SRU Summer Camp
- 3 years ago
- 32
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July 16, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I woke to the feeling of a mouth on my nipple, my right nipple. The feeling was ... lovely. My mind was hazy, I was ... languid. My internal eyes were watching the nipple-sucker, though my physical eyes were still closed. My nipple-sucker was Heather.
Then I felt a hand on my face, gently easing fingertips across my cheek, up the side of my face, to my forehead, across my crown. Despite my eyes still being closed, I could “see” that the caressing hand was Rhee’s. I knew that touch.
The nipple-sucker began kissing my right breast, then just under it, then she began sliding down my body, placing light kisses along her path. She worked down to my right hip, onto the edge of my right ass cheek. Her hand entered the fray, lightly caressing, lightly squeezing that cheek, while her kissing lips started across my pelvis.
The hand on my head lightly traced back down my right cheek, to my neck, to my right shoulder. A presence loomed in front of my face, though how I knew that it loomed was beyond me, as my physical eyes were still closed. A set of well-known lips lightly kissed mine, then kissed my right cheek. My lip-kisser then lightly rubbed her right cheek on mine, all while the former nipple-sucker continued to caress my nether right cheek, all while the former nipple-sucker’s mouth crossed my mons and headed south.
My body, of its own volition, rolled itself onto my back. My right hand extended to the former nipple-sucker’s head, touching it, pulling it gently into the core of me. The face-rubber’s lips kissed my lips again, then headed south, crossing my chin, down my neck to my breastbone, thence to my left breast, toward my left nipple.
Another presence loomed, somewhere to my right.
My head flew back, my mouth exhaled a breathy “Ahh-ohhhh” as at one and the same time mouths sucked on my left nipple, my right nipple, and my labia majora. My eyes flew open.
“What are you doing to me?”
The left-nipple-sucker’s dark eyes raised from my breast, as did those of the right-nipple-sucker’s. The nether-lips kisser, however, extended her tongue and forced it between my outer lips and into my pussy.
“Good morning, Beth. Did you like the alarm clock?”
My eyes closed again, but I was now firmly in the waking world. And, damn it! I was now turned on. I grabbed Heather’s head with my right hand and pulled her more tightly to my snatch. I spread my legs more widely to allow Heather more room for maneuver. I moved my left hand to the back of Rhee’s head and urged her upward. I canted my head to the right to see which of the others was part of the diabolical alarm clock: Liya. Where was ... Ah, there’s Gracey. With her phone. With the camera pointing at me.
I was going to say something. Really, I was. However, at that very moment, Heather found my clit, Rhee kissed my mouth’s lips, and Liya returned to suckling on my right teat.
My head flew back again. My mouth released carbon dioxide and sound, inchoate sound. All kinds of bells went off in my head, my groin. My tongue, with no remembered order from my brain, stabbed into Rhee’s mouth; her tongue fought back.
Heather’s hands forced themselves under me, to my cheeks, and grabbed and squeezed them; her face, was plastered to my crotch, her tongue trying to reach my cervix. Then there were fingers, possibly Gracey’s, but my eyes refused to open to see whose; those fingers split my outer lips and pressed for my clitoris. Other fingers were squeezing my left tit, pinching my left nipple.
My mouth became frantic, its tongue dueling with Rhee’s. My pelvis elevated, my right hand trying to pull Heather’s head inside me. In hindsight, I would have pulled any cock present into my vagina in order to get something more substantial in there.
The tongue in my pussy was pulled out and replaced by fingers, fingers that made a beeline for my G spot. Then, the tongue returned to lick and suck on my outer lips. The hand on my left breast continued its mauling. The mouth on my right breast was joined by a hand. The fingers on my clit began going to town.
The Stairway was now an Escalator, an Escalator in fifth gear.
Despite my mouth still being engaged with Rhee’s, I emitted noises, unladylike noises. The tongue between my legs dropped so far south that it was going north. With my pelvis arching toward Heaven, my anal rosette was available, and Heather took advantage, swirling her tongue on it, all while tickling the roof of my vagina.
The Escalator abruptly reached the top floor; I screamed out my orgasm, my head and heels the only part of my body in contact with the bed. Then came oblivion.
Short-lived oblivion. Rhee said that it was only a few seconds, and I believe her. I believe her, because when consciousness returned, my pussy was still quivering, still reeling from aftershocks.
“Oh. My. God.”
I don’t know if I repeated that phrase or, if so, how many times, but when fuller awareness returned, I looked down my body at Heather.
“Is that what it’s like for you?”
Though, in hindsight, I can see that the question may not have made the most sense, she is incredibly bright.
“Yes, but that one seemed even better. Isn’t it wonderful to have a large number of your erogenous zones all stimulated at the same time?”
“Oh, my god, yes.” I panted a few times, then continued. “Thank you, all. That was ... uhh ... beyond words.”
“No,” Liya responded, “thank you! This was the best sleepover ever. We took a vote. I realize that it may not be binding, as the Temporary Chair was not conscious at the time. However, we all agreed. Despite that we’ve tried to spread the sleepovers across our houses, the best ones are always here. The June sleepover was the best ever ... until this one.
“Gracey and I want to thank you, you and Rhee, for finding Heather. Without her presence, we might not have found our way to a sexual relationship with each other. The Sex Doll thing was wonderful, but we’re most appreciative of her dominatrix personality and her order to us. Last night was glorious. I don’t recall how many times we came, but we both let loose.”
At that, Liya seemed to lose a bit of certainty, but inhaled, exhaled, and continued.
“I think that we’ll be having more sex in the very near future. And we’ve already gotten each other off once this morning!
“Anyway, we voted. We want all future sleepovers to be here. Gracey and I also voted earlier this morning. Granted, we voted in the afterglow of our first morning sex together, but I don’t think that we’ll backtrack. We want more sex with ... with the Beth-Rhee-Heather trinity. We want naked. We want sex. I don’t know about Gracey, but my pussy got very wet when you went off like skyrockets. That was incredibly fun being part of that! You girls rock!”
As soon as Liya finished talking, she squeaked. I looked at the movement that my eye caught; Gracey had Liya’s hand on her pussy and was showing Liya how wet she was.
“Make room,” insisted Gracey.
I scooted further into Rhee’s embrace to my left, leaving Gracey just enough room on the bed to lie next to me, almost her entire left side in contact with my right.
“Come on,” she said to Liya, “on me, now.”
Liya didn’t hesitate. She straddled Gracey’s chest facing the opposite direction, lowered her crotch onto Gracey’s face, then stretched out across Gracey’s body and buried her face in Gracey’s crotch.
I felt Rhee move, so turned toward her; she was crawling down the bed past Heather, who was still parked between my legs. I furrowed my brow in wondering what she was doing, but then she picked up her phone. My suspicions were confirmed when she crawled back up to me, sat up, put her back against the wall, raised her phone in landscape, and took a picture.
After viewing the photo, herself, she then showed it to me. There I was in the foreground, Heather between my legs, her head elevated and watching Gracey and Liya, who were the subjects of the photo in their 69.
Liya’s head raised up then. “More. I want more pix.”
With that, Rhee went a little crazy. She took closeups of Gracey’s head at Liya’s pussy and vice-versa. The one of Gracey’s head was taken from above, and Liya’s lovely ass was on display. Rhee also got Heather to join in, with the cute blonde sticking a couple of fingers into Gracey’s pussy, directly under Liya’s mouth.
Whether they were turned on by the audience, the help from Heather, the photo-taking, or what, neither of them took at all long to climax. Gracey got the ball rolling, grunting and moaning her ecstasy into Liya’s crotch. When her head fell back, I reached a hand up and I replaced Gracey’s tongue on Liya’s clit with my fingers. I also got a wild hare and put my mouth on Liya’s left ass cheek and lightly bit it. Whether it was my teeth or just chance timing, Liya started cumming.
As Liya was coming down from the heights, I finally looked at the clock: It was only just 7:18. I was surprised. We had plenty of time to make soccer practice, but I thought that it was considerably later. I turned to Heather.
“What time did you send us all to bed last night?”
“A bit before 9.”
“Wow. How long did we ... um ... love each other?”
“I’m not sure, but probably at least an hour-and-a-half.”
After Gracey and Liya rejoined us in this reality, we split up for showers, with the two of them taking the downstairs shower; the upstairs shower was more comfortable for three. We then all met in the kitchen to make breakfast.
After each of us was ensconced at the kitchen table with our cereal of choice of the, admittedly, limited selection, Liya thanked all of us for a wonderful weekend.
“This really was incredible. I’ve never cum as many times in two weeks at home as I have this weekend. I think that the only thing that could make these naked weekend sleepovers better is... , ‘ and she paused.
She had our complete attention.
“Well, it would be if Beth’s dad joined us for the weekend. I would not hesitate in giving myself to that man in any way that he wanted.”
She then looked a bit timidly at me. Very un-Liya-like.
“Hey,” I said, “I’m not upset. Really. I agree with you. I want him so much, yet I’d be more than willing to share him with all of you if such were ever possible.”
“Uohnhnhnh,” grunted Liya. The others released similar sounds from deep in their beings.
Liya, her assuredness restored, asked, “Have you and Rhee talked about that? Would you be willing to share each other with him?”
“In a heartbeat,” Rhee responded. “But would you be willing to share him with us?
“Of course. We’ve already shared so much, and this weekend we even shared our bodies all around. I would have no qualms sharing, and neither, I think, would Gracey. Hell, for having him, I’d even be willing to have the whole gang watch his be the first ... uh ... cock inside me. Obviously, it would be more ... umm ... romantic to have my way with him by myself, preferably for an entire night, but...”
She then turned to Gracey.
“I know that we haven’t talked about him since we’ve become lovers, but we certainly have before. However, I don’t want you to think that I would throw you over for him, because I wouldn’t. I also wouldn’t have him unless you could, too.”
Gracey reached out a hand and grabbed one of Liya’s and nodded.
Liya then asked, “What about with Heather? Would you share her with him?”
Before either Rhee or I could reply, Heather chimed in.
“Oh, god, I hope so.”
“Yeah,” I said, “Heather wants him just as much. This is so hypothetical, and we have no expectation of him being willing to do any of us, or of Mom agreeing to it, but I have had the odd thought or two about Rhee and Heather and I ... and Dad. I know that...”
I didn’t get to finish because Heather was moaning.
After we readdressed our breakfast, finished it, and cleaned up, we all trooped back upstairs to get dressed.
“Wow. We’ve been naked for nearly two days!”
“Yeah, Gracey, it’s been a wonderful time. It’s going to be such a letdown to have to go back to my crappy house with my mother and siblings. I sure wish that Beth’s parents or Carol could adopt me.” After a couple of seconds, she continued. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to let the air out of the tires. Please, just forget that I said anything.”
Gracey hugged Heather and said, “Don’t worry about it. Both Liya and I have thought similarly on occasion. Besides, we still have practice today, practice tomorrow, game...”
Heather grinned up at her. “That’s right! Thanks, Gracey.”
We donned practice clothes, grabbed a few balls from the large ball sack, and headed to the pitch, arriving about 9:15. We all, well, the three team members of us began stretching as Ann and Mia arrived. Ann placed herself right next to me and began stretching.
“What’s the plan, Coach? How many will we have?”
Her first query threw me for a loop. Rather, the cognomen that she used threw me. I hadn’t heard it used to indicate me, previously, but I put that aside.
“It looks like at least 16, so we’ll be able to run O vs. D. Brianna can’t make it, but Marli said that she’d be here. We’ll start with the starting back and front lines but mix up the midfielders between O and D; Lissa will start at sweeper. The next iteration will probably be putting you at center half for the O and moving Gracey to center back, with Lana on her right.
“Have you got suggestions?”
“None that you haven’t already mentioned.”
“Okay, but lemme know if you get a wild hare.”
When I looked back up from stretching and talking, I saw that most of those that I expected had arrived. I walked over to Lissa to tell her that she’d be starting practice at sweeper; I wanted her to hear that from me before I announced it to all. I also found Liya and asked if she’d be willing to be a ball girl and explained what I wanted; she agreed. I hugged her.
Once I saw everyone I expected, and a couple of surprises, I called out.
“Gather ‘round.”
When I saw that all 34 eyes were here, looking at me, I continued.
“Those that haven’t finished stretching, you’ll have time to finish up while I’m laying out the morning’s plan, so please do so.
“We’ll be running O versus D all morning but will be mixing and matching personnel through the morning. We’ll start with the starting back and front lines on D and O, respectively. Midfielders on O will be Padme on the left, Rathi, Dakota. Midfielders on D are Kanda on left, Haven, Zala. Lissa will be sweeper. We’ve got subs for most positions, so please don’t hold back.
“I’ll put the ball in play from some spot at which the O will start, and the play goes until the D can get the ball – under control – onto the other half of the pitch. I want the O to give Marli a workout.”
I heard many snickers and a “Thanks a lot, Coach” from Marli, the backup goalie.
“If or when the D gets the ball across the midline, send the ball to me and I will start the offense again. After a while, perhaps 30 minutes, we’ll switch the line-ups. However, until either or both of them pass out from exhaustion, Rhee and Heather are playing. Coach wanted them to get more time learning how each other moves, works, so we’re going to run them ragged.”
I grinned at everyone, but at Rhee and Heather specifically.
“That means, Tonda, that you’ll be giving Mia a breather in the second line-up. Padme will give Lissa a breather – Neither Coach nor I want to do Lissa in right after she gets back to practicing. Haven will switch to O on the left, Rathi will stay in center, but switch to D. Ann will be center half on O. Zala and Dakota will switch sides.
“The back line will be Sophia on the left, Gracey, and Lana. Marli will continue to get pounded by the O.”
“Thanks a lot, Coach.”
There was much laughter.
“Liya, over there, will be the ball girl. If one goes well out of play, she’ll throw a new ball in and then shag the errant ball, so please don’t go chasing after them. Any questions?”
“What about fouls,” asked Zahira.
“Honor system, but I’ll call any that I see. I do have the Assistant Coach whistle. [There were a few chuckles.] For fouls in the box by the D, we’ll just have the O do a throw in from the closest side. Fouls by the O in the box will be considered clearance by the D and I will start the O anew from somewhere.”
“Anything else?” When no one spoke up, I continued. “Sophia gets to lead calisthenics, lucky her. Two laps after that, and we’ll start. Please remember your assignments, ‘cause I don’t know that I can.”
Practice went quite well, I thought. No one got hurt; there were no arguments. I gave Lissa two stints at sweeper and she did quite well, as both Coach and I expected. She’s definitely got better ball-control skills than I have, though I may be a better passer. I also stuck her in at left half once to give Kanda a breather and she did well there. I don’t know what we’re going to do with her, but she has useful skills. I’ll suggest that she be the general offense sub, as she can probably play any of seven positions reasonably well.
As I whistled the active part of practice to a close around noon, Rhee and Heather dropped to the turf. I had run them ragged, though I had given them a couple of breathers.
“Gather ‘round.” I waited a short while, then continued. “That was excellent, all. I particularly want to put the spotlight on Marli, who did a great job. I was amazed when you deflected Ann’s sizzler past the post; that was superb. I wouldn’t have touched that thing with any part of my body, which is probably one reason that I’m not a goalie.”
There was much chuckling.
“We’re going to do more of this tomorrow, though if everyone shows, we’ll do a full-field scrimmage. I’ll ponder who’s on what team and we’ll see what we have tomorrow morning.
“Again, all, good job. You guys rock!”
A few team members headed out immediately, as they had rides waiting. Some sat around for a bit; from what I heard, it was mostly about today’s practice and the variations that we’d run on O and D. I could see Dad waiting in the parking lot, so I walked briskly over to where Liya and Gracey were chatting. As I approached them, I could see Liya looking over my shoulder, so I turned; Rhee and Heather were not far behind me.
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Wife LoversAlice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Chapter One “Alice the Gutter Whore”Alice couldn’t remember the moment she first started wanting, and lusting after physical contact with the opposite sex. But she figured that it was before she could walk. At just four years old and within her first week at school she was flashing her knickers in the playground for the price of an anissed ball. And for one more she would offer to pull them down. Her inquisitive sexual nature drove Alice to experiment with a...
Kristen on the other hand was your usual prep, beautiful redhead, she was about 5'6, 36 c tits, a size 4, and had the most juiciest ass you could think of. Perfectly round, not one flaw, and word was, she had the baldest pussy in our high school. When me and hre boy would be in shuffle, she had this thing for staring at me, and literally laughing whenever her man was getting fucked up, i never really thought much about it until one day after me and her boy, fought see, he had this thing...
As Alan came somewhat back to reality, he got up and staggered to the bathroom. Mindful of Suzanne's lecture about the danger of mixing vaginal and anal, he quickly washed his privates with an antiseptic soap, working it into all the folds around his cockhead, then rinsing it extensively. While there, he thought, Wow, man. Totally nuts. Is this what my life is going to be like from now on? How can I keep even four sexually voracious women satisfied? There's never enough time ... Although...
Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 24 years old and I’m here to share with you my sex experience with my neighbor Jayanti aunty. She is 38 years old. She is a school maths teacher for primary classes. She is short, very fair, quite beautiful with a big hanging ass. Actually I shifted my house 7 months ago and the very next day after I moved to this new house I saw her. Right from the first time I saw her I wanted her nude on bed. She goes past my house both while going to school in the morning and also...
Meera was approaching her 49th birthday. She was married to a good-for-nothing businessman and they had a 20 year old son. She was sick of her husband’s drinking habits. They had separated years ago but for the sake of their son and from fear of society, they continued living together. She was tired of her husband drinking at night and passing out every day on the bed. On her 49th birthday, Meera was woken up by her son, Abhinav. He hugged her tightly and said, “Happy Birthday Mom!!”.She was...
IncestContinued from previous story .Kim and kenny and I had our fun the other night . After he left our apartment, Kim and I passed out . When we woke up the next morning we talked about what happened and how hot it was . I asked Kim if she wanted to see kenny again . She said for the first time in her life she couldn't wait to go to work on monday . The next 2 days we watched interracial porn and fucked and fucked our brains out . Monday morning finally came and Kim was a bundle of nerves . She...
The black house cat was in the process of getting a drink from the stainless steel bowl in the bathtub ... explaining exactly why the waterbowl was in the tub instead of next to the 7 day feeder is beyond the scope... Ok, ok, ok... Enquiring minds want to know. I said I ok ... don't get so pushy... The waterbowl is in the tub because I have a problem keeping clean water next to the feeder for the three cats ... to say nothing of the difficulty of stopping one of the little bastards...
Sheila and I have been married six years now and we've stayed happy with each other, even though we've had a few ups and downs. These were more to do with job and money than anything. In the time since we've been married, we've each lost our job, though, right now, we're both employed. I actually am making considerably more money, a real blessing these days. When the stress would begin to get to us, we always resorted to the stress-relieving exercises we began using when we were dating: sex....
Taboo"Jim wake up." I heard the words whispered in my ear. I felt kisses down my jawline. "Baby wake up," I heard again as a delicate touch ran over my chest. I felt my bed compress and then a person plop down on my bed. I opened my eyes and my girlfriend was right there in front of me. Her blue eyes stared at me longingly and her perfect white teeth displayed a smile from ear to ear. "Good morning sweetie," Taylor said to me. "Hi," I said, smiling. "I wish that I could wake up with you every day."...
IncestAs soon as Barrois had left the room, Noirtier looked at Valentine with a malicious expression that said many things. The young girl perfectly understood the look, and so did Villefort, for his countenance became clouded, and he knitted his eyebrows angrily. He took a seat, and quietly awaited the arrival of the notary. Noirtier saw him seat himself with an appearance of perfect indifference, at the same time giving a side look at Valentine, which made her understand that she also was to...
After dinner my husband invited his mates back to our house for some pool and a few more beers. All the guys gladly accepted the invitation. We had the house to ourselves as the kids were staying with my mum. When we arrived home, I got the guys their beer while they started playing snooker. I was in the kitchen making them some snacks and could hear them talking. The TV was on and a girl in an ad must have caught their attention. There were some remarks about her being hot, nice tits, and a...
“The heir of the Malignant Monkey clan and an apprentice of its current leader?” Zax was confused. “Is the fourth level Martial Mortal your father?” “Indeed. My father is a Chaoyue type beast. Of his thirty seven progenies, thirty six are Zhihui, while I, the seventeenth, am the only Shenghuo. I am a stain to my father’s reputation. As a Feather in Violet Scaled Troops and a clan leader, my very existence is an insult”. Huland creased his brows in bitterness. ‘He is like Grandmaster... ‘...
Laura had not seen Charise for weeks. There was a call from her darling Inky on her voice mail when she got home after her exhausting and thrilling sexual reunion with Deshona. "Ain't you ever home, Laura? Shit, every time I get a chance to come over, you ain't there." [Voice querulous, dejected, accusatory, by turns.] Oh well, at least you ain't fucking that slut Jane. Or if you are, you too busy to pick up the phone. [Hurt, jealous, rejected.] Well, probably not. You probably out...
Stephanie “You WHAT?” Bella exclaimed. “When?” Bella was shocked at what Stephanie had just said. She slept with Zane? Stephanie had been dating the same guy since freshman year. They’d had a few little episodes where they broke up for a month or so, but they always would get back together. For her to just randomly sleep with Zane was totally unbelievable. “Last week” Stephanie answered. “I was trying to corner him and find out what the hell his deal is and things just, happened.” “And...
This is not a real sex story but my fantasy. Characters are real and everything else is just my fantasy which I wish happens in real. So describing my sister: her name is Sana. She is hot of. She is a walking bomb. (real description) her measurements are 36c-32-42. Yes, she has a bubble ass which I am crazy about.( got measurements from sneaking into her wardrobe) She has a heart shaped ass, medium size boobs, short in height and fair as milk. Getting to my fantasy. I have a family of four. We...
Incest“I don’t think we will be needing any lube today” is the understatement of the year from 23 year old eager beaver Dakota Knight from Florida. This girl is in need of some good fucking that’s for sure and JAKE KNOWS FUCKING so this is a match made in porn heaven. So we find out during the drive back to the hotel that Dakota is no stranger to sex and has been around the block a few times. But she hasn’t been around Jake’s block if you know what I mean and...
xmoviesforyouKyle’s prepping his house for the realtor to come over and show it to potential buyers when all of a sudden his neighbor Miss Raquel bursts in and tells him she’s going to buy it right then and there for cash — at half price. Kyle’s no sucker, so he tells her no way! But when she pulls out her big tits and then wraps her warm hands around his big dick, he’s ready to sign whatever papers she hands him! He does, and then she spreads her legs high and wide for him to plow her hot neighbor pussy!...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a week since Diane Caldwell’s adopted daughter, Zofeya had been spanked by their neighbour Pauline Manson for her poor behaviour and attitude. Initially, Diane had felt uneasy about asking the retired School Mistress to administer corporal punishment to her eighteen-year-old daughter, but she admitted that she had been fascinated as she watched the older woman use her hand and implements to teach Zofeya a lesson.Her daughter’s behaviour had improved immediately, and she had started...
Spanking‘I’ll look into it right away, Mr. Atherton,’ Ben Sanders said. Then, frowning, he slammed the phone in his office down. The one thing he had feared ever since he began having sexual relationships with female students was that, somehow, other people would ask questions about what was going on. William Atherton’s call didn’t seem in any way to indicate that Atherton was suspicious Ben was doing anything untoward with Cynthia Dumas, but it was upsetting just the same. He had to talk to Cynthia...
The Waverly Estate was large enough for one of those extraneous lounges on the side of the house. A place to fill with Papasan furniture, an extra big-screen T.V., maybe a mini-bar or table for some late-night poker. The entire east wall was just glass sliding doors, making it easy for my illegal spy-camera network to get all the juicy details. Waverly Junior was kneeling on a red velvet cushion, aggressively sodomizing a dark-haired latina with an impressive bubble-butt. She had dispensed...
Jake has been fucking his mom since he was eighteen. It began when she came home drunk one night and he helped her to bed and when he stripped her to put on her night gown he looked at her huge tits and bald pussy and decided he needed to lick her he laid her on the bed and began sucking on her nipples and rubbing her huge tits. He put a finger over her pussy and rubbed it then he kissed down and began to lick her pussy and tongue fuck her. Even as drunk as she was he made her cum. He sucked...
It was almost dark when I woke up. The shadows in the room convinced me that the sun was setting, not rising. I became aware that I had to go to the bathroom. I reached out to switch on the light. Too far away. Holding the cast around the knee portion, I lifted it up, then pulled it out of the sling. The cast was heavier than I expected. Swinging sideways, I lowered it down on the floor. Sharp pain stabbed me. I let out a cry. Steven came immediately. "What are you doing?" he asked as he...
Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin. Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground. As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing the front of his loincloth, checking out his equipment! Once they have him...
It started becuse I hadn’t had it for weeks and was feeling horny as hell. I had never really seen the big deal about meeting people on the internet, especially not for just one-off encounters, but I just felt like what I was in the mood for was ridiculously meaningless sex with whatever cheap and easy girl was up for it. It took a surprisingly little amount of time to find someone. I thought I would be gloing through profiles for ages to find someone who was into the same things as me, but...
“Good shit, man!” said Marcia Blockings, her voice sounding strangled as she attempted to talk and keep from exhaling at the same time. She took another quick puff from the joint and passed it over to her brother Rusty. “Mmmm,” he agreed nonverbally as he inhaled loudly. The joint seemed to almost disappear as it burned away, the potent smoke filling the young man’s lungs. Finished, he passed it along to his brother, Jeremy, whose eyes were closed as he lay back in the lawn chair, zoned out....
I am getting back into the habit of writing stories. As I have done in the past physical features of characters are left to the imagionation. Please comment on this if you like to let me know when I need to write part 2. Dave met Jesse online and they kicked it off well due to things they have in common. Since they lived in the same city they decided to meet in person at Jesse's place. Dave had been working side jobs and told his wife Lucy that his new friend Jesse wanted to talk out some jobs...
I watched the traffic without really noticing it. I paid no attention to the whispered conversation going on between the girl on whose lap I was sitting – whose name I still didn’t know – and her friends on the back seat. My mind screamed that what I was doing topped all previous reckless, dangerous adventures by miles. My heart thumped. I jerked when two pairs of hands suddenly grabbed my knees and pulled them wide apart. My legs were encased by strong thighs and the front of my flimsy skirt...
Damn, I thought I was home free. There had been nothing mentioned about the accident for the first few days after we got back from Florida, nothing in the papers, radio or the newscasts that I saw. That is until today. The Westfield Sentinel had a front page story about the accident along with a mention of a reward being offered to the person who saved the Westfield Academy's Girl's Basketball team. The reward was about $25,000.00 which the school, the insurance company and even some of the...
Arthur Holden was looking out the window in his master bedroom into the backyard of his East Hampton estate. He could see his gay 20 year old son Douglas standing with two of the house staff Miguel and Estefan. Miguel at 23 and Estefan 22 were strapping young men who were both well endowed. The three of them had their swim suits down around their knees and they were all sporting erections. Douglas had a cock in each hand jerking off the two Brazilians. Estefan was stroking Douglas's cock and...
It's beautiful night out as we walk through the park together arm in arm. We have just finished having a great evening out together including dinner, wine, and a stunning lady sitting across the table from me. As we are walking home together I can't help but admirer your sexy body and how amazing you look tonight in that short skirt. My mind drifts to seeing your wet pussy under that skirt and how I wish I could just take you right here in now. The sound of your voice pulls me back to reality...
Fantasy Fuck Store –lovely mature ladies want a man for private girdle fittings After a few months of working for Heather, the Fantasy Fuck Store owner, she approached me with a new offer. “Ken I have received several phone calls from ladies who have got wind of your ‘personal services’ from their friends - you know how our clients like to show off - but the difference is that they admit to not being confident and would rather be encouraged rather than lead. They also mentioned that they had...
Sixty-Nine With DaddybyCandy can©Two weeks before her birthday Paulette's mom, Maria, introduced her to Tom. Maria seldom dated, and when she did, usually the men stuck around for a month or two then dropped out of sight. Paulette was happier when her mom had someone in her life, if for no other reason than it gave her mom less time to meddle in hers. But Tom was different. At fifty-five years old, he was almost 20 years older than Maria. Within a month they were engaged to be married.Tom was a...
My friend Sean and I grew up together. We lived on the same block, were the same age, and were in the same class at school. Since my folks worked late, we usually ended up at my house after school. One day, Sean asked if he could see my dick. Of course, I had to ask for him to do the same. Sean asked if I wanted to suck ‘em. After going back and forth deciding who would be first and promising never to tell anyone, we ended up sucking each other. That was my first time. I didn’t know what a...
First Time