Saturday 5 Pm free porn video

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Sat 8:15 pm

Sat 5:15 pm


Testing the knot at my right wrist, I find it firm, with no give.? Then I flex my muscles, and give the restraint a solid pull.? It only gets tighter.? I grunt with satisfaction, and then systematically try the other wrist, and both ankles.? None slip or give at all.? She did an excellent job of studying the knots, and tying me in a way that keeps my arms and legs taught.? The ball gag in my mouth makes my jaws ache lightly, and I am drooling down my chin, saliva tickling my goatee.? I rub my chin on the sheets to clean it off, and as I look left, there she is.? My wife, or is it?? I have never seen her like this.


Thursday 11:55 pm


??????????? Standing in the bathroom, taking a long piss, I am aware that she is standing behind me, waiting, slightly bent at the waist.? I know she wants to sit on the toilet; I have had toys and my cock up her ass for the better part of two hours.? She still has her ankle cuffs on, and her eyes are slightly bloodshot from both crying, and the pressure the blindfold puts of them.? As I finish, and she turns to sit, I see the stripes the cane left on her ass and thighs.? She winces slightly, but sits and relieves herself all the same, sighing deeply.? I step into the shower for a rinse off, and get out quickly.? By now she has retrieved the penetration toys from the bedside table, and is washing them with anti-bacterial hand soap. I grin wryly at this: it has always amused me that she is so fastidious about cleaning these toys.? Every session she has them up her ass, then ends up cleaning many of them orally, but I guess starting with them squeaky clean makes her feel better.?


??????????? As I exit the bathroom, I hear her start the water for a shower, and I go make the coffee.? Thirty minutes later she is sitting on the couch wearing flannel pajamas, and one of my t-shirts that looks like a tent on her slender frame, hair toweled dry, but still damp in a pony tail, and takes the cup-o-Joe I offer her.? She has none of the dramatic makeup left on, and the smell of perfume has been replaced by soap, conditioner, and lotion.? She is my wife now; the submissive has been put away for the evening like the toys she has already carefully placed in my nightstand.?


??????????? ?Tough one?? I ask rhetorically.? I already know it was.? My mood was a bit dark, and she has been aloof lately when not in role, so I had some pent-up frustration.

??????????? ?It?s ok.?? She says to her cup, her voice not convincing me it is truly ok.? ?I have been thinking?? She starts, looking cautiously up at me.? ?Remember asking me if I ever wanted to try being on top??

??????????? ?..Yeah..? I answer, vaguely recalling encouraging her to try it a year and a half ago.

??????????? ?I think I?d like to do that, try this from the other end of the stick.?

??????????? I think about this for a long moment, trying to picture my kind, mellow wife and submissive being in charge.? ?Sure, when??? I ask, still not convinced this will fly at all.?

??????????? ?Saturday night.? I would like to do it then.?? She stated, flatly but firmly.

??????????? My face wrinkles a bit, ?Oh, well I guess that is as good a time as any.?? I am lying. Saturday is a disappointment as that is usually the night I run her through a long session if we?re going to do anything involved.? Since we both work Monday through Friday, Saturday night gives us ample time to play, and I can let her sleep in on Sunday morning to recover. ?Do you need any help getting things ready??

??????????? ?I think I can manage.? She replies, smiling wistfully.

??????????? I manage to smile back, an unfamiliar nervous knot beginning in my stomach, and coyly answer ?Yes Mistress!?


Friday 4:45 pm


??????????? Sitting at my desk, wrapping up my work week, her email popped into my inbox with a friendly ?ding?.? It as my wife?s hotmail account, and I opened it without a thought.? As I started reading, my eyes widened, my pulse quickened, and I rapidly grew erect.




??????????? In preparation for our interaction Saturday, you will take the following steps:? You will purchase a leather dog collar, as all doggies should wear one, you will shave all pubic hair completely, and you will not cum between now and our session.? I will be staying the night at a friend?s house tonight, and have errands to run on Saturday morning.? At 5 pm, you will shower, put on your collar and lay face down, with your head towards the foot of the bed.? You will not speak unless I tell you to, and you will address me as ?Mistress? when you do.


??????????? Damn, she was really taking this seriously!? My cock was aching with need, pressed against my slacks, and I hoped I did not need to get up from my desk for several minutes.? The rest of my work day was a blur, and my mind was far away.? I mumbled something to my co-workers as I left the building, and began my drive home.? Along the way, I stopped at a pet store, and looked for a dog collar.? I wanted something in black leather, but no spikes or silly adornments.? When I found the style I liked, there was quite a selection of sizes.? Of course, as I was wrapping one around my neck to verify it fit properly, the middle aged sales lady came around the end of my aisle, and asked, ?Can I help you with anything??

??????????? I am sure I turned bright red, but I calmly said, ?No thanks, this will fit my dog just fine.?? She smiled, and nodded, but had a twinkle in her eye, and gave me a look that screamed ?bullshit!?? I paid for the collar, and left quietly.

In the past I have deliberately sent my sub to purchase embarrassing items at the local adult toy store.? Large toys, nipple clamps, etc.? I may have shopped in advance for a specific item, and have occasionally accompanied her there, but always she carries the big butt plug to the counter and pays for the item.? Once, when I was displeased with her, I sent her to the local grocery store with explicit instructions to purchase only the largest cucumber she could find, and a tube of KY jelly.? I am sure it was humiliating standing there with the checker and bag boy guessing what this was all about, and her knowing that the cucumber was going up her ass as soon as she got home.? In that moment, I felt some of that humiliation, and it was hard to swallow, but it also turned me on quite a bit!


At home that night, I debated masturbation, as I was very aroused, and normally would have called my wife in to take care of my need in her submissive persona.? But as this was her weekend to run the show, I decided to honor the instructions, and went to bed that night feeling quite frustrated.


Saturday, 3:30 pm


All day I had been thinking of this moment despite my attempts to stay focused on other things.? I woke up early for a Saturday, mowed the lawn, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and even started reorganizing the garage.? None of it helped.? All day long I had a hard-on that would not go away.? At 3:30, I decided to shower and shave as I had never totally shaved my pubic hair, and I wanted to give my self extra time.?

I had always kept my pubes trimmed short, feeling it was the least I could do for my wife as she spent quite a bit of time with her mouth down there, but she had remained cleanly shaven at my instructions for several years now. As I used the hair clippers to remove the majority of my hair, all I could think about was how silly I looked!? Once in the shower, I used my razor and shaving cream to carefully shave away all stubble.? This took longer than I had expected as I did not want to cut myself, and I had a hard time getting all the right angles to ensure a clean shave.? After my shower, I drank a cup of coffee, fed the cats, and cleared every unnecessary thing out of the bedroom area.? At 4:50 pm, I put on my collar, and lay on the bed, pillow under my head, and a raging hard-on pressing into the mattress.


Saturday 5:05 pm


I heard my wife?s car pull up in the driveway.? The front door opened, and then closed.? I heard her walk to the kitchen, pour herself some coffee, then walk to the bedroom.? She looked at me, nodded, the spoke.

?One question, gag in or gag out??

This made me do a sharp intake of breath.? I knew very well what this meant.? In our sessions, without a gag, my wife could use her safe word, her own name, any time things became too intense.? I encouraged her to use it, as sometimes I would push her boundaries, and when she had reached her tolerance, she would say that simple word and the activity would stop.? On the other hand, a ?gag in? session was reserved for correction or seriously dark moods where I was going to take her beyond her limits, or to my satisfaction.? This is a huge trust issue.? For example, if I know my sub can take ten strokes of the cane, and on the eleventh, she will loose her composure, and use her safe word, then in a gag-in session, I might continue past ten and eleven, while she screams into the gag and fights the restraints, but I will stop at fifteen at most.? It is not a huge step past the limits, but the effect is amazing. In the end, that emotional release, that knowledge that you have no control at all, that breakdown leaves the subbie drained and compliant.?

I thought about this for a moment, but knowing my gentle, submissive wife, I decided to give her full control.? ?Gag-in Mistress.? I replied.? In retrospect, this was a mistake.? She smiled at me, said ?good boy!? and gagged me.

Next she put a pillow under my hips, raising my ass into the air, and attached the wrist and ankle cuffs to me.? Long ago, I had tied strong nylon cord, the kind used for climbing, with break strength of over 500 lbs, to the bed at all four corners, with enough slack to tie a slip knot on each restraint.? My wife pulled one limb taught at a time, tightened the cords, and tied her knots, and then she slipped into the bathroom through the adjoining door without another word to me.?

Ten minutes later she came back through the door.? Se was wearing black calf-length leather boots, a black leather skirt, and a push-up bra.? Her hair was slicked straight back in an extreme ponytail, her lipstick and makeup were also in black and grays.? She had an expression on her face I had never seen before, and if I had to describe it, I?d call it predatory.? I swallowed hard, but she didn?t even look at me.? She went straight to the toy drawer on my side of the bed, and as I tracked her movements with my eyes, began deliberately laying out the items she would be using that evening.

First she pulled out a wooden paddle.? This was a toy I had made myself out of 3/8 inch pine, shaped and sanded smooth, then varnished.? It was around eighteen inches long, and took very little effort to produce a great deal of pain.? Secondly, she went to the closet, and pulled out my bamboo cane.? As thick as my pinky finger, I had sanded it smooth, also varnished it, and wrapped the ?handle? end in leather cord.? My wife/sub had gotten her ass and thighs striped with this item more than once, and it always made her shriek and cry.?

What came out next really made me nervous though, she placed a tube of KY jelly on the nightstand, and began putting the insertion toys on the table.? We had three butt plugs, and she had all three out.? The first was a small pink plug, about 3 inches long, and about 1 ? inches in diameter, slightly smaller than my cock.? I often made my sub wear this around the house for periods of time up to two hours, and sometimes even out in public under her clothing.? Once, during sex, I had allowed her to put this toy up my ass to stimulate my prostate, and had found it difficult for my virgin ass to accommodate its size.?

The second plug was flesh-colored, 4 inches long, and 2 inches in diameter. My wife can accommodate this toy with a little effort, and I use it as a reminder when she has displeased me, often making her do a very rapid insertion.? If I made her wear it for an hour, she would begin to cramp painfully.? I considered it an effective deterrent.?

It that toy was effective, the next one was terrifying.? In role, she only needed to hear ?the black plug? and she started crying.? It had an insert able length of 5 ? inches, and is as big around as a coke can.? Although she has learned to take this plug, it stretched her to the limit, both emotionally and physically.? I reserve this item for corrections of a serious nature.? I was unsure as to why she had this item out, as there was no way I could take a toy that size.? We had been having regular anal sex as well as doing sessions involving smaller toys for several years before she could take that toy.

Additionally, she had out a dildo, silicon rubber, about 12 inches long, also with a 2 inch diameter.? It has ribs on it which cause additional stimulation as I slide it in and out of my wife?s ass.? This toy, though not too wide, makes her squirm mightily when I insert it deeply, and repeated, quick thrusts cause the ribs to rub her rectal muscles raw.?

Allow me an aside here, as you may be thinking I am cruel or a dick towards my wife/sub based on the items I have described.? In truth, my wife had just pulled out every corrective device we own!? This was making me decidedly nervous, but that is not the point of this aside.? As a submissive, my wife is very proud, and very stubborn.? She has periods of being very defiant, or not following instructions.? I have even heard her ask for correction rather than listen to my explanation of what she did wrong, ?just correct me and get it over!?? She is a Taurus!? For those of you who understand astrological symbols, no further explanation is necessary.? For those who are not, Taurus is the bull sign, and they really ARE that stubborn.? Over the years, it has become necessary to ?up the ante? with regards to her corrections, otherwise she would just run right over my instructions and guidance.


Saturday, 5:30 pm


?Ok lover,? my wife began once she had all the toys laid out; ?here is the deal.? You seem very casual to me about sticking toys up my ass, and you spank me for any infraction.?? The second part was true, but I have never been ?casual? about anything I do, ever.? ?Tonight I am going to show you how it feels to have a sore, well fucked, reddened ass.? I will be done with you in two hours at most, but it will be a long, difficult two hours, and you will cry.?? I tried to swallow, but despite the ball gag which had been making me drool, my mouth was dry.? ?Last chance to back out. Snap your fingers if you want me to untie you.? Otherwise, I will not stop until I am satisfied.?

I swear to you I wanted to snap my fingers, but I felt like a coward.? I restrained her two nights a week on average, and here I wanted to opt out of a single session.? So I remained still.? ?Ok then!? She sounded pleased.? She put a blindfold over my eyes, and then I heard the cap open on the KY, and she began applying cold lube to my asshole, working in one finger at first, then two, until I was thoroughly lubricated.?

?As I am on the clock, we?re not going to take a lot of time with this tiny plug.? You shove your cock up my ass pretty much in one thrust every time, so here you go!??

With that, she shoved the pink plug all the way up my ass until the flared base was against my asshole.? I grunted hard, and tried to pull away, tightened my asscheeks, but nothing helped.? I had to lay there moaning with a burning sensation in my rectum and a mild cramp in my guts as she laughed like I have never heard her laugh before.? ?Aw, poor baby!? Dose that little pink plug hurt your bottom??? I nodded and mumbled ?Un-uh!? through the gag.? ?Good, my ass is still sore from Thursday, and I can assure you, yours will be sore for days too!?


?Ok, let?s pink you up a bit before we move on to the next toy.?? I heard the paddle whish through the air a moment before the thunderclap on my asscheeks made my world explode. ?RRGGGGGG!? I screamed, and twisted against the restraints to no avail.? Just as the pain started to recede to a manageable level, WHAM!? She gave me another stroke.? ?Holy Shit!? My mind screamed, ?I NEVER use this much force with this paddle!?? By five strokes I was screaming at each impact.? When she got to ten I was screaming non stop, and felt like my ass must be surely bleeding.? Then she continued!? My mind reeled!? Ten was the magic number!? I might do more with other items, but the paddle always stopped at ten!? She began raining blows faster; I was screaming and pulling on the restraints with all my energy.? I lost count of how many she gave me, I truly had no idea.? It could have been twenty, it could have been one hundred!? Finally, she stopped, and I lay there sobbing like a schoolgirl with snot running out of my nose.?

She was breathing hard, but her voice was calm, and she said ?Well that?s a nice shade of pink.? Let?s move on!?? She reached between my cheeks and pulled the plug out.? I had been clenching so hard, that I had a hard time relaxing to let it go.? Undaunted, my wife added more force, and pulled it clear with an audible ?pop.?? ?Umph!?? I grunted as it came clear.? I was relieved to have the intruder out of my ass, but it was to be a short respite.? She quickly lubed the flesh colored toy (I only knew which one it was because she told me as she was lubing it how much she had been looking forward to stretching me with it) and began pushing it in.? About half way or so, my ass was full, and felt like it would rip.? I tensed up, and mumble ?no? through the gag.? She slapped my ass with her bare hand, but it felt like sandpaper on my already abused cheeks.

?Loosen up or this will hurt a lot!? She hissed, ?I have no patience for your whining!? You make me wear this toy all the time, so take it!?? With that, she applied more pressure, and for a moment, nothing happened.? Then, all at once, my anus gave up the fight, and the last 2 inched popped in rapidly.? I felt like my asshole was splitting in two!? I bit the ball gag so hard my jaw popped, and I realized that shrill noise I was hearing was coming from me!? I was making a nasal scream as my rectum continued to spasm and attempted to expel the intruder to no avail.?

?Alright, lay there and let it loosen you up for a few minutes, I will be right back.?? I whined, but she ignored me, and left me alone in the dark.? I have no idea how much time passed, but it seemed like an hour with my ass cramping and clenching the whole time.? I felt like I needed to shit.? Then she was back.



?Ok doggy, you ready for some more fun??? She asked, voice full of mirth.

I shook my head ?no? and tried to communicate through the gag that I was done, but she only laughed and said, ?Good, glad to see you?re still raring to go!?

I whimpered like a sad puppy as she pulled the larger plug out of my tightly clenched ass.? Again it came free with a pop, but this time it did not want to come out easily, and my wife tormented me for a bit first.? She would pull it almost totally out, the let my muscles pull it back inside.? Each time I would groan and grunt with discomfort.? Finally she bored of this, and pulled it free.?

I breathed a deep sigh of relief around the gag as my nose was plugged up, and I could barely breathe through it.? Then my heart dropped as my wife said ?Yeah, this dildo will look so nice sliding in and out of your ass, I hope you?re loosened up enough.?? She stepped behind me, put the toy in position, and spoke to me again.

?Thursday, after all the toys, when you fucked my ass fast and hard, you had a hold of the back of my neck, and I was staring at the alarm clock the whole time.? You knew my ass was sore, but you fucked me for eighteen minutes before you came, so here you go lover, eighteen minutes of butt fucking!?

With that, she gave me a good ? of the dildo in one push!? If I hadn?t been wearing the blindfold, I swear my eyeballs would have popped out of my head.? I later found out she had measured and marked EXACTLY 8 inches of they toy so I would have to take the same amount as my cock.? As the head of the dildo hit my prostate hard, I saw stars!? I thought I had cramped before, but this was awful!? I thought I was going to die, and I was bawling, blubbering, and squirming.? The ribs felt like a rasp against the sore, stretched ring of my anus, and through it all, she cooed in my ear.

?Yeah, nice tight ass, take it like the ass whore you are!? Mmmm?I love fucking this ass.? Cry for me baby!?

Time blurred, and it felt like my wife fucked my ass for an hour, but when she finally stopped with one final deep thrust, she announced ?Time?s up!? Oops, sorry I went over by a minute!? Hope you don?t mind.??

She pulled the toy out of my thoroughly raped and distended ass, walked to the head of the bed, undid the ball gag, and said ?Open.? as she held the dildo that had recently been up my ass up to my mouth.

For years, during our role interactions, I have had a simple (for me) rule, clean all penetrations.? If it went in one of your holes, clean it when it comes out.? With vaginal penetrations, my wife/sub has never really minded except if she is menstruating.? But anally, she has always found this disgusting, so I rarely enforce this rule, instead I make her tell me what she is going to do while I fuck her sweet ass.?

?Oh yes Master, that?s it, fuck my ass!? I want you to cum so I can lick you clean!?

Hearing those nasty words come out of my wife?s mouth never fails to make be explode, and occasionally, I let her do it.? Few things are more satisfying then cumming in a warm, wet cunt or a tight asshole, then being in a sucking, slurping mouth.? She knows the rule, and no matter how clean or how messy, when I say ?open,? she sucks it clean.

So here I am with a well fucked ass, and her pushing the dildo that has just been up my ass against my lips.? I can?t see it because of the blindfold, but I can imagine what it looks like, and know it is a mess.? I can smell my own ass on it, and I balk as my stomach rolls.? ?I said open!? She repeats forcefully.? I turn my head away.?

?Fine? She says, clearly irritated, ?open back up for the gag then.??

I keep my mouth closed.? She moves lower, reaches under me, and grabs my balls. Giving them a firm, painful squeeze, she says ?Open your mouth doggy!?? I almost vomit from the pain in my nuts, and I open my mouth to protest, she quickly shoves the gag in place, squeezing harder.? I accept it in my mouth and do not object further.?

?So you don?t want to clean up your mess do you??? My wife says with scorn in her voice.? ?Tough!? You are going to lick it spotlessly clean before we are done.?

She moves back to the toys and I hear the cane swish through the air as she gets used to the feel of it.? Such a simple thing really, but I know what it is capable of, and I shudder.? Then it begins first high on my buttocks, then on my upper thigh.? I squirm and cry out with each stroke, she is really bringing it.? Lower now; she strikes the back of my knees, my calves, and finally, the soles of my feet.? Again, the blows come faster and faster until I am a sobbing pile of Jell-O.? Finally, she stops.

?Ready to behave now puppy??? I nod my head in compliance.? ?Good, let?s get the toy nice and messy for you again.??

With horror I realize that she is lubing the dildo once again.? She moves behind me, and I groan weakly, but I lack the strength to struggle more, and I know it is useless.? She has done her job well.? The knots are tight and secure; she has built up the stress, and let me exhaust myself physically and emotionally.? The dildo slides in with only a little resistance.? I grunt in pain as she goes deep, but other despite the aching throb of my abused asshole, I just lay there breathing hard as she sodomizes me with the silicone toy.?

After a few minutes of this, she pulls the toy out, unbuckles my gag, and says ?open.?? I do it.

She slides the slimy dildo deep into my mouth, and down the back of my throat.? I retch from both the taste and the depth she has pushed it.? My gag reflex makes me panic a bit, but she holds me firmly, and slides it in and out until she is satisfied that I have done a thorough job of cleaning the toy.

?Ok lover, the hard part is over.? Now, I am horny, and would like some release, and I suspect you would too.?

?Yes, I would Mistress.? I reply, and it is true.? Despite all she has put me through, I am still rock hard and would have fucked a light socket at that point.

?If I untie you, will you behave until I say you are done??? She questions.

?Yes Mistress, I will.? I answer earnestly.

She removes my blindfold, and I squint against the light.? Then one at a time, she unties the ropes holding my arms and legs.?

?Stand up, stretch, shake out your limbs.? She instructs.? I move to comply, thinking she has learned her lessons well.? If I keep her bound in one position too long, her muscles tighten up.? I always stand her up and make her stretch before beginning a new task.

She hands me a tissue.? I nod, and blow my nose, loudly.? She giggles, then hands me a bottle of water, which I drink greedily from, swishing it around to get the taste out of my mouth.? After a moment, she says ?Ok, now lay on your back, head in the same spot.?

I lay back down, and she ties my arms and legs again.? I am a bit surprised by this as I have already stated I would comply with her instructions, but it is her session, and she can do what she wants.?

Once I am secure, my wife unzips and drops her skirt.? I sighed deeply, for there was my wife?s beautiful, shaved cunt right in from of me.? She straddled my face, grinding her clit against my nose, and began to rock back and forth.? No words of encouragement were necessary as I did my absolute best to please her.? Licking and sucking on her wet pussy as she rode my face, eventually I got a hold of her clitoris and began gently sucking on it.? She moaned out loud and reached back to rake her nails across my chest.?

?I?m cumming!?? She screamed, and I was rewarded with a flood of juice as she got off, her legs shaking from the power of her orgasm.? I continued to slowly lick and tease her for several more minutes, she dismounted, and smiled.

?Your turn!?? With that, she knelt between my legs, and began stroking my cock, lightly licking the head.? I was so aroused, and so swollen, that even the stroking felt almost painful.? Shortly, she took me fully into her skilled mouth, and I am not ashamed to say that I didn?t last long.?

I arched my back, let out a long groan, and exploded in my wife?s mouth.? The orgasm was so powerful, so perfect, that I actually yelled out loud ?Oh fuck yes!?? She continued to stroke and sucks every drop until I had stopped throbbing.

Then my wife slithered up my chest until we were eye to eye, and put her and on both sides of my cheeks, pressing them to open my mouth.? I saw that she had not swallowed, and realized what she was going to do, so I kept my mouth closed.?

Her eyes took on a hard look, and with her free hand, she gave my balls a warning squeeze.? I did not want to experience that sensation again, and my fear overcame my disgust, so resignedly, I opened my mouth wide.? My wife leaned forward, kissed me, and spit the cum from her mouth into mine, along with a fair amount of saliva.?

When her mouth was empty, she ran her tongue across my lips, backed away, covered my mouth with her hand, smiled wickedly, and said ?Swallow.?

I held it there for several seconds, debating, but the look in her eyes, while mischievous, didn?t encourage me to disobey.

Gulp!? Ok, now that was truly disgusting!? I have never been even remotely curious as to the taste and texture of my own cum, but I can assure you, it is an experience I could have skipped my whole life, and died happy.

At that point, my wife seemed satisfied, and she kissed my forehead, told me I had done well, and untied me.? I sat on the toilet, letting my tender, cramping, well-fucked ass purge itself, I brushed my teeth, twice, and I showered fro a long time.? It was two days before my bowel movements returned to normal, and even Monday at work, I still had some residual welts on my ass and thighs as well as a bit of discomfort in my rectum.

As for my wife/sub and I, well things slowly returned to normal.? I will say, however, that in addition to a new level of empathy for the things she does for me in role, a few other changes took place.? I agreed to give her one session in charge per month.? She considers it a good system of checks and balances.?

The following Saturday however, she did have a session, ?gag-in? where I had her scream her lungs out.? I only think it?s fair that since she had me, and anal beginner take her intermediate sized toys, that I buy her a few new ones.? The new dildo is as thick as her wrist, and her new plug has a 9 ? inch circumference.? It took me 30 minutes of stretching with other toys, and 10 minutes of pushing while she howled like a beast to get her to take the new plug.? She looked especially pitiful in the bathroom after that session, all striped and fucked.

Sitting here thinking about it though, she also had a far-away, ?I am plotting your demise? look as well.? Her next session in charge is in 16 days, and I am already worried.? So why do I have such a huge hard-on?







Sat 5:15 pm


Testing the knot at my right wrist, I find it firm, with no give.? Then I flex my muscles, and give the restraint a solid pull.? It only gets tighter.? I grunt with satisfaction, and then systematically try the other wrist, and both ankles.? None slip or give at all.? She did an excellent job of studying the knots, and tying me in a way that keeps my arms and legs taught.? The ball gag in my mouth makes my jaws ache lightly, and I am drooling down my chin, saliva tickling my goatee.? I rub my chin on the sheets to clean it off, and as I look left, there she is.? My wife, or is it?? I have never seen her like this.


Thursday 11:55 pm


??????????? Standing in the bathroom, taking a long piss, I am aware that she is standing behind me, waiting, slightly bent at the waist.? I know she wants to sit on the toilet; I have had toys and my cock up her ass for the better part of two hours.? She still has her ankle cuffs on, and her eyes are slightly bloodshot from both crying, and the pressure the blindfold puts of them.? As I finish, and she turns to sit, I see the stripes the cane left on her ass and thighs.? She winces slightly, but sits and relieves herself all the same, sighing deeply.? I step into the shower for a rinse off, and get out quickly.? By now she has retrieved the penetration toys from the bedside table, and is washing them with anti-bacterial hand soap. I grin wryly at this: it has always amused me that she is so fastidious about cleaning these toys.? Every session she has them up her ass, then ends up cleaning many of them orally, but I guess starting with them squeaky clean makes her feel better.?


??????????? As I exit the bathroom, I hear her start the water for a shower, and I go make the coffee.? Thirty minutes later she is sitting on the couch wearing flannel pajamas, and one of my t-shirts that looks like a tent on her slender frame, hair toweled dry, but still damp in a pony tail, and takes the cup-o-Joe I offer her.? She has none of the dramatic makeup left on, and the smell of perfume has been replaced by soap, conditioner, and lotion.? She is my wife now; the submissive has been put away for the evening like the toys she has already carefully placed in my nightstand.?


??????????? ?Tough one?? I ask rhetorically.? I already know it was.? My mood was a bit dark, and she has been aloof lately when not in role, so I had some pent-up frustration.

??????????? ?It?s ok.?? She says to her cup, her voice not convincing me it is truly ok.? ?I have been thinking?? She starts, looking cautiously up at me.? ?Remember asking me if I ever wanted to try being on top??

??????????? ?..Yeah..? I answer, vaguely recalling encouraging her to try it a year and a half ago.

??????????? ?I think I?d like to do that, try this from the other end of the stick.?

??????????? I think about this for a long moment, trying to picture my kind, mellow wife and submissive being in charge.? ?Sure, when??? I ask, still not convinced this will fly at all.?

??????????? ?Saturday night.? I would like to do it then.?? She stated, flatly but firmly.

??????????? My face wrinkles a bit, ?Oh, well I guess that is as good a time as any.?? I am lying. Saturday is a disappointment as that is usually the night I run her through a long session if we?re going to do anything involved.? Since we both work Monday through Friday, Saturday night gives us ample time to play, and I can let her sleep in on Sunday morning to recover. ?Do you need any help getting things ready??

??????????? ?I think I can manage.? She replies, smiling wistfully.

??????????? I manage to smile back, an unfamiliar nervous knot beginning in my stomach, and coyly answer ?Yes Mistress!?


Friday 4:45 pm


??????????? Sitting at my desk, wrapping up my work week, her email popped into my inbox with a friendly ?ding?.? It as my wife?s hotmail account, and I opened it without a thought.? As I started reading, my eyes widened, my pulse quickened, and I rapidly grew erect.




??????????? In preparation for our interaction Saturday, you will take the following steps:? You will purchase a leather dog collar, as all doggies should wear one, you will shave all pubic hair completely, and you will not cum between now and our session.? I will be staying the night at a friend?s house tonight, and have errands to run on Saturday morning.? At 5 pm, you will shower, put on your collar and lay face down, with your head towards the foot of the bed.? You will not speak unless I tell you to, and you will address me as ?Mistress? when you do.


??????????? Damn, she was really taking this seriously!? My cock was aching with need, pressed against my slacks, and I hoped I did not need to get up from my desk for several minutes.? The rest of my work day was a blur, and my mind was far away.? I mumbled something to my co-workers as I left the building, and began my drive home.? Along the way, I stopped at a pet store, and looked for a dog collar.? I wanted something in black leather, but no spikes or silly adornments.? When I found the style I liked, there was quite a selection of sizes.? Of course, as I was wrapping one around my neck to verify it fit properly, the middle aged sales lady came around the end of my aisle, and asked, ?Can I help you with anything??

??????????? I am sure I turned bright red, but I calmly said, ?No thanks, this will fit my dog just fine.?? She smiled, and nodded, but had a twinkle in her eye, and gave me a look that screamed ?bullshit!?? I paid for the collar, and left quietly.

In the past I have deliberately sent my sub to purchase embarrassing items at the local adult toy store.? Large toys, nipple clamps, etc.? I may have shopped in advance for a specific item, and have occasionally accompanied her there, but always she carries the big butt plug to the counter and pays for the item.? Once, when I was displeased with her, I sent her to the local grocery store with explicit instructions to purchase only the largest cucumber she could find, and a tube of KY jelly.? I am sure it was humiliating standing there with the checker and bag boy guessing what this was all about, and her knowing that the cucumber was going up her ass as soon as she got home.? In that moment, I felt some of that humiliation, and it was hard to swallow, but it also turned me on quite a bit!


At home that night, I debated masturbation, as I was very aroused, and normally would have called my wife in to take care of my need in her submissive persona.? But as this was her weekend to run the show, I decided to honor the instructions, and went to bed that night feeling quite frustrated.


Saturday, 3:30 pm


All day I had been thinking of this moment despite my attempts to stay focused on other things.? I woke up early for a Saturday, mowed the lawn, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and even started reorganizing the garage.? None of it helped.? All day long I had a hard-on that would not go away.? At 3:30, I decided to shower and shave as I had never totally shaved my pubic hair, and I wanted to give my self extra time.?

I had always kept my pubes trimmed short, feeling it was the least I could do for my wife as she spent quite a bit of time with her mouth down there, but she had remained cleanly shaven at my instructions for several years now. As I used the hair clippers to remove the majority of my hair, all I could think about was how silly I looked!? Once in the shower, I used my razor and shaving cream to carefully shave away all stubble.? This took longer than I had expected as I did not want to cut myself, and I had a hard time getting all the right angles to ensure a clean shave.? After my shower, I drank a cup of coffee, fed the cats, and cleared every unnecessary thing out of the bedroom area.? At 4:50 pm, I put on my collar, and lay on the bed, pillow under my head, and a raging hard-on pressing into the mattress.


Saturday 5:05 pm


I heard my wife?s car pull up in the driveway.? The front door opened, and then closed.? I heard her walk to the kitchen, pour herself some coffee, then walk to the bedroom.? She looked at me, nodded, the spoke.

?One question, gag in or gag out??

This made me do a sharp intake of breath.? I knew very well what this meant.? In our sessions, without a gag, my wife could use her safe word, her own name, any time things became too intense.? I encouraged her to use it, as sometimes I would push her boundaries, and when she had reached her tolerance, she would say that simple word and the activity would stop.? On the other hand, a ?gag in? session was reserved for correction or seriously dark moods where I was going to take her beyond her limits, or to my satisfaction.? This is a huge trust issue.? For example, if I know my sub can take ten strokes of the cane, and on the eleventh, she will loose her composure, and use her safe word, then in a gag-in session, I might continue past ten and eleven, while she screams into the gag and fights the restraints, but I will stop at fifteen at most.? It is not a huge step past the limits, but the effect is amazing. In the end, that emotional release, that knowledge that you have no control at all, that breakdown leaves the subbie drained and compliant.?

I thought about this for a moment, but knowing my gentle, submissive wife, I decided to give her full control.? ?Gag-in Mistress.? I replied.? In retrospect, this was a mistake.? She smiled at me, said ?good boy!? and gagged me.

Next she put a pillow under my hips, raising my ass into the air, and attached the wrist and ankle cuffs to me.? Long ago, I had tied strong nylon cord, the kind used for climbing, with break strength of over 500 lbs, to the bed at all four corners, with enough slack to tie a slip knot on each restraint.? My wife pulled one limb taught at a time, tightened the cords, and tied her knots, and then she slipped into the bathroom through the adjoining door without another word to me.?

Ten minutes later she came back through the door.? Se was wearing black calf-length leather boots, a black leather skirt, and a push-up bra.? Her hair was slicked straight back in an extreme ponytail, her lipstick and makeup were also in black and grays.? She had an expression on her face I had never seen before, and if I had to describe it, I?d call it predatory.? I swallowed hard, but she didn?t even look at me.? She went straight to the toy drawer on my side of the bed, and as I tracked her movements with my eyes, began deliberately laying out the items she would be using that evening.

First she pulled out a wooden paddle.? This was a toy I had made myself out of 3/8 inch pine, shaped and sanded smooth, then varnished.? It was around eighteen inches long, and took very little effort to produce a great deal of pain.? Secondly, she went to the closet, and pulled out my bamboo cane.? As thick as my pinky finger, I had sanded it smooth, also varnished it, and wrapped the ?handle? end in leather cord.? My wife/sub had gotten her ass and thighs striped with this item more than once, and it always made her shriek and cry.?

What came out next really made me nervous though, she placed a tube of KY jelly on the nightstand, and began putting the insertion toys on the table.? We had three butt plugs, and she had all three out.? The first was a small pink plug, about 3 inches long, and about 1 ? inches in diameter, slightly smaller than my cock.? I often made my sub wear this around the house for periods of time up to two hours, and sometimes even out in public under her clothing.? Once, during sex, I had allowed her to put this toy up my ass to stimulate my prostate, and had found it difficult for my virgin ass to accommodate its size.?

The second plug was flesh-colored, 4 inches long, and 2 inches in diameter. My wife can accommodate this toy with a little effort, and I use it as a reminder when she has displeased me, often making her do a very rapid insertion.? If I made her wear it for an hour, she would begin to cramp painfully.? I considered it an effective deterrent.?

It that toy was effective, the next one was terrifying.? In role, she only needed to hear ?the black plug? and she started crying.? It had an insert able length of 5 ? inches, and is as big around as a coke can.? Although she has learned to take this plug, it stretched her to the limit, both emotionally and physically.? I reserve this item for corrections of a serious nature.? I was unsure as to why she had this item out, as there was no way I could take a toy that size.? We had been having regular anal sex as well as doing sessions involving smaller toys for several years before she could take that toy.

Additionally, she had out a dildo, silicon rubber, about 12 inches long, also with a 2 inch diameter.? It has ribs on it which cause additional stimulation as I slide it in and out of my wife?s ass.? This toy, though not too wide, makes her squirm mightily when I insert it deeply, and repeated, quick thrusts cause the ribs to rub her rectal muscles raw.?

Allow me an aside here, as you may be thinking I am cruel or a dick towards my wife/sub based on the items I have described.? In truth, my wife had just pulled out every corrective device we own!? This was making me decidedly nervous, but that is not the point of this aside.? As a submissive, my wife is very proud, and very stubborn.? She has periods of being very defiant, or not following instructions.? I have even heard her ask for correction rather than listen to my explanation of what she did wrong, ?just correct me and get it over!?? She is a Taurus!? For those of you who understand astrological symbols, no further explanation is necessary.? For those who are not, Taurus is the bull sign, and they really ARE that stubborn.? Over the years, it has become necessary to ?up the ante? with regards to her corrections, otherwise she would just run right over my instructions and guidance.


Saturday, 5:30 pm


?Ok lover,? my wife began once she had all the toys laid out; ?here is the deal.? You seem very casual to me about sticking toys up my ass, and you spank me for any infraction.?? The second part was true, but I have never been ?casual? about anything I do, ever.? ?Tonight I am going to show you how it feels to have a sore, well fucked, reddened ass.? I will be done with you in two hours at most, but it will be a long, difficult two hours, and you will cry.?? I tried to swallow, but despite the ball gag which had been making me drool, my mouth was dry.? ?Last chance to back out. Snap your fingers if you want me to untie you.? Otherwise, I will not stop until I am satisfied.?

I swear to you I wanted to snap my fingers, but I felt like a coward.? I restrained her two nights a week on average, and here I wanted to opt out of a single session.? So I remained still.? ?Ok then!? She sounded pleased.? She put a blindfold over my eyes, and then I heard the cap open on the KY, and she began applying cold lube to my asshole, working in one finger at first, then two, until I was thoroughly lubricated.?

?As I am on the clock, we?re not going to take a lot of time with this tiny plug.? You shove your cock up my ass pretty much in one thrust every time, so here you go!??

With that, she shoved the pink plug all the way up my ass until the flared base was against my asshole.? I grunted hard, and tried to pull away, tightened my asscheeks, but nothing helped.? I had to lay there moaning with a burning sensation in my rectum and a mild cramp in my guts as she laughed like I have never heard her laugh before.? ?Aw, poor baby!? Dose that little pink plug hurt your bottom??? I nodded and mumbled ?Un-uh!? through the gag.? ?Good, my ass is still sore from Thursday, and I can assure you, yours will be sore for days too!?


?Ok, let?s pink you up a bit before we move on to the next toy.?? I heard the paddle whish through the air a moment before the thunderclap on my asscheeks made my world explode. ?RRGGGGGG!? I screamed, and twisted against the restraints to no avail.? Just as the pain started to recede to a manageable level, WHAM!? She gave me another stroke.? ?Holy Shit!? My mind screamed, ?I NEVER use this much force with this paddle!?? By five strokes I was screaming at each impact.? When she got to ten I was screaming non stop, and felt like my ass must be surely bleeding.? Then she continued!? My mind reeled!? Ten was the magic number!? I might do more with other items, but the paddle always stopped at ten!? She began raining blows faster; I was screaming and pulling on the restraints with all my energy.? I lost count of how many she gave me, I truly had no idea.? It could have been twenty, it could have been one hundred!? Finally, she stopped, and I lay there sobbing like a schoolgirl with snot running out of my nose.?

She was breathing hard, but her voice was calm, and she said ?Well that?s a nice shade of pink.? Let?s move on!?? She reached between my cheeks and pulled the plug out.? I had been clenching so hard, that I had a hard time relaxing to let it go.? Undaunted, my wife added more force, and pulled it clear with an audible ?pop.?? ?Umph!?? I grunted as it came clear.? I was relieved to have the intruder out of my ass, but it was to be a short respite.? She quickly lubed the flesh colored toy (I only knew which one it was because she told me as she was lubing it how much she had been looking forward to stretching me with it) and began pushing it in.? About half way or so, my ass was full, and felt like it would rip.? I tensed up, and mumble ?no? through the gag.? She slapped my ass with her bare hand, but it felt like sandpaper on my already abused cheeks.

?Loosen up or this will hurt a lot!? She hissed, ?I have no patience for your whining!? You make me wear this toy all the time, so take it!?? With that, she applied more pressure, and for a moment, nothing happened.? Then, all at once, my anus gave up the fight, and the last 2 inched popped in rapidly.? I felt like my asshole was splitting in two!? I bit the ball gag so hard my jaw popped, and I realized that shrill noise I was hearing was coming from me!? I was making a nasal scream as my rectum continued to spasm and attempted to expel the intruder to no avail.?

?Alright, lay there and let it loosen you up for a few minutes, I will be right back.?? I whined, but she ignored me, and left me alone in the dark.? I have no idea how much time passed, but it seemed like an hour with my ass cramping and clenching the whole time.? I felt like I needed to shit.? Then she was back.



?Ok doggy, you ready for some more fun??? She asked, voice full of mirth.

I shook my head ?no? and tried to communicate through the gag that I was done, but she only laughed and said, ?Good, glad to see you?re still raring to go!?

I whimpered like a sad puppy as she pulled the larger plug out of my tightly clenched ass.? Again it came free with a pop, but this time it did not want to come out easily, and my wife tormented me for a bit first.? She would pull it almost totally out, the let my muscles pull it back inside.? Each time I would groan and grunt with discomfort.? Finally she bored of this, and pulled it free.?

I breathed a deep sigh of relief around the gag as my nose was plugged up, and I could barely breathe through it.? Then my heart dropped as my wife said ?Yeah, this dildo will look so nice sliding in and out of your ass, I hope you?re loosened up enough.?? She stepped behind me, put the toy in position, and spoke to me again.

?Thursday, after all the toys, when you fucked my ass fast and hard, you had a hold of the back of my neck, and I was staring at the alarm clock the whole time.? You knew my ass was sore, but you fucked me for eighteen minutes before you came, so here you go lover, eighteen minutes of butt fucking!?

With that, she gave me a good ? of the dildo in one push!? If I hadn?t been wearing the blindfold, I swear my eyeballs would have popped out of my head.? I later found out she had measured and marked EXACTLY 8 inches of they toy so I would have to take the same amount as my cock.? As the head of the dildo hit my prostate hard, I saw stars!? I thought I had cramped before, but this was awful!? I thought I was going to die, and I was bawling, blubbering, and squirming.? The ribs felt like a rasp against the sore, stretched ring of my anus, and through it all, she cooed in my ear.

?Yeah, nice tight ass, take it like the ass whore you are!? Mmmm?I love fucking this ass.? Cry for me baby!?

Time blurred, and it felt like my wife fucked my ass for an hour, but when she finally stopped with one final deep thrust, she announced ?Time?s up!? Oops, sorry I went over by a minute!? Hope you don?t mind.??

She pulled the toy out of my thoroughly raped and distended ass, walked to the head of the bed, undid the ball gag, and said ?Open.? as she held the dildo that had recently been up my ass up to my mouth.

For years, during our role interactions, I have had a simple (for me) rule, clean all penetrations.? If it went in one of your holes, clean it when it comes out.? With vaginal penetrations, my wife/sub has never really minded except if she is menstruating.? But anally, she has always found this disgusting, so I rarely enforce this rule, instead I make her tell me what she is going to do while I fuck her sweet ass.?

?Oh yes Master, that?s it, fuck my ass!? I want you to cum so I can lick you clean!?

Hearing those nasty words come out of my wife?s mouth never fails to make be explode, and occasionally, I let her do it.? Few things are more satisfying then cumming in a warm, wet cunt or a tight asshole, then being in a sucking, slurping mouth.? She knows the rule, and no matter how clean or how messy, when I say ?open,? she sucks it clean.

So here I am with a well fucked ass, and her pushing the dildo that has just been up my ass against my lips.? I can?t see it because of the blindfold, but I can imagine what it looks like, and know it is a mess.? I can smell my own ass on it, and I balk as my stomach rolls.? ?I said open!? She repeats forcefully.? I turn my head away.?

?Fine? She says, clearly irritated, ?open back up for the gag then.??

I keep my mouth closed.? She moves lower, reaches under me, and grabs my balls. Giving them a firm, painful squeeze, she says ?Open your mouth doggy!?? I almost vomit from the pain in my nuts, and I open my mouth to protest, she quickly shoves the gag in place, squeezing harder.? I accept it in my mouth and do not object further.?

?So you don?t want to clean up your mess do you??? My wife says with scorn in her voice.? ?Tough!? You are going to lick it spotlessly clean before we are done.?

She moves back to the toys and I hear the cane swish through the air as she gets used to the feel of it.? Such a simple thing really, but I know what it is capable of, and I shudder.? Then it begins first high on my buttocks, then on my upper thigh.? I squirm and cry out with each stroke, she is really bringing it.? Lower now; she strikes the back of my knees, my calves, and finally, the soles of my feet.? Again, the blows come faster and faster until I am a sobbing pile of Jell-O.? Finally, she stops.

?Ready to behave now puppy??? I nod my head in compliance.? ?Good, let?s get the toy nice and messy for you again.??

With horror I realize that she is lubing the dildo once again.? She moves behind me, and I groan weakly, but I lack the strength to struggle more, and I know it is useless.? She has done her job well.? The knots are tight and secure; she has built up the stress, and let me exhaust myself physically and emotionally.? The dildo slides in with only a little resistance.? I grunt in pain as she goes deep, but other despite the aching throb of my abused asshole, I just lay there breathing hard as she sodomizes me with the silicone toy.?

After a few minutes of this, she pulls the toy out, unbuckles my gag, and says ?open.?? I do it.

She slides the slimy dildo deep into my mouth, and down the back of my throat.? I retch from both the taste and the depth she has pushed it.? My gag reflex makes me panic a bit, but she holds me firmly, and slides it in and out until she is satisfied that I have done a thorough job of cleaning the toy.

?Ok lover, the hard part is over.? Now, I am horny, and would like some release, and I suspect you would too.?

?Yes, I would Mistress.? I reply, and it is true.? Despite all she has put me through, I am still rock hard and would have fucked a light socket at that point.

?If I untie you, will you behave until I say you are done??? She questions.

?Yes Mistress, I will.? I answer earnestly.

She removes my blindfold, and I squint against the light.? Then one at a time, she unties the ropes holding my arms and legs.?

?Stand up, stretch, shake out your limbs.? She instructs.? I move to comply, thinking she has learned her lessons well.? If I keep her bound in one position too long, her muscles tighten up.? I always stand her up and make her stretch before beginning a new task.

She hands me a tissue.? I nod, and blow my nose, loudly.? She giggles, then hands me a bottle of water, which I drink greedily from, swishing it around to get the taste out of my mouth.? After a moment, she says ?Ok, now lay on your back, head in the same spot.?

I lay back down, and she ties my arms and legs again.? I am a bit surprised by this as I have already stated I would comply with her instructions, but it is her session, and she can do what she wants.?

Once I am secure, my wife unzips and drops her skirt.? I sighed deeply, for there was my wife?s beautiful, shaved cunt right in from of me.? She straddled my face, grinding her clit against my nose, and began to rock back and forth.? No words of encouragement were necessary as I did my absolute best to please her.? Licking and sucking on her wet pussy as she rode my face, eventually I got a hold of her clitoris and began gently sucking on it.? She moaned out loud and reached back to rake her nails across my chest.?

?I?m cumming!?? She screamed, and I was rewarded with a flood of juice as she got off, her legs shaking from the power of her orgasm.? I continued to slowly lick and tease her for several more minutes, she dismounted, and smiled.

?Your turn!?? With that, she knelt between my legs, and began stroking my cock, lightly licking the head.? I was so aroused, and so swollen, that even the stroking felt almost painful.? Shortly, she took me fully into her skilled mouth, and I am not ashamed to say that I didn?t last long.?

I arched my back, let out a long groan, and exploded in my wife?s mouth.? The orgasm was so powerful, so perfect, that I actually yelled out loud ?Oh fuck yes!?? She continued to stroke and sucks every drop until I had stopped throbbing.

Then my wife slithered up my chest until we were eye to eye, and put her and on both sides of my cheeks, pressing them to open my mouth.? I saw that she had not swallowed, and realized what she was going to do, so I kept my mouth closed.?

Her eyes took on a hard look, and with her free hand, she gave my balls a warning squeeze.? I did not want to experience that sensation again, and my fear overcame my disgust, so resignedly, I opened my mouth wide.? My wife leaned forward, kissed me, and spit the cum from her mouth into mine, along with a fair amount of saliva.?

When her mouth was empty, she ran her tongue across my lips, backed away, covered my mouth with her hand, smiled wickedly, and said ?Swallow.?

I held it there for several seconds, debating, but the look in her eyes, while mischievous, didn?t encourage me to disobey.

Gulp!? Ok, now that was truly disgusting!? I have never been even remotely curious as to the taste and texture of my own cum, but I can assure you, it is an experience I could have skipped my whole life, and died happy.

At that point, my wife seemed satisfied, and she kissed my forehead, told me I had done well, and untied me.? I sat on the toilet, letting my tender, cramping, well-fucked ass purge itself, I brushed my teeth, twice, and I showered fro a long time.? It was two days before my bowel movements returned to normal, and even Monday at work, I still had some residual welts on my ass and thighs as well as a bit of discomfort in my rectum.

As for my wife/sub and I, well things slowly returned to normal.? I will say, however, that in addition to a new level of empathy for the things she does for me in role, a few other changes took place.? I agreed to give her one session in charge per month.? She considers it a good system of checks and balances.?

The following Saturday however, she did have a session, ?gag-in? where I had her scream her lungs out.? I only think it?s fair that since she had me, and anal beginner take her intermediate sized toys, that I buy her a few new ones.? The new dildo is as thick as her wrist, and her new plug has a 9 ? inch circumference.? It took me 30 minutes of stretching with other toys, and 10 minutes of pushing while she howled like a beast to get her to take the new plug.? She looked especially pitiful in the bathroom after that session, all striped and fucked.

Sitting here thinking about it though, she also had a far-away, ?I am plotting your demise? look as well.? Her next session in charge is in 16 days, and I am already worried.? So why do I have such a huge hard-on?








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My Perfect Slave

Part 1 The heavy wooden doors opened and Goddess Ashley greeted me and motioned for me to follow her. I followed her through the garden to a trap door on the far right side against the fence. The door led to a cellar a dark cellar. Along the walls were chains whips, crops, paddles canes and all sorts of other bdsm tools. But I was not paying attention to that, my eyes were moving down the line of slaves. All were male and nude except for their training collars and chastity belts. The collars...

3 years ago
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Io e le mie amiche

Sembrava una serata normale quando scrivei sul gruppo whatsapp delle mie migliori amiche di incontrarci a casa mia. Sono una ragazza alta 1.80 con una quarta di reggiseno ed un bel culo sodo, ultimamente, non avendo avuto relazioni con uomini seri, ho capito di essere lesbica, o almeno credo. Appena le mie amiche arrivarono a casa mia ci sedemmo tutte quante sul mio divano in cerca di qualcosa da fare... allora proposi di giocare ad un giochino molto hot in quanto non mi è mai capitato di...

2 years ago
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Love and CourageChapter 2 Soup to Warm the Heart

I woke up to the sound of a car starting. It was already light outside and my watch told me 6:00 a.m. Although they say Marines never sleep, I was used to reveille at 5:00 a.m. I felt I was running late and jumped out of bed, did a few push-ups and headed for the shower. Before my brother left, he apparently had used the bathroom. The foul smell almost knocked me out. I held my breath, forced open the window and made a quick retreat back into the hallway. Susie’s bedroom door was closed and...

1 year ago
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Life on the Bottom RungChapter 6

Orlie's kisses were as sweet as I had known they would be, and before she threw me out for the night, I'd not only gotten to first base, I'd stolen second! I went back to my ugly apartment a happy minor league manager. Not long after that, we went on the road for nine games in nine days -- a swing through half of the six-team Western Division of the league. We stayed in bottom-of-the-barrel motels, two men to a room, $38 a pop -- special group rate. When we weren't on the ball field,...

2 years ago
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My neighbor uncle

Hi friends my name is seetha aged 19 doing engineering at Chennai I am a fair girl. I have a mom ,dad and a sister .my dad is doing scrab business in australia he use to visit india 3 times per year and he will stay with us for 1 month. He is a good father teaching and saying good thoughts always. My sister is also doing engineering at kerala. So she comes during semester holiday. Me and mom will be at house for most of the days. One day we shifted our house to near apartment i missed my...

3 years ago
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What to Do

We have been having a lot of trouble lately from solicitors coming to the house trying to sell us something or convert us to their religion, and I was sick of it. Let me back up a minute and explain our situation. My wife and I are retired now and both of us are kind of stove up, me with arthritis and back pain, and my wife with lupus and spinal stenosis, so neither of us gets along real well on the best of days. We have been retired for about two years now. We both worked until our health...

2 years ago
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My Sister

My sister and I have this very special relationship that only brothers and sisters can have. She was always a shy nervous girl where everything and anything would scare her, a storm, a loud noise or even a TV programme would cause her to bust into tears and run and hide. Quite often she would hide in my room and I would search her out and give her a big cuddle. The years didn't lessen her fears just added new ones and more and more she would spend her time with me in my room. I now had loads...

1 year ago
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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 10

Daniel steps into the kitchen while his two children are in the middle of a heated conversation, or argument, depending on one’s view, about soccer. He makes his cup of coffee, which is just finishing up with the last few drops when he reaches the pot. Terry and Jessie carry on with each other through their breakfast and all the way out the door to the bus. He can’t help but smile and shake his head at the sight. He is finishing his second cup with his mind drifted off thinking of Avery when...

4 years ago
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Cock Sucking Jail Whore

I've always known that I was not meant to be a guy. Being sexual curious I would look at porn mags like any one does. At first it was just magazines with pictures of naked woment. It was when I ran across my first Hustler magazine that my life was changed forever. Seeing pictures of studly guys with big hard dicks and women on their knees about to suck or be fucked by them, made me drool. I wanted to be the woman in the pictures. I had fantasies of sucking those guys hard dicks and having them...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend caught me wearing a dress

My name is Billy, and I'm twenty-six. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a girlfriend that I've been seeing for a few years now. I should mention, that I occasionally like to dress up. I'm not talking wearing a tux, I'm talking about wearing a dress. That's right, I'm a cross dresser. Very few people know about it, and my girlfriend, Phebe, wasn't one of them. My mom knew, and a couple friends knew, but that was it. My friends knew, because they also had this weird fetish. We would get...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 7 Following in her footsteps

You never really know a person until you’ve lived her life. I can’t actually live Georgia McFearin’s life, but I’m getting a picture of it that is pretty intense. If I could just talk to her. Putting on Peg I spent the night at an airport hotel in Savannah. Now that was irritating. This beautiful city was spread out before me and I was in a commercial, sterile chain hotel that shook every time a plane took off. It was about seventy degrees and raining when I got there but the guy at the...

1 year ago
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Rig RunnerChapter 9 Chemistry

The lights in the room had been dimmed, and Nazka was sitting on the edge of the bed, her long legs crossed as she watched Eriksen with her reflective eyes. They shone like those of a cat, like two gold coins embedded in her dark face, even the dull glow from the solitary table lamp enough to give her skin a reflective sheen. Light and shadow danced across her body, their waltz accentuating the feminine curves of her figure and highlighting her bulging muscles with all of the care and...

2 years ago
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Two Wives 8211 Part 9 Fucking Pregnant Wife In Bathroom

Bipin was overjoyed with the news of Rani being pregnant. He immediately called his in-laws to give them the good news. They were very happy and planned to visit us over the weekend. Both my father-in-law and mother-in-law came on Saturday morning (it was an overnight journey). They had brought some sweets. Both Rani and Vaishali were very happy and the house was full of joy. My father-in-law and mother-in-law were strong believers in a Guruji who lived near their village and would do anything...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 67

Two pairs of women smelled a large dead rodent when the news of the proposed settlement for salvage of Gorgipest broke. There was a suspicion that the leak came from the Palace which very pointedly indicated that it did not comment on any matter. The survivors of what they called the "Death Ride" had spent a little of their time researching and discussing salvage in all its ramifications. They had come to a conclusion that GmBH as owner of the salving vessels was going to get a very big...

3 years ago
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My Mil Wife And My Brother

I am a businessman. My name is Raj. Recently married. My wife is a bombshell with 36 inches boobs. Her cunt makes me drool. She lost her father at an early age. Her mother brought her up and at 22 she was married to me. Our sex life is great. We fuck twice daily. She does not hesitate to suck cock and swallow my cum. After a session of sex, I piss in her mouth and she drinks it. But this is more about my mother in law. She has a curvaceous figure of 28-34-28. I have always wanted to fuck her....

2 years ago
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Taking Usha8217s Virginity

I would like to tell you this true story of what happened to me last year. My name is Sunil, and I hail from Delhi. I am 26 years old, and I work for State Bank of India in Bangalore. My last girlfriend left me about 3 months ago, and being a horny guy, I was feeling frustrated. Masturbating to porn was fine, but could not compare to receiving a real life blow job, or the feeling of pleasure when your cock enters a warm pussy. Now, as you know, in a Public Sector Bank, most of the people...

3 years ago
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Taking Reggies Hung Big Black Cock

This is how it started. It was a one of the random porn flicks one watches as a young man discovering the internet. It involved a big, tall, well built black man randomly knocking on the door of a tiny blonde girl. She opened the door with a bit of a look of fear in her eyes. She was a good actress! Whatever stupid small talk they had soon involved him putting his huge hands on her shoulders and forcing her down onto her knees. Then it came! She unzipped his fly, and had to reach almost half...

1 year ago
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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy f****y members, Buck as usual was humping Marcy’s poodle, Bud had just screwed Amber and she was staggering back to her aunt’s house butt naked and tired, Bud has now crawled back into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for the morning, he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amber and to keep her pussy happy. Kelly sl**ps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2am from one of her boy...

2 years ago
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E078 The Next Stop On The Way

Needless to say, after dinner, Donald and Emma have a lot of fun in the train car bedroom.  The bed is big and soft, so after rolling over and over, and in every position to try things again, it is rather late when they fall to slumber.The next morning though, they are up by seven, repacked, and after a nice breakfast in the dining car are on the road by nine.Donald tells Emma to put a star next to Tennessee and add ‘Virginia’ to the list.  Emma smiles as she adds a second star to the list. ...

Love Stories
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Anticipation Pays Off

I was lying in her bed waiting, nervously. Waiting for the first kiss; the one that was supposed to change everything. Months of anticipation and planning couldn’t even prepare me for the moment. When I came out of my thoughts, I noticed as she looked at me -- at my lips and then back into my eyes again. I watched her. She was playing with my hair and inched a little closer. She slowly leaned in to kiss me. And hesitated just an inch from my lips. I could feel her breath, as I am sure...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 377

Give Thanks to Pepere for these: Try these... Thoughts and prayers are going out to married men who, for months or years, kept telling their wives, “I’ll do that when I have the time”. How long is this social distancing supposed to last? My wife keeps trying to get into the house Nail salons closed Lash salons closed Hair salons closed Tanning salons closed Waxing salons closed... It’s about to get ugly out there guys, stay safe. Can we uninstall 2020 and reinstall it? I believe...

2 years ago
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Mmmmm,as I watched her on stage moving her hips back and forth,my pussy got so fucking wet. She was so damn sexy. Her legs so long lean and her tits sat up like rocks. Mmmm....Im YoonA I want to taste you. As I watched her I was fighting the urge to touch myself. I think the other's could tell something was on my mind. Probably not YoonA's pussy but they could tell. "Jiyeon are you okay? You look weird,your all sweaty and you cant keep still" Hyomin exclaimed. Oh im fine Hyomin. I lied. All I...

3 years ago
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28 February 2009Chapter 2

Wendy sat leaning against Dan as he fingered her pussy. He continued for another moment when Andrew brought their meals. “How are you and Heather doing?” “Fantastic, what a woman! I thought she might mix work with pleasure, working at the Hen House. She could have her choice of any man in there on any given night but will only let you fuck her.” “Do you want her to stop our fucking?” “No, she says how good you are to her and I appreciate that.” Wendy turned more towards Andrew, spread...

4 years ago
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From Fantasy to Reality

I didn’t know what to do, so I told one of my girlfriends and she told me if I wanted to find some really kinky stuff to go online. I did, and I became addicted to chat rooms. My favorite rooms were the ones where people would pretend to be my daddy and tell me all the nasty things they were doing to my body. I knew it was wrong to think about daddy that way but I couldn’t help it. Dad had started getting a little suspicious about all the time I was spending on the computer, he told me it...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 25

The sudden, wild joining they enjoyed in the library left both Jason and Sylvia’s mother sweaty and sticky, which meant they wound up in the shower together after all. And, inevitably, as they showered, they grew aroused and made love, although with far less intensity than they’d shown earlier in the den. After they finished their shower and got dressed again, they went downstairs and had lunch. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to survive after tomorrow,’ Karen said, laying her hand on Jason’s as...

2 years ago
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Discovering My Nasty Wife Part 2

The AgreementChapter 2She was never the same after that night. Things were different with me too. My fantasies had been given a new energy. I loved that she had been there and seen all that, and most of all that it had turned her on. We began talking nastier to each other during sex and enjoying it more. One night she had me dance for her in the bedroom, and while I did, she crawled up to me on all fours and began licking and sucking on my cock. She tugged on it like a puppy nursing a tit. I...

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Road trips with ks in the car is frustrating

Like every time we are in the car for long distances my mind begins to wonder. It all starts when I look over at you and see the seat belt separating your beautiful breasts, my eyes begin to drink in every curve of your body. I see your cleavage, and I feel my cock begin to stir. I reach over and place my hand on your leg, slowly rubbing my thumb on the seam of your shorts, hooking my thumb under them to slowly raise your shorts just so I can look at your thigh.As a slowly rub my hand on your...

4 years ago
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Unexpected but not Unwanted

I had been a grounds-keeper at that college for at least six years now. I originally came there to get a degree myself, but times got rough and I had to slack off the classes in order to pay the rent. Anyways, I ended up being one of those statistics--the one that says you quit school to work and then don't go back because you get caught up in stuff. Now here I was still mowing lawns and trimming hedges, which I guess I didn't mind because it helped me keep my athletic, muscular body toned and...

3 years ago
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Paid Holidays

My boss gave me two days off as a reward for rescuing a contract worth over £45,000. I decided I wanted some me time so I left for work as usual and spent the morning riding on the train round Glasgow underground, I loved riding the train as a k** but had never had the time since starting work 8 years before. Finally, I got bored and went for lunch, after lunch I decided to go to the cinema, I found the nearest and paid £3.50 entering the cinema I took a seat of to the side and settled down...

1 year ago
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In the Video cabin

I was standing pressed against the wall with my cock through the hole and I felt the familiar warm, moist feeling of soft lips around it and the flicking tongue working around my knob. My cock was so hard, I thought it would burst but the sensation was running through my body like electricity, turning me into a mass of trembling jelly. I don't know who the guy was, never saw him, but he was no novice cock-sucker for sure. I had left the cabin door open so that other guys could watch me getting...

3 years ago
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The Swing Series 6

Welcome to Part VI of our series. In our last episode, Sue and I had a really exciting time with our babysitter, Alexia. Car trouble had ruined other plans and we came home to find Alex masturbating to one of our "home movies." Never would I have believed that I would have a chance again in my life to fuck an 18-year-old! It was a very exciting night and my wife, Sue, and I were hoping to be able to get together with Alex again sometime. Neither of us were expecting our chance to come as soon...

2 years ago
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Sarah and I the morning after

Sarah and I work in the same building and we recently went for a drink after work which resulted in us getting in to a passionate kiss in the car park. So passionate in fact that she unzipped my fly and tossed me off there and then. I was not looking forward to the following morning at work. I thought that Sarah would be terribly embarrassed about the previous evening’s sexual encounter and I was not sure if I could handle the potentially explosive situation. As it turned out, things developed...

Straight Sex
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Banged a hotty in Bangalore

Hello everyone, I’m Achyuth from Bangalore and I’m 26 years old. I am a Software Engineer by profession and this story is about a real incident where I got to have sex with a hot girl on a Tinder Date.So it had been quite long since I had sex with someone and like any other guy would do I decided to give Tinder (Mobile Application) a try. I uploaded my photos with a good bio and started right swiping a lot of girls. For the initial 3-4 days I was out of luck as I didn’t get any match. Finally...

3 years ago
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Stories By Victoria

I am back and have decided to start a new story thread. It is fun to write on other people's stories but there is nothing like creating one of your own. I had one before but needed to take a Hiatus from writing and ended up deleting all of my old work. However I am back now and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. These stories will involve my favorite fetishes which are enf, bra stuffing, panty stuffing, diapers, humiliation and embarrassment. Some stories will involve a lot of sex and...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 82

As we floated in the tepid stinking water, I wondered for the thousandth time what the hell we were doing in the middle of a harbor in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, waiting for our intended target. We had been floating here for three hours, having been inserted an hour after dusk. Farley, Jubal and I were stationed at each corner of the dock so we would have clear fields of fire when our target showed. Farley had slipped aboard the yacht and planted explosives to blow it out of the water in case...

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The Debutante

The Debutante Timmy had been suspended from school for the second time. Ever since he had reached puberty he had been in trouble in some way. His mother was at her wits' end. This time she was determined to do something about it. She sent him to his room immediately and poured herself a drink to calm down a bit. What could she do? She did not want him to turn to a life of crime. She loved her son and since her husband's death it had been very difficult. If she had a daughter it might...

2 years ago
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Zombimbos by Dredge Greg looked over the others with a look of disappointment and a slight twinge of anger. "C'mon guys, I told you we are going to be heading out there today. I don't see everyone getting ready." "You were the only one who said anything about going," David replied. "We don't have any reason to leave just yet." Greg walked over to the table where David was hunched over a laptop. He sat directly...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 17

[Preservation – Janice] He wanted us north. Overall, he was pleased with the jaunt south but disappointed in the result based upon the original objective, which was to look at the partition. Even now, we couldn't do that without specialized protection and supplies. That would wait, maybe for a long time. We had a lot of territory under our control or knowledge to the west and to the east. We were growing in both directions. The surprise from the north by the Triple-A's was not pleasant in...

2 years ago
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Full Circle Ch 05

Lily snapped at me when I instructed her on how to properly handle my car. When she threatened to leave me on the side of the road I sat back in the passenger seat, allowing the wave of intoxication to carry me away from what drove me to drink in the first place. It was getting warm in the car so I rolled the window down. At night the smell of the city changed to something almost romantic. It could have been because the sun was no longer heating up the filth in the sewer lines. Or, it could...

3 years ago
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Pure crystal

You're taking my cock in your mouth wanting to make it hard again. You're so good at it. But as you didn't hold it and peed in my face. I think i can do it too. I need to let some of this dirty burning pee out of me. And your hand deep in my ass (feeling "things" on your fingers) is not helping to hold it. My tongue tasting your dirty pussy, a mix between a squirt and some urine and i want to taste more of you. I want to lick your ass. As my hands are opening it, i put my mouth on your little...

2 years ago
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Brad’s parents and Kim’s parents had been neighbors and friends for forever, so both families saw a lot of Brad, Kim and her older sister, Teri, as the three of them were growing up, and as Brad and Kim dated. Even after Brad’s parents divorced, Glenn stayed in their house and remained friends with Kim’s parents, so having the bachelorette party at Glenn’s house seemed like a natural thing to do. Over the years, Kim had a pretty good relationship with Brad’s father. Glenn could be handsy...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Riley Reid Naughty Schoolgirl Riley Learns a Lesson in the Bathroom

Riley is over at her friends house studying for a test when she she’s her friends older brother Mick. Riley can’t concentrate so she goes into the toilet to masturbate and think about him. Just as Riley is about to have an orgasm, Mick comes in by mistake. He wants to leave but horny Riley wants to taste her first cock. After sucking his huge dick and having her pussy eaten, Riley gets fucked hard until she orgasms. Mick cums all over this naughty schoolgirl’s mouth and face and she...

1 year ago
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TeenyTaboo Stella Sedona Couch surfing house guest Stella Sedona gets her pussy filled with cum

When Stella tries to save some money by staying at a strangers house while traveling, she tells him that her money is running out and that she will have to end her traveling soon. He decides to see if she wants to make a deal to earn some extra traveling money by getting his cock wet. After she gets over her shock, she decides that this would be a good deal for her, and starts sucking his dick. From that point she is all in, and lets him do pretty much what he wants, and it turns out she is a...

3 years ago
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Daughters Roommate from Hell

Daughter's Roommate from Hell Being a divorced dad, each fall I have the responsibility to help our daughter move into college. This year she is living off campus. She and four of her friends have found a large, old-Victorian style home. It has three bedrooms, one bedroom being alone on the top floor with a separate exterior stairwell. As we unloaded the car with my daughters clothes, shoes, boots and endless boxes of feminine items, I couldn't help but notice a very confident,...

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The theater an my first conscious cream pie

This is a true story of the first time I knowingly ate my first creampie.I met this girl in a bar. She started flirting with me right away. I bought her a drink an we chatted a bit. She said she had just broken up with her husband and was kinda sad. I was new in town and we talked about a few different things and had a few drinks. She was definitely a looker. She went to the bathroom an some guy came over to me to tell me what a slut she was. I guess he thought he was giving a stranger a...

2 years ago
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Nick High SchoolChapter 7

Adam came in Monday around noon. The school was running shuttles from the airport all day long, as people came back from break. The family who Mika stayed with over the Thanksgiving break drove her back to campus. As people were returning, I was out playing in a pick-up game of Ultimate. When I made it back to the room, the entire gang was there. Adam said, "Did you eat all the pizza?" "I didn't have a bunch of leftover turkey, so I had to eat something." "Did they deliver or did you...

2 years ago
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That Tone

“I love the way you make me feel needed,” It’s quite a statement from someone who doesn’t appear to have an emotional bone in his body and I wonder whether it might be as practiced as your technique. As practiced as the condescending tone you add for effect, when you’re doing filthy things to me. Still I take it and analyse it. “Did he just call me needy in a round the houses kind of way?” my inner voice asks and then I smile to myself. Where is the bloody on/off button for my brain? “Do you...


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