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Saturday StayW8BNMSWD?

Saturday Stay

I needed to go for my annual insurance check-up and needed a new GP, because of the retirement of my old one. My secretary suggested a doctor who was her next-door neighbor. I had little time to look around for one and told her to make an appointment. When I showed up the following Thursday, I was escorted into the examine room after the usual wait.

I was surprised when a beautiful woman in a lab coat entered the room and introduced herself as Doctor Schmitt. Since I had never asked if the doctor was a woman, no one had thought to tell me; or so I thought.

I was put through a battery of the usual tests; blood pressure, urine sample, prostate examine and blood test. It was more than a little disconcerting to have this stunning woman stick a finger up my ass, but since this was normal, I could hardly object. It is only when she was handling my balls that she frowned and told me she didn?t like the feel of these nodules that she felt inside the sack. This came as a complete surprise to me, but she sternly told me that she wanted to run a series of tests to make sure that these were not something very serious. When she said that, the swelling in my cock quickly subsided. This was supposed to be routine, not a troublesome diagnosis! She told me to make an appointment for the clinic for that following Saturday and plan to stay over the night. It was the serious demeanor to her that had me more than a little worried. I saw the medical secretary outside after getting dressed and made the appointment. I thought I caught a little smirk on her face when I told her about staying over for the night, but I was flustered enough to quickly put it out of my mind.

The following Saturday I watched a little TV and ran a few errands before packing a change of clothes and heading over to the clinic in the late afternoon. The clinic was near to the doctor?s office but was tucked back in an industrial strip. As I pulled up, I noticed that the entire area was deserted for the weekend.

I walked in to the reception area and was met by the same nurse secretary that had made the appointment.

?You work long weeks,? I commented.

?Only on special projects? she smiled and said.

?Come this way? and she led me to a dressing room.

?Take off your clothes and get into this gown. I will be back to take you into the prep room.?

I undressed and slipped on the gown that opened in the back. In a minute she came back and led me to a room down the hall. The door opened and revealed a white room with a padded flat bench/bed and a chair that looked to be used for gynecological exams.

?Hop up in the chair?, she told me, ?and we will shave you.?


?Certainly, we need to be sure that we have a sterile surface for the tests.?

I slipped into the chair and the nurse prepared the bowl, shaving cream and razor.

?Put you legs up in these cradles and we will get started.?

I lifted my legs up into two holders that had places for straps to be drawn across them to hold the legs in place, but for now none were used. She lifted back my gown revealing my groin and began to lather-up my cock and pubic area. I immediately became hard.

?Can?t you control that?? The Nurse said with apparent disgust.

?Sorry, but it has a mind of its own,? I said a little sheepishly.

She began to shave with smooth strokes and the hair was whisked away. All the time my cock was rock hard and frankly it felt quite good. She wiped my off with a wet rag and cleaned up a couple of spots that had been missed.

?Now stay still and we will do the next step in cleaning you up.? She said with what appeared to be a malicious smile.

I lay back in the chair and waited as she left the room. Five minutes later she was back with an IV stand and a full enema bag. She put some cold lubricant on my asshole and slowly started to insert the tube.

?This will help clean the area, as we are not sure if the nodules are as a result of some prostate problem or something within the scrotum. Only the tests will tell.?

She released the valve and the warm water began to flow into me. For the first minute it was hardly noticeable but after two-thirds of the two-quart bag was in, I began to feel cramps.

?I think that that is enough, I protested.?

? We are almost done, so stay still.? The water finally drained into me and I got ready to jump up and head to the toilet.

?Hold your horses, we have to let it have time to work.?

?I think that it is working just fine?, I complained.

?Stay still!? She commanded, ?and I will tell you when you can go to the toilet.?

I lay on the chair for ten minutes and the cramps increased, and I struggled not to let any of the fluid leak out. Finally I was told I could go next door to the toilet and expel it all out. I shuffled to the bathroom and shuddered as the sat on the toilet and let the flood pour into the bowl.
?Now you stay in there until it is all out of you,? came the voice on the other side of the door. ?Knock when you are all empty.?

For ten minutes I expelled in waves the enema until I no longer felt any water inside. I cleaned up in the sink and knocked on the door. After a bit the nurse came and opened the door and led me once more to the gyno-chair.

?We will give you another enema now which will ensure you are all empty for your prostate work. Since you had such problem with the first enema, I need to be sure we have no problems; so I am going to secure you.?

With that she pulled the straps over my legs and bucked them down.

?That is not really necessary,? I told her, but she ignored me and tightened them a little more. I lay resigned in the chair with my eyes closed. In that state I did not notice her come up with wrist straps that she attached first to my right wrist then to my left over my protestations.

This will be a high volume enema so we are going to use a balloon nozzle to hold it in. Also we will put in a cleaning solution. She now wheeled the IV stand with a wicked bag that had over twice the first enema volume. It had an open top and allowed her to pour some soap solution into the huge bag. It smelled of peppermint. She lubed up my ass again and inserted the tube.? Once inside, she attached a pump to a small hose coming form the nozzle and pumped up a balloon inside of me. As she did this, my cock began to ?pump up? as well.

?Again, can?t you control this? We will have to see what we can do to make you a better patient.?

With that she began to release the water. It flowed into me and immediately the peppermint began to burn. As I squirmed, unable to move much, she looked me in the eyes and began to touch my cock.

?If we can make this so that you can control when it gets hard and stays hard, you will become a much more useful member of our community. It seems that you cannot control yourself in many things and part of our treatment will be to see if we can correct some of these problems.?

She began to lightly touch my cock and run her fingers up and down its shaft. Pre-cum began to leak from my pee hole.

?Yes, we have a fair amount of work to do.?

By now the 4+ quart enema was inside of me. I felt entirely filled and the cramps, when they came, were severe.

?I am going to go talk to the doctor and when I come back, I will let you go get rid of all that shit.?

She left the room and turned off the light as she did. I was left in the dark amid waves of cramps. For five minutes I endured it, but by the tem minute mark I was calling out to anyone who could hear me to come and release me from the chair so that I could run to the toilet. Another five minutes went by amid my cries and moans, when the nurse and doctor came into the room, flipping on the light.

?It is a good thing, that only the staff is here, because you are causing quite a disturbance,? said Dr. Schmitt. ?I see that you have given nurse Sophie quite a time. ? Well, we will see if we can make things a little better from now on.?

?Thank you doctor,? I said. ?This enema is quite painful. I do not think that she understands how much it hurts.?

I was now sure that the doctor would act as my benefactor. I was released and spent another ten minutes grunting on the toilet. After cleaning up, I was once more put into the chair for the exam.

?Since the preceding procedures were so painful, I am going to give you something to calm you down?, the lovely Dr. Schmitt said with a smile.

?Since you are cleaned out, the most effective delivery method is another small enema.?

With that, she took the smaller bag and filled it with a pink solution. The nozzle was inserted and the liquid was released. It was only as I lay there that I realized I smelled wine. It seemed that she was pumping in a quart of wine into me. It felt pleasant enough and since I had been cleaned out it did not cause any cramps. As I lay there the wine slowly began to take effect. The tube was withdrawn.? I felt a little drowsy and totally relaxed.

?Now as we have to start the test, I want to give you a little more sedative.? She took a cloth mask and put it over my nose and mouth. A mask was placed over my eyes as well. She took some cotton and soaked it on a solution coming out of a brown bottle. The cotton was placed under the mask and I smelled the strong solution, which caused a warm rush of flushing. My arms dropped to my side in a total act of relaxation. As I lay there in my floating state, I heard the nurse coming into the room.? Several whispers were exchanged with the doctor and before I realized it I was being once more strapped into the chair. As I lay there I felt hands touching my cock. It slowly came to life.
? You see doctor, he cannot control the functions of this.?

?Well now that he is sedated and secured, I guess we can drop all pretence, Sophie. You see Mike; you have been sent to us because of your behavior in the office. We know about your having your two secretaries give you blow jobs in the afternoons sometimes, but they complain that you get them all worked up and never do anything about it, with the exception of you raping them up the ass. Certainly, you never reciprocate and go down on them.?

I pulled against my bonds and realized I could go nowhere.

?They?re just making that up, probably just to get a sexual harassment suit going.?

?Doubt it!, But either way, we need to be sure that you are a useful male. The nurse and I are going to run you through test all night and by morning, we hope that you will be a changed person. Take off his mask.? The light hit my eyes and there were the two beautiful women in lab coats smiling evilly at me.

? We are going to keep you hard through much of the night without letting you cum; that is until we have had our fill with you.? We are also going to stretch, stick, pinch, and prod you to get you to comply with proper female requests in the future. As well, we are going to run a test or two so that we have ?cover? should you ever come back at us and make outrageous (true) claims.

?Well, let?s start.?

The two moved around the clinic and laid out a series of items. They were gorgeous and I was torn between terror and complete horniness.

?Since we have cleaned you up so nicely, we need to take advantage of that,? said nurse Sophie.

She grabbed my cock again and began to lightly stroke it. I little lotion was squirted on it and her stokes varied between light and firm. I was getting really worked up and soon would be spurting cum everywhere, when she stopped cold.

?We have to be sure you are hard so that the sounds go deep inside of you?, she said with leer.

She laid hold of it once again, and as she did the doctor took a sound with a gloved had and after lubrication it, inserted it into my pee hole. It slipped inside of me and she began to pump it slowly up and down.? As she did so, nurse Sophie, stroked the outside. I squirmed in my chair, but there was no release. As the cum build up in my nut sack, they both stopped.? The sound was drawn out of me. I thicker one was not brought to my cock head. This was inserted and the whole process was repeated. Three times my cock was violated and three times I was on the verge of cumming when they stopped, leaving me hornily unsatisfied.

I moaned in frustration, whereupon, the doctor said, ?Since he cannot control his urges, I fear that he may allow the wine to come out of him.? Prepare the first of the butt plugs.

The nurse went over to a drawer and pulled out a plug that was about three inches in circumference. This was lubed and pressed against my asshole. It was pushed and my ass resisted. It was pumped in and out, each time penetrating a little further. Finally with a push it slipped inside.

?Well, we should let you rest a bit before we start the next round,? exclaimed Dr. Schmitt. ?Cover him with the rubber sheet so that he does not get chilled and we will give him something to concentrate on in the dark.?? A rubber mask was placed over me head and a contraption was set up next to it.? It seemed to have a re-breather devise. Give him the medicine in the ventilator, nurse. I saw her pull up a round tool and hike up her skirt. She was not wearing panties and her sweet pussy was easy to see in the bright light. I bowl was placed under her pussy and soon I saw her begin to piss into it. Gushes of urine filled the bowl. When she finished, she took the urine and poured it into the receptor on the re-breathing devise. I was now forced to draw my breath through the urine filled ventilator.? The smell permeated my every breath. I realized that the doctor was once again stroking my prick.

?Get the wrap for his balls, nurse.?

As I lay there I felt the doctor apply some ointment to my cock and balls.? Is smelled of eucalyptus. I felt an increasing burning in my groin.? I also felt my balls being wrapped in surgical tape. Around and around the base of my nut sack it was wound. After that the entire surface of the balls was covered with tape.

?Take a rest, we will be back in a while.?

I was left in the dark breathing urine air and writhing as my balls were on fire.

What seemed like an eternity, I lay in the chair and felt my balls burn.? My cock was always semi-hard, perhaps from the smell of the woman in my every breath. After what had to have been 20-30 minutes, the room was bathed in light.

The two women returned and again had a number of items with them.

?So how did you respond to the treatment, Patient??

?We now once again need to run some experiments on you.?

It was not that I noticed that both had on surgical masks.

?Remove the rubber mask and let?s give him more sedative,? said the doctor coldly. ? Use the poppers again.? The cloth mask was put over my nose and mouth and once more popper filled cotton was put up inside.

?What gauge needles should we use, doctor??

? We will use a series of different ones leading up to the infusion. I think, though, that we need to catheterize him to be sure that he can stay in place with no accidents. Get him hard again, Sophie.?

My cock was stroked into a rock-hard state and the catheter was prepared. IT was as think as the largest sound that had been used on me and hurt as it pushed past my prostate. The bag started to fill immediately when the catheter reached my bladder. A string was tied around my cock head and attached to a strap that was drawn across my chest. Another set of straps was used to bind me even tighter to the chair.

The wrap was taken off my balls and she began to attach clips that looked like small clothespins. I squirmed as these were attached to the very sensitive balls. She smiled at her work.

?They are so pretty, but we need some for your tits.?

She attached several to these in turn and I lay there in agony. She ran her hands up and down the clips, flicking them as she went. Then she took each one off with a very deliberate speed. She wiped off the balls and the entire area was sprayed with alcohol.

? We need to place as a number of needles in your cock and balls and I hope that it will reveal much about you.?

The first needle was unwrapped and skin at the base of my cock was pinched.? I felt a sharp pain at it punctured the skin and drove through the other side pinched area.


Again skin was pinched and punctured. Again and again this took place until a dozen needles were inserted through the underside of my cock.

?Now for the balls, Doctor??

?Of course!,? the doctor said with flashing eyes.

Another full dozen needle were used to skewer my nut sack.

?I think our patient need something to drink. We will start on his own fluids and finish with something much better. Detach the catheter from the bag and add an extension tube. I will put on the special gag.?

The doctor lifted my head and I had a gag shoved into my mouth. It had a hole in the middle of it, which allowed anything you wanted to be poured down into it. I knew what was coming, but could do nothing. The end of my catheter tube was attached to the gag and I knew that my own urine would flow into me upon the next wave coming from my bladder.

?Let?s fill him up in other ways. Prepare the infusion and another wine enema, Sophie.?

I saw the various equipment attached to the IV stand. The butt plug was withdrawn and a balloon nozzle was once more shoved inside of me. The wine began to flow inside of me and I knew that as I filtered it slowly through my system, it would soon come out through the catheter. I felt the shock of alcohol being once more sprayed on my balls.

A bag of sterile water hung from the VI stand and it was being attached to a large needle at the end of a tube.

?Give him another dose of the poppers, Nurse, this is going to hurt going in.?

The cotton under my mask was withdrawn and re-doused with poppers and put against my nose. A second later I felt the thick needle plunge into my scrotum. A clip was released and I saw the water begin to trickle down the tube into my balls.

?We will give you another rest and check in on you in a bit.?

?Turn off the lights as you leave nurse after you clean up.?

The lights were turned off soon thereafter and I could no longer see the progress of the contents of the IV stand.? I realized that the pressure in my ass soon lessened, indicating that the enema was empty. I had no sensation of the urine flowing out of my bladder, however, so it came as a shock when the first taste of it hit my throat. I had no choice but to swallow and it came in waves. My balls now felt cold as they expanded to twice their size. Twenty minutes went by before the nurse came to check on me.? After determining that everything was going to plan, she left again.

Twenty more minutes went by, when the doctor came into the room.

?We need check you nerve responses, now,? she said as she took out some sort of electrical devise. Several pads were attached over the needles with wires running from them to a small electrical box. ?Nurse stay with him and see how he response to each level.?

The nurse turned on the box and a pricking feeling began to make itself known in my balls. She flipped a switch and now my cock felt like a thousand small pricks were happening to it at once. For ten minutes she flipped form one switch to another. Several times she turned the juice up and down lifting me out of me chair, or at least as much as that was possible.

?You suffer so divinely, she giggled.?

The doctor came back in the room to watch the conclusion of the process and told the nurse how pleased she was that she had shown no mercy. The doctor moved between my legs.

? I will remove all the needles and catheter now and we can move on.?

In a very workman like style, she plucked the needles out of my cock and balls, leaving for last the large one attached to the now empty water bag. This was removed and the entire area was sprayed down with alcohol. She then started to draw out the catheter. It burned and I felt that I had to pee even when it was totally out of me, even though I had nothing inside.

?Let?s let you get rid of anything still in your ass, Mike? The nurse had come into the room and helped to take off the shackles. ? You could consider escape, but where would you go?? We have your clothes and the entire clinic is locked down. ?Be a good boy and it will soon be all better.?

I was led to the toilet and left in my somewhat high state to get rid of the wine enema. I was after led to the shower and told to raise my hands.

?We will let you stay in here getting washed down and it will allow any lingering wine to work its way out of you. Handcuff him with his hand above his head.? There was a ring on the shower wall and I was attached to it and the shower water was turned on. It was cold at first, but soon was a soothing warm temperature. For twenty minutes I hung there and sure enough, a last wave of wine squirted out on me aided by gravity. The nurse finally showed again and smiled when she said that if I could control myself, then the worst was over. She took a spray nozzle and began to spray down my cock area. She knew what the effect would be and sure enough, after a minute of two I was rigid.?

?Sorry, you failed,? she said turning off the water. She detached me from the wall and threw me a towel.

?Dry off and meet me outside.?

I toweled off and came out.

?I need to stretch you before we go to the final phase. She led me to a bench. My arms were attached to a chain coming from the ceiling that could be hoisted by a pulley. The chain was tightened and I had a bench put between my legs. A huge butt plug, by my standards and perceptions, was attached to the top of the bench. My arms were lowered so that I could bend over.

?It is best if I lube you up, but we can do this dry if you create any problem.? Her gloved hand was covered with a gel and my ass was filled by one finger, then two, then three. She worked the end of her hand in and out greasing my up.

?Now position yourself over the plug and we will insert it to stretch you.?

I wanted to object but was in no position to do so. I lowered myself to the point where the plug was pressing against my asshole, but recoiled from allowing it to be inserted fully inside.

?Just as I thought might happen; Doctor!, she called out.?

The doctor came into the room.

?What now??

?I need your help to put his legs into hoists.?

Straps were put on my ankles and they in turn were attached to chains coming down form the ceiling.? The legs were hoisted up by pulleys until my feet were off the ground. Now my arms were lowered so that my weight fell fully upon the plug. I pulled against the chain above me in an attempt to keep the plug from tearing me apart.

?Well we need to give you some encouragement, smiled the doctor.? Attach his balls to weights and keep adding more weights until the pug has impaled him.?

A rope was tied around my balls that had a ring attached to it.? First a two-pound weight was put on it, then another, then another. By the time I reached ten pounds, it was a case of the devil or the deep blue sea. I collapsed and the plug impaled me. I screamed but could do nothing. I was sweating buckets. After a minute the pain lessened and the nurse began to raise and lower me upon the plug. I was being stretched like I could have never imagined. ?I don?t want only your ass to be the only thing on your mind,? ass she began to tease my cock once again. I became hard and went to the point of orgasm 3-4 times before she took off the ball weights and detached me from the plug bench.

?Come to the bedroom now.?

I followed behind her and came to a patient room with a hospital bed.

?Lay on the bed with your hands toward the headboard.? She attached the handcuffs to the head of the bed.

?Now lift up and allow me to drape you across my lap.?

I was at the edge of the bed with Nurse Sophie sitting on it with my naked body across her lap.

?You need to learn control and I guess that discipline may be the only way to teach you. I am going to spank you and you will control yourself or suffer more punishment.?

She began to swat my ass. My cock had worked itself between her thighs, however and was getting harder by the minute. She felt this and increased her spanking.

?You are such a nasty man, abusing your secretaries and thinking only of your cock,?she said between swats. ? You have to learn respect. I feel you even now thinking with your cock on my thighs. Does it make you horny feeling my smooth thighs rub against you prick??

My ass was on fire but I knew that I was going to come soon if she kept this up. I began to pump against her and felt that release was only moments away when she stopped.

?It is now time for you to feel what it is like to leave someone frustrated. Also, a good ass raping is in order.? She scooted out from under me and called in the doctor. I was flipped on my back and my legs were put in stirrups that came from the side of the bed.? The bottom of the bed dropped away leaving my ass exposed.

?Let?s do something about those balls, Doctor. Perhaps we should put them in a parachute harness and pull them away from his ass to leave us maximum access.?

?Good idea, nurse.?

Soon they were attached to a parachute harness with a ring coming from the bottom of it. This was hooked to a rope and run though a pulley in the ceiling. From the end a five-pound weight was hooked and the whole thing pulled my balls away from my ass and toward my belly.

?You want to go first, nurse??

?What using the strap-on or getting head??

?Your choice.?

?Well since I have to pee, I will let him eat me then piss in his mouth.?

?Well, then nurse, the ass fucking is mine then.?

I saw the doctor pull on a strap-on and position herself between my legs.

?I want him not to scream when I shove it in, so smother him, Sophie.?

Sophie pulled up her skirt and strattled my head. She lowered herself down so that her pussy completely covered my mouth. I sucked for air as I felt the head of the dildo touch my asshole. It pushed and was inside. Sophie lifted off and allowed me a breath.

?Now if you want another breath in the next ten minutes, you had better start sucking my pussy with all the skill you have.?

I licked furiously and she began to moan after a minute or two. My ass was being drilled at the same time. I also felt a hand starting to stroke my cock. All involved in this erotic dance were writhing is a state of frenzy. Sophie came first quickly followed by Doctor Schmitt. I would have joined them had not the doctor removed her hand from stroking me as I approached orgasm.

?How about a drink, lover. Open wide!?

Hot piss splashed against the back of my throat as I gulped it down. The acrid smell reminded was familiar from earlier.

?My turn, said the doctor.?

She took off the dildo and took her position over my mouth. In that she had cum only moments before by shoving the strap-on into me, I knew that it would take a little time to bring her off again. I started slowly and nibbled and sucked her pussy lips.? I tongued her vagina before moving on to her clit. While this was happening, Sophie had put on her own strap-on and had started to violate my ass. She too, started to stroke my cock. We built slowly to a climax. The doctor was creaming, as she got hotter and hotter.? I was in a virtual delirium of lust and my ass was being stretched and my cock was about to explode. Sophie was cursing and made each thrust time with her work on my prick. Suddenly I knew that which I had waited all night was upon me. Huge jets of spunk shot from my prick as the doctor collapsed on my in orgasmic surrender.

Sophie had also come as she felt the jism shoot out of me. It was like the small death that the French talk of.

As we recovered, the two women told me that level of intensity is possible, but that you must surrender to the woman to receive it.

I did and I will.

Saturday StayW8BNMSWD?

Saturday Stay

I needed to go for my annual insurance check-up and needed a new GP, because of the retirement of my old one. My secretary suggested a doctor who was her next-door neighbor. I had little time to look around for one and told her to make an appointment. When I showed up the following Thursday, I was escorted into the examine room after the usual wait.

I was surprised when a beautiful woman in a lab coat entered the room and introduced herself as Doctor Schmitt. Since I had never asked if the doctor was a woman, no one had thought to tell me; or so I thought.

I was put through a battery of the usual tests; blood pressure, urine sample, prostate examine and blood test. It was more than a little disconcerting to have this stunning woman stick a finger up my ass, but since this was normal, I could hardly object. It is only when she was handling my balls that she frowned and told me she didn?t like the feel of these nodules that she felt inside the sack. This came as a complete surprise to me, but she sternly told me that she wanted to run a series of tests to make sure that these were not something very serious. When she said that, the swelling in my cock quickly subsided. This was supposed to be routine, not a troublesome diagnosis! She told me to make an appointment for the clinic for that following Saturday and plan to stay over the night. It was the serious demeanor to her that had me more than a little worried. I saw the medical secretary outside after getting dressed and made the appointment. I thought I caught a little smirk on her face when I told her about staying over for the night, but I was flustered enough to quickly put it out of my mind.

The following Saturday I watched a little TV and ran a few errands before packing a change of clothes and heading over to the clinic in the late afternoon. The clinic was near to the doctor?s office but was tucked back in an industrial strip. As I pulled up, I noticed that the entire area was deserted for the weekend.

I walked in to the reception area and was met by the same nurse secretary that had made the appointment.

?You work long weeks,? I commented.

?Only on special projects? she smiled and said.

?Come this way? and she led me to a dressing room.

?Take off your clothes and get into this gown. I will be back to take you into the prep room.?

I undressed and slipped on the gown that opened in the back. In a minute she came back and led me to a room down the hall. The door opened and revealed a white room with a padded flat bench/bed and a chair that looked to be used for gynecological exams.

?Hop up in the chair?, she told me, ?and we will shave you.?


?Certainly, we need to be sure that we have a sterile surface for the tests.?

I slipped into the chair and the nurse prepared the bowl, shaving cream and razor.

?Put you legs up in these cradles and we will get started.?

I lifted my legs up into two holders that had places for straps to be drawn across them to hold the legs in place, but for now none were used. She lifted back my gown revealing my groin and began to lather-up my cock and pubic area. I immediately became hard.

?Can?t you control that?? The Nurse said with apparent disgust.

?Sorry, but it has a mind of its own,? I said a little sheepishly.

She began to shave with smooth strokes and the hair was whisked away. All the time my cock was rock hard and frankly it felt quite good. She wiped my off with a wet rag and cleaned up a couple of spots that had been missed.

?Now stay still and we will do the next step in cleaning you up.? She said with what appeared to be a malicious smile.

I lay back in the chair and waited as she left the room. Five minutes later she was back with an IV stand and a full enema bag. She put some cold lubricant on my asshole and slowly started to insert the tube.

?This will help clean the area, as we are not sure if the nodules are as a result of some prostate problem or something within the scrotum. Only the tests will tell.?

She released the valve and the warm water began to flow into me. For the first minute it was hardly noticeable but after two-thirds of the two-quart bag was in, I began to feel cramps.

?I think that that is enough, I protested.?

? We are almost done, so stay still.? The water finally drained into me and I got ready to jump up and head to the toilet.

?Hold your horses, we have to let it have time to work.?

?I think that it is working just fine?, I complained.

?Stay still!? She commanded, ?and I will tell you when you can go to the toilet.?

I lay on the chair for ten minutes and the cramps increased, and I struggled not to let any of the fluid leak out. Finally I was told I could go next door to the toilet and expel it all out. I shuffled to the bathroom and shuddered as the sat on the toilet and let the flood pour into the bowl.
?Now you stay in there until it is all out of you,? came the voice on the other side of the door. ?Knock when you are all empty.?

For ten minutes I expelled in waves the enema until I no longer felt any water inside. I cleaned up in the sink and knocked on the door. After a bit the nurse came and opened the door and led me once more to the gyno-chair.

?We will give you another enema now which will ensure you are all empty for your prostate work. Since you had such problem with the first enema, I need to be sure we have no problems; so I am going to secure you.?

With that she pulled the straps over my legs and bucked them down.

?That is not really necessary,? I told her, but she ignored me and tightened them a little more. I lay resigned in the chair with my eyes closed. In that state I did not notice her come up with wrist straps that she attached first to my right wrist then to my left over my protestations.

This will be a high volume enema so we are going to use a balloon nozzle to hold it in. Also we will put in a cleaning solution. She now wheeled the IV stand with a wicked bag that had over twice the first enema volume. It had an open top and allowed her to pour some soap solution into the huge bag. It smelled of peppermint. She lubed up my ass again and inserted the tube.? Once inside, she attached a pump to a small hose coming form the nozzle and pumped up a balloon inside of me. As she did this, my cock began to ?pump up? as well.

?Again, can?t you control this? We will have to see what we can do to make you a better patient.?

With that she began to release the water. It flowed into me and immediately the peppermint began to burn. As I squirmed, unable to move much, she looked me in the eyes and began to touch my cock.

?If we can make this so that you can control when it gets hard and stays hard, you will become a much more useful member of our community. It seems that you cannot control yourself in many things and part of our treatment will be to see if we can correct some of these problems.?

She began to lightly touch my cock and run her fingers up and down its shaft. Pre-cum began to leak from my pee hole.

?Yes, we have a fair amount of work to do.?

By now the 4+ quart enema was inside of me. I felt entirely filled and the cramps, when they came, were severe.

?I am going to go talk to the doctor and when I come back, I will let you go get rid of all that shit.?

She left the room and turned off the light as she did. I was left in the dark amid waves of cramps. For five minutes I endured it, but by the tem minute mark I was calling out to anyone who could hear me to come and release me from the chair so that I could run to the toilet. Another five minutes went by amid my cries and moans, when the nurse and doctor came into the room, flipping on the light.

?It is a good thing, that only the staff is here, because you are causing quite a disturbance,? said Dr. Schmitt. ?I see that you have given nurse Sophie quite a time. ? Well, we will see if we can make things a little better from now on.?

?Thank you doctor,? I said. ?This enema is quite painful. I do not think that she understands how much it hurts.?

I was now sure that the doctor would act as my benefactor. I was released and spent another ten minutes grunting on the toilet. After cleaning up, I was once more put into the chair for the exam.

?Since the preceding procedures were so painful, I am going to give you something to calm you down?, the lovely Dr. Schmitt said with a smile.

?Since you are cleaned out, the most effective delivery method is another small enema.?

With that, she took the smaller bag and filled it with a pink solution. The nozzle was inserted and the liquid was released. It was only as I lay there that I realized I smelled wine. It seemed that she was pumping in a quart of wine into me. It felt pleasant enough and since I had been cleaned out it did not cause any cramps. As I lay there the wine slowly began to take effect. The tube was withdrawn.? I felt a little drowsy and totally relaxed.

?Now as we have to start the test, I want to give you a little more sedative.? She took a cloth mask and put it over my nose and mouth. A mask was placed over my eyes as well. She took some cotton and soaked it on a solution coming out of a brown bottle. The cotton was placed under the mask and I smelled the strong solution, which caused a warm rush of flushing. My arms dropped to my side in a total act of relaxation. As I lay there in my floating state, I heard the nurse coming into the room.? Several whispers were exchanged with the doctor and before I realized it I was being once more strapped into the chair. As I lay there I felt hands touching my cock. It slowly came to life.
? You see doctor, he cannot control the functions of this.?

?Well now that he is sedated and secured, I guess we can drop all pretence, Sophie. You see Mike; you have been sent to us because of your behavior in the office. We know about your having your two secretaries give you blow jobs in the afternoons sometimes, but they complain that you get them all worked up and never do anything about it, with the exception of you raping them up the ass. Certainly, you never reciprocate and go down on them.?

I pulled against my bonds and realized I could go nowhere.

?They?re just making that up, probably just to get a sexual harassment suit going.?

?Doubt it!, But either way, we need to be sure that you are a useful male. The nurse and I are going to run you through test all night and by morning, we hope that you will be a changed person. Take off his mask.? The light hit my eyes and there were the two beautiful women in lab coats smiling evilly at me.

? We are going to keep you hard through much of the night without letting you cum; that is until we have had our fill with you.? We are also going to stretch, stick, pinch, and prod you to get you to comply with proper female requests in the future. As well, we are going to run a test or two so that we have ?cover? should you ever come back at us and make outrageous (true) claims.

?Well, let?s start.?

The two moved around the clinic and laid out a series of items. They were gorgeous and I was torn between terror and complete horniness.

?Since we have cleaned you up so nicely, we need to take advantage of that,? said nurse Sophie.

She grabbed my cock again and began to lightly stroke it. I little lotion was squirted on it and her stokes varied between light and firm. I was getting really worked up and soon would be spurting cum everywhere, when she stopped cold.

?We have to be sure you are hard so that the sounds go deep inside of you?, she said with leer.

She laid hold of it once again, and as she did the doctor took a sound with a gloved had and after lubrication it, inserted it into my pee hole. It slipped inside of me and she began to pump it slowly up and down.? As she did so, nurse Sophie, stroked the outside. I squirmed in my chair, but there was no release. As the cum build up in my nut sack, they both stopped.? The sound was drawn out of me. I thicker one was not brought to my cock head. This was inserted and the whole process was repeated. Three times my cock was violated and three times I was on the verge of cumming when they stopped, leaving me hornily unsatisfied.

I moaned in frustration, whereupon, the doctor said, ?Since he cannot control his urges, I fear that he may allow the wine to come out of him.? Prepare the first of the butt plugs.

The nurse went over to a drawer and pulled out a plug that was about three inches in circumference. This was lubed and pressed against my asshole. It was pushed and my ass resisted. It was pumped in and out, each time penetrating a little further. Finally with a push it slipped inside.

?Well, we should let you rest a bit before we start the next round,? exclaimed Dr. Schmitt. ?Cover him with the rubber sheet so that he does not get chilled and we will give him something to concentrate on in the dark.?? A rubber mask was placed over me head and a contraption was set up next to it.? It seemed to have a re-breather devise. Give him the medicine in the ventilator, nurse. I saw her pull up a round tool and hike up her skirt. She was not wearing panties and her sweet pussy was easy to see in the bright light. I bowl was placed under her pussy and soon I saw her begin to piss into it. Gushes of urine filled the bowl. When she finished, she took the urine and poured it into the receptor on the re-breathing devise. I was now forced to draw my breath through the urine filled ventilator.? The smell permeated my every breath. I realized that the doctor was once again stroking my prick.

?Get the wrap for his balls, nurse.?

As I lay there I felt the doctor apply some ointment to my cock and balls.? Is smelled of eucalyptus. I felt an increasing burning in my groin.? I also felt my balls being wrapped in surgical tape. Around and around the base of my nut sack it was wound. After that the entire surface of the balls was covered with tape.

?Take a rest, we will be back in a while.?

I was left in the dark breathing urine air and writhing as my balls were on fire.

What seemed like an eternity, I lay in the chair and felt my balls burn.? My cock was always semi-hard, perhaps from the smell of the woman in my every breath. After what had to have been 20-30 minutes, the room was bathed in light.

The two women returned and again had a number of items with them.

?So how did you respond to the treatment, Patient??

?We now once again need to run some experiments on you.?

It was not that I noticed that both had on surgical masks.

?Remove the rubber mask and let?s give him more sedative,? said the doctor coldly. ? Use the poppers again.? The cloth mask was put over my nose and mouth and once more popper filled cotton was put up inside.

?What gauge needles should we use, doctor??

? We will use a series of different ones leading up to the infusion. I think, though, that we need to catheterize him to be sure that he can stay in place with no accidents. Get him hard again, Sophie.?

My cock was stroked into a rock-hard state and the catheter was prepared. IT was as think as the largest sound that had been used on me and hurt as it pushed past my prostate. The bag started to fill immediately when the catheter reached my bladder. A string was tied around my cock head and attached to a strap that was drawn across my chest. Another set of straps was used to bind me even tighter to the chair.

The wrap was taken off my balls and she began to attach clips that looked like small clothespins. I squirmed as these were attached to the very sensitive balls. She smiled at her work.

?They are so pretty, but we need some for your tits.?

She attached several to these in turn and I lay there in agony. She ran her hands up and down the clips, flicking them as she went. Then she took each one off with a very deliberate speed. She wiped off the balls and the entire area was sprayed with alcohol.

? We need to place as a number of needles in your cock and balls and I hope that it will reveal much about you.?

The first needle was unwrapped and skin at the base of my cock was pinched.? I felt a sharp pain at it punctured the skin and drove through the other side pinched area.


Again skin was pinched and punctured. Again and again this took place until a dozen needles were inserted through the underside of my cock.

?Now for the balls, Doctor??

?Of course!,? the doctor said with flashing eyes.

Another full dozen needle were used to skewer my nut sack.

?I think our patient need something to drink. We will start on his own fluids and finish with something much better. Detach the catheter from the bag and add an extension tube. I will put on the special gag.?

The doctor lifted my head and I had a gag shoved into my mouth. It had a hole in the middle of it, which allowed anything you wanted to be poured down into it. I knew what was coming, but could do nothing. The end of my catheter tube was attached to the gag and I knew that my own urine would flow into me upon the next wave coming from my bladder.

?Let?s fill him up in other ways. Prepare the infusion and another wine enema, Sophie.?

I saw the various equipment attached to the IV stand. The butt plug was withdrawn and a balloon nozzle was once more shoved inside of me. The wine began to flow inside of me and I knew that as I filtered it slowly through my system, it would soon come out through the catheter. I felt the shock of alcohol being once more sprayed on my balls.

A bag of sterile water hung from the VI stand and it was being attached to a large needle at the end of a tube.

?Give him another dose of the poppers, Nurse, this is going to hurt going in.?

The cotton under my mask was withdrawn and re-doused with poppers and put against my nose. A second later I felt the thick needle plunge into my scrotum. A clip was released and I saw the water begin to trickle down the tube into my balls.

?We will give you another rest and check in on you in a bit.?

?Turn off the lights as you leave nurse after you clean up.?

The lights were turned off soon thereafter and I could no longer see the progress of the contents of the IV stand.? I realized that the pressure in my ass soon lessened, indicating that the enema was empty. I had no sensation of the urine flowing out of my bladder, however, so it came as a shock when the first taste of it hit my throat. I had no choice but to swallow and it came in waves. My balls now felt cold as they expanded to twice their size. Twenty minutes went by before the nurse came to check on me.? After determining that everything was going to plan, she left again.

Twenty more minutes went by, when the doctor came into the room.

?We need check you nerve responses, now,? she said as she took out some sort of electrical devise. Several pads were attached over the needles with wires running from them to a small electrical box. ?Nurse stay with him and see how he response to each level.?

The nurse turned on the box and a pricking feeling began to make itself known in my balls. She flipped a switch and now my cock felt like a thousand small pricks were happening to it at once. For ten minutes she flipped form one switch to another. Several times she turned the juice up and down lifting me out of me chair, or at least as much as that was possible.

?You suffer so divinely, she giggled.?

The doctor came back in the room to watch the conclusion of the process and told the nurse how pleased she was that she had shown no mercy. The doctor moved between my legs.

? I will remove all the needles and catheter now and we can move on.?

In a very workman like style, she plucked the needles out of my cock and balls, leaving for last the large one attached to the now empty water bag. This was removed and the entire area was sprayed down with alcohol. She then started to draw out the catheter. It burned and I felt that I had to pee even when it was totally out of me, even though I had nothing inside.

?Let?s let you get rid of anything still in your ass, Mike? The nurse had come into the room and helped to take off the shackles. ? You could consider escape, but where would you go?? We have your clothes and the entire clinic is locked down. ?Be a good boy and it will soon be all better.?

I was led to the toilet and left in my somewhat high state to get rid of the wine enema. I was after led to the shower and told to raise my hands.

?We will let you stay in here getting washed down and it will allow any lingering wine to work its way out of you. Handcuff him with his hand above his head.? There was a ring on the shower wall and I was attached to it and the shower water was turned on. It was cold at first, but soon was a soothing warm temperature. For twenty minutes I hung there and sure enough, a last wave of wine squirted out on me aided by gravity. The nurse finally showed again and smiled when she said that if I could control myself, then the worst was over. She took a spray nozzle and began to spray down my cock area. She knew what the effect would be and sure enough, after a minute of two I was rigid.?

?Sorry, you failed,? she said turning off the water. She detached me from the wall and threw me a towel.

?Dry off and meet me outside.?

I toweled off and came out.

?I need to stretch you before we go to the final phase. She led me to a bench. My arms were attached to a chain coming from the ceiling that could be hoisted by a pulley. The chain was tightened and I had a bench put between my legs. A huge butt plug, by my standards and perceptions, was attached to the top of the bench. My arms were lowered so that I could bend over.

?It is best if I lube you up, but we can do this dry if you create any problem.? Her gloved hand was covered with a gel and my ass was filled by one finger, then two, then three. She worked the end of her hand in and out greasing my up.

?Now position yourself over the plug and we will insert it to stretch you.?

I wanted to object but was in no position to do so. I lowered myself to the point where the plug was pressing against my asshole, but recoiled from allowing it to be inserted fully inside.

?Just as I thought might happen; Doctor!, she called out.?

The doctor came into the room.

?What now??

?I need your help to put his legs into hoists.?

Straps were put on my ankles and they in turn were attached to chains coming down form the ceiling.? The legs were hoisted up by pulleys until my feet were off the ground. Now my arms were lowered so that my weight fell fully upon the plug. I pulled against the chain above me in an attempt to keep the plug from tearing me apart.

?Well we need to give you some encouragement, smiled the doctor.? Attach his balls to weights and keep adding more weights until the pug has impaled him.?

A rope was tied around my balls that had a ring attached to it.? First a two-pound weight was put on it, then another, then another. By the time I reached ten pounds, it was a case of the devil or the deep blue sea. I collapsed and the plug impaled me. I screamed but could do nothing. I was sweating buckets. After a minute the pain lessened and the nurse began to raise and lower me upon the plug. I was being stretched like I could have never imagined. ?I don?t want only your ass to be the only thing on your mind,? ass she began to tease my cock once again. I became hard and went to the point of orgasm 3-4 times before she took off the ball weights and detached me from the plug bench.

?Come to the bedroom now.?

I followed behind her and came to a patient room with a hospital bed.

?Lay on the bed with your hands toward the headboard.? She attached the handcuffs to the head of the bed.

?Now lift up and allow me to drape you across my lap.?

I was at the edge of the bed with Nurse Sophie sitting on it with my naked body across her lap.

?You need to learn control and I guess that discipline may be the only way to teach you. I am going to spank you and you will control yourself or suffer more punishment.?

She began to swat my ass. My cock had worked itself between her thighs, however and was getting harder by the minute. She felt this and increased her spanking.

?You are such a nasty man, abusing your secretaries and thinking only of your cock,?she said between swats. ? You have to learn respect. I feel you even now thinking with your cock on my thighs. Does it make you horny feeling my smooth thighs rub against you prick??

My ass was on fire but I knew that I was going to come soon if she kept this up. I began to pump against her and felt that release was only moments away when she stopped.

?It is now time for you to feel what it is like to leave someone frustrated. Also, a good ass raping is in order.? She scooted out from under me and called in the doctor. I was flipped on my back and my legs were put in stirrups that came from the side of the bed.? The bottom of the bed dropped away leaving my ass exposed.

?Let?s do something about those balls, Doctor. Perhaps we should put them in a parachute harness and pull them away from his ass to leave us maximum access.?

?Good idea, nurse.?

Soon they were attached to a parachute harness with a ring coming from the bottom of it. This was hooked to a rope and run though a pulley in the ceiling. From the end a five-pound weight was hooked and the whole thing pulled my balls away from my ass and toward my belly.

?You want to go first, nurse??

?What using the strap-on or getting head??

?Your choice.?

?Well since I have to pee, I will let him eat me then piss in his mouth.?

?Well, then nurse, the ass fucking is mine then.?

I saw the doctor pull on a strap-on and position herself between my legs.

?I want him not to scream when I shove it in, so smother him, Sophie.?

Sophie pulled up her skirt and strattled my head. She lowered herself down so that her pussy completely covered my mouth. I sucked for air as I felt the head of the dildo touch my asshole. It pushed and was inside. Sophie lifted off and allowed me a breath.

?Now if you want another breath in the next ten minutes, you had better start sucking my pussy with all the skill you have.?

I licked furiously and she began to moan after a minute or two. My ass was being drilled at the same time. I also felt a hand starting to stroke my cock. All involved in this erotic dance were writhing is a state of frenzy. Sophie came first quickly followed by Doctor Schmitt. I would have joined them had not the doctor removed her hand from stroking me as I approached orgasm.

?How about a drink, lover. Open wide!?

Hot piss splashed against the back of my throat as I gulped it down. The acrid smell reminded was familiar from earlier.

?My turn, said the doctor.?

She took off the dildo and took her position over my mouth. In that she had cum only moments before by shoving the strap-on into me, I knew that it would take a little time to bring her off again. I started slowly and nibbled and sucked her pussy lips.? I tongued her vagina before moving on to her clit. While this was happening, Sophie had put on her own strap-on and had started to violate my ass. She too, started to stroke my cock. We built slowly to a climax. The doctor was creaming, as she got hotter and hotter.? I was in a virtual delirium of lust and my ass was being stretched and my cock was about to explode. Sophie was cursing and made each thrust time with her work on my prick. Suddenly I knew that which I had waited all night was upon me. Huge jets of spunk shot from my prick as the doctor collapsed on my in orgasmic surrender.

Sophie had also come as she felt the jism shoot out of me. It was like the small death that the French talk of.

As we recovered, the two women told me that level of intensity is possible, but that you must surrender to the woman to receive it.

I did and I will.


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Saturday night escapades 3

During the course of the next week, Jess got a raise and suggested that rather than just coming over to my place, we go out and celebrate her raise with a Saturday night out (though not the whole night, because what would be the fun in that?). I proposed we go to a combination bar/restaurant/dance club about a half hour from my apartment that we hadn’t been to in at least a couple years (might have even been over three years, we couldn’t really remember). It’s actually a pretty decent...

2 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon1

Helen arrived at the door and being of the average height for a sixth former was able to read with little difficulty, the inscription on the plaque. It identified the door as that to the study of the Headmaster. She glanced at the clock above and saw that a further minute had elapsed and that a mere four minutes remained before the hour would be reached. She stood quite still outside the door praying that nobody who knew her would appear at the far end of the corridor. There was only one...

2 years ago
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SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...

2 years ago
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Saturday at Work

So being spoiled by my Mon-Fri job, i am pissed when i have to go in on Saturday and catch up. Last Saturday I walked in to find Cheri crying in Sandy’s office. Of course she was the only one in the office,being the weekend. Cheri is in her late 40’s, short curly red hair, 5’1, plump with an average face (not naughty at all) and a BIG, albeit lumpy, ass. Her pants were somewhat tight and when she bends over, her button shirt treats you to a nice set of pale white D cups. She has 3 daughters...

4 years ago
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Saturday morning jog turns bad Fantasy story

This is my story of a Saturday morning jog, just a story and fantasy.On one beautiful Saturday early morning I decided to take a jog through a nearby park, this is an ideal time when no one is around to disturb me while I jog. It was quiet and very peaceful morning, just the birds sing and the sky was clear. I put on my headphones to listen to some music while I jog. As I was jogging down this deserted path, all of a sudden a man with a mask jumps out from behind some tall bushes and started...

1 year ago
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Saturday at Work

So being spoiled by my Mon-Fri job, i am pissed when i have to go in on Saturday and catch up.Last Saturday I walked in to find Cheri crying in Sandy's office. Of course she was the only one in the office,being the weekend. Cheri is in her late 40's, short curly red hair, 5'1, plump with an average face (not naughty at all) and a BIG, albeit lumpy, ass. Her pants were somewhat tight and when she bends over, her button shirt treats you to a nice set of pale white D cups. She has 3 daughters...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning SissyI woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something waswrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn'tunexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was aleather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tetheredsecurely to the foot of my bed with a short chain.Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and mynipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red dye. Ifthat...

3 years ago
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Saturday strapon date night for my sissy

Every Saturday night I bend hubby over,lube up his ass/pussy,insert a butt plug,and start out with his punishment.The slapper is used 1st,It makes such a nice sound,slowly marking his white ass.I push on his plug,pulling it out,and back in until he is moaning.Next I use a crop to highlight the red in his rosy cheeks,Swat swat swat,Ohhh the sound of the crop swishing through the air hitting his crimson ass,I am In heaven.Finally,a ol fashioned thick wood paddle is used until the cheeks start to...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night Sunday Morning

I’m Doug the husband. I coach division one college baseball for a University located on the west coast of Florida, I’m not saying which one but you’ll probably know after reading my story. I’m married to my beautiful wife Sandy. Both she and I turned thirty last summer. I never thought I could fall in love at first sight but with Sandy that was the case. She had a body that most women would die for. At five foot four her tiny waist and hip’s only accentuated her luscious 34c breasts. Her long...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning Sissy I woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn't unexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was a leather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tethered securely to the foot of my bed with a short chain. Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and my nipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red...

2 years ago
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SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...

4 years ago
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Saturday Delight 1 Katies Bath

It was a nice Saturday morning. I had woken up early to get a workout in, and I was relaxing in the bath afterwards. I heard the door open, and heard the soft shuffle of feet. Someone was trying and failing to sneak up on me. I feigned sleep as a hand slipped into the water and wrapped around my cock. "Good morning, Katie," I said without opening my eyes. The hand lifted my cock and gripped it firmly. She stroked my hardening shaft while she asked, "How did you know it was me,...

2 years ago
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Saturday Girl

I own a television and hi-fi store. Most of the week I can cope on my own but on Saturdays I employ a young girl to help out in the store. Her job is to look after customers who are buying just leads, batteries etc. leaving me to look after the higher spending customers. Sarah can wear what she wants providing it's not jeans. She usually wears dark trousers and a teeshirt. On Saturdays when the weather was atrocious and customers seemed thin on the ground we usually just chatted. Sarah was...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night School pt1 loyalsock

As Charlie Tucker pulled into the parking lot of the school, he wondered, as he often did on Saturdays, what other seniors did on their Saturday nights. Was he missing out on anything that he would later regret? Wild parties, like in the movies, where parents were out of town and everything was chaos? Or were those types of parties just fiction, and everyone was sitting at home on their computers or binging on TV?He had two juniors assisting in the AV room, Dinesh and Michael, and those two had...

1 year ago
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Saturday at Home

My parents divorced when I was f******n. My brother and I went to live with my Father. He owns a very successful construction company. By the time I turned s*******n my Dad had remarried. He married Kim. Kim was well built to say the least a very busty double d with very long curly red hair, a slender body about five foot six, tight slim ass and olive green eyes. She was exactly half my Dads age. He was forty-two and she was twenty-one. Everyone knew why he married her but wondered why...

2 years ago
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Saturdays at Marys

A lot has been written about adult/child sex. Most of it assumes the act involved is sinful and it is, in most places, illegal. I agree that forced sex in any form should be illegal, regardless of the age of the parties. Yet, when sex is initiated by an underage girl; or in almost any situation with an underage boy and an older woman, there may be no harm in it as long as the adult is caring and careful. It may even be beneficial to both parties. Especially when the underage participant is...

2 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon0

It had been a while since I’d seen Jim. We didn’t talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. We’d got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me “I want to come see you, it’s been too long”. I wasn’t sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. He’d always had a certain hold over me. I can’t explain it. But as a teenager, he’d always loved coming all over my face, cleaning it off with my panties, then...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night Escapades 5

Quick warning: As with the last story this has an “icky” part. Not my cup of tea, and it is just coincidence that it happened in two straight weeks. I include it because it is what actually happened, but it’s really not important to the story and I do give a warning before it comes up, so feel free to skip it if you like. Following our long weekend together, Jess and I got back to our traditional one-night hook-ups. We didn’t really make any plans during the week, just for Jess to...

2 years ago
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Saturday Overtime

I am standing in the kitchen, trying to finish the dishes before you get home. It’s a Saturday and you had to go into work. I hate it when you have to do that, but it is part of your job. I console myself by thinking that at least it’s only half a day. I’ve been at the dishes for about twenty minutes. There were more there than I expected, so it is taking me longer than I had hoped. I hear your keys in the door as I make my way to the last little stack. The door opens and I yell out to you that...

3 years ago
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Saturday Arrives

(a continuation of The Bitch’s Oven and Ding Dong the Bitch is Dead) Robin opened her eyes to a glorious day. It was a little cloudy but only outside. The sun was shining so bright for Robin it didn’t matter what the weather was. She had some plans to prepare. Suddenly she understood where Jennifer had been the day she sent her away to get ready for her date. There was plenty for Robin to do today. The first thing was to hit the liquor store for champagne, bucket and two glasses. Danny knew...

1 year ago
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Saturday Afternoon Tea

My bedroom is decorated tastefully with beautiful rich black furniture, black drapes and champagne colored carpet. I take a lot of pride in how my home is kept and while it gets messy from time to time, I attempt to keep things up. I had been cleaning all day one Saturday while my husband was away in class. I decided to run to the grocery to get something to cook for dinner. While perusing up the seafood aisle, I ran across an old friend, Michelle, I hadnt seen her in years. She looked good, we...

3 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon

Introduction: An absolutely true story. Start to Finish. As a pretext: This is all 100% true. No embellishment, no exaggeration, and no fictional component. It had been a while since Id seen Jim. We didnt talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. Wed got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me I want to come see you, its been too long. I wasnt sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. Hed always had...

1 year ago
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Saturday morning is for laundry

On Saturday morning, my sweet wife said it was my turn to do the laundry.So I picked up some big items that would not fit in our washer and went to the laundry place. As I got there, I found another two ladies doing the same.The kind woman who ran the shop came over to me and said she would do it for me. I thanked her, thinking I had at least forty minutes free for me…Upon my return, the lady had dried all the items and they were folded.She sat down next to me and I noticed she was flirting...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning at the ABS

It was a Saturday morning and I was super horny so I decided to head to one of my favorite ABS to look for some fun. I was on my way with condoms and lube in my pocket along with some wipes, hoping to find a horny top in the video booth section. When I got there the parking lot was pretty full so it showed some promise as long as all or most weren't there for the same as me. The ABS is in a pretty seedy area with a lot of thugs around and some tend to hang out there looking to get off, which I...

3 years ago
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Saturday night Glory Hole attempt with the wiife

We are a couple who after 25+ years still enjoy great sex within reason. I have always persuaded the wife to go along with my Ideas. These were always within her  boundaries. We are NOT swingers, though I have no issues with trying the Lifestyle if she agreed. We have NOT tried bringing another male or female into our relationship. We are both str8t, do not have any plans to change. To many our sex life would be boring. My wife is very private. We do however enjoy Outdoor Sex, Road-head, loud...

4 years ago
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Saturday Night Special

Saturday night could not come soon enough for Amanda. For three weeks, she wanted to return to Max's playroom. The experience there made her yearn to return. The thought of being a submissive aroused her. Max was a good man who Amanda wanted to dominate her. Amanda and I finished supper and looked for something to do. Max called me earlier and asked, "Would Amanda and I come over?" I said, "Sure." I did not tell Amanda. I knew she wanted a return trip to the playroom. Amanda was a wild...

1 year ago
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Saturday night in Newcastle

Gonna keep this short, as it could have been much longer lol, but putting this on as so many people asking what I got up to last Saturday lol, saves me repeating it.Out for a drink round town with husband, i owed his sex in a pub toilet (long story there lol), so later on Saturday night he reminded me and said he would txt if gents was empty and safe to follow him. If no txt, then I was to open my legs and give him a flash when he walks back to table. I didn’t look at my phone because a guy had...

1 year ago
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Saturday night at a hotel

My parents had arrived back from there 2 week vacation and were both back at work. My holiday was finally over although it was still 3 weeks till actual varsity started. Jessica and I were completely broken up and not talking to each other. Caitlyn's boyfriend, James, had returned therefore it was hard to see her. I was talking a lot to my ex Cassi and she was always keen to meet up. After a discussion and a number of messages we agreed to book into a hotel room for a Saturday. The Friday night...

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Saturday Night Fever bimale first time

Recently a fraternity brother of mine and I decided to check out a bar across town. We had already had a few beers when I spotted this really attractive woman who had settled onto a bar stool just a few seats down from us. She appeared to be in her early thirties and was really hot. Blonde wavy hair that fell just to her shoulders, nice chest, and a short skirt which really showed off her tanned and toned legs.Tim and I both took notice of what a total package she was. I didn't think either of...

1 year ago
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Saturday Morning

Its early morning, the sun is just starting to come up. I slip out of your bed still nude from our love making the night before. I turn and look at you still sleeping, so amazing. I kneel down and find the "toys" from last night, I pick them up and carry them with me into the bathroom. I love the door open. I learned my first few days with you never to close a door between us, unless the c***dren are going to see me. I sit down on the toilet, and pee. I finish and wipe myself. I look over and...

1 year ago
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Saturday Morning Car Wash

It was a Saturday morning when I decided to take the Mini to the car wash. I knew if I got there early, I could get right in. The owner, Rick, greeted me. He was a young and strikingly handsome man. Dark short hair with deep green eyes and a beautiful smile, this soft spoken man stood about 5’9” tall. Nicely built, but not over done.  He had 4 other men working for him, but one stood out. He was very tall, I would guess 6”4”, black, and he was also remarkably handsome. His name was Sam and he...

Group Sex
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Saturday Night Seduction

I was only 23 when I first moved to New York in 1978. It was a great time for me. I hit the ground running and relished the fact that I was living there. Being young and new I was up for anything and that was exactly the right attitude to have to make the most of living in Manhattan. I had a studio on the Upper East Side and was earning a good salary for the time. I had plenty to do and lots of girlfriends. New York girls at the time (who knows? maybe still) were just as horny as the guys, as...

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Saturday Reverie

I've haven’t been ableto write for a loooong while and believe me that’s been driving me crazy. Finally, I was able to put this little number together. I hope you like it. . It was early Saturday morning, around 8:41 am. Bree yawned wide, not bothering to cover her mouth as she lay in nothing but a small tight black t-shirt that stretched mercilessly across her large breasts and blue string bikini panties. She lay on her back watching the large mounted flat screen TV that hung on the wall, her...

3 years ago
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Saturday Evening and Dragged Out to Play

Saturday Evening and Dragged Out to Play Once a month there's a club that basically has mostly men looking for glam queens and the queens that are being hunted by the men. They usually have a theme for the night, and while not some dressers will have costumes that fit into the motif of the evening, most go in any kind of outrageous outfit that they decide on. So on a given night at this club, you can see anything from the most gorgeous 6' babe all the way down to the guy in a dress...

2 years ago
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Saturday Girl

Saturday Girl It all began in one of those Saturday lulls when the shop was quiet and all the work was done. Kerry and I were on the main pay desk when Dave, the manager, came over. He told Kerry that she wasn't to wear jeans to work again and that she should wear the uniform skirt as she usually did. This started an argument of course, Kerry arguing that her jeans were black and smart (which they were), that some of us guys wore them (which we did), and that it was too cold for...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night Domination

I woke up last Saturday morning to find my beautiful girl Chrissy lying naked asleep next to me, I kissed her sweet lips tenderly and cuddled up to her whilst thinking how lucky I am to have her... Little did I know, later that day she was going to show exactly how much she owns me!After half an hour of watching my sleeping beauty, she began to wake, smiling at me as she opened her heavy eyes and kissing me 'good morning'.We spent the next hour or so doing as we normally do every Saturday...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night

It was early morning.  My grandparents made breakfast and to tell you the truth it was really good, better than what we have back home.  I kept eating and thinking about Friday Night.  Was it wrong for me to do that, I was just insane to go that far, I could of cleaned myself up, but instead Dean asked me to clean it up for me, why did I let him do this.  I spaced out completely.  Then my brother arrives from his morning shower and sits at the table. Grandma "Ok, dear, here you go, fresh bacon...

1 year ago
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Saturday With the Pervs

Saturday with The Pervs (Author’s note: The following story is a fantasy created by the author and nothing more. It is intended in NO WAY to condone or encourage incest as an action or lifestyle. As I wrote this I had a certain image of what the Perv women would look like and picture certain ladies in the adult film industry in their roles. You are of course welcome to imagine however you like. Now, without out further ado, enjoy J ) Saturday morning came bright and quiet to Perv house. Sam...

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Saturday Morning Surprise

My Sister Thinks I'm Sexy #1 - Saturday Morning SurprisePrologueI’m Carrie Smith. I’m a pretty average college student. I study, go to parties and stress about the future. I’m also a lesbian who’s in love with her younger sister. See? Average.My younger sister Leslie is just a year younger than I am. She’s smart, pretty and popular. She’s also still in the closet. Our parents know about me; I’ve been dating girls since middle school. Leslie on the other hand, had only had boyfriends so far, so...


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