Disturbed As He Worked free porn video

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Paul Mathews was having a good afternoon. He was a slight man in his mid fourties with graying hair about 5 foot 5 tall with the features of a weasel. You would not look at him and feel you could trust him. That’s probably why he had so few friends. But then considering what Paul did for a living, that’s probably just as well. Paul was a house breaker. One of the best in fact. He carried only two tools with him. One was a small, but strong screwdriver. The other was a small automatic pistol that he kept tucked into a pocket halfway down the leg of his jeans.

He always worked during the day. The prospect of wandering around some ones house while they slept upstairs just seemed like too much hard work to him. Especially when you consider that nearly all the houses in the areas he chose to work in were owned by couples who were both forced to work to make ends meet.  He always chose the big houses in any area as these usually had conservatories attached. They had usually been added later, so were not normally connected to the main alarm systems. Once inside the property he could easily disarm the system and then just cruise the building at his own pace.

The house he was in now was typical of his targets. It stood at the end of a posh cul-de-sac so the back garden was not over looked by any other house. Its fake half timbered frontage housed four bedrooms and at least two bathrooms. The large downstairs was divided into a lounge, a dining room and an enormous kitchen. He wandered into the dining room and began to pick the items he was going to steal. He knew the best policy was to be choosy because there was only so much he could carry. After lifting various small ornaments and carefully putting them in his shoulder bag, he moved in into the hallway and up the stairs.

Once on the landing he, glanced around into the various bedrooms. He quickly recognised the master bedroom and elegantly slipped through the open door.

The next room he room entered was obviously that of a teenage girl. The walls were covered in posters of pretty young male actors and pop stars and the colour scheme was an over powering pink.

Just then Paul heard a noise. He froze. It was the sound of a key being turned in a lock. He glanced at his watch and cursed himself for being so stupid. It was 4.30 in the afternoon and mums and dads all over the city were arriving home after picking their children up from school. 

Using the sound of the door opening as a cover, he moved to the edge of the landing to see who was entering the house. Carefully peering over he saw a woman first. She was a plump motherly figure in her mid fourties. She wore tight jeans and a short black puffer jacket. When she took it off and hung it up. Paul noticed that her breasts were large and she obviously didn’t like wearing bras. The two distinctive points of her nipples stood out like the centre marks of a target in the far too tight tee shirt she was wearing. The belt of her jeans cut into her belly and gave her a classic hour glass figure. Here face was her best feature though. She had the dark hair, skin and eyes of a typical Italian.

Her daughter followed her into the house. Paul guessed her age to be about 15. She too had the same dark eyes as her mother. Her hair was long and so  straight it appeared almost smooth. It fell over her shoulders and framed her pretty young features.

She was wearing her school uniform of a grey blazer with green piping and a mid length grey skirt. Her white cotton socks were gathered around her ankles and her black leather shoes were in need of a serious polish. The smart lines of her uniform showed her slim, almost skinny figure off nicely and after she too removed her jacket, Paul could see that she had definitely not taken after her mother in the tits department.

He watched as they both moved out of the hallway and into the lounge. The young girl threw herself onto the enormous sofa and used the handset to turn the TV onto the kid’s channel. Her mother went into the kitchen and started to put a sandwich together for her daughter to eat.

Paul knew he was trapped. Apart from sliding down the drainpipe, there was no other way of leaving the house. He was going to have to confront the mother and threaten her enough that she would make no attempt to call the police after he had left.

He carefully tip-toed down the stairs and across the hall into the kitchen. The woman stood with her back to him leaning over a work surface. He waited for her to finish what she was doing before making his move.

Reaching into his pocket, he removed the automatic pistol and pointed it at her back. Hearing the rustling of his trousers, she turned around to find this stranger pointing it directly at her face.

Her instinct was to freeze. She leant back against the edge and held onto it with both hands.

She stood silently as Paul’s eyes wandered up and down over her body. He allowed them to rest on the front of her tight fitting jeans. She looked down to see what he was staring at and realised that the crotch had pulled itself deep into the crack of her plump pussy lips and was giving him a perfectly formed and deliciously sexy camel toe to look at.

Now Paul was no sexual predator, but this bitch was hot??.and scared??.and available.

She spoke. ?What do you want?? she asked nervously.

Without raising his eyes from her crotch, he told her.

?You honey??..?

?God no please!.....my daughter is in the next room.?

Paul straightened his arm and the barrel of the pistol moved closer to her face.

?I know? an twisted smile crawled across his face.

?No NO?..just take me??you can do what to me. She is only 15. Just a child!......please please!?

Still pointing the gun at her face, Paul grabbed her arm and tugged her towards the lounge door. He hurled her into the room and she fell onto the sofa next to her terrified daughter. The young girl looked to her mother for reassurance, but there was nothing her mother could do to ease her fear. She drew her legs up underneath her and clung onto her for dear life.

Paul stood over them both and assessed the situation. The woman shook with fear as he placed the muzzle of the gun against her neck. Then he moved it down slowly over her chest until it reached the top of her tee shirt. He slipped the barrel down under the thin stretchy cotton and pulled it away from her body so that he could look down it to catch a teasing glimpse of her full round melon sized breasts. Her skin goose bumped with the touch of the cold metal and her nipples responded by becoming erect and full. Paul smiled to himself and allowed the tee shirt to snap back against her chest.

Then he moved to his right and looked down at the frightened 15 years old. The fact that she had drawn her legs up onto the sofa, meant that her skirt had ridden high up her lean young thighs. Paul liked that.

She grimaced with fear as he traced a line with his gun along her leg with the gun, from her ankle to her knee. Then he followed it along as far as the hem of her school skirt and pushed it higher and higher up her thigh exposing more and more of her smooth young flesh as it went nearer and nearer her waist.

Eventually he lifted the hem away from her leg to expose a pair of white cotton panties and the neatest tightest looking arse he had ever seen.

?We’re going to play a little game?. He told them both.

They looked nervously at each other and then back at him.

?It’s simple really. The two of you are going to take it in turn to protect the other, by doing exactly as I tell you too. Because if you don’t they shall be punished?..do you understand??

They nodded frantically without breaking his eye contact.

?Good, then lets start?.  With that he settled back into his chair.

He pointed the gun at the frightened young girl and barked his orders at her Mum.

?Let’s have a look at those titties, Lady?. He said with a wicked grim on his face.

She moved away from her daughter and dropping her head in shame, she slowly began to tug the bottom of her tee shirt out of her waist band. When she had finished she paused.

?GO ON??.DO IT!? shouted Paul as he waved the gun in the face of her daughter.

With that she pulled it out and up around her neck. Her huge slightly over weight  tits fell down from under her tee shirt with a solid heavy ‘PLOP’.

The tightly gathered shirt forced her tits to jut forward and almost swell as they settled onto her belly. Her dark round nipples stood out against the soft pale fleshy orbs.

Still looking down trying to avoid his eyes, she took the shirt and began to pull it back over her chest.

?DON’T do that! Did I tell you to cover them back up??

She looked up at him, begging for him to put an end to her embarrassment in front of her daughter. But he ignored her pleas and instead began to rub the front of his trousers to draw attention to the fact that he was sporting a massive hard on.

The young girl stared at his crotch as he unzipped his fly and reached in to his cock.

?DEAR GOD NO??NOT IN FRONT OF MY LITTLE GIRL!? the mother cried as she watched his 8? long fully erect member being tugged awkwardly out of his trousers.

The young girl could not take her eyes off him as he began to slowly stroke the length of his tool whilst staring at her mother’s breasts.

?Nice tits my dear?. He said as he wanked himself off in front of them. ?You’ve got a nice arse too?..lets have a look??shall we??

With her massive mammeries swinging as she stood up, she reached down and popped the button of her jeans. Paul watched mesmerised as she unzipped her fly and tugged the waistband down over her plump arse and hips. Easing her jeans first one side then the other they slowly dropped down enough for Paul to see the first dark hairs appear of her bush.

He wanked solidly as he felt his heart rate quicken with the excitement of the situation he engineered.

The young daughter was mortified with embarrassment as her mother was forced to strip naked in front of her. Soon the jeans loosened and dropped to the floor.

?Take ‘em off!? ordered Paul, and she stepped out of them completely.

She wore a pair of ‘pop socks’. A type of short stocking that went no further than her knees. 

?Get rid of them too. Now stand there and let me have a good look at you?.

She stood looking down with her hands by her sides, wishing she was dead. Neither her or her daughter could bare to look at each other. Her ample thighs quivered with nerves as she tried to imagine she was somewhere else.

?Turn around?.

She shuffled her feet and turned away from him until her wide dimpled womanly back side was staring him in the face.

?Bend over?.

She snapped her head around to look at him.

?Please no. Please. Please. Not in front of my daughter. We can go into the bedroom, but not here?.

?Just fucking do it!?

She looked at her little girl and then back to the floor as she slowly bent her back and rested her hands on the edge of the sofa next to where her daughter sat curled into a ball.

?You’ve got a nice big fat arse there lady?. Said Paul as he relished the sight before him.  ? I can see your cunt lips peeping through?.

The woman shuddered with his crudity.

?But I can’t see your arse hole?. There was a moments silence. ?So show me?.

She reached behind herself and placed her palms on each cheek. Then, she began shake as she sobbed openly in front of her daughter. She slowly pulled the cheeks of her full round dimpled arse apart.

Paul was treated to the sight of her tight puckered anus slowly being exposed like a sunrise on a tropical island. She didn’t stop until she could not pull herself open any further. She pulled so hard it hurt her. The lips of her vulva peeled apart and revealed their moist pink interior. Even her anus gaped slightly to expose the dark red lining of her bowel.

Paul shifted himself in the chair to get a better view and he stared directly at her cunt.

He was getting far too excited now and didn’t want to cum too soon.  So he stopped wanking and told her to sit down next to her girl.

The girl saw her Mum’s distress and cuddled up to her in an attempt to console her. Her mouth was inches from her mother’s nipple.

?Go on girly?..have a suck of your mother’s teet?.

Her jaw dropped in disbelief of what this stranger had just told her to do. She looked up at her mother who simply nodded, indicating that she thought it better if she just did as this man told her.  She was 15 years of age and had  not suckled her mother since she was about 18 months. She parted her full young lips and moved herself closer and closer to her mothers massive breast, until she felt the hard nub of her Mum’s fully erect nipple touching the sensitive skin of her lips. Then she closed her eyes and sucked it into the vacuum of her mouth. Her expression was a mixture of distress and contentment. Paul watched as the fat round tit was pulled time after time into the young girls mouth and he began to resume his wanking. She lent forward slightly as she sucked harder and Paul tilted his head to catch a glimpse of the firm round cheeks of her arse as they came into view.  He made her feed like this for some time. As she sucked harder, she lent forward and rested her hand on her mothers ample thigh. Paul not onlt liked the feeling of power this gave him, he also liked the fact that he was able to make a young pretty 15 year old girl touch her mother as he pleased. He was enjoying the vision of not only the 15 year old girl sucking so hard on her mothers breast, but the expression of humiliation she tried hard to hide.

?Enough?. said Paul , as he lowered his cock to his lap.

?I think its time for this little chick here to show me what she’s hiding under that very appealing uniform of hers?.

These were the words her mother was dreading. Deep down she knew this Bastard would not leave until he had sexually Abused her daughter.

?Stand in front of the sofa and get those little titties of yours out for me girly?.

Moving off the sofa and standing in front of it as she was told, she began to undo the top buttons of her school blouse. Then she stopped and dropped her hands by her sides and yelled at him.

?FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING PERVERT! I’M NOT GOING TO DO IT!? She fell to the floor in a heap as she sobbed wildly.

A moments silence followed as Paul assessed the situation. Then BLAM! He had fired a single shot into the ceiling above their heads. They covered and screamed as a light dusting of plaster and dried paint drifted down over them. They shook with fear as he once again pointed the pistol at them both. His eyes showing an anger they had not noticed before.

?My my???you are a naughty girl??..aren’t you??

He said in a deceptively  calm voice.

The young girl looked at her mother as if she going to be able to help her. But her mother was silent and in a state of shock and could not take her eyes off the gun that now seemed to be a real threat to their safety.

?I think you need to be punished??.don’t you??

?Now stand there as I told you too and strip that skirt off and remove those little white panties of yours?.

Her mother looked straight at Paul and whispered to her daughter gently.

?You better do as he says Darling. This whole situation is going to be ending soon??go on?.

She stood up and stood by her mother as she lowered the side zip of her grey skirt. Then she pushed it down over her slim hips and it fell to the floor around her ankles. She kicked it away and stood in nothing but her white cotton shirt and panties. Paul waved the gun at her and she hooked her thumbs in the waistband on both sides and pulled down over her lean and firm thighs. As she stood back up Paul’s heart raced as he stared in awe at the thinnest covering of pubic hair he had ever seen on a female body. The tightly closed lips of her young delicate pussy were clearly visible through the wisps of dark brown gossamer.

?Turn around!? Paul barked at her as he gripped his throbbing member in his hand and began once again to pleasure himself as he beheld the young girls body, naked from the waist down.

She slowly turned and her arse came into view.

?Bend!? came the simple order.

She did as she was told, taking her mother’s hand as she did so for reassurance. As she bent from the waist, her thighs tightened and forced her arse cheeks to part slightly. Paul watched as her thin narrow labia pouted out towards him and her tiny circular anus peeped out from between her buttocks.

?Time for your punishment young lady?. Said Paul as he shifted in the chair.

?Bend over your mothers lap. You’re going to get a real good spanking?.

By this time both the mother and daughter were drifting in and out of a state of shock and seemed somehow strangely calm and detached.

She lowered her self over her mothers thighs with her back side facing Paul. Her mother stroked her back gently as if to comfort her, but they both sobbed together.


She raised her hand in the air over her daughters round arse cheeks and once again spoke gently to her.

?I’m so sorry my Darling??I’m so sorry?.

With that she dropped her hand against her daughter upturned arse. It landed with surprising force and the young girl screamed with the pain.


A red hand print immediately appeared on her childs cheek. She bucked and kicked her legs out wildly.


Once again she screamed. Her poor mother was distraught and cried out loud as she continued the punishment.


Paul was wanking himself off wildly as he watched the mother going through so much emotional turmoil and the young 15 year old enduring so much pain.


?ENOUGH!? shouted Paul.

The two of them just sobbed and cried uncontrollably.

The girl’s arse cheeks were on fire and had turned a bright painful looking red colour.

?Please let me put something on her to help ease the pain and burning??.please?. she pointed to a drawer in the nearby sideboard. Paul reached over and pulled it open. There just inside was a small jar of white cream. He handed it to her.

With her daughter still strewn across her lap, she removed the lid and took a generous smear off the top. Then she started to gently spread the compound over the young girl’s arse.

Paul watched as her fingers slipped and slid over the tight firm flesh. The girl sucked her breath in through tightly clamped teeth.

?Put some down between her legs?. He said as he squeezed the solid shaft of his erection in his fist.

She looked at him and did as she was told. As her chubby fingers touched the sensitive lips of her daughter labia, she felt her tummy tighten on her lap and heard her take a sharp intake of breath.

Paul noticed this too. He liked what he saw.

?Now stroke her arsehole with a dollop of that white stuff?.

Her mother stared at Paul, but did exactly as she was told.  In the meantime the young girl lay completely still in fear. She felt her mother’s finger moving along the depths of her arse valley until it reached the indent of her anus.

?Right??.now stick your finger in?.

The woman looked up to the sky. ?Dear God forgive me?. She said as her finger tip sank into the tightly closed hole of her young daughter’s arse.


As she bucked her hips in an effort to raise herself off her mothers lap, she inadvertently forced her mother’s finger even deeper into her tiny canal.

It was in up to her second knuckle when she tried to remove it as gently as she could without hurting her little girl any more.


Not wanting to hurt her daughter anymore than she had too, she put her free hand on the small of her young narrow back to hold her solidly as she pushed her digit deeply and firmly back up inside her Darling’s bowel. It felt as though it was being gripped by the fist of a tiny baby as the muscles closed around it in an effort to eject it from her rectum.

The young girl screamed continually with the pain and discomfort this caused her. But Paul was enjoying it more than he ever thought he would.

?Make her kneel on the floor in front of you?.facing me?. He told her.

The mother slowly twisted her finger as she pulled it out of the tight tube of her daughter’s arse. It reappeared covered in a mixture of white sticky cream and the unmistakeable brown discolouration of faeces.

She lifted her little girl up off her lap and guided her to kneel as Paul had demanded. With her mother sat on the edge of the sofa behind her, she knelt down with her back touching her mum’s knees.

?Grab her arms and pull back?.HARD?.

She knew exactly what he meant and did as she was told. Her daughter was now being bent back against her knees with her shoulders being pulled backwards.

Her head dropped back too and she closed her eyes with the sheer exhaustion of what happened to her moments before.

Paul stood up and with his stiff cock still jutting out in front of him, he reached across to the girl and ripped the white school shirt wide open. The thin central strap of her bra that held the two small cups together was snapped easily and it dropped either side of her chest, exposing a pair of small, firm, budding young breasts. Paul saw that her nipples were puffy and paler than the surrounding flesh. He flicked one with his fingers and she weakly yelped with the pain.

Then he positioned himself over her with his cock at her face level and began to wank himself off frantically. Ever so often he would stop pulling the skin of his cock back and forth and rub the tiny drops of pre-cum that would appear, across the young girl’s lips. She was far too weak to resist him and he watched as they would glisten with his man juice.

Then as he felt a massive orgasm building and crawling its way from his balls to his cock shaft, he pointed the substantial length of his experienced and mature erection down across her tiny, young, underdeveloped tits.

With a single enormous squirt, he covered her entire chest with the first jet of his spunk. Then he held his tool up against her pretty face and a huge delivery of white fluid splashed over her 15 year old features and dripped down her face to join the first gush on her tits. A third and forth bounced off her skin as he wanked himself into heaven.

When his orgasm finally subsided, he gently plooped his sensitive member back into his trousers and stood back from the women.

He slipped the pistol away and picked up his bag of goods and left the house without a further word, leaving the two women to cope with the dreadful events of the afternoon.

He never went back to that particular area of town again. In fact he never even went back to that town.

But he has had many a good wank on the memories he gathered with those two. And will continue to do so.   




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Skivvying Its a Womans Work

Skivvying - It's a Woman's Work Chapter One I shouldn't have done it. It's always been my downfall, my stupid sense of humor, and when I've had a few drinks, stupid becomes more like insane. We'd enjoyed a decent meal at a restaurant in town. That's me, Ben Richards, and my wife of three years, Sandra. Three years during which she'd tried hard to push me into doing a few chores. Like clearing the dishes at home after dinner, and three years during which I'd managed to avoid any...

1 year ago
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It is Man Work It is Woman Work

Dakota Ebsen was so happy when she got off the phone. Jeb Kulp, the boy she had a crush on, asked her out on a date for tomorrow night. Even with having her chore of babysitting her little brother and sister, Eli and Penny, she said yes. She would just get her father to have her older brother, Bob, do the babysitting. There was no way the patriarch would say no. He always said that an Ebsen has to pick up extra work around the house if another had something important to do. To...

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Spanked at Work

During an unannounced visit to that store I caught Julia kissing a man in the staff kitchen leaving the shop floor unattended as the other sales person had popped out for lunch. As we sold Home Entertainment goods, leaving the floor unattended was a serious matter. I waited until the other sales person returned before asking Julia to pop outside at the rear of the store to explain her. After a lot of apologies and begging me not to fire her she asked me if I could deal with her another...

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Womans Work

Woman's Work by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) I'd always heard that a person could not be hypnotized to do something against their will. I suppose that's true but what if there was a way to change your will? Hypnotizing you to do something would then be far easier right? Sure, I know it sounds like bad Science Fiction but believe me it's true! I know it's true because it was done to me! I grew up like any other boy, I played sports, climbed trees, and did the things boys...

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All in a Days Work

All in a Day's Work By Julie O Chapter 1 "Mr. Rose; Keith and Teri would like to see you." Forty-six-year-old Matt Rose leaned forward at his desk. He was the owner of Rose Services a company that provided personal assistants to the rich and famous. "Thank you Roxanne," he replied. "Please send them right in." A thin young man and athletic looking woman with short brown hair...

4 years ago
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The Chauffeur 27 Getting Back to Work

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As everyone was sated with Sammy and Bobby’s wonderful cooking, the chefs seemed to find their way to be around Melanie, Both of them were clearly flirting with her and she was loving every minute of it. It certainly was nice to see her smile. I pulled out my laptop and using a pair of earbuds that Dakota gave me, I plugged in and put on some music. Logging into my work email, there was another 350 emails. I scanned through them. First one that...

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Sissy Social Work

Sissy Social Work I couldn't help myself. Wearing tight, sheer panties all day at work, or thongs with a string up my ass. Or pantyhose against my ass and cock, feeling them rub against me every move I made, leaking constantly. Or even garters with a belt if I was feeling particularly daring. I shaved nearly every day, everything below the waist. Practice makes perfect and I was able to get to everything, even around my ass, with strategically placed mirrors. I even managed to avoid...

2 years ago
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Hubbys Friend Gives His Hotwife Rides to Work

My name is Abigail, but everyone calls me Abi, and I’m writing this story to document some very erotic events that began several years ago, when I had been married to my husband, Billy, for only two years, before we had any children.We grew up in a small town outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and I suppose most people would call us and our friends rednecks. I think we’re all relatively intelligent, or at least what people would call having street smarts if we were in an urban setting, but none of us...

Wife Lovers
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young man finds a willing older partner at work

It was going to be a long day, as Saturdays usually were. The weather was beautiful outside, which made me all the more bitter for being stuck at work. Library patrons always seemed more demanding on Saturday afternoons and doubly so on nice ones. They'd simply wave and beckon on me to attend to their needs. A dude has a to have a pretty strong stomach to deal with some of these people. The homeless people and the whores are always hooking up in this place. Saturdays are different, though. The...

3 years ago
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Throwing down at work

It was late on a work night and I was still at the office working after hours in order to meet a deadline later that week. This is required from time to time for my position and I don’t complain too much as my boss is very flexible with when I work. As long as I get my work done he could care less how many days I take off or work from home. Since I am frequently working late I have come to know by name the afterhours cleaning and maintenance crew. The cleaning crew consists of four individuals...

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 66 A Wrench in the Works

Dr. Alan Lipscomb sat quietly in his main office. The rest of the company had the lights off. It was still a few minutes before 7 am, and most of the regular office workers didn’t come to work until 9 am. The foyer lights turning on briefly startled Dr. Lipscomb as he read a report on his ever-present iPad. He had been reading several accounts of different supposed sightings of their prey from all over the country. Yet each of them was easily debunked and eliminated. The recently-hired...

3 years ago
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Over The Top Threeway At Work

In 1990, I was working as an accounting supervisor at a large hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. I was twenty-nine and in the prime of my life. My hair was cut in a pixie style and was dyed a light red and blond mix. I had 32DD breasts, weighed 110 pounds, with a 24-inch waist, 28-inch hips, and a tight, round ass.At work, I had to dress in a tailored blue skirt that hit just above my knee; I wore a fitted white blouse, and the company’s tailored blue jacket. The uniform fit me like a glove. When the...

1 year ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 51 Home Again and Back to Work

The alarm went off at an unreasonably early hour, or at least it seemed to be unreasonable. Kay didn't move so I tried shaking her lightly. "Kay, Kay honey, you've got to get up." She groaned before saying, "Do I have to?" "Vacation is over and it's time to return to the working world, or in your case, the learning world. Doesn't today start your last two weeks in the internship?" "Yeah, there is that." I got out of bed and made my way to the bath to relieve myself. When I...

2 years ago
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Teen and MILF Have Quickie Sex at Work

My name is Jimmy, and I had just turned sixteen years old at the time the events in this story occurred. I live with my parents, Dale and Betty, and younger sister, Melanie, in the town of Huntington, West Virginia, which is on the western side of the state, right next to Kentucky.My father is an auto mechanic, and my mother works in her hair salon in our modest home, in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of town. We’re a blue-collar family and, like most of our neighbors, are likely...

Quickie Sex
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Slut wife Day 2 at work

Please read the previous episodes for this to make sense.Sarah's car ride home was a blur for her as she kept going over her day of being fucked, groped and sucking so many cocks. She could feel a mixture of her own juices and cum leaking from her pussy and due to her short skirt it was leaking onto the car seat. As her husband sometimes uses the car Sarah coundl'nt let this happen so every few minutes she had to reach down and scoop up the sticky dribble and then lick her fingers clean. This...

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Doll Works

Doll Works Players: Chuck Dawson and Ms. Grayson are the main characters. Brad and Bud are co-workers and Sam is the security guard. Synopsis: It's Mardi Gras time and for a company that rents "giant things" for people to put on floats it's a very busy time. Land Of Giants Props and Dolls is also where Chuck works. Actually Chuck works in the giant doll section. As it happens, Ms. Grayson, the owner, is marching in the parade as a little girl and, as it also happens, Ms. Grayson...

4 years ago
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After a long day at work

I was in the office finishing up some odds and ends, it had been a long day, and I was taking a leave of absence for the next two months. I had a lot happen all at the same time, a death in the f****y, my husband and I were temporarily separated, not to mention that I had been working 12 hour days for the last three weeks. I was the last one in the office, and it was quite, and most of the lights were already off. Everything was quite, and slightly eerie, I hate being by myself. So I put my...

3 years ago
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My BBC gangbang at work

It took years before coming out of the closet and to accept myself as a transgirl. I still call myself a sissy, even as of today. In the evening, I was always dolled up like a woman. But, during the day, I was nothing but a boy. I said boy, because I felt effeminate around other men. I am fit, but slim and feminine. I never went to school or to work as a girl, because I was afraid. Surprisingly, I never had a problem going out at night or meeting men dressed up like a girl, like a true sissy. I...

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Forced at Work

Forced at Work I started at this job a year ago and noticed Darlene the first day. She had long blondish hair and was wearing a tight mini skirt, which showed off her curvy ass and nice legs. Her top was tight and revealed her nice sized chest. She also wore 4-inch high shoes. Although she was a programmer here, she dressed more like a secretary and did it everyday. The other woman in the office made fun of how she swished her hips when she walked (and they were...

2 years ago
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After a long day at work

I was in the office finishing up some odds and ends, it had been a long day, and I was taking a leave of absence for the next two months. I had a lot happen all at the same time, a death in the family, my husband and I were temporarily separated, not to mention that I had been working 12 hour days for the last three weeks.I was the last one in the office, and it was quite, and most of the lights were already off. Everything was quite, and slightly eerie, I hate being by myself. So I put my iPod...

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Masturbating At Work

I've masturbated at least three times a day since I was sixteen. I've only gotten hornier since the first time I gave myself an orgasm. I started out doing it at home, but I've become more daring and gradually worked towards doing it in riskier situations over the years. I love using my fingers and vibrators. I don't normally use dildos because I try to save the feeling of having a cock inside me for when I'm fucking my boy toy. I have several dildos, though, and use them when I just want a...

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Group Work

What a waste of a beautiful Saturday afternoon, I thought to myself as I biked across town to meet with my group project partners. It was late April, and had been warm for awhile, but today was absolutely the most amazing day yet. People were out shopping, walking pets, or just enjoying the fresh air that carried more than the mere promise of summer. I pumped my legs harder, picking up speed. The wind blew my hair back and made my loose T-shirt billow out behind me. The combination of warm...

1 year ago
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Candy Stroker Part 3 What I Learned at Work

What I learned at workOver the next few weeks, Adam and I met whenever we could to play around. We spent time at my house and at Adam's because our parents insisted, but we still figured out places to make out — in the car, at friends' houses. I loved having my clit licked and sucking his cock. One day we got together in the morning before school. I didn't swallow anything after his cum, so I enjoyed his aftertaste for quite a while in class. It was my cool little secret. Then I got really hot...

Oral Sex
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It Never Works

They say it cant work. They say you will always get caught. I say they are right IT NEVER WORKS Chapter One Janice’s Story They say that it can’t work. They say that they will always be caught. They say that no one can ever get away with it. I say…. They are right!!!! My name is Janice Brown. I was very happily married to Bryan Brown, a wonderful man. He was an excellent provider, husband, lover and father of both our seven-year-old son, Jess, and our five-year-old daughter,...

Cheating Wife
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It Never Works

Chapter OneJanice’s Story.They say that they will always be caught. They say that no one can ever get away with it. I say… They are right!My name is Janice Brown. I was very happily married to Bryan Brown, a wonderful man. He was an excellent provider, husband, lover and father of both our seven-year-old son, Jess, and our five-year-old daughter, Cindi. I couldn’t have ever asked for a better man to live my life with… Six-foot-one, two-hundred-and-thirty-pounds, muscular and ruggedly handsome....

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No Fuck At Work

Pour toi Pascal...When I first started to work, I was helped by an older colleague. She was a lovely lady, almost twenty years older than me. She showed me the dos and don’ts of the business, listened to my problems, and was of good advice in every situation. “No fuck at work,” she used to say. “Too risky, not worthwhile. There are enough other places, so just don’t.” For a while, I had listened to her advice, particularly when I launched my independent business. Several years later, I was...

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Slut wife First day at work

Please read the previous episodes for this to make sense.This chapter of the sluts story is dedicated to https://xhamster.com/user/NiciSlut Thanks for your comments and ideas for the sluts future. Any comments and suggestions from anyone are greatly appreciated.Sarah spent her whole Friday night thinking about her interview. Even when her husband was home she wondered around in a daze thinking about the most intense sexual experience of her life. Every time she played out the day in her head...

2 years ago
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A Wimp At Work

A WIMP AT WORK by Throne It was Allen's first day at his new job and he wanted to make a good impression. He put on his checked sport coat, a white shirt, and close- fitting slacks. He thought he looked okay but everyone else would see him as a skinny short guy with a pointy chin and glasses sliding down his long nose. Worse, he wore his hair collar length and it was straight and dull. But he missed all that. He checked his shoes, which were a bit scuffed, the ends of their laces...

4 years ago
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Kirsten Goes to Work

It started when the company I had worked for for twenty-two years went bankrupt. I suddenly found myself looking for work in an almost non-existent job market in an economy that sucked. When I finally did find something it was at less than half of what I had making before. I ran through a lot of our savings before I found the new job and while things were not necessarily desperate, money was tight. My wife Kirsten and I sat down, reviewed our finances, and since the kids were grown up and gone...

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Slut wife 4 first day at work

Please read the previous episodes for this to make sense. Any comments and suggestions from anyone are greatly appreciated. Sarah spent her whole Friday night thinking about her interview. Even when her husband was home she wondered around in a daze thinking about the most intense sexual experience of her life. Every time she played out the day in her head her pussy would be aching to be touched, licked, fingered or fucked. She was exhausted due to the fucking and her body being in a...

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The SmithChapter 35 Public works

“That looks like a cement mixer.” Clarissa commented at our makeshift contraption meant to hold and rotate the Junction. “In this case, it’s easier to rotate the spherical shell than make a machine that can wind the coils.” “I’ll pretend that I understood what you said.” “Think of it as a ball of yarn, we need to make sure that the whole thing is covered evenly, but on the inside. Turning the ‘Stick’ is easier in this case than hand winding the thread.” “That big red machine with the nose...

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My wife gets me help with the yard work

I hate yardwork yet it seems like all I have been doing lately, and as soon as I get one project finished my wife adds three more since I was teaching at night from home due to the coronavirus. Granted last Tuesday was a great day for it, plenty of sunshine and not too humid, but it would have been a great day to go fishing too. My project for the day was to clean out a couple of flowerbeds that needed weeding and new mulch put down and to help me with this my wife had hired a local k** from a...

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Halloween at Work

Halloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...

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Masturbating In A Toilet Cubicle At Work

I remember a guy I once went on a date with embarrassingly telling me that he would masturbate daily, as if this was something out of the ordinary and that he had an unusually enormous sex drive. He then asked me if I ever masturbated. He nearly had a heart attack when I told him that I did, most times more than once a day. I don't know why guys think women are prudes with no sexual appetite. I don't think I am some sort of nymphomaniac, but I do find that I need the release to help me go to...

2 years ago
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Putting her mouth to work

Keegs wore a loose white camisole, and a soft pink skirt. Standing in the mirror she preened herself, fluffing her long blonde hair and twirling her skirt about. Her long bare legs were exposed, only covered from the upper thigh, while her top was a flattering cut for her small perky breasts. Pushing up her hair behind her ears, her blue eyes wandered over her body as she mulled over her dress choice. Was it too slutty? Or just right?This was a first date after all. She didn't want to ruin...

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Cleaning up at work

I was taking a short-cut to my outdoor assignment at work. Up the back steps to the small, 2nd FL office area next to the meeting rooms and computer training center. From there I'd take a turn and head out the back exit and down the metal steps leading to where I was heading. But on this night, I stopped just outside the door at the top of the steps leading to the office spaces. I'd heard noises, and peering through the small glass door window, I saw a tall, slim woman vacuuming the carpets. It...

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Just Another Day at Work

A DAY AT WORK, "DRESSED" BY CATHY_T_ Copyright 12/14/2000 11:51:04 PM FOREWORD BY AUTHOR. I hesitated writing this story since it was preceded by another one about store detectives within the last month or so. While that one was fictional and a very fine tale, my story is true. It happened to me, just the way I have presented it here. I have taken a FEW small liberties with the story but, 99% of what is written here is the actual account...

2 years ago
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Trouble at Work

Trouble At Work As I walk to my boss's office I have the realization that I am probably in trouble. I have never been in his office other than during meetings and performance evaluations. I always keep a low profile and just do the assigned tasks as I am asked. As a matter of fact I do everything I can to not draw attention to myself because of my lifestyle. I don't need anyone in my office to know about the details of my sexual perversions so I remain quiet and...

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A Unusual day at work

A Unusual Day At WorkIt was a cold Monday morning as Dave Climbed out of bed ready to start another working week at the office, he sat up in bed and looked over at his wife Gemma who was still asleep, Brown Haired size 12 and with a 36 b chest she was a good looking lady for her age of 35 and still had the sex drive of a 17 year old, the only problem Dave had was that she never tried nothing knew in bed it was always the same routine a quick feel finger or lick her to Orgasm then it was his...

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