- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
Faye wasn?t told everything. How could she have accepted the invitation if she had known it would be the last invitation she would ever accept.
John, her Master, had made all the arrangements, and all he had to do was deliver Faye, and walk away, richer, and ready for the next girl he had found.
It was Friday night, a night like any other, when Faye arrived at her Master?s house. Entering the building she did what was normally expected of her, and removed all her clothing and jewellery. Her body had to be totally naked for her Master, not even a ring on her finger was allowed, or a watch.
?You have been invited to a party? said John as she knelt before him. ? do you accept the invitation??
Faye knew better than to say no to him, his word was law. He was in charge of every minute of her life, even if she were not with him.
?Yes Master, I accept? answered Faye in her most submissive voice.
?Good? said John. ?The party is in the
hills, but for reasons I cant go into, you will not be
allowed to know where, you will travel tied and hooded in the boot of the car.
There will be loud music played through headphones inside the hood, to distract
you and ensure you cannot concentrate on directions. Any
?No questions Master? answered Faye.
?Okay? said John. ?First I am going to tie your hands behind you, you will then walk naked to the garage and stand behind the car waiting further instructions. When I tell you to do so, you will climb into the boot. And I will apply the headphones and hood. Understood??
?Yes Master, all is understood. Am I allowed any questions??
?None at all, what will happen, will happen, you will comply at all costs?
?Yes Master?
John produced a short piece of rope and told Faye to place her hands behind her. Doing so, He then proceeded to tie them so she could not release them.
As soon as her hands were tied, Faye moved to the kitchen door, which led directly to the garage, and stood at the back of John?s car, waiting for him to arrive.
A few minutes later after making a telephone call, John strolled into the garage and opened the boot of his car. Faye struggled, but managed to get into the boot, laying on her side and waiting for the next phase.
John produced an MP3 player, and placed the head phones inside Faye?s ears, and then taped them in place, so that if the hood was ever removed, she would still not be able to remove them. Just before turning the MP3 player on, John looked Faye in the eyes and said.
?I have enjoyed using you as a slave, but all things must end. When we arrive at our destination, you will be handed over to your new owner, though you will not be with him long. You will never see me again after I place the hood on you.?
Before Faye could respond. John turned the MP3 player on, and turned the volume up full, and then placed the hood over the girl?s head, tying it tight. This would be the last time Faye ever saw him, and once delivered, the last time John would see her.
The drive was over three hours, driving carefully, following the instructions he had been given. He knew that without the instructions he would never find this place, and also knew that he would never find it again, as he had been told that when he arrived at the destination he was to hand over the instructions. It was almost midnight when he arrived, and presented himself at the Lodge.
A short conversation followed, and John was told to drive to the garage, open the boot, and walk away, so he would not see and later recognise any of the Lodge;s staff. What he didn?t know, he couldn?t give evidence on.
Following the instructions John drove to the garage, and took the keys from the ignition. Part of him wanted to drive away again, taking Faye with him, but he had been paid, and knew that no matter what he did, or where he went, they would find him, and take Faye from him.
Walking in the gardens a hooded man came over to him and told him he could now return to his car, and drive away.
John had not said goodbye to Faye, but the girl was no longer in his boot when her reached his car. She was now no longer his problem, and the money in his bank made him wealthier than he had been for quite some time. Money seems to take away any conscience.
At the gates of the property, John said a silent and last goodbye to Faye, and hoped that she would be enjoyed by her new owners and their guests.
Faye didn?t hear the car boot open, but she felt the hands guiding her from the car. She was led from the garage through a door and along a long corridor, still hooded, the loud music still playing in her ears. She stumbled once or twice, but hands prevented her from falling.
Eventually they came to a halt before a white door, and led Faye inside it, placing her on a table, before removing the hood, and finally, the MP3 player.
Quickly and efficiently, the men who had escorted her placed ropes on her wrists and ankles, and then tied them to the table on which she lay.
She could not see any of the men?s faces, as they wore hood, with only their eyes visible, eyes that showed no emotion.
A man in a white coat crossed the room and approached her.
?I am Doctor Williams? said the man. ?it is my job to ensure you are fit and healthy, to take your weight and measurements. Everything has to be logged perfectly to get the right results.?
Faye wanted to ask what results, but she knew better than to question a superior being, as this Doctor was. Faye was a slave, she obeyed, she didn?t question, ever.
The Doctor gave Faye a full examination, weighing her breasts, checking her temperature, taking blood samples, urine samples. He also gave her a questionnaire to complete, which asked what, if any, illnesses she had suffered between birth and now, when she started to menstruate, how many men she had slept with. It was perhaps the most personal thing she had ever completed, and by the end, her life story was written there in black and white for anyone to read.
Satisfied, the doctor placed a handcuff on one of her hands before releasing it from the table. Then, brought her hand over to the other one and cuffed that before releasing her second hand. Faye was never going to be cuff free until the party, on Sunday.
Releasing her legs, the Doctor told Faye to stand up and wait further instructions. Obeying, Faye stood, her legs slightly parted, her hands cuffed in front of her, wondering what would happen next. John had said she would never see him again, so it was pretty obvious that he had sold her to someone new, but, who was it? John had given no indication, and she already guessed that the guy who had inspected her, wasn?t her new owner.
About half an hour later two men came into the room and walked over to Faye, and told her to follow them, though follow wasn?t the right word, as she walked between the two men, both hooded, so she could not see their faces, and was led along a corridor and then up a flight of stairs.
The house, as she could see it, was well decorated, with expensive furniture, whoever her new owner was, he was quite wealthy.
The two men led her into an opulent room, deep shag carpets, antique furniture, large windows looking out over a great expanse of greenery, which Faye assumed was his garden. She could see poplar trees lining an avenue through the window.
A man sat at an antique desk, also hooded, writing in a book of some sort.
?Welcome? he said, without raising his head. ?You are now My property to use, abuse and dispose of at My will. You are here for one purpose only, to entertain My guests at a party on Sunday. For this your former Master was paid ?2000, a tidy sum, if I say so Myself.?
Faye was shocked, not that John had taken the ?2000, but that anyone had felt she was worth that much.
?During your time here you will not speak unless spoken to, you will see no-one?s face, as everyone except you will be wearing hoods. You will not hear any names, simply letters of the alphabet which may or may not refer to some one?s actual name, usually,, it doesn?t.?
?this is your last chance to ask questions? he ended.
?Why am I here?? she asked.
?I told you. To entertain My guests, and for no other reason. It is how you entertain them that should worry you, but, it matters little, as entertain them you will?
?Yes Master? she replied, assuming that this was her new owner.
At this point the two men re-appeared and guided Faye out of the room, and down the stairs again, taking her to a sparsely furnished room which would be her home for the next 48 hours.
She was left cuffed, but other wise free as they closed the door of the room, leaving her to investigate. The first thing she noticed in the bathroom was that the shower was activated by foot controls. She could shower anytime she wished and not have to worry about taps, she assumed this was because she was staying cuffed.
The bed was soft, but not too comfortable, the bedding only light sheets, but the room was not cold, and she realised that heavier sheets would not be needed.
There was a hole like a dog flap in the door, with no handle, though it was only then that she realised the door itself had no handle. She was not intended to get out of this room unaided.
About an hour after she had been placed in the room, the ?dog flap? opened and a plate of food was pushed through, and a cup of hot drink. The flap closed, and Faye moved over to the food. It wasn?t much, just two sausages and some mashed potato, but Faye didn?t care, food was food, and after serving John for so long she had learned that food was a gift, not a right.
What Faye didn?t know was that the mashed potato was laced with a sleeping drug,? and within a few minutes of eating it, she lay on the bed and slipped slowly into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Over the next 24 hours, Faye slept, the powerful drug ensuring that she would not wake, until the party had started. She was going to be the start of the party, and her owner had a lot to prepare.
First were the invitations, carefully worded, inviting them to a ?tasty Party? with ?special guest?. No-one other than those who received an invite would ever know what the theme of the party was going to be. John did not receive an invite.
Faye?s new owner also had to ready the site for the party, ensuring that everything was in order, and that all of his staff new their places. This was going to be a splendid party, and he didn?t want his guests disappointed, after all, they were paying over ?500 a head to attend.
The Champagne was already on ice, and the barbeque pit was filled with coals ready for use. Martin felt happy with himself, and ready for the event.
He paid a visit to the still sleeping Faye and measured her carefully, he couldn?t afford slip ups.
The last thing he wanted was for Faye to wake up too early, so he instructed one of his staff to give her another dose of the sleeping draft by injections as she slept. He looked carefully at her. Long brown hair, blue eyes, though now closed. She had? nice breasts, not overly large, but certainly enough to get your teeth into. Her legs were long and athletic, a sign that Faye was no stranger to a gym, and her pussy had been shaven clean. Closer inspection told Martin that it had been shaved for some time, as there was a continuous suntan in that area, no bikini or hair had stopped the suns rays from reaching her.
Martin smiled to himself. She would be perfect.
Martin? next job was to ensure the cage was going to be the right fit for Faye. The workshops at the back of the building were busy getting all the little things done that would make the party a success. With practised ease metal bands were being bent and shaped to form a cage that would hold Faye tightly. Martin smiled as he looked at the dark metal bands, each one an inch wide, they were bent to form a cage exactly the shape and size of Faye, once she was in it, there would be no movement. He inspected the locks to make sure that they would not open prematurely. He didn?t want any accidents. In five years he had never had one, and he always said this was because everyone took complete care in their work.
Walking back to his office Martin let his mind drift back to his five years in charge of the Party. It had been a good five years, and he had managed to entertain at least three times a year. In the Community he had a good name, and he intended to keep it that way.
Satisfied that all was in order, Martin allowed himself to rest, there was nothing else he could do now until the party started.
The guests had started to arrive an hour ago, each wearing the traditional mask, hiding their faces from each other. At these parties it was traditional that no-one knew who anyone else was, apart from the host, who knew and had vetted every guest.
The evening air was mild, though Martin had worried earlier that there would be a light drizzle. Rain would not have helped matters, but it had held off. The party area was lit by a ring of low lights, encouraging guests to enjoy themselves.
Martin looked at his watch one last time, and then climbed onto the podium, and clapped his hands to get everyone?s attention.
?Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Party. As you know, this is the last party of the year, and so we looked hard to find you just the right fare for the evening. There are light snacks on the bar if you get peckish while the main dish is cooking, and remember, if you want your meat rare, get in quick.? At this point the guests laughed lightly.
A noise to the left of the guests made them all turn around, to see two men dressed totally in black from head to toe, carrying a cage. It wasn?t the cage that attracted their attention, but the contents.
Faye was encased inside the cage, her arms down by her sides, her legs closed. Each of the bars of the cage made contact with her body, so even as she was being carried to the place of honour, no part of her body moved. Faye still slept, as she would do for a while longer yet, the powerful drug was enough to make her sleep, but not enough to ensure she slept through the party.
The cage was carried over to the barbeque pit, and the two rods, one either end, were placed on stanchions at each end of the pit. One end was fixed carefully to a motor what would revolve the cage.
Martin again called for the attention of the guests. ?As you know, you all bid to see who would light the fire, and as usual, all bids were made without knowing what else had been bid. In this way, we do not get the same person outbidding everyone else every time. ?
Martin came down from the podium and walked over to a tall woman wearing a long green evening gown, and a cat?s mask.
?Congratulations,? he said. ?You have won the right to light the fire and get the festivities under way.?
With this Martin escorted the lady to the barbeque pit and stood by as she placed her fingers on the ignition switch. With an unseen smile, her finger pressed, and a single click filled the night air. Almost immediately the gas fuelled flames bounded into life, and the red and yellow flames began to heat the coals.
Above the coals, Faye still slept. If Martin had judged the dose right, the drug would wear off just as the heat was starting to cook her soft white flesh.
The cage started to rotate, so that Faye would cook evenly, and Martin joined the other guests in the traditional drink to the volunteer.
Faye started to awaken slowly, feeling more than a little hot. It took a few seconds before she realised that the heat was coming from below her, and that she was looking at the night sky. As the spit rotated and she now looked down into the flames, she screamed.
?Oh God, someone help me. Please. Get me down.?
But there was no sound, the Doctor had cut her vocal chords as she slept
The heat was getting greater under Faye, her hair began to singe, and her skin began to blister. One of the attendants poured oil on her from a bottle, ensuring that her skin didn?t dry out as it cooked. And still Faye screamed out for someone to help, someone to free her, but that was never going to happen.
She felt herself cursing John, surely ha hadn?t known what was going to happen after he had sold her? She could still feel her body rotate, and the heat growing.
Louder and louder she screamed, but the guests heard nothing, few even watching their dinner cook, they would be told when dinner was ready.
Faye?s blood slowly began to boil, her heart burning inside her as the hot blood coursed through her veins. In a few more minutes it would be all over for Faye, her blood would no longer feed her brain, and she would die.
The attendants finally acclaimed that dinner would be served in half an hour, and would all guests please freshen up ready.
The guests were led to the main building and shown to their rooms, each with its own bathroom. By the time the last guest returned to the party, Faye had been removed from the fire, and the cage, and was now laid out on the huge table.
?Ladies and gentlemen? called Martin. ?Dinner is served?
Faye wasn?t told everything. How could she have accepted the invitation if she had known it would be the last invitation she would ever accept.
John, her Master, had made all the arrangements, and all he had to do was deliver Faye, and walk away, richer, and ready for the next girl he had found.
It was Friday night, a night like any other, when Faye arrived at her Master?s house. Entering the building she did what was normally expected of her, and removed all her clothing and jewellery. Her body had to be totally naked for her Master, not even a ring on her finger was allowed, or a watch.
?You have been invited to a party? said John as she knelt before him. ? do you accept the invitation??
Faye knew better than to say no to him, his word was law. He was in charge of every minute of her life, even if she were not with him.
?Yes Master, I accept? answered Faye in her most submissive voice.
?Good? said John. ?The party is in the
hills, but for reasons I cant go into, you will not be
allowed to know where, you will travel tied and hooded in the boot of the car.
There will be loud music played through headphones inside the hood, to distract
you and ensure you cannot concentrate on directions. Any
?No questions Master? answered Faye.
?Okay? said John. ?First I am going to tie your hands behind you, you will then walk naked to the garage and stand behind the car waiting further instructions. When I tell you to do so, you will climb into the boot. And I will apply the headphones and hood. Understood??
?Yes Master, all is understood. Am I allowed any questions??
?None at all, what will happen, will happen, you will comply at all costs?
?Yes Master?
John produced a short piece of rope and told Faye to place her hands behind her. Doing so, He then proceeded to tie them so she could not release them.
As soon as her hands were tied, Faye moved to the kitchen door, which led directly to the garage, and stood at the back of John?s car, waiting for him to arrive.
A few minutes later after making a telephone call, John strolled into the garage and opened the boot of his car. Faye struggled, but managed to get into the boot, laying on her side and waiting for the next phase.
John produced an MP3 player, and placed the head phones inside Faye?s ears, and then taped them in place, so that if the hood was ever removed, she would still not be able to remove them. Just before turning the MP3 player on, John looked Faye in the eyes and said.
?I have enjoyed using you as a slave, but all things must end. When we arrive at our destination, you will be handed over to your new owner, though you will not be with him long. You will never see me again after I place the hood on you.?
Before Faye could respond. John turned the MP3 player on, and turned the volume up full, and then placed the hood over the girl?s head, tying it tight. This would be the last time Faye ever saw him, and once delivered, the last time John would see her.
The drive was over three hours, driving carefully, following the instructions he had been given. He knew that without the instructions he would never find this place, and also knew that he would never find it again, as he had been told that when he arrived at the destination he was to hand over the instructions. It was almost midnight when he arrived, and presented himself at the Lodge.
A short conversation followed, and John was told to drive to the garage, open the boot, and walk away, so he would not see and later recognise any of the Lodge;s staff. What he didn?t know, he couldn?t give evidence on.
Following the instructions John drove to the garage, and took the keys from the ignition. Part of him wanted to drive away again, taking Faye with him, but he had been paid, and knew that no matter what he did, or where he went, they would find him, and take Faye from him.
Walking in the gardens a hooded man came over to him and told him he could now return to his car, and drive away.
John had not said goodbye to Faye, but the girl was no longer in his boot when her reached his car. She was now no longer his problem, and the money in his bank made him wealthier than he had been for quite some time. Money seems to take away any conscience.
At the gates of the property, John said a silent and last goodbye to Faye, and hoped that she would be enjoyed by her new owners and their guests.
Faye didn?t hear the car boot open, but she felt the hands guiding her from the car. She was led from the garage through a door and along a long corridor, still hooded, the loud music still playing in her ears. She stumbled once or twice, but hands prevented her from falling.
Eventually they came to a halt before a white door, and led Faye inside it, placing her on a table, before removing the hood, and finally, the MP3 player.
Quickly and efficiently, the men who had escorted her placed ropes on her wrists and ankles, and then tied them to the table on which she lay.
She could not see any of the men?s faces, as they wore hood, with only their eyes visible, eyes that showed no emotion.
A man in a white coat crossed the room and approached her.
?I am Doctor Williams? said the man. ?it is my job to ensure you are fit and healthy, to take your weight and measurements. Everything has to be logged perfectly to get the right results.?
Faye wanted to ask what results, but she knew better than to question a superior being, as this Doctor was. Faye was a slave, she obeyed, she didn?t question, ever.
The Doctor gave Faye a full examination, weighing her breasts, checking her temperature, taking blood samples, urine samples. He also gave her a questionnaire to complete, which asked what, if any, illnesses she had suffered between birth and now, when she started to menstruate, how many men she had slept with. It was perhaps the most personal thing she had ever completed, and by the end, her life story was written there in black and white for anyone to read.
Satisfied, the doctor placed a handcuff on one of her hands before releasing it from the table. Then, brought her hand over to the other one and cuffed that before releasing her second hand. Faye was never going to be cuff free until the party, on Sunday.
Releasing her legs, the Doctor told Faye to stand up and wait further instructions. Obeying, Faye stood, her legs slightly parted, her hands cuffed in front of her, wondering what would happen next. John had said she would never see him again, so it was pretty obvious that he had sold her to someone new, but, who was it? John had given no indication, and she already guessed that the guy who had inspected her, wasn?t her new owner.
About half an hour later two men came into the room and walked over to Faye, and told her to follow them, though follow wasn?t the right word, as she walked between the two men, both hooded, so she could not see their faces, and was led along a corridor and then up a flight of stairs.
The house, as she could see it, was well decorated, with expensive furniture, whoever her new owner was, he was quite wealthy.
The two men led her into an opulent room, deep shag carpets, antique furniture, large windows looking out over a great expanse of greenery, which Faye assumed was his garden. She could see poplar trees lining an avenue through the window.
A man sat at an antique desk, also hooded, writing in a book of some sort.
?Welcome? he said, without raising his head. ?You are now My property to use, abuse and dispose of at My will. You are here for one purpose only, to entertain My guests at a party on Sunday. For this your former Master was paid ?2000, a tidy sum, if I say so Myself.?
Faye was shocked, not that John had taken the ?2000, but that anyone had felt she was worth that much.
?During your time here you will not speak unless spoken to, you will see no-one?s face, as everyone except you will be wearing hoods. You will not hear any names, simply letters of the alphabet which may or may not refer to some one?s actual name, usually,, it doesn?t.?
?this is your last chance to ask questions? he ended.
?Why am I here?? she asked.
?I told you. To entertain My guests, and for no other reason. It is how you entertain them that should worry you, but, it matters little, as entertain them you will?
?Yes Master? she replied, assuming that this was her new owner.
At this point the two men re-appeared and guided Faye out of the room, and down the stairs again, taking her to a sparsely furnished room which would be her home for the next 48 hours.
She was left cuffed, but other wise free as they closed the door of the room, leaving her to investigate. The first thing she noticed in the bathroom was that the shower was activated by foot controls. She could shower anytime she wished and not have to worry about taps, she assumed this was because she was staying cuffed.
The bed was soft, but not too comfortable, the bedding only light sheets, but the room was not cold, and she realised that heavier sheets would not be needed.
There was a hole like a dog flap in the door, with no handle, though it was only then that she realised the door itself had no handle. She was not intended to get out of this room unaided.
About an hour after she had been placed in the room, the ?dog flap? opened and a plate of food was pushed through, and a cup of hot drink. The flap closed, and Faye moved over to the food. It wasn?t much, just two sausages and some mashed potato, but Faye didn?t care, food was food, and after serving John for so long she had learned that food was a gift, not a right.
What Faye didn?t know was that the mashed potato was laced with a sleeping drug,? and within a few minutes of eating it, she lay on the bed and slipped slowly into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Over the next 24 hours, Faye slept, the powerful drug ensuring that she would not wake, until the party had started. She was going to be the start of the party, and her owner had a lot to prepare.
First were the invitations, carefully worded, inviting them to a ?tasty Party? with ?special guest?. No-one other than those who received an invite would ever know what the theme of the party was going to be. John did not receive an invite.
Faye?s new owner also had to ready the site for the party, ensuring that everything was in order, and that all of his staff new their places. This was going to be a splendid party, and he didn?t want his guests disappointed, after all, they were paying over ?500 a head to attend.
The Champagne was already on ice, and the barbeque pit was filled with coals ready for use. Martin felt happy with himself, and ready for the event.
He paid a visit to the still sleeping Faye and measured her carefully, he couldn?t afford slip ups.
The last thing he wanted was for Faye to wake up too early, so he instructed one of his staff to give her another dose of the sleeping draft by injections as she slept. He looked carefully at her. Long brown hair, blue eyes, though now closed. She had? nice breasts, not overly large, but certainly enough to get your teeth into. Her legs were long and athletic, a sign that Faye was no stranger to a gym, and her pussy had been shaven clean. Closer inspection told Martin that it had been shaved for some time, as there was a continuous suntan in that area, no bikini or hair had stopped the suns rays from reaching her.
Martin smiled to himself. She would be perfect.
Martin? next job was to ensure the cage was going to be the right fit for Faye. The workshops at the back of the building were busy getting all the little things done that would make the party a success. With practised ease metal bands were being bent and shaped to form a cage that would hold Faye tightly. Martin smiled as he looked at the dark metal bands, each one an inch wide, they were bent to form a cage exactly the shape and size of Faye, once she was in it, there would be no movement. He inspected the locks to make sure that they would not open prematurely. He didn?t want any accidents. In five years he had never had one, and he always said this was because everyone took complete care in their work.
Walking back to his office Martin let his mind drift back to his five years in charge of the Party. It had been a good five years, and he had managed to entertain at least three times a year. In the Community he had a good name, and he intended to keep it that way.
Satisfied that all was in order, Martin allowed himself to rest, there was nothing else he could do now until the party started.
The guests had started to arrive an hour ago, each wearing the traditional mask, hiding their faces from each other. At these parties it was traditional that no-one knew who anyone else was, apart from the host, who knew and had vetted every guest.
The evening air was mild, though Martin had worried earlier that there would be a light drizzle. Rain would not have helped matters, but it had held off. The party area was lit by a ring of low lights, encouraging guests to enjoy themselves.
Martin looked at his watch one last time, and then climbed onto the podium, and clapped his hands to get everyone?s attention.
?Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Party. As you know, this is the last party of the year, and so we looked hard to find you just the right fare for the evening. There are light snacks on the bar if you get peckish while the main dish is cooking, and remember, if you want your meat rare, get in quick.? At this point the guests laughed lightly.
A noise to the left of the guests made them all turn around, to see two men dressed totally in black from head to toe, carrying a cage. It wasn?t the cage that attracted their attention, but the contents.
Faye was encased inside the cage, her arms down by her sides, her legs closed. Each of the bars of the cage made contact with her body, so even as she was being carried to the place of honour, no part of her body moved. Faye still slept, as she would do for a while longer yet, the powerful drug was enough to make her sleep, but not enough to ensure she slept through the party.
The cage was carried over to the barbeque pit, and the two rods, one either end, were placed on stanchions at each end of the pit. One end was fixed carefully to a motor what would revolve the cage.
Martin again called for the attention of the guests. ?As you know, you all bid to see who would light the fire, and as usual, all bids were made without knowing what else had been bid. In this way, we do not get the same person outbidding everyone else every time. ?
Martin came down from the podium and walked over to a tall woman wearing a long green evening gown, and a cat?s mask.
?Congratulations,? he said. ?You have won the right to light the fire and get the festivities under way.?
With this Martin escorted the lady to the barbeque pit and stood by as she placed her fingers on the ignition switch. With an unseen smile, her finger pressed, and a single click filled the night air. Almost immediately the gas fuelled flames bounded into life, and the red and yellow flames began to heat the coals.
Above the coals, Faye still slept. If Martin had judged the dose right, the drug would wear off just as the heat was starting to cook her soft white flesh.
The cage started to rotate, so that Faye would cook evenly, and Martin joined the other guests in the traditional drink to the volunteer.
Faye started to awaken slowly, feeling more than a little hot. It took a few seconds before she realised that the heat was coming from below her, and that she was looking at the night sky. As the spit rotated and she now looked down into the flames, she screamed.
?Oh God, someone help me. Please. Get me down.?
But there was no sound, the Doctor had cut her vocal chords as she slept
The heat was getting greater under Faye, her hair began to singe, and her skin began to blister. One of the attendants poured oil on her from a bottle, ensuring that her skin didn?t dry out as it cooked. And still Faye screamed out for someone to help, someone to free her, but that was never going to happen.
She felt herself cursing John, surely ha hadn?t known what was going to happen after he had sold her? She could still feel her body rotate, and the heat growing.
Louder and louder she screamed, but the guests heard nothing, few even watching their dinner cook, they would be told when dinner was ready.
Faye?s blood slowly began to boil, her heart burning inside her as the hot blood coursed through her veins. In a few more minutes it would be all over for Faye, her blood would no longer feed her brain, and she would die.
The attendants finally acclaimed that dinner would be served in half an hour, and would all guests please freshen up ready.
The guests were led to the main building and shown to their rooms, each with its own bathroom. By the time the last guest returned to the party, Faye had been removed from the fire, and the cage, and was now laid out on the huge table.
?Ladies and gentlemen? called Martin. ?Dinner is served?
Timmy the Timid, that's what he was known as since kindergarten. Ever the bashful boy on the school playground, Tim was easily bullied and razzed by the older kids; girls as well as boys. But most of the children's imaginations never went beyond teasing and name-calling. It wasn't until ninth grade that the reason for his extreme shyness became known to a few. By that age students were deemed mature enough to be taken on educational outings. The school system in Tim's county divided up...
Erik walks up to the front door of his home and pulls out his keys from his backpack. Unlocking the door and walking inside he takes a moment to stretch. Feeling relieved that finals are over and he isn't going back to school for a while he starts walking to the kitchen to grab a snack. Grabbing a protein bar and an apple he continues to his room, turns on his computer and starts to play games. An hour passes before he realizes his mother hasn't been around or just isn't present in the...
BDSMTHE OTHER GROUP ON WONDER WOMAN Wonder Woman stood in a dark corner of the warehouse, where there was only neon lights above her. Roughly 20 men, Hispanics, were looking and gawking at her. they were the armed Uzi-wielding men working for Sanchez and it was like after 1 in the morning. Sanchez told his men that from now till dawn, they could do whatever they wanted with Wonder Woman. The team leader Enrique stood out from the group and then gave Wonder Woman as order, while she stood there...
Hello Readers mera naam sneha hai, sorry part 2 ke liye der lag gai – Toh Padhiye aage kya hua. Us raat mai dari sehmi si so gai, Mama Muskurate hue aapne kamre me chale gai. Mai bas sochti hui reh gai ki ye kyu hua. Dusre din subha hua hum naste pe beithe then toh mama mere paas hi baithe they unka ek haath plate me tha aur dusra meri Jangoh pe. Maine bohot try kiya ki use hatau par mama kuch sunne ke mood me nahi they shayad unhe kuch jyada chahiye tha jo mai samaj nahi paa rahi thi. Din bhar...
You get used to being overlooked. I mean you don’t like it but you pretend it doesn’t bother you. Some of the reasons for being perpetually overlooked belong to you and others are the perceptions of others.You are average height and not skinny or plump but you believe you don’t have that one feature that draws any guy’s eyes to look at you : not your light blue eyes or your fair hair even in a pony tail. Clothes always looked daggy on you , even quality jeans won’t for some reason ever define...
Maddy May is ready to get wild and is downright sexy as fuck in her lacy white lingerie. Be ready for a fucking great time as Maddy lets you experience her wacky and awesome personality and gets down on Alex Jetts large cock too! Size is not everything but Maddy loves taking every inch of that shaft. Bend her like a pretzel and fuck that pussy hard and she will push right back when you think she has had enough but she really just wants more and more. Alex almost can not contain himself but...
xmoviesforyouMy sister Cathy is a only a year younger than I and is a year behind me in school. Because we are so near the same age, we have always been very close to each other, confiding our secrets and presenting a united front in our relations with other people. I've always been the protective big brother, and she has been the supportive, adoring little sister. We respect each other's ideas and thoughts and depend on each other for advice and support. This has been particularly true with respect to...
Egill punched his PDD and tried to call Sif. He wanted to take her home as well. The girl must feel homesick as well. The system however responded. “Receiver PDD is not active. Account Arnske, Sif has been deleted.” A sudden hot flash of guilt and a feeling that something was very wrong came over the Old Norse. He called Sif’s aunt, this time the connection was successful. As soon as the woman saw him she started.” Don’t even get me started on that brat. She took over 12,000 credits from me....
Time to move on. The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium. “Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked. In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain...
Hey, this is Nikhil from Patna age 26 height 5.6 inches weight 65.Wid a smart and chocolaty look. I can’t describe my tool size as I’ve never measured it.But its big enough to satisfy a girl or a lady.So coming to my story.This is my first story here and it’s very true. Guys ye mera first story and I’ve never written all this before. So be patient while reading dis. This incident happend wid me 1 year ago.Mere cousin bhai ki shaadi ko 3 saal ho chuke the.And my bhabi is very beautiful she is...
I have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel. Only minor damage was done but still the lady of the house was worried. We did a secondary search of the house, surrounding walls and found nothing. I explained to this very lovely, yet scantily clad young woman she had nothing to fear. She asked if I could come back and check it the morning. I told her there was...
My intention to leave for work earlier than normal to oversee a delivery of new stock was messed up by the discovery of a flat tyre on my car and, because I’m no good with these things, I ‘phoned Clive at the Mazda garage for help. He kindly offered to send a mechanic out later in the day to fix the problem and told me where to conceal the key but my main problem was how to get in to work. I then remembered that a neighbour of mine worked in the pharmacy in the same shopping precinct as...
Group SexOnce again I am gonna share another story from my past. It is a true story and if you read my other story, you will recall that I mentioned that it may not be super hot, but, it is still all true. To me, that is the best kind of story.When I was in college, I had a this italian buddy in my fraternity. His mom was smoking hot! Everyone of us would eye fuck her when she came to visit him at the frat house. Needless to say he didn't care for our eye googling and would typically keep her away from...
Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...
By : Purehealth I am from Rakesh 29 year’s old unmarried from Hyderabad and I used to visit this site regularly and found most of the stories interesting. Here I just wished to share an unforgettable experience with you all. This is the pure true story just happened on Sunday 22th June, in Bhimavaram I took general ticket to Secunderabad (Narsapur Express) as train is busy I don’t got Reservation in train, the general compartment is full and people are standing at entrance so I am not able get...
My story is not long and hope you like it.One night while I was at my girlfriends house me and one of the family friends were up late looking at tv. I had just got out of the shower and had some short football shorts on that I would wear to bed because I was always hot. They called this friend cowboy and yes he was gay. Well we were looking at I don't know what but I notice him get up from the couch and sit at my feet. He asked me if I could do him a favor, so I asked him what it was. He told...
Part 9 I'm running through the snow as fast as I can, but it feels like I'm moving through treacle. Each step is heavy and laboured, my heart pounds and the icy air freezes my throat. The longer this goes on for, the more difficult it gets. I know it's behind me and I know if I turn round and look it in the eye, it's all over. Here I am, stuck in a perilous situation, where it's getting harder and harder to run but I don't want to acknowledge whatever it is behind me: a beast or...
RedTails - Immortal Glows The Misbehaving LynxbyScarletdown Standing upon a narrow ledge, Lynx nervously gazed up at the summit of Spirit Mountain, her soft feminine curves covered by nothing more than her fur. Her voice echoed to the peak above her, "Lord Eagle! I seek your guidance and wisdom!" A majestic eagle peered down from the lofty peak. Mighty wings spread wide, he soared down to the ledge. A bright glow engulfed his body. When it faded, he stood before her in his humanoid form....
SpankingHi, friends…..Thanks for the response for the previous story…. I am back with a new incident which happened a few weeks back…. To those who are new I am Nandu 27 years from Visakhapatnam…Presently in Vizag looking for Job offers here….This is a story of how I got a chance to fuck my friends married sister..Any unsatisfied aunties can mail me on for secret relation….. Coming to the story … This all started with a facebook message….After I left my job in Banglore, I am back in Vizag and one day...
Chapter Nine: The Deal It was not a long walk up the hill to Jealile’s house but it seemed like forever to me because of the butterflies in my stomach. I was about to meet Jealile’s Father for the first time and ask him for her hand. I knew that in this land it was not required but in this instance it was. For I was not only asking for the hand of his daughter, but a sizable dowry as well so the courtesy of a visit seemed in order. I was doubly nervous because I needed his help to get to...
Author’s note: Hey guys, hope you enjoy the story! Feel free to DM/comment with any suggestions or feedback! Waking up on the morning of your 21st birthday, you look out of the window. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the delivery man walking up to your door has the package you have been waiting for. The latest Realitus headset! Excited, you run up to the door and open it before the man has had the chance to knock. His look changes from surprised to confused, to embarassed. It...
FetishHai friends. This is Abhinav, 19 years old, male. I would love to share my lustful experience with my mother here. This is a series where I divided my story into episodes. I hope you will like it and enjoy it. This is my day one experience with mom and I named it the ‘Naked Night’. After a long time, I completed my graduation and went back to my home. I studied in a city which is far away from my city. It has been many years since I spent time with my family for a long time. Now I’m fully grown...
IncestThe next winter break Tim called me and invited me over for dinner with him and his wife. I asked him if she knew about us, that he liked sucking my dick. His reply was, “She knows she cannot fulfill all of my needs.” Hmm…I was not sure exactly what that meant, but what the hell. They lived in an apartment complex with a pool and clubhouse. We went swimming in the pool and I got a look at Sylvia. Tim and Sylvia are about 30 years old. She was about five foot five and a little over weight with...
Jane and I had been friends for quite a while. We spent a lot of time talking and laughing and just hanging out. Some wondered why we never dated, but she had a boyfriend and although I have wanted more, I never told her for fear of losing my best friend. I had never had a friend like her and was not willing to ruin it. If was not at home on the weekends, I was usually found at her place, watching movies and just having a good time. It was on one such occasion that our feelings would take a...
My wife and I have a lot of fun in our sex life with role play. We like to tell each other our sexual phantasies and quite often they have been performed by us in reality. This is a true story of one of our role plays. It happened some years ago when we had bought our country house. We had to renovate it and tried to do as much as possible ourselves. Some jobs were too complicated or had to be done by a person who was certified (e.g. electrician). They did their work during a week or two and...
Things didn't go exactly as planned, not that we ever sat down and consciously worked one out. Life has a way of pulling people apart. We did our best, though, and we got together as often as we could. Anna and Sam ended up at UNC, and Rick and I attended Virginia Tech. Jo Marie and Frank got into NC State, and we actually looked for a place where we could all live together and commute. The mileage just worked against us. UNC had a party off campus like what we'd had in our town, and so we...
I had to circle the hospital car park three times before I saw someone pulling out. I grabbed the spot and with the bouquet of flowers in hand I strode purposefully toward the maternity wing. I'd promised my wife Sandra that I'd be there for the birth, but had been inadvertently delayed in getting here. I had to wait until this morning for a flight. I'd been told by the nurse it was a girl... whow, we'd waited and tried for this for so long. I couldn't believe that we now had a...
The phone awoke the house early on Thursday morning. Claire answered and called to John to pick up his own. The police officer handling his case was ringing to tell him that Peter and Thomas were now in transit from Cumbria to the city and would be brought before the magistrates at two that afternoon. John as the victim was welcome to attend. The constable went on to say that if they pleaded guilty the procedure would be over that day; if not guilty, they would be remanded, probably in...
Craig scanned Scot-ads. Several of the advertisements caught his eye. “Maggie Sottero, size 14, strapless, princess style £300” I don’t think so. “Ivory wedding dress. Designer by Debenhams, plain bottom half with train. Needs dry cleaning hence £100” Hmm possible. “Ivory wedding dress, size 14 good condition, detailed bodice with train £60” It was a local number. He pulled out his mobile and dialled the number. It was picked up on the fourth ring. He was so nervous he could hardly keep hold...
Gaia held out her hand and Giselle took it and stood up. The view of the incredible winter scene wavered a bit and suddenly they were in a beautiful meadow not far from the edge of a small town. Giselle gasped slightly, not just at the shifting scene, but the feel of late spring instead of winter. Knowing Gaia for only a short time and the amount of information that she absorbed still didn’t prepare her for such things. Gaia smiled. “It’s OK, Giselle, just look within yourself and you will...
MasturbationTHE EIGHTH GRADE SCIENCE TEACHERThis story is true and reflects every detail that I can recall. The next encounter with Beverly was equally unbelievable. More to follow. I was taking a huge risk of getting caught speeding and another with the wintry conditions of the road, but I had promised my wife that I would make it home in time for the Parent Teacher conference for my stepson. As we mingled with the hundreds of parents, clutching the schedule, searching the halls for the room number, and...
The encounter with my married friend I wrote about earlier has had many starts and stops. For the first few months we got together whenever the opportunity presented itself for one of us to host at home. Then, for some unknown reason, the intensity seemed to wane and a period of abstinence became a month, then six months, than a year. We talked about getting together whenever we saw each other, but it didn't happen. We were still very good friends it just seemed the urge to get naked and play...
So, I got back home and took a shower. When I finished and was drying off I saw my small tattoo of my gang leader lover. I remembered him saying I belonged to him now. What did that really mean? I recieved a text from my thug lover asking if he could come by and talk. He arrived a little later and thanked me for helping him repay the gang. He then asked me if I was branded. I pushed my shorts down and showed him the new tattoo. He asked me if I understood what this means. I replied not...
She left at 5:30, and was to be gone from 6:00 to noon. As nonchalantly as possible, I told her to let me know if she got off earlier so Gwen and I could be home to meet her. "What are you going to do this morning?" she asked. "Well, I thought we'd go for breakfast, if Gwen feels well enough, then if anything else needs to be done at Joe's I guess we'll do that. Otherwise, we'll just hang out and spend some time together." And fuck each other's brains out, I hope, I added...
I walk out to find Jessica sitting on my bed. She is about 5 foot 7 inches and has some of the smoothest skin I have ever seen. She sits with her legs crossed hands on her knees in short shorts and a t shirt that isn’t exposing the cleavage of her C breasts, but is tight enough you can see their shape perfectly. Her blonde hair sets upon her shoulders and shines in the light from the window and she ever so slightly smiles up at me, her red lipstick making her lips contrast with her eye shadow...
It was almost nine in the morning when I felt something poke me in the side. I rolled over and saw Maddie laying there next to me with her head on the pillow."Hey sleepy head. I didn't know if you'd ever wake up," Maddie said.And I realized that last night after I'd brought her home to stay with me, she'd kissed me. I'd kissed her. She'd hugged me. I'd seen her standing in the damn guest room wearing nothing but underwear and a bra, and for the first time ever, I'd seen her in a way...
TeenCollege teacher Christie Stevens is known for her experimental methods when it comes to her students and her pedagogy, and she isn’t afraid to employ them when her student Rion tells her that he needs to pass his history exam or he’s kicked off the swim team. It’s so simple it’s genius: answer a question correctly, Rion gets a reward; incorrectly, he gets punished. But when Rion discovers that his reward involves his hot teacher removing a piece of clothing, he’s ready to ace the test…and her...
xmoviesforyouHi! This is Vatsal back again with a new experience of mine. Thank you for your lovely reviews and comments on my previous story. I really appreciate that. This time, I am going to share with you an incident that happened with me which was astonishing yet interesting. Life was going good and I had good ladies to fuck. But my heart wanted something new every time. In late September last year, I decided to be a professional masseur. I knew massage and taken a few classes too for it. So I posted...
Hello there friends, this is Krish that is, Krishna back again. As you know in the earlier part that my friend Arjun and I planned a Love Game to seduce each other’s wife. We both landed on each other’s wife’s bed on the same day! So, here’s the next part. I said, “So it seems we both won equally, so now we can enjoy one day with other’s wife.” Arjun smiled and cheered saying “Why only one day?” and we both drank your whiskeys. I asked, “What do you mean?” Arjun said, “Let take each other’s...
Well, I've always had a thing for women's panties, specially the lace ones.This story happened sometime around the year 2000. I had not had sex in months, mainly because I was going through some emotional problems in my life and didn't feel fit or attractice enough to go out and grab women. The fact is, I used to be really shy and inexperienced back then and had made the mistake of falling in love with the wrong person more than once, which was enough to shake my confidence.I had this neighbour...
CHAPTER 1 The words ‘bright, sullen, clever, devious and tough as old boots’ would have described Jackie Stone as a young girl perfectly. She really was a mixed bag. Until Jackie turned ten she was a pretty and rather cute energetic youngster thriving under her mother’s care and protection but during that year cancer was diagnosed and months later Rebecca Stone died. The boys began the teasing, perhaps hitting out of the loss of their mom who’d displayed the greatest share of her love for...
“Look what I caught!” announced Rodney as he herded Tina and Dylan into the boys’ camp at spear point. A couple of the other young men looked up from preparing clams for tonight’s dinner, staring at the voluptuous girl in her ratty school uniform. Rodney marched them to the center of the camp, to George’s hut. The boys’ huts were ramshackle affairs, made with driftwood, vines, and bamboo, with a thatched roof of palm fronds and other leafy findings, but they held up, even with the heavy...
You should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. ***** Sandy woke to the alarm clock. It was still dark and she wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. She looked over at it and blinked her eyes trying to focus on the numbers. She rubbed her eyes scrapping off the crust coating them making it hard to focus. It was five thirty. How she got in her bed was a mystery. The last thing her foggy brain recalled was lying on a table and swallowing the...
A friend recommended The Handy when he heard about my latest visit to the hospital. “Don’t you think it’s time to give up on building your own dick-sucking robot?” he asked. “Maybe it’s time to leave it to the professionals.” I’ve never been one to abandon a dream, but as I applied the prescription salve to the friction burns, I thought, perhaps he’s right.That’s why I spent all morning checking out TheHandy.com, which makes a high-end masturbation gizmo they call “the most advanced sex toy...
Online Sex Toys ShopsFor the first time this week, Kathy actually came into work feeling rested. She had finally been able to get a good nights rest last night after a long troubled week. Kathy found herself slowly accepting her new life, and with that acceptance came a certain amount of release. Though she still feared Vicki's perverse mind and worried about how far she would try and push Kathy, a small part of her was now looking forward to the intense sexual release she seemed to only experience when under...
I am not a guy who actively goes behind girls for sexual gratification but at the same time I am quite horny, who requires daily dose of sex. I do fantasize about other females of my apartment but have never tried anything beyond that. What I am going to tell you is narration of an incident that has left me totally flabbergasted. I came to know about a dimension of human nature which is totally animal Pune is known for its pleasant weather and that day was no exception. It was bright and...
The prisoners were now clamoring to talk. Milt had let them see all the news reports including our information on the SUV that was killed by the helicopter. Apparently, killing off your own team is not acceptable. The police separated them and began taped interrogations. Stan and I took Joe Dexter. Stan said, "Joe, you're going to get your deal according to the D.A. He says you died in the SUV. Reid's wife was killed and Reid went after Ames for doing it. From the reports we have heard,...
In the weeks following O’Shaunessy’s conviction, the Asia was at sea incessantly. Without explicitly admitting to it, Commodore Fanning seemed to harbour some resentment against his captain. Tony had a good idea what the reasons were, for Mrs. Fanning was living in Dublin, and some of the resentment felt against Tony by the local authorities must be directed against her by proxy. There was more under the surface, he suspected. After all, Fanning had taught Tony most of what he knew about his...
The babies were a wondrous thing to watch as they grew, I was instantly in love with them all, Louise to her credit adored them all as well, she was starting to fill out in places most twelve year olds did not even realise they had, she would also screw me at least twice a day, more if I allowed it, I lamented the fact that she could not have her own children (although if they were mine, that might be a problem) she would have been a delightful mother and I had already realised she was trying...
Nobody wanted to touch me. I didn't blame them. I was ordered to crawl across the rough wooden floor. I followed the woman who had been so cruel to me all evening as she walked briskly across the barn and into a large kennel attached to the side of the barn. She opened a cage and I was forced into a pen with one of the Great Danes that had raped me earlier. As soon as I was inside the door was closed and locked behind me. I turned and watched as she placed a camera on a short tripod. She...
On arriving home from another term at school I was introduced to Jeff, mums sexy new boyfriend. She had been seeing him for around 5 months now but had never brought him with her when she visited me at school. He had, like all the previous Mr. rights, moved in with her already. I was feeling hot and horny after my experience in the taxi with Andy the cab driver and was eager to get in the pool and cool off. I invited Jeff to join me much to mums disappointment. "I want to sit and chat...
Straight SexIntroduction: A softer look at vampiric sex, in my opinion. Comments welcomed. My heels clicked against the damp pavement as I made my way towards the sounds of heavy bass and shrill, girlish giggles. I could sense the lack of inhibitions, the inebriation and the excitement of the men who thought they would bring home a mate for the night. I breathed deep the potent scent of alcohol, smoke and sexual excitement, knowing in my forever still heart that tonight would be a success. Making my way to...
My husband and kids were visiting his mother for the weekend. Unfortunately I had a project deadline due and could not go. My hubby, being the sweet man his is, sent me a very hot text message including a picture of his rock hard cock. It made me so wet that I peeled off my panties and shoved them in my purse. I fingered myself to a delicious but small orgasm. I completed my task and started for home. I live about thirty minutes from work. I guess the hot message really had me turned on...
It was a late spring evening when Roxy and Phil sat down at the table for their evening meal. It had been a cold but busy winter and the weather was now improving rapidly as the nights grew longer.They sat discussing what Roxy would be doing later that night and also tomorrow night. This was when Phil told Roxy that from now on Saturday nights until late autumn she was going to be a trailer park whore. Roxy was a little shocked at first but quickly got turned on at the thought of possibly being...
Parent's VacationChapter 1 – You win some, you lose some Stan and Jim sat in the glad of trees 200 yards from the home of the Andrew's family. Military buddies the two men were master's of camouflage and were invisible from the house.?How much longer till the parents leave?? Stan muttered, careful to not allow any breath vapor to give away his position.?Their flight is in 3 hours and it's a 45 minute drive, so I say within the next 15 minutes? Jim replied.The Andrews had won an all...
Tina Grey is minding her own business reading a book when her boyfriend Martin Spell comes up behind her and makes it clear that he’d like some sugar. Kisses to Tina’s neck and shoulder get her attention, while Martin’s wandering hands rev her motor. As Martin cups her tits and then slides his hands lower to cup her pussy as he licks her nipples, Tina lays back and lets him do the work. Martin peels Tina out of her clothes while Tina pinches her own nips, not stopping until...
xmoviesforyouMy girlfriend Megan and I were rounding the corner isles of the grocery store to get few more supplies. We suddenly stopped at the end corner when we heard two teenage boys talking in a very low voice but loud enough for us to hear. They’re about around same age as I and Megan, 20 and 18. They were talking about the tall gorgeous looking woman at the far end of the isles. “Golly! Look at her, she’s so gorgeous, looks so sexy in that white t-shirt and tight black leggings.” The blond boy said...
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...