My Soul free porn video

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A Date

To My Soul


One of the younger girls at my date?s place of employment informed my date of the rave seen and some of the interesting activities that may occur at a rave.? When my date explained to me that attending a rave meant she could be felt up by a lot of different men and women and that I could watch over her to ensure things did not get too far out of hand, I told her I would look into it.


Our torture dates had been occurring further and further apart because it took longer for her to recover physically. For both of us, a torture date would leave us physically and mentally drained for days and my date physically sore for weeks.? We had grown to love and enjoy each others company so the time in between tortures we would just date, make passionate caring love, and generally enjoy each other. The interesting part about this ?mixed? dating is that my date could not be sure exactly when the next torture date would occur.? She would start hinting that she was ready but I always set the tone ?and time of the dates.


I alone planned the date and the tortures that would take place during the date. She would scroll through the internet BDSM sites and would design the last torture of the evening which would take place once we returned to her home.? When making love during the days before the date I would have her tell me about the torture and her fantasizing out loud while making love would truly drive her deep over the edge .? Once at a coffee shop while sitting and discussing an article in the New York Times, I asked her what torture she had dreamed up for the next date.? Her right hand dropped to her crotch and she began to pant.? I told her to put both hands on the table palms down.? She did.? I told her she could cum.? Her eyes stayed open and she looked straight at me, and she came.? I knew from that point on that fore play could be done anywhere any time and the sex when we were back home would be fantastic.


The evening of the rave date began the same as all of our dates, me bathing her, making love with her, dressing her, and then her waiting silently while I readied myself.? When we left the house, I had not allowed her to start torturing herself in any way, she was disappointed and had even started to complain but my look made her stop talking.


I love this woman, I crave: her smell, her taste, her hair, her skin, her laugh, her eyes, her soul.? So as we drove I kissed her hand, told her how beautiful she looked, and we kissed each other softly.? I could tell she wanted only me and she could tell I wanted only her.


At the restaurant, after our salads, while waiting for the main course, I pulled a small envelope from my suit jacket breast pocket.? She had seen the motion of my hand moving to the pocket and began to pant, her eyes narrowed, and her face formed that look of sexual desire.? I placed the envelope between us on the table.? Her beautifully manicured right hand reached slowly for the envelope, those beautiful fingers of hers were trembling.? I reached for her hand and placed mine on top of her?s and said ?no, not till we have finished the main course.?? Her hand withdrew and she noticed the printed words ?To my soul? on the envelope.?? She read them, looked at me and said ?I love you so very, very, much.?


We finished our main course and she sat staring longingly at me.? I opened my suit jacket and from an inside pocket removed a thin, long, royal blue velvet jewelry box.? I placed the box next to the envelope.? Her look told me she was already in that subspace.? She opened the envelope. She withdrew the card and read my commands.? I could see her breasts begin rising and falling in small short jerks as her breath shortened.? She stood, walked behind me and kissed my ear.? She said nothing; she knew her shortness of breath said it all.? She slowly reached for the box, her hand shaking.? She took the box and left for the ladies room. I ordered our desert.


When she returned, she stopped and kissed my ear allowing her tongue to enter for a short instance taking my breath away.? She took her seat and asked ?where did you have them made??? ?During my two trips between Taipei and Hong Kong to renew my landing visa, the two same trips that you were accusing me of not missing you or thinking of you.??


How do they feel I asked.? She sat back in the chair and opened her short jacket to reveal two very prominent and very stretched nipples each surrounded by shields.? The shear fabric of her very tight halter revealed a lot more detail of the shields than I had thought possible.? ?They hurt? she said softly.? ?I can perform wonders with a cad program can I not?? I said.


?Are the diamonds real?? ?Yes I said, and real Opal and the head of each pin is a real black Pearl.?? ?The Opals and Pearls came from a jeweler in Kowloon, the diamonds from my trip to Brussels.?? ?I don?t want desert? she said, ?I want to go.?


I smiled and asked the waiter for the check.


In the car I asked her to display her tits.? She pulled back the jacket and pulled each tit from the halter. I asked if she was surprised when she released the nipple after stretching through the shield opening as far as possible.? She told me the first nipple retracted against the ring of very sharp, very small outward pointing needle thin spikes and hurt a lot more than she had thought possible and she almost came.? She had to stick two fingers down her throat to gag in order not to cum. My date told me she almost started crying as she started putting on the second shield, she was so afraid she would cum; ending the date.? The shields hurt so bad that putting the Pearl headed needles into the end of each nipple had not bothered her at all. I laughed.? She asked how the shields were to be removed and I told her not to worry, I designed the shields to open.


I then told her to open the box wrapped in red.? She withdrew the red wrapped box from the back seat, opened it, and removed a leather bra with each cup having an opening about the diameter of a number two pencil to allow a nipple through. Her breath shortened, her eyes narrowed.? She looked at me and asked, ?your taking me to a rave?? ?Yes, now take off your halter and put on the bra.?? She did as commanded. She enjoyed forcing each nipple thru its opening in the cup.


I asked her to open the box wrapped in white.? She retrieved the box, opened it and removed a small diameter pump. She looked at me a little puzzled.? Pumping her tits had never really excited her.? I told her to take the pump and place it over her right nipple and pump the nipple further through the bra opening until the white skin of her tit appears.? The look on her face was classic.? The hole in the shield is not large enough is it?? ?You will soon find out? I said. I told her that the leather of the bra will seal the vacuum and the bra will prevent the shield from bending or deforming as your tit is pulled through.


She placed the pump over the nipple of her right tit and began pumping the bulb. Her breath shortened, she began rocking back and forth.? Her legs went closed.? The nipple drew slowly into the pump.? She continued until a white ring of flesh was visible. About 2 inches of nipple and tit the diameter of a pencil had been drawn into the pump. I told her to open the release valve.? She looked at me and said ?hit me.?? I replied that I was taking her to a public place and I did not want her face bruised.? I heard a muffled ?fuck you? and then she told me she was about to come and if I cared for her I would hit her. The blow to the side of her stomach was light but did the trick.? She was out of breath, bent forward and coughing, but I saw her hands open the valve.? With a short, very sharp ?fuck!? I knew her tit had backed deeply onto the shield pins.


Let me see your tit I softly commanded.? She sat up and about one and half inches of pencil thin nipple and tit were hanging out of the nipple hole of the bra.? The end of the nipple decorated with a black Pearl. My date was crying but immediately began pumping her left tit.? When the ring of white skin appeared she slowly opened the valve and after a few ?fuck, fuck, fucks? she presented her left tit.? The right tit had started to swell and turn dark purple; the left tit was in the process of doing the same.


I told her that at the rave she will be wearing the mini-skirt, the bra, and the jacket.? When I feel its safe enough, you can go into the group without the jacket.? What about my cunt and ass she responded?? We know now I told her, that the chafing is too much for you to recover from, so no dildo or plug, but the clover clamps are in your purse along with the lip extender.? I will decide when and how they will be applied. She took my right hand and began sucking my fingers, she then placed the end of a moist finger on her right nipple so that I could feel the Pearl.?


If someone starts on these at the rave I will come she explained.? I always thought you were joking but when I did come that once, you simply took me home and left.? I love you, you know that, but please, I am so excited, my tits really fucking hurt, please let me remove the pins.? If I force you to come once now, do you think you could survive the rave with the pins in?? She started to rock back and forth.? Her eyes closed.? Her tits were moving up and down rapidly as her breath increased.? She said softly, ?yes, oh God yes.?


I turned onto a side road and then into a subdivision of new homes.? I stopped the car at the end of a new street having only homes under construction.? I told her to get out.? She did.? I slid over to the passenger seat.? I cracked open her window and told her to approach and put both hands on the roof of the car. She did.? I then grabbed each nipple and pulled her breasts down and into the open window.? She was losing it but I told her not yet. I rolled the window up against her tits.? I then grabbed both nipples and dug my thumb nails into them as deep and as hard as I could and leaned back slowly applying all the weight I could.


Her left hand was hammering the door post then the palm went open and she pressed it flat against the window. She was cumming and cumming hard.? Her knees began to give and she slowly slid down until I could feel a lot of her body weight hanging on her nipples. I could only see her upper neck and chin but could tell she was enjoying it.? When she stopped cumming, I watched her right hand go down between her legs.? She was going to make her self cum again. Without permission.


I could tell by her panting and the rapid movement of her right arm she was getting close to cumming again.? I had a lot more tit pulled through each bra cup and shield than she had pumped, so I let go of her left nipple. Her left tit backed against the shield pins and a small drop of blood began to appear. The sounds she starting making were guttural and cannot be described but she was cumming again and cumming even harder.? She was done, hanging by one tit, breathing hard but her rate of breath was slowing.? ?Please let go.? I did. ?I cracked the window open.? She crumpled to the ground.


She sat by the side of the car for some time. I got out on my side and walked around to her.? ?Your taking me home are you not??? ?I should? I replied.? ?Please don?t, please, I love you, I only wanted to cum once but this was too much.?? ?How do you think of these things?? she asked.? ?When I am alone in my bed masturbating while thinking about you,? I replied.? ?So are you taking me home??? ?No?.


I told her to retrieve one clover clamp from her purse.? She did. I applied it directly to her clit.? I watched as she danced and cussed until she could take the pain.? I then told her to remove the floor mat from her side of the car and place it on the ground.? She did and kneeled without being told.? I told her to grab the clover clamp and not to let go.? She grabbed the clamp with her right hand.? I open my fly and her mouth opened automatically. I slid my hard cock as deep into her as I could.? She loves to be face fucked and immediately started responding.? I had her hair in my one hand and her right arm in my other as I drove hard into her mouth.? As I drew close to orgasm, I forced her nose against my pubic hair and held her head there and began raising her right arm.


Now the women reading this that know how nasty a clover clamp applied directly to a clit can be, also know that once that clamp is under pressure it is hard to be still.? For the men, think of your cock deep in your woman?s throat with her head locked against your stomach as she begins to moan in pain and jerk about. I came very, very, hard.? My sperm entering as deep into her throat as I could possibly force it.


As we drove away she was looking down at her dark blue and red distended tits. You could see two exposed rings of pin marks on each with at least 3 inches of tit pulled through the shields and bra. Both tits were swollen to the point where each nipple was barely visible. She looked at me and thanked me.? Then she asked about one of the needles.? My heart sank, I thought the Pearl had pulled off and the metal was still in her tit.? She told me no, the entire needle was gone.? ?Well that was one expensive Pearl but it can be replaced so don?t worry as long as the metal is not in your tit.?? She leaned over and kissed my neck and told me softly that she loved me.? The she asked about the rave, ?what should I use to replace it??? I told her I would think of something.


Walking into the rave her jacket was buttoned so that one could see a lot of cleavage but not the exposed and very extended nipples.? Inside I was a little shocked.? I am 11 years older than my date, so the rave seen is new to me.? We found a love seat and sat down. The music was loud so we had to lean in close to hear each other.? I told her no drugs.? She agreed.


Soon three girls sat down across from us and as I ordered drinks I also ordered for them.? They thanked me but kept their conversations and laughter to themselves.? After finishing some of their drinks they stood up and asked if we were going to join in.? My date said she would join them.


I finished my first drink but did not order another.? I could not see my date through the crowd and wanted to make sure I maintained a mental condition that would allow me to control her if she decided to push it. Many times while we made love she would explain to me in graphic detail how she wanted to be violently fucked and hurt by a crowd. Knowing that her reality could be lost in her fantasy, I felt it was best to stay as straight as possible.


My date came back with a somewhat younger and slightly heavier woman.? She stepped directly in front of me and the young woman?s hands came up from behind my date, went under her jacket and grabbed each tit.? The young woman started kissing my date?s neck with a look of a girl lost in passion.? My date raised her own hands to the bottom button of her jacket and asked only with her eyes, may I unbutton?? I nodded yes.? Slowly she unbuttoned the jacket to reveal the young woman?s fingers gently milking her nipples.


My date turned to the young girl and said something to her.? She and the young woman kissed with opened mouths and the young woman left.? My date sat down next to me.? She pulled her jacket back to reveal her tits and then rested her head on my shoulder.? I sat there holding her and kissing the top of her head.


Two of the girls sitting across from us returned.? They both sat down and as one was reaching for her drink, she noticed my date.? She mouthed the words ?OH MY GOD.?? She stood up and boldly walked around and sat down on my date?s lap, as if I was not there.? At first she only looked.? Then she touched my date?s nipples and then she bent down and suckled. My date rested her head on the back of the love seat and closed her eyes.


The other girl was watching this with great interest.? I motioned her to take my seat.? She stood up and we exchanged places.? I sat and watched as both girls suckled and kissed my date.? Soon my date had both the girl?s tops down and was playing gently with each girl?s nipples.? One girl stood, asked my date and the other girl something, my date shook her head no and then both girls, breasts still exposed, walked back into the crowd.? My date signaled that it was time to go.


In the car I asked her what had happened.? She told me that it was all so exotic and that had we not tortured her tits to such a great extent she would have stayed.? The danger she felt was that a lot of the kids were high and too sexually charged to be trusted not to hurt her more.?


She told me that she had walked onto the floor with the three girls and they began dancing and moving against each other.? Soon other men and woman were around them and against them.? Then she felt a hand between her legs. She spread her legs and allowed the strange fingers to enter her.? She told me that this really calmed her down and she enjoyed just grinding into that hand with the rhythm of the music. Different women had felt her tits through the jacket and some men had also but no one had gone underneath. Then she said she got bold with the one young woman as the young woman was rubbing her breasts against my date?s.? She told me that she reached out and held both the woman?s nipples through her top.? The young woman was bra-less and had good sized hard nipples.? The young woman?s hands went under my date?s jacket and found her exposed and extended nipples.? My date told me the young woman?s eyes opened wide and then she began to milk my date?s tits with her fingers as they danced.


A man had approached the young woman from behind and his hands began wondering over the woman?s body.? The young woman was excited.? When the man?s hands found my date?s hands on the young woman?s tits, he lowered his immediately and then inserted fingers into the young woman?s cunt.? My date told me it was so erotic to watch the young woman move and moan to the man?s fingers.? My date kept adding pressure to the woman?s nipples and began lifting the woman by her tits.? The woman came and they both began kissing.? My date decided to bring her over to show me that she was okay and that she could control things when exposed to a crowd.


We drove into her garage and as the garage door was closing she asked me to fuck her ass while her tits were locked in the window of the Town Car. I told her that I would love to. She got out and moved her tits against the window.? I drove the window down and then held her by both nipples with one hand as I drove the window back up with the other.? I drove the window up until the motor could not move the glass any further.? I had thought that electric windows were set so as not to exert a lot of force on an object caught in the window as it is being raised, but apparently I am wrong.? The glass began crushing her exposed tit meat and held her tits with enough force that my date asked me to stop.


Her tits were done.? The nipples were each engorged with so much tit meat that they didn?t look like nipples at all.? Her exposed meat was deep purple and red and the window had compressed the meat forward into the exposed section of each tit so that each tit was as round and hard as an Italian tomato.


I got out on my side of the car bringing the clover clamps and cunt lip extender. I unzipped her mini shirt and dropped it to the floor. She was sobbing. She told me that the pain was bad, very, very, bad.? When she felt the clover clamps take a bite she only moved a little.? I applied the stretcher and began to stretch her cunt lips as far as possible.? She only moaned.? When done stretching her cunt lips, I removed my very hard cock from my trousers and placed the head of my cock against her ass hole.? She began moaning softly and saying ?please dear, please, I want you?re your sperm inside me.?? I slowly forced my cock into her ass until I could drive no deeper. I then stood still.? She was making these little soft wimpers that told me she was lost in her sub world.? So I let her work herself to orgasm.


She came.? When she was finished, I began fucking her as hard as I could with short sharp rapid thrusts. I grabbed her mouth with both hands, forcing her to open it wide.? I pulled her head back by her mouth as far as I could.? Her right hand began scratching at the glass of the windshield, her left hand kept trying to grab my ass but she couldn?t stretch her tits far enough to reach me.? I sucked an ear lobe into my mouth and bit down as I started cumming.? The Town Car was rocking from our motion.? I knew her tits were killing her.


When we were finished, she told me she could take no more.? She was crying.? We removed her from the car window, removed her bra and shields and the cunt lip extender. Her tits were a mess. Walking into the house she turned to me and asked me to ?post her and fist fuck her?.? This was the title she had given to her special torture of the evening.


We went to her bedroom.? I placed her on her back with her head between the slats of the foot board and under the cross beam.? I then folded her knees into her arm pits and tied each ankle to the foot board cross beam.? I then mounted her face, forcing my cock as deep as it could go.? I plunged my hand into her cunt, made a fist and began to violently fist fuck her.? I held my own orgasm until she came and then I drew my fist out until her cunt was stretched as tight as possible.? Using my arm stuck in her cunt, I rolled her as far back on her shoulders as I could. This rolled her clit back into full view.? I took a two inch needle and inserted it down between the shaft of her clit and its hood.? I pushed down on the needle.? The pain hit her.? She started moving around rapidly, but she did not bite down on my cock.? She was sucking and screaming at the same time.? I came violently.


After I withdrew from her mouth she started saying ?no, no, not yet?.? I looked down to see her mouth open and that she was trying to reach my cock with her lips.? I drove my cock back into her mouth. She began sucking me hard and fast.? I undid my fist and inserted my hand as deep as it would go.? I grabbed her uterus and began to gently stroke it.? The thumb of my free hand rested on the button head of the needle pressing down as hard as I dared.? She started the seizures that indicated she was cumming more mentally than physically.


In the morning I awoke first.? I started kissing her belly and worked my way down to her cunt.? The touch of my tongue automatically forced her to spread her legs so that I could lick her as deep as possible.? Her back arched.? She came softly.? I let her feel the head of my cock slide along the inside of her thigh. She brought her knees back and spread her legs to allow access.? I entered her gently. When I was in as deep as I could get, I lowered my body down on to her?s.? When my chest met her tits she began to whimper.? I moved my chest down and then placed my full weight against her tits. Her whimpers became rapid.? I then slid my chest upwards crushing her tits between us.


I fucked her with my full body weight against her with her tits crushed between us.? She was whimpering and softly kissing my arm. Before I started cumming I lifted myself enough so that I could hold her head with her lips against my left nipple.? She began sucking it very lightly and gently.? I came.


I lifted my self up and began kissing down her body between her breasts.? The bruises on each tit were very, very, bad.? My tongue found her clit again and then entered her fully opened cunt.? I could taste my sperm inside her.? She arched her back.? She placed a hand on my head and held my hair forcing my tongue into her as deep as it could go.? I could feel her contractions drawing my sperm back deep into her body as she began to shudder from another orgasm.


When I came out of the shower she was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals, no bra.? She told me she was going to get our breakfast.? ?No shower? I asked?? She replied that she wanted to retain that freshly fucked feeling and wanted to feel herself drip from my load of sperm.? As she walked towards the living room, the sight of her ass in those shorts drove me nuts with the thought that it was my sperm in that body. ?I want you? I called after her.? She turned and told me she wanted more of my sperm inside her and then she passed out of site through the doorway.


On the bed was a piece of paper folded in two.? I unfolded it and read. ?To my soul? she had written.



To My Soul


One of the younger girls at my date?s place of employment informed my date of the rave seen and some of the interesting activities that may occur at a rave.? When my date explained to me that attending a rave meant she could be felt up by a lot of different men and women and that I could watch over her to ensure things did not get too far out of hand, I told her I would look into it.


Our torture dates had been occurring further and further apart because it took longer for her to recover physically. For both of us, a torture date would leave us physically and mentally drained for days and my date physically sore for weeks.? We had grown to love and enjoy each others company so the time in between tortures we would just date, make passionate caring love, and generally enjoy each other. The interesting part about this ?mixed? dating is that my date could not be sure exactly when the next torture date would occur.? She would start hinting that she was ready but I always set the tone ?and time of the dates.


I alone planned the date and the tortures that would take place during the date. She would scroll through the internet BDSM sites and would design the last torture of the evening which would take place once we returned to her home.? When making love during the days before the date I would have her tell me about the torture and her fantasizing out loud while making love would truly drive her deep over the edge .? Once at a coffee shop while sitting and discussing an article in the New York Times, I asked her what torture she had dreamed up for the next date.? Her right hand dropped to her crotch and she began to pant.? I told her to put both hands on the table palms down.? She did.? I told her she could cum.? Her eyes stayed open and she looked straight at me, and she came.? I knew from that point on that fore play could be done anywhere any time and the sex when we were back home would be fantastic.


The evening of the rave date began the same as all of our dates, me bathing her, making love with her, dressing her, and then her waiting silently while I readied myself.? When we left the house, I had not allowed her to start torturing herself in any way, she was disappointed and had even started to complain but my look made her stop talking.


I love this woman, I crave: her smell, her taste, her hair, her skin, her laugh, her eyes, her soul.? So as we drove I kissed her hand, told her how beautiful she looked, and we kissed each other softly.? I could tell she wanted only me and she could tell I wanted only her.


At the restaurant, after our salads, while waiting for the main course, I pulled a small envelope from my suit jacket breast pocket.? She had seen the motion of my hand moving to the pocket and began to pant, her eyes narrowed, and her face formed that look of sexual desire.? I placed the envelope between us on the table.? Her beautifully manicured right hand reached slowly for the envelope, those beautiful fingers of hers were trembling.? I reached for her hand and placed mine on top of her?s and said ?no, not till we have finished the main course.?? Her hand withdrew and she noticed the printed words ?To my soul? on the envelope.?? She read them, looked at me and said ?I love you so very, very, much.?


We finished our main course and she sat staring longingly at me.? I opened my suit jacket and from an inside pocket removed a thin, long, royal blue velvet jewelry box.? I placed the box next to the envelope.? Her look told me she was already in that subspace.? She opened the envelope. She withdrew the card and read my commands.? I could see her breasts begin rising and falling in small short jerks as her breath shortened.? She stood, walked behind me and kissed my ear.? She said nothing; she knew her shortness of breath said it all.? She slowly reached for the box, her hand shaking.? She took the box and left for the ladies room. I ordered our desert.


When she returned, she stopped and kissed my ear allowing her tongue to enter for a short instance taking my breath away.? She took her seat and asked ?where did you have them made??? ?During my two trips between Taipei and Hong Kong to renew my landing visa, the two same trips that you were accusing me of not missing you or thinking of you.??


How do they feel I asked.? She sat back in the chair and opened her short jacket to reveal two very prominent and very stretched nipples each surrounded by shields.? The shear fabric of her very tight halter revealed a lot more detail of the shields than I had thought possible.? ?They hurt? she said softly.? ?I can perform wonders with a cad program can I not?? I said.


?Are the diamonds real?? ?Yes I said, and real Opal and the head of each pin is a real black Pearl.?? ?The Opals and Pearls came from a jeweler in Kowloon, the diamonds from my trip to Brussels.?? ?I don?t want desert? she said, ?I want to go.?


I smiled and asked the waiter for the check.


In the car I asked her to display her tits.? She pulled back the jacket and pulled each tit from the halter. I asked if she was surprised when she released the nipple after stretching through the shield opening as far as possible.? She told me the first nipple retracted against the ring of very sharp, very small outward pointing needle thin spikes and hurt a lot more than she had thought possible and she almost came.? She had to stick two fingers down her throat to gag in order not to cum. My date told me she almost started crying as she started putting on the second shield, she was so afraid she would cum; ending the date.? The shields hurt so bad that putting the Pearl headed needles into the end of each nipple had not bothered her at all. I laughed.? She asked how the shields were to be removed and I told her not to worry, I designed the shields to open.


I then told her to open the box wrapped in red.? She withdrew the red wrapped box from the back seat, opened it, and removed a leather bra with each cup having an opening about the diameter of a number two pencil to allow a nipple through. Her breath shortened, her eyes narrowed.? She looked at me and asked, ?your taking me to a rave?? ?Yes, now take off your halter and put on the bra.?? She did as commanded. She enjoyed forcing each nipple thru its opening in the cup.


I asked her to open the box wrapped in white.? She retrieved the box, opened it and removed a small diameter pump. She looked at me a little puzzled.? Pumping her tits had never really excited her.? I told her to take the pump and place it over her right nipple and pump the nipple further through the bra opening until the white skin of her tit appears.? The look on her face was classic.? The hole in the shield is not large enough is it?? ?You will soon find out? I said. I told her that the leather of the bra will seal the vacuum and the bra will prevent the shield from bending or deforming as your tit is pulled through.


She placed the pump over the nipple of her right tit and began pumping the bulb. Her breath shortened, she began rocking back and forth.? Her legs went closed.? The nipple drew slowly into the pump.? She continued until a white ring of flesh was visible. About 2 inches of nipple and tit the diameter of a pencil had been drawn into the pump. I told her to open the release valve.? She looked at me and said ?hit me.?? I replied that I was taking her to a public place and I did not want her face bruised.? I heard a muffled ?fuck you? and then she told me she was about to come and if I cared for her I would hit her. The blow to the side of her stomach was light but did the trick.? She was out of breath, bent forward and coughing, but I saw her hands open the valve.? With a short, very sharp ?fuck!? I knew her tit had backed deeply onto the shield pins.


Let me see your tit I softly commanded.? She sat up and about one and half inches of pencil thin nipple and tit were hanging out of the nipple hole of the bra.? The end of the nipple decorated with a black Pearl. My date was crying but immediately began pumping her left tit.? When the ring of white skin appeared she slowly opened the valve and after a few ?fuck, fuck, fucks? she presented her left tit.? The right tit had started to swell and turn dark purple; the left tit was in the process of doing the same.


I told her that at the rave she will be wearing the mini-skirt, the bra, and the jacket.? When I feel its safe enough, you can go into the group without the jacket.? What about my cunt and ass she responded?? We know now I told her, that the chafing is too much for you to recover from, so no dildo or plug, but the clover clamps are in your purse along with the lip extender.? I will decide when and how they will be applied. She took my right hand and began sucking my fingers, she then placed the end of a moist finger on her right nipple so that I could feel the Pearl.?


If someone starts on these at the rave I will come she explained.? I always thought you were joking but when I did come that once, you simply took me home and left.? I love you, you know that, but please, I am so excited, my tits really fucking hurt, please let me remove the pins.? If I force you to come once now, do you think you could survive the rave with the pins in?? She started to rock back and forth.? Her eyes closed.? Her tits were moving up and down rapidly as her breath increased.? She said softly, ?yes, oh God yes.?


I turned onto a side road and then into a subdivision of new homes.? I stopped the car at the end of a new street having only homes under construction.? I told her to get out.? She did.? I slid over to the passenger seat.? I cracked open her window and told her to approach and put both hands on the roof of the car. She did.? I then grabbed each nipple and pulled her breasts down and into the open window.? She was losing it but I told her not yet. I rolled the window up against her tits.? I then grabbed both nipples and dug my thumb nails into them as deep and as hard as I could and leaned back slowly applying all the weight I could.


Her left hand was hammering the door post then the palm went open and she pressed it flat against the window. She was cumming and cumming hard.? Her knees began to give and she slowly slid down until I could feel a lot of her body weight hanging on her nipples. I could only see her upper neck and chin but could tell she was enjoying it.? When she stopped cumming, I watched her right hand go down between her legs.? She was going to make her self cum again. Without permission.


I could tell by her panting and the rapid movement of her right arm she was getting close to cumming again.? I had a lot more tit pulled through each bra cup and shield than she had pumped, so I let go of her left nipple. Her left tit backed against the shield pins and a small drop of blood began to appear. The sounds she starting making were guttural and cannot be described but she was cumming again and cumming even harder.? She was done, hanging by one tit, breathing hard but her rate of breath was slowing.? ?Please let go.? I did. ?I cracked the window open.? She crumpled to the ground.


She sat by the side of the car for some time. I got out on my side and walked around to her.? ?Your taking me home are you not??? ?I should? I replied.? ?Please don?t, please, I love you, I only wanted to cum once but this was too much.?? ?How do you think of these things?? she asked.? ?When I am alone in my bed masturbating while thinking about you,? I replied.? ?So are you taking me home??? ?No?.


I told her to retrieve one clover clamp from her purse.? She did. I applied it directly to her clit.? I watched as she danced and cussed until she could take the pain.? I then told her to remove the floor mat from her side of the car and place it on the ground.? She did and kneeled without being told.? I told her to grab the clover clamp and not to let go.? She grabbed the clamp with her right hand.? I open my fly and her mouth opened automatically. I slid my hard cock as deep into her as I could.? She loves to be face fucked and immediately started responding.? I had her hair in my one hand and her right arm in my other as I drove hard into her mouth.? As I drew close to orgasm, I forced her nose against my pubic hair and held her head there and began raising her right arm.


Now the women reading this that know how nasty a clover clamp applied directly to a clit can be, also know that once that clamp is under pressure it is hard to be still.? For the men, think of your cock deep in your woman?s throat with her head locked against your stomach as she begins to moan in pain and jerk about. I came very, very, hard.? My sperm entering as deep into her throat as I could possibly force it.


As we drove away she was looking down at her dark blue and red distended tits. You could see two exposed rings of pin marks on each with at least 3 inches of tit pulled through the shields and bra. Both tits were swollen to the point where each nipple was barely visible. She looked at me and thanked me.? Then she asked about one of the needles.? My heart sank, I thought the Pearl had pulled off and the metal was still in her tit.? She told me no, the entire needle was gone.? ?Well that was one expensive Pearl but it can be replaced so don?t worry as long as the metal is not in your tit.?? She leaned over and kissed my neck and told me softly that she loved me.? The she asked about the rave, ?what should I use to replace it??? I told her I would think of something.


Walking into the rave her jacket was buttoned so that one could see a lot of cleavage but not the exposed and very extended nipples.? Inside I was a little shocked.? I am 11 years older than my date, so the rave seen is new to me.? We found a love seat and sat down. The music was loud so we had to lean in close to hear each other.? I told her no drugs.? She agreed.


Soon three girls sat down across from us and as I ordered drinks I also ordered for them.? They thanked me but kept their conversations and laughter to themselves.? After finishing some of their drinks they stood up and asked if we were going to join in.? My date said she would join them.


I finished my first drink but did not order another.? I could not see my date through the crowd and wanted to make sure I maintained a mental condition that would allow me to control her if she decided to push it. Many times while we made love she would explain to me in graphic detail how she wanted to be violently fucked and hurt by a crowd. Knowing that her reality could be lost in her fantasy, I felt it was best to stay as straight as possible.


My date came back with a somewhat younger and slightly heavier woman.? She stepped directly in front of me and the young woman?s hands came up from behind my date, went under her jacket and grabbed each tit.? The young woman started kissing my date?s neck with a look of a girl lost in passion.? My date raised her own hands to the bottom button of her jacket and asked only with her eyes, may I unbutton?? I nodded yes.? Slowly she unbuttoned the jacket to reveal the young woman?s fingers gently milking her nipples.


My date turned to the young girl and said something to her.? She and the young woman kissed with opened mouths and the young woman left.? My date sat down next to me.? She pulled her jacket back to reveal her tits and then rested her head on my shoulder.? I sat there holding her and kissing the top of her head.


Two of the girls sitting across from us returned.? They both sat down and as one was reaching for her drink, she noticed my date.? She mouthed the words ?OH MY GOD.?? She stood up and boldly walked around and sat down on my date?s lap, as if I was not there.? At first she only looked.? Then she touched my date?s nipples and then she bent down and suckled. My date rested her head on the back of the love seat and closed her eyes.


The other girl was watching this with great interest.? I motioned her to take my seat.? She stood up and we exchanged places.? I sat and watched as both girls suckled and kissed my date.? Soon my date had both the girl?s tops down and was playing gently with each girl?s nipples.? One girl stood, asked my date and the other girl something, my date shook her head no and then both girls, breasts still exposed, walked back into the crowd.? My date signaled that it was time to go.


In the car I asked her what had happened.? She told me that it was all so exotic and that had we not tortured her tits to such a great extent she would have stayed.? The danger she felt was that a lot of the kids were high and too sexually charged to be trusted not to hurt her more.?


She told me that she had walked onto the floor with the three girls and they began dancing and moving against each other.? Soon other men and woman were around them and against them.? Then she felt a hand between her legs. She spread her legs and allowed the strange fingers to enter her.? She told me that this really calmed her down and she enjoyed just grinding into that hand with the rhythm of the music. Different women had felt her tits through the jacket and some men had also but no one had gone underneath. Then she said she got bold with the one young woman as the young woman was rubbing her breasts against my date?s.? She told me that she reached out and held both the woman?s nipples through her top.? The young woman was bra-less and had good sized hard nipples.? The young woman?s hands went under my date?s jacket and found her exposed and extended nipples.? My date told me the young woman?s eyes opened wide and then she began to milk my date?s tits with her fingers as they danced.


A man had approached the young woman from behind and his hands began wondering over the woman?s body.? The young woman was excited.? When the man?s hands found my date?s hands on the young woman?s tits, he lowered his immediately and then inserted fingers into the young woman?s cunt.? My date told me it was so erotic to watch the young woman move and moan to the man?s fingers.? My date kept adding pressure to the woman?s nipples and began lifting the woman by her tits.? The woman came and they both began kissing.? My date decided to bring her over to show me that she was okay and that she could control things when exposed to a crowd.


We drove into her garage and as the garage door was closing she asked me to fuck her ass while her tits were locked in the window of the Town Car. I told her that I would love to. She got out and moved her tits against the window.? I drove the window down and then held her by both nipples with one hand as I drove the window back up with the other.? I drove the window up until the motor could not move the glass any further.? I had thought that electric windows were set so as not to exert a lot of force on an object caught in the window as it is being raised, but apparently I am wrong.? The glass began crushing her exposed tit meat and held her tits with enough force that my date asked me to stop.


Her tits were done.? The nipples were each engorged with so much tit meat that they didn?t look like nipples at all.? Her exposed meat was deep purple and red and the window had compressed the meat forward into the exposed section of each tit so that each tit was as round and hard as an Italian tomato.


I got out on my side of the car bringing the clover clamps and cunt lip extender. I unzipped her mini shirt and dropped it to the floor. She was sobbing. She told me that the pain was bad, very, very, bad.? When she felt the clover clamps take a bite she only moved a little.? I applied the stretcher and began to stretch her cunt lips as far as possible.? She only moaned.? When done stretching her cunt lips, I removed my very hard cock from my trousers and placed the head of my cock against her ass hole.? She began moaning softly and saying ?please dear, please, I want you?re your sperm inside me.?? I slowly forced my cock into her ass until I could drive no deeper. I then stood still.? She was making these little soft wimpers that told me she was lost in her sub world.? So I let her work herself to orgasm.


She came.? When she was finished, I began fucking her as hard as I could with short sharp rapid thrusts. I grabbed her mouth with both hands, forcing her to open it wide.? I pulled her head back by her mouth as far as I could.? Her right hand began scratching at the glass of the windshield, her left hand kept trying to grab my ass but she couldn?t stretch her tits far enough to reach me.? I sucked an ear lobe into my mouth and bit down as I started cumming.? The Town Car was rocking from our motion.? I knew her tits were killing her.


When we were finished, she told me she could take no more.? She was crying.? We removed her from the car window, removed her bra and shields and the cunt lip extender. Her tits were a mess. Walking into the house she turned to me and asked me to ?post her and fist fuck her?.? This was the title she had given to her special torture of the evening.


We went to her bedroom.? I placed her on her back with her head between the slats of the foot board and under the cross beam.? I then folded her knees into her arm pits and tied each ankle to the foot board cross beam.? I then mounted her face, forcing my cock as deep as it could go.? I plunged my hand into her cunt, made a fist and began to violently fist fuck her.? I held my own orgasm until she came and then I drew my fist out until her cunt was stretched as tight as possible.? Using my arm stuck in her cunt, I rolled her as far back on her shoulders as I could. This rolled her clit back into full view.? I took a two inch needle and inserted it down between the shaft of her clit and its hood.? I pushed down on the needle.? The pain hit her.? She started moving around rapidly, but she did not bite down on my cock.? She was sucking and screaming at the same time.? I came violently.


After I withdrew from her mouth she started saying ?no, no, not yet?.? I looked down to see her mouth open and that she was trying to reach my cock with her lips.? I drove my cock back into her mouth. She began sucking me hard and fast.? I undid my fist and inserted my hand as deep as it would go.? I grabbed her uterus and began to gently stroke it.? The thumb of my free hand rested on the button head of the needle pressing down as hard as I dared.? She started the seizures that indicated she was cumming more mentally than physically.


In the morning I awoke first.? I started kissing her belly and worked my way down to her cunt.? The touch of my tongue automatically forced her to spread her legs so that I could lick her as deep as possible.? Her back arched.? She came softly.? I let her feel the head of my cock slide along the inside of her thigh. She brought her knees back and spread her legs to allow access.? I entered her gently. When I was in as deep as I could get, I lowered my body down on to her?s.? When my chest met her tits she began to whimper.? I moved my chest down and then placed my full weight against her tits. Her whimpers became rapid.? I then slid my chest upwards crushing her tits between us.


I fucked her with my full body weight against her with her tits crushed between us.? She was whimpering and softly kissing my arm. Before I started cumming I lifted myself enough so that I could hold her head with her lips against my left nipple.? She began sucking it very lightly and gently.? I came.


I lifted my self up and began kissing down her body between her breasts.? The bruises on each tit were very, very, bad.? My tongue found her clit again and then entered her fully opened cunt.? I could taste my sperm inside her.? She arched her back.? She placed a hand on my head and held my hair forcing my tongue into her as deep as it could go.? I could feel her contractions drawing my sperm back deep into her body as she began to shudder from another orgasm.


When I came out of the shower she was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals, no bra.? She told me she was going to get our breakfast.? ?No shower? I asked?? She replied that she wanted to retain that freshly fucked feeling and wanted to feel herself drip from my load of sperm.? As she walked towards the living room, the sight of her ass in those shorts drove me nuts with the thought that it was my sperm in that body. ?I want you? I called after her.? She turned and told me she wanted more of my sperm inside her and then she passed out of site through the doorway.


On the bed was a piece of paper folded in two.? I unfolded it and read. ?To my soul? she had written.




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Shamus JournalsChapter 50

I got my coffee and took a deep breath and headed back outside. Doris called me to the side before I had gone a hundred feet. "Were you able to help those poor people, Harry?" "They are in the process of getting their permits as we speak. How are the kids doing with the bays?" "We got lucky on one of them. There were two portable sawmills in it and they both were on wheels. They have already been loaded on one of the trailers and headed for the gulch. I am having all the stuff for...

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My Mother the Porn Star

“Dude! I’m telling ya, that’s your mother! Look at her face not her tits, that’s her!” My friend and I were watching porn on my laptop, killing time and getting horny. We had watched dozens of teen girls giving blow jobs and getting long fat dicks stuffed into their tight hairless pussies. I had a seriously big erection jammed in my pants but like addicts we couldn’t get enough so I suggested we watch something different. My friend moved the mouse to the ‘Vintage’ category and we moved into...

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Love is in the Air

‘Attention passengers boarding Pan Am Flight 3235 with nonstop service to Denver. We will be boarding first class at his time.’ ‘About time, bastards…’ muttered the guy next to me. I gave my newspaper back to the fellow I borrowed it from and picked up my briefcase. The flight had been delayed three hours due to an equipment problem, and I had been sitting at gate C5 in Richmond for what seemed like ages. I was so bored I had begun to read the movie showtimes. The lady at the counter tore my...

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My Love Of Bushes

Telling my story will be a bit difficult, and some of you may find it weird, some may even think I am nuts. But, I assure you, I’ll be horny when I’ve finished.Not exactly sure how it all started but I think I’ve hated clothes all my life. Apparently, even as a toddler, I would remove my clothes every time mom dressed me. As I grew, I would come out of my room naked and mom would yell at me to get dressed. So, in fact, I stayed in my room a lot! When mom did get me to wear clothes and took me...

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Be careful what you wish for Chapter 1

The first real adventure was with a dildo. We had watched videos of women using a variety of toys and seemed to be enjoy it. We bought a simple 6” vibrator but that didn’t prove a huge success. As I am 7” Joy was not impressed. I joked that we should buy a 10” vibrator and Joy immediately said yes. When I said I was joking she said she wasn’t. I was loath to buy it as I thought it was far too large but she insisted so I relented. Far from being too large she loved it. I wasn’t that happy about...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter1

The law of physical life It is a universal rule of physical life that every individual being undergoes a development which we know as its individual life and which, so far as its physical substance is concerned, ends with death. Death is the destruction of the greater part of this individual organism which, when death ensues, once more becomes lifeless matter. Only small portions of this matter, the germ cells, continue to live under certain conditions which nature has fixed. The germ...

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The Lust Ark

The Lust ArkMature and Younger, Up Skirt, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie EatingAnother new set of young men scrambled around the Ark, curious and enchanted with it's military history. Pete had driven it in the Veteran's Parade, parked it in display and gave an oral history to any that came by. It was a 2019 BAe ACV Troop Transport vehicle, stripped of it's classified military equipment, rebuilt/refurbished and fully functional, all terrain, 8 Wheel Drive, Amphibious Combat Vehicle built...

4 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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Out of Character The Swing that changed our Live

2019. One has to just say that year and it conjures up all the problems we faced that year. It wasn't a great start for any of us to be fair. We had lost my daughter through a short illness. 2019 saw us lose the house after a car went straight through our stone steps and into the bay windows. Sounds bad. Well it was. It had a strain on our marriage. Our son Billy who had just turned eighteen that very year was struggling with his anxiety and the exam season. We just needed an arrow to shoot...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Harrys Comfort

Chapter 8 February had arrived and with it finally came some brighter weather as the first green buds began to appear on the trees again. A month had passed since Draco had completed the first part of his plan and all seemed to be going well. Draco however, had noticed that Luna had been acting very strangely for some time now, and sensed she may have been on the receiving end of a poorly cast obliviate spell. Curiosity got the better of Draco and with the aid of Crabbe and Goyle, they...

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Not What I Would Normaly Do

I was ready to go home and be with my k**s and husband. It had been a long week for me as I had to work out of town doing sales and was now completely worn out. As I drove along the highway thinking of my next few stops I came upon these two boys hitch hiking. I pulled the car over and offered a ride. They were not bad looking boys, in their mid teens. I told them I would take them to their house thinking that is what I would want someone to do for my k**s if they were out like this. Their...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Charity Crawford Brothers Break Up Plan

Charity Crawford looks like she walked out of a swimsuit catalog. She has that crisp supermodel look going for her along with a very sexy Southern drawl. Her pervert stepbrother was caught spying on her with a camera as he was trying to get some great shots of her body to jerk off to later. She hit him right in the ball sack when she spotted his voyeur creep plan in progress. He is in pain, so she asks if she can see it. He unzips it to show her he has a boner. She is shocked, but likes it. Her...

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NuruMassage Maya Devine Inspector GrabIt

When Maya Divine’s masseuse daughter Keisha has car trouble and can’t get to her clients at the spa, Maya fills for her appointments with Seth Gamble and T. Stone. The guys arrive at the spa before Maya, and criticize the mess. Maya does a lot of explaining and apologizing to help her daughter’s business save face. She runs a warm and inviting bath for the boys. And they can’t resist slipping into the tub with Maya and her big bare boobs. Her juicy nipples poke out of...

3 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 4

Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...

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Mel to Melissa Part 8

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] I sat at my desk at Walters Travel, typing. It was 11:30 in the morning and I wanted to compose and send my memo to the sales staff before it would be time to deliver the morning shift spiff. Attention Sales Staff: Failure to shower before coming to work will henceforth be a firing offense. Spiff winners should enter the Closer's Lounge and wait for their bonus. All vending machines will be stocked with pineapple juice...

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Taking Mom

TAKING MOM Maybe it was one too many Buds…or taking one too many tokes before I got home. Or maybe it just finally came down to my uncontrollable want to take her. Whatever the reason or reasons when I got home that night I was pretty fixed on the fact that I was going to take my Mom, have my way with her, and let the cards fall where they may. I had been living back home for about three weeks and I was miserable. I moved out when I was seventeen, went to college, got a graduate degree, and...

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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 4

Start of Incest Journey with Shalini Didi… Part 4 I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I was seduced and had sex with a very distant older cousin sister shalini, who is married and has a son. She wasn’t my...

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Teacher Gets Trained part2

The next morning, Ruby came and opened the stall. She greeted me saying, "Good morning Carla, I have brought you a bowl of gruel and I see I will have to feed it to you. Kneel and open your mouth dearie. I hadn't eaten since yesterday noon and quickly obeyed. She put a spoonful of the stuff into my mouth and I managed to swallow it. As she fed me she chatted away. "I'm sorry you didn't listen to me about obeying, but some people have to learn the hard way. They now own you and will do with you...

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FamilySwap Hime Marie Sophia West When My Swap Family Does A Super Hero Event

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Hime Marie and her swap brother Kyle Mason have joined their swap parents Sophia West and Charles Dera in a costumed marathon. They’re eager to get home and shower, but there’s a problem: they can’t get their skintight body suits off. Soon enough, both girls are on their knees trying to help the boys out of their suits. When the suits both rip to let the dicks...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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A Year and A Day Should I be worried

A Year and A Dayby oggbashan © * * * * *Copyright Oggbashan October 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.* * * * *Last Halloween I was returning from a visit to my elderly uncle in London when my life was wrecked by a train crash.I was trapped in the tangled metalwork for...

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ldquoFuck Aunt Laura

During the summer vacation between my junior and senior year my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. They had gone on a cruise for their honeymoon so they had decided to re-capture the experience. The biggest difference was the first cruise had been on a second rate ship and had lasted only a week. This time around, due to the fact that they were better off financially, they booked a master suite with a balcony and this cruise would last 15 days.Now normally when they went away I...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 76

Compliments of pigs41 The teacher asked the class to use the word ‘contagious’ in a sentence. Mary put up her and said “My friend had chickenpox and my mum said not to visit her so I didn’t catch them as they are very contagious.”” “Excellent Mary.” said the teacher. Next Sebastian said “When I had a cold mum told me to wash my hands a lot so I didn’t spread it to anyone else as colds are contagious.” “Well done Sebastian.” said the teacher. “Anyone else?” asked the teacher hoping...

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Our New Sexual Life

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); The following is a true story. Until very recently, I was unaware that other guys had the same “interests” as me. I’ve lived in the Seattle area for the past 12 years. Until 2 years ago, I was a happy single guy. All the time that I’ve lived here, my best friend has been a black guy named Samoan. We work for the same corporation, and met the first day I was transferred to this office from Colorado. We...

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Slechts Groot Part 3

*** M+/F, Intr, slut wife, Size, Exh, Brothel, Orgy, SM, Pre-Viral and (caution)Torture ***** Please read parts one and two first. Prelude: 'all too real' The fine line defines so much of life's experiences. The fine line between sanity and insanity is a very famous one. The interpretation as to which side of that line is in action can then lead to a cascade of domino effects upon uncountable experiences. A young beautiful woman, who chooses to work within a business that depends upon limits...

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CynthiaChapter 1

Oh, God, I still get butterfly flutters inside just looking at her. Stunning, Cynthia walked in with a large man and joined a group at a nearby booth. He was big, but not beefy or obese. When Cynthia walked, everyone listened — with their eyes. We exchanged nods and then she gave me this beaming smile. The flutterers in my belly were now flapping madly. A campus queen — caught up in the swirl of dances and sorority events, but she was not quite a fit. Tall, shapely, smooth, wise, and bright...

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F45144 History Lesson

The party was kind of dull until Allen asked me to dance. He was a big black athlete, but what the hell, I thought. At least he's probably a good dancer. Most white guys can't dance to save their lives. If they knew how sexy girls find it when a guy is a good dancer, they would all learn, for sure. I had always avoided black guys. It always seemed like they just wanted to score with a white girl, especially a pretty blonde, like me. My parents had always made it clear that they thought a...

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