Disparate HousewivesChapter 20: Domination free porn video

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“Good shit, man!” said Marcia Blockings, her voice sounding strangled as she attempted to talk and keep from exhaling at the same time. She took another quick puff from the joint and passed it over to her brother Rusty.

“Mmmm,” he agreed nonverbally as he inhaled loudly. The joint seemed to almost disappear as it burned away, the potent smoke filling the young man’s lungs. Finished, he passed it along to his brother, Jeremy, whose eyes were closed as he lay back in the lawn chair, zoned out. Rusty had to nudge him alive before Jeremy cracked an eyelid and took it from his fingers.

“Where’d you get it?” asked Marcia.

“You know, around,” replied Rusty. He had taken his brother’s admonition to be discreet to heart, even when they weren’t talking about girls.

Marcia grabbed the joint from Jeremy and took another hit. “Where’s it from?” She reached into a pocket and pulled out a small alligator clip and clipped it to the joint to use as a roach clip.

“Who the fuck knows?” replied Rusty.

“Who the fuck cares?” commented Jeremy.

“Just asking,” said Marcia, not taking offense. “Good shit,” she repeated.

The three Blockings teenagers were lounging in the far end of their back yard, away from any prying eyes, sitting back in fold-up lawn chairs. They were dressed alike in gym shorts and t-shirts. Ever since their parents’ marriage had gone into meltdown the three had begun bonding much more strongly. In some families, a divorce could blow things apart, driving children away from each other; for Rusty, Jeremy, and Marcia it had brought them closer together.

Marcia passed the roach along and leaned back in the webbing of her lawn chair, eyes closed and covered with Oakley shades anyway. “So, any more word on the home front? Heard anything from Dad lately?”

Jeremy opened his eyes and looked over at his sister, shrugging. “Fuck if I know. I talked to him the other day, on the phone, but he doesn’t say nothing. All you get out of him is that he is away on business.”

“Yeah, right,” commented Rusty, passing the final stub of the roach over. Jeremy inhaled as much of the smoke as he could and then stuffed the smoldering stub in a metal candy tin for storage. A few more roaches and he could make himself a more powerful ‘second generation’ joint.

“Yeah, that’s kind of what Mom says, like we’re too stupid to know what’s going on,” agreed Marcia.

“What caused Dad to leave, anyway?” asked Rusty.

“Fuck if I know. It happened right after that big party over at the Tallmans’. Something must have happened that night. Something bad,” answered his brother.

“You think Dad got caught with another woman? Mom with another guy? Oooh, yuck!” said Marcia.

Jeremy snorted in derision. “Oooh, yuck is right! Nah, it was after. Didn’t you see Dad in the wheelbarrow?” The other two looked over at him curiously, and he explained what he had seen in the back yard that night late. He had come back from a late-night party too stoned and fucked out to care and had left his father sleeping it off. “I think he and Mom got into it big time after that and she threw him out.”

Rusty asked, “So what’s with this weekend? Are they getting together again or something?” The three kids had all been asked to stay with some friends for the weekend. It was Friday afternoon and after their dates they were going directly to friends’ houses to stay the weekend.

“No fucking idea? Maybe Mom’s got somebody coming over for the weekend? Maybe she’s the one been fucking around on Dad? I wonder if it’s a guy or a girl?” commented Marcia.

“Give me a fucking break!” interjected Jeremy.

“Well, shit! You don’t think Dad’s fucking around, do you? Who’d do him?” said Marcia disgustedly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little Altoids tin, opening it and pulling out a fat joint of her own. “Columbian,” she said. Her brothers watched curiously as she lit it up and inhaled a lungful of pungent and powerful smoke. She passed it to her brother. “So, you two still banging old lady Cummings?”

Rusty was too surprised to answer, though he did start coughing. Jeremy rescued the joint before his brother could drop it. “Whatever are you talking about?” he asked coolly. He took a big hit and passed it back.

Rusty was amazed at his older brother’s coolness. Nothing bothered the guy! He tried to emulate him and looked over at Marcia with the best poker face he could manage.

Marcia laughed. “Get real! I know the two of you are banging her! I mean, she’s pretty good looking for an older woman, but still! Can’t get any high school trim?”

“So, you like Mrs. Cummings?” riposted Jeremy. “Is it true that you like girls more than guys?”

Marcia laughed and wagged a finger at her brother. “No, no, no! You don’t get off that easy. What’s the story on the two of you with Mrs. Cummings? Tell the truth.”

“We just do a few errands for her,” replied Rusty, glancing over at Jeremy. How in the world did Marcia find out?

Marcia snorted loudly. “Hey guys, I don’t care that you’re fucking her. I just want to know - do you do her at the same time or do you take turns?”

“You know, that’s pretty personal and pretty rude, too. Do we ask you about your girlfriends?” asked Jeremy. “Besides, what in the world makes you think we are ... uh, friendly ... with Mrs. Cummings?”

“You can see a lot of shit from up in my room. I’ve seen you two going over there to ‘help’ her out for an hour or two and coming back smelling like the backseat of a car after a Saturday night date. Anyway, I don’t care if you ask me about my friends, guys or girls, so what’s the big deal?”

“So, it’s still rude and personal. If I was seeing a lady, no matter who she was or how old or what grade, I still wouldn’t tell anyone about it.”

“Yeah? Well, like I said, I don’t really care about the two of you boinking old lady Cummings. I’m just curious about the details. You guys do threeways with her?”

Rusty was staring at his sister. “Do you do threeways?”

Marcia shrugged. “No, but I’ve never really had the chance. Either guys or girls. Might like to try.”

“I sure hope that wasn’t an offer, because I don’t think I’ve sunk that low yet,” Rusty answered.

For once in the conversation Marcia was at a loss for words. Her mouth gaped open, and her jaw moved for a moment before she started laughing. “Jesus Christ! You really had me going there! Oh shit! No way, man, that is definitely not an invitation!” All three laughed at her reaction to her brother’s surprise comeback.

It was Jeremy’s turn to pull a joint out of a candy tin. His was from the same supplier his younger brother used, a classmate he had introduced Rusty to. “So, do you prefer guys or girls?”

“I love cock, but girls really know how to do it right. Nobody can eat pussy like a girl.”

“Going out tonight? Who’s the lucky girl?” asked Rusty. It was Friday and the three were getting high before going out.

“Lucky guy. Steve Westphal.”

“Just how lucky does Steve get?” quizzed Jeremy.

“Steve gets very lucky. We’re going to a real restaurant and then he swears he knows this really isolated place where we can spread a blanket out with nobody for miles around and he really knows how to eat pussy. He gets very, very lucky tonight!”

“TMI, Marcia, TMI,” came from Rusty. Way too much information he thought to himself.

“Oh yeah? So how lucky are you getting lately? Still dating what’s her name? Trish Conforte? Getting any from her?”

“No, I’m going out with her sister, Amy, and she’s a very nice girl.” With an amazing set of tits and a real talent for blowjobs, thought Rusty. He had dated Trish a few times and gotten nothing more than a kiss on the cheek. Her fraternal twin sister Amy had come up to him in the hallway and told him that Trish was nothing but a cocktease and that she, Amy, thought Trish was treating him terribly, and that she, Amy, thought Rusty was very cute and maybe deserved something better. She had said this while leaning close and letting him look down her low-cut top and smiling coyly. It hadn’t taken long for Rusty to ask her out and get very lucky that first night. No, Amy was definitely not a cocktease!

“So, she any good in the sack? She’s awfully cute! I wouldn’t mind doing her myself.”


Marcia and Jeremy laughed as Rusty blushed. The three finished off the last joint, the roach joining its brothers in Jeremy’s tin, then they got to their feet and headed inside to clean up and dress before their dates.

Barbara Blockings went to dinner at a small diner on her way home that evening. She wanted to get home after the children had left, so they wouldn’t ask her any questions, questions that she couldn’t answer, because she didn’t have the answers. Questions about when their father was coming home, or if he was ever coming home. She had stopped at the diner and stared at the menu blankly, then got up and left without ordering anything. Her stomach was churning so badly she felt like throwing up.

It was both better and worse once she got home. She had called Jerry at his office and left him a voicemail to be at the house at seven. She had gotten a confirmation on her answering machine. It was all so clean and antiseptic and robotic, so impersonal. The tension became too much. At half past six her stomach had betrayed her, and Barbara was forced to run to the downstairs bathroom, to vomit out the remains of her lunch. She hunkered down over the toilet for a few minutes more, crying to herself, and then wiped her mouth and stood up.

She ran upstairs and brushed her teeth and changed her clothing. For once, she didn’t want to dress in anything he might find appealing. After months and months of trying to look attractive to her husband, she absolutely didn’t want to tonight. No skirt or dress, but slacks and a loose knit top. Low heeled sandals. No jewelry, no makeup.

Back downstairs, she looked at herself in the mirror over the living room buffet. She felt very nervous and knelt down. Opening the side cabinet, she reached in and pulled out a half-empty bottle of vodka. Taking it to the kitchen, she poured herself a small glass of Dutch courage, trying to calm her nerves. She coughed as she downed the harsh liquor and debated a second when she heard the doorbell ring. Turning, she stared into the living room, then opened the pantry and hid the bottle.

Wiping sweaty palms on the seat of her slacks, she walked slowly to the front door and opened it. Jerry was standing there, looking as nervous as his wife. “Uh, hi.”

“Hi,” she responded, not moving to open the screen door.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

Barbara started, as she realized she was leaving her husband standing on the front steps where the entire neighborhood could see them. “Yeah, sorry.” She stepped back, opening the door for him. “Sorry about that, come on in.”

Jerry stepped inside, closing the doors behind him, but didn’t step beyond the foyer. “Thank you. You look good Barbara. I’ve missed you.”

Suddenly everything that she had learned about her husband in the last few weeks came crashing back. The reason she had thrown him out, what she had learned from the lawyer and the private investigator. She had been as nervous as a teenager on a first date, but no longer. Now it was time for business. “Let’s sit down.”

Jerry didn’t know why his wife had suddenly grown colder; it was as if she had just entered a deep freeze. He followed her into the living room and sat on the couch. Barbara selected an armchair across from the coffee table. “How are the kids? Are they here?”

“They’re staying with friends this weekend. I didn’t want them here for this conversation.”

“This conversation?” Jerry really didn’t like the sound of that!

“I didn’t want our children to hear when I tell their father that I am filing for a divorce.” Pulling some papers off the end table, she tossed them onto the coffee table in front of her husband.

Jerry stared at the legal documents on the coffee table. He refused to pick them up, but he could see a lawyer’s letterhead on one, and something official looking, like from a court, on another. His mouth opened and shut a couple of times as he tried to form words, then he lifted his head to look at his wife. She was calmly watching him. “Divorce? Honey, why? I mean, okay, I had a little too much to drink that night after the party, but a divorce?”

“You stupid fucking asshole! A little too much to drink? Your neighbors wheeled you home in a wheelbarrow, and the next morning you puked and peed yourself! Your children saw you the next day! Is that what you want them to think of you? A little too much to drink? Jesus, Jerry, how much is a lot too much?” She jumped up and stalked away from him, stopping at the buffet, where she leaned on it, breathing heavily, and staring at her reflection.

Jerry shook his head and followed her. This wasn’t working out so great. He had been hoping she was going to allow him to come home. That certainly didn’t seem to be the case! “Come on, Barb, okay, so I got drunk at a party. That happens to people. That doesn’t mean we get a divorce. Hey, you’ve gotten drunk at parties, too, you know.” He laid a hand lightly on her shoulder.

She whirled to face her husband, knocking his hand away. “You son of a bitch! Do you think I care about the party? Jesus Christ, you asshole! What about Mistress Domina, huh? What about her? You bastard!”

The blood drained from her husband’s face as his jaw dropped open. “Wha ... wha ... what?”

“You bastard! For two years you haven’t touched me, but you spend money on whores? You goddamned son of a bitch!” Barbara turned to face him and swung her arm to slap her husband in the face.

It was like a dam had broken in the woman. Cursing her husband for leaving her alone at nights while he fucked whores, she tried to hit and slap him. Jerry managed to avoid most of the blows, infuriating her further. Screaming in rage, she moved towards him and tried to knee him in the groin but was only partially successful, hitting him hard in the upper thigh as he turned away. It was enough of a distraction for her next swing to get through, and a surprised Jerry felt the sudden sting to his face and twisted away, to trip over his own feet. He crashed face first into an end table, which collapsed beneath him.

“Jesus, Barb,” he said, staring up at her wild eyes.

Barbara stared down at her husband on the floor and saw that his nose was bleeding profusely. It was running down his face and was about to hit the carpet. “Shit! Come on, let’s get off the carpet. You’re bleeding.” She stepped back and moved to the doorway to the kitchen. Jerry put a hand to his face and stared at the red wetness in disbelief. “Well, come on, you’re bleeding like a stuck pig.”

Jerry scrambled to his feet, holding his nose. “Yeah, well, you’re the one who stuck me.”

“And you’re a pig, so we’re even. Come on, let’s clean you up.” She led her husband in the kitchen and pointed him to one of the kitchen chairs. Jerry slumped down in the chair, blooding dripping down his face and through his fingers. Barbara simply shook her head in disbelief and grabbed a clean washcloth. It took several trips to wipe away the blood as she ordered him to hold his head back and pinch the bridge of his nose. After a few minutes the blood flow had stopped. “There, I think that’s better. How’s it feel?”

“Uh, okay, I guess. Is it broken?”

“Jerry, you are such a pussy! If it was broken, you’d know!”

Her husband gave her a dirty look. “Just knock it off, please.” He gingerly explored his nose, pinching and moving it gently. “I’ve never busted my nose, so how would I know. I’ve busted an arm and a leg before, but never a nose.”

Barbara slumped down at the kitchen table to the right of her husband, at the end. “Yeah, well, I’m sorry Jerry. I didn’t mean to bust your nose. Or maybe I did, I mean, you just pissed me off so much! But I really didn’t want to hurt you.” Jerry nodded in understanding. “Jesus, Jerry, how in the hell did we get to this point?”

“I don’t know. Can we talk about it? Not just yell, scream, and hit but talk?” he asked.

“I don’t know if it will change anything.”

“We have to start somewhere,” he insisted.

Barbara nodded again. “Alright, but I am not making any promises. You have no possible idea how much you have hurt me. I have filed for a divorce. I have a lawyer and a private eye and God knows who else working on this.”

Jerry’s face went ash white. “You are really serious about this?”

Barbara felt the rage build up again, and it took almost a minute to bring it back under control. “Let’s be clear on this, Jerry. I’m not the one who threw this marriage away. I’m not the one who lied to his spouse, I’m not the one who never touched their spouse for two years while hiring whores. Just what the fuck were you thinking?”

Jerry started crying, the tears running down his cheeks to mix with the lingering traces of blood to form a pink sheen. He lowered his face to his hands and wept for several minutes. Disgusted, Barbara stood and retrieved the bottle of vodka from her hiding place and poured them both a drink. She nudged him with the glass, and he looked up at her miserably. He knocked the liquor back, coughing slightly, and watched her. “You didn’t answer the question?”

“I don’t know...”

“You damned well do know!” she yelled, breaking her own rule. Again, she had to calm herself down. “That’s not good enough, Jerry. You have thrown away your life, our life, and I will damned well know why! Just how long have you been fucking your whores, Jerry? How often and how many were there? I at least deserve that!”

“There was just the one...”

“Mistress Domina?” Barbara sneered.

Jerry nodded miserably. “It’s just been the last few years. And I don’t have sex with her.”

A look of evil fury swept across his wife’s face. She reached across the table and slapped his cheek sharply. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Jerry, don’t you dare! I’ve met her! I’ve talked to her! I know exactly what the two of you did, and don’t think that just because you didn’t put your miserable prick into her you didn’t have sex! Now you tell me exactly what you did, and if you lie, even a little, I will throw your ass out on the street and ruin you.” Jerry looked like he was about to protest, but Barbara stopped him. “I know, Jerry, and if you don’t tell me exactly so will everyone in your office!”

Jerry caved totally. Slumped back in the kitchen chair, tears streaming down his face, he told his wife exactly what he and Mistress Domina had done, the spankings, the cunnilingus, the abuse, the masturbation. More than once, Barbara felt like retching into the sink, but she managed to control the urge. Twice she refilled their glasses with the vodka, but neither felt any effect from it; it simply dulled the intolerable pain for both.

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 3 Meeting The Neighbors

Paige was startled at the knock on her door. She hadn’t been expecting anybody, and was working in her kitchen, putting away some groceries and trying to determine the best places to store dishes, pots, pans, and every other bit of kitchen stuff that she and Bob had acquired. Again, the door knocked, so she set down the Dutch oven she really didn’t know what to do with and wandered off to the living room. “Coming!” she called out. She opened the door to find a tall, statuesque blonde...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 4 Moving Some Furniture

“Got a light?” asked Rusty Blockings, pulling the joint out of his pocket. “Yeah, here,” replied his brother Jeremy. They had just gotten off the school bus and headed into the little woods at the corner of Chrystal and Rosewood. School was out and it was time to get high before going home to face the family. Rusty, fifteen, took the butane lighter from his sixteen-year-old brother and lit up the dope. He took in a good hit, then held his breath as he passed it to his brother. Jeremy simply...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 5 American Gothic

Toni Black was standing before the dresser in Marcia’s bedroom, leaning forward and examining her complexion in the mirror. “Am I getting a blemish? Is this a zit?” she yelled, peering closely at her nose. The stereo was blaring loudly. The bedroom window was wide open. A scented candle was flickering on the dresser alongside an incense stick which was smoking. You almost couldn’t smell the marijuana the two girls had been smoking. Almost. “What?” said Marcia loudly, over the music. “I...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 6 A New Resident

Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 7 Mixed Doubles

“Sure, I’m just finishing my makeup. Come right on over. I’m almost ready,” said Terri Tallman. On the other end of the line, Brenda Houseman replied, “Give me five minutes and I’ll be right there. What’s the theme for today’s session?” “Very casual. Shorts and a tank top,” was the answer. “See you in five.” Terri hung up the telephone. Terri brushed her hair out again and touched up her lip gloss. She was an average sized woman, not quite five-and-a-half feet tall, with a trim figure,...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 8 Sympathy

Barbara Blockings looked miserable, thought Georgia. She had accepted Georgia’s invitation to coffee that afternoon and had come over to find both Georgia and Paige sunning themselves around Georgia’s swimming pool. Paige had pleasantly announced that she was starting work in a couple of weeks. “The kitten is weaned, and I can get out!” Paige said. “The kitten is weaned?” commented a curious Georgia. “Our kitten, we inherited her I guess, anyway, she was still nursing when we got her and I...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 9 Scenes From A Cocktail Party

“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 10 After the Party

“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...

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Futas Wild Passion 15 Futas Incestuous Domination

Chapter Fifteen: Futa's Incestuous Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn't care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms....

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Black Daddy Domination

Black Daddy DominationScott Clair hated his whiteness.  He wasn’t able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race.  Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior.  Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5’1?.  He...

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House of Domination

House of Domination (May be continued in the future)The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same.  Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn?t about to turn back now.  This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours.  Total submission she craved was finally about to be given.  She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 15 Futarsquos Incestuous Domination

I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn’t care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms. Petrov was just a bitch. She made sure I came without her permission while she was fucking me with her strap-on. She took my cherry with...

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Femboy Domination

In this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...

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Game of domination

Welcome to our newest game show. You must be excited, because out of thousends of candidates you are choosen. You are now allowed to take part in the famous new game show: Game of domination. The rules are very simple. You get a small plastic card with your name and a magnetic stripe. Your points will be credited to you on this card. The more dominance points you collect, the better. To earn those points, you will have to solve different tasks from the so called "masters". They are employees of...

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Lord Of Domination

I was a brigand. An outlaw, murderer, rapist, killer. I had a lot stacked against me, to say the least. The year was 2417, and humanity had managed to get beyond their own solar system and spread out. We were nowhere near galactic domination, and we still had to terraform most planets that were even possible to use. There were many great things that had advanced, weapons included, but one of the most important genetics. Humanity had gone far enough for them to genetically modify other humans...

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Wife Owns Me Female Domination

I always wanted a marriage based on female domination and was now suffering the consequences of having my fantasy turned into reality. People should always be careful about what they wish for.My wife Carla has always controlling me sexually. Its always been hard to satisfy all her sexual pleasures, so we both decided that she could have boyfriends that would help us out on her sexual desires. Carla has always made me eat her cunt after I have filled it full of my cum. That was one of the first...

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Blackmail and finacial domination

Every once in a while as a Dominatrix you get a call from a silly stupid man who wants financial domination. Here is my story.A Judge from the Netherlands calls me and asks for financial domination. This man who thinks he is very smart and powerful has just made mistake number 1. He calls me five or six times asking me to record him promising to pay. He does not know that I record all incoming calls from the start. He then gives me his personal unlisted number thinking he is safe and that I...

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Black Daddy Domination

He began feeling uncomfortable with his identity, with his whiteness, with the advent of interracial porn. Initially, he was outraged and angered by Black men and their enormous cocks fucking white women. He would watch in disgust at the videos of men endowed with equipment that made his tiny penis look infantile in comparison and seethe in anger, proclaiming how he hated Black men for being lazy, ignorant, criminal, and nothing more than savages. Of course, all that internal dialogue was...

3 years ago
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Black Daddy Domination

Scott Clair hated his whiteness. He wasn’t able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race. Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior. Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5’1”. He suffered from...

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Lethal domination

A secret and brutal fighting tournament was being held, for glory and money. Everyone who thought he stood a chance surviving to the end, entered. The crowd was rowdy, loud, and wanted to see a good fight. Everyone had their favorites, but they all just wanted to see action, blood, and even death. Their wishes were certainly being fulfilled. A black guy, barely out of his teens, but very muscular and quick, picked up his opponent in the air, with both hands, placed him on his shoulders. With a...

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Amandas Journey into Domination

Amanda's Journey into Domination Chapter 1 "Oh ooh oh yes Mistress fuck me, it feels sooo good! Ah ahhh oooooh yes. Shove that hard cock deep, ah ah ah, fuck me, spank me, slam my ass, my love!" Well dear readers here we are again, back by popular demand. (This one's for you MiLady.) I'm bound to the bed, face down, ass up, getting fucked by Mistress Jennifer. It's been a very busy, sometimes painful three years since my enslavement started, and I wouldn't change a minute of...

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BBC New World Order Domination

Black men are superior to white men in many ways, especially in the "sex department." They can turn white men into pussies (literally) by taking the white boys ass just as he would any other female. He does this not for sexual pleasure. He does this to demonstrate that he is the Alpha Male. If he can make the white boy submit, so too will his white girlfriend,. furthering our humiliation. The black superior male dominates by dominating our white girlfriends sexually, sometimes right in...

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Silken Domination

SILKEN DOMINATION By Bea What's the matter mummy?" I asked. "You're acting awfully strange." "I am not!" she answered sharply then, realizing that her tone had contradicted her words, made an attempt to rectify it. Her facial expression softened a little. "Well. This interview with Miss Manley. It might be important for you.." I laughed. "An interview with my old home economics teacher? Important? What are you talking about?" She shook her head. "You have been out...

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Dominating My Older Sis 4 SisterSlaves Domination

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Sister-Slave's Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The vibrator died in my pussy. I shuddered, moaned, the rapture still rippling through me. My every breath was full of the scent of piss. That acrid reek. So much pee. It covered every bit of my body, soaked my hair, drenched my pussy. I tasted it in my mouth, felt it in my stomach. I hated how hard I had cum as Clint and...

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Incestuous Harem 14 Brothers Domination

Chapter Fourteen: Brother's Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Melody Samuels The doorbell rang. A shiver ran through me, my nipples hardening in my shirt. Today would be awesome. Alicia burst from the breakfast table where Clint, Lee, and I waited. Beside Alicia, we were the last ones still home. Mom, Zoey, and Aunt Cheryl had already left while we waited for Pam and her car. A giddy rush shot through me. I had a girlfriend. I shared her with Clint, and that was so hot. She...

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My Domination

My Domination by strangefun We've met on one of those kinky dating sites; She was looking for someone to dominate and humiliate, and I was looking for someone to dominate and humiliate me. She took control right away - I was ordered to throw away all my male underthings and wear only sexy lingerie, thongs, suspenders, bras, corsets, stockings, pantyhose, body shapers and so on - of which I have a pretty big collection. I had to wear these things all the time, under my normal work...

4 years ago
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The Gender Wars Chapter 2 Domination

Chapter 2 Domination "Martin" my Mothers voice awoke me, "It's time to wake up." It had been a week since the call had gone out, and all women in the country had lost all rights entirely. "What have I told you, Mother dear? When we're in the bedroom together, you are to address me as Master, just like when we're in public, ok?" My Mother held my gaze for a moment, then sighed and said, "Yes, Master, how would you like me to serve you this morning?" I gazed into the depths...

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Third Domination

This is inspired by a real life experience, meeting my mistress. She asked me to write about our meeting and so I did.Third DominationThe evening is getting darker and the first drops of rain hit the car windows as I arrive and park my car in front of the house. I glance at the clock, it is still seven minutes to the agreed time. Turning off the ignition, silence suddenly seems overwhelming and as the car lights turn automatically off after a minute, I am left sitting in the darkness,...

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My Aunty Mrudula8217s Domination

My aunty mrudula, the sexiest woman alive was sitting there watching tv. I was observing her from my seat. She brought her skirt up. She exposed her thighs. They were sexy milky thighs. I could see her inner thighs. She looked at me and asked if liked the sight. I said I liked it. She asked me to come near her and kneel down in front of her. “Smell my thighs kiran.” I started smelling her. She was yet to take her bath and she had a sweaty smell. ” Go on kiran” she said. I went to her crotch and...

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Wife in soft bondage and domination

Well, me and my girlfriend Johanna have just gotten married! What we did on our wedding night will come later but now to what happened yesterday.I had had a rough week at work and on saturday morning Johanna came home and saw that once again I was in a bad mood so she decided to cheer me up.-Mike?-What is it Johanna?And as I looked up I saw her hold out a pair of handcuffs and the leather nackcuff she usually wore when she was the submissive one. Her clothing was a white t-shirt and a black...

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Linda8217s domination

This story contains shit & urine consumption by the characters. So those who don’t like these type of hardcore, kinky, fetish stories, please don’t read… By jk It seemed that whenever they were talking about feelings or emotions, Jim was in control. Linda tried to avoid the subject, told Jim that she was too serious with Sam, her “real” boyfriend and that he was the first person she ever really loved. Jim would tell her that she couldn’t love two people at once and that because she couldn’t...

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Island of Domination

'Here I am,' you think. You are Valerie, an intrepid young woman with an adventurous streak and a taste for danger. After downing a few ales in the port-city of Rustil, you overheard a band of unsavoury pirates mention a so-called Island of Domination. Normally, you'd be inclined to ignore such talk as the addled talk of drunken sailors, but the way they had hushed their voices and spoken of the place in such reverence caught your attention. A few leads later, you had secured passage on a ship...

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Domination Sam was just sitting outside of the cafeteria at school with her backpack on, listening to music, waiting for the last bell to ring for school to get out."Hey, Sam.""Missy," Sam said, taking one headphone off her ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?""You know what this is about. That night at the dance.""And…?""The fact that you totally flaked on our fight that was supposed to happen.""I didn't flake. Carly drank too much of the spiked punch, so I had to take her home. I'd much...

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My decent in to female domination

"I give you so many handjobs, you really owe me" my girlfriend said as I took off my shorts and underwear. "Haha I know, well I'm a lot hornier than you. I can't help it" I replied, and smiled down at her. "How much is one of these worth to you? 50? 100?" she asks. She is wearing running shorts, which show off her tanned and toned legs, and a tight t-shirt. I look down at her boobs, D cups on an athletic frame. "100 at least. They are amazing." She gets out the lube and pours it along the...

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Kinky Kitty Party Continues With Female Domination

Hello, guys, this is akshay thakur again with continuing my story so please read the previous story so you can enjoy this one also. Before starting the story I want to thank the readers for all the mails and replies you guys are sending me and also new horny connections I have developed recently it feels nice to talk to you. I received various feedbacks many of them were positive but few of them contacted me saying the story is fictional(false) but let me tell you apart from names in the story...

4 years ago
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Mistress T racial domination

Mistress T’s Black slaveBy lilguy Mistress T goes to dinner with her slaveBe Warn- Racial domination, racial slursInspired byhttp://www.clips4sale.com/studio/23869www.mistresst.netMistress T was sitting at a dinner table in Paris Drinking a coffee. Her pants were tight and leather and she had on a pink shirt that showed off her body and a leather coat to balance out the color. Mistress T was in sandals today and she had her toes painted nice and pink. She was a very beautiful woman, think with...

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