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I was suddenly embarrassed. I had small pointy breasts and I never wore a bra to bed. I could feel them now, poking out the front of my t-shirt; his eyes were drawn right to them.

"Excuse me," I mumbled, feeling heat color my face. "I wasn't expecting anyone up." His blinking eyes were locked on my twin points, his face coloring just like mine. I crossed my arms over my chest, wrapped myself in them really, but that only made it worse.

No, worse was that I was standing there in my underwear, my skimpy panties plainly visible beneath the hem of my t-shirt. Worse was that I had gone to sleep with my hair up in a barrette, and it looked like an explosion around my head. Worse was that I had to pee badly enough to make me squirm like a six year old. Worse was that I dared not look at the obvious bulge that Walter had met me with.

"Excuse me," I mumbled again, slipping by.

My name is Emily and I was 14 years old. The boy I'd just humiliated myself in front of was Walter, my 14-year-old half-brother. Walter is named for my grandfather, and is the product of Dad's 2nd marriage. I'm a product of his first marriage. I have two older sisters, Constance and Chase, who were 19 and 18 at the time. Both were away at school.

Closing the door and locking it, I bear-hugged myself and refused to let my eyes anywhere near the mirror. I moved to the toilet and pulled down my panties at the same time that I dropped the seat down and sat upon it. I purposely angled myself to keep my pee from drilling right down into the water below me, aiming it instead at the porcelain just above the water line. At home, I'd never had to worry about sitting down on the unprotected rim of a toilet bowl, nor had to worry about males listening to my overextended bladder empty. I hated this house.

Walter and Robert are my twin half-brothers and six days older than myself. Dad got Mom and Pam pregnant at the same time. He and Pam followed up with Michelle, now 10, and then Angela, who turned 7 in September. My birthday, and Walters' and Roberts' are six months away in May.

Finished, I rolled out a length of tissue and wrapped it around my fingers into a rough square. I wiped myself and dropped the tissue into the toilet to evacuate along with the pee. It occurred to me that Walter had just evacuated himself into the same bowl a moment before and I scowled, imagining his pee soiling the rim of the bowl right below me. Sure enough, the rim was wet, beaded with droplets of urine. Grumbling, I wiped the rim clean with another handful of tissue and got off the bowl.

Two months. Two months this had been going on.

The hallway was empty and I hurried back to my room, eying the doors either side suspiciously. The house was three levels high, with rooms enough for every member of the family. Mine was up here on the second floor, along with Walters' and Roberts'. Michelle was downstairs with Mom and Dad, and so was Angela; Mom and Dad on one side of the house, and Michelle and Angela on the other. Being adults, Constance and Chase were afforded rooms in the basement. They even had their own entrance and a kitchenette. They could come and go as they pleased, though, being away at school left this theory untested. It would be shortly. Thanksgiving was a week away.

In my room, I locked the door and stood against it with my arms crossed, hunched over. I was so miserable. I couldn't be any more miserable. To grow up fatherless in a household of women, free to do as I pleased (within reason), two big sisters to protect and watch over me (that's not always how it felt, of course), wishing as any 14 year old would that her mom and dad would get back together, miserable now that they had. I just couldn't believe that I had ever wished for such a thing.

Eyes stinging, nose stinging, lips trembling, I crossed to my bed and sat down on the edge. A full-on crying jag was trying to break loose; I had to control it. Not only would my brothers hear, but also they'd smirk at me every time they saw me for the rest of the day. Emily, crying again, they'd think. I hated them. I hated everyone. My cell phone rang.


It was Trisha, my best friend. "It can't be that bad," she said.

"Wanna bet," I countered.

"It's only nine o'clock in the morning, Em. How can you be miserable at nine o'clock in the morning?"

"I'm still miserable from last night," I complained, bitterly.

Last night my dad had threatened to spank me in front of Walter and Robert. Not that he would, of course ... he'd never do something as despicable as that. He'd only made the threat in front of them, totally humiliating me. Every time I saw them they had snickered, knowing Dad had read me the riot act, threatened to wail on my bare behind. Over his knee, no less. I had a right to be miserable.

"I have a right to be miserable," I complained.

"Oh, get over it," Trisha said. "It's not like he did it."

"He didn't have to. He embarrassed me just by saying it. Every time I meet their eyes, it'll be like, You're mine, bitch. You're my slave. I'll spank you myself, you give me any trouble." I didn't tell her what I had dreamed last night. That Robert had grabbed my wrist and twisted me with it, made me put my backside in his reach, bent me over so that he could easily get his hand on the back of my pants and drag them down while I wailed in protest, trying to get away, couldn't. I woke up with a cry, before he did anything to me.

"You're too sensitive," Trisha said.

"I am not."

We talked another fifteen minutes about boys and school and sex, or the general lack of it. Trisha was the prettiest friend I had, brunette with the prettiest green eyes. She had the breasts I craved, a perfect shape, and legs that made mine look like something rejected at the chicken factory. I weigh 98 lbs; Trisha weighs 125 and has it in all the right places. She is extremely popular.

"I have to go," she said.

"I have to go, too. Call me later?"

"You call me."


"Later. Or text me. Text me, anyway. And stop worrying about your damned brothers, Emily."

"Easy for you to say," I griped. "You don't have any."

I folded up the phone, laid it on the bed and got up. I crossed to my dresser, kicking assorted stuff out of my way as I went, grabbed clean underwear out of the top drawer, a clean t-shirt out of the drawer below, and a pair of my tightest jeans from the drawer below that. Stopping to think about it, I grabbed my 2nd tightest pair of jeans instead, put everything over my arm and headed toward the door. No sense inviting looks at my rear end.

In the hallway, I turned right and made for the bathroom at the end of the hall, not the one I had just peed in. That bathroom had a walk-in shower. The enclosure was made of textured plastic, and I hated the way it let anyone look in at you. Too many movies, I guess. Seeing a girl naked in a shower not aware that a camera is watching everything she does. Not that anyone snuck into the bathroom to watch me. I wouldn't put it past them though, especially that fucking little Robert.

In the bathroom, I locked the door and stripped off my t-shirt. Paranoia made me stop with the t-shirt still on my arms, and suddenly anxious, I pulled it against my chest and checked every square inch of the bathroom for a hidden camera. I wouldn't put anything past Robert. I already knew he regularly searched my room and invaded my laptop. I knew he read my email, or suspected it strongly. I also strongly suspected he knew more about me then I knew myself.

Opening the closet doors, I eyed the stacks of towels for any telltale lens. The doors were wooden with slats wide enough to look through—or for a camera to film through. I wondered if Robert had seen me nude yet. He'd caught me topless once, though that was my fault. I wondered if I was more embarrassed or mortified by the thought of him seeing me nude. Or perversely aroused.

Face it, I thought, sourly. You're a freak.

Pam and Dad divorced two years ago. Dad did nothing for a year, and then began dating a woman named Mariska, like Mariska Hargitay from Law & Order SVU. She looked nothing like Mariska Harrgitay, more like Goldie Hawn on a good hair day.

You know who Goldie Hawn is, right?

Mariska had kids of her own, a son and a daughter, and the son was just my flavor of Jell-O: delicious cherry. I really got excited about Dad dating someone new, even someone as skanky as Mariska, even if I wasn't Daniel's favorite flavor of Jell-O. The fact that I wasn't ignored was good enough for me. But just as Daniel began to notice my existence, Dad got tired of Mariska and took up with someone from his office, a woman named Rachel. I never saw Daniel again. Rachel's kids lived with their father.

Mom and Dad getting back together was a total fluke. It happened six months ago. Rather, they met by accident six months ago, Dad out with this Rachel woman on a Friday night, Mom out with her sometimes boyfriend Richard, running into each other in the waiting line at Red Lobster. Mom said it took a minute to realize the man she was peeking at across the room was her ex-husband.

Dad had no idea Mom was there, only discovering this when Rachel's sudden annoyance made him look around for the source of her irritation. Aware she had been caught staring, Mom turned away and Dad was left to wonder why the person with her back to him, her arms folded defensively over her chest, seemingly embarrassed, looked familiar. It took him most of the next hour and a half to realize who she was.

"I was shocked," Mom told me that night. "Your dad looked ... your dad looked nothing like he did a year ago."

For the last two years, Constance and Chase both drove, both had cars of their own. It was only me that Mom had to ferry back and forth to Dad's, and this had ended more than a year ago when Mom agreed to let me take the train as far as Bethesda, letting Dad picked me up at the Grosvenor station. She retrieved me at the Shady Grove station on Sunday afternoon or evening, the time depending on whether there was a game or not, whether Dad had me out for the afternoon or not, whether he was mad at me, etc.

"I told you," I said. "Con and Chase told you, too. Dad's a hunk now. Scrumptious," I added, grinning.

Mom just shook her head. "I never would have thought it possible. All that weight."

Dad had dropped 60 pounds in the last year, maybe more, a bunch of it in the last six months. He'd been a real porker before that. He didn't care, I guess, what he looked like. His first year away from Pam must have changed his mind, though, because once he started dating Mariska, he'd turned anorexic on me. He'd also done something about his hair, and that stupid mustache of his. Now he looked like a clean-shaven Tom Selleck.

I dropped my t-shirt on the floor and wiggled out of my panties. Naked, I eyed myself warily in the mirror, wondering how anyone could be more oddly shaped, more flat-chested, less sexual looking. My breasts were a pair of pink nipples in search of companionship; my torso a display case for my ribs. My hips looked like displaced, protruding ears; my thighs like misplaced biceps. My knees made me wince. I've seen better bodies on concentration camp survivors.

Disgusted, I yanked my hair loose and combed through it with my fingers until I'd worked out the worst of the tangles, then I attacked it with the hairbrush. I did this eying the door behind me in the mirror, and the one to my side from the corner of my eye. I backed up this surveillance with an occasional twist of the knob, and an ear to the door panel, though how I'd hear someone listening from the other side with his ear to the door I don't know. The thought of a concealed video camera still had my nerves on edge and my nipples hard as tiny gold nuggets.

Why was I so paranoid, I wondered? What would I do if Walter or Robert actually made a move on me? It was only a matter of time for Robert, I was sure of it. Walter, not so likely. But Robert scared me. Robert scared me more than all the guys in my 9th grade class combined. More than all the guys at school, combined. Most guys looked past me like I was a puff of air, something that could muss their hair or get dust in their eyes, a nuisance. The rest eyed me with scorn. A few exceptions, guys I'd known all my life, or friends of my girlfriends, treated me like one of the guys. Very few guys paid me any real attention. I'd never been kissed, never fought a hand off my bare breast, never battled to keep my jeans buttoned and zipped. How very depressing that was.

Dispirited, I dropped my arm to my side, where it hung so limply the brush slipped out of my fingers. I stared at it on the floor, not having the energy--or the resolve--to bend down and pick it up. My eyes and my nose burned again.


I started, covering up reflexively. It was Walters' voice, soft, hesitant, urgent. I backed away from the door at the same time I told him to go away.

"I'm not ... look, I have to talk to you. Can you let me in?"

"Are you crazy?" I hissed, backing all the way to the tub and almost tumbling into it. "Go away!"

There was silence, then the creak of a floorboard, then a barely heard sigh as the idiot moved away from the door. I stood there shaking, wrapped in my arms, needing to pee again, even though I just had.

Goose-bumped and shivering, I swept back the shower curtain and twisted the spigot all the way to hot. Then I got in and waited until the water burned my toes before I leaned forward and carefully inched the handle back into blue territory again. I was still clutching myself like a six year old; my arms refused to let go; my back refused to un-hunch. My knees refused to unlock.

What had he wanted, anyway? As if I didn't know, I thought bitterly. Fucking cretin.

Resentful, muttering obscenities, I moved into the water and let it assault my head. I rubbed my face, swept back my hair and ordered myself to relax. Grudgingly, I did. After a minute or two the heat chased the goose-bumps away (both mentally and physically), letting my shoulders relax. I breathed deeply, relishing the sensation of forward-thrusting breasts, no matter how small. I shampooed and lathered myself with soap, enjoying the intimacy of the slick wetness on my skin. I even smiled, imagining myself as a beautiful movie star in a shower scene. As they did nowhere but in the shower, my limbs felt long, supple and inviting.

I showered long after I was clean. I refused to cede claim even after my mother hollered up the stairs that people in Africa were dying of thirst at my expense. Dripping, wringing out my hair, I pushed back the curtain and had a heart attack when I discovered Walter, standing there, waiting for me.

"I hate you!" I hissed. I was shaking like a bamboo stand in a hurricane. My lungs refused to work, my body had doubled over like a fortune cookie, I was goose-bumped everywhere I could see, and I was furious. A glimpse of myself in the mirror showed my face the color of a Red Delicious apple.

"Calm down!" Walter whispered back frantically. His fear, the way his eyes were bugged out farther than mine, the wheezy croak of his voice, his rapid breathing, combined somehow to stop me from screaming like a banshee.

"What are you doing in here?" My robe was around me and I'd cinched the belt tight enough to cut myself in two. I wanted so badly to pound him with my fists, beat the stupid life out of him. But again, his anxiety stopped me.

"You're in trouble," he whispered hoarsely. He kept his eyes averted and his hands jammed in his pockets. To his credit, he had been holding up my robe when I swept back the shower curtain, blocking his view of my body. Mostly blocking his view of my body. I felt only 80% compromised.

"What do you mean?" I demanded. While he answered, I grabbed the towel off the sink top and twisted it around my hair.

"Robert is planning on raping you, Emily."

I stared at him, shocked. "Wh-what?"

"He's gonna rape you. And then he's gonna sell you to some Russian guys as a child prostitute."

My eyes opened wide as dinner plates. My lungs froze and my jaw dropped to my bellybutton. The muscles surrounding my bladder squeezed brutally.

"Are you out of your mind?" I demanded.

Starting, Walter snapped his head around, leaned closer to the door. His hands came out of pockets, bunched into fists. They were clenched so hard they shook. I heard—or thought I heard—the soft creak of a floorboard outside, making me shrink back instinctively, arms steepled across my chest, knuckles under my chin, whimpering helplessly.

"Is it him?" I squeaked.

He shushed me with his right hand, and kept the hand aloft to keep me quiet. Petrified, I backed against the tub and lost my balance, sat down hard on the broad edge. He shot me a look of pure consternation. I shrugged helplessly. I couldn't believe how terrified I was. I couldn't believe I believed him.

"Don't let him in!" I mouthed frantically.

His look of consternation turned to one of annoyance. Of course I'm not gonna let him in, you ninny! I gripped the sides of my robe with shaking hands and held them together tight enough to choke myself to death. I gulped, a loud and painful sound. He shushed me again.

"I can't help it!" I whined breathlessly.

I had never--could never--imagined Walter as my Knight in Shining Armour, my savior. He was almost the asshole stature of his brother. Terrifying how fast your perceptions of someone can change. Finally, he relaxed.

"He's gone. You gotta get dressed now, though. Right now. We gotta get you out of here, Em."

It occurred to me that I could only be this frightened in a dream; nothing this terrifying could happen outside a nightmare. That I was behaving like a moron, that Walter was most certainly lying to me, that I was believing his lies without question, I had no doubt. I was in my own bathroom at home, my folks were downstairs, Walter was in my most private of spaces, lying to me.

I blinked in confusion, then in determination, trying to wake up. It had to be a dream. It just had to be.

Face set in a fierce scowl, he crossed the bathroom in two steps and grabbed my arm, yanking me up. "I want to show you something," growled. Dragging me to the hallway door, he shoved me face-first to within an inch of the doorjamb. Again I blinked in confusion.

"You see that?" he demanded.

"See what?" I protested. He was crushing my biceps in his fist. I had no idea the jerk was so strong. Instead of looking where I was directed, I stared down at his encircling fingers, at his wrist and then at his forearm, then at the muscles bulging in his biceps. My eyes strained in shock. "Walter! When did you get so big?"

"Oh, for Christ's sake," he growled. "Will you look at the door!"

Tearing my eyes away from his biceps, I redirected them at the door, making them focus unwillingly on a nail hole. I made a sound of impatience and consternation. "What am I looking for, Walter?"

"That!" he hissed. With another shake, he made me examine the hole more carefully. Instead of a shiny metal nail head, my uncomprehending eyes took in what appeared to be a smooth piece of glass, something that looked like an impossibly small peephole, like the one in the front door. Horrified, I realized what I was looking at was a pinhole camera.

"Walter! Is that--?" Before I could finish he dragged me to the other doorframe and pointed my nose at a second, hidden pinhole camera. I blinked in confusion and disbelief. It was like an eye, ready to blink at me. I could almost see the grinning face on the other end of the video circuit. "Oh, my God," I moaned. "He's been watching me!"

"Watching and filming," he muttered. "He has you all over his goddamned hard drive."

I gaped at him, horrified.

"He's been filming you since you moved in here. He's got both bathrooms up here rigged, your bedroom, both bathrooms downstairs, and the two in the basement. You can't piss anywhere without him seeing you, Emily."

I turned my eyes back to the doorframe, blinked at it stupidly. My mouth hung open like a Venus Fly-trap. I couldn't breath. Then my eyes opened wider. "You haven't... ?"

"Seen you nude?" His mouth twisted grimly. "Along with every guy he knows, and God knows how many he doesn't. I've seen you on half a dozen websites and I've found shots of you posted in the Newsgroups. Videos too. You've practically gone viral, Emily."

My eyes and mouth opened to their maximum diameters. "No," I keened feverishly. "You're lying to me." Tears flowed down my cheeks and my nose burned with flame. I could feel the sobs waiting to break loose. Hysterical sobs. And then, to my utter astonishment, Walter put his hand behind my neck, pulled me to him, and kissed me right on the mouth.

"Why did you do that?"

"To shut you up," he said, looking at my flustered, flushing face. I was breathless and confused, mentally cross-eyed. My heart pounded like a fist against the inside of my ribcage. I felt like I'd just crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon. My first kiss, planted on me by my own brother. Well, half-brother, anyway.

"You could have just told me to shut up," I mumbled.

"Like that would have worked."

My face should have ignited. My lips tingled. I fought, and only just conquered the impulse to rub them with the side of my finger. My lips weren't the only part of me that tingled, either.

"You could have tried," I protested. And then, to my continuing astonishment, he grabbed me and kissed me again.

"Mmmmm," I moaned. My hands awakened and tried to find something to do with themselves. Tentatively, one of them (I think it was my right hand), found his waist and cupped lightly against the hard muscles there. My left hand didn't seem to know where to alight, just kept making a fool of itself on my other side. "Mmmmm," I moaned again.

Walters' hands showed no such indecision. The one behind my neck kept me firmly planted to his lips, while the other in the small of my back pressed the rest of me against his body. There was no missing the hardness between his legs.

"Walter!" I protested, squirming away. He brought me firmly back into contact with his bulge, which felt huge, even trapped inside his pants. "Walter, please!" I begged.

His breath was ragged, and rapid. "I want you, Emily," he rasped. And then he freed me and stepped back, hands clenched at his sides, face flushed, eyes burning with excitement. My own eyes went to the bulge in his pants. I sucked in air and gasped it out, shaking uncontrollably. And then I threw myself back into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Holding me by my bottom, he raised me until our heads were at the same level and we kissed ferociously, hungrily, my inexperience a handicap no longer than it took Walter to show me what to do. I French kissed him like I'd been born to French kiss; he tried to extract my tonsils with his tongue. I knew also, that with my robe waterfalling behind me as it was, and my legs wrapped around his middle, nothing stood between my exposed genitals and his imprisoned cock. He could have taken me at any time. I wanted him to take me. I yearned for him to. I begged silently. He chose not to.

"No!" I protested as he lowered and placed me on my feet. I wobbled, my knees like rubber bands. I tried to kiss him again, but he held me away. I groaned in frustration, begging him "Please?"

He shook his head no. He cut his eyes away, plainly embarrassed. Still, he didn't remove his hands, resting them lightly on my hips, giving me hope.

And then I whispered "I love you, Walter" at the same time that I realized it was true. Walters' eyes snapped back to mine, startled.

"What? What did you say?"

I had been denying this truth since the day I had first met him. I had known the moment we nodded shyly at each another across the wide table at The Olive Tree, both of us 7 years old, brought together for the first time in a meeting between the future halves of the family. Mom married to her work, Dad married to Pam, the three of them trying to hammer out a workable truce.

Since the breakup, Dad had not seen Constance or Chase or myself more than once or twice a year, always in neutral territory, never in the company of Pam or his other family members. I had never met Walter or Robert or Michelle before that night, seen them only in pictures, and then only at my own instance. Mom refused to allow any interaction between us kids. That's all changed now, of course, now that we live together under one roof.

Walters' eyes bore into mine, melting me, turning my insides to mush. I felt a sensation between my thighs; inside the workings of my reproductive system that warned me I was a Molotov cocktail, a rocket engine, a drum of fertilizer and diesel fuel, waiting for a match. To explode like a nuclear bomb.

"I love you," I repeated in a whisper.

"I love you too, Emily," he said. His voice was awed. His expression was awed. "I have for years. Since we were 8 years old."

"7 for me," I confessed, blushing thoroughly. I told him about my instant infatuation across the dinner table. He nodded slowly.

"Robert hates you, you know. I think that's one of the reasons why. It just ate at him that you were so thoroughly not interested in him."

"I shouldn't be interested in you," I reminded him. "This is really stupid."

Until that moment I had successfully dodged responsibility for my feelings with the knowledge that I would never act on them, never approach, much less trample the line between fantasies from condemnable behavior. And now somehow, I had. I still couldn't believe it, that Walter had let me. That he had initiated it.

I reclaimed his neck with my arms. "What are we gonna do?" I asked. "I can't have him stealing my virginity and selling me off to some Russian mobsters, never to be seen again. Never to see you again."

He scowled. "He's serious about that, Emily. The raping you part, anyway. He's obsessed with you, obsessed with keeping you away from me. By any means possible. No matter what the risk to him. I've read the shit he's written about you on his computer." He shook his head, his expression grim. "That boy's mind is gone."

I rested my head against his chest; let my small breasts flattened against the thick muscles of his pectorals. It occurred to me why Walter had chosen to become Arnold Schwarzenegger: to protect me, his helpless little sister from harm. It made my heartstrings throb. It was another reason agony twisted like a knife in my chest, knowing what I had to do.

"I'm sorry," I said, stifling a sob.


I clung to him, head buried against his chest. "If we ever hope to be happy, I have to make Robert not hate me anymore, not want to rape me and sell me off."

I could feel him shaking his head. "I don't understand, Emily. What are you talking about?"

Suppressing another sob, I tore myself away from his chest, placed a hand against the hard muscles to keep me that way, and dared not look in his eyes. "I'll be back. Don't try to stop me. Don't come after me. I'll come back to you when it's over."

"Emily ... what are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry," I repeated tearfully. I left him standing there, looking baffled.

I knocked on Robert's door.

"What?" he demanded harshly. Obviously he thought I was Walter, not Mom or Dad, certainly not me.

"I want to talk to you," I said in a tiny voice. I could hear his silent, startled intake of breath. After a long pause, I heard him get off his bed and pad across to the door in his bare feet. The door swung open. He stood there, eying me through narrowed eyes, mouth a narrow line, jaw muscles clenched. The ferocity of his expression made me want to shrink away, cover my head with my hands, cower against the far wall. Instead, I took a shuddering breath and said to him: "Can I come inside?"

"What for?"

"Please, Robert," I whispered. "We need to talk."

Glowering like a Pit Bull, he stood aside, leaving room enough for me to slip past him into the room, sideways. I had to contort my body in order not to touch him. He closed the door and locked it as I glanced around the unfamiliar landscape of his room. It was my first time inside. I'd only seen glimpses of it before, always from the hallway. Although I told them not to, my eyes searched out and found the laptop sitting on his desk. It was a Macintosh, a MacBook Pro, white and shiny and new. It was also closed, which made me bite my lower lip in anxiety. My stomach fluttered with a thousand butterfly wings. Despite this, I dove right in.

"What can I do to make you not hate me anymore, Robert?"

One eyebrow twitched at the question, otherwise, his expression remained unchanged.

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Joan Part 1

Introduction: I like to share my wife – jamaica I am one of the luckiest people in the world. Let me tell about my wife of five years. Joan is the smartest and sexiest woman I have ever known. Joan has a bright open face, shining hair and a sparkling flirtatious personality. She has a body made for sex. She has very firm medium sized breasts that never need a bra, a curvy shape without being chubby, long legs and an ass that is just shy of being a bubble but. She is also an exhibitionist. She...

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Mom Gives The Best Pleasure

Ever since my sister had gotten married and moved in with her husband, my mom had been feeling very lonely. She was always alone at home. I lived at home and commuted to the university. And dad was always at work. I think my mom missed my sister so much she used to cry at times. I had often seen her swollen eyes when I got back from school. When I got back home, mom always got energized. She brought me food and used to tell me all the things that happened during the day, who called, and who she...

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As always, the realities of that damn thing we call life got in the way over the next week and some. Soon enough though I found myself back at Dad’s place. To her credit, Ashlynn played it very cool, just being totally cordial in front of Dad & Gina. Actually my dick & my wallet both needed a break, so I just played it off as well, and enjoyed some time on the beach with the fam., hanging at the pool, and taking turns prepping dinner, the usual family stuff. Ashlynn and the baby were...

2 years ago
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The Other Side Of MeChapter 4

"Here," Frank said, pressing a stone into the palm of Rudy's small hand. "The flat ones work best. Try it." Her small face scrunched up in concentration as she took the stone and tossed it like Frank had just shown her, and grinned when it skipped twice over the lake. Frank smiled at her success. "Nice one, Rudy. Wanna try again?" "No. Throwing rocks isn't that fun. My stomach hurts." "That's because you're hungry," Frank informed her. "We should have had lunch by...

4 years ago
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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 2 Lessons InfidelityChapter 3

Day 3 Thursday morning, Ben quickly silenced his alarm and got up before he disturbed his sleeping wife. Her bleached cum crusted hair framed her overly made up face. With all the fucking they'd done last night, neither of them had had time to take a shower. Ben was still amazed that after five years of marriage that the two of them were still so passionate about each other. His buddies said marrying the bar tender at their favorite hole was a mistake and they'd be divorced within the...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Stranger in New York

 Yvonne was once again awestruck. Ricky's hard cock was worthy of the Greek gods themselves. It was thick and curved and the tip was flushed a bright red like a juicy berry begging to be placed between her lips She'd been in New York for 2 days now, her feet were sore from walking, it was 40 degrees above - way too hot for comfort and her friend’s flight over had been cancelled at the last minute. She'd exhausted the number of things a single girl can do in New York by themselves and had been...

First Time
4 years ago
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BethChapter 25

July 16, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke to the feeling of a mouth on my nipple, my right nipple. The feeling was ... lovely. My mind was hazy, I was ... languid. My internal eyes were watching the nipple-sucker, though my physical eyes were still closed. My nipple-sucker was Heather. Then I felt a hand on my face, gently easing fingertips across my cheek, up the side of my face, to my forehead, across my crown. Despite my eyes still being closed, I could “see” that the caressing hand was...

2 years ago
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With two garbage bags hanging heavily from my hands, I walked clumsily out the back door, and down the steps. The weight was balanced, but the effort of keeping them from touching my clothes slowed my walking quite a bit. I turned at the bottom of the steps and headed for the garden shed, planning to at least shield the house from the smell for the next few days, until I could put them out for collection. I didn't see her until I was almost at the shed, though I should have known. Her slim...

4 years ago
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Chachu Ne Choda Dokhe Se

Hi, mera naam gitanjali hai aur main haryana ki rehne wali huin. Meri umar 26 saal hai aur main abhi tak unmarried huin, per kunwari nahi. Aap log samajhte honge kunwari aur unmarried me farak. Chalo yahan per main pehli bar apni real life ke bare me likh rahi huin. Aaj main aap logon ko apni pehli chudai ke bare me bataongi. Mera naam gitanjali hai aur main apni studies poori karne ke baad job doondh rahi thi. Fir main ek school me teacher ki job shuru ki. Lekin main us job se satisfy nahi...

2 years ago
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Love is Deaf Part 2

The three teens headed towards the couch, starting up small talk. "How did the shopping go?", "Did you get pictures of the dress", and "What did you do while we were gone?" were shot back and forth until the teens were seated. Ashley nervously stared at the shirt Katie was wearing, having seen it dozens of times on her boyfriend Josh. Thoughts of infidelity raided her mind, but she was quick to shove them away until she knew more information. "I like your shirt Katie," she toyed,...

2 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 15

I left Bella nursing a nasty hangover, and dived into the shower. I'd made love with her into the early hours, plundering her charms until I was no longer able to perform. I'd finally collapsed from the combination of exhaustion, and the pervasive effects of Haden's wine. It was the start of a new day and I wondered what amazing adventures were in store. With the prospect of nothing of significance to achieve, I wandered through the deserted compound. People either were incapacitated or...

4 years ago
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My first frat guy

I do apologise for the length of this one, but I felt that I had to include the dynamics of the situation for the whole story to really shine through! Enjoy!I was invited to my first ever 'frat' party on a weekend not long after my first story happened. (I say 'frat' because it isn't an official one, but everyone calls it a frat anyway!) I had no idea just how wild those things get! (College is really opening my eyes to a lot of things!) I was invited because the guy from my last story —...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Raspberry Dreams

He dripped Raspberry sauce casually on my pussy lips before his eager mouth devoured me. My shaved, soft, smooth pussy was slippery with my juices, and my clit was already out and ready to play! Hot sensations were going through me, causing landslides of emotion, and rivers of pussy juices to flood that eager mouth. His tongue lapped at me, tasting each and every drop. Each time his tongue swept the length of my pussy electricity shot through me. My hips bucked at each lick, each dip of that...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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A Cumslut is Born

This was it. Today was the day. Julian was about to do what he had longed to do for years. Julian was a standard heterosexual forty-something, to everyone on the outside. Julian loved to look at porno in private. He and his wife's sex life had done what most of them do after twenty years or so, but he still had the desire. So he supplemented their once-every-few-months flings with porno. A few years back, he started to take an interest in shemales. There were some beautiful ones out there, and...

3 years ago
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Fantasy is to be Fucked Pegged

"You know we have spent a lot of time discussing my fantasies but no time at all talking about yours...." She waited for a reply with raised eyebrows.I cleared my throat and rubbed my chin stalling for time because I was debating just how honest I should be."Honey, stop spacing out and talk to me." She pleasantly implored. "What would you like to know?" I finally replied. "Well for starters what's your fantasy?" She asked."I have fantasies like a lot of guys, you know." I answered evasively. "I...

4 years ago
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When Life Gets Dull Spice It Up

(Dear Readers, many of you sent me feed back that my last story, Adorable Woman Part I was too long. This story is equally long, if not longer. But for your benefit I have divided this into three parts and you can enjoy each part individually. I hope you enjoy the story. Please vote after you read so that I know how I have fared. You valuable feedback is very much welcome.) PART I My wife Shelly & I are married for fifteen years. She is now 35 and I am 39. Both of us have successful careers....

3 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 20

When she got up in the morning, Angel realized that she hadn't told her parents about the meeting. In fact, she hadn't figured out what to tell them about the meeting. In fact, there were a lot of things she needed to tell them. And despite Lena's reasoning, it could still come back to haunt her. Still ... it was time. Putting the conversation off, she showered and dressed before going downstairs. When she thought about doing her makeup and hair, she faced the fact that she was just...

2 years ago
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Leaving IndependenceChapter 2

Eddy Johnson gathered up the horses and stripped the weapons and other useful items from the Jayhawkers. On the six men, he found a total $3.12! "Humph! Jayhawkning can't be very profitable! No wonder they wanted $10 a wagon. That'd probably be the most money they seen all year!" he thought as he took the loot to Andrew Jones, the guard chief. Meanwhile, Seth Lawson, the scout, swung an arc back and forth about a mile in front of the train and Silas Wimple, a guard, did the same at the...

4 years ago
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Dnde estn la llaves

Siempre he tenido mucho líbido y eso puede ser un problema. No es que yo sea un moralista que considera el sexo o la masturbación como negativos o sucios. Se trata más bien de que el sexo o la masturbación, aunque divertido, me hace perder mucho tiempo. En la época en la que todo esto pasó yo estaba muy ocupado, tenía un trabajo como camarero mal pagado en un bar por las tardes, en otro noches de fin de semana y aspiraba a un puesto de funcionario en la administración. Así que mi (escaso)...

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The Essence of JulieChapter 2

I was so happy to have my best friend Julie with me in the university. We had decided on living off campus because Julie wanted to get a part-time job to supplement her expenses at school. I was fortunate enough to have a trust fund of my own and had a healthy budget for day-to-day expenses. I offered to subsidize her living expenses but she was far too proud to accept. The only thing that bothered me about the arrangement was that her employment would mean less time for us to spend...

2 years ago
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Weekend Trip With My Neighbor part 2

The glorious smell of the coffee was what hit my senses first, upon awakening. The very warm and wet mouth on my cock was second. My morning piss hardon was being serviced by my newly discovered to be submissive, neighbor Mark. Standing by the bed and bent over with his head bobbing slowly up and down as his tightly wrapped lips provided the perfect light suction on my rigid shaft. As I came fully awake I noticed that he’d left the steaming mug of coffee on the nightstand. Not wanting it to get...

3 years ago
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R??ducation 1er Chapitre?: le pi?ge Cette fois, cela en ?tait trop, Patricia ne pouvait plus supporter le machisme d'Eric. Cette soir?e entre amis et les remarques d?plac?es de son mari avaient d?pass?s les bornes. Il fallait que cela change, qu'il apprenne ? mieux consid?rer et respecter les femmes. D?s le lendemain, elle se mit en qu?te d'un centre, d'une ?cole de r??ducation pour ce type de probl?mes. Elle avait appris par une connaissance que cela existait et qu'il ne fallait pas forc?ment chercher loin...

2 years ago
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The lady who wanted to be peed on

I travel by car in a valley in the rural North. The narrow road winds along the side of the valley. Houses lie scattered along the road. It is summer time. The hour is late, and it starts to get dark. I need to take a leak and look for a place to stop. A tree-lined lane takes off to the right a little further ahead. There is a milk ramp by the road just in front of where the lane takes off. No one is likely to deliver milk at this time of day, so I decide to park there. I step out of the car...

4 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 7

Standing at the airport watching people coming out of the customs area Scott couldn’t help but feel excited. It was close to three weeks since he had last seen Sandi. He still was amazed that she had offered to come here and live with him. To say he had an itch that Sandi could help scratch was a nice way of saying he was anxious to make love with her. They had exchanged phone calls, text messages and some emails but they only served to increase the feelings he had of missing her. He saw her...

2 years ago
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Mera bhi man tha

Hi iss readers I am new to your team. I am a modern girl living in Mumbai. I am a working girl staying alone now a days. I am very beautiful as my friends tell me. I am 5 ft 5 inches fair slim very good figure. I never had sex before this but my friends used to tell me that having sex with some one experienced is always great but I never had with any one. I am 22 years old. My parents live in Kolkata. Now I will come to the story. I went to the Kolkata in last summers. One day my uncle a...

3 years ago
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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Help

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston main abhi hoon aur main ek chota town ka rehnewala hoon.Ye mera jindegi ki sach ki ek tasveer hai.Jo main aap se share karne wala hoon.Main 6 mahine pehle shadi kiya hoon.Biwi thodi si moti par dekhne main bahat simple aur behad sundar.Sundar biwi ke wawjood main khus nahin ho pa raha tha kyun ki main kisie se pyar kiya tha aur uska naam tha rina.Rina mare collge main mere se 4 saal junier tha.Main usko note dene bahane mila tha. Dekhene main wo gori aur...

2 years ago
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My Teacher Mom Mekala Slut 8211 Part 1

Hai guy i am new to this ISS.so I f there is any mistake please forgive me if there is any mistake. Let’s get into the story,we are in trichy and my family is small with my foreign dad,and me( studying b.e 1st year) and the story heroine is my mom “Mekala”( working as a science teacher in CBSE school). Coming to my mom,she is 42 aged very hot beautiful women with a perfect structure of size 36c cups boobs and 44&40.she has a very long hair and clean shaven body. In our apartment all the men...

4 years ago
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First Time

How she found him I had no idea, all that mattered was that he was here for the reasons she indicated. I'd know soon enough if it was true. 'Get your clothes off, both of you.' Jan moved first, obeying as she always did. In the faint light from the hotel far across the fields I watched her slip off her shoes and begin unsnapping her pants. Interesting that she went for the pants first. He was a little slower, perhaps making up his mind if this is really what he wanted to do. I sat on the...

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Didi Ki Pyas Kathmandu Me Bujhai

Hello friends mera naam Naitik(name changed) hai. Mai Birgunj (Nepal) ka rehne wala hu.. Ye story meri aur meri didi Sweta (name cahnged) ki hai.. Ye meri pehli story hai.. Ye story bikul true story hai.. Ab boar na karte hue storie pe ata hu. Ye story Kathmandu ki hai.. Meri didi ki shadi Kathmandu me hui hai… Sayad unka fig 38 26 34 hai .. Dikhne me sex goddess hai… Ye story 1 saal purani hai. Mai aur meri didi ek dusre se bht close hai.. Par kabhi bhi didi k bare me aisa soch nae rkhta tha.....

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 52

Jerry Goldsmith was unaware that anything unusual was happening in his little corner of the universe. In fact, he was happy as a pig in shit. At least he was until Tate Benedict called him. Tate opened the conversation with the same query Adam had offered. "What's going on over there?" he asked. "Same old, same old," Jerry joked. "Another day, another Yuan. They stopped paying me in U.S. dollars since China owns all of our debt. What's up over there? Still on for tonight?" "That...

2 years ago
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While I was away she did play

Well where to begin? Firstly my name is Ian and they say the best stories have a semblance of truth in them and this one certainly has, it happened this way. We had just moved into a new house and had the place extended to accommodate a guest bedroom with bathroom attached for the k**s and their week-end friends at the rear of the house access to the bedroom was via a short corridor. The builders had kindly put a trap into the roof space I had taken a look at this several times but it was...

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An InvestorChapter 2

Jeff did return for some of his college homecomings and visited his old fraternity. He met with John Wilkinsing who was with a pretty co-ed he introduced as Emily. To Jeff it looked like they were in a serious relationship. John told Jeff he was studying computer science. He explained to Jeff of an idea he had of starting a company that relied heavily on the internet and had people inter-acting with each other. The problem he said is that he needed some money to start this business. He needed...

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Recollection of Rosemary Margaret and Anns

Rosemary's SlipsI only became aware of Rosemary's slips during our last year at school.She was tall and quite thin, not underweight, built like a long distance runner.Quite often at the end of lessons she would stand leaning backwards so that the front of her skirt was higher than the back. On a number of occasions this meant that I could see her slip. She had three main slips. First was white with a large lace edge, a second cream one with a very small lacy edge and her favourite was bright...

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Better With Age Pt 2

I don't think Sally was gone 10 minutes when I started to get text messages from her. Within 30 minutes I received 7 of them and each one got more graphic and sexually explicit than the one before. I did have a lot of important personal business to take care of and knew that I would be finished around 1:00 p.m. so I turned my phone off for a while. When I was finished I turned it back on and there were over 20 messages from her and a few voice mails. I think I released a hidden sex fiend the...

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William and Ann Ch 8

Chapter 8 Larry and Ann were still in bed snoozing after that exhaustive and intense sexual session when William returned. He had taken a trip to the “other side of the tracks” where he found an adult toy store. Will was happy to go shopping with his dad’s money, especially since it was to please him and his sister. When he walked into the shop, he noticed it was divided into three sections. One portion had racks full of magazines, another section had dildos, vibrators, pumps, and...

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The WolvesChapter 46

Battlestate August 21, 2019 18:52 EDT The Zeon-class frigates were a step below the Manticore-class frigates that the girls had, being about five meters shorter and having lesser firepower. If they had four Manticore-class frigates, then we probably would’ve turned right around to find something else to do. Rather than push the throttle forward and fly right towards them, I instead turned the ship ninety degrees starboard and then rolled the ship until our dorsal hull was facing the enemy...

2 years ago
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Freeway Threeway Chapter 3

We woke the next morning all stiff and a bit sore, especially poor Angel. She complained that we were too rough on her the previous night and that her ass and pussy were sore and her nipples ached where Jack had pinched them as we all came. We laughed about it though - none of us would have changed a moment of it. Jack and I did feel a little bad about being so hard on our companion, but she assured us that it wasn't the first, nor would it be the last, time she woke up sore from the previous...

2 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt7

********** Thank again for the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. I suggest to read the previous parts before this. ********** I was standing there in the slave position and I had taken her request as a test on my will power. Also I was strong in my determination to stay there without making a move. The time passed and, after several hours, my legs began to go numb. Thinking to myself that it was quite a long time I was determined to wait at least until the next morning. Having a strong faith...

4 years ago
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The Surprise

I was on my way home from work when my husband, Luke, called. “Hey, babe.” “Hi dear, oh, I’ve had such a hard day at work.” “Oh honey, what happened?” “Boss expects me to have these reports in by Thursday. Says I’ll get laid off if I can’t get it done.” “Oh don’t worry about it honey, I’m sure you can finish it. Take care.” “Alright, love you babe.” “Love you too. Bye” “Bye.” After I hung up I crafted a plan in my head of how I was going to make him feel better when he got home. As I...

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Arab Neighbor Part 3

That evening when Abdullah had his friends over, I discreetly positioned myself at the hedge that separated his pool from ours and took a good look at his guests. There were about ten guests who ranged from about thirty to seventy years old and most of them were hairy bears with beards.   I enjoyed watching them sit, talk, and drink tea.  Besides Abdullah, there was one other good looking man there whom I could hear they called Mustafa.  Damn was he hot! Probably thirty years old,...

Gay Male
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Double Trouble

‘Please let me worship you ass, Daddy,’ Jessica pleaded. There was very little to say after a request like that. I thought she was already driving me nuts by letting me do anything I wanted to her. It wasn’t everyday that a good looking but crazy submissive girl literally came knocking at my door. In fact, this was the first time it had ever happened to me. Now if that wasn’t unusual enough, what about having your favourite submissive girl watching all of this? That would be unheard of for this...

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My Lady Boss

As I said in the story about Roseatter I had a new Boss on the Taxi firm I worked for and she had herd about my reputation, she had told her friend Roseatter about me and as you know she got a hard fuck on my cock. Well it was a couple of months later and my Lady boss was out having a meal with Roseatter and as I was driving her car this night was Told I had to pick her up and take her home. When I arrived at the Resturant she was very drunk and she kissed me hard on the mouth, sticking her...

3 years ago
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Taffy 3 Part One Scene 1Jacks Having a Bad Morning

This scene opens with a 1954 baby blue Jaguar XK 120 motoring down a highway. Inside the car, which has a piece of clear plastic over the roof bows, which are normally used to hold the 'drop head' convertible top, a very properly mustached British officer with a thermos bottle full of coffee for company is driving along through the dark, which is pretty damn 'deserted road at 4 or 5 am' and inside the car is a cardboard box on the passenger side and a suitcase is on the outside of the car...

2 years ago
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“I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow job, he would need to be much younger than us and very pretty.” “I would love to have two bisexual men while you watch. I have a fetish about seducing a bisex man. Also two women while you watch.” “I would love to watch you fucking another woman. No kissing though.” “Can I have the same two women while you watch?” “Right now I will settle for a golden shower,” Jon smiles. “After this some mutual masturbation honey,” he moans lying on...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Aprs Lapocalypse

“Après moi le deluge,” “After me, the flood,” Louis XVI I saw her struggling up the hill that I was sitting on. I had really been sitting here peacefully contemplating the skeleton and ruined flesh of what had been, until very recently, one of the great cities on earth. Just imagine how foreign it is to me, thinking of Los Angeles that way. Most of the time the only thought I had given the place was cursing the bad traffic and wondering why they didn’t just build some more damn...

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The Handy ManChapter 11

I was back at Clara’s again early the next morning and since I had all the boards back on my framework, I went to work, spacing and securing them on each end and in the middle. When I had them all on the deck, spaced and secured, I would come back and put the other screws in. I had cut and rounded the deck around the curve of the pool when I framed it and now I just cut my deck boards on an angle, snugly against the pool as I worked my way around the curve, then back out to the straight side....

4 years ago
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Bobby And Rani Living On The Edge Open Air Sex

So given it is a clandestine relationship, meetings are hard to come by between Bobby and Rani. Our last bang was on 29.12 when we decided to end 2016 with a bang literally. And since then, it has been days of desirous fb chats, sexting, you name it. We even celebrated my birthday by driving out of town on some work but since we had to return the same day, there was simply no scope of doing it in a car in broad daylight and hence, the celebrations were quite celibate – save for the kisses and...

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A Day At The Beach

Madelyn laid her bamboo mat on the hot sand. It had been so long since she'd traveled, and she was planning to spend this whole week on the beach. It didn't even matter that she'd gone alone, because she craved sun and time to herself. It really couldn't get better than this: one week, completely off the grid in another country. She could spend her time however she wanted. Her cell phone was shut off and locked in the hotel room safe, and the only things in her beach bag were essentials: her...

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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

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