said my sister might get some of what I’d just had, only not so nice.?

?He threatened to rape your sister??


?And you believed him??

?I was so scared by then I would have believed anything he said.?

?So what happened next??

?I ran home and locked myself in my room.  Then I showered over and over again, trying to feel clean, but it was no use.  I cried myself to sleep that night.  I’d never felt so hopeless or powerless. Next morning on the school bus I sat on my own as usual.  James got on a few stops after me, and when he saw me he grinned and winked.  I felt my face flush with embarrassment, and then he just walked past me.  They left me alone that morning, until we all got off the bus to go into school.  Then James came up to me and said, ‘Don’t forget to meet me at lunch time as usual.  We don’t want those nice, juicy tits to go neglected, do we?’ And he walked away laughing.?

?And did you meet him??

?Yes.  Only then it was much, much worse.  He made me hold my blouse open while he pushed up my bra and played with my boobs.  Every now and again he would suck on my nipples, and when he came away the cool air would make them go stiff. He loved that, of course.  Then I had to lift my skirt up and show him my knickers, and then he pushed his hand down the front and started to stroke my pussy again.  He wanted to know if it felt different now I wasn’t a virgin any more.  I was too ashamed to answer.  after about twenty minutes of torment he finally let me go, but told me to be at his front door right after school.?

?Did you go??

?I didn’t have much choice, did I?  If I’d complained to anyone God only knew what would happen.  My dad getting fired suddenly wasn’t the worst case scenario any more.  I kept looking at Richard and Chloe and thinking, ‘I’ve got to protect them’.?

?And so you went to James’ house. Did he rape you again??

?Yes.  And the day after. And the day after that.  Every day, in fact, since then.?

?How long ago was that??

?Nearly two months.?

?And he’s raped you every day since??

?Pretty much.  The only time he doesn’t is when I’m having my period.?  She smiled bitterly, ?I thought that would get me out of it, but I should have known better. When he found out I was on my period that first time, he made me give him a hand job, you know?  That was horrible, but he soon got bored with that.  By the time of my second period he had a new idea.  He made me suck him off.?

?Where did this happen??

?In his room, after school one day.  He made me undress to just my knickers, then he told me I had to suck his cock until he came.  I had never done anything so revolting in my life.  I thought I was going to be sick at any moment.  When he started to come he grabbed my hair and held me tight to him so I couldn’t get away.  I started to choke as he shot his stuff into my mouth.  He kept saying ’Swallow it all, bitch.’  I swallowed some, but some spilled out of my mouth.  He was really angry about that.  He kept on saying how sorry I’d be if I ever spat his cum out again. He made me apologise for not swallowing it all.  He made me say it over and over again, ‘I’m sorry James, I’ll swallow all your cum from now on, I promise.’  Once he’d made me do it once, he seemed to like it more and more.  He made me suck him off at lunch time at school, then when we got back to his room he’d make me undress and then I’d have to suck his cock until it was stiff, then lie back on the bed with my legs wide apart and beg him to put it in.?

?He made you beg??

?Oh yes. I had to lie back on the bed and spread my legs as wide as I could, then say. ‘Please put your lovely cock up my pussy, James.  I really, really want you to.’  He loved that.  Then he’d lie on top of me and push it into me.  While he was doing it to me I had to say how much I loved him, and how lucky I was.  I had to thank him over and over again.  Christ!  The things he made me say!?

?Tell me.?

She sighed again.  ?I had to say stuff like,  ‘James, I love you so much. You’re so fantastic!  I’m such a lucky girl to have your cock inside me.  I know I’m just an ugly little slut who can’t keep her knickers on, but I just love the feel of your lovely hard cock in my pussy. You could have any girl, James, any girl you wanted, especially a bony little bitch with no tits like me.  I love it when you let me suck your great, big cock, and when you come in my mouth I just love it so much.  Please shoot your lovely hot cum into me, James, I love it so much when you do that.’  Over and over again I have to say all that shit!  Until finally, he comes in me.  Then he makes me say it all again, how I love being with him, how I love to undress for him, let him see my ‘Bony body and tiny tits.’  I have to tell him how all I want to do is to please him, to make him happy.  ‘It’s all I’m good for, James!’  Only when I’ve told him all this am I allowed to get dressed and leave.  Every day it gets worse.?

?How does it get worse??

?At first I only had to go with him after school.  Then one Friday he told me I had to meet him at his house on Saturday.  I made some excuse to my mum and dad about meeting some friends from school.  They looked pleased.  I could tell they were telling themselves that I’d settled down and got over my early problems.  The sort of crap parents always tell themselves when they don’t want to believe they’ve screwed up their kids’ lives.   I bet dad was particularly pleased.  Especially after the threats his boss had made about me causing any more trouble for his precious son.  Anyway, I went over to James’ house and he made me do all sorts of horrible things.?

?Tell me.?

She sniffed back a tear.  ?Well first he made me sit at his computer and watch some really horrible films.  They were really pornographic.  One of them showed a girl being taken by two men.  One of them had his cock in her mouth, and the other was screwing her.  They kept changing places, like it was some sort of game.  The men were laughing, and the girl was gasping and moaning, like she really liked it.  And then one man came in her mouth, and after he had finished the camera went right up close and she showed all his cum in her mouth, and then she made a big show of swallowing all of it.  James really liked that bit.  He made me watch it again and again.  Then the other man pushed his cock into her bum.  I’d never imagined anything like that went on.  I just sat and watched, kind of stunned.  James kept saying, ‘Look at that, he’s giving it to her right up the arse.’  Then he made me watch another one.  That had a woman sucking a horse’s cock. I was nearly sick!  God, it was just enormous, and she was kneeling down next to the horse and sucking it’s cock.  And while he made me watch that one he reached down and started to play with my boobs again.  Finally he said, ‘Here’s one my dad likes.  I found it in his computer files.’  It started with a girl in school uniform.  She had to go to see a teacher, and he made her bend over a chair and lift her skirt.  Then he pulled her knickers down, and then he started to cane her.  She was crying and yelping.  You could tell that each stroke really hurt.  James chuckled to himself every time she got hit.  Then the teacher dropped his trousers and made her turn around and suck his cock until it was hard.  And then he had her.?

?And then??

?Then I had to get undressed and suck James’ cock for a bit, and then he told me to lie down and get ready.  I knew that meant I had to open my legs and beg him to put his cock in me, so I did.  And he looked down at me and sniggered, and called me a cheap little slut, and said that if my dad wasn’t such a wimp I wouldn’t have to do this.  Then he made me say that I hated my dad, and that he was a spineless wimp, and how he had no balls, and how my mum deserved to be fucked by his dad, and how I deserved to be fucked by him.  And then he climbed on top of me and started to screw me.  But after a few moments he stopped and the he made me go on top of him.  He just lay back and told me to get on with it, and I had to go across him, and put his cock into my pussy and then sink down on him.  He loved that.  He reached up and started to pinch and twist my nipples.  And I had to thank him again, for letting me put his cock inside me, and I had to promise to do whatever he said from then on.  Finally, he came inside me, and I rolled off him and started to thank him again, like I knew he wanted me to.  And then he said, ‘Remember what you said.  You have to do whatever I tell you to, right?  Remember that or you know what will happen.’?

?Did you know what he meant by that??

?No, but I soon found out.  After I’d said I would remember James let me get dressed, and I thought he’d let me go.  But then the door bell rang and he told me to wait in his room.  I just stood there, not even daring to sit down without his permission.  And after a little while he came back, only he wasn’t alone.?

?Who was with him??

?One of his gang from school. A really ugly kid called Phil.  James was grinning all over his face.  Phil looked pleased too.  James turned to Phil and said something like, ‘There you are, I told you, didn’t I?’, and Phil said, ‘Fucking fair play to you, mate.  Is she up for it then?’  I remember James just grinned and they both turned to me.  Then James said, ‘Oh, don’t worry, she’ll do it, won’t you, no tits?’  I asked him what he meant and he grinned again.  ‘Well it’s simple.’ He smiled, ‘I told Phil here how good you are at sucking cock, and he asked if he could have one too, and I said that was ok.  You don’t mind, do you?’?

?What did you say??

?I started to beg, started to refuse.  Then I saw the look in James’ eye, and I knew it was no good.  I had to do whatever he told me to do.  Otherwise he’d do what he’d threatened to do, to my dad and my brother and sister.  He could see I’d given up and he grinned again, ‘There you are mate.’ He said to Phil.  Then he said something about leaving us alone for a bit and walked towards the door.  When he passed me he said, ‘I know you won’t disappoint!’  Then he walked out.  I just stood there, waiting, wanting to die.  Then Phil said, ‘Come on then, let’s get on with it.’  And he walked over to the bed, opening his trousers as he went.  He pushed down his jeans and boxers, then lay on the bed, his hands behind his head.  His cock was kind of half-stiff.  When I didn’t move for a moment he shouted at me, ‘Are you going to get on with it, or do I tell James you wouldn’t play?’?

?So what did you do??

?I walked over to him, knelt down by the bed and started to suck him.  I kept my eyes closed, tried to think about anything other than what I was doing.  Then I felt his hands groping around, trying to find my boobs.  I tried to back away, but he said, ‘Keep still.  I only want a bit of a feel.’  So I just stayed there, sucking his cock and letting him feel my boobs.  After a while he wanted to put his hands inside my T-shirt,, and I had no choice but to let him.  Then he wanted me to take my T-shirt off, and then my bra, until he was feeling my bare boobs while I sucked him.  And then he grunted and started to come in my mouth.  It never occurred to me to spit it out.  I just behaved the way James had made me in the past.  God! He just kept on coming and coming.  There was loads of it!  I swallowed as much of it as I could, and then finally he stopped.  He just lay there, gasping for breath.  I stood up and started to get dressed, then he got up off the bed and pulled up his trousers, saying, ‘James was right, you are fucking good at that!’  Then he walked out of the room.?

?And then what??

?James came back a few minutes later and started calling me names.  He said I was a dirty little slut who couldn’t get enough cock.  ‘I knew you were a slag the moment I saw you.’ He said.  Then he made me say how much I liked sucking cock, and how I liked it when one came in my mouth, but how I liked sucking his one best of all.  He made me say that I’d sucked off loads of boys at my last school, even though it wasn’t true.  He made me say how I’d sucked off lots of boys, and let them feel my boobs too.  Only he didn’t let me say ‘boobs’.  He made me stand in front of him and say, ‘At my last school I sucked off loads of boys, and they all came in my mouth and I swallowed all of it, because I’m a cock sucking slag.  And I let all of them feel my tits whenever they wanted to, because I like having my tits squeezed.’  And then he made me pull down my jeans and bend over the bed, and he had me again.  This time I had to keep saying how I loved sucking a cock, and how I liked having it come in my mouth, and how I loved to swallow come, especially when a boy was feeling my tits.  And then he came again.  Finally he let me go and I walked home still stunned by what he’d made me do and say.  I was terrified of what he’d do to me next.?

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, my cock stiff and throbbing in my trousers.  I put her under once again, then told her she would not think it at all unusual if I took out my cock and stroked it.  Then I brought her ‘round and told her to carry on with her story.

?Well from then on things just became more and more unbearable.  The following Monday I had to meet James at lunch time as usual. Only that day he brought Phil along with him and I had to stand there while both of them played with my body. James seemed to particularly enjoy watching as I stood before Phil and lifted my skirt.  Then Phil put his hands down my knickers and began to rub my pussy.  After a couple of minutes, James suggested it would be better if I took my knickers off completely, ‘Let Phil have a real good look.’ He said.  Of course, Phil was delighted.  He rubbed the front of his trousers as I pushed my knickers down, then I had to lift my skirt again and spread my thighs so he could see, and then feel, everything.  I just stood there, my skin going first hot with shame and embarrassment, and then cold with fear as the two of them used and abused my body.  Finally James told me to bend over and suck Phil’s cock.  Before I could even complain, Phil had opened his trousers and his stiff cock was jutting out at me.  I bent over and took him in my mouth and began to suck.  Phil groaned and leaned back against the wall of the out building.  I tried to blot it all out again, but then I felt James lifting my skirt.  A moment later and I felt his cock pushing into my pussy.  I remember thinking it must look just like the scene from the movie James had made me watch, with the two men having one girl.  It must have really turned James on, because in just a few moments he grunted and I felt him shooting inside of me.  A short time after that Phil came in my mouth and then the two of them walked casually away, laughing to themselves as I pulled my knickers back on and fastened my blouse.  I went through the rest of that day in a state of shock.?

?Tell me what happened next.?  I asked, as I opened my trousers to release the pressure on my cock.

?It was the same day after day.  I had to meet James at lunch time, and he’d bring Phil, and they’d both amuse themselves by tormenting my body.  Of course it wasn’t long before Phil was allowed to have me as I sucked James off, and then at weekends I would have to go to one of their houses and they’d both have me for hours on end.  I used to go home aching all over from those weekend days.  Then one lunch time they brought a load of other boys with them.  I was too shocked and panicked to run.  Instead I did what they wanted.  When James told me to open my blouse and lift my bra, I did so without complaint.  There were a few laughs and giggles as I opened each button, and then when I lifted my bra and exposed my boobs to them there was a small cheer.  Then I was told to lift my skirt, and I remember hearing more laughs as I closed my eyes and did as I was told.  I stood there for a few moments, my boobs exposed and my skirt up around my waist, and then James stepped forward and in one swift movement he pulled my knickers to the ground.  I screwed up my eyes as tight as I could as they all cheered and made comments about my body.  Oh God! It was so awful, having to just stand there for a gang of boys while they examined every part of me.  Then I had to suck Phil while James had me, and the others watched.  Some of them started to chant in time to James’ thrusts.  When each of them came there were more cheers, and then they all had another good look at me before they went back to school.?

My cock was throbbing almost painfully.  I desperately needed some relief.  I put her under and told her that when she awoke she would see James sitting where I was, and that she would undress and then suck my cock.  I counted her awake and as she blinked her eyes the realisation hit.  Without a word she stood and began to undress.  Her loose fitting top was pulled over her head to reveal a plain white bra. Then her jeans were pushed down, revealing simple white knickers.  She unclipped her bra and let it fall to the floor.  Her tits were small and firm, each topped with a small brown nipple.  Then she swiftly pushed down her knickers, revealing a thin covering of pubic hair.  She stepped over to me, knelt down and positioned herself between my legs.  Her hand trembled slightly as she reached out for my cock, and then her cool fingers closed around the hot shaft and she lowered her head towards my aching cock.  She began to suck gently on the head, I shuddered with pleasure.  I pictured her standing before a group of boys, exposing her young body to them.  She started to suck harder, her fingers gripping my shaft. She was driving me closer and closer to climax, and I was trying desperately to prolong the pleasure.  Finally, I could hold out no longer and I gave in to my urgent need to climax.  As the first spurt hit the back of her throat she gagged, and then dropped her head, forcing more of my shaft into her mouth.  She sucked harder than ever, and swallowed as if her life depended upon it!  Finally I was sated, and slumped back in my seat, my cock slipping from her mouth.  She wiped her face with the back of her hand, then said in a voice which was surprisingly believable, ?Thank you James, that was lovely.  I really love sucking your cock, James.  Your come tastes so nice, and I’m such a lucky girl to be able to do that.?

I almost laughed!  This kid James had really done a job on her!  I glanced at my watch and realised we were out of time.  I gave her some more programming to help her come with the turmoil inside her, then told her to return the following week.

Session 3.

As soon as she returned the following week I put her under and added to her programming, then I woke her and told her to lay back on the bed and resume her story.  Once she was comfortable I began questioning her once more.

?You told me last time of how James had been abusing you and making you do whatever her wants.  Does this still happen??

?With all the other boys watching? Yes.  James and Phil take it in turns to have me, and I have to suck the other one off.  I thought that was about as bad as things could get, but I was wrong.  They soon got much worse.?

?Tell me.?

?Well, James gave me a key to his house.  He said I was to go there every day after school and wait in his room until he came home.  Sometimes I’d be there for an hour or more, just waiting for him to come back and have his fun with me.  Sometimes he brought Phil too.  Then one afternoon last week, I was standing in his room waiting for him, and I heard the front door open downstairs, and I just thought it was James.  But then I heard someone coming up the stairs and it didn’t sound like James at all.  And then the bedroom door opened and it was James’ dad, Mr. Atkins.  He just looked at me for a moment, like he was in shock, and then he wanted to know how I’d got in, and what I was doing there.  I was trying to make something up, but he was yelling at me, and he accused me of breaking into his house.  He said I was a dirty little thief and he was going to call the police.?

?What did you do??

?I begged him to listen to me.  I must have sounded really desperate, because he stopped by the door and said he’d give me one minute to explain.  I was terrified he’d call the police and then everyone would know what James had been doing to me, and I knew that would mean trouble, and I was so scared and flustered that I couldn’t think of anything to say except the truth.?

?You told James’ dad what had been happening??

?Yes.  All of it.?

?What did he say??

?He just listened.  He kept nodding his head and grunting.  Then, when I told him about how James made me let him touch me, he started to grin.  And when I told him about James taking me, taking my virginity, he laughed.  He seemed really pleased.  When I told him about James making me show my body to the other boys he laughed even louder.  I was close to tears, I wanted nothing more than to cry my heart out, and I started to hope that maybe he’d stop James using me.?

?And did he??

She let out a small sob.  ?No.  He seemed to find the whole thing really funny.  He kept saying things like, ‘The dirty little bugger!’, and ?I didn’t know he had it in him.’  And then when I’d finished telling him, he smiled and said, ‘God, you’re a proper little trollop, aren’t you?’  I tried to convince him that I didn’t like what James made me do, but he just laughed again.  ‘Like mother, like daughter.’  He laughed.  I was crying by then, and I asked him if I could go home, but he just grinned and said, ‘I don’t think so, you little slut. I want you to show me what you’ve shown my son and his friends.  You can start by letting me have a look at what you’ve got on your chest.’  I begged him to let me go, but he was just brutal.  He said that if I didn’t do as he said he’d call the police and have me arrested as a burglar, and then he’d fire my dad.  I knew I had no choice, and so I started to open my blouse.  He sat at James desk and watched as I opened each button.  Then, when I opened it up so he could see he told me right away to take my bra off.?

?And you did as he said??

?Yes.  I just pulled it up and then held my blouse open, and he had a good look, then said, ‘Well, you haven’t got as big a pair as your mother, but you’re only a kid yet!’  Then he made me lift up my skirt and show him my knickers, and then I had to pull my knickers down and stand there while he looked at me.  After a minute or so he said, ‘Right then, you little slut, come with me.’  And I followed him out of James’ room and into another bedroom.  It was a great big room with a huge double bed.  Then he said, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever had a mother and daughter before, not on the same day, anyway!’  And then he made me undress.  He watched as I took everything off, and then he walked over to me and started running his hands all over my body. He started with my boobs, and he was really rough with them, squeezing and pinching them.  Then he ran his hands over my bum, and then he just pushed his hands between my legs and started to feel me there.  I started to cry again, and he got really angry, telling me to shut up, and calling me a ‘Snivelling little bitch.’  He said it was time I got to work, and he made me kneel in front of him and open his trousers, and then I had to suck his cock until it was stiff and hard.  Then he made me lie on the bed and he lay on top of me and pushed his cock into me.  I was really dry, and it hurt at first, but he seemed to like that.  He kept grinning every time I gasped or cried out.  All the time he was having me he kept saying things like, ‘You’re a lot tighter that your mother. Still, she’s had a few sprogs out of her box, hasn’t she?’ It just went on and on.  He said, ‘Your mother’s a better fuck than you are though, really makes an effort does your mother.  She likes a good ride, she does.  Probably makes a nice change after being with that wimp she’s married to.’  I just lay there, wanting it to end.  Finally he came in me and he just lay on top of me for what seemed like ages.  I could hardly breathe because he was so heavy.  Finally, he rolled off me, and straight away he said, ‘Right, get your things on and fuck off.  Be back here tomorrow evening, I want another go on you.’  I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to be waiting for James, and I asked him if I should wait until he came home.  ‘No, he’s off doing a little job for me.  You’ll just have to give him an extra portion tomorrow, won’t you.’?

?So what happened next??

?The next day at school James made me suck him off before we went in for classes, and then he had me again at lunch time.  He said I owed him one!? She gave a brief, cough of a laugh.  ?Of course, he told everyone to school how his dad was having me as well.  And they all laughed, and then that evening I had to go to his house again, to see his dad.?

?Tell me what happened.?

?Well I went over there after tea, and I’d got changed out of my school uniform and put on a T-shirt and jeans.  Well James’ dad got really angry about that.  He said I was never to come to him again in anything but my uniform, unless he told me so.  He went on and on about how I was a dirty little slut, like my mother, and how I had to learn how to behave.?

?Where was James when this was happening??

?Right there in the room with us.  He just sat back and watched it all with a big grin on his face.  I felt really small standing there in the middle of the room with James’ dad yelling at me.  Then James’ dad said he was going to teach me a lesson.  He said, ‘I’ll show you what happens to dirty little sluts who don’t know their place.’  He made me stand next to the dining room table, a great big polished thing.  Then he told me to take my jeans down, and I did.  I was just terrified of him.  He told me to bend over the table, then he said he was going to punish me for not dressing right.  Then he pulled my knickers down and started to slap my bottom.  He was hitting me really hard and it hurt so much.  Pretty soon I was crying and wailing, begging him to stop, but he just kept on and on.  Finally he stopped, and I was allowed to stand up.  My bottom felt like it was on fire.  I turned and looked up at James’ dad and he was all red faced and breathing heavily.  Then he said to James, ‘What do you think of your little slut now then?’ And James said, ‘That’s the way to treat her, dad.’ And then they both laughed.  And then I had to take all my clothes off.  I had to stand there in the middle of the room, naked, and they looked at me and laughed.  And then James’ dad told me to follow him, and we went up to his room, and I had to suck him again, until he was hard, and then he had me again.  After he’d finished, he made me go to James and beg to be allowed to suck him off, and then he sat and watched as I sucked James’ cock.  Only after James had come, and I’d thanked them both was I allowed to go home.?

I decided it was time to try a little programming.  I put her under using the key word, then went to work.

?Emily, how do you feel about the way you’re treated by James and his father??

?I hate it!  Oh, God!  It’s just a living nightmare.  It’s like I’m their toy, their plaything.  I’m just there for their amusement.?

?And you don’t like them using your body??

?No!?  She almost shrieked, ?I hate it.  I hate it and them.  I want to kill them, the bastards.?

?Emily, you can trust me completely, can’t you??

?Yes, I suppose so.?

?Excellent.  I want you to trust me, and over the coming week you’ll come to believe everything I’m going to tell you is true, do you understand??


?I want you to believe that the way James and his father treat you is entirely your fault.  Understand??


?If you hadn’t thrown water over James, none of this would have happened.  You’ve brought all this on yourself, yes??


?And they really can’t be blamed for treating you this way.  They’re just treating you in the way you deserve. Understand??


?And they’re entirely within their rights to treat you this way.  Every morning when you wake up I want you to say to yourself, ‘James and his father can do whatever they like with me, and I won’t complain, because it’s what I deserve.’ Can you remember that??


?I want you to say it to yourself every night before you go to bed.  By the time you come to see me again, you will completely believe it.  Do you understand??


?And as you come to believe it, you will find you are able to relax, to sleep.  You will no longer feel stressed or anxious.  Do you understand??


I told her to count to twenty and slowly wake up.  Then I told her to make another appointment to see me the following week.  As she left my room she turned and smiled at me.

Session 4.

Emily came to see me again as I’d ordered.  She came into my room looking delicious in her smart school uniform of grey skirt, crisp white blouse, crimson neck tie and dark blue blazer.  Her hair was tied up neatly in a pony tail, and she wore no make-up.  I motioned for her to take a seat on the couch, and she sat down carefully. 

?So, Emily, how have things been since we last spoke??

A small smile crossed her fine features.  ?Much better, thank you.  I’ve felt a lot better this week.?

?Are you sleeping better now??

?Yes.  I just feel a lot more relaxed.?

I gave her the key word, then told her that when I woke her she would tell me all about her experiences that week.  Then I brought her ‘round.

?I want you to tell me everything that’s happened to you since last time.?

?Well, after I went home last week I started to feel more and more relaxed.  It was like a weight had been taken off me.  I felt so much better.?

?And what about James and his father? What has been happening there??

?Well, because I had to come and see you, I wasn’t able to go and see James’ dad that evening. The following morning James came to me as I went into school and said that his dad was really angry with me, and that I had better go to his house that night or I’d be in real trouble.?

?And did you go??

?Yes.  I didn’t have any choice.?

?Did anything happen at school that day??

?James made me suck him off at lunch time, as usual, and he made me show my body to all the boys, like he’d done before.  But then he said some of them could have a feel as well, and I had to just stand there and hold my blouse open while a few of them came up to me and felt my boobs.  James didn’t let all of them, just the members of his gang. He said I should let them feel me whenever they wanted, said I couldn’t refuse them.  They all laughed and cheered.  For the rest of the day they didn't leave me alone.  When I was in lessons they made me sit with them, and when the teacher turned away they would grab my boobs. And then, after school I went to James’ house, like he told me to, and he made me undress and then I had to suck his cock and then beg him to put it in me.  After he’d had me, he sent me home and told me I had to be back to see his dad by seven o’clock.  I made up some excuse to my mum, and went back there.?

?Were you still in your uniform??

?Yes.  James’ dad had been very clear about that.  I was to wear my uniform every time, unless he told me differently.  When I went in to the living room he started to yell at me. He wanted to know where I’d been the previous evening. When I told him I’d been to the doctor he said he didn’t believe me.  He said I was a lying little slut.  I tried to convince him, but he wouldn’t believe me.  Then he said he was going to punish me for lying to him, and he told me to bend over the table again.  Then he lifted my skirt and pulled my knickers down.  Then he started to run his hands all over my bottom, pulling the cheeks apart and looking at me.   Then he told me to stay where I was and he went off out of the room for a few moments.  While I was there, James came over to me and he started to feel my bottom too.  He said his dad was really angry with me, and that I was going to be sorry for not coming to see him.  Then James’ dad came back, and he had this cane with him.  He kept swishing it through the air, and kept telling me how he was going to teach me a lesson.  The he started to cane my bottom.  Oh God! It hurt so much.  By the third or fourth stroke I was sobbing and begging him to stop.  Of course, he didn’t.  He just kept on caning me.  I could hear James laughing behind me, and then the caning stopped and I felt James’ dad put his cock against my pussy and then he pushed into me.  I was really dry because I was so frightened I suppose, so it hurt when he first put it in.  All the time he was having me he kept running his hands over my bottom, and it stung so much, I kept crying and moaning.  Then he came in me, and told me to get out of his house, and called me more names.  I was happy to go, but before he let me he made me give him my knickers, he said he wanted a souvenir, so I had to walk home without any on.  When I got home I went to the bathroom and looked at my bottom in the mirror, and it was bright red and had all these lines across it where he’d hit me with the cane.?

?Go on.?

?The following day at school James told all of them how his dad had taught me a lesson by caning me, and at lunch time I had to drop my knickers and lift my skirt and let them all see my bottom.  And then James said his gang could all have a feel if they liked, and so they all had a feel of my bum, and one or two of them pushed their hands between my legs and felt my pussy.  James thought that was really funny. He said that any of his gang could do whatever they liked to me.?

?What happened next??

?About five of them had me right there.  They pushed me up against the wall and just took me.  More of them would have had me, but the bell rang for end of lunch break.  At the end of school, when I was waiting for the bus home, James said I was to go right down to the back of the bus, with his gang.  As soon as we got on the bus they started touching me.  My blouse was pulled open, and they pulled my skirt up.  Someone pulled my knickers down and off, and then one of them was having me, and another one made me suck his cock.  And then some of the girls from my year came over and watched, and they started calling me a dirty slag.  They made me stay on the bus way past my stop.  I had to let each of them have me, and by the time they’d finished I was miles from home.  They all laughed and waved to me as I started to walk back home.  Then that night, when I went ‘round to see James’ dad, James told him what had happened, and he just laughed and laughed.  Then he made me take my clothes off, and I had to go over his knee and he spanked my bottom. It was still really sore from the caning, and I cried with each slap.  Then James’ dad said he wasn’t going to have me after all those boys, and he told me to suck him off.  He said, ‘Let’s see if you’re as good as your mother at that.’ Then him and James both laughed.  He told me if I didn’t do it well he’d cane me again.  So I tried my best to make him come, I really did.  Once he had come he said I could get dressed and leave, but told me he had something special in mind for the weekend.  I asked him what it was, but he just grinned and said I’d find out soon enough.?

?And then??

?Well it started again on the bus to school the next morning.  I had to sit with James’ gang, and they made me suck three of four of them off.  And then at lunch time they all had me again.  There must have been six or eight of them, with loads more watching.  Some of the girls came along to watch as well, and then for the rest of the day they kept hitting me, and pulling my hair, and calling me slag and slut.  And then on the bus home one of the boys said it would be a laugh if they took all my clothes off and made me walk home naked.  And they all laughed, and then started pulling at my clothes.  I fought them off for ages, but then they held me down and pulled my knickers off.  Then they pulled my blouse and bra off.  One of them held my blouse and I was begging him to give it back. He agreed, but only after I promised to give him a really good time.  He sat on the seat and I had to go on top of him.  And he said if I wasn’t any good I wouldn’t get my blouse back, and then everyone would see my tiny tits.  So I really went for it.  I pushed my pussy down on his cock and rocked my hips.  Then I took his hands and put them over my boobs, and then I started to say the kind of stuff I knew James liked.  I told him he had a really nice cock, and that it felt really good in my pussy.  And I said how lucky I was to be able to have so many cocks in me in just one day, and I said how much I wanted him to come inside me.  And then he squeezed my boobs really hard and I felt him shoot inside me.?

?And did he give you your blouse back??

?Yes.  But only after he’d wiped his cock on it.  I never got my bra and knickers back.  As I walked back to my house I told myself that at least I had a couple of days off from them all because it was the weekend.  And then I remembered what James’ dad had said, and I got scared again.?

?What happened that weekend??

?James phoned me at home, and he said I was to come to his house by ten the next morning, and that I was to stay overnight, so I should tell my mum I was staying with friends.  He said I was to wear my uniform, and not to be late.?

?So you went??


?Tell me what happened.?

?Well I got to the house at exactly ten, and James and his dad were waiting for me.  They told me to get into the car and we drove for about half an hour to a part of the city I didn’t know.  I’d never been there before.  And then we went into this small house, and there was another man there.  Mr. Atkins called him Nigel.  He looked a bit grubby, like he needed a wash, and his house smelled funny.  Nigel and Mr. Atkins were talking quietly to each other.  I couldn’t hear what they were saying.  And then another man came in, and he was wearing a suit and long robes, like the ones old-fashioned schoolteachers used to wear.  He kept starting at me and grinning.  I never knew his name.  Then Mr. Atkins turned to me and said, with a big grin on his face, ‘Right then young lady, you’re going to be a photographic model today.’  I must have looked confused because he grinned again and said, ‘You just do exactly as Nigel tells you, or else, clear?’  Then he nodded to Nigel.  Then Nigel started to tell me what to do.  I had to stand in front of the teacher, and look sorry because I’d been a naughty girl.  I did as I was told and the teacher began to wag his finger at me, and looked really angry.  And then Nigel took some photos.  Then he told me to get over the teacher’s knee, and I knew what was about to happen.  I started to cry and Nigel said that was great and he took a load of pictures of my face.  And then I had to lie over the teacher’s knee, and then he started to lift my skirt.  I just cried and cried as he lifted my skirt and then pulled my knickers down, and all the time Nigel was taking photos.  And then the teacher started to smack my bottom, and it hurt because of the caning, and I cried some more.  Then the teacher tucked my skirt up behind me, and I was made to stand in the corner, with my bottom on display, while Nigel took some more pictures.  I thought that might be the end of it, but then Nigel told me to start taking off the rest of my clothes.  I just looked at him horrified, but then Mr. Atkins glared at me, and I was too scared to refuse.?

?So you undressed for them??

?Yes.  And Nigel kept taking pictures.  Sometimes he made me put my bra back on, then take it off again because he wanted a better shot.  And then, when I’d taken everything off, he made me stand in different poses for ages.  And I had to bend over and let him take pictures of my bum, and then I had to open my legs really wide. Then he made me lie on the floor and open my legs as wide as I could.  He kept saying things like, ‘Spread your pussy love.’ And, ‘Stroke your clit for me, darling.’  The he gave me a big, black vibrator and told me to get to work.  I’d only ever seen pictures of one before.  At my last school one of the girls had brought this magazine of her brother’s in, and they had then in that.  We all thought it was a laugh, but when Nigel gave me that thing I was really scared.?

?What did you do??

?At first I just held the thing.  Then Nigel told me to put it in my mouth and suck it, like it was a cock.  Then he told me to put it in my pussy. I was really nervous, and they were all watching me, but I did it.  It felt really weird putting it in there, but then I’d done it and Nigel was taking pictures again.  After that the teacher got undressed and I had to suck his cock, and then I was made to bend over a desk, like a school desk, and he had me.  After he’d finished he got dressed really quickly and left.  James and his dad left the room too, and then Nigel came over to me and told me to lie down.  And then he opened his trousers and he had me too.  He was horrible! He stank, and he was all sweaty, and he kept pinching my boobs, and he was really rough.  And then, while he was having me, James and his dad came back into the room, and they were laughing and joking, and telling Nigel to give it to me really hard.  And then Nigel came inside me, and he just fell on top of me, panting and sweating.?

?What happened then??

?Well, when Nigel got off me I just stood there, waiting for them to tell me what to do.  And then Nigel just pulled his trousers up, and then he gave James’ dad a load of money.  And he said the pictures should make a lot of money, and he said maybe next time they should film me.  He said that would make even more money.  They all laughed about that.  And then they told me to get dressed and we drove back to James’ house.?

?Carry on.?

?When we got back there they made me have a shower, and the water was cold, and they laughed at me, and said how it made my nipples stand out.  And then James’ dad said he thought I’d look better without any hair on my pussy.  He made me lie down on the bathroom floor, and he got his electric razor and started to shave my pussy.  James was there watching, and the two of them kept making jokes about what they were doing.?

?Then they made me stand in front of them while they had a really good look, and then they started to touch me and stroke me.  James’ dad said I had to keep it that way.  He said if I didn’t shave it every day he’d cane me so hard I wouldn’t want to sit down for a month.  They made me say how much I liked having my bottom smacked or caned, and how I liked having a cock inside me.  And then James’ dad asked me if I’d ever played with my pussy, and I said ‘no’, but they didn’t believe me.  They made me tell them how sometimes I’d lay in bed at night and tickled my pussy.  They laughed at me, then made me tell them all about it.?

?What did you tell them??

?I said that I used to tickle my pussy through my knickers, and then sometimes I’d put my hand down my knickers and stroked it.  They asked me how it had felt, and I had to tell them that I’d liked it, and that I used to do it a lot.  And then they made me lie down in front of them and play with my pussy while they watched.  And I had to say that I really liked to do it, and that I liked it when they watched me.  And then James said I should do it until I came.  I’d never done it that much before, and I didn’t know what to do, but they made me put my fingers in my pussy, and then play with my button, and it felt really weird, and then there was this feeling building inside me, and then a kind of release.  I closed my eyes, and when I opened them they were watching me with big grins on their faces.  And they called me a dirty little slut, and a randy little bitch, and they made me say I was sorry for having such a hot little pussy.  And then they both smacked my bottom.  And then I had to suck James until he came in my mouth, and I had to thank him again, and tell him how lucky I was to be able to suck his cock.  But then his dad made me kneel down on the floor, and he started to rub some sort of oil onto me.  It felt really slippery, and he was rubbing it all over my bottom.  And then he started to rub it between my cheeks.  And then he began to rub it into my bottom, you know, between my cheeks, and then he pushed his finger right into my bottom, and it hurt and I cried out and asked him to stop.  James laughed, but his dad just told me to shut up and stop crying.  He pushed his finger right inside, and I could feel it in there, and it really hurt.  And then he pulled his finger out of me, and I felt something else pressing into me.  And it felt really big and hard, and it really hurt.  And when I looked ‘round I could see that he was pushing his cock into me.  I mean into my bottom.  I started to struggle, but he grabbed hold of my hips and held me so I couldn’t get away.  And I was begging him to stop, but he wouldn’t, and the pain was awful. But he wouldn’t stop.  And then I felt his cock sliding into me, and he laughed, and James laughed too, and then he started to pull me back onto him, and it was right up inside my bottom.  I was crying a lot, because it hurt so much, but he just carried on, and then I felt him shooting inside me, right up into my bottom, and then he let me go.  I just curled into a ball and lay there crying for what seemed like ages.  And then James did it to me the same way, and they both laughed about how I’d cried just because I’d had a couple of cocks up my bottom.?

?Then what happened?? 

?After they’d both finished I was sent up to bed.  They sent me to this really small room they had, it was even smaller than my bedroom at home. It only had a small bed in it, and it was really hard and uncomfortable.  They made me stand there naked in front of them and I had to thank them for such a nice day.  And they made me say how I liked being photographed, and how much I liked pleasing men and making them come.  Then they told me to get into bed, and they took all my clothes away and turned out the light and then I heard them locking the door.  The next morning James’ dad came in and he made me get out of bed and stand in front of him.  Then he started to shout at me, calling me a dirty little slut, and all sorts of horrible names.  James came in and just watched, grinning at me, like it was a huge joke.  And then James’ dad made me say how sorry I was for being a slut, and I had to beg him for forgiveness.  He made me say that I was a randy little bitch, and how I liked having a cock in me, and how I play with my pussy whenever I can.?

?Go on.? I said, my cock throbbing.

?Well then he said that if I liked to play with my pussy so much, I should do it again right there and then.  And he made me lie down on the bed and play with myself, like I’d done before, only this time he made me push my finger up my bottom.  And I had to say how much I liked having their cocks in my bottom the night before.  They made me play with my pussy until I had the feeling again, then they were laughing at me, and calling me a hot little slut.  Then James’ dad made me rub some more of the oil onto my bottom and then I had to wait on the bed on my hands and knees, and he came and put his cock in my bottom again.  It didn’t hurt quite so much that time, but it was still horrible, and he came in me, and then James did it that way as well.  When they’d finished they made me take another cold shower, and then they gave me my clothes back and I was allowed to go home.?

?And what happened at school afterwards??

?Well when it got to Monday lunchtime, and I had to meet with them all, James told them that he had a surprise for them, and he made me take off all my clothes until I was standing there in just my knickers, and then I had to turn my back to them and push my knickers down.?  She heaved a sigh, ?And then I had to turn around, and they could all see that they’d shaved my pussy.  And they all wanted to have a look and a feel, and then of course they wanted to have me.?

?And how many did??

?Six or seven. I lost count.? She said sadly.

I needed some relief!  I programmed her to believe I was James’ father, then woke her.

?Right then, you little bitch, get your things off!? I barked.

She jumped to her feet at once and began to quickly remove her crisp uniform.  Blazer, tie, blouse and bra were rapidly deposited on the seat.  When she started to remove her sensible school shoes I stopped her.  ?No leave those on, I like them!? I ordered.  She nodded obediently, then reached for the clasp of her skirt and let it fall to the floor.  She looked unbelievably cute in her clean white knickers, knee length white socks and black shoes.  She looked up at me briefly, then pushed her knickers down and stepped out of them.  Her pussy was now clean shaven, and looked deliciously delicate.  I motioned her to come to me, then ran my fingers over her smooth slit.  I turned her around, then admired her small, tight arse. I pulled her cheeks apart and examined her puckered hole, which showed no ill effects of being used so brutally by James and his father.  I slowly eased my finger into her and she whimpered softly.  Her hole was still very tight, her muscle resisting my intrusion strongly.

I opened my trousers.  ?Right then, get to work, you lazy bitch.? I snarled.  She fell to her knees between my thighs at one, began to suck and lick my cock urgently.  In moments I was fully erect and throbbing.  I let her suck for a few more moments, then ordered her to bend over the chair she had been recently sitting on.  She whimpered again, clearly fearing a punishment.  ?You needn’t worry, bitch, I’m only going to fuck you today.? I chuckled.

She heaved a sigh of relief, ?Oh thank you sir.? She gasped, bending over the chair and opening her thighs.  I ran my cock along her slit.  She was totally dry.  I began to ease my cock slowly into her, waiting for her body to respond with some lubrication.  Her pussy was clearly now used to such abuse as it began to moisten almost at once.  I pushed forward slowly, waiting for her body to accommodate me, then began to fuck her.  Soon I was able to drive into her up to the hilt, holding her slim hips and pulling her down onto my stiff shaft.  She gripped the seat of the chair, her face obscured by the curtain of her hair as it fell forward.  She made virtually no sound as I ploughed into her.  After just a couple of minutes I felt myself approaching climax.  With a groan I began to shoot my load into her young body, the walls of her pussy contracting onto my shaft as I pumped.

As I finished I slipped my cock out of her and she stood up slowly, her face slightly pink.  ?You’d better clean your cunt.? I said bluntly, nodding to the sink in the corner.  She shuffled over and began to run the taps, then began to splash water onto her slit, cleaning it thoroughly.  After a few moments she looked up at me, still dabbing her pussy with a towel, ?I’m finished sir.? She said softly.

I decided to keep her naked for the remaining part of the session.  I brought her back to the seat and began to re programme her.

?Emily, how do you feel when James or his father is having sex with you??

?I don’t really feel anything.?

?Does it bother you when they use you??

?Not any more. Not really.  I suppose it’s my own fault, really.  If I hadn’t thrown that water over James, then none of this would have happened.?

?Do you think they’re being too hard on you??

?Not really, I mean, I suppose I deserve what’s happening to me, really.?

?So you think they’re being fair in treating you this way??

?Well, I suppose so.  I guess they’re just treating me how I deserve, that’s all.? 

?But you don’t feel any pleasure when they’re using your body??


?But you do like to play with your pussy, don’t you??

?Yes, sometimes.?

?And that makes you climax, doesn’t it??

?Sometimes, yes.?

?And that’s nice, isn’t it??

A faint smile crossed her face, ?Yes.?

?Why don’t you play with it now?? I suggested.

She hesitated for a brief moment, then slid down in her seat and spread her thighs.  She ran her fingertip along her slit, then closed her eyes and began to stroke her lips.

?That feels good, doesn’t it??

She sighed, ?Yes.?  She spread her thighs wider apart and began to rub her clit.  After a few moments she moaned softly, then pushed her finger into her hole.  She began to gently finger fuck herself, her finger showing signs of her obvious arousal.

?Tell me what you’re thinking of.?

?Nothing.  I’m not thinking of anything.  I just like the feeling.? She sighed.

?I want you to think of James and his father.  Imagine them looking at you, touching you.?   Her hand froze.  ?Keep going.  Keep those nice feelings.  You enjoy that feeling don’t you??

She began to move her hand once more, ?Yes.  Oh that feels so nice!? She sighed again.

?Now imagine feeling like that while they look at you or touch you.?  I told her.

She gasped.  After another minute or two she was sighing contentedly.

?That’s nice, isn’t it Emily??


?You’re imagining them looking at you naked.  They can see all of you, and they’re running their hands over your body.  They’re feeling your breasts, your bottom, your pussy.  And it’s nice, isn’t it??


?Now imagine James wants you to suck his cock.  Imagine how it feels in your mouth, how it tastes.  You like it, don’t you??


?You want to suck it and lick it.  You want to hear him grunt and groan as his pleasure builds.  You’re doing that to him, you’re making him feel that pleasure.  And it’s making you feel good too, isn’t it??


?That’s right.  You like it when they look at you, when they touch you, when you suck their cocks, don’t you??

?Yes.? Her fingers were moving faster now, her pussy clearly wet.

?Imagine how it feels when James’ father puts his cock into you.?

She pushed two fingers into her wet hole and moaned.

?Doesn’t that feel nice??

?Mmmmmm! Yes.? She sighed.

?They’re being really nice to you by letting you feel this way, aren’t they??

?Yes.? She whimpered.

?Because you really don’t deserve to feel this way, do you??


?So you should feel really grateful to them shouldn’t you??


?And you should let them see how much you like it, shouldn’t you??


?So from now on, when they are using you, you will feel this good, and you’ll want them to know that you enjoy it, understand??


?And when they’ve finished with you, and you’ve enjoyed yourself so much, you will be really grateful to them, won’t you??


?And you’ll tell them how much you enjoyed it, won’t you??


?Are you close to orgasm??

She gasped, ?Ahhhhhh! Yes. Oh yes, so close now.?

?When you come, I want you to think about their cocks shooting into your mouth and pussy.  Remember how it tastes, how it feels.  Remember everything about it.?

She started to rub her clit faster and faster, her fingers fucking her wet hole.  ?Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!? She moaned as her orgasm ran through her small body.

I sat back and smiled as I watched her recovering from her climax.  After a few moments she opened her eyes and blinked. She looked at me and smiled shyly, then sat up in her seat again.

?Right Emily, that will do for today.  You can get dressed now, oh and you’d better wash your hands before you leave too.? I smiled at her.  She glanced down at her damp fingers and blushed.

?Should I wash my pussy as well, sir?? She asked timidly.

I thought for a moment, then decided it would be a nice surprise for James and his old man to find. ?No, leave it as it is.? I grinned.

She dressed quickly, then smiled at me again, ?Thanks doctor. See you next week.?

Session 5.

Emily arrived for her next appointment looking as smart as ever in her school uniform.  however, there was something different about her. She was visibly more relaxed, her body language much less stressed.

?How are you today, Emily?? I asked with a smile.

She smiled warmly back at me, ?I’m ok, thank you.? She said brightly.

I invited her to sit down, then asked her to describe the events of the previous seven days.  She settled comfortably, then began.

?Well after I’d seen you last week I went over to James’ house.  His dad was there, and he wanted to know where I’d been.  I told him I’d been to see you, and he wanted to know what we’d talked about.  I said you were helping me to cope with everything, and they found that funny.  Then he told me to take my clothes off, and then he started to touch me.  When he started to touch my pussy he laughed and called out to James to come and have a feel because I was soaking wet.  He wanted to know why I was like that, and I said I didn’t know.  He thought it was really funny, and he started to rub my button.  It started to feel really nice, and I must have sighed or something because he said, ‘the dirty little slut’s enjoying this’.  Then they were both laughing at me, and James said, ‘is dad right? Are you enjoying having your clit played with?’  I felt really embarrassed, but I couldn’t lie to them, so I just said ‘yes’.  And then they made me lie down on the floor and play with myself until I came.?

?What happened then??

?I had to suck James’ cock, and then his dad started to have me.  He said my pussy felt so much better when it was wet, he called it ‘juiced up’.  Just as James started to come in my mouth, his dad started to come in my pussy, and it felt really, really nice, and I came again.  And afterwards they made me tell them how much I had enjoyed it, and when they said I could go I told them again how much I liked it, and I thanked them, and they laughed again.?

?And how did you feel after that??

?A bit weird.  As I was walking home I kept telling myself that I was a slut, and that I wasn’t supposed to like what they did to me, but I couldn’t help it.?

?And how do you feel about it now??

?I don’t know.?

I put her under.  ?Emily, I want you to accept that it’s perfectly fine for you to like being treated in this way.  You know that it’s no more than you deserve, and that they have a perfect right to treat you in any way they want, don’t you??


?And it’s your duty to keep them happy, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, isn’t that right??


?But it’s ok for you to enjoy it too. And if that makes them happy, then that’s good, isn’t it??


I brought her ‘round once more.  ?So tell me what happened next.?

?At school the following day all the boys were laughing at me because James had told them about me liking being treated in that way.  At morning break time in I was walking along the corridor, when one of them called to me.  I went towards him, and he pulled me into the boys’ toilet. There was about a dozen boys in there, and they were all grinning at me.  They made me lift my skirt and pull my knickers down, and then they all had a feel of my pussy, and asked me if I liked it.  When I tried to deny it one of them held up his finger and showed the others how wet it was, and he said, ?Come and feel how wet her cunt is.?  And then they all did, and I felt all tingly inside, and it was like I was going to come again.  But then the bell went and we had to go to lessons.  But at lunch time I met James at our usual place, and he had his gang with him, and I had to take all my things off as usual, but then when he was having me I felt myself start to come.  About six of them had me that lunch time, and I must have come about four times.  As we were going back into school James told me to go to his house after school, because we were going to have some fun.?

?Tell me what happened.?

?Well when I got there James was already there, and there were five of his mates there too.  And James told me I had to take my things off and lie down on the floor and play with myself while they watched.  So I took off my things and lay down, and then I started to touch myself.  And they were calling out all sorts of things to me, and they made me spread my legs really wide, and pull my pussy lips apart, and when I came they were all laughing at me.  Then they all had me, and I came again.?

?Sounds like you had a good time?? I grinned.

?I just felt so dirty.  I kept telling myself that what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself.  The next few days were the same.  They all just kept on touching me.  Once we were in a lesson, and the teacher said we were going to watch a film.  He turned all the lights out, and when the film started one of the boys, Richard, started to touch me.  And then he whispered in my ear and told me to take my knickers off.  I was really scared in case I got caught, but I didn’t dare say no, in case James found out.  So I took my knickers off and he just stuck his hand up my skirt and started to touch my pussy.  He was laughing to himself when he felt how wet I was getting, and then he opened his trousers and his cock was really hard.  He told me I had to do it to him right there in the class, and he made me lift my skirt up and sit on his cock.  When I felt his cock going into me I almost came, and then I had to do it to him until he came.  And when the lesson was over he started telling all the other boys what he’d done, and they were all laughing about it.?

She glanced up at me with a worried look on her face, ?Is it wrong, what I’m doing?? She asked.

?No.  You’re only doing what James tells you, right??

She smiled warmly, a look of relief on her face, ?That’s what I thought.? She smiled again.  ?Then, one afternoon on the bus home, one of the girls said she wanted to see me play with myself.  James told me I had to do it, so we all went to the back of the bus and I took my knickers off, and lifted my skirt up, and I did it, right there, while they all watched me.?

?Did you enjoy that??

?Well I did come, but it was just so embarrassing.? She paused for a moment, then giggled deliciously.  ?It’s been like that all week.  All day at school the boys keep touching me, or making me play with myself, or they have me.  On Friday they took me to the toilets again, and I had to suck them off one by one while I played with my pussy.  One of the boys was only about twelve.  I didn’t want to do it, because he was so much younger than me, but James said he was in the gang, so I had no choice.?

?And his father is still having you??

?Every evening.  I go to the house after tea, and he makes me suck him or he has me, but he always smacks my bottom first.  He says he likes doing that, he says I’ve got a ‘really smackable arse’.  She giggled again.  ?Last Saturday James’ dad said I was going to make a film.  He took me back to the place where the photos had been taken, and that horrible smelly Nigel was there again.  There was a room which was set up like a headmasters’ study, and I was told that I had to play the part of a naughty schoolgirl.  They started to film, and then that other man, who had smacked my bottom last time, started shouting at me, and saying what a naughty girl I’d been.  And then I had to bend over his desk and he pulled up my skirt and pulled my knickers down, and then he caned me while they filmed it.  It really hurt.  And then, when he’d finished caning me, he started to feel my pussy, and I was crying, and they’d told me to say all these things, like ‘Oh please sir, don’t do that.’ And, ‘I promise to be good in future sir.’  And then he dropped his trousers and he had me.  And they told me that if I sounded like I was liking it they’d be really angry with me, so I pretended to cry and kept begging him to stop.?

?But really, you liked it??

She nodded with a smile, ?I didn’t like the caning, that bloody hurt, but when his cock went into me it felt nice. After he’d finished they made me wash, and then they took me to another room.  It looked like a little girl’s bedroom, and they made me play with myself while they filmed that as well.  They gave me a candle and told me I had to put it in my pussy, and they kept filming until I came.  Then Nigel made me suck his cock for ages and ages, and then he had me.?

?And how do you feel about all of this now??

?Well, I just have to accept it, don’t I? I mean, it’s all my own fault, for being nasty to James, so I can’t really complain, can I??

?You don’t mind what they do to you??

She shrugged, ?No.  I mean, I like some of it.? She paused, then giggled, ?Well quite a lot of it, actually!?

?And having to go with all those boys, at school??

?Oh it was awful at first, I mean I just wanted to die.  But I’ve kind of got used to it now.  They don’t tease me as much as they used to, so that’s good, I suppose.  And I do feel good when it happens.?

?So you don’t mind letting them do what ever they want to you??

?Not any more, no.?

?And you don’t mind it when they want you to play with yourself while they watch??

She shook her head.

?And you like it when a cock comes in your mouth or your pussy??

She smiled, ?Yes.?

?What about when James or his father put their cocks up your bottom??

?Well, I don’t really like that so much. It still hurts a bit, but I suppose I’ll have to get used to it, won’t I??  She shrugged again.

I smiled to myself, ?Emily, I’d like to help you with that.  Take off your things and rub some of this oil into your bottom.? I said with a grin.  She took the bottle of baby oil I was holding out to her, then stood up.  She put the oil on the floor, then quickly undressed.  As soon as she was naked she poured some of the oil into her hand and began to massage it into her tight hole.  I slipped my things off and admired her smooth young body once more. 

She turned to face me, ?I’m ready.? She said simply.

?Good, now put some on my cock, it’ll make it less uncomfortable.? I said.

She reached out and began to oil my stiff shaft.  As she did so I began to stroke and cup her firm tits, tweaking her nipples until she sighed contentedly.  After a few moments I motioned for her to bend over the chair.  I stood back and admired the view of her taut cheeks glistening, then stepped forward and placed my cock against he back door.  She let out a low moan as I started to penetrate her, then sighed as she realised the oil was doing its’ job, and the expected discomfort wasn’t going to happen.  I drove into her, holding back my climax as her sphincter gripped my shaft tightly.  I reached ‘round and played with her tits some more, making her sigh again.  Finally I could hold back no longer, and I emptied myself into her.  As I sat back contentedly she trotted off to the toilet to clean up.  When she returned she smiled at me sweetly.

As she started to dress I said to her, ?Are you going to James’ house this evening??

?Yes.? She said with a smile, ?His dad says he’s going to bring a work colleague home tonight, and he wants me to be nice to him.?

?I’m sure you’ll enjoy that, won’t you??

?I think so!? She laughed.

I smiled to myself, ?Emily, I want you to come and see me in two weeks time, just so I can make sure you’re ok.?

?Yes doctor.? She said at once, ?But I think I’m fine now, don’t you??

?I certainly do, Emily.? I laughed.

Same as It's all in the mind - case files: Emily Videos

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Oh Emily

It started in gym class when I was 14. I would see some friends of mine changing. I saw lots of girls in their underwear and even some naked. Every time I saw a girl wearing just her panties (or less), I would get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to shrug it off. I dated a few guys when I got to high school. But like I said, none of them did anything for me. What really finally triggered my realization was my little sister, Emily. She was always so cute. But it...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 11 Hospital Comforting Emily

Emily was crying in my bed when I came back to my room. I hope she understands that I didn’t want to miss our hydrotherapy together. I couldn’t help that I was paired up with Clarice. It nearly broke my heart to see her eyes all puffed up and red from crying when she looked to find why someone was messing with the bed. The orderly did not say a word about her being in my bed as he effortlessly lifted me into the bed beside her and then left the room. Emily climbed up into my lap and buried...

3 years ago
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A Naughty Day In Public For Emily

Emily is a young girl. She is very horny and loves a good fingering. This is Emilys 1st story of many more to come.....................................................It was Thursday morning and Emily had just woke up. The night before had been very hot as it had been a heatwave so Emily had took all of her clothes off. All Emily had on was her white ankle socks. Emily got out of bed and put on her dressing-gown. She walked round the house to make sure she was alone. Sure enough she was. She...

2 years ago
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Interviewinghellip Belinda and Emily

Interviewing… Belinda and EmilyAuthor: Bonercreator69As it had been for all the versions of the show, the first episode of The Truth Behind the Women of TV had been very successful, the episode watched by millions of people. Luckily for me, no-one knew about the after-show events that had occurred and so the memory of my cock inside Fearne Cotton and Holly Willoughby, although I did still have the video evidence.The second show promised to be just as good as the first show had been, with...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Emily

Chapter 1 “Come on Maddi, time for bed!” I call out from the kitchen. I was spending another night babysitting the children of one of my mums close friends, who lived just up the road from my house. She was married but her husband went away for weeks at a time for work. So it wasn’t uncommon for me come over and mow the lawns or help her children with their homework. Being an only child and had always wanted siblings, and was always more than happy to drop by and spend time with...

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My Neighbor Emily

Come on Maddi, time for bed!” I call out from the kitchen.I was spending another night babysitting the c***dren of one of my mums close friends, who lived just up the road from my house. She was married but her husband went away for weeks at a time for work. So it wasn’t uncommon for me come over and mow the lawns or help her c***dren with their homework. Being an only c***d and had always wanted siblings, and was always more than happy to drop by and spend time with them.Maddi was a little ray...

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The Taking of Emily

Emily had been coaxed into going to this obscure party by an acquaintance. It wasn't really her sort of thing, but she went to appease her friend. She knew it would be kinky, but could never have guessed the outcome. She wore a tight short dress and, it gave her a tingle to feel her long legs being ogled by the various males, but she stuck close to her friend just the same. Like most people she preferred parties with people of her own age; there was a large cross section at this one, from...

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Three For Emily

“Of course you can come stay hun. I’m going to do some swimming and tanning pool side this afternoon if that’s alright with you?” She asked over the phone. “That sounds great I need some lounging around before I head back. I’ll be over in about 15 minutes.” I replied. I hung up the phone and finished checking out of the hotel. The day was pleasant and sunny as I drove to Emily’s with the top down on the convertible rental car. The wind felt reviving as it swept through my long, golden...

2 years ago
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sweet emily

Sweet EmilyMy day wasn't going particularly well, as I was feeling especially worn out from a long, hard and taxing week of work. I was however fortunate to be alone this dreary Saturday morning, after rising late, as I heard the doorbell ring.Answering the door, I found little Emily our neighbor's daughter, standing there looking so very cute in her modest dress. I have only known her for eight months, since she moved next door, right after graduating from high school. She seemed to really...

4 years ago
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Considering that the population of London is approaching 9 million (plus more than a million daily commuters and many thousands of visitors and tourists), and my home city has 200,000 inhabitants, you wouldn’t expect to bump into the same stranger by chance very often, would you? Yes, I do realise that if you follow the same routes or go to the same places frequently at the same time of day, you will get to know the ‘regulars’, but that didn’t happen in my case. It was pretty much pure chance,...

4 years ago
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Saving Emily

Colin watched Emily sleep. The petite dark haired girl lay on her side facing away from him. She had come to him late in the night looking for refuge and as usual he gave it her. She trusted him and in his heart he couldn’t betray her even though he had wanted her more than life itself. Yet, he remained her friend, not because he wanted to, but because what she needed was his protection more than anything else. Life hadn’t been easy for her. Barely eighteen she had lost both parents and...

3 years ago
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A Meeting with sister Emily

The hallway was cold and drafty. Silently I stood outside the oak-panelled door, softly kicking my heels against the wall. I had endured the first half hour of my wait with a growing apprehension and now, chilled and weary, I could feel the fear gripping me, wrapping itself around my shoulders like a dark December night.'Come!' summoned the voice within.I straightened my blazer, skirt and tie, pulled the white socks up to my knees and fearfully entered sister Emily's study.I had been inside...

3 years ago
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Sometimes it pays off to be an identical twin...I had lusted after Emily since the day my twin brother Henry introduced her to me. His new girlfriend had just moved to the midwest from New York, and despite the fact that she was a Yankee fan, I was smitten. Her body was unbelievable, perfect in every way. She was petite, perhaps 5’2?, 110 pounds, with the greatest pair of natural DDD tits I have ever laid eyes on. She loved to show them off too, always wearing low-cut shirts and sweaters,...

4 years ago
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My Date With Emily

Let me tell you, getting diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor three weeks before my eighteenth birthday was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to me. Tonight though would be one of the best nights, if not the last night I had a chance to go out and enjoy myself. I was given around nine months to live, and already three of those had passed. My body starting to feel the effects of the drugs they put me on just to try and keep me from suffering, doctors said I didn't have...

2 years ago
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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 3

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...

3 years ago
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My friend Dave lives next door to me with his teenage daughter Emily. We had been friends for many years and often we would have backyard barbecues and swim in his pool during the summer months. He and I had shared the task of teaching Emily to swim. At first I didn't pay much attention as Dave supported her in the water with his arms and hands as she tried to coordinate stroking with her arms and kicking her legs. I discovered quite by accident as I reached down to take over for him that one...

2 years ago
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Custodian and 18 year old Emily

Normally these girls wouldn't give an old custodian a second look, but one senior girl made it known that she saw me as more than just the school custodian. Her name is Emily and she kept telling me that her 18th birthday was quickly coming and I had better be ready. I assumed she was kiddingly wanting a joking birthday gift of any sort. As time grew closer to her 18th, she started changing from her usual innocent quiet girl into a bolder more open young cutie. Emily had long blonde straight...

1 year ago
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Kindness Of Emily

There's nothing worse than getting sick at university. Especially when you're living in shared student Halls of Accommodation. Students tend to make a lot of noise, which is fine when you're making it too. But when you're sick and laid up in bed, its the last thing you want to hear. Loud rock music, sudden shrieks of laughter -suddenly your bedroom back home seems inviting, with your Mom fussing around and taking too much care of you. This is how I was feeling one morning a few years ago, laid...

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I was suddenly embarrassed. I had small pointy breasts and I never wore a bra to bed. I could feel them now, poking out the front of my t-shirt; his eyes were drawn right to them. "Excuse me," I mumbled, feeling heat color my face. "I wasn't expecting anyone up." His blinking eyes were locked on my twin points, his face coloring just like mine. I crossed my arms over my chest, wrapped myself in them really, but that only made it worse. No, worse was that I was standing there in my...

2 years ago
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Nanban Kozhutha Mallu Athaiyai Oothen 8211 Part 2

Indru kathaiyil athai udan nadantha kama kathaiyin thodarchiyai pagirugiren. Athai en kaiyai pidithu attach bathroomku ennai azhaithu sendraal. En nanban asanthu urangikondu irunthaan, room light off aagi irunthathaal kandipaaga kan vizhithaalum naangal arugil ilathathu theriyaathu. Ena seivathu athaike thairiyam irukum pozhuthu naan en bayapadanum. Naan athai udan bathroom sendren, ulle light poda villai, aanalum ventilater vazhiyaaga velicharam therinthathu. Athai thapal potu ennai kama...

1 year ago
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Sweet Emily

I love large old American cars. Yeah, sure, they’re gas guzzlers. But on the flip side, they’re dirt cheap, easy to repair, extremely spacious and comfortable like no other ride. And they are heavy, I mean really heavy, which is a plus when you live in snowy New Hampshire.Years ago my wife and I opened a ski shop in a small town near a resort in the White Mountains. I built our home on a twenty-acre lot located at the end of a dirt road half an hour outside of town. Do you know the saying when...

2 years ago
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Summer Seductions Emily

Scott was a 17 year old guy who had been left home alone for the summer vacation. His father Ted and his step-mother Julie had just left on a round the world cruise which would take 90 days. The family was quite well-off with Scott having been given a BMW Z4 Roadster as a gift when he passed his driving test just over three months ago. He found that the car became an instant “chick magnet” for girls and women of all ages. A ride in his car normally ended with the girl/woman involved coming...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 8 Hospital Day 6 7 Curing Emily

During my skin peel and deep muscle massage, I had fallen so deeply asleep that I didn’t wake up until the middle of the night to find Arthur sitting in the chair beside my bed. “About time you came back into the world of the conscious David,” Arthur said softly. “First I have two new pairs of goggles for you to wear. We took an impression of your face for creating a much snugger fit without requiring so much tension from the strap. The cushioning is now memory foam with a breathable...

3 years ago
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My adventures with Emily

That's about when i met Emily. Emily and I had been in the same classes at the local college, studying the same major. She was nice about 5'10", blonde, but pretty plump. I didn't care, she was a cute girl and had a great personality, we liked almost everything the same! We started hanging out from time to time, just playing a video game, or watching a movie or just talking on line on occasion. I never really had any intention of moving past that as I was still with Jessica. Emily was...

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Finger Training Emily

Finger Training - EmilyFinger training was just the beginning for sweet Emily. He held out his large powerful hand with the palm up. Emily looked at him shyly; she flushed. Her face was pink and warm. It glowed with health… and with shame. She had never been nearly naked before with a man and the fact that he was completely naked, caused her to lower her eyes. Her downcast eyes immediately rose. She was startled. She had caught sight of him; an important, very scary part of him. His...

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Catherine and Callie

I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...

Straight Sex
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Introduction: The story of the one girl I have always wanted… Before I begin, let me tell you a little about my history with Emily. I cant say how exactly we became such good friends, but in my junior year I took her (a freshman) under my wing, and our relationship developed rapidly. We stayed great friends through out school&hellip,having sleep-overs, going to parties&hellip,in the end I might even say that in those two years as friends, I went on more dates with her than with all of my...

3 years ago
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My New Friend Emily

There is a small park across the street from my house; I will wander over every couple of days and girl watch. For a week I have noticed a young lady, about 24. She looks so natural and sweet. Shinny hair, sparkling eyes, white teeth and face covered in little freckles. She dresses very casual. Baggy shorts and long tops. Sundress and sandals. Sweat pants and tee shirt. Other thing I noticed is that they were all different shades of pink. But what I noticed the most is that it appears that...

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Catherine and Callie 3

When Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine's bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. "So have you two been good?" Catherine asked. "No, Mom, I'm afraid that we've been very bad" was Callie's response. "Excellent!" said Catherine. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He's been the subject...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Will and Emily

He ran his fingers through her hair. She was so peaceful when she slept, so content. Will stared at his wife of seven years, retracing the shapes and contours of her body that he’d come to know so well. He studied her long brown hair, the swell of her breasts and the curve of her hip, and before he knew it, he was hard. ‘Seven years of marriage and she still turns me on,’ he thought to himself. Slowly, Will untangled his fingers from his wife’s hair and began to carefully crawl down the bed...

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