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Julie was eleven years old when I first met her, the prettiest little thing you ever did see!? I was two years older than her, just developing an interest in girls and I was hooked at once.? She was small for her age, with shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes.? She had a pretty face and a slim body.? I took no time in finding out all I could about this new object of fascination, and I was delighted to learn that she lived quite close to me.? I soon made an excuse to walk with her as we went home after school and over the next two years we became close friends.


Over that time she started to develop into a beautiful young woman.? She became curved where previously she was flat, and other boys started to take an interest in her.? I?d got there first however, and by the time I was fifteen and she was thirteen we were going steady.? We used to go to youth club discos together and I?d walk her home.? We?d hold hands as we walked, and she?d give me the briefest of kisses as I left her on her doorstep.


Gradually we became closer, and started to explore our sexuality.? This was a matter of some urgency for me, but she refused to be rushed, only ever allowing me to take the slightest liberty before she would brush my hands away!? However she did relent, gradually, and eventually allowed me to touch her budding breasts, over clothing, of course, but it was enough to have my young cock straining to get out of my trousers!? I remember going home after an evening caressing her young tits and hurrying to my bedroom to relieve myself.


After a while I was allowed to put my hand inside her top, feeling her lovely firm tits through the thin fabric of her bra.? Then one wonderful evening as we sat in the back room at her parents? home, kissing passionately, I had dared to push my hand into her bra and she had done nothing to stop me.? I had almost climaxed as I felt the smooth skin of her bare breast and the small puffy nipples for the first time.


Our physical relationship developed slowly but steadily.? Once she had got used to me caressing her breasts, she allowed me to stroke her bottom as we embraced.? I used to run my hands over her shapely hips and down over her firm, pert little bum, pulling her to me, feeling her soft body pressing against my stiff cock.


One summer evening we were out for a walk, taking the opportunity to get as far away from parents as possible!? I was sixteen by then, and Julie fourteen. We strolled past a building site where new houses were being built.? As we did so Julie giggled, took my hand and lead me into one of the half-built houses.?


Once we were away from prying eyes we began to kiss.? I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she responded eagerly, her breath hot on mine.? I quickly found the first few buttons of her blouse, opened them and slipped my hand inside.? In moments I was caressing her firm young breast with one hand, whilst my other slipped around her waist and began to stroke her firm bottom.? I was in heaven as I played with her fresh young body.? Daring to go even further, I began to edge her skirt higher.?


I was expecting her to stop me, but instead she kissed me with renewed urgency.? I lifted her skirt until I was stroking her bum through the thin cotton of her knickers, my cock aching and throbbing furiously.? Pushing my luck to the limit, I reached for the waistband of her knickers and slipped my hand inside.? She gasped, then kissed me again, allowing me to push my hand into her knickers.


I lovingly caressed her bare breast and ran my hands all over her pert little bum.? After moments or two she pulled away from me, looked down at my trousers, and the conspicuous tent in them and giggled.? ?Is that your, er, thing, Andy??


I nodded.


?Gosh!? It?s sticking out a bit, isn?t it??? She giggled again.? ?Can I touch it, Andy??


I almost came on the spot!? Not trusting my own voice, I simply nodded.? She reached down and slowly stroked the bulge in my trousers, slowly increasing the pressure until she could feel my throbbing shaft as she ran her hand up and down. ?I still had my hand in her bra and knickers, and as she increased the pressure still further I tried my best to hold back.? Finally, though I couldn?t control myself.? With a gasp I came, shooting my load into my trousers, my face blushing furiously.


As I recovered, she pulled my hands out of her clothing and giggled again as she smoothed her things back into place.? ?Was that nice??? She asked, innocently.


?I should say so!? I gasped.


?Would you like to do that again some time??? Another sweet smile.


?Oh God! Yes please!?? She laughed at my urgency, making me blush again.


?Well, I?ll think about it!?? She giggled, then took my hand and led me back to the street.? As we approached her house she gave me a brief kiss and said, ?See you tomorrow, darling!?? Then skipped off to her front door.? I went home the happiest of sixteen-year-olds, anxious to spend some more time with my lovely Julie!


That long summer holiday was to be very significant for both of us.? We were able to spend long, lazy days together, taking the chances, when they came, to explore each other?s body.? Julie quickly progressed from rubbing my cock through my trousers to slipping her small hand inside and stroking me to climax.? Then one day she wanted to see it, and giggled as she brought it out.? She watched in fascination as it grew beneath her touch, then began to pump it vigorously.? In no time she brought me to orgasm and I was shooting my jism all over her hand.? She thought that was hysterical!?


I grew bolder and bolder, running my hand up her thigh from her knee, stroking the smooth, sensitive skin there.? Gradually I moved higher and higher, until I was just inches from her pussy.?


One afternoon my parents were out for the day, so we took advantage of guaranteed privacy and spent the entire day at my house.? We spent many, many minutes embracing and kissing, lying together on the sofa.? After a short time I managed to coax Julie into removing her top.? I stroked her breasts for several minutes before I slowly pulled her bra up and took in the view of her naked breasts for the first time.? They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen!? I couldn?t leave them alone, stroking and kissing them for what seemed like hours.


As I played with her breasts I gently slid my hand up her skirt, stroking her inner thigh.? She began to stroke my hair, began to gasp and pant.? I moved cautiously higher, not wanting to scare her.? Soon I was at the very top of her thigh, I could feel the heat from her pussy.? I reached out my hand and gently stroked between her thighs.? I felt her stiffen, holding her breath.? Then her hand closed on mine.? I looked into her eyes, which were wide, anxious.


?You won?t tell anyone, will you Andy?? Please don?t tell anyone, they?ll think I?m a slut.? You won?t, will you Andy?? Promise me.?? She sounded desperate.


?Of course I won?t tell anyone.?? I said at once, ?Why would I want to tell anyone?? It?s nobody?s business but ours!? I?d never do anything to hurt you, you must know that??


She smiled at me, relaxing visibly, her breath escaping in a hiss.? She lay back on the sofa, drew me to her and kissed me, passionately.? I continued to stroke at the very top of her thigh, then moved between her legs and began to run my fingers along the gusset of her knickers.? I was surprised to find they were slightly damp.? In my innocence and naivety I thought this was perhaps due to nerves!?


I stroked slowly, gently, gradually increasing the pressure until I could feel her delicate folds beneath her knickers.? Offering up a thousand silent prayers, I started to slip my finger inside the leg of her knickers.? She whimpered, but did nothing to stop me.? I pushed in further, feeling her thin pubes beneath my fingers. I slowly pushed my hand further and further into her knickers.? I could feel the top of her slit.? As my fingers slipped between her thighs, found her hot slit and began to stroke it, she moaned, closed her eyes and whispered, ?Oh Andy!?


I stroked her soft young pussy for minute after lovely minute, until she began to pant and gasp.? As I ran a finger along her slit it suddenly slipped between her lips and I felt the warm, wet, velvet of her inner lips.? She gasped sharply, her body going rigid.? I had no idea what I?d done, froze with fear that I?d done something wrong, only for her to gasp, ?Don?t stop!? Please don?t stop, Andy!?


I carried on, not knowing what I was doing, until she suddenly began to gasp and moan loudly.? She was bucking her hips, rubbing my hand against her pussy.? Her eyes were closed in intense concentration, then she reached down and held my hand to her as she writhed around and her body shook.? She clamped her hands together on my hand for several moments, then sighed and relaxed, a sleepy smile on her face.


Afterwards she seemed distracted, upset even.? I kept asking her what was wrong, but she refused to say.? I asked her, ?Was that really good for you?? and she began to cry.? I asked her again what was wrong, this time she broke down completely.


?You know what?s wrong!? You?re going to finish with me because I?m a slut, that?s what?s wrong!?


?You?re not a slut. Why would you think that??


?Of course I?m a slut. Any girl who lets a boy do that to her is a slut, and any girl who enjoys that is an even bigger slut!?


?You?re not a slut!? And anyone who calls you one will get his face smashed in.? You do some really nice things to me, make me feel so good. Now I can do the same for you. What?s the difference??


?You really mean that??




She threw her arms around me, laughing and sobbing at the same time.? Then she began to fumble with my trousers, opening them with an urgency she?d never shown before.? In moments she had brought out my cock and was stroking and pumping the shaft. I lay back and sighed as I gave myself over to the delicious sensations.


?Oh God, Andy.? Oh I love you so much.? Oh I so want to make you happy my love.?


As I started to come she squeezed my shaft in rhythm to my spurts.? It was the best hand job I ever had!? Afterwards, she cuddled in to me and we dozed on the sofa in each other?s arms, her hand still wrapped around my flaccid cock.


After that I was allowed to play with her pussy as much as I wanted ? which was a lot!? One glorious evening we were left alone at her parent?s house, and she agreed to let me see her completely naked for the first time.? I sat on the end of her bed watching as she took off her T-shirt, then her jeans, then her bra and finally her knickers.? And then she stood before me totally naked.?? She was just magnificent to look at!? Her pretty face framed by blonde hair, her blue eyes sparkling.? Her skin was flawless and as white as snow. Her neck was thin and shapely.? I followed its? line down to her shoulders and on down to her pert young breasts.? I let my eyes linger for a moment or two on them before I let them travel down, my gaze slipping down over her flat, taught belly and finally down to her blonde pubic thatch.


I was awe struck!? She was the most beautiful thing I?d ever seen.? My eyes raked over her entire body, drinking in the sight of her youth and beauty.? I must have looked totally stunned because after a few moments she snapped, ?Well say something then!?


I stammered something about her being the most beautiful thing I?d ever seen, and she grinned at me, clearly pleased at my reaction.? Then she almost caused me to come in my pants when she said,? ?You want to look at me all evening, or would you like to have a play as well??


I looked into her eyes, which glittered with mischief and lust.? I stood up at once, moving towards her.? I was about to touch her when she said, ?Wouldn?t it be fairer if we were both undressed??? I started to shed my clothing rapidly.? It was strange though; clothes which I could remove with ease in my own room now clung to me like limpets.? Julie just stood back and watched, a playful grin on her face as she watched me almost fall over as I tried to get out of my jeans.? Finally I removed the last of my clothes and we stood facing each other, stark naked.


She looked down at my cock, which was standing stiff and proud.? She stepped towards me and reached out her hand, stroking my shaft.? I gasped and groaned as she ran her cool fingers over my cock and then gently cupped my balls.? I stroked her breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen as I rolled each of them in turn gently between my thumb and finger. She shuddered, and then I slipped my hand between her shapely thighs and began to stroke the lips of her pussy.? Her grip on my cock tightened, making me groan again.


She stepped back, still with her hand wrapped around my cock, and led me to her bed.? I followed in a kind of dream, not believing that this was happening.? She lay on her bed and I lay next to her.? She looked so wonderful, her pretty face framed on her pillow by her blonde hair.? I reached for her pussy again and she sighed happily as I began to stroke and caress her delicate lips.


She reached again for my cock, began to stroke it rhythmically.? In moments we were both gasping and panting, kissing each other with a hot passion.? She gasped into my ear, ?Andy? Oh God, Andy, have you got anything?? I mean, have you, er got, er, oh God, you know what I mean??


I couldn?t believe my ears, ?Do you mean it?? Are you sure??


?Oh God yes! Oh Jesus, do it!? She hissed.


Like every sixteen-year-old boy at that time, I always had a condom with me.? It was like a membership card, a sign of pure optimism!? I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and brought out the small foil container. She watched in fascination as I took the condom from its? packet and rolled it onto my shaft.? Then I positioned myself on top of her, and she opened her legs.


I felt my cock slip between her pussy lips, felt her tense beneath me.? I looked down and saw my shaft perfectly positioned and pushed forward.? She gasped and threw her arms around my neck, clinging on desperately.? I felt resistance, felt a barrier pushing back against my cock.? I opened my mouth to say something.? She pressed her lips close to my ear, ?Don?t stop!? Go on.? Don?t stop, please!? She whispered, a note of fear and desperation in her voice.


I pushed my hips forward again, keeping up the pressure on her delicate pussy.? All of a sudden there was a break, my cock slipped into her as she cried out briefly.? I looked into her eyes, which were wide with wonder.? She whispered, ?Oh Andy!?, then buried her face in my neck.


I began to push into her with all the urgency of a fifteen-year-old.? I drove my cock deep into her with no thought at all for he, no thought at all except for my own pleasure. ?I was feeling the warm, velvet touch of a pussy stroking my shaft for the first time, and I was in heaven!? In almost no time at all I felt myself start to climax.? I was unable to do anything other than give myself over to it.? I groaned and climaxed, lost in the pleasure of the moment.


As I recovered afterwards she planted small, wet kisses on my face and neck.? I rolled off her, thoroughly delighted with myself, and lay next to her with a contented sigh.? Julie chattered excitedly.


?Jesus, Andy!? We did it!? We actually did it!? I was going to make you wait for a few more weeks yet, but when we started to touch tonight it just seemed like the right thing to do.? Was it ok? I mean, is that the way it?s supposed to be??


?I don?t know.? I laughed, ?I suppose that?s how you do it, because it seemed to be ok.? Was it ok for you??


?Well, I thought it would hurt, I mean really, really hurt.? Sophie Hughes at school says she?s done it and it was like really painful, but it wasn?t so bad for me, just a bit of a twinge really.? And now we?ve done it! Yes!?? She was delighted.


?You don?t regret it then??


?No.? Why should I?? Why? Do you think I should regret it?? Do you think I?m a slut for letting you do it??


?No. Of course not.? I?ve told you before, you?re not a slut, and anyone who says you are will have to deal with me.?


She curled her body around mine, her skin was smooth and warm, her body fragrant.? I was blissfully happy, and judging by her contented sighs, so was she!


From then on we made love whenever, and wherever, we could.? We were keen to experiment and often tried out new things.? If I heard of some new position Julie would be happy to try it out, and she would scour girlie magazines for anything new to try.? We soon discovered the delights of oral sex.? Julie loved it when I brought her to climax by kissing and licking her sweet pussy, and she soon got over her doubts about having my cock in her mouth!?


I couldn?t imagine being any happier, and we decided to get engaged on Julie?s seventeenth birthday.? I was doing well in my job at the factory and Julie was also working.? There seemed no reason to delay things, and we were married on her eighteenth birthday.? Our daughter Melanie was born just over a year later and we settled into contented domestic bliss, happily watching our daughter as she grew.


When Melanie was about thirteen I lost my job when the factory closed.? Desperate for the money I took a job at another factory on the other side of town.? The wages weren?t as good, and I had to work longer hours, but we needed the money.? At first I coped ok.? I was tired for much of my time at home, but I made the effort to be the husband and father I wanted to be.? It as after about a year in the new job that it started to take its? toll on me.


As the months had gone on our sex life had dwindled as I had been too tired to play during the week, and had spent much of my weekends catching up on sleep.? Julie hadn?t complained at first, but when she started to stroke my cock one Sunday morning and I complained of being too tired, she voiced her concerns.


?What happened to us, Andy?? We used to have such a lot of fun together, in bed and out!? Now you?re permanently tired, and we never seem to do anything any more.? We don?t go out, don?t see friends, never have people over, and do you realise how long it?s been since we made love??


?How long??


?Well over a month!? I don?t expect you be pestering me for it all day, every day, but I do think you might want me more than that!? Christ Andy, you?re not thirty-five yet!? You?re not old.? I?m only thirty-two!? We should be having more fun than this.?


I was stung by her criticism, but I had to admit she was right.? Somehow we?d lost the fun out of our lives.? I vowed there and then to make more of an effort and started to respond to her overtures by stroking her thigh.


?Ooooh, that?s much more like it!?? She giggled, and reached again for my cock.? I slipped my hand between her thighs, stroking her pussy lips.? She immediately began to sigh happily and when I slipped my finger between her lips and started to tease her clit she thrust her hips forward and said softly, ?Oh yes, oh that?s lovely. Oh God, love, it?s been such a long time. Oh God, I?ve missed you!??


I slipped my finger into her hot tunnel.? She was soaking wet! I started to slowly finger-fuck her, the way I knew she liked. I ducked my head down and began to suck on her tits, running my tongue in circles around her nipples.? She was becoming more and more aroused, I knew she was close to climax.? I suddenly became aware that something was wrong.? My cock, which Julie had been stroking lovingly, had stayed flaccid.? She stroked my balls and kissed my ear, things which never failed to arouse me, but still it didn?t respond.? I willed it to stiffen, but nothing happened.


?What?s wrong, love?? Julie breathed into my ear.


?I don?t know.?? I said, a note of desperation in m voice.


?I know what?ll do the trick!?? She said with a sexy smile on her face.? She disappeared beneath the covers and soon was kissing my balls, running her tongue over them.? The feeling was exquisite, but still my cock refused to respond.? Finally she took my cock into her mouth and began to suck and lick it whilst stroking my balls. After a couple of minutes I was still unable to get an erection.


Julie surfaced and lay next to me, the silence like a wall between us. Finally, I said, ?I don?t know why I can?t do anything, love. I guess I?m just tired.?


She forced a smile, tried to hide her disappointment and frustration, ?Don?t worry about it, love.? Maybe tonight, hey??


?Sure!? I tried to smile back.? All day my failure to respond was on my mind.? Whenever I was alone I tried to coax my cock back to life, but to no avail. By evening I was becoming desperate.? It was getting close to bedtime, and I didn?t want to disappoint Julie again.


As I got into bed that night Julie came in to the bedroom and began to slowly undress.? I had always found the sight of her shedding her clothing highly erotic, ever since that first time in her bedroom, all those years ago.? As she let her bra fall, revealing breasts still large and firm, I felt a twitch in my groin.? I heaved a sigh of relief inwardly as she wriggled her hips and slipped her knickers down.? Then she slid beneath the covers and moved in close to me.


?How are things this evening??? She murmured, slipping her hand onto my thigh.? She stroked her hand up my leg and began to stroke my cock, now growing promisingly.? ?Aha!? I knew my little strip-tease would get you going!?? She smiled.? I began to stroke her breasts, savouring the smoothness of her skin and the pleasure radiating from my loins.? And then I felt my cock start to deflate.? Of course, Julie could feel it too.


?Andy?? What?s wrong, love??


I was close to tears, ?I promise you I have no idea, love.? This has never happened to me before.?


?So why is it happening now??


?I swear I have no idea.?


She lay back on the bed, turning away from me.? ?Is there someone else??


?Someone else? No, never!? I?d never even look at another woman, you know that."


?I know you haven?t been near me in over a month, and when I finally do get your attention you?re not interested.?


?Look, I?m probably just tired.? You know the hours I?ve been working lately.? I?ll do my best to get some early nights in, and I?ll soon be right, I promise.?


She smiled at me again, ?Sure you will.?? She said.? Then without further comment she turned out the light.? As I lay there in the darkness I couldn?t get to sleep, worrying and wondering why I was suddenly unable to rise to the occasion.? I knew Julie was awake too.? We lay there, like total strangers until the sky became light outside and the birds began to sing.


Day after day I tried to rest, tried to coax my cock into responding, but it stayed stubbornly flaccid.? By Saturday I was increasingly anxious.? Julie would expect me to perform that night, would be hurt if I couldn?t please her.? Foolishly, I had a couple of drinks, thinking that they would relax me, take away the tension and enable me to function.? But then I had another, and another.? By the time I reached the bedroom, I was drunk.


Julie looked at me questioningly.? ?Don?t worry love, it?ll be ok.?? I slurred.?? She looked at me incredulously, but said nothing.? I fell into bed and immediately began to fumble drunkenly with her body.? I was clearly having no effect on her at all, and when I climbed on top of her and tried to make love to her, my cock was completely lifeless.? After a few moments she pushed me off her.


?Oh for God?s sake Andy, stop it!? If you don?t want to make love to me just come out and say it, will you?? Or is the prospect of coming to bed with me so awful you have to get drunk before you can do it??


I tried my best to clear my head.? ?No, Julie, love, it?s not like that at all, honest.?


?Is she much younger than me??




?Your other woman.?


?There is no other woman, I swear.?


?So why don?t you want to make love to me??


?I do, I swear, I just can?t, that?s all.?


?Can?t? Or won?t? Oh never mind.? Just sleep it off will you, I?ll sleep in the spare room tonight.?? She stormed from the room leaving me feeling foolish, inadequate and desperately unhappy.


Things went downhill pretty quickly after that.? Every time we tried to make love my cock failed to respond.? When I continued to protest my innocence, and kept repeating that I didn?t know why I couldn?t satisfy her, Julie suggested that I go to the doctors.? I knew that thanks to the receptionist there, who read everyone?s medical records, nothing remained confidential for long, so I refused to go.? Julie wouldn?t accept my reasons, said I was being stupid, and so the rows continued.


After about six months we barely spoke any more.? I began to drink heavily, trying to drown out my misery.? Sometimes, when I drank I became aggressive towards her.? On one occasion she started on at me again, nagging me to get help.? When I refused she became angry, then I was angry too, and finally I hit her.? I remember the stunned look on her face when I slapped her.? I was immediately ashamed of myself, I tried to apologise, but the damage was done.? After that we just about co-existed in the same house.


It seems strange to think now, but after so many months of arguing, it was a relief when she stopped nagging me.? I continued to drink heavily, and it never even occurred to me to wonder why she had stopped nagging, I was just grateful for the peace and quiet.


One evening I was sitting at the bar in my local pub when I became aware of a group of men in the corner.? They seemed to be enjoying themselves and every now and again there were shouts of laughter and general banter.? I thought I recognised some of them and asked Suzie, the barmaid, who they were.


?The one in the middle of it all is Sam Barker, you must have heard of him?? He owns that used car place on the high street, you know, the big one.? That?s not all he does if the stories are right. He?s supposed to be involved in all sorts of shady stuff, from protection rackets to drugs.? Proper little gangster is our Sam, nasty piece of work I hear too.? It doesn?t do to mess with Sam, he?s not the forgiving type, and he?ll stop at nothing to protect what?s his, can be quite brutal. Not that I would know.? He?s always been a proper gent to me.? I was seeing him for a while you know? He really knows how to show a girl a good time does Sam, in more ways than one!?? She giggled.


I was uncomfortable with any discussion of male virility so I quickly steered the conversation back to the others.? ?So who are the rest of them??


?Oh they?re just Sam?s gang. They all work for him, doing one thing or another.? They?re like his personal pack of dogs, they are.? Hired thugs.? Still, they were always nice to me, I?ll give them that.?


Suzie continued to ramble on, telling me all sorts of stories about Barker, most if which I dismissed as pure fantasy.? To hear her tell it he was the biggest gangster since the Crays!? After a while, and several beers, I made my way to the toilet, where I locked myself in a cubicle.? Ever since I?d lost the ability to perform I?d been anxious not to let anyone see my cock, as if they?d know!? Whenever possible I would lock myself in a cubicle, away from prying eyes.


As I waited to finish the toilet door opened and I heard two men talking.


?Sam?s in a good mood tonight, what?s going on??


?Don?t ask questions, mate.? Let?s just say he got a deal sorted this afternoon, one that?ll make him a fair few quid believe me!?


?What kind of deal??


?I told you, don?t ask questions.? Believe me, you?re better off not knowing some of the stuff Sam gets up to.?


?I wouldn?t mind knowing that bit of stuff he?s getting up to, I?ll tell you that!?


?Yeah, she is something, isn?t she?? Sam says she?s the best shag he?s had in ages.? Gives a fucking good blowjob too he says!? Mind yourself though, if he catches you looking at her he?ll bloody kill you.?


?She?s married, isn?t she??


?Yeah!? To that piss artist Connor!?? I froze in shock.




?Andy Connor, that drunken little shit who was falling all over the bar earlier.? You must have seen him??


?That one who kept looking over at us??


?That?s him.? That?s Julie?s husband, if you can believe it.? Seems he?s worse than useless in the sack, can?t raise a cheer!?? They both laughed.? I felt my blood run cold.?? They both left, still laughing about my lack of ability and sneering about Sam having an affair with my wife.


I stormed from the pub and dashed home.? Julie barely looked up as I entered the living room.? I stormed across the room, grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.


?You dirty, deceitful bitch!?? I yelled.? She started to stand up and I backhanded her across the face.? She staggered back and I reached for her again.? I grabbed her hair again, pulling her to me.? ?I?ve just had to listen to two of Barker?s thugs laughing about how he?s fucking the arse off you, and how I can?t do anything in the bedroom.? You fucking bitch!? I let go of her hair and slapped her across the face.? I was ready to hit her again when I there was a scream from behind me.


?Leave her alone, you bastard. Leave her alone!?


I wheeled ?round to see Melanie there.? Her face was contorted with anger and hatred, and all of it was directed at me.? ?Mel, you don?t know what she?s done to me.? You don?t know what kind of a woman your mother is, she, she??


?I know what you?ve done to her, you bastard. I know all about you.? I know how useless you are.? Just leave her alone.?


Julie staggered past me, took Melanie by the hand and they left.? I heard the front door slam and the car start, and then I was left alone.? I reached for the whisky bottle and started to drink.? Eventually, I fell asleep in the chair.


I was woken the following morning by someone hammering on the front door.? Feeling like shit, I staggered to the door and opened it, muttering curses as I crashed into objects on the way.? I opened the door and saw a man standing there.? For a moment I didn?t recognise him, and then I realised it was Barker.


?What the f?.? I began.? I didn?t even see the punch coming.? He just swung his fist and hit me right on the chin.? I went down in a heap and he grabbed my by the throat, pulled me to my feet and dragged me to the living room, kicking the front door shut as he moved.? ?Morning Andy.?? He said, ?I thought you and I should have a little chat!?


He marched me to the living room and threw me into a chair.? My head was still spinning from the hangover and the punch.? Struggling to clear my head I said, ?I?ve got nothing to talk to you about you cunt!?? I managed to stand, intending to fight him, drawing back my fist.? His second blow struck me square in the balls.? I collapsed to my knees in agony.? I felt the nausea rising in my throat, fought it back with the greatest difficulty, and sucked in lungs full of air, trying to recover.? He grabbed hold of my hair, jerking my head back sharply.


?Well if you don?t want to talk, you?d better listen then, hadn?t you??? He growled.? ?Last night you gave Julie a few slaps, I hear.? Now that may make you feel like a man, but trust me, you?re not.? If I hear of you touching her again, I?ll be back to see you, got that??


I was incensed, blind to all consequences.? ?Julie?s my wife you twat.? I?ll do what I like to her.? Now get out of my fucking house you cunt!?


He punched me again, on the side of my head.? Bright colours exploded inside my head.? I heard myself groan.? I rolled onto my side and he kicked me in the stomach.? I folded, curling into a ball with a groan of misery.


?Now that was a mistake, my friend. Julie may be married to you, but she?s mine, until I tell you otherwise, got that?? And I don?t take kindly to people damaging my things, so you keep your fucking hands off her, or I?ll come back and cut your fucking balls off, understand??? I groaned again.? He grabbed my hair again, pulled my head up so that he could look into my face.? ?You piece of shit!? I must deal with twenty little arseholes like you every day.? You cross me and I?ll make such a mess of you your mother wouldn?t recognise you.? Now Julie and the kid will be back here tonight.? If I get the slightest idea you?ve annoyed her?.?? He laughed to himself.? ?I think you get it, don?t you??? When I didn?t answer he punched me again, ?Don?t you??? He barked.? I nodded.? He laughed again, then quietly left.


I struggled to my feet, then fell into a chair, exhausted.? I remembered what Suzie had said about Barker the previous evening, ?It doesn?t do to mess with Sam, he?s not the forgiving type, and he?ll stop at nothing to protect what?s his, can be quite brutal.?? If he had persuaded himself that Julie was his, then he would have no hesitation in doing me harm if he thought I was trying to take her back or upsetting her in any way.


I thought hard about what to do next.? Clearly I couldn?t fight Barker. On his own he was too much for me, and if I tried to bring in any mates he had his thugs.?? I could go away, just pack a bag and leave.? But go where?? My only family were my parents, and they only lived a couple of miles away.? Besides, I?d put a lot of time, effort and money onto the house, I wasn?t going to just hand all that to my bitch of a wife and her gangster boyfriend.?


And then a thought occurred to me.? I could wait him out!? I?d carry on as if nothing had happened, pretend that I didn?t know about Julie and him.? And then, when he got tired of her, I?d have my day!? Feeling much happier, I poured myself a drink and toasted my revenge!


Julie and Melanie arrived back early that evening.? They were accompanied by one of his heavies, but nothing was said and he soon left.? I did my best to ignore Julie, but whenever I spoke to Melanie she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me.? Yet another debt I owe you, I thought as I looked at Julie.


I was about to pour myself another drink when the doorbell rang.? ?Get that would you Mel??? I asked, as pleasantly as I could.


?You get it.?? She said sullenly.? Julie snorted with laughter.? I went to the door.? It was Barker.? He grinned at me, ?Well if it isn?t mister floppy!?? He chuckled, then brushed past me and walked casually into the living room.? I gritted my teeth and followed.


Julie had stood and put her arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips, his hand rested casually on her arse, Melanie watched, a smile on her face.? After a moment or two they separated. He turned to look at me, his eyes smiling with triumph.


?I thought we ought to have a chat about things, floppy!?? He announced.? Julie and Melanie both laughed at his new nickname for me.


?Oh yes??? I said, evenly.


?Yes.? Sit down, make yourself comfortable.?? As if in a dream I sank into an armchair.? He walked over to the drinks cabinet and casually poured himself a large scotch, then turned back to me.? ?Yes, now that we all know the score, I thought we?d agree a few ground rules, ok??


?Whatever you say.?? I said, trying to sound disinterested.


?Now that?s the attitude!?? He grinned.? ?You see??? He said, turning to Julie, ?I told you he understood the game, didn?t I??? She grinned back at him, ignoring me.


?OK, here we go.? From now on, you?ll treat Julie with the respect she?s due as my woman, got that??


I was suddenly aware that my daughter was still in the room, listening to him dictate my terms of surrender.? I cleared my throat nervously, ?Melanie, this is grown up talk, why don?t you go up to your room??


She didn?t even look at me, ?Mum??? She asked Julie.


?Please yourself love, stay if you like.?? She said.


?Can I go out??


?No!? I barked.


?Sure darlin? why not!?? Barker grinned, then turned back to me.? ?Give her some money then.?


Melanie stood in front of me, her hand outstretched. I offered her a five-pound note.


?Well that?s not much, is it?? She complained.


?Yes, come on you tight old fart, give the girl some money to enjoy herself with.?? He urged.


I looked in my wallet, there were two tens, plus the five I?d already offered her.? She snatched them all from me, then skipped out of the room, pausing only to say, ?Thanks Sam.?


?Where are you going?? I called after her.


?Mind your own business.?? She replied, much to the amusement of Sam and Julie, then the door slammed and she was gone.


?OK, let?s get down to business.?? Sam said, casually.? ?As I said, you?ll treat Julie with respect from now on, got that??




?How many bedrooms has this place got??


?Three.? I snapped.


?Good.? Get your things and move them into the spare room, I don?t want you anywhere near her from now on, understand.? Tomorrow, you can get me a spare key cut so I don?t have to ring the bell and hang around like a fucking double glazing salesman.?


It was clear he was intending to use my own home to carry on with my wife.? I?d had enough.


?That?s too far.? I?m leaving, I?m not putting up with this.? You have her if you want, I?m not staying around to be made a fool of.?? I moved to the door.


?You don?t want to do that, floppy!? He laughed.


?Oh no? Why??


?Because you?ll make me angry.? You?ve seen how unpleasant that can be, and I don?t think you want to go there again, do you?? No, you see, I want you to stay here and see how a woman like Julie should be treated.? I think it?s just what a useless little shit like you needs.? So you?ll stay here, and do as you?re told, starting now.?


I fell back into my seat.


?Here?s the rules.? One: you?ll do all the cleaning and washing around here.? I don?t want Julie wearing herself out with that crap.? Two: you?ll change the sheets on her bed every day.? I like a bed with nice, fresh, clean sheets.? Three: when I come here, you make sure you pour me a nice big glass of scotch, then make yourself scarce. Go to the pub or your room, anywhere, but stay out of the way.? Stick to the rules, floppy, and we?ll get on fine.? Break the rules and ?.?


His threat was completely clear.? I was to stay and pamper Julie, keep her sweet so that he could enjoy her, and I was to be the prize fool.? And I knew if I didn?t do as he said he?d have no hesitation in arranging something unpleasant for me.


?Any questions??? I shook my head.? ?Good! Now you can go and get your things from Julie?s room.??


I stood up to leave the room but Julie leaned over and said something to him, too low for me to hear.?? He laughed loudly, then said, ?Wait a minute, you.? Change of plan, you stay down here, Julie and me will be using the room for a while.?? And with that he stood up and took her by the hand.? He led her towards the living room door.? He stood back and let her pass first. As she passed him he reached out and groped her arse.? She squealed in shock, then started to giggle.? I heard them start to climb the stairs. There were more squeals from Julie and I heard her say, ?Oooh Sam! Ooh you are naughty!?


I stood up and poured myself a drink, determined to blot out the shame I was feeling as they humiliated me in my own home.? I couldn?t blot out the sounds of their love making however.? I could clearly hear Julie, still giggling, clearly enjoying herself.? After a few minutes the sounds changed.? Now she was gasping and moaning, sensual sounds, the sound of a woman?s pleasure.? I felt sick.? I wanted to go into the room and stop then, throw them both out, but I knew I couldn?t.? I no longer felt like a man, part of my identity had been torn from me by the man who was now enjoying my wife?s body.


I heard him start to gasp and moan, his pleasure evident.? I hung my head in shame, and then realised with horror that my cock was becoming stiff.? After months and months of total lifelessness, it was becoming stiff as I listened to another man take my wife.


I tried to ignore it.? Poured myself another drink.? From upstairs I head rhythmic creaking of the bed, knew what was happening.? My cock twitched again, then swelled to a full erection.? Unable to ignore it any more, I opened my trousers and freed it.? I looked down and watched as it pulsed.? As the rhythm upstairs increased and Julie?s gasps and moans grew more intense I reached down and stroked my hot shaft.?


Waves of pure ecstasy shot through me like electricity.? I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the first sexual pleasure I?d experienced in so long.? I started to stroke it in time to the creaking of the bed upstairs.? Julie?s cries became more urgent, were now mingled with his groans.? She was saying ?Yes, yes, yes.? Over and over again, he was grunting in response.? And then the creaking stopped momentarily and I heard him grunt and yell, ?Oh fucking yes!?. I knew he was shooting his come into her.? I should have been revolted, furious, ashamed.? Instead I felt my cock stiffen still further and suddenly I climaxed.


The feelings were so intense I fell to my knees as I started to shoot jism all over the floor.? I had never known an orgasm as intense.? It blotted out everything else, clouded my brain with total pleasure.? As my senses began to return I looked down and saw the extent of my climax.? I had produced massive amounts of come, and had sprayed it several feel from where I now knelt.? I was amazed!? And then I remembered the two of them upstairs.? I knew they would be coming down soon.? I fetched some kitchen roll and began to clean up, still marvelling at the sheer quantity I had produced.? I had just about managed to remove the evidence when I heard footsteps on the stairs.


Sam walked casually into the room, still fastening his shirt.? Julie followed behind wearing a pink bathrobe. She looked flushed and happy, he looked smug.


?OK then floppy, you can go and get your crap out of her room now, and be quick about it.? Tell me when it?s done.?


Feeling like a naughty schoolboy dismissed by the headmaster I left the room and made my way upstairs.? The bedroom smelled of his after-shave and her sex.? Her clothes lay across the floor where she had simply stepped out of them, the bed was a silent testament to their activities.


I quickly moved my things into the spare room.? As I was finishing he came up the stairs.


?Are you done then??? He asked, his eyes shining with suppressed laughter.


?Yes. ? I said simply.?


He looked in to Julie?s room.? ?No you haven?t.? Look at the state of that room!? You can?t expect her to sleep in there.? Get those clothes cleared away, and put some clean sheets on the bed. Come on, get on with it, floppy!?? He turned and went back down stairs.


I picked up Julie?s discarded clothing.? As I picked up her knickers I could clearly feel the dampness in them.? I put them to my face and inhaled, drawing in the scent of her pussy, a pussy made wet by her desire for another man.? I felt my cock twitch again.? As I changed the sheets, still warm in places from their passion, I could smell his after-shave.


I finished preparing her room and went downstairs.? He was sitting in an armchair, Julie was sitting on his lap.? ?It?s done.?? I said simply.


?OK, well you can go now, Julie and me have some unfinished business, don?t we darlin??? He said quietly, slipping his hand into her robe, feeling for her breasts.? She giggled again, ignoring me completely.? As I made my way to the door she slipped to the floor, kneeling between his thighs.? I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered and another giggle from her.? As I glanced over my shoulder she was untying the belt of her robe.?? As I closed the door behind me I heard him say, ?Now that?s better!? I always think you look better bare.? You must have the best pair of tits I?ve ever seen.?


She giggled again and said, ?Why thank you, kind sir!? Now, let me say hello to that lovely big cock of yours.?? I felt my cock starting to swell again as I imagined her naked on her knees before him, sucking on his cock, loving every minute of it, happy to be pleasing him.? I couldn?t resist it, I pulled my cock out of my trousers and began to pump it vigorously.? It responded at once and soon it was stiff and throbbing in my hand.? As I listened at the door to the contented noises Sam made as Julie sucked his cock I felt another orgasm start.? I looked around urgently for a cloth of some sort, but there was none.? Having no alternative, I quickly pushed my cock back into my trousers and came in my underpants.? Then I crept upstairs and into my new bedroom.


I lay awake, listening to them talking downstairs.? I couldn?t make out what they were saying, but their voices carried through the house.? There were frequent bursts of laughter, and I imagined that I was the butt of at least some of their humour.? I felt shame flood through me again, and also once again I felt my cock twitch.? I was disgusted with myself.? How could I be any kind of man when the only time I could get an erection was when I was being humiliated by my wife and her lover?? And yet, as I pictured her once again, naked and sucking his cock until he shot his load into her welcoming mouth, I felt it begin to throb.


I was soon pumping my shaft, thinking of them together, reliving my shame as he told me the rules, then made me clear up after their sex session.? I quickly came again, shooting into my underpants once more.? A short time later I heard Sam leave and then Julie went to bed.? I slept fitfully, such dreams as I had were filled with images of Sam Barker.


I woke the following morning and made my way down for breakfast.? I was due to work a late shift that day, which meant I wouldn?t be home much before midnight.? Julie had already left, I discovered, but Melanie was still there, getting ready for school.? I remembered how she had taken my money and skipped out the previous evening.


?Where did you go last night, and what time did you get in?? I demanded.


?I told you, mind your own business.?? She snapped.


?Don?t you take that tone with me, you?re not too old for a smacked arse, remember that.?


She gave a snort of laughter, ?If you ever touch me I?ll tell Sam and he?ll punch your fucking lights out, ok?? I don?t have to take orders from you any more, and I don?t have to tell you where I?m going or when I?ll be back.?


?Melanie, listen to me..?


?No! I?ve heard enough from you, you make me sick.? It?s bad enough living in the same house as you, but now everyone knows what a useless drunk you are.? Everyone at school knows you?re not man enough to get it up, and they?ve all heard how you like to play the big man by hitting mum.? I?m glad she?s with Sam, he makes her happy, which is more than you ever could, and it stops you taking it out on her, doesn?t it?? I?m off to school.?? And she picked up her bags and walked out.


I was stunned by how quickly my life had been turned upside down.? Just a couple of days ago I had my own private shame, but thought it was just that ? private.? Now I knew that everyone around me knew I couldn?t be a husband to Julie.? I knew it was common knowledge that Sam Barker was screwing my wife, and I was being dictated to by him, being forced to put up with the humiliation, all alternatives taken away from me.


But far worse was the realisation that I had been turned on by the whole episode.? Before yesterday I hadn?t been able to get an erection for months and months.? But yesterday I had brought myself off twice listening to the two of them together and a third time imagining what they were doing.?


I remembered the rules Sam had given me, and made my way to Julie?s room to put clean sheets on the bed.? Once again she had simply stepped out of her clothes and left them on the floor for me to clear up.? This time it was her pyjamas and her knickers.? I picked them up and sniffed them, detecting the scent of her pussy once again.


Having made the house tidy, I went to work.? As the shift wore on I became more and more preoccupied with what Julie would be doing.? Was she home yet?? Was he there?? What were they doing?? I looked around me at my work mates.? How many of them knew, I wondered?? I felt a stab of shame at the thought that perhaps all of them knew of my failings.? Knew that Sam was having sex with my wife.


I wondered which would be worse, if they knew but thought I didn?t, making me an unknowing fool, or if they realised I knew what was going on but wasn?t man enough to prevent it.? I imagined them all knowing, imagined them sneering and laughing behind my back.? I looked at the men, knowing the sort of things they?d say if they knew and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.? And then I felt my cock start to rise again.


I quickly took myself off to the toilets.? As I left there was a shout of laughter and I felt sure it was at my expense.? My cock stiffened in my trousers as I imagined them all laughing at me.? I made it to the toilet and locked the cubicle door behind me.? I freed my straining cock and began to stroke it.? In moments I was hard and throbbing.? I thought of what Julie might be doing, and what Sam might be doing to her.? Then I thought of them telling everyone.? Of Sam standing in the pub and telling his audience how my wife gave a good blowjob, how she was the best shag he?d had in a long time.? And then I imagined him telling them about how he made me move out of our marital bed so that it was available for him. I could almost hear their laughter ringing in my ears.? Once again I came, copiously, at the thought of being shamed.? I went back to work with my head low.


From then on a routine began to develop.? I would clean and tidy the house, always making sure there were clean sheets on the bed.? I would wash and iron Julie?s clothes, and whenever Sam came to the house I would pour him a scotch and retire to my room, where I?d masturbate to the images in my head of what they were doing.? On many occasions when he came, Melanie was also in the house. She would watch me with a mocking smile on her face as I prepared Sam?s drink and then left the room.? On these occasions I felt my shame intensify, but this only served to magnify the pleasure I felt when I was alone.


One morning I went into Julie?s room and began to pick up her clothes from the night before.? As I picked up her discarded knickers I could clearly see a come stain in them. I held them up and scrutinised them carefully, but there was no doubt.? They were clearly stained by his jism.? I felt a strange thrill run through me, and then I appalled myself by running my tongue over the stain.


Over and over I licked the stain in her knickers, feeling my cock growing rapidly.? I rubbed my cock through my trousers as I tasted his semen and drew her scent into my nostrils.? I came very quickly, shooting into my underpants with a shudder.? After that I made a point of looking out for the stains in her knickers. Whenever I found one I would go to my room and lick it lovingly until I climaxed.


Over time Sam started to stay over instead of leaving each evening.? When he stayed I was made to go to my room and stay there, not allowed out even to go to the toilet.? Each morning after he and Julie left I would go to their room and change the sheets, collecting any clothes which needed washing at the same time.? One morning I found a pair of his boxer shorts, which he?d left behind.? I couldn?t resist it, I had to have a good look at them, inspecting them carefully.? I quickly noticed a small stain on them, obviously caused by his pre cum.? I licked away happily at this, his smell filling my nostrils completely.


I began to look forward to him staying the night so that I could have time with his discarded boxers the following morning.? I would lie on my bed with his shorts over my face, drawing in his aroma and masturbating frantically.


I still crept out of my room when he stayed and listened to their activities from outside their bedroom door.? Usually I would have my cock out and I?d stroke it happily until I felt myself start to come.? As I approached the point of no return I would slip my cock back into my underpants and savour the feelings as I spurted over myself.


I no longer wondered if people knew.? There were so many snide remarks, and so many occasions when there was laughter as soon as I left a room that I was convinced that everyone knew what a spineless fool I was.?


After a few weeks Sam announced that he was taking Julie and Melanie on holiday to Spain for two weeks.? Naturally, I wasn?t invited.? With them out of the way I found that I could no longer get an erection.? Whenever I tried I was back to my old flaccid self.? Not even the thought of Julie and Sam could arouse me.? It seemed that without the stimuli of hearing them together or the evidence of their activities in their discarded underwear I was again incapable of being a man.


By the time they came back from Spain I was desperate for some relief, and so it was with growing excitement that I waited in my room, waiting for them to go to bed.? After an interminable wait I finally heard them climbing the stairs.? I listened as they went into the bedroom, and then they started.? She was giggling again, enjoying herself.? I heard her say, ?Do you like my tan lines then??? Only for him to reply, ?I like the white bits, if that?s what you mean!?? Then they both laughed again.


I crept out of my room and stood at their bedroom door, listening in fascination, my cock jutting proudly out of my trousers.? I was straining to hear what they were saying.? Julie was asking, ?Did you really not mind that I went topless??


?Not at all.? It was fun watching all those lecherous bastards looking at you and knowing that you were all mine.? I wouldn?t have minded if you?d taken it all off, to be honest!??? She gasped with shock and laughter at that.


I was fantastically randy!? The thought of him parading my topless wife around, showing her off to other men, the suggesting the go completely naked had me about ready to explode with pleasure!? I was getting ready to bring myself off when I heard Melanie shriek behind me, ?You dirty bastard!? Mum! Sam! Come and see what the bastard?s doing now.?


I quickly pushed my cock away, and tried to get back to my room but the bedroom door opened before I could get there.? Sam stood there, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, an angry look on his face.


?Sam you?ll never guess, I came out to go to the toilet and there he was listening at your door, and he had his cock out too!? Giving it lots he was, playing with himself as he listened to what you and mum were doing.?? She looked at me with utter contempt, ?Dirty, pathetic bastard!?


I started to stammer a denial but Sam cut me off with a wave of his hand.? ?Are you sure, love?? I know he?s pathetic, but I didn?t think he was that bad, besides, he can?t get a hard-on, didn?t you know??


?Well he had one just now, I saw it, and he was wanking himself off outside your door.?


He looked at me.? ?Is this right??? I started to stammer a denial again but he interrupted, saying, ?Get in here, you little shit!?


I followed him into the room in time to see Julie fastening her bathrobe.? Melanie came too, wearing just a thin cotton nightdress and sat on the bed.? Julie sat next to her.? As I stood before the three of them I was impressed by Sam?s physique.? He had broad, muscular shoulders, now deeply tanned, in fact his entire upper body was lean and muscular.?


?So you?ve started getting your jollies from listening to me and Julie, have you? Jesus!? How low can one man go?? You?re a fucking joke, you are.?? I hung my head in shame.


?How come you can get a hard on listening to me and Sam, but you couldn?t when we were together??? Julie demanded, ?I knew there was something wrong with you, you?re just pathetic, you always were.?? I looked up to see Sam and Melanie grinning at me. ?She paused for a moment, then said, ?Well then, let?s have a look at it.? Come on, get it out, it?s been such a long time since I saw you with a stiffy, I want to have a look at it, for old time?s sake.?


The others laughed out loud.? I felt a thrill of shame and fear course through me.? She couldn?t mean it, could she?? She wouldn?t humiliate me in this way, surely? Not in front of Melanie?? I considered trying to run from the room, knew I wouldn?t make it, and would probably get a beating from Sam for my trouble.


?Look, please, you?ve had your fun. Just let me go now.?? I begged.


?The fun?s only just beginning, I assure you.? You?ve been getting off on listening to us together, haven?t you??


The room was incredibly silent.? I nodded, briefly.? Melanie giggled, Sam said ?Jesus!?


?How long has this been going on??


?I don?t know.? A long time, I suppose.?


?You pathetic little shit!? To think you once beat me up because I?d hurt your precious pride, and now you?re standing outside my room wanking yourself off as I make love to a real man.? Well, come on then, let?s see the evidence, get it out.?


?No, Julie, please.? There?s no need for that, please just let me go.?


?Sam, make him get it out.?? She demanded.? He moved towards me menacingly.


?No! No please.? Not in front of Melanie, please, no!?


?I think it?s time she saw what kind of a man her father really is.? Do you want to stay, Mel??


?Oh sure thing!? I want to see the bastard taught a lesson.?


?So get it out, before I make you!?? Sam urged, ?Come on, don?t keep the ladies waiting, we haven?t got all night you know!?


I could hear my heart beating rapidly.? My mouth had gone very dry and there was a lump in my throat, making it impossible to swallow.? I knew there was no escape. Knew I was about to endure more humiliation than I thought possible.


As they watched in amused silence, I slowly opened the button on my trousers and reached for the zip.? My fingers were shaking so much they were almost numb, but I finally found the tab and began to draw it down. Once it was fully lowered I put my hands on my waistband and took a deep breath. In one movement I pushed my trousers and my underpants down to mid thigh, then let my hands fall to my sides.? I hung my head in shame as my wife, her lover and my fifteen-year-old daughter witnessed my humiliation. I could see my cock twitching as it began to swell.


?Shit! You call that a cock?? You poor bastard!?? Sam laughed.


?I told you he only had a little one, didn?t I??? Julie giggled.


?You were right though, Mel, he was getting off out there.?


?Told you so.? Look at him now, though.? Totally pathetic!?? Julie and Sam both laughed heartily at my daughter?s remarks.? I simply stood there, my half-erect cock on display for their amusement.


?I think you should make him stay like that to teach him a lesson.? Melanie said, ?Or better still, make him strip off completely.?


?That?s a good idea, love!?? Julie said enthusiastically, ?You heard her then, bastard, get your things off!?


I couldn?t believe this was happening to me.? I could hear my heart pounding as I pushed my trousers and underpants down to my ankles and stepped out of them, then pulled my T-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor.? I stood there, stark naked, awaiting the next humiliation.? It wasn?t long coming.


?Jesus Christ Julie!? What on earth did you ever see in that?? Look at him!? Puny little shit with a beer belly and no cock. Fuck!? I can?t believe you stayed with that for so long.?? I heard Melanie giggle.


?Well, I didn?t know what a real man should be like, did I? Not until I met you, that is.?? She grinned at him.


?What are you going to do with him, Sam??? Melanie asked eagerly, clearly enjoying herself.


?I?ve got a few ideas, but for now I think you should be off to bed.?? She started to protest, ?Come on now.?? She pouted at him, slowly climbing off the bed.? As she walked past him he gave her a playful slap on the bottom and she squealed in mock alarm, grinning at him.? She walked over to me and stood in front of me.? She looked me up and down, her eyes coming to rest on my cock, then slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft. She lifted my cock, examining it as if it were an item in a shop, then giggled and said, ?Fucking pathetic!?? The others laughed, then she calmly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.


?So you get off on listening to me and Julie together, do you?? Sam said casually.? He reached out to Julie and took her by the hand.? She stood and moved to stand in front of him. She too looked me up and down, a look of contempt on her face.? He snickered, ?I can just imagine you standing out there, your tiny little cock in your hand, wanking away listening to me giving Julie a good seeing to.? I bet you?d like to watch too, wouldn?t you??


?Sam??? Julie asked, a note of concern in her voice.


?Don?t worry love, it?s just the little shit here.? Nothing to worry about.?? He turned back to me, ?Tell me then, would you like to watch me and Julie then?? I was too stunned to reply.? He laughed again.


?I bet you would.? I bet you?d love to watch me take her, wouldn?t you??? He taunted.? As he spoke his hand shifted up from her waist and began to caress her breast.? I felt a thrill shoot through me.? His hand casually cupped her breast, then slipped inside her robe.? I could see it stroking her bare breast.? She gasped with pleasure at his touch.? I felt my cock twitch.


?Shit!? Look at him!? He?s getting hard watching me play with your tits!?? He said, a smile on his face.


?Oh God, he is too!?? Julie groaned, ?Oh you pathetic little shit!?


He moved his other hand up and began to cup and stroke both of her breasts.? He took hold of her robe and slowly pulled it open, exposing her breasts to me, then he began to fondle and squeeze them.? ?You like watching this?? You like watching while I give her tits a good feel? That?s all you can do now though, isn?t it? Just watch.? You know you?re not allowed to touch them any more, don?t you?? Strictly out of bounds to you now, aren?t they??? He sniggered.? Julie laughed too.


?I see your cock, if you can call it that, is getting stiff.? Why don?t you have a play with it then? That?s what you were doing when your daughter caught you, wasn?t it?? Go on then, give it a play.?? Julie giggled again.? I looked up at Sam, he was serious.? As I watched him playing with her tits I slowly moved my hand and began to stroke my cock.? It responded at once, throbbing beneath my touch.


Sam reached for the belt of Julie?s robe, slowly loosening it.? Finally it fell to the floor, her robe falling open. He slipped it off her shoulders, let it fall to her feet, and then she was completely naked before me.? I saw her shudder and close her eyes as he began to stroke her belly, his hands snaking down towards her neatly trimmed blonde bush.? As his fingers began to stroke the golden hairs covering her sex she leant back against him and sighed contentedly.


She opened her legs slightly and his hand immediately slipped between her thighs, stroking her pussy.? She pushed her hips forward, opening her legs still further, then gasped as his fingers probed deeper.


?Do you remember doing this??? He taunted, ?Remember how her pussy feels? All nice and warm and wet!? She loves having her pussy stroked, don?t you Julie??


?Mmmm, oh yes!?? She had begun to rock her hips back and forth, rubbing his fingers into her slit.


?That?s not all she loves, though, you know?? She loves the feel of a cock.? Did you know that?? She just loves to feel some hot meat, don?t you Julie??


She shuddered, gasping and moaning, writhing around as his hand teased and tormented her.? I saw her reach behind her, reaching for his crotch.? He laughed as she started to stroke his cock.? ?That?s it girl, you give that meat a good feel, enjoy yourself.? She loves the taste of it too!? She likes nothing better than to give my cock a suck.? She loves it when I come in her mouth, don?t you girl??


?Oh God yes!? Oh Sam! Oh Jesus Christ!?


?You want to see her suck my cock, wanker?? You want to watch while I shoot my load into her pretty mouth and she swallows every last drop??


I shuddered, still stroking my cock.?? Julie?s eyes had opened wide with shock and amazement, her hand frozen.


?Why don?t you show him what he?s missing then Julie?? Come and say ?hello?!?


?Sam, I can?t do that! Not in front of him!?


?Sure you can!? The sad little shit gets off on listening to us do it, let?s pretend it?s his birthday, give him something to remember!?


She flushed a delicious shade of pink and began to laugh loudly.? He grinned at her, then stood back from her.? She turned her back to me, giving me a perfect view of her shapely arse, then knelt down between his thighs.? She reached up and took hold of his boxer shorts, then began to pull them down.? He looked up at me and grinned.?


His dark brown pubes came into view, and then she dragged his boxers down to expose his cock.? I let out an involuntary gasp.? My own five inches looked totally inadequate in comparison. His cock was twice the length of mine and much, much thicker.? Julie reached up and wrapped her hand around it, slowly pumping it up and down.? As the foreskin rolled back its? large, purple head was exposed.


She leaned forward and began to kiss the head and shaft, then began to lick along its? length.? After a few moments she opened her lips and guided it into her mouth.? She began to suck on it hungrily, stroking it into her mouth, bobbing her head back and forward on it, moaning in contentment.


?You see?? She just loves sucking my cock.? Can?t get enough of it!?


I was overwhelmed by the sight of my pretty wife on her knees sucking his monster cock.? I felt my orgasm start, heard myself say ?Oh God!? as I fell to my knees.? Julie turned and watched me as I started to climax. I reached for my underpants and began to shoot my jism onto them.? They both began to giggle as they watched me.? I closed my eyes trying to blot out the shame and humiliation I felt.? As I recovered from my orgasm I looked up to see them both still watching me.? I stood up and began to pick up my clothing, desperate to get out of there.


?Enjoy that, did you??? He asked, a smile on his face.


?I can?t believe how pathetic you are.?? Julie said, a mocking smile on her face, ?Christ! To think I used to love you!?


I turned to leave, but Sam had one more insult for me.? ?You can?t walk around the house with no clothes on, someone might see you!? Get dressed before you go.?


He laughed openly at me as I pulled my come-stained underpants on and shuddered as I felt the wetness against my skin.? Finally I was allowed to leave, returning to my room where I lay in the darkness listening as they screwed in the next room.? I could clearly hear as he drove her nearer and nearer to orgasm until she finally climaxed, calling his name again and again.


The following morning the house was empty when I got up.? I cleaned Julie?s room, then went to work, still burning with shame after the previous evening.? When I got home after work they were all sitting in the living room.? Melanie grinned slyly at me as I went in, Julie ignored me completely, Sam turned to me and said, ?Go and get me a drink.?? I poured his drink without comment and handed it to him.?


?Had any good wanks lately??? He chuckled as he took the glass.? Julie and Melanie giggled.? I felt my face flush.? ?Well, did you wank off at work today then??? He demanded.


?No.? I said through gritted teeth.


?No, I suppose you wouldn?t, seeing as how you weren?t able to listen in to me and Julie!?? More giggles.


?I tell you what, you can stand outside the bedroom door and listen tonight, as a special privilege.? Would you like that??? I didn?t answer.? ?I asked you a question, you wanker.? Would you like it if I let you stand outside our bedroom door and listen tonight??


I hung my head in shame.? I nodded, briefly, and he sniggered at me, ?What a sad case.?? He laughed, ?The only way he can get a hard on is by listening to us do it!? Pathetic!? You?re not a man, you?re not even close!?


?I think you should make him get his dick out again.? Melanie laughed, ?So we can see if he?s got a hard-on!?


?Good idea.?? He laughed, ?Get your things off.?? He ordered.? When I didn?t immediately obey he snarled at me, ?If I have to tell you again I?ll beat it into you.?


I took off my shoes and socks, then pulled my T-shirt over my head.? I hesitated for a moment and he looked up sharply, menacingly.


?OK, ok, I?m doing it.?? I said hurriedly and began to open my trousers.? I glanced across at Melanie who was grinning broadly, enjoying her newfound power over me.? I drew in a deep, ragged breath, then pushed my trousers down to my knees and dragged them off.? Then I stood before them all, naked once more.?


?No stiffy tonight then??? Julie asked, mockingly, ?Is that it for the year now then is it??? Sam and Melanie laughed with delight.? ?Take a good look Mel. This pathetic item is your father.? Make sure you get a proper man, not second best.?


?You needn?t worry Mum, I know the difference now.? Hey look, he?s getting a hard on!?? She screeched excitedly.? She was right, of course.? The instant hit of shame and abuse had reached my cock, which was starting to swell.


?My God!? Would you believe it??? Julie said, then laughed again.? ?You really like all this treatment, don?t you? You actually like being shamed in front of us like this don?t you??




?Liar!? Spat Melanie.? ?You love it.? Look at you, getting all stiff right here in front of us all.? She walked briskly over to me and grabbed my cock, squeezing it tightly. ?If you don?t like it, what?s this all about then?? And she shook my cock, making me shudder.? Sam and Julie roared with laughter, then Melanie slapped my cock several times before walking away.


When Sam had stopped laughing he said, ?I think it?s about time you owned up.? You do get off on this treatment, don?t you??


?I, er, look, just leave me alone.?? I stammered.


?Tell me the truth, or do I have to beat it out of you??


Before I could gather my thoughts I blurted out,? ?I don?t know why I?m like this, but yes, I do get turned on by all of this.? I can?t explain it.? Part of me hates it, part of me wants it.? I don?t understand.? I had said far more than I intended.? The three of them looked at me for a moment, and then began laughing again.


?You?d better tell us all about it then.? Come on, tell us everything.?


I stood in the middle of the room, naked, and told them all about how I had got turned on listening to Sam and Julie that first time.? I told how I had become aroused at the smell of their sex in the bedroom, the sounds of them together, the images in my mind. ?Without stopping I told them about licking the stains from Julie?s knickers and smelling his boxer shorts while I masturbated.? Then finally, I told them how I had been unable to get an erection for the whole of the time they were away.


By the time I finished speaking I was flushed with shame and my cock was stiff and throbbing.? I felt so humiliated I was unable to look any of them in the face.? It was my daughter, Melanie, who broke the silence.


?Wait ?till they hear about this at school!?? She laughed, ?They knew you were a limp dick before, but wait ?till I tell them about this!? Fuck!? They?ll laugh their heads off!?


?Wait, Melanie, please ??? I began.


?Don?t even bother to ask me.?? She drawled, ?I wouldn?t do anything for you.? Not now.? Not now I know what a freak you are.? Why don?t you ask Sam if you can have a sniff of his cock?? It?s the closest you?ll get to a real one!?


?Melanie, please ??


?What are you going to do with him, Sam?? Are you going to throw him out??


?No, I think we?ll keep him here.? He laughed, ?He can do all the little jobs around the house, and maybe we can invite some friends in to have a bit of fun with him, what do you think love??


?I think he?s a laughing stock, and we should have some fun with him.? Julie said, evenly, ?Staring now.? Go and fetch me a drink, and get a refill for Sam while you?re about it.?


I went and poured the drinks, handing them to Sam and Julie, then waiting for my next order.


?I want one too.?? Melanie demanded.


?You heard her.?? Julie said.? I poured her drink and carried it over to her.? I held it out to her but she didn?t take it, instead she reached out and squeezed my cock again, then giggled before finally accepting her drink.


?Right then, listen up. Here?s the new rule.? You do whatever you?re told to do by any of us, got that?? It doesn?t matter what it is, you do it, because if you don?t Sam will take it out of your face, and I?ll throw you out of the house, ok??


I nodded.? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Melanie sit up sharply as the rule was spelled out to me.? I now had to take orders from my fifteen-year-old daughter, and I knew she was going to enjoy herself.


?Did you make the bed today??? She snapped.




?Good.? Well you stay down here while Sam and me go and have a tumble.? Melanie, you?re in charge.?? Julie took Sam by the hand and led him to the stairs.? I turned to face Melanie, fearing the worst.


?Show me how you play with yourself.?? She ordered.? I hesitated briefly and she immediately snapped, ?I can always get Sam to make you, bastard!?


I felt bright, hot colour flood to my face as I took hold of my cock and started to pump it rhythmically.? She watched intently, a satisfied smile on her face.? ?God you really are a dirty bastard, aren?t you? Don?t stop!? You?re not allowed to stop until I say so.? Tell me what you?re thinking about right now.?


?I?m imagining what they?re doing upstairs. I can picture it in my mind, it?s like I can see them together.?


?And you like that??


?Yes.?? I said, my voice barely a whisper.


?How do you manage to toss yourself off and not shoot your stuff all over the place??


?Look, Melanie ??


?Tell me.?


?I shoot it into my underpants.?? I said, feeling waves of shame wash over me.


?Eugh! That is gross!? And then you carry on wearing them??


?Sometimes I have no choice.?


?Double gross!? She laughed at me for a time, watching thoughtfully as I carried on stroking my cock.? Then she said, ?Do that now.?


?Do what??


?Toss yourself off into your underpants.? I want to watch you do that and then put them on again.?


I felt myself sinking to a new low as I slowly picked up my underpants and began to stroke my cock faster and faster.? She watched intently, fascinated.? I wallowed in the shame and humiliation of being made to masturbate for the amusement of my own daughter.? I felt my climax begin, brought my underpants up to my cock and started to shoot into them.? Melanie giggled and clapped her hands in delight like a little girl.? When I had finished she made me hold them out so that she could see the stains made. Then she shrugged and said, OK, put them on again then.?


I pulled them on as she watched.? When they were in place she made me rub the part I had come on until the stain was visible on the pale blue cotton.


?I want you to wear those for the next week, ok?? You?re not allowed to change them, and I want you to toss yourself off into them at least once a day, got that??




?You?ve got to sleep in them too.? I want you to tell me where and when you toss off, and what you think of while you?re doing it, clear??


?Yes.?? I couldn?t believe the abuse my daughter was throwing at me.? I wondered where she got the ideas from.


?Oh, and one last thing, from now on you?ll clear my room every day like you do to Mum?s, ok??




?OK then bastard!? Get your dick out again, I want to have another look at it.?


I peeled down my underpants, pushing them down to mid thigh, and stood there for her inspection.?? She giggled as she studied me.? ?Fuck! I never thought I?d be able to get my own back on you.? Do you realise what a boring, drunken shit you?ve been for these past two years?? No, I don?t suppose you do.?? She began to flick the tip of my cock, making me wince with every contact.? ?I fucking hate you, do you understand?? You?ve made Mum?s life a misery these past two years, mine too.?? And now I?m going to make yours one. I ? fucking ? hate ? you!?? She flicked at my sensitive glans with each word.


She made me stand before her with my underpants half way down my thighs for another ten minutes or so, taunting me.? What do you think Mum and Sam are doing now?? Do you think he?s shagging her, or is she sucking him off?? What do you think??


?I don?t know.?


?But you do like thinking about it, don?t you??




Finally I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.? ?OK bastard, you can put it away now.?? She sneered.? I pulled my underpants back up gratefully just as Julie and Sam came back into the room.


?Well now, have you two being having a good time??? Julie asked, mockingly.? Before I could say anything, Melanie blurted out, ?He tossed himself off and shot his load in his knickers, look!?


They both inspected the stains on my underwear, Julie shook her head.? ?How could you do that, in front of your own daughter?? Christ! She?s just a child.?? I was completely lost for words.


?I told him that he has to wear them now for the next week, and he has to some in them at least once a day. That ought to teach him not to be such a dirty bastard, shouldn?t it??? Julie and Sam laughed heartily at that, then told me to go to bed.? I was dismissed like a small boy.? I made my way to my room with a heavy heart, unable to comprehend why I was allowing myself to be treated in such a way.


I lay in bed for hour after hour, going over the events of the last few days, becoming more and more aroused, my cock throbbing incessantly.? I heard someone coming up the stairs and waited nervously.? Finally the door opened and the light was switched on.? It was Melanie.?


?Get out of bed, I want to check you?re doing as you were told.?? I immediately got out of bed and stood there, my hands trying to cover the bulge caused by my straining cock.?


?Well what to we have here??? She giggled, pulling my hands away and grinning at my obvious erection.? ?Drop ?em!?? She ordered.? I pushed my underpants down and let my hands hang by my sides.? Once again she reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft, squeezing it.? I felt it twitch in response, she felt it too and laughed again.? ?Dirty old bastard!?? She muttered.? Then I heard footsteps behind her.? Julie?s face appeared at the door.


?Mel, what are you doing in here??


?Look Mum, he?s at it again!? I came in here and he?s got a tent pole in his pants! Look at it!?? She wiggled my cock around, laughing.


?You are just so pathetic, aren?t you??? Julie sneered, shaking her head.


?Hey Mum, you want to see him jacking off?? Melanie said excitedly, ?It?s really, really funny. Watch!? She turned back to me.? ?OK, bastard, toss yourself off into your knickers again, and make it quick this time!?


To my eternal shame I did just that.? I stroked my cock, pumping it furiously until I finally came, shooting my load into my underpants once again as the two of them watched and mocked me.??


Over the next few days Melanie became my chief torturer.? When I came home from work she would immediately question me on my day.? Had I masturbated that day, if so, where?? What had I been thinking of as I did it?? She would make me show her my soiled underpants, proving to her that I was obeying her instructions not to change them and to come in them at least once a day.? In fact she made sure I did, coming into my room whenever she wanted some amusement and ordering me to masturbate as she watched, grinning with satisfaction as I ejaculated into my underwear.


Julie and Sam thought her treatment of me highly amusing.? When she brought me down to the living room one evening and ordered me to masturbate for their amusement they watched and laughed at me.? Sam even offered to ?help me out a bit? by stroking Julie?s breasts as I stood before them.?


And then Melanie invented a new torment for me.? She waited until Sam had gone for a shower one evening, then ordered me to go to him and beg for his used boxer shorts.? I knocked timidly on the bedroom door, waited for permission to enter.? He looked at me with a mixture of contempt and mild amusement.


?What do you want??? He asked.


?Can I have your boxer shorts??? I asked, pathetically.? He laughed loudly, then nodded, before turning and going into the bathroom.? I went back to the living room and Melanie, as instructed.? There she made me lick the stains in his boxer shorts, smiling at me as I did so.? After a few minutes she told me to put them down, then stood up and put her hand up her school skirt.? I could see her hand rubbing between her legs, and then she pulled down her black cotton knickers.


?Here.?? She said, ?Lick these.?? Then she sat back contentedly and watched me lick the gusset of her underwear.? I could smell her young pussy on the gusset, then I could taste her teenage juices. Finally, she made me lower my underpants and masturbate for her amusement.


?Did you like licking Sam?s boxers??? She demanded.? I nodded, dumbly.? She giggled.


?And what about my knickers? Did you like licking them too??


?I don?t know.?


?But you used to lick Mum?s knickers, didn?t you? Ah, yes, that was when they had some of Sam?s come in them, wasn?t it? Are you queer, do you think?? Have you ever sucked a guy off??




?Would you like to??? She asked, conspiratorially.




?But you like to lick come stains out of women?s knickers?? Weird!? Would you like licking my knickers more if they had come stains in them?? Maybe I could get Sam to fuck me and then you could lick his come out of my knickers too? How about that??? I shook my head vehemently.? It was bad enough for that bastard to be screwing my wife, I couldn?t contemplate him taking my little girl to bed, even if she was my chief tormentor.? She giggled again at my discomfort.? After some time she seemed to tire of tormenting me.? ?OK, wank pants, time for you to do your stuff!?? She announced.? I knew what she meant, of course, and pumped my cock until I started to come.? Then I put my cock back in my underpants as she watched and grinned, feeling my hot jism shooting into my underwear.? As usual I then had to rub it into my underpants until the stains were visible on the outside.? Then I was dismissed with a wave of her hand.


Melanie proved herself to be extremely creative when inventing new ways to shame me.? Not satisfied with making me strip and masturbate whenever she ordered me to, she continued to make me orgasm into my underpants and refused to let me change them.? On one occasion she made me wear the same pair for almost two weeks, making me shoot into them sometimes three times a day.? Finally, one evening she made me strip naked and stand in a corner with my soiled underpants over my face.? All three of them laughed at my shame before I was made to bring myself off once more.? Then she made me lick the fresh come stains from my own underpants before sending me to bed.


After a while Sam and Julie seemed to have lost interest in me, frequently ignoring me completely.? Melanie continued to enjoy herself.? I had to ask her permission to use the toilet, and had to do you using the most childish, humiliating language. (?Please Melanie, may I go for a wee-wee??? or ?Melanie, can I please go to the toilet and have a poo-poo??)? She would laugh with delight when I did this, sometimes making me stand and wait for up to an hour before she let me relieve myself, and often standing and watching as I did so.


Then I was ordered to masturbate in front of her every evening at eight o?clock. Before I started I would have to ask her permission, and submit to questions and taunting before she agreed.? (?Oh, are you horny, wank pants? What are you going to imagine?? Do you still like to lick the come stains out of Mum?s knickers?? Do you still like to lick the skid marks out of Sam?s boxers??)? I would have to answer all her questions and more besides, until I was given permission to masturbate. When I climaxed I had to ejaculate into my underpants and show her the stains afterwards.


One summer afternoon I came home to find Melanie at home on her own.? ?Mum and Sam have gone out for the night, they won?t be back until tomorrow.? I thought we could have some fun while they?re away, what do you think, wank pants??? I felt that curious mixture of dread and excitement at her words.? When I didn?t respond she sniggered slyly, ?What?s the matter are you shy?? I have some great ideas for some fun, you wait and see.? Go to your room now, I?ll call you when I?m ready.?


I went up to my room and sat in silence, wondering what she had in store for me. ?After about half an hour she called up to me, ?You can come down now, the fun?s about to start.?? I took a deep breath and slowly made my way down to the living room.? I opened the door and almost turned and ran.? Sitting with Melanie were four other teenage girls, all looking at me expectantly.


?Melanie, no!?? I said at once.


?Do as you?re fucking told!? Now get in here.?? The others giggled.? I walked forward reluctantly.


?This is my dad.? He?s a wanker!? Another ripple of laughter. ?No, he is, really. He wanks off into his pants, don?t you??? She turned to me.? I looked away.? ?And he likes to keep on wearing them even after he?s wanked into them.? He keeps them on for days.?


There were groans and mutterings of ?Gross!? ?Yeuch!? ?Dirty bastard!?? ?You?re kidding, Mel??


?I?ll prove it to you.? Get your things off, but keep your pants on.?


?Melanie, please.?


?Do it!? She snapped.? With a heavy sigh I took off my T-shirt and opened my trousers.? There were giggles from the assembled girls as I lowered them, revealing my grey underpants.? I stood in front of them, feeling shame washing over me.?


?See the stains on the front of his pants? They?re come stains, they are, from where he?s been tossing himself off.? That?s right, isn?t it, wank pants??? There was another burst of laughter.


?What did you call him?? One girl said, aghast.


?Wank pants. That?s my name for him.? You don?t think I?d call this pathetic little shit ?dad? do you?? No fucking chance!? Hey, wank pants, come and show the girls the come stains on your pants. Come on, don?t be shy!?? More giggles.? I walked slowly over to the group and stood before them.?


?Oh my God, you?re right!? Oh, that?s disgusting!?


?Oh gross! Oh what a horrible little man!?


?Shit! He?s fucking revolting.? Jesus Mel, how do you live with that??


?Easy, I have my fun with him!? Who wants to see him wank off??


?What?? They chorused.


?Yeah!? If I tell him to, he?ll wank off right now and shoot into his pants.? Want to see??


There was another burst of shocked laughter from them, and then a series of agreements, ?Yeah, ok.? ?Go on then.?? ?Will he really do it??


?Get on with it then, wank pants!?? Melanie ordered.? I couldn?t believe this was happening to me.? There seemed to be no limit to the torment my own daughter would inflict on me.? ?If you don?t I?ll tell Sam, and you know what that means, don?t you??? She threatened.


Feeling sick to my stomach I slowly started to lower my underpants before the watching audience of fifteen-year-old girls.?? As I exposed myself there was a chorus of giggles and sniggers.? Then as I took hold of my cock and started to pump it there were gasps of amazement.


?Holy shit!? He?s doing it!? God!? Look at that.?


?He?s not very big, is he?? I?ve seen my brother?s, and it?s bigger than that and he?s only thirteen!?? They all laughed at that.? I felt my face flush again.


?I want to see Sam?s.?? Melanie announced.? ?I?ve seen the shape of it through his boxers and it looked good!? He must be good with it, too because you should hear the noise my Mum makes when he gives it to her.?? More giggles.? I couldn?t believe what I was hearing from her.


?I saw my step-dad?s.? It was much bigger than that, and it was all hairy!? I tell you, I got so wet thinking about that I had to change my knicks!??? They were all laughing now.? Laughing at me, comparing me with others they had seen, comparing me unfavourably.


?You should have brought your knickers over, he likes licking damp knickers, don?t you?? Oh sorry, I forgot, he likes to lick them only if they?ve got come stains in them!?


?Euch!. ?Oh that is too gross for words!?? ?Nasty!?


?Hey, when?s he going to come? I?m getting bored just watching him wanking.? Make him shoot then.?


?You heard, wank pants.? Let?s see some action, come on then.?? I pumped harder and faster, concentrating on my cock and trying to ignore my audience.? Finally, I felt my orgasm start.? With a shudder and a groan I started to shoot, covering my glans with my underpants.? When I had finished I was made to rub it all in before the giggling girls, then sent to my room again.


Throughout the evening I was called down to amuse them on many occasions.? I had to strip completely and sit there with my soiled underpants over my face on one occasion.? On another Melanie had found a pair of Sam?s dirty boxers and I was made to lick them clean.? They all took their opportunity to stroke and squeeze my cock, frequently until it was stiff and throbbing, and then I was made to stand there while they laughed at me.? Finally, I was summoned to them and was presented with five pairs of knickers.? Melanie said, ?One from each of us.? Lick them clean then!?


They all watched as I licked the gussets of their knickers, pumping my cock as I did so. Then, as I handed back the last pair I was told to bring myself off again.? I did so to more laughs and cheers from the girls, and then Melanie said I was done for the night, and could go to bed.? I fell into bed exhausted and dazed.


Some time later, as I lay in bed one evening I could hear a conversation going on between Sam and Julie. He was urging her to do something and she seemed unsure, needed persuading.? I didn?t doubt he?d get his was, whatever it was, and not long after I heard her giggle and say, ?OK then, I?ll give it a go.?


Within moments I heard footsteps approaching my bedroom door and Sam burst in. ?Get in here, you.?? He snapped.? I followed him into their bedroom, where Julie lay on the bed naked.? She looked at me and grinned.? ?We?ve got a special treat for you tonight!? She said.


?That?s right!? Sam said.? ?Not only are you going to be allowed to listen to us, you can watch us too.? Won?t that be nice for you??? He chuckled.? ?Only thing is, you?ve got a bit of work to do first, see?? Julie tells me you used to be pretty good at oral.? So what you?re going to do is go to work between her legs, get her nice and hot for me, understand?? I nodded.? So now I had to get Julie aroused while he watched.? I looked at Julie, whose face was flushed.? ?Get on with it then!?? He barked.


I moved over to the bed and crawled onto it between her legs. She spread her thighs obligingly and I began to plant small kisses up the insides of her thighs. I remembered that she used to particularly like that.? As I moved closer to her sweet pussy she sighed happily.? I planted kissed along the line of her slit, just touching her lips, and she groaned softly.? After several minutes I gently inserted the tip of my tongue between her lips and felt her body stiffen in expectation.? I moved my tongue slowly until I found her clit, then gently pressed my tongue against it until I felt the hood move back, exposing the super-sensitive button.


I hadn?t realised that she had been holding her breath, but she suddenly expelled it with a huge sigh, then thrust her hips up to meet my tongue.? She started to push against my tongue as I teased and sucked her clit.? I ran the surface of my tongue across her most sensitive spot and she whimpered.? I ran my tongue the entire length of her slit, forcing it into her hot pussy. She grunted, then grabbed hold of my hair, pushing my face into her slit.?


As she writhed around, gasping and moaning, she pushed my face harder and harder into her.? I could feel she was close. I knew when she came it would be a good one.? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back and away from her.? ?My turn, old son!?? Sam said with a grin, his large cock already fully erect.? He threw me aside, then climbed between her legs, positioning his cock at the entrance to her pussy.? Then he drove in up to the hilt with one single stroke.? She gasped, her eyes opening in shock, and then came.?


She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him into her.? Her hands were around his neck. She began to gasp his name and then her entire body shook and she let out a long, piercing shriek.?? Her climax seemed to go on and on, she was lost in ecstasy, clawing at him, thrusting her hips up to drive his cock into her.? I fell back and watched as he continued to drive his fat, veiny cock into her.? I pulled my cock out and began to pump it furiously, trying to match the rhythm of his strokes.? She began to stroke his back then reached down and began to fondle his balls.? He grunted with pleasure, increasing the speed of his thrusts into her welcoming pussy.


She let out a low moan, ?Oh Sam!? Oh Jesus Christ! Oh yes!? Oh stick it into me. Oh yes! Oh harder, oh please God yes!?? She began to thrust her hips up to meet his stroke, burying his cock deep inside her.? He began to pump faster and faster, driving his cock into her.? I could hear their loins slapping together as he slammed into her. Then she cried out, ?Oh yes! Yes! Yes!? as she came again, and then he groaned and I knew he was shooting his load deep into her.? I fell to my knees and started to climax, shooting stream after stream of jism over the floor.


As we all recovered he rolled off her and lay back on the bed.? All three of us were gasping and panting.? After a few moments she sat up, a broad smile on her face.? ?You could never have satisfied me like that, you know?? Never in a million years!? You don?t have the equipment, for a start.? She laughed, glancing down at my cock.? Sam laughed too. I looked away.? ?Did you enjoy the show??? She asked, dryly.? I nodded.? Then she looked down at the floor and back up at me, her eyes narrowed.? ?Did you come all overt the floor??? She snapped.? I blushed and nodded.? ?Oh you disgusting little shit!? Clean it up, now!?


I immediately took off my underpants and began to wipe away my come from the carpet.? ?No. Not like that.? Lick it up!? She taunted.? ?Come on, you like licking Sam?s come off my knickers, you can lick some of your own up for a change.? Clean it up, now.?


Sam sat up to watch, clearly fascinated by this new amusement.? I lowered my head and began to lick gingerly at the globules of semen, which lay on the carpet.? ?Get a move on!?? She barked.? I licked away at my jism, shuddering at the salty taste and disgusted by my willingness to obey seemingly any order now.?


As I continued to lick up my own come I heard Julie say to Sam, ?You were right about him going down on me, thought.? At least he is good for something!?


?You?d like that again then, my darling??


?Oooh yes!? Provided you?re going to drive that monster of yours into me like that again!?? She giggled, he chuckled back to her, then said, ?You could always have some more fun with him now, if you wanted.?


?What, after you?ve, you know, done it to me?? Would you make him do that, with all your lovely jism in me??? She laughed.


?Sure, why not??


I glanced up to see her looking at me, her face flushed, eyes sparkling with amusement.? She giggled again, then said, ?OK, I?m game!?? and lay back on the bed.


?You! You heard all that.? Get over here and please her, or else.?


I slowly got to my feet, moving reluctantly to the bed.? She spread her legs wide, grinning at me, relishing my latest humiliation.? She pushed her hips up, exposing her pussy to me. Already I could see his come leaking from her pussy.? ?Come on then, get on with it!?? She chuckled.


I moved between her open thighs and put my face close to her pussy.? I could smell his body on her, smell his semen.? I closed my eyes and began to slowly lick at her pussy lips.? I wanted to be sick as I tasted his come, licked it from my wife?s pussy. ?I heard her gasp and moan.


?Is that good?? Sam asked.


?Oh Christ yes!? Oh just feeling him licking your come out of me has to be the sexiest thing I?ve ever known!?


?Better get used to the taste, wanker!? It looks like you?re going to be doing this a lot!?? He laughed.? I shuddered at the thought but said nothing, continued to lick at her come-filled pussy.? She began to rock her hips against my face, rubbing my face against her pussy.? ?Stick your tongue in.? She ordered.? I pushed my tongue deep into her tunnel.? She moaned again and pushed her hips higher.? Once again she grabbed hold of my hair, forcing my face into her folds, then? began to grind her pussy against my face, forcing my tongue as deep as it would go into her.? I was overwhelmed by the smell and taste of her pussy and his come.? Finally she cried out again and climaxed, her body shaking with pleasure.?


As her orgasm subsided she let go of my hair and pushed my face away from her.? She sighed and muttered, ?OK, you can fuck off now.?? I left at once, picking up my underpants and hurrying from the room.? As I closed the door behind me I saw Melanie standing there.? ?Enjoying yourself tonight??? She grinned, looking me up and down.? ?That sounded like a good one for Mum. I hope you did your best for her.?


The pattern was now set.? Whenever they wanted some light entertainment I was summoned and ordered to pleasure Julie until Sam was ready to take over.? Then afterwards, if Julie wanted more stimulation I would be ordered to go down on her again, licking his come out of her hot hole.? I would be allowed to masturbate as I pleasured Julie, provided I came in my underpants and didn?t make a mess anywhere.


One evening however things took yet another turn.? I was alone in the house when Sam came in.? When I asked where Julie and Melanie where he told me they had gone shopping and wouldn?t be back for several hours. Then he looked at me quizzically and smiled.? A few minutes later and I was called up to his room, where he lay on the bed wearing a bathrobe.


?I fancy a bit of something different.? Come over here and suck me off.?? He said, cheerfully.


?Sam, no!? I don?t do that, I mean, I?m not gay or anything.?


?Are you calling me a queer??? He snarled at once.


?No.? I?m just saying that I don?t want to do that to you.? I stammered.


?Who cares what you want to do?? Get over here and get to work, and make it a good one, ok.?


Whilst I had become aroused as I had licked his come off Julie?s knickers, and even from her pussy, I had never even considered doing that to another man.? I felt my heart thumping in my chest and he lay back and waited for me to start.? I slowly moved to the bed and knelt down on it beside him.? Then I reached for the belt of his robe and untied it with shaking fingers.? I opened his robe, feeling my mouth go dry, and looked down at his cock, which was already half-erect and twitching.


I felt dizzy with shame and humiliation.? I slowly leaned forward and took hold of his cock between thumb and forefinger.? It felt hot to my touch and twitched as I took hold of it. I lowered my head, fighting the urge to run away or be sick.? As the tip of his cock neared my face I closed m y eyes in shame and opened my mouth.? Then I felt his cock pass between my lips and I closed my mouth down on his throbbing organ.


I had no clear idea of what to do, and my memories of how Julie used to suck me were distant and faded.? I began to suck rhythmically on his cock, feeling it swell in my mouth.? He grunted with satisfaction.? I pushed my head down onto his cock until it was almost at the back of my throat, then drew up, still sucking.? He sighed happily and I lowered myself again.? I felt his foreskin pull back as his shaft swelled alarmingly in my mouth.? It was like nothing I had ever experienced before.? I disliked the feeling intensely.


?Come on.?? He urged, ?Let?s get that tongue of yours working.?


I started to lick at his exposed glans, feeling the smooth skin as it slipped across my tongue.? I sucked and bobbed my head down on his stiff shaft and he sighed again, ?That?s good!? Keep it going.?


I carried on, and then on an impulse I began to stroke his balls, letting my fingertips tickle his scrotum.? He groaned with pleasure and began to thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock into my mouth.? After a couple of minutes I started to taste something on his cock and knew it was pre-come.? I wanted this to be over as soon as possible, so I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started to pump it whilst sucking and licking at his glans and stroking his balls.? Within moments he tensed and began to shoot his hot, salty jism into my mouth.? I started to rise but he put his hands on the back of my head and held me in place until he had finished coming.? I wanted to get off him so that I could spit his jism out, but he wouldn?t let me.? ?Swallow it all, bastard!? Every last drop.?


I had no choice.? I swallowed his jism and then he let me rise. As I looked at him he grinned at me, then reached out and patted me on the head. ?Good boy!? That was pretty good, you know?? You and Julie make a good pair, you?re both good at sucking cock!?? He laughed loudly at his own joke.? ?Fine, off you go then.?? He dismissed me and closed his robe.


From then on whenever he and I were alone in the house I knew he was going to make me suck him off.? He made me do it as often as he could, and I was always made to swallow all of his jism.? Before long I was called on to suck him as Julie watched, then I would use my tongue on her hot pussy while he watched.? As always, I was allowed to masturbate, but had to come in my underpants.? Once or twice, when I was sucking Sam off, he would make me take them off and put them over his cock as he came. Then I would have to put them on afterwards and wear them for several days with his come stains on them.


Things seemed to have reached a peak with my humiliation at the hands of Julie and Sam.? I existed solely to please them, it seemed, and I was unable to break away.? I continued to do all the cleaning and washing for the two of them and Melanie, and was roundly abused whenever, and however they felt like it.


One morning I was cleaning in Melanie?s room, picking up her discarded clothing as usual when I noticed a stain on the inside of her used knickers.? It was obviously a come stain and I immediately went to see Julie.? I handed the knickers to her and said I thought she should do something to protect our daughter.


?Stay out of it, she?s fine.?? Julie snapped.


?How can she be fine? She?s fifteen and having sex for Christ? sake. And who knows who she?s seeing.?


?It?s none of your business.? She?s fine, and you don?t have to worry about who she?s seeing, I now who it is, and it?s fine.? Now shut up!?


?You knew about this?? How could you let her do this?? Jesus, she?s so young.?


?She?s the same age I was when you had me for the first time, now stop whining and mind your own business!?


?It is my business, she?s my daughter.?


?She hates you!? Can?t abide being with you!?


?I know, but she?s still my daughter.? I want to know who she?s seeing.? Tell me.?


?OK then, if you really want to know.?? She grinned. I knew what was coming, of course, I just hoped I was wrong.? ?She?s been seeing Sam!?


?Sam?? You mean he?s betrayed you with your own daughter??? I almost found it funny.


?No, you prick!? It was my idea!? She was just about ready to take the plunge, and she thinks the world of Sam.? He loved the idea of course, what red-blooded male wouldn?t like to be asked by a mother to take her pretty daughter?s virginity??? She chucked to herself. Clearly pleased.? I was appalled!? To think of that bastard enjoying both my wife and my daughter was almost too much to bear.? ?So we waited until you were working late one evening, we didn?t want you spoiling things after all, and I gave Mel a couple of glasses of wine to relax her, and then Sam did the business!?


My head was spinning.? I could hardly believe what I was hearing.? Julie carried on tormenting me.? ?She loved it!? I mean Sam was really gentle and sweet.? He undressed her ever so slowly, taking his time, making it good for her.? And then he took her.? He lay her on the bed, spread her legs wide and just slipped that lovely big cock of his into her.? She was a bit nervous at first, naturally, but once he was fully in her she relaxed and really got into it.? Now she loves it!? Can?t get enough!?


?She?s only fifteen.?? Was all I could say in response.


?Oh so what?? She was absolutely right for it, and since then she wants it more and more.? Sometimes we practically fight each other for it!?


I felt rage rising within me.? ?I?m not going to allow this any more.? I shouted, ?It?s bad enough what you?ve all done to me, but I won?t let you do this to Melanie.?


?What are you going to do, tell the police??


?Y,y, yes!? I stammered, spluttering with rage.


?Go ahead!? Call the police and tell them that the nasty man is screwing your wife and daughter!? Make an even bigger fool of yourself!? They?ll speak to me and Mel, and we?ll tell them that you?re a deluded drunk and that Sam is just a good friend, and they?ll laugh in your face, and wonder what kind of a dickless wonder lets that happen in his own home and does nothing to stop it!? Go ahead and tell them.?


I was completely lost for words, and totally out flanked.? There was nothing I could do to prevent the continuing abuse of my daughter.? I hung my head in shame and dejection.


When I returned home after work that evening all three of them were in the living room.? As soon as I went in Melanie looked at me with contempt and hatred.? ?Mum tells me you tried to stop me going with Sam.? She said at once. ?You just fucking try it, that?s all! This is none of your business, so just fuck off and leave me alone, ok??


?Look, Melanie ??


?I mean it!? It?s nothing to do with you what I do.? I could go out of here and get screwed by as many men as I want and you can?t do anything about it, got that??? When I didn?t answer she asked again.? ?Do you get that?? I can do what I like and you?ll stay out of it, ok??


I shrugged and nodded. ?If you want to make a fool of yourself with this bastard, like your mother has, there isn?t anything I can do to stop you, I suppose.?


Sam looked up sharply.? ?Oh that little bit of bravado is going to cost you dear, wanker.? I was going to let you off with my fun for tonight, but now I think you?ll be the main attraction. Upstairs, now!?


I felt my face flush with shame and impotent rage, then turned and walked out of the room, their laughter ringing in my ears.? Moments later I stood outside Julie and Sam?s bedroom door, waiting dutifully.? I heard footsteps following me up the stairs and turned to see that it was Sam, followed by Julie and Melanie.? They all went into the main bedroom and I followed.


?Right, you, get your kit off.?? Melanie ordered.? I took off my clothes and stood naked before them as I had done so many times before, still disgusted and excited by my own shame.?


?Now then, who wants it first??? Sam chuckled.? Both Julie and Melanie went to him immediately, his arms snaking around their waists as they began to stroke and kiss his body.? I saw Melanie?s hand slip between his legs and begin rubbing his crotch at the same time as his hand slid across her arse and began to squeeze one cheek.? She gasped with pleasure.? Julie reached across and began to raise Melanie?s skirt, inch by inch.? In moments her black knickers were exposed and Sam immediately slid his hand inside to fondle her bare skin.? Melanie gasped again and began to kiss him passionately on the mouth.? She began to fumble with his trousers, her fingers trying to get inside.? Julie brushed her hand away and opened the trousers with an expert touch, and then Melanie?s hand was inside his trousers and she was sighing happily, ?Oh God, yes! Oh Sam, it?s so lovely!?? I could see her hand pumping up and down on his shaft.? I felt my own cock twitch as I stood and watched, powerless to prevent it.


?Hey, you want to see something really funny??? Sam said with a giggle.? The two of them looked at him quizzically.? ?Watch this.?? He turned to me.? ?Get over here and do your stuff.? Make me nice and stiff for your daughter here.??? And with that he pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them, then lay back on the bed.? I walked slowly over to him, aware of Julie and Melanie?s amused looks.? Then I reached down and began to stroke his large, meaty cock.? It began to respond at once, growing in my hand.? I knew what I was expected to do next and knelt on the bed and took him into my mouth.


?Jesus fucking Christ!?? Julie laughed, ?Look at that!?? Melanie just giggled excitedly.? I stroked and pumped his cock, tickling his balls and sucking his glans, playing my tongue across it.? I could hear movement behind me, but couldn?t see what Julie and Melanie were doing.? After a minute or two Sam?s cock was stiff and throbbing.? He pushed me away from him.? ?Good boy!?? He giggled.? ?OK girls, fun time!?? There was a burst of giggled from behind me and I turned to se that they were both naked.? I was made to stand in a corner and stroke my aching cock as they both began to stroke his muscular torso.? It was the first time I had seen Melanie naked since she was a small child, and I noted how her dark hair contrasted with the pale smoothness of her skin.? Her breasts were small and pert, her nipples pink and puffy.


As I watched she took hold of his stiff cock and began to pump it slowly, rhythmically.? He slipped his hand between her legs and began to stroke her bare pussy, then slipped the other hand between Julie?s legs.? Julie responded at once, gasping and moaning, rocking her hips against his fingers.?? He pushed Melanie higher so he was able to start sucking one of her young breasts.? She moaned and cried out, ?Oh please can I have it?? Please Sam, Mum? Please let me have it, please??


Sam smiled contentedly, Julie giggled and said, ?You sound like you need it pretty bad, love. Go ahead then!?? And rolled away.? Melanie immediately pushed her body against Sam?s and threw a leg over him.?? Could see her slit was wet as she reached behind her and grabbed his cock, steering it to her pussy.? She began to sink down on it at once, moaning with each downward thrust of her small hips.? She kept pushing down until his cock was in her up to the hilt, then began to rock back and forth, grinding her hips down onto his.? He reached up and began to roughly maul her small breasts.? I saw her body shudder and she increased the speed of her hips.


?Enjoying the show??? Julie laughed, pointing to my cock, which was stiff and hard.? ?I think it?s time you did some work for me.? ?She said with a grin, and lay back on the bed next to Sam and Melanie, opening her legs.? I moved between her thighs and began to kiss and lick her pussy, which was hot and very wet.?? I saw Melanie glance over her shoulder at me and laugh, then she went back to riding Sam with increasing urgency.? Julie began to buck her hips against me, a series of gasps and sighs emanating from her. Sam chuckled again, ?Enjoying yourselves, girls??? Julie laughed in reply, ?Well I?d sooner be where Mel is, but it?ll do for now!?? Melanie simply gasped, ?Oh Sam!?? ?How about you, wanker boy?? You enjoying yourself??? I put my head down and carried on licking Julie?s pussy.


Melanie had begun to whimper in time to her thrusts down on Sam?s cock.? Her speed was increasing and she was grinding her hips down on him with increasing urgency.? She leaned forward, put her hands on his shoulders and began to gyrate her hips frantically.? He reached up and took hold of her firm young breasts, stroking her nipples, running his fingers across them.? In moments she began to climax, gasping frantically, whimpering, calling out his name. As she writhed around on his cock Julie started to climax too. She grabbed hold of my hair and ground her pussy onto my face, holding me there until her climax subsided.


As her grip loosened I slipped from the bed and returned to my corner.? Melanie was still draped across Sam, her body still shaking with gasps and sobs as she recovered.? Julie lay next to them her legs wide open and her wet, swollen pussy exposed.? Sam looked over Melanie?s shoulder at me and smiled.? ?I?ve got to hand it to you, wanker, your daughter is one hell of a good fuck!?? I felt my face flush again with shame and impotent rage.? I heard Melanie laugh happily, then she slid from him, and began to make her way down towards his still stiff cock.


As I watched in horror she took hold of his shaft and lowered her face towards it. Then she began to suck his cock enthusiastically, stroking and pumping it into her mouth.? He responded by pulling her hips around so that her pussy was facing him, then began to tease and stroke her slit.? She arched her back and spread her legs wide for him, and continued to suck on his swollen cock.? Julie reached down and began to stroke his balls.? He grunted with pleasure and then Julie also moved on the bed and began to kiss and lick his ball sack.? I stood and watched as my wife and daughter kissed and licked his cock and balls lovingly, and he played with Melanie?s tender young pussy.? I felt my cock almost burst with pleasure.? I picked up my underpants and began to pump my cock, gripping it tightly.? Sam groaned and began to shoot his load into the mouth of my fifteen-year-old daughter, who seemed to relish every spurt, swallowing everything he produced.? I started to shoot too, emptying my balls into my underpants as I had been ordered to do. As he climaxed Julie looked across at me and grinned.


?I see you know your place then!? That?s good, because we?re going to be doing a lot of this, believe me!?? Melanie glanced up at me as she sucked lovingly on Sam?s cock, and then her eyes opened wide as Sam brought her to another climax.?? Shortly afterwards I was ordered from the room and spent hours in torment in my own room, listening to the gasps and moans coming from my wife and daughter, stoking my stiff cock as the shame coursed through me.? I knew this was how my life would be for the foreseeable future.? I wasn?t a man now; I was a figure of fun, who only existed for the amusement of my wife, my daughter and the man who was enjoying them both.? As I heard the three of them pleasing each other I climaxed again, shooting into my underpants and afterwards feeling like a humiliated fool.? The way I had felt so many times before, and would do so many more times in the future.




Julie was eleven years old when I first met her, the prettiest little thing you ever did see!? I was two years older than her, just developing an interest in girls and I was hooked at once.? She was small for her age, with shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes.? She had a pretty face and a slim body.? I took no time in finding out all I could about this new object of fascination, and I was delighted to learn that she lived quite close to me.? I soon made an excuse to walk with her as we went home after school and over the next two years we became close friends.


Over that time she started to develop into a beautiful young woman.? She became curved where previously she was flat, and other boys started to take an interest in her.? I?d got there first however, and by the time I was fifteen and she was thirteen we were going steady.? We used to go to youth club discos together and I?d walk her home.? We?d hold hands as we walked, and she?d give me the briefest of kisses as I left her on her doorstep.


Gradually we became closer, and started to explore our sexuality.? This was a matter of some urgency for me, but she refused to be rushed, only ever allowing me to take the slightest liberty before she would brush my hands away!? However she did relent, gradually, and eventually allowed me to touch her budding breasts, over clothing, of course, but it was enough to have my young cock straining to get out of my trousers!? I remember going home after an evening caressing her young tits and hurrying to my bedroom to relieve myself.


After a while I was allowed to put my hand inside her top, feeling her lovely firm tits through the thin fabric of her bra.? Then one wonderful evening as we sat in the back room at her parents? home, kissing passionately, I had dared to push my hand into her bra and she had done nothing to stop me.? I had almost climaxed as I felt the smooth skin of her bare breast and the small puffy nipples for the first time.


Our physical relationship developed slowly but steadily.? Once she had got used to me caressing her breasts, she allowed me to stroke her bottom as we embraced.? I used to run my hands over her shapely hips and down over her firm, pert little bum, pulling her to me, feeling her soft body pressing against my stiff cock.


One summer evening we were out for a walk, taking the opportunity to get as far away from parents as possible!? I was sixteen by then, and Julie fourteen. We strolled past a building site where new houses were being built.? As we did so Julie giggled, took my hand and lead me into one of the half-built houses.?


Once we were away from prying eyes we began to kiss.? I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she responded eagerly, her breath hot on mine.? I quickly found the first few buttons of her blouse, opened them and slipped my hand inside.? In moments I was caressing her firm young breast with one hand, whilst my other slipped around her waist and began to stroke her firm bottom.? I was in heaven as I played with her fresh young body.? Daring to go even further, I began to edge her skirt higher.?


I was expecting her to stop me, but instead she kissed me with renewed urgency.? I lifted her skirt until I was stroking her bum through the thin cotton of her knickers, my cock aching and throbbing furiously.? Pushing my luck to the limit, I reached for the waistband of her knickers and slipped my hand inside.? She gasped, then kissed me again, allowing me to push my hand into her knickers.


I lovingly caressed her bare breast and ran my hands all over her pert little bum.? After moments or two she pulled away from me, looked down at my trousers, and the conspicuous tent in them and giggled.? ?Is that your, er, thing, Andy??


I nodded.


?Gosh!? It?s sticking out a bit, isn?t it??? She giggled again.? ?Can I touch it, Andy??


I almost came on the spot!? Not trusting my own voice, I simply nodded.? She reached down and slowly stroked the bulge in my trousers, slowly increasing the pressure until she could feel my throbbing shaft as she ran her hand up and down. ?I still had my hand in her bra and knickers, and as she increased the pressure still further I tried my best to hold back.? Finally, though I couldn?t control myself.? With a gasp I came, shooting my load into my trousers, my face blushing furiously.


As I recovered, she pulled my hands out of her clothing and giggled again as she smoothed her things back into place.? ?Was that nice??? She asked, innocently.


?I should say so!? I gasped.


?Would you like to do that again some time??? Another sweet smile.


?Oh God! Yes please!?? She laughed at my urgency, making me blush again.


?Well, I?ll think about it!?? She giggled, then took my hand and led me back to the street.? As we approached her house she gave me a brief kiss and said, ?See you tomorrow, darling!?? Then skipped off to her front door.? I went home the happiest of sixteen-year-olds, anxious to spend some more time with my lovely Julie!


That long summer holiday was to be very significant for both of us.? We were able to spend long, lazy days together, taking the chances, when they came, to explore each other?s body.? Julie quickly progressed from rubbing my cock through my trousers to slipping her small hand inside and stroking me to climax.? Then one day she wanted to see it, and giggled as she brought it out.? She watched in fascination as it grew beneath her touch, then began to pump it vigorously.? In no time she brought me to orgasm and I was shooting my jism all over her hand.? She thought that was hysterical!?


I grew bolder and bolder, running my hand up her thigh from her knee, stroking the smooth, sensitive skin there.? Gradually I moved higher and higher, until I was just inches from her pussy.?


One afternoon my parents were out for the day, so we took advantage of guaranteed privacy and spent the entire day at my house.? We spent many, many minutes embracing and kissing, lying together on the sofa.? After a short time I managed to coax Julie into removing her top.? I stroked her breasts for several minutes before I slowly pulled her bra up and took in the view of her naked breasts for the first time.? They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen!? I couldn?t leave them alone, stroking and kissing them for what seemed like hours.


As I played with her breasts I gently slid my hand up her skirt, stroking her inner thigh.? She began to stroke my hair, began to gasp and pant.? I moved cautiously higher, not wanting to scare her.? Soon I was at the very top of her thigh, I could feel the heat from her pussy.? I reached out my hand and gently stroked between her thighs.? I felt her stiffen, holding her breath.? Then her hand closed on mine.? I looked into her eyes, which were wide, anxious.


?You won?t tell anyone, will you Andy?? Please don?t tell anyone, they?ll think I?m a slut.? You won?t, will you Andy?? Promise me.?? She sounded desperate.


?Of course I won?t tell anyone.?? I said at once, ?Why would I want to tell anyone?? It?s nobody?s business but ours!? I?d never do anything to hurt you, you must know that??


She smiled at me, relaxing visibly, her breath escaping in a hiss.? She lay back on the sofa, drew me to her and kissed me, passionately.? I continued to stroke at the very top of her thigh, then moved between her legs and began to run my fingers along the gusset of her knickers.? I was surprised to find they were slightly damp.? In my innocence and naivety I thought this was perhaps due to nerves!?


I stroked slowly, gently, gradually increasing the pressure until I could feel her delicate folds beneath her knickers.? Offering up a thousand silent prayers, I started to slip my finger inside the leg of her knickers.? She whimpered, but did nothing to stop me.? I pushed in further, feeling her thin pubes beneath my fingers. I slowly pushed my hand further and further into her knickers.? I could feel the top of her slit.? As my fingers slipped between her thighs, found her hot slit and began to stroke it, she moaned, closed her eyes and whispered, ?Oh Andy!?


I stroked her soft young pussy for minute after lovely minute, until she began to pant and gasp.? As I ran a finger along her slit it suddenly slipped between her lips and I felt the warm, wet, velvet of her inner lips.? She gasped sharply, her body going rigid.? I had no idea what I?d done, froze with fear that I?d done something wrong, only for her to gasp, ?Don?t stop!? Please don?t stop, Andy!?


I carried on, not knowing what I was doing, until she suddenly began to gasp and moan loudly.? She was bucking her hips, rubbing my hand against her pussy.? Her eyes were closed in intense concentration, then she reached down and held my hand to her as she writhed around and her body shook.? She clamped her hands together on my hand for several moments, then sighed and relaxed, a sleepy smile on her face.


Afterwards she seemed distracted, upset even.? I kept asking her what was wrong, but she refused to say.? I asked her, ?Was that really good for you?? and she began to cry.? I asked her again what was wrong, this time she broke down completely.


?You know what?s wrong!? You?re going to finish with me because I?m a slut, that?s what?s wrong!?


?You?re not a slut. Why would you think that??


?Of course I?m a slut. Any girl who lets a boy do that to her is a slut, and any girl who enjoys that is an even bigger slut!?


?You?re not a slut!? And anyone who calls you one will get his face smashed in.? You do some really nice things to me, make me feel so good. Now I can do the same for you. What?s the difference??


?You really mean that??




She threw her arms around me, laughing and sobbing at the same time.? Then she began to fumble with my trousers, opening them with an urgency she?d never shown before.? In moments she had brought out my cock and was stroking and pumping the shaft. I lay back and sighed as I gave myself over to the delicious sensations.


?Oh God, Andy.? Oh I love you so much.? Oh I so want to make you happy my love.?


As I started to come she squeezed my shaft in rhythm to my spurts.? It was the best hand job I ever had!? Afterwards, she cuddled in to me and we dozed on the sofa in each other?s arms, her hand still wrapped around my flaccid cock.


After that I was allowed to play with her pussy as much as I wanted ? which was a lot!? One glorious evening we were left alone at her parent?s house, and she agreed to let me see her completely naked for the first time.? I sat on the end of her bed watching as she took off her T-shirt, then her jeans, then her bra and finally her knickers.? And then she stood before me totally naked.?? She was just magnificent to look at!? Her pretty face framed by blonde hair, her blue eyes sparkling.? Her skin was flawless and as white as snow. Her neck was thin and shapely.? I followed its? line down to her shoulders and on down to her pert young breasts.? I let my eyes linger for a moment or two on them before I let them travel down, my gaze slipping down over her flat, taught belly and finally down to her blonde pubic thatch.


I was awe struck!? She was the most beautiful thing I?d ever seen.? My eyes raked over her entire body, drinking in the sight of her youth and beauty.? I must have looked totally stunned because after a few moments she snapped, ?Well say something then!?


I stammered something about her being the most beautiful thing I?d ever seen, and she grinned at me, clearly pleased at my reaction.? Then she almost caused me to come in my pants when she said,? ?You want to look at me all evening, or would you like to have a play as well??


I looked into her eyes, which glittered with mischief and lust.? I stood up at once, moving towards her.? I was about to touch her when she said, ?Wouldn?t it be fairer if we were both undressed??? I started to shed my clothing rapidly.? It was strange though; clothes which I could remove with ease in my own room now clung to me like limpets.? Julie just stood back and watched, a playful grin on her face as she watched me almost fall over as I tried to get out of my jeans.? Finally I removed the last of my clothes and we stood facing each other, stark naked.


She looked down at my cock, which was standing stiff and proud.? She stepped towards me and reached out her hand, stroking my shaft.? I gasped and groaned as she ran her cool fingers over my cock and then gently cupped my balls.? I stroked her breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen as I rolled each of them in turn gently between my thumb and finger. She shuddered, and then I slipped my hand between her shapely thighs and began to stroke the lips of her pussy.? Her grip on my cock tightened, making me groan again.


She stepped back, still with her hand wrapped around my cock, and led me to her bed.? I followed in a kind of dream, not believing that this was happening.? She lay on her bed and I lay next to her.? She looked so wonderful, her pretty face framed on her pillow by her blonde hair.? I reached for her pussy again and she sighed happily as I began to stroke and caress her delicate lips.


She reached again for my cock, began to stroke it rhythmically.? In moments we were both gasping and panting, kissing each other with a hot passion.? She gasped into my ear, ?Andy? Oh God, Andy, have you got anything?? I mean, have you, er got, er, oh God, you know what I mean??


I couldn?t believe my ears, ?Do you mean it?? Are you sure??


?Oh God yes! Oh Jesus, do it!? She hissed.


Like every sixteen-year-old boy at that time, I always had a condom with me.? It was like a membership card, a sign of pure optimism!? I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and brought out the small foil container. She watched in fascination as I took the condom from its? packet and rolled it onto my shaft.? Then I positioned myself on top of her, and she opened her legs.


I felt my cock slip between her pussy lips, felt her tense beneath me.? I looked down and saw my shaft perfectly positioned and pushed forward.? She gasped and threw her arms around my neck, clinging on desperately.? I felt resistance, felt a barrier pushing back against my cock.? I opened my mouth to say something.? She pressed her lips close to my ear, ?Don?t stop!? Go on.? Don?t stop, please!? She whispered, a note of fear and desperation in her voice.


I pushed my hips forward again, keeping up the pressure on her delicate pussy.? All of a sudden there was a break, my cock slipped into her as she cried out briefly.? I looked into her eyes, which were wide with wonder.? She whispered, ?Oh Andy!?, then buried her face in my neck.


I began to push into her with all the urgency of a fifteen-year-old.? I drove my cock deep into her with no thought at all for he, no thought at all except for my own pleasure. ?I was feeling the warm, velvet touch of a pussy stroking my shaft for the first time, and I was in heaven!? In almost no time at all I felt myself start to climax.? I was unable to do anything other than give myself over to it.? I groaned and climaxed, lost in the pleasure of the moment.


As I recovered afterwards she planted small, wet kisses on my face and neck.? I rolled off her, thoroughly delighted with myself, and lay next to her with a contented sigh.? Julie chattered excitedly.


?Jesus, Andy!? We did it!? We actually did it!? I was going to make you wait for a few more weeks yet, but when we started to touch tonight it just seemed like the right thing to do.? Was it ok? I mean, is that the way it?s supposed to be??


?I don?t know.? I laughed, ?I suppose that?s how you do it, because it seemed to be ok.? Was it ok for you??


?Well, I thought it would hurt, I mean really, really hurt.? Sophie Hughes at school says she?s done it and it was like really painful, but it wasn?t so bad for me, just a bit of a twinge really.? And now we?ve done it! Yes!?? She was delighted.


?You don?t regret it then??


?No.? Why should I?? Why? Do you think I should regret it?? Do you think I?m a slut for letting you do it??


?No. Of course not.? I?ve told you before, you?re not a slut, and anyone who says you are will have to deal with me.?


She curled her body around mine, her skin was smooth and warm, her body fragrant.? I was blissfully happy, and judging by her contented sighs, so was she!


From then on we made love whenever, and wherever, we could.? We were keen to experiment and often tried out new things.? If I heard of some new position Julie would be happy to try it out, and she would scour girlie magazines for anything new to try.? We soon discovered the delights of oral sex.? Julie loved it when I brought her to climax by kissing and licking her sweet pussy, and she soon got over her doubts about having my cock in her mouth!?


I couldn?t imagine being any happier, and we decided to get engaged on Julie?s seventeenth birthday.? I was doing well in my job at the factory and Julie was also working.? There seemed no reason to delay things, and we were married on her eighteenth birthday.? Our daughter Melanie was born just over a year later and we settled into contented domestic bliss, happily watching our daughter as she grew.


When Melanie was about thirteen I lost my job when the factory closed.? Desperate for the money I took a job at another factory on the other side of town.? The wages weren?t as good, and I had to work longer hours, but we needed the money.? At first I coped ok.? I was tired for much of my time at home, but I made the effort to be the husband and father I wanted to be.? It as after about a year in the new job that it started to take its? toll on me.


As the months had gone on our sex life had dwindled as I had been too tired to play during the week, and had spent much of my weekends catching up on sleep.? Julie hadn?t complained at first, but when she started to stroke my cock one Sunday morning and I complained of being too tired, she voiced her concerns.


?What happened to us, Andy?? We used to have such a lot of fun together, in bed and out!? Now you?re permanently tired, and we never seem to do anything any more.? We don?t go out, don?t see friends, never have people over, and do you realise how long it?s been since we made love??


?How long??


?Well over a month!? I don?t expect you be pestering me for it all day, every day, but I do think you might want me more than that!? Christ Andy, you?re not thirty-five yet!? You?re not old.? I?m only thirty-two!? We should be having more fun than this.?


I was stung by her criticism, but I had to admit she was right.? Somehow we?d lost the fun out of our lives.? I vowed there and then to make more of an effort and started to respond to her overtures by stroking her thigh.


?Ooooh, that?s much more like it!?? She giggled, and reached again for my cock.? I slipped my hand between her thighs, stroking her pussy lips.? She immediately began to sigh happily and when I slipped my finger between her lips and started to tease her clit she thrust her hips forward and said softly, ?Oh yes, oh that?s lovely. Oh God, love, it?s been such a long time. Oh God, I?ve missed you!??


I slipped my finger into her hot tunnel.? She was soaking wet! I started to slowly finger-fuck her, the way I knew she liked. I ducked my head down and began to suck on her tits, running my tongue in circles around her nipples.? She was becoming more and more aroused, I knew she was close to climax.? I suddenly became aware that something was wrong.? My cock, which Julie had been stroking lovingly, had stayed flaccid.? She stroked my balls and kissed my ear, things which never failed to arouse me, but still it didn?t respond.? I willed it to stiffen, but nothing happened.


?What?s wrong, love?? Julie breathed into my ear.


?I don?t know.?? I said, a note of desperation in m voice.


?I know what?ll do the trick!?? She said with a sexy smile on her face.? She disappeared beneath the covers and soon was kissing my balls, running her tongue over them.? The feeling was exquisite, but still my cock refused to respond.? Finally she took my cock into her mouth and began to suck and lick it whilst stroking my balls. After a couple of minutes I was still unable to get an erection.


Julie surfaced and lay next to me, the silence like a wall between us. Finally, I said, ?I don?t know why I can?t do anything, love. I guess I?m just tired.?


She forced a smile, tried to hide her disappointment and frustration, ?Don?t worry about it, love.? Maybe tonight, hey??


?Sure!? I tried to smile back.? All day my failure to respond was on my mind.? Whenever I was alone I tried to coax my cock back to life, but to no avail. By evening I was becoming desperate.? It was getting close to bedtime, and I didn?t want to disappoint Julie again.


As I got into bed that night Julie came in to the bedroom and began to slowly undress.? I had always found the sight of her shedding her clothing highly erotic, ever since that first time in her bedroom, all those years ago.? As she let her bra fall, revealing breasts still large and firm, I felt a twitch in my groin.? I heaved a sigh of relief inwardly as she wriggled her hips and slipped her knickers down.? Then she slid beneath the covers and moved in close to me.


?How are things this evening??? She murmured, slipping her hand onto my thigh.? She stroked her hand up my leg and began to stroke my cock, now growing promisingly.? ?Aha!? I knew my little strip-tease would get you going!?? She smiled.? I began to stroke her breasts, savouring the smoothness of her skin and the pleasure radiating from my loins.? And then I felt my cock start to deflate.? Of course, Julie could feel it too.


?Andy?? What?s wrong, love??


I was close to tears, ?I promise you I have no idea, love.? This has never happened to me before.?


?So why is it happening now??


?I swear I have no idea.?


She lay back on the bed, turning away from me.? ?Is there someone else??


?Someone else? No, never!? I?d never even look at another woman, you know that."


?I know you haven?t been near me in over a month, and when I finally do get your attention you?re not interested.?


?Look, I?m probably just tired.? You know the hours I?ve been working lately.? I?ll do my best to get some early nights in, and I?ll soon be right, I promise.?


She smiled at me again, ?Sure you will.?? She said.? Then without further comment she turned out the light.? As I lay there in the darkness I couldn?t get to sleep, worrying and wondering why I was suddenly unable to rise to the occasion.? I knew Julie was awake too.? We lay there, like total strangers until the sky became light outside and the birds began to sing.


Day after day I tried to rest, tried to coax my cock into responding, but it stayed stubbornly flaccid.? By Saturday I was increasingly anxious.? Julie would expect me to perform that night, would be hurt if I couldn?t please her.? Foolishly, I had a couple of drinks, thinking that they would relax me, take away the tension and enable me to function.? But then I had another, and another.? By the time I reached the bedroom, I was drunk.


Julie looked at me questioningly.? ?Don?t worry love, it?ll be ok.?? I slurred.?? She looked at me incredulously, but said nothing.? I fell into bed and immediately began to fumble drunkenly with her body.? I was clearly having no effect on her at all, and when I climbed on top of her and tried to make love to her, my cock was completely lifeless.? After a few moments she pushed me off her.


?Oh for God?s sake Andy, stop it!? If you don?t want to make love to me just come out and say it, will you?? Or is the prospect of coming to bed with me so awful you have to get drunk before you can do it??


I tried my best to clear my head.? ?No, Julie, love, it?s not like that at all, honest.?


?Is she much younger than me??




?Your other woman.?


?There is no other woman, I swear.?


?So why don?t you want to make love to me??


?I do, I swear, I just can?t, that?s all.?


?Can?t? Or won?t? Oh never mind.? Just sleep it off will you, I?ll sleep in the spare room tonight.?? She stormed from the room leaving me feeling foolish, inadequate and desperately unhappy.


Things went downhill pretty quickly after that.? Every time we tried to make love my cock failed to respond.? When I continued to protest my innocence, and kept repeating that I didn?t know why I couldn?t satisfy her, Julie suggested that I go to the doctors.? I knew that thanks to the receptionist there, who read everyone?s medical records, nothing remained confidential for long, so I refused to go.? Julie wouldn?t accept my reasons, said I was being stupid, and so the rows continued.


After about six months we barely spoke any more.? I began to drink heavily, trying to drown out my misery.? Sometimes, when I drank I became aggressive towards her.? On one occasion she started on at me again, nagging me to get help.? When I refused she became angry, then I was angry too, and finally I hit her.? I remember the stunned look on her face when I slapped her.? I was immediately ashamed of myself, I tried to apologise, but the damage was done.? After that we just about co-existed in the same house.


It seems strange to think now, but after so many months of arguing, it was a relief when she stopped nagging me.? I continued to drink heavily, and it never even occurred to me to wonder why she had stopped nagging, I was just grateful for the peace and quiet.


One evening I was sitting at the bar in my local pub when I became aware of a group of men in the corner.? They seemed to be enjoying themselves and every now and again there were shouts of laughter and general banter.? I thought I recognised some of them and asked Suzie, the barmaid, who they were.


?The one in the middle of it all is Sam Barker, you must have heard of him?? He owns that used car place on the high street, you know, the big one.? That?s not all he does if the stories are right. He?s supposed to be involved in all sorts of shady stuff, from protection rackets to drugs.? Proper little gangster is our Sam, nasty piece of work I hear too.? It doesn?t do to mess with Sam, he?s not the forgiving type, and he?ll stop at nothing to protect what?s his, can be quite brutal. Not that I would know.? He?s always been a proper gent to me.? I was seeing him for a while you know? He really knows how to show a girl a good time does Sam, in more ways than one!?? She giggled.


I was uncomfortable with any discussion of male virility so I quickly steered the conversation back to the others.? ?So who are the rest of them??


?Oh they?re just Sam?s gang. They all work for him, doing one thing or another.? They?re like his personal pack of dogs, they are.? Hired thugs.? Still, they were always nice to me, I?ll give them that.?


Suzie continued to ramble on, telling me all sorts of stories about Barker, most if which I dismissed as pure fantasy.? To hear her tell it he was the biggest gangster since the Crays!? After a while, and several beers, I made my way to the toilet, where I locked myself in a cubicle.? Ever since I?d lost the ability to perform I?d been anxious not to let anyone see my cock, as if they?d know!? Whenever possible I would lock myself in a cubicle, away from prying eyes.


As I waited to finish the toilet door opened and I heard two men talking.


?Sam?s in a good mood tonight, what?s going on??


?Don?t ask questions, mate.? Let?s just say he got a deal sorted this afternoon, one that?ll make him a fair few quid believe me!?


?What kind of deal??


?I told you, don?t ask questions.? Believe me, you?re better off not knowing some of the stuff Sam gets up to.?


?I wouldn?t mind knowing that bit of stuff he?s getting up to, I?ll tell you that!?


?Yeah, she is something, isn?t she?? Sam says she?s the best shag he?s had in ages.? Gives a fucking good blowjob too he says!? Mind yourself though, if he catches you looking at her he?ll bloody kill you.?


?She?s married, isn?t she??


?Yeah!? To that piss artist Connor!?? I froze in shock.




?Andy Connor, that drunken little shit who was falling all over the bar earlier.? You must have seen him??


?That one who kept looking over at us??


?That?s him.? That?s Julie?s husband, if you can believe it.? Seems he?s worse than useless in the sack, can?t raise a cheer!?? They both laughed.? I felt my blood run cold.?? They both left, still laughing about my lack of ability and sneering about Sam having an affair with my wife.


I stormed from the pub and dashed home.? Julie barely looked up as I entered the living room.? I stormed across the room, grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.


?You dirty, deceitful bitch!?? I yelled.? She started to stand up and I backhanded her across the face.? She staggered back and I reached for her again.? I grabbed her hair again, pulling her to me.? ?I?ve just had to listen to two of Barker?s thugs laughing about how he?s fucking the arse off you, and how I can?t do anything in the bedroom.? You fucking bitch!? I let go of her hair and slapped her across the face.? I was ready to hit her again when I there was a scream from behind me.


?Leave her alone, you bastard. Leave her alone!?


I wheeled ?round to see Melanie there.? Her face was contorted with anger and hatred, and all of it was directed at me.? ?Mel, you don?t know what she?s done to me.? You don?t know what kind of a woman your mother is, she, she??


?I know what you?ve done to her, you bastard. I know all about you.? I know how useless you are.? Just leave her alone.?


Julie staggered past me, took Melanie by the hand and they left.? I heard the front door slam and the car start, and then I was left alone.? I reached for the whisky bottle and started to drink.? Eventually, I fell asleep in the chair.


I was woken the following morning by someone hammering on the front door.? Feeling like shit, I staggered to the door and opened it, muttering curses as I crashed into objects on the way.? I opened the door and saw a man standing there.? For a moment I didn?t recognise him, and then I realised it was Barker.


?What the f?.? I began.? I didn?t even see the punch coming.? He just swung his fist and hit me right on the chin.? I went down in a heap and he grabbed my by the throat, pulled me to my feet and dragged me to the living room, kicking the front door shut as he moved.? ?Morning Andy.?? He said, ?I thought you and I should have a little chat!?


He marched me to the living room and threw me into a chair.? My head was still spinning from the hangover and the punch.? Struggling to clear my head I said, ?I?ve got nothing to talk to you about you cunt!?? I managed to stand, intending to fight him, drawing back my fist.? His second blow struck me square in the balls.? I collapsed to my knees in agony.? I felt the nausea rising in my throat, fought it back with the greatest difficulty, and sucked in lungs full of air, trying to recover.? He grabbed hold of my hair, jerking my head back sharply.


?Well if you don?t want to talk, you?d better listen then, hadn?t you??? He growled.? ?Last night you gave Julie a few slaps, I hear.? Now that may make you feel like a man, but trust me, you?re not.? If I hear of you touching her again, I?ll be back to see you, got that??


I was incensed, blind to all consequences.? ?Julie?s my wife you twat.? I?ll do what I like to her.? Now get out of my fucking house you cunt!?


He punched me again, on the side of my head.? Bright colours exploded inside my head.? I heard myself groan.? I rolled onto my side and he kicked me in the stomach.? I folded, curling into a ball with a groan of misery.


?Now that was a mistake, my friend. Julie may be married to you, but she?s mine, until I tell you otherwise, got that?? And I don?t take kindly to people damaging my things, so you keep your fucking hands off her, or I?ll come back and cut your fucking balls off, understand??? I groaned again.? He grabbed my hair again, pulled my head up so that he could look into my face.? ?You piece of shit!? I must deal with twenty little arseholes like you every day.? You cross me and I?ll make such a mess of you your mother wouldn?t recognise you.? Now Julie and the kid will be back here tonight.? If I get the slightest idea you?ve annoyed her?.?? He laughed to himself.? ?I think you get it, don?t you??? When I didn?t answer he punched me again, ?Don?t you??? He barked.? I nodded.? He laughed again, then quietly left.


I struggled to my feet, then fell into a chair, exhausted.? I remembered what Suzie had said about Barker the previous evening, ?It doesn?t do to mess with Sam, he?s not the forgiving type, and he?ll stop at nothing to protect what?s his, can be quite brutal.?? If he had persuaded himself that Julie was his, then he would have no hesitation in doing me harm if he thought I was trying to take her back or upsetting her in any way.


I thought hard about what to do next.? Clearly I couldn?t fight Barker. On his own he was too much for me, and if I tried to bring in any mates he had his thugs.?? I could go away, just pack a bag and leave.? But go where?? My only family were my parents, and they only lived a couple of miles away.? Besides, I?d put a lot of time, effort and money onto the house, I wasn?t going to just hand all that to my bitch of a wife and her gangster boyfriend.?


And then a thought occurred to me.? I could wait him out!? I?d carry on as if nothing had happened, pretend that I didn?t know about Julie and him.? And then, when he got tired of her, I?d have my day!? Feeling much happier, I poured myself a drink and toasted my revenge!


Julie and Melanie arrived back early that evening.? They were accompanied by one of his heavies, but nothing was said and he soon left.? I did my best to ignore Julie, but whenever I spoke to Melanie she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me.? Yet another debt I owe you, I thought as I looked at Julie.


I was about to pour myself another drink when the doorbell rang.? ?Get that would you Mel??? I asked, as pleasantly as I could.


?You get it.?? She said sullenly.? Julie snorted with laughter.? I went to the door.? It was Barker.? He grinned at me, ?Well if it isn?t mister floppy!?? He chuckled, then brushed past me and walked casually into the living room.? I gritted my teeth and followed.


Julie had stood and put her arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips, his hand rested casually on her arse, Melanie watched, a smile on her face.? After a moment or two they separated. He turned to look at me, his eyes smiling with triumph.


?I thought we ought to have a chat about things, floppy!?? He announced.? Julie and Melanie both laughed at his new nickname for me.


?Oh yes??? I said, evenly.


?Yes.? Sit down, make yourself comfortable.?? As if in a dream I sank into an armchair.? He walked over to the drinks cabinet and casually poured himself a large scotch, then turned back to me.? ?Yes, now that we all know the score, I thought we?d agree a few ground rules, ok??


?Whatever you say.?? I said, trying to sound disinterested.


?Now that?s the attitude!?? He grinned.? ?You see??? He said, turning to Julie, ?I told you he understood the game, didn?t I??? She grinned back at him, ignoring me.


?OK, here we go.? From now on, you?ll treat Julie with the respect she?s due as my woman, got that??


I was suddenly aware that my daughter was still in the room, listening to him dictate my terms of surrender.? I cleared my throat nervously, ?Melanie, this is grown up talk, why don?t you go up to your room??


She didn?t even look at me, ?Mum??? She asked Julie.


?Please yourself love, stay if you like.?? She said.


?Can I go out??


?No!? I barked.


?Sure darlin? why not!?? Barker grinned, then turned back to me.? ?Give her some money then.?


Melanie stood in front of me, her hand outstretched. I offered her a five-pound note.


?Well that?s not much, is it?? She complained.


?Yes, come on you tight old fart, give the girl some money to enjoy herself with.?? He urged.


I looked in my wallet, there were two tens, plus the five I?d already offered her.? She snatched them all from me, then skipped out of the room, pausing only to say, ?Thanks Sam.?


?Where are you going?? I called after her.


?Mind your own business.?? She replied, much to the amusement of Sam and Julie, then the door slammed and she was gone.


?OK, let?s get down to business.?? Sam said, casually.? ?As I said, you?ll treat Julie with respect from now on, got that??




?How many bedrooms has this place got??


?Three.? I snapped.


?Good.? Get your things and move them into the spare room, I don?t want you anywhere near her from now on, understand.? Tomorrow, you can get me a spare key cut so I don?t have to ring the bell and hang around like a fucking double glazing salesman.?


It was clear he was intending to use my own home to carry on with my wife.? I?d had enough.


?That?s too far.? I?m leaving, I?m not putting up with this.? You have her if you want, I?m not staying around to be made a fool of.?? I moved to the door.


?You don?t want to do that, floppy!? He laughed.


?Oh no? Why??


?Because you?ll make me angry.? You?ve seen how unpleasant that can be, and I don?t think you want to go there again, do you?? No, you see, I want you to stay here and see how a woman like Julie should be treated.? I think it?s just what a useless little shit like you needs.? So you?ll stay here, and do as you?re told, starting now.?


I fell back into my seat.


?Here?s the rules.? One: you?ll do all the cleaning and washing around here.? I don?t want Julie wearing herself out with that crap.? Two: you?ll change the sheets on her bed every day.? I like a bed with nice, fresh, clean sheets.? Three: when I come here, you make sure you pour me a nice big glass of scotch, then make yourself scarce. Go to the pub or your room, anywhere, but stay out of the way.? Stick to the rules, floppy, and we?ll get on fine.? Break the rules and ?.?


His threat was completely clear.? I was to stay and pamper Julie, keep her sweet so that he could enjoy her, and I was to be the prize fool.? And I knew if I didn?t do as he said he?d have no hesitation in arranging something unpleasant for me.


?Any questions??? I shook my head.? ?Good! Now you can go and get your things from Julie?s room.??


I stood up to leave the room but Julie leaned over and said something to him, too low for me to hear.?? He laughed loudly, then said, ?Wait a minute, you.? Change of plan, you stay down here, Julie and me will be using the room for a while.?? And with that he stood up and took her by the hand.? He led her towards the living room door.? He stood back and let her pass first. As she passed him he reached out and groped her arse.? She squealed in shock, then started to giggle.? I heard them start to climb the stairs. There were more squeals from Julie and I heard her say, ?Oooh Sam! Ooh you are naughty!?


I stood up and poured myself a drink, determined to blot out the shame I was feeling as they humiliated me in my own home.? I couldn?t blot out the sounds of their love making however.? I could clearly hear Julie, still giggling, clearly enjoying herself.? After a few minutes the sounds changed.? Now she was gasping and moaning, sensual sounds, the sound of a woman?s pleasure.? I felt sick.? I wanted to go into the room and stop then, throw them both out, but I knew I couldn?t.? I no longer felt like a man, part of my identity had been torn from me by the man who was now enjoying my wife?s body.


I heard him start to gasp and moan, his pleasure evident.? I hung my head in shame, and then realised with horror that my cock was becoming stiff.? After months and months of total lifelessness, it was becoming stiff as I listened to another man take my wife.


I tried to ignore it.? Poured myself another drink.? From upstairs I head rhythmic creaking of the bed, knew what was happening.? My cock twitched again, then swelled to a full erection.? Unable to ignore it any more, I opened my trousers and freed it.? I looked down and watched as it pulsed.? As the rhythm upstairs increased and Julie?s gasps and moans grew more intense I reached down and stroked my hot shaft.?


Waves of pure ecstasy shot through me like electricity.? I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the first sexual pleasure I?d experienced in so long.? I started to stroke it in time to the creaking of the bed upstairs.? Julie?s cries became more urgent, were now mingled with his groans.? She was saying ?Yes, yes, yes.? Over and over again, he was grunting in response.? And then the creaking stopped momentarily and I heard him grunt and yell, ?Oh fucking yes!?. I knew he was shooting his come into her.? I should have been revolted, furious, ashamed.? Instead I felt my cock stiffen still further and suddenly I climaxed.


The feelings were so intense I fell to my knees as I started to shoot jism all over the floor.? I had never known an orgasm as intense.? It blotted out everything else, clouded my brain with total pleasure.? As my senses began to return I looked down and saw the extent of my climax.? I had produced massive amounts of come, and had sprayed it several feel from where I now knelt.? I was amazed!? And then I remembered the two of them upstairs.? I knew they would be coming down soon.? I fetched some kitchen roll and began to clean up, still marvelling at the sheer quantity I had produced.? I had just about managed to remove the evidence when I heard footsteps on the stairs.


Sam walked casually into the room, still fastening his shirt.? Julie followed behind wearing a pink bathrobe. She looked flushed and happy, he looked smug.


?OK then floppy, you can go and get your crap out of her room now, and be quick about it.? Tell me when it?s done.?


Feeling like a naughty schoolboy dismissed by the headmaster I left the room and made my way upstairs.? The bedroom smelled of his after-shave and her sex.? Her clothes lay across the floor where she had simply stepped out of them, the bed was a silent testament to their activities.


I quickly moved my things into the spare room.? As I was finishing he came up the stairs.


?Are you done then??? He asked, his eyes shining with suppressed laughter.


?Yes. ? I said simply.?


He looked in to Julie?s room.? ?No you haven?t.? Look at the state of that room!? You can?t expect her to sleep in there.? Get those clothes cleared away, and put some clean sheets on the bed. Come on, get on with it, floppy!?? He turned and went back down stairs.


I picked up Julie?s discarded clothing.? As I picked up her knickers I could clearly feel the dampness in them.? I put them to my face and inhaled, drawing in the scent of her pussy, a pussy made wet by her desire for another man.? I felt my cock twitch again.? As I changed the sheets, still warm in places from their passion, I could smell his after-shave.


I finished preparing her room and went downstairs.? He was sitting in an armchair, Julie was sitting on his lap.? ?It?s done.?? I said simply.


?OK, well you can go now, Julie and me have some unfinished business, don?t we darlin??? He said quietly, slipping his hand into her robe, feeling for her breasts.? She giggled again, ignoring me completely.? As I made my way to the door she slipped to the floor, kneeling between his thighs.? I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered and another giggle from her.? As I glanced over my shoulder she was untying the belt of her robe.?? As I closed the door behind me I heard him say, ?Now that?s better!? I always think you look better bare.? You must have the best pair of tits I?ve ever seen.?


She giggled again and said, ?Why thank you, kind sir!? Now, let me say hello to that lovely big cock of yours.?? I felt my cock starting to swell again as I imagined her naked on her knees before him, sucking on his cock, loving every minute of it, happy to be pleasing him.? I couldn?t resist it, I pulled my cock out of my trousers and began to pump it vigorously.? It responded at once and soon it was stiff and throbbing in my hand.? As I listened at the door to the contented noises Sam made as Julie sucked his cock I felt another orgasm start.? I looked around urgently for a cloth of some sort, but there was none.? Having no alternative, I quickly pushed my cock back into my trousers and came in my underpants.? Then I crept upstairs and into my new bedroom.


I lay awake, listening to them talking downstairs.? I couldn?t make out what they were saying, but their voices carried through the house.? There were frequent bursts of laughter, and I imagined that I was the butt of at least some of their humour.? I felt shame flood through me again, and also once again I felt my cock twitch.? I was disgusted with myself.? How could I be any kind of man when the only time I could get an erection was when I was being humiliated by my wife and her lover?? And yet, as I pictured her once again, naked and sucking his cock until he shot his load into her welcoming mouth, I felt it begin to throb.


I was soon pumping my shaft, thinking of them together, reliving my shame as he told me the rules, then made me clear up after their sex session.? I quickly came again, shooting into my underpants once more.? A short time later I heard Sam leave and then Julie went to bed.? I slept fitfully, such dreams as I had were filled with images of Sam Barker.


I woke the following morning and made my way down for breakfast.? I was due to work a late shift that day, which meant I wouldn?t be home much before midnight.? Julie had already left, I discovered, but Melanie was still there, getting ready for school.? I remembered how she had taken my money and skipped out the previous evening.


?Where did you go last night, and what time did you get in?? I demanded.


?I told you, mind your own business.?? She snapped.


?Don?t you take that tone with me, you?re not too old for a smacked arse, remember that.?


She gave a snort of laughter, ?If you ever touch me I?ll tell Sam and he?ll punch your fucking lights out, ok?? I don?t have to take orders from you any more, and I don?t have to tell you where I?m going or when I?ll be back.?


?Melanie, listen to me..?


?No! I?ve heard enough from you, you make me sick.? It?s bad enough living in the same house as you, but now everyone knows what a useless drunk you are.? Everyone at school knows you?re not man enough to get it up, and they?ve all heard how you like to play the big man by hitting mum.? I?m glad she?s with Sam, he makes her happy, which is more than you ever could, and it stops you taking it out on her, doesn?t it?? I?m off to school.?? And she picked up her bags and walked out.


I was stunned by how quickly my life had been turned upside down.? Just a couple of days ago I had my own private shame, but thought it was just that ? private.? Now I knew that everyone around me knew I couldn?t be a husband to Julie.? I knew it was common knowledge that Sam Barker was screwing my wife, and I was being dictated to by him, being forced to put up with the humiliation, all alternatives taken away from me.


But far worse was the realisation that I had been turned on by the whole episode.? Before yesterday I hadn?t been able to get an erection for months and months.? But yesterday I had brought myself off twice listening to the two of them together and a third time imagining what they were doing.?


I remembered the rules Sam had given me, and made my way to Julie?s room to put clean sheets on the bed.? Once again she had simply stepped out of her clothes and left them on the floor for me to clear up.? This time it was her pyjamas and her knickers.? I picked them up and sniffed them, detecting the scent of her pussy once again.


Having made the house tidy, I went to work.? As the shift wore on I became more and more preoccupied with what Julie would be doing.? Was she home yet?? Was he there?? What were they doing?? I looked around me at my work mates.? How many of them knew, I wondered?? I felt a stab of shame at the thought that perhaps all of them knew of my failings.? Knew that Sam was having sex with my wife.


I wondered which would be worse, if they knew but thought I didn?t, making me an unknowing fool, or if they realised I knew what was going on but wasn?t man enough to prevent it.? I imagined them all knowing, imagined them sneering and laughing behind my back.? I looked at the men, knowing the sort of things they?d say if they knew and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.? And then I felt my cock start to rise again.


I quickly took myself off to the toilets.? As I left there was a shout of laughter and I felt sure it was at my expense.? My cock stiffened in my trousers as I imagined them all laughing at me.? I made it to the toilet and locked the cubicle door behind me.? I freed my straining cock and began to stroke it.? In moments I was hard and throbbing.? I thought of what Julie might be doing, and what Sam might be doing to her.? Then I thought of them telling everyone.? Of Sam standing in the pub and telling his audience how my wife gave a good blowjob, how she was the best shag he?d had in a long time.? And then I imagined him telling them about how he made me move out of our marital bed so that it was available for him. I could almost hear their laughter ringing in my ears.? Once again I came, copiously, at the thought of being shamed.? I went back to work with my head low.


From then on a routine began to develop.? I would clean and tidy the house, always making sure there were clean sheets on the bed.? I would wash and iron Julie?s clothes, and whenever Sam came to the house I would pour him a scotch and retire to my room, where I?d masturbate to the images in my head of what they were doing.? On many occasions when he came, Melanie was also in the house. She would watch me with a mocking smile on her face as I prepared Sam?s drink and then left the room.? On these occasions I felt my shame intensify, but this only served to magnify the pleasure I felt when I was alone.


One morning I went into Julie?s room and began to pick up her clothes from the night before.? As I picked up her discarded knickers I could clearly see a come stain in them. I held them up and scrutinised them carefully, but there was no doubt.? They were clearly stained by his jism.? I felt a strange thrill run through me, and then I appalled myself by running my tongue over the stain.


Over and over I licked the stain in her knickers, feeling my cock growing rapidly.? I rubbed my cock through my trousers as I tasted his semen and drew her scent into my nostrils.? I came very quickly, shooting into my underpants with a shudder.? After that I made a point of looking out for the stains in her knickers. Whenever I found one I would go to my room and lick it lovingly until I climaxed.


Over time Sam started to stay over instead of leaving each evening.? When he stayed I was made to go to my room and stay there, not allowed out even to go to the toilet.? Each morning after he and Julie left I would go to their room and change the sheets, collecting any clothes which needed washing at the same time.? One morning I found a pair of his boxer shorts, which he?d left behind.? I couldn?t resist it, I had to have a good look at them, inspecting them carefully.? I quickly noticed a small stain on them, obviously caused by his pre cum.? I licked away happily at this, his smell filling my nostrils completely.


I began to look forward to him staying the night so that I could have time with his discarded boxers the following morning.? I would lie on my bed with his shorts over my face, drawing in his aroma and masturbating frantically.


I still crept out of my room when he stayed and listened to their activities from outside their bedroom door.? Usually I would have my cock out and I?d stroke it happily until I felt myself start to come.? As I approached the point of no return I would slip my cock back into my underpants and savour the feelings as I spurted over myself.


I no longer wondered if people knew.? There were so many snide remarks, and so many occasions when there was laughter as soon as I left a room that I was convinced that everyone knew what a spineless fool I was.?


After a few weeks Sam announced that he was taking Julie and Melanie on holiday to Spain for two weeks.? Naturally, I wasn?t invited.? With them out of the way I found that I could no longer get an erection.? Whenever I tried I was back to my old flaccid self.? Not even the thought of Julie and Sam could arouse me.? It seemed that without the stimuli of hearing them together or the evidence of their activities in their discarded underwear I was again incapable of being a man.


By the time they came back from Spain I was desperate for some relief, and so it was with growing excitement that I waited in my room, waiting for them to go to bed.? After an interminable wait I finally heard them climbing the stairs.? I listened as they went into the bedroom, and then they started.? She was giggling again, enjoying herself.? I heard her say, ?Do you like my tan lines then??? Only for him to reply, ?I like the white bits, if that?s what you mean!?? Then they both laughed again.


I crept out of my room and stood at their bedroom door, listening in fascination, my cock jutting proudly out of my trousers.? I was straining to hear what they were saying.? Julie was asking, ?Did you really not mind that I went topless??


?Not at all.? It was fun watching all those lecherous bastards looking at you and knowing that you were all mine.? I wouldn?t have minded if you?d taken it all off, to be honest!??? She gasped with shock and laughter at that.


I was fantastically randy!? The thought of him parading my topless wife around, showing her off to other men, the suggesting the go completely naked had me about ready to explode with pleasure!? I was getting ready to bring myself off when I heard Melanie shriek behind me, ?You dirty bastard!? Mum! Sam! Come and see what the bastard?s doing now.?


I quickly pushed my cock away, and tried to get back to my room but the bedroom door opened before I could get there.? Sam stood there, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, an angry look on his face.


?Sam you?ll never guess, I came out to go to the toilet and there he was listening at your door, and he had his cock out too!? Giving it lots he was, playing with himself as he listened to what you and mum were doing.?? She looked at me with utter contempt, ?Dirty, pathetic bastard!?


I started to stammer a denial but Sam cut me off with a wave of his hand.? ?Are you sure, love?? I know he?s pathetic, but I didn?t think he was that bad, besides, he can?t get a hard-on, didn?t you know??


?Well he had one just now, I saw it, and he was wanking himself off outside your door.?


He looked at me.? ?Is this right??? I started to stammer a denial again but he interrupted, saying, ?Get in here, you little shit!?


I followed him into the room in time to see Julie fastening her bathrobe.? Melanie came too, wearing just a thin cotton nightdress and sat on the bed.? Julie sat next to her.? As I stood before the three of them I was impressed by Sam?s physique.? He had broad, muscular shoulders, now deeply tanned, in fact his entire upper body was lean and muscular.?


?So you?ve started getting your jollies from listening to me and Julie, have you? Jesus!? How low can one man go?? You?re a fucking joke, you are.?? I hung my head in shame.


?How come you can get a hard on listening to me and Sam, but you couldn?t when we were together??? Julie demanded, ?I knew there was something wrong with you, you?re just pathetic, you always were.?? I looked up to see Sam and Melanie grinning at me. ?She paused for a moment, then said, ?Well then, let?s have a look at it.? Come on, get it out, it?s been such a long time since I saw you with a stiffy, I want to have a look at it, for old time?s sake.?


The others laughed out loud.? I felt a thrill of shame and fear course through me.? She couldn?t mean it, could she?? She wouldn?t humiliate me in this way, surely? Not in front of Melanie?? I considered trying to run from the room, knew I wouldn?t make it, and would probably get a beating from Sam for my trouble.


?Look, please, you?ve had your fun. Just let me go now.?? I begged.


?The fun?s only just beginning, I assure you.? You?ve been getting off on listening to us together, haven?t you??


The room was incredibly silent.? I nodded, briefly.? Melanie giggled, Sam said ?Jesus!?


?How long has this been going on??


?I don?t know.? A long time, I suppose.?


?You pathetic little shit!? To think you once beat me up because I?d hurt your precious pride, and now you?re standing outside my room wanking yourself off as I make love to a real man.? Well, come on then, let?s see the evidence, get it out.?


?No, Julie, please.? There?s no need for that, please just let me go.?


?Sam, make him get it out.?? She demanded.? He moved towards me menacingly.


?No! No please.? Not in front of Melanie, please, no!?


?I think it?s time she saw what kind of a man her father really is.? Do you want to stay, Mel??


?Oh sure thing!? I want to see the bastard taught a lesson.?


?So get it out, before I make you!?? Sam urged, ?Come on, don?t keep the ladies waiting, we haven?t got all night you know!?


I could hear my heart beating rapidly.? My mouth had gone very dry and there was a lump in my throat, making it impossible to swallow.? I knew there was no escape. Knew I was about to endure more humiliation than I thought possible.


As they watched in amused silence, I slowly opened the button on my trousers and reached for the zip.? My fingers were shaking so much they were almost numb, but I finally found the tab and began to draw it down. Once it was fully lowered I put my hands on my waistband and took a deep breath. In one movement I pushed my trousers and my underpants down to mid thigh, then let my hands fall to my sides.? I hung my head in shame as my wife, her lover and my fifteen-year-old daughter witnessed my humiliation. I could see my cock twitching as it began to swell.


?Shit! You call that a cock?? You poor bastard!?? Sam laughed.


?I told you he only had a little one, didn?t I??? Julie giggled.


?You were right though, Mel, he was getting off out there.?


?Told you so.? Look at him now, though.? Totally pathetic!?? Julie and Sam both laughed heartily at my daughter?s remarks.? I simply stood there, my half-erect cock on display for their amusement.


?I think you should make him stay like that to teach him a lesson.? Melanie said, ?Or better still, make him strip off completely.?


?That?s a good idea, love!?? Julie said enthusiastically, ?You heard her then, bastard, get your things off!?


I couldn?t believe this was happening to me.? I could hear my heart pounding as I pushed my trousers and underpants down to my ankles and stepped out of them, then pulled my T-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor.? I stood there, stark naked, awaiting the next humiliation.? It wasn?t long coming.


?Jesus Christ Julie!? What on earth did you ever see in that?? Look at him!? Puny little shit with a beer belly and no cock. Fuck!? I can?t believe you stayed with that for so long.?? I heard Melanie giggle.


?Well, I didn?t know what a real man should be like, did I? Not until I met you, that is.?? She grinned at him.


?What are you going to do with him, Sam??? Melanie asked eagerly, clearly enjoying herself.


?I?ve got a few ideas, but for now I think you should be off to bed.?? She started to protest, ?Come on now.?? She pouted at him, slowly climbing off the bed.? As she walked past him he gave her a playful slap on the bottom and she squealed in mock alarm, grinning at him.? She walked over to me and stood in front of me.? She looked me up and down, her eyes coming to rest on my cock, then slowly reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft. She lifted my cock, examining it as if it were an item in a shop, then giggled and said, ?Fucking pathetic!?? The others laughed, then she calmly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.


?So you get off on listening to me and Julie together, do you?? Sam said casually.? He reached out to Julie and took her by the hand.? She stood and moved to stand in front of him. She too looked me up and down, a look of contempt on her face.? He snickered, ?I can just imagine you standing out there, your tiny little cock in your hand, wanking away listening to me giving Julie a good seeing to.? I bet you?d like to watch too, wouldn?t you??


?Sam??? Julie asked, a note of concern in her voice.


?Don?t worry love, it?s just the little shit here.? Nothing to worry about.?? He turned back to me, ?Tell me then, would you like to watch me and Julie then?? I was too stunned to reply.? He laughed again.


?I bet you would.? I bet you?d love to watch me take her, wouldn?t you??? He taunted.? As he spoke his hand shifted up from her waist and began to caress her breast.? I felt a thrill shoot through me.? His hand casually cupped her breast, then slipped inside her robe.? I could see it stroking her bare breast.? She gasped with pleasure at his touch.? I felt my cock twitch.


?Shit!? Look at him!? He?s getting hard watching me play with your tits!?? He said, a smile on his face.


?Oh God, he is too!?? Julie groaned, ?Oh you pathetic little shit!?


He moved his other hand up and began to cup and stroke both of her breasts.? He took hold of her robe and slowly pulled it open, exposing her breasts to me, then he began to fondle and squeeze them.? ?You like watching this?? You like watching while I give her tits a good feel? That?s all you can do now though, isn?t it? Just watch.? You know you?re not allowed to touch them any more, don?t you?? Strictly out of bounds to you now, aren?t they??? He sniggered.? Julie laughed too.


?I see your cock, if you can call it that, is getting stiff.? Why don?t you have a play with it then? That?s what you were doing when your daughter caught you, wasn?t it?? Go on then, give it a play.?? Julie giggled again.? I looked up at Sam, he was serious.? As I watched him playing with her tits I slowly moved my hand and began to stroke my cock.? It responded at once, throbbing beneath my touch.


Sam reached for the belt of Julie?s robe, slowly loosening it.? Finally it fell to the floor, her robe falling open. He slipped it off her shoulders, let it fall to her feet, and then she was completely naked before me.? I saw her shudder and close her eyes as he began to stroke her belly, his hands snaking down towards her neatly trimmed blonde bush.? As his fingers began to stroke the golden hairs covering her sex she leant back against him and sighed contentedly.


She opened her legs slightly and his hand immediately slipped between her thighs, stroking her pussy.? She pushed her hips forward, opening her legs still further, then gasped as his fingers probed deeper.


?Do you remember doing this??? He taunted, ?Remember how her pussy feels? All nice and warm and wet!? She loves having her pussy stroked, don?t you Julie??


?Mmmm, oh yes!?? She had begun to rock her hips back and forth, rubbing his fingers into her slit.


?That?s not all she loves, though, you know?? She loves the feel of a cock.? Did you know that?? She just loves to feel some hot meat, don?t you Julie??


She shuddered, gasping and moaning, writhing around as his hand teased and tormented her.? I saw her reach behind her, reaching for his crotch.? He laughed as she started to stroke his cock.? ?That?s it girl, you give that meat a good feel, enjoy yourself.? She loves the taste of it too!? She likes nothing better than to give my cock a suck.? She loves it when I come in her mouth, don?t you girl??


?Oh God yes!? Oh Sam! Oh Jesus Christ!?


?You want to see her suck my cock, wanker?? You want to watch while I shoot my load into her pretty mouth and she swallows every last drop??


I shuddered, still stroking my cock.?? Julie?s eyes had opened wide with shock and amazement, her hand frozen.


?Why don?t you show him what he?s missing then Julie?? Come and say ?hello?!?


?Sam, I can?t do that! Not in front of him!?


?Sure you can!? The sad little shit gets off on listening to us do it, let?s pretend it?s his birthday, give him something to remember!?


She flushed a delicious shade of pink and began to laugh loudly.? He grinned at her, then stood back from her.? She turned her back to me, giving me a perfect view of her shapely arse, then knelt down between his thighs.? She reached up and took hold of his boxer shorts, then began to pull them down.? He looked up at me and grinned.?


His dark brown pubes came into view, and then she dragged his boxers down to expose his cock.? I let out an involuntary gasp.? My own five inches looked totally inadequate in comparison. His cock was twice the length of mine and much, much thicker.? Julie reached up and wrapped her hand around it, slowly pumping it up and down.? As the foreskin rolled back its? large, purple head was exposed.


She leaned forward and began to kiss the head and shaft, then began to lick along its? length.? After a few moments she opened her lips and guided it into her mouth.? She began to suck on it hungrily, stroking it into her mouth, bobbing her head back and forward on it, moaning in contentment.


?You see?? She just loves sucking my cock.? Can?t get enough of it!?


I was overwhelmed by the sight of my pretty wife on her knees sucking his monster cock.? I felt my orgasm start, heard myself say ?Oh God!? as I fell to my knees.? Julie turned and watched me as I started to climax. I reached for my underpants and began to shoot my jism onto them.? They both began to giggle as they watched me.? I closed my eyes trying to blot out the shame and humiliation I felt.? As I recovered from my orgasm I looked up to see them both still watching me.? I stood up and began to pick up my clothing, desperate to get out of there.


?Enjoy that, did you??? He asked, a smile on his face.


?I can?t believe how pathetic you are.?? Julie said, a mocking smile on her face, ?Christ! To think I used to love you!?


I turned to leave, but Sam had one more insult for me.? ?You can?t walk around the house with no clothes on, someone might see you!? Get dressed before you go.?


He laughed openly at me as I pulled my come-stained underpants on and shuddered as I felt the wetness against my skin.? Finally I was allowed to leave, returning to my room where I lay in the darkness listening as they screwed in the next room.? I could clearly hear as he drove her nearer and nearer to orgasm until she finally climaxed, calling his name again and again.


The following morning the house was empty when I got up.? I cleaned Julie?s room, then went to work, still burning with shame after the previous evening.? When I got home after work they were all sitting in the living room.? Melanie grinned slyly at me as I went in, Julie ignored me completely, Sam turned to me and said, ?Go and get me a drink.?? I poured his drink without comment and handed it to him.?


?Had any good wanks lately??? He chuckled as he took the glass.? Julie and Melanie giggled.? I felt my face flush.? ?Well, did you wank off at work today then??? He demanded.


?No.? I said through gritted teeth.


?No, I suppose you wouldn?t, seeing as how you weren?t able to listen in to me and Julie!?? More giggles.


?I tell you what, you can stand outside the bedroom door and listen tonight, as a special privilege.? Would you like that??? I didn?t answer.? ?I asked you a question, you wanker.? Would you like it if I let you stand outside our bedroom door and listen tonight??


I hung my head in shame.? I nodded, briefly, and he sniggered at me, ?What a sad case.?? He laughed, ?The only way he can get a hard on is by listening to us do it!? Pathetic!? You?re not a man, you?re not even close!?


?I think you should make him get his dick out again.? Melanie laughed, ?So we can see if he?s got a hard-on!?


?Good idea.?? He laughed, ?Get your things off.?? He ordered.? When I didn?t immediately obey he snarled at me, ?If I have to tell you again I?ll beat it into you.?


I took off my shoes and socks, then pulled my T-shirt over my head.? I hesitated for a moment and he looked up sharply, menacingly.


?OK, ok, I?m doing it.?? I said hurriedly and began to open my trousers.? I glanced across at Melanie who was grinning broadly, enjoying her newfound power over me.? I drew in a deep, ragged breath, then pushed my trousers down to my knees and dragged them off.? Then I stood before them all, naked once more.?


?No stiffy tonight then??? Julie asked, mockingly, ?Is that it for the year now then is it??? Sam and Melanie laughed with delight.? ?Take a good look Mel. This pathetic item is your father.? Make sure you get a proper man, not second best.?


?You needn?t worry Mum, I know the difference now.? Hey look, he?s getting a hard on!?? She screeched excitedly.? She was right, of course.? The instant hit of shame and abuse had reached my cock, which was starting to swell.


?My God!? Would you believe it??? Julie said, then laughed again.? ?You really like all this treatment, don?t you? You actually like being shamed in front of us like this don?t you??




?Liar!? Spat Melanie.? ?You love it.? Look at you, getting all stiff right here in front of us all.? She walked briskly over to me and grabbed my cock, squeezing it tightly. ?If you don?t like it, what?s this all about then?? And she shook my cock, making me shudder.? Sam and Julie roared with laughter, then Melanie slapped my cock several times before walking away.


When Sam had stopped laughing he said, ?I think it?s about time you owned up.? You do get off on this treatment, don?t you??


?I, er, look, just leave me alone.?? I stammered.


?Tell me the truth, or do I have to beat it out of you??


Before I could gather my thoughts I blurted out,? ?I don?t know why I?m like this, but yes, I do get turned on by all of this.? I can?t explain it.? Part of me hates it, part of me wants it.? I don?t understand.? I had said far more than I intended.? The three of them looked at me for a moment, and then began laughing again.


?You?d better tell us all about it then.? Come on, tell us everything.?


I stood in the middle of the room, naked, and told them all about how I had got turned on listening to Sam and Julie that first time.? I told how I had become aroused at the smell of their sex in the bedroom, the sounds of them together, the images in my mind. ?Without stopping I told them about licking the stains from Julie?s knickers and smelling his boxer shorts while I masturbated.? Then finally, I told them how I had been unable to get an erection for the whole of the time they were away.


By the time I finished speaking I was flushed with shame and my cock was stiff and throbbing.? I felt so humiliated I was unable to look any of them in the face.? It was my daughter, Melanie, who broke the silence.


?Wait ?till they hear about this at school!?? She laughed, ?They knew you were a limp dick before, but wait ?till I tell them about this!? Fuck!? They?ll laugh their heads off!?


?Wait, Melanie, please ??? I began.


?Don?t even bother to ask me.?? She drawled, ?I wouldn?t do anything for you.? Not now.? Not now I know what a freak you are.? Why don?t you ask Sam if you can have a sniff of his cock?? It?s the closest you?ll get to a real one!?


?Melanie, please ??


?What are you going to do with him, Sam?? Are you going to throw him out??


?No, I think we?ll keep him here.? He laughed, ?He can do all the little jobs around the house, and maybe we can invite some friends in to have a bit of fun with him, what do you think love??


?I think he?s a laughing stock, and we should have some fun with him.? Julie said, evenly, ?Staring now.? Go and fetch me a drink, and get a refill for Sam while you?re about it.?


I went and poured the drinks, handing them to Sam and Julie, then waiting for my next order.


?I want one too.?? Melanie demanded.


?You heard her.?? Julie said.? I poured her drink and carried it over to her.? I held it out to her but she didn?t take it, instead she reached out and squeezed my cock again, then giggled before finally accepting her drink.


?Right then, listen up. Here?s the new rule.? You do whatever you?re told to do by any of us, got that?? It doesn?t matter what it is, you do it, because if you don?t Sam will take it out of your face, and I?ll throw you out of the house, ok??


I nodded.? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Melanie sit up sharply as the rule was spelled out to me.? I now had to take orders from my fifteen-year-old daughter, and I knew she was going to enjoy herself.


?Did you make the bed today??? She snapped.




?Good.? Well you stay down here while Sam and me go and have a tumble.? Melanie, you?re in charge.?? Julie took Sam by the hand and led him to the stairs.? I turned to face Melanie, fearing the worst.


?Show me how you play with yourself.?? She ordered.? I hesitated briefly and she immediately snapped, ?I can always get Sam to make you, bastard!?


I felt bright, hot colour flood to my face as I took hold of my cock and started to pump it rhythmically.? She watched intently, a satisfied smile on her face.? ?God you really are a dirty bastard, aren?t you? Don?t stop!? You?re not allowed to stop until I say so.? Tell me what you?re thinking about right now.?


?I?m imagining what they?re doing upstairs. I can picture it in my mind, it?s like I can see them together.?


?And you like that??


?Yes.?? I said, my voice barely a whisper.


?How do you manage to toss yourself off and not shoot your stuff all over the place??


?Look, Melanie ??


?Tell me.?


?I shoot it into my underpants.?? I said, feeling waves of shame wash over me.


?Eugh! That is gross!? And then you carry on wearing them??


?Sometimes I have no choice.?


?Double gross!? She laughed at me for a time, watching thoughtfully as I carried on stroking my cock.? Then she said, ?Do that now.?


?Do what??


?Toss yourself off into your underpants.? I want to watch you do that and then put them on again.?


I felt myself sinking to a new low as I slowly picked up my underpants and began to stroke my cock faster and faster.? She watched intently, fascinated.? I wallowed in the shame and humiliation of being made to masturbate for the amusement of my own daughter.? I felt my climax begin, brought my underpants up to my cock and started to shoot into them.? Melanie giggled and clapped her hands in delight like a little girl.? When I had finished she made me hold them out so that she could see the stains made. Then she shrugged and said, OK, put them on again then.?


I pulled them on as she watched.? When they were in place she made me rub the part I had come on until the stain was visible on the pale blue cotton.


?I want you to wear those for the next week, ok?? You?re not allowed to change them, and I want you to toss yourself off into them at least once a day, got that??




?You?ve got to sleep in them too.? I want you to tell me where and when you toss off, and what you think of while you?re doing it, clear??


?Yes.?? I couldn?t believe the abuse my daughter was throwing at me.? I wondered where she got the ideas from.


?Oh, and one last thing, from now on you?ll clear my room every day like you do to Mum?s, ok??




?OK then bastard!? Get your dick out again, I want to have another look at it.?


I peeled down my underpants, pushing them down to mid thigh, and stood there for her inspection.?? She giggled as she studied me.? ?Fuck! I never thought I?d be able to get my own back on you.? Do you realise what a boring, drunken shit you?ve been for these past two years?? No, I don?t suppose you do.?? She began to flick the tip of my cock, making me wince with every contact.? ?I fucking hate you, do you understand?? You?ve made Mum?s life a misery these past two years, mine too.?? And now I?m going to make yours one. I ? fucking ? hate ? you!?? She flicked at my sensitive glans with each word.


She made me stand before her with my underpants half way down my thighs for another ten minutes or so, taunting me.? What do you think Mum and Sam are doing now?? Do you think he?s shagging her, or is she sucking him off?? What do you think??


?I don?t know.?


?But you do like thinking about it, don?t you??




Finally I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.? ?OK bastard, you can put it away now.?? She sneered.? I pulled my underpants back up gratefully just as Julie and Sam came back into the room.


?Well now, have you two being having a good time??? Julie asked, mockingly.? Before I could say anything, Melanie blurted out, ?He tossed himself off and shot his load in his knickers, look!?


They both inspected the stains on my underwear, Julie shook her head.? ?How could you do that, in front of your own daughter?? Christ! She?s just a child.?? I was completely lost for words.


?I told him that he has to wear them now for the next week, and he has to some in them at least once a day. That ought to teach him not to be such a dirty bastard, shouldn?t it??? Julie and Sam laughed heartily at that, then told me to go to bed.? I was dismissed like a small boy.? I made my way to my room with a heavy heart, unable to comprehend why I was allowing myself to be treated in such a way.


I lay in bed for hour after hour, going over the events of the last few days, becoming more and more aroused, my cock throbbing incessantly.? I heard someone coming up the stairs and waited nervously.? Finally the door opened and the light was switched on.? It was Melanie.?


?Get out of bed, I want to check you?re doing as you were told.?? I immediately got out of bed and stood there, my hands trying to cover the bulge caused by my straining cock.?


?Well what to we have here??? She giggled, pulling my hands away and grinning at my obvious erection.? ?Drop ?em!?? She ordered.? I pushed my underpants down and let my hands hang by my sides.? Once again she reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft, squeezing it.? I felt it twitch in response, she felt it too and laughed again.? ?Dirty old bastard!?? She muttered.? Then I heard footsteps behind her.? Julie?s face appeared at the door.


?Mel, what are you doing in here??


?Look Mum, he?s at it again!? I came in here and he?s got a tent pole in his pants! Look at it!?? She wiggled my cock around, laughing.


?You are just so pathetic, aren?t you??? Julie sneered, shaking her head.


?Hey Mum, you want to see him jacking off?? Melanie said excitedly, ?It?s really, really funny. Watch!? She turned back to me.? ?OK, bastard, toss yourself off into your knickers again, and make it quick this time!?


To my eternal shame I did just that.? I stroked my cock, pumping it furiously until I finally came, shooting my load into my underpants once again as the two of them watched and mocked me.??


Over the next few days Melanie became my chief torturer.? When I came home from work she would immediately question me on my day.? Had I masturbated that day, if so, where?? What had I been thinking of as I did it?? She would make me show her my soiled underpants, proving to her that I was obeying her instructions not to change them and to come in them at least once a day.? In fact she made sure I did, coming into my room whenever she wanted some amusement and ordering me to masturbate as she watched, grinning with satisfaction as I ejaculated into my underwear.


Julie and Sam thought her treatment of me highly amusing.? When she brought me down to the living room one evening and ordered me to masturbate for their amusement they watched and laughed at me.? Sam even offered to ?help me out a bit? by stroking Julie?s breasts as I stood before them.?


And then Melanie invented a new torment for me.? She waited until Sam had gone for a shower one evening, then ordered me to go to him and beg for his used boxer shorts.? I knocked timidly on the bedroom door, waited for permission to enter.? He looked at me with a mixture of contempt and mild amusement.


?What do you want??? He asked.


?Can I have your boxer shorts??? I asked, pathetically.? He laughed loudly, then nodded, before turning and going into the bathroom.? I went back to the living room and Melanie, as instructed.? There she made me lick the stains in his boxer shorts, smiling at me as I did so.? After a few minutes she told me to put them down, then stood up and put her hand up her school skirt.? I could see her hand rubbing between her legs, and then she pulled down her black cotton knickers.


?Here.?? She said, ?Lick these.?? Then she sat back contentedly and watched me lick the gusset of her underwear.? I could smell her young pussy on the gusset, then I could taste her teenage juices. Finally, she made me lower my underpants and masturbate for her amusement.


?Did you like licking Sam?s boxers??? She demanded.? I nodded, dumbly.? She giggled.


?And what about my knickers? Did you like licking them too??


?I don?t know.?


?But you used to lick Mum?s knickers, didn?t you? Ah, yes, that was when they had some of Sam?s come in them, wasn?t it? Are you queer, do you think?? Have you ever sucked a guy off??




?Would you like to??? She asked, conspiratorially.




?But you like to lick come stains out of women?s knickers?? Weird!? Would you like licking my knickers more if they had come stains in them?? Maybe I could get Sam to fuck me and then you could lick his come out of my knickers too? How about that??? I shook my head vehemently.? It was bad enough for that bastard to be screwing my wife, I couldn?t contemplate him taking my little girl to bed, even if she was my chief tormentor.? She giggled again at my discomfort.? After some time she seemed to tire of tormenting me.? ?OK, wank pants, time for you to do your stuff!?? She announced.? I knew what she meant, of course, and pumped my cock until I started to come.? Then I put my cock back in my underpants as she watched and grinned, feeling my hot jism shooting into my underwear.? As usual I then had to rub it into my underpants until the stains were visible on the outside.? Then I was dismissed with a wave of her hand.


Melanie proved herself to be extremely creative when inventing new ways to shame me.? Not satisfied with making me strip and masturbate whenever she ordered me to, she continued to make me orgasm into my underpants and refused to let me change them.? On one occasion she made me wear the same pair for almost two weeks, making me shoot into them sometimes three times a day.? Finally, one evening she made me strip naked and stand in a corner with my soiled underpants over my face.? All three of them laughed at my shame before I was made to bring myself off once more.? Then she made me lick the fresh come stains from my own underpants before sending me to bed.


After a while Sam and Julie seemed to have lost interest in me, frequently ignoring me completely.? Melanie continued to enjoy herself.? I had to ask her permission to use the toilet, and had to do you using the most childish, humiliating language. (?Please Melanie, may I go for a wee-wee??? or ?Melanie, can I please go to the toilet and have a poo-poo??)? She would laugh with delight when I did this, sometimes making me stand and wait for up to an hour before she let me relieve myself, and often standing and watching as I did so.


Then I was ordered to masturbate in front of her every evening at eight o?clock. Before I started I would have to ask her permission, and submit to questions and taunting before she agreed.? (?Oh, are you horny, wank pants? What are you going to imagine?? Do you still like to lick the come stains out of Mum?s knickers?? Do you still like to lick the skid marks out of Sam?s boxers??)? I would have to answer all her questions and more besides, until I was given permission to masturbate. When I climaxed I had to ejaculate into my underpants and show her the stains afterwards.


One summer afternoon I came home to find Melanie at home on her own.? ?Mum and Sam have gone out for the night, they won?t be back until tomorrow.? I thought we could have some fun while they?re away, what do you think, wank pants??? I felt that curious mixture of dread and excitement at her words.? When I didn?t respond she sniggered slyly, ?What?s the matter are you shy?? I have some great ideas for some fun, you wait and see.? Go to your room now, I?ll call you when I?m ready.?


I went up to my room and sat in silence, wondering what she had in store for me. ?After about half an hour she called up to me, ?You can come down now, the fun?s about to start.?? I took a deep breath and slowly made my way down to the living room.? I opened the door and almost turned and ran.? Sitting with Melanie were four other teenage girls, all looking at me expectantly.


?Melanie, no!?? I said at once.


?Do as you?re fucking told!? Now get in here.?? The others giggled.? I walked forward reluctantly.


?This is my dad.? He?s a wanker!? Another ripple of laughter. ?No, he is, really. He wanks off into his pants, don?t you??? She turned to me.? I looked away.? ?And he likes to keep on wearing them even after he?s wanked into them.? He keeps them on for days.?


There were groans and mutterings of ?Gross!? ?Yeuch!? ?Dirty bastard!?? ?You?re kidding, Mel??


?I?ll prove it to you.? Get your things off, but keep your pants on.?


?Melanie, please.?


?Do it!? She snapped.? With a heavy sigh I took off my T-shirt and opened my trousers.? There were giggles from the assembled girls as I lowered them, revealing my grey underpants.? I stood in front of them, feeling shame washing over me.?


?See the stains on the front of his pants? They?re come stains, they are, from where he?s been tossing himself off.? That?s right, isn?t it, wank pants??? There was another burst of laughter.


?What did you call him?? One girl said, aghast.


?Wank pants. That?s my name for him.? You don?t think I?d call this pathetic little shit ?dad? do you?? No fucking chance!? Hey, wank pants, come and show the girls the come stains on your pants. Come on, don?t be shy!?? More giggles.? I walked slowly over to the group and stood before them.?


?Oh my God, you?re right!? Oh, that?s disgusting!?


?Oh gross! Oh what a horrible little man!?


?Shit! He?s fucking revolting.? Jesus Mel, how do you live with that??


?Easy, I have my fun with him!? Who wants to see him wank off??


?What?? They chorused.


?Yeah!? If I tell him to, he?ll wank off right now and shoot into his pants.? Want to see??


There was another burst of shocked laughter from them, and then a series of agreements, ?Yeah, ok.? ?Go on then.?? ?Will he really do it??


?Get on with it then, wank pants!?? Melanie ordered.? I couldn?t believe this was happening to me.? There seemed to be no limit to the torment my own daughter would inflict on me.? ?If you don?t I?ll tell Sam, and you know what that means, don?t you??? She threatened.


Feeling sick to my stomach I slowly started to lower my underpants before the watching audience of fifteen-year-old girls.?? As I exposed myself there was a chorus of giggles and sniggers.? Then as I took hold of my cock and started to pump it there were gasps of amazement.


?Holy shit!? He?s doing it!? God!? Look at that.?


?He?s not very big, is he?? I?ve seen my brother?s, and it?s bigger than that and he?s only thirteen!?? They all laughed at that.? I felt my face flush again.


?I want to see Sam?s.?? Melanie announced.? ?I?ve seen the shape of it through his boxers and it looked good!? He must be good with it, too because you should hear the noise my Mum makes when he gives it to her.?? More giggles.? I couldn?t believe what I was hearing from her.


?I saw my step-dad?s.? It was much bigger than that, and it was all hairy!? I tell you, I got so wet thinking about that I had to change my knicks!??? They were all laughing now.? Laughing at me, comparing me with others they had seen, comparing me unfavourably.


?You should have brought your knickers over, he likes licking damp knickers, don?t you?? Oh sorry, I forgot, he likes to lick them only if they?ve got come stains in them!?


?Euch!. ?Oh that is too gross for words!?? ?Nasty!?


?Hey, when?s he going to come? I?m getting bored just watching him wanking.? Make him shoot then.?


?You heard, wank pants.? Let?s see some action, come on then.?? I pumped harder and faster, concentrating on my cock and trying to ignore my audience.? Finally, I felt my orgasm start.? With a shudder and a groan I started to shoot, covering my glans with my underpants.? When I had finished I was made to rub it all in before the giggling girls, then sent to my room again.


Throughout the evening I was called down to amuse them on many occasions.? I had to strip completely and sit there with my soiled underpants over my face on one occasion.? On another Melanie had found a pair of Sam?s dirty boxers and I was made to lick them clean.? They all took their opportunity to stroke and squeeze my cock, frequently until it was stiff and throbbing, and then I was made to stand there while they laughed at me.? Finally, I was summoned to them and was presented with five pairs of knickers.? Melanie said, ?One from each of us.? Lick them clean then!?


They all watched as I licked the gussets of their knickers, pumping my cock as I did so. Then, as I handed back the last pair I was told to bring myself off again.? I did so to more laughs and cheers from the girls, and then Melanie said I was done for the night, and could go to bed.? I fell into bed exhausted and dazed.


Some time later, as I lay in bed one evening I could hear a conversation going on between Sam and Julie. He was urging her to do something and she seemed unsure, needed persuading.? I didn?t doubt he?d get his was, whatever it was, and not long after I heard her giggle and say, ?OK then, I?ll give it a go.?


Within moments I heard footsteps approaching my bedroom door and Sam burst in. ?Get in here, you.?? He snapped.? I followed him into their bedroom, where Julie lay on the bed naked.? She looked at me and grinned.? ?We?ve got a special treat for you tonight!? She said.


?That?s right!? Sam said.? ?Not only are you going to be allowed to listen to us, you can watch us too.? Won?t that be nice for you??? He chuckled.? ?Only thing is, you?ve got a bit of work to do first, see?? Julie tells me you used to be pretty good at oral.? So what you?re going to do is go to work between her legs, get her nice and hot for me, understand?? I nodded.? So now I had to get Julie aroused while he watched.? I looked at Julie, whose face was flushed.? ?Get on with it then!?? He barked.


I moved over to the bed and crawled onto it between her legs. She spread her thighs obligingly and I began to plant small kisses up the insides of her thighs. I remembered that she used to particularly like that.? As I moved closer to her sweet pussy she sighed happily.? I planted kissed along the line of her slit, just touching her lips, and she groaned softly.? After several minutes I gently inserted the tip of my tongue between her lips and felt her body stiffen in expectation.? I moved my tongue slowly until I found her clit, then gently pressed my tongue against it until I felt the hood move back, exposing the super-sensitive button.


I hadn?t realised that she had been holding her breath, but she suddenly expelled it with a huge sigh, then thrust her hips up to meet my tongue.? She started to push against my tongue as I teased and sucked her clit.? I ran the surface of my tongue across her most sensitive spot and she whimpered.? I ran my tongue the entire length of her slit, forcing it into her hot pussy. She grunted, then grabbed hold of my hair, pushing my face into her slit.?


As she writhed around, gasping and moaning, she pushed my face harder and harder into her.? I could feel she was close. I knew when she came it would be a good one.? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back and away from her.? ?My turn, old son!?? Sam said with a grin, his large cock already fully erect.? He threw me aside, then climbed between her legs, positioning his cock at the entrance to her pussy.? Then he drove in up to the hilt with one single stroke.? She gasped, her eyes opening in shock, and then came.?


She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him into her.? Her hands were around his neck. She began to gasp his name and then her entire body shook and she let out a long, piercing shriek.?? Her climax seemed to go on and on, she was lost in ecstasy, clawing at him, thrusting her hips up to drive his cock into her.? I fell back and watched as he continued to drive his fat, veiny cock into her.? I pulled my cock out and began to pump it furiously, trying to match the rhythm of his strokes.? She began to stroke his back then reached down and began to fondle his balls.? He grunted with pleasure, increasing the speed of his thrusts into her welcoming pussy.


She let out a low moan, ?Oh Sam!? Oh Jesus Christ! Oh yes!? Oh stick it into me. Oh yes! Oh harder, oh please God yes!?? She began to thrust her hips up to meet his stroke, burying his cock deep inside her.? He began to pump faster and faster, driving his cock into her.? I could hear their loins slapping together as he slammed into her. Then she cried out, ?Oh yes! Yes! Yes!? as she came again, and then he groaned and I knew he was shooting his load deep into her.? I fell to my knees and started to climax, shooting stream after stream of jism over the floor.


As we all recovered he rolled off her and lay back on the bed.? All three of us were gasping and panting.? After a few moments she sat up, a broad smile on her face.? ?You could never have satisfied me like that, you know?? Never in a million years!? You don?t have the equipment, for a start.? She laughed, glancing down at my cock.? Sam laughed too. I looked away.? ?Did you enjoy the show??? She asked, dryly.? I nodded.? Then she looked down at the floor and back up at me, her eyes narrowed.? ?Did you come all overt the floor??? She snapped.? I blushed and nodded.? ?Oh you disgusting little shit!? Clean it up, now!?


I immediately took off my underpants and began to wipe away my come from the carpet.? ?No. Not like that.? Lick it up!? She taunted.? ?Come on, you like licking Sam?s come off my knickers, you can lick some of your own up for a change.? Clean it up, now.?


Sam sat up to watch, clearly fascinated by this new amusement.? I lowered my head and began to lick gingerly at the globules of semen, which lay on the carpet.? ?Get a move on!?? She barked.? I licked away at my jism, shuddering at the salty taste and disgusted by my willingness to obey seemingly any order now.?


As I continued to lick up my own come I heard Julie say to Sam, ?You were right about him going down on me, thought.? At least he is good for something!?


?You?d like that again then, my darling??


?Oooh yes!? Provided you?re going to drive that monster of yours into me like that again!?? She giggled, he chuckled back to her, then said, ?You could always have some more fun with him now, if you wanted.?


?What, after you?ve, you know, done it to me?? Would you make him do that, with all your lovely jism in me??? She laughed.


?Sure, why not??


I glanced up to see her looking at me, her face flushed, eyes sparkling with amusement.? She giggled again, then said, ?OK, I?m game!?? and lay back on the bed.


?You! You heard all that.? Get over here and please her, or else.?


I slowly got to my feet, moving reluctantly to the bed.? She spread her legs wide, grinning at me, relishing my latest humiliation.? She pushed her hips up, exposing her pussy to me. Already I could see his come leaking from her pussy.? ?Come on then, get on with it!?? She chuckled.


I moved between her open thighs and put my face close to her pussy.? I could smell his body on her, smell his semen.? I closed my eyes and began to slowly lick at her pussy lips.? I wanted to be sick as I tasted his come, licked it from my wife?s pussy. ?I heard her gasp and moan.


?Is that good?? Sam asked.


?Oh Christ yes!? Oh just feeling him licking your come out of me has to be the sexiest thing I?ve ever known!?


?Better get used to the taste, wanker!? It looks like you?re going to be doing this a lot!?? He laughed.? I shuddered at the thought but said nothing, continued to lick at her come-filled pussy.? She began to rock her hips against my face, rubbing my face against her pussy.? ?Stick your tongue in.? She ordered.? I pushed my tongue deep into her tunnel.? She moaned again and pushed her hips higher.? Once again she grabbed hold of my hair, forcing my face into her folds, then? began to grind her pussy against my face, forcing my tongue as deep as it would go into her.? I was overwhelmed by the smell and taste of her pussy and his come.? Finally she cried out again and climaxed, her body shaking with pleasure.?


As her orgasm subsided she let go of my hair and pushed my face away from her.? She sighed and muttered, ?OK, you can fuck off now.?? I left at once, picking up my underpants and hurrying from the room.? As I closed the door behind me I saw Melanie standing there.? ?Enjoying yourself tonight??? She grinned, looking me up and down.? ?That sounded like a good one for Mum. I hope you did your best for her.?


The pattern was now set.? Whenever they wanted some light entertainment I was summoned and ordered to pleasure Julie until Sam was ready to take over.? Then afterwards, if Julie wanted more stimulation I would be ordered to go down on her again, licking his come out of her hot hole.? I would be allowed to masturbate as I pleasured Julie, provided I came in my underpants and didn?t make a mess anywhere.


One evening however things took yet another turn.? I was alone in the house when Sam came in.? When I asked where Julie and Melanie where he told me they had gone shopping and wouldn?t be back for several hours. Then he looked at me quizzically and smiled.? A few minutes later and I was called up to his room, where he lay on the bed wearing a bathrobe.


?I fancy a bit of something different.? Come over here and suck me off.?? He said, cheerfully.


?Sam, no!? I don?t do that, I mean, I?m not gay or anything.?


?Are you calling me a queer??? He snarled at once.


?No.? I?m just saying that I don?t want to do that to you.? I stammered.


?Who cares what you want to do?? Get over here and get to work, and make it a good one, ok.?


Whilst I had become aroused as I had licked his come off Julie?s knickers, and even from her pussy, I had never even considered doing that to another man.? I felt my heart thumping in my chest and he lay back and waited for me to start.? I slowly moved to the bed and knelt down on it beside him.? Then I reached for the belt of his robe and untied it with shaking fingers.? I opened his robe, feeling my mouth go dry, and looked down at his cock, which was already half-erect and twitching.


I felt dizzy with shame and humiliation.? I slowly leaned forward and took hold of his cock between thumb and forefinger.? It felt hot to my touch and twitched as I took hold of it. I lowered my head, fighting the urge to run away or be sick.? As the tip of his cock neared my face I closed m y eyes in shame and opened my mouth.? Then I felt his cock pass between my lips and I closed my mouth down on his throbbing organ.


I had no clear idea of what to do, and my memories of how Julie used to suck me were distant and faded.? I began to suck rhythmically on his cock, feeling it swell in my mouth.? He grunted with satisfaction.? I pushed my head down onto his cock until it was almost at the back of my throat, then drew up, still sucking.? He sighed happily and I lowered myself again.? I felt his foreskin pull back as his shaft swelled alarmingly in my mouth.? It was like nothing I had ever experienced before.? I disliked the feeling intensely.


?Come on.?? He urged, ?Let?s get that tongue of yours working.?


I started to lick at his exposed glans, feeling the smooth skin as it slipped across my tongue.? I sucked and bobbed my head down on his stiff shaft and he sighed again, ?That?s good!? Keep it going.?


I carried on, and then on an impulse I began to stroke his balls, letting my fingertips tickle his scrotum.? He groaned with pleasure and began to thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock into my mouth.? After a couple of minutes I started to taste something on his cock and knew it was pre-come.? I wanted this to be over as soon as possible, so I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started to pump it whilst sucking and licking at his glans and stroking his balls.? Within moments he tensed and began to shoot his hot, salty jism into my mouth.? I started to rise but he put his hands on the back of my head and held me in place until he had finished coming.? I wanted to get off him so that I could spit his jism out, but he wouldn?t let me.? ?Swallow it all, bastard!? Every last drop.?


I had no choice.? I swallowed his jism and then he let me rise. As I looked at him he grinned at me, then reached out and patted me on the head. ?Good boy!? That was pretty good, you know?? You and Julie make a good pair, you?re both good at sucking cock!?? He laughed loudly at his own joke.? ?Fine, off you go then.?? He dismissed me and closed his robe.


From then on whenever he and I were alone in the house I knew he was going to make me suck him off.? He made me do it as often as he could, and I was always made to swallow all of his jism.? Before long I was called on to suck him as Julie watched, then I would use my tongue on her hot pussy while he watched.? As always, I was allowed to masturbate, but had to come in my underpants.? Once or twice, when I was sucking Sam off, he would make me take them off and put them over his cock as he came. Then I would have to put them on afterwards and wear them for several days with his come stains on them.


Things seemed to have reached a peak with my humiliation at the hands of Julie and Sam.? I existed solely to please them, it seemed, and I was unable to break away.? I continued to do all the cleaning and washing for the two of them and Melanie, and was roundly abused whenever, and however they felt like it.


One morning I was cleaning in Melanie?s room, picking up her discarded clothing as usual when I noticed a stain on the inside of her used knickers.? It was obviously a come stain and I immediately went to see Julie.? I handed the knickers to her and said I thought she should do something to protect our daughter.


?Stay out of it, she?s fine.?? Julie snapped.


?How can she be fine? She?s fifteen and having sex for Christ? sake. And who knows who she?s seeing.?


?It?s none of your business.? She?s fine, and you don?t have to worry about who she?s seeing, I now who it is, and it?s fine.? Now shut up!?


?You knew about this?? How could you let her do this?? Jesus, she?s so young.?


?She?s the same age I was when you had me for the first time, now stop whining and mind your own business!?


?It is my business, she?s my daughter.?


?She hates you!? Can?t abide being with you!?


?I know, but she?s still my daughter.? I want to know who she?s seeing.? Tell me.?


?OK then, if you really want to know.?? She grinned. I knew what was coming, of course, I just hoped I was wrong.? ?She?s been seeing Sam!?


?Sam?? You mean he?s betrayed you with your own daughter??? I almost found it funny.


?No, you prick!? It was my idea!? She was just about ready to take the plunge, and she thinks the world of Sam.? He loved the idea of course, what red-blooded male wouldn?t like to be asked by a mother to take her pretty daughter?s virginity??? She chucked to herself. Clearly pleased.? I was appalled!? To think of that bastard enjoying both my wife and my daughter was almost too much to bear.? ?So we waited until you were working late one evening, we didn?t want you spoiling things after all, and I gave Mel a couple of glasses of wine to relax her, and then Sam did the business!?


My head was spinning.? I could hardly believe what I was hearing.? Julie carried on tormenting me.? ?She loved it!? I mean Sam was really gentle and sweet.? He undressed her ever so slowly, taking his time, making it good for her.? And then he took her.? He lay her on the bed, spread her legs wide and just slipped that lovely big cock of his into her.? She was a bit nervous at first, naturally, but once he was fully in her she relaxed and really got into it.? Now she loves it!? Can?t get enough!?


?She?s only fifteen.?? Was all I could say in response.


?Oh so what?? She was absolutely right for it, and since then she wants it more and more.? Sometimes we practically fight each other for it!?


I felt rage rising within me.? ?I?m not going to allow this any more.? I shouted, ?It?s bad enough what you?ve all done to me, but I won?t let you do this to Melanie.?


?What are you going to do, tell the police??


?Y,y, yes!? I stammered, spluttering with rage.


?Go ahead!? Call the police and tell them that the nasty man is screwing your wife and daughter!? Make an even bigger fool of yourself!? They?ll speak to me and Mel, and we?ll tell them that you?re a deluded drunk and that Sam is just a good friend, and they?ll laugh in your face, and wonder what kind of a dickless wonder lets that happen in his own home and does nothing to stop it!? Go ahead and tell them.?


I was completely lost for words, and totally out flanked.? There was nothing I could do to prevent the continuing abuse of my daughter.? I hung my head in shame and dejection.


When I returned home after work that evening all three of them were in the living room.? As soon as I went in Melanie looked at me with contempt and hatred.? ?Mum tells me you tried to stop me going with Sam.? She said at once. ?You just fucking try it, that?s all! This is none of your business, so just fuck off and leave me alone, ok??


?Look, Melanie ??


?I mean it!? It?s nothing to do with you what I do.? I could go out of here and get screwed by as many men as I want and you can?t do anything about it, got that??? When I didn?t answer she asked again.? ?Do you get that?? I can do what I like and you?ll stay out of it, ok??


I shrugged and nodded. ?If you want to make a fool of yourself with this bastard, like your mother has, there isn?t anything I can do to stop you, I suppose.?


Sam looked up sharply.? ?Oh that little bit of bravado is going to cost you dear, wanker.? I was going to let you off with my fun for tonight, but now I think you?ll be the main attraction. Upstairs, now!?


I felt my face flush with shame and impotent rage, then turned and walked out of the room, their laughter ringing in my ears.? Moments later I stood outside Julie and Sam?s bedroom door, waiting dutifully.? I heard footsteps following me up the stairs and turned to see that it was Sam, followed by Julie and Melanie.? They all went into the main bedroom and I followed.


?Right, you, get your kit off.?? Melanie ordered.? I took off my clothes and stood naked before them as I had done so many times before, still disgusted and excited by my own shame.?


?Now then, who wants it first??? Sam chuckled.? Both Julie and Melanie went to him immediately, his arms snaking around their waists as they began to stroke and kiss his body.? I saw Melanie?s hand slip between his legs and begin rubbing his crotch at the same time as his hand slid across her arse and began to squeeze one cheek.? She gasped with pleasure.? Julie reached across and began to raise Melanie?s skirt, inch by inch.? In moments her black knickers were exposed and Sam immediately slid his hand inside to fondle her bare skin.? Melanie gasped again and began to kiss him passionately on the mouth.? She began to fumble with his trousers, her fingers trying to get inside.? Julie brushed her hand away and opened the trousers with an expert touch, and then Melanie?s hand was inside his trousers and she was sighing happily, ?Oh God, yes! Oh Sam, it?s so lovely!?? I could see her hand pumping up and down on his shaft.? I felt my own cock twitch as I stood and watched, powerless to prevent it.


?Hey, you want to see something really funny??? Sam said with a giggle.? The two of them looked at him quizzically.? ?Watch this.?? He turned to me.? ?Get over here and do your stuff.? Make me nice and stiff for your daughter here.??? And with that he pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them, then lay back on the bed.? I walked slowly over to him, aware of Julie and Melanie?s amused looks.? Then I reached down and began to stroke his large, meaty cock.? It began to respond at once, growing in my hand.? I knew what I was expected to do next and knelt on the bed and took him into my mouth.


?Jesus fucking Christ!?? Julie laughed, ?Look at that!?? Melanie just giggled excitedly.? I stroked and pumped his cock, tickling his balls and sucking his glans, playing my tongue across it.? I could hear movement behind me, but couldn?t see what Julie and Melanie were doing.? After a minute or two Sam?s cock was stiff and throbbing.? He pushed me away from him.? ?Good boy!?? He giggled.? ?OK girls, fun time!?? There was a burst of giggled from behind me and I turned to se that they were both naked.? I was made to stand in a corner and stroke my aching cock as they both began to stroke his muscular torso.? It was the first time I had seen Melanie naked since she was a small child, and I noted how her dark hair contrasted with the pale smoothness of her skin.? Her breasts were small and pert, her nipples pink and puffy.


As I watched she took hold of his stiff cock and began to pump it slowly, rhythmically.? He slipped his hand between her legs and began to stroke her bare pussy, then slipped the other hand between Julie?s legs.? Julie responded at once, gasping and moaning, rocking her hips against his fingers.?? He pushed Melanie higher so he was able to start sucking one of her young breasts.? She moaned and cried out, ?Oh please can I have it?? Please Sam, Mum? Please let me have it, please??


Sam smiled contentedly, Julie giggled and said, ?You sound like you need it pretty bad, love. Go ahead then!?? And rolled away.? Melanie immediately pushed her body against Sam?s and threw a leg over him.?? Could see her slit was wet as she reached behind her and grabbed his cock, steering it to her pussy.? She began to sink down on it at once, moaning with each downward thrust of her small hips.? She kept pushing down until his cock was in her up to the hilt, then began to rock back and forth, grinding her hips down onto his.? He reached up and began to roughly maul her small breasts.? I saw her body shudder and she increased the speed of her hips.


?Enjoying the show??? Julie laughed, pointing to my cock, which was stiff and hard.? ?I think it?s time you did some work for me.? ?She said with a grin, and lay back on the bed next to Sam and Melanie, opening her legs.? I moved between her thighs and began to kiss and lick her pussy, which was hot and very wet.?? I saw Melanie glance over her shoulder at me and laugh, then she went back to riding Sam with increasing urgency.? Julie began to buck her hips against me, a series of gasps and sighs emanating from her. Sam chuckled again, ?Enjoying yourselves, girls??? Julie laughed in reply, ?Well I?d sooner be where Mel is, but it?ll do for now!?? Melanie simply gasped, ?Oh Sam!?? ?How about you, wanker boy?? You enjoying yourself??? I put my head down and carried on licking Julie?s pussy.


Melanie had begun to whimper in time to her thrusts down on Sam?s cock.? Her speed was increasing and she was grinding her hips down on him with increasing urgency.? She leaned forward, put her hands on his shoulders and began to gyrate her hips frantically.? He reached up and took hold of her firm young breasts, stroking her nipples, running his fingers across them.? In moments she began to climax, gasping frantically, whimpering, calling out his name. As she writhed around on his cock Julie started to climax too. She grabbed hold of my hair and ground her pussy onto my face, holding me there until her climax subsided.


As her grip loosened I slipped from the bed and returned to my corner.? Melanie was still draped across Sam, her body still shaking with gasps and sobs as she recovered.? Julie lay next to them her legs wide open and her wet, swollen pussy exposed.? Sam looked over Melanie?s shoulder at me and smiled.? ?I?ve got to hand it to you, wanker, your daughter is one hell of a good fuck!?? I felt my face flush again with shame and impotent rage.? I heard Melanie laugh happily, then she slid from him, and began to make her way down towards his still stiff cock.


As I watched in horror she took hold of his shaft and lowered her face towards it. Then she began to suck his cock enthusiastically, stroking and pumping it into her mouth.? He responded by pulling her hips around so that her pussy was facing him, then began to tease and stroke her slit.? She arched her back and spread her legs wide for him, and continued to suck on his swollen cock.? Julie reached down and began to stroke his balls.? He grunted with pleasure and then Julie also moved on the bed and began to kiss and lick his ball sack.? I stood and watched as my wife and daughter kissed and licked his cock and balls lovingly, and he played with Melanie?s tender young pussy.? I felt my cock almost burst with pleasure.? I picked up my underpants and began to pump my cock, gripping it tightly.? Sam groaned and began to shoot his load into the mouth of my fifteen-year-old daughter, who seemed to relish every spurt, swallowing everything he produced.? I started to shoot too, emptying my balls into my underpants as I had been ordered to do. As he climaxed Julie looked across at me and grinned.


?I see you know your place then!? That?s good, because we?re going to be doing a lot of this, believe me!?? Melanie glanced up at me as she sucked lovingly on Sam?s cock, and then her eyes opened wide as Sam brought her to another climax.?? Shortly afterwards I was ordered from the room and spent hours in torment in my own room, listening to the gasps and moans coming from my wife and daughter, stoking my stiff cock as the shame coursed through me.? I knew this was how my life would be for the foreseeable future.? I wasn?t a man now; I was a figure of fun, who only existed for the amusement of my wife, my daughter and the man who was enjoying them both.? As I heard the three of them pleasing each other I climaxed again, shooting into my underpants and afterwards feeling like a humiliated fool.? The way I had felt so many times before, and would do so many more times in the future.


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I was 58 before I lost my virginity

My parents were strict Jehovah Witnesses. I don’t know how the JWs are now but back then they had a very peculiar view of sex, I was born eight years after my parents married, and now wonder if they actually knew what to do in bed. My mother told me in later life that after I was born they had a visit from the Elders from the Kingdom Hall who warned them about having sex for bodily sinful pleasure as any such activity should be restricted to bringing c***dren into the world to the service of...

3 years ago
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Lowborn Ch 06

The journey started pleasantly enough. The ladies of negotiable virtue chatted and laughed, still relating to each other the tales of their latest adventures and clients before leaving town. Indigo whistled as he drove the wagon, and even Raven seemed to be in good spirits as she hiked along, usually sharpening one of her daggers with a whetstone.The sun was shining bright, but a breeze kept the temperature tolerable. The tall, tough grass of the prairie rippled in the wind, reminiscent of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A weekend alonepart 2

Here is the link to part one. It’s worth reading the first episode to give context and background to this one. Even though I had kissed another boy of my own age a few years earlier, and even enjoyed dry humping with him, and over the clothes touching, this was very different. Not only was I several years older and had been masturbating for a couple of years, this was also a grown man that I was touching. The fantasies that had fired my...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Part One

Joe sighed as he put down the phone. His dream girl had just cancelled on him. Joe fell on to the sofa, wanting nothing more but to cry or smash a wall with his fist. This was the fifth time she had cancelled a date on him, no matter how many times he told himself to not crawl back to her, he always did. He switched on the television hoping to drown out his deplorable swarming mind and pained chest. Surprise, nothing was one that was even a tad tantalizing. Joe had just had about enough, ready...

4 years ago
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The Benson Burner Project Chapter 1

Right, so here's my conundrum. I love this little show called iCarly, right? But I also love this little book series, Harry Potter and the yadda yadda yadda. One would just leave it at that, but I have a weird, twisted mind. The mind of a writer, you could say. Purely by accident, I compared the characters to each other. Carly is to Harry, Hermione is to Freddie, and Ron is to Sam. (That also led me to thinking Draco is to Nevel Papperman, Neville Longbottom is to Gibby ( :-P) , Snape is to...

2 years ago
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Waiting Tables

Chapter 1 Ever since my first time, (which was withMelissa Malone), I’ve just loved sex. Well, I’m a guy and, I suppose, most of us do. But, I got really lucky on my first job after college when after working for two years, a new college grad hired on, Alexis Brown. Oh, she was nice. Pretty, blond, fun, sparkly personality and, as I found out on our second date, loves to fuck. Well, even more, she just loves sex: blowjobs, handjobs, having her pussy eaten, she loved it all. And, she was...

3 years ago
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If Only Ch 04

Sorry it took so long! Life carried me away. But I will try to post more often. Please comment and leave feedback, the last e-mail I received is what prompted me to finish the chapter! ***** ‘What?’ Cadogan asked. ‘Scrambled eggs with cheese?’ Kara inquired, an eyebrow raised. ‘Oh.’ Cadogan lowered his glaze, and glanced away, starting to scratch his head. ‘I uh…thought you might like—’ ‘I do.’ Cadogan looked back up at her, and she had broken into a full smile. ‘As a matter of fact, it...

4 years ago
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There is no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging on the door of your hotel room, so I knock – not too hard – and when you call out ‘Yes?’, I reply ‘It’s the chambermaid’, and you tell me to come in. I am a little tentative about this, because I am still quite new at this job – I am only a couple months over sixteen years of age, working in this smart hotel in my seaside home town as a vacation job in the school summer holidays. The law is you have to be over sixteen for this sort of employment...

1 year ago
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My First Time Gay Sex Experience

Hey there.!!! It's me Arjun back again with my real life experience but this one's a gay experience. Well I didn't described how I look so I'll do that now. Actually I'm 5'11 tall and having weight 70kg and do workout daily so I'm fit and have good shaped body having whitish complexion and a 6" long dick. Well to start with I must say that I'm almost straight and I like girls but I don't mind making out with a good looking guy at all. So coming to the story. When this incident happened I was in...

First Time
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Magical Girl Amelia

[Author's note, that's me, - I changed the story and character completely, so if you've read it before, it's probably worth to read it again]. Amelia is, without a doubt, the most popular girl in the Lenian High School. She isn't a member of the school's council or any school club, although she is often pressured into helping them with many events because of her capabilities and popularity, which draws other students. Her personality, grades, looks - they are all perfect, and because of that, a...

3 years ago
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My Best Interests

MY BEST INTERESTS By Geneva A young man is captured intruding into the ancient Amazonian realm of Genoria. He is changed by a magic book and made into a slave girl to its queen. When the queen develops a mental illness the girl is caught up in intrigue and warfare. START The sun had set behind the low hills over to the west and the gloom was getting too much for me to see my way. Then, when I slipped into a cold stinking pool in the marsh, up to my knees in water and slime, I...

2 years ago
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Der Fluch von Coxville

Harolds Hand bewegte sich zu ihrer anderen Brust und er küsste ihren Hals. Ihr geht's gut, Schatz. Kitty ist mit Todd unterwegs. Er wird gut auf sie aufpassen. Harold drückte die Brustwarze seiner Frau und die verhärtete sich zwischen seinen Fingern. Komm, Schatz, bitte." "In Ordnung, Harold" sie seufzte wieder. "Pass auf." Jenny hörte zu, wie ihr Mann im Dunkeln nach einem Kondom im Nachttisch suchte. Mit 36 ​​Jahren hatte Jenny das Gefühl, zu alt zu sein, um erneut schwanger zu werden, und...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 3

"So, let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend ... Jenny, you break up for a period of time and she sleeps with a married man, no less. So, because he won't man up and claim the child, pay child support, etc., you're going to leave school and not only get back with Jenny, but marry her and raise the baby as your own. Why in the world would you want to do this?" my father all but screamed at me. "Because she realized that she loves and needs me, and I miss her ... I want to share...

4 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 46

With Hawk seated in the rear of the darkened Suburban Ken pulled away from the general aviation terminal. After making several twists and turns exiting the airport Ken turned down the Pacific Highway, and a short distance later he took a left fork at a sign pointing toward the Sports Arena. A little further and the SUV pulled in front of a store named ‘Team Town.’ Ken ran inside and returned a few minutes later carrying a shopping bag with handles. “Based on what we talked about earlier I...

1 year ago
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Leah Cheats

He was playing with her nipple as they lie on the bed panting heavily after fucking for an hour when they heard a car pull up on the driveway. “It’s Jake! You gotta go!” cried Leah. “It’s too late for that now,” Gary calmly as they heard the front door open. “Well hide!” said Leah. “Where?” “Under the bed! Go, go!” said Leah as she pushed Gary forcefully. Gary was clutching his clothes and barely made it when the door opened. “Hi babe,” said Jake and kissed Leah. She was still naked as she...

Cheating Wifes
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Watching My New Neighbor Have Phone Sex

The summer I turned 17, my family moved to a McMansion development called Quail Run. My new neighbor Henry — whose window faced mine across a narrow strip of grass — was legendary for his resemblance to a young Brad Pitt. Unfortunately for me, Henry was now attending college in Northern California. No one was more obsessed with Henry than Amber — my goth friend whose only known talent was for drawing spurting cartoon penises in mascara on every available surface. For years Amber had claimed...

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