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I leaned forward over the bar and motioned for the bartender? as I saw

her ex approaching.? "Whisky, straight up," I said as he sat down

beside me, ordering a beer.

"So, is it done?"

I looked at him--he was a big guy, not as big as me, but maybe two

hundred and six feet tall.? I figured he was ex-military:? he carried

himself like one.? I handed him a manila envelope stuffed with what

he had paid for, what he was going to pay for.? I downed the shot as he

peered into the folder, flipping through the pictures, the pictures of his

ex wife being brutally raped by six guys.? I had made sure _my_ face

wasn't in the pictures.

He closed the folder and pulled out his own manila envelope and

handed it over to me.? I glanced in and saw the color of money, $5000,

the second half of the payment--the first half had gone mostly to the

five guys I had recruited.?? I pocketed it and got up to leave as he

pulled out seven pages of typewritten, double-spaced paper; it was an

account of what we had done to his ex-wife, in detail.? The pictures

were merely a supplement.

As I walked out, feeling a hell of a lot richer, I thought back to how I

had first met the guy.? I had just gotten out of prison; my girlfriend

didn't like me beating on her.? Since I had been in and out of jail and

prison since as long as I can remember, they threw the damned book at

me.? I always think I should know better.? I mean, I came from a nice,

white, middle class family, made it through high school and two years

of college, but I always end up screwed, usually over some bitch.?

They're the bane of my existence, so I've tried to be the bane of theirs.

So, I get off the bus and hit the first bar I can get to and settle down to

nurse my drink, figuring to spend the day there before I try to hit up

some guys I knew for a place to crash.? I'm sitting there and I notice

this guy eyeballing me, and I'm thinking maybe he's a faggot, and

maybe I should go over there and beat the crap out of him; some of

these faggots think just because you've been in prison you swing that


This guy sits down right next to me and I'm thinking that I'm not

going to like anything he has to say, except the first words out of his

mouth are, "You want to make ten grand?"? I'm listening, all right,

I'm listening.? Ten grand to me is like manna from heaven.?

I glanced at him, and staring into my drink said, "Who wouldn't?"

He slid a picture over to me and I'm looking at a woman, in her late

twenties or early thirties, smiling back at me.? I hadn't had a woman

in years, but this bitch would have looked good regardless.? She stood

5'3" and she had short brown hair down to her shoulders which curled

a bit at the ends and framed a pretty, youngish face, with pale pink lips

and big brown eyes, great big brown eyes.? She was wearing a T-shirt

tucked into a pair of blue jeans, revealing smallish breasts pushing

against the fabric and a tiny? waist and flat stomach leading to narrow

hips.? Her thighs were surprisingly muscular, straining against the

fabric of the jeans, pulling it tight against her flesh--she had been a

gymnast, I learned later--and I just knew her ass was a tight little ball

of muscle.? My first thought as I looked at this bitch was what it would

be like to be between those legs with her beneath me, squirming and

thrashing as I fucked her brains out.

"My ex," he said by way of explanation.? "She walks through D---

Park every evening after work with her dog, a Chihuahua she calls T-


"So?"? I didn't see what he was getting at.

"I've got five grand for you now and five grand for you after it's


Great, I'm thinking, he wants a hit.? I wondered how much he knew

about me.? If he knew me he knew I didn't do hits, even for ten grand.?

Hell, for ten grand he could get a whole slew of people dead, but not

by me.? "After what's done?"? Dipshit, I wanted to add, but with ten

grand in the equation I figured I might as well wait to see what he had

to say.

He lowered his voice and moved closer to me.? "I want," he paused,. "I

want you to get some men together."? He paused again.? "I want you to

arrange a gang rape.? I want her raped in the ass and the cunt and the

throat.? I want pictures and a written, typed description of everything

you do to her."? He blurted it out softly, staring into space.

I looked at him staring at his hands.? I looked at the picture of his ex.?

Hell, I thought, I would have done her for free.? I looked back at him

and smiled as he looked at me.? "I'll need details, and the five grand


He gave me everything I needed.? Every evening about six his ex was

to be found in D--- Park walking her dog, T-Cup.? The park was small,

only about four city blocks, but was pretty secluded, with trees and

bushes obscuring much of the interior of the park from the outside.?

There were restrooms right in the middle of the park, which is where

he suggested we take her after we had made the grab--I agreed.?? He

wanted six guys there, and I figured that wouldn't be hard, especially

with a payout of $500 apiece, but with six guys we'd need to be inside,

and a public restroom was perfect.? He didn't want her hurt too badly,

he said, just fucked hard and long.? He even gave me a Polaroid

camera with two rolls of film, and a date a week from that day to do it.?

A week was longer than I needed, but he was paying.

That week I hit up some of the guys I knew who had no love for the

opposite sex, and who could be trusted to keep their mouth shut.?

There was Tommy, a kid at twenty four, only five ten and one eighty,

but a viscous bastard; Tyrone, a skinny black guy in his thirties I knew

from prison; Jones, another black guy, but big at six five and around

three hundred pounds; Gregory, a seedy little guy at five six and barely

one thirty, but quick and smart; and finally Manolo, a Mexican I had

also met in the joint, about forty and my size.? Every single one of us

was anticipating using this snatch her ex had thrown our way.? Hell,

for $500, half the guys would have offed their own mothers--raping

some cunt was nothing.? I only hoped that I could keep them under


The day came and we showed up an hour early so I could put

everybody into? position.? I had scouted the place out earlier and knew

that it was almost always deserted about the time the bitch would be

through--just more luck for us.? I put Jones, Tyrone, and Manolo near

the entrance where they could follow her when she came in.? I was

planning on them looking frightening enough that she'd walk or run

right into my arms.? I had Gregory standing by with some duct tape so

we could make sure she wouldn't scream, and Tommy was both for

backup in case she got away from me and had a sack in which to put

the dog.

At six o'clock exactly she came into the park, and I could hear Tyrone

and the guys hooting after her, telling her how good she looked, and

what a great ass she had, and making various lewd suggestions.? She

had to be getting nervous now, what with those three following her

into this deserted, dark park, with only a little rat-dog to protect her.? I

smiled when I heard they guys call out "why you running, where you

think you're going baby?" and I heard the sound of running feet

coming down the path.? I stepped out from around the corner and she

ran right into my arms, panicking momentarily as I wrapped my hands

around her.? Her dog was barking up a storm next to me and was

darting at my feet.

I held her struggling form, my cock getting hard just being this close

to such a hot piece of ass, as Tommy and Gregory ran out from the

bushes, Tommy dropping the sack over the dog and cinching it shut

within seconds, while Gregory grabbed the bitch's hair in one hand

and yanked her head back, making her gasp and cry out from the pain.?

I looked down into those big brown eyes, filled with panic, and

grinned at her as she started to scream, stopped by Gregory as he

slapped the duct tape over her mouth, crisscrossing piece after piece

over her lips.

I was still holding her arms against her sides as she tried to kick at me,

but then Gregory grabbed her by the forearms and dragged her arms

behind her back, where he wrapped still more duct tape around her

wrists and forearms.? When he was finished Gregory stepped back and

I held her an arm length's away from me by her hair, looking at her in

the flesh for the first time.? She was wearing almost exactly the same

thing she had worn in the picture I had seen, but the tape covering her

mouth was a sweet addition.? "You look good, baby," I said as she

tried to kick me, unable to balance because of the way I was lifting her

by her hair.

"Here you go," I said, pushing her toward Jones, who hefted her

kicking, struggling body over his shoulder, "let's get the party


I heard her muffled cries and whimpering through the tape gag as

Jones felt her ass--as tight and hard as I knew it would be--and thighs,

squeezing them through her jeans with his big, strong hands.? We

were all silent as we entered the restroom, the women's side (I figured

it would be cleaner), and Jones set her down in the middle of the tiled

floor, the rest of us surrounding her.? She stood there uncertainly, like

a trapped animal, her gaze darting from one of us to another, her feet

taking small mincing steps this way and that, as if looking for escape.?

She shook her shoulders, struggling with the tape binding her arms

behind her back, and muffled grunts and pleas and words came from

behind her tape gag, the dim overhead bulb throwing shadows across

her pretty face and solid, sexy body.

It was my party, and I started it by stepping up behind her and

grabbing her by the upper arm and the hair, yanking back her head

and pulling her writing body against mine, her hard, round ass

digging into my crotch as I pulled her hard back against my chest

before leaning down and licking the soft, white flesh of her neck,

feeling her shudder as I ran my tongue over her skin, feeling the hard

beating of her heart through her artery.? I shuddered in pleasure and

looked up at Manolo.? "Strip the bitch."

Manolo smiled at me and pulled out a switchblade, stepping forward

and grabbing the bitch's T-shirt by the collar.? She tried to kick out at

him, her eyes wide with terror at the sight of the knife, but she had no

leverage.? The rest of the guys were grinning silently as Manolo

brought the knife close to her neck, panicked grunts coming from

behind her gag and her shuffling feet and the yapping of the

Chihuahua in the bag the only sounds in the night, sounds joined by

the tearing of cloth as Manolo sawed his blade through the cotton of

her T-shirt, splitting it open, revealing her strong, flat stomach and

tiny waist, and her bra, plain, without frills.? He pushed open the shirt

and I felt her shudder as he ran his hands over her taunt flesh, running

them across her heaving belly and up her sides.

He grunted and sawed the T-shirt completely from her body, taking a

minute to tear it away from her shoulders before standing back so we

could all view what we had to play with.? Tears had started to flow

down her face as she twisted in my grip, making her more beautiful,

her white skin pale against my tanned hands, the dim light adding a

hint of mystery to her body.? Her tits were bigger than I had thought,

maybe B cup size, and I wasted no time in unhooking her bra, Manolo

finishing it by slicing through the shoulder straps, her breasts

springing out, two hemispherical mounds, firm on her heaving chest,

with large dark brown nipples topping them.? I reached around her

and squeezed one cruelly with my hand, feeling the firm flesh mold

itself in my palm as she began fighting hard against my grip, her lithe

body struggling to get free.

"The pants," I said, this time nodding toward Tyrone, who came

forward and looked right into her face as he unbuttoned her jeans, his

hands pressing against her lower abdomen as he did so.

"We're going to fuck you, bitch," he said right to her face.? "We're all

going to take turns on this hot body of yours.? We're going to shove

our cocks into every one of your holes, whore.? We're going to make

you hurt."? He grinned at her.? Tyrone was a sadistic bastard, and I

could smell the fear rise from her body as she looked at him.? I was

still holding her from behind, so shifted my grip from her upper arm

to her hip, sliding my hand beneath her panties so I could feel her hot,

sweaty flesh, the sweat of fear, even as I yanked back again on her hair

to calm her struggles, earning me another grunt of pain from behind

her gag.? I pulled her toward me, grinding her ass up against my cock,

the sensations driving me wild.

Tyrone stepped back and began peeling off her jeans, forcing me to

hold her by her shoulders as he lifted her feet from the ground with his

violent tugging.? She was practically sitting in the air as he yanked the

jeans off, her shoes popping off with them, leaving her with only her

socks and her panties to preserve her modesty.? All the guys were

leering now; her legs were gorgeous--strong, muscular, shapely, two

long expanses of smooth, white skin.? I motioned Tommy over with

my head and he dropped the sack in which the damned dog? was still

yapping away and immediately grabbed the cunt's panties, pulling

them off with a haste we were all beginning to feel.? He finished by

yanking off her socks, holding her legs as she tried futily to kick him.

She was nude now, her whole body shaking with fear and humiliation

as we gawked at her helpless body, her thighs pressing themselves

together as she tried to hide her sparse brown bush from our eyes.? As

if of one mind the guys moved in, and we forced her struggling body to

the hard tile floor.? Her eyes were big with fear and panic as Tommy

and Gregory grabbed her ankles and pulled them apart while Manolo

and Tyrone each held one of her shoulders down on the ground,

leaving her spread open to me on her back.? I stood up and stepped

between her legs, looking to the side a Jones who was standing next to

me--we had decided beforehand the order, with the only caveat that I

was to be first in her cunt and her ass.? She looked so hot on the

ground, her bound arms forcing her breasts and hips forward, as if she

were offering herself to me, her mouth covered with tape, emphasizing

the terror in her big brown eyes.? She grunted pleadingly as I dropped

my pants and lifted off my shirt, my cock, all seven inches of it,

springing out at full mast.? I smiled as I positioned my body atop hers,

the feel of her breasts against mine hot and exciting, her panicked

breathing making her body writhe on the floor in its captivity.? I

nestled my cock against her cunt and, grabbing her hair, turned her

head to one side, sticking my tongue into her ear as she began to sob

quietly.? "I'm going to fuck you now, bitch," I whispered, and jerked

my hips viciously forward.

The cunt was tight and dry, her body arcing against mine as she

screamed through the tape.? I gritted my teeth at the first pussy I had

had in years, her sheath scraping my cock as she thrashed helplessly

beneath me, her strong thighs flexing, trying to push me away as I

sunk fully into her, feeling my pelvis slam against hers.? I brought my

lips to her neck and began sucking, _feeling_ the sounds of pain and

humiliation she was making through her throat as I began fucking her,

the added friction of her dryness adding to my pleasure.

The heat from her body seemed to envelope me as I raped the bitch,

my cock pistoning in and out relentlessly, each inward stroke earning

me a cry of pain through the gag, her head thrashing in my grip as I

sucked on the soft flesh of her neck, her sobs driving me higher and

higher into pleasure.? It seemed to last forever, there in the dim light,

my cock sending thrumming pleasure through my body as it forced its

way in and out of her dry, aching cunt, each sound of pain and agony

and terror from her throat a prod to my lust, to my pleasure.? My

whole body felt like it was going to explode as I felt that sensation so

close to pain deep in my bowels, felt it build up stronger and stronger

as I kept pumping into her tight cunt, reaching under myself to grip

her tit harshly in my hand, squeezing it hard while biting down on her

neck, my come boiling out of me as she screamed in pain and defeat as

I pumped blast after blast of seed deep into her cunt.

I laid there for a moment before pulling out, and said, "Jesus, what a

fuck," while I pulled up my pants, loving the way her closed lids

glistened with tears, the way a dark hickey blotched her neck, the way

her cunt gaped at me, swollen and red and glistening from her rape.?

Jones was positioning himself now, his fat body hiding her completely

beneath him, only her strong legs sticking out from beneath him as he

drove his cock into her cunt.? I heard her scream and saw her thighs

tense as he raped her, plunging into her as brutally as I had.? I grinned

an pulled out the camera, figuring this would be the type of shot her ex

would love.

For the next ten minutes the only sounds in the room was the slapping

of flesh against flesh mingled with the yapping cries of her dog and

the muffled shrieks of pain and despair and the quiet sobbing coming

from the whore.? When Jones finished I took another picture of her

lying there, the flash blinding in the darkness, her cunt drooling come,

her body an invitation to licentiousness.? Gregory was next, and used

her cruelly, jabbing his cock like a sword into her cunt, levering

himself up on her breasts with his hands, twisting and mauling them

with each thrust into her body, forcing muffled scream after muffled

scream from her throat as he used her.? I took another picture, from

the side, as Gregory's face twisted into hate-filled lust as he came

inside her, her body arching in agony as he tried to tear her tits from

her body, the muscles in her thighs and stomach standing up in stark

relief against her lithe body.

Manolo kicked her once in the cunt, making her scream and jerk in

agony before he dropped down on top of her, fucking her cunt for all

he was worth, whispering Spanish curse-words into her ear as he

raped her before spilling another load of come deep inside her cunt.?

Tyrone and Tommy wanted something different, and turned the bitch

over, forcing her to her knees.? Tommy held her hips from behind and

sunk his cock into her now sloppy cunt, making her grunt as he began

banging her, slapping her ass for punctuation as he rode her from

behind.? She screamed when Tyrone lifted her head up by her hair and

ripped the tape from her mouth, her tears having soaked it through, a

scream cut short as he shoved his cock into her mouth, making her

whole body convulse with a gag reflex as he jammed it against the

back of her throat.

The bitch started spazzing as Tyrone pushed his cock into her throat,

her whole body jerking and thrashing and bucking and writhing as

Tommy pinioned her from behind with his cock while Tyrone held her

head between both his hands, his pelvis smashing against her nose and

his balls slapping against her chin as he forced his cock all the way

down her throat.? Strange, animal sounds came from her throat as she

was brutally raped, her tits swinging beneath her as she both struggled

and was buffeted between her rapists.? They plowed into her holes

mercilessly, Tommy's large cock glistening in the dim light every time

he pulled it out before jamming it back into her cunt hard, her

asscheeks bouncing and jiggling from the thrusts and from the hard

slaps he laid upon them.? She was making gurgling and retching

sounds around Tyrone's cock as he literally fucked her face, using her

mouth and throat like a cock.? Gregory bent down beside her and

grabbed one of her hanging tits, using his fingers to yank at the nipple,

using his other hand to feel her tormented body as it flexed between

her rapists.? I watched them abuse her, my own cock growing hard

again, knowing that I would soon be taking her up the ass.

Tommy and Tyrone came together, shooting their wads into her

helpless body, and then released her, letting her exhausted form slide

to the ground, her breasts pressed flat against the cold tile, her face

turned toward me, her eyes swollen with tears, her lips raw and

cracked, her throat echoing croaking moans as she retched in agony.? I

got down on my knees behind her and kicked open her legs, her body

unresisting as I looked down at her abused snatch.? It was smeared

with come and swollen red and raw, while her tiny asshole winked at

me, begging me to take it.? I grabbed the bitch's hips and pulled her

ass toward me, her face still against the ground.? I slipped easily into

her cunt, still tight and warm and grasping, enjoying the moan of pain

and degradation which escaped from her throat.

The guys were all standing around, except for Jones, who was at her

head, his cock out, waiting until I had taken her ass before shoving his

cock down her throat; we all wanted to hear her scream.? I pulled out

and, with one hand, guided my cock to her anus, pressing it hard

against her tight opening, listing to her rising moan as she realized

what was about to happen.? My cock, rigid as it was, began to bend as

her tight flesh began to give, and I grabbed her hips to pull her more

forcefully toward me.? I grimaced and yelled out as I felt my cock slip

into that incredibly tight hole, my yell matched by a howl of agony

ripped from her throat, echoing around the small restroom like the

howl of a trapped and doomed animal, as her whole body shook

beneath me, her ass clenching and un-clenching spasmodically as I

forced inch after inch of my cock deep into her bowels.

The bitch kept howling, and I could see the eyes of the guys bright

with lust as she flopped around like a gaffed fish on the end of my

pole, her whole body undulating in agony as I sunk my cock all the

way into her clutching ass, her fingers and toes curling in pain.? I

pulled out, surprised there was no blood, each inch almost painful for

me, and horrible agony for her, her howling turning into loud, choking

sobs, cut off as Jones grabbed her head and forced his cock down her

throat.? It was so goddamned good taking her ass, feeling her pain, her

terror, her humiliation through her jerkings and spasming and the

sounds coming through the cock in her throat.? I began slowly fucking

her--I couldn't go any faster, her ass was so tight--each stroke making

me grit my teeth in pleasure as I used her, the feel of her asscheeks

against my hips soft and titillating as I sunk all the way into her, her

whole body shaking in pure agony as I fucked her.

I took my time, enjoying the sensations her clutching ass was sending

through my cock, enjoying the way her body jerked and tensed and

fought and bounced as she was being raped.? Jones finished with her

throat and was replaced by Manolo before I began to feel that pleasure

so akin to pain build up in my scrotum.? I dug my fingers deep into the

bitch's ass and ground my cock into her ass, rolling it around deep

into her bowels as my toes curled up in pleasure, my cum spilling out

into her gut, making this piece of meat mine.? The feeling of power

was heady, adding to the pleasure as my cock pulsed again and again,

filling up her ass with my come.

When I pulled out Gregory was right there, slapping her asscheeks

hard, driving his cock viciously into her ass, his fingers claws at her

hips as he drove into her.? I took more pictures as Manolo pulled out

and sprayed his come all over her face, her screams timed to each

brutal thrust of Gregory's cock into her ass before they were cut off

again by Tommy's cock in her throat.? Her screams had taken on a

ragged touch, her throat raw and abused by the fucking it was taking.?

Her body was still undulating in agony, but the bitch was running out

of steam.

Gregory finished quickly, tearing at her hanging breasts as he came,

leaving long scratch marks down the sides of her body as he clawed at

her, adding his come to mine deep in her bowels.? Tyrone followed in

her ass and was fucking her hard before Tommy finally deposited his

load into her stomach.? Gregory was still soft, but shoved his cock into

her mouth anyway, slapping her, telling her to suck on it.? She

screamed into his pelvis as he twisted her tits in rhythm with Tyrone's

fucking her ass, her screams making Gregory hard in her mouth as he

tortured her, the sound of his open hand against her tits echoing

throughout the bathroom, her gurgling screams escaping from his now

turgid cock filling her throat.

Tyrone left marks in her asscheeks with his fingers when he came, to

be replaced quickly by Jones, his fat cock splitting her in two, making

her scream with renewed vigor around Gregory's cock.? They worked

her for long minutes, her lithe body jerked forcefully between them, a

toy for their pleasure.? I kept taking pictures of her humiliation, my

own cock coming to life again, waiting for a taste of her throat.? They

both came at the same time, Gregory, like Manolo, pulling his cock

from her throat to spray her face with his come.

We where all standing now, looking down at the broken cunt laying

spread-eagled on her stomach on the floor, her body scratched and

bruised and battered, her breathing ragged, interspersed with low

moans of pain.? We weren't done, yet, though.? It had all been

planned.? I handed the camera to Jones while Tyrone lay down next to

the bitch on his back.? Tyrone and I grabbed her limp body, tears and

come streaking her pretty face, her lips grotesquely swollen, her cunt a

flaming mass of red, swollen flesh, her asshole distended by five men's

cocks, and forced her to kneel over Tyrone, his cock sinking easily into

her cunt, a moan of pain escaping her raw throat as she fell onto his

rod.? I kneeled over Tyrone's head and grabbed the bitch's hair,

forcing my cock into the soft, wet confines of her mouth, shoving it

deeper and deeper into her until I felt it hit the back of her throat.? I

smiled ferally as I looked down at her on the end of my cock, her hair

matted with sweat and come and tears, her eyes swollen from crying,

her lips stretched around my pole, and shoved forward, forcing my

cock into her abused throat.

I held my cock there, waiting, like Tyrone, as Manolo positioned

himself behind her kneeling, bent forward body.? It took a long minute

of my cock in her sobbing, raw throat, Tyrone's cock splitting her cunt

open one more time, before he was ready, and sent his cock surging up

her ass, making her scream in agony, her throat vibrating my cock

sent incredible waves of ecstasy through me.? We began fucking her

slowly, using each one of her holes simultaneously, rocking her body

slowly on our cocks, enjoying the way her body gripped and sucked

and shook.? Tommy and Gregory knelt to either side of the cunt and

each began working on a tit, reaching between her and Tyrone to maul

her breast, her screams of pain driving me crazy with pleasure.

We had planned this, and wanted to time it for the camera, so we

signaled each other when we were close, extending the bitch's agony,

stretching her triple rape to five minutes, ten, twenty, thirty minutes of

slow, deliberate fucking in her ass and cunt and throat, thirty minutes

of her screaming as her tits were mauled and bruised and scratched,

thirty minutes of her body writhing in agony as we used it for our

pleasure, thirty minutes before we all gritted our teeth while our cocks

jerking in this hot piece of flesh and filled her full of our come.

We were done with her, satiated, and left her moaning softly in pain,

laying bruised and battered on the restroom floor.? We even let her dog

out of the bag, and he ran up to her and started licking her face right

off.? I was kind of disappointed he hadn't been a big dog--I would have

like to see her take a dog dick.

That's how I met him--I bet his ex wished I hadn't, although she was

probably lucky; he could have found some bastard who would've taken

the five grand, raped her, and cut her throat.? Right now I'm feeling

good and feeling lucky.? It's not often you meet someone who'll pay

you for doing something you enjoy, and boy, did I enjoy fucking that

little piece of cunt meat.? I've even kept some of the pictures for

myself.? Maybe I'll pay her a private visit in a few months....


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1928Chapter 11

Another month passed and it was now March. The evenings in New York were still cold. Downtown the lights of the shop windows caused a glow in the faces of the pedestrians on the sidewalks. On the corner of 34th Street and Seventh Avenue a woman in a red hat pulled the collar of her coat closed to cover her throat. The women were now wearing tight-fitting hats, the front part of the brims turned up. The men wore fedoras and bowlers, the hats sometimes tilted at a jaunty angle to give a bit of...

3 years ago
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Seducing Mom

My Mother comes home from work tired. She regularly asks me to massage her shoulders and arms and legs, today was no exception as I began the massage. I recalled her usual potentially erotic but innocent actions. Either massaging her or sleeping on her bed when she was alone at home. In one of these incidents, I was having an erotic dream and when I woke up, I was lying half on her, my cock resting on her pubis. Since then, I felt that if could try and seduce her and being into my kind of...

3 years ago
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Inter racial MMF

THIS HAPPENED IN 1997My good friend, George, had come to visit, he was a big Negro, massive but he was all muscle, worked in a gym and obviously used it himself, after saying that you couldn’t meet a nicer guy, he was so laid back it was unbelievable. He’d come down to ours to borrow some porn tapes, we used to swop tapes all the time and I had some new stuff.This day he had his friend with him, shaft, a nickname he lived up to whenever he could, he was a Negro also but not as bulky as George...

2 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 20 Monday Evening 739PM

“That doesn’t make any sense.” “Alaina, I was playing golf underwater with elephants. My caddy was purple. Why is their scoring method the part that doesn’t make sense?” Will asked. His thumb stroked over the edge of her collarbone past the collar of her dress. Alaina leaned closer into him in their booth seat. “Why would they score based on how many peanuts you can eat during each hole? It’s not even golf at that point!” “Believe me, I know,” he said. “I was furious when that cheating...

1 year ago
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Seven and Counting

"Huurrrr…" You groan, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You were comfortably half-asleep in your queen-sized, white plush bed, yawning the night time's lingering fingers from your sleepy head. Your head was deeply buried into your pillow, blurry yes staring up at the ceiling as you rubbed your flawless cheeks idly. Shifting to the side, you noticed your alarm clock - 9:30am. A spike of panic clenches your stomach, but you quickly realise it was Saturday and you'd completed all your homework....

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Katyas Story

Forward I received an email a short time ago from a perfect stranger named Milo. He has a.cz ending on his address, which I think means his ISP is in Czechoslovakia, if that country still exists by that name; I just don't follow political name changes in Europe. His note was as follows: "Hallo, i must writte you after i was reading your story.I like it very much. I was very excited when i read that.I love reading sex stories.I imagine my girlfriend in the storie.She is very beatifull, but...

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NubileFilms Kiara Cole Vina Sky A Birthday Surprise

For Vina Sky’s birthday, Kiara Cole has a sexy, sultry surprise. She gives her friend a gift, but as Vina tries to unwrap the bow Kiara gently takes it from her hands and wraps it around her friends eye’s. Blindfolded, Vina lets Kiara lead her into the bedroom. When Kiara takes the blindfold away, Vina is treated to the sight of Jake Adams on the bed with his junk in a box. Vina is hesitant to go to her gift, but Kiara isn’t about to let a little shyness stop her girlfriend...

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The Last of Her KindChapter 5 Caught in the Web

Sludge leaked from the busted pipe into a bucket Darren had hung just beneath it. The women’s restroom had flooded over the weekend, and he had moved into the crawl space beneath to deal with the issue, only to discover that the plumbing was completely shot. The crawlspace was around four feet tall, and was a maze of pipes, vents and cobwebs. When people walked on the ground floor above, dirt trickled through small gaps in the floorboards. Donning a face mask and a pair of safety glasses, he...

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The Shy Asian Beauty and the White Beast

They say that fiction is stranger than fact and herein lies the evidence. This is the first part of three of the tale that should never be told, the tale that should be consigned to the waste bin of discarded memories such is the intensity of emotion it evokes to this day. Pain, pleasure, lies and deceit of the highest order all played their parts. Yet the two main characters, those terrible twins of guilt and jealousy took the leading roles and ensured the tale of longevity when both of us...

2 years ago
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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

4 years ago
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Olivias Prom Night Memories

He was 19 years old, though he had just graduated from our high school. He was 6’1 with dark brown shaggy hair (usually looking like he needed a haircut, even right after he’d gotten one) and eyes the color of maple syrup. He had a thin build, yet his arms and legs were well defined. He had played rugby throughout high school, only was one of the back field players, as opposed to the thick necked guys in the scrum. When he had asked me to prom I thought he may have been teasing me, as one...

3 years ago
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Good to be back home

I have known my wife for the last 27 years, and I can say that I am lucky enough to have married the love of my life. We have been blessed with two children, and we work hard to give our kids all we can. I am an engineer and a partner in a leading engineering company, my wife is a nurse who should have retired but she regards her job as a vocation and decided to go back to her job once our kids grew up enough to be able to stay home alone. On the lighter side, my wife and I still enjoy a very...

1 year ago
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Cock Pictures 6

I used to be on the cock pictures site, but my situation made it necessary to drop out. See, my wife and I were in counselling and one of her issues was that she found some of my pictures on the PC. I meant to delete them after posting, but missed some. So she knew I took pics of myself, but did not know that I posted them to the photo sharing site. Moreover, she didn’t know that I was chatting with other members, almost all of whom were men, and fantasizing about what we would do to...

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Oh my sisters

Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi’s marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...

3 years ago
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 9

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 19th April 2015A secret pleasureWe didn’t have to wait long to get a reply to Sue’s email. The time-stamp showed it was sent just after two p.m., and Sue’s suitor sent a reply by four the same afternoon. Sue was still sleeping when I heard the tell-tale ‘ping’ of an incoming email. For the briefest of moments, I thought about not opening it, but I couldn’t resist the temptation.My fingers were shaking and my body was on a wave of adrenaline, enjoying the delicious...

Wife Lovers
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Micro Wave Man Ch 04

Jul 5, 2009 MWM Chapter Four ‘Visiting Mom.’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature audience. ...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Sarah Vandella Silvia Saige Parent Teacher TagTeam

Zac Wild sneaks in through the front door of his home only to be caught by his step-mother, Sarah Vandella, and teacher, Silvia Saige. The women are NOT pleased that he’s been skipping his Health & Wellness class lately. Zac argues that he doesn’t see the point of it, though Sarah reminds him that if he doesn’t pass this class, he won’t graduate! Fortunately, Silvia is kind enough to give Zac a make up lesson in professional massage. Sarah is intrigued and engaged in...

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The Hidden UncleChapter 6

Nicole burns an entire day playing Zelda with the new Nintendo that appeared magically by her door that morning. She started after a healthy serving of breakfast and vitamins. She’s a little guilty about having completely ignored Uncle Ryan, but when he doesn’t come up to bother her she feels less bad. It’s not that she’s a total geek girl or gamer chick who withdraws from the world, it’s just that she likes Zelda and Kart. It is something she used to play with friends from time to time. The...

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First time

I’ve been with Anne for 14 years. We met when a friend of hers that I had sold a car, brought her to see me for the same. It was a strange a meet. She was wearing jeans with holes in places that showed a little flesh all over, but especially where the roundness of the ass blends into her leg. Anne acted nervous as her and I went for a test-drive. She would like at me, but not hold my eyes. I also displayed the same uncertain actions (not a good trait for a salesman). After the drive, when we...

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Zugzwang Part 2 ZeroesChapter 7 Hesitation Marks

I woke up with a horrible neck cramp from sleeping on Vaughan's comfy chair as Taffy shook me awake. I could sense the dueling brands on Taffy before I rubbed the darkness out of my eyes. "Up and at 'em, bub. I'm taking you home." I gurgled a confused question. "Erin told me she stranded you here. So, I'm taking you home. I've spent enough nights in those horrible chairs. I've got back problems now." She yanked me out of the chair. I stumbled, I leaned forward to grab something...

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Dantes Infanzia

This story is set the universe of "Dante's Infanzia" (http://www.ararchive.com/index.php?option=com_ewriting&Itemid=7&func=storyinfo&story=1050) by noted ABDL content creator personalias (http://www.ararchive.com/index.php?option=com_ewriting&Itemid=7&func=authorstories&userid=5335). I advice you to read this beforehand. Thank you. Here, due to the rules of the Catholic faith, those who were not baptized before their death are barred from Heaven. Those who are still legally children, however,...

4 years ago
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My Wife From Free Sex Village 8211 Part IV

When I got up from sleep, sun was already high up in the sky.Sun light was streaming through the window.I yawned, stumbled into bathroom, brushed teeth and put on my dress.( I was not going to commit same mistake twice) I peepep carefully into the hall,satisfied myself that there were no ladies lurking and went to drawing room. Rabbit and Vijaya were having coffee and smiled at me. “I think you must have been exhausted, you slept like a log.” said Vijaya. “What? you did not have a morning...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 67 The Budding of Violence

Misao (thinking): This cop... he knows Himura? (they hear screams from the village) Misao: Oh yeah--Himura! (Kenshin breaks a spear with his sword and knocks down the last of the soldiers.) (Misao: He's not even out of breath... Wow... ) Saitou (to Kenshin): Hey. What are you wasting your time here for? Kenshin: What are you doing here? Saitou: My job. One of my men informed me that Shishio was here. Since I still had some time before the subjugation forces reached Kyoto, I decided to...

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For Kaytelee2002 my little slut

"Please, Sir. May I cum?" She begged desperately, testing the restraints and hoping he would finally allow her desires. Eyes wide and pleading like her long slender legs, she had started dripping in anticipation, as if her body believed that a more attractive home for his torments would somehow earn her an orgasm. Unfortunately for her, this was not the case. "I've taken my time to make sure you feel the pleasure you've earned. Made you nice and comfortable with these ropes. Even made your...

1 year ago
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Tuition Girl K Sath Sex Kiya

Hello friends, this is Kapil.. Me apke sath ek or story share karne ja raha ho, ye meri 3rd story h esse phle meine story likhi thi just married ladki ko romantically choda par apna email likhna bhool gaya tha. So if someone like the story then he or she can reply me to this email address.. Es story me i do sex with my part time coaching student..her name is yashika ,she is in 12th class and me usko computers and maths ka tuition deta hu..ok now k start the story here I am Kapil from indore....

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Dusty Rose 3

Dusty Rose 3 CHAPTER 1 "Honey, I am not going to lecture you, but if the doctor said to wait a week, then why not wait a week?" Chris's mom was stressed. Her twins were hundreds of miles away from home and Chris had just had surgery. Minor surgery, as these things go, yes, but surgery, none the less. When he'd told her that he had no real pain, just some pulling on the skin on his chest as it stretched and healed, she still wasn't happy. "Honestly, mom, I'm fine. The worst thing...

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BangBrosClips Phoenix Marie Jade Jantzen Thankful for a Wild 3some

Phoenix Marie shows her gratitude to her friend Jade Jantzen for letting her stay in her home. This horny chick jerks the guy off while saying thanks to his girlfriend in the dinner table. At night horny Phoenix Marie gets loud while masturbating and wakes Jade’s boyfriend up. He spy’s on her through the her door and after some time she turns around and see him. She confronts him and quickly goes for his hard cock. The two end up getting caught but Jade didn’t freak out instead she wanted to be...

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PetiteHDPorn Maya Bijou Teenage Dream

Maya Bijou is a Latina teen whose hot body is made to be groped. She struts to a massage table and pours oil all over her white shirt and panties so that they become sheer as she rubs her tits and twat. Her hands still roam her tender boobs as Tyler Nixon joins her with his cock already hard. Reaching out from her prone position, Maya pulls him close so she can give him an upside-down blowjob with her puffy lip mouth. Tyler is quick to drop to his knees and pull Maya’s panties aside so...

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The Cat and the Bat

“All right, we got what we need?” “I think so. Mr. Cobblepot should be happy with this.” “Cool. C’mon, up to the roof.” The two thugs climbed up the fire escape, feeling the autumn chill on the backs of their necks. Of course, that wasn’t the reason their hairs stood on end; the constant threat of the Batman was more than enough to do that. Still, they knew better than to chicken out of a job. Batman was tough, but he was nothing compared to what their boss would do if they failed. “Ok,...

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Dressed to the Nines

The magic of black cockThis was my first real experience with Black Cock. it was right after my divorce. I ran my ads as a crossdresser on a few dating sites and on Craigslist. I recieved a message on a site from a member whos profile mame was BBCRicky. My interest was immediately peaked. His profile discribed him as a dominant black male 6'4" with a 10 inch thick cock. He was older in his late 40s, Interested in meeting petite submissive white sissy which fit me perfectly. I replied back and...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Six

After my extreme public humiliation at school and in the streets I was hoping that once I made it home it would all be over, at least temporarily, but this was not to be, fate had other plans in store for me.Much to my misfortune as I burst through the door my mother and twin sisters were there to see me, naked as the day I was born, and with a penis just as small as the day of my birth too. I gave some background at the end of the previous chapter, but just to reiterate and further elaborate,...

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Surprise dare with an unexpected result

“Truth or Dare?” Really? That’s the first thing I see on a Sunday morning. I had just woken up after a night of beers and BBQ. We were out pretty late and I tied on a good buzz. Oh well, I agreed to play the game with her and it didn’t matter when or where. We had to answer as soon as we saw the message. So here we go. “Truth” is my response. The question popped up right away. “How many times did you jerk off this week?” Easy one, its Sunday morning. I responded with “Zero, the week is only a...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Sister82308230

Hello frnds mai iss ka regular reader hu maine yha sabhi story padhi hai. Isly maine socha kyu na aapna b experience aap sabke sath share karu koi b girl bhabhi ya aunty agr mujhe baat karna ya milna chahe toh mail me at gmail.com… y story meri aur mere frnd k bhen ki hai..aapne baare mai toh bataya hi nhi frnds mera naam shlok hai mai delhi ncr mai rhta hu height 5’10 hai ab story mai aata hu…… Y story last year ki hai jb mai garmiyon ki chuttiyon mai roz aane frnd k ghar milne jata tha uske...

3 years ago
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Kiraredarni Ke Beti Ko Pata Ke Choda

Mera nam rahil hai mai patna ka rahne wala hu ye meri pehli kahani hai agar kuch galti lage to jarur batana ar apne feedback jarur dena mujhe ,ye ek sachi kahani hai jo mere sath hui hai .Meri height 6ft 2 inch hai mera rang saf hai ar mere cock ki size 6.5 inch hai ar lagbhag 3 inch mota hai ar mai ummid karta hu ke kisi ko bhi satisfied kar sakta hum era Mai ab time na west karte hue sidhe kahani par aata hu ye bat us samay ki hai jab mai engineering complete karke ghar aya tha mera yaha...

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Trust Ch 2

Iona was not sure how long she laid there. A pain in her chest made breathing exhausting. This pain moved through her body till everything ached. Tears were never a general thing with her; she cried till empty. This was worse than physical abuse; that could only break her back. This broke her spirit. Her spirit was her only pride. To her it had value. There were no memories without it. She clung to it. Her spirit was the only thing she truly owned. No man or woman could take it. Or, so she...

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Last hot summer, on a June weekend, after doing some aerobics workout at a Fitness Club, and then shopping at the nearby stores, I saw a tented area in the large parking lot of the shopping center. There was a large banner: "Free Car Care Clinic for Ladies" for minor services, questions and answers. From 9am to 3pm. The ASE certified car mechanic, a gorgeous buxom lactating Carla Lennox, was showcasing her auto mechanic skills and services. On a hot weekend, under tented area, at a nearby...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 12 Vanquished Virgin

Jim took a trembling breath as he looked down at the nearly naked, unconscious young woman sprawled nakedly on his lap. He had just finished bringing her to a mind-blowing orgasm with his hand. She had fainted right after climaxing and simultaneously he had drenched the crack of her ass with a load of hot semen. He knew she would not be unconscious long and took the opportunity to take a few deep, steadying breaths. His hand stroked her swollen labia, petting her like a small, vulnerable...

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Puss and the Cops

A storm had blown up and waves were rocketing against the Seal Beach Pier. It was about ten at night and the surfers were out in force. I caught a big one and lost my bikini top in the process. It would probably turn up in the morning on the beach with all the other debris. It didn’t take long for the Huntington Beach police to fly overhead in their copters. “Out of the water. Now!came their voices booming out of their bullhorns. They turned spotlights on us, as though that would make us...

2 years ago
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Combined Study With Neha

Hello everyone.. It’s me Rajiv again and today am going to share my first sex experience of my life. This happened way back when I was studying in the second year of my engineering. I had a huge crush on a final year girl named Neha (name changed). I had proposed her at the end of my first year and luckily she had accepted my proposal. Statistically, she was an average looking girl who had a very pretty face and average figure. We were the talk of the college as I was the only junior who had a...

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Empire of vampires 114 Monitored

1.1.4. Monitored*1978*Selene had spent the last half year in the Caribbean to recover from having become a widow again. Husband number twenty-three had left her a yacht, but apart from that, just like his predecessors, had failed completely. Selene had spent every night with him, but he had not been able to make her pregnant at last. And like all her husbands, he died of heart attack within two years of marriage. Men were simply not robust enough to satisfy her insatiable desire for sex, or...

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Identical Twin Sisters

I had been going out with Saffron ever since I was 18, about six months ago now. She had long blonde hair, fantastic legs, and a body to die for. I went round to her flat last Saturday evening as usual, and I couldn’t help noticing that her mannerisms were slightly different on this occasion, but thought no more of it at the time. She was more extrovert than I had ever known her to be on that day. Normally she was a little shy about having sex, and I usually had to work her up to it, but this...

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Santas Tinsel TeaseChapter 8

Tinsel wakes up from her nap in her brother’s bed. He is still gone. She hoped to have bene able to talk to him about her relationship with his ex-girlfriend rather than him snooping through her phone and learning of it that way. But now she that she thinks about it, maybe she should do some snooping too. The catgirl doesn’t bother getting dressed. She picks up a pair of Scott’s boxers from the bedroom floor and sniffs them, inhaling his scent. Being essentially a cat in human form, she has...

1 year ago
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A day out with the supermarket women

Ever since Wendy had been chosen as the Supermarket Princess, we had been welcomed as honoured guests whenever we went there to do our shopping. I loved the way the women showed their admiration for my darling daughter, by following her with their eyes and licking their lips. They made it obvious that they were still lusting after her. Wendy teased them sometimes by letting the more attractive ones have glimpses of her body, mainly her legs and breasts. She remembered the way the women had used...

3 years ago
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Friends Pretty Mother

Mrs. Natalie Stevens pondered the drastic change in her life that had first started just over a year ago. Now things were even more complicated and there just didn't seem to be a way out. If she wanted to preserve her marriage to her loving husband, she just had to give in to the blackmail threats being made upon her. After having welcomed her son's friends into her home over the past years, always welcoming them into her home, she just could not believe what had occurred this past week.Her...

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Andersonville 2 Judgeless

Andersonville 2 - Judge-less by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Mathew Shepherd, who lives in the hearts of all open-mind people. Fade in... The warm glow of yesterday's conversation with my father ended in the cold reality of Monday morning. The cold reality that I was a young, teenage girl. The cold reality that I was expected to act like a girl, something totally foreign and yes, something I found even a little scary. And the cold reality that I had no idea why I...

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My Best Friend 12 The Surprise Pt 2

The bell rang. I noticed that time had flown seeing how I did all my homework in my last class. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my stuff in it. I walked out of the classroom and headed to leave the school. I walked by where Amanda’s last class was so we could walk home together. The time had really flown by because I was so excited that Amanda could spend the night at my place without having to sneak around so she could spend the night. As I reached her last classroom, I heard her familiar voice.

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bb 2

I write for clients. If interested, email me at [email protected] I have a wealth of archives BB p2I had successful parents, and in other words, my position in Kelly College as well as the disgraced "Beckys", was secure. Not only was my place in this school secure, but I also had benefits. My dorm room was large, which I shared with my friend Alex, a German boy whom had preoccupied his time with an infatuation of Becky with tugging upon not so malleable, flexible flesh such as her...

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A Boy and His Sisters Best Friend In Love The Long Awaited Sequel

Introduction: This story, while technically a continuation of the one I wrote last year, can still stand on its own. Its my first attempt at a sex-crazed incest story, and it describes perfectly what I dream about doing with my sister I sat there, dumbfounded, with Allie still in my arms while my sister stood in the doorway. Even Allie had managed a countenance of fear on her face. Look, Jill&hellip, I stammered Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private...

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Giving a show insdie of the elevator

The elevator was going to the last floor, where I worked. It was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was stroking my round ass cheeks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were exploring the...

4 years ago
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House Boy Part One

House Boy - Part One My name is Dorian Simmons. As my story starts, I am dreaming. I am on a merry-go-round. Around and around I go, faster and faster. My head feels like a children's toy top, spinning dizzily. As I whirl around in circles, the blood flows to my crotch. I wake with a euphoric throbbing between my legs, and to find my fianc?e Elise under the covers. The suction on my cock so intense, it feels like she's trying to drain the life out of me. Half in dream world, and h...

1 year ago
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Sissy 102

The next morning,I was awoken to gentle kisses on my neck and George fingering my butt. His hand was in my panties and his middle finger was wiggling its way up my hole. I didn't realize but I had started moaning, gently at first, but now I breathing heavy and moaning louder. I reached back and felt his hard cock growing in his tighty whities. "Mmmm." I moaned. "Pull down your panties." He whispered. I put my arms behind me cupping my butt and looking over my shoulder,in a " come...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two SidneysChapter 3 Achieving Goals

Gwen was able to give Julia her address and had her eyes closed by the time they left the Country Club parking lot. Sleep was probably the best thing for her, Julia only hoped that the younger woman still had the wits to stick her head out over the door of the convertible if she was going to hurl again. Being one of the original residents of the exclusive community Missus Dickens was familiar with every street inside the security gates. She had no trouble locating Gwen's home. After...

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My true life story

First off let me make it clear that I am not gay, I don’t even consider myself Bi. I am, as explained to me by a gay female friend, a hetero-flex. Which basically means I’m straight, but like something different from time to time. I have no interest in a realationship with a guy, not into kissing & cuddling etc.When it does happen I just want to get naked and have fun, then both be on our way. If it’s good we can meet again sometime. Anyway, I have been with another guy 4 times in my life,...

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