The Guys And Me - The Glorification Of Cock free porn video

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The Glorification of Cock ? A ?The Guys and Me? Story

(DISCLAIMER:? dear reader, it is the author?s most sincere hope that every sentence of the following work of fiction contains at least one small, disgusting gobbet of utter filth, in fact, each paragraph, if I have judged correctly, should be a sickening bucketful of revolting, turd-filled slime.?


As a serial skim-reader himself ? fuck-this-for-a-laugh where?s the fucking dirt? ? who has, shamefully, left unread many opening paragraphs, if not opening pages, of otherwise excellent writers on this brilliant site, he aspires to make every thought simply a deliciously morsel of shit.? Truthfully and in all humility he wants his prose to be redolent of ? let?s say,? a stinking, six-month-old, unwashed, cum-encrusted, excrement-streaked jockstrap? ? no, sorry, that?s too nice, I agree with you, probably because the word ?jockstrap? even when never washed and crispy with old cum and shit, still has healthy, sporting associations? ? how about, ?my prose should reek of the perfume of a syphilitic tramp?s infested, sore-laden and puss-oozing crotch?? mmm, better.?


From the first words I aim to offer mouth-watering hints of the degrading and debauched.? So - fucking read every fucking syllable, you cunts ? that?s male-cunts and female-cunts!? Do as I say not as I do!?


But seriously, I hope you will feel that dedicated, concentrated study of the text and absorption in its ? hopefully ? gutter-filth filled and repellent imagery will be repaid ? oh bliss for the writer - with a nice hardon or wet cunt, or more modestly, slight arousal.? So again, gentle reader, I offer you my profoundest apology if I have failed ? if it?s not revolting and violent enough. and particularly fucking horrible and contemptuous - not to say pathologically murderously aggressive! - towards WOMEN ? I fucking hate even using that word - mere fucking disgusting and repellent holes as they are!?


My aim is that any sane, normal female (fucking cunt rather) who reads this should want me locked up for a hundred years ? however if I was to get hold of you first- I wish! -? you would be reduced to the agonised and bloodied piece of revolting fuck-meat that - if the world was right ? is your natural status? ? you?d thank me for it really.? You agree with me, don?t you, men?? E.B.)




The Guys and Me - the Glorification of Cock

by Eric (puts the ?s? in bdsm*) Boss


*from a review by SimonMagick of ?The Guys and Me do Training)



?THE PROPER USE OF FUCKING CUNTS ...?? ? that is, using the term fucking cunt to refer to the whole fucking whore itself, not just its disgusting, stinking, slime-oozing fuck-hole - stay with it, men, (and perverted cunt-holes who are reading this as well*) we were discussing a particular filth project.


*cunt-holes are given permission to read this report on only condition that they are abusing their revolting holes all the time and are fucking forcing their hands up those sewers as is their lives depended on it ? because with me they do.


?THE PROPER ATTITUDE OF THE MALE TOWARDS FUCKING CUNTS??? ? again the term fucking cunts here denotes the stupid fucking whore itself, not the act of ramming a gigantic fucking cock up its putrefying, sewer-like and loathsome twat, mmm, think about it!? ? or another way of putting it, fucking is a fucking adjective not a fucking verb ? in the phrase referred to above.


Men, you might be interested to note that just contemplating one of these hideous, stinking, fucking snatches, slits, revolting fuck-holes or whatever, makes me want to inflict serious pain on it, hit one fucking hard, and hear the fucking cunt screaming in fucking agony.? Do you experience something similar or is it just me??


But I?m getting ahead of myself.? Well, not really, because whenever we met, the guys and me, to discuss our work, we generally felt it necessary to have at least one, if not a couple, of young, big-titted cunts alongside so we could use them if it felt right.? For example, I punctuated this conversation by dripping toilet bleach, using one of those little dropper things, quite gently and with no hurry, onto a bloody and whipped cunt ? drip, drip.?


I had found that I couldn?t even discuss our work without having a cunt in agony alongside us. Having a cunt, or a cunt-boy,? in some sort of extreme pain was an absolute necessity for me. ?My health suffered, literally, if I didn?t have this palliative.? Naturally this young whore ? about fourteen, huge tits of course ? was gagged, we didn?t want its noise interrupting what turned out to be an extremely important ? very, very important - discussion with far reaching consequences.


(With reference to these particular categories of cunt I recommend - on this site - Little Cumbag Goes to the Doctor by Steve Dema, a man after my own heart, although I have to ignore the lesbian aspect ? disappointing to allow such waste of cunt energy in my opinion ? similarly he allows his gigantic-titted young cunt too much personality - who gives a shit what the cunt is like, for god?s sake ? but other than those two caveats, delicious.? The other Cumbag stories can also be relied on.)? To return to the fucking debate:


?More generally, how about LEARNING TO APPRECIATE AND PRACTICE TRUE MASCULINITY i.e. UTTER? CONTEMPT FOR AND TOTAL HATRED OF FUCKING CUNTS???? ?Has the benefit of being exact but the disadvantage of being a shit title - too wordy.


Men, I know what you might be thinking ? what the fuck does it matter how we define it?? Just fucking enjoy it.? But I have to tell you in all earnestness - that?s alright for you and me, and my guys ? two in their twenties, vastly experienced, devastatingly handsome, man-whore-stud-sadists-murderers, and our new recruits, two young teenage skinheads? ? terribly talented, vicious, cunt-hating thugs ? I am lucky in my friends, I am aware of that - but what about the whole world of other young boys and young men and not so young men out there, hide-bound by fucking conventional morality and ?equal fucking rights? shit??


Must respect the female ? fucking vomit!? That ?f? word should be banned.? FUCKING CUNTS ?right?? Something has to be done to counteract this all pervading, lying, pernicious liberal philosophy.? We decided, or rather I decided and explained to my guys, that we had a mission to spread our understanding, that it would be selfish of us just to enjoy our own private sessions and not teach other males how to have satisfying, natural fun in using fucking cunts ? totally using fucking cunts.? Therefore we had to define what we were going to do.? I decided that the last mentioned title, despite its verboseness, was the nearest to an absolute definition of what we were about.?


While we were swapping thoughts on this, my paler, red-lipped guy had the other spare whore near him:? this cunt wasn?t restrained, it was on it knees, huge tits sticking out as far as it could and mouth open, drooling and moaning and eyes fixed on our cocks, which we had out, and hard.? This fucking whore had been convinced by my pale guy?s sweeter-than-shit, honeyed tongue that if it managed to please us in every way possible, then it would live ? fucking lies obviously, it would die in agony for our pleasure, when, where and how we wanted ? anyway my handsome, paler guy was spitting in its mouth, blowing his nose in his hand and wiping that in its face-hole and also using its mouth-hole as an ash-tray, but he told it to shuffle round to my black teenage skinhead guy, who held its hair and slapped its revolting pretty face ? not just a little but slapped it fucking silly.? Such powerful emotions in this hot, black young fucker: I?m really glad to have been able to provide him with an outlet, as having observed him in action I?m certain he would be a danger to society otherwise.


The big-titted, fucking young cunt he was slapping was left nasty, fucking whimpering wreck after this hot boy had finished, I?m glad to say, but it was still trying to please us ? aah! - massive tits stuck out and quivering, bloodied and split mouth-hole open, drool and blood dripping and bruised eyes on our cocks.? Just the right atmosphere to continue our meeting.? I dripped copious bleach on the revolting fuck-hole of the young cunt laid out near me ?the young cunt?s snatch, so bloody, raw and sore-looking,? was conveniently held wide open by some safety pins.? And to amuse the guys, I leaned over and dropped just a little bleach in its pinned-back eyes.? It screamed behind its gag and writhed in agony.? The guys smiled at my indulgence.


The project we were discussing - it would be too fucking pretentious to say we?d opened a fucking school but since I had decided that we should spread the good word i.e. the proper use of cunts, it was looking as if ? I can hardly believe I?m writing this shit ? but yes it?s true - we were actually founding an course of weekly classes.?


The enormity of what we were proposing staggered us ? cue some really satisfying tit-stamping and cunt kicking.? Bleach and other gentle shit abandoned.? If it wasn?t for the ubiquitous consciousness raising drug, the cunts would have been rendered comatose, but thanks to the wonders of modern pharmacology these two were left very much alive and suffering ? nice - two moaning, broken wrecks on the floor.? My black teenage thug screamed like a banshee as he was jumping up and down with his boots on a pair of huge tits.? As to what we were discussing prior to this bit of fun, well - we would take it as it came.? There was a lot to talk about.


Twenty or so young men, men and boys rather, ranging from eighteen or twenty down to fourteen, although a couple of even younger boys had probably sneaked in ? you know what boys are ? were assembled in an orderly, classroom like atmosphere.? As I said we had been talking and realised that too few men shared our approach to the use of whores and instead of sitting round bemoaning the state of the world we should do something to rectify this appalling situation - hence this the first class of our ?school?.


The following is an edited description of this first class ? just to give you an idea, men.


?First exercise.? Using the paper, pen and clipboard provided, boys,? this was my Mediterranean guy speaking, looking fucking hot in a sharp, cheap grey suit, red tie, large real diamond ear studs ? my present - greased black hair? ? we wanted to impress these kids ? a cheap but natty suit because of the bodily fluids involved in our demonstrations, I am very wealthy but I abhor waste - ?your task is to record the correct words to describe a cunt.? Please feel free to draw pictures and make them as disgusting as you like, in fact we?ll award marks for the most revolting.?? Some of these boys were probably illiterate and we didn?t want to make them feel bad, however they were a very mixed bunch and others were clearly highly educated and from well-off backgrounds.?


What we hadn?t told these kids was that we were watching them like hawks, and if they didn?t demonstrate the right attitude and find in themselves at least a glimmer of glorious, aggressive maleness, then in this first session they would be classified as fucking pussies and used as exhibits themselves in the later part of the workshop.?

Unfair?? Unjust?? It was simply a matter of security and after all, expert as we are, we are not infallible.? My guys had taken all possible pains to choose male youngsters with suitable potential ? for sadism and masculine fun ? but it was always possible that some errors had been made and one or two of the young guys would turn out to have been faking enthusiasm to keep up with their peers.?


The guys and me had come to this weighty conclusion after much discussion and analysis of our aims and arrangements.? As regards the practical considerations of our security ? blindfolds, disorientation on the journey ? the main guarantee of our safety was ? you?ll understand at once, men ? the boys own released and overpowering masculine excitement and deep, urgent desire to continue the course. Eventually they would be implicated in the more, how shall I say, criminal aspects of our work, which would in turn be a further guarantee of safety.?? We would explain some of this to them in the first lesson ? but not the ?show you?re a fucking real man in the making or be snuffed entertainingly as an expendable pouf? part ? that was to be a pleasant addendum to the session.?


The ?snuffing? part (what an unpleasant term ?snuffing? is, we fucking destroy the cunts and cunt-boys if it is part of the work, I so dislike euphemisms) well, we would keep this activity secret from them, also the expendable nature of the exhibits ? we had to ?bind? these boys to our work first.


To cut to the chase, our main exhibit for this first lesson was now addressing the class ? the cunt was referring to itself in the third person, ok?? Now fucking pay attention, men, and don?t be confused by the grammar!


?What you are looking at, sirs, is a FUCKING CUNT.??


This young whore describing itself was about eighteen - we thought even with our highly successful motivational techniques a cunt younger than that would not have the requisite self-possession to deliver this lecture - big tits on this exhibit, of course, huge tits in fact, firm and self-reliant, whole fucking disgusting naked whore package ? head to foot ? gleaming with oil.? Enticing, cock-hardening in itself.? But, and this is an important ?but? - in reading an account of this whore?s demonstration you need to realise that this one was highly trained, several weeks in fact.?


A quick informative note on our specialised training methods:? in medieval times a popular attraction was a dancing bear, as I?m sure you know.? The bear, chained and dressed up, would apparently dance to the beat of a drum and a tune on a flute.? This was achieved by the owner, in private, periodically burning the soles of the bear?s feet, say every other morning, and then whipping the resulting wounds.? Then, to create the performance all the trainer had to do was crack the whip and the bear would leap continuously to get out of the way of the whip.? Beautifully simple.? In essence that?s how my guys and me trained cunts.? There, I have let you into a trade secret.?


Through training we had also got rid of that fucking irritating attitude shown by so-called ?attractive cunts? who have a habit of thinking they could be seductive ? what I call the ?pole-dancing? mentality.? I find that so fucking annoying, makes me fucking furious with the way our society works ? so much so that I insist on it being viciously ? and I mean viciously - slapped out of the cunts very early in the training process ? if we are to bother even training a cunt that is.


?Smile at me.? Slap. ?Flutter the eyelids.? Slap, slap.? ?Lick the lips and flutter the eyelids.?? Fucking slap, slap, slap!? Burn the tits and clit with your cigarette.? Over and over until the brainless cunt realises what we want, or don?t want.


Most of our work uses untrained cunts anyway ? the cunt just trembling in terror, with no thought of any behaviour that could benefit it. From my long experience I prefer the unconsidered brutality of this approach.? It takes more quick thinking and immediate control and understanding of a fucking cunts? range of reactions but my guys and me are in the advanced league.


Men, regarding this ?attractive? thing, I realise that I?m dealing with special subtleties here.? What?s wrong with a cunt setting out to turn us males on?? Well, think about it.? It gives the cunt a semblance of control ? not much admittedly because the cunt doesn?t realise that every hot-bloodied male it?s wiggling it tits at is mentally despising and loathing it, spitting on it, pissing in its fucking mouth-hole, punching its huge fucking jugs, sticking a lit cigarette in its eye (or is that just me?) but even this semblance of mental control on behalf of a cunt is much too much for me.?


The properly trained cunt is inexpressive and matter of fact in pointing out its functions ? not a fucking sexy pop-star wannabe.? Leave all thought and emotion to the superior human beings i.e. you and me ? ?cunt, you are a fucking hole, talk like one.?? Any cunt who looks at me with a fucking sexy smile or puts a breathy edge on its fucking voice unless specifically ordered ? by me - to do so for a particular effect - is asking to be beaten to a pulp instantly ? with a handy baseball bat, without even a preliminary hard slapping ? and preferably with another few cunts watching so they fucking change any similar revolting presumptions. I require total control, and you should too.?? I hope you follow my reasoning and have revised your opinions, men.


So our main, well-oiled, big-titted exhibit for the evening was suitably dull-eyed, unemotional and business-like in its tone of voice.? ?This is the dick-ditch.?? It was immediately forcing all its fingers and whole wrist up its hole ? none of this ?gently opening fucking cunt-lips? shit.? ?This, sirs,? sliding its hand in fully in and out, ?is a fuck-hole, for your use, sirs, or any man, or male-animal, such as a dog, a horse or pig.?? The cunt had been taught to choose exact phrases such as this to describe its meaning.? ?This cunt-hole, like all cunt-holes, is of course, as revolting as a maggot-filled, shit-stinking sewer.?? The cunt grunted, stuck its fuck-hole forward and its eyes rolled back in its head, instantly lost in its own repulsive lust.??


My red lipped, paler guy, wearing a smart, but also cheap grey business suit, silky blue tie, large real diamond ear-studs ? my present -? his cock out and determinedly hard, went into action instantly.? He viciously slapped the cunt across the face, efficiently followed by a brief but energetic caning of those huge jugs.? The cunt screamed its head off.? He had been using the cane as a lecturer?s pointer.? He held the whore in a convenient position by yanking its hair back with his other hand.


?Don?t you dare fucking enjoy yourself, whore!? No fucking grunting till you are given permission.?


?Sorry sir, sorry, I didn?t mean to, I lost control.? It won?t happen again.??


Tits on fire from the caning, nevertheless it quickly adopted a more business-like tone again. Clearly, the fucking cunt had been turning itself on by performing this display of animal-like, disgusting lust in front of twenty or more young males, a couple of them hardly more than children.? Quickly in heat again, it was sticking its huge tits out for all it was worth, and pulling its fucking putrefying fuck-hole wide open, must have fucking hurt I?m glad to say,


?If any male, sirs, of any age or any species wants to honour this cunt, or any cunt, by inserting his glorious, magnificent cock up its maggoty, fucking disgusting slime-oozing twat, it should be done sirs, with as much aggression and hatred of the cunt as the cunt deserves.? This cunt is here for you to hate it, sirs, and want to hurt it.? Fucking is an expression of hate, sirs.? Please hate and despise this cunt, its tits, shit-hole and cunt-hole.? That?s what I?m for, sirs.?


My red-lipped guy stood up and punched it full in the fucking face. This was a surprise but none the less enjoyable for that.? But I hope he didn?t hurt his hand. ?Third person!? Cunts do not refer to themselves as ?I?.? Don?t fucking forget that.?? The cunt recovered as quickly as it could knowing that if it didn?t there would be worse to follow.


?Sorry, sorry, sir, I wont.? All fucking revolting twat-holes, sirs, all disgusting, filthy cunt-holes are for destroying, sirs.? It is important to remember that.??


My paler, red-lipped guy got the boys to repeat the vital phrase.?


?Cunts are for destroying.?? They said this over a few times.


Even after being punched in the face, and various slaps and tit canings, the fucking loathsome young cunt was still in heat.? It was really struggling ? entertainingly so ? not to fucking grunt and beg one of the boys to fuck its brains out ? any boy would do to fuck it - even the one or two who looked about ten years old ? can?t have been, not allowed, must have been older ? anyway it couldn?t stop itself grinding its fuck-hole back and forth, panting and jiggling its massive tits.? Always a nice starter to see a fucking disgusting cunt begging for it.?


?We can all see you want something up that sewer.? Am I right, cunt??


?Oh yes, yes, sir.? Given permission to speak, it grunted out its disgusting needs as fast as it could.? ?This cunt wants to be fucked, sir, yes, fuck yes!?? Grunt, grunt. ?Yes, it would like a big, fucking huge cock rammed up its cunt!? Rammed up there, sirs!? Shoved up this stinking, fucking dick-ditch!?? The disgusting whore was fisting itself, sweating and panting with disgusting cunt lust!? Is there anything more revolting than a cunt in heat?? It continued spewing out it?s revolting needs.


?This cunt?s just a hole for cock, of course, it know that, sirs.? Please would you perhaps think of letting one of these hot young boys fuck its brains out, sir?? The cunt knows they?ve got such wonderful cocks, sir. Look, look, this fucking disgusting snatch is pouring fuck slime, sirs.?? The cunt covered its hands in fuck slime and wiped it over its face, tongue and tits adding to its well-oiled whore-like appearance.


?No, cunt, certainly not!? You are out of luck, none of these hot guys is going to fuck that slimy, stinking disgusting hole.??


The fucking cunt whimpered and tears of frustration began to flow down its cunt face.? Some of the boys looked distinctly miffed as well.? Not for long.? My red-lipped, paler guy in his smart suit and blue silky tie, huge diamond ear studs and greased black hair, with a wink to the class, handed the cunt a very large - and I mean fucking intimidating - vegetable ? a marrow I believe.? Any disappointment the class felt was instantly replaced with nasty excitement.


?Up the disgusting hole. I want to see it disappear. Begin. You have two minutes.?? He wasn?t unreasonable.? He looked at his watch.? The whore looked horrified and desperately wanted to ask for help, lubrication or something.? ?Up on that desk, so we can all observe the procedure.? Use shit as lube.? Your own, of course.??


The demonstration had taken a sudden lurch into advanced territory. We were treated to the satisfying spectacle of the horrified, terrified, huge-titted, eighteen-year-old fucking cunt, squatting on the desk, grunting and straining and quickly producing a pile of fresh turds. Fucking disgusting!? I liked it.?? My Mediterranean guy used an air-freshener to assist matters.?


?You won?t need that whole pile as lubrication, whore,? said my red-lipped guy, ?don?t waste it, eat half.?? Oh fuck yes!? The boys could barely believe their eyes.


?The eighteen-year-old, fucking huge-titted, loathsome cunt, not even daring to think of disobedience, took one turd in its disgusting mouth-hole, chewed and swallowed, trying not to sick up the shit.? The groans of disgust in the classroom from the young boys were most pleasant to me.


?Now remember this, young men.? What you feel now, is the feeling that all cunts should create in you at all times.? An exception to this is feelings of violence. ?Violence towards cunts, murderous, fucking aggression, that is the only other right and proper feeling that you should have towards cunts, but we?ll come to that later, for now we will concentrate on disgust and contempt.


?Now cunt, listen!?? The cunt turned its shit-smeared face to him and mmediately gave my hot red-lipped guy all its attention.? ?Your shit is not the correct consistency for proper lubrication.? Piss on it to soften it up.?? The terrified, big-titted, stupid fucking whore now squatted on the desk over its own shit and attempted to piss, but couldn?t.


My red-lipped, paler guy was instantly furious.? ?I said, fucking piss, whore!?? He emphasised his instruction with another very satisfying and vicious caning of the whore?s fucking huge jugs, while holding the cunt?s head back with its hair.? The well-trained cunt, while screaming, obediently stuck its fucking big tits out as far as it could, inviting him to hit them harder.


?You will note, boys, that?s it?s very important to be completely unreasonable with cunts.?? He spoke between canings. ?I?ll explain.? Obviously the cunt couldn?t produce the piss I required on the instant I asked for it but that gave me a good opportunity to punish it.? So remember to demand the impossible from the cunt, and then beat the crap out of it for not obeying. Ok?? You?ll find it most enjoyable.??


The cunt was managing to stay in the correct position ? fucking huge tits stuck as far out as anatomically possible - the whole time during which my gorgeous, paler guy was expressing himself. There is an art to caning tits, and my pale, red-lipped guy was a fucking master at tit caning.?


The cunt did piss itself copiously during the caning, drowning the shit.? Immediately after the punishment, the exhausted, disgusting whore in spite of its agonised tits, grabbed hold of the marrow, smeared it liberally in stinking, piss-soaked shit and attempted to insert it up it?s loathsome, maggoty fuck-hole.?


?More lubrication needed.? At times such as this later in the course I will ask you boys for suggestions, but as this is the first class I won?t embarrass any one by asking because I doubt if you would come up with an acceptable answer.? Cunt??


?Yes, sir,? the cunt groaned in reply, but groaned immediately like the fucking stupid obedient, maggotied-slit-whore it was.


?Sick up the shit you?ve eaten,? Now!.?? He smashed the cane loudly on the desk. The cunt practically jumped out of its skin.


?Yes, sir.?


?Cover the object with your vomit as well as that pile of shit and then shove it up that fucking stinking sewer, you call a fuck-hole.?


?Yes, sir.?? It couldn?t move fast enough to obey.? It stuck its fingers down its revolting throat and sicked up the shit it had just swallowed.? The smell was appalling and the sight was repulsive, the boys groaned and one or two could barely watch.? We took particular note of one sixteen year old, apparently tough looking boy-cunt, who covered his eyes, and one eighteen year old scally-lad who was sick himself.? My mohican skinhead teenage thug sprinkled sawdust on that, we didn?t want to clean it up because ? this sexy scally-lad didn?t know it yet ? he was going to have to eat his own vomit before long.?


So, the sweating, trembling exhibit had obediently and immediately heaved up the contents of its stomach to add to what was left of the pile of its piss-sodden shit.


?Mix it up with your tongue, cunt.?? It did and made itself vomit again.? It was heaving and sweating ? it seemed to loose all resemblance to a human being, rather it was a twitching mass of smelly fuck-meat.? More heaving from a couple of the boys.? ?Use the mouth-hole and tongue to get the vegetable covered.??


It was much longer than two minutes, more like ten by now, and the whore would pay for this, but it had forgotten that for the moment.? ?Now, you fucking disgusting cumdump, fucking shove it up there!? Faster! You loathsome stinking piece of fuck-meat!?? More smashing of the cane on the desk. ?Cunt!? Whore!? Cumrag!?? The twitching, trembling fucking cunt was terrified out of its mind and was trying desperately to do what it was told.


It tried, abortively, to force it up its young cunt using its hands, gave that up, stood the shit and sick covered vegetable on end and squatting over it got it centred at the opening of its foul hole.? Despite all the organic lubrication it wouldn?t go up it ? only the first few inches.


My four guys put on gloves, and here?s where the cheap suits were important, the skinheads couldn?t care less about their jeans, in fact they liked them covered in piss, shit and sick -? they held the cunt and manoeuvring it with more brute strength than skill, forced it up the screaming whore till only its base could be seen gaping in the destroyed cunt.? Good work.? Simple really - same anatomical process as a cunt giving birth ? only in reverse. Ha!


The atmosphere in the room was electric.? This amazing collection of fucking hot stud boys were astonished, sweating, overjoyed, terrified ? indescribable, you had to be there.? Fucking hell!? Wonderful.


?Stay like that, cunt.?? He adopted a new, affectionate, warning tone to his voice, ?You see, it went up there quite easily.? I don?t think you were trying hard enough.?


?Oh sir, I tried, please, I wanted it up me.?? Thank you for helping this cunt, sirs..? It feels sooo good, sirs, thank you for shoving this huge thing hard up my stinking fuck-hole, sirs.? I hope you?ve fucking destroyed this cunt?s revolting cunt, sirs.? Thank you, sirs.?


?You?re welcome.? Now, cunt, what have you been taught?? You would have thought, to hear my fantastic red-lipped stud-slut-sadist talking now, that he was being as kind and considerate as an elder brother, if you didn?t know better, that is. ?Tits out - further, come on, cunt-baby, that?s it, slut-features, it has to fucking hurt or I won?t like it, bend that fucking back, that?s it.? Mmm, nice fucking tits, don?t you agree, boys?? And now, mouth open, that?s a good little cunt, stick that fucking tongue out, there you go, you lazy, fucking slutty, cunt whore, you know you want to ??? a quick few vicious strokes with cane, ?now you needn?t have deserved that if you?d tried harder, cunt.?? He winked at the class.? ?There, you see, you can do it.? Leave that fucking tongue lolling like a panting dog, get some drool going ? there, that?s a good cunt.? Now that, boys, is what a fucking cunt should look like.?? The group gave him a well-deserved round of applause.


?With your own private cunts, it will, obviously, take some time to get them trained to this standard, but this is what you should be aiming for. And we don?t want you thinking that this is out of your league.?? Quite a few of the boys were looking at each other and clearly this is what they were thinking.?? Looking at my red-lipped, paler guy I could see he was intense in his desire to communicate.? He really wanted to help these boys, as we all did.


?Listen carefully: you are all capable of this standard of work.? I know you have doubts about your ability now ? it?s all new to you ? but if you pay attention, do all the exercises and homework we set, and are really sensitive to your masculine instincts ? that is the most important of all because the major part of this you don?t have to be taught ? it?s already in you, you just have to tap into it and let it out - anyway there is no reason why, with our help, you shouldn?t have cunts behaving properly for you in a few weeks.?


Meanwhile my young, fucking, hot black skinhead guy was standing on the desk and giving the cunt a reward, a much needed drink ? of his yellow piss ? filling the disgusting cunt?s mouth-hole ? it splashed down its chin onto it?s heels.? But the whore was very grateful and slurped down as much of the smelly liquid as it could.?? He spat in the mouth hole to finish, lit a cigarette and dropped the lit match in the face cunt.


He was only fourteen remember, and listening to what my pale, red-lipped guy had been saying he was obviously showing off.? Despite his youth, his skill and ability were, of course, much, much greater than any of the boys who?d signed up for the course ? so his conceit was understandable.?? A big-headed vicious, young thug but he had a lot to be big-headed about.? He leapt athletically off the desk.?


My pale, red-lipped guy continued,?? ?We need to do some talking to the boys now.? But we can?t have the cunt getting comfortable. And besides it took much longer than two minutes to get it up its fuck-hole.? So following the ?unreasonable principle? again - remember, boys? What do we do??? This was a rhetorical question, he continued..


?The really fucking enjoyable thing about this approach is to constantly remember that in reality the cunt isn?t at fault.? That?s fucking wonderful!? It didn?t nothing wrong!? There?s a subtlety here you mustn?t miss.?? He spelt out the analysis carefully and with appropriate emphasis.


?In this case you don?t lie to yourself, keep it at the front of your mind that you are being totally unfair to the cunt in every way.? In your manner appear to be being fair and just - but know in every fibre of your being that you are going to hurt it anyway!? You will enjoy this brutal hypocrisy more than you can imagine. It adds enormously to the actual fun of administering the punishment.? In this example, yes, this pathetic cunt did everything it could to obey the two minute instruction but the golden rule is ? never, ever be fair or logical with a fucking cunt.? Confuse them, disappoint them, lie to them, laugh at them.??


He suggested they write that down, but did it in an offhand way so that those illiterate young fuckers wouldn?t feel bad.?? ?So being consistent to the only logic that matters i.e. male fun, we are obliged to punish it.? In fact we must punish it, we have no choice, because it?s our duty. Our bounden duty, fellas.? Our duty, my duty, your duty, is to your cock, boys, nothing else.? Say it - my only duty is to my cock.?


?My only duty is to my cock.?


?Good, now boys, you?ll like this.?? He spoke to the cunt.


?Did you get it up that stinking sewer in two minutes??


?No, sir.?


?Do you deserve to be punished??


?I suppose so, sir.?


He smashed the cane on the desk.? ?You fucking ?suppose so???? The cunt was trembling in terror.


?No, no, I do deserve to be punished, sir.?


?Severely or mildly??


?Severely, sir, always severely.? Thank you for what you are about to do to this cunt, sir.?? He winked at the boys, and couldn?t stop breaking out in a laugh.


?You really are a fucking stupid, brainless cunt!? What are you??


?A fucking stupid, brainless cunt, sir.? Please hurt this cunt sir, as much as you want, it?s what it?s for, sir.?


?Who do you love, stupid cunt??


?Oh you, sir!? This stupid cunt loves you very much, sir.?




?Because you are so handsome, sir.?


?I guess I am, stupid cunt.? Does your fucking slime-hole ooze when you think of me, stupid cunt.?


?This fucking stinking slime hole gets sopping wet when this stupid cunt thinks of you, sir.?


?Good, that?s correct.? Now, no point putting the punishment off any longer.?? My paler, red-lipped, so fucking handsome guy then gave an instruction to mohican skinhead.? ?You?ve still got the gloves on ? paste on the tits, thick to counteract any protective effect of that oil shit.? The cunt knew this hellish stuff from its training and began to sweat and tremble, it would have whined and begged if it hadn?t had that response tortured out of it.?


?Now boys, observe the cunt closely.? Is it, or is it not, fucking terrified??


?It?s fucking terrified.?


?Correct.? That in itself is enjoyable. And you must learn how to extend that enjoyment.? What we are doing now is just an example, but learn the thinking behind it and you can apply to a limitless number of situations.? This paste is an extremely effective irritant which we use a lot on tits, up cunts and shit-holes and on open wounds.? Given our profound duty to our cocks we must, absolutely must prolong this enjoyment, we must build up the cunt?s terror and most importantly, give it some hope of avoiding this torture ? contrary to what you might expect that has a delicious effect in prolonging the terror,? he smiled and winked at the group.? ?Watch my technique and see what you think.? You will eventually develop your own, unique style, but for now feel free to use anything of my approach that pleases you.? So cunt, you say you love me??


?I do, sir, I?ll do anything for you, sir.?


?What can you offer us to persuade us not to use this paste on the tits.??


The cunt could barely speak but managed a few words.? ?Would sir, or any of the nice handsome young boys, like to shit in this cunt?s mouth???


?Ugh, you fucking disgusting cunt!?? He winked and smiled at the boys again.? ?The ?unreasonable principle?.?


?I don?t believe you love me at all, stupid cunt.?


?Oh, I do, sir.?


?Then I thought you would only want to eat my shit.? You?re just a shit-loving, cock-craving fucking whore!? You?d eat anyone?s shit!? What are you??


?I?m a cock-craving fucking whore, sir, who?d eat anyone?s shit. Please forgive me, sir.? I?m a stupid fucking cunt and I don?t know the right things to say.?? It let great goblets of drool drip out of its face-hole.


?Mate, put paste only on the repulsive cunt?s nipples to start with.?? Mohican skinhead grinned and put a dollop of the evil stuff on the tip of each massive, straining tit.? After a few seconds the cunt started shaking and moaning.?


?Stupid cunt, you?ve offended me!? You should be begging just for my shit only, since you love me?? Ok cunt, since you don?t love me and want any man?s shit in your face-hole, you?ll have to offer more.? And if you offer something we like we won?t paste the whole tits.?? He winked again at the class.


The cunt said, ?I?ll suck the dogs off, I?ll let the dogs fuck me willingly, and enjoy it, sirs, I?ll grunt and beg for more dog cock.? I want to be your big-titted, doggie whore, sirs. Please let me suck the nice doggie cocks, please let them fuck me, sirs.?? Remember this cunt was drooling while it said this, and it had a fucking shit and vomit giant marrow forced up its now ruined fucking loathsome cunt.


?Is this paste so terrible that you?d do that, cunt??


?Oh yes, sir, it?s like fire, it fucking burns my tits off, please let me suck the dogs!?


?If we don?t put the burning paste on your fucking big tits, cunt, will you, nicely, lick the dog?s shit-holes, and stick your whore tongue right up those dog?s holes,??


?Oh yes, sir, let me, please, I?d like to do that very nicely for you, sir, all of you, sirs.? Please watch me put my slutty tongue up the dog?s shit-hole, and slurp my tongue round up its hole for you, sirs. I?ll do it energetically, loving the taste, moaning and grunting and begging for more dog shit-holes to suck.?? Please, I?d love to do that.?


?How about letting the dogs shit in your mouth??


?I?d love that too, sirs.?? Drool dripping out of its face cunt.? ?Please let the dogs shit in this cunt-mouth.?


?You?re not just saying that to escape a little pain, are you, cunt??


?Oh no I?d love the dogs to shit on me, fuck me, piss on me, please sirs!? It one of this cunt?s favourites.? It makes it hot, sir.?


?You are too revolting.?? My hot, red-lipped, paler guy lit a cigarette.? ?Open the mouth-hole.?? He put the burning match in, unfortunately it goes out quite quickly but the humiliation is quite pleasant ? treating the cunt as an ashtray.? It was good for the class to see this casual use of the whore ? so they could realise this sort of thing would eventually become second-nature to them as well.


He continued speaking to the cunt,? ?Besides, unusually, we don?t have any dogs on hand tonight but you won?t be disappointed because in fact we are going to paste the whole tits as punishment for saying all that.?? The cunt screamed that it was trying to please him - this made most of us laugh heartily, but I took note of the couple of kids ? same ones - who didn?t find it funny.?


They were two pussy boys who were feeling ? I can barely type the word ? fucking compassion for this disgusting piece of shit.? They clearly thought no-one knew, but they couldn?t hide it.? I apologise for having to include such a filthy word as c*******ion, but I needed to explain why these pussies would get the treatment they did.? It was among our best treatments of cunt-boys, as I hope you?ll agree.? Anyway back to the fun.


The cunt had to stay on the desk, leaning back on its haunches - so we had a clear view of its gaping, marrow-stuffed, fucking ruined young hole ? fuck yeah!? Tits stuck out and now burning like hell. But thanks to our excellent conditioning procedure it knew that if t did anything to attempt alleviate its agony the consequences would be infinitely worse.? So, like a good trained fuck animal, it endured, stayed still, trembled and suffered the torments of hell.? It was really lovely.? Time to teach some boys.


?Referring to your first exercise ? the proper words to describe a cunt ? we want you in groups of two or three to tell each other what you think of: a) this revolting whore here, b) the activity it has performed for you, and c) what it has offered - just that ? we want you to have a good talk, a conversation but using the correct language and attitude with regard to cunts.? Get your cocks out boys, feel free, and enjoy some good, male chat.? There?s beer and cigarettes here. You needn?t stay in the desks. This is an important exercise and we need you to really work at it.?


?You may need to ?act? the correct attitude to start with.? What I mean by that is you have to adopt the right physical posture and use the right vocabulary, all of which may feel somewhat unnatural.? But just as actor would, if you do it thoroughly and with commitment you will find that your male instincts take over and you are not acting at all, but totally believe what you are saying and how you are saying it. Also, in future lessons you need to know that we will be providing a lot more than one exhibit for you to practice on in an individual manner, but for now you can take it in turns to do anything you like to this cunt.? Oh, put gloves on if you are going to touch the fucking huge tits.?? The boys laughed.


This was my hot, Mediterranean guy setting the work now.? One or two of the lads understood immediately what was expected of them ? they got their cocks out, stroking them, lit cigarettes, opened cans of beer and began sneering and spitting at the fucking whore, sharing their contempt and disgust at its actions and what it had offered, and what it looked like now.


But, as we expected, most of the class were much more hesitant, having load of conventional inhibitions to work through.? My guys and me worked the room giving advice and encouragement.? One intelligent, well-dressed young man of about twenty explained his problem.? ?I?m ok with the attitude, sir, I think of cunts in the way we are being taught ? that is, all cunts are basically cock-craving fucking whores.? Actually I?ve thought that since I was thirteen when I realised that this sixteen-year-old cunt next door was fucking creaming her snatch watching me with my shirt off.? I want to thank you because I?m enjoying having my opinions reinforced ??


?Good.? But???


?My problem is with what this cunt has been doing, and offering ?? this boy was unusually articulate, I was impressed, and he had his young, quite large cock in his hand while he was talking ?? it?s being forced, it?s doing all this stuff out of terror ? so I?m finding it hard to call it a ?disgusting cunt? and mean it with regard to the sick and shit stuff when it isn?t doing it willingly.? So it?s not really a ?disgusting cunt? it?s a ?terrorised cunt?, therefore ??


I interrupted him.? ?I know exactly what you mean, young man, and it?s an excellent point.? But the answer is quite straightforward, you have to enjoy yourself more. You are neglecting your primary duty ? which is???


?My duty is to my cock, sir.?




?Yes, but I?m still not sure I understand.? Enjoy myself more in what way, sir??


?It may take you a while to get used to it, and don?t worry about that.? It takes time for all of us to learn how to do our duty.? The key is to enjoy the double-think.? The whole point is that, yes, of course we are forcing the cunts, but you have to fall back on the primeval male feeling - tell yourself that the cunt?s enjoying it really, that it?s the cunt?s true nature and so on. Doesn?t matter if it a fucking lie, son, what matters is that it?s cock-hardening. That?s what all this is about, nothing else.? That?s what the cunt exists for.? Think about it, it will come naturally to you very quickly ? it is sooooo fucking enjoyable.? Telling the cunt lies gives you power, boy.? You?ll fucking love it when you get used to it.? Let me know how you get on.? Oh, and one more thing ? it isn?t a lie in essence.? The cunts actually want brutality, they need brutality, they get off on brutality, think of the cunt anatomy.? Look at this cunt.? Believe me, this cunt wants fucking brutality, wants to be treated like a piece of shit deep down, so it?s not a fucking lie.? Convince yourself of that and see how much fun it is.?


?Thank you, sir.? You?ve explained it perfectly.?? He soon went over with his mate and had a spitting contest on the cunt?s face.? I could see he was practising telling the whore that she got what she deserved.? Far from taking time for him to learn how to do his duty to his cock, he would learn very quickly, and events proved me right.


So it went on for about an hour, gradually the boys grew in confidence, learnt from each other and were eventually taking turns abusing the young whore and congratulating their mates when one of them was particularly inventive.? One of them suddenly raised an objection.


?How about its fucking shit-hole? Hey, its got nothing up its fucking shit-hole!?? We had been waiting for this.? It showed they were now thinking on the right lines ? it was, of course criminal for a cunt?s holes not to be fully utilised but we had left it unused as a provocative teaching aid.


?But I think you?ll find the cunt?s shit-hole is impossibly tight, look what?s up its cunt.???? After a short discussion we decided we had to make more room up the shit-hole by lessening the pressure up the fuck-hole.? I asked for suggestions, I thought the boys would be, by now, in the right frame of mind to think with the appropriate level of filth and cruelty.? But I was surprised by who it was who had the bright idea.? It was seemingly the youngest boy in the room.


?Smash the vegetable up its fuck-hole, then there?ll be room up its shit-chute.?? So good hearing an innocent looking boy talk like this ? this is what education should be about.


?Excellent!? Excellent!? So tell us, how should we smash it??


?Like this.?? He stood on the desk and started kicking the fucking cunt hard up its hole.? A couple of the lads held the repulsive cunt for him.? He was a really pleasant surprise.? I really enjoyed this young boy kicking this eighteen-year-old disgusting slut-cunt hard up its fuck-hole.? But no matter how hard he kicked, the vegetable in the main retained its bulbous shape as we could all see. (It turned out this boy was, however, too clever for his own good, see below.)


?Any other ideas??? The young man who had had the problem about the double-think as explained above spoke up.


?Let me try,? he offered in his educated accent.? He stood on the desk and placed his expensively booted foot on the vegetable shape bulge in the cunt?s lower stomach.? He started stamping, it was most effective, and calling it, ?A fucking revolting whore! You deserve this, you fucking shitty slut!? etc.? He was soon virtually jumping up and down on the cunt?s cunt ? to the accompanying cheers of the class.? It did the trick - the large vegetable was reduced to a pulp inside cunt?s disgusting fuck-hole, some of it dribbling out of the scum-whore?s pulverised, maggoty snatch. The cunt?s cunt itself suffered some collateral damage but who gives a shit, hey men??? But now there was an extra treat coming up.


?Ugh!? Look at that fucking cunt.? Oh that?s fucking nasty.?? Suddenly there was an awestruck atmosphere of silent disgust in the room


Not only were we colourfully describing the fucking cunt?s cunt as a maggoty sewer, but live maggots - fucking hundreds and hundreds of fucking live maggots - were crawling out and around from this big-titted eighteen-year-old whore?s loathsome fucking cunt.? So fucking sweet.? It was one of the most loathsome things I?d seen in quite a while.? I fucking loved it.


?Yes boys, what you didn?t know was that vegetable was rotten inside, chosen with particular care, and was full of maggots which are now released inside the revolting whore.? Who thinks this is appropriate treatment for a cunt???? All the boys, except two, cheered.


(I?ll confess men, we had actually prepared this vegetable ? we got the maggots, hollowed out some of the marrow, inserted them and sealed it up again. It was our combined experience that allowed us to come with refinements like this.? In practice it was bit fiddly but well worth it, I?m sure you agree, men?)?


My red-lipped, handsome fucker, lent his cane to the well-dressed young man who, being so utterly disgusted by the maggots crawling out of this fuck-meat?s cunt, laid into the putrefying cunt?s huge tits with such feeling, such hatred and loathing, it did my heart good to see his rapid progress.?


I must admit I have a terrific weakness for seeing a clean-cut young man hurting an innocent young cunt ? in anyway, punching, slapping, or caning massive tits as in this case.? This cunt, with live maggots erupting from its revolting fuck-hole, set off his pure, youthful, masculine violence beautifully.? He got cheers and tremendous encouragement from the boys (two holding back, but you know about that).? This group re-enforcement and peer approval was an important part of the training.? We were feeling very confident.? He was slapped on the back and told that his caning of the massive fucking tits was great.? The young man was beaming with pride - all the difficulties he had been feeling in despising whores were overcome completely thanks to our teaching.? I was proud of him, of our work, and my guys.


?Ok boys, let?s turn the fucking cunt over and see what we can do to its shit-hole.? This rotten whore deserves some extra special fucking agony.?? I?m sure you would have thought so too, men.


?Fuck yeah!? We?ve fucking ruined its cunt, let?s fucking ruin its fucking shit-hole!?? Let?s shove something huge up its maggoty, fucking shit-hole!? Fuck yeah!? Come on, mates, I really, really want to do this.? It was the educated young man taking the lead, no doubt surprising himself by the uninhibited nature of his feelings.? ?Come on, what are we waiting for? Let?s fucking ruin it?s fucking slutty shit-hole!?? The boys were really in to it, and very admiring of the young man, which he appreciated enormously.? As I said, the lesson was working well.?


The maggots were copiously covering the cunt?s cunt and crawling round the shit-hole ? it was a truly revolting sight.? It caused us to feel such loathing -so fucking enjoyable, so satisfying - such contempt and pure hatred for this previously innocent, pretty, big-titted young whore.? A brilliant idea of mine, I hope you don?t mind me indulging in a bit of self-congratulation, men?


?Hold on.? Think.? It is our duty ? ?? I looked at the class significantly, ?we have to give this cunt a vast amount more pain.? How are we going to do that?? This is a critical moment because we must never, ever allow ourselves to be frustrated ? an unforgivable dereliction of our duty - and this young man here,? I indicated the educated attractive, clean-cut young fucker, ?has set the bench mark very high.? From the enthusiasm he has expressed the shit-hole has to be destroyed causing maximum agony to the cunt.? This must be taken very seriously.? Real pain, boys, not just discomfort.? Think of a dentist touching a nerve accidentally, or scalding yourself, mm?? Remember those few seconds of terrible pain - that?s what we want to give this whore, but for fucking hours!?? The boys cheered and high-fived each other. ?Hours and hours and hours of fucking indescribable pain.? For us to enjoy.? Oh, by the way, don?t concern yourself about it passing out and missing some of the agony - we administered a drug beforehand to obviate that event, it?s our standard procedure.? It will feel every second of its torture until we decide we?ve been entertained enough.? That is the true nature and purpose of a cunt.? So what about the shit-hole.?


?Loads of that brilliant irritant paste up there, sir??? This was the ten-year old again speaking immediately without hesitation - or the fourteen-year-old who looked ten speaking immediately ? I don?t want to break any rules.? I don?t know about you, men, but now, I thought he really was too precocious, I found him irritating, too pushy.? I thought I might find another entertaining use for him later (particularly if he did turn out to be ten not fourteen, his own fucking fault for lying and getting on the course in the first place.)


However it was a good idea.? He probably didn?t know it but the sensitive lining of the arse made it particularly suitable for the irritant paste.? Its effect was ?say twenty times more powerful than other parts of the body.? It?s almost as good as opening the stomach and packing the stuff in there, but we done that, and besides it would have been too advanced for this class.


My black skinhead wearing strong rubber gloves took a great dollop of the extra strong irritant paste and bravely ignoring the maggots pushed it up the cunt?s shit-hole. Then he filled his gloved hands with the paste and packed the fucking stuff up the shit-hole, getting his complete, gloved hand up there. The reaction was instantaneous and very satisfying - the cunt began screaming, writhing.? I told the class to stand well back.?


The whore fell off the desk, started crawling, rolling on the ground, clawing at its shit-hole, anything to try to alleviate burning.? Then the loathsome whore clambered to its feet, and we let it charge about, out of its mind with pain, in mindless fucking hysteria because of the agony up its shit-hole, smashing its head against the wall.? I like this occasionally.? I encouraged the boys to punch it, slap it, kick it, spit on it, drag it about by it?s hair, anything as it careered around.? As I said before I enjoy spontaneous, unstructured abuse of our revolting whores, because it is so much more brutal and primitive somehow.


Don?t you agree, men?? Not forgetting you fucking perverted cunts who read this as well, don't you agree?? Get those fucking wrists up your disgusting, oozing fuck-holes!? Further, you fucking nasty whores!?


Anyway, the boys had a great time.? Eventually it was down on the floor so they were all able to give it a good kicking.? Fucking sweet.? A few of them, unfortunately got maggots on their boots and shoes, which was not nice for them or us.? I gave the signal to my four guys, and they immediately approached the two young men we had identified earlier as not going to make it in the masculinity stakes.? I can?t tell exactly what they whispered to them, something about their future lives or lack of future lives but what matters is that they were both on their knees now licking up and eating the maggots from the boys shoes and boots.? The class had taken another intense turn, but the timing was right, and the all boys knew how to take it.


I gave my guys another instruction.? They stripped the youngest-looking boy, the precocious one who should have shown more respect for his elders.? The rest of the boys who had passed our test - not the two maggot-lickers who were also now stale-vomit-and-sawdust-lickers-and-eaters ? but all the potential real men in the room were told this kid had to be energetically raped by every man, young man, and boy there. We wanted to see his boy-hole gaping and pouring with cum.? They should start now.? There was some hesitation but no one questioned us, so they set out to enjoy it.?


My Mediterranean guy who had a phenomenal pierced cock ? studs and rings up and down its entire length and width ? with lubrication, forced it up the boy?s hole to open it up.? After about twenty or more cocks up there it would be nicely open and, hopefully the boy would be ruined physically and psychologically, which was my intention.?


Anyway Joe walked in at this moment and any slight gayness in the task of the kid?s gang rape was dispelled.? The class had something else to focus on while sticking their cocks up this very young looking, screaming boy.


For those of you new to our work Joe was fucking fantastic, totally muscled body-builder. And he always arrived later in the proceedings. He was not tall but fucking broad, mid-twenties.? But almost the best thing about him, apart from his stunning looks and body ? he always smoked cigars as well ? but the best thing about him was that he had a truly amazing capacity for hating ? the word is too weak, FUCKING LOATHING FUCKING CUNTS, an ability which impressed me enormously ? and as you know I have some expertise in that area myself.? Unlike my other guys, he was untameable but he loved working for me.


He brought with him one of his cock-craving porn-actresses.? The cunt was the definition of sluttiness.? I wanted the fucking whore destroyed as soon as I set eyes on it.? Well, I knew I wouldn?t have long to wait.? Mammoth, firm tits sticking out, blond ? shit I can?t be bothered to waste words on this dog turd.? Anyway, as they all did, this piece of fuck-meat worshiped Joe.? Joe showed her round the room, most of the schoolroom desks had been moved by now.? He manhandled her huge knockers to entertain the boys, and the cunt simpered as per instructions.? He ripped the fucking dress apart to get his hand up its cunt, for the boys? benefit. While the gang-raped boy was being passed from cock to cock. Joe?s fucking porn-whore for tonight giggled, licked it?s lips, did the whole ??I?m a seductive cunt? act, as best it could while Joe was using it a motivational tool to help the boys enjoy the rape of the screaming and crying kid.?


Joe told the boys that he had just ordered his cunt ? the one in his hand ? to fuck every guy ? no matter how young, old or repellent ? in the local porn cinema.?? Most of sad fuckers couldn?t believe their luck.? He demonstrated this by showing that the cunt?s cunt was pouring cum.? He put his cum-covered hand down it?s throat for it to suck it off.? After the mass fucking in the cinema itself the horny fucking whore had then cleaned the revolting floor of the porn-cinema?s toilet and licked the cum and piss off the walls, and the urinals.? The cunt giggled through all this description of its recent behaviour.


Meanwhile, the two boys now defined as pussies had clearly been threatened with the torments of hell and they believed the threats ? who wouldn?t? ? because they were now on the floor with the remnants of the first exhibit coating each others? hot boy faces with maggots from the cunt?s cunt.? Fistfuls of the stuff.? White maggots crawling all over their gorgeous, young, fresh male features, in their noses, eyes and in their sexy, young mouths.? They were swapping maggots on their tongues.? One of the most degrading things I?ve had done to two young men in quite a while.? Excellent.? Who said we aren?t inventive??


You know, men, and perverted fucking cunts (wrists up those stinking fuck-holes, whores, no slacking) I love getting comments from my readers.? If you have advice on how to develop our training please contact me at [email protected].? Your trouble would be most appreciated.


Joe developed his theme by simply fucking the porn-whore?s brains out in the middle of the room.? Sounds too plain?? Joe?s fucking of whores was an art in itself. ?Fucking it?s brains out? was a literal description of how Joe fucked cunts.? The object used would be left a gibbering wreck after he?d done with it.? But still they flocked to him, like flies to sweet shit, he had more cunt available to him than you can imagine. The whore in Joe?s hands at the moment became, naturally, a masturbation aid only.? He slapped it, spat on it, choked it, burned it with his cigar, which he continued to smoke while fucking the cunt.? He turned it upside down, he threw it about, he fucked it in every hole.? It was a classic lesson in the purpose of cunts.? The class was mesmerised by his performance, the aggression and skill on show ? and no tools or equipment involved - all he used were his hands, punching, slapping and choking, his cigar ? just tantalisingly burning her fucking tits and clit ? and of course, his magnificent cock.? It goes without saying that Joe loved an audience.? He loved showing off his muscles and he cleverly managed to turn this aggressive fuck of a disgusting porn-whore into a pose down, which displayed his every muscle group to advantage.? Joe was great.? He finished off with a flourish - he shoved his lit cigar up its cunt, holding it by the throat and slapping it while it screamed itself hoarse. All this was perhaps slightly rougher than his porn-whore had been expecting.? Ha!?


Then he performed his coup-de-gr?ce (literally, the phrase is colloquially used to mean a spectacular climax, but actually means ?the death-blow?) ? the rest of my guys warned the boys to stand back - one of them was of course holding the young, dribbling, now virtually insane boy deep on his cock ? Joe, with both of his totally impressive arms held the porn-whore ? ?I love you, Joe.? Joe, you are my hero.? Joe, I am your girlfriend, aren?t I, Joe??-? at full stretch above his head.? He performed a few presses with it as if it was a barbell, then using all his strength he hurled it at the far wall ? a favourite party trick of his.? ?I love you, Joe, ? it croaked as it hit the wall.?


Ok, we?d seen Joe do this dozen of times but it was fucking impressive, so we forgave the repetitiveness.? The cunt had smashed against the wall, with a satisfying crunch, slid down it and now lay there twitching, no doubt the stupid cunt was burbling that it was still in love with Joe, if it could speak or think that is.


Cue for a speech to the boys ? which was all total lies but necessary.? You?ll understand at once, men.? My Mediterranean guy took the lead.


?In case you are concerned for the long term welfare of these cunts - I think we explained to you that we have our own private arrangements for taking care of fucking cunts after our workshops ?? that was true ?? these two broken sluts will be given the best medical attention that money can buy.? As will these three fuck-boys, should they need it.? Looking at the cunts now you?d think that they were fucking ruined and might as well be dropped in the incinerator, but no, they will be lovingly looked after and restored to the best of health in a few weeks ? to be used again.?? He lit a cigarette, and held the burning match to the ear of one of the cunt-boys.? He burned a few maggots that way.? Such fucking style, I was full of admiration.? I took over.


?Now as regards your own future training ? my guys will talk you about that.? Oh, a couple of you haven?t fucked the kid yet.? This is important he must be fucked by every guy in the room, and please, now you have just seen this extraordinary and professional demonstration of the proper use of cunts, follow Joe?s example, fuck him like he fucked his cunt.? Because that?s what this kid is for ? for tonight anyway.? He will be re-educated efficiently and quickly brought back to normality, as will the two revolting fuck-boys here. But he needs this experience, as do these two maggot covered cunt-boys.?


They were now, with quiet concentration, seeing how many maggots they could persuade to wriggle up the piss-holes of their young, hard, boy-cocks.? My guys had superb motivational techniques.


?As regards the kid, it would be good for him, if the last one could lift him up ? he?s very light ? high above your head and hurl him across to that wall, just like Joe did with his fucking cunt.? Any damage can be put right.? To the wall, I mean.? Only joking.?


My red-lipped guy now continued..? ?The next class will be next week, as explained.? Pick up in the usual place, same procedure.? We have all your names and addresses, you don?t need to know anything more about us.? Homework ? practice thinking.? Sounds simple but it is the most important lesson.? How should you think about cunts?? Then, slowly, move towards re-educating your own cunts ? stop calling them fucking girlfriends!?? The boys laughed.? ?And slowly, a small step at a time, see if you can get your cunt to accept her true status.? If you go too far, just backtrack and say you were joking.? And aim to collect more than one cunt.? Your new attitude will, we promise you, eventually get you more cunt than you can handle.? Oh, and share cunts with your mates, this is very important.? Right, class finished.?


The boys gave us a round of applause.? My Mediterranean guy spoke now, ?You can leave the cleaning up - the care of the cunts and fuck-boys, I should say ? you can leave that? to us As the course progresses we will be asking you to help with the aftermath, but not at the beginning.?


He and red-lipped guy took the boys out to the transport.? I, black skinhead and mohican skinhead stayed behind to continue re-educating the two maggot-covered pussy boys.? We enjoyed it, they didn?t.


The End.

(Author?s note:? this will be the last ?The Guys and Me? story for a while.? I want to try a new structure that will allow scope for more universal abuse of cunts and cunt-boys: filth and cruelty on a world-wide canvass.? I hope you will look forward to it.? Thank you for reading this fucking shitty nonsense ? oops I?ve admitted it.? Cheers, Eric Boss.)

(DISCLAIMER:? dear reader, it is the author?s most sincere hope that every sentence of the following work of fiction contains at least one small, disgusting gobbet of utter filth, in fact, each paragraph, if I have judged correctly, should be a sickening bucketful of revolting, turd-filled slime.?


As a serial skim-reader himself ? fuck-this-for-a-laugh where?s the fucking dirt? ? who has, shamefully, left unread many opening paragraphs, if not opening pages, of otherwise excellent writers on this brilliant site, he aspires to make every thought simply a deliciously morsel of shit.? Truthfully and in all humility he wants his prose to be redolent of ? let?s say,? a stinking, six-month-old, unwashed, cum-encrusted, excrement-streaked jockstrap? ? no, sorry, that?s too nice, I agree with you, probably because the word ?jockstrap? even when never washed and crispy with old cum and shit, still has healthy, sporting associations? ? how about, ?my prose should reek of the perfume of a syphilitic tramp?s infested, sore-laden and puss-oozing crotch?? mmm, better.?


From the first words I aim to offer mouth-watering hints of the degrading and debauched.? So - fucking read every fucking syllable, you cunts ? that?s male-cunts and female-cunts!? Do as I say not as I do!?


But seriously, I hope you will feel that dedicated, concentrated study of the text and absorption in its ? hopefully ? gutter-filth filled and repellent imagery will be repaid ? oh bliss for the writer - with a nice hardon or wet cunt, or more modestly, slight arousal.? So again, gentle reader, I offer you my profoundest apology if I have failed ? if it?s not revolting and violent enough. and particularly fucking horrible and contemptuous - not to say pathologically murderously aggressive! - towards WOMEN ? I fucking hate even using that word - mere fucking disgusting and repellent holes as they are!?


My aim is that any sane, normal female (fucking cunt rather) who reads this should want me locked up for a hundred years ? however if I was to get hold of you first- I wish! -? you would be reduced to the agonised and bloodied piece of revolting fuck-meat that - if the world was right ? is your natural status? ? you?d thank me for it really.? You agree with me, don?t you, men?? E.B.)




The Guys and Me - the Glorification of Cock

by Eric (puts the ?s? in bdsm*) Boss


*from a review by SimonMagick of ?The Guys and Me do Training)



?THE PROPER USE OF FUCKING CUNTS ...?? ? that is, using the term fucking cunt to refer to the whole fucking whore itself, not just its disgusting, stinking, slime-oozing fuck-hole - stay with it, men, (and perverted cunt-holes who are reading this as well*) we were discussing a particular filth project.


*cunt-holes are given permission to read this report on only condition that they are abusing their revolting holes all the time and are fucking forcing their hands up those sewers as is their lives depended on it ? because with me they do.


?THE PROPER ATTITUDE OF THE MALE TOWARDS FUCKING CUNTS??? ? again the term fucking cunts here denotes the stupid fucking whore itself, not the act of ramming a gigantic fucking cock up its putrefying, sewer-like and loathsome twat, mmm, think about it!? ? or another way of putting it, fucking is a fucking adjective not a fucking verb ? in the phrase referred to above.


Men, you might be interested to note that just contemplating one of these hideous, stinking, fucking snatches, slits, revolting fuck-holes or whatever, makes me want to inflict serious pain on it, hit one fucking hard, and hear the fucking cunt screaming in fucking agony.? Do you experience something similar or is it just me??


But I?m getting ahead of myself.? Well, not really, because whenever we met, the guys and me, to discuss our work, we generally felt it necessary to have at least one, if not a couple, of young, big-titted cunts alongside so we could use them if it felt right.? For example, I punctuated this conversation by dripping toilet bleach, using one of those little dropper things, quite gently and with no hurry, onto a bloody and whipped cunt ? drip, drip.?


I had found that I couldn?t even discuss our work without having a cunt in agony alongside us. Having a cunt, or a cunt-boy,? in some sort of extreme pain was an absolute necessity for me. ?My health suffered, literally, if I didn?t have this palliative.? Naturally this young whore ? about fourteen, huge tits of course ? was gagged, we didn?t want its noise interrupting what turned out to be an extremely important ? very, very important - discussion with far reaching consequences.


(With reference to these particular categories of cunt I recommend - on this site - Little Cumbag Goes to the Doctor by Steve Dema, a man after my own heart, although I have to ignore the lesbian aspect ? disappointing to allow such waste of cunt energy in my opinion ? similarly he allows his gigantic-titted young cunt too much personality - who gives a shit what the cunt is like, for god?s sake ? but other than those two caveats, delicious.? The other Cumbag stories can also be relied on.)? To return to the fucking debate:


?More generally, how about LEARNING TO APPRECIATE AND PRACTICE TRUE MASCULINITY i.e. UTTER? CONTEMPT FOR AND TOTAL HATRED OF FUCKING CUNTS???? ?Has the benefit of being exact but the disadvantage of being a shit title - too wordy.


Men, I know what you might be thinking ? what the fuck does it matter how we define it?? Just fucking enjoy it.? But I have to tell you in all earnestness - that?s alright for you and me, and my guys ? two in their twenties, vastly experienced, devastatingly handsome, man-whore-stud-sadists-murderers, and our new recruits, two young teenage skinheads? ? terribly talented, vicious, cunt-hating thugs ? I am lucky in my friends, I am aware of that - but what about the whole world of other young boys and young men and not so young men out there, hide-bound by fucking conventional morality and ?equal fucking rights? shit??


Must respect the female ? fucking vomit!? That ?f? word should be banned.? FUCKING CUNTS ?right?? Something has to be done to counteract this all pervading, lying, pernicious liberal philosophy.? We decided, or rather I decided and explained to my guys, that we had a mission to spread our understanding, that it would be selfish of us just to enjoy our own private sessions and not teach other males how to have satisfying, natural fun in using fucking cunts ? totally using fucking cunts.? Therefore we had to define what we were going to do.? I decided that the last mentioned title, despite its verboseness, was the nearest to an absolute definition of what we were about.?


While we were swapping thoughts on this, my paler, red-lipped guy had the other spare whore near him:? this cunt wasn?t restrained, it was on it knees, huge tits sticking out as far as it could and mouth open, drooling and moaning and eyes fixed on our cocks, which we had out, and hard.? This fucking whore had been convinced by my pale guy?s sweeter-than-shit, honeyed tongue that if it managed to please us in every way possible, then it would live ? fucking lies obviously, it would die in agony for our pleasure, when, where and how we wanted ? anyway my handsome, paler guy was spitting in its mouth, blowing his nose in his hand and wiping that in its face-hole and also using its mouth-hole as an ash-tray, but he told it to shuffle round to my black teenage skinhead guy, who held its hair and slapped its revolting pretty face ? not just a little but slapped it fucking silly.? Such powerful emotions in this hot, black young fucker: I?m really glad to have been able to provide him with an outlet, as having observed him in action I?m certain he would be a danger to society otherwise.


The big-titted, fucking young cunt he was slapping was left nasty, fucking whimpering wreck after this hot boy had finished, I?m glad to say, but it was still trying to please us ? aah! - massive tits stuck out and quivering, bloodied and split mouth-hole open, drool and blood dripping and bruised eyes on our cocks.? Just the right atmosphere to continue our meeting.? I dripped copious bleach on the revolting fuck-hole of the young cunt laid out near me ?the young cunt?s snatch, so bloody, raw and sore-looking,? was conveniently held wide open by some safety pins.? And to amuse the guys, I leaned over and dropped just a little bleach in its pinned-back eyes.? It screamed behind its gag and writhed in agony.? The guys smiled at my indulgence.


The project we were discussing - it would be too fucking pretentious to say we?d opened a fucking school but since I had decided that we should spread the good word i.e. the proper use of cunts, it was looking as if ? I can hardly believe I?m writing this shit ? but yes it?s true - we were actually founding an course of weekly classes.?


The enormity of what we were proposing staggered us ? cue some really satisfying tit-stamping and cunt kicking.? Bleach and other gentle shit abandoned.? If it wasn?t for the ubiquitous consciousness raising drug, the cunts would have been rendered comatose, but thanks to the wonders of modern pharmacology these two were left very much alive and suffering ? nice - two moaning, broken wrecks on the floor.? My black teenage thug screamed like a banshee as he was jumping up and down with his boots on a pair of huge tits.? As to what we were discussing prior to this bit of fun, well - we would take it as it came.? There was a lot to talk about.


Twenty or so young men, men and boys rather, ranging from eighteen or twenty down to fourteen, although a couple of even younger boys had probably sneaked in ? you know what boys are ? were assembled in an orderly, classroom like atmosphere.? As I said we had been talking and realised that too few men shared our approach to the use of whores and instead of sitting round bemoaning the state of the world we should do something to rectify this appalling situation - hence this the first class of our ?school?.


The following is an edited description of this first class ? just to give you an idea, men.


?First exercise.? Using the paper, pen and clipboard provided, boys,? this was my Mediterranean guy speaking, looking fucking hot in a sharp, cheap grey suit, red tie, large real diamond ear studs ? my present - greased black hair? ? we wanted to impress these kids ? a cheap but natty suit because of the bodily fluids involved in our demonstrations, I am very wealthy but I abhor waste - ?your task is to record the correct words to describe a cunt.? Please feel free to draw pictures and make them as disgusting as you like, in fact we?ll award marks for the most revolting.?? Some of these boys were probably illiterate and we didn?t want to make them feel bad, however they were a very mixed bunch and others were clearly highly educated and from well-off backgrounds.?


What we hadn?t told these kids was that we were watching them like hawks, and if they didn?t demonstrate the right attitude and find in themselves at least a glimmer of glorious, aggressive maleness, then in this first session they would be classified as fucking pussies and used as exhibits themselves in the later part of the workshop.?

Unfair?? Unjust?? It was simply a matter of security and after all, expert as we are, we are not infallible.? My guys had taken all possible pains to choose male youngsters with suitable potential ? for sadism and masculine fun ? but it was always possible that some errors had been made and one or two of the young guys would turn out to have been faking enthusiasm to keep up with their peers.?


The guys and me had come to this weighty conclusion after much discussion and analysis of our aims and arrangements.? As regards the practical considerations of our security ? blindfolds, disorientation on the journey ? the main guarantee of our safety was ? you?ll understand at once, men ? the boys own released and overpowering masculine excitement and deep, urgent desire to continue the course. Eventually they would be implicated in the more, how shall I say, criminal aspects of our work, which would in turn be a further guarantee of safety.?? We would explain some of this to them in the first lesson ? but not the ?show you?re a fucking real man in the making or be snuffed entertainingly as an expendable pouf? part ? that was to be a pleasant addendum to the session.?


The ?snuffing? part (what an unpleasant term ?snuffing? is, we fucking destroy the cunts and cunt-boys if it is part of the work, I so dislike euphemisms) well, we would keep this activity secret from them, also the expendable nature of the exhibits ? we had to ?bind? these boys to our work first.


To cut to the chase, our main exhibit for this first lesson was now addressing the class ? the cunt was referring to itself in the third person, ok?? Now fucking pay attention, men, and don?t be confused by the grammar!


?What you are looking at, sirs, is a FUCKING CUNT.??


This young whore describing itself was about eighteen - we thought even with our highly successful motivational techniques a cunt younger than that would not have the requisite self-possession to deliver this lecture - big tits on this exhibit, of course, huge tits in fact, firm and self-reliant, whole fucking disgusting naked whore package ? head to foot ? gleaming with oil.? Enticing, cock-hardening in itself.? But, and this is an important ?but? - in reading an account of this whore?s demonstration you need to realise that this one was highly trained, several weeks in fact.?


A quick informative note on our specialised training methods:? in medieval times a popular attraction was a dancing bear, as I?m sure you know.? The bear, chained and dressed up, would apparently dance to the beat of a drum and a tune on a flute.? This was achieved by the owner, in private, periodically burning the soles of the bear?s feet, say every other morning, and then whipping the resulting wounds.? Then, to create the performance all the trainer had to do was crack the whip and the bear would leap continuously to get out of the way of the whip.? Beautifully simple.? In essence that?s how my guys and me trained cunts.? There, I have let you into a trade secret.?


Through training we had also got rid of that fucking irritating attitude shown by so-called ?attractive cunts? who have a habit of thinking they could be seductive ? what I call the ?pole-dancing? mentality.? I find that so fucking annoying, makes me fucking furious with the way our society works ? so much so that I insist on it being viciously ? and I mean viciously - slapped out of the cunts very early in the training process ? if we are to bother even training a cunt that is.


?Smile at me.? Slap. ?Flutter the eyelids.? Slap, slap.? ?Lick the lips and flutter the eyelids.?? Fucking slap, slap, slap!? Burn the tits and clit with your cigarette.? Over and over until the brainless cunt realises what we want, or don?t want.


Most of our work uses untrained cunts anyway ? the cunt just trembling in terror, with no thought of any behaviour that could benefit it. From my long experience I prefer the unconsidered brutality of this approach.? It takes more quick thinking and immediate control and understanding of a fucking cunts? range of reactions but my guys and me are in the advanced league.


Men, regarding this ?attractive? thing, I realise that I?m dealing with special subtleties here.? What?s wrong with a cunt setting out to turn us males on?? Well, think about it.? It gives the cunt a semblance of control ? not much admittedly because the cunt doesn?t realise that every hot-bloodied male it?s wiggling it tits at is mentally despising and loathing it, spitting on it, pissing in its fucking mouth-hole, punching its huge fucking jugs, sticking a lit cigarette in its eye (or is that just me?) but even this semblance of mental control on behalf of a cunt is much too much for me.?


The properly trained cunt is inexpressive and matter of fact in pointing out its functions ? not a fucking sexy pop-star wannabe.? Leave all thought and emotion to the superior human beings i.e. you and me ? ?cunt, you are a fucking hole, talk like one.?? Any cunt who looks at me with a fucking sexy smile or puts a breathy edge on its fucking voice unless specifically ordered ? by me - to do so for a particular effect - is asking to be beaten to a pulp instantly ? with a handy baseball bat, without even a preliminary hard slapping ? and preferably with another few cunts watching so they fucking change any similar revolting presumptions. I require total control, and you should too.?? I hope you follow my reasoning and have revised your opinions, men.


So our main, well-oiled, big-titted exhibit for the evening was suitably dull-eyed, unemotional and business-like in its tone of voice.? ?This is the dick-ditch.?? It was immediately forcing all its fingers and whole wrist up its hole ? none of this ?gently opening fucking cunt-lips? shit.? ?This, sirs,? sliding its hand in fully in and out, ?is a fuck-hole, for your use, sirs, or any man, or male-animal, such as a dog, a horse or pig.?? The cunt had been taught to choose exact phrases such as this to describe its meaning.? ?This cunt-hole, like all cunt-holes, is of course, as revolting as a maggot-filled, shit-stinking sewer.?? The cunt grunted, stuck its fuck-hole forward and its eyes rolled back in its head, instantly lost in its own repulsive lust.??


My red lipped, paler guy, wearing a smart, but also cheap grey business suit, silky blue tie, large real diamond ear-studs ? my present -? his cock out and determinedly hard, went into action instantly.? He viciously slapped the cunt across the face, efficiently followed by a brief but energetic caning of those huge jugs.? The cunt screamed its head off.? He had been using the cane as a lecturer?s pointer.? He held the whore in a convenient position by yanking its hair back with his other hand.


?Don?t you dare fucking enjoy yourself, whore!? No fucking grunting till you are given permission.?


?Sorry sir, sorry, I didn?t mean to, I lost control.? It won?t happen again.??


Tits on fire from the caning, nevertheless it quickly adopted a more business-like tone again. Clearly, the fucking cunt had been turning itself on by performing this display of animal-like, disgusting lust in front of twenty or more young males, a couple of them hardly more than children.? Quickly in heat again, it was sticking its huge tits out for all it was worth, and pulling its fucking putrefying fuck-hole wide open, must have fucking hurt I?m glad to say,


?If any male, sirs, of any age or any species wants to honour this cunt, or any cunt, by inserting his glorious, magnificent cock up its maggoty, fucking disgusting slime-oozing twat, it should be done sirs, with as much aggression and hatred of the cunt as the cunt deserves.? This cunt is here for you to hate it, sirs, and want to hurt it.? Fucking is an expression of hate, sirs.? Please hate and despise this cunt, its tits, shit-hole and cunt-hole.? That?s what I?m for, sirs.?


My red-lipped guy stood up and punched it full in the fucking face. This was a surprise but none the less enjoyable for that.? But I hope he didn?t hurt his hand. ?Third person!? Cunts do not refer to themselves as ?I?.? Don?t fucking forget that.?? The cunt recovered as quickly as it could knowing that if it didn?t there would be worse to follow.


?Sorry, sorry, sir, I wont.? All fucking revolting twat-holes, sirs, all disgusting, filthy cunt-holes are for destroying, sirs.? It is important to remember that.??


My paler, red-lipped guy got the boys to repeat the vital phrase.?


?Cunts are for destroying.?? They said this over a few times.


Even after being punched in the face, and various slaps and tit canings, the fucking loathsome young cunt was still in heat.? It was really struggling ? entertainingly so ? not to fucking grunt and beg one of the boys to fuck its brains out ? any boy would do to fuck it - even the one or two who looked about ten years old ? can?t have been, not allowed, must have been older ? anyway it couldn?t stop itself grinding its fuck-hole back and forth, panting and jiggling its massive tits.? Always a nice starter to see a fucking disgusting cunt begging for it.?


?We can all see you want something up that sewer.? Am I right, cunt??


?Oh yes, yes, sir.? Given permission to speak, it grunted out its disgusting needs as fast as it could.? ?This cunt wants to be fucked, sir, yes, fuck yes!?? Grunt, grunt. ?Yes, it would like a big, fucking huge cock rammed up its cunt!? Rammed up there, sirs!? Shoved up this stinking, fucking dick-ditch!?? The disgusting whore was fisting itself, sweating and panting with disgusting cunt lust!? Is there anything more revolting than a cunt in heat?? It continued spewing out it?s revolting needs.


?This cunt?s just a hole for cock, of course, it know that, sirs.? Please would you perhaps think of letting one of these hot young boys fuck its brains out, sir?? The cunt knows they?ve got such wonderful cocks, sir. Look, look, this fucking disgusting snatch is pouring fuck slime, sirs.?? The cunt covered its hands in fuck slime and wiped it over its face, tongue and tits adding to its well-oiled whore-like appearance.


?No, cunt, certainly not!? You are out of luck, none of these hot guys is going to fuck that slimy, stinking disgusting hole.??


The fucking cunt whimpered and tears of frustration began to flow down its cunt face.? Some of the boys looked distinctly miffed as well.? Not for long.? My red-lipped, paler guy in his smart suit and blue silky tie, huge diamond ear studs and greased black hair, with a wink to the class, handed the cunt a very large - and I mean fucking intimidating - vegetable ? a marrow I believe.? Any disappointment the class felt was instantly replaced with nasty excitement.


?Up the disgusting hole. I want to see it disappear. Begin. You have two minutes.?? He wasn?t unreasonable.? He looked at his watch.? The whore looked horrified and desperately wanted to ask for help, lubrication or something.? ?Up on that desk, so we can all observe the procedure.? Use shit as lube.? Your own, of course.??


The demonstration had taken a sudden lurch into advanced territory. We were treated to the satisfying spectacle of the horrified, terrified, huge-titted, eighteen-year-old fucking cunt, squatting on the desk, grunting and straining and quickly producing a pile of fresh turds. Fucking disgusting!? I liked it.?? My Mediterranean guy used an air-freshener to assist matters.?


?You won?t need that whole pile as lubrication, whore,? said my red-lipped guy, ?don?t waste it, eat half.?? Oh fuck yes!? The boys could barely believe their eyes.


?The eighteen-year-old, fucking huge-titted, loathsome cunt, not even daring to think of disobedience, took one turd in its disgusting mouth-hole, chewed and swallowed, trying not to sick up the shit.? The groans of disgust in the classroom from the young boys were most pleasant to me.


?Now remember this, young men.? What you feel now, is the feeling that all cunts should create in you at all times.? An exception to this is feelings of violence. ?Violence towards cunts, murderous, fucking aggression, that is the only other right and proper feeling that you should have towards cunts, but we?ll come to that later, for now we will concentrate on disgust and contempt.


?Now cunt, listen!?? The cunt turned its shit-smeared face to him and mmediately gave my hot red-lipped guy all its attention.? ?Your shit is not the correct consistency for proper lubrication.? Piss on it to soften it up.?? The terrified, big-titted, stupid fucking whore now squatted on the desk over its own shit and attempted to piss, but couldn?t.


My red-lipped, paler guy was instantly furious.? ?I said, fucking piss, whore!?? He emphasised his instruction with another very satisfying and vicious caning of the whore?s fucking huge jugs, while holding the cunt?s head back with its hair.? The well-trained cunt, while screaming, obediently stuck its fucking big tits out as far as it could, inviting him to hit them harder.


?You will note, boys, that?s it?s very important to be completely unreasonable with cunts.?? He spoke between canings. ?I?ll explain.? Obviously the cunt couldn?t produce the piss I required on the instant I asked for it but that gave me a good opportunity to punish it.? So remember to demand the impossible from the cunt, and then beat the crap out of it for not obeying. Ok?? You?ll find it most enjoyable.??


The cunt was managing to stay in the correct position ? fucking huge tits stuck as far out as anatomically possible - the whole time during which my gorgeous, paler guy was expressing himself. There is an art to caning tits, and my pale, red-lipped guy was a fucking master at tit caning.?


The cunt did piss itself copiously during the caning, drowning the shit.? Immediately after the punishment, the exhausted, disgusting whore in spite of its agonised tits, grabbed hold of the marrow, smeared it liberally in stinking, piss-soaked shit and attempted to insert it up it?s loathsome, maggoty fuck-hole.?


?More lubrication needed.? At times such as this later in the course I will ask you boys for suggestions, but as this is the first class I won?t embarrass any one by asking because I doubt if you would come up with an acceptable answer.? Cunt??


?Yes, sir,? the cunt groaned in reply, but groaned immediately like the fucking stupid obedient, maggotied-slit-whore it was.


?Sick up the shit you?ve eaten,? Now!.?? He smashed the cane loudly on the desk. The cunt practically jumped out of its skin.


?Yes, sir.?


?Cover the object with your vomit as well as that pile of shit and then shove it up that fucking stinking sewer, you call a fuck-hole.?


?Yes, sir.?? It couldn?t move fast enough to obey.? It stuck its fingers down its revolting throat and sicked up the shit it had just swallowed.? The smell was appalling and the sight was repulsive, the boys groaned and one or two could barely watch.? We took particular note of one sixteen year old, apparently tough looking boy-cunt, who covered his eyes, and one eighteen year old scally-lad who was sick himself.? My mohican skinhead teenage thug sprinkled sawdust on that, we didn?t want to clean it up because ? this sexy scally-lad didn?t know it yet ? he was going to have to eat his own vomit before long.?


So, the sweating, trembling exhibit had obediently and immediately heaved up the contents of its stomach to add to what was left of the pile of its piss-sodden shit.


?Mix it up with your tongue, cunt.?? It did and made itself vomit again.? It was heaving and sweating ? it seemed to loose all resemblance to a human being, rather it was a twitching mass of smelly fuck-meat.? More heaving from a couple of the boys.? ?Use the mouth-hole and tongue to get the vegetable covered.??


It was much longer than two minutes, more like ten by now, and the whore would pay for this, but it had forgotten that for the moment.? ?Now, you fucking disgusting cumdump, fucking shove it up there!? Faster! You loathsome stinking piece of fuck-meat!?? More smashing of the cane on the desk. ?Cunt!? Whore!? Cumrag!?? The twitching, trembling fucking cunt was terrified out of its mind and was trying desperately to do what it was told.


It tried, abortively, to force it up its young cunt using its hands, gave that up, stood the shit and sick covered vegetable on end and squatting over it got it centred at the opening of its foul hole.? Despite all the organic lubrication it wouldn?t go up it ? only the first few inches.


My four guys put on gloves, and here?s where the cheap suits were important, the skinheads couldn?t care less about their jeans, in fact they liked them covered in piss, shit and sick -? they held the cunt and manoeuvring it with more brute strength than skill, forced it up the screaming whore till only its base could be seen gaping in the destroyed cunt.? Good work.? Simple really - same anatomical process as a cunt giving birth ? only in reverse. Ha!


The atmosphere in the room was electric.? This amazing collection of fucking hot stud boys were astonished, sweating, overjoyed, terrified ? indescribable, you had to be there.? Fucking hell!? Wonderful.


?Stay like that, cunt.?? He adopted a new, affectionate, warning tone to his voice, ?You see, it went up there quite easily.? I don?t think you were trying hard enough.?


?Oh sir, I tried, please, I wanted it up me.?? Thank you for helping this cunt, sirs..? It feels sooo good, sirs, thank you for shoving this huge thing hard up my stinking fuck-hole, sirs.? I hope you?ve fucking destroyed this cunt?s revolting cunt, sirs.? Thank you, sirs.?


?You?re welcome.? Now, cunt, what have you been taught?? You would have thought, to hear my fantastic red-lipped stud-slut-sadist talking now, that he was being as kind and considerate as an elder brother, if you didn?t know better, that is. ?Tits out - further, come on, cunt-baby, that?s it, slut-features, it has to fucking hurt or I won?t like it, bend that fucking back, that?s it.? Mmm, nice fucking tits, don?t you agree, boys?? And now, mouth open, that?s a good little cunt, stick that fucking tongue out, there you go, you lazy, fucking slutty, cunt whore, you know you want to ??? a quick few vicious strokes with cane, ?now you needn?t have deserved that if you?d tried harder, cunt.?? He winked at the class.? ?There, you see, you can do it.? Leave that fucking tongue lolling like a panting dog, get some drool going ? there, that?s a good cunt.? Now that, boys, is what a fucking cunt should look like.?? The group gave him a well-deserved round of applause.


?With your own private cunts, it will, obviously, take some time to get them trained to this standard, but this is what you should be aiming for. And we don?t want you thinking that this is out of your league.?? Quite a few of the boys were looking at each other and clearly this is what they were thinking.?? Looking at my red-lipped, paler guy I could see he was intense in his desire to communicate.? He really wanted to help these boys, as we all did.


?Listen carefully: you are all capable of this standard of work.? I know you have doubts about your ability now ? it?s all new to you ? but if you pay attention, do all the exercises and homework we set, and are really sensitive to your masculine instincts ? that is the most important of all because the major part of this you don?t have to be taught ? it?s already in you, you just have to tap into it and let it out - anyway there is no reason why, with our help, you shouldn?t have cunts behaving properly for you in a few weeks.?


Meanwhile my young, fucking, hot black skinhead guy was standing on the desk and giving the cunt a reward, a much needed drink ? of his yellow piss ? filling the disgusting cunt?s mouth-hole ? it splashed down its chin onto it?s heels.? But the whore was very grateful and slurped down as much of the smelly liquid as it could.?? He spat in the mouth hole to finish, lit a cigarette and dropped the lit match in the face cunt.


He was only fourteen remember, and listening to what my pale, red-lipped guy had been saying he was obviously showing off.? Despite his youth, his skill and ability were, of course, much, much greater than any of the boys who?d signed up for the course ? so his conceit was understandable.?? A big-headed vicious, young thug but he had a lot to be big-headed about.? He leapt athletically off the desk.?


My pale, red-lipped guy continued,?? ?We need to do some talking to the boys now.? But we can?t have the cunt getting comfortable. And besides it took much longer than two minutes to get it up its fuck-hole.? So following the ?unreasonable principle? again - remember, boys? What do we do??? This was a rhetorical question, he continued..


?The really fucking enjoyable thing about this approach is to constantly remember that in reality the cunt isn?t at fault.? That?s fucking wonderful!? It didn?t nothing wrong!? There?s a subtlety here you mustn?t miss.?? He spelt out the analysis carefully and with appropriate emphasis.


?In this case you don?t lie to yourself, keep it at the front of your mind that you are being totally unfair to the cunt in every way.? In your manner appear to be being fair and just - but know in every fibre of your being that you are going to hurt it anyway!? You will enjoy this brutal hypocrisy more than you can imagine. It adds enormously to the actual fun of administering the punishment.? In this example, yes, this pathetic cunt did everything it could to obey the two minute instruction but the golden rule is ? never, ever be fair or logical with a fucking cunt.? Confuse them, disappoint them, lie to them, laugh at them.??


He suggested they write that down, but did it in an offhand way so that those illiterate young fuckers wouldn?t feel bad.?? ?So being consistent to the only logic that matters i.e. male fun, we are obliged to punish it.? In fact we must punish it, we have no choice, because it?s our duty. Our bounden duty, fellas.? Our duty, my duty, your duty, is to your cock, boys, nothing else.? Say it - my only duty is to my cock.?


?My only duty is to my cock.?


?Good, now boys, you?ll like this.?? He spoke to the cunt.


?Did you get it up that stinking sewer in two minutes??


?No, sir.?


?Do you deserve to be punished??


?I suppose so, sir.?


He smashed the cane on the desk.? ?You fucking ?suppose so???? The cunt was trembling in terror.


?No, no, I do deserve to be punished, sir.?


?Severely or mildly??


?Severely, sir, always severely.? Thank you for what you are about to do to this cunt, sir.?? He winked at the boys, and couldn?t stop breaking out in a laugh.


?You really are a fucking stupid, brainless cunt!? What are you??


?A fucking stupid, brainless cunt, sir.? Please hurt this cunt sir, as much as you want, it?s what it?s for, sir.?


?Who do you love, stupid cunt??


?Oh you, sir!? This stupid cunt loves you very much, sir.?




?Because you are so handsome, sir.?


?I guess I am, stupid cunt.? Does your fucking slime-hole ooze when you think of me, stupid cunt.?


?This fucking stinking slime hole gets sopping wet when this stupid cunt thinks of you, sir.?


?Good, that?s correct.? Now, no point putting the punishment off any longer.?? My paler, red-lipped, so fucking handsome guy then gave an instruction to mohican skinhead.? ?You?ve still got the gloves on ? paste on the tits, thick to counteract any protective effect of that oil shit.? The cunt knew this hellish stuff from its training and began to sweat and tremble, it would have whined and begged if it hadn?t had that response tortured out of it.?


?Now boys, observe the cunt closely.? Is it, or is it not, fucking terrified??


?It?s fucking terrified.?


?Correct.? That in itself is enjoyable. And you must learn how to extend that enjoyment.? What we are doing now is just an example, but learn the thinking behind it and you can apply to a limitless number of situations.? This paste is an extremely effective irritant which we use a lot on tits, up cunts and shit-holes and on open wounds.? Given our profound duty to our cocks we must, absolutely must prolong this enjoyment, we must build up the cunt?s terror and most importantly, give it some hope of avoiding this torture ? contrary to what you might expect that has a delicious effect in prolonging the terror,? he smiled and winked at the group.? ?Watch my technique and see what you think.? You will eventually develop your own, unique style, but for now feel free to use anything of my approach that pleases you.? So cunt, you say you love me??


?I do, sir, I?ll do anything for you, sir.?


?What can you offer us to persuade us not to use this paste on the tits.??


The cunt could barely speak but managed a few words.? ?Would sir, or any of the nice handsome young boys, like to shit in this cunt?s mouth???


?Ugh, you fucking disgusting cunt!?? He winked and smiled at the boys again.? ?The ?unreasonable principle?.?


?I don?t believe you love me at all, stupid cunt.?


?Oh, I do, sir.?


?Then I thought you would only want to eat my shit.? You?re just a shit-loving, cock-craving fucking whore!? You?d eat anyone?s shit!? What are you??


?I?m a cock-craving fucking whore, sir, who?d eat anyone?s shit. Please forgive me, sir.? I?m a stupid fucking cunt and I don?t know the right things to say.?? It let great goblets of drool drip out of its face-hole.


?Mate, put paste only on the repulsive cunt?s nipples to start with.?? Mohican skinhead grinned and put a dollop of the evil stuff on the tip of each massive, straining tit.? After a few seconds the cunt started shaking and moaning.?


?Stupid cunt, you?ve offended me!? You should be begging just for my shit only, since you love me?? Ok cunt, since you don?t love me and want any man?s shit in your face-hole, you?ll have to offer more.? And if you offer something we like we won?t paste the whole tits.?? He winked again at the class.


The cunt said, ?I?ll suck the dogs off, I?ll let the dogs fuck me willingly, and enjoy it, sirs, I?ll grunt and beg for more dog cock.? I want to be your big-titted, doggie whore, sirs. Please let me suck the nice doggie cocks, please let them fuck me, sirs.?? Remember this cunt was drooling while it said this, and it had a fucking shit and vomit giant marrow forced up its now ruined fucking loathsome cunt.


?Is this paste so terrible that you?d do that, cunt??


?Oh yes, sir, it?s like fire, it fucking burns my tits off, please let me suck the dogs!?


?If we don?t put the burning paste on your fucking big tits, cunt, will you, nicely, lick the dog?s shit-holes, and stick your whore tongue right up those dog?s holes,??


?Oh yes, sir, let me, please, I?d like to do that very nicely for you, sir, all of you, sirs.? Please watch me put my slutty tongue up the dog?s shit-hole, and slurp my tongue round up its hole for you, sirs. I?ll do it energetically, loving the taste, moaning and grunting and begging for more dog shit-holes to suck.?? Please, I?d love to do that.?


?How about letting the dogs shit in your mouth??


?I?d love that too, sirs.?? Drool dripping out of its face cunt.? ?Please let the dogs shit in this cunt-mouth.?


?You?re not just saying that to escape a little pain, are you, cunt??


?Oh no I?d love the dogs to shit on me, fuck me, piss on me, please sirs!? It one of this cunt?s favourites.? It makes it hot, sir.?


?You are too revolting.?? My hot, red-lipped, paler guy lit a cigarette.? ?Open the mouth-hole.?? He put the burning match in, unfortunately it goes out quite quickly but the humiliation is quite pleasant ? treating the cunt as an ashtray.? It was good for the class to see this casual use of the whore ? so they could realise this sort of thing would eventually become second-nature to them as well.


He continued speaking to the cunt,? ?Besides, unusually, we don?t have any dogs on hand tonight but you won?t be disappointed because in fact we are going to paste the whole tits as punishment for saying all that.?? The cunt screamed that it was trying to please him - this made most of us laugh heartily, but I took note of the couple of kids ? same ones - who didn?t find it funny.?


They were two pussy boys who were feeling ? I can barely type the word ? fucking compassion for this disgusting piece of shit.? They clearly thought no-one knew, but they couldn?t hide it.? I apologise for having to include such a filthy word as c*******ion, but I needed to explain why these pussies would get the treatment they did.? It was among our best treatments of cunt-boys, as I hope you?ll agree.? Anyway back to the fun.


The cunt had to stay on the desk, leaning back on its haunches - so we had a clear view of its gaping, marrow-stuffed, fucking ruined young hole ? fuck yeah!? Tits stuck out and now burning like hell. But thanks to our excellent conditioning procedure it knew that if t did anything to attempt alleviate its agony the consequences would be infinitely worse.? So, like a good trained fuck animal, it endured, stayed still, trembled and suffered the torments of hell.? It was really lovely.? Time to teach some boys.


?Referring to your first exercise ? the proper words to describe a cunt ? we want you in groups of two or three to tell each other what you think of: a) this revolting whore here, b) the activity it has performed for you, and c) what it has offered - just that ? we want you to have a good talk, a conversation but using the correct language and attitude with regard to cunts.? Get your cocks out boys, feel free, and enjoy some good, male chat.? There?s beer and cigarettes here. You needn?t stay in the desks. This is an important exercise and we need you to really work at it.?


?You may need to ?act? the correct attitude to start with.? What I mean by that is you have to adopt the right physical posture and use the right vocabulary, all of which may feel somewhat unnatural.? But just as actor would, if you do it thoroughly and with commitment you will find that your male instincts take over and you are not acting at all, but totally believe what you are saying and how you are saying it. Also, in future lessons you need to know that we will be providing a lot more than one exhibit for you to practice on in an individual manner, but for now you can take it in turns to do anything you like to this cunt.? Oh, put gloves on if you are going to touch the fucking huge tits.?? The boys laughed.


This was my hot, Mediterranean guy setting the work now.? One or two of the lads understood immediately what was expected of them ? they got their cocks out, stroking them, lit cigarettes, opened cans of beer and began sneering and spitting at the fucking whore, sharing their contempt and disgust at its actions and what it had offered, and what it looked like now.


But, as we expected, most of the class were much more hesitant, having load of conventional inhibitions to work through.? My guys and me worked the room giving advice and encouragement.? One intelligent, well-dressed young man of about twenty explained his problem.? ?I?m ok with the attitude, sir, I think of cunts in the way we are being taught ? that is, all cunts are basically cock-craving fucking whores.? Actually I?ve thought that since I was thirteen when I realised that this sixteen-year-old cunt next door was fucking creaming her snatch watching me with my shirt off.? I want to thank you because I?m enjoying having my opinions reinforced ??


?Good.? But???


?My problem is with what this cunt has been doing, and offering ?? this boy was unusually articulate, I was impressed, and he had his young, quite large cock in his hand while he was talking ?? it?s being forced, it?s doing all this stuff out of terror ? so I?m finding it hard to call it a ?disgusting cunt? and mean it with regard to the sick and shit stuff when it isn?t doing it willingly.? So it?s not really a ?disgusting cunt? it?s a ?terrorised cunt?, therefore ??


I interrupted him.? ?I know exactly what you mean, young man, and it?s an excellent point.? But the answer is quite straightforward, you have to enjoy yourself more. You are neglecting your primary duty ? which is???


?My duty is to my cock, sir.?




?Yes, but I?m still not sure I understand.? Enjoy myself more in what way, sir??


?It may take you a while to get used to it, and don?t worry about that.? It takes time for all of us to learn how to do our duty.? The key is to enjoy the double-think.? The whole point is that, yes, of course we are forcing the cunts, but you have to fall back on the primeval male feeling - tell yourself that the cunt?s enjoying it really, that it?s the cunt?s true nature and so on. Doesn?t matter if it a fucking lie, son, what matters is that it?s cock-hardening. That?s what all this is about, nothing else.? That?s what the cunt exists for.? Think about it, it will come naturally to you very quickly ? it is sooooo fucking enjoyable.? Telling the cunt lies gives you power, boy.? You?ll fucking love it when you get used to it.? Let me know how you get on.? Oh, and one more thing ? it isn?t a lie in essence.? The cunts actually want brutality, they need brutality, they get off on brutality, think of the cunt anatomy.? Look at this cunt.? Believe me, this cunt wants fucking brutality, wants to be treated like a piece of shit deep down, so it?s not a fucking lie.? Convince yourself of that and see how much fun it is.?


?Thank you, sir.? You?ve explained it perfectly.?? He soon went over with his mate and had a spitting contest on the cunt?s face.? I could see he was practising telling the whore that she got what she deserved.? Far from taking time for him to learn how to do his duty to his cock, he would learn very quickly, and events proved me right.


So it went on for about an hour, gradually the boys grew in confidence, learnt from each other and were eventually taking turns abusing the young whore and congratulating their mates when one of them was particularly inventive.? One of them suddenly raised an objection.


?How about its fucking shit-hole? Hey, its got nothing up its fucking shit-hole!?? We had been waiting for this.? It showed they were now thinking on the right lines ? it was, of course criminal for a cunt?s holes not to be fully utilised but we had left it unused as a provocative teaching aid.


?But I think you?ll find the cunt?s shit-hole is impossibly tight, look what?s up its cunt.???? After a short discussion we decided we had to make more room up the shit-hole by lessening the pressure up the fuck-hole.? I asked for suggestions, I thought the boys would be, by now, in the right frame of mind to think with the appropriate level of filth and cruelty.? But I was surprised by who it was who had the bright idea.? It was seemingly the youngest boy in the room.


?Smash the vegetable up its fuck-hole, then there?ll be room up its shit-chute.?? So good hearing an innocent looking boy talk like this ? this is what education should be about.


?Excellent!? Excellent!? So tell us, how should we smash it??


?Like this.?? He stood on the desk and started kicking the fucking cunt hard up its hole.? A couple of the lads held the repulsive cunt for him.? He was a really pleasant surprise.? I really enjoyed this young boy kicking this eighteen-year-old disgusting slut-cunt hard up its fuck-hole.? But no matter how hard he kicked, the vegetable in the main retained its bulbous shape as we could all see. (It turned out this boy was, however, too clever for his own good, see below.)


?Any other ideas??? The young man who had had the problem about the double-think as explained above spoke up.


?Let me try,? he offered in his educated accent.? He stood on the desk and placed his expensively booted foot on the vegetable shape bulge in the cunt?s lower stomach.? He started stamping, it was most effective, and calling it, ?A fucking revolting whore! You deserve this, you fucking shitty slut!? etc.? He was soon virtually jumping up and down on the cunt?s cunt ? to the accompanying cheers of the class.? It did the trick - the large vegetable was reduced to a pulp inside cunt?s disgusting fuck-hole, some of it dribbling out of the scum-whore?s pulverised, maggoty snatch. The cunt?s cunt itself suffered some collateral damage but who gives a shit, hey men??? But now there was an extra treat coming up.


?Ugh!? Look at that fucking cunt.? Oh that?s fucking nasty.?? Suddenly there was an awestruck atmosphere of silent disgust in the room


Not only were we colourfully describing the fucking cunt?s cunt as a maggoty sewer, but live maggots - fucking hundreds and hundreds of fucking live maggots - were crawling out and around from this big-titted eighteen-year-old whore?s loathsome fucking cunt.? So fucking sweet.? It was one of the most loathsome things I?d seen in quite a while.? I fucking loved it.


?Yes boys, what you didn?t know was that vegetable was rotten inside, chosen with particular care, and was full of maggots which are now released inside the revolting whore.? Who thinks this is appropriate treatment for a cunt???? All the boys, except two, cheered.


(I?ll confess men, we had actually prepared this vegetable ? we got the maggots, hollowed out some of the marrow, inserted them and sealed it up again. It was our combined experience that allowed us to come with refinements like this.? In practice it was bit fiddly but well worth it, I?m sure you agree, men?)?


My red-lipped, handsome fucker, lent his cane to the well-dressed young man who, being so utterly disgusted by the maggots crawling out of this fuck-meat?s cunt, laid into the putrefying cunt?s huge tits with such feeling, such hatred and loathing, it did my heart good to see his rapid progress.?


I must admit I have a terrific weakness for seeing a clean-cut young man hurting an innocent young cunt ? in anyway, punching, slapping, or caning massive tits as in this case.? This cunt, with live maggots erupting from its revolting fuck-hole, set off his pure, youthful, masculine violence beautifully.? He got cheers and tremendous encouragement from the boys (two holding back, but you know about that).? This group re-enforcement and peer approval was an important part of the training.? We were feeling very confident.? He was slapped on the back and told that his caning of the massive fucking tits was great.? The young man was beaming with pride - all the difficulties he had been feeling in despising whores were overcome completely thanks to our teaching.? I was proud of him, of our work, and my guys.


?Ok boys, let?s turn the fucking cunt over and see what we can do to its shit-hole.? This rotten whore deserves some extra special fucking agony.?? I?m sure you would have thought so too, men.


?Fuck yeah!? We?ve fucking ruined its cunt, let?s fucking ruin its fucking shit-hole!?? Let?s shove something huge up its maggoty, fucking shit-hole!? Fuck yeah!? Come on, mates, I really, really want to do this.? It was the educated young man taking the lead, no doubt surprising himself by the uninhibited nature of his feelings.? ?Come on, what are we waiting for? Let?s fucking ruin it?s fucking slutty shit-hole!?? The boys were really in to it, and very admiring of the young man, which he appreciated enormously.? As I said, the lesson was working well.?


The maggots were copiously covering the cunt?s cunt and crawling round the shit-hole ? it was a truly revolting sight.? It caused us to feel such loathing -so fucking enjoyable, so satisfying - such contempt and pure hatred for this previously innocent, pretty, big-titted young whore.? A brilliant idea of mine, I hope you don?t mind me indulging in a bit of self-congratulation, men?


?Hold on.? Think.? It is our duty ? ?? I looked at the class significantly, ?we have to give this cunt a vast amount more pain.? How are we going to do that?? This is a critical moment because we must never, ever allow ourselves to be frustrated ? an unforgivable dereliction of our duty - and this young man here,? I indicated the educated attractive, clean-cut young fucker, ?has set the bench mark very high.? From the enthusiasm he has expressed the shit-hole has to be destroyed causing maximum agony to the cunt.? This must be taken very seriously.? Real pain, boys, not just discomfort.? Think of a dentist touching a nerve accidentally, or scalding yourself, mm?? Remember those few seconds of terrible pain - that?s what we want to give this whore, but for fucking hours!?? The boys cheered and high-fived each other. ?Hours and hours and hours of fucking indescribable pain.? For us to enjoy.? Oh, by the way, don?t concern yourself about it passing out and missing some of the agony - we administered a drug beforehand to obviate that event, it?s our standard procedure.? It will feel every second of its torture until we decide we?ve been entertained enough.? That is the true nature and purpose of a cunt.? So what about the shit-hole.?


?Loads of that brilliant irritant paste up there, sir??? This was the ten-year old again speaking immediately without hesitation - or the fourteen-year-old who looked ten speaking immediately ? I don?t want to break any rules.? I don?t know about you, men, but now, I thought he really was too precocious, I found him irritating, too pushy.? I thought I might find another entertaining use for him later (particularly if he did turn out to be ten not fourteen, his own fucking fault for lying and getting on the course in the first place.)


However it was a good idea.? He probably didn?t know it but the sensitive lining of the arse made it particularly suitable for the irritant paste.? Its effect was ?say twenty times more powerful than other parts of the body.? It?s almost as good as opening the stomach and packing the stuff in there, but we done that, and besides it would have been too advanced for this class.


My black skinhead wearing strong rubber gloves took a great dollop of the extra strong irritant paste and bravely ignoring the maggots pushed it up the cunt?s shit-hole. Then he filled his gloved hands with the paste and packed the fucking stuff up the shit-hole, getting his complete, gloved hand up there. The reaction was instantaneous and very satisfying - the cunt began screaming, writhing.? I told the class to stand well back.?


The whore fell off the desk, started crawling, rolling on the ground, clawing at its shit-hole, anything to try to alleviate burning.? Then the loathsome whore clambered to its feet, and we let it charge about, out of its mind with pain, in mindless fucking hysteria because of the agony up its shit-hole, smashing its head against the wall.? I like this occasionally.? I encouraged the boys to punch it, slap it, kick it, spit on it, drag it about by it?s hair, anything as it careered around.? As I said before I enjoy spontaneous, unstructured abuse of our revolting whores, because it is so much more brutal and primitive somehow.


Don?t you agree, men?? Not forgetting you fucking perverted cunts who read this as well, don't you agree?? Get those fucking wrists up your disgusting, oozing fuck-holes!? Further, you fucking nasty whores!?


Anyway, the boys had a great time.? Eventually it was down on the floor so they were all able to give it a good kicking.? Fucking sweet.? A few of them, unfortunately got maggots on their boots and shoes, which was not nice for them or us.? I gave the signal to my four guys, and they immediately approached the two young men we had identified earlier as not going to make it in the masculinity stakes.? I can?t tell exactly what they whispered to them, something about their future lives or lack of future lives but what matters is that they were both on their knees now licking up and eating the maggots from the boys shoes and boots.? The class had taken another intense turn, but the timing was right, and the all boys knew how to take it.


I gave my guys another instruction.? They stripped the youngest-looking boy, the precocious one who should have shown more respect for his elders.? The rest of the boys who had passed our test - not the two maggot-lickers who were also now stale-vomit-and-sawdust-lickers-and-eaters ? but all the potential real men in the room were told this kid had to be energetically raped by every man, young man, and boy there. We wanted to see his boy-hole gaping and pouring with cum.? They should start now.? There was some hesitation but no one questioned us, so they set out to enjoy it.?


My Mediterranean guy who had a phenomenal pierced cock ? studs and rings up and down its entire length and width ? with lubrication, forced it up the boy?s hole to open it up.? After about twenty or more cocks up there it would be nicely open and, hopefully the boy would be ruined physically and psychologically, which was my intention.?


Anyway Joe walked in at this moment and any slight gayness in the task of the kid?s gang rape was dispelled.? The class had something else to focus on while sticking their cocks up this very young looking, screaming boy.


For those of you new to our work Joe was fucking fantastic, totally muscled body-builder. And he always arrived later in the proceedings. He was not tall but fucking broad, mid-twenties.? But almost the best thing about him, apart from his stunning looks and body ? he always smoked cigars as well ? but the best thing about him was that he had a truly amazing capacity for hating ? the word is too weak, FUCKING LOATHING FUCKING CUNTS, an ability which impressed me enormously ? and as you know I have some expertise in that area myself.? Unlike my other guys, he was untameable but he loved working for me.


He brought with him one of his cock-craving porn-actresses.? The cunt was the definition of sluttiness.? I wanted the fucking whore destroyed as soon as I set eyes on it.? Well, I knew I wouldn?t have long to wait.? Mammoth, firm tits sticking out, blond ? shit I can?t be bothered to waste words on this dog turd.? Anyway, as they all did, this piece of fuck-meat worshiped Joe.? Joe showed her round the room, most of the schoolroom desks had been moved by now.? He manhandled her huge knockers to entertain the boys, and the cunt simpered as per instructions.? He ripped the fucking dress apart to get his hand up its cunt, for the boys? benefit. While the gang-raped boy was being passed from cock to cock. Joe?s fucking porn-whore for tonight giggled, licked it?s lips, did the whole ??I?m a seductive cunt? act, as best it could while Joe was using it a motivational tool to help the boys enjoy the rape of the screaming and crying kid.?


Joe told the boys that he had just ordered his cunt ? the one in his hand ? to fuck every guy ? no matter how young, old or repellent ? in the local porn cinema.?? Most of sad fuckers couldn?t believe their luck.? He demonstrated this by showing that the cunt?s cunt was pouring cum.? He put his cum-covered hand down it?s throat for it to suck it off.? After the mass fucking in the cinema itself the horny fucking whore had then cleaned the revolting floor of the porn-cinema?s toilet and licked the cum and piss off the walls, and the urinals.? The cunt giggled through all this description of its recent behaviour.


Meanwhile, the two boys now defined as pussies had clearly been threatened with the torments of hell and they believed the threats ? who wouldn?t? ? because they were now on the floor with the remnants of the first exhibit coating each others? hot boy faces with maggots from the cunt?s cunt.? Fistfuls of the stuff.? White maggots crawling all over their gorgeous, young, fresh male features, in their noses, eyes and in their sexy, young mouths.? They were swapping maggots on their tongues.? One of the most degrading things I?ve had done to two young men in quite a while.? Excellent.? Who said we aren?t inventive??


You know, men, and perverted fucking cunts (wrists up those stinking fuck-holes, whores, no slacking) I love getting comments from my readers.? If you have advice on how to develop our training please contact me at [email protected].? Your trouble would be most appreciated.


Joe developed his theme by simply fucking the porn-whore?s brains out in the middle of the room.? Sounds too plain?? Joe?s fucking of whores was an art in itself. ?Fucking it?s brains out? was a literal description of how Joe fucked cunts.? The object used would be left a gibbering wreck after he?d done with it.? But still they flocked to him, like flies to sweet shit, he had more cunt available to him than you can imagine. The whore in Joe?s hands at the moment became, naturally, a masturbation aid only.? He slapped it, spat on it, choked it, burned it with his cigar, which he continued to smoke while fucking the cunt.? He turned it upside down, he threw it about, he fucked it in every hole.? It was a classic lesson in the purpose of cunts.? The class was mesmerised by his performance, the aggression and skill on show ? and no tools or equipment involved - all he used were his hands, punching, slapping and choking, his cigar ? just tantalisingly burning her fucking tits and clit ? and of course, his magnificent cock.? It goes without saying that Joe loved an audience.? He loved showing off his muscles and he cleverly managed to turn this aggressive fuck of a disgusting porn-whore into a pose down, which displayed his every muscle group to advantage.? Joe was great.? He finished off with a flourish - he shoved his lit cigar up its cunt, holding it by the throat and slapping it while it screamed itself hoarse. All this was perhaps slightly rougher than his porn-whore had been expecting.? Ha!?


Then he performed his coup-de-gr?ce (literally, the phrase is colloquially used to mean a spectacular climax, but actually means ?the death-blow?) ? the rest of my guys warned the boys to stand back - one of them was of course holding the young, dribbling, now virtually insane boy deep on his cock ? Joe, with both of his totally impressive arms held the porn-whore ? ?I love you, Joe.? Joe, you are my hero.? Joe, I am your girlfriend, aren?t I, Joe??-? at full stretch above his head.? He performed a few presses with it as if it was a barbell, then using all his strength he hurled it at the far wall ? a favourite party trick of his.? ?I love you, Joe, ? it croaked as it hit the wall.?


Ok, we?d seen Joe do this dozen of times but it was fucking impressive, so we forgave the repetitiveness.? The cunt had smashed against the wall, with a satisfying crunch, slid down it and now lay there twitching, no doubt the stupid cunt was burbling that it was still in love with Joe, if it could speak or think that is.


Cue for a speech to the boys ? which was all total lies but necessary.? You?ll understand at once, men.? My Mediterranean guy took the lead.


?In case you are concerned for the long term welfare of these cunts - I think we explained to you that we have our own private arrangements for taking care of fucking cunts after our workshops ?? that was true ?? these two broken sluts will be given the best medical attention that money can buy.? As will these three fuck-boys, should they need it.? Looking at the cunts now you?d think that they were fucking ruined and might as well be dropped in the incinerator, but no, they will be lovingly looked after and restored to the best of health in a few weeks ? to be used again.?? He lit a cigarette, and held the burning match to the ear of one of the cunt-boys.? He burned a few maggots that way.? Such fucking style, I was full of admiration.? I took over.


?Now as regards your own future training ? my guys will talk you about that.? Oh, a couple of you haven?t fucked the kid yet.? This is important he must be fucked by every guy in the room, and please, now you have just seen this extraordinary and professional demonstration of the proper use of cunts, follow Joe?s example, fuck him like he fucked his cunt.? Because that?s what this kid is for ? for tonight anyway.? He will be re-educated efficiently and quickly brought back to normality, as will the two revolting fuck-boys here. But he needs this experience, as do these two maggot covered cunt-boys.?


They were now, with quiet concentration, seeing how many maggots they could persuade to wriggle up the piss-holes of their young, hard, boy-cocks.? My guys had superb motivational techniques.


?As regards the kid, it would be good for him, if the last one could lift him up ? he?s very light ? high above your head and hurl him across to that wall, just like Joe did with his fucking cunt.? Any damage can be put right.? To the wall, I mean.? Only joking.?


My red-lipped guy now continued..? ?The next class will be next week, as explained.? Pick up in the usual place, same procedure.? We have all your names and addresses, you don?t need to know anything more about us.? Homework ? practice thinking.? Sounds simple but it is the most important lesson.? How should you think about cunts?? Then, slowly, move towards re-educating your own cunts ? stop calling them fucking girlfriends!?? The boys laughed.? ?And slowly, a small step at a time, see if you can get your cunt to accept her true status.? If you go too far, just backtrack and say you were joking.? And aim to collect more than one cunt.? Your new attitude will, we promise you, eventually get you more cunt than you can handle.? Oh, and share cunts with your mates, this is very important.? Right, class finished.?


The boys gave us a round of applause.? My Mediterranean guy spoke now, ?You can leave the cleaning up - the care of the cunts and fuck-boys, I should say ? you can leave that? to us As the course progresses we will be asking you to help with the aftermath, but not at the beginning.?


He and red-lipped guy took the boys out to the transport.? I, black skinhead and mohican skinhead stayed behind to continue re-educating the two maggot-covered pussy boys.? We enjoyed it, they didn?t.


The End.

(Author?s note:? this will be the last ?The Guys and Me? story for a while.? I want to try a new structure that will allow scope for more universal abuse of cunts and cunt-boys: filth and cruelty on a world-wide canvass.? I hope you will look forward to it.? Thank you for reading this fucking shitty nonsense ? oops I?ve admitted it.? Cheers, Eric Boss.)


Same as The Guys and Me - The Glorification of Cock Videos

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

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Chandigarh Ki Bhabhi Ko Bnaya Randi

Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

Wife Lovers
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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Two

Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

2 years ago
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Nandita Boudi Becomes A Slut

I put the razor to my face, sliding it over the remaining patches of beard that had grown over the winter. This New Year’s Eve I wanted to look smart for the ladies at the party I was going. I have been going out with Shalini for some time, but I was getting tired of her. I even let Ayan (a dear friend of mine) fuck her brains out in a threesome with me. We fucked both her holes all night long till she could not scream or fight anymore. She couldn’t walk for days after that and stopped speaking...

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