A Little R&R Ch. 02 free porn video

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Reno strolled through the doorway, rubbing the towel on his head from the morning’s shower. He was only partially in uniform for this time of day, but since it was a holiday weekend, no one certainly was going to push the point. ‘I need to do something with my hair. It’s a mess.’

Rude came up from beside him and ruffled it up from behind. There hadn’t been one day where his hair kept to any order, much like the man beneath it. ‘S’no different than when you roll out of bed, no matter what you do,’ he chided.

‘I have to use product after I shower or my hair doesn’t do anything for the rest of the week.’

‘So you don’t look like you just came out of the dryer?’ Rude made to duck from an expected punch. Playfully, Reno grabbed the bigger man with an arm around his neck and rubbed the top of his bare head with his free hand.

‘You wouldn’t have that problem, would you?’ The pair side-stepped around.

‘I’ve been told bald men are quite sexy these days.’

Still hanging on, Reno licked the top of his head. ‘I like it, yo,’ he said with a smirk. Rude bit at his lower lip a little.

‘I’m not returning the sentiment…I fear hairballs.’

‘I’d be weirded out.’ Reno let him go as he gave his friend a strange look. Rude had returned to scavenging through piles of clothes and linens.

‘You don’t happen to know where my belt ended up, would ya?’

‘Where did you have it last, yo?’

‘Down by the storage room… but when I looked for it, it wasn’t there…’ He furrowed his brow while Reno quirked.

‘Wait… where we were last night?’

Rude nodded once. ‘Yea… who uses that room?’

Reno looked thoughtful for a moment. ‘Eh, is it all that important? It’s not like you don’t have a spare.’ the big man shook his head no.

‘You know how cheap they are… practically one for everything,’ he mused, staring out into space.

‘Eh, what are you worried about, yo? I’d give you mine but I lost it a month ago.’

‘Like yours would even fit me.’ He rolled his head back toward Reno, who threw his head back and laughed.

‘Yea. That would be like me wearing your jacket.’ He joined in rummaging around the room.

Rude snorted softly. ‘What are you looking for?’ raising an eyebrow. ‘Not more of those pictures…’

‘Rude… they were everywhere. I found one IN the bed last night. Nah, I can’t find my damned jacket. It’s around here somewhere, I know it. I brought an entire suit. I remember.

‘Did you bring it with you when you took your shower?’ Rude looked about idly.

‘Nah, just the pants and shirt. They were all I could find.’

Rude hopped up to perch on the bed and shuffled a few things around, finding another picture. ‘Damn, you were pretty close to take that one,’ he commented, moving his sunglasses out of the way. ‘I can see my nose hairs in this one.’ He rubbed his nose self-consciously.

‘Yea,’ Reno shrugged. ‘You can tell the earlier ones from the later ones by how far I was. Hey, uh… sorry for… you know… freakin’ out on you last night.’ Rude returned his sunglasses to their proper position, saying nothing as Reno shrugged, flopping on the bed beside him.

‘After the cat was out of the bag I could’ve just talked to you, yo, instead of… eh… runnin’ off.’ With a silent smirk, Rude got up and rummaged about some more. ‘Yea, and this is the point where you’re supposed to, you know, talk to me or somethin’. You were talkin’ enough last night!’ Rude paused for a moment and straightened to his full height. He acted like he wanted to say something, but thought better of it and turned back to rummaging. ‘Rude…’ Reno tossed his head back with a jerk, ‘What’sup?’

Rude turned his head over his shoulder, and then turned it back away. ‘It’s just…. weird…’

‘Weird?’ Reno was taken slightly aback.

Rude shrugged and returned to sorting. Reno, not to be denied or ignored, especially when he was teetering on the edge of the unknown, walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Rude’s waist, pressing his face into his back. The wall of a guy paused, dropping the papers he had in his hands.

‘Still weird?’ Reno continued. Rude nodded his head ever so slightly, moving his hand to top the arm wrapped about him. He spoke softly into Rude’s ear. ‘Why’s it weird?’

When he spoke, it was softly and with a deep, heaving sigh, ‘Dunno…’

Reno slunk around in front of him and crouched on the floor, looking into his eyes behind the sunglasses. Rude dropped his head, adding in a hushed voice, ‘You’ve been my partner for years… so it’s…’ He dropped off, struggling to find what to say.

‘Man. Rude, I’m still your friend, yo. S’why I didn’t wanna tell you… or have you find those pictures, but I was more worried about the Third Division finding ’em.’ Rude closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, nodding lightly. ‘Come on… it’s not that weird… is it?’

Rude stood up and pulled out the chair tucked under his desk, sat on it backwards, and folded his arms over the upper back of it. ‘You’re asking after all of this… mess,’ he kicked a pile of socks, ‘…if I still find this weird. You have no idea.’

Reno’s head jerked back again. ‘Yea.’ It was all he could muster. He had fucked up. What could he do to make this right again? There was so much Reno needed to hear, but he couldn’t ask about it and even if he could, Rude wouldn’t answer him. To occupy his hands, he started picking up pictures off the floor and stuffing them into the envelope. Rude turned his head to the side and heaved another sigh.

‘Who would have thought I’d ever end up…?’ He dropped off again, his head buried into his elbow. Reno paused, a photo dangling between his fingertips.

‘End up what?’ he asked, his voice picking up an edge. From within his elbow, Rude murmured. Reno twitched involuntarily. ‘Rude, so help me… I’m no match for you. Don’t make me try and beat you.’ Rude muffled a snort in response.

‘Then talk to me, goddamnit.’

Rude stood up sharply and flipped the chair back towards the desk. ‘I like women, ok?’ He appeared agitated. ‘I was never brought up thinking any of this was…’ His voice dropped off and his brow furrowed. ‘I’m not…’ He stared at the wall farthest from him.

Reno snorted. ‘Is that what this is all about?’ It was a statement more than question. ‘Yea, know what? I like women, too. I like men. And, hey, it doesn’t have to go any further than me, eh?’

The big man turned his attention to the large crack in the wall. After a long moment of silence he braved to ask what has been tearing at his mind. ‘So I am… aren’t I?’ It was more of a statement than a question.

‘Full sentences would help you there, pal.’

‘Don’t make me say it…’ His hands flexed at his sides.

Reno stood from his crouching position. ‘Don’t make you say what? Aren’t you what? I’ve got half a dozen things you aren’t right now and the main one is ‘making sense’.’ Rude cut to the wall with the crack and rested his forehead against it. Reno sighed and dropped the envelope full of pictures to the floor, crossed the floor and wrapped his arms around as much of Rude as he could manage, pressing his forehead against his back.

‘So would it be easier for you to forget about this?’ Rude began to hit his forehead against the wall. Reno spoke against his broad back, ‘Stopit…’ The bald man slowed his frequency, but didn’t stop. Reno balled up his fist and socked him in the chest, which was no small feat considering how wide Rude was. ‘I said stop it.’ Rude made one more thump to the wall. Irritated, Reno darted around in front of him and put his hand in front of the wall. ‘Rude, stop it. You’re hurting the wall.’

Rude rested his forehead against Reno’s hand. In a murmur, he spoke, ‘This is getting complicated…’

‘Hey, like I said. You wanna just forget about it, you forget about it. Nothing

‘But it has,’ he huffed.

‘Alright. You want it this way, I’ll make the choice for you, yo.’ He turned and walked out the door without another word.

Rude put his cheek to the wall and waited a few seconds before following Reno out into the hall. He was torn by the situation. Not only was he mad at himself for a number of reasons, but he was too proud to say anything to Reno. He prized his friendship with the rogue Turk, but now things were muddled, and he feared he would lose his friend after all.

Reno headed down the hallway to his room. It’s not like he had to stay with Rude forever. Hell, he could go stay with… well, alright, no one else would let him stay with them. He rounded the corner and poked his head into the room. If Rude didn’t want him, that was fine. He’d dealt with rejection before… too bad it hurt so deep this time. Reno shook it off and turned on the usual charm.

‘Hey! So what’s going on in here? Any luck yet?’

Several suited men stood about watching a few more men who were in full biohazard gear. One of them was negotiating a large wrap over a mattress corner with a pair of tongs. He tried greeting again. ‘Hey, so what the hell are you people looking for, anyway? Some nuclear cockroach get in my room or something?’

One of the men dressed in gear tried to say something. Tseng turned to the flunky next to him. ‘What’d he say?’

He shrugged. ‘I think it was something about he needs help.’ The other protected men look between each other, shirking the job.

Reno sighed and strolled into the room. ‘Tseng. What the hell are you guys looking for?’ One of the bio-suit guys held a meter up to Reno. It chittered noisily. ‘Look, I want my room back, yo. Tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll help you or something.’

‘We’re not looking for anything.’ Tseng stepped forward, leveling a cool gaze at Reno. ‘If you can’t tell already, we’re trying to bring this room back up to… code.’ He rubbed his fingers together as if something disgusting had dirtied them. Reno wondered if he knew how creepy it made him look, and not in a good way. It wasn’t creepy in an intimidating way, it was more like creepy in a child-molesting kind of way. Reno stopped himself before he blurted the words.

‘Then take everything out, burn it and move on.’ He was getting impatient. He needed space to himself for awhile so Rude could sort himself out. ‘Spend some of Shinra’s hard earned money and get something… new. Put someone else in this room and give me theirs. I don’t GIVE a rat’s ass, just get me somewhere.’ Rude sided up behind Reno.

‘But you are somewhere.’ He dropped, turning to talk to some of the other men at his off-side. Reno threw his hands up and turned to walk out, running smack into Rude. One of the men from Tseng’s group radioed through to an unknown end as Tseng turned back to the pair. ‘Until this matter is back under control, you two will be sharing your room,’ he stated, eyeing Rude, ‘until further notice.’ He punctuated his statement with a smirk. Rude’s jaw dropped.

‘That’s bullshit. You have half a dozen other rooms you could put me in.’ His usual charm was completely gone now, replaced with irritation and hurt. It was clearly obvious in his voice he was distraught. Tseng was smiling a bit more now, pleased to have gotten under Reno’s skin.

‘I wouldn’t complain too loudly at this point, very few others are willing to tolerate your…’ he paused, eyeing him up and down, ‘…mannerisms. Besides, you know there’s a policy about boys being in the women’s dormitories.’ He added emphasis on the word boys for further irritation.

Reno turned on his heel and muttered under his breath, ‘You’re an ass,’ and stalked out of the room. Rude stared blankly where Reno had just been.

‘Don’t worry, Rude,’ Tseng soothed. ‘I’m sure if you made it past the first night with him, the others should be a piece of cake.’ Rude said nothing, simply boggling inside his head.

Reno headed back to Rude’s room, snagged his blanket, kicked the envelope of pictures under his bed, and headed for the supply closet just outside in the hall next to the room. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Something he’d wanted for so long he finally had in his hands… he had held it… and then it was gone. Just like that. Wasn’t that always the way? Never wish for something too hard, Reno. You might just get what you want. Reno picked the lock of the supply closet, walked inside and shut it behind him with a soft click. He nestled between the boxes of sheet paper and wrapped his blanket around his shoulders, welcoming the blissful darkness.

As Rude made his way back to his room, hoping to find the brooding Reno, two workmen bumbled through the hallway carrying a large, solid object hidden under a sheet, nearly knocking him over. They barely navigated the bulky item through the doorframe before the sheet caught on the way and pulled it off. The two men each grabbed an end of Rude’s bed, caring not who or what might have been on it and began to haul it up and out the door. Rude blocked the doorway.

‘The hell’s going on here?’ He turned his head to look at the new obscurity. ‘BUNKBEDS?’ His lips flap like a fish in bewilderment. The two workers push past Rude, barely leaving him a second to grab his own blanket and pillow. Rude stood in the doorframe, scratching at his head. ‘Yeeeah… thanks for the memo, Tseng…’

So now what, Reno? He puzzled. You’ve alienated your best friend, given him more issues than Don Corneo’s girly magazines, and now you’re living in a frigging supply closet. He sighed heavily and buried his head in his blanket. Thinking his room was safe had been his first mistake. Nothing in Shinra was sacred and he knew that. He’d seen it first hand many times in his time as a Turk. Hell, he hadn’t agreed with it, he had just gone along with it because it had never affected him before. He sighed and buried his head deeper into his blanket, tears welling in his eyes. This was your idea, Reno. You brought this down on yourself, you know? Reno snapped his head up with the jangle of keys in the door handle. Great. Just what I need.

Elena pulled open the supply closet door and reached for the first box of paper out of instinct. She jumped and stumbled back when her eyes caught Reno’s. The shock was short lived and quickly replaced by confusion, then rage. She narrowed her eyes. ‘HOW did you get IN here?’ She tapped her foot in irritation, one hand on her hip. Reno closed his eyes and shook his head, slinking back into his blanket. Can this day get ANY worse… he sighed. Elena would not be ignored. ‘You didn’t answer my QUESTION, Reno. HOW did you get into the supply closet?’

‘Tseng locked me in here.’ He lied, his voice flat as the blanket swallowed him.

‘OH! Which REMINDS me, RENO,’ she cried, her eyes flashed liquid lightening, ‘HOW did Tseng get those pictures you told me you destroyed?’

Reno’s voice was more hushed and rather raw. ‘I thought you’d change your mind later, yo. I kept them for you in that tissue box you had them in. They called in people to renovate my room and the only way I could get them out of there without everyone seeing them was to give them to Tseng.’

‘Didn’t you get the MEMO about that?’

‘No…’ he mumbled, barely audible.

‘Reno, you look me in the eye and tell me that you HONESTLY did NOT get that memo. You tell me you HONESTLY had my best interests in mind. You do those things and MEAN IT and I will forgive you.’ Rude was listening to the entire scene from behind his doorway.

Reno pulled the blanket down around his shoulders, his eyes still glinting with tears. ‘Elena, I had your best interests in mind when I gave those pictures to Tseng.’ He dropped his eyes to the floor, his voice hoarse. ‘And, believe me, if I had gotten that memo, I wouldn’t be in the hell I’m in right now.’

‘Hey… you’re actually… upset… about something.’ She crouched down beside him. ‘
What could be bothering the Joker King, hmm?’ She smiled down at him, attempting cheeriness. Reno buried his face in his knees.

‘Can we not do this right now?’ He reached over, flipped the lid off a box of paper and handed her a packet. ‘Just close the door and don’t tell anyone you found me, ‘kay?’ Elena took the paper, blinking.

‘Reno… what’s going on? This is definitely NOT like you…’

A random office guy walks by. ‘Hola, Miss Seniorita.’ He flashed a big cheesy grin. Elena glared at him, and then turned her attention back to Reno. Reno shook his head and dug deep to fire up the old charm.

‘Eh, Rude and I are having a lover’s spat.’ He smiled up at her, hoping she bought it as a joke. ‘It’ll pass. So just close the door and leave me here, alright? I’m fine.’

‘You know, Reno… I don’t know how he puts up with you like he does. I think I would have to kill you by now.’

Two guys quietly pushed each other down toward Elena, chiding the other to do something. ‘You do it!’

‘No, YOU do it!’

‘It was YOUR idea!’

The first guy cleared his throat. ‘Uh, hi, Elena…’ The second guy elbowed him hard. ‘Nice weather we’re having.’ He giggled. ‘Looks like it’s gonna be sunny…’ They broke into a fit of giggles.

Elena glared at them. ‘What are you guys talking about?’ The first one cut in front of the other.

‘N-n-nothing… just ah… wanted to know if you brought a hat for today,’ he asked, snickered. Elena gave a tight-lipped smile and glared down at Reno.

‘Why, no, I didn’t.’ She turned back to them with a fake smile. ‘I planned on staying in today and doing some paperwork, which is WHY I stopped to get some paper. Don’t you guys have anything better to do?’

The giggling pair stumbled back down the hallway. ‘Awww… no hat for today,’ he snorted.

‘Come on,’ he sniggered. ‘Let’s go before she calls dogs on us… I wouldn’t want Tseng or Rufus bustin’ my balls this weekend, I got PLANS today.’

‘I’d just call Rude and have him bust your head like a melon,’ she called down the hall at them. Rude, from behind the doorway, snorted. Elena, hearing the soft sound, peeked up and around the door, catching the tip of his shoe. She turned back to Reno.

‘You know, with as much as the two of you work together, I would almost believe you and Rude had something going on.’ She smiled at Reno. ‘Too bad I know for a fact he has a crush on a girl. Besides, you wouldn’t be his type. Hell… he would crush you.’ Somehow, busting Reno’s balls when he was down just wasn’t satisfying. Rude blushed from his spot behind the door.

Reno nodded. ‘I just want my room back, Elena. I want somewhere to go.’

‘I’m sure Rude would let you stay with him for a couple of days until they get done. You have to admit, Reno, your room was nearly toxic.’

‘I TOLD you. Rude and I aren’t on the best of terms right now. I pushed something a little… too far with him and I can’t take it back. I just need to wait for it to blow over again and we’ll be fine.’

‘Wow. I never thought I would hear Rude had actually gotten upset with you.’

‘Eh, he’ll be alright in a couple of days. I just have to give him some time to let it blow over. S’what I do with everyone else, yo. They eventually forget about it.’ Rude flexed his hands a few times. ‘Rude’s the only one who will put up with me, yo. He’s my best friend. I just need to stay away from him for awhile so he can cool off.’ Reno buried his head in his blanket again so Elena didn’t see the fresh tears welling up. ‘Do a guy a favor and close the door, eh?’ Elena nearly closed the door, looking around the corner for Rude.

Rude’s mind was drowning now, to hear his friend on the verge of tears, it was twisting him all up inside. He rolled over to press his back against the wall. Elena closed the door on Reno and walked around the corner to Rude.

‘So since I couldn’t get any answers out of Reno, maybe I can get them out of you.’ Rude shifted his gaze to the ceiling and blinked back a tear. Elena leaned in and lowered her voice. ‘What in the HELL is going on with you two??’

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I have been asked about my 1st timeCatherine and I on the 3rd time we made out with each other was a Sunday , her mum and dad had gone visiting for the dayI knocked on her door she opened it wearing her nightie I stepped in she threw her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers Her tongue pushed into my mouth I responded back her breath smelt of toothpaste we stood there for five minutes just caressing and running our hands over each others bodies , I was wet immediatelyShe led me...

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Brian fucked alot of girls and it turned me on to see his cock used and to watch him make those other pussies cum just the way he made me cum. His cock was so perfectly shaped and so pretty when it was covered in creamy pussy juices. I loved to suck him clean. He was living with a 2 friends but one guy moved out and they needed a 3rd to share the bills. Around that time his buddy met a young asian girl named Linda. She was a student and needed a place cheap. Brian and his friend talked it...

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The weekend

My weekend. Maastricht.  Chapter 1 The arrival My flight touched down into maastricht at 3.30 in the afternoon , it's been a long exhausting day. Up at 5.30am for my dad to drive me to the airport.  Passport control then, arrivals.  I  noticed a woman holding a piece of cardboard up withe words ELLA in big letters written on it.The woman had very long black hair, with sunglasses top of her head, white blouse,  jeans and sandals.  She was so gorgeous  I thought to myself."Hiiii, Ella, it's me...

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Kats Sex Diary Vegas Fling With Bianca Simon the ThreesomeChapter 2 My Date with Simon

Early that afternoon, I decided to chill by the Encore Beach Club for a while, maybe even take a swim at the pool. I was in my black two-piece swimsuit with a jeweled triangle top and bikini bottom, I even wore a black hat to cover my hair from the sun. I even got a couple of compliments on my swimsuit by fellow guests and pool loungers. I then went to my hotel suite, changed clothes, and went down to the casino; I even won thousands of dollars on the roulette table playing my lucky number. I...

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Aunty With Her Clients

Hi All This is Lyra, writing something of this sort for the first time. Please bear with me if u find something wrong with my narration. Would be happy to receive your feedback on this on Earlier i used to read such stories on net and used to think ..these are all fake fantasies of people…till i happened to shift to Mumbai and got involved with the so called “elite” or the “upper” or the rich class. Since then I have seen (not literally) quite a few erotic incidences happening in real world…...

4 years ago
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Strawberry Surprise

It was 5:00 and Trish would be home from work in 45 mins. So Maria decided to do something special.Maria spent all day cleaning the house for Trish. Everything had to be perfect. Trish was turning 25 today and Maria had planned and entire weekend of fun. It's a good thing that Trish's birthday fell on a Friday because now Maria could spend the entire weekend pleasing her woman. The house was clean so Maria jumped in the shower making sure to wash really good so she could give her woman a fresh...

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Work Friends Nude House Party Part 2

This is a continuation of part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/matt_001/posts/260172.htmlSo having been left with a fully erect cock stood infront of my work friend Tina at her nude house party, I turn to her as she glances down at my cock. "I think I'm going to be stuck like this for a while" I giggle as she jumps off the kitchen side and stands close to me. "I know what may help, come follow me" she winks as she turns and walks past me, her breasts brushing lightly against my arm as she does so,...

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Take Me AwayChapter 3

Lil stayed for quite a bit longer than just the couple of hours she originally planned, the three friends having entirely too much fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. When Lillian wearily wandered home, it was all Ari and Amos could do to crawl into bed. When the sun rose in the morning, Amos got up from the bed and hung a sheet over the window, blocking out the light, and immediately crawled back into bed. Arilee laughed quietly, but leaned up against her man and drifted back...

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Papa Ka Pyar 8211 Part II

Dear friends this is my 3rd story to this forum and I presume that all ISS lover will lose it and send me comments on my ID. Characters My girl — Aditi study in 10th std. tit size just 32 B cup Her friend Ridhima study in the same class little larger than me Me (daddy) Business man jay 38 very handsome tall Ridhima mom Suchita (Suchi nick name) 33 widow and very sexy Adti my sweet teen daughter as I lost my wife 6 months back due to some sickness and me and Aditi now alone in our big house....

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 17 A Draft Pick

October 20, 1995, Chicago, Illinois She waited a few seconds and the attorneys all shook their heads. “As you all know, I have reports from DCFS, the mediator, and the guardian ad litem who I appointed. I’ve also conducted an interview with Marcia. It’s my job, as judge, to decide this case solely on Marcia’s best interests. At sixteen, she is old enough, and has demonstrated sufficient maturity, such that her wishes must be given very serious consideration. “I am, as are all Family Court...

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Desert DroppingChapter 31A Driving Aaron Keslin

There were a lot of things that didn't feel right to me as I climbed into the passenger seat of Seth's truck and stared out my window into the dark as the vehicle started. I'd likely lost my mind if I was willingly on my way to see Aaron. We were leaving the comfort of Seth's bed, where our time could have been more productively spent than it was going to be now. My hip bones were actually sore from all of that earlier grinding we'd done. And worst of all, things were so strained between...

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On the Beach

I see him swimming slowly towards me. He reaches shallow water and stands up, and I see that he is naked. He is powerfully built, and he walks towards me, his swimming trunks swinging loosely from his left hand, his penis half-erect. 'Hi, ' he says, smiling. 'Hello, ' I reply, smiling shyly in return, trying not to look at his dick. 'Can I join you?' I nod, and move to make room for him on the beach towel. He sits beside me, and our bare thighs touch briefly. I offer him another...

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Internal Affairs Ch 10

The night sitter replaced Jan Saturday night at 9pm. They spent two hours watching the TV provided by the Residence Hotel. He was an opinionated prick, Roger thought. At 11pm Roger went to the bedroom showered then went to bed. He left Tate watching the late news shows. Roger didn’t want to discuss politics, which was why he left. Roger slept pretty well. He felt like he knew what was going on. The had him to disappear pretty well. They were also hiding him just as well. Roger seemed to relax...

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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 4

narrated by Steve Harris Despite my lack of quality sleep I dispatch my work load in short order and begin making a few client calls just to touch bases. I avoided the clients that were at Mary’s Party that may or may have not fucked my wife. I didn’t want to get into discussions as to the quality of my wife’s cunt. One client I called had heard about the party and was hinting at the possibility of banging Stella, but I told them that they would have to go through either Mary or Bart if...

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Sex With Hairy Bakery Aunty

Hey friends I am Arun. I am 22 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with a matured woman who is the owner of a bakery. Her name is Geetha. She is 41 years old. The godown cum kitchen of her bakery is besides my house. Either she or her husband only will carry the baked stuffs from the kitchen to their bakery shop. We know each other very well. So if there is any delay in the kitchen, she would come to my house till all the food stuffs to be taken to the bakery are...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Gia Vendetti The Secrets Of Seduction

Our stud wants to learn how to make it with women, and who better to ask than his weird old Uncle James? Uncle James tells him that guys these days are too soft to get what they want. He needs to learn how to give a woman everything without giving her everything. Sure, Uncle James may give his woman a credit card, but he also makes her work around the house! But when his aunt Gia Vendetti shows up, suddenly our stud sees her in a whole new light. She pulls him into her world of sexual desires,...

1 year ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 1

Tracy and Sheila Del Monaco were sisters who married two college friends. Tracy married Richard Ray who founded, and was now the President of the Animals First Foundation, one of the most radical and politically powerful Animal Rights organizations in the world. Sheila, younger by five years, married Barry Wilson, now the Vice President of the AFF. Tracy Ray was the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFF, while Sheila was the writer for the organization's bi-monthly magazine. The Wilson family...

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Making our Mom Cum

Note: ——I am NOT the author! We remembered when we were little, my brother and I. Our mom liked to rub us a lot. She put lotion on us and felt our little bodies over and over. Then she would go in her bedroom, lock the door for a while and come out all out of breath with a big smile on her face. I’m Lynn and my brother is Ken, we’re a year apart, he is oldest. Were now 25 and 26 and this is how we grew up with our hot and sexy mom.Mom is beautiful, and a very sexy woman. She’s 5’ 2”, raven...

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BrattySis Jericha Jem Piper Perri Lucky Fuck

Sisters Jericha Jem and Piper Perri just can’t seem to get along. After getting all dolled up, they argue in the bathroom over whose St. Patrick’s Day dress is the cutest. Unbeknownst to them, their stepbrother Logan Long is hiding in the closet perving on them and jerking off. When Piper notices Logan, the girls demand that he come out. Instead of getting angry, they ask him to decide which costume is better. When Logan chooses Jericha, the girls argue about his decision. In the...

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Love Lust Betrayal and ConsequencesChapter 9

Deanna I drove home sexually satisfied but emotionally drained by my actions of the last couple of months. It’s been 10 weeks since the trip to Houston where I crossed that invisible line that can’t be taken back. Our affair has gotten stronger and more fun, if you will, even though I know I don’t love Joey. The sex is out of this world and I know he loves me. I love Robbie. We will grow old together. I noticed every time I say that, my womb is loaded with Joeys thick sticky spunk. How crazy...

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Dark Skies

Dark skies surrounded London. A black smog stretched across the horizon emanating from the factories that dominated the sprawling cityscape, drenching the sprawling metropolis with a dark haze that seemed to smothher all the light of the city. Suddenly, the sleek, sooty underbelly of a ship sleuced through the clouds, breaking the eerie calm of the skies. The ship was a small affair of aging wood and rusted steel, dwarfed by the galleys and battleships floating off the Thames. The agile cruiser...

2 years ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Take two part 7

Jack, Alisa and Michaelina were always religious people. That is why Michaelina was sent to a private Lutheran high school. But after seeing Dr. Zaaijer the family became even more traditional. They never missed church on Sundays. Alisa started teaching religious classes during the week and Jack became much more involved in the church too. Father Mueller was joyful in his heart that this family had found their way. When Father Mueller found out about Dr. Zaaijer and how he helped the...

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HannahChapter 27 The world turns

Christmas that year was loving and enjoyable. After our gift exchange Christmas day, Lisbeth had gone to Kayla's house to spend the night. Anyone care to guess what they were planning? Or doing? I thought not. I kept my nose out of it too. Mom was visiting friends in Bismarck, and she'd said she'd be home late. Donny and I were sitting near the fireplace, enjoying the quiet companionship of simply being close to one another. I had a brandy snifter in my hand, and Donny was drinking...

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A Week Of Hell

Hello, mera nam rudhir hai. Me ek gang ke sath kam karta hu. Hamara gang logo ko train karta hai jo log sex ke field me aana chahte hai. Ese hi ek din ek ladki muje di gayi jiski training muje karni thi. Uska nam tanya tha, umar khareeb 20-21 saal, rang bilkul gora, chamkati huyi, patli si uski body. Rasile honth, kali aankhe, esa lag raha tha, isko chodne ko mila toh jannat me pohuch jaunga. Mere boss ne wo ladki muje de di ek week ke liye aur kaha achi training karke lana. Me use hamare farm...

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Packing Clarissas GenesChapter 3

Matt looked up at his sister, who had released his wrists, but was still sitting on his boner. She had a really funny look on her face too. She was flushed, and she was breathing much more deeply than her recent physical expense of energy could account for. "Are you going to let me up?" he asked. "I don't know," she said dreamily. Her hands came up and Matt watched in amazement as she rubbed her breasts. "Rissa? What are you doing?" Her eyes cleared suddenly and she looked at her...

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Cold Encounter A Flash Story by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite This is a very short flash story from the disturbed mind of Millie. It contains Rape of an underage girl. If you don't like that sort of thing, um, why read it? If you, then read away. Cold Encounter The cold of the night clawed its way inside me. My face pushes against the cold, rough, hard bricks of the building, chaffing my tender flesh from the relentless rubbing my left check against the nodulous surface. Up an inch, down, up then down, as my body lurched from...

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The Novelist

My ex-girlfriend Cynthia, or as her friends called her, ‘Cyn’ and her boyfriend JJ were over for a barbecue I invited several of my friends to and were the last people remaining at my home at the end of the night. Cyn had offered to help clean up the kitchen with me and JJ was sitting on the other side of the breakfast counter enjoying a soda while we worked. JJ said, “Cyn, did you tell Tyler about that book you’re reading?” “No, I forgot. Tyler, you have to read this book, it almost sounds...

4 years ago
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First time Kirsty

When I was 16 and in my last year of school I finally, after years of trying, lost my virginity. I had been going out with a girl in my year for months.Kirsty was a late bloomer and had gone unnoticed by everyone for the whole 3 years we'd been in high school until she returned after the summer holidays looking stunning. With her slim waist, long legs and perfect little tits and perma hard nipples you could see right through her shirt, she was definaltey turning heads...and she knew it. All the...

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Samantha Gets in Deep

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam. My mom and I have a VERY open relationship. Some people might think it weird and it is kinda weird. She has always told me about her relationships in incredible detail and intimate details about Steve, my stepdad. They got married when I was 18, about two years ago so, technically he's my "stepdad", but he's really just a guy to me. Anyway, my Mom has described in unbelievable detail, how magnificent and...

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Converting an Asshole to a CumSlut

Converting Mike Davenport from Asshole to Cum-SlutErotic fiction by Outsfguy10-07-2013Background:My name's Rex, and here's how ten years ago me and my buddy Bruce got even with our class, no-class, asshole bully – Mike Davenport. We're all about 25 now, so you can do the math. Here's the background on why this k** deserved to get his ass revenge-****d. First of all, Mike was a sexy mother-fucker; tall, lanky and full of nervous energy that came out in spurts of meanness. He had a moptop of...

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Direct Deposit Chap II Islands Here We Cum

Chap II Islands, Here We Cum In the previous chapter, my wife, Lynda, and I accepted a summer-long, all-expense paid vacation to a private island in the Bahamas with the benefit of Lynda’s impregnation by one of four men. All are well educated, handsome, healthy, well hung and virile. My wife committed to being their slut for the entire summer, cuckolding me, with a very good chance of natural insemination, something I am unable to do. To date, we’d only met Jeffery, a stout, extremely...

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Daddys Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl an original story by CutePatti Part 1 My name is Andy Wilkins. I'm a fairly normal middle-aged guy, or at least I was up until a few months ago when some very interesting changes happened in my life. I have a 16 year old daughter named Julie who I have been raising alone for the past 3 years, ever since that terrible automobile accident when my wife was killed. It was a traumatic time for Julie and me but we eventually recovered and had settled into...

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Soup of the Day 93

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. --- On my three month anniversary I not only celebrated being free, but I also got laid for the...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 38 Back At The House

“So, what did Mom need to take over to the camper?” asked Jessica, looking at Bill. Her mother Sarah was sitting next to her sipping her coffee as her daughter’s late husband’s father sat across from them. Bill was still working on his breakfast, with a mouth full of food, so he didn’t answer immediately. Sarah commented “It couldn’t have been much. She only had a plastic grocery bag with her.” Bill swallowed and nodded. He wiped his mouth with his napkin before saying “It was just some...

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Daisy Refined Ch 01

The sound of the explosion ripped through the golden, drowsy peacefulness of the warm fall afternoon, suddenly pitching my heart into my throat. I’d been wiping down a table with a wet rag and gazing out one of the front windows of the Shamrock Grille, admiring the contrast of the flaming reds and oranges and yellows of the foliage burning against the cloudless blue topaz sky. Fall was my favorite time of year, and this day seemed incongruous with any type of disturbance. Though I’d never...

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The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs

The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs By billy69boy Beth and Mary have a half s****r named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...

2 years ago
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Willing to be a Mistress

Willing to be a Mistress By Enclosed Lady ? enclosedlady (at) yahoo (dot) com Dedicated to: Claudia and Sir Marc from Canada ----------------- This is a long story and English isn't my 1st language, so you might findsome mistakes. Hope everyone enjoy. Adult story +18 evolving F/f. ? Feedbackwelcome. ----------------- One chloroform handkerchief clamped over my mouth and nose as soon as I enteredmy friend's house. I tried to get rid of the grip, but was too late. I wokeup hours later,...

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Susies Home Porn Hobby

Susie Wellons was a beautiful petite brunette that I worked with at an office building. Her breasts were small but her beautiful face made her irresitably sexy. She knew that I was attracted to her but had recently gotten married. Susie invited me to lunch one day and insisted on buying me lunch. "Are you still interested in me, Arnold?" "You're really cute, Susie. But you're married now." "What if that wasn't a problem, Arnold? My husband wants to watch another man have sex with me on video...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Angela White Lena Paul Undercover Expose

Undercover reporter Angela White is going to expose a neighborhood spa for offering sexual services. But first, she needs proof. When she shows up for her appointment with masseuse Lena Paul, Angela’s cameraman is barred from entry. But Angela sticks around for the massage. When the masseuse gives her privacy to undress, she buries a hidden camera inside a plant. The masseuse comes back in and begins to massage Angela while answering Angela’s probing questions, without divulging any...


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