Disparate HousewivesChapter 11 Girl Talk
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Pierre woke up slowly. The bedclothes were rumpled, and bright sunlight was pouring through the windows. Slightly disoriented, he sat up in the bed and ran his hands across his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and massaging his temples. It was certainly later than he normally woke, but as he opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom blearily, it all came back. A slight smile crept across his features.
From the condition of the bed, it was obvious he hadn’t been alone. He was in his Miami home, and the evening with Georgia wasn’t simply a marvelously erotic dream. He couldn’t help but grin at the remembrance. After their first bout on the ride down to Miami, he had stretched out naked on the floor of the limo, and Georgia had draped herself across him, snuggling against him. After talking, she had coaxed another erection from him, and had climbed onto him. This time she had lain over him, engulfing him, and had barely moved, allowing the movement of the big and heavy auto to move them. It had taken an exquisitely long time for her grasping cunt to pull another load surging upwards into her.
Afterwards, they had dressed, although Pierre had stuffed their underwear into his coat pockets and had opened the moon roof to air out the vehicle. Once they had gotten home, it had been too late, and they had been too tired for a tour. He had simply taken her by the hand and led her upstairs. They had undressed and crawled into bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms before anything further could happen. Later, well after midnight, Pierre had woken spooned up behind Georgia, his stiff erection poking against her warm rump. Neither had said anything. Georgia had simply raised her leg and moved back against him; Pierre had angled his cock so that it slipped into her from behind. This was another slow and quiet session, but very enjoyable, nevertheless.
Looking around, he saw two piles of clothing, his and hers, on the floor near his dresser. The door to the bathroom was open, but there didn’t seem to be any movement or sound, and she hadn’t dressed, so she must be somewhere around the house. Pierre scratched his head and yawned loudly, and then swung his legs out of bed and stood up. He scratched his chest and ambled slowly off towards the bathroom. As he passed the door to the hall, he opened it and peered out. He couldn’t hear anything, but he did catch a faint whiff of coffee. Nodding happily, he ambled into his bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, Pierre had finished the shave and shower routine and was tossing his bath towel into the hamper. He wondered what to wear. Glancing back into the bedroom, he saw that Georgia hadn’t put her dress back on, and he didn’t see how she had taken anything from his closet. He didn’t have any women’s clothing from previous lovers. He shrugged to himself. He grabbed his robe off the back of the door and slipped it on. It was entirely possible that Georgia was wandering around downstairs in the nude. If so, he thought with a smile, he could join her.
As he got to the bottom of the stairs, the smell of coffee made it obvious that Georgia had managed to figure out the kitchen and make a fresh pot. He could hear her voice as she talked to somebody in the living room. Turning left, he followed her voice, to find her curled up in an armchair, wearing something white, with a coffee cup in one hand and her cell phone in the other. She smiled at him and nodded. Pierre waved his fingers at her and went to the kitchen. The drip coffeemaker was set on warm, with a fresh pot of coffee. He retrieved a mug and poured himself some, black but sweetened, and headed back towards the living room.
Georgia was giggling as she talked into her phone. “No! We haven’t done that yet ... I don’t know yet! ... Oh, you’re so bad! ... No, I’m not going to call you and let you know! ... I can’t say, he’s about to come back in ... oh my God! No!” She glanced around and saw Pierre standing in the doorway idly watching her. She began to laugh. “No more, I’ll talk to you on Monday! ... Yes, I told you, let the kids and their cousins use the pool. Just make sure you or Frank are there at all times ... No, it’s not like they’re going to bother me, will they? ... Got to go! Bye!”
Georgia snapped her phone shut and twisted around as Pierre came into the room. “Sorry about that.”
Pierre smiled as he stepped closer. He had finally figured out what she was wearing, a lightweight white terry cloth beach cover-up his mother had given him once. It was short and short-sleeved, and he had accepted it graciously, not telling her that he really thought it was the gayest item of clothing he had ever seen! Now, seeing it on Georgia, he knew that his first impression was spot on; it looked far better on a woman than on a man. “Friend back home?”
“My neighbor next door, letting her know where I was going to be this weekend.”
“And what haven’t we done yet?” he teased.
Georgia blushed deeply. “Never you mind! Once we do it, I’ll let you know!”
“Hmm, maybe we’ll have to put the phone on speaker so she can know.”
Georgia stood and slipped the phone into a pocket of the beach cover-up. “Never you mind!” She picked up her coffee cup. “Did I make it the way you like?” She moved towards the kitchen. Pierre stopped her as she passed him and turned her to face him, and then gave her a quick and tender kiss. She moaned pleasantly before pushing him away. “Don’t get me started unless you want to use that speaker phone. Besides, I’m hungry. Food now, that later.”
Pierre laughed and followed her into the kitchen. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. What do you want for breakfast?”
Georgia climbed onto a barstool, an action which Pierre heartily approved of. The beach cover-up was like a short robe with a zippered front and an elastic waist, and a small hood which was hanging down her back. It was very snug, molding itself to her body and very short, barely covering her rear, and if Georgia hadn’t been crossing her legs, Pierre’s physical reaction would have been embarrassing in the extreme. She gave him a slightly perplexed look. “Well, actually, it’s kind of late for breakfast, isn’t it?”
He glanced at the wall clock. “Ten-thirty, just in time for brunch. More coffee?”
“I’m on my second cup already,” she confessed. “That’s really good coffee! Much better than Starbucks.”
Pierre snorted in derision. “Starbucks! The Arabs have been brewing coffee since before Columbus ever set sail. Don’t be surprised if you get better coffee in the Middle East than in the rest of the world.”
“Really? I thought coffee was invented in Columbia?”
Pierre shook his head. “Ethiopia. Did you know that the first coffee houses in Europe date back to when the Turks invaded Vienna? When they got kicked back out, they left behind all this coffee, and some enterprising fellow stole it all and opened a coffee house.”
“That’s fascinating! So, what do we eat?”
Pierre opened his refrigerator. “How about a nice big bowl of a very nice fruit salad? Maybe with some mimosas?”
“Now that sounds decadent!”
Pierre began pulling ingredients from the refrigerator. “Doesn’t it, though? Still, it kind of goes along with my overall plan for the weekend.”
He leered at her. “Yes. I intend to ravish you over and over and use you for every decadent pleasure I can imagine before sending you home, ruined for the touch of any other man!”
Georgia laughed at this. “Oh my God! That is so corny! Besides, what makes you think you can pull that off? I told Brenda I was planning on leaving you a weakened shell of a man, as dry as a corn husk left too long in the sun.”
“Now who’s being corny,” laughed Pierre. He spooned two bowls of fruit salad from a dish already prepared in the refrigerator, and then poured some champagne into a pair of flutes, topping them off with fresh orange juice. “So, who’s Brenda?” he asked.
“She’s my next-door neighbor. That’s who I was talking to just now. Those were her boys staring at the limo the other day.”
“Oh, yes, I remember them. Are they twins or just look alike?” he asked.
“Oh, no, they’re twins all right! She’ll be older than I am by the time she gets those two out of her hair! She has family staying with her for the week visiting Disney and I told her she could use my pool with them.”
“They live next to you?”
Georgia nodded. “There’s Brenda and Frank and their boys, then down at the end is Barbara and her kids - she just got divorced and they’re all teens, but I think she’s started to see somebody - and, oh, across from Brenda and Frank are Terri and Tom, they don’t have any kids, they’re real estate agents, and across from us is Paige - did you see her when we left?”
Pierre smiled at the torrent of information coming forth. “No, I don’t think so.”
“She’s the youngest of us. She and her husband Bob are thinking about having some kids of their own and they are spending the weekend in Daytona Beach practicing,” she said.
“Oh? Practicing? Is that what they call it now?”
Georgia waggled her eyebrows lewdly at him. “I think you know exactly what they call it. Sort of like what we’re practicing this weekend, only without the children portion of the program!”
Pierre sipped some more of his mimosa. “You’ve never had any children?”
Georgia shook her head. “You?”
“No. Never been married.”
“Well, one doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the other, but, anyway, no. I was married, like I told you, but he was quite a bit older than me and had already had a couple of wives and two sets of children and had gotten himself snipped.” She made a scissors movement with her fingers. “Then, after he died, I was too old.”
“You’re not old...” sputtered Pierre, but Georgia laid a hand on his and smiled.
“For that, I am. I was. Paige and Brenda did it right, while they were still in their twenties. I don’t mind. I have two nephews and two nieces, and I get to spoil them rotten when I see them, and I can send them back to their owners when I don’t. What about you?”
“Well, pretty much the same thing. I guess I never met the right lady. When I was younger, I was so consumed building my business, and now that I have it in a good place, I don’t want some twenty-something with eyes on my wallet looking for a payoff.”
Georgia gave him a wry smile and handed over her flute for a refill. “What makes you think I’m not looking for a payoff?”
Pierre grinned. “Permission to speak freely?”
“That Mercedes of yours.”
“Huh?” she replied, confused.
“Those little hotties looking for a sugar daddy are not driving around in Mercedes convertibles. That told me you were a woman of some degree of substance and independence. I was right, too, wasn’t I?”
Georgia laughed at the frank admission. “Yeah, you were!” She pushed away her empty bowl of fruit salad. “So, who makes the fruit salad? Or are you a gourmet cook as well?”
“Not really. Consuela, my mother’s housekeeper, comes over a couple of times a week to stock the fridge and clean up. I think my mother thinks that without her supervision I will quietly die of starvation and neglect. She also reports to my mother everything I do.”
Georgia laughed again. She stood up and picked up her flute. “Okay, so show me around. Last night we just went upstairs, and I haven’t seen your house at all!”
Pierre topped off his drink and climbed off his bar stool. “Sounds good.”
Pierre topped off their drinks and led Georgia through the house. It was a very modernistic building, with several levels, multiple stairs, lots of concrete and glass and stainless steel. Along the way, as they went from room to room, Pierre showed her examples of various Oriental carpets being used as wall hangings and tapestries. Several times a strange look came over Georgia’s face and she looked around wildly. Finally, she stopped and said, “I’ve seen this house before!”
Pierre grinned broadly. “Where?”
She looked at him curiously. “I don’t know, but for some reason I’ve seen this house!”
“But you’ve never been here, right?”
“No.” She eyed his broad grin warily. “You know something. What are you up to?”
“Yes, you! You know why it looks familiar!”
Pierre laughed. “Perhaps you’ve seen a home like this on television or the movies?”
“No, no, nothing like that...” Georgia looked around wildly. “That’s it! I have seen it on TV, but where?”
“I hate to say it, dear, but you are dating yourself. This house was used on Miami Vice. It was a drug lord’s house in several episodes. There were several big gun battles around the swimming pool. Lots of blood in the water!” he answered with a laugh.
“That’s it! That’s it! How did you get it?” she asked.
“I bought it,” Pierre answered with a shrug.
“You bought a TV house?”
“No, I bought a house that had been on TV. You don’t think they actually built a house like this just so they could shoot it up for an episode of a television show, do you?”
Georgia looked at him blankly. “Well, I don’t know. I never thought about it. I always thought it was just sets and fake stuff.”
Pierre nodded in understanding. “Well, sometimes it is, if it’s a regular location for a show. They’ll build a special set on a sound stage. Still, a lot of movies and TV shows in exotic locations, they’ll find a real home and set up and shoot at the house.”
He nodded again. “You ever see the James Bond movie Diamonds Are Forever?” When Georgia nodded, Pierre continued. “Remember the house where Jimmy Dean was being held captive? Sort of a modern place like this, on a cliff? Just like this, a rented real home. The movie people come in for a week or two and you move out, lock, stock, and barrel, and they’ll pay for everything, including enough money to make it all worthwhile.”
“Wow! How much is enough to make it worthwhile?” she asked.
“I don’t know for sure, but I have heard that there is this college fraternity in Troy, New York, that actually owns a Victorian era mansion that is so perfectly maintained that every few years Hollywood producers come in and rent it out for period movies, and they pay so much money that these college kids live in the most expensive house in the city for almost nothing!”
“Holy shit!”
“Yeah!” Pierre led Georgia back to the kitchen, where he poured the last of the mimosas into their flutes, and then led her out to the back yard. There was a small swimming pool, a pool house, and a flawlessly maintained back yard with the grounds carefully sculptured and laid out so that the rear of the home had a beautiful view to one of the inland waterways, but the pool area was hidden from view.
“It’s beautiful!” said Georgia. “I feel like swimming. Can we?”
“Sure, but I don’t have a suit on.”
Georgia smiled and tugged the zipper down on her beach cover-up. “Neither do I.” She set down her champagne flute and peeled off the cover-up, to stand seductively in front of him. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”
Pierre feasted his eyes on her nakedness. It hadn’t been completely apparent the night before, but in the light of day it was obvious that Georgia’s deep-golden tan was total and all over, without a hint of tan lines or the unhealthy color of a spray-on tan. “No, I don’t mind, but I suspect I’m going to be swimming with a bit of a rudder problem.” He could already feel his erection beginning to tent out the front of his bathrobe.
“Well, maybe I can help with that,” she replied coyly. Georgia reached inside his robe and fondled Pierre to stiffness. “Why don’t we get in the pool first?” She continued tugging on his cock shaft and Pierre was compelled to strip off his robe and toss it aside. She backed up to the pool and let him go, and then slipped into the water.
Pierre grinned and jumped in after her. He followed her towards the shallow end, where she was standing seductively at the side of the pool, exposed from the waist up. He slowly breast stroked towards her, and then stood in front of her. “I suppose that was one way of fixing the problem.” The cool water of the pool had cancelled out his erection.
“Don’t be so sure of that,” she replied coyly. Her hands went down between them and promptly brought him back to life. “I think I still have to do something about this problem, don’t you?”
The sensations felt delightful to Pierre, and it was all he could do to simply nod and mumble his assent. Georgia had one hand tugging and stroking his cockshaft while the other reached below and was gently fondling his ballsac. He reached out and began tweaking her nipples in the hope it would distract her, but that didn’t seem to have the effect he had been hoping for. Instead, as her nipples perked up and she moaned, the sight and sounds began pushing him closer to ejaculation. “If you keep doing that, we’re going to have an accident in the pool,” he commented.
Georgia laughed. “I’d hate for that to happen! Sit up on the edge of the pool and I’ll prevent that.” She gave him a final quick tug, causing him to groan, and then stepped back.
Pierre moved back against the side of the pool and levered himself out, to sit on the edge with his feet dangling in the water. His legs were spread, and his cock was gloriously erect. “We still have a problem,” he commented.
“Not for long!” Georgia stepped back up to him, between his widespread legs, and resumed playing with his cock and balls, although now she began softly licking and suckling on his cockhead.
“Oh, sweet Jesus!” he exclaimed quietly.
Georgia giggled. She could already taste the pre-cum flowing freely from his cock and it had a pleasant, almost sweet flavor. This had been one of the questions that Brenda had asked her earlier, just before Pierre had come in, and she hadn’t had a chance to tell her friend that she didn’t know yet. She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eyes, and said, “No, I don’t think this is going to be a problem for very long, not at all.” Her tongue snaked out to lick underneath his glans, toying with his frenulum, eliciting another groan. “No, not long at all.”
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Barbara Blockings looked in the mirror for about the tenth time in the last ten minutes. Something just didn’t seem right. She was on her third outfit since she had come home and showered, and it just didn’t seem right. First there had been the halter top and denim skirt, then a knee-length shirt dress, and now she was wearing a conservative sundress, and it just wasn’t right. She reached behind her neck and undid the catch and zipper. It had been three weeks since the night she had run into...
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Georgia Cummings pulled her Mercedes SL500 into her driveway and raised the roof. She ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, wishing for about the millionth time that there was a way to keep her hair from getting too messy while driving with the top down. She so loved driving the convertible with the top down and looking sporty, and one of the prices she paid was having to wear her hair short. It wasn’t quite a bob, but it was definitely above the collar, and it was almost impossible...
Paige was startled at the knock on her door. She hadn’t been expecting anybody, and was working in her kitchen, putting away some groceries and trying to determine the best places to store dishes, pots, pans, and every other bit of kitchen stuff that she and Bob had acquired. Again, the door knocked, so she set down the Dutch oven she really didn’t know what to do with and wandered off to the living room. “Coming!” she called out. She opened the door to find a tall, statuesque blonde...
“Got a light?” asked Rusty Blockings, pulling the joint out of his pocket. “Yeah, here,” replied his brother Jeremy. They had just gotten off the school bus and headed into the little woods at the corner of Chrystal and Rosewood. School was out and it was time to get high before going home to face the family. Rusty, fifteen, took the butane lighter from his sixteen-year-old brother and lit up the dope. He took in a good hit, then held his breath as he passed it to his brother. Jeremy simply...
Toni Black was standing before the dresser in Marcia’s bedroom, leaning forward and examining her complexion in the mirror. “Am I getting a blemish? Is this a zit?” she yelled, peering closely at her nose. The stereo was blaring loudly. The bedroom window was wide open. A scented candle was flickering on the dresser alongside an incense stick which was smoking. You almost couldn’t smell the marijuana the two girls had been smoking. Almost. “What?” said Marcia loudly, over the music. “I...
Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...
“Sure, I’m just finishing my makeup. Come right on over. I’m almost ready,” said Terri Tallman. On the other end of the line, Brenda Houseman replied, “Give me five minutes and I’ll be right there. What’s the theme for today’s session?” “Very casual. Shorts and a tank top,” was the answer. “See you in five.” Terri hung up the telephone. Terri brushed her hair out again and touched up her lip gloss. She was an average sized woman, not quite five-and-a-half feet tall, with a trim figure,...
Barbara Blockings looked miserable, thought Georgia. She had accepted Georgia’s invitation to coffee that afternoon and had come over to find both Georgia and Paige sunning themselves around Georgia’s swimming pool. Paige had pleasantly announced that she was starting work in a couple of weeks. “The kitten is weaned, and I can get out!” Paige said. “The kitten is weaned?” commented a curious Georgia. “Our kitten, we inherited her I guess, anyway, she was still nursing when we got her and I...
“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...
“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...
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Note: No sex, just a story. I think I caught her totally by surprise. I’m almost sure that she expected me to say ‘Yes dear’ and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn’t that always been the way of it? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann’s looks, personality, and sense of...
The Long Weekend (Nightgirl edits)The pub was crowded, which was only to be expected since Alice was pretty popular, and the music was way too loud for me. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.I'm Caroline. I?m 23 years old and blonde with a nice figure, by which I mean it is the right shape, just not toned. My breasts are a reasonable 36B and my height about 5'7".I work for an accounting firm in the city. It?s a big firm and I work in the secretarial pool. That's where I met Alice and...
For some reason I have now started ten stories which I've not been happy with so haven't finished. This is number eleven and I hope you find that this one comes together. A LONG WEEKEND "Do you know what I heard about Kath and Peter?" Lucy asked her husband James. "What bit of tattle have you picked up about our friends?" He tried to sound as if she shouldn't listen to gossip, but had a smile on his face. Peter had been his school friend and they had kept in contact, making...
SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...
THE LONG WEEKENDPart I: FridayMy relationship with Mistress Kayla and Master John had fallen into a bit of a routine after six months. By that time, I wasn’t starting to get to the point where I couldn’t remember when I hadn’t been with them. I shouldn’t say so much them, as Mistress Kayla. A month after she’d taken ownership of me, Master John had taken ownership of his own submissive, Gail. Both continued to use me, just as they both used Gail whenever it suited them. While most of the...
Dear Friends and fans of this site. My name is Aaryan (aka Sunny) name change. I am 26 years old, leaving in Gujarat. I am accountant in mnc company. I live alone as I came here on for studies. I started working as an accounting work for this company when I was doing my Bachelors. After my exam, they hired me and I became full time employee. My parents live in Mumbai. I visit them every other six month or year for two weeks. I call to my parents every weekend just so I can keep in touch with...
IncestHi, everybody I am Sameer. I stay in eastern part of India, as it is my first story that is why not disclosing name of town. Since my teenage I am extremely long hair fetish. Always I dream about long hair females, whenever get chance surf net about long hair. I am just mad to get longhaired females, to play with hair, to open bun and obviously to pull it hard while fucking or blowjob. During college life whenever big hair bun, long braid or open long hair were seen I used to follow her. But my...
I think I caught her totally by surprise. I'm almost sure that she expected me to say "Yes dear" and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn't that always been the way of it? I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann's looks, personality, and sense of humor so I asked her to go out with me, she said yes, and our...
I recieved a call from a Lindsey a beautiful woman I had met through a friend. She asked me if I wanted to stop over and have a few beers with her since her friends had sold her out. Having just walked in from work I told her that I would have to shower and eat but that I would be over in a hour or two. "Okay, Hurry, I wanna have some fun, hehe." She replied and quickly hung up. It struck me as odd the way she was acting, but I quickly shrugged it off and ready. I had been attracted to Lindsey...
He looked down the platform as the train doors started to slam shut like giant dominos tumbling. He looked up the platform. Where the hell was she? His niece was supposed to be on this train. The passengers, some looking pissed off, others happy and smiley funneled towards the exit. And then he spotted her, she must have been at the back of the train. He couldn't believe the change six months had made to her young body. Instead of the gawky school girl he had been expecting, and looking out...
IncestThe Long Weekend ? by: Julie O. "How much longer Jim," I asked. I was riding 'shotgun' with my college roommate on our way to his parent's house. Due to federal holidays we had a 4-day weekend off. Jim had invited me to spend the weekend at his family's home down in San Diego. He had invited me several times before and even though I had things to do I couldn't turn him down again. "We should be there in a hour. Looks like I judged the traffic right, we should be in before...
CHAPTER 1. HIS STORY I was putting the breakfast dishes away when she walked into the kitchen. I still thank God for her every time I see her, even though we have been married for two years now. I am a realist enough to know that the honeymoon feeling should have ended after six months and I am amazed at each day that passes without that first major fight. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I wonder why a sane man would move into a house with a woman and her two daughters, the estrogen...
THE WEEKEND by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas My sense of anticipation heightens as the Grandfather clock strikes the first of seven tones, signaling the time for your arrival. Although I have had many clients over the years, the first meeting always excites me. The front doorbell rings, and I smile to myself, knowing that you will not recognize the musical piece it sounds. Even if you are a student of classical music, your own feelings of nervousness at this moment will...
A DATE WEEKEND After our successful first date, Hannah and I kept in regular contact via email. True to her word, Hannah tried to set up a second date for us to go for a meal together on her side of London for a few weeks hence. However, as so often happens when you are trying to set a date for something you would really like to do, it proved impossible to match diaries. Although we tried juggling other commitments, we just couldn't find a suitable evening that we could both...
By Docker5000 Part 1 Sharon Price was sat at her desk in her office at Samuel and Goldstein solicitors. She was doing the monthly pay roll. When Jerry Gold walked into her office with his usual big sarcastic smile on his young face. Sharon couldn’t stand him. However Jerry was the grandson of Mr. Goldstein and he was also a new junior partner in the firm as well. So Sharon had no choice but to tolerate him. Sharon looked at him through her glasses and was forced to give him a...
Chapter One: Friday NightI looked around the room, it was one of dearest rooms in the hotel. While it wasn't as fancy as I had wanted it to be, it was the only hotel with a room that had everything I wanted available: big bathtub, massive shower, and a four poster bed. I made sure that everything was in place, and that I knew where all the items were. I didn’t want to have to waste any time looking for stuff, or having to dig it out. I probably bought far too much, but I figured I would rather...
Your friend Jane arranges a get together for the following Friday. Everybody who is going on the hen weekend has been invited. The aim of the night is to plan the hen weekend and have a few drinks. When you arrive at your friends house most of the gang have already arrived. You all get on the computer and search for suitable hotels. It doesn’t take long before you find a Hotel that everybody agrees looks good. The hotel is all inclusive. The Hotel is close enough to the main area but...
Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...
Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...
Straight SexWife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...
Long Weekend by Zeferage (Comments are welcomed.) (I wrote this story for another web site last year entitled Catsuit Seduction.I have since rewritten parts of the story. Hopefully for the better.) Weeks of waiting were finally over. Today, at long last, the Post Officedelivered my highly anticipated order, whose shipping box now laying in mytrembling hands. The box was plainly wrapped and held no indication to thetrue value of the contents within. I could barely contain the growing...
My wife was dressed waaay too hot for just a road trip. Her shelf bra thrust her very large nipples forward underneath a black sheer sparkly blouse. Only a sweater covering her arms and shoulders, and pulled in around her waist, hid things from the kids who were riding in the back seat, watching videos and occasionally giggling to each other.Normally, she was self-conscious about the size of her nipples and didn’t want me to see them. Today, she seemed fascinated at how her outfit gathered her...
CuckoldAbout five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...
Sharon had been in contact with Harry and told him all about Pete, Harry was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing Sharon anymore but was happy she had found someone she really seemed to like. So things went well for a month or two for Sharon and Pete, she kept in contact with Harry at the Home, calling him and he her, she’d tell him about how things were, especially the time that that Pete had, had her in bed 6 times in one day, both a had a bit of a joke about it. Its was...
AF: The Weekend By Bashful John and Mary Marsh had been married for more than 5 years when John felt the trouble began. John and his partner Ken Lincoln owned a Computer software business. It wasn't Microsoft but it was growing. They both were involved in the development of their products. John handled marketing and sales and Ken was the bean counter. It was a struggle. John should have hired a sales team long ago but he had a problem trusting others with something as...
Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...
A Long Weekend By Eisfor?Authors Note: This really is just a prologue, it’s purely scene setting for the next three parts no sex no violence not even much in the way of foul language I’m afraid, there is a scene with drugs for which if your reading it and laughing saying ?it’d never be like that? or ?that’s not what that does to you etc etc? then I bow to your greater knowledge it is not a subject I have any real experience with but in an authors defence it is a means to an end nothing more or...
The sun broke through the curtains and filled the room with a warm glow. Charlie began to stir and slowly began to open his eyes, adjusting to the brightness that was seeping in he focused on the sight before him, Alice. She was still asleep and appeared to be out for the count. "I guess that the travelling and our escapades last night must have exhausted her" Charlie thought to himself. Not wanting to disturb her he slipped out of the bed and exited the bedroom. Entering the front...
Isn’t it strange how a disaster can change one’s life?At the age of forty, my life changed remarkably. My parents were killed in a motorcar accident and naturally, being their only child, I was their sole heir. The heartache that this loss caused was overwhelming. Having come from a wealthy family, however, the consequences of this tragedy ironically resulted in a positive life-changing experience for me.Up to this point, I had been a journalist who always wanted to write good literature. I...
Gay Male