- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope. She didn?t think her parents had found out she had discovered their magazines, and Alice was careful to make sure she always put them back exactly where they were after she had borrowed and read them. Though read may not be the right word, she had devoured them.
Since then Alice had been tying herself up as often as she could, having gone to work several times in a crotch rope. Even now she felt sure that every time she wore one, someone could tell, and this made her even hornier, having to relieve herself during her lunch break on a regular occasion.
She knew from touring the internet that she could get someone to tie her up, but Alice didn?t want this, she wanted to do it herself, and had planned for months what she was about to do. It was daring, it could be dangerous, but simply thinking about it made her wet.
Using ebay Alice had bought metal cuffs, ropes, a gag, a blindfold and several vibrators and plugs. Her most recent acquisition had been the inflatable butt plug that she intended to be using in this task. She had used it twice since it arrived, and already knew that it would not come out of its own accord once in place.
Alice had also bought some clothes at the local charity shops, clothes she could tear up and not worry about. This was important, as her own clothes cost a lot of money. She always had to look good in the office, and she spent a lot of money on doing so, which meant her own clothes were perhaps a little too expensive to rip up, though she had considered this option. Instead she had bought a short skirt and a top from the local charity shop, and a pair of training shoes off the market. The whole outfit had cost her a little less than twenty pounds.
The hardest thing for Alice to find was also the most integral, a magnetic box which she intended to use to hold the car keys. It took her several weeks to find what she was looking for, but eventually, she had everything she needed. All she needed now, was the right time.
This came at August Bank Holiday weekend. Alice realised if she took the Friday off, she would have four days where no-one would miss her or come looking for her, which was much longer than she would need for her task.
On the Friday morning the sun was shining, and Alice made her final preparations. She packed all her acquititions into a bag, and placed them into the car ready for her task. Inside the car was a box containing all the keys to the cuffs and padlocks she would be using. A moment of panic swept through her as she realised that if someone stole her car, she would be in deep trouble. But pulling herself together, she placed the box into the glove compartment. As she closed it she knew it would lock, and only when she got the key from the magnetic box, now secured under the arch of one rear wheel, would she be able to retrieve it.
Alice had taken a long time in deciding where her task would take place, and in the end, decided on the moors. Even on Bank Holiday weekends the section of the moors she was going to use was not populated too much. A few pick-nickers , but nopthing too much.
Dressing in her new clothes, Alice could already feel the dampness between her legs. She wanted to relieve herself, but denied herself, knowing that later, when the task was complete. She would be able to enjoy it even more. She looked at herself in the mirror, and wondered if she should wear underwear, but decided that as all her clothing was going to be torn up, it would be a waste of a good set of underwear, and walked out of the bedroom wearing only the skirt, top and shoes.
Leaving and locking the house, Alice moved to the car and started it. This was the time, this was what she had been after for so long, so why did she feel so nervous? Nervous, but so hot, a heat that had nothing to do with the rising sun.
The drive to the moors was uneventful, hardly any other cars about, and certainly nothing to make her nervous. She arrived at the starting place and stopped the engine. It was now or never for Alice, either she did this now, or she knew she never would.
Picking up the bag of toys, Alice threw her car keys inside the car, and Locked the door. Still not too late, as the spare keys were in the magnetic box under her wheel arch. Thinking hard about her task, Alice walked slowly away from the car, following the footpath she had found a few months ago when searching for the right place. There seemed to be more brambles now, but nothing she didn?t think she could handle. The path wound on for over a mile and a half, and then thinned down so she was fighting trees and bushes as she continued to walk.
Looking at her watch it had taken over two hours to get where she was, and still had further to go. If it took this long now, how long would it take on the way back?
Eventually after three hours of walking, Alice reached the clearing she was looking for. Looking around she could see nobody close, in fact, she felt she was the only one on the moors, especially in that area. It was now or never, final chance to walk away, go back to the car, and drive home.
But Alice already knew she was not going to do this. With some trepidation she slowly removed her top, and started to pull at it, hearing the material start to tear. Moments later the top was useless as clothing, lying in shreds at her feet. Removing the skirt Alice could feel the heat between her thighs, a heat like she had never felt before. How she wanted to touch it, but she knew she had to wait. Only a few hours, and she could have all the relief she wanted.
Moments later the skirt, like the top, was in shreds at her feet, neither? garment would ever be useful again. Alice was now naked until she got back home. She considered keeping the trainers on, but she knew that her task was to be totally naked, and so removing them, she closed her eyes, and holding one, she spun with her eyes closed, and threw the shoe without seeing where it landed. The second show followed, and could have been in the same direction or not, she would never know.
Now naked and exposed, Alice could no longer turn back. She opened the bag and placed the items on the grass in front of her. First was the gag, this was a large rubber ball with straps coming from the sides, and a small padlock. She knew that once this was in place, her mouth would stay open until she unlocked the padlock, and the keys for that particular lock were in the car, as were all the other padlock keys.
Picking up the inflatable plug, Alice stood with her legs apart, and forced the plug into her tight anal passage. Feeling it fill her, feeling the pain as she pressed until it was deep inside. Without a moments hesitation Alice started pressing the bulb that would inflate it, feeling it grow larger and larger inside her. She had wondered how high she should make it, but all ideas of leniency with herself seemed to have disappeared, and she continued to inflate it until she could handle no more. Had she known, she would not have inflated it as much.
The next item was the vibrator, turning it on she set it at the lowest level, knowing that this would keep her horny, take her close, but not make her cum, well, not for a long, long time. Placing this between her pussy lips, Alice pressed, amazed at how quickly and easily it slid in. working quickly, Alice tied a crotch rope in place, to hold the vibrator in place, making sure it was as tight between her legs as she could make it.
Almost immediately Alice wanted to turn the vibrator up, but denied herself this pleasure.
Now for the ropes. Alice picked up the first of the two smaller ropes, and placed it under her right breast, pulling it around and tying a knot at the tope, pulling the rope hard, so that her breast was tied as tight as she could get it. Touching her breast Alice realised she had never felt them harder, and smiled as within minutes the breast started to change colour, turning slightly purple. It would turn darker in the passage of time. Having tied one breast, Alice wasted no time in repeating this on her left breast, again feeling it hard under her touch. Having tied her breasts many time in the past, Alice knew that the pain she would feel when the blood flshed back, would be immense.
Picking up another piece of rope Alice turned to her knees. Wrapping the rope around her legs just above the knees, she pulled it quite tight, and tied a knot, before wrapping the rope around another twice, each time tying a knot. She tried to open her legs, but it was a futile attempt, they would not open, and in fact, with them tied like this, Alice could feel greater pressure from both the butt plug and the vibrator.
Almost done, she thought, as she picked up the first set of leather cuffs. She fastened these around each ankle, making sure they were tight enough not to be able to pull off.
There was no chain to hold these together, just the padlock, which once in place, would make walking impossible. Alice had never intended being able to walk back to her car, she was going to have to crawl. Closing the padlock Alice knew now that no matter what else she did or didn?t do, it was going to be a long, long time before she could reach her car, and safety.
Laying at her feet were the last pair of cuffs, and the blindfold. She had fully intended to use the blindfold, but now realised that if she did, she may never find her car. The trail to where she now was, was hard enough with sight, impossible without. Strapping the leather cuffs to each wrist, this was the moment of truth. Once Alice placed her hands behind her, and locked them in place, she could not even use her hands to crawl back to the car, it was going to be a snake crawl. She could, of course, lock them in front of her, but, then she was not going to do so, that would, in her own mind, be cheating.
Placing her hands behind her, Alice struggled at first, but soon had the padlock in place. One click, and she was helpless, totally. Even as she knew the click would be the last thing she could do from free will, Alice knew she had to do it. It wasn?t much, just a simple click. It sounded louder than anything she had ever heard before, though she realised that this was simply because it was a finality she had never tried before.
Now, Alice was helpless, her only way out was to reach her car, get the keys, and release herself, but her car was four miles away, through brush and brambles. And walking was not an option, it was going to have to be a snake crawl.
Laying on her side and bending her knees, Alice leant all of her weight on them, and pushed, feeling herself move forward, falling on her tied breasts, but moving three feet forward. This was going to be slow work, and the sun above was hot, making her sweat. Again she bent her knees, pressed down and felt herself move forward a little, feeling the ground beneath her brushing her breasts. This was not something she had considered, by the time she reached her car, her breasts were going to be badly scoured by the ground.
Alice wished she had not been so confident now, she now knew that the chances of getting back to her car in four hours, was more than a little ambitious. Again and again she bent her knees, pressing herself the three feet forward, landing each time on her tied breasts, feeling the dry earth like a file on her nipples. Maybe, if she screamed for help someone would rescue her?? But the gag, and the remoteness of her situation would stop anyone finding her, she had to do this herself, there would be no early release.
After an hour, Alice had managed to traverse less than a hundred feet, not that she knew the time, only that her breasts were already sore, as were her anal passage and pussy, the constant bending of her knees was making the twin insertions hurt, but there was to be no escape.
Slowly, painfully, Alice snaked her way across the moor, after three hours having managed much less than she had planned. There was a sudden coldness, and dark clouds passed overhead. ?oh God, not rain. Please not rain? she screamed into her gag, as the clouds started to release their content. Rain had not been forecast, but here it was, turning the ground under her softer.
The soft ground slowed her down, and over the next hour Alice managed less than eighty feet. She knew instinctively that she would never make it back to her car that night if she continued at this rate.
Using a tree, she managed to get back on her feet, her intention was to hop, or jump, her way to freedom.
This did allow her to move faster, even though she could feel the plug, vibrator and her breasts move with every jump. She was at least moving faster now, but she knew she had perhaps gone a step too far with this task.
The rainfall lasted two hours, by which time Alice was cold, wet, and in severe pain. The plug filling her anal passage was hurting, the vibrator was still humming inside her, but her ankles, with all this jumping, were in severe pain. She wanted to curl up and die, but her sense of self survival was more paramount.
The ground was mud beneath her, and several times Alice had fallen. With no control over? her body, she had fallen on her side, on her back and on her front, the falling on her back the worst, as her hands were cuffed behind her, which meant she fell on them.
Alice suddenly realised that daylight was fading. By her own reckoning, she had now been struggling for at least eight hours, and her car was still miles away. This was not going to be an easy task, but now, with darkness moving in, was going to be much harder.
Totally drained from her efforts, Alice was now having problems staying awake, the darkness closing in even faster on the moors, no street lights to help her. Her last sight before her eyes closed, were the magnificent view of the night stars.
Alice had no idea how long she slept. It was still dark, she was very, very cold, and knew she had to make some movement. Her legs felt like lead, her breasts hurt more than she could ever imagine they would, had she been able to see them, she would have seen how dark that had become. And worst of all, she needed the toilet, totally impossible thanks to the butt plug. She prayed to any Diety she could think of, none came to her assistance.
Once again she forced herself to her feet, and set off, the ropes, the cuffs, everything causing more and more pain and frustration.
Alice could not count the times she had fallen over by the time the sun started to rise again. Only when it had risen could she see the dirt her body had picked up. She was coated in dried mud, her breasts felt as if they were no longer hers, and though the vibrations had stopped, she could still feel the thing inside her, now, more of a painful annoyance than anything.
Though Alice struggled, she still did not make it back to her car the second day. Her stomach was cramped with the need to use a toilet, the bouncing when she jumped was causing more and more pain, and she slumped to the floor in desperation more than once.
Once more darkness surrounded her, and Alice cried herself to sleep. How much longer could she handle this? How much more pain and suffering could she take? How much longer to her car?
Had she known where she was, and had the courage to go one, Alice would have found her car just? ten minutes later. The night was cold, very cold.
The sun had gone around nine at night, and took all the heat with it. Alice had not eaten for two days, not drank anything,? her body was sore, her intestines full, and her mind wandering. She dreamed of warm nights in front of the fire, hot coffee fresh from her machine, hot beef and onion baguettes.
It was three days later that she was found. Her car only yards away, but, whatever could have forced a young woman to lie down and die so close to freedom?
Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope. She didn?t think her parents had found out she had discovered their magazines, and Alice was careful to make sure she always put them back exactly where they were after she had borrowed and read them. Though read may not be the right word, she had devoured them.
Since then Alice had been tying herself up as often as she could, having gone to work several times in a crotch rope. Even now she felt sure that every time she wore one, someone could tell, and this made her even hornier, having to relieve herself during her lunch break on a regular occasion.
She knew from touring the internet that she could get someone to tie her up, but Alice didn?t want this, she wanted to do it herself, and had planned for months what she was about to do. It was daring, it could be dangerous, but simply thinking about it made her wet.
Using ebay Alice had bought metal cuffs, ropes, a gag, a blindfold and several vibrators and plugs. Her most recent acquisition had been the inflatable butt plug that she intended to be using in this task. She had used it twice since it arrived, and already knew that it would not come out of its own accord once in place.
Alice had also bought some clothes at the local charity shops, clothes she could tear up and not worry about. This was important, as her own clothes cost a lot of money. She always had to look good in the office, and she spent a lot of money on doing so, which meant her own clothes were perhaps a little too expensive to rip up, though she had considered this option. Instead she had bought a short skirt and a top from the local charity shop, and a pair of training shoes off the market. The whole outfit had cost her a little less than twenty pounds.
The hardest thing for Alice to find was also the most integral, a magnetic box which she intended to use to hold the car keys. It took her several weeks to find what she was looking for, but eventually, she had everything she needed. All she needed now, was the right time.
This came at August Bank Holiday weekend. Alice realised if she took the Friday off, she would have four days where no-one would miss her or come looking for her, which was much longer than she would need for her task.
On the Friday morning the sun was shining, and Alice made her final preparations. She packed all her acquititions into a bag, and placed them into the car ready for her task. Inside the car was a box containing all the keys to the cuffs and padlocks she would be using. A moment of panic swept through her as she realised that if someone stole her car, she would be in deep trouble. But pulling herself together, she placed the box into the glove compartment. As she closed it she knew it would lock, and only when she got the key from the magnetic box, now secured under the arch of one rear wheel, would she be able to retrieve it.
Alice had taken a long time in deciding where her task would take place, and in the end, decided on the moors. Even on Bank Holiday weekends the section of the moors she was going to use was not populated too much. A few pick-nickers , but nopthing too much.
Dressing in her new clothes, Alice could already feel the dampness between her legs. She wanted to relieve herself, but denied herself, knowing that later, when the task was complete. She would be able to enjoy it even more. She looked at herself in the mirror, and wondered if she should wear underwear, but decided that as all her clothing was going to be torn up, it would be a waste of a good set of underwear, and walked out of the bedroom wearing only the skirt, top and shoes.
Leaving and locking the house, Alice moved to the car and started it. This was the time, this was what she had been after for so long, so why did she feel so nervous? Nervous, but so hot, a heat that had nothing to do with the rising sun.
The drive to the moors was uneventful, hardly any other cars about, and certainly nothing to make her nervous. She arrived at the starting place and stopped the engine. It was now or never for Alice, either she did this now, or she knew she never would.
Picking up the bag of toys, Alice threw her car keys inside the car, and Locked the door. Still not too late, as the spare keys were in the magnetic box under her wheel arch. Thinking hard about her task, Alice walked slowly away from the car, following the footpath she had found a few months ago when searching for the right place. There seemed to be more brambles now, but nothing she didn?t think she could handle. The path wound on for over a mile and a half, and then thinned down so she was fighting trees and bushes as she continued to walk.
Looking at her watch it had taken over two hours to get where she was, and still had further to go. If it took this long now, how long would it take on the way back?
Eventually after three hours of walking, Alice reached the clearing she was looking for. Looking around she could see nobody close, in fact, she felt she was the only one on the moors, especially in that area. It was now or never, final chance to walk away, go back to the car, and drive home.
But Alice already knew she was not going to do this. With some trepidation she slowly removed her top, and started to pull at it, hearing the material start to tear. Moments later the top was useless as clothing, lying in shreds at her feet. Removing the skirt Alice could feel the heat between her thighs, a heat like she had never felt before. How she wanted to touch it, but she knew she had to wait. Only a few hours, and she could have all the relief she wanted.
Moments later the skirt, like the top, was in shreds at her feet, neither? garment would ever be useful again. Alice was now naked until she got back home. She considered keeping the trainers on, but she knew that her task was to be totally naked, and so removing them, she closed her eyes, and holding one, she spun with her eyes closed, and threw the shoe without seeing where it landed. The second show followed, and could have been in the same direction or not, she would never know.
Now naked and exposed, Alice could no longer turn back. She opened the bag and placed the items on the grass in front of her. First was the gag, this was a large rubber ball with straps coming from the sides, and a small padlock. She knew that once this was in place, her mouth would stay open until she unlocked the padlock, and the keys for that particular lock were in the car, as were all the other padlock keys.
Picking up the inflatable plug, Alice stood with her legs apart, and forced the plug into her tight anal passage. Feeling it fill her, feeling the pain as she pressed until it was deep inside. Without a moments hesitation Alice started pressing the bulb that would inflate it, feeling it grow larger and larger inside her. She had wondered how high she should make it, but all ideas of leniency with herself seemed to have disappeared, and she continued to inflate it until she could handle no more. Had she known, she would not have inflated it as much.
The next item was the vibrator, turning it on she set it at the lowest level, knowing that this would keep her horny, take her close, but not make her cum, well, not for a long, long time. Placing this between her pussy lips, Alice pressed, amazed at how quickly and easily it slid in. working quickly, Alice tied a crotch rope in place, to hold the vibrator in place, making sure it was as tight between her legs as she could make it.
Almost immediately Alice wanted to turn the vibrator up, but denied herself this pleasure.
Now for the ropes. Alice picked up the first of the two smaller ropes, and placed it under her right breast, pulling it around and tying a knot at the tope, pulling the rope hard, so that her breast was tied as tight as she could get it. Touching her breast Alice realised she had never felt them harder, and smiled as within minutes the breast started to change colour, turning slightly purple. It would turn darker in the passage of time. Having tied one breast, Alice wasted no time in repeating this on her left breast, again feeling it hard under her touch. Having tied her breasts many time in the past, Alice knew that the pain she would feel when the blood flshed back, would be immense.
Picking up another piece of rope Alice turned to her knees. Wrapping the rope around her legs just above the knees, she pulled it quite tight, and tied a knot, before wrapping the rope around another twice, each time tying a knot. She tried to open her legs, but it was a futile attempt, they would not open, and in fact, with them tied like this, Alice could feel greater pressure from both the butt plug and the vibrator.
Almost done, she thought, as she picked up the first set of leather cuffs. She fastened these around each ankle, making sure they were tight enough not to be able to pull off.
There was no chain to hold these together, just the padlock, which once in place, would make walking impossible. Alice had never intended being able to walk back to her car, she was going to have to crawl. Closing the padlock Alice knew now that no matter what else she did or didn?t do, it was going to be a long, long time before she could reach her car, and safety.
Laying at her feet were the last pair of cuffs, and the blindfold. She had fully intended to use the blindfold, but now realised that if she did, she may never find her car. The trail to where she now was, was hard enough with sight, impossible without. Strapping the leather cuffs to each wrist, this was the moment of truth. Once Alice placed her hands behind her, and locked them in place, she could not even use her hands to crawl back to the car, it was going to be a snake crawl. She could, of course, lock them in front of her, but, then she was not going to do so, that would, in her own mind, be cheating.
Placing her hands behind her, Alice struggled at first, but soon had the padlock in place. One click, and she was helpless, totally. Even as she knew the click would be the last thing she could do from free will, Alice knew she had to do it. It wasn?t much, just a simple click. It sounded louder than anything she had ever heard before, though she realised that this was simply because it was a finality she had never tried before.
Now, Alice was helpless, her only way out was to reach her car, get the keys, and release herself, but her car was four miles away, through brush and brambles. And walking was not an option, it was going to have to be a snake crawl.
Laying on her side and bending her knees, Alice leant all of her weight on them, and pushed, feeling herself move forward, falling on her tied breasts, but moving three feet forward. This was going to be slow work, and the sun above was hot, making her sweat. Again she bent her knees, pressed down and felt herself move forward a little, feeling the ground beneath her brushing her breasts. This was not something she had considered, by the time she reached her car, her breasts were going to be badly scoured by the ground.
Alice wished she had not been so confident now, she now knew that the chances of getting back to her car in four hours, was more than a little ambitious. Again and again she bent her knees, pressing herself the three feet forward, landing each time on her tied breasts, feeling the dry earth like a file on her nipples. Maybe, if she screamed for help someone would rescue her?? But the gag, and the remoteness of her situation would stop anyone finding her, she had to do this herself, there would be no early release.
After an hour, Alice had managed to traverse less than a hundred feet, not that she knew the time, only that her breasts were already sore, as were her anal passage and pussy, the constant bending of her knees was making the twin insertions hurt, but there was to be no escape.
Slowly, painfully, Alice snaked her way across the moor, after three hours having managed much less than she had planned. There was a sudden coldness, and dark clouds passed overhead. ?oh God, not rain. Please not rain? she screamed into her gag, as the clouds started to release their content. Rain had not been forecast, but here it was, turning the ground under her softer.
The soft ground slowed her down, and over the next hour Alice managed less than eighty feet. She knew instinctively that she would never make it back to her car that night if she continued at this rate.
Using a tree, she managed to get back on her feet, her intention was to hop, or jump, her way to freedom.
This did allow her to move faster, even though she could feel the plug, vibrator and her breasts move with every jump. She was at least moving faster now, but she knew she had perhaps gone a step too far with this task.
The rainfall lasted two hours, by which time Alice was cold, wet, and in severe pain. The plug filling her anal passage was hurting, the vibrator was still humming inside her, but her ankles, with all this jumping, were in severe pain. She wanted to curl up and die, but her sense of self survival was more paramount.
The ground was mud beneath her, and several times Alice had fallen. With no control over? her body, she had fallen on her side, on her back and on her front, the falling on her back the worst, as her hands were cuffed behind her, which meant she fell on them.
Alice suddenly realised that daylight was fading. By her own reckoning, she had now been struggling for at least eight hours, and her car was still miles away. This was not going to be an easy task, but now, with darkness moving in, was going to be much harder.
Totally drained from her efforts, Alice was now having problems staying awake, the darkness closing in even faster on the moors, no street lights to help her. Her last sight before her eyes closed, were the magnificent view of the night stars.
Alice had no idea how long she slept. It was still dark, she was very, very cold, and knew she had to make some movement. Her legs felt like lead, her breasts hurt more than she could ever imagine they would, had she been able to see them, she would have seen how dark that had become. And worst of all, she needed the toilet, totally impossible thanks to the butt plug. She prayed to any Diety she could think of, none came to her assistance.
Once again she forced herself to her feet, and set off, the ropes, the cuffs, everything causing more and more pain and frustration.
Alice could not count the times she had fallen over by the time the sun started to rise again. Only when it had risen could she see the dirt her body had picked up. She was coated in dried mud, her breasts felt as if they were no longer hers, and though the vibrations had stopped, she could still feel the thing inside her, now, more of a painful annoyance than anything.
Though Alice struggled, she still did not make it back to her car the second day. Her stomach was cramped with the need to use a toilet, the bouncing when she jumped was causing more and more pain, and she slumped to the floor in desperation more than once.
Once more darkness surrounded her, and Alice cried herself to sleep. How much longer could she handle this? How much more pain and suffering could she take? How much longer to her car?
Had she known where she was, and had the courage to go one, Alice would have found her car just? ten minutes later. The night was cold, very cold.
The sun had gone around nine at night, and took all the heat with it. Alice had not eaten for two days, not drank anything,? her body was sore, her intestines full, and her mind wandering. She dreamed of warm nights in front of the fire, hot coffee fresh from her machine, hot beef and onion baguettes.
It was three days later that she was found. Her car only yards away, but, whatever could have forced a young woman to lie down and die so close to freedom?
-->Alice Alice was watching through the chain link fence. She saw Juan approach the border in his fancy car. It had cost nearly a quarter million, but Juan could afford it. She watched as he was waved into an inspection bay by the customs officers. The trunk lid went up, and Juan was escorted into a low building. Alice could only...
At sixteen my life wasn’t typical. I lived alone with my older sister Alice who’s only seventeen. We lived with our eighty-two year old grandmother, but she fell a while back and had to be taken to live in a nursing home leaving us to live alone. We visited granny daily as she was our only living relative and we loved her dearly. Since granny’s fall our lives have taken on a rhythm of school, home, chores and then relax for a movie. No one seemed to know or notice that Alice is...
On my sixteenth birthday, my parents gave me my best ever present, they allowed me out of dating jail. Not an unconditional release, they had what they called behavioural expectations.I’m pretty sure those guidelines didn’t envisage me finding myself, after dark on the day school broke up, in the local park’s quietest corner. And no doubt I wasn’t expected to copy Alice and wear the sort of boob tube and shorts that mum tut-tutted about whenever Alice had shown up in them.But, had they known I...
MasturbationIntroduction: Alice is like no other in the world. Being the first of her kind makes her unique in every way. She is the first in what will be a long and lucrative line of helper androids for everyone. Her creator Adam, a tech and artificial intelligence genius at 14, graduated MIT at 17, CEO of his own company by 20. Now 23 he lives in seclusion on his private island to focus on his secret A.I. project named S.W.A.P. Adam has been working on project S.W.A.P for over a year now with no one...
Alice was watching through the chain link fence. She saw Juan approach the border in his fancy car. It had cost nearly a quarter million, but Juan could afford it. She watched as he was waved into an inspection bay by the customs officers. The trunk lid went up, and Juan was escorted into a low building. Alice could only wait. Alice and Juan were going to get married. He was a friend of her father, and she had known him since she was a little girl. When she was seventeen, he asked her to...
I came home from work one afternoon to discover someone was moving into the apartment next door. The new tenant was a young lady. She was in her twenties, she had light brown hair, sexy blue eyes, and a nice body. She was not spectacular to look at, but she was definitely very attractive. I did not introduce myself right away. I wanted her to have a chance to get settled in before I intruded on her. After about two weeks I finally introduced myself to her. I was coming in the front door of the...
I met Nell when I met Alice, the woman who was destined to be a significant other, at a free concert in Central Park (Zubin Mehta and the New York Philharmonic). They were unlikely roommates, a true mutt-and-jeff pairing. To tell the truth, while Nell was the taller - by quite a bit - of the two, no one was ever going to call Alice a "mutt." Or Nell, for that matter. Alice and I hit it off pretty quickly. We exchanged phone numbers, and the first time I picked up the phone to call her, she...
Her name was Alice and she was the sister of my seventeen year old daughters' best friend, only fourteen, almost an innocent, yet she drew my attention in a way that few adult women ever could. Until I first met Alice, there was no way I'd consider a young teen as a sexual object; that was for dirty old men in macs exposing themselves and more often than not getting caught too. Yes I knew there were paedophiles around, but sex with an underage girl? Sorry, not interested and definitely not...
Alice and Bob danced the first dance, as was traditional. Of course I was there, chronicling this latest phase in my best friend's life. The two of them were good together, everyone said so and I had to agree. The love-light just shone from their eyes and their smiles were sickeningly sweet. How did I know this? You ask. I was videotaping their wedding. I didn't have to, they did have an official cameraman, but I had a self-appointed task to complete my record of Bob's life as a single man....
Alice by BryanDoug -- Edited/Modified by NE14A69 "Alice, you come right down here immediately!, Your friend Millie is here to see you" Alice trembled at the thought. Millie was the last person on earth he wanted to see, especially like THIS. Not Millie, his best friend since childhood! But the poor child knew full well what would be the consequences of disobedience. That sort of thing had gotten him into this fix in the first place. There was no putting...
I had her picked out for months, but I was waiting for the right opportunity. Opportunity is everything. I had done this more than once over the course of my career. I was always careful about the girl I picked. Didn't want any well connected princess crying to her parents. So I picked the losers. You know the type. Daddy left early, or maybe he stuck around long enough to knock mama around when he drank too much. Mama was usually a drunk or a druggie who cared more about whatever step-daddy...
Plucking another mushroom from the ground, Alice placed it in her woven, wooden basket. Her cat, Dinah, danced through the overgrown blades of grass behind her, chasing the fluttering butterflies. College had finished for the summer and Alice intended on enjoying every minute of the glorious sunshine. Glancing around at the tranquil, open field she sneakily placed the head of another mushroom to her lips and bit into the chalky texture. “Don’t look at me like that, Dinah, I’m hungry,” Alice...
It took me a long time to get into Alice. Her Dad owned the company where I worked, so she came in whenever she cared to, despite making 100K per year. I first noticed her walking away from me down the hall in a '50's style tight skirt. She dropped something (on purpose?), bent at the waist to pick it up, displaying a beautiful heart-shaped ass. She was petite, with waist-length beautiful blonde hair. She had virtually no boobs, but after ogling her sweet butt, I couldn't care less. ...
AliceI walk into the opulent hotel. Golden walls glow at me. The Olympus is known for it's clientele and their lavish lifestyle. I wasn't sure that I belonged there. I walk over to the shiny elevator doors. My reflection stares back at me.I am dressed in a thin white sheath dress with a shear lace light blue overlay. My breasts push against the material. My straight blond hair falls down to the middle of my back. The black Mary Jane's I am wearing have a slight heel. My legs look long and lean...
ALICE By Lisa Fox I must admit that I was a bit skeptical when Harold first came to live with me. I was his only surviving relative, so I really couldn't refuse the poor little orphan, but I am well into middle age, and though I raised two children of my own, I had no experience with boys, especially boisterous, rampaging, girl-crazy adolescent boys like Harold. Still, I had an obligation to my dear, departed sister, so I agreed to take him under my wing and do what I could for him,...
Die Story ist zur Veröffentlichung in Print vorgesehen. Ich muss sie deshalb hier rausnehmen. Ich bitte, die Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen. Admins dürfen komplett löschen. The story is going to be pubslihed in print, so I have to delete the digital edition. Sorry for the inconvenience. Admins may delete this.
Betrayal and PaybackThe Setting:Southern California, in and around the Los Angeles area.Part 1 - The Betrayal"That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it."Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom."YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt."Gail recognized Paula's voice."Lick it up - slave - lick it all up."Gail froze in her tracks as...
ACT III “Do you see anything? The fog is a good sign, right?” Anne asked. “The sonar shows we’re close to something, alright,” Anglerod confirmed. “And it’s the island we’re looking for? How can we tell?” said Anne. “The mountain that looks like an erect cock and balls,” Karl said. “Oh, that’s right, I remember you mentioned that,” Anne replied. “Here’s the shore. You can hear the waves breaking,” Anglerod observed. “Wait, those aren’t breakers. It’s drums,” Jack realized. Karl said,...
Ok, so, since you asked, this is how it all happened. It's kind of a long story, but... if you'll stick with me, I think you may find it interesting. XXX "Oh, doesn't she look stunning," my wife, Opie, sighed as she watched her little sister, resplendent in her white lace, form fitting, post- ceremony dress swing her legs into the limousine to leave on her honeymoon. "She does, Ope," I agreed. "She's a beautiful girl, but I got the best of the bunch." "Oh, stop it." She...
My name is Alica, I am 22 years old.. 5'2 and 125 pounds. The story I have for you is 100% true. It all started with my roommate Jessie and I find ourselves extremely bored. I had a bright idea to bring two of our guys friends over for a innocent night of fun with a few drinks. My guy friends have always teased me for secretly being bisexual. Once the drinking began it didn't take long for my sexuality to become obvious to Jessy as well. With the music going Jessy and I began to dance. She...
Drunk sexIn college I thought I was straight. Always did, even though every once in awhile I imagined being gay. I never thought that I was. I love gay sex, bukakes, anal, blowjobs all of them I do it all the time. But, before this experience I wouldn’t even let a guy see me naked. It all started when I was a sophmore in college. I loved sex and I slept with girls all the time. I could almost always get laid. There was one place were every guy knew he could have sex any time he wanted. That was in the...
Hi friends, I am ANJAAN from Luck now. I am pursuing I am also a great fan of Indian sex stories and have always enjoyed reading the stories here. I also have some experiences I’ve had in real life to share with you. It is a real life incident which took place a few days ago. A long wait of 2 years ended in great satisfaction. 2 years ago when I saw her I was really stunned by the beauty she possessed. She is sexy & hot with nice, round & soft boobs and firm, tight butts. Her name is...
It was without doubt the most embarrassing moment of my life. There I stood in a back street with a brown paper bag between my feet and its contents, five dirty mags, spread out on the pavement in front of me. Not only that, but Mrs Hotter was standing there staring, hand over mouth.Mrs Hotter was her real name, by the way, which occasioned a great deal of sniggering among us boys-becoming-men, but that’s neither here nor there. Let me give you the background.It was the day after my 18th...
MILFStopped at a local parking area or viewing point while sitting there i noticed a few guys parking and walking down the old road as there was a new by-pass opened, they would come back 15 / 20 mins later. This was getting to me why were they all heading off down a dead end road that was just all woods and bushes, so i thought i would go and check iot out myself i meet a couple of guys walking back as i went down and after a few mins i noticed a path through the trees so i followed it, it went...
Sandy had left early and while Carmen and I were still naked and I had plenty of time before I needed to leave for work, I decided I wanted one more turn with Carmen. Coming up behind her as she was getting ready to make breakfast, I slid my arms around her and took hold of her tits and began to squeeze then, softly at first, then more roughly. "You want my cock whore?" I asked her softly By now I had her moaning as I continued to caress her tits and arching her head back towards me, "Oh yes...
I first noticed Sophie a couple of years ago when she started at college. She used to catch the same train as me in the morning and made the early starts a lot better! Sophie is a typical Emo k**, she comes across as shy in a really sexy way. Her hair is blonde, cut in a boyish style that flops onto her face on one side, and usually has coloured streaks in it, sometimes green, sometimes blue, but usually a light pink. Her face is best described as elf-like, big eyes and a cute little nose. ...
Note: All rights reserved. Hope you like this short story. ***** Friday nights were basically the same for Sam and his best friend Jason. Their over- 30 men’s softball game started around 6PM and ended around 9PM. After a few hours drinking beer Sam normally drove his buddy home. Since Sam was now divorced he didn’t have to worry about leaving the little wife home on Friday nights. For Jason however his live-in girlfriend of five years was lonely and bored. ‘So how does Janie feel about...
Baat jab ki hai jab mai junior college me hua karta tha year 2003 ki. Mai 12th me tha aur yeh ghatna meri science ki teacher ke saath ghati hai. Hum logo ko school ki taraf se plant lagao abhiyan me bhaag mila tha. Toh principal ne kaha ke school ki terrace pe kuch plants laga do, teacher bacho ke saath mil ke. Ohhh!! Sorry teacher ke baare me toh batana hi bhool gaya. Teacher science ki ek dum mast sexy gori aur naram badan ki thi. Khaas baat uski matakti gaand ki thi. Woh 2 bacho ki maa thi...
Chapter 1 You come home to find me right where you left me. Back arched backward over my training bench. Hands and feet securely bound to the legs of the device. You have allowed me only enough movement so that I may raise my head. This is not so I do pass out. This is to make fucking my face more convenient for you. I have been here all day. You locked me to my bench after breakfast, which was 8 hours ago. I am in agony, my whole body aches but I say nothing. I know better than to...
Devon had moved Alpha 7 and, as a result, they were not very far from Rhylos now. Hide in plain sight—he’d said—though not really. They were in a dead solar system, orbiting a large gaseous planet that glowed deep red. It had hundreds of moons and a thick ring circling its middle for miles. Ashriel stared longingly at Alpha 7 as the replacement starcruiser Devon had acquired for Natanael shot forward. Only a half hour had gone by and already he missed Anniel. It would take just a few hours to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiNikki and David spent the afternoon discussing legal matters related to property they owned jointly. They inherited it together after Nikki’s first husband, David’s father had passed. ten years earlier. When that was done they moved from Nikki’s home office to the living room in her sprawling condo. They sat and talked, discussing politics and Nikki’s workload for the television show of which she was a co-host. As time passed, the afternoon sun gave way to dusk. Before they noticed it,...
"What's wrong, Tish?""Oh nothing, Chaz. I just got friendzoned by a guy I like, um, used to like. He's number one on my shitlist now.""I know the feeling."Charlie's StoryAnd I do know the feeling. I'd spent almost two years mired in the friend zone of Trisha's roommate. But this isn't about Lisa. I came upon Tish as she walked across the campus of our large midwestern university, and I noticed she was crying and I wanted to cheer her up. So, I put on my best knight-in-shining-armor...
Straight SexYou feel comfort. Darkness covers every inch of your sight. Despite this, you are not afraid. Rather, you're drowsy. Direction is foreign in this space, disconnecting you from your senses and aiding your descent into slumber. "...No!" a voice calls out, "You're almost there! Please..." Your being tingles in response to the pleasant sound. The echo of the voice beckons you, but as you try to follow, you feel something pulling you and chilling your back. "..." Your fingers twitch on the cold,...
FantasyUnderworld Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Avatar: The Last Airbender (Raidens Past) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Started) Resident Evil (Movie Series not game) The Avengers (Iron man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America Movies jncluding the actual movie The Avengers) ******************************************************************************************************************************* As the sun began to rise on a new day , the light began to creep in through the...
The refugees from Azurana were confused, fearful and completely out of their depth. Looking back, I’m amazed at how we actually coped with an influx of nearly seven million people. Fortunately we had a lot of help from our allies, particularly the Æsir who distributed the Azurans between their five worlds and were able to use their harvests to feed and sustain them. Jeeval’s people as the acknowledged leaders (by us and Jerhz’s people, not necessarily the refugees) aided and assisted in this...
This is 36th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am Alok 36 yrs old male from Patna. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or Hi, my name is Sachin form Mumbai. My family consists of my parents, my married sister Sheetal and me. My brother in law Vijay got a job in Gulf. My sister is staying with us for the period till she gets all her passport/visas cleared. For all papers and documents clearance Sheetal had to go to Immigration office almost daily....
IncestMr. Wizard's Personal Assistant. By SuppositionLife A very short story about a man that releases a wizard from 5,000 year old prison and remember where this story is posted. "The days are getting longer, all the trees are going to have leaves soon" I thought as I made my way home. It was a fairly long drive but I liked living in the country and face it the rent is cheaper. But with what I make as a Paralegal there is nothing else available. I pulled up to mail box and took...
Okay ya’all. It’s the morning after my previous story about “Scott” (see Huge Cock takes her “virgin pussy”). If you know me, you know I’m a BBC girl all the way-and I have plans for tonight. But that’ll be another story. I have to say, I had a lot of fun with my HUGE BLACK DILDO when I went to bed after writing that last story. I thought I was done after I had cum when writing it; but when I got in bed the rest of his story kept playing in my mind. So I stuck my enormous suction cup dildo on...
Young Stepmother Part 2 By Mark Dayette The day after the funeral, Stepmother Molly and I attended the reading of my father's will. I had thoughts in my head of moving out and getting my own place but then I wondered if I was strong enough to do it. I had become accustomed to a lazy lifestyle that it was going to be hard to change my ways. However, as the will was being read I awaited the substantial inheritance that I knew my father had prepared for me. As it was read, Molly was...
Jamie had listened to Sir David suggesting that he hold a press conference to expose the US President's cover up, but an idea of his own had popped into his head. He would personally go and speak to POTUS. What had been done could have led to the slaughter of all of the remaining survivors across England. Jamie felt that was a good enough reason to want to look the man who had kept it hushed up in the eye. "No Sir David, I think I know how these people work now. It might be better if I was...
Dr Ellie Stevens had no idea what she was letting herself in for when she walked into the British Museum that evening. In fact, she was slightly surprised that Professor Alexander had even remembered to send her the invitation to this, his famous mummy unwrapping at all, then she recalled the brisk and efficient girl with the clipboard and thought that her job was probably exactly this, to follow the professor around and do the things he had promised. Nice job. Ellie couldn’t see Kaiser and...
It was my mom's birthday and I wanted to surprise visit her in southern cali. I invite 2 of my friends jayson and darren and their girlfriends, of course my girlfriend for a road trip. We took my friend old van that didn't even have seats in the back, which was fine cause we all didn't mind sitting on the floor. Darren and his girl Abby in the front and Jay, myself and our gf's in the back. It wasn't more than 2 hrs on the road; Gina...Jayson's girl, passed out laying on his lap. My girl...
This is a true story, and for the first time, I’m actually going to include some photos. If you check my photo gallery, I uploaded 3 pictures. I cut her face out of them and distinguishing marks so she’ll never be identified by anyone. For anonymity I will refer to her by a generic Russian name: “Sasha”. The doctor’s office I go to, here in NYC is in a Russian/Jewish neighborhood. There are usually older Russian women there , but every now and then you get hot “bombshells” walking in who’d...
When we got up the next morning, mom told me to go out and kill a hog. "Which one?" I asked. "Kill the one that's about half grown," she said. "We don't have time to cure one that's bigger." I just nodded. "Do you want me to butcher him?" "No, just hang him with the block and tackle. I'll butcher him. Tess is gonna work on the jerky today and I'd like for you to start grinding corn." "Is one barrel full gonna be enough?" I asked. Mom nodded. I went out and got a hand...
She is out of the car leaving the door open before he can even dispute the fact, even if he wanted to. A light pressure to the gates allows her admittance to the grounds beyond. The fog that had been noticeable while they drove from the club now seemed denser as she jogged slowly threw the midnight darkness. As with so many things with him, this too was a first yet just as exciting and trilling as everything else they had tried so far. Shadows fell deep upon the already dark ground, some large...
My daughters came up with a theory that answered the question regarding the lack of wildlife that we'd been encountering. It was one that made sense to me and the rest of my family. After hearing it, I was still left with a feeling of uneasiness. My wife told me that it was normal. The rest of the family felt the same way. Unlike back home on Earth where the question of divine intervention was hotly debated, here we knew that our lives were being manipulated by unseen entities. It was a...
England in the year 1636 was a tumultuous place. The Thirty Years War on the European Continent had spread to the high seas and around the world involving England in war against France and Spain. However, the most troublesome conflicts to the people of England were on their own soil. There were at least a dozen different groups that supported armies to enforce their ideas. Conflict was everywhere. The most vulnerable were those who had no one to defend them. A woman who had lost her father...
I picked Katie up and carried her into the bedroom, laying her on the bed. Everyone followed me in. As I carried her, I looked at her closely. She had a few bruises, a few cuts, probably consistent with having escaped from where she was held. I doubt they just let her go. She had also lost a little weight. That was more serious; she was a small girl to start with. I wondered what she was doing here. According to Megan, she was supposed to tell us when to join her. Obviously, something had...
Show, For You OnlyBy: Londebaaz Chohan I Shall be very honest. I do not know; how much I care for you. I do not know; how much I want to see you happy but I know how attentively; I listen to you when you are speaking to me. I try not only to listen to the words, you speak but I do my best to understand the true legitimacy of the statement you deliver or the demand you make on me. Wow!! Did you tell me that would like to watch me cum for you?I know, you always told me; how you felt, when I...
Rumble rumble, rata-tat-tat. The sound of the drums carried along every deck, every corridor, into every berth and nook and cranny. The officers in their quarters to the twists in the lower holds heard it, and went to their assigned posts with a will. That sound was to be obeyed, drill or not, and there was a crackling rumor that moved cross the Hegemony at a speed faster than even transtelepathic message: This was no drill. In the high gilded spires of the Navigator’s home, Regencia put her...
That night I managed to eat a little of what Michelle cooked for us. All the time I was eating, though, I kept trying to remember Mamma. Jake and Gary and Moira were talking, including a discussion of a possible trip to Seattle, and whether that would be a good idea. Like, what they would be able to accomplish if someone went? I gave up trying to listen, and instead tried to see Mamma's face or hear her voice in my head. I tried to remember her smile. It was sad how hard it was to bring back...
Mrs. Grotten marched Cindy out of the dorm and up the dirt road to the administration building. It was a warm summer afternoon, but Cindy had broken out into gooseflesh, and the shapely teen shivered in fear as Mrs. Grotten cursed her and gave her tight, teenaged ass a good whack with her riding crop. "Turn left, you little pussy-eater!" The crop found Cindy's ass again, sizzling into the soft flesh of her asscheeks, which was just barely exposed beneath the hem of the girl's...
Being the relatively new girl in the office, Camila presents a demeanour of shyness that is tantalising alluring. There is a mystique about her that beckons to be discovered. I would guess her age at mid to late thirties and although I am some fifteen to twenty years older than her, I do look much younger than my actual age, so many people tell me. For that reason I live in hope that she might still consider me as mate material.Oh how I long to hold her in my arms and feel her slender hips...
Note: This story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only. It should not be read by people who are offended by such material or are not legally allowed to access such material. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old. Heya! My name is Allie Bird, 27 year old blonde journalist extraordinaire. You probably know me from my advice column, Actu-Allie. Or maybe from my food column, Culin-Allie. Real Allie fans will, of course, know about work with the folk music...
Waking up the morning it was going to be my last day sleeping over by Jessica. Her parents were going to be back in to days from now, as well as my dad's conditions asking me to be home from tomorrow afternoon. I had really enjoyed my few days with my girlfriend Jessica, spending some quality time together and needless to say how I enjoyed fucking her. She woke up a little bit after me and once we both were properly awake, we made plans for our final day and night together. After planning our...
I got Mort to Jerry’s office and as usual, Jerry was accompanied by Bart, his normal boy toy. I was a tad surprised to see Jerry’s jaw drop just a bit when we entered and the energy of sexual desire in the air was palpable. I could feel my cock stiffening under my robe as Jerry and Mort locked eyes. Jerry rose from behind his desk. His bathrobe came open, exposing his long thick cock. Jerry paused at the edge of the desk and stopped, opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of black nylons, the...
John and Jenny got to sleep the clock around. Something John did as a young man. He worked two eight hour shifts when he was 19 and during the week only got 4 hours of sleep every night. During the weekend if he got to sleep the clock around at least once then he would be fine. John was remembering all this as he almost woke up. “Are you awake?” Jenny asked. “No.” John yawns. “This Carbon 60 helps oxygenates the blood. I guess if I stay up 24 hours then sleep for twelve or more, I’m going...
Jakob wird vom schrillen Geräusch des Weckers viel zu früh geweckt. Er muss heute früh aufstehen, da er in den Morgenstunden sein erstes Shooting mit einem echten Menschen hat. Bisher hatten es nur Tiere oder Landschaften auf den Sensor seiner Sony-Kamera geschafft. Die Kamera war sein ganzer Stolz - Jakob hatte sie vor ca. 6 Monaten online gebraucht erworben, und sie war ein echter Glücksgriff - quasi neu und unglaublich günstig. Eine Besonderheit hatte sie auch noch: sie war nicht wie üblich...
Mind Control