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Considering that the population of London is approaching 9 million (plus more than a million daily commuters and many thousands of visitors and tourists), and my home city has 200,000 inhabitants, you wouldn’t expect to bump into the same stranger by chance very often, would you? Yes, I do realise that if you follow the same routes or go to the same places frequently at the same time of day, you will get to know the ‘regulars’, but that didn’t happen in my case. It was pretty much pure chance, every time. I suspect it occurs more often than you’d think...

I’d seen a flyer in my convenience shop from our local theatre, advertising a production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest“, and, as my shift roster gave me Wednesday off before being back on Earlies at 0700 Thursday morning, I treated myself to a fifteen-quid top-price ticket for the matinee performance. Yeah, it’s not the West End, but then neither is it West End prices.

(Okay, so I knew that I’d probably be the youngest person in the audience by a matter of forty years, but one advantage of having to work alternate weekends is that you get time off during the week when places are much less crowded – it’s been quite a few years since I’ve gone to the supermarket on a Friday night or a Saturday morning, and I don’t miss the crush one tiny little bit. Still don’t understand why so many retired folk keep up the habit of shopping at the weekend when they’ve got all week to do it!)

“The Importance of Being Earnest“ is a clever romantic comedy set in late-Victorian England and it pokes fun at the class system of the time; it’s also completely improbable (almost a farce), and pure escapism. There are some cracking lines, and it’s subtle enough to see several times and still get something new from it. If you listen between the lines there’s some real venom about the way the rich and high social class people were insulated from real life – but it isn’t made obvious enough to actually alienate the aspirational Victorian middle class who Wilde needed to pay the admission fees to watch his plays. If you’ve never seen the play, or indeed the film with Colin Firth, Judi Dench and Reese Witherspoon, then I suggest you do. It’s great fun!

The hero of the play, Jack Worthing, was found as a baby in a bag at the Lost Property Office of Victoria Station (Brighton Line) and brought up by an elderly gentleman. He was given the surname Worthing because that was the destination on the gentleman’s First Class train ticket. On reaching adulthood and with the death of the old gentleman, he found himself the owner of a town house in London and a country estate in Hertfordshire, as well as the guardian of his benefactor’s lively eighteen-year-old granddaughter, Cecily. Unwilling to spend all his time rusticating in deepest Hertfordshire, he invented a fictitious younger brother, Ernest, who kept getting himself into scrapes and needing rescuing, giving him a reason to be away from home. In his ‘Ernest’ persona, he is often up in London wooing Gwendolen, the cousin of his friend Algernon, and the daughter of Lord and Lady Bracknell. Algernon too has a secret; he has invented a sickly friend ‘Bunbury’, who is allegedly frequently at the point of death and in need of an urgent visit, thus offering him an excuse to avoid tedious occasions at home in Town with his overbearing Aunt Augusta, Lady Bracknell. By chance (Jack’s dropped engraved cigar case), Algernon finds out about Cecily, and her whereabouts, and poses as ‘Ernest’ in order to go to Hertfordshire and meet her – much to her delight, because in her secret diary she has long imagined herself engaged to be married to the mysterious ‘Ernest’. This visit causes a few farcical scenes, as while he’s in the house supervising the unpacking of his luggage, Jack returns home dressed in mourning clothes, finds Cecily in the garden, and tells her that ‘Ernest’ has sadly died in Paris. Then Gwendolen turns up to inspect her Ernest’s establishment. It all gets quite interesting. Cecily, like Gwendolen, is revealed to have a penchant only for men named ‘Ernest’, and once Algernon and Jack are unmasked as not being genuinely named ‘Ernest’, some swift manouevring (including two emergency christenings) and a couple of rather unbelievable but welcome twists are required to bring things to the desired conclusion.

Anyway, the cast made a great job of the play; the audience were suitably hushed with anticipation at the important bits like Lady Bracknell saying to Jack that losing one parent was unfortunate, but losing both seemed careless, and of course the “A HANDBAG?“ comment made famous in the 2002 film by Dame Judi Dench. The actresses playing Gwendolen and Cecily were naturally a couple of decades younger than the two playing Miss Prism and Lady Bracknell, and quite easy on the eyes. The girl who was cast as Cecily was a real sweetie – not as conventionally good-looking as Gwendolen, but tall and blonde with a little snub nose, soft cheeks, rosy-red lips and blue eyes to die for. I have to admit that whenever she was on stage, I was looking only at her. Pretty girls I see all the time at work (and a lot more who aren’t), but this one was especially lovely to my eyes. She could even sing, dance and play the piano!

The play over, we all clapped for three encores and then the six actors trooped off stage and the house lights came up. I let the rush go, as usual, and then got up from my seat and flexed my leg to get it moving again before following the steps to the exit. To my surprise and delight, the cast were waiting in the foyer and saying goodbye to the audience, which I thought was a great gesture. I quickly told them how much I’d enjoyed their performance and thanked them for brightening my day, and got back genuine smiles of appreciation. Close up, Cecily had a really gorgeous white-toothed smile, and I had difficulty taking my eyes away from hers, so as not to be caught staring. She was a cracker, and I didn’t think that it was entirely due to the expert use of theatrical make-up.

I reluctantly left the theatre and slowly walked back to my flat, just enjoying being out and about on my day off. While my dinner was in the oven, I looked up Cecily on the Internet. A bit of harmless online stalking is always a pleasant challenge – it’s amazing how much personal information you can find out, and it always reinforces my wish to stay away from the cookie-setting data-mining social media applications. I ain’t registered on Faceache or Twatter or Gogglespy, or Amazon, and I won’t ever be. It gives away far too much personal information, and every week you seem to hear of some company getting all their customers’ data hacked. I get quite enough junk email already, thank you very much.

She (the girl who played Cecily) was a professional actor, and it was surprising (and a little worrying to a privacy fiend like me) just how much detail was readily available on the Internet. So as to not give away her real or stage name, let’s just call her ‘Emily’ from hereon in?

She was my age, 28, 5’ 9” tall, admitted to weighing nine stone, claimed to be genuinely blonde underneath the long blonde wig, and by amazing coincidence had, like me, been born in Portsmouth! It was a real shame I’d probably never see her again – but then, I reckoned that she was way out of my league. But a man can dream, can’t he?

I went to bed early so as to be up early; I stayed awake a short while reliving the play, and remembering the graceful motions of Cecily / Emily. I think, counting catching the film a couple of times on TV, that it was probably about the fifth time I’d seen “The Importance of Being Earnest“, and I also enjoyed recalling some of the incisive one-liners that Wilde excelled at – like “no cucumbers were available, not even for ready money”, making a dig at the upper-classes deservedly poor reputation for actually paying their bills on time.

I seriously considered going to see the play (and Emily) again, but my shifts and other circumstances conspired and I didn’t manage to get sufficiently organised before the run ended. I did tell a few of my colleagues about it; in those last dark hours before dawn when all the drunks have finally been dealt with and the place is relatively quiet, we tend to talk about the more pleasant side of life. We’d go mad if all we had was a constant diet of A&E – although there are some great times when you quickly patch someone up as good as new, most of it is all about illness, injury and death, and that can be pretty damn depressing unless you have good colleagues who help keep things on an even keel. Black humour helps too – it may not be to everyone’s taste, but where there is death and suffering, sometimes some dark joking keeps you sufficiently detached from reality so as to be able to do your job properly, rather than succumb to panic.

A couple of weeks after I saw the play, I had one of my worst ever experiences in A&E. A fourteen year old girl was brought in unconscious after taking an Ecstasy tablet – and we couldn’t do a damn thing to save her. Her body just shut down. Her parents were in a terrible state; they were in denial, and then really angry, and her father almost had to be restrained; he was going to sue us all, and then beat us up, and I’ve never been so glad to see one of the hospital chaplains arrive and have him calm the situation down. Those kind of days thankfully don’t happen very often, but they are seriously bad for staff morale. Such a bloody waste of a young life. I didn’t blame her parents for taking it badly – in this day and age you expect to outlive your children, but it’s not always the case.

Yeah, we lose the odd teenage stabbing or accident victim as well, but they aren’t normally quite as young as fourteen, and we only lose them when they arrive bled out and nearly dead – if they get to us with plasma and oxygen attached, we can pretty much ‘routinely’ save their lives. It was not being able to do a damn thing about her relentless slide into death that really hurt.

We have the greatest numbers of staff working on Saturday nights – not only are there the extra alcohol-related injuries, but they tend to be brought in by equally-inebriated friends, and there’s the odd bit of threatening behaviour. Our hospital has a zero-tolerance policy, so we do have extra security and a copper or two are normally in attendance, but it’s still better to have additional staff on call. That meant that most of us weren’t ever at home when the BBC broadcast their A&E dramas Casualty and Holby City, but we wouldn’t have been interested anyway – we saw more than enough misery at work to want to indulge in some more when we were relaxing. That’s why I’d jumped at the chance to see “The Importance of Being Earnest“ on my day off, and why I quite often tried to do something enjoyable before turning up on a Saturday evening to see what the potent mix of youth, stupidity and alcohol could dream up this time. To paraphrase the wonderful American quote, “Nobody ever over-estimated the stupidity of the drunken idiot”.

Not that I’m complaining about how bad it gets for me – out in here in suburbia we have it relatively easy, and we know it. Many of the inner-London hospitals are almost under attack – well, that’s the impression you get, with the reception and security staff sitting behind steel shutters, so you have to speak to them through a grille, where the staff are routinely insulted and assaulted, and where sometimes the police have to break up vicious free-for-all fights amongst the patients in the waiting room. Now, that kind of working environment I do not need, but I admire the spirit and courage of those who do work there.

Work continued to be pretty much all-consuming, and although I didn’t let myself forget about Emily, she did sink into the background. I went to a few more performances of other plays at the theatre over the winter, but never saw her again.

I half contemplated taking a leaf out of one of Jeffrey Archer’s novels – I think it’s “Not a penny more, not a penny less“ where the hero fleetingly meets a girl who is a successful model on a train, and then finds her agent and hires her for a publicity event at one of his shops so he can see her again and ask her out. Trouble is, I couldn’t think of any reason why I’d need to book her without making it horribly obvious that I was paying her to spend time with me – and we know what words we use to describe women who get paid for accompanying men!

Oh well, we frogs can admire our princesses from afar, but rarely do we get a chance to get close enough to kiss them.

Having said that, female friends and colleagues of mine often complain about how many frogs they have to kiss before they find their own Prince Charming, so maybe I’m doing something wrong.

About six months later, when I was doing an Early shift, I’d just got back from getting a bite of lunch when I was called over to an incoming ambulance patient who’d been knocked off her bike and seemed to have at least a broken arm.

(For those of you who believe the gutter press stories of inefficiencies in the National Health Service and growing waiting times in Accident and Emergency, take it from a professional – if you genuinely need urgent attention, you will definitely get it. If you arrive on a stretcher, or there is any suspicion of head injury, heart attack, stroke or breathing difficulty, we’ll get you straight into a cubicle and save your life if it is humanly possible. If, however, you have come to clog up A&E because your own G.P. won’t give you another sick note, or you’ve got a hangover, or you are vainly hoping for some antibiotics because you’ve caught a cold (and antibiotics do the square root of bugger all to relieve symptoms of the common cold), or have another non-urgent complaint, then you’ll be continually pushed down the triage queue as more urgent cases come in, and end up sitting there for the full four hours, picking up all the other bugs that your fellow patients who haven’t bothered to register with a G.P. are sharing around. And none of the staff will be over-sympathetic. Rant over!)

The name was the same as Emily’s, and to my delight when I saw her, it was indeed Emily. It was a little hard to tell at first, as the paramedics had correctly kept the cycle helmet on her head and wrapped her up in a couple of blankets against the cold, but I recognised the snub nose and blue eyes immediately. Her left arm was strapped to a splint and she was clearly in some discomfort. I’ve been there – I know how unsettling it can be to suddenly find yourself in pain and on a trolley in A&E.

With my biggest smile and most cheerful voice I introduced myself.

“Hello, Emily, I’m Ben. Let’s get you sorted out! I need to do a few checks first to ensure you haven’t got any hidden damage, and then we’ll get you off to X-Ray and make you more comfortable. Full name and date of birth please?”

I checked them against the computer record.

“Okay, we’ve already got you on the system, that’s a great start. No new allergies or medical problems since you last saw your doctor? Is your address still xxxxx?”

She confirmed it.

“Thanks! Now, Emily, you were knocked off your bike. Did the vehicle actually hit you, or just the bike?”

She thought for a moment, biting her lip slightly in a very engaging manner.

“I think the back wheel; one moment I was going along nicely and the next I got tilted off onto the pavement!”

“Can you remember how you fell? Did you go over and bump your head, or land on your side?”

“I think I went on my side; I tried to put my arm out to land on, but it was a bit of a crash landing.”

“Okay. Now I just want to look into your eyes; it’s quite a bright light so don’t try and look straight at it. Look up ... look down ... look left ... look right ... Thanks, now the other eye.”

“Good! Your eyes tell me that you haven’t been too shaken up. No pain in the head? No dizziness, specks in front of your eyes, no nausea?”

“Other than my arm, and feeling sick, no, my head doesn’t hurt at all.”

“Okay, hold still while I take your helmet off. It doesn’t look dented or cracked – thank you for wearing one, by the way. It makes life a lot simpler knowing that you had your head protected. Now, I’m just going to feel round for any lumps and bumps; if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort I want you to tell me straight away.”

She had nice hair; it was indeed blonde all the way through, and cut medium-short in a simple but smart fashion. The long golden tresses tied up into bows and frills that had adorned her on stage had obviously been a wig; that style was clearly totally impractical unless, as Lady Bracknell had recommended, you employed an experienced French maid to run your boudoir.

“Now, close your eyes. I’m going to touch your arms and your legs and I want you to tell me whereabouts you feel the pressure.”

That test worked out fine, as did getting her to move her right hand and both feet on command, and then move her head from side to side. No obvious spinal cord injuries.

“Okay, Emily, now the nasty bit. I want you to try to lift your left arm against the strapping, and then GENTLY flex the fingers for me – but if it starts hurting, stop immediately.”

She grimaced as she lifted it, and gasped with pain as she tried to rotate the wrist.

“Okay, stop right there! We’ll get you X-Rayed in a minute. Let’s get you sat up. Everything else seems fine, it looks like just your arm and your pride have been dented.”

I put my arm behind her from her right side and lifted her, and Laura, the nurse helping me, raised the backrest behind her.

“And the front wheel of my bike! Look!”

She pointed at her bike, which the ambulance paramedics had very kindly brought along with her. The front wheel was no longer either circular or in a flat plane; there was a definite kink in the wheel rim.

“Hmmm. Looks like it bounced off the kerbstone, which is why you made a short flight. You won’t be cycling home anyway, but certainly not on that wheel! If you’d got that bent and battered yourself, you’d definitely be staying here tonight. Hopefully we can patch you up and not have to admit you.”

Laura and I gently and carefully unstrapped her left arm, and I very gingerly palpated it to check for the areas of tenderness. Emily was a great patient; the whole process would have been painful, and she kept herself under control as she let me know where it hurt the most. I checked that she still had a strong pulse at the wrist and finger tips, and got her to flex her fingers before asking her to grip my hand and try to squeeze.

“Lovely! Well done, I know that must have hurt. There’s no obvious damage to the wrist and tendons, so with luck it’s a straightforward break; there doesn’t seem to be any displacement of the bone. Let’s get that X-Rayed. You aren’t pregnant or possibly pregnant, are you?”

“Er, no.”

“Good. We’d have to cover you in lead blankets if you were! Only joking, but we do it differently when there’s a foetus involved, so I have to ask. Laura, will you please get one of the porters to bring a chair – I don’t think we need bother with the trolley any longer.”

Laura and I helped her transfer from the trolley to the chair. As I’d expected, I had a much happier bunny on my hands once she was sitting up and able to see more of the world – being stuck on your back and uncertain about what is going to happen to you is one of the most dispiriting things in the world – and I’ve seen it from both angles. I don’t like doctors and nurses looking down at me when I’m helpless, so why would she?

The porter took her off to Radiology, and I went to fill in some more paperwork while I was waiting for her return – which included writing a death certificate for an old boy who’d been brought in earlier, and, to keep the coroner happy, making a short ‘sudden death’ statement to a W.P.C. about it. I also signed a couple of chits for pain medication and got Laura to order a couple more boxes of disposable gloves – I’d noticed that the level in the dispenser in that cubicle was getting low. With the increased level of antibiotic-resistant bacteria these days, the less skin-to-skin contact the better. In A&E we get exposed to a lot more bodily fluids, of all descriptions, than most people, and you can’t be too careful. Sadly, a lot of the people who need our care already live fairly unsafe lifestyles, so the risks are certainly there. If you use intoxicants, then you’re more likely to fall over, and if you regularly abuse them to the level where the next morning you can’t remember what happened the night before, then hygiene hasn’t been your number one priority.

The porter gave me the nod that Emily was back in her cubicle, so I thanked her and went to see what the damage was. My patient was still a little bit pale, but was clearly already bouncing back from her bad experience. I pulled up the X-Ray images on the computer screen and turned it so that she could see.

“Okay, Emily, just as we thought, that’s a nice simple fracture of the ulna, typical of striking your forearm on something. No damage to the radius or wrist, so it should heal perfectly with no residual effect. Okay, I’ve got to be completely honest with you; in sixty or seventy years time, you’ll probably feel it aching a little bit on cold wet days. You’ll be able to complain to your grandchildren about your old war wound playing up!”

She smiled at that one. It always works. They come in worried that they’ve really hurt themselves, and then you tell them that they’ll most likely live to a ripe old age. Statistically, it’s almost the truth, as far as our one-off customers go. The story is, very sadly, rather different for our regular visitors.

“And the even better news is that we can put a simple cast on that. No surgery, no scar. And you can have some pain relief as well. Two ticks and I’ll get that for you; you’ve done really well putting up with it so far.”

She smiled at that compliment; it was more honest than she realised. It never fails to amaze me that it is always the ones with the least serious injuries who make the most fuss; and I knew from my own experience the nagging pain of a broken bone which was out of place. She was being a brave little soldier, but she was twenty years too old for me to use that expression on her...

I dished out a couple of 30mg codeine phosphate tablets, Laura handing her a paper cup with a little water to help her swallow them. They would calm her down while we splinted the arm, and help her through the discomfort of getting home. Yeah, maybe the dose was a little over the top for her size and weight, but not enough to cause any concern.

“Okay, that’s as much of the good stuff as you are going to get for now; I don’t want you dancing down the road as high as a kite because it would give the hospital a bad name. I’ll give you a couple more to save for tonight when you want to sleep, and after that you can have both paracetamol and ibuprofen, two tablets or capsules of either at four hourly intervals, but only do it if you need it.”

She nodded her understanding.

“Right, let’s get a splint on you. We shan’t do the full plaster cast today, because your arm is bound to swell a bit, so we’ll get you to come back in three or four days to do the proper thing. Hang on tight and I’ll take you down to the Fracture Clinic.”

There was no point in wasting a porter’s time; the Fracture Clinic is next door to A&E, and I knew exactly who I was looking for. Ivy.

Ivy is one of the hospital characters; she’s a larger than life Trinidadian who has become a good friend to me, but more importantly, she’s bloody good at her job.

We were in luck; there were no other customers in Ivy’s little workshop and she was at home. I brought up the X-Ray images on her monitor so that she could see what she was working on, and she smiled her understanding.

“No problem, bossman, I’ll get that immobilised. Give me a few minutes.”

“Ivy, this one’s very special, so I’ll leave her to your tender mercies so you can concentrate on fixing her, without having to waste your time trying to wind me up. Emily, do you want a drink before Ivy starts? Tea, coffee, water?”

“Just water, please.”


“No, I’m fine, thanks.”

I brought Emily a plastic cup of cooled water from the machine. Ivy had donned a new white polythene disposable apron and had placed one over Emily’s clothes as well.

“Ivy, Emily plays the piano, very well, so please see if you can work your magic so she can keep practicing without messing up the break.”

Emily’s eyes opened wide in surprise.

“How on earth did you know that? It can’t possibly be on my medical records!”

I grinned and bowed.

“Ivy, do you remember me telling you about that performance of “The Importance of Being Earnest“ that I enjoyed so much?”

“Yes, I do, but you can’t mean...”

“Yup! May I present the very talented and extremely lovely Miss Cecily Cardew!”

“Oh my word! Talk about a small world!”

Emily was almost speechless with surprise.

I decided that discretion was the better part of valour, silently bowed myself backwards through the curtain, and left Emily in Ivy’s most capable hands.

I spent the next half-hour with another accident patient; a bloke who’d mashed up a couple of fingers by trapping them under a heavy box at work. He’d bled like a stuck pig, which was probably a good sign as it meant that the circulation was working well, so after cleaning them thoroughly, I taped them up with some magic sutures, wrote him off work for a fortnight, and did him a discharge letter to take to his G.P. for a course of painkillers and a tetanus jab if required. He wasn’t pleased when I told him that he’d almost certainly have the fingernails go black and drop off, but he cheered up again when I explained that they’d regrow, and it was a small price to pay if it meant keeping his fingers.

Then I wrote Emily a quick discharge letter for her G.P. and printed her a hard copy while I was at it. I went back to Ivy’s cubicle in Fractures and Orthopaedic, called out ‘knock-knock’, and pushed through the curtain. Emily was sitting there all dressed up in a shiny white fibreglass splint with a neatly rolled bandage to pad and secure it. It was a work of art, especially with her modelling it.

“All done?”

“Yes, and it almost feels comfortable!”

“Good! Can you flex your wrist?”

She demonstrated, with a slight wince as some pain hit her.

“Okay, so you’ll need to take it easy. Did Ivy read you the riot act? No getting it soaking wet, no lifting weights, no acrobatics, any problems with it come straight back any time day or night, especially if you can’t feel your fingers or there doesn’t seem to be any blood circulation. Ivy will want to see you in a few days to check it and put a full cast.”

The woman in question returned at that point.

“Okay, Ben, all done. We’ve had a good natter, and Emily’s going to come in on Monday for the full cast. I’ve told her your deepest darkest secret, though, and you must have overdone the happy pills, because she wasn’t at all horrified!”

“Oh lord! Ivy, please tell me you didn’t reveal how rubbish I am at ten pin bowling?”

She laughed.

“Nah, much, much worse than that. I outed you as a Portsmouth supporter!”

(Okay, so supporting Pompey has been a one-way trip in the wrong direction for much of the last ten years. We won the F.A. Cup in 2008, and were in the English Premier League. Since then the club has been relegated three times and gone into administration twice (being docked nine hard-earned points for that ensured our relegation from the Premiership in 2010), and we’re currently in League One, the old Third Division. Five dodgy foreign owners in a row very nearly did for the club. I do reckon that we’re finally on the way back up – the supporters’ trust bought the club in 2013 and we managed to pay off the remaining debt the next year. I’ve continued to hold a Fratton Park Season Ticket to support the club, but I only manage to get to one or two home games a year. This past year has been a real spiritual trial, with our arch-rivals for many years, Leicester City, winning the Premier League trophy against all odds, after narrowly escaping relegation the previous season. Now, their foreign owners have actually helped the club to prosper. Okay, Chapeau to them and Claudio Ranieri for turning their own fortunes around, but it doesn’t make it any easier for a Pompey fan!)

Emily giggled. Maybe I had given her a little too much codeine; but she was better off feeling no pain than twitching while Ivy set the break.

“My Dad’s a supporter too! Mum and Dad still live in Southsea – where are you from?”

“My folks moved out to Lee-on-the-Solent when they retired; we lived in Farlington when I was at school.”

Ivy looked on in some bemusement, which was reasonable. Only us Pompeyites and our near neighbours realise that Portsmouth is much more than just one place. I explained.

“We grew up about four miles apart!”

She smiled and shook her head in disbelief.

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A TS Friend Part 3

This is continuation of the series posted earlier with the titles “A TS Friend: Part 1” and “A TS Friend: Part 2”I went home drained after unloading so much of myself into Kim in the suv. I had said good bye to her at her door and was driving home. I got home at a decent hour and went to bed. The following day at work I could only think about how wild a time we had together and began fantasizing about the whole affair when my cell phone went off.Amazingly enough, it was Kim sending me a text...

2 years ago
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How a 19 year old had become obsessed with my wife

In the last several months I had been receiving responses from a young 19 year old named Josh about my 49 year old wife. He had seen her sexy pictures on the site and had become totally enamored with her. He loved her stories and wanted very badly to be a part of them.I heard from him every few days how beautiful she was and how he would do anything to be able to fuck her. I know it is a big turn on for young men like Josh to want to fuck an attractive older woman like my wife, but Josh had...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 2

Carl picked me up at about 11 pm that night. I was wearing my sexy clothes underneath some jeans and a loose fitting top. My parents were sleeping and I left them a note that I went to a friend’s house and I wouldn’t be back until some time tomorrow. My heart was pounding as I ran out the door and to Carl’s car. He was looking at me really intensely and we kissed passionately when I got in the car. When we stopped kissing he looked at me again and took a deep breath because he was so turned...

4 years ago
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School Girl Sub Ch 03

Seeing as though we hadn’t eaten in two days you decide that we need to get up, get dressed and go out to dinner. We showered together, washing each other with soft caresses. When we were done you picked out a very seductive outfit for me to wear. You grabbed a tight, short, low cut, black dress with very little straps. You refused to let me wear panties or bra and gave me a pair of 5-inch black vinyl stilettos. With an approving smile you ask me to put my hair up so you can look at my soft...

5 years ago
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I Like to Watch Boys MasturbateChapter 2

As time went on, Charlie and I were finding each other less and less interesting. I’d seen him jerk off so many times it was less exciting and just really more mechanical each time we did it. Finally one day we stopped. We didn’t talk about it or even plan it. We just stopped doing it together. That’s when I met John Fuller. By then I was seventeen, nearing eighteen and a senior in high school. I wasn’t a cheerleader or anything like that, but I was sort of popular and got along with just...

3 years ago
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An Incestuous Episode a Willing Daughter

Everything happened at one time for 14-year-old Carrie. In the course of a week a series of events occurred that led to the night of incest. First her girlfriend Ingrid let it slip that their friend Joan's father had raped his own daughter, Joan's younger sister. This news triggered off Carrie's thinking process; wondering how a father could do that to his own daughter. It was only a day later that Carrie found herself sitting on her father's lap when suddenly she felt him harden under...

2 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 6 Sunday November 18th 2012 0430

Bill was up very early on Sunday. He couldn't sleep because he was worried about his son and his family so he fiddled with the short wave so he could get some news until day light. The local radio stations were all standard Associated Press reports. According to the AP the US had been attacked by foreign religious groups. Short wave radio provided a completely different picture. According to SW radio the Weathermen organization was the cause of all the problems and they received their...

3 years ago
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Rimas adventures New territories

Quite a while now – somewhere around 2 months and Rima did not get enough of cock meat, her cunt was swelling every morning and she had to quench the pulsating urge and juice flow using her pussy and anal beads and follow it up with a good hard fierce shower in the bathroom directed on her clit and anal pulses – her anus would ooze secret pungent juices full of sex in them and she would just yield to these secretions completely aware that the 29 year old body needed s strong cock – a big cock...

4 years ago
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Costume Store

The Costume Store is an indiscreet shop in the mall. Few people paid it any mind and many walked passed it without giving it a second glance. If they knew what wonders were inside they might have given more thought to going inside. Inside the shop walls were racks and racks of costumes. But not just any costumes. There were costumes that turned the wearer into devils. Ones that made the wearer think they were super models. Even ones that would transport the wearer to alternate worlds where they...

4 years ago
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If you happen to enjoy my story, please don’t scroll away without letting me know about it. If you don’t enjoy it, criticize it freely without forgetting to pinpoint where I made mistakes and how you think they can be best resolved. Thank you in advance for your analysis! ***** This morning isn’t cold in the slightest bit. My eyes slowly burst open and the first thing I discern is the brilliant drizzling of sunlight into my room. This doesn’t surprise me, considering that my bed is stationed...

2 years ago
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Old Habits

We broke up. I didn’t bother trying to make it work anymore- I knew it wasn’t going to. He was already gone from me; we were gone from each other. But I decided not to throw away ten years of a relationship. If we couldn’t make it as lovers, maybe we could make it as friends. I pulled up in front of his apartment around seven. I told him I’d be there at six but just couldn’t find the nerve to get ready on time. When I rang the doorbell he opened slowly, as if he wasn’t sure who he saw through...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sister Paying Off Her Brother8217s Debts 8211 Part 2

Alex walked to the music console and played some upbeat number which my mind just did not register. I was pulled roughly to my feet and surrounded by the big bulky frames of Varun, Neil, and Rahul. Alex got me a vodka tonic and commanded me to gulp it down. I needed something to calm my nerves and this just served the purpose. The vodka burnt a fiery path all the way to my stomach. “The night is going to be rough on you, but remember that it is all good in the end as your brother’s life is at...

2 years ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Lauren Phillips 24347

It was a tragic day, indeed: Lauren Phillips and her husband were making love and suddenly BAM!, the poor bastard has a heart attack right on top of her, collapses, and dies there in bed. But cheer up! Because the sexy ginger has moved on, and now with her son moving on, too – out of the house and on his own – she’ll be left to her own devices, and that device is her son’s young, virile friend, Damon. He helped her boy to pack up and shove off, and it’s given Ms. Phillips the chance to tell...

4 years ago
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I saw you walk through the doors. The night mist clung to my clothes as I followed you inside. I got a seat in the back where I could watch you move through the smoky haze of the bar. All night I followed your body as it played pool, ordered a drink, and all the various areas of the bar you walked through. I watched as your hips sauntered past me to some guy with too much alcohol. He pulled you onto his lap and thats where you stayed the rest of the night. I drank my beer as I watched you get...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 5 Keeping Secrets

Theron cleared his throat after a few awkward minutes. "One more question. In this ... performance, do you ever find out why? Why did Loghain betray me?" "Not precisely. There's a lot of debate over that issue, actually, between different people who pl ... watched the performance. Some say Loghain just went mad. Power hungry. Some figured that he hated you, because of some weird issue between him and your parents. Some thought he truly did the best he could when he saw the overwhelming...

2 years ago
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Danis Fandom

I had a professor who always said ‘if being a college student doesn’t give you enough material to write about, you’re not paying attention’. I remember that because of Dani, who had it written across the front of her notebook in our first year. Dani is the one I think of first, and last, out of all of those years. When I first met her, she had this kinda cutesy short haircut and freckles, she was short, and she always wore t-shirts that looked a little too big on her. I think she finished high...

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Winter Solstice

He opened what he thought was left of one eye but still couldn't see much. Everything was a blurr. His head hurt and it was cold and damp....he fought the urge to vomit..... at least he was alive. It wasn't until after a few moments that he realized that if he rolled over, he still had sight in his other eye. His hand went instinctively to the dysfunctional eye. It was practically swollen shut. He vaguely recalled pieces of the battle he had just survived. It had been months that he had been...

3 years ago
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Online Se Offline Sex Tak

Hello everyone, Saurav again. Last 2 stories ka acha response mila mujhe. Jinhone mujhe mail ya text kuch bhi kiya ho, un sab ko main thanks bolna chaahta hu. So is baar ek aur nayi story likh raha hu, jo hai ek married lady who lives in Gujarat and I met her online. Ye kahani ab se 6-7 months pehle ki hai. Ek ladki hai, jo ki 26-27 years ki hai, aur divorced hai. Usko main online site pe mila tha, aur hamari baat hui just casually. Fir hum calls pe video call pe baat karne lage, just as...

2 years ago
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Love or Torture

CHAPTER ONE It had taken a lot of convincing, but finally, FINALLY, Chloes parents had agreed to let her go on holiday with her friends over the summer. There were six of them going including her, going on a group holiday before going back to school. Chloe was over the moon. It had taken weeks of sucking up, extra chores, love-me eyes and generally being over the top nice to convince her parents, but finally they had relented. Chloe was above average looks for a girl of just 15. Long naturally...

4 years ago
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From Lonely Housewife to perverted Slut Chapter 5reposted

True Story, Cheating Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sat 3rd of March 2012 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by...

3 years ago
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Wish Shift When Shadows Burn

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Seven When Shadows Burn Year 1 A.S. Day 192 Day 237 of Jenny's pregnancy Brother Paul kept driving past Derek's home. Derek's jeep was there parked under the carport, but it was the other car there that made him abandon stopping in as an option. He fumed as he drove down the road. Who could that possibly be that was there? And why were they here now of all times? He sensed the hand of the devil in this and considered that he might have to call Brother...

3 years ago
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Mother and Daughter Foot Worship

As Ash and Serena arrived in Vaniville Town at Serena’s home. “Ready Ash?” “Just thinking about it has giving me a boner already.” Serena smiled at her boyfriend Serena opened the door and the two entered the house. “Mom?” “I’m upstairs ready to go.” “Ok we’ll be right up, ok Ash get naked.” Ash and Serena got fully naked before heading upstairs they then entered Serena’s mom Grace’s bedroom. "So Ash Serena tells me you love feet and you have a big cock well I'll decided that." "Yes miss." "Ash...

Group Sex
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Niece on a BoatChapter 19 Birthday Party

June examined the faces as Tony and Lara came in from the garage. They were tense, but Tony wasn’t as enraged and desperate as before. It was different, but hard to read. Lara really did not think they’d done anything wrong, perhaps that was getting through. Still, June was glad she’d told Mark to go and play Xbox, or sleep, in his room. “Would you like some something to eat?” she didn’t try to kiss him. “I’ll sort something,” he peered into the fridge, making a point. Lara had drifted...

2 years ago
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Young Love

Another year of school is over; next year you and Amanda will be freshman in the local college. Sure you were the star quarterback for the high school football team but you wonder if things might be different in college. You look longingly over at Amanda. Amanda looks back with a curious smile as the two of you walk holding hands on your way home. Would Amanda still want to be with you if you are no longer the top prospect or would she latch onto whoever was the most popular or perhaps had the...

3 years ago
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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 17

I kissed a girl, and I liked it... Katy Perry's fun little anthem was playing in the lingerie store as I walked in. CJ comes home tonight, so I was hoping to find something cute for his first night back. I also needed some bigger bras, desperately."I'd love to see THIS on you," I heard from behind me.I turned around to see Kim standing behind me, holding up a light blue satin and lace corset."Oh my God!" I beamed, giving Kim a tight hug. "What are you doing here?""Going out tonight," Kim said,...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Aunt And Her Widow Friends 8211 Part 1

My name is raj and I am 18 years old and chubby because I am bit fat. I am doing my b tech in Hyderabad.my home town is vizag. because of my college I need to stay in my aunts home, she is my fathers sister. I stayed in their home and used to go to college daily. Now coming to tory my uncle goes to work in morning and comes late and my aunt is a beautiful housewife. She is a bit fat but charming face and swinging boobs and ass makes her angel and her age is 38. they have one son who is in delhi...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 6

Before they went any further, Elizabeth summoned a robe. Ceiling obliged. "Put this on," she said. He had to stand to do it. The robe was obviously too short. "Take that off," she demanded. Looking at the ceiling, she repeated her request. "And it had better be calf length or I'll know the reason why." "You are NO fun at all," said the ceiling. "I'm trying to keep my job ... you keep dressing John like that and we'll never get anything important done," she said. "One...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Guy In My Society

My name is Rajeshwari but you can call me Raju. My husband has a job which demands him to be out of India for at least 9 months in a year and we have a daughter who is studying in us. So I have no one to accompany me for almost the whole year. I am still not that old, just 35 years so I have sexual desires which are unsatisfied. I have fair complexion, athletic body, big boobs and an ass to die for as my hubby says. I have also highlighted my hair, which reaches till my huge boobs, in golden...

4 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 3

In my dreams my old lover Palto comes to me. He is whole and undamaged. His pale red skin shining with an inner light. He kneels beside my little corner of firelight. Oh Eyes, what have you gotten yourself into. He laughs down at me. Next thing I know, I am naked on the bed and his hands gently massages my back. Mmm. that feel wonderful, don't stop. I sigh into his touch, missing him as much now as my first day here. You are walking into a ticking time bomb. Enemies to front, enemies to...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 2

When we got home from the beach that night, the atmosphere was much quieter than the night before. We dawdled around in the kitchen, chewing on bits of food we had in the fridge. I didn't talk much, as I was still incredibly anxious about my day at the beach. I was having all kinds of strange thoughts that I never had before, and my body still felt kind of warm. From the vibes of our conversations it was pretty clear that the guys wanted to get the talking out of the way, go in their...

2 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 23

Reina walked in Karena’s office on Tuesday morning, almost floating.“Let me see it!” Karena said, excited to see Reina’s engagement ring from Chad.“Oh, come on, I’m sure you’ve seen it already. There’s not much that Chad keeps from you, not that I mind,” Reina answered as she showed Karena the dazzling addition to her left hand.“Not this time,” Karena mused. “He never said a word. Maybe he was afraid I couldn’t keep a secret.”“Well, HE managed to keep it a secret. Apparently, he’s had the ring...

Office Sex
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Doctor BrandleChapter 10

There was something to be said for this small town life if Maggie and Veronica were examples of the benefits one could have with this style of small town living thought Steve. Women are women no matter if they were from the big city or small town. He did have to admit that the pace of living in a small town was slower than the big city and because of that was more enjoyable. Steve could as they say, “Stop and smell the roses.” The usual parade of illness and accidental injuries at the clinic...

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The house party True story

This story is true, it takes place when I was 13 years old. One morning I got a call from my friend asking me to come to a party, when I arrived I found everyone either dancing on the kitchen table or passing around a nearly finished bottle of vodka. After a while everyone, accept for me who didnt drink that much, started to feel the effects of our drinking -there were quite a lot of us at the party so there was enough people to look after those who drank too much. I went up to one of my...

3 years ago
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Late Night Delivery

Pulling in the clutch, the rider hits the kill switch and cuts the engine, coasting about 200 yards before braking. He kicks down the side stand and climbs off the bike. A specific car parked just down the street tells him he has arrived in time to do what he had to do. He looks around, only a couple of houses are still showing lights, otherwise the street is in darkness. He slips through the gate and walks toward the house; he does not approach the door, instead walks down the side and picks...

5 years ago
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Bobbie and Me

First my backstory.I am Micheal or rather Michelle. Let me explain that , you see this story starts when I was six or seven. In school I learned the name of a classmate was Michelle and that was the feminine version of my own name. After learning this I really wanted to have that name, explaining to my mother that I should really be a girl and I do not feel like a boy at all. My mom already had taken note of my girlish tendencies and agreed. So since then I had been allow to dress and basically...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ban Gayi Meri Sex Teacher

My name is anil. Meri umar abhi 26 yrs hai. Mera pehla sex experience aapke saath share kar raha hu, jo meri chachi k saath hua tha. Main college ki padhai karne chacha k yaha rehta tha. Chacha kaam ki wajah se bahar jayada jaate the, Ghar main sirf main aur chachi hum dono hi reh jate. Chachi ki aur meri rooms alag thi. Ek din chacha aur chachi ko maine sex karte dekha tha. Chachi ne mujhe dekh k bhi andekha kar diya. Dusare din raat ko chachi ne kaha anil tum aaj mere room me sona meri...

2 years ago
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SxyPrn Lesbian

Man, I’m so fucking excited about this one. This genre is a tried and true favorite amongst me and just about every dude out there. Lesbian porn. Its popularity needs to explanation. Watching two slutty babes eat each other out, scissor, get fingered, and do all kinds of sexy shit is amazing. It’s fucking magical is what it is. Who needs dicks in their porn? I’d much rather watch some chick with a huge rack fuck another slut, hopefully with even bigger tits if I get to choose, with a big ass...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Banging The Bus Driver

Pamela had been riding the school bus from her home, about fifteen miles outside of Sweetwater, Tennessee for several years. She had lived in the area since she was born and while it was great as a young child - she was a bit of a tomboy back then and could keep up with any other kid, boy or girl - now that she was getting older, she was finding the small town life a bit of a bore.Although she only lived about twenty-five minutes from the school, by the time the route had taken her home, with...

4 years ago
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Peggys SurpriseChapter 6

The three of them whisked me away to my room, with all kinds of catcalls. Somewhere yelling "take it easy on them Peggy, we need them back to work" laughter broke out everywhere. Jimmy laid on the bed and told me to bend over and suck him. I knew that if I did that one of the other guys would have easy access to my backside. I was right, I felt a cock come up to me and I must have been still full of sperm, because he slid in so easy, and I did it again. I don't know if it was all the shit...

3 years ago
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Compatibility in Love Sex and Life of Aries and Virgo

As far as love compatibility is concerned, some people see this as one of the more challenging Star Sign combinations, with one sign – Aries – ruled by the element of Fire and the other – Virgo – ruled by the conflicting element of Earth. In reality though, things aren’t necessarily quite as difficult as they might initially appear! True, a fundamentally different approach to life – enthusiastic, go-ahead and impulsive in the case of Aries – cautious, diligent, and a little pedantic in the...

2 years ago
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Little Lola Loves Lollipops

Little Lola is a delightful little girl with such a sweet tooth. She is my young step daughter. The poor little girl never had a stable father figure in her life until I came along. Her mom, my wife Gina, is a stripper, a drug addict, a slut, and an unfit mother, but I love her. I am a chemist with a regular job in the research and development division of one of the major pharmaceutical companies. I am also a Libertarian. I don’t think the government should interfere in matters relating to...

4 years ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 The College of Arms

London 10th September 1831 As well as being responsible for the granting of new coats of arms, the College of Arms maintains registers of arms, pedigrees, genealogies, Royal Licences, changes of name, and flags, and advises on all matters relating to the peerage and baronetage, precedence, honours and ceremonial. My previous visit to the building had been when tracking down the owner of a coat of arms seen on the black coach that attempted to run me down at Wallers in 1819. The coach had...

3 years ago
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Sharing servent nitu with bhabhi

I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+, living in chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at Jesy ki mein apni pechli story mein bata chukka hun ke jab bhabhi 10 din ke leye kahin baher chali gaye to pichy se mein aur nilu akely reh gaye to hum dono ney chudi ka khub maza leya. Bhabhi 10 dino ke baad wapas aayi. Un 10 dino...

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A Peek at the Comics Ch 01

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction concocted entirely within my imagination. While I hope you enjoy this story and are compelled to provide feedback, I don’t expect the subject matter will appeal to everyone who reads it. If this story does not appeal to you, there is undoubtedly one somewhere on Literotica that will, so your energy will be better spent on finding it rather than on vilifying me. Your opinions are welcome but your attacks are not. * I was home for the summer after...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 59 Pre Wedding

Thursday Week 33 Dave woke up with an excited Jill fondling his penis and kissing it. She was turned on by knowing what today was - the longest air flight she had ever done was going to be a highlight, but only of today, because it was taking her and her two fiancés to her wedding ceremony and the start of the rest of her life. Getting married was a dream for most girls, but she was getting two husbands. She decided that the one she was sleeping with should give her some pleasure,...

2 years ago
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The SELF SUCKING TruthBy: Londebaaz ChohanWorking for a paint company in New Jersey; I had to go to a meeting in Maryland. What do you expect from a High School graduate boy from a tiny town; to know about the big cities, big hotels, big meetings. The meeting was only one session that was to end after lunch. Being in a town; I had never been before, my boss kindly allowed me the next day off and so I decided to stay back and take a city tour. Plus, I could extend my stay in the hotel for the...

3 years ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 8

Late afternoon found Greg sitting in the shade reading a book while Traci was soaking up some sun. Mandy asked them both to come in and help her with something. When they got inside they saw that she had set over a dozen pieces of her work out, propped on the couch and chairs as well as the hearth. "I can only enter six in the fair and I wanted to get your opinions on what to choose." Greg was having a hard time choosing. Traci looked over every one of the drawings carefully, then turned...

1 year ago
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The Naked Painter

New neighbors moved in across the street from me and the lady was pretty decent looking from my vantage point. I waved hello the first time I saw her and every time since and after they were there for about two weeks, I was painting my living room naked, as I never wore clothes around the house and not thinking I had taken down the shades to facilitate the painting. A knock at the door kind of brings me back to reality and I wrapped a towel around myself that I kept on a hook for this purpose....

3 years ago
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Integrated Impregnation

Bob Peterson was shocked when he answered the knock on his door. There in front of him was a sexy black woman! She was looking back toward the street and when he opened the door, she looked over her shoulder at him with her wonderful black ass pointed toward him. She was the hottest black woman he had ever seen. Not that he had ever had much interest in black women but his cock suddenly said he could be.“Can I help you?” Bob asked as she smiled at him.“I think we can help each other. My name is...

4 years ago
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The Dateless DronesChapter 2

The next Saturday night, clothes began coming off as soon as we started arriving. "Dan called and said he was bringing a new guy, Rich, and I told him, he better tell him before he comes through the door that we're all naked inside," Mary told our forming group. The lube was on the table along with more toys now, we girls were bringing our own special favorites to help provide some variety. And variety there was. Long, thin dildos, big, fat ones, long ones, one with a big knob on the...

3 years ago
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My Date With the Prom QueenChapter 10

Some of the people were starting to leave. I was disappointed to see Sophie leave as I had wanted to lick cum out of her, but maybe I would have an opportunity the next time I was out. After some discussion between Jake and Martha, she came over an unlocked the plastic cage over my little cock. While I lay there, Jake looking down at me, “So what time does your dad leave for work?” “About 7:00, why? “Because you are going to leave right after him and leave your front door unlocked.” “Why,...

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