Disparate HousewivesChapter 11 Girl Talk
- 4 years ago
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Barbara Blockings looked miserable, thought Georgia. She had accepted Georgia’s invitation to coffee that afternoon and had come over to find both Georgia and Paige sunning themselves around Georgia’s swimming pool. Paige had pleasantly announced that she was starting work in a couple of weeks. “The kitten is weaned, and I can get out!” Paige said.
“The kitten is weaned?” commented a curious Georgia.
“Our kitten, we inherited her I guess, anyway, she was still nursing when we got her and I had to bottle feed her, but now she’s on real food and I can leave the house. I got a job and can start next week!”
“Where are you working?” asked a listless Barbara.
“Bank of America, on Orange Drive. I worked for Bank of America in California, so I gave it a shot and they were expanding. I’ll be a teller, but everybody starts at teller.”
Georgia nodded in understanding, and then glanced at her other friend. Barbara seemed out of it for some reason. “Barb, what’s wrong? You’ve just been moping around all afternoon!”
“It’s nothing.” Barbara couldn’t imagine explaining the truth. My husband won’t fuck me, so I have to use a vibrator constantly! No way could she say that!
“It doesn’t sound like nothing,” commented Paige. Both she and Georgia had been sunning themselves in their bikinis, but Barbara was simply in shorts and a t-shirt. When an afternoon rain had started up, all three had gone inside. Paige and Georgia had tossed on some cover-ups, but otherwise were still in their swimsuits. All three women were sipping at daiquiris, since Georgia had offered to make a pitcher. Barbara had jumped at the idea, instead of coffee, and had put away twice what the others had downed. “What’s wrong? The kids all right?”
“Oh, they’re just fine.” Barbara took another heavy swallow of her daiquiri.
“Then is it Jerry? Is it something to do with him?”
“No, Jerry’s fine. It’s just ... no, I can’t.” Barbara trailed off plaintively.
“What’s wrong, sweetie? Something sounds like a problem. It is Jerry, isn’t it?” asked Georgia.
“No, it’s just...”, Barbara paused, and then continued, “I mean, I’m still good looking, right? I mean, I know I’m not a kid anymore, but dogs don’t run barking and children don’t scream when they see me, so how come Jerry won’t ... oh, never mind!” She buried her face in her hands and started crying.
Paige had raised an eyebrow at this as she looked over at Georgia, who simply shrugged in mystification.
“What? You look fine!” agreed Georgia. “Why, did Jerry say something to you?” Paige added her agreement. She got out of her chair to sit on the couch next to Barbara. Paige moved over to Barbara’s other side, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, to give her a quick hug.
“No, nothing like that,” admitted the weeping woman.
“Then what?” asked Paige.
Barbara shrugged and grabbed at the tissue Georgia had proffered. “It’s just, well, I mean, Jerry, we never, I mean...” She blew her nose into the tissue and started crying again.
Georgia looked curiously at Paige, who shrugged. “Honey, when was the last time you and Jerry ... got together?” asked Georgia.
“Two years!” wailed Barbara.
Georgia rolled her eyes at the admission and wrapped an arm around Barbara’s shoulder as well. “So, in two years you and he haven’t, well...” asked Paige. The concept of going two years without sex was totally foreign to the horny young housewife. With Bob it seemed liked two days would be a long time!
“What, fucked? You can say it! My husband hasn’t fucked me in two years!” replied Barbara bitterly. “He hasn’t screwed me, he has fucked me, we haven’t made love, he hasn’t scored, he hasn’t ... he hasn’t ... he hasn’t rogered me roundly in two years!” She grabbed another tissue and blew her nose again.
Paige looked over at Georgia in confusion and mouthed ‘rogered me roundly?’ to her friend. Georgia simply shook her head. She had never heard the expression either.
“So, what’s wrong with me?” asked Barbara, continuing. “Do I look that old?”
“Jesus, no!” commented Georgia. “Have you talked to Jerry about this?”
“How do I ask? Huh? ‘Jerry, am I too old for you?’ Like that?”
Paige rolled her eyes at this. “So, what normally happens? Do you ever try to start things up on your own? Haven’t you tried to initiate something?”
“Of course, I have! I’ll put on a sexy nightie and hop into bed with him, try to touch him or talk to him, and nothing! He either says he’s tired or falls asleep or ignores me.”
“And then?” asked Georgia.
“And then I go into the bathroom and find Mister Wonderful and use him until the batteries wear down!” admitted Barbara angrily, using her hands to mimic her vibrator thrusting into her.
“Christ!” said Georgia, under her breath. Not knowing what else to do, she got up and made a fresh pitcher of daiquiris. She came back to find Barbara crying into Paige’s shoulder, as Paige wrapped both arms around her. Paige was looking at Georgia in a ‘What now?’ look. Georgia shrugged and refilled their glasses.
Barbara promptly sat up and downed about half her drink. She was definitely starting to get potted. “So, I ask you? What’s wrong with me? Okay, I’m forty, but that isn’t that old!” Georgia bit her tongue, since she was forty-five, a point which had Paige almost laughing. “I’ve only put on five pounds since I got married, and that’s after having three kids! That’s something, isn’t it? And my tits are still good! They might not be young and perky like yours,” she said to Paige, “but they aren’t bouncing on my knees either!”
“Uhhhh...” Paige didn’t know what to say to this.
“I’m serious!” Barbara finished her drink and then reached out and refilled her glass, much to Georgia’s amusement. They were going to have to carry their drunken friend home. Barbara grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt, and before either Georgia or Paige could stop her, whisked it over her head, to sit there in her shorts and bra. “See! I have a great set of tits!”
Paige and Georgia stared at their friend. Barbara Blockings did indeed have a nice set of breasts, C-cups both guessed, pale white from being covered, jiggling pleasantly inside her well packed brassiere.
Again, before either woman could say anything, Barbara reached between her breasts and popped off the catch holding the cups together. She peeled off the bra and said, “See, no sag!” She flaunted her breasts at the others.
“Uh, they look just fine to me,” agreed Paige. Georgia nodded in agreement. They were a nice set of tits.
Next Barbara hopped to her feet, swaying slightly. “No cellulite, either! See?” She twirled around drunkenly. “Do you know how often I work out to keep looking good for him? And look at this, no stretch marks!” She pointed at her stomach. “No, you can’t see it this way.” She grabbed her shorts and pushed them down off her hips. They slid down to show she was wearing a pair of thin white cotton panties, bikini cut. “No stretch marks! See?” She twisted so that both women could check her out.
“Bob, I have a little confession to make,” announced Paige Turner “Oh, really? Who’d have guessed?” replied her husband with a smile. He was of two minds about the upcoming ‘confession.’ First was that a confession implied that Paige had done something bad or wrong, something which he wasn’t overly concerned with. If it had been serious, she would have said something as soon as he had gotten home from work. His second thought was that it was something Paige was embarrassed or nervous about,...
“Mrs. Selletti will see you now.” Barbara Blockings snapped her head around, startled out of her reverie. She looked at the receptionist standing before her. “Excuse me?” “Mrs. Selletti will see you now,” repeated the receptionist. “You can follow me.” Barbara nodded her head and stood. It was Friday, and the third time this week that she had been in the office, on the second floor of a small office park outside of town. She was seeing her attorney, her new attorney, the divorce lawyer...
“Daddy! Daddy!” squealed the twins as Frank Houseman came through the front door. “Howdy, guys!” replied Frank. He set his tennis bag and racket down on the couch and lifted first one, then the other, son up above his head and set them back down. One of the tow-headed boys looked up and said, “Frankie wanted to know if you brought any tennis balls home.” The boy then turned to his brother and grinned. Frank knew the twins were up to something, probably trying to see if they could trick him...
“So, what are you making now?” asked Frank, looking across the car towards his wife. She was seated in the passenger seat of his Corolla with several pieces of plastic canvas in her lap, and a needle with yarn. “It’s a baby ball for Sara’s little one, Jamie.” “Have I met her?” “No, silly. They live in New Mexico. Sara’s my cousin - you met her at the wedding, she was one of my bridesmaids - and Jamie’s her baby. He’s about six months old now.” Brenda kept her eyes in her lap as she...
Brenda woke before Frank did, shortly after six, and in rising up and climbing off the bed, she managed to wake her husband. Frank rolled over and eyed Brenda curiously, since she was still wearing her high-heeled sandals and skirt but was otherwise topless. “Want to get some dinner?” “Definitely, but I need to shower and change. I don’t think this is suitable attire for a restaurant.” “There is that place in town I showed you.” “Not on your life!” laughed Brenda. “Besides, I would still...
“Come on, lazy, it’s time to get up!” Frank groaned and rolled over, burying his head under the covers. Brenda laughed and repeated her demand, yanking the bedclothes from her husband’s naked body. Frank rolled over so that he was face down and pulled a pillow over his head; the hands holding the pillows showed extended middle digits. Brenda laughed some more. “Asshole!” She grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside as well. Frank looked at his wife with bleary eyes. “Are you actually looking...
“Good shit, man!” said Marcia Blockings, her voice sounding strangled as she attempted to talk and keep from exhaling at the same time. She took another quick puff from the joint and passed it over to her brother Rusty. “Mmmm,” he agreed nonverbally as he inhaled loudly. The joint seemed to almost disappear as it burned away, the potent smoke filling the young man’s lungs. Finished, he passed it along to his brother, Jeremy, whose eyes were closed as he lay back in the lawn chair, zoned out....
“So exactly what is the plan again?” asked Bob Turner. He was fresh from the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, and was just inside the walk-in closet looking for some clothes. Paige was wrapped up in a terry cloth bathrobe working on her makeup. “God your memory is awful! Tom and Terry are coming over at eight. We’re going out for dinner and drinks - we’re paying - and then come home for some fun and games.” “Same rules as before?” he asked, more than a bit curious about the...
“Coming in! Are you decent?” yelled Paige Turner, pounding loudly on the gate in Georgia Cumming’s back yard fence. She opened the latch and slipped in, not waiting for a response. “I’m still dressed, but nobody said anything about decent,” replied Georgia. She was standing at the side of the house, on the deck where her fancy mixing system was located, pouring rum into the blender. She was barefoot and wearing a small maillot swimsuit. “That will have to do. Decent is too boring, anyway,”...
“Am I too early?” asked Barbara Blockings as she let herself into the front door of Georgia Cummings’ house. She had a large hanging bag over her left shoulder and a large purse in her left hand, both of which got placed on Georgia’s couch. Georgia came in from the kitchen. “No, you’re right on time! Pour yourself a cup of coffee while I go up and take a quick shower and change, and I’ll be down in ten minutes.” Georgia was wearing a disreputable terry cloth robe and she headed up the...
“Come on, sleepyhead, up and at ‘em!” said Georgia loudly. She slapped Barbara on the butt lightly as the alarm clock rang and she climbed out of bed. Barbara rolled over and groaned. “What time is it?” “It’s time to wake up and go get healthy, remember?” “Bah!” Barbara muttered a few curses and climbed to her feet. She followed her friend into the bathroom. “I’d better get real healthy to justify this. Exercise and rabbit food for a week, and I get to pay for the privilege?” Georgia...
Barbara Blockings stopped the car in the parking lot of the Whistlestop Saloon. Tossing her sunglasses on the dash, she grabbed her purse and opened it, to retrieve a small hairbrush and makeup kit. Pulling the sun visor down, she used the vanity mirror to check her hair and makeup, then repacked her bag. Throwing her keys in the purse, she climbed out and locked the car up, then took a second to straighten her clothing before going inside. Short black leather skirt, mid-thigh, zippers at...
“So, Jerry, who are these guys you are taking care of tonight?” Her ex shrugged. “They’re involved in the risk management side, some clients out of Ohio. They aren’t clients of mine. I was just asked to, uh, take care of them, you know.” “So, they just come to town, go to dinner, get their rocks off, and you never see them again?” Jerry nodded. “That’s pretty much the idea. I never met these guys until this week. We were all at the conference this week when my boss whispered to me to get...
Bob Turner adjusted his tie and glanced at himself in the mirror, approving the results, though not without a degree of amusement. He and Paige were getting together with the Tallmans again, for another soft swing, with the bonus of filming a movie. Paige had already left over an hour ago but had given him explicit instructions. He was not to leave the house until after eight and was to wear a suit, dress shirt, socks, and loafers, and a pair of tight black boxers. She, on the other hand, had...
Tom made another round of rum punches and lit up another joint. “Something to keep us going,” he commented. Terri took her drink and brought the camera over to the computer and downloaded the latest movie. “Now we go to round two.” She waited until Bob stood up and slipped on his boxers again, and then handed him the video camera. Paige got the digital camera again. Now I get my ass reamed by ‘Daniel’ here and you two get to shoot us again.” “Sounds good,” agreed Bob. “Are we doing this...
Barbara Blockings looked in the mirror for about the tenth time in the last ten minutes. Something just didn’t seem right. She was on her third outfit since she had come home and showered, and it just didn’t seem right. First there had been the halter top and denim skirt, then a knee-length shirt dress, and now she was wearing a conservative sundress, and it just wasn’t right. She reached behind her neck and undid the catch and zipper. It had been three weeks since the night she had run into...
Georgia frowned as she approached her car. When she parked it, her SL500 had been the only car in the aisle of the mall, and she had been able to park nose-in in the first non-handicapped spot near the entrance. Now she was boxed in on three sides. In front of her were three cars, on her passenger’s side was a gigantic oversized black SUV with tinted windows, and on the driver’s side was a monstrous and dilapidated white van belonging to a local plumbing contractor. Georgia slid between the...
Pierre woke up slowly. The bedclothes were rumpled, and bright sunlight was pouring through the windows. Slightly disoriented, he sat up in the bed and ran his hands across his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and massaging his temples. It was certainly later than he normally woke, but as he opened his eyes and looked around the bedroom blearily, it all came back. A slight smile crept across his features. From the condition of the bed, it was obvious he hadn’t been alone. He was in his...
Barbara Blockings entered her house to find it empty, as she expected. All three of the children were away for the weekend, with the boys camping with friends and Marcia spending the weekend with a couple of girlfriends at a second home in Ocala. It wouldn’t be all that many years before all of them would be gone to college or beyond, she mused, and then what would she do? This house was too much just for her, or even for her and Jerry, if they were to get back together. It was no use...
Georgia Cummings pulled her Mercedes SL500 into her driveway and raised the roof. She ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, wishing for about the millionth time that there was a way to keep her hair from getting too messy while driving with the top down. She so loved driving the convertible with the top down and looking sporty, and one of the prices she paid was having to wear her hair short. It wasn’t quite a bob, but it was definitely above the collar, and it was almost impossible...
Paige was startled at the knock on her door. She hadn’t been expecting anybody, and was working in her kitchen, putting away some groceries and trying to determine the best places to store dishes, pots, pans, and every other bit of kitchen stuff that she and Bob had acquired. Again, the door knocked, so she set down the Dutch oven she really didn’t know what to do with and wandered off to the living room. “Coming!” she called out. She opened the door to find a tall, statuesque blonde...
“Got a light?” asked Rusty Blockings, pulling the joint out of his pocket. “Yeah, here,” replied his brother Jeremy. They had just gotten off the school bus and headed into the little woods at the corner of Chrystal and Rosewood. School was out and it was time to get high before going home to face the family. Rusty, fifteen, took the butane lighter from his sixteen-year-old brother and lit up the dope. He took in a good hit, then held his breath as he passed it to his brother. Jeremy simply...
Toni Black was standing before the dresser in Marcia’s bedroom, leaning forward and examining her complexion in the mirror. “Am I getting a blemish? Is this a zit?” she yelled, peering closely at her nose. The stereo was blaring loudly. The bedroom window was wide open. A scented candle was flickering on the dresser alongside an incense stick which was smoking. You almost couldn’t smell the marijuana the two girls had been smoking. Almost. “What?” said Marcia loudly, over the music. “I...
Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...
“Sure, I’m just finishing my makeup. Come right on over. I’m almost ready,” said Terri Tallman. On the other end of the line, Brenda Houseman replied, “Give me five minutes and I’ll be right there. What’s the theme for today’s session?” “Very casual. Shorts and a tank top,” was the answer. “See you in five.” Terri hung up the telephone. Terri brushed her hair out again and touched up her lip gloss. She was an average sized woman, not quite five-and-a-half feet tall, with a trim figure,...
“I really appreciate this, guys,” commented Georgia for about the tenth time. Jeremy and Rusty smiled at each other and rolled their eyes. Moving Georgia Cummings’ outdoor bar system was a pain in the ass, but she was a nice lady otherwise. “Piece of cake, Mrs. Cummings!” replied Jeremy. “Are you going to the party?” asked Rusty. He was carrying a long water hose and a power cord and several blender pitchers, as Jeremy pushed the wheeled cart. Georgia’s duties seemed to consist of...
“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...
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Hi guys this is Raj here well I am back and thanks for all the feedbacks and yes in case if any girls or women in Chennai are interested in having some fun Pls do get in touch to and other readers please give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let me not waste time and get started. Well we woke up soon the next morning as we had a flight to catch at 6:15 am to Goa. Riya first got up as when I woke up I was I removed the bed cover and found I was nude below it. I must accept that I...
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HorrorFive hours in the squalor of my kennel. The bowl is licked clean. I am filthy. Even as a dog, I have failed. I am unable to clean myself with my tongue as a proper dog could easily do. Five hours caged as a bad bitch dog. Five hours to contemplate how I have, selfishly, caused pain and sorrow to my Mistress. Oh, how could I have done such a thing! For the fleeting thrill (Oh My God, it was wonderful!) of Fire and Ice lipstick sensuously coating my unworthy lips, I have committed the...
About 100 yards from the main entrance there was a side path ending in a one-way gate that was a short cut to the parking lot. This was arranged so it was not obvious from the lot or when walking outward, but when walking back it was clear. A few yards up the side path was a cinder block building on a concrete slab with a sign that said “Shower.” Further up the side path we could see where two more side paths branched off, signs said they led to restrooms and an open picnic area that was...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a continuation of the story The Masquerade Chapters 1-3. Their story is continuing to unfold, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. As always, comments are welcome. Thank you and Enjoy! Eskimo_Kiss xxoo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex went from sleep to awake in a moment. Keeping her eyes closed, she luxuriated in the feel of Mark behind her and his arm resting across her stomach and his hand cupping her waist. Alex sighed her contentment, opened her eyes, and...
The McCall family empire encompassed shopping malls from New York City to the Golden Gates. Unfortunately, her two older brothers and her two uncles John and Paul were victims of the Twin Towers bombing with jumbo jets loaded with tons of aviation fuel bringing them both down in a tragic day of sadness for the entire nation. Now, she was the heir to her grandfather’s fortune and she could feel the weight of responsibility on her twenty year old shoulders. Her parents had both been lost at sea...
August 19. 1978 Sandra finally chose to buy a very plain set of furniture for the living room. She managed to find a middle ground between ‘middle aged stodgy,’ furniture and the trendy fashion furniture which was favored by people her age. She avoided the ugly browns, oranges, and greens that seemed to dominate the furniture world, and ended up with a cream colored living room set with matching end tables and a coffee table. She had picked up a cheap dining table from Target. Her father,...
Hi, this happened last Thursday. Hopefully it will give reader an idea of what really happens in a swinger house.THE PROPOSALSo my good friend Camila invited me to attend a swinger party that she visits before and I accept her invite. She is 24 and a very beautiful woman. I meet her through other friends that I had relations. She also has this secret slut life like me. The party was free for single women. Couples paid a fee and alone males were only by invite.THE CLOTHINGI decided to wear...
Cindy Starfall proves once again that she’s the perfect slut as she easily slays two MASSIVE dongs! Wrapped up like a sexy little package, Cindy stands at the top of a stairwell in her black lace lingerie with pink bows, arm length gloves, and matching black stockings. She moves her body to the music as she slowly removes her panties then pulls her top to the side to show off all her goodies. Cindy makes her way downstairs to find Jules and Chris waiting for her and teases their cocks through...